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>For Stars Reach, Koster has returned to his sandbox roots with the power of today's technology. The developers at Playable Worlds have crafted a first-of-its-kind server architecture running partly on the cloud, which allows players to fully modify the universe. In turn, the worlds (yes, plural) will react. Water flows, creating natural currents. Forests can catch fire. Flora changes as heat and humidity change. Creatures migrate as food sources are depleted. This is a single, global, persistent universe that won't reset during downtime. The actions players take affect the landscape, are visible to all, and are permanent.



This shit gonna be epic for the win guise! From the guy who singlehandedly made Ultimate Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and Crowfall this is finally a MMORPG game that will be a real alternate universe where you can do anything.
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I don't get how they can put together some shit that looks like it was made in a game developer class by retarded schoolchildren and expect anyone to take them seriously, like is the bar so low for whatever the fuck investor money they're gunning for? Did they just have to make a demo because they're laundering money and they asked ChatGPT to make it?
No idea but all of these old heads having the GOATs tied to their name are proving they didn't do jack shit on the originals.
The lowkey programmers and artists you can see in the rolling credits in the option menus were the true magic behind these games but the fags like richard gayrriot, ralph gayster etc run around acting like they're the grandfathers of mmorpgs when they were probably annoying dumbfucks to the true talent who get zero recognition many years later.
It's such a red flag with how much this reminds me of fable and peter molyneux, he goes in-depth talking about all of these systems but there's zero evidence of them existing in the garbage footage that was shown.
The only thing I saw that he referenced during the interview was the shitty freezing water and it just looked really really bad in motion.
Yeah but at least he produced professional looking games, this is just student garbage?
I remember the first time I saw that retard david georgeson was in a EQ2 video shilling the shitty avatar lip syncing with in-game voice chat
and everyone meme'd on it with how goofy the froklok looked

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>What is this game?
BallisticNG is a PC anti-gravity racing game available on Steam, based mostly on Wip3out, with optional mechanics from the newer Wipeout games.
If you like going fast, good tunes, and good fun, this game is for you.

>How do I join?
Get the game.
(Optional: Grab the Outer Reaches and Maceno Island DLCs too)
Download and install our track pack (instructions in the pastebin).
Launch the game, go to Multiplayer, and join us.

Links to download the latest track pack, install instructions, and some extras can be found here:
The mini-pack is just for updating from the previous version, get the full one if you're joining us for the first time or haven't played for a while.

>How do I play?

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lobby's up bros
whats that?
closed, ggs bros that tourney was kino

next week is gimmick racism, heres the poll
Windows 11 introduced a feature that lets it tonemap certain games from SDR to HDR (note nearly every game in the last few years is mastered with HDR). While not the same as a good native implementation it can produce some impressive results. In the case of BNG the extra colour is nice but where HDR really shines (heh) is the main feature most people think of when thinking of HDR - highlights can get BRIGHT. Given the game has a lot of bright lights in it, like the fire sconces in ishatar, the neon on luna (and especially the sun) really pop, the lightning in omega harbour are just a few examples. If you have a screen that actually can do HDR worth a damn try it out. No pics/vids as virtually nothing captures HDR and even if it did the formats 4chins accepts can't display it.

tl;dr game look gooder

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previous thread


First puzzle:

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1849 sfw AI x9
1849 sfw AI x9
1849 sfw AI x9
1849 sfw AI x9
1849 sfw AI x9

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LOBBY: 2% Alive
pw: rage
thank you for the dolphins kind stranger
LOBBY: tribes iii
pw: rage
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ok then
thanks for the news i guess...
I enjoy programming trivia blogposts. It's good to know SOMETHING they were working on actually got finished.

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How do I gitgud?
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>and there is this streamer with 17000 hours who is like 400 elo on faceit
who would that be?
also can anons name some watchable streamers that grind cs?
What's fastest way to fill your progress bar?

I just want my free case and check out
it only goes up if you win rounds
premiere, comp, deathmatch, which one?

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Thoughts on Better than Adventure? Looks pretty fuckin comfy from what I've played so far.
Looks like chud shit
it's tranny shit
Ive played a bit, its pretty good.
For a community of furries and weebs its actually pretty tolerable, the ones I've met tend to not be (((those))) kinds of people.
I got bored within like an hour unfortunately

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Have cheaters essentially ruined FPS games for anyone else as well? Years back I enjoyed playing PUBG, but then it got ruined by an influx of an unholy number of cheaters. I used to like playing Siege too, but cheaters at higher ranks and ubisoft's retarded decisions rendered the game basically unplayable for me. Same situation with Hunt and higher ranks too, it's all either cheaters or rats, or both. Got into Tarkov a couple years back, but it turned out the EU region in that game is one giant farm for Chinese RMT cheaters, there also isn't any matchmaking in Tarkov, meaning cheaters play in the same lobbies as shitters and aren't put in high containment ranks. Bf1 used to be great as well, but so many servers specifically in the EU region seem to be filled with either cheaters or high level sweats who have all meta guns unlocked these days.

Don't even get me started on games like CSGO/2 and Warzone.

The only shooters that I found have very few/almost no cheaters are HLL, Squad and Insurgency, but these games are really boring and heavily promote camping due to their low TTK. There are also no meaningful progression/goals in these shooters, essentially you just camp around, rack up kills and don't really get anything for it, besides some xp/points that let you unlock cosmetics.

Basically at this point I'm pretty much completely out of fun games to play.
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Not really following your argument with the other anon, but I don't understand your Nvidia getting scaled like ps5 thing. As I understand ps5 was scalped to hell for a good while. However I also remember a good decade it felt like where finding a graphics card for a good price or even close to msrp was nigh impossible because of crypto taking everything it could get. Maybe my autistic ass isn't understanding your "" around Nvidia? I'm not trying to argue I'm just trying to understand the comparison that doesn't make sense to me
>Crossplay killed "competitive" gaming
Nah. Every console has been hacked at some point in its lifespan and cheating isn't limited to PC.
Even if you don't have literal hacking game functions on a console, you still have XIM and Cronus at the minimum, both of which provide for scripting (triggerbots and recoil scripts alone are a reason people buy them); and this doesn't include the fact that many can get aim assist with MKB.
Cope all you like, but it isn't just PC.
Cheaters suck but botters are waaaaay worse
In game economies never work because Chang sets up a farm of 1000x bots to farm 24/7 causing massive inflation and killing any chance for a player to actually progress through the in game currency forcing RMT.

It's like globalization but digitally. Beenfits Chang and fucks overs the US
Hot take, but cheaters didn't ruin FPS.

FPS games have ruined themselves by incentivizing cheating. Make your game not worth cheating on and the cheaters will leave. Remove all skin, progression, microtransaction and rank bullshit, add dedicated servers that can be moderated however people please. Boom, now you only have a minority of cheaters left.
>Avoid all fps games without player hosted servers.
That applies to all multiplayer games, including MOBAS

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Risk of Rain
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wiped, starting again with 5/16
Wiped to gup horde, starting again with 4/16
omw once Im past the eternal boot up
Closed, the stage 8 filter is real.
Tank fun
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>was busy so missed tank host

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Why are sandbox PvP MMOs always such a failure and will Ashes of Creation follow suit /vm/?
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Who said that?
he did, in his head
Because Minecraft exists and that's genuinely what you're competing with in that genre
Years of nostalgia, custom servers, mods, etc.

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Anon, it is time to rise up and take action. For too long, we have sat idly by as Valve has allowed Team Fortress 2 to fall into disarray. The game is plagued with bugs, hackers, and a general lack of support from the developers.

But we, the people of 4chan's /vm/ board, are not ones to sit back and accept mediocrity. We are a force to be reckoned with, and it is time to show Valve that we will not stand for this any longer.

It is time for a call to arms. We must come together and band together to fix TF2. This will not be easy, but we are capable of great things when we work as a united front.

Valve may have the resources and manpower, but we have something even more powerful: the collective creativity and determination of the /vm/ board. We have the ability to create mods, maps, and other content to breathe new life into the game. We have the ability to expose and shut down hackers. And most importantly, we have the ability to make our voices heard and demand change.

Ddos Valve websites, Doxx high ranking valve employees, form protests, leave review bombs on TF2's steam page, i don’t care a damn what you do or don’t do, as long as you take action if you are part of this wonderful movement we call #FIXTF2.

So let us rise up and take on this challenge. Let us show Valve that we are a force to be reckoned with. Let us fix TF2 and unite the /vm/ board in the process.

It's time to put on our thinking caps, roll up our sleeves, and get to work. Are you with me, /vm/?

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>wants everyone to DDOS valve
>its far simpler and cheaper to just set up your own fucking server

Why are TF2 zoomers fucking retarded?
nypa, botter faggot
nypa + advocating the personal lives of others being exploited and possibly ruined for a hat simulator is faggot shit. It blows my mind that you sat down, typed this and still decided to post it.
>Ddos Valve websites, Doxx high ranking valve employees, form protests, leave review bombs on TF2's steam page, i don’t care a damn what you do or don’t do, as long as you take action if you are part of this wonderful movement we call #FIXTF2.
You must be 18 years or older to post here.
Least obvious TF2 bot hoster right here, ladies and gentlemen

I started playing TF2 in 2020 and after 1600ish hours of playing I kinda just want something new and there’s not many games where I could do stupid shit and play normally then leave after a few hours. The only thing I could think of is something like Gmod but that’s kinda it.
Not sure if this counts but I've been playing battlefield 1 and battlefront 2 recently for the same feeling,
the large scale of the battles makes me feel less inclined to play to win since my contribution is minimal, so I end up not stressing.

As far as wanting a 'wacky' feeling shooter there's PvZ garden warfare, but while I have nearly 3k hours in tf2 I can't seem to get into PvZ GW,
heard it's good though.

Since it seems like you want more of a sandbox / social experience I would probably say gmod or hl2 death match or something, modern games don't have the same player base as older games, and it's rare to see players taunting with eachother in game.

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We Are Back Edition

Dev stream #10
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kIecKDGIiI [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Latest News
https://blueprotocol.swiki.jp (with active codes)

>Interactive Map (with named-enemy spawn location/requirements)

>Adventure Board

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But the ninja outfits are cool and even have leotard crotch...
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honestly they aren't half bad and a little more intricate compared to the older costumes. The past banners are kinda tailored for exhibitionists as well.
I don't even care about endgame or replayability anymore, when are they gonna fix the shitty netcode. Tired of seeing everything desynced and its the same shit playing from japan, so not a ping issue.
I can't remember what it was like to play without lag anymore
timestop is so fucking back

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>4 out of 5 of my games I'm the top player who has to hard carry (forced losses)

>eventually I get given a pity round to get an easy win

>then I get shit all over again

why is modern matchmaking such trash? I feel like an unpaid booster. I'm not even great but I have to absolute drag literal deadweight teammates to a win. this forced 1.0 or whatever is so unfun and dumb as fuck.

if are above average the sbmm just exists to make you miserable. it wants to drag your winrate down by any method possible. usually garbage lobbies.
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Every counter strike hater fails to understand this message
No, not all. I just want to, you know, have motivation to become better at the game. With SBMM there's no motivation, because the better you become at the game, the harder your games become, which is NOT FUCKING IDEAL. Like, in a normal scenario, you start playing the game, you're a noob, you get stomped by almost everyone and you bottomfrag every game. But as you become better, you start racking up kills and now you are in the middle of the scoreboard and then you are almost always at the top. In SBMM scenario you are always in the middle. You start the game and you get thrown to absolute NOOBS that you can beat even blindfolded, so that you experience a power trip and get hooked on the game. But, as you sink more hours into the game, the SBMM figures out your skill and places you into the pack with the guys that have the same skill level. And then you become better. But you don't experience it because the people that get matched with you also become better. Correction: They don't. They are just getting replaced by better people.
how the fuck is your reading comprehension this fucking bad
If you can't look at yourself and notice how you're doing a bunch of shit you used to not have the ability for and don't notice it, I don't know what to tell you.
Tell me what exactly am I doing. Cuz I certainly AM NOT having fun.

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What are some of your favourite multiplayer maps?
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Strike at Karkand also. Just a timeless classic.
I really like Chinese in Timesplitters
I'll never forget playing this map in a public server once. I was my team's commander and we were the U.S. and getting fucking stomped.
I noticed the path to the other team's tank spawn through the river was completely unoccupied. I gave a short little rah rah speech to my team and told them "you guys can pull off this comeback if you take the river to their tank spawn and take the point."
Believe it or not (considering it was a public server) my team actually fucking listened to me and took the point. The moment we took the point I told everyone "KILL THEIR FUCKING TANK NOW." And they listened. Then I told everyone "EVERYONE DIE NOW AND SPAWN AT THE ENEMY'S TANK SPAWN AND CAMP THAT SHIT WITH BOTH FUCKING TANKS." And they listened.
Suddenly we were fucking slaughtering them with both tanks, holding their tank spawn, and made up a 100+ deficit to come back and win.
To this day this remains one of the only times I can remember a public FPS team actually cooperating and behaving like a team and pulling off a victory by doing so.
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Based op

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