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>What is Worms?
Worms is a classic turn-based strategy game with astounding gameplay customization. Armageddon despite being released in 1999 still is getting support with cool mods, and official updates. This is a thread for all anons to gather round to talk and play some Worms, mostly Armageddon really.

>Collected Custom maps, sounds, fanfares, flags and graves from past threads

>Hostpack Starter set (contains maps, schemes, and custom terrains)

Check what lobbies are currently open with https://snoop.wormnet.net/snooper/, or if you'd like to be notified when when a /v/ lobby opens up, get https://worms2d.info/Great_Snooper

Lobbies and threads will be often be notified here and will usually be present at
Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage

Previous thread: >>1003047
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>Bigger Menus that scale to your resolution
Windowed fullscreen is natively supported in the latest update, just go to Advanced options to change it.

>Custom generated terrain themes, with bigger generated sizes and custom mission support (and who knows what else in the future)

>Text to Speech feature that gives you a custom voice depending your name
https://worms2d.info/WkTTS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

>Other Wormkits that you might want to check out like key rebinding

>Realtime mode for races and other wacky schemes where everbody plays at the same time

>Experimental stuff we like to mess with

Maps, content and other resources can be found in
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Need help gitting gud? Try starting out with these

>Big Tutorial

Ninja Roping – Part 1 [Basic Rope Controls]: https://files.catbox.moe/cw6bnb.webm

Ninja Roping – Part 2 [Reroping Direction & Angles]: https://files.catbox.moe/z1ehxw.webm

Ninja Roping – Part 3 [Speed & Parachute]: https://files.catbox.moe/zz2bgd.webm

>Mablak Tutorials
Put a worm up your ass
I prefer cock voring them
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/orms
Pass: rage
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Fresh off the bakery.
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>AI generated maps

How didn't we think of this sooner.
>>What is Worms?
Bro, who asked
What is Worms?
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Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/orms
Pass: rage
are you still playing?
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Upgraded Bank Editor so your soundbank makin' is easier.
That's all for today, thanks for joining y'all!
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Damn /vm/ is kinda fast lately
hosting some rope racism
room: /v/
pass: rage
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He's literally me
If only the clips I need were separated and had the correct volume for me to just place on the program
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I know the feel, I've been meaning to make a Potion Seller bank but been too lazy to cut the video into sounds, and normalize the volumes.
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Anyways hosting a couppa

Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/orms
Pass: rage
quickie open gogogoog
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Small sesh incoming
Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/orms
Pass: rage
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Worms are happening and you can be part of it
Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/orms
Pass: rage
Anybody got the "worm getting big head" idle animation?
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Only have this one, sorry
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Couldn't find it so I just recorded my gameplay, took screenshots and remade it from scratch lol.
Oh wow, thanks a ton friend!
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We did it lads, we survived the great purge!!
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We are the best
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Forgot to post the highlights
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/orms
Pass: rage
3/6 off we go!
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>Get PS5 for 500 dollars
>Use it to play Worms Armageddon
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Hey Wormsbros. Retarded question but I wanna get some anons from another board into WA. I think I remember how to set up a room and stuff but I want to know: there's no way for them to trace my IP or shit like that right?
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As far as I know WormNAT2 is good enough to hide your IP since it's using a HostingProxy. The other option is using Hostingbuddy which hosts for you but doing it through commands is a huge hassle.
You should be good with just WormNAT2, I've been hosting for years and nothing has happened so far.

Speaking of hosting, let's play!
Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/orms
Pass: rage
Thanks man! That's a relief to hear!
>Speaking of hosting, let's play!
Sorry anon but I'm still at work rn. Plus I suck real bad at Worms. I'm only considering it because it seems easy to set up and because the other anons don't seem like they know how to play kek.
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No worries lad, good luck with your hosting
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>New terrains getting trailers now
>AI slop is getting a trailer
Grim. I want to go back to 2010s so bad, bros.
That's AI? I didn't even notice
>Need help gitting gud?
Let's see your mexi pumps anon.
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Did anybody get the officialnboard game?
Still waiting for my copy to arrive as an EUbro, but yes.
I'll probably get the retail version of it if it ever reaches me little corner of the Earth. Apparently I'll miss a good chunk of gameplay-based content that's only for bakers but maybe I can print those or they get released as expansions.

Nice, did you back the full rewards by chance? When you do get it, if you wanna hand me some scans/photos of the cards/tiles/tokens/etc. I could turn it into a mod for Tabletop Simulator, assuming there wasn't somebody else that beat me to the punch.
So what's the deal with WA Anniversary Edition? Anything new that isn't on PC already?
Seems to be just a re-release for current consoles.
Did it go well?
Why do half of them looked stoned?
they are high on skunk's farts
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I know that at least one other anon of the Stalker general plays worms. In case there are more, I created a Stalker themed map. Have fun
Nice, I think there's also a Stalker soundbank to go along with it.
Cool, can it be found in the google drive link in the OP?
Yeah it's around there somewhere lol, in one of the Soundbanks folder.
There are definitely some Soundbanks that I will incorporate into my Worms sessions, but I can't seem to find any Stalker folder, unless it is named differently
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Maybe I was mistaken and was some other similar sounding game name.
This is the perfect chance to make your own soundbank and share it with us though
Is it out yet?
Apparently retailers are starting preorders, so somebody better gift me one.
Maybe as a prize for a tournament winner?!?!?!??!?!??!
a boardgame tournament consisting of 10 hand picked boardgame maps?
All 10 will be that boat one
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>This is the perfect chance to make your own soundbank and share it with us though
I'm not gonna make a soundbank for Stalker, the first and last Soundbank that I made this year was a pain in the ass to make. But I could share that one if there is interest. It's kinda niche though: german based lolcow Drachenlord, kind of comparable with ChrisChan regarding his notoriety. If there are german Anons here, they might want to play with that.
What's the go to file sharing site for audiofiles these days?
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Put it in a zipfile and use catbox.moe
Also if you ever want to try making soundbanks again, use this: https://www.tus-wa.com/files/file-2347/

Makes everything so much easier.
Ok, here's the soundbank: https://litter.catbox.moe/f00tc9.rar
And here's a small collection of handcrafted grave sprites: https://litter.catbox.moe/qrcxni.rar
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Nice, thank you, I'll upload 'em to the archive shortly.
Nice pair of tits!
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/orms
Pass: rage
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Shoot. Sorry anon, I forgot to answer you.
>Did it go well?
Didn't quite work out back at the board. But I did manage to set up the game and play with a few friends so your help came in handy.
Thanks a lot again, anon!
Nice, hope that if you try again in that board it goes better. When I started hosting these years ago, the very first lobbies had a grand total of 0 people lol.
>the very first lobbies had a grand total of 0 people lol
same number as the lobbies today!
Blame Europeans for not letting my legacy
when there actually is a room there's more europeans playing than amerisharts
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But they are only guestoids, they don't count.
jk i just wish people would host more lately since I don't have the time.

Also I think I fell asleep in the middle of my post and now idk what joke I wanted to make with it lol
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/orms
Pass: rage
ggs btw
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What do you think it smells like?
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Once again the Worms franchise is on sale, buy the pinball one, it's cool.
Why did they use deviantart tier tracing for their goddamned banner?
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Public Service Announcement, it's finally happening. no, not 4.0
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Good grief, who okayed this design? he looks like one of those sharks with dislodged teeth.
What are the differences between servers anyways?
No idea, I joined in and it's still empty so people are still using the official servers. If I recall correctly I think the community server has some extra integration for hostingbuddy making hosting easier but I can't be sure.
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oh i have a couple webms I haven't posted yet
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Hot take: this isn't as hard as people claim it is.
more like au tysm am I right wormers?
This is a totally legitimate strat and anybody who complains about it has a tiny screen and penis.
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Or just like, git gud.

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