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open source, C++ ,
it's already adept at recreating the magic of early Minecraft. lets get some games going and some new players to try it out.
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looks like matrix (element) to me but i could be wrong
>Minetest game has barely any content so you need to mod the shit out of if you want it to resemble the level of gameplay
Isn't that supposed to be the point?
new name kinda sucks
more of an engine than a game
.....I hate that name. I would prefer if they went ahead and took SkyBlock, since Microflaccid is on some fuck-shit and need put in their place.

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I really like beta minecraft, I play it on singleplayer but i dont have anyone to play multiplayer with. The only servers i can find are run by troons

are there any decent servers i could join?
The /g/ serb is the obvious choice, but it's pretty dead
literally just post on the thread that ur active and wait
when did people start switching from 1.7.10 to 1.7.3?
why is beta so popular? that's after the update that turned minecraft ugly (when biomes were introduced)
never, no one even uses .10, they use the latest version of Minecraft because there's no reason to play it other than for the official content and available mods on top of it. old versions lack too much shit.

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rock paper scissors lizard gun HEMA with bonus cosplay

>Frame data

>Gear Appearances:

>Perks guide:

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who asked
>Give an already boring turtle hero unlimited SHOB.

I never see lawbringers in dom but this looks so fucking braindead and annoying it's funny. Lawbringer mains should just kill themselves and disappear like Spliced.
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I finally get it
>Dark Souls 3 released in 2016
>4 years go by of DS having more influence on the industry than its ever had
>Gryphon releases in 2020
>has Greek armor sets even though there's no Greeks in the game other than MAYBE the Gladiator
but now I understand
the reason for his existence is to be a Champion Gundyr reference
>exact same weapon
>gets muscle armor with a leper mask helmet
>big thrusting kick is an important part of his moveset
Good thing i uninstalled days ago. Let Ubisoft die.
took apart my cheap wired controller and wedged cardboard between the trigger piece and the button on the circuit board.

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Too slow for /vg/, reborn on /vm/ edition.

A place for discussing all tactical videogames with a focus on multiplayer games. Both co-op and PvP games are welcome. All discussion of games that already have a thread (Hunt, Tarkov, Arma, CS2 etc) goes in that thread.

Some examples are
>Multiplayer First Person Shooters:
Hell Let Loose, Insurgency, Ready or Not, Ground Branch, Ghost Recon, Project Reality, SQUAD, DayZ, NEOTOKYO, Isonzo, Marauders, Red Orchestra, Rising Storm 2, Six Days in Fallujah, Zero Hour
>Single-player honorable mentions include:
Afterconflict, Beyond Citadel, Black One Blood Brothers, Brothers in Arms, Darkest Hour, Delta Force, Easy Red 2, Forgotten Hope 2, GTFO, H3VR, Hidden & Dangerous, Hideous Destructor, Project IGI, Receiver 2, Road to Vostok, STALKER, Vietcong

>Turn Based Tactics:
XCOM, Jagged Alliance, Fallout: Tactics, Combat Mission
>Single-player honorable mentions include:
Battle Brothers, Silent Storm, Alfa Antiterror, Armoured Commander 2, Phoenix Point, Field of Glory, Flashpoint Campaigns, Invisible Inc, Quasimorph, Troubleshooter, WinSPMBT, Xenonauts

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Dynamic Recon Ops is probably your best option to go. ALiVE works for that too I think, you'll just have to go on the hunt for it to find what you want best. Otherwise you're going to have to find missions themselves or make it yourself, you're not going to find anything handcrafted by using generated stuff.
Don't be a nigger.
New Ostfront DLC about the western front is out.

quasimorph bros--- what faction do you like supporting the most?

I haven't but apparently it's a big hit. I didn't like playing Namalsk all that much, due to the harshness of the cold, having to make fires so often, the spawn zones for players. So I dunno yet when I'll get around to it. I can't wait for a tropical dlc map or an dlc desert map. Another thing, these chilly temperatures in fall and going into winter, I especially dislike playing bitter cold maps during real life winter. A lot of players seem to like it but not me.

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someway to play ac brotherhood multiplayer with friends?
i cant believe there is not a server client for this shit.
it was so fucking funny
I think only black flag still works.

You don't gatekeep an MMO, or even a website, by attacking without cause. If someone was honking his horn at you in traffic and cursing at you, you'd realise that he's a "bad person", and that he's not doing ACTUAL gatekeeping - instead he's warding off potential, moral/good friends.
The proper way to gatekeep is to take action against those that are visibly the enemy - like kicking women from guilds, insulting those that try to cheat(exploiting the vulnerable, being a cancer, etc.) through life using Twitch, patreon, etc.

Let's be the mature, proper, heroic, adult men that we're suppose to be.
If you get upset, then try to calm yourself, and think about what the perfect/mature you would do, and keep aiming to become that person, because we all are - we're just temporarily stuck in darkness as we try to make our way out of it through life-lessons.
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>fix yourself, get better and strive for greatness
But I don't want to
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games used to good when women weren't here so I will keep kicking every single one
kys nigger
What if you are gatekeeping a pleasantly toxic community, OP? Ever think of that?

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Echoes of Angmar when?
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How often do you see such things in-game?
Are the recent legendary servers fun?
Echoes of Angmar closed beta starting soon.
Yes until you complete all the content which doesn't take very long
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Designated /vm/ fightan thread.
Come talk, compete, vent and shitpost about your favorite fighting games here. Post your coolest webms, maybe convince some anons to play with you on fightcade, pull of some sick wall combos on Tekken, get slime rushed on Street Fighter, get infinited with incomplete characters in Them's Fightin' Herds, or do obscure things in obscure games only a total of 5 people have ever even heard about!

Previous thread: >>1010381
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anyone up for xrd? haven't played FGs properly since str*ve came out so i'm rusty
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KOFXV is ok. Why do you think it's dogshit?
It pains me to be a physical snob for this game because I want to play as some dumb characters and ignore the meta. But I don’t want to double dip. At least the physical version is supposed to come with a comic or something
Bad balance
Feels slow
Lacklustre roster
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It's over.

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>Log onto to Dead by Daylight
>Play as survivor
>Load into match
>Not even 5 minutes in get tunneled out of the game consistently and sent back to lobby

What's the point in playing survivor if all that's gonna happen is you die to the same tunneling scumbags every match? And the sad part is that it never used to be like that.

Feels bad.
Don't play gay ass games where you can't shoot someone on the opposite team, nigga.

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RoR is a private server for Warhammer Online(official servers were shut down).
There's usually 500-1000 players online at any time.

Official site:

Talent calculator:

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The EU server opens on the 29th.
Which weapon are you going to fame up first?
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SwoleBenji post.
Isn't this what he'd want to listen to?
it's an ok game terrorized by pedophile tranny chat moderators like every other game in 2024
If you have the right mindset (what could I have done better) and can make friends, you'll do well in this game. It's the same as EVE in that regard.
No full loot game is good for noobs, only people who don't stay noobs for long.
You can build hideouts (equivalent to stations) and gank fine with a small group. Like EVE, hideouts in the best locations will need massive amounts of force to contest (inner ring black zones), but there is room for small groups to hold in roads (WH equivalent) or maybe some backwater black zones, not sure.
You will lose a lot, especially at first. Just treat it like any other competitive experience: think about why you lost and what you could do better.
>have one island full of farms for my cooking

What do I use my other islands for? Are laborers too much work to set up?

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Vanilla is my favorite version, but I have had issues with other private servers. Mostly with their client version they use and latency issues.

What are some private servers with a good client version (like official classic client) and no latency issues (from NA) that I can use?
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iirc the twow client may be modified. if you search for nostalrius client it seems like their forums still have a working link with the 1.12 client .

just delete the WDB folder before launch and change your realmlist in a text editor to whatever the server uses. also going to have to delete the WDB if you have any errors or they release a patch or bugfixes to force it to redownload the database from the server. at most will cause a few seconds of lag on login while it grabs the things
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>willingly playing a PvE server
just go to sites of known servers and look for dl links
afaik twinstar has one
If pvp were sooooooooo cool you wouldn't have to berate people into doing it or trick them into flagging.

Fact is world pvp hasn't been compelling since people in general lost their faction pride and became snarky backseat victim blamers.
Is turtlewow still 900-1 chinks to humans

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Soku/PoFV/TPDP/IaMP and other 2hu games with netplay. Host, play and discuss your favorite multiplayer Touhou games.

Download Soku here:
>Community pack, all necessary tools come preinstalled. Get this if you are new
>Base game, not necessary if you use the above link
>Upgrade pack for the base game

Can't forward ports in order to host? Try these:
>Autopunch: Mainly for Soku, not necessary if you got the Community pack
>Proxypunch: Compatible with more games, a bit less user-friendly

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so many blunders with Reimu, Iku had to save me again
no need
get this>>1340774
have this already, it works normally but when a bunch of people are hosting with sokulobbies i dont know where theyre even getting it
It feels like the community's always coming up with some new mod. Never used it before but I found it along with the rest of the newer stuff.
Wish they'd update their wiki or website links once in a while.

/comnn/ edition

Formerly Wiimmfi's

Wiimmfi (Nintendo WFC Revival):
For DS, use:
>a WEP or unprotected network (guest network or secondary router)
>an unprotected mobile hotspot
and set one of these as your Primary DNS (both connect to Wiimmfi):

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I hate women
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i love men
get a room you two
>tfw no bf to play dead games and post on dead gens with
Been out of emulation for a long time.
Yuzu/Ryujinx still work?
CEMU still for Wii U?
Dolphin online still active?
PCSX2 still recommended for PS2?

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God is dead. Why do the best MMOs always die?
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no one cared, then he logged in a month later and hit 300 anyway and still plays like a good little goy
OP here. This game actually sucks and so do you.
Probably it wasn't the best but it was fun and I remember it fondly as the last MMO I played. It was perhaps a bit silly and goofy but it was free and I was in a nice guild.
Literally everything you said was wrong.
I saw an ad on the right side of my screen on YouTube for MapleStory during the summer after 6th grade. I clicked it, I enjoyed strolling through southperry, throwing snail shells. Back then the new character was rolled out on a conveyor belt with a plant sprouting out of its hat. Colored work gloves were really easy to get. Upon arriving to Lith harbor, another player in a skullcap explained ability points to me, telling me I had to intricately assign them to be a good player. On myspace, I found some of my other friends were playing too. I was on and off. I started up really hard again in 9th grade, several other high school friends played too, we were not all on the same server. There were a lot of hackers in this game, learning hacks from illegal cheating/gaming websites. I know there were major lawsuits involving that. Two of my friends got really close to a hacker group, who were probably on the other side of the country at that time. They would crash servers to duplicate items and create exploits. I spent a lot of money on this game as a teenager. I have not played it in a very long time at some point. Coming back, it would cost even more money than I have ever spent to be really good on the highest level character I really had. So I made a new character, on a trade-free server. I have a lot of Nostalgia about this game. I notice a Nexon CEO died in like 2022, but not with Nexon America. I lost a mechanic during the server merge. I am playing now because I have nothing else to do and because I want to. Basilmarket was a really nice website for awhile, I was also on Southperry. I really liked the Maple Kombat YouTube skits. So much has changed about this game. I made a character on Maplestory 2 at a cyber gaming lounge (I didn't have a pc) before it was canceled. I hadn't gotten into maplestory mobile. In the meantime, I found Final Fantasy XIV very playable. Idk... Also, Toram Online was very fun for awhile, but i lost the phone I played it on unregistered.

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