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pace Station 13 is a round-based roleplaying game, developed using BYOND engine around February, 2003.
Players are given a list of ~40 different jobs aboard a Space Station (#13), each with their own access and responsibilities (for example, Engineers are to set up the station's engine and thus have access to Engineering Bay while Scientists are usually busy researching and developing various items for the crew and thus have access to Scientific Bay). Though some of them could try to hack an airlock to gain illicit access, ask the station's Artificial Intelligence to let them in, blow a hole in the wall or...
More often than not, the In-Character choices you make are often limited only by your imagination.
Your goal is to have fun! (and start busting heads)

ITT we post memorable stories, beat clowns to death with toolboxes, eat human burgers and get sucked into a Gravitational Singularity.

>Download link for BYOND, game platform of SS13 (most servers use version 515)
>Guide to BYOND registration & joining servers
>List of public SS13 servers
>Ban Evader Tech Support

>Riviera Station (totally not a honeypot) (online 24/7, schedule is: Saturday 6PM EDT)
>Riviera Station wiki
>/tg/station is dead, don't mourn what it became, remember it for what it was
>/vg/station is also dead, don't mourn it because it had it coming

>Should I try it o—
Don't, it's not worth being lorded over by powertripping frenchmen. However, if you do
>>Alternative SS14 launcher
The one and only.

Hullrot is a roleplay-intensive sci-fi game set in the war-torn fringes of the Imperial Supercluster in Sector Crescent, Taypan, after a devastating revolutionary war.

Players can become Imperial footsoldiers, laborers under the Minister of Wealth, Shinohara Heavy Industries employees, independent asteroid harvesters operating from gang-infested Freeport, or Communard revolutionaries toughing out the Imperial takeover, waiting to strike.

Roleplay in Hullrot is almost always non-consensual in PvP, with laxer rules. We value player agency and believe players can self-moderate, with minimal Staff guidance. Faction Leaders and senior whitelisted players offer support to newcomers.

Hullrot features custom systems including:

Overhauled cargo trading
Faction territories with cinematic biomes and custom soundtracks
Shuttle weaponry systems
A Heat system for managing ship weapons and cloaking (soon to include shields)
Unique research trees for each faction to manufacture ships, weapons, and gear.

We’re gearing up for a big release next month and seeking playtesters: discord.gg/hullrot

All concerns and complaints can be directed to project manager, Aisha (@aisha on Discord).
since when was this a general
tg and vg dead? I played on them last weekend, wtf are you talking about
fuck off shitcord nigger
you don't need it to play, just to know when it's up and the IP if it's not posted in the thread at the time

this your fursona?
OP is mad about vg, no idea about tg.
veegee station byond://game.ss13.moe:7777
i have been having fun with vrchat recently over ss13
Don't only 12 year olds and pedophiles play that game?
yes, so it's about appropriate for a VGstation schizo
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do you member?
i membert
>since when was this a general
since the /vg/fugees arrived
expect the autism to get worse
the op is a kiwinigger who shrieks whenever people tell him to fuck off back to his website
TG has been dead for a decade
/vg/ is dead because of /vg/ having no mods and roughly four schizos killing the threads
>the op is a kiwinigger

what made you draw this conclusion
>roughly four schizos
Do you have any evidence for this?
*inserts computer mic into his asshole and squeezes really hard*

right there ^
I concede
AI poster that also tried to derail these threads but moderation team on /vm/ actually exists
Music poster
The two recentmost dudes that were permabanned for being idiots and are now angry that they found out after fucking around

Check the external archives and you'll see it for yourself
>AI poster that also tried to derail these threads but moderation team on /vm/ actually exists

This guy exists

>Music poster
>The two recentmost dudes that were permabanned for being idiots and are now angry that they found out after fucking around

nigger what the fuck are you talking about
i accept your concession
gosh I wonder
maybe the fact the kiwi farms station is the one linked in the op and not /vg/station
It being one single schizo that the mods refuse to do anything about would be too upsetting to me.
gosh I wonder about maybe what ifs and or butts sniffing
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>banned by host

what's the laziest way to evade
music poster is the dude who keeps making ai songs. the other retards are sex pests who were banned for metashittery and are just mad people dont want to give them attention.
Go to your friend's house and play on his computer.
i don't have any friends
Great time to make some, maybe it'll help you be less of a spastic too.
i went to a reddit meetup once and people straight up blanked me and walked away when i talked to them, four times in a row, i went home
i can see why you got banned
Kill yourself dotto
Pretty rough, sorry. Still, you mustn't give up. Maybe it'll work out again.
average frogposter response

>nobody online for 24 hours

is this the next part of your plan?
how nice of that young man to tuck that elderly person in to bed
Would locking a bunch of communists into a broom closet with 1 hydroponics tray, a bucket of water, and a wheat seed be a valid RP of a communist farm?
isn't that just perma?
Perma is too spacious
i guess. the entire premise is kind of unrealistic in the first place because any communists who play this game have no skills and when you deprive them of space twitter they will go catatonic.
A-breakin' rocks in the hot sun
VG has no players and the law won
I fought the law and VG is dead
Theres 6 people online right now
is that highpop?
Is that dead?
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It isnt you fucking moron.
Dead is when something has no fucking life put into it, or where nobody plays the game, no one trys to get other people involved with the game, and no one cares to develop it. Chess is not a dead game, Fischer Random Chess is not a dead game, Chaturanga is. /vg/ is not dead just because they dont get 50+ players every night like they used to. They still have players who care about and play the game. You know what servers don't have these players? Hippie, D20, LLA, D2K5, and Nox are all dead and rotting. No one talks about these servers, no one plays these servers, no one maintains the code or adds new features, no one cares about them. /vg/ is grouped with other servers like bay or yog where its hanging by threads but still cared about. I see people in the github putting forth new shit, I still see people actually playing their games. Im sick of you zoomer fucks yelling out "DED GAME DED GAME" whenever the playercounts dip in popularity. Maybe every single night might not be fucking highpop, but it doesnt mean no one fucking cares about it.

On another note, noticed that the /vg/ general is gone. Whats up with that?
>words words words
>On another note, noticed that the /vg/ general is gone. Whats up with that?
Okay? Whys that important? Ddi pomf abandon 4chan or something?
it's gone because it kept dying due to nobody posting, that's why we are on this dead board

VG is dead
Yeah Id hate to keep posting in a general where no one talks about the game either, looks like it was completely overtaken by some AI spamming faggot.
But vg clearly is not dead, theres something keeping these people online. Why do you keep repeating this?
Because he is the faggot that actively wishes it was dead.
some wishes come true then
Wish you would fuck off mate
wish denied
Public library.
i read that post as "pubic library" at first
kill pomf
why do you even hate him?
>Go harass people trying to read or buy a book

Tranny, pedophile, discordite, killed VG, pokemon tendie
i don't think he's trans or a pedo who killed the server. the few times i've talked to him he's seemed very kind and normal. i think he's just a normal guy trying to navigate life. you shouldn't wish for the death of someone over silly space game, anon.
stop engaging with the troll
okay sorry
>stop engaging with the troll
>>okay sorry
0 online
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Holy shit you can do that?! SS14 is already shaping up to be a great autism simulator, I'm impressed.
>Aisha (@aisha on Discord
This thing is a tranny isn't it
not to make friends he means to use their computer
>do my average chaplain schtick arranging eternal candles so i don't have to worry about power shortages cutting the lights
>bless some water tanks and deliver them to security
>alert the crew that i am available for confession, counseling, and blessing in the chapel
>hear a scuffle just outside the chapel so i go to make sure nobody is seriously hurt
>some guy is beating the hell out of a security officer
>he's completely shrugging off baton hits
>realize it is not a normal human and draw my sword
>get a few good blows in before getting absolutely bodied
>luckily the officer picked up my sword and landed the killing blow
>spend 10 minutes in medical being either dead or close to it
>a very nice doctor fixes me up good as new
>tell security my sword has been taken and that it could be dangerous in the wrong hands
>an officer says he has it
>ask for them to return it if they have the free time
>relax in my candle-lit chapel waiting for anyone who needs my services
>told that the crematorium is needed for a ling
>get the body in, but the APC is shorted so i cannot turn it on
>sec takes the body away into maint
>maint door opens and a brawl between the ling and security spills into the chapel
>know there isn't much i can do, but if it's focusing on me the armed officers may be able to take it down so i start clawing at it while he slashes me with his armblade
>die and get beheaded in my own chapel
>eventually get cloned and assume the ling is gone because the ERT that was called while i was dead is leaving
>sec officer tells me he has my sword safe in the brig
>want to bless him but after cloning that ability is lost so i just hug him a lot and give thanks
>when i return to the chapel there are torii gates flanking the entrance and pulpit
>tourist asks for a casket for their dead comrade, provide it
>pray in thanks to the gods for the gates
>turns out an admin made them custom for me
>transfer shuttle arrives
>ride home next to the tourist solemnly
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some dude used my food motivation to round remove me. kind of sad, but i deserved it for falling for an obvious trap on purpose.
that's fucking awesome
too bad the rest of the game is so troonified
i'm your little vox come and play with me
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one sec, let me set up the tarps
whats with the instruments in the background? ;o
It's 10am and I'm just now laying down to go to sleep
oh wow, pretty much the same for me. i'm going to make some tea and settle down for bed watching some comfy cooking anime. hope you sleep well anon!
what serb was this?
>be sci
>luck out wiith anomalies and salvage
>masked greyshit asks me for plasma rifle
>give them a request form and tell them to get the RD or the cap to stamp it
>"omg really!? you're one of THOSE scientists?
>ignore and repeat what I said
>take one (1) second to check on coworker
>come back to greyshit breaking the windoors
>flash and cuff him
>call sec over and explain everything
>"should he not have a plasma rifle?"
It actually terrifies me as a human being that people like this exist.
The greyshit just wants instant gratification, ok, but the officer's response?
holy fuck...
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>>give them a request form and tell them to get the RD or the cap to stamp it

you should kill yourself no cap
This was on medium RP you filthy mongloid
your point being?
I dont hand out dangerous weapons to tiding greyshits especially on green alert level.
You're acting like im giving him a form for a wrench
Maybe he needed to loosen a bolt on a molecular level. Next you're going to tell me murdering someone with a circular saw so you can clone them because you aren't in the mood to do surgery is wrong. Fucking backseater.
Before you get a reply im going to need you to fillout this form


Reason for (You) Request (explain why you deserve a (You)):

Number of (You)s Requested (1-3):

Post Link (optional, increases chance of (You)):

Self-assessment (1-10 on how much your post stands out):

Urgency of (You) Request:

Have you received a (You) in the past 24 hours?

Additional Comments (pleas, memes, etc.):

Right away, sir.
*begins breaking your window*
*prison rapes you*
*slips this under perma*


Reason for (You) Request (explain why you deserve a (You)):

Number of (You)s Requested (1-3):

Post Link (optional, increases chance of (You)):

Self-assessment (1-10 on how much your post stands out):

Urgency of (You) Request:

Have you received a (You) in the past 24 hours?:

Were dúbs/trips/qúads involved?:

Was your post bait?:

If yes, how strong is the bait (1-10)?:

Additional Comments (pleas, memes, etc.):

>*prison rapes you*
Look at this guy, he just admitted to being a gay furry!
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Here's that vox request from previous thread.
I was busy whoops.
that's great anon! thanks for filling the request
jewish hands drew this
can I get more of that bartender instead (preferably standing victorious atop a vox corpse)
Stop using discord, and you'll stop being such a faggot anon.
it's not discord it's a penpal site
bummer man. maybe you could help her come to you? if you're in north america there's a good chance she would be allowed to stay because this shit continent is run by immigrant loving self hating whites.
>2 online
are admemes testing shit again
yeah they are testing how to drive more players away
i wonder what methods they have already tested aside from outright bans
t. hina
hina is VG staff now?
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We're playing on Riviera Station in about an hour!
For now, enjoy this new SS13 video:
Possibly the worst HoS ever
>penpal site
name? sounds comfy
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>banned by host
>ban reason Not a real OG
51 players on ss14 fallout
No ERP = Not playing
huh? he wasn't banned by host, he was banned by krommy
sorry sweetie, you are banned for niggerfaggotniggerfaggotilovemancock
oh i see, you suffer from mental illness. hope you get better

Reason for (You) Request (explain why you deserve a (You)):

Number of (You)s Requested (1-3):

Post Link (optional, increases chance of (You)):

Self-assessment (1-10 on how much your post stands out):

Urgency of (You) Request:

Have you received a (You) in the past 24 hours?:

Were dúbs/trips/qúads involved?:

Was your post bait?:

If yes, how strong is the bait (1-10)?:

Additional Comments (pleas, memes, etc.):

>*prison rapes you*
gay furry
Sorry, that response was unsatisfactory for a (You)
oh no :(
Please fill out the form and reapply next month
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strong words for someone with such fragile windows
my windows are rock solid and i'm currently using a laser pointer to blind niggers outside through them
you underestimate the power of blindly bashing a toolbox against things. your windows are doomed, and your (you)s will be mine
Thx bro
2 weeks
The admin team performed a ritual sacrifice of one of their players to make him immortal, as a prank.
why? do you want /vg/ to vanish?
>why? do you want trans to an hero?

that's not what i asked, anon
actually, it was
i hate trans people as much as the next person, but my question is about whether or not there's a contingency plan in place to hand off ss13.moe, the server structure, etc. to another person if pomf ever does kill himself or decides he no longer wants to host the server. if there's no plans to hand the keys off to someone, the server's fucked.
besides, it's not like he plays on his own server, so i don't see why you're getting butthurt over his existence, unless you're someone who was perma'd for being a shitter or one of the two people that unironically give a shit about fstation.
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>i hate trans people as much as the next person
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i am a fool for thinking i could ask a reasonable question and expect a reasonable answer on four channel dot com.
it's 4chan and also it's .org
stop engaging with the troll you fucking retard. zero IQ motherfucker you are why this place is so dogshit. too fucking stupid for your own good.

there is a plan but he will never step down because he would become even more irrelevant
all the oldfags who could be his friends are long gone or driven away
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>>stop engaging with the troll you fucking retard
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Mandatory Riviera Station story of the week:
>be Nuke Operative
>just me and 2 of my comrades, Sussy Baka and Fat Rick
>we gear up and board the shuttle
>Rick plants a timeless C4 on himself for teh lulz
>the plan is to dock in space and breach the station from the outside
>only two of us have jetpacks, drag the third guy behind me
>break into Arrivals maints, try to destroy an airlock with eswords
>they're pretty weak for a syndie weapon so we blow it up with a C4 instead
>an airlock leading to Arrivals Lounge opens up
>a guy in atmos suit runs in and gets knocked over by space winds
>shoot him dead, point-blank
>we run into the lounge and a huge gunfight ensues
>me and Rick fluke it and get overwhelmed
>kill almost every armed enemy before we die, the rest keel over because of the wounds
>only Sussy the jetpack-less Nukie remains
>CE had the disk, is amongst the casualties in the lounge
>Sussy retrieves the disk
>accidently spaces himself like a total flukie, spends some time drifting through the space before making it back
>by this time ERT arrives
>Sussy is back in the nuke ops shuttle, busy arming up the nuke
>walks out of the shuttle right into the ERT ambush
>Crew Major Victory
>ERT secure the disk and drag the nuke away
>SUDDENLY, Alarm.ogg
>round of mutual Nuke Ops and ERT fluke ends
Holy shit Sussy, what a fucking legend!
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this isn't VG
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Correct, it's Riviera Station, a heavily-modified Bay fork from 2015 that came a long way since its revival this February.
Our new IP is since the host has updated the server to a hand-built 7800X3D box with a gigabit ethernet connection which will hopefully be able to handle Meteors rounds.
can you read retard
>emotional intelligence
Semantic blank.
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cm mods are the worst kind of mods
(speaking of which can a Jannie prune this thread it's getting stale)
it's getting dead on a dead board because it's a dead server

although it's currently highpop with 20 players on VG
>guy comes into the chapel
>wave at him
>vomits multiple times
>says "thanks i needed that"
>leaves without another word
i am extremely confused
take a shower
Killing the wizard that purged me brought me great joy
RIP to everyone else I killed because I just kept giggling
I will have you know I shower and launder my clothes at least once a shift due to all of the blood and vomit that regularly occurs in the halls
There is a contingency plan, yes. Feel free to drive him to suicide
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I've been playing as Geneticist and offering crew mystery injections. They hesitantly agree, expecting either an awesome power, or some horrible disability, but I just turn them black. It's so fucking funny because in-game, it's essentially inconsequential, just strange, yet clearly they feel uncomfortable with their responses. Only a few actually speak up and say "Why am I black now."

Strange feeling to enter the emergency shuttle only to see all the remaining humans are all white people with black skin. All in a day's work.
Space station 13 may be the only game I know of that you can actually roleplay as yakub. Good shit anon, keep up the good work
Wait I'm retarded
*reverse yakub
uno yakub
absolutely based, especially on weenie faggot reddittown servers where they suck off niggers like americans do
>American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for ...
pomf is a legit pedophile that gets off to surrounding himself with the underages that play VG
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i have determined you to be a threadposter and also a schizo so therefor you are wrong and VG is great
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>admins make all of the chapel tiles/walls out of bananium and tint everything else yellow
>every entry is permanently slipped
>they also spawn tons of party grenades that spawn confetti
>add warp effects that make the chapel permanently trippy
>spend my time goofing around and trying to prank people with the grenades in between doing my normal duties
>allahu honkbar!
>when the transfer shuttle arrives plant the clown flag in the center and fill the shuttle with confetti in honor of the honkmother's spirit
love this server
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one more screenshot of the honkmother chapel before bed. see you guys tomorrow!
If I ever made a server, I would make it so the CMO equivalent is always a black guy. It would drive the average CMO player insane that they can't play an anime woman, but they would be too pussy to bitch about it.
Is that Paradise?
favorite lobby music? I like space odyssey myself
What did nipples do to to earn his perma badge?

i would rather yvvel was permaed than nipples
I don't really know either of them, but when I played yvvel was one of the more active admins so he's good in my opinion. I was just curious because the ban reason is so vague
probably self req desu
he stepped down recently and hasn't been on much afterwards
so it's looney troon scribbles in the ban reasons on VG now too huh
nipples isn't his ckey, it's his clown static name lol
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Sec yet again bullying the clown
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>sitting in the hullrot pigpen
i tried hullrot once and got beaten to death after i took some food that someone else wanted. when i ahelped they basically told me to fuck off
Damn, what happened, I haven't been on SS13 since a while but it felt like that server would never die
I think it was just a joke
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>just a joke
i wish you would shut the fuck up and wait out your ban leon. all this shitposting you're doing just makes us like you less
i don't care about the opinions of internet users, you might as well be a bot to me
i play muted
>average roboticist experience when a malf AI goes delta
I really dont like any of the major ones servers play, really wished servers would play their own unique lobby music sometimes.
so did the VGstation thread on /vg/ just not get enough shitposts to stay bumped and had to move here, or what
pretty much, yeah
Every day I wake up and remember when tg wasn't run by retarded communist trannies
Every day it hurts
The most depressing part is that there's no self awareness
They still talk like edgy /pol/tards, the tone and mannerisms are still there, but then somebody will do a heckin racism and you can see the NPC programming kick in and they turn into cucks
I want it to burn to the ground just so that I can get some closure
Just so that I don't have to see the corpse of my old home being worn like a skin suit
the /vm/ thread started just because ss13 is a multiplayer game but /vg/ tourists did migrate here after that
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what does this reply even mean?
are you afraid of facts?
goodnight everyone, hope you all have a great day!
kiwifarms server is bussin
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it says i am banned for killing a jewish man :(
i never ahelped you leon, but you shouldn't have done it
i know you didn't, and i shouldn't have even hit you in the first place.
then appeal the ban you stupid fucking idiot you
i really am sorry i did that to you. i'm probably not getting unbanned but maybe that's for the best.
Basically there's this autist that floods the thread with AI generated images and text when people try to use it on /vg/ and the mods refused to do anything about it, and for some reason they actually would delete his posts here. So people just started using this thread because the /vg/ one became unusable
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that secmain should be free?
>vg dead?
vg has been chinese gambling jpg collecting lootbox mobile games for like 8 years now.
threads drop off the catalogue in 2-3min if they're not constantly bumped with anime tiddie pictures.
>what's the laziest way to evade
by not being a shitter
the fact you posted newfagfrog says everything about you, fuck off back to r3ddit
>>what's the laziest way to evade
>by not being a shitter

It literally is. You keep saying that, but it LITERALLY IS. We have made this community from the ground up and kept it alive through years of leadership change, different hosts, devs filtering in and out.

You would know this if you were here maybe 5 years ago. Do you have any idea how many /ss13g/ threads I've participated in during my tenure here? Do you know how many fucking times i've had literally this same exact discussion with shitposting idiots? I don't even know why I'm wasting my time speaking with you

You are a shitposting troll (i can name them all) who is here to cause shit. Do everyone a favor and post your discord username so we can get you banned. Post your ckey while you're at it so we can ban you from /vg/station as well. Honestly, I'm baffled by how people like you still come around here, pretending to understand what this community is about. The effort, the late nights, the endless discussions – it’s not something you can just dismiss because it doesn't fit your agenda. This isn't just some random game hub; it's been years of countless contributions, genuine camaraderie, and mutual respect among people who care deeply about keeping /vg/station alive. Maybe you don’t get it because you’re only here to stir the pot, but for those of us who’ve put in the work, it’s infuriating to see it trivialized. So yeah, I’m going to defend this place and call out the trolls, because that's what real members do.
Ah well actually, fuck VG and here's why: the community has become a shell of what it once was. It used to be about genuine, dedicated players who actually cared about the game and each other. Now? It’s dominated by cliques, trolls, and endless power struggles. The creativity and camaraderie that once defined this place have been overshadowed by pointless drama and egos. People come and go so fast, and each leadership change seems to bring a new wave of issues rather than improvements. At this point, it feels like we’re stuck in a loop, arguing with the same types of people over and over, while the game itself suffers. Maybe it's time to let go, because the VG we cared about might just be gone.
t. banned player posting at 4am on a friday
is that the time in niggerland?
prime example of a shell-man responding on repeat with the same exact retort to literally anyone talking about VG: >>1481402
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laziest way is the way that works. VPN, computer id changer, preferably a small/homemade vpn and a laptop.
If you know, you know.
Some servers do discord verifications, just get an old alt (you should have those), or buy one and let's say, hypothetically, you can go back to a server that banned you for being too good at "gameplay" and you can find the admins OC's and be a fiend, just don't talk to anyone.
Then rinse and repeat.
>appreciate the advice, been out of the loop on that stuff. Got the basics covered (VPN and ID changer), but I might need to dig up some old alts, haha. Discord verification's new for me, though—guess it's time to scrape up some dusty accounts or go shopping.

And hey, good to know I can hypothetically drop back in if I feel like giving the admins a challenge. Thanks, might take you up on that rinse and repeat plan if it gets to that point!
you type this but you're clearly new. the server has been like this since at least 2015. it's just there's fewer people now as there's been no explosion bringing in new people, whereas there were multiple from 2016-2020.
Oh, I’m definitely not new. I know exactly what VG used to be like, and it’s not about pretending things were ever perfect or drama-free. There was always some level of chaos – that’s just part of the culture here. But over time, the real difference has been in the quality and spirit of the community. Back then, even with all the BS, there was still a drive to make things better, push forward, and bring people together. Now it feels like we’re just circling the drain without the energy or influx of new players to help bring things back up.

And yeah, I get it – we’ve had waves of new people from 2016 to 2020. But those explosions you’re talking about were when the server still had that unique pull that made people stay, even with all the drama. Now, it’s like that spark is gone. We’re losing players because they’re not finding what used to make VG special. It’s not about some rose-colored view of the past; it’s just the reality that things are getting stale, and maybe it’s time to seriously look at why.
>We’re losing players because they’re not finding what used to make VG special.
That's bullshit, and you know it. /vg/ is only losing players that are losing the interest in ss13, or video games in general. You know, they grow up. The majority of players are oldfags, who are continuing playing (here), precisely because it changed the least. And because of this, the influx of new players is not substantial. Because the server in many ways, be it graphics or mechanics, is old school as fuck.
So when a new player comes to SS13, he will of course start playing on the most popular servers. And then when stumbles on /vg/ is unlikely stay for long because of how quaint and dated it feels.
I get it – SS13 is where VG has its roots, and many of us love its old-school charm. But if we’re really serious about keeping this community alive, we need to start looking at moving to SS14. The reality is, SS13’s engine is dated, clunky, and increasingly inaccessible, which is part of the reason new players often don’t stick around. SS14 brings a fresh take, with better performance, updated graphics, and the potential for new mechanics while still preserving the core SS13 experience we all love. Sticking with SS13 might feel comfortable, but it’s also what’s holding us back from growing and revitalizing the community.

SS14 isn’t about abandoning VG’s identity – it’s about giving it a chance to evolve in a way that honors its legacy while attracting a new generation of players. We’re losing out on people who would potentially bring fresh energy and ideas simply because they can’t get past SS13’s aging interface and technical limitations. SS14 has already shown it can capture the spirit of SS13, but with improvements that modernize the experience. Moving to SS14 doesn’t mean losing what makes VG special; it means keeping VG relevant and giving it a future.

If we don’t make this shift, we risk letting VG fade into obscurity, populated only by those who’ve been here for years and unwilling to see it grow. Moving to SS14 isn’t just an upgrade; it’s a lifeline that could breathe new life into VG, making it a place where both veterans and newcomers want to stay. It’s time we seriously consider it, or we might find ourselves looking back, wondering why we didn’t act when we had the chance.
Well, unfortunately, I'm here for the dated, clunky, and inaccessible. And I play video games for my own benefit. If the /vg/ ship goes down, I'll be the last man standing.


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VG has lost much of its former charm and vibrant community spirit, largely due to the decline in genuine human connection among its users. Once a thriving hub of interaction, the platform has become overshadowed by the overuse of Discord, where conversations often drift into private channels, leaving the main server feeling empty and disconnected. The shift to these more insular spaces has diluted the sense of community that initially drew people to VG, making it a graveyard for discussions that once fostered lively engagement. As a result, the platform now feels less like a welcoming gathering space and more like an afterthought, leaving many to reminisce about the days when vivid conversations and authentic connections were the heart and soul of the VG experience.
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whats everyones favorite job and why? medbay is the most fulfilling, kino feeling to get someone back in the game
read the room
I loved to play miner, because learning how to beat every megafauna was very enjoyable. Also the powergaming before the endless nerfs was great, even though I almost never used all the shiny gear for much.
HoP because you get all access and only have to work for like a minute at the start of the round, don't have any real responsibilities either
Check the leon ban appeal to see why VG is a shithole tranny server and why it's dead. These people are autistic in that robotic way where there is just no emotion or logic, it's like a robot following a line of code
>you hit someone, therefore you are banned
>beep boop, it says here you got a day ban, then we banned you for a week, then you were banned for a month, beep boop the string of numbers tells me the next ban should be a year
Just let the fucking guy play the game. The fuck is the problem?
leon is a pest who has been spamming ai slop for over a year
that's not true, i just post greentexts and screenshots
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In all honesty, you kinda deserve the jannies walking all over you with unreasonably long bans for bending the knee to them and playing on gay pubby servers like Paradise instead of ban evading or at least playing on some good servers like Riviera (you refused to do both like a good little cuck).
at the end of the day it's their server, if they don't want me there its better to just play elsewhere
huh? i just play where i have fun. i might try riviera sometime but i already know paradise is fun so i generally go there first
SS14 more like SISSY14
>huh? i just play where i have fun. i might try riviera sometime but i already know paradise is fun so i generally go there first
lol I understand, but I had to make fun of you for playing a furfag race on a furfag server.

New SS13 video:
It's not their server. It's pomf's server and pomf doesn't give a fuck as long as he gets his CP.
These powertripping freaks powertrip over the ashes of a server they burned down. These people are actually admins on a 0 player server, a month of no new posts on forums. These people who are supposed to run the server log in after a month of no players, no activity whatsoever, all to big dog someone who wants to play on the server over some minor IC scuffle months ago.
meh, i mainly play as a furfag race because there is a lot of customization options for them and i wanted to do a fox shrine maiden gimmick. like the video so far by the way, normally i only see editing for ss13 content in boatbomber videos
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turbo based
minings fun im too xenophobic to play it tho

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