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Now with more PP

Elite: Dangerous is an online space flight simulation and combat, trading, exploration, mining, ship-based, vehicle-based and on-foot PvP and PvE game that takes place within a slightly outdated yet surprisingly accurate 1:1 scale simulation of the Milky Way galaxy. There was already star located in-game at about the same place before it was discovered in real life. We're sadly missing UY Scuti but there's VY Canis Majoris. Still super-massive and real-sized in-game, especially in VR.

New ships:
-Mandalay, scheduled for release in early October; a new exploration mamba with yuge jump range and ability to shit out the pilot directly below the cockpit so he can sniff plants without walking. Also apparently the most "supercruise-optimized".
-Type-8 is actually a MEDIUM hauler which makes the Type-7 officially the new asp scout. "supercruise-optimized" too.
-New Python variant called the Python-de-lanc- I mean, Python Mk II. "supercruise-optimized" as well.

>Trading and market tools

>Space Chinaman's ship and module discount emporium:
Look for high tech stations with power Li Yong-Rui for the best selection at 15% off. Example: Ray Gateway in the Diaguandri system.

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Mommy Cocijo will come and unbirth you.
I'm in SIRA. Most of us don't play E:D regularly anymore but we still have a few. We still have our home system and at least one FC too I think.
Guess we'll see what happens.
what kind of modules do i need for titan memes I've never done it before
besides the nanite torpedoes obviously
SIRA has 4 ongoing conflicts.

Thread for the Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0 (esp. Saturday). Party up with anyone you can find.
Post funny clips if you're feeling cute. Original content is encouraged!
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.


>>Currently in Closed Paypig Alpha
>>Free access if you're not a retard (but why would you want to?)
>>Two unnecessarily remade Godtoons planned every 3 weeks

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This is like writing in some D-list influencer for the election
>Crappy anime before the original Trilogy
Outlook; Not so good
soon we'll get a FULL cross over, they just don't want to add a battle pass in the game before it's out of beta. trust the plan
>It's shittier most of the time

While I think it's dumb to compare the two to begin with, I do like Maui ult because it's harder to react to in an instant. I hate the rest of his kit though.
Can't fucking wait to play as poorly voiced anime versions of Tolkien characters.

Earth Defense Force is a third-person shooter game where you defend earth from every single shit the alien invaders throw at you


>how to play together
for 5 and 6 game has a lobby system where you can lock the room with a password or set it to room name only. This is great as we had games with multiple rooms named /v/df and any anons could join by searching for that room name while keeping out the pubbies.
so if you want to play with other anons simply make your room, state your room name, starting with which mission and what difficulty. For example:
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the game is on sale right now, get your friends
I miss /v/df bros
host when?

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/DaD/ Dark And Darker
NO threats of violence OR terrorism edition

Patch Notes:
**Early Access Hotfix #71**
- Fixed an issue where the party member's gear score would sometimes not update in real time.
- Fixed an issue where the pop-up for items that cannot be transferred would not appear when interacting with a merchant or Expressman.
- Fixed an issue where the guidance message would not appear properly in the chat window of a chat-banned user.
- Fixed an issue where a chat-banned user could use party chat in a dungeon.
- Fixed an issue where Arena matching would not work.
- Fixed an issue where the results window would not appear properly after the last round in Arena.
- Fixed an issue where the remaining team users would not be processed as forfeited even if all opposing team members left the game in Arena.
- Improved the visibility of people who received the Cleric's Protection effect.
- Longbow weapon damage of all rarities reduced by 2.

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>be in cancer ranged meta
>instead of nerfing ranged just make rogue and fighter even more cancerous
>nerf barb for no reason
wow thanks ironmace!
Anyone here play warlock? Trying to farm AP but keep getting ran down by rogues bards and Druids keeping up with my MS. Should I be running dark reflection or something? I just lost thousands of gold getting fucked on by a panther even though I thought the counter was just meleeing them….
>players unironically malding that the dedicated healer class is good at healing

If cleric isnt good at healing it wont be good at anything, just because the meager counter to the current tru/phys/mag damage stacking meta is having team healer doesnt mean cleric is OP. Perhaps the complete unfun shitfest that is TTK and MS should be adjusted before the worst class gets nerfed because clerics are making it hard to make epic pvp montages.
dead game
>before the worst class gets nerfed
What makes you think that cleric is worse than rogue? As far as team play is concerned rogue seems more grief.

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>What is /mmog/?
Also known as /mmorpg/, or /wowfug/, this is a thread dedicated to MMORPGs - Old, Very Old, new, upcoming releases and those that will most likely never will.

>What is on-topic?
Discussion of MMORPGs, including games that have their own dedicated generals and those without.
Learning or recommending other games together, and sharing experiences.
Arranging meetups in these games with fellow anons.
Comfy screenshots and game art.
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red pill me on lotro
play the original warcraft series and in particular warcraft 2
MMORPG is a dead genre. It used to be great but most of them are so boring to play. The only one I had fun with recently was playing classic wow with my friends earlier this year and swtor and bdo
I never played Tera but want to play a MMO with cure girls like the Elins. Any good Pserver? I'm from europe.
Join me in NOSTALE

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Me and my buddies at The Weapon Bunker are recruiting for people to play source mods with and whatnot. If you plan on joining, be sure to be active! We got a bunch of eastern euros and an american who's online all the time.

Otherwise, talk about your favorite dead sourcemods.

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Installing Potato Alert has been the most demoralizing experience.
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I wish I had more ships
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Should I get the Duke of York (for coal)?
Don't waste coal on sub-T9 sihps. Buy coal upgrades instead.
they ever reinstate RTS CVs?
Did he sell his account to some grandpa or is he just this bad now?

OP Pack Edition

>Official Pages

Adventure's Field Notes: https://www.dfoneople.com/news/notices/neople-note

>New Player FAQ/Getting Started
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/tk2JXbmQ
Video Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBsu8lK7j4g&list=PLhgKgjNk1ONidiWa1GitBFt7hBShvrz8h

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I also don't like her 3a, it reminds me of Stellar Blade and I'm sick and tired of seeing that game everywhere. I hope that wasn't the inspiration for her design. There's a masked version which looks slightly better, but still...
Mix of autism and younger age
idk. im just happy i played during the 70 cap where its easier to reach the level cap with dallies. well besides the ghent grind, i did fair pvp battles for endgame
How many characters did you guys cap out option levels on? I only did 2. Might have been able to do 3 but I only really care about my top 2 characters.
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0. i'm coping with sacred beast pets on a couple of mine

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Bossing edition

>What is /v/scape?
Vidyascape (AKA /v/scape) is a fully featured 2007 RuneScape private server started on >>>/v/ running since March 2014.

Experience the game mostly as it was in 2007
Active devs with dedicated server hosting - 99.9% uptime
No Grand Exchange
2.25xp rate - Less grind allows you to progress faster
Access to all content - Free forever! Explore Gielinor just like a member
No donator benefits - Only your in game wealth matters. Nobody can pay for an advantage
122 quests - 248 Quest Points available, fully scripted and working!
God Wars Dungeon, Fight Caves, Barrows, Treasure Trails, Pest Control, Barbarian Assault, Temple Trekking and much more!

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Hey I'm new to Runescape just started playing Vidyascape does anyone want to hang out in game some time. I don't get the quests most of the quests near the starting area are too difficult without grinding ( priest in peril), am I doing something wrong?
Read ze wiki
meet me north of edgeville i'll give u some good starter gear
Join hh clan chat. It isn't a nazi reference, it stands for Hulk Hogan. It's actually the /pw/ official clan chat, brother. We can hook you up.

But Andre the Giant turd fans need not apply.

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some game with multiplayer similar to that of tlou, with the third person, same dynamics of stealth and murder, I don't want you to stretch my gum too much with the recommendations if there are any, I am specifically referring to something that shares the soul of this beautiful multiplayer that is not available for PC
Loved TLOU multiplayer
Someone suggested The Divison's survival mode
Uncharted 4's MP

>What is Tabletop Sim
TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own!

Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop (https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/) and discuss/host your favorite games!

Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.

Previous thread: >>1478352
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Clarification: i did host, but everytime everyone disregarded yoko and we played other games instead
>8 EST+2
Isnt that uhhh... midnight UTC +2?
Sorry no can do, can only do that on friday, and saturday sometimes
>Isnt that uhhh... midnight UTC +2?
Mmm no, I don't think it is? 8PM ET+2 would be 6PM ET, which it'll be in 3 hours, 30 minutes.
Fuck timezones to be honest lol, but well in any case, maybe I'll host it in the weekend if I don't go play irl.
>in 3 hours 30 minutes
yeah, that's exactly midnight, ok, good to know. so no, can't
its up

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Anyone still play this? Can't find any threads for it, even /coopg/ on /vg/ dropped it from their pasta.

Anyway, what a nice world gen amirite? First four bosses are all pretty close to each other... now I just need to find a good place to build, and then gitgud at building.
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>upgrading bronze gear
Your friend is either a newfag who doesn't know any better or he's a fucking retard desu.
Bronze gear is absolutely not worth upgrading, it's a waste of a material that is frankly a pain in the fucking ass to get a lot of. Troll set is plenty good for that part of the game, and if you know what you're doing you could honestly skip iron armor too and jump straight up to silver.
Only bronze gear people should bother with is the axe for chopping birch trees and an atgeir/buckler for parrying. Even the pick isn't worth the investment when an antler pick is enough to mine iron while also being repairable in the field with just a workbench.
It's the same thing with iron, it's needed for so much shit that spending it all on gear is a waste. A pick and one weapon/shield is all you need.
I highly recommend you turn the resource rate up to at least 2x when playing multiplayer so you don't completely drain your resources if one dude decides he wants a slightly nicer hat.
creature level and loot control allows dungeons to refresh, which is worth adding
i remember starting on another server and struggling to get smelters due to all the nearby crypts being cleaned out
upgrading his bronze gear to level 3
armor, sword, axe, buckler, etc.
newfag who doesn't know any better but also is absolutely sure that he's correct. we're saving modded for another playthru but I'll try to explain this all to him again
there's always surtling spawners I guess
Resource rate is an option in the world settings now, no mods needed
Only if it's a black metal atgeir at like upgrade lvl 2, I wasn't able to do it with anything less

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The wait for host continues.
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p. much
it's been a MONTH without host There is no words to describe how over it is.
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funnest to nut inside

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here there be dragons
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Wasn't making gazillions for blizzard
>acc still has 4 leaver games
>every time i attempt to get rid of 1 of them i just altf4 because it's filled with russian and chink bots
Region? Admittedly I've only ever played two leaver queue matches, but in EU the lobbies had regular players.
Because the esports didn't overtake LoL
Stupid niggers. The game was selling decently. It didn't have to "beat" LoL. Fucking Kotick.

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Vintage Story Thread! Christmas Edition!

What are you doing to celebrate the holidays anon? Make sure you have a warm drink and comfy clothes.

Thanks for those who attended Posh's gathering. Tyron is still putting off 1.20, likely leaving the release for next year. This has killed some of the hype which probably won't pick up again for a few weeks.

Some people are making OC again (based). People are having major issues with mods. OG has a good number of regulars again.

>Server List

The original vm server, longest running vs server. Best server if you want your builds to last years and to explore the past ruins and builds. Actually has a decent playerbase of regulars now.

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1.20 when?
Within the month, assuming tyrone is keeping with his promise
Four more years
right now let's go
>one of my mods adds a second mode to shears to harvest leaf blocks
>breaking leaves in this mode still drops sticks and seeds

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