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>mark moves the server to new hardware and changes the IP:port
>doesn't make a new thread
epic, right?

Vanilla 1.21 minecraft, Java Edition
Address: mc.chimpout.club:25630
Dynmap: http://mc.chimpout.club:9788/

Fun server features:
>cracked clients
>schizo terrain
>erratic player counts
>autistic disgruntled players feuding for years
>rollback of griefs, usually
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first for Rome
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>why does it say 1.12 ? why is it a modded server now?

You have to update the server address and port
Address: mc.chimpout.club:25630 <--- THIS CHANGED
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You're on your way to Crater Town!

Map made by:
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as a home to blockgame denizens of this toxic, radioactive website, /v/craft routinely developed tumors and other diseases. Sometimes they are surgically removed, else they remove themselves.
suck me off rewi
it's not gay unless the balls touch
other 4chan servers also change admins eventually. your point?
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I wish my internet were working, I just got PolyMC to update to the latest Minecraft and I'm just 'a mining away right now offline
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I fuckin love this server though
Underspawn is so kino….
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As of this date, there are no warrants or subpoenas associated with this server or its administration.
Ma'am, this server has had 5 admins.
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Meanwhile... on pee craft
this server had like 20 people on a month ago, where the fuck did everyone go?
some people left for drama reasons, but mostly I think the player count dropped because the address changed and not everybody got the memo

vcraft always bounces back though
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School & college is back in session. All the smartypants players had to move into dorms and things, and the IP changed.
I cant find the amongus
i live in my car
feels cramped man
Blind bastard
for real where is it
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very nice
it's been a week since the new thread with the correct IP and the server is still completely dead 24/7
just reset the damn map
>grind stonepick and enchantment table over and over or get bored with game
It's all so tiresome
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/v/craft is the perfect template for 4chins server.
Basically vanilla in all ways that matter.
Pirate friendly.
No funky mods to worry about.
Admin mostly doesn't care.
Not anarchy.
Your build will still be there if you don't log in for a month.
Underage b&.
Runs latest version for better or worse.
At the moment, it's very chill.
If you like that, /v/craft is for you.
>it's very chill
it's very dead
>Admin mostly doesn't care.
that's why it's dead
>Your build will still be there if you don't log in for a month.
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It's such a good server, that people lose their shit when they get banned from it because they couldn't follow the rules. Giving second chances wasn't worth the effort. You can thank the previous set of black sun internet nazis for ruining that.
rent free, ICA vindicated for the billionth time.
>It's such a good server
it's a DEAD server, stop babbling about irrelevant bullshit from two years ago
why are you mad?
>inb4 irrelevant bullshit from two years ago
you have to let GO!
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interacting with schizophrenic nazi faggots is part and parcel of being in a chan-adjacent community
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and anoncraft exists for them
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Dead tranny server
More bullshit from 2 years ago
>anoncraft.best dies a gay drama filled death
>players go to one of two servers
>whitelisted one takes some
>vcraft gets the whitelist rejects
>let cook
>vcraft boils over
>dump into anoncraft.cc
Enjoy :^)
Total anoncraft victory,
Total sleepycraft humiliation
Total mark cirrhosis
>Enjoy :^)
we are though, just not in your server
players online: 1 (the bot)
last non-bot non-d*scord chat message: 10 hours ago
>Hey cousin! Let's play minecraft!
same shit happened with /bant/craft
Why cant niggas just not bust a virtual nut to some random online whore(s)
Some people just live to spit game.
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virtual bussy
Rumors of this server's death were greatly exaggerated.
So which server actually has people playing on it?
the one you weren't invited to
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People play on both, no doubt about it.
/v/craft has had a house bot, formerly LHI when cyberbilly was admin, and of course the talking DooProcess for withDueProcess. /v/craft Authme limits players to two accounts per IP. The antibot kicks in beyond that and bans multiple connections from the same IP. It'll ban everyone of them at once.
You'll notice anoncraft also has a dooprocess, and that's not the only bot on it.
Anoncraft has been bots and idle accounts since steeve ran it. It also collects people banned from here, that hasn't changed either.
If you see people on vcraft, they're actually players who probably did something that day. Some of them may be somebody's alt, sure.

Ya don't get people who played vcraft a few hours once in a while to play another server 10 hours a day every day. That's unrealistic. The secret club whitelist spinoff servers don't have that kind of player activity after the first weekend, and definitely not by the end of the month.

If you want to play on more popular servers, you're going to need to look outside the /vm/ catalog. /vm/ has a long history of fighting over the limited players that peruse this board.
Man I just want a fun MP Survival server so it's not so lonely and pointless
Depending on your timezone, you can make friends here. There are some really cool people who play here. Other times, it'll be just you and Doop.
This server may not be easy to start on though.
cope, name 1 anoncraft bot besides your estranged son

>If you see people on vcraft, they're actually players who probably did something that day

aka afking at spawn/making cunny map art/griefing on an alt
quit talking, you don't know shit about anything.

>story of competing for players
anoncraft 1.0 was the first to pose as an alternative to vcraft and it had like four months of uptime. anoncraft 2.0 is a more successful spinoff because it actually consolidated all players who left vcraft after the abysmal admin decisions that led vcrap to the deadscape it is today.

>anoncraft is full of bots
it has doop and that's it lol

>ya don't get players that play 10h a day anymore
gee I wonder why. could it be because of some sort of global lockdown which forced everyone inside?

>if you wanna play on more popular servers
that will NOT be quintessentially 4chan centered, will have dumb plugins which make the game feel like a chinese MMO and jannies with colored nicknames and ranks powertripping all over you, as they always do.

>bluepill = /v/craft
>redpill = anoncraft
yeah i don't know. this is all very important stuff going on here.
>like four months of uptime.
wow! that's almost as much as /vm/craft had!
How could you fucking do this again Mark? I come back from a long break and decide to play /v/craft and you've killed the fucking server again. I fucking hate you.
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because this is the first time you've joined the server since the map was reset 3 years ago?
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or you changed your name, and since this is a cracked server you don't get inventory transferred automatically, and you'll need to log in and make a ticket
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fuck wrong image and 4chan wont let me delete it

and no, I was playing on this server a couple months ago. everything from my ender chest is gone
OH! thank you very much anon. i did change my name
>it's dead because the port changed
>it's dead because it's morning
>it's dead because it's evening
>it's dead because it's tuesday
>it's dead because it's the weekend
>it's dead because it's summer
>it's dead because of school
>it's dead because it's october
>it's dead because the quarantine ended
>it's dead because /vm/ is slower
>it's dead because of the hurricane
>it's dead because the last update was boring
>it's dead because doop farted
>it's dead because of the minecraft movie
>it's dead because israel invaded lebanon
>it's dead because the earth is round
this but unironically
it's dead because mark killed it
mark's copecraft
join our fresh survival/anarchy/gambing/griefing server.

sounds like shit no thanks
its dead because:
mark banned guys who started another server
mark never shills
mark doesn't install new and interesting plugins
mark installs new plugins
mark writes bad plugins
mark installs bad plugins
mark doesn't dm players
mark isn't the admin people want
mark didn't let vcraft die when it should have
mark is a jerk
mark is not funny
mark thought doop shitposts were a good addition to the server
mark is lame
mark is just trolling
mark isn't serious about keeping this popular
mark is a discount cyberbilly
mark thinks he can force a normal server here
mark doesn't care about player count
mark isn't online enough
that's why it's dead. Notice anything?
it's dead because the map is old and huge
nobody is ever going to see whatever you end up building, so it's basically singleplayer with a chat, and the chat mostly consists of bot and discord messages
I get it now. thanks for wasting your time writing this schizopost.
Can all of yall niggies just play the damn game without writing paragraphs about muh history and muh situationship
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The ICA was formed by a group of dedicated players who wanted to create a structured and cooperative environment. They focused on building a strong community and establishing a presence on the server.
t. joined within the last 18 months
No. Writing pages and pages about minecraft drama is all that is left to do.
Every farm has been built at least twice.
Every farm has been blown up.
Every build has been built.
Everyone's inventory is full of valuables.
There's nothing left to do but write long bitchy posts.
It's just creative except you loot abandoned based and farms all day for resources
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mineanon even better
Kek. Just play on anoncraft if you want somewhere with players.
mineanon has 8 active players shut up
>8 active players
>vlowo the tranny and co
Your server is even more dead than /v/shart, at least /v/craft has players joining by their own volition, nobody plays on mineanon unless you ping them to join.
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calm down ok
that screenshot is from last month
I tried playing after a long time and I forget my password like a idiot and I can't join the fucking discord to reset it.
Rip. Double rip.
You should try connecting again, maybe a janny will notice that you're fugged.
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Microsoft stole my minecraft account. What do you use for ''cracked minecraft?'' I tried PolyMC but it's absolute trash and doesn't work and is obviously made by some autistic retard and it's not made for normal people
they say it's russian spyware, because it's easier to use than their crap.
>add instance
>click ok
wow, so difficult
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my very own bash script which uses portablemc to launch minecraft headlessly
server NEEDS vein mining aka break connected matching blocks
I broke your mom's mines with my veiny block
does anyone have gregs server ip
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it's expected of any spawn in a multiplayer building game thoughbeit
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did you really try to break a build though? last time I visited /v/craft spawn was very breakable
my little anon can't be this illiterate
>Anon didn't join the server
>"/vt/craft ogey"
>1 player online
I don't think that's greg's server...
microsoft are a bunch of fat nosed kikes who stole my fucking account that I've had since infdev. Where can I get a safe cracked client?
you must not know greg
>Anoncraft has been bots and idle accounts since steeve ran it
This is a lie, the bots and idle accounts only started a few months before he closed shop. Originally it was only ever real players, which is why constant thread drama existed from people outside of the server making fun of the 0-2 player counts. Steve had been hosting anoncraft for 3-4 years before any of this started happening. I will admit that they do that now on anoncraft 2 which explains the inflated numbers, they'll claim it's 1 bot but there's at least 5 of them I've seen. Steve doesn't host anoncraft 2 as well so there's that to consider
dir7yhobo is my favorite anoncraft bot, he is a janny on /v/craft.
for hobo returned to v after a long hiatus
his farms were still there
he wished to build farms
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>join vcraft after a long time
>It's just whevs and skorp making map art
This is just whev's mapartcraft at this point.
the people who pay the server bills by donating to mark clearly like it the way it is so your opinion is irrelevant
or they're impressed it still exists despite the autism.
>Steve had been hosting anoncraft for 3-4 years before any of this started happening.
Steeve hosted anoncraft for years with no players on it? why?
wrap it up already throw in the towel this server should no longer exist!
Mark give up already!
Take the money and stop hosting the server dumb faggot!
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Cool spot
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is this the biggest server going on in this site?
Lmao no, head over to anoncraft. All the players from here moved there.
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>All the banned players from here moved there.
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how it feels to see my niggas on the server
14 people on anoncrap, 2 on vshart. Did you ban literally every player Mark?
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vcrap's banned.json is anoncrap's whitelist.json
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>anoncrap -70
>vcrap 1
>minenon 8==D~~
>bantcraft 9001
things are looking grim block sisters
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It's over, ICA Chads have rolled in.
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how dare you dox sinope in the background like that
good thing they're banned
1.21.2???? Mark! Mark when?!
>be me
>join the server
>server is literally 0 players
Wtf did you do Mark? Seriously, everyone left for anoncraft since that's the hot shit now apparently. The only regulars left are whevs, sinope and orso, everyone else is a newfag. Playercounts are at an all time low, just pull the plug already.
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day 'n nite

the vlonely duccy seems to free xis mind at night......
watch out for the zuccscare
mark let retarded faggots be janny, and he paid the price, again
>how dare the jannies ban me for shitting up the server
your shitty server is completely dead and the people who turned it into shit like shareholderino were never banned by the current jannies and all quit after the damage was already done
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>"how dare the jannies ban me for shitting up the server"
spergy melty
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Previously, on /v/craft...
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>are there unlooted areas?
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Oh my wotan your picrel is so heckin based...
you can see the fat pouring out from behind the mask
in the kitchen wrist twistin up a stir fry
in the kitchen wrist twistin up a stir fry
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Don't worry friendo!
Vcraft fully supports Smokin' Joe Biden's second term in office!
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I hear human flesh tastes like pork
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>inb4 cum blocks
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fuck sake mark turn off the pumpkin spam already
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This is at least the 4th time the player base has been split to join another server.
And every time this has happened, it's been under the Mark administration. I'm starting to notice a pattern!
newfag detected!
its funny because both servers are arguing about which one has the most players when in reality they are both dead. minecraft isnt fun anymore, its time to move on
commit sudoku
well since /v/craft has been dead with no hope of potentially making a return, i have decided i will also be leaving to Anoncraft. its been a great ride with you guys but I think its time i make my leave. Much peace and love. hopefully i see you guys around some time in the future. Mark, its been good. much love and goodbye

I dindu nuffin just getting some blokcs and owner comes to be an says "EHY YOU ABSOLUTE NIGGER STOIP STEALN SHIT" adn i was like no am not and he says "LOL RIGHT FAGOT UR BAND!"
and then i was banned :(
he has a problem :(
Nobody's ever on here so it wouldn't matter if you were stealing shit.
pretty much everyone other than sinope left for anoncraft
I've seen sinope on Anon as well. It's genuinely over.
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Holy shit, there's people on the server right now though. Stop trying to bury it alive weirdos.
get over yourself chuds, you're all so obsessed with mark. Mark this, mark that, mark yourself a fucking server with a player count higher than 3
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These screenshots are literally from over a year ago. You have no new material Mark. Spawn still has Halloween decor. Nobody has bothered to log on and remove them.
Waiting for 1.23 "rotting pumpkin update" to take care of it.
batshit retards still seething 2 years after their ban, I wonder if any of them are phoneposting from the psych ward
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i just fucking am too busy to play block game otherwise i would literally play minecraft and dota 16 hours a day
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cyber won.....
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king of the shitheap, aint ya doc
I'm amazed this server is still a server.
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Why? Did you expect it to evolve into something else like a fucking pokemon or something?
I miss gerg......
I really wonder how long its gonna last
mark did a donation run in the discord
he says it was great
vcraft will be online for the next year
if you believe him
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Wait....the admin and mods....are actually dishonest morality hucksters?
No kidding? No trannies allowed in my degeneracy. Ewwwwww.
The guy who was making tranny maps left to anoncraft.
gave him twenty dollars

screw them haters man

V craft is back baby!!
back with 0 players online
One player!
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things are looking mighty grim anonbros
has any vtuber ever joined that?
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uh oh... it's bouncing.
idk go ask them, I only know that because I checked their thread a few times when it was on /vm/
look at em all crawling back to us
no festivities?
i'll be in town soon
what did doop do on his day off i wonder
please help with decorating
I'm from anoncraft
well who do you think gives a flying fuck?
I won't be helping with decorations since I play on another server already. duh?
This thread has become very strange.
>necrobumped again award
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Page 10 Award
Zero New Images Award
Less Than One Hundred IP Award
Another Unnecessary Domain Change Award
Achievement unlocked:
9 Lives
Not even the power of Gerg(pbuh) could boost the playercount to a substantial level. Fauci have mercy....
i used to play anon craft left cus annoying mfs, what is the whitelist server called, gonna try my luck
>believing sissynova's server is active.
TOPKEK, Sub couldn't run /v/craft and the retard literally thought he was fit to run another server. bunkercraft was a bigger failure than his reign on /v/craft was.
who tf is sissynova nigga i just wanna play mc without autistic doc walluigi spamming the chat about his ovulation
Surprised no-one's talking about the youtube normies flooding the server.
Guess they don't use 4chan huh KEKW
This thread, much like anoncraft, is for people who are banned from vcraft!
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I'd argue that it's for the ramblings of a failed admin who could never be able to revive his necrosis server without the help of his much more successful breadtuber friend but whatevs :P
sissynovas server isnt active because the people he whitelisted arent neets
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Those are assertions, claims perhaps.
>without the help of his much more successful breadtuber friend

Wait what? Gimme all the juicy details of this drama.
Mark has a youtube channel where he makes long, boring video essays on minecraft as a proxy for society, and how it should be organized. He's fixated on post-scarcity and how for-profit is criminal. I just saved you 100s of hours of his videos at 2x speed.
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oh there is my cat pixel art, do you fags want his return?
I liked the cat and was sad when it got torn down.
yes plz :3
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Originally the server was for him and a few friends he knew outside 4chan, then he opened it up. It idled for a while because he could never gain traction, then a few long term players stuck around and became his trusted jannies. The player counts came in bursts, most of the time it was low but sometimes it was 10+ players. You can't maintain player counts, it's just not reasonable. Look at AC2 and our server now, we dip as low as 0 and so do they. We also rise as high as 15+ and so do they, caring about the counts is pointless and that's why Steve kept it running. He didn't care. Most of the time I joined it was just him and Space alone with maybe 1 or 2 others who played now and then but they were alright with that. It just makes sense that if you don't care about player counts then having a low player count won't bother you

Mark and Cyber care deeply, greatly even. Which is why we're in this constant "VCRAFT BROS WE FUCKING WON ANONSHARTS HAVE 1 LESS PLAYER THAN US OMEGALAUL!!" and vice versa

When Steve was in charge with Space in tow, there was no player count drama. It was only until the "Great Exodus" did the player counting drama happen and still exists to this day
honestly after experiencing cyber's obession first hand I can confidently say that the playercount hyperfocus is all one sided from him. he's tweaking constanly and obsesses over being like his predecessor admins instead of not giving a fuck and BEEing his best self for once, reminiscing nonstop about his beef with mark and his dead server/love triangle which I admit is funny but ultimately sad
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keeping the player count down, one fig at a time
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I never undersood why you fags where hitting me, but at least I got your cat, and some other fag had to use 1 totem >:v)
There was a cat?
At the begining I killed a cat, a white one.
This is why we killed you
You fags were hitting me before that.
I don't believe you.
I came to the server because I wanted to see the builds. I was reading the rules and I think some other player was asking me something but I was trying other commands; and then he killed me, so I retaliated, weather you believe me or not is not my problem.
Cheating is not allowed
Even for /rules and /welfare? I use vanilla.
You just KEPT punching
Was I supposed to let you kill me lmao
Every time we stopped you kept punching.
Every time I look at /v/craft threads anons are saying dead server. Mark is barely around, I don't think he cares very much.
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I think it's perfectly reasonable for a server owner to be fairly distant from the server. SMP becomes less fun when you're a potential omnipotent god and it certainly beats having an overreaching obsessive schizo or something who's online all of the time. It's also less fun to interact socially online with people with different technical authority over your communication space, no matter which side you're on. Personally, I always leave the managing stuff like that to jannies who I appoint.
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In case you don't play, but read the thread:
the New Spawn Bank is shuttering on new years 2025, and any money issued by bank will stop being worth it's face value. You can still redeem it for 128 gold blocks or 2 diamonds at the bank until New Years.
The Orange District Bank Building (the actual building the bank operates out of) is for auction at Nicks' auction house for a minimum bid of 95 diamonds.
The final tally for the bank was 505 certificates issued, a total profit of 1,891 diamonds and 1 netherite block and ~32,000 gold blocks. The bank ran for 4 months.
Thanks for being great frens.

also fuck gookmoot for putting a 900 second timer on my post.
My bad, sorry.
CyberTF2's entire shtick with anon is that it's "ThE MoSt PoPuLaR SeRvEr oN 4chan!" For him it's obviously something that matters a lot. Why that matters is really weird, because I don't think he ran a server before.
But Mark, his motives are unclear. He'll ban an entire country because someone from there fucked with his server more than once (See: Briton). That seems like the opposite action if he cared about player counts. Player count significantly matters to him would not be my first thought.
cyber is an autist and mark is a cuckold
seconding this notion
personally, while high player counts make for fun chats and interactions at spawn, plenty of people just log in, build awesome shit and don't even say a word. In a way, /v/craft remains a good server for that sort of thing, because no one is around to really bother you, but there is still a decent amount of people who come and go throughout the day that you bump into and chat a little with. Helps with getting resources and showing your builds off with people without 20 people showing up to fuck with it all at once.
It's nice, but it's not the sort of thing Cyber's autists are into, so they shit on it.
Autists are really into popularity contests? That's retarded.
We're not exactly into dead servers, correct
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why are those anoncraft people so nasty and mean
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Did you know Mark banned CyberTF2 from /v/craft for breaking server rules.
I thought that was interesting!
What rule did he break?
He duped a shit load of netherite blocks and other rare items.
I'm not nasty or mean, I want to play on both servers but don't want to get banned from either because I play on the other. I doubt either owners are that pathetic but it's still a concern because I don't know how deep or how serious these allegations between both of them are and how resentful/spiteful either of them can be

There's a nice patch of "land" on the /v/craft server that I want to take over but I want to get more of my anoncraft build sorted out first. I can't build it over there because they don't have a big enough biome for it while /v/craft does
then he deserved it
he didn't do any of that shit
>your janny finds dupe glitch due to shit server plugins
>ban the janny
kek what an incompetent retard.
You say that as if he found it and reported it, but he exploited it for himself and his friends.
>janny uses dupe glitch due to minecraft being a buggy mess
>exploits the bug to dupe all sorts of shit
>involves many other people
>janny thinks he wont get caught
>kek what an incompetent retard.
>ban the janny
I play on both servers already and neither of them seem to care.
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merry chrimbus vcraft
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sir this is a thread for minecraft, can you please stop posting pictures of me and my current mental state during a happy holiday season? thank you
I miss Stee/v/ecraft
same desu
i don't mind vcraft or anoncraft but older anoncraft BEFORE the seasons bull shit was peak comfy
i miss anoncraft too :(
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Make sure to check your festive fortune at your local spawn shrine before they're gone :^)
which server is more Trans-friendly between this and Anoncraft? I want to make sure im in the right place
none are
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the owner on anoncraft is trans :-)
more like tranoncraft!
/v/craft definitely, i haven't been killed or banned so far
is this the server GERG from youtube plays on? OH MY GOD THIS IS EPIC
no he quit playing years ago because vcraft is ass now thanks to pisspoor admin and power tripping jannies
>banned butthurt faggot detected
No greg does everything in his creative world, or plays a private modded server.
The underage nazis have been horribly oppressed by the very jewish mark, as was tradition inherited from billy. Shame!
is the mumble server the same ip or what do you use for vc?
You see what happens, Larry?
Why is it snowing on the server?
u i a, u i i i a u i a, u i i i a
reddit meme for a reddit server
>vcraft exists
>autists seethe
regular autists werent enough for you so you had to sell out to the 10 year old youtube autists instead
I haven't played on /v/craft in many months, anything new happen build-wise?
nope, server has been at 0 or 1 players online for the last several months
It's been a player blackhole
we've had -37 players for the past 4 months.
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Christmas cheer is in full swing in typical fashion.
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So, any okayish servers in sight? I just want to play minecraft and build something. I'm willing to play even on reddit servers, as long as they are recommended here.
okayish can describe this server.
but it's dead
We're all dead, it's just a matter of time.
It's not very consistently active, but it's still the most active server around 4chins. There has also been a dip in activity because a few of the regulars made their own split server. The player count also varies a lot depending on the time of year and time of the week you play.
>not very consistently active
yeah, dead
i just need semialive serb with 1-2 online players
>1-2 online players
Are you blind and retarded? That's less than the average players for either server.
vcraft is at 4 active players rn.
dynmap show 0
The dynmap for vcraft doesn't show players
The piggers are going to be in 1.21.5
More Pale Garden to go around too.
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See if you can spot your name!
why map so small?
Is 30k x 30k small?

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