Can we get the general going again or is it dead? edition>Free Download>Latest News>Account Statistics>Wiki>Original Content Links, Movies & GuidesComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1634457>>1634344Can you even watch youtube videos above 480p? Does your VLC player crash at switching videos? Can you hear your drivers coughing with every update?
>>1634457>I will use this 2gb GPU from the dark ages when people were still clinging onto windows XP, and you can't stop me. no no no no
>>1635470>Unplayablelol, how apt
>>1635470>1920x1080 isn't even in yellowI typically play in fullscreen 1600x900 for max fps and least stutters possible but at least I have the option to play at native 1080p if I wanted to or for single player gamesSlav bros, I don't think you can squat your way out of this one...
/hunt:showdown 1896 general/ intricate demise editionold thread >>148294450% off sale on steam Malone's Murder Circus/update 2.2 patch notes: patch notes/bugfixes Post Malone's new album, shop, tickets, information, videogame collaborationswww.postmalone.comPost Malone lore; the show must go on too long. Click here to view the full text.
Reasons hunt will continue failing>Play games with bro>Brand new cheater >Cheater>Cheater>Cheater All brand new accounts not even attempting to hide following players through walls with no sound. With this many cheaters and a population of 6-7k post event players? The game is cooked. Donzo. Finito. They need to seriously triple down on clearing out the cheaters.
>>1633618>>1632380ESLThe stateBuzzwordStop eating dog shit and regurgitating it anon you'll feel better. Maybe Tarkov is more your speed.
>>1634213>we will be reverting the ui changes bit by bit to how they originally wereor you fucking retards could have not changed it in the first place, i guess its a small win anyway
>>1635373all they needed to do was just taking away and replacing/swapping a few things in the old UI, but they wanted to have their cake and eat it too, they outsourced all that shit and thought they could make it "console friendly" and "better" by having chinks do it for the same price it'd cost to just do the former way themselves.
Welcome to Anoncraft, A Cracked Vanilla Minecraft 1.21.4 SMP for /vm/.>Server IP:>Map: map.anoncraft.ccCome join one of the largest Minecraft communities in /vm/! Now with full support for cracked accounts!>Server News:- Drama, drama and drama.- Kurk trial postponed to Saturday
>>1634387It's a nice game.
Hi, new here. Is the server any good?
>>1634992I like the chaos and autism, it can be pretty entertaining.
>>1634992>>1635023To be honest, in spite of the shit said on the thread, I have not been killed nor griefed by anyone once, and the players are pretty friendly. It's worth checking out.
>>1634992its eh
>mark moves the server to new hardware and changes the IP:port>doesn't make a new threadepic, right?Vanilla 1.21 minecraft, Java EditionAddress: server features:>cracked clients>schizo terrain>erratic player counts>autistic disgruntled players feuding for years>rollback of griefs, usually
>>1632908why the quote
markus why are you gay?
greg wont own up to saying nigger.It's fake, fake! he says.Get real, own it faggotYou called your discord admin a nigger for @everyone on Miku Hatsune's birthdayIt's so stupid, it's true.
>>1633068everyone in gerg's thing is gay
>be Gerg>want to wipe Gerg World>Mark leaves in a fit of rageLike pottery. Mark will really smear more shit all over his face than learn to use a bidet.
1fighter2defenders (1f2d) is a minecraft survival server with a world that never resets in a free for all environment.The server was started at 26. April 2021 making it 3 years & 9 months old. Thousands of players have visited at least once.>IP to connect:>Game version: 1.21 (Supports 1.17 - 1.21.4)Website: https://1f2d.netE-mail:>guys I will NOT buy an ad, unless you pay me. :)
>another 2b2t ripoff serverL M A O
>>1635301I would't say ripoff. It's same as saying every network server is a Hypixel ripoff. Anarchy is a server genre not just too bee too tee...
New Year, New CapBetter than last year™Jong's Director's Note & H1 2025 Roadmap:'s-Note---December-2024>Official Websiteshttps://www.dfoneople.com>YouTube Channels>Events too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1617499That's pretty bizarre, are you sure the two can find each other on LAN and neither are connected through a VPN or something like that? I did the same thing a couple years ago and had single digit latency without problems.
ngl i thought this was gonna be an idle game when i saw the countdown
Are they doing away with customs soon or something? I have all these cubes and custom gear from the f fighter level up event since I've been playing a lot but I'm still too apprehensive about using any of it since I don't fully understand how to be building customs. But on the other hand, I still haven't broken 60k just yet and I'm not really sure how to get there other than upgrading all my gear and/or using customs. Everyone seems to be 60k minimum when making raid parties which makes me kind of intimidated to try grouping up.I also need money to gear my other characters but that's another story.
>>1634969Perfect 4/4 custom lines have become easier to acquire now but with 115 cap just around the corner it'd be too much effort at this point to only make use for a week or two at best before becoming obsolete. I wouldn't worry much about customs. Upgrade your gear to a level 110 Record and Traces set (Record of Unknown Life and Trace of the Veteran is a popular set combo) it'll get you covered, then sit back and relax until 115 cap comes.
>>1634969>>1635419And if you haven't done so already, preregister for free gifts.
>Latest news:>Marketplace>Server status:>Stat checking:https://r6.tracker.network>Ubishit links:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Still no Operation name. Weird
that leaker fag on twitter apparently got served a c&d from ubi. funnily enough right after his most recent post was flooded with comment how at this point he probably works with ubi, given how fast and accurate the leaks were.
Hot take: The reputation system and all relevant statistics should play a bigger role in matchmaking teams. Shitters who love to TK and throw games can all play together in their meme lobbies, and allow serious gamers who play to win in their own lobbies.
>>1635097you will play with the skibidi zoomer ash main who only gets on mic to backseat you when youre dead and youll like it
Let us play the old themes from the menu wtf
I've been playing on the Signature x1 server, any of you guys are playing? it's quite chill
>>1631486I'm not gonna bother on the c1 x1.I play very little and solo, I'm enchanting my skills rigth now, I don't even started the subclass.Even what happened in pic related arround december didn't make me quit, I don't know what it will.this is teon x1 elmorelab>>1631491it's true there is basically only russians with small groups from other places, but the social aspect is russian, I wish I knew russian.
>>1631669>>1631491It'd be cool if what meagre lineage nerds there are on the chans made a guild or something. Ive always wanted to play but the party dependent leveling always stood as a barrier to entry.
>>1631486I might try running around. C1 sounds brutal.
>>1631486Well, I've started playing. Got a lucky weapon drop just now.If anyone else ends up playing on this server and rolls elf, come and say hello. Got phys buff if you're playing melee.
>What is this?My Hero Ultra Rumble is a new battle royale game based off the My Hero Academia anime. It features various different characters from the series (with more to be added) with different quirks and costumes, separated into 5 archetypes. The matches are made up of 8 teams with each team having 3 players. Last team alive wins!>News-Season 9 is here-New Stage: Chaos City-Kurogiri is now available in the gatcha-Crossplay coming soon™-New Denki Skillset soon.-Premium Logins are back!>Game's database>Google doc with damage numbers>/mhurg/ agenciesPC: Toga Lovers (ID: 1695305727)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
The chance of getting an off-banner skill set or character seems to be capped at a total of 0.6% per roll. As more characters are added, the chance is further split between them. For example, until this season the chance of getting an off-banner character was 0.2% each per roll. Now it's 0.15% each.But can the devs keep subdividing this forever? Because we have so many skill sets, the chance of getting an off-banner skill set is just 0.1% per skill set per roll. If this keeps progressing, the skill sets will eventually be more rare than even the off-banner PUR costumes.I think if there were to be a floor, it would be 0.1% per skill set. If this is the case, then Tech Denki's release might finally be when Strike Deku leaves the gacha and, as is custom for post-gacha characters, receives his long-overdue nerfs.If Tech Denki comes out and Strike Deku remains in the gacha, then it seems a pretty safe bet that there IS no floor, and the devs will happily keep subdividing the off-banner skill set roll chance until it's 0.01% chance per skill set per roll.
>>1633551Bring in the popular girls and it'll save us for sure...
>>1633630Pretty sure they will make new banners instead, like an old quirkskill set banner that will only have red Deku, yellow Shiggy, and rapid Bakugou or something slimey. Byking will never throw us a bone, and its only going to get worse from here.
Happy Valentines Day, my mhurggers
give valentines day chocolates to frogs
>What is Ninjala?Ninjala is a free-to-play arena brawler where you face off against other players using special weapons, skills, and green cum gained from magic Ninja Gum.>Is there single player content?Yes, although you do have to purchase it. Ninjala is primarily a PvP game.>Official Websites>MediaAnime Episodes, Manga Chapters, and More:>Resources
>>1635106ggs! it was good.
>>1635106Thanks for the games!
>>1635106GGs! glad we could play together.
That's it for me tonight, glad we could get a full squad going, GGs and thanks for hosting!
>>1635119Thanks for all the games!
>DofusDownload:>Dakal 2: Steamed Hams>Dofus RetroDownload: >WakfuDownload:>WavenComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Holy fuck almost 1.5 million euros already. Frogs are fucking crazy.
Double xp today for some reason?
>>1634182It's St. Valentine's, Anon.
>>1634234Fuck that normie shit. Too busy farming.
>>1634023I also gave money. It is not just the French. A lot of other Europeans also love Wakfu.
ElswordLu rising again.
>>1634266Lick flat chest
>>1634266You're not the chosen one, me.
>>1634266What does Lithia say?
>1b ED needed to reforge from +15 to +21 per piece assuming worst case scenario
Yes, I added cum to the cake
Anyone else still playing? I decided to play again and it's still incredibly fun. Went for a mastermind robotics pet summoner as a villain.
>>1602047Just downloaded again
>>1603728I ain't looking to set up playdates with other 30+ year old retards.
Which server is the best for solo?
>>1627348Pick one of the funservers like We Have Cake or Purrgatory where they have crazy changes. If those are too over the top for you then i'd say Thunderspy or learning to host your own server.
>>1625932>he doesnt want to arrange daily grown ass man play dates??????
>What is World of TanksWatch SsethTzeentach's review:>Official site [EU] [NA] [ASIA]>Guides1: Armor penetration: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1632772nice, u get 4 female crews from the mission.
>>1633533It got ignored the second time they buffed high tier us mediums Literally no reason to play it over the regular Pershing
>>1632772>free premium tank>4 (fow) free crew>objective win oncenot happening chief
I hate Cliff
>>1634452Just ban it
>Battlefront II News>SWTOR News>SWTOR Helpful Links(If you have a general question about the game, such as credit limits, subscribing, story order, class usage, what a certain item you see in a screenshot, or really anything, check these first) too long. Click here to view the full text.
wow this thread is depressingly dead and shit
Jaesa was built for big Pureblood cock
>>1632250shitty dead worthless board that no one knows about and there arent enough dedicated autists to move this back to /vg/ and keep it bumped . the faggot 4shit head mod should have made a gachashit containment board instead of /vm/. also dying game
are we ever getting a new loadscreen? the current one is so fucking shit no one wants to look at a bald bitch
Give your waifu a hug and a kiss for Valentine's Day anon