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New patch this week, new World Tour stop, devs finally spicing things up with events and modes. Hopefully this week they get their asses in gear and add the LTE for Spooktober.
Primetime Buff kinda sucks
Nuh uh
Yuh uh
>2 replies

Dead game.
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It's over.
do you feel like people overstate how big of a problem this game has with cheating? since launch people have been saying that cheating is RUINING the game and I feel like I've actually never had an experience where someone was 100% botting or walling.
there is cheaters but its not that bad unlike CS2 or Apex, these games are fucked beyond imagination
it sucks in the last round
otherwise is fine

i find at least 1 cheater every day on asia servers
ive found you only really notice in the last round
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fuck off doomposter
stop posting fake images
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Yes and no
Cheating was VERY bad during S1 and S2, so much so that they had to come out with a statement saying that there is a cheating problem. Nobody nowdays autoaims but a lot use soft walls, but given the nature of the game is always hard to determine wether that demat model medium is cracked or uses walls to time the demat perfectly every time. The game also lacks any sort of replay/killcam system so it's even harder to understand who is cheating and who isn't. There is also no protection/compensation from cheaters. Got a game with a suspected cheater in your ranked match? Can't quit without a penatly, most teams will avoid that team so it's always 3rd partying on the same cashout until the team with the cheater comes to grief and if your report was successful? Well, thanks for making this game a better place! No, we won't give you any RS as compensation.
S3 Ranked was FILLED with cheaters, so much so that a very sizeble chunk of ruby rankers were either full on cheaters or people who bought ruby. And gold ranks were filled with new accounts with default names that would wipe the floor with the enemy team. That or they were boosting their friends for easy wins. For example, picrel is just a faction of the known cheaters that were present in S3 ranked.

I still keep getting "Thanks for reporting!" messages almost every day, and I just wild guess the enemies that have a suspicious ammount of kills in a match

I think the game density itself is also to take into account. Like CS2 and Apex have hundreds of thousands of players so it'd make sense that there are a lot of cheaters but they're also easier to spot. To be generous, I'll say that The Finals has like 150k players (between all platforms), so there are cheaters but they're harder to spot
Totally thought this was Pavlov. Welder mask much?
do you guys use anti recoil scripts?
The walls problem is definitely a thing. If you don't know vanish bomb will make you completely invisible if you're standing still. I just had where a heavy sprinted to a corner and instantly shot me dead where I was standing still after moving away from my vanish bomb so there was no purple smoke to give me away. I was 100% unseen but he blitzed me down instantly.

Only faggots do.
I don't doubt that faggot was cheating, but you're not completely invisible; there's still a slight shimmer if you look hard enough and know the general location of the person. Its incredibly hard to see, but I've caught lights sitting still with vanish bomb/cloaking device before. It probably depends on the kind of lighting you where sitting in as well.
if vanish bomb is exactly like invisibility speciality then no you are not completely invisible standing still
Invis at least recently doesn't make you completely invisible, there's still a bit of distortion. I've gotten a few kills that I'm certain looked sketchy just from catching a tiny shimmer and making a guesswork shotgun blast
It's only temporary but it is fucking annoying.
You will probably never see a cheater unless you play ranked.
Spoken like a cheater.
>SoloQ WT
>nobody on comms, but I’m ok with this because I leave them off half the time anyway.
>do very well with teammates, maybe even score a tourney win
>send friend requests
>one accepts and joins party
>they turn on VC
>I turn on VC
>they’re the most obnoxious person imaginable
>nonstop bitching and complaining about how unfair everything is, how everyone else is a cheater, blah blah blah
>can’t focus on game and we get slaughtered
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Not good... What happened recently?
>Season is lackluster, new guns are kind of boring, new map is good but visually nothing great
>People are playing other games as this is release season for the year and it's Halloween
>We have finally achieved true MMM meta, the most cancerous of all futures, where "the guy that shoots you" dominates everything in the destruction physics sandbox shooter
Disagree on the weapons, but yeah MMM model/pikes is nuts
MMH still also reigns
>kill a M
>gets rezzed
>kill a M
>gets rezzed
>kill a M
and so on, so forth
I liked that before this the new weapons were generally something radically different for the class even if they weren't always the strongest. It also hurts that just as guns I have no love for the MASS or that keltec rifle, they're simply not cool.
Don't blame me. I play light.
this was what it was like playing with the /vg/ TFG thread
I used to see a lot of cheaters up until S2 but barely any during S3, possibly because I didn't play ranked as I dislike TA. I haven't seen any obvious cheaters so far in S4 but I've also barely played ranked as I've been focusing on WT first to get the guaranteed multibucks.
This is also all of my friends
This was the first Steam friend I made in another game back in 2015 lol. God what an obnoxious ass.
>Says this even though the game dropped off hardest while heavy was obscenely OP.
>Says this even though heavy was still extremely unpopular during that time
Make defib go on cooldown if you die. Make it a shorter cooldown even but Rez chaining is so fucking cancerous. Either that or straight remove the defib. It wouldn't be the first time they realized a gadget was a design failure and got rid of it.
Okay, let's not kid ourselves. M was a critical part of the OP heavy arrangement. HHH was always a meme build- M's healing and defib forcing you to burst down the heavy in one go AND THEN kill his support, recon sense ensuring that they always have intel on you, jump pad making them impossible to keep out, their great ranged weapons being a complement to the heavy's close range instant win- Heavy and Medium have been getting consistently nerfed, never buffed every patch from day one, and that's because they were both mutually agonizing to deal with. Heavy isn't and was never the sole offender, Medium is cancer, too.
>Make defib go on cooldown if you die
this is a fantastic suggestion
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nta but I just got this match
it was like playing against an army of clones
won the first round by miracle but then we got paired against a suspected cheater and a dia team
to get the rank rewards do i have to reach the rank once or do i have to finish the season at that rank?
example: if i get into the top 500 and then never touch ranked will i still get the ruby lewis if i am knocked out of top 500 later?
Ruby is the only ranked rewards where you have to stay that rank until the end of the season. Projected cutoff will be 71k RS

Oh and even if you do reach and maintain Ruby, Embark might just fuck you over and not give it to you, while instead giving it to those who bought it or cheated lmao

Good luck!
damn that high? what the fuck... im only 3k away from being in the top500 right now but i cant imagine being at 71k rs
i think is actually the best solution ive heard
defib chaining is what makes it so OP, this fixes that but also doesn't make it any less useful, would still be a must pick
Wow, just checked what's the cutoff for top 500, it's just below 40k, I'm currently 34k rs

Also re-cheked the estimated ruby cutoff, it's more like 60k, my bad
where do you check that
the finals.lol

My prediction is that it could reach like 65, since it was roughly that during S3 ranked, but S3 was TA.
>dominates everything in the destruction physics sandbox shooter
For christ's sake anon, actually set down goo to block sightlines and burst through buildings as further cover for once in your goddamn life.
>burst down the heavy in one go AND THEN kill his support
you're supposed to kill the defenseless support who has his heal beam out first you fucking retard.
>it's another episode of playing like shit and winning and playing really well and losing

That's the problem. Mediums are the most deadly.
not really
If you put aside the MGL32 and Flamethrower (given that they're more about group damage), then M loses the Body TTK matchup against H with almost every single weapon except Famas vs KS-23. Headshots are more relevant on M weapons than H, but even then it honestly doesn't help that much. M has the range advantage, but that generally only matters on the few exterior cashouts--at least when you're not playing with retards that'll just stand outside and try to contest a FCAR/Pike on a roof while they're on the street.

The only time that Mediums really get deadly is when they're paired with a Heavy that's really good about using destruction to set up flanks and sightlines, but given the nature of the game, that shit all can shift at any moment.
>Kyoto still in ranked
Please just delete this map.
nvm he was a confirmed cheater with alts too
>bamboo forest cashout
just fucking kill me
Actually, just checked again, both teams had confirmed cheaters
great anticheat
I hate playing during weekends.
don't play ranked past midnight
>last 2 cashouts before timer runs out
>need to steal one of them
>try for the one defended by people with higher ground
>fail but don't wipe
>suggest we go to the other cashout, defended by a weaker team who's getting attacked
>they instead rush to the same cashout as earlier
This happened twice in a row now
>defenseless support
yeah the defenseless support with the best shotgun in the game. the defenseless support with the best ranged damage in the game. the defenseless support with on-demand mobility options better than half of light's kit. they're basically mercy
Knowing the devs are ex battlefield devs makes it all the better. Battlefield is another game where one class gets to heal quickly and sometimes at all while also having some of the best guns in the game.
Never ever playing with monkeys who can't understand english, they're always the most retarded teammates ever
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>walks into stunned sword user
>it is impossible to lunge
>still gets a free kill

People think sword should be nerfed.
your crosshair is quivering in its boots
If rpg has to only tickle people for the sake of balance, lights shouldn't be able to dash through people and do 300+ damage in 3 swings.
I think if you had ducked to the right and just swung again he would've fucked it up
>b-but only 150 hp!!
>3 swings

You're forgetting that it takes over a second to charge up each swing. Are you telling me you let a light get within melee distance when he can't use dashes because he's saving them for the lunge tech and you were not only unable to do any chip damage but unable to do 150 damage in 3-4 seconds?
>Hehe, you let the class with the sneaky abilities, fastest movement and smallest hitbox get near you? Your fault
And here it is, the usual defense sword users have. Nevermind that they might have 2 other people (or more teams) distracting you already, only for you to come by swing your retard stick twice (the one sec chargeup means shit when you can 180 dodge to avoid damage) and wipe one or more people with one swing.
You people always think that every sword light just charges at you like they're in monthy python or some shit
>Are you telling me you let a light get within melee distance when he can't use dashes because he's saving them for the lunge tech
Way to out yourself, moron
>You people always think that every sword light just charges at you like they're in monthy python or some shit

And you people always think that no one ever hits shots ever and don't bring the myriad of popular gadgets that shutdown melee.
The bottom line is that shit is incredibly annoying at best, and busted in the right hands at worse. Literally fought a dagger light nigger doing the 180 dash backstab tech. Literally couldn't do anything against it cause I was a Medium and would get one shot. Sword and dagger do way too much fucking damage for how easy it is to use.
My man in christ. Just fucking shoot him. Or use any of the many gadgets you get that fuck over melee.
>And you people always think that no one ever hits shots ever
An actually good Sword Light does well to minimize actual engagement time and possible TTK against them before dumping the rapid quick insta-kill-L/M combo and getting back out. Maybe git gud at using the sword?
S2 medium was literally a punching bag that had no realistic change of even doing damage vs double heavies. High diamond S2 as a medium was the most unfun shit of all time. You HAD to heal bot and hope your heavies could protect you.
>just use glitch mines every time a Light shows up bro
you can't be serious
What the fuck are you talking about, the FCAR was still king
>play ranked
>full stack of MMM cheaters
>play ranked
>another full stack of MMM cheaters
They need to get a fucking handle on things, so many boosted diamonds, plat rank lobbies are filled with so many known cheaters, yet they won't do shit
>still playing ranked after being told repeatedly it's a joke and a waste of time
I liek the diamond skins
Honestly WT matches are also fucking awful, not that much different

>be a retarded lightweight
>charge headfirst to a team of MMH
>get obviously insta killed
>res him from a safe place
>head first again
>hold has much has i can with the other teammate
>we get wiped
>we try again
>lightweight dies again

another match
>paired with 2 lightweighst ( i already know im gonna lose )
>they try to facetank another team of MMM
>they die instantly
>we get wiped
>we try again
>they die instantly
>they ragequit
>same shit happens with other lightweights for 5 hours straight

What kind of mental illness is this shit, just stop playing lightweight braindead niggers, it doesnt work, it will NEVER work and if you dont like it then dont fucking play
>gold ranked lobby
>teammate is unranked
>don't have a third teammate
>lose elo all the same

10/10 Embark
stop playing ranked holy fuck
please stop doing this to yourselves
But I enjoy it. When I don't get fucked over anyway.
>*teleports behind you. "Heh, nothin' personnel, kid"

I will continue to play light sword and drink shitter tears.
I will also whip out the GL every single time i see a lightnigger shitter using the sword, the class just dont fit the fucking game useless faggot
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you are both terrible at the game
I legit have a lot less fun in WT than in ranked and that's saying something
it's okay to play Light as long as you're actually somewhat decent, otherwise you'd be better off just being a healing slut Medium with an AKM
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How goes the Emerald grind my dudes?
what do you get for reaching emerald
Not announced yet. I’m hoping it’s still weapon skins but with it being possible to grind Emerald with just win points now who knows. I’m wondering if top 500 in WT will get anything besides bragging rights. I’m helping my squad get to E1 before we tackle ranked. One of them is Plat1 (in ranked) and the other has only played casually but is cracked af.

Honestly I’m the weakest gun on the team but we play well together and the one who’s ranked P1 has been pushing us to play ranked with him for a few weeks.
Thing about WT is that there is no loss, it's just about playing
you need to be unemployed or something to be able to grind the massive ammounts of wins.
>EM1 AK or Lewis in the lobby
no biggie, they usually suck
>EM1 M11
I have a full time job and a family. I spend my days off with my family and stay up all night to play. This is the only game I play since season 1, and I’ve been playing WT exclusively since season 3.

I was soloQ for the first half of this season but I’ve been sending requests/accepting requests whenever I get good teammates. Now pretty much any time I play I have some friends to choose from and that’s definitely helped a lot with the grind.
>use melee
>dash light with stun gun and a shotgun tea bags when he inevitably kills you

I don't mind losing most of the time. It's the arrogance people have about how "good" they are when they are fighting with every advantage under the sun before the match even starts.
>the class just dont fit the fucking game
It fits perfectly. You're basically playing a strategic arena shooter with superhumans.

Get thwach'd, faggot.
Play ranked.
I will eventually. I think I finally have a solid team and they seem to be available whenever I’m on. One is already ranked P1, and he says that the lobbies we get in WT really aren’t any different from the stuff he gets in RT. He’s been trying to get us to play ranked with him. I told him I will once I was finished with the Em grind. Our third originally didn’t want to run ranked at all but he’s coming around to it. Both want me to stick with them while they grind out Emerald. Either way I just love playing this game, and having good teammates who also love this game just makes it even more enjoyable.

If news comes out that top 500 in WT gets something unique then I’ll probably focus on holding my position there over grinding ranked, but if not I’ll just see how far we can get in ranked.
don't let teabagging get to you lmao
Maybe in casual modes. Lmao.
>both have heals
>never get healed once
Why the fuck are you gonna pick heals if you're gonna rush head first and die separeted from the team all the fucking time, it would have been an easy game if you both actually used the damn healbeams. Play demat if you wanna play roamer medium ffs
R*ddit is pissing and moaning that the Model is OP now. Are they right, /vm/?
It has fixed spread at any speed and doesn't require ads. I don't think it's op per se, but it is kinda annoying to fight against, especially since most model users also run demat for chase and to avoid getting chased
it's always been a solid choice, did they change something about it?
'sbeen the same since CB1 but it became the better and more used gun simply because all other options were nerfed. Ranked is filled with demat models and pikes, making sure you're fucked at every range
not the anon you were replying to but none of the shotguns require ads
Yeah but the tradeoff isn't as brutal as for the other shotties
the SA does confetti damage on top of the required mag cycle
if you miss once with the sh you're done for plus you need to be very close
the m26 is slower and has less range
the model is just best of both worlds, great range, great damage and decent magsize. Only real drawback is the slow ass reload
wasn't meaning to compare it to them, was just stating the fact that aiming doesn't affect pellet spread for any of them.
How realistic is it to reach platinum or diamond soloqing? I'm gold 2 atm. Soloq the entire time.
>Sword is balanced
>Hitbox the size of a truck
Except it's not. The lunge is the length of a truck, two when you include dash. You still gotta poke the guy though.
I can forgive some lag fuckery if it happens every once in a while, but this is fairly consistent that I get murdered with a few feet between us. Doesn't matter if its vertical or horizontally. Also the lingering hitbox is stupid, both on the sword and hammer.
You might have a point about the lingering hit box. It makes up maybe 1% of the hits I actually make. Goddamn is it satisfying when you nail that last millisecond of the attack frame though.
Phantom strikes are a bitch and i'm annoyed they still haven't been patched out. Same deal with the sledgehammer
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This fucking warning has been following me for 3 ranked matches straight, sometimes even after I restart my game

I lost 4k rs in a single day due to that and the metric ton of cheaters and no lifers in this fucking game. I was plat 2 now I'm back to plat 4
Skill issue
is pike better with ironsights or scope?
i have trouble with it in close range. i heard its supposed to be better than ARs even at close range but im clicking as fast as i can and still just lose fights
the big thing is that changed is Heavy nerfs, actually. Heavy's whole shtick is supposed to be close range domination and they've gotten significantly worse at that over time in every patch.with everything heavy does now worse in CQC, that made space for shotgunner medium, with solid midrange, great close range, and all that support utility to shine.
um wut

the holotov hammer skin prints out receipts after a kill btw
Your gonna get either fucked by cheaters or matched with leavers and/or lights trying to play tdm. Just expect to hard carry just about every match. This is probably the worse ranked solo queing experience I've ever had in an FPS
It’s a visual bug. You’ll unlock D4 at 1200. It really is supposed to be 1150 though. Diamond levels are 150pts but for some reason the game thinks you need 200 for the first Diamond rank. You’ll still unlock D3 at 1300, as intended.
Play World Tour and add anyone you play well with. I’ve been doing this since season 4 started and have amassed a massive collection of people to play with, including several who are already ranked Platinum in Ranked Tournament. I’m not even touching RT without a full squad that I not only play well with, but I know aren’t going to get tilted if we have a bad game or two.
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The grind is finally over, i aint touching ranked shit in a while, im fucking burn out
Its insane how I've gone from gold 2 to silver 3 just from having absolutely terrible teammates. Its not even like I'm playing bad, I'm getting atleast 7-10 kills every first round. I'm even killing teams damn near myself, I genuinely don't understand what else I'm supposed to do.
>Typing this reply as I'm qued up for rank
>Get in pre-match intro, one guy disconnects
>Other guy runs at a whole team round start and dies, immediately disconnects.
>Going to lose 1k points because I'm alone in a lobby with two triple M teams as a solo Heavy and my bb gun m60.
This shit rough. Don't know how a modern FPS game doesn't have basic QOL shit like ranked points protection.
congrats anon
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I love this community
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This team was wearing matching fursuits and gasmasks.
Same thing happened to me, but it was silver to bronze. I'm gold 2 atm.

It was fucking embarrassing. I was literally playing fine, just like you, but would get knocked the first fucking round because retards couldn't hold down an objective or I'd get fucked and be down a teammate.

I play WT for practicing builds I don't normally play. I don't find mindlessly grinding ranks to be rewarded.
Why did i need to search for a practice lobby? Why doesn't it just immediately go to the range?
Went from plat 2 to plat 1
lotta cheaters, multiple top 500/top 100 are verified cheaters yet embark won't ban them
fuck i meant plat 4
probably because of the building that you can destroy
Every fucking match of ranked is fucking insane, dropped to fucking gold 1 now, what the fuck is this bullshit
that's the worst part, duo, but right now, we're a trio
it's like everyone knows where we are all the goddamn time
I'll be honest, I haven't been top of my game recently but I still played best as I could yet we always loose to some cunts
this game gets under your skin, I almost fucking went beserk on my desk with rage
> I almost fucking went beserk on my desk with rage

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whats the main game mode that people play? i just started and have only been playing quick cash
I'd say cashout. Which this season is World Tour and Ranked.

Speaking of which I just started playing at the beginning of this season. Has Bank It ever been the ranked mode for the season? I know Terminal Attack was last season. Bank It is the closest to TDM.
thank god for that too
Cashout has always been the ranked mode, save for S3
Yeah idk how a Bank It ranked would even work. It's pure chaos and basically no teamwork. It's fun from time to time though. I want a capture the goddamn flag mode.
Powershift can be fun and noob friendly, just stay on the boat and help out your team
Ranked TA almost killed the game. Cashout is what makes The Finals unique, and imo it should remain the main focus of the game.

I could definitely see some switch-up in World Tour, though. Maybe instead of having little modifiers like the Primetime event they could rotate between game modes. TA for one World Tour stop, Bank it for the next, Power Shift after that and so on. Honestly I thought that was how WT was going to be this season. They’d have to track something other than money for the leaderboard, though, because Cashout and Bank it are the money-making modes while PS offers basically none and TA doesn’t involve money at all.
Played like shit tonight lads. Managed to break even in ranked, but went negative kdr on all my games. I could tell I wasn't in the right mindset to even play, but I kept going like a retard.
Love it when the building holding the cashbox is brought down making the enemy team panic.
It's a shame how underutilized it is. Just a couple heavy charges is often enough to turn the entire situation on its head. What especially boils the blood in my butthole is that, often, the only other people I see putting consideration towards doing so are Heavies that do have Charge equipped, but instead spend precious time hammering walls out one by one.
Arc Raiders playtest tomorrow
by the teaser video, it looks like shit
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>Sledgehammer nerfs
It finally fucking happened
I wouldn't call it a nerf. It's just syncing the animation with the actual hit.
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>they took the fucking goo plane
It absolutely is a nerf. If the problem is the animation not syncing to the hit, then edit the goddamn animation, don't nerf the actual hit. Not to mention this is edited entirely to the receiver's perspective, not those hard-working Heavies.
Yeah, if it was an issue with the hitbox lingering towards the end of the swing while the hammer is still "swung," then it'd be way more prudent to add a little shockwave effect than further take away Heavy's toys
>""Fix"" the phantom stikes on sledge not syncing up
>don't do the same to the sword
It's official, they hate heavy
>it didn't hurt nobody
>was incredibly useless as a traversal tool
>it was a fun little thing found by the community
>"We didn't intend for this, therefore, fun's over"
What was the motto of the game?
"Alter. Exploit. Destroy."

watch as they re-implement it back in and people go "THEY LISTENED!!!"
No anti-cheat updates?
No leaderboard corretion?
There are still known cheaters in the top 100 players and they're not banning them even after countless reports by people
Banning them would be racist.
Why are you racism so much against Chinese huh?
Sword doesn't need nerfs. Neither does the hammer.

Really though, how did they prepare a laundry list of nerfs for hammer but nothing for medium? Not one fucking thing. Even last patch when they nerfed the pike they said they know it's still too strong and will have more tuning later. Was that just a fucking lie?
>The only actual balance changes where nerfing the fucking sledge hammer.
Next time heavy gets nerfed I'm uninstalling this goofy fucking game. I literally just switched to using winch claw/sledge hammer because how inconsistent every other heavy weapon is now. There's a fucking reason why every single ranked/WT lobby has atleast 2-3 triple M teams.
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They're selling bundles with cosmetics from the previous battlepasses now
The fuck you going on about? Medium has been getting mostly nerfs as of late. I get it if you're mad at the 1887 getting next to no changes, but literally everything else in its loadout has just been getting constant nerfs. Pike is still fairly new so they're likely trying to not completely neuter the thing. Heavy keeps getting dialed down little by little which is kinda weird. I rarely play heavy and even I think the RPG nerf makes it hilarious bad. Same thing with the dome shield. The hammer however was very retarded and needed to be changed though. Shit never made sense that you would just burst into treats a second after its already hit the ground because you're in close proximity. Lights on the other hand keep getting buffs, but shitters keep getting upset that their glass cannons still get blown the fuck out when they rush a crowd of 3. Sword is utter bull shit and should get the same treatment as the hammer. Matter of fact, just remove light entirely as they're nothing but a plague on the game.
It's not a matter of nerf or buff, it's a matter of making the sword's animations match the fucking hitbox, yeah I'm so happy that a sword lunge hit me from a continent away
atleast fortnite gave the OGs the glow in the dark variant this is a lazy cashgrab
Them selling reskins is nothing new but this one is the exact same from the battlepass, it even says I already own it since I completed the S1 bp
>back to gold
it's over
>Nigger normalfags crying for fucking FOMO
There is no fucking way, normalfags love being slaves maybe these kike investors arent that disconnected after all
Good. I liked Sea of Thieves' system where the Plunder Pass was about getting items early and at a discount, rather than FOMO. While there's a certain faction of people that do love FOMO as a way to everlasting-ly hold exclusivity as a point of prestige, I think most of the grumblings about this is more in regards to the fact that right now, there's very few "prestige" or "I was there" items aside from the closed beta items and ranked skins.
>4th week of October
>Halloween skin from the Open beta still aren't here
What the fuck are they waiting for?
Damn, I skipped OB because I couldn't convince anyone to join me after I tried the CB, so I've never seen these. That's some drip.
I am so fucking sick of MMM, having to kill these roaches and camp bodies for 20x longer than I have to is unfuriating
Its a korean published game they should just block the country
I have more fun fighting MMM than I do the constant onslaught of LLM and such. The worst part is that they don't even win most of the time, so you just have no fun until you walk away with another statistic to throw into the "We need to buff Lights" bucket
I have literally been waiting since release to remake my OB, character this isn't fair
World Tour is where it's at.
>HOLTOW sissies fear and insure against the alienussy
>wasn't invited to the Arc Raider playtest
what the fuck man, I even played CB2 and OB
Only took them 4 seasons to make the alien beams actually beam up contestants
Pyro mine on heavy is usually crap but the one good use is putting it on a statue and can legit help with MMM.
>Edgy clothing
>All black
>Defib jump pad

Could you be more generic?
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This shit aint surviving the month, the PVP part sucks ass, i can see the finals outliving this thing, this game doesnt seem bad at first but it doesnt have anything unique going on, in comparison with tarkov shit, hell at least the finals has the destruction going on but this? i dont know
the fact that it's third person on its own nullifies my interest a little, I don't really like being able to see through cover in a shooter, especially an extraction shooter.

The fact that it was recently just PVE and they bolted on the PVP is really confusing, too? I wonder why they did that
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it will die because it's fucking 40 bucks

haven't played it yet, but the UI looks like it was lifted straight out of Jedi Fallen Order or some shit

however it did give us this gem of a review
funny considering I would've readily paid for finals if it was 40 bucks
I am only here to click heads and escape fights
fags speaking about fun with a sledge or flamethrower need not reply
i cant believe they said "it messes with the pacing" like nigga it takes as much time to make a working goo plane as it does to simply walk over to the cashout point

this is the weirdest change yet
they were probably planning to do so for awhile as a bugfix. also goo plane made the front page of reddit recently and I genuinely wonder if that bothered them enough to immediately fix it, but I'm pretty sure that the dev pipeline is so slow that it has to be a coincidence. I hope it is
is that the forever game?
what is what that... Fallout-4-core artstyle and lighting
i cant honestly tell the difference, seems like a small nerf at least

this is a good thing
i hope they bring back the crow
honestly most of the sets in battlepasses look like shit
who wants to be a golden firefighter or baseball player?

the halloween event sucks ass
>we added anti gravity to the UFO event
Its kinda lame we have to pay for halloween themed cosmetics instead of earning them like on valentines day, easter, and christmas. Well Christmas I think they just gave it to us, but still.
Yeah, the fact that the pumpkin head or the bat wings aren't part of the World Tour event or the Community Event is a marked downturn from before. That and the fact that it's just Super Alien Invasion instead of anything more complex for a LTM, it's just disappointing. I was actually looking forward to this.
Posting this here in case nobody knew about it (I didn't) but there's a couple twitch drops for the finals going on right now
are they using AI VAs for Arc Raiders too? They sound worse than pre-release June and Scotty
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Always logoff right before a milestone.
Is the milestone having some of the worst stats i've ever seen?
Aren't you the guy who kept spamming his "I'm top 500 wt" posts? I recognize that profile pic

proof that you don't need to be good to reach Em1
Finally played Arc Raiders a bit
I think it's just boring
I also don't understand why set it in italy? As an italian myself, there are way too many mutts and goblinas to be italy, not even mentioning how none of them has any sort of accent and can speak english fluently when even the more litterate italian areas have poor english knowledge? Quick google search states that less than 50% know english well and even less than that know it enough to speak it almost fluently. Judging by the high presence of marshlands, I think it has to be north italy too.

anyways, the shooting is kinda balls, enemy variety is ok but the majority of robots are flying ones so if you're out of ammo, you're fucked, PVP combat eventually boils down to who camped the building that is right on top of the escape first (seriously, there's a massive tower that oversees the escape) but above all else, it's 3rd person so they can corner peek completly risk free.
You can craft most guns and items so really you're going to only do your quests and fuck off asap, we've only met people in 2 matches and NONE of them tried to communicate with us (either emoting or using prox chat) or try to team up (a big feature that they advertised btw).

In one match we got stuck for almost 10 minutes inside a hut because robots swarmed us and we were all out of ammo and since most enemies were flying, we couldn't attack them back, but it didn't matter because they couldn't get inside anyways. So we just tried to hunker down but then just decided to make a run for it. It just felt boring to me.

Shield types don't matter, just equip the heaviest one, everyone moves so goddamn slow already, speed doesn't matter

I will say though, it looks very very stunning and the interiors are quite pleasing to the eye. It also loads up very quickly, getting from main menu to a match is quite fast.

There is a battlepass but it's on the same model as helldivers 2

All in all, not horrible, not bad, absolutley not worth 40 bucks.
oh also, there's no cool gimmick
The Finals has the complete and total map destruction, here you can't topple buildings or see one of those 4 legged massive jumping robots demolish your cover.
Why are you surprised? World Tour isnt ranked and not based on skill at all, its just a battle pass for shitters who cant make it in ranked
>can't make it in ranked

This game has some of the worst ranked implementation I've ever seen in a game.
My stats used to be much worse. 1/2 W/L and K/D at the start of season 3. Since the beginning of season 3 I started playing WT and ranked exclusively.

WT has SBMM. Most of the people I play with and against are Gold or Platinum in ranked. Several of the guys I play with are high-Platinum players and they all say the lobbies we play aren’t really any different from what they get in ranked. I’m helping one of my friends finish Emerald before we do our placement matches.
Are they gonna nerf the pike within the month or what, jesus christ
Nope gotta nerf melee some more.

>Shoots you from 60 meters getting a kill in 0.5 seconds

Damn. That was close.
>all high golds and low plats
>lol get paired against a high diamond team
This shit ain't fair man, it was very winnable, the other 2 teams were easy but we kept getting 3rd partied at every cashout by the diamond team
I guess I understand sword lunge and other melee lunges not working while stunned, but for the love of god why does it kill ALL YOUR MOMENTUM if you get stunned mid animation?
How is whinch + SA? Seen a few high rank heavies use it, but I prefer lewis + charge
pike is a skill weapon
Any one bragging about being high ranked in this game is a fucking troglodyte. This game is such an unbalanced pile of shit that doesn't even have basic QOL stuff that other games have had for 10+ years now.
>matches can start without full teams
>matches have no protection if a team mate rage quits
>matches are naturally skewed with unconventional team vs team vs team vs team setups
>Matchmaking will pair whatever the fuck it feels like together, golds can fight top 500
>All this in addition to the micro scale balance problems of the game between guns, classes, and gadgets.
thanks for the info anon
I went back and checked the ingame map
this is worse than I thought...
either it's set in Naples or....


the worst possible future...
God I swear this game has something against me. I always get 2 low rank lights as teammates in quick cash. They never revive anyone, they always rush into 1v3 situations, and are somehow always slower than me getting to points as a medium. Like yeah its a casual mode, but fuck at least try to have some semblance of team work.
What's the point in not using the Trader Run loadout? Yeah you can loot less but honestly, you're probably gonna do your gay little quests and book it to the nearest extraction really.

Oh and I find it funny that they still have the conviction that the big robots are meant to be fought by multiple random raiders at the same time but not only nobody ever tries to help eachother, but why risk your gear and life helping them when loot isn't shared? Just wait until they either take out the robot and kill them while they're looting or simply wait for them to get wiped and go finish off the robot using less resources + looting dead bodies.
devs fantasize about the idea of emergent teamwork but the reality of it is that if people want to team up they're just going to do it outside of the game more often than not
well they drive the point home even further by saying in in ingame cinematic "You never know who you can trust" but then, not only is there no impromptu team setting ingame (think of something like The Cycle Frontier had) where the game actually allows you to form a short term team with a rando, but there's also no friendly fire or anything similar.
Famas is the secret meta gun right now don't tell anyone
literally the millisecond 1887 and pike are nerfed every medium on the planet will be using it
World Tour and the shift from Season 3 to Season 4 made me realise how SBMM makes games soulless. Thanks S3 for making World Tour.

I like the player numbers this season. Much stronger post launch than S3 or S2. But still what's keeping Finals from blowing up?
>hardware requirements
>hard to do well solo
Those apply to games like Rust and yet Rust is still killing it on Steam charts despite being non F2P on top of all that

Always has been, people are just sleeping on it.
im too tired to pley fps game THE FINALS tonight
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You know how Fortnite stays popular? Sprinkling bots disguised as real players into games because it makes the casuals stay. It's the sad reality of modern online fps that you need to have easy bots in your games to make bad players feel better and to keep your game alive. Also bad players can't actually handle the fast-paced games they think they want, so you have to trick them into thinking your game is fast while actually keeping the gameplay slow. This is why counter-strike and battle royales are so popular. Long time just running around looting or camping just to fight once and either die or win the game. Nobody wants to get better so they just rely on crutches like aim assist or cheats.
I like games like battlefield that arent super popular because they dont attract loads of retards.
I dont mind getting shit on
Or what i mean to say is, i mind getting shit on which makes me play better and enjoy improving rather than accumulating brainrot in another game
This Halloween nonsense has to be the most ridiculously fumbled bag for Embark. Nobody does the Halloween event on Halloween itself and after, especially since nowadays, November 1st might as well be the 1st of the 55 days of Christmas. Not to mention, running Alien Abduction now without showing anything about the plans for the Halloween event leaves the first impression that you have nothing. Throw on top the fact that the community event is nothing and they seem to just be selling the Halloween cosmetics this year, and it's like, what the fuck.
Apex Legends......I mean, Alien Invasion Event sponsored by Holtow!
it's insane how much more obnoxious apex's cosmetics are compared to finals' and finals' are often actively trying to be obnoxious
>start cashout in building
>friendly dematerializes it to the 1st floor
>I place 2 glitch traps on the ceiling
>I place turret in the corner of a room
>have sex with 2 enemy light fags in the final round nonstop
This is getting too easy
I've formed a friendly rapport with an embark dev. Demat is getting removed from medium and glitch mine is getting reverted to the old version. Count your days, buddy.
Why are you mad? It's just a game, bro!
I could never try apex because how fucking everyone looks like clown vomit

At least in the finals you can change your appearance to not be like that and the default look its fine enough
this interrupt a cashout challenge is retarded
cant tell if its bugged or they stop taking it 1 millisecond before i kill/stun them
It's the latter. It's just extremely frustrating because most people will desperately try to stop at the last second to try to protect themselves, or they start capping in a way they can see (or just hear, even with the alarm) that you're coming and will back off anyways.
I also feel smug about playing the best class in the game with another guy also playing the best class in the game.
ya after playing myself im not really sure what the pull is supposed to be. I guess the roaming robots? but it doesnt feel like it goes all-in on that enough.

i will say the sound design and maps are fantastic but everything else feels mediocre. not arcadey enough for the apex crowd (movement is rather slow outside of 2 items, the zipline which works like shit and the grapple gun which has very limited range and a huge cooldown) and not simulatory enough for the tarkov crowd (zero in-raid management of food or drink, low weapon/mod variety). So I dont really know who this is supposed to be for.

I feel like they need an extra gimmick or something, like maybe at the start of each round you send out your own robots that can hunt and scavenge for you, and you can join them or let them do their own thing and risk another raider taking them out for their alloy+what they scavenged.

it needs something like that because its just... missing something
>But still what's keeping Finals from blowing up?
Game requires more then 2 braincells to do decent at. You need alot of mental awareness about what's happening and what could happen at all times on top of having the conventional fps skill set. Most people simply don't have then mental stack to handle all of that.
>Those apply to games like Rust
As long as you have numbers, you can hold W at any problem and just respawn on a bag less then a square away and just run back to the fight. Rust pvp is a game of attrition rather then skill, also 60% of the population is just chinese and russians sitting in a internet cafe with cheats on a thumb drive.
I feel like there is some sort of SBMM ingam

Rust and The Finals are completly different games first off but they also function completly different. Rust is more about social interaction, making clans, bases and observing wierdos and all that crap. It also appeals to the average vatnik and chink subhumans. The Finals is brutal for new players (it's true for most low population online games tbf) and after they get shit on by a MMM stack, they simply say that it's an unbalanced game and move on, can you really blame them?
>negative W/L
>almost double K/D
People keep forgetting that W/L in this game is different compared to others. Most other games you're fighting team vs team. Finals is team vs team vs team vs team. There's a lot more loses to be had.
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My W/L is positive though
Good for you.
Are we gonna get an actual LTM or a halloween event or what? I'm not buying the stupid pumpkin headwear or the wings, they should be free.
I only used to play quick cash when I started. You have to be in first place to win in that mode. I'm pretty sure only when they added world tour did I begin getting more wins because qualifying costs as winning.
Unranked tournaments were a thing though
World Tour is nothing new, if anything it's just a restricted version of what Unranked used to be but now with a fake rank ontop of it. I remember when they removed Unraked from the game during S2.
LMAO sort of true
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now what?
nah fuck the sword
>premade top 500 team is in the lobby
>the match becomes quick cash since nobody wants to deal with them
It's just constant 3rd party after 3rd party

I just want diamond so I never have to touch ranked ever again
crossplay on or off?
how bad is aim assist in this game?
do top players use controller?
Off, even if most top rankers have it on so they can shit on console kiddies since they don't run the risk of having one as a teammate. If you intend to soloq, turn off crossplay
It's a lil strong but I can't comment on it since I don't use roller
>top players
I think most are MnK
If you want to have any hope on controller then you need one with those back paddles you can set for movement abilities
Play Apex
idk if it's always been like this and I haven't noticed until today or what, but is your menu locked to 60 fps, anons? I swear it feels sluggish.

Apex is total dogshit, get out of here
The menu isn't set to 60 fps in Apex Legends
I'll reinstall when they do the non-BR modes in a way that isn't so spastic and retarded
shove the mixtape shit into your ass and leave it there
*shits out a mixtape on the floor*
BLGS $400k 2nd Qualifier Finals tomorrow!
Uh, I mean....Season 4 in THE FINALS!!!

THE FINALS Finals LAN Day 3 brought by THE FINALStm
it is, actually
Only niggers don't know that
I blame lights for crying more about heavies and getting them nerfed. At least heavies could counter mediums in some ways.
need to delete light from the game. split light's abilities, weapons and equipment between heavy and medium.
Light is just terrible. It's terrible to balance and it's what every shitter in the world plays and they whine endlessly while their steam profile has only the light wins achievement unlocked.
THE FINALS and Apex Legends on /vg/!
The lone and unholy alliance to take on the gacha hordes
So epic
I can't make solo queue heavy work no matter what I do, he is just too reliant on team
Just play medium. No reason to play the other classes until they do something about defib and buff the weapons for heavies to not be bb guns or confetti launchers.
Yeh i started out with that and realised instantly i was a walking meme
Heavy needs support, light needs someone to draw attention.

Seems like there's only one class left that can fight at any range and gets unique and powerful gadgets that let them cover any weakness in any comp. It also just so happens to have the most consistent and intuitive weapons that exist in every other shooter made ever.
>a hat's a hat, but the reward wheel can be ANYTHING
>it could even be a HAT
>model nerfs
finally, but it won't stop MMM stacks
Where are the Jack-O'-Lanterns?
>They made the captain saucerian bundle limited time again
Will they be in rotation? What was the point of removing it's exclusivity from S1 battlepass only to then make it limited time again?
>nerfed the model 1887
Thank god. That piece of shit kicks my ass too often.
I'm stuck in plat hell, I legit can't get above 35k rs, it's so frustrating, I just want to reach diamond and never touch ranked again
I went from 33k to 29k and stopped caring.
medium lucked out and didn't get completely gutted before active development slowed down like heavy did. Heavy's job is being a terrifying close range threat and after endless nerfs he's arguably not that good at it anymore, especially with mesh gone which comp players liked to hold up as the only honest part of him that should be preserved compared to the actually fun parts of the class. meanwhile medium
>still has the best ranged damage
>still has top tier mobility tools
>still has incredible support value no matter what
>Light class teammate
>sucks balls
I should be able to filter these faggots. I'll just keep on reporting them for throwing.
I always think about reinstalling Apex, but then I remember that Apex is probably the absolute hardest fps multiplayer game to play and get into as a solo player
Went from 35k to 28k then back to 35k and now to 33k-ish. It's such an atrocious system, especially the MM being fucked and most high ranks playing exlusivley in stacks with comms.
>buffed the xp54

its already the best gun light has
unless your good with the marksman
shitters cried
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>ruby 3 man stack (they're always the same 3 cunts)
>not a soul contests them so it's always our team vs 2 more
I can't with this shit, our heavy was a fucking flamer mesh too
oh and my next game had a full on ragehacking cheater team that could hit through shields and have max range with shotguns.
what a fucking joke
I will play THE FINALS halloween on halloween
pumpkins have no dropoff and shoot off like rockets
Why do retards quit the game over slight inconveniences?
Oh no you died maybe learn from your mistake and stop ruining it for people who happened to match with you
Because it won't harm their w/l ratio and stats.
This game seems pretty good now, i couldnt get into it before but i think i get it now
>teammates doing well, we drop our guard and choke in the last minute
Fuck this gay earth
Had this happen yesterday
>last cashout of the match, we did well and wiped many opponents
>slip up at the last time because I fell and we got separated
>all of us get picked off
loose in the last 2 seconds.
>only world tour
Fuck this crap
Havent had much luck with them so far
is this the mythical use case for the data reshaper?
>get paired with RUBY, DIAMOND, PLATINIUM and even SILVER in the same fucking room
>ranked has SBMM guise
Honestly I'm so fucking glad this game exists. There's literally nothing else out there with fast pace and longish TTK like this. I was homeless without Dirty Bomb.
>we're gaining fans too quickly via support
>nerf it so we don't take away from the competitive matches with it or whatever
>immediately add challenges that can only be done in ranked lite
lol, lmao even
it usually means that the golds and silvers are getting boosted by cheater or cheating themselves. It's really not uncommon
>loose the easiest match ever because my teammate stood still
He plays well but holy shit, a very easy match with all golds and we lost because of retardness. Almost 2k down the shitter.
How do we keep loosing easy fucking matches???
>I was homeless without Dirty Bomb.
Same but i still play that time to time, i just suck tremendously
Bad timing, bad synergy
god i love the throwing knives so much
>longish TTK
not if my double barrel has anything to say about it
If you play healer in ranked and you have less than 3k support per match, stop playing healer.
Embark needs to get a motherfucking grip on the cheating issue, almost every fucking match has obvious cases

bunch of cum guzzling faggots can't
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It actually doesn't have actual SBMM
it has their dumbass RS system that rounds up total RS and matches up people with roughly close RS and your seeding indicates your final reward. Unfortunatly, it's pure ass since you get get matched up with people that have 20k more RS than you do.

This match for example was counted as "Easy"
we were 2 plats and a diamond btw, seeding 3 iirc. Thankfully the ruby team was ass and got wiped. Lost the final because my brain became mush and I played like ass.
Alright bros, how many times have you spun the wheel so far and how many dupes have you pulled? I'm 8 for 1 so far.
>get 3rd partied
>get 3rd partied
>get 3rd partied
>get 3rd partied
I'm going fucking insane, these matches shouldn't be that fucking hard for christ sake
>try to help the Apex Legends general stay alive by offering THE FINALS
>they reject the help
>general dies again at less than 200 posts
Ingrates. We had the Holtow World Tour Alien Invasion Event and currently have the Trick or Treat event.
Those bastards don't deserve shit.
Why the fuck is the pike still not nerfed? The devs know it's too strong. They have said it's too strong. Everyone is aware medium is too strong. So why in their slap on the wrist nerf they gave it they said they know it's too strong but they'll just nerf it later? I'm tired of every fucking medium running pike/defib/jump
shut the fuck up shitter, the Pike aint that useful, you need to be a retard and stand still to be killed by that thing, i guess you are another lightweight shitter
Leave the thread dead until tuesday... or forever ;_;
Finalschads... I kneel.
>Pike is OP
Maybe try to move around you fat fuck
I havent tried any melees in this game other than sledgehammer.
Looks like im watching a game battlefield 5 when i see people zooming around with those dual wield swords
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>Sweat your ass off trying to juke and flank the triple medium team in every which way imaginable and pick them off one after another before they can chain defib and automatically win the fight against your literal bot teammates
>one of them just deletes the wall and headclicks you

>assumes I'm light

>assumes I'm heavy

Nope. nothing to see here. Medium is the worst class and is oppressed.
I love this game, it's lots of fun!
Is heavy + shotgun good or am i just a retarded noob?

Yes i am enjoying getting back into this somewhat. Still getting into flow of things with gameplay and teamwork but otherwise not doing too bad
had a guy shoot through shields
Winch SA is the preferred choice of a lot of high rank heavies. If you have really good aim, the KS is another choice.
Sorry, here at Embark we're hard at work at not fixing hitbox errors that have been ingame since launch and ignoring cheater reports. Stay tuned for next week's patch where we nerf heavy's charge because of it's high pick rate and we buff the M11 and sword. No, we aren't gonna fix the gamemode screen bugs or the menu stutters.
Hate these Rev skulls in the trick or treat mode. The enemy squads seem to find and throw every single one of them as soon as they drop
I used to think /axg/ was a comedy...
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Official Light Class Quick Guide: Early Unlock Class! [For New Players]
How come the voice actors put more effort into a youtube tutorial
The skulls revive?
>no stungun
>no sonar
>no invis bomb
>cloak instead of dash
Short for Revenant
What is it with the schizo trying to merge the finals and apex
>voice actors
It started off as THE FINALS shitposts to keep the Apex General from dying. Then a few fags followed in the shitposting.
The general was still dying so a retard decided that the only way to keep the Apex general alive was to infuse the OP with THE FINALS.
Some apex fag made another general, effectively rejecting THE FINALS. The Apex general has been dead for over a day now.

Source: I came from the Apex General
cool, I guess
huh, like from doom?
Here's the actual easy light build
>XP or M11
>sonar or gate
>inv bomb
So what? Nobody here cares about your fag game
You don't have to bully me. I wasn't playing Apex since last year. I only browsed /axg/ for the sex. Speaking of which, where's THE FINALS sex?
all the default presets look ass ugly and the cover girl was never added ingame. there is no sex, unless you wanna fuck fat dudes with wigs. Apex also has lost all sex since they introduce actual trannies. So thinking back, you might like the finals r34
>battlefield general (and game) is dead
>apex legends general (and game) is dead
I have no home now. Never thought this would happen to me.
welcome to /vm/ the retirement home for "dead" games
There was never any sex in apex. They had lobba but she always was a "yass queen slay!" female character with a man face. They decided to make her into a dyke so any attractiveness she had was thrown out the window. Every character is an unattractive pile of shit so to not offend the troons, pooners and other fags that don't touch the game for more then 30 minutes a week.
there's no finals sex
i looked, nothing

best you can get is looking up their skirts when stealing a cashout as a spectator
shame because some of the female heavies look good in skintight stuff
bros, they permabanned my battlebuddy for no reason.... they won't ban actual cheaters but they'll ban someone who just happened to play well a night.... we were on a loosing streak for almost a week and we finally broke through and now this... I feel so bad for him, he even had exclusive items and stuff...
Why the FUCK would you want finals sex?
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it's a first person shooter with customization anon, the best you'll get is some guy drawing his outfit
too bad the faces and bodies in this game are horrendously ugly
>omg why isn't our game blowing up?!
attractive characters are important for a game whose revenue scheme is built around the sale of cosmetics
stupid retarded swedish faggots
You need some wild ass fucking immagination to be able to make the one on the left sexy. Like at that point you can't even tell they're from the same game
Seriously, how the fuck do some braindead idiots reach such high ranks? Just had a complete fucking retard in ranked that was 34k and would simply not stick with us, would get killed far away and no matter how many times we spammed "Group up" he would rather go solo against a whole team. I hate not having an actual permanent 3man stack, this shit is so fucking annoying.
>play a super easy and accessible build that allows you to pubstomp with low effort
>glide through the low ranks
>hit a wall at higher ranks once all your opponents are skilled enough to completely shut you down
>never learned how to actually play the game on the strategy side because all you ever did was hold W and kill stuff
odds are a Light abusing the SMGs or a Medium with a shotgun or assault rifle
medium with pike....
Don't understand this mind set with modern devs where its either a full on coomer game where everyone is a super model, with a simple almost mind numbing gameplay loop or amazing gameplay with aggressively ugly character models that aren't allowed more then an ounce of femineity or masculinity. Imagine if we had a game that was just the Finals but with korean character design sensibilities.
>Apex Legends ingame models vs the fan art the Japanese fans make
it's so sad

everyone was trying to ripoff Overwatch, but they forgot an important aspect of that game's runaway success...
>apex legends
are you retarded?
no I'm saying that image mirrors the phenomenon with Apex Legends artwork vs ingame models
>character ingame is a vomit-worthy disgusting gremlin
>artwork by Japanese fans depicts them as cute and attractive
that's not high rank anon
>I hate not having an actual permanent 3man stack, this shit is so fucking annoying.
ruby grind discord?
i got a lot of great games by just randomly adding people i did well with or at least had fun with. adding enemies after the game can work too. Networking, anon, networking!
Its weird that the whole time there were atleast 4 people shitposting THE FINALS in /axg/ when i thought it was just 2 of us
Anon... its time to move on
I can't let go. All my favourite guns are in Apex.
Apex is dead. THE FINALS gets more updates in 4 months than Apex does in a year.
>have ttv in my name
>Haven't streamed in years
>Just leave it on because people act funny when they see it
>Just grinding out revive dailies in quick cash
>Let enemy steal cash so I can get revive
>Guy suddenly gets on mic and asks if I'm live
>Tell him no
>He goes in a tirade about how I'm fucking trash at the game and yadda yadda
>Tell him I'm just doing dailies because embark said so
>Tells me I'm a bad person who lacks standards and principles

And all I got was a dupe from the wheel
kill yourself faggot streamer fuck
echoing the above
>that's not high rank anon
dumbass, diamond cutoff is 40k and at these ranks you get paired against ruby full stacks very often.
>ruby grind discord?
I'm already in there but I haven't used it in a while since I had another semi permanent guy I played with but no 3rd. Worked out good sometimes and not so good other times
>i got a lot of great games by just randomly adding people i did well with or at least had fun with
That's what I did, but since there's no DM system, I can't contact them in any other way while ingame and our gaming schedules don't always match up.
I get all my contracts done by simply playing the game. I never had to "hunt" for them (save for the throwable direct hit one but I paired it with the pumpkin challenge)

also powershift is much better for contracts. But I bet you play lightweight
>>Let enemy steal cash so I can get revive
you are a selfish faggot
you can easily get 5 revives in one match playing medium, you don't have to throw a game retard
>Selfish faggot
>But farming your teammates with defib is okay

Only faggots play medium.
>helping people by quickly rezzing them with defib
>something a medium should be doing regardless of contracts or game type
>somehow this is a bad thing
what the fuck am I reading?
No wonder you're a retarded ligger
Defibbing your team mates in front of the entire enemy team is not helpful.
You don't actually play the game do you
TTV is a morale drainer
What counts as interrupting opponents who are stealing our cashout?
I've done the stun, and killed someone trying to steal and it's still not counted for some reason.
it’s bugged and just rng at this point
Winch Claw
Do the other two sponsor weapons have a special effect like the HOLTOW Hammer?
>try out motion sensor for fun
>cooldown is so small with 2 charges that you basically can toss them like grenades
>learn quickly that players will often ignore it
>also realize it shows enemies without delay the moment it lands
>toss the sensor in a room before going in
>start charge n slamming through walls and getting easy kills
holy shit are heavies are sleeping on these or what
even before it was bugged, the thermal bore sometimes didn't work for it
the challenge is absolutely retarded, took me so long
its not bugged, they just haven't put any thought into it

moving them via breaking floor, or charge and slam doesn't count
with winch claw you have to grab them, NOT the cashout
winch or stun gun + portal is probably easiest way

you have to actually kill them while they hold down the button, if they let go for even a millisecond (they normally do) it won't count

the absolute worst thing about this game is that they never test shit first, they just rollout updates and then fix it 4 weeks later
idk about you guys, but I got that contract by simply playing, wierd.
But the current bug that really grinds my fucking gears is the outline bug. Enemy outlines will default to "red" instead of displaying the team colour as it used to do. This is incredibly annoying when keeping track of the enemy teams.
I'd rather have a barricade or a dome shield.
The RPG is non-negotiable.
just toss it into the reserve
I already have it, I never used it once in ranked and have only seen it used a handful of times. It used to be a decent choice for ranked TA but for ranked cashout, you'll most be on the assault, better to have a barricade that can do both defence and great assault support. You wouldn't believe the ammount of times I use a barricade as a ladder to quickly get up a floor.
Nope, if you chose Engimo or Iseul-t you objectivley made the worst choice and I say this as someone who doesn't even like the Holtow sponsor rewards. The reciept print hammer is the only thing of value and the only melee with that gimmick.
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4th season btw
barricade is super useful yeah, has the upside of being able to be picked up again as well.
>MMM pikes
Kill yourself please
Pikemen beat cavalry but they lose to archers, go LLL bows.
what if i'm still on the stone age phase??
>loose bot matches
>almost win against cheater stacks
Having teammates that work together does wonders. Had a dude who claimed he was 42k+ and was on his smurf and he played like ass and cost us the game.
Why is collecting fans for the sponsorship thing so slow, am I doing it wrong? Is there an optimal way to speed it up?
having high support. afaik people would spam gas nades and heal eachother to farm support score and get loads of fans. I think they changed it but idk
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Are barricades still OP for support farming?
heartbeat sensor*
Oh... yeah lmao
Oh yeah forgot about that
Yeah they should be good
>only at 10 unlocks
>3 straight days of dupes
What fucking retard thought this was a good idea?
Medium should be removed from the game. Everything about them is the antithesis of fun fps's and the design of the finals.
sorry typo i mean lightweights***
Ah brain fart, i meant fatfucks
>Sword nerf
>Pike nerf
fucking FINALLY
the FAMAS apocalypse is upon us
execs who know people will just get desperate and shill out them multibucks to complete the collection.
you can buy some itmes for VR btw. Not all, but like 10 of them can be bought with VR. Only reason why they upped the cap to 5k and have the already claimed rewards only give VR.
yeah! fuck those fatfu-
>RPG does 100 dmg and almost 200 self damage
>dome lasts less than a revive/steal
>barricades can be dematted
>c4 is useless
>mesh is useless
>most of his weapon roster is ass
>about to steal a winning cashout
I'm getting tired of getting jumped by a 3rd party of cancerous bastards that travel 200 meters+ just to fuck you over, despite having 100k in the bank. Cuz fuck you, that's why.
If this is World Tour then a team is doing this to get extra cash from getting kills with no downsides on wipe. If it gets too chaotic then I just hide in a corner and get ready to interrupt steals with nades/c4 while hoping another team will come to distract them
>sword nerf
>Devs called it oppressive

In what fucking world? Every class has popular gadgets, weapons, specializations that delete all melee load outs. Why do they keep nerfing the sledge and sword?
The sword nerf was very much called for
It wasn't WT, I hardly play that mode.
jesus chirst, haven't had a ranked match today were we weren't third partied. Seriously, every goddamn match was us getting team after team onto our asses only for then the top team to come by and simply grief. No, not for money or anything, just for fun. 36k to 33k in a day, what a joke.
Again, in what world? No top light player is using sword except to dunk on bad players in quick play. They could do the same with any weapon. The only problem sword has is that the animation for the receiving player didn't match. But that was always a problem before this most recent buff they just reverted so it will still be a problem but the weapon will be worse as well. Same retarded thing they just did to the hammer. Fix the fucking animation instead of actually nerfing the already niche and underused weapons that get easily countered.
Sword was not underused in ranked at all
I dont play this game much but what the fuck do you expect retard

>1 team dominates
>1 team good but no handholders
>1 team is practically non existent usually because a quitter
>I don't play this game
>gives his opinion anyways
Quitters are rare in ranked, even if you soloqueue

what usually happens is
>load into game
>press tab
>check scoreboard and see team X is all rubies (even if there are golds in the lobby btw, great MM)
>everyone agrees to not even bother trying to attack them
>team X gets free cashouts while it's a scramble for the other cashout
>team X decides to "join in on the fun" and fuck everyone over because why not

oh and the metric ton of cheaters and smurfs, so fun!
>Quitters are rare in ranked, even if you soloqueue
Maybe at your higher rank, i play a few matches every now and then and most of the time theres a quitter
Can't say, I flew from bronze to plat, but now I'm stuck at never being able to go above 35-36k. I reach that RS and then get hit with loss after loss after loss. Sometimes because we had no synergy, some times is because of the cheaters. I don't like the RS system, it's fucking ass, legit prefer the S2 system, no matter how simplistic and convolutedly hidden it was, at the very least, I didn't get 2 diamond teams in my plat matches.
Are the devs all migrating to arc raiders? Patches are sporadic and nothingburgers
>THE FINALS patch nerfed the Pike and healing beam
Back to the 1887 it is then
your retarded, it was already good, they buffed it for no reason, and now they have reverted the buff

plenty of people use sword, and they almost always do very well
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They're now focused on content since the game is mostly balanced now.
Can Embark stop listening to reddit now that they've been proven wrong (again)?
somewhat offtopic but
>battlefield cops and robbers is nearly 10 years old
how in the fuck

>third-person, PvPvE action survival shooter
Eww, not for me
5th day in a row all duplicate spins
c4 explosive mine and barricade
I call it the wrapped present build
Nothing puts a brighter smile on my face then seeing some medium vaulting into my barricaded cashout only to explode

Also a surprising amount of kills on the rooftop entrances on monaco since mediums love to jumppad to the roof and drop in
that's retarded

since they're not gonna balance the game anymore, are they gonna fucking fix the cheating problem? We've reached an alltime high of cheaters now, atleast 1 per tournament, lots of new accounts with 1k kills, playing with rubies too, go figure.
I haven't been killed by C4 since the C4 nerf back in S1. I have seen people try though, with no success.
If Hardline's maps were bigger and the TTK slightly higher, it would have been better, but it really does just feel like an overblown BF4 dlc at times. Campaign was funny though.
Model never left, but pike is now swapped for the famas
The sword nerf ain't that bad, imo.
>Holtow has the best cosmetics in general
>Holtow has cool and unique weapon skins
>it has the most ads and catchphrases
I picked Engimo for the sex. I kinda regret it.
>sniper rifle skin
why? I've seen more Iseul-t fans than engimo ones
I picked the korean one, inslop or whatever its called
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finally bit the bullet and set up the OBS replay feature and stopped using shadowplay
that shit would turn itself off so often and I would lose some clips
did the same too. Spent an hour editing out all the black frame flickers and said fuck it. Shadowplay is pure shit
I just use steam's built in recording since they introduced it in the beta, it's a godsend for me and so simple to use.
The ranked experience is not going to improve unless they do something about the way cashout works in general and improve the solo que experience. With the lack of QOL shit and incredibly chaotic nature of the game, people aren't going to touch ranked with a 10 foot pole. Also not to mention there's tons of people who just play the game 8 hours a day to stay on the top of the leader boards; playing the most cancerous loadouts, sucking the fun out of it for everyone else who's not a meta slave.
The current ranked meta is so fucking cancerous, yeah man, MMM is so fun to fight against, I really enjoy how they have 3 extra lives, better destruction than heavy and more mobility than a light. Who needs RPG when you can roleplay as a canadian in WW1 and spam granades into a building for 150 dmg? trying to escape? lol get dematted into!

I love being griefed by teams who are already winning and just come on by just to make sure you get dead last and loose a day's progress!

Oh and that match was "easy" btw

here at embark we know how to make games
Just don't play ranked anon.
explosive mines detonate the c4, it does something like 252 damage
anybody can spam grenades
only one class can heal behind a corner quickly inbetween the nade and the push
>Quickplay mode is too easy
>World tour mode is too hard
I suffer
I know this game isnt just about kills but im 3/4 of the way through a match and both my teammates have 1 kill each and im on 7
I'm convinced the same people who say this game is trash are the teammates who run in and die over and over again and wonder why they got no score or anything
Nah, I'm convinced the same people who say this game are trash are the teammates who run in and get kills, but never actually the ones that matter enough to repel the enemy or take a cashout, so they just complain about their teammates or how "it's bad because I can't carry despite getting all these kills" when instead they'd do better if they simply refocused.
Why haven't they removed the chinese yet from this game?
quickplay is actually harder than world tour
teammates are much more likely to be shitters
only 1 cashout so 3rd party is guaranteed
infinite coins means team is always split up, mediums never use defib

i say this and i have to play on another continents servers for wt
>who run in and get kills, but never actually the ones that matter
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this game consistently has the worst balancing in any multiplayer shooter. I'm shocked at how it still manages to retain a playerbase, the movement and destruction are doing all the heavy lifting
>closed betas: LH1
>open beta: V9S
>season 1: wallhacks and nukes
>season 2: FCAR
>season 3: HHM
>season 4: m1887

it's so frustrating how embark balances purely off metrics instead of playing and understanding the mechanics of their own game
it's quite nice to have for sure but when I used I found it a little difficult to use, maybe the interface was a little buggy at the time because it would not show me video sometimes or let me freely skim through the footage which was annoying
Someone's bot just broke lol
i think youll find its actually very on topic
I think demat needs a nerf
my idea is that it should take something like 0.3 or 0.5 seconds to demat something. Make it do the same tablet animation as the turret recall. It's unfair that medium gets the most effective method of destruction with no downsides.
man i remember devs being baffled that people were using the LH1 like shotguns hipfiring them. Goes to show that players might not always engage with the mechanics in their intended way.

the game is carried by the fact that every other FPS on the market is beyond stale and shit and the fact that it's free (despite being very resource intensive and with poor optimization)
I want that diamond skin
OCE that bad?
push when you know your grenade will explode, after all you're the one who threw it.
nta but it's not the issue of "everyone has granades" but it's the issue that only medium has the flex spot that allows him to bring granades and not loose a single bit of his utility. Every other class needs to make compromises, medium doesn't.
>3 stack medium circlejerk
>Teammate literally cannot stop himself from pushing in against them alone
Literal opposite of true. Medium is the class with the most auto picks.
lol? Sir, your RPG, dome barr? Would you like charge or winch with that?
I agree with you in that I don't think Heavy NEEDS to take rpg dome barricade but he's kind of right in the sense that Medium's important tools are so obvious (and have been since launch) that it opens up your last slot to be whatever (often a grenade) while light and heavy can be a little more ambiguous as to what's most useful
I think that's mainly up to your playstyle, I like switching whatever fits the situation in and out from reserve.
When I play medium, it's a matter of
>do we have another M? and what does he play?
If he has double movement, then I bring nades or glitch. If he doesn't, I bring double movement.

when I play heavy, I never once needed to change my loadout. Maybe switch lewis to deagle if I'm feeling it that day.
They actually need to do something about demat, desperately. Medium has absolutely no business having a tool like that. The second I read "we gave medium sledge mobility with none of the downsides of using sledge" I couldn't believe what I was reading
>let's give the no demolition and handicapped mobility class the best demolition and mobility tool in the game, this is a fair tradeoff for them losing a spec that's so cartoonishly overpowered that we had to remove it from the game outright
>load up quickcash
>two teammates are lights
>both console players
>know im in for hell
>immediately they go in and start going for 1v3s
>we never fight as a team because they are always are dead
>ignore reviving others when they do manage to stay alive
>one disconnects
How the hell do people enjoy quickcash? I went back to it to mess around after playing world tour for months and it’s an even worse solo q experience.
It was never a good gamemode
It's constant 3rd partying, the worst aspect of this game, made into a full gamemode

if I wanna play casual, I just play powershit nowdays
i enjoy the chaos of managing third partying and think it's a fundamental part of the game
I like not having to commit around an hour to play the game
I enjoy the experience of carrying teammates
I like not having to sweat coining because it further enables me to do my own thing
People complaining about nukes should've been banned from the game. That shit was fun, and 90% of those queers left and never came back anyways.
>it's so frustrating how embark balances purely off metrics instead of playing and understanding the mechanics of their own game
It's like BFV, where they did literally the exact same thing and got pissed off when it made their playerbase mad!

>WHAT DO YOU MEAN you don't like that we killed long range TTK on every gun in the game? our data CLEARLY SHOWS that people leave when they get killed at long range which means it'll be good for player retention! What do you mean you don't like that your rifle feels like a peashooter?
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>it's so frustrating how embark balances purely off metrics instead of playing and understanding the mechanics of their own game
That's how the majority of devs, at least in the west, go about tweaking the sandbox. You have to understand, the age of devs being gamers and having passion and love for what their creating is dead. Most game developers now are washed out devs from big software companies. These people do not play video games unless its on the clock, some of them outright despise games and the people who play them.
Most recent and most egregious example was Helldivers 2 when the devs did a stream 2-3 months ago before their big update. They weren't even playing on the hardest difficulty and where getting absolutely fucked, picking loadouts that made no sense and displayed a general lack of understanding of how their own game worked and played. These people do not play games, let alone their own, so they have resort to stats.
I tried being a medium class medic, i try to heal as much as possible, i revive, and i still get more kills than these retards. Do i just go full barricade heavy/cancer light?
Feels like what im trying at the moment doesnt help me or my team
you cant find any world tour, ranked or bank it games on OCE
almost every single player is unranked

it is a dead game on OCE
in the time it took for the captcha to load i got another larp sniper back to back. this game is actual trash
are model and pike still OP
Stop playing ranked, especially stop soloqing. Those ranked gun skins are not worth your time or sanity. I've played just about every fps that wasn't some eurojank and about all them (atleast a year into their lifespan) had a good enough match making system where you could get to a pretty high ranked soloquing of off your own skill. This game is probably THE worst solo que experience you can ever subject yourself too.
When does ranked become unplayable? I'm gold 1 and so far 80% of my games have been incredibly easy and my teammates have been higher rank than me. I'm still the mvp either way
>This game is probably THE worst solo que experience you can ever subject yourself too.
you havent played many games
for a start, theres no teamkilling - well not directly anyway
not really it feels vaguely reasonable now
kinda i guess
A big part of why the model was so powerful was because the rest of the sandbox that stopped the shotgun from getting close were all nerfed into the ground. Literally most weapons at this point pale in comparison to what they were, whether that be Flamethrower, V9S or Scar.
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>watching videos of people using model
>they are flying through the map 2 tapping everyone
>try using model
>miss all my shits
>die from slow reload
how do i get movement like that
Getting good movement is the easiest part of it. Double movement makes you and your team ridiculously agile. The thing that gets me is that I can't pace my shots well enough, I fire too early and have to waste time cycling/reloading.

a few tips
-zip into catapult pad can cover hundreds of meters in seconds, use that for bumrushes
-pad your heavy, only way to guarantee RPG shots
-when in danger, pad away, don't zip away
-model doesn't need ads but it requires some trigger discipline
-chase when necessary, don't chase because of rage
>stomping hard as MMM (yes, it's disgusting but we were going down too much)
>reach finals agaisnt another MMM squad
>we wipe them easy
>they get 2 cashouts because we overextend too much
We had something like 25-30 kills total and we still lost because we were retarded. We deserved it.
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>Shield user on team
>Contributes nothing
Many such cases.
riot shield or mesh?
Riot shield. Someone who is competent can do great things with it, but most don't.
yeah a good riot shield player can be a thorn in anyone's side
love the riot shield
even lights could oneshot teams out of nowhere it was just every team carrying around the obligatory nuke
it would have been more fun if they reduced charges first and made them really vulnerable to being shot
Worst ranked season ever
lost 3k in a day
that on top of 2k yesterday
hurray back to fucking gold
New thread wehn youre ready to move
Look who came crawling back. I saw the /vg/ thread die over 3 times now and stopped caring. Apex doesn't deserve my THE FINALS bumps.

Before you comment, no I will not spend money to buy the remaining 3 items I need.
There are several days left. I even missed a day or two, haven't done yesterday's dailies yet, and I'm at 19/20. You'll get it anon.
Some other anons let me in the loop and told me that I could buy some with my VRs (?) I don't actually know what the non-purchasable currency is called and now I'm at 16/20 and I'm just gonna hoard all the tickets until the last day and let jesus take the wheel

I feel like this is some gay psyop to get me consistently back on Apex
The premium currency is called multibucks. There's still enough time for most people who aren't totally late to the party. The 20/20 reward looks like it has tons of great parts.
enemy lights are so annoying because the kind of player it attracts is the kind of player that thinks it's the cod trickshot class where you literally just run in and kill everybody

like they're not successful at winning but they're really good at rushing you at the worst possible time
That's the point of lights. They aren't intended as duelists but as opportunists. Hit-and-run tactics shit. If you are mindful and have decent aim, you can clear most lights, but if you're careless, they'll dance around you.
That's what I mean, though. They're not good at being opportunists. They don't consciously take a clean pick and then fuck off, they blindly run in and attack the first thing they see (which can easily be you,) die, and if you happened to be the thing they targeted you're either dead and wounded enough that winning against the last team is extremely difficult. Enemy lights end up feeling like spoilers.
ticket drops will stop a few days before event ends.
"Ticket drops end on the 13th but the event will stay live until the 15th"
so you have 3 days, 9 spins, 20 items all with a 5% chance

i only have 2 left
fuck this motherfucking shitass game, ranked is filled with smurfs and cheaters, I keep loosing what the game keeps calling "easy" matches and it's a -1k loss every fucking time
by this rate, I ain't getting fucking diamond EVER
>playing heavy
haha this is so much fun i'm a wrecking ball I just run in and delete things holy shit i'm running through walls this is awesome
>playing light
holy fuck i'm outsmarting all of these idiots i'm literally untouchable hahahahahah
>playing medium
i clicka da bad man
so many cheaters
I run into people I even suspect of cheating so infrequently and generally do well enough that it makes me wonder how many people have thought i'm cheating
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if it's a cool feeling you want, then I'd highly recommend the Medium's Dematerializer
>start attacking someone
>disappear through a wall and seal it behind you before they can chase you
In casual it's easy to seem like a cheater, but in ranked there are actual known cheaters that are top 500 and still haven't been banned. just had a ruby guy that only hit headshots.
demat is the closest thing to making medium fun but at the end of the day the class is still about clicking heads at medium range, just with the ability to create angles or make bullshit escapes you shouldn't have gotten away with
at least with revolver the clicking heads part feels fun and satisfying
Why the frick does light have so many more weapons
Spectating controller players is hard to watch desu
>that feeling when everyone is fighting for one box and you somehow manage a steal
Shit like the smoke grenade only really getting used after the buff is a large part of why I can't listen to a single fukken thing this community has to say about balance. It's ALWAYS been good but they sleep on everything else in the game that isn't part of what they think is the meta or what should be the meta.
>play medium
>try using anything other than healing beam
>feel like I'm throwing
shroud made an offhand comment about the game saying that "this game is too much for codbrains" and he was right

that said I don't really like smokes, snuffing fires is cool and all but they feel unreliable compared to just blocking line of sight with goo
I feel like im throwing when i use it though
when I really firmly feel like I'm not going to get value out of teamplay I drop defib and medigun in favor of demat and something like double mobility/goonade or something of that nature
>play with high rank teammates
>"Bro don't play heals, just play demat"
>during every match I keep thinking to myself
>"If only I had a healbeam, I could have helped my team more"
this is a game with high enough TTKs and enough cover that "just kill them faster dude" isn't necessarily viable

there is some truth to it though
every now and then you'd see a competitive overwatch team do a round / match of 6 DPS because every single one of them was a god
Idk i accidentally picked this light default class and didnt know you could change loadout
Funny that shitters tell you to uninstall, must be hard having teammates better than them and have to take responsiblity for their own actions
It's always the dogshit players who try to solo, fail, and then even when spoken to politely, complain about the team.
>Play last night with randoms, including some asshole Medium who contributed ONE kill, and basically nothing else for the OBJ or otherwise
>I ask him kindly to be careful about reviving me in the middle of slews of people (since he did it and got us both double-killed like a retard)
>He got all snarky, starts passivsly, then actively insulting me for no reason
So many players become passive-aggressive when you make the simplest of requests. They're the ones who need to play a different game that doesn't require teamwork. I ended up teabagging his trophy while me and the other random roasted him in chat for being a confrontational asshat.
I'd say it depends on the team composition. If you're with randoms who don't give a fuck about coordination and cooperation, there's logically no point because they'll be too far to heal them anyway.
>French duo in vc
>both light class, can aim and zoom about but zero game sense
Got to love this seemingly universal trend across all games
>go afk on Quick Trash for 30 seconds
I don't care if you drop 10 kill per round in ranked, don't fucking play throwing knives light with no team util you fucking idiot
>soloq ranked
>get 2 light teammates
>one of them does not get a single kill
I fucking hate this game
Unironically just lock the light class from noobs
my last item on the wheel is only 75 multibux im saved

smokes suck ass in comparison to just about any other gadget light has
there are also smoke canisters everywhere around the map anyway

do you really have nothing else to complain about faggot
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Kill all Lights. Genocide of teammate Lights is permissible under all conditions. I hate you gloating solo fucks so much. Die!
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Does this even mean anything at this point
I'm new to the game, is the M60 supposed to suck?
>lights run somewhere useless and die
>heavy tries to solo 4 enemies
I'll just keep my turret for when we actually get to hold a point
Yeah it's a shit weapon, you're better off using lewis (in terms of LMGs anyways)
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Out of the 50+ reports I sent, I got an "action taken" popup maybe twice. I can't even block people anymore.
Fortnite has a better report system. I rarely run into cheaters anymore.
All heavy weapons suck. They made them have insane recoil and bloom so your supposed to stand still likes Its csgo shooting at people because "you have more health" while Ms and Ls get to strafe and jump as hard as they can while shooting. If you actually want to invest time into this game, pick the other two classes more frequently if you want to save your sanity.
>about to win
>enemy plugs at the last second
>get bumped down
Nah, it's the Heavy's basic go-to weapon. The trick to it is that it's got aggressive vertical recoil for the first 8 shot, and then after that it starts to tighten up immensely. It wants you to commit to extended covering fire, which isn't so bad because with its immense drum size, how important any damage is in the game, and the multi-team nature of things, the M60 excels in the role.

If you're having trouble fitting into that, try out the Lewis. Overall, the recoil pattern is actually way worse than the M60's, but the first 5-6 shots are definitely WAY tighter and thus it's better suited for running and gunning with quick bursts of fire. The tradeoff is that you need to land your headshots, because if you hit every single one, then you're quickly deleting Lights and laying massive damage on the other two classes, but if you don't, then things quickly go to shit with the recoil pattern.
To the light players that run bow in ranked

fucking why
Sustained fire means jack when most fights are decided in the first 5 seconds. Pretty much any weapon will outgun you within the timeframe when the M60 has decent aim. Lewis atleast has the damage to back it up.
Niggas will say this and then go
>damn I hate being third-partied :((((( how do I fight against this :((((((((((((
the dual deagles are the best pick if you know how to deal with bloom
everything else does fuckall damage
every game that tries to do the "only accurate when sustaining fire" fails unless it's high rate of fire and has at least 100 rounds if not 200
Why are you constantly malding in this thread? Get a stack if you don't wanna kill yourself after every ranked session.
there is no reason to kick me from a match because my shit team were without me for 30 seconds
Power shift is a pure slop mode
yes there is, so your teammates can get a replacement who isnt afk
>barely done the event wheel
>5 duplicates in a row
Ok then
>19/20 for two, going on three days
I'm so lucky my last one is only 800 VRs if the event ends. Dumb little pumpkin sticker.
>800 VRs
why don't you just buy it now then, VRs are useless if you have all the guns
Because I can still earn tickets, and I don't have all the guns/sights yet.
They might have to reduce the amount of placeable Glitch traps to 1. Lights are guaranteed sex (especially in buildings).
They already nerfed glitch traps at the start of the season, anon. It's max one in hands, two in world. That means the medium in question has to wait for the second mine to recharge before he can even place it. I hate lightloners as much as you, but it becomes more of a skill issue if you can't manage to deal with an already-nerfed item.
got tha hamma
nice job anon!
the thing is that glitch mines as they are now are largely addressing an issue that doesn't exist. The one thing everyone agrees they're great for is delaying or denying defib attempts, but all of their other uses- Heavy doesn't need to be denied from using their powerful close range abilities in close quarters (their literal win condition) and light doesn't need to be denied from using their mobility options in close quarters, the thing that keeps them alive. Medium already had ways to deal with both of these.

at the end of the day medium's basic class concept of "incredible support gadgets, best guns in the game" makes everything added on top of that seem stupid
>light doesn't need to be denied from using their mobility options in close quarters
are you retarded
this is the main purpose of them
the actually useful thing they're good at is stopping defibs. does medium actually need a specific way to stop light from zipping around when having decent-tier tracking already nullifies all of light's spastic movement options outside of corner-heavy CQC where light should probably have the advantage anyway?
>does medium actually need a specific way to stop light from zipping around
yes, learn to deal with counters instead of crying about it
having a counter like this only makes sense when medium doesn't already violently counter light without it
I agree that a commonly-agreed use is for preventing easy defibs. However, I don't see why using them to discourage all classes should be a problem. For my playstyle, their use is "discouragement". I want to make it more troublesome for enemies to take certain angles or routes against me. Trapping a careless Heavy that wants to chase me down a corridor, or trapping a Light that goes around my corner so he can't run and has to duel me.
>Heavy doesn't need to be denied from using their powerful close range abilities in close quarters (their literal win condition)
Okay, if you think that is the case, justify your position. Why should Medium players not be able to counter Heavies who storm into a room without preparing against util or making a safe path? All that takes is a Heavy dropping a shield as they push up to the Medium and rushing him or using a winch on him. Fuck, a Heavy with a brain doesn't even need to go into a room recklessly, and can throw util or shoot grenades/fire from a doorway all day until someone dies.
>light doesn't need to be denied from using their mobility options in close quarters, the thing that keeps them alive.
I see it differently. It's not hard to be danced around by capable Lights or sniped from afar. Lights have extremely high damage potential in the right hands, as well as shitloads of mobility and stealth options. They even have glitch grenades, which could take care of these mines. Yet, like the smoke grenades anons brought up earlier, few Lights ever use them. They have a direct counter to the mines; it is not the fault of Medium players (who have already had their mines nerfed) that Lights fail to use what is available to them. It is because they play carelessly and don't prepare that they are punished in this way. Lights almost always get punished in regular gameplay because they become overzealous and careless. If you put them in a city, they're like hit-and-run taggers, not fucking street vendors.
it doesn't though retard
play triple light against triple medium and tell me how that goes for you
It's the way Medium is designed. All of their primary strengths are universally strong with very little direct counterplay- being able to win any fair duel with a light and dominate either midrange or close range depending on their weapon class, being able to revive and heal, extremely powerful team mobility- Medium is fundamentally powerful and a lot of their gadgets are obvious picks, I usually think of their last gadget slot as a "flex" slot where there honestly isn't much lost by deciding to take a gadget that's as consequential of a counter as glitch mine is.

Meanwhile, Light and Heavy both IMO have reasonably competitive gadget choices. For Heavy you generally want tank, damage, and demolition, for light you want items that help bolster mobility because that's what keeps you alive. I don't feel like I'm missing something when I decide to take glitch mine on medium, but I feel like I'm making a pretty big sacrifice to decide to take glitch grenade on light because I'm giving up more general utility options that will help me play around Medium's fundamental strengths that they're almost always going to have.
I guess another way to put it would be-

Medium has generally rarely brought direct counterplay tools and at the moment in the current meta there's little need to, especially with the state of mesh shield which helped keep their guns in check. Heavy's entire job is to run in, throw down barriers and kill people right now, Medium getting to counter that by throwing down a gadget that isn't all that important to their strength is a little bit bullshit at the moment, as is telling Light they have to bring direct counterplay when Light is so reliant on his gadgets just to keep up already.
>being able to win any fair duel with a light and dominate either midrange or close range depending on their weapon class
In my view, lights aren't supposed to be throwing themselves into "fair duels" 24/7. They're supposed to take advantage of their util/abilities to quickly dispose of vulnerable or distracted targets and get out. It's why they're the only class with snipers, why they have a one-hit backstab weapon, bunch of sneaky util, and so on.
>a lot of their gadgets are obvious picks
Thing is, Mediums can play extremely different roles depending on how you have them kitted out. There are WT lobbies where you're expected to have jump pads and healing beams. Not because it's necessary or better, but because there's an expectation of how Mediums are supposed to play.
>Medium getting to counter that by throwing down a gadget that isn't all that important to their strength is a little bit bullshit at the moment
It's a penalty to Heavies who do not use their own unique gear to create opportunities for themselves. A smart Heavy will break walls, ceilings, and floors to open sight lines. If they have throwable util, they'll lob them in room corners to push the rats out. It is my view that it isn't Mediums being bullshit for using such util, but Heavies not playing their strengths. A door or hallway with a glitch mine won't mean shit if someone blows up the wall and winches the cashout out of the whole fortified space, blows all the util up with explosives, etc.
>as is telling Light they have to bring direct counterplay when Light is so reliant on his gadgets just to keep up already.
I have a Light sword loadout that has both the invis gadget and the invis grenade, so I'm never without an opportunity to go invisible. I have no problem racking up kills like that. I could easily swap out the first with a dash and still do invis hit-and-runs, perhaps even better if I so wished. I get to double up on invis, smoke the whole place, AND throw throw sonars as just one person. You can play around with your loadout so much as a Light too. I think you underestimate what Lights can do when acting wisely. My M11 Light loadout just mows people down in CQC even without glitch grenades because I watch out for risky angles, get in, and get out. Keep in mind, you can hear the beeping and see the lights of glitch mines very clearly too.
>I feel like I'm making a pretty big sacrifice to decide to take glitch grenade on light
That begs the question, what is this sacrifice? What makes you feel this way? As a Light, you already have plenty of multi-angle mobility (unlike Mediums who can only jump pad up vertically) unless you go invis, which is in of itself unique to Lights. What is so necessary as a Light that you can't live without it? The stun gun or something? I never use that thing, and I still clear enemies. You don't even need invis items to fuck with visibility if you have other util like flashbangs (and don't suck at tossing them). There are loads of universal and medium-specific counterplays. If you are struggling without your items, it's up to you as the player to not view some specific gear as a saving grace you need to rely on, but as a piece to play around. Experiment and all, you know? Well, that's how I see it anyway.
Look, it's great to say "well it should be on the community to think up counterplay" but the issue is that Medium doesn't really have to think up counterplay. Between assault rifles and the 1887 they're fantastic fighters. They alone have the game-changing healing abilities. They have great movement potential and are arguably better at indoors traversal than any other class.

When I play Medium, I take a rifle, a jump pad, and a defib. If we have another medium or I don't have faith in my team, I pick demat. If I do, I take healing gun, and my last slot is literally whatever based on whatever I think I might need, but it rarely feels like a game-changer. It's rarely that important because at the end of the day, good mobility+good gun is all you really need to succeed.
When I play Light I am CONSTANTLY thinking about what I'm going to have to do to get around not taking Medium head-on. Gateway is must-take, I need one of the breaching tools so my mobility isn't rendered irrelevant by decent fortification, I could probably use an escape tool of some kind in case I get caught out, I could use stun gun to play denies easier and have an easier time shutting down close quarters except even that is sketchy against the 1887, although having frags could also make dealing with certain fortified situations much easier- to put it simply, with Medium I feel like I have an extremely stable foundation and my flex gadget is just there for variety. With Light I feel like I'm incredibly unstable and my gadgets choices are critical if I'm going to win.

Heavy is much the same way because his pitiful vertical mobility and the nature of many of his breaches means he has trouble choosing fights. Choosing what to take is simpler on him than it is on Light because of restricted options, but I still feel like I'm covering for an inherent instability that I'm just not on Medium.
>Gateway is must-take
Because it's the meta/expected, or because you don't see alternatives being any better?
>I need one of the breaching tools so my mobility isn't rendered irrelevant by decent fortification
What of your teammates' util? What about explosive tanks, which are often fairly prominent?
>When I play Light I am CONSTANTLY thinking about what I'm going to have to do to get around not taking Medium head-on.
As you should! You're faster, have more mobility, can melt in close range easily, and can get out more easily. You would surely say that same shit about taking Heavies head on for the same reasons; you're a twig as a light.
>With Light I feel like I'm incredibly unstable and my gadgets choices are critical if I'm going to win.
I'm not going to debate how you feel because those are your personal feelings. Rather, I just want to state an observation about my prior two greentext lines:
>I need...
I think it's worthwhile to ask yourself what makes you use those phrases. I don't use either of these items in my Light loadouts, and that works well for me. I don't have issues getting into sites, and I find it enjoyable. If you feel your current loadout isn't providing you enough opportunities to put enemies at a disadvantage, maybe you should try different off-meta items, even completely different ones. Try flashbangs for instance.
>Heavy is much the same way because his pitiful vertical mobility and the nature of many of his breaches means he has trouble choosing fights.
I agree that Heavy has especially shit vertical mobility. Considering Heavy's weapons, it'd be fun as hell if they gave them some kind of Quake-esque leaping ability/util (though I can see tons of people complaining about dying from fatasses in the sky). All said, I think Heavy breaching/fight picks are about MAKING their angles, rather than taking what is instantly offered. As for Lights, I go more for the "where there's a will, there's a way" mentality.
>Because it's the meta/expected, or because you don't see alternatives being any better?
Because it's a fucking teleporter and the potential applications for it are absurd and useful no matter what.
>What of your teammates' util? What about explosive tanks, which are often fairly prominent?
not reliable, lights even in a team comp have to play on their own, tanks are literally random
>As you should! You're faster, have more mobility, can melt in close range easily, and can get out more easily
A big part of the problem I have is that this is not true. Light has a better time as far as macro movement, deciding where they want to approach from and the like- with demat, Medium is a way bigger threat indoors. I don't have a problem with Light being fragile and having to outplay Medium with positioning, but Medium has BETTER TOOLS for positioning outplay while still forcing Light to play around it. And of course, Medium consistently beats Light on TTK outside of a few situations, so the close range advantage is often just a hope that they mess up.

>oh ho but have you considered trying far more use-specific and generally mediocre items that you've already tried? Perhaps the real issue is that you're following the meta too closely!
I already don't follow rigid meta because rigid light meta is based around relying on an imperfect cloak. I do what works for me and I do very well, that doesn't change that Medium's character balancing at the moment is agonizing and they have zero need to be the class that gets to freely take hard counters for the other classes with no real downside.

Heavy's issue is that his guns suck so badly outside of close quarters (by design) that the only thing he can really do is close in and kill, which is effective, but it only really shines when medium can enable him with healing and team mobility. You need teamplay to make Heavy effective in a way that isn't true with Medium and even when Heavy was easy top 1, that was true.
LH1 is better than the Pike in literally every stat except for damage falloff but the 2x HS multiplier can make up for that.
The Pike feels fucking weird too. It feels like it tries to shoot when I'm not hitting the trigger...like it's full auto in a queue or some shit well after I've clicked. Feels so inconsistent in comparison despite decent damage.
I really wish they'd fix the shitty crosshairs and scopes, no wonder everyone just uses 3rd party crosshairs
speaking of bugs that should have been fixed 9 months ago, the one where you can't sprint sucks ass. Usually it happens almost exclusively while I'm in the middle of a 3v3v3 trying to escape, I'm fucking sick of it.
your probably hitting the toggle sprint button
There's a fucking TOGGLE SPRINT bind? ty Anon I need to get that sorted, will report back
>last paint is the worst
imo white and triangle one is best
>use demat
>can't see shit through it
>enemies use demat
>wiped the fuck out with surgical precision
how to git gud at bideogame
>start lagging on the last push for the last cashout in the finals on WT

this game has the most annoying lag experience, you just stand still
on every other game you at least move around and rubber band but this, just a sitting duck
Are today's tickets the last ones you can earn? By that, I mean if they'll switch to normal challenges on the next dailies switch.
I see, thanks. I was fortunate that after like 12 dupe rolls, I had enough VRs to buy the 800 VR sticker and 20/20 in time. Pretty great set overall. Would be cool if they did something similar for Christmas.
>can't even win casual matches anymore
it's over, i'm done
what's wrong
I've been on a loosing streak for a while now, cant get out of it
lost 10k rs in a day and now I'm stuck in gold
that and the metric fuckton of cheaters
dang, sorry to hear about that anon, hope you can turn it around eventually.
Thanks, here's hoping
>/axg/ dead
just bought 100€ worth of vbucks in finals
Samefag here. I don't think toggle sprint was the issue, I've seen other people run into this as well but I don't know if it's just broken for a set amount of time or if some weird button combo fixes it
Materialize some bitches nigga
just got absolutely annihilated in the finals by MML with pike, famas and LH1
impossible to get anywhere near objective, melted in seconds as soon as they see you
>soloq ranked
>end up HLL (i'm the H)
>"great another 1k loss"
>we reach the final round
>play with decent comp MHL
>loose dead last
it's a known bug, it just happens, try emoting or swtiching weapons/jumping
So.... How 'bout that Arc Raiders huh?
what 'bout it? it's gonna be DOA
Its DOA, the PVP is dogshit and the PVE is boring has hell
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Why couldn't have these been the default reload animations? I get the speen ones being novelty but these are just what should have been by default, instead of reloading offscreen. Seems like a premeditated cashgrab.
What's bad about it?
on top of being 40 bucks
i'm on the fence about robot enemies, I don't mind their desgin, but the ones you'll encounter the most of are flying ones and they're really annoying and visually unappealing. The ground ones are either balls or the occasional turret/snitch. Bisons are cool though.
>40 dollars
>Extraction Shooter
>3rd person
This should be enough to make anyone steer away from it
>DEI/Wokeshit (i'm supposed to believe that in italy there are more mutts than actual italians? Don't answer that.)
>PvP was a last minute thing and it doesn't gel well, hitreg is iffy and the shooting sucks in general
>PvE boils down to avoid Rocketeers and Bisons and kill anything else
>enemy design is very samey (compare Rollbots to fireballs, or wasps and that other flying unit)
>the majority will also be flying units which are annoying as hell
>they also aren't very fun to fight if i'm honest
>solved formula, heaviest armor+armor mods means that they need to magdump into you to get a kill
>and that's without considering the horrid bloom, sway and recoil every weapon has
>you can craft basic weapons at your base, so not much point in scavaging for them
>you can't do impomptu squads (think of The Cycles: Frontier) nor can you bretray (despite being in the trailer)
>there is prox chat and emoting but during the playtest, it was KOS for anything that moved

Basically every match will boil down to "go place>grab quest item>fuck off asap" which is what I did during my time.

The game has some positives, it's incredibly well designed, both with the sound and the world itself. You can tell that the design of the game came well before the actual gameplay

but worst of all
>no gameplay hook
there is simply nothing that makes me say "Arc Raiders is worth my time"
The Finals atleast is a very competent FPS (unfortunatley managed by IN-competent developers) but it has a lot of charm and uniqueness. Arc Raiders simply doesn't unless you're the kind of person that pogs at the mere thought of "DUUUUDEEE LOOK AT HOW PRETTY AND COOL THIS IS AAAAAA"
>the horrid bloom, sway and recoil every weapon has
Why does Embark like this shit so much? Added optics on weapons helps but I noticed yesterday when using the revolver how incredibly annoying it is to aim with the red dot when the damn thing keeps shaking everywhere.
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wait until you hear that crosshairs aren't actually accurate

every weapon shoots from the centre of the screen, despite what your visual crosshair/scope might indicate. This is solved by using a 3rd party crosshair, but according to embark, that would be an "unfair advantage". It used to be grounds for banning during beta tests.

case in point, try jumping while ADSing the scoped FAMAS
>tfw Samsung monitor has the shittiest built-in crosshair while other people got something with a simple center dot
you should see what horrible bullshit my pixio monitor has. The crosshair takes more space than the goddamn gun, what am I supposed to do with this
This is a thread for The Finals
Other threads can be used for Arc Raiders and Apex Legends and so on
Arc Raiders is only worth mentioning if they explicitly reveal the fact that it's the same universe as The Finals
who the fuck is gonna make a thread about a game whose only reason for being known is "it's made by the guys who made The Finals"
It's actually even more stupid than just that. The game's aim smoothing is so aggressive it completely removes weapon recoil if you're moving fast enough relative to your target. And I mean completely. People achieve laser-accuracy by spamming move keys while ADS and holding the trigger. It's retarded.
Yeah I knew about that, I need to abuse it more
Just watched the ARC Raiders "gameplay reveal" trailer and it was boring as hell in that video too.
Atleast they changed the font so it doesn't look like they're ripping off Star Wars Fallen Order lmao
If your stance is "nobody would wanna talk about it" then maybe that's the cue to just let it fizzle out
I think it's just a game that doesn't bring enough to the table, and by looking at the yt comments, it's only thing of note is that "It's made by ex DICE devs!" and "Is june and scotty gonna be ingame??" and the rest talk about how they went from PvE only to shitty extraction shooter. I played it, and many others who did also don't reccomend it, especially for the price they're asking. It would be excused if they released it on the original terms of it being a F2P game but as it stands, pretty graffix and a track record of being incompetent won't sell a game.
>We prefer to balance by counterplay
Motherfucker what kind of counterplay is there against mediums? Best weapons, best gadgets, best specs, best everything. Only thing heavy has is more health, but it doesn't matter when you get two dudes with models clicking you and deleting your hp in seconds
Maybe play around your team instead of trying to win 1v2s?
We do, you can't deny that they have a lot more power than any other class at the moment.
No? Heavies beat out Medium TTK in practically every weapon matchup, and their generalist toolkit makee them unable to punch through a unified force that properly utilizes either of the other two classes on defense and team fights, which has been made all the easier even with randos thanks to the addition of the team hud to see when your teammates are in danger. Sounds like you just have skill issue.
pair with good teammates and top frag as a team
still lose every first round down from plat to silver.
how is this even possible. what a shitty experience
>top frag
a lot of kills dont matter, only the ones that help to steal

.t just won with 0 kills cause stole it at the right moment
but anons here told me the V9S + dash is overpowered and takes zero skill
i dont need your explanation sperg its a dumb game and i hate it and i hate you too.

fucking terrible class larp bullshit gatcha mechanic filled nu-fortnite tier tranny playground with COD niggers and controller aim assist
you only need to be killed, for the good of everyone, or do it yourself
liberal mindset
tranny detected
>Anons getting so butthurt about getting stomped in the game that they go full brainrot on each other itt
>Not just chilling with some cheese and wine and winning anyway
Good players are going to do well no matter the class they play. Obviously triple M is going to dominate, but good L's are able to get quick kills and fuck off before they get turned on. Also it sounds like you might of gotten lucky and played against not so good players when you where HLL.
>Heavies beat out Medium TTK in practically every weapon matchup
are you retarded

your dogshit and your teammates deserve better
just won another one, stay mad retard
It's wild this season, you can complete 2 cashouts but if the other team decides to be a griefing dick and you loose the final double cashout and they get the plugs, you're done. This plugging meta is ass, they should have never made the plugging reward be 30% of total cashout, it should have stayed at 1k and rewarded defending the cashout.
wild that people complain about charge when
>you can't use weapons with it
>you have to be in melee range to even be effective
>if you sidestep the heavy can easily miss the charge
>it has windup
>if you slam, that's also a small animation
>the ammount of visual clutter from charging into shit

yet nobody complains about winch doing roadhog bullshit through walls and corners
same fag
yea its fucking terrible biggest gatcha mechanic to ruin a what used to be a solid gameplay loop that rewarded skill is now reduced to reddit "le random is so fun and quirky"
>create competitive game
>continuously attempt to remove any and all forms of reward for skill expression"
>hold fashion contest to make whales feel good
verification not required
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no no you misunderstand.
Honestly that's the takeaway I'm getting from this fashion contest
it's just to see who can spend the most money to make their doll the "prettiest"
Grifball but in the finals
The lack of a sportsball mode does seem to be a major oversight. Maybe they just don't want to put in the effort to make a map specifically for side modes that can't really be used with anything else. Still, god I miss Bombing Run modes in video games.
ok this would be fun
so many people do not deserve gold rank and they are dragging me down
I've met better teammates in soloqueue gold ranks than in plats. Some plats simply got there due to god taking a day off when they were playing.
Lack of funny gimmicky gamemodes in the finals has always been a major gripe of mine. No, "Bank it but solo and with restrictions" doesn't count.
wild cuz thats how i feel about gold rn litterally every team im in has at least somone who has 0 meta or macro game sense. im fucking permastuck as a soloq because its almost impossible to carry hard enough.
yeah welcome to hell, it will only get worse
find some good teammates and only play with them
Man this season has been face fucking my CPU.
Official Medium Class Quick Guide: Early Unlock Class! [For New Players]
im banned from their discord for dissenting opinion and finding people in game is impossible
I was banned for an offensive pfp and they never let me appeal it even after I changed it within the hour lol
I have an alt but otherwise I just use other discords. Just make an alt i guess
Wait defib is an unlock?
I knew they changed the default loadout ever since they fucked up and made TA the main mode, but having defib as a buyable unlock is beyond retarded
my rs dropped from quitting out of the game because i couldnt find a match. waiting for 10 min. decided to go do something with my life come back later SILVER 1. plat to silver in a week man such a great fuckin game.
You don't get a penatly for quitting the search dude
>i was banned for dissenting opinion
what did you actually do because I've seen people angrily, repeatedly going "THESE MORONIC DEVELOPERS NEED TO BE FIRED FOR THESE BALANCING CHANGES" for months on end and never been banned for it
the only part of this that's extraordinarily dumb is guardian turret
Tbf how many noobs are gonna pocket heal people? They'd rather set it and forget it and let their sentry rack up free damage. Demat I can get behind being a tricky one but as much as I love heal, new players don't gravitate towards healers in general.
I'd rather take someone pocketing their buddy than noobs placing turrets, just because so many don't understand the rules for targeting and placement that often means it won't actually do anything until it's 50% destroyed.
Honestly I'd take the opposite. Even if said noob places a turret in an obvious spot around the cashout, it's still gonna take aggro and to chip damage. Heal requires atleast some knowledge of how the game works, like movement and all that shit. Immagine if the first hero you could play in overwatch was only mercy, you'd get kinda bored too.
>team is bad
true story
Why is the sweaty three stack always pink team
Pink and purple are always the most annoying teams in the match
>MMM stack even in quick cash
Blue is the refuse pile of solo queuers who i get put with.
That includes your shitty ass
pley with a premade if you really can't stand soloqueue
>finally hit all my shots and play very well
>my premade teammate is an indian guy who won't shut the fuck up, doesn't give calls and always rushes in
That and the game kept crashing, it even bluescreened my pc
>my premade teammate
great job choosing a good teammate dumbass
Never said that that dalit guy couldn't shoot a mean model though
yeah most of his kills were killsteals from me and others but atleast he knew how to play, just not a lot of team work from him
how the fuck was I supposed to know he was a smelly indian before playing with him
ah alright, eh you can just force teamwork, it's not that hard.
i honestly dont remember but i wager it started with a timeout and ended with me telling them how unfathomably gay they were.
i made it about a month in their discord. right when the game launched and i needed a team at plat level.
oh ok then i guess that was just my imagination.
ffs I wanna rank up but i'm too sick to play competitively
New Bread

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