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>What is /mmog/?
Also known as /mmorpg/, or /wowfug/, this is a thread dedicated to MMORPGs - Old, Very Old, new, upcoming releases and those that will most likely never will.

>What is on-topic?
Discussion of MMORPGs, including games that have their own dedicated generals and those without.
Learning or recommending other games together, and sharing experiences.
Arranging meetups in these games with fellow anons.
Comfy screenshots and game art.
I dont know what MMO to play. Why does this genre have to be so fucking bad? Thinking about trying Mabinogi or Wyrm online even though they look like shit and are dead
mabi doesnt seem too dead
this shite's immortal
Anyone playing Fractured Online? It just released last month.
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Anybody playing RIFT in the current year?
I loved this game, too bad only 1 class was worth a damn and every single other one was useless.
>Why does this genre have to be so fucking bad?
Because it hasn't evolved since everquest.
I member jerking off to Elin so many times with guidies back then, good old days
Disagree, wouldn't you say that the problem is the conversion from EQ style games, where the journey IS the point, to WOW post-WOTLK style games, where the journey is pointless and all the 'content' is endless raidfagging?
OSRS is an interesting example of this because it does both and has recently spent basically all of its time less around 'endgame' and more around making interesting and fun midgame and low-level content, so that way the journey to max is more fun to do. The contrast to it is modern Maplestory, which went from a journey-style game to 'erm the game doesn't start till 200' to 'erm the game doesn't start till 260', and the game entirely revolves nowadays around bossing, dailies, and events; when it takes 50+ hours to go from 200 to 260 alone, and 300 will straight up take you over 10 years to accomplish unless you grind 10+ hours a day.
It's f2p until next Sunday.
That's because they have to keep people paying for subscriptions.
Finally, /mmog/ returns. It's been too long.
WoW ruined everything
>Why does this genre have to be so fucking bad?
Because it's overrun with people who don't want a game to learn, just a doll to dress up and talk to people through with braindead easy content to mash buttons in on the side.
It's a dead genre, not because of money, but because social activism and woke ideology killed it.
t. ex GW2 player who saw his beloved franchise ran into the ground by liberal women and trannies
P99 is good thoughbeit.
Aged like milk graphically and core design requires it to be the hottest shit around to function properly.
You're really trying this again? After what happened with MMOG in /vg/?
Why do mmo expansions have to powercreep? Why they don't just add same level content?
Because majority of casual mmo addicts can't think in sidegrades. Shit like EQ AA is also much harder to do, and sell to the current mmo playerbase, elegantly than just pumping by the book number go up expansions.
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Genuinelly looking up online games I could play with people, regardless of source or popularity. All I ask is that I can play comfortably without stress and not feeling like I am alone on the server.

Was thinking about renewing the WoW sub or redownloading GW2, but I'm still exploring more options. I'm gonna go peek at the MMO bizarre thread as well, but I'll take anything that gives me an easy and chill time grouping up without inducing performance anxiety or some shit.
>easy and chill time grouping up without inducing performance anxiety
Why the fuck are you even considering wow in that case?
Presence of groups and discords focused on plain and chill grouping and raiding, I guess. Not that I have tried, I'm jaded enough to have doubts.
Players who use the Group Finder aren't your friends. The very reason they use this system is because they are antisocial and don't want to socialize.
>performance anxiety
do zoomers really have anxiety attacks and shit their pants over a video game?
Don't they know how to say "fuck off"?
Do you even need sidegrades? Just add more clothing/furniture and a checklist.
I'm on a TERA server right now. Problem is, it's in Brazil. I don't mind that it's on a 2015 patch but I do mind that I don't understand one lick of these apes' text and have essentially no way to communicate.
does that build still have the nerfed bams and "streamlined" leveling experience?
What is with RIFT, of all dead MMOs, that causes people to respond with objectively wrong opinions? I saw some dweeb on /v/ in a few threads spouting off about how you can level to max in a few hours and then there's nothing to do, or some weird shit.
I really don't get it. How has this one particular dead game upset random newfags? Is it because they competed directly with WoW and now ancient WoWfags are mad?
It might have nerfed bams, I don't really know because I'm still really low level and so they're difficult anyway.
Did bams used to require 2+ people to kill? If so, then yeah it has nerfed bams. I wouldn't want the party-mandatory ones back if a server has fuckin double digit population, that's a good way to brick wall an entire zone.
only menma's tera (MTDream) and Tera starscape are "alive" enough to play desu, tho starscape prob not too much in comparison
IS there a GOOD tera server still standing, one that doesn't nerf the BAMs to shit, has pre-reaper content untouched, and doesn't instantly give +60 scrolls?
>Did bams used to require 2+ people to kill? If so, then yeah it has nerfed bams.
It used to be you could solo BAMs if you were good enough, but it was not easy and would generally take 8-10 minutes if you were at level parity with it.
If people are killing them solo in like 2 minutes while tanking every hit, then it's nerfed.
Niggers with shit opinions and suggestions as well as faggot devs pandering to them is what ruined everything, including wow
it might actually be lost media, which is a great shame because the leveling experience was actually pretty nice, and it had the best endgame dungeon, MCHM
Yeahhh I had my time on Menmas in 2022, server sucked because no matter how much work got put in it had like 8 people online every day. Not even enough for two groups to run dungeons. Also he had spiraling hyper inflation from letting people make characters, sell the free stuff to the vendor, then transfer gold to a different character before deleting it.
ded thred
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>What is /mmog/?
>Also known as /mmorpg/
No its not. Any MMO doesnt mean it has rpg elements of any kind

Also tera was killed off
>you can buy ingame currency with real money
There's not a single MMO where you can't do that.
Has anyone played dragonsaga/dragonica here? I did as a little shitter, but didn't get far enough. How was it? Why is every MMO is a has WoW combat instead of something actiony?
Action combat is too reliant on ping.
The slower your combat system, the more players can play together on the same server.
Isn't this can be mitigated by rollback netcode? It allowed quake to be played on dialup connections.
I know that situation in america is bad, but in the rest of the developed world it should be fine, no?
Anything that's released in the past 2-3 years that's worth playing that isn't the above?
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I dont think WoW was a step backward at all, it was very well polished. You can make the argument that it brought about numerous shit wow clones, but i wouldnt blame WoW for ruining shit by being too good.
>GW2 player
GW2's lead developer admitted to never playing #1. She was also a woman. Day 1 also had the mesmer npc that had voice lines telling you about transitioning genders being easier because he/xir/she was a mesmer.
Guildwars 2 was the plague nigger.
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0 players.
Does minecraft counts as MMORPG?
Just saw the Blue Protocol announcement and realized I never thought about when the genre really died. I remember B&S and BDO being rather successful on their international releases in 2016 but I don't really remember any major MMOs after that. Was 2016 where it ended?
TF2 is more of a MMO than any game where the gameplay is instanced 4-7 person dungeons.
Only if you're running 100 players concurrently
Likely coincides with Fortnite, PUBG, and then every AAA studio following a formula rather than developing good games
The game has to be "okay enough" and the battle pass, loot boxes, and direct purchase (usual on FOMO) cosmetics has to be top tier
That's how you get highly polished slop

Considering the dev time on an MMO, every FP&A/actuary at a big firm has decided for us that we don't get great big games anymore. Definitely not MMO's. Blame literally anyone who's bought a microtransaction ever
This. Every decent studio got fisted by their MBA overlords in 2016-2017-ish, projects were dropped, development ground to a halt and refocused, non compliant studios started getting axed all because they realized they could pump out some literal slop fps/tps battle royales, or mobile gacha games for 1/10th the price of an mmorpg and rake in the most money ever. This is almost solely because hordes of retards got addicted to mtx, because the "in" generation they were targeting was extremely vain/shallow when it comes to games.

For the battle royale shit, you have "playerunknown" to thank for popularizing it. His arma mod was extremely successful prior to any standalone BR, he then helped spawn H1Z1 and then became the lead dev and driving force behind PUBG. For gacha games, thank apple/samsung.

This is why the only mmos that aren't on life support are like the same 4 that have all been around for a decade, minimum. There is little to no money floating around for a new MMO title to grab.
The main problem is expense, isn't it? Making an MMO is incredibly expensive, and unlike say, making a BR or MOBA or other GAAS game, it actually requires a shitload of players to function. But daily style quests, as well as the advancement of the internet, have functionally killed the MMO.
Discovery? Everything's datamined within five days of release. Social interaction? Everyone hangs out in Discord servers and will never type in game.
The main selling point of an MMO was being a seamless world with other players, who can all interact with you and the environment: but that's just par for the course for playing most video games these days. Pretty much any online game you name has some aspect of the original appeal to MMOs, and with the massive expense to get one started and the high failure rate, its pretty unlikely we're ever going to see another MMO again.
Unless some maniac Korean unironically creates "Sword Art Online but for real". I feel like VR might save MMOs purely because you can't alt tab out of the game to look at a guide and using Discord doesn't work as well.
Basically expense, in relation to effort, for reward. Just generic market shit. Theres no reason to spend 8 years and hundreds of millions of dollars developing a sound mmo, that may flop, but even if it doesn't, it'll take years to run a profit. Not when you can spend two years, a few million, and pump out a game that has a 10,000% RoR within 6 months.

But yeah, the next huge mmo, if there ever is one, will definitely be Korean, and likely VR, you're 100% right. At least once VR technology progresses enough to become the primary form of engagement with video games.
Go all in on the one thing that sets MMORPGs apart from all the other online games: the persistent open world.
I never understood the hate discord gets. It's just a voice chat. Typing takes you out of the game but most MMORPGs never evolved past the basic chat box.
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Discord blows because part of having a persistent world is people inhabiting it, talking in it. If your friend is in one town a sea distance away and you're in voice chat, talking about some shit unrelated to the game, you are disincentivized to chat with the random coming up to say hello to ask about some quest or some shit related to the game.

Regardless, it's pointless to argue about this shit because the current majority of the gaming market is comprised of forknife zoomers and the dudebros talking about last night's party, or even old tired dad gamers, all of which are already numbed out with the constant dopamine hit the new internet (and thus the new online game) has made them addicted to.

Good TRU mmorpgs were the ones that were made for the outcasts of society.
Isn't that the game where you had paywalled talent trees?
>Good TRU mmorpgs were the ones that were made for the outcasts of society

This is it... the MMO rise and fall summed up in one sentence. It really gave an outlet to people that found their real world uninteresting and unfair. Even playing them solo you saw something different every night you logged in. Like visiting a pub that you're a regular at, filled with interesting characters. Every effort you put into the game was registered permanently. If you accomplished something then no one could take that away from you, and it would inspire other new players to get to the same status.
i'm just here to laugh at new world
I wish TERA had a private server for pre-BAM nerf and avatar weapons, so shortly after F2P release. The progression was magnificent and really made you use the full potential of your class and learn how to play it, solo dungeon runs weren't a thing, and all dungeon gear was useful and major upgrades. Sad anons only had about a year where they could have experienced that.
I miss it so much.
Other than the cancerous endgame gear enhancing, the gameplay was absurdly good.
Action MMOs are just doomed to forever be niche though.
tera died because of pedos
Putting a new class methodology behind a paid expansion is relatively common among MMOs. But after it went f2p, the expansion-related Souls did remain behind a paywall. Not that there aren't already plenty of options, nor are these required to play endgame.
Tera died because they removed pvp
oh look pvpschizo is here
hes right though.
By that logic Mortal and Darkfall should be the most popular games in existence, yet somehow they aren't.
tera had both pvp and elin thighs, the ultimate combo
Is there anything remotely close to a modern FFXI or Everquest? Like actual open world grinding and party questing being required to progress and not just instanceslop. No I will not play a private server of an old game. I want a modern game that is available now.
OK redpill me on private servers

I want to play some old school mmos with no changes or subscription and not lose my shit if a server shuts down. Any good 1x rate servers?
Project Gorgon, but it is made by animal fuckers (there are legit mechanics that curse you into being an animal and that shit have its own expansive systems, like you need to spam chat with animal sounds to learn common language, there is a fucking milking skill you can grind as a cow etc) and looks barely above eq1 with unity assets thrown in wholesale.
Tibia is kinda like that but ehhhh it's kinda shit and idk what it's like now
I wish Dual Universe was good
Are raids cancer that killed MMORPGs? They force classes into "holy" trinity, they boil gameplay down to killing bosses, they cause strife because everyone is forced into finite groups and yells at each other for not picking up slack.
Bosses as a whole ruined gaming. It's overused.
EQ and WoW raids did specifically. The moment raiding becomes collective jump the rope is the moment they warp entirety of the game around itself as everything requires to be designed around it. It also feeds in itself as retarded midcore faggots pretending to be hardcore poopsockers feel right at home and will screech to high heavens if anything will dare to be alternative to their holy cow.
>I want a modern game that is available now.
spoiled stingy bitch
are there any recent MMOs that don't use button mashing 1-second-gcd type combat? it seems like all of them recently fall into the same pattern of combat being mashing skills like a MOBA game and then doing stupid shit like limiting you to 5-8 hotkeys worth of "builds" with a dodge.
Something like the opposite of "action mmos", like SWG or even Runescape classic/2 that just had mouse clicking to get everything done
Pirates of the Burning Sea, not very recent but combat is pretty unique as far as mmos go and i am pretty sure almost nobody here played it.
WoW being popular is the real MMO killer. If WoW flopped in 2006 we would all be playing full loot PvP sandbox MMOs today.
Tibia was my first MMO and I loved it back in the early years but I get the feeling its not even the same game anymore, plus the fucking BRs and Pinoys won.
Im not gonna wait another decade for Pantheon to come out. We all know its not going to.
who was this?
Also, "PvP sandbox" is a shit concept and doesn't sell.

No. Bad combat and design killed most MMORPGs.

Play Dofus.
as the years drag on it becomes increasingly clear that there will never be another MMO like TERA
without greedy and incompetent publishers like fucking gameforge in eu it could have still been going today
Combat was great
I think the story was ok
En Masse did an excellent job
UI was a buggy mess
Performance was terrible (single thread)
Nexus removal
Game quickly went to shit after F2P. They kept introducing things to quickly get you to endgame, quests were locked out of if you exceeded the level, everything before endgame became pointless and no one knew how to play once they reached endgame. What good is the combat at that point?
same anon here I actually played that a long time ago when it was live and then again later when it went to the private server after official shutdown. genuinely surpised how well it seemed to be doing as a private server, perfectly niche game that is loads of fun if you like the setting. town music was pure soul
only things I didn't like was the giga jank ground combat, and after getting to max level and buying a 3rd (or 4th?) rate the only fights I could get for pve was either random shitty frigates or like 6 rates in a trade fleet that i couldn't solo
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reminder your average mmo shill doesnt even play the game
I fucking wish there was a dragonica clone. Tab targeting is so stupid. You stand still and mindlessly do rotation. In dragonica you could actually just avoid attacks and even juggle enemies. But no, we are stuck with second-generation everquest clones.
>Tab targeting is so stupid.
It's all the worst parts of turn-based and action combat combined into a single whole of mundanity.

The MMO playerbase just doesn't give a fuck about engaging combat.
We're never keeping one around until a company makes one with the understanding that they aren't going to even come remotely close to the numbers WoW/FFXIV/etc. are seeing.
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Is there any passable Xianxia mmos on the market right now?
I know how people tend to feel about the chinese, but their mmos tend to have some of the best social features I've seen in any mmos. And I just really like the fantasy.
>The MMO playerbase just doesn't give a fuck about engaging combat
I wasn't aware faster than light internet is already a thing.
MMO combat is beholden to latency unless you live in a tiny cramped shithole like korea or japan or fine with not having persistent world in favor of client side combat and heavy session instances like pso2 did.

Age of Wulin is still available on life support, other than that there is basically nothing on western market right now. Perfect New World and World of Jade Dynasty rumored to be releasing in the west and self published at that, but that is deep 2025 at the very least.
Or you could have good rollback netcode
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Are there any Neverwinter private servers?
I played this game for several hundred hours back when I was a teen, but for a few years now it's been becoming increasingly more P2W dogshit
I'd honestly kill for the opportunity to replay this game the way it was back in 2016
rollback barely works in fighting games, how do you think that could possibly be implemented at scale?
>new world has literal aimbot now
and the last bastion of action combat falls
The private server HorizonXI had me convinced that it would be close to the 75 era. I am older now so I don’t really want to do 24/7 grind for end game stuff for my red mage. I remember being a poop socker, I stayed up for hours just to keep an eye on the possibility that the nm will spawn in the time slot. I was able to solo the nm alone because I was rdm and sub 37 nin.
I might just go back to EQ Quarm or alternatively find a decent SWG private server because that's probably the last remaining old MMO I never actually got to play so at least everything is fresh.
Any decent recommendations? Or anyone on Quarm? I could always use a friend on EQ
I don't even know if I'm 'waiting' for an MMO anymore. Tried Pantheons free weekend (lol) and lasted about 30mins, it was bad. Aeternum or whatever won't fix shit. Don't care about 14 or WoW or ESO or etc. I guess Monsters and Memories even if it's well over a whole year before EA release.
I'm looping MMORPG choices in my head and it all circles back to WoW, always. It has ruined all other options. I grew up with it, especially private servers, and having recently played every iteration they have on live servers nowadays it's all scuffed and ironically doesn't even come close to how much more a private server feels like the real deal. Maybe it's their old client, or the people one comes across, or the mindset of such a smaller playerbase: or nostalgia.
Yet I've been cucked by said private servers closing down and losing everything, all but a handful of screenshots remain, and it sucks. How does one snap out of it? To not give a fuck about longevity and posterity, and just embrace the ephemerality?
Any particular server you're into atm? I have considered turtle, seems to be OK
Custom servers never really clicked with me, I always fall back to the original game. Maybe I could give it another chance. I'll definitely try their Unreal Engine client planned to release next year.
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yep its good old new world
also installing this on a slow drive was a mistake
I ran into some funny major bugs in the roughly 2 hours I played. Saw a lot of characters with bot names, this shit is for sure being shilled by bezos.
Can I schizopost about Star Trek Online in here?
Please do, also cool game except for relentless gacha monetization. T6 ships doing fuck all on their own without specific consoles that only come bundled with specific ships made me quit it as a new player.
Sad part is I am a relatively high profile member of the community and people may figure out who I am. I will try and be as discrete about it as possible.
I used to post a lot on 8/stog/ back in the day, and have basically been waiting for around a year for someone else to revive the general to no avail. This is probably the best alternative as a means for me to shitpost about the game as I post some of the absurd grinds that I'm working on.
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>we want the tab target audience
So is it good now?
Id love to sink some time into a new mmo, I played vanilla wow on a private server back in the day and had fun. I played Tera as a ninja and it was a blast but then the game split to a new game or something and I cant remember my info I dont want to start over.

What do you anons suggest?
Is this ever going to result in a full game?
Wasn't the main reason that ghostcrawler quit at Riot his disappointment with their slow development time and decision making process?
nope still garbage but if you're a thirdie you can bot it and make some money for the first week before everyone leaves
what's an mmo that actually feels alive and thriving instead of being composed of a series of player-devoid wastelands
Private servers shutting down doesn't really matter at all imo, infrequent fresh starts and shifting of playerbases keeps things from stagnating too much.
throne and liberty soonTM
i feel like that shit is gonna be dead within 3-6 months
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Anybody knows how to beat the registration process from Cabal Online's abysmal website?
This piece of shit.
I tried 3 different emails and 4 different browsers and always this piece of horse shit gave me IP, 400 or 500 error.
this game is not dead?
No not in NA / EU and BR but there are a dozen of private servers you can play on and I'm really tempted because I can't play on a official server.
Do you think that having to prepare some spells in save zones before dungeons with limited slots is a good design? I think it allows to have some really powerful abilities while not also forcing people to consider other options.
Isn't that how it works in runescape?
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to anons who want to try hardcore wow together. I propose a private server for that. I know ascension has a built-in mode, but any server will work
I think turtle WoW is a good option if you dont mind a classic+
>classes adjusted for more variety and so undervalued specs/classes dont feel useless
>more zones added to the world to level through and fills in blank spots on the map
>more quests in general that felt alright from what i saw
other challenges including hardcore:
>slower levelling so you dont outlevel a zone and keeps things tense
>no rested XP mode
>vagrant mode, cant use any items other than gray or white

and the server seems decently alive and its been up for a while so it probably wont go down suddenly. doesnt seem as focused on speedrunning/sweaty play for those whove been on private servers for 20 years like a lot of other private servers
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sounds good to me. we should add each other on the realm and go from there. I dont have a username yet as the soonest I'll be on pc is tuesday, but I'll add you in-game then

horde or ally?
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Anybody played/plays Nostale?
>>on a private server
pass, but gl
I'll give it a try, but I was already wary about the wrong people d/cing during pulls on retail and wouldn't mind trying some of those other "difficulty modifiers".
Why is that bad
looks like Ally won. all dwarfs, or? also what time best suits you?
how many are even interested
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me and 2 other anons. add me in-game and we'll see
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>all dwarfs, or?
sure but I'm cheating
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MMOs are dead and will never return.
The player base is to blame of course, this topic has been gone over countless times.
MMOs only remain in our memories sadly.
World of the Warcraft. Wow great!
that was fun. if anyone wants to join, we're level 5 and reached Thunderbrew Distillery. we'll resume at around 5 PM EDT today
man, is spiral knights a mmo?
i booted up after not having played it for a few years
started to work on acquiring more of the gunner armors, sucks that everyone just use chaos set and whatever is the meta weapons.
Any M.M.O. games without gameplay-altering microtransactions? I've only seen those in the form of private servers for dead games, and both the ones I tried (City of Heroes Rebirth and Star Wars Galaxies Awakening) had some weird shit going on - CoX has level-scaling on every quest (hate that) and Awakening was so damn dead I couldn't even get the buffs that're supposed to be necessary for combat.
this might be a double-post, i'm not sure - my last one doesn't look like it went through.
Homecoming didn't have level scaling when i played it and generally the most populated CoH server even if administration are fucking faggots, that is just something you have to deal with if you play private servers in general.
For SWG you either play emu for pre NGE or Legends for post.
playing Throne and Liberty, anyone know if you have to buy the premium battle pass per character? Bought it on one but the other doesnt have it

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