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/qeynos/ sewers edition

>old thread >>1381061
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picking on a retarded tranny to make yourself feel better is also peak ass sucking behavior, fella
>state the truth
>"omgggg ur picking on him!"
stfu little faggot
Should I level a warrior or a bard?
Not that anon, but I too think secrets is a stupid nigger
On quarm of p99 bard.
HJ warrior, I think.
TLP lol but war

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Please play our game edition

>Graphics Settings Analysis
>Jan 2024 Dev Letter
>Old bin
>Old thread

I can't think of anything else to add.
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Forgot my username/password and what email I used. How is the grind for a new character these days?
Significantly easier since you get 100 certs per battle rank, and ant farming makes all of that trivial
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>ant farming
You shoulda been here for the 10x exp week a little while ago because that shit was funny >>1454814
uh oh vanu stinky

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Does anyone play? I tried out Ravendawn but it just lacks something i can't put my finger on and i just defaulted back to Tibia. Would be fun to link up with some people from here
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I just checked again and they didn't delete only level 1000 characters, they deleted level 2000 ones.

This is amazing. I wish they'd something about these power abusing "dominant" guilds and how it's nearly impossible for an underdog guild to win a war because the dominant guild has 500 fucking "bomb characters" for wars due to alliances with dominant guilds from other servers.
>utevo lux
>utevo gran lux
god i havent played this game in forever
my favorite stuff to do was firebomb the bridges into town so autorun players would get waxed lmao
Macros where you would do two actions after pressing one button seems to be the reason so many people got banned. Seems like cip was deleting associated accounts too so if you used macros on some level 200 mage to participate on wars and then logged into your level 2000 character and used nothing they still banned both accounts

Just play on better servers.
What's the best server choice for completely new player? Newer or older? Low pop or high pop?
>SA servers
Green open pvp, low pop is better
>NA servers
Any is fine, high pop
Optional is better, it's better if you can log for at least 1 hour during peak online hours so you can do bosses


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>How to create your own
1. navigate your PC internet browser to: https://jiggie.fun/?new
2. upload one (1) or many foto(s)
3. select piece count (big number = more fun. also, very big number bad for certain PC internet browsers)
4. mark nsfw as necessary
5. disable image previews (no cheating!!)
6. Enable piece rotation (only if ur mentally unstable)
7. enjoy puzzle with internet friends :)

>First puzzle
682 pieces
SFW / No rotation
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Found the image on that thread
iirc this style is called "Wimmelbilder" and makes for great jigs
Found him. More like where's BMO.
The finished puzzle:
704 pieces
SFW / No Rotation
>neko edition :3
Puzzles are fun, but when we share through them our desired puzzles, we share joy.
I like to do wimmelbilder stuff, but also cats, too old art works from the masters as breaking down those works into discrete pieces I find I am closer to their methods of stroke, of pigment, of unity.
So: please create your own!
(I swear this board was very busy with JIG threads some years back .... not sure what happened that it fell out of fashion.)

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>What is Ninjala?
Ninjala is a free-to-play arena brawler where you face off against other players using special weapons, skills, and green cum gained from magic Ninja Gum.
>Is there single player content?
Yes, although you do have to purchase it. Ninjala is primarily a PvP game.

>Official Websites

Anime Episodes, Manga Chapters, and More: https://pastebin.com/xVggDhQ6

Reminder that there's a pass matsuri right now as well as a sale on everything in the shop.
Every time I think about playing Ninjala I remember all the bullshit I have to put up with and can't bring myself to go over to the Switch.
Understandable. It's not like anything has changed etiher

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I'm hosting a modded MineCraft server for native Europeans, both for those presently in Europe and outside of it.
The modpack is Tekxit 8.8.0 (1.19.2)
Me and my server are in the Netherlands.

Server IP via:
(Bc it might change and so I don't post my IP to 4chan + archives.)
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Tldr no one actually wanted to grind through the whole pack.
The Create: Astral server is OFFLINE for now, as I'm testing the new server and can't stably run two modded MC servers + a client at the same time.

The "Tekxit 3.14+" server is up at:
There's no real "pack" yet, so to join you take a fresh Tekxit 3.14 install and paste the contents of the client folder of this zip over it:
we tl/t-FpbwY0le6a
are you on a dual core cpu with 4GB of ram?
minecraft servers use hardly any resources, how are you having problems?
10GB client and 4GB server atm.
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There was a Nether inVASEion.

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Anyone else checking it out again? Rolled up a new character on a fresh server and I'm having fun so far
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wtf so we have something like the leagues in poe now?
Most light artifacts are trashh
Best mmo
fucking hell they're really turning it around aren't they

My friends are abuzz with speculation about Valve’s “early access lottery,” suspecting a hidden karma system impacting community posts, beta selections, and matchmaking. Beyond simple moderation, this system could potentially archive and weigh years of user behavior to shape opportunities on Steam.

Steam’s reach is immense. In 2021, the platform boasted 120 million monthly active users, 62.6 million daily users, and an average of 1.5 hours of use per person. With 50 petabytes of data processed regularly, Valve has the infrastructure to analyze vast amounts of information. Backed by $10 billion in annual revenue and a 75% market share in PC gaming, their ability to track behavior at this scale is both feasible and unprecedented.

One example highlights the concern: a friend’s 20-year-old account, tarnished by early toxic behavior in CS:GO chats and GMod streams, seems less "lucky" in lotteries and invites. Could Steam's servers be harboring archived chat logs, gameplay patterns, or even store interactions? If such data is used to create a behavioral score, it might influence matchmaking, beta invites, or other perks. Originally, such tracking may have been for market research, but the data's potential to moderate and penalize users is unsettling.

The implications are chilling. With over 30,000 games and millions of hours logged daily, Valve has unparalleled insights into its user base. Does this mean a single slip-up years ago could haunt users indefinitely? For those with rocky histories, should they abandon old accounts to escape their digital past? While Valve’s intentions remain opaque, the idea that we might be judged by unseen algorithms is a sobering reminder of the permanence of online behavior.
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deadlock was a know-a-guy beta i got access in may from a friend. guy in photo isn't a friend its probably you crying. take your medicine before its too late anon
I would not doubt such a situation. Valve bought the firewatch developers a while back and the infusion of that many idiot retards into the company has likely been what's turned valve so absolutely gay.
Before firewatch was bought, dota didn't have the insanely horrible behavior score system.
Before firewatch was bought, valve didn't care about policing accounts and left it to individual developers.
I absolutely think the firewatch people have hurt and undermined the generally hands off approach valve used to have.
Covid too had to have changed shit with Gaben literally being afk in NZ for almost half a decade rm
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One of the absolute faggots Valve infected their company with in their purchase of Campo Santo.

ChatGPT post.

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Vanilla is my favorite version, but I have had issues with other private servers. Mostly with their client version they use and latency issues.

What are some private servers with a good client version (like official classic client) and no latency issues (from NA) that I can use?
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back to your containment thread
I guess I'll join some normalfag guild, I would start one for anons but there doesnt seem to be much interest
tbc is too hard for /wpsg/, during my 12 years of browsing it only one guild has made it past t5 on a fully progressed server. That tells you enough what they can do in tbc so yeah, normie guild is probably your best option if you want to actually raid and do stuff. If its just dicking around then i would join a /wpsg/ guild but i doubt it happens. Everyone is too busy sucking Crogges and each others dicks in thread and discord
lies and slander, you most likely tried to shill politics, opened up about your views on some bullshit adjacent to politics or called a mod old fart or some shit
i've gotten slap on wrists for steering into political stuff there they usually warn you before ban if your topics can be considered nono, just keep it to anal dirge and other wow related crap and you'll be fine, people spam /5 with lame jokes all the time, it's not fart that got you banned, it was most likely mouthing off to a mod or talking about politics or religion
They should translate the UI and very basic stuff, like skilltrees, on Sirus.
The quests don't need translation, since most already know all of them, and they're pretty much mostly all the same.

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Will you guys be playing the successor to Runescape?
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I just levelled 41 mine combat and 27 blacksmith. I like blacksmithing and hoping for gear drops. I got a level 34 epic leg piece. I compared the "deflection" stats before and after upgrading from a level 18 rare leg piece:
>from 27.70% for the regular damage type
>to 28.84%
(1 - 0.2770) / (1 - 0.2884) = I take 0.9842 damage now whereas I would have taken 1 previously. That's a 1.60% reduction in damage.
My max hp is 174. A 1.60% damage reduction is like having an extra 3 hp (rounded up). Epic!

I cancelled it the minute I bought it. No need to remember to unsub. I'd rather remember to resub.
This game is unfinished. What was andrew thinking?
Quite frankly I don't think he was thinking
>8 new posts this week
combat grinding is so fucking boring
it's even worse with minefighter specifically where you need to bank mats every 10 kills

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Weekend is starting and the Halloween event is wrapping up. I'll cook up a seasonal event for November sometime this week.


>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.
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I'm going to wait here until the vg thread improves.
Thanks, let's talk then!
I'm testing a rogue build with Acid Demonstration in a high rate server. It looks really good and I have no idea why people don't use it on ragna/v/.
Huh no idea, I didn't think about it
Really good for the simplest MVPs. The problem is that you can't solo and you'll always need a tank but it's interesting to see.

Is there anyone still playing this?? or is the multiplayer 100% dead?
You might get some people on /v/
Worth trying

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Titanfall 2 multiplayer is fully functional again. If you cannot connect to multiplayer, try this:

>Northstar client is for trannies and pedophiles, not linking it here
On all systems, happy hour is 10:00PM EST. Join up for some stacks.

>Titanfall 1
We're sometimes playing Sundays, ask in thread for specifics


>The Art of Titanfall 1 and 2

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Nobody plays anymore, /tfg/ has fallen.
Yuros stack every now and then, usually starting around 2 or 3 hours before your post.

Sad, I can't play at those hours. Ty anyways.
Will install this shit again
There's horrible lag lately, and I seem to get an obvious cheater at least once per session.

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God, I love SoT

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I'm gonna have it on loop just to troll SONY into thinking it's popular so that way re-release Concord only for just to DIE AGAIN

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