It's time to admit that Team Fortress 2 is the best online game.
>>1607980That it has.t. Been playing it since I was a freshman in college when it came out in 2007.
>>1607980If you can't jump right in as heavy and get kills then you probably should get your IQ tested and see if you qualify for disability checks
>>1567646>>1568244its more the scorch shot that is overpowered if were being honest, losing airblast is fucking huge, however the scorch shot is very easy to charge phlog charge on, so he basically does not even need to try
Have they finally gotten rid of the bots?
>>1627543They got rid of them forever ago
I need this mans burly beast in my face IMMEDIATELY.
A spinoff/sequel to Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart. Ring Racers is a high complexity kart racer with an emphasis on tech and skill expression. It features singleplayer grand prix, time trials, online/split screen multiplayer, ranking, battle modes, unlockables and achievements. It is also highly moddable supporting custom modes/configs, characters and tracks. Use this thread to chat, shittalk, discuss tech, post webms and create lobbies to play in.>Game Manual>Gameplay Tutorials>Master Server>Windows / Mac Download>Linux / Flatpak Download
Is there a good written guide to the mechanical differences from Kart and otherwise unlisted additions to just peruse at leisure and easily flip through. I presume someone has made a video at this point, but something written down is a lot easier to jump back to the sections of. The fact that this isn't just the manual is disappointing, but whatever.
>>1633621It's kinda pointless to try and list out the "differences" from Kart because they're so fundamentally different that the answer is basically "the entire game". There's a reason they renamed it from Kart 2.0.
>>1633660There absolutely is a point in doing it. Ring Racists has a decent amount of mechanics that rub up against or directly clash with what many people would expect from other kart racers. This is compounded by legacy players having to discern between the limited amount carried over from Kart and what's only superficially similar, and is further obscured by how the more subtle details get lost in the absolute glut of things that can be going on at once. At least starting from what's changed from Kart could provide more of a starting off point and correct legacy behaviors, kinda like what you used to see with people coming over from Mario Kart. and it was easier to explain how you should want to use drifting and mini-turbos when you tell them how they shouldn't be doing things like they thought they could from that game.And then if it still is truly pointless to compare it to Kart, then ok whatever. Focusing on that is losing the forest for the trees; the forest of "damn these details actually need to be written down, and honestly even what's written down in the manual is often kinda shuffled around"
>>1633660Yeah, pretty much. Even the most basic shit like drifting and drift boosts feels a bit different in RR compared to SRB2K because of the new physics, so you're going to have to relearn the entire feel of the game regardless.
>>1633741>At least starting from what's changed from Kart could provide more of a starting off point and correct legacy behaviorsI think it'd be far better to simply tell people to drop their expectations for what a Kart game "should" be because this game is really only a "Kart" game in theme alone.
This is a thread for discussion about Secret Of The Solstice and the current two week visit by the MMOdventure project.>What's Secret of the Solstice?Anime-styled top down MMORPG, takes inspiration from Ragnarok Online.>Server/Class list>Download>Guild/FactionOur clan is Lucky Balls. Ask in this thread if you need an invite./vm/ thread where vote and discuss upcoming MMOs for the MMOdventure:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
It would appear I've deleted the screenshot folder...
>>1630178yare yare daze
It's still bizarre how some chinese with a leaked source code of ragnarok managed to port it to DX9 15 years before ragnarok finally did.
Is this game as shit as Ragnarok in terms of bullshit bosses and rare card grinding or refining?
Welcome to /vm/abinogi. Mabinogi is a fun, once popular little old school Korean MMO from 2004 based around Celtic mythology with many different features. Your character can age, rebirth, eat food and gain weight, play and custom make music, and so much more. You can be anything and do anything all at once with no downsides. From non-combat related skills like cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, trading goods in a commerce, carpentry, etc. to different styles of combat like melee, magic, ninja, archery, puppetry, etc. all on 1 character.Although graphics and gameplay is still a bit dated, even after 14 years the game is still rich in content such as fashion contests, cooking contest, jousting, playing in or viewing large concerts, training pets, and so on and continues to be Nexon's most generous game.Guild:We currently have a guild called Mabigen. Our guild stone is located by the Taillteann graveyard. Apply and note the current leader or officer that you're from /vm/.News and Events too long. Click here to view the full text.
@kenny this is the song i was talking about
>>1635761sorry I meant
why is johyu tall now
>>1635920tired of being a cute shota
>>1635761>>1635776kenny isnt listening to you PROOF:
Tripwire just killed the Killing Floor franchiseRIP, an empty husk of modern gaming slopcaptcha: PTSD TV
>>1633699It's been dead since the update that added dars and weapon upgrades. Also the devs are fags for banning anyone from getting any drops at all if they "duped" the unmarketable weekly f2p currency "vault dosh". The exploit was so easy to do that you could do it on accident, which I did, since all it required was doing something like crafting something in your inventory and then backing out
Final Fantasy XI -retail- discussion thread>resources:>News:-newly released Cloud of Darkness HTMB-results of the 2023 player survey released
God I love drama.
>>1632546You might wanna check out Days of Our Lives and The Young and the Restless.
>>1633186Thanks anon!
>Bozzetto Odin just awkwardly stands there and holds up the battle until you walk into his range.
Anyone still play this? Can't find any threads for it, even /coopg/ on /vg/ dropped it from their pasta.Anyway, what a nice world gen amirite? First four bosses are all pretty close to each other... now I just need to find a good place to build, and then gitgud at building.
This worth playing solo?
>>1632695I certainly think so
>>1632695Yes it is! It starts getting tricking from the 3rd biome forward so you will have to be careful but is doable.Plus playing solo lets you play the game at your own pace, is comfy (if you want to).Just try to play it safe, and ask other players if you want tips.
>>1632350I do not think inconvieniet solutions to problems caused by the absence of basic features is soulful. Must be a Swedish thing, like their "solution" to the balistas shooting indiscriminately being the ability to designate a single targetable enemy type with the application of a trophy.Meanwhile raids are randomized so you can never be sure what type of enemy will show up, and no matter what hostile biome you are in there are multiple types of enemies that need to be accounted for.Yet another thing that has to be fixed with mods.
>>1633123I just don't destroy my boats in deep water, and I put a door in front of my ballistae so they don't shoot me
So, when exactly are EA going to close bf3 on PC too? It is inevitable now. And even if they dont, retarded admins are killing whats left of this game.
>>1626358stop asking, chud.
Why did Levolution flop?
>>1617597The very obvious BF3/4 nostalgia baiting makes me have less than zero faith in it. I just wanna see how it runs on my toaster if I get into a playtest.>>16178272019 and Cold War gave me this very brief glimpse of why I liked COD in the first. Neither were perfect by any means, 2019's campaign was kind of a wet fart and coop was never fixed, Cold War's multiplayer was janky as fuck and Zombies was a mixed bag, bonding the games together at the hip to make a gayass cinematic universe and Warzone integration made both games actively worse. But dammit I had fun with both games, 2019's the better game but I got to play Zombies and MP with the boys again in Cold War. Haven't done that since middle school man, it was nice. >>1628577The canned destruction animations gimped the destruction in the rest of the map. And most of them weren't very interesting. There was what, the skyscraper collapse in Shanghai and the one flood map? Those are the only ones I remember that actually changed how the map played.
>it's that moment when you flank a pack of enemies on metro but miss one retarded niggerfaggot hiding in the corner again
I've been enjoying BF1 so far since the Steam sale, but how is the anti-cheat? I know a lot of people who all told me this game is full of hackers but since I've been playing I've only seen a handful of times where I was suspicious of another player. I figure that community servers would have some policing even if the anti-cheat sucks
Doesn't anyone think that the concept of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 with the omnimovement would work better as third person camera view game? Why are they so bad at video game design? Everyone likes Marvel Rivals better for a reason. If you are going to have wacky movement, it needs to be polished, well thought-out and in the right setting like Melee, Crysis, Crackdown or Shadowrun 2007. Not in a realistic war environment.
>>1633592Kill my threads more pussies. Also fuck your catechizing 900 second timer.
An environment like this would be better for omnimovement as an example, don't @ me.
Fred's Fights? (Duels, Dallas) fredsfights.comThere is a fake server that uses a ! instead of a ?. The janny free server uses a ? in the name. Janny Free + Radio Mod,
Sandbox/whatever you wanna call it newfag here, got swept up by watching some videos over the years about the genre + Elin releasing, but the genre is pretty interesting and I'm curious if there's any decent smaller scale/coop multiplayer games in the same genre? I know SS13 or whatever exists but it seems too large scale in multiplayer, and I'm just looking for something I can fuck around with a small handful of friends with, like 4 or 5ish. Do those types of games exist? Are there any other genres you anons may recommend as well? RTS seems fun with some small friends too and seems pretty similar to this genre as well. Is AoE2 a good starting point? I have very little knowledge on these genres as a whole.
>>1514615Not multplayer though
>>1607822He's asking for multiplayer games
>>1514615Why is this on /vm/It's not even MP is it??
>>1620261SS13 & AoE2 are multiplayer games anon
I had fun playing modded minecraft with friends, lately terrafirmacraft+ and gregtech new horizons. Regular vanilla minecraft isn't the best sandbox game but Ive had plenty of multiplayer fun with mods. Try it.
Haxball thread dedicated to me, by me.Haxball is a top-down 2D football game that's played entirely in your web browser.Room:>there will be a link with the current room in the thread (You can search for the room ingame by downloading Haxball All-in-one tool and searching "CyTube")password: shawRoom is usually active on Friday & Saturday around these hours:22:30 Euro timeYou can re-live magic hax moments watching the recordings of previous matches too long. Click here to view the full text.
>playing on valentine's day because my gf is too clingy lol i guess it's better than your "i'm playing tonight because i'm being chased by 3 women and don't want to choose" excuse from last time
>>1633942>>1633944are these saturday or friday?
>>1634385probably saturday since you had a 90% winrate and 1.5 goals + assists per game for friday's session
>>1634510the recording curse...
Alpha 2 is upon us /vm/! Anyone playing? Is it epic for the win? Redditors having a meltdown rn over some graphic shit but we hardcore gamerers know it's gunna be da bomb right?>The Ashes of Creation NDA has finally lifted. After 8 years in development, reception is a bit more mixed than I would have liked. Let's find out why.Check out creators coverage mentioned in this video:@RitchieSH • Alpha 2 FIRST IMPRESSIONS VERBAL NDA ... • My Pre Alpha 2 First Impressions- Ash... • I Played Ashes Of Creation | Should Y... • The Shocking State of Ashes of Creati... • Ryve's thoughts on the ROUGH STATE OF... of streams currently happening, it looks nothing like the livestream previews:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1613646>not the only reason this game is shit.I noticed the game has enchantment and it looks 1:1 like I seen in some f2p games (in particular one game I used to play Fiesta Online)does that mean Steven already knows the game will go f2play at one point and he already prepared the game for pay2win cash shop items know this is far fetched but why have this shitty enchantment system from f2play games when you are paying 15 bucks a month for a sub based MMO lol>one level loss >all level loss >item loss
>>1619689>I know this is far fetched but why have this shitty enchantment system from f2play games when you are paying 15 bucks a month for a sub based MMO lolBecause all the systems were taken from Korean P2W games that Steven is obsessed with, you can trace every system back to Lineage 2 then Archeage then Ashes of Creation.
Does anyone know if 2h Axes are in the game yet? If so how do I get them in the starting area?
>>1481976I thought this was supposed to be a scam?
Last thread rolled off a few days ago so might as well make a new one. How is everyone doing on their grinds? Dev interview dropped today but I haven't watched yet.
>>1622040>>1622236yeah I have, vanilla and bc player from original release though I haven't really played MMOs since, I tried ultima FFXI and EverQuest a few times but they were too confusing for me and I believe full of multi boxers which I cbf with because I don't care enough...though this seems fun with some modern changes and im a lot older now so I have more patience
>>1602328Needs some work but it's EA and I'm having a good time so I'm just enjoying myself. I really do like this one.
>>1621417Who cares what Redditors have to say. Fuck them.
>>1602328Fuck yeah. I put in about 160 hours and had to force myself to take a break because I don't want to burn out on it too early. Hate it when that happens. Giving it a couple weeks before I log back in but, shit, I'm having withdrawals. Can't wait to get back on. Hoping Druid gets added soon because I'm definitely playing one of those. Great mmo though.