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Final stretch for Season 4
Last week for the ISEUL-T Cup
Heavy still kept in the cage (he didn't take Charge n' Slam so he's stuck in there)
Hardest ranked of any season, they need to get better fuckin anticheat
>ISEUL-T header
BASED OP. We got shafted so hard from getting our team's ad video 3/4 of the way into the season when they got theirs before it even launched. On another note, how the fuck am I supposed to earn Fans when rates are so jumbled? Bank It gives the most compared to any mode I play, but I want the WT/ranked rewards too. Fuck, I'm barely half way with Fans (little under 81k) and I've played almost every day since the season started. I don't know how I can possibly get to 168k without grinding my ass off in 22 days.
>apex moved to on /vm/ now
Holtow players are evil
Finished soloqueing to emerald 1 in WT, now doing ranked. How high should I be able to reasonably get alone? I'm at gold 2 atm and it mostly feels easy so far, not winning every match but I'm frequently topfragging.
Play Apex tm
New key image teased at golden joystick awards.
new skin teasing new map maybe?
That's a kino lineup of sponsors, although ISEUL-T can eat my fukken ass after the faceplate turned out to be incompatible with hats
Oh shit I want to see their take on a Mesoamerican inspired map.
You guys reckon it's doable to reach diamond before season end? 33k RS rn, couldn't play these past few days cuz I was sick
>Aztec/Mexico/Brazil season
It's either going to be cool jungle/favela shit or completely over.
>Mexico insipred map
>it's all fucking trees and jungle
I really hope it's not just taking the shitty bamboo jungle from Kyoto and making that 500% more annoying
ye and more water because thats such a fun mechanic in a movement shooter
Kyoto is such a fuckin awful map and it sucks that it's in ranked
I have more of an issue with Vegas despite it all, Kyoto's interiors are pretty fun to navigate, the way Vegas is set up makes it really annoying for heavy and light to navigate imo
I don't gel with that. For a Heavy on Kyoto, a lot of the interiors are simultaneously too open and too tight, without even talking about how quickly things often get dumped into the fukken rage cage. You rely a lot on Charge, but that's got limited uses on timer, or you can take Hammer, but then you're fucked for those huge exteriors and all the fukken WATER. You also can get fucked more by the multiple levels, as being on the floor is even more of a troubling killbox than normal, thanks largely in part to the limited positioning of stairs and ladders.

Vegas, you usually get at least some slot machines, large open hallways usually have some bit of wall on the sides to duck behind, or all the shit + easily accessible levels of the parking garage, and the only place where you're really kind of in an awkward place is that one backstage. Even the exteriors are better. Running across the streets is an exciting drive, as you don't spend as much time out in the open, the flatter ground works better with setting up defenses and traversal (also makes it kinda feel like Heat when you're getting into gunfights), and you often can duck into some sort of kiosk or stage for cover. Not to mention the rooftops often let you travel far as an alternative for the roofs, and similarly give you shit like air conditioners to hide against + the inherent ability to smash into the "ground" and be inside.
The way Vegas is designed generally speaking favors being able to control longer horizontal sightlines. Every other map has more prevalent fast flanking routes, on Vegas if you don't have fast breaches on hand it ends up being a massive pain to outmaneuver something. It's only about as much of a problem for me on Kyoto when you have suspended platforms over the ponds or something.

That's just how I feel though
The thing is, I just feel that Heavy is more equipped to handle that with Vegas than the various other challenges he'd face on Kyoto. I could see Vegas being more trouble for Light, as while they'd still benefit from the aforementioned cover and such of Vegas, they wouldn't have the strong staying power and would easily risk being routed/railed as they try to keep cover in such things. With Heavy though, I'd think he can still kinda handle that in a generalist sense, and he's also just more inclined to take gadgets and such that outright can let him control horizontal spaces. Even though historically, one would point to the fact that Heavy needs people to get in close while the other classes could hang back and shoot farther across such spaces.
From what I remember a lot of players seemed to dislike vegas heavily, I assume it's only the same thing with kyoto in that proper strategies have yet to be devised.
>the way Vegas is set up makes it really annoying for heavy and light to navigate imo
Gateway/hook/charge and slam can fix it.
Las vegas was never that bad, kyoto in other hand is PURE SHIT
Kyoto is fine if you have an X3D CPU
Kyoto just feels more fundamentally fucked. Designwise, it's such a departure from the layout and speed of other maps, and it does have inherent flaws that make it terrible to play with a lot of gadgets. Like a HUGE part of the game is being able to use goo quickly and effectively, but you are absolutely fucked beyond belief with trying to use Goo in the vast majority of the map on Kyoto.
kyoto is very very fun for grapple hook because of all the opportunities to exploit verticality
how is the sa meta rn it feels like hot dogshit to use and i find myself always cucked on the 4 shots
i always beat it with my hammer
buying an i7 14700kf hopefully it makes the game playable
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Until Embark fixes this shit, I am not playing. It happened to me two games in a row. Getting shit on by a buggy Riot Shield is gay af.
I immediately went back to Apex Legends.
I won't spend money on this game anymore.
So it's not just me? Is there something going on with the riot shield that's causing it to just make you fucking invincible?
lol that shit happens even without riot shield.
>"I'll play some Quick Cash to chill a lil"
>sweaty premades
>MMM stacks
What is it with casual game modes being filled with sweats recently? You could hop into quick trash and powershift to play with goofy shit but now everyone is out for blood
Last 3 weeks of the season so the only people still playing are sweats and retards trying to stay on top of a leaderboard no one cares about. Every fucking game is like this but its real bad with The FInals considering how annoying faggots are with third partying and doubling cashouts.
If you play Light class and go 0-2 the first two fights, I automatically throw.
I wanna say the servers themselves have just been fucked up as of late. I main riot shield and can tell you, the desync'd hit boxes screwed me more often than help. I can literally put up my shield and still get nailed from a guy. And no, its not just them shooting at my feet either. I will say its weird to see a guy run right at you instead of diagonally. I know a lot of people are picking it up because they won the skin during halloween, but any seasoned player knows thats an easy way to get murdered. Whole thing just seems suspicious.
desync has been utterly attrocious.
i honestly can barely play at the competitive level i used to. and for the longest time i swore either everyone was cheating or i was facing A.I.
The servers have been shitting themselves for months now
ye its bad i uninstalled and removed from account. ive never raged so hard before. but hawt damn its frustrating to have such a good core experience be ruined by
>poor developement
>poor server infra
>poor soloque
>controller support
I don't think I've ever played a game where there was such a skill disparity between people in the same rank. Some games I'll get gold 1/plat 4/3 ranks that have amazing game sense and can win their 1v1s most of the time. Then I get people that can't aim, lose track of people that just peel left or right, and just have a general lack of situational awareness.
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Why do I constantly get people that can't even secure a single kill on my team? How do these people even get to this rank playing this bad?
i fucked up and did my placement matches at the very start of the season when everyone was using the noob tube
now im stuck in silver 1 soloq where every teammate i get is shit or picks light

i just want the golden ak, im already emerald 1 in WT and completed BP/sponsor/contracts ages ago
No way you made it to emerald 1 in world tour and can get outta silver. You're a incredible example of how this games ranking system is fucked.
In his defence, WT is really easy
This game is the only game that ever got me hooked to the ranked ladder grind and it has ruined me because the foundations are so good, just everything else is pure ass
Welcome to gold ranks
~30min until Apex Legends BLGS Qual 3 - North America
Uh.....I mean, Season 5 of THE FINALS leaks!
There's a huge penalty for losses in general. If a random but competent new player solo queues, there's no saying what ranks he'll queue with. There's no consistency for ranks from match to match, and so you can have people entire tiers above and below. Because of that inconsistency, as well as the major cuts to rank for losses, it's easy to juggle between
>perma-locked with incompetent teammates against entire teams (basically 1v3v3)
>facing big-dick ranks when you and your teammates are significantly lower
It's my view that a lot of the alleged disparity between people of the same or similar rank has to do with their initial games being lucky (not shit teammates) or outright being carried by friends so they're not in bad rankings outright. This game just does not handle ranked or dead games (the ones where asshole teammates suddenly leave immediately, grief, afk, etc) effectively.
What’s the meta guns?
Buddy of mine is really effective with the throwing knives and I’m really good with the V9S, but seemingly get throttled by shotguns a lot, yet when I use them it takes 4 or more shots at close range as opposed to enemies fucking me up at distance?
Nexon is going to rape this game
funding is gonna stop and the servers will be shuttered
i finally got to gold
done with the finals until season 5 now

the model 1887 is quite OP at the moment but still requires timing
all other shotguns are pretty shit

LH1, M11, XP54, V9S
SH1900, sword, and dagger can be very good if you know how to play them

AKM, Famas, 1887, pike

akimbo, lewis, sledgehammer, SA1216
flamethrower if you've got a good healer
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How do you anons feel about the pacing of both BP leveling and Fans acquisition (for the Sponsors path) this season? I feel like it's way grindier than last season. At the very least, the discrepancy between modes for exp and fans earned is noticeable (Bank it easily gives the most, even compared to WT or Quick Cash). I played almost daily and finished slews of challenges (majority of all of them) but my stats as of now are only:
>Level 97, about 30k/100k to the next level
>About 92k/96k Fans for the current stage, with the final number required for all the rewards being 168k (76k more fans required)
We only have a little more than two weeks remaining. Don't know if it'll be achievable without no-lifing it. No game, even with a BP, should require you to play that much to finish a pass or core gameplay path.
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they better do some mesoamerican temple tomb raider indiana jones rolling boulder ass shit.
I played the game every day for like 3-4 tournament matches and have finished the BP and the sponsors. I even took a cumulative 2 weeks off during this season and I still managed to do it. Completed most contracts by accident too.
>Play some ranked and get some RS
>Alr, i'mma log off, good night
>Teammate says "C'mon man, last game last game"
>Ok fine
>loose badly
>return to same RS as when we started playing
I guess I've played less, but that seems like a big time sink. That's 9-12 matches every day. Say every game is 10 minutes or so, that's easily 1.5-2 hrs a day. Well, I've done 3-6 matches each day, so I suppose the pacing makes sense, but still, needing to play that much every day is a bit much of a time sink in my opinion. Maybe ranked tournaments offer more than WT or Bank It?
It's more counted by gained xp. If I play daily, I get the daily xp contracts and then the cumulative rest from the actual match/my performance.

Fans work in some other bullshit way, people used to farm fans by standing in gas and healing eachother, but they patched that. Rule of thumb is that support score seems to increase fans more than anything.
>Rule of thumb is that support score seems to increase fans more than anything.
I main a healer medium, but I don't think I gain that much. Didn't they note something about nerfing or even disabling outright all exp/fan gains from support? Feels bad.
There's a reason why ranked is dead and takes like 5 minutes to find a match.
Yeah they nerfed how much you could get from the heal beam which is silly
It's really bad this season, I'd gladly take S2's esoteric system rather than the RS system
Are there any other particular sources of Support points that you'd recommend besides heal beams so I get more Fans?
Barricades on powershift are lotta score
The last 2 "bonus pages" of the BP are supposed to feel super grindy, they're there to reward the nolifers like me.
they changed the system, you get them much easier now
you get more fans if you are the best performing on your team, and i think maybe it counts against other teams too
like at the endgame screen where the best stats are in yellow - try to have the most overall

WT has the best xp/fans overall
Bros... The Steam player numbers.........
Strinova Effect
Nobody cares about shitty 5v5 anime slop
This game is committing the exact same mistake from other nexon title that died like KartRider, we have to wait another entire fucking season for new features and fixes, a new map and maybe some balance changes is understandable but we dont have to wait a entire fucking season for small stuff like jukeboxes or performance updates, that shit killed that game
I'm suprised Terminal Attack didn't kill all interest in the game
what about them? i dont know what im looking at
Thanks anon, I got pretty great score and resulting fans this way. I think little under 900 Fans for 6.6k Support score or so. EXP was decent as well.
Uh what do you mean? There are weekly updates with small things including performance updates and bug fixes, plus they keep throwing in random events in the middle of the season like the Halloween thing we just had.
happy to hear it worked for you
nta but let's be real, it took them how many weeks before the cl40 nerf? I also wouldn't call the halloween event an event, it was pretty lame. For how shit the previos events were, at the very least, they had restricted loadouts with a gimmick theme. So far WT has made it lame or straightup shit with stuff like the primetime buff which went to further incentivize the currently awful "plugging" meta
>"plugging" meta
>it took them how many weeks before the cl40 nerf?
2 actually, how is that unreasonable, it got nerfed in the second update after the buff.
>I also wouldn't call the halloween event an event, it was pretty lame. For how shit the previos events were, at the very least, they had restricted loadouts with a gimmick theme
But the amount of cosmetic content you could unlock was pretty comparable if not higher than in those other events.
another meme event like steal the spotlight would be neat, agreed
Famas is probably the best medium weapon all around now. It's only bad at super long ranges where most weapons suck anyway. Pike is worse than LH1 in almost every single stat, and frankly idk how they could make it viable without being OP. Model is still strong I guess, I just prefer to be able to do stuff at range.
Getting the initial cash insert money reward is usually more important than actually securing the cash. If you secure 2 cashouts, you can simply plug the others and you'll usually be fine. If you really wanna be a dick, you can double cashout on the strongest team and force a moshpit fight where you stand back and pick off any straggler that tries to steal it from them.
>2 actually, how is that unreasonable, it got nerfed in the second update after the buff.
what about the pike
and no, not counting the first patch where they straight up said "we still think it's op"

>But the amount of cosmetic content you could unlock was pretty comparable if not higher than in those other events.
Ok let's compare for a sec
Season 1
-Steal the spotlight
Season 4
-Halloween (all behind a rigged wheel)
That's hilarious though
not when you're on the recieving end
get the box first then
i love the plug meta
teammates will be fighting and i just yoink the box and run with it
they either coin or i suicide and we just steal it back
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Its a 11 damage nerf, barely a love tap, and in turn they made the spread tighter. So they really didn't do shit, might of made it better. Model doesn't really need to be nerfed, other things need to be buffed up in relation to it.
True, but it can't 2 shot mediums anymore
still can 3 shot heavies though
>more nerfs
fucking crybabies nigger shitters at this point the game will become like overwatch trash where nobody can die to anything
>can't two pump mediums anymore
what's the fucking point then
I long for the day when they get rid of fucking visual recoil/weapon sway in this game. Aiming with the revolver is complete ass even with the red dot because follow-up shots are exceedingly hard to track if you don't wait longer than the minimum firerate pause, which is a dumb limitation since you're already limiting your fov and speed by ADSing.
Sorry your crutches got nerfed lmao
Buff riot shield cowards
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>Behind in EXP and fans, but still trying to play regularly and earn everything in time before the season ends
>Have to disconnect and move my PC and other stuff for several days while painters do up my whole house
>EXP and Fans gains boost just announced this morning
>Multiple days with no dailies or boosted exp/fans
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>Play pretty good with team
>we have a direct line to cashout with preplaced zips and jumps
>enemies nowhere to be seen
>like an idiot, decide that instead I should throw it
>box goes flying out of the map
>in the process of retrieving it, enemies arrive
>loose the fight and the box
>match then takes a wrong turn
>have to go afk cuz of postman
>rejoin but it's too late
>we loose
I'm so sorry team, I fucked up
I keep getting these really bossy sweats in my quick cash matches. Heavy begins the game by shit talking our light teammate saying he's gonna likely be worthless, but he'll give him a chance. Proceeds to pick a point and stay put while we fetch the box, then gets mad when he dies. Light has racked up 5 kills at this point to his 1 with zero for objective score. Afterwards he focuses his attention to me saying I should switch weapons because I have 1 kill and like 4 assist (light finished them off). Guy eventually rage quits (still with 1 elimination, 0 assist, and 0 objective score) and we struggle through with a 2v3v3 getting a filler teammate in the last 2 minutes. We ended up winning the game, but god what a piece of shit. Quick cash is casual as fuck, where are these guys coming from?
Quick cash is filled to the brim with tryhards these days. I'll also never understand how anyone would find getting third partied constantly to be fun.
I can't possibly be the only one having an actually good experience soloqueueing in ranked, right? Almost at diamond having only started ranked this season a few weeks ago, most of the time it feels like my team is good enough that own performance is what makes it or breaks it, like usually losses are my fault and easy wins come when I'm doing well.
What time you play? Also congrats I guess, you don't find the guys that go "dude trust I can play light" and then throw
They finally rolled out RS rank adjustments and i've seen dudes that lost 10k RS

friend of mine lost 2.4k, he was so close to getting ruby what the fuck are they doing
At night/late afternoon NA during weekdays and at random on weekends. I did get a few throwers like people who leave or go afk early on, but overall my experience has been pretty positive and largely dependent on me not being as much of an inconsistent shitter as I tend to be.
I assume that means rolling back rank changes from games that had cheaters in them, right? That's actually good imo.
Yeah but in theory, you'd get rewarded RS for loosing to a cheater. Yet many actually LOST RS from loosing from a cheater.
Can't comment since late evening EU is aids, don't know much about NA
I got a few decent soloques with randos but it's a gamble nobody should run past 34k, especially since getting calls is very important
IDK how it's supposed to work but to me it makes sense if they just completely nullify a tournament that had a cheater in it, including potential gains if you qualified but the cheater wasn't in your team.
Sounds like bullshit, it just invalidates everything at that point. Why do it so close to the season end, fucking over many people that grinded? Some people lost quite a lot of RS.
The ranked system FUCKING SUCKS
Because Embark clearly never cared about ranked and always just focus on haha crazy over the top destruction game, so now they're slapping this shit together because ADHD nutsacks can't play just to have fun, they have to have a number go up, and that number has to say they're better than other number.
if there was a cheater on your team you lose RS
pretty simple concept

"but there wasnt a cheater on my team"
people toggle cheats
retarded take. ranked was there since beta.. it was built as a competitive game
the devs knew it would be impossible to balance so they instead of trying in any meaningful way they just say its not meant about the competition but the fun. but what its really about is selling suckers like you skins.
Of course, the ranked-brain retard would spout half-baked ESL babble about strawmen. If only you had half the braincells to move on and realize the game isn't meant for mongoloids such as yourself.
ad hominem
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> cash out with randoms
> I play light w/ V9S , dash, frag, thermal bore, glitch / pyro nade (if you use invisibility &/ or stun gun you’re gay)
> teammates are 2 Mediums
> teammates are bad at getting kills, I’m the only one getting them and I’m still like 8-11
> they’re like 1-12 & 2-14
> one says to me “you’re going off right now”
> I dash around the point killing everyone the next few cashouts, win because teammates ran in and took the cash out last second each time

I believed in you guys too :’)
Captcha: 2sh0r
Did you anons get the Iseul-T top from the community event yet? I'm not sure if I qualified or not despite playing a lot. Leaderboards were bugged and non-visible for a while...
I win more with teammates that may not be the best but I vibe with than with pro cracked people
Is getting diamond before the season end doable? Today was aids, multiple cheater and massive tryhards. I've been fluctuating between 36k and 37k, but It's looking impossible for christ sake.
Sounds fun desu
Nigger tripple medium stack with FAMAS all sucking eachother's cocks and revive chaining I fucking love this game
v9S with dash is the most fun to be had in this game. I dont know why anyone would ever choose a different class in a game like this.
your just playing tracer
sledge is the most unique fun this game has to offer
Sledge is the most fun heavy. Sword dash is the most fun light. When will they stop giving medium busted weapons that cover all ranges and instead give them a melee weapon that doesn't blow ass?
and now its the FAMAS, shut the fuck up shitter
riot shield is a ton of fun
Only when it's glitched to do this shit >>1510249
that's part of the fun lol, you never know what it's gonna do
> shotgun nerfed
> everyone moves to gamss

you're just mad that you're bad.
sad many such cases.
I'm tired of getting griefed out of matches because some faggots decided that you don't get the priviledge to rank up. It legit was never this bad in the previous seasons. They just camp out the cashout and steal your plug and boom, 30% money. It comes to a point where they have enough money to mathematically be safe even if they wipe, yet they still decide to be dickheads and ruin everyone's match.
>yet they still decide to be dickheads and ruin everyone's match
how rude of them to win

you sound like your just shit
if they camp the cashout just go below or above to get it in
Oh woops didn’t realize I had an auto correct

The shot guns get nerfed so now everyone fuckign medium uses the FAMAS
Buff the other guns. What the fuck
You don't play ranked at a high level and it shows
and you never learned to camp the cashout instead of being the conveyor belt
the fuck do you want me to do when the timer is almost over and we need to cash in?
>purple team is in a massive lead
>they force a double cashout
>then they leave it to the weakest team
>get KO'd
Fuck off, this game is bullshit
it happened again, only this time it was carnifex's team of cocksuckers. They literally gave it to the last team just to wipe us out.
>they keep giving it to the weakest team
If that were true, you should've been able to hold off their theft, given that they're so weak and you just need to run out the clock. Even with the frontrunners getting on your ass, the benefits of such a situation to your positioning and such means even that shouldn't be an issue.

No, from the sounds of it, the weakest team still got knocked out after all :^)
haha never read such retarded things, learn to play the game faggot
This is why you're a self-admitted loser that can't play the game and instead comes here to bitch about those that can
By the way you talk, you actually can't play the game
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One win away from diamond, even 2nd place would do it, so I assume I'm about to have a 10 loss streak, right?
that's how it goes usually

2 new weapons, 2 new gadgets, 1 new map.
Does Power Shift no longer give good Fans gains for Support or OBJ points? I basically soloed the entire match myself with over 7k Support and 2 or 3k OBJ, and didn't even get 400 fans. Because I only got 4 kills?
Will this fucking place make a Group/Club/Clan?
So, how feasible would it be to earn 50k fans and go from level 100 to 108 within these last nine days? XP and Fans games seems low as usual...I'm not feeling the XP or fans boost at all for some reason.
Man, ISEUL-T looking even worse than before. At least this time you can actually wear the ISEUL-T face mask with the ISEUL-T bucket hat (Brought to you by ISEUL-T, Fashionable AND Practical), but they're gonna get absolutely thrashed by Vaiiya and Dissun.

Although that's quite the tossup. There's a lot of Dissun stuff I could use the new pieces with, but there's also never enough white items. Guess itdepends on if it's a white that'll go with what's already in the game.
120hz support on console? What framerate does this game usually get on consoles?
I wonder how the fuck are they gonna make it run on a PS4, even my shit PC has betters specs
hell yeah, I miss the season one tunes
As an ISEUL-T appreciator, the preview of their gear isn't that intriguing imo. Looks like a twink UK street chav. I guess Dissun's stuff would be nice since we were able to get their helmet and gloves from events or whatever it was. Anyway, I'm confused by this statement:
>If you’re signing up with ISEUL-T for the second time, you’ll have access to a second tier of their high fashion reward track!
So...loyalty cosmetics exclusive to people who picked them this season? Or, justa poorly worded "it's round 2, folks"?
Hope the rewards aren't ass like they were this season (honestly, Holtow mogged pretty much every other sponsor).

Vaiiya looks probably the better one, but dissun doesn't look bad either.
It honestly doesn't really hype me much. Grav vortex and anchor sound really annoying to fight, items that restrict movement are really unfun. Heavy rifle looks very intresting though.
ISEUL-T was only held back by the fact that the face mask isn't compatible with hats. Really hope they patch that.
>Nerf medium shotgun
>Everyone goes back to whatever assault is the best (again)
>They add a new medium shotgun

Chances on it being busted?
People didn't switch to guns like the FAMAS because of any changes to the shotgun. They did it because they're the best bet for clinching up any leftover challenges regarding headshots. The automatics rail them like crazy, and the FAMAS get your 35m ones like it's nobody's business.
bank it is the way
That's what I'm discovering. Starting to make good gains, comfortably in the 1,000s of Fans per match, as well as decent EXP. Only problem is if I get into cruddy lobbies with trolls or humanoid bots. Need to find people who just want to party up for the XP bonus and no-mic steamroll Bank It lobbies.
>new shotgun
This will be a headache to balance
It's the only weapon so far that can apply an effect like that and not be restricted by range. I assume it will have better range than the flame thrower.
Not really, FAMAS has incredibly good hipfire and if your aim is decent, you beam people at most midranges.
It might be pretty good for securing kills and finishing off low HP people. Even if the projectile damage itself has massive falloff, being able to set anyone alight from range means they will take a couple of DoT ticks and die if they're weak.
Hopefully it means the season will come with a big optimization pass or at least new lower settings options for potatoes. I have a pretty decent setup but I do wish I could stay above 200fps ALL the time without dips into the 170s/160s on occasion.
Do levels 102-106 take more than 100k EXP each? I'm only on level 100. Making decent EXP in bank-it solo queuing, but 8 days seems rough.
>MMM team
>gets wrecked by a single glitch trap
works every time
>play ranked
>in a stack, we're all on call
>HHM, I'm one of the heavies
>Very happy with my performance tonight, hitting all my shots and getting support when I push, dropping 10 kills in most matches
>Vegas, 2nd round
>final minute
>Leaderboard is: Orange (with a massive 50k lead), purple, us, pink (which are MLL shitters with 2k money)
>us and purple are neck and neck
>we have to plug the final cashout
>orange start a cashout in theatre
>decide against doubling since the plug money isn't enough to get second place
>start the other cashout (which is in the adiacent hotel, not even 50 meters away from the other, awful spawn)
>Purple is MMM and has to push us
>they attack and we defend it succesfully with some trouble, since you gotta kill them two times each
>just as we finish wiping them, pink comes by
>they try to sneak off a steal
>slam them out of it and pick off one of them
>get clipped on the way to our medium
>other heavy gets one but also dies
>our medium is the only guy left, with no defib and very low hp
>he pulls back to play time and camp above to prevent steal
>then, out of nowhere, from behind
>a single orange light comes by
>throws 1 (one) knife at him
>then he pulls back
>pink get the cash
>we get wiped out of the tournament

The funny part? Pink didn't even get third place, they still got dead last.
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we were only 300 cash away too, if we got one kill we would have been second regardless of steal

actually looking back on the recording, we should have just let them take the point earlier, we had 30k before wipe loss. Lesson learned, don't be greedy
I played at release and eventually stopped playing because I got tired of the meta just being lights on crack zipping up your ass while everyone else got nerfs instead for some reason

Are things better now?
If you complained about lights you'll never enjoy the game.
cloak tazer never stopped being giga cancer?
Light sucks. They filter shitters. Cloak is such a non issue. Tazer only stops melee along with everything else in the game. Medium has been the cancer of the game since day 1.
>tazer only stops melee
well I liked playing melee faggot
Yeah I do too. I only play sledge or sword and both of them get completely turned off by just the threat of stun gun. Melee has not gotten any better for light. In fact it's been nerfed. Heavy got a hook that reels in enemies that makes sledge better for straight killing people but dash lights and anyone who camps rooftops can still just gun your ass down.
More often than not I've been on teams where we collectively decide if we can't win then we make sure to bring down a team with us that is especially annoying. Not saying thats the case, but it wouldn't surprise me if that happened. I've played against teams of triple lights who were menaces to all parties involved tea bagging left and right. I'm sure everyone was grateful we dragged their asses down into the depths.
Tazer is very annoying, it was a non issue when they made it so you could use specs but now you're kinda fucked if you get tazed. Giving the M11 a red dot was a mistake
>Tazer only stops melee
Taser is a blight on precision weapons and close-ranged shotguns as well. Only automatics make it in the clear, and even then I'd say the machine guns can suffer based on their spray patterns and such.
I do that all the time too
>play with randos
>Win or 2nd place
>Play with premades and people on smurfs
>Loose last place
We lost 3 fucking times in a row with a guy who has his main on 42k RS. We couldn't even win quick cash after I got 13 kills and everyone's aggro on me.

Lost more than I'd gained in a single day of grinding, in about 2 hours, poof, gone. If this keep happening, I'm simply not reaching diamond before the season ends
desu it's always been the case: people who play in premades, consciously or not, often start fucking around because they expect their teammates to either be more understanding or more willing to adapt to whatever the fuck they're doing. Randos often suck ass, but anyone good works around the public social contract more, especially since the lack of text chat early on encouraged such things.
there's plenty of fun to be had in the other options as well, riot shield is a great time, so is smokes+thermal vision. I like the grappling hook more than the dash though, it just feels a lot smoother.
Even then, stealing that cashout didn't even get them 3rd place, so they got like, 100-200 rs from it. Orange just didn't want us in the next round but apparently they'd rather fight an MMM stack.
Why did they nerf the XP so much? When was it ever an issue? It seems to be worse than the M11 in most situations now.
Sometimes you just don't have good chemistry. I have a good friend who isn't bad at the game but we just don't gel together, unfortunately. Our playstyles don't combine well at all.
>was it ever an issue
yeah in S3 it had the same range as the medium's ARs
Would someone help me figure out a sensitivity issue? I'm trying to figure out how to make my ADS for each weapon 1:1 to hipfire aim. Each weapon has "zoom-in", but I want my aim to feel the same regardless of that.
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Do this, sens of your preference
1:1 ADS and hipfire
Thank you anon, I'll give that a go.
From the new season teaser notes:
>ShAK-50: A heavy-hitting rifle for the Heavy that fires two bullets per shot, delivering immense stopping power with each pull of the trigger.
Must be based on the ShAK-12:
I am gonna COOM my fucking PANTS if we get to go full big-dick Slav and play Heavy with a proper bullpup rifle instead of another godforsaken LMG.
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>Just hit level 102
>500k exp left to finish up to 106
>100k exp required per day to finish the BP
>Max 36k remaining from uncompleted challenges, 75k from dailies
Sorry sweaty, heavy doesn't get to have fun

anyways, here are more nerfs to his kit
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>Mexican season
>these sponsors
>2/3 matches away from diamond
>lfg with 2 guys from a discord
>one from console
>fine let's give it a shot
>both mediums, MMH
>double heals
>neither heals
>they don't follow me, ever
>play split
>loose 2.5k in the span of 3 matches
>tell em to fuck off
>2nd place with randoms
Why am I even bothering
>road to esports starts now, see you in 2025
holy shit this game is gonna fucking die if that's where their priorities are
oh I forgot
this game has a fixed life expectancy because their owner / publisher is an incompetent nightmare entity
Yeah, given that Embark has generally made it clear already how much they didn't want to care about Ranked and instead just have the big exploding destruction gameshow, pivoting to full-on esports feels like more Nexon meddling.
Why do they push for esports when they have severe balance issues, this is so retarded, a game needs a massive playerbase before trying to push esports shit
When I get stunned I fuckin die, idk what’s got him you guys are saying.
Not him, but
>a game needs a massive playerbase before trying to push esports shit
Makes me wonder how many players CS 1.6 and CS:S had back in the day. I don't think the tournament scenes were much to wag a finger at in terms of numbers.
So they want a repeat of the twitch rivals event?
This game hardly has a playerbase, the competitive side is already so barebones, I've met the same guys in so many matches.

But above all else, the game is just too unbalanced, immagine watching the tournament and your favourite team gets griefed out because they don't like you. They'll probably do 3v3s only, no way they can do 3v3v3v3 and have it be fair.
>S5 meta rebalance
unless they remove the 30% plug bonus and increase the wipe loss to 20%, I don't wanna hear it, they'll just do a passing nerf of every gun that dominated S4 and won't buff the weak stuff
Honestly, how is the game sitting at a stable 16k? Given everything the game is sitting at it's season 1 & 2 average.
Is Nexon botting pop numbers?
Because I literally never hear about this game anymore, and the subretting is only around 100 active at peak and this game can't even maintain a proper general here, but its still 16k somehow.
The oddest thing is that this game had a vocal number of overwatch vets and now marvel rivals is sitting in the top 5 but the finals pop count didn't budge..
This is despite the blatant cheating, pants on head balancing, shit netcode, shit optimization, etc.

Its just weird.
Despite being mismanaged to hell and back, the game, at it's core, is good.

Remember that this game is also avaliable on consoles and it's about to be on ps4 too.
>unless they remove the 30% plug bonus and increase the wipe loss to 20%, I don't wanna hear it, they'll just do a passing nerf of every gun that dominated S4 and won't buff the weak stuff
I keep saying all they need to do to fix extreme chaos and the constant purposeful griefing is to have the money slowly drain into a teams account with whoever has the cashout at completion getting a decent bonus. It won't completely fix the major problems, but it'll help a good deal.
I agree with you, but I just don't think 16k is an honest or organic pop count.
Also, given how specific console users are in their tastes, I'd be cash money that the finals has less players on consoles than PC..
Console users play fortnite and cod, they're not engaging in non mainstream games (on the whole)
>shit optimization
I never understood this. Even a $80 Ryzen can crush 60FPS in this game. Niggas seriously have to be going
>oh no, my decade old 4th Gen i5 CPU can't perfectly run this cutting edge multiplayer shooter with revolutionary total destruction physics
>it must be poorly optimized
>60FPS in this game
Are you retarded? 60fps is unacceptable.
And this game has literal ass servers and absolute ass optimization.
It has gotten worse each patch too.
You can't deny this, it's a fucking fact.
>Are you retarded? 60fps is unacceptable.
lol nigga's really expecting to get 280fps with an $80 CPU
sorry that you're too shit to do well with 60fps
nta but
>100+ FPS, everything on high, no problem
>60-70 fps (map dependant), everything on low save for view distance
Same resolution, same specs, 60 fps is the bare bare minimum and that's still now counting shit like the eastwood hotel getting blown up or the kyoto pagoda falling, making frames drop to slideshow levels.

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