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First Edition (kind of)

>What is Sven Co-op?
Sven Co-op is a co-op variation of the 1998 first-person shooter Half-Life. It can be played with up to 32 players. Initially made to make it possible to play Half-Life campaign with other people, it has since then expanded into being one of the most moddable games on the GoldSrc engine.
>Why do so many players have default models?
When a player is using a model or skin you do not have, you will see the default HEV suit. You can download the models here:
>Custom sprays?
Here: http://www.the303.org/tutorials/index.html

We have a server at

Join for co-op NOW!!
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nah hes right you;re a fucking newfag. loli is japanese pedofreak imageboard culture.
Schizo cant tell the difference between fantasy and reality. I recommend therapy to get over your childhood trauma...
hide yo kids, sanae, mery and kurisu are here
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total twlz death

millions must play sc_persia
Is this still alive or is this shit dead? I remember playing with /v/ in 2019.

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A thread to discuss (the absolute state of) Space Station 13 (SS13)
Space Station 13 is a round-based, multiplayer role-playing game set on a chaotic metal deathtrap masquerading as a space station. Do your job and try to survive, or get picked to be an antagonist and sabotage the crew!

Played on the BYOND Engine, install it to play - http://www.byond.com/
SS13 Hub servers: https://www.byond.com/games/Exadv1/SpaceStation13
/tg/station website: https://tgstation13.org/
/vg/station website: https://ss13.moe/
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As someone who hasn't played SS13 in a decade, what the fuck has it turned into? This used to be the game I'd go on and dick around on and watch the mayhem, casually RP on, the game full of shitposting shenanigans.
It's a reddit/discord game at this point. For SS13 and even more so for SS14.
TGstation was hosting 2019 code on one of their servers earlier, was pretty fun
update: they are still hosting the 2019 codebase, just switched to a different tg server
>it was yesterday

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Any mmos/private servers for a poorfag to play? I tried turtle wow but it feels like everyone else is already at the end game and I'm just solo grinding....

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New Valorant thread since the last one just died.
Just returned to the game. Is Outlaw worth it?
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Yes literally just out aim them.

You're definitely just in over your head. Out aim them too.
username: "GooningAboutKids"
which one of you was it?
Nyo I'm literal shit I know it. I can feel the massive difference in bronze-silver lobbies and sudden gold-plat lobbies. The latter onetaps nonstop while the former is a spray fest
is there really no valorant general
>The latter onetaps nonstop
No they don't. Maybe it looks that way to you because you probably run around the map unprepared for 90% of your fights.

But there is definitely a big difference. I just don't think you should think of golplat shitters as aim demons.

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I was playing Throne and liberty in South Korea, I was having fun with friends and meeting new people. In January 8 of 2024 NCSOFT implemented a security service where you have to register a phone number as a recovery phone number, I wasn't able to receive the code with any of my 2 numbers so a "FRIEND" offer his second phone number from USA to use it a register my PC; it was all good and I was able to register my PC. Now I had an issue with my PCF so I formatted my PC to fix it, but I forgot about the phone number recovery thingy, so I was unable to register my PC, I asked my "FRIEND" for a favor and that if he could send me the code again to register my POC again, he just said, I'm not using that phone number anymore, I think it was lost because I didn't pay the rent, so I can't do anything for you. I was like "Ok, no problem, I'll try with support, but they can't help me either because now I need a Korean number with the first 7 number of their RRN, name and phone number to even be able to deactivate the register service or change the recovery phone number. I tried one more time with my friend just checking if he pay the rent of his second phone number and he said the same thing. I did ask a relative living in UISA to check if the number was active and indeed his second line was fine and active he just doesn't want to send me the code. But he's all friendly through discord and such. sigh! Do you perhaps know how to do to register/get a phone number from Korea and personal data so I can keep playing... please! I will attach the recovery phone number from that guy. maybe you know something about how to get the code without annoying or disturbing my "FRIEND" -_-

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Everything related to VR multiplayer games is welcome.
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lining up sights
putting on and taking off body
>lining up sights
>putting on and taking off body
>any tips?
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I think fully extending your front arm is the most common way to aim in VR. Once you've found a comfortable way to aim down sights it's just building up the muscle memory to maintain it without getting tired too quickly. Virtual stock is a good option if you're very shaky or struggling to line up the sights, it works well with the arm extension method but there are some minor downsides to using vstock and it won't feel the same in every game.

Contractors is harder than Pavlov to get comfortable reloading because the virtual vest movement is consistently awkward. I have nearly 2k hours in various vrfps and still often need to look down to find my ammo or grenades in Contractors.
In both games play PvE modes like zombies if you want to get a hang of the guns without being shit on by other players constantly. For PvP play modes with respawns and try to compensate for your weapon handling struggles by using good positioning like using partial cover and having safe routes to retreat.
Ultimate swing golf just came out and honestly I feel like it might be one of the best vr golf games out there. It's by the everybody golf dev team Clap Hanz. It does have 4 player online play
just looking around, but what does this mean?
SL's players are actively trying to move to VRChat?
that explains the ever growing degeneracy

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Wakfu has a mono-account server, there's a guild on INT1, inquire within the thread.

Helpful links.


>Dofus Retro
Sub is required, soul is priceless.

Helpful links.

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Imagine if they had spent all those resources on fucking DOFUS. Ankama is shit.
Waven started as Dofus 3 so technically they have
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I bet he has a smug face
What's with spics and Touch? And I ask this as a fellow spic. I mean, it's probably the most popular form of Dofus here. Is it because it's "free"?
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>Is it because it's "free"?
Yeah, probably. What's funny is that Ankama keeps insisting that everyone should play only on mobile, not emulators. But I would bet anything that half the player base are emulator users.

A bit unrelated, but YouTube keeps insisting I should watch this guy's Dofus Touch stream. The 2 times I clicked, he has quite insufferable, cocky behavior.
He kept getting angry at the chat because people were barely chatting or donating despite having 100+ viewers.

>3 days ago he showed up in my feed, again
>Click it, whatever, its 4AM I need background noise
>He looks like this
>He's venting about his GF, saying this is the third time she cucked him.

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free weekend. 95% off. Celebrate 15 years and show support for Killing floor 3 this weekend.
>inb4 lootboxes, dlc p2w guns.
who cares. pew pew zombies. cosmetics dont affect gameplay, and dlc guns are free on private servers. If you're going to bash KF at least be original.
buy an ad
never played any of them. is killing floor 1 really the better game? not sure which one to install first
How does it feel to be an easier COD Zombies?

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Papaya Play bought the rights and launched its own Global server. It runs parallel to IMC's self published version on Steam, but with different monetization and only 1~2 weeks behind on updates.

>Papaya's ToS(new)

>IMC's ToS(old)
It's on Steam.

>Advanced/Bright Enchant Scroll system added on Steam:
>/tosg/ FAQ:
>Addon Manager

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pvp is for subhumans, no exceptions. if you wanted a real fight against other players you wouldn't be playing a fucking mmo.
yes I would
play on steam
no, you want to torture and rape hapless pve players.

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Anyone still playing Arma 3 or Arma reforger?
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Well they have the stock but not the handguard.
>download the reforger experimental
>ai driving is actually not bad now
>dare I say even good
Actual W for BI
How rare
truth (fact)
I don't believe you, post proofs
Bohemia stays winning

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>What is Ninjala?
Ninjala is a free-to-play arena brawler where you face off against other players using special weapons, skills, and green cum gained from magic Ninja Gum.
>Is there single player content?
Yes, although you do have to purchase it. Ninjala is primarily a PvP game.

>Official Websites

Anime Episodes, Manga Chapters, and More: https://pastebin.com/xVggDhQ6


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Spam Gungho's suggestion box until they give us the Senran collab we deserve
fuck that
I just want the yellow emma alt that never got released publicly in some kind of gacha
Tournament prizes can't be released in gachas because it would make the winners sad, please understand.
does it even matter in a dying game
The tournament winners are some of the few people still playing, having the outfit in the gacha would make them super sad.
Please understand and thank you for your comprehension.

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Thread for finding people to play games with.
I am going to continue posting this thread until I make some friends to play games with.
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While I agree that solitude is much more preferable than most options, I would not say that it is the best. Perhaps it is not worth putting too much work into finding a better situation, but I like to put in a little token effort just for fun.
What kind of games are you interested in?
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Bumping my thread, although I might make a separate LFP thread
lets play GTFO, i'm down for some drg as well though i've never played it
Considering that they're free so everyone could play, i'd imagine good games to check if people want to stick around would be 100% Orange juice or Endless Legend.
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Good idea. I've always wanted to play 100%OJ with other players

Conan Exiles bread

Age of War Chapter 3 is out, and it's Funcom's finest mess yet, just in time for the devs' holiday leave.
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What a good location for a second base in the jungle?
Survival has pretty much the only essential ones. Also, fluid press so you can respec whenever.

Depends on what you're there for. If just aesthetics, tree houses are amazing. If you're wondering about practical spots for tranny stones, two good locations are the bottom corner of pirate bay (where one of the jhebbal sag bosses are) for easy access to the traders and another anywhere in the lemurian city to make it easier to grind gorillas and ape-men.
theres a really elevated spot called the canopy lookout or something in the middle, looks really good, basically flat ground on top of a mountain

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Is it possible to enjoy MMORPGs as a functional adult?

pic related
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>Have you done your daily quests yet today?
funny you should mention that because the mmo I play doesn't have dailies, because unlike you I'm not trans and play good games
>Do this >>1294039
> good games
Pick one and only one. What good games do you play? Because your MMO ain't it. It's funny that you call me trans while playing and defending a genre that's well-known for male players playing as female characters.
>cum guzzling noises
thanks for conceding I guess desu!

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tl;dr After 6 years in the ground, cult-classic hero shooter hybrid got a proper release that everyone can actually play, and with none of the corporate bullshit and mismanagement that killed it prematurely last time (just a shaky release with bad bugs). New faster gamemode, Rush (aka retard brawl, much simpler objectives, non-evolving maps and insta-max-level on your preset build), all maps have been touched-up, two new characters are out, a ton of adjustments / bugfixes, and there's stated post-release support.

Crossplay is fully functional too - so don't be shy, post ID and play with us if you've got nobody else to have fun with!

>What is it though
Kinda like a hero shooter, but good. Dedicated melee+shooter characters, stamina management to balance them out, solid skill ceiling and gameplay expression, highly-custom abilities, non-instant TTK, and lots of depth past that without being too hard to get into. Rough around the edges in areas, but there's a reason people played it offline on hacked servers for 6 years.


Works on PC / Linux / PS4/5 / XB1/X & 'eck; full crossplay capable.

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>the quintessential Tyto+Tripp clash match
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When your team instalocks 2+ assassins you just know you're in for a good time.
when is this game going free to play?
>no in-game monetization
You're getting a sale at best.

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