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New patch this week, new World Tour stop, devs finally spicing things up with events and modes. Hopefully this week they get their asses in gear and add the LTE for Spooktober.
Primetime Buff kinda sucks
Nuh uh
Yuh uh
>2 replies

Dead game.
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It's over.
do you feel like people overstate how big of a problem this game has with cheating? since launch people have been saying that cheating is RUINING the game and I feel like I've actually never had an experience where someone was 100% botting or walling.
there is cheaters but its not that bad unlike CS2 or Apex, these games are fucked beyond imagination
it sucks in the last round
otherwise is fine

i find at least 1 cheater every day on asia servers
ive found you only really notice in the last round
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fuck off doomposter
stop posting fake images
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Yes and no
Cheating was VERY bad during S1 and S2, so much so that they had to come out with a statement saying that there is a cheating problem. Nobody nowdays autoaims but a lot use soft walls, but given the nature of the game is always hard to determine wether that demat model medium is cracked or uses walls to time the demat perfectly every time. The game also lacks any sort of replay/killcam system so it's even harder to understand who is cheating and who isn't. There is also no protection/compensation from cheaters. Got a game with a suspected cheater in your ranked match? Can't quit without a penatly, most teams will avoid that team so it's always 3rd partying on the same cashout until the team with the cheater comes to grief and if your report was successful? Well, thanks for making this game a better place! No, we won't give you any RS as compensation.
S3 Ranked was FILLED with cheaters, so much so that a very sizeble chunk of ruby rankers were either full on cheaters or people who bought ruby. And gold ranks were filled with new accounts with default names that would wipe the floor with the enemy team. That or they were boosting their friends for easy wins. For example, picrel is just a faction of the known cheaters that were present in S3 ranked.

I still keep getting "Thanks for reporting!" messages almost every day, and I just wild guess the enemies that have a suspicious ammount of kills in a match

I think the game density itself is also to take into account. Like CS2 and Apex have hundreds of thousands of players so it'd make sense that there are a lot of cheaters but they're also easier to spot. To be generous, I'll say that The Finals has like 150k players (between all platforms), so there are cheaters but they're harder to spot
Totally thought this was Pavlov. Welder mask much?
do you guys use anti recoil scripts?
The walls problem is definitely a thing. If you don't know vanish bomb will make you completely invisible if you're standing still. I just had where a heavy sprinted to a corner and instantly shot me dead where I was standing still after moving away from my vanish bomb so there was no purple smoke to give me away. I was 100% unseen but he blitzed me down instantly.

Only faggots do.
I don't doubt that faggot was cheating, but you're not completely invisible; there's still a slight shimmer if you look hard enough and know the general location of the person. Its incredibly hard to see, but I've caught lights sitting still with vanish bomb/cloaking device before. It probably depends on the kind of lighting you where sitting in as well.
if vanish bomb is exactly like invisibility speciality then no you are not completely invisible standing still
Invis at least recently doesn't make you completely invisible, there's still a bit of distortion. I've gotten a few kills that I'm certain looked sketchy just from catching a tiny shimmer and making a guesswork shotgun blast
It's only temporary but it is fucking annoying.
You will probably never see a cheater unless you play ranked.
Spoken like a cheater.
>SoloQ WT
>nobody on comms, but I’m ok with this because I leave them off half the time anyway.
>do very well with teammates, maybe even score a tourney win
>send friend requests
>one accepts and joins party
>they turn on VC
>I turn on VC
>they’re the most obnoxious person imaginable
>nonstop bitching and complaining about how unfair everything is, how everyone else is a cheater, blah blah blah
>can’t focus on game and we get slaughtered
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Not good... What happened recently?
>Season is lackluster, new guns are kind of boring, new map is good but visually nothing great
>People are playing other games as this is release season for the year and it's Halloween
>We have finally achieved true MMM meta, the most cancerous of all futures, where "the guy that shoots you" dominates everything in the destruction physics sandbox shooter
Disagree on the weapons, but yeah MMM model/pikes is nuts
MMH still also reigns
>kill a M
>gets rezzed
>kill a M
>gets rezzed
>kill a M
and so on, so forth
I liked that before this the new weapons were generally something radically different for the class even if they weren't always the strongest. It also hurts that just as guns I have no love for the MASS or that keltec rifle, they're simply not cool.
Don't blame me. I play light.
this was what it was like playing with the /vg/ TFG thread
I used to see a lot of cheaters up until S2 but barely any during S3, possibly because I didn't play ranked as I dislike TA. I haven't seen any obvious cheaters so far in S4 but I've also barely played ranked as I've been focusing on WT first to get the guaranteed multibucks.
This is also all of my friends
This was the first Steam friend I made in another game back in 2015 lol. God what an obnoxious ass.
>Says this even though the game dropped off hardest while heavy was obscenely OP.
>Says this even though heavy was still extremely unpopular during that time
Make defib go on cooldown if you die. Make it a shorter cooldown even but Rez chaining is so fucking cancerous. Either that or straight remove the defib. It wouldn't be the first time they realized a gadget was a design failure and got rid of it.
Okay, let's not kid ourselves. M was a critical part of the OP heavy arrangement. HHH was always a meme build- M's healing and defib forcing you to burst down the heavy in one go AND THEN kill his support, recon sense ensuring that they always have intel on you, jump pad making them impossible to keep out, their great ranged weapons being a complement to the heavy's close range instant win- Heavy and Medium have been getting consistently nerfed, never buffed every patch from day one, and that's because they were both mutually agonizing to deal with. Heavy isn't and was never the sole offender, Medium is cancer, too.
>Make defib go on cooldown if you die
this is a fantastic suggestion
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nta but I just got this match
it was like playing against an army of clones
won the first round by miracle but then we got paired against a suspected cheater and a dia team
to get the rank rewards do i have to reach the rank once or do i have to finish the season at that rank?
example: if i get into the top 500 and then never touch ranked will i still get the ruby lewis if i am knocked out of top 500 later?
Ruby is the only ranked rewards where you have to stay that rank until the end of the season. Projected cutoff will be 71k RS

Oh and even if you do reach and maintain Ruby, Embark might just fuck you over and not give it to you, while instead giving it to those who bought it or cheated lmao

Good luck!
damn that high? what the fuck... im only 3k away from being in the top500 right now but i cant imagine being at 71k rs
i think is actually the best solution ive heard
defib chaining is what makes it so OP, this fixes that but also doesn't make it any less useful, would still be a must pick
Wow, just checked what's the cutoff for top 500, it's just below 40k, I'm currently 34k rs

Also re-cheked the estimated ruby cutoff, it's more like 60k, my bad
where do you check that
the finals.lol

My prediction is that it could reach like 65, since it was roughly that during S3 ranked, but S3 was TA.
>dominates everything in the destruction physics sandbox shooter
For christ's sake anon, actually set down goo to block sightlines and burst through buildings as further cover for once in your goddamn life.
>burst down the heavy in one go AND THEN kill his support
you're supposed to kill the defenseless support who has his heal beam out first you fucking retard.
>it's another episode of playing like shit and winning and playing really well and losing

That's the problem. Mediums are the most deadly.
not really
If you put aside the MGL32 and Flamethrower (given that they're more about group damage), then M loses the Body TTK matchup against H with almost every single weapon except Famas vs KS-23. Headshots are more relevant on M weapons than H, but even then it honestly doesn't help that much. M has the range advantage, but that generally only matters on the few exterior cashouts--at least when you're not playing with retards that'll just stand outside and try to contest a FCAR/Pike on a roof while they're on the street.

The only time that Mediums really get deadly is when they're paired with a Heavy that's really good about using destruction to set up flanks and sightlines, but given the nature of the game, that shit all can shift at any moment.
>Kyoto still in ranked
Please just delete this map.

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