>Latest news:https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege>Marketplacehttps://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege/marketplace>Server status:https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/status/>Stat checking:https://r6.tracker.networkhttps://stats.cc/siegehttps://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/stats>Ubishit links:https://r6fix.ubi.com/https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/gameplan
>>1444718The game keeps randomly stuttering after the last update despite my FPS being silky smooth 144 100% of the time. What gives? I think I may have seen a flashing yellow icon during stutters, but can't decide if it was real or just my schizophrenia acting up
>>1444920It's real.Usual Ubi incompetence fuckery.CoreRoss claimed in his first test server video that he was getting stutters on a 4090.Try whichever API you're not currently on (DX11/12), see if it helps. As a vulkan refugee, I chose DX11, it's okay so far.
>>1444929So it's not just me then. Fucking hell, Ubisoft. Why the fuck would they remove Vulkan? It work
>>1444949It worked flawlessly.
>>1444949Because fuck you, that's why. Please understand, these are cost-cutting measures for a small, financially struggling indie company. :(((
I'm surprised people still play this game.Cheers from /r6g/ (defunct years ago)
>>1444718>>1445798I miss the old drawfags so much, wonder if they're even on 4ch anymore at all
>>1446131We need drawfags back, I've wanted a redraw of this template for ages, sadly not much of a drawfag myself.I was thinking Thermite putting his hands on Bandit's shoulders and Thatcher is the third wheel, but it really could be anything.
>>1446220What if, in order from left to right: Tumorao, Bandit and Thermite?
did they just forget about siege cup?
>>1447724Idk but there are so many questions. Elephant in the room of course is rampant cheating in ranked. How will that be dealt with? They clearly lack the ability to identify cheaters outright. Are they going to have live admins spectating cup matches? Seems a huge ask of their constantly waning commitment to the game. Are there going to be restrictions placed on "Pro" players, even lower B/C-tier players? It would seem redundant to introduce Siege Cup, seemingly for "normal," players, but then have Pros come in and dominate with their stacks.
>>1447817Siege cup is going to be a fucking joke just like Ranked 2.0 is. Last night in ranked I was literally fighting a three-time Champ on the enemy team and I'm a lifetime Plat 1 player. Granted, I held my own against them and didn't finish the LOST match with a negative k/d, but it's not fun to fight focused, hyper-sweaty Champs while my team is uncoordinated and we don't have any Champs ourselves.Ubisoft ain't doing shit right, chief. Don't get your hopes up.
>>1447826And also: If I'm fighting Champs as a lifetime Plat 1 player, is my hidden MMR at Champ/Diamond level? How the fuck does this shit even work??
>>1447829No, equivalent MMR on teams is not a requirement to matchmake a lobby, simple as. Look at the history of top 100 players for proof. There will be insane mismatches sprinkled in. It's nothing devious on the players' part, it's just the matchmaking Ubi allows.
>>1447829Nobody knows. And while >>1447834 is also a decent answer, the unfortunate fact of the matter is that your "true" hidden MMR ranking is only known to Ubisoft. You can sort of estimate what rank you might belong at based on ease of RP gain, but you'll never know exactly where the ranking system has envisioned you belonging at since the start of the season.
How do i git gud at this game— mind you my aim sucks like it will never get better my hands and arms are fucked
>>1449558You don't. Everyone in it is either a cheater or has been playing it for 6-8 years. You're too late to the party, buddy.
>>1449458>>1449714Nice IP grabber, samefag.
>>1449558map knowledge, enemy position knowledge (common pushes / holds), game sense: timing, patience (when to swing and when not to), your positioning, rat lurking.stop engaging head-to-head battles of reaction / mechanical aim skill. shooting at an unaware / distracted (gadgets, utility, coordinated pinch) enemy swings gunfight heavily in your favor.
>>1449558oh and crosshair placement. this skill is independent from mechanical aim skill / flick reaction ability. your crosshair (the center of your screen) should be at operator head height ready for engagement >75% of the time. your crosshair should be trained at angles / peeks (the edge of a doorway you are approaching, the stairs you are going up). randomly looking at the floor, walls, or just the random middle of an empty room is not good crosshair placement. this may seem like an obvious concept, but many players have poor crosshair placement. if your crosshair is trained well, you simply ADS, shoot, and win. if it's not placed well, then you rely on reaction time and mechanical skill to, under pressure of an engagement, flick your mouse accurately away from where it was onto opponent's body / head, a difficult task especially if you are not mechanically gifted.
>>1449558Talk in mic and be nice but not weird (just make callouts and say good job)Make friends with people and form a stack, then do what they do. Don't be weird. Whenever you get killed by someone you didn't expect make a mental note of how they did it. Whenever you see someone get a kill in a way you didn't expect make a note of it. Play quick match and take note of where every reinforcement is because those are the most common spots for every site. Just keep doing that a lot. I usually sit around a .95 k/d but my aim and reflexes are so bad I'm a bigger danger to my team than the enemy.
i guess this "tip" isn't really explicitly mentioned a lot but it's worth going into, stick to easy guns. if you're struggling with gunfights and have poor gun skill, and you're playing like: Hibana, Twitch F2, Ela, Alibi, you're fucking yourself over. these are operators with difficult-to-control guns. all it takes is you going to shooting range, firing full auto (how most players realistically engage) at the 30m away dummy. watch how many bullets you're missing if full auto'ing at the still dummy's head. now tack on you moving, the enemy moving, lean mechanics, and it being a real gunfight with obstacles / other things going on, and you get an idea of why you are losing gunfights, your bullets are simply whizzing by the target.
>>1449809>AlibiDid they nerf her? Maybe I'm just used to it but her smg feels easy as hell.
>Gun Meta (according to this anon)"The Good Kind of" High-Recoil: R4-C, AK-12, SMG-11, SMG-12, Vector .45 ACPReliable: 556XI, 552 Commando, AR33, ARX200, 417, MPX, MP7, MP5K, P90, 9x19SVNLow Recoil: Para-308, T-95, L85A2, MP5, T-5, 9mm C1, UMP45Shotguns: M590A1 > TCSG12 > M870 > SG-CQB > ACS12 >>> everything else
>>1449929>AlibiFor me it's short of the cut for "The Good Kind of" High-Recoil. It's a bit unstable horizontally for longer distance, but no doubt it shreds close-medium range. I'd say on the whole it probably is more friendly to handle than Vector .45 or SMG-11, but it doesn't have the "natural headshot," recoil.
Why is casual so fucking sweaty now? Is it the hidden MMR system?>Niggers droning every single inch of the map>No one peeks anything and tries to time their peeks in the most faggot way imaginable as much as they can>Coordinated pushes and strats>Everyone has the aim of a 16 year old BOLO>Every peek is punished>Can't enter a building because the roamers on the defender team are a menace>Constant sussy deaths>C4 under the floorFuck off to ranked with this shit, for fuck's sake. My k/d which usually floats between 1.6 and 2 has been just over 1 this season.
>>1449952Eh I'd say it's partly the trickle-down effects of systemic cheating. Champ players hit their rank at beginning of season (when the cheats weren't online yet), they then say screw Ranked and go into QM / Unranked. Cheats have been back in full force now though, and along with cheats are all the kiddos making a buck with boosting services, leveling up new cheat accounts, etc. which centers around Ranked gameplay. People absolutely still cheat in QM / Unranked, but there is less actual incentive, and so for a good chunk of people it's the escape to play "real" lobbies. If they aren't braindead players that want to play CoD in Siege, or they are stacks, they're gonna play "sweaty." Can't really blame the players, hate the game (the inherent weaknesses of Siege's engine which makes it vulnerable to cheats, and Ubisoft's inability to curb them).
>>1449952Have you tried droning?
>>1449990No and I'll never drone in casual because I'm not a massive faggot. I'll quickpeek you and if you don't react in time it's over.
Post 'em
>>1449952Just be a quickplay chad like me and go 8 games with team mates that get a collective 8 kills between them and Fuzes that still blows up hostages on the regular. I always give them a valor recommendation so they don't feel bad.
>>1450013>8 games with team mates that get a collective 8 kills between them and Fuzes that still blows up hostages on the regularMy average teammates. My average opponents: former pro league players using my team to warm up before hopping into ranked and getting demolished by cheaters.
>>1450002>Don't use a feature in the game designed to make you better at the game>Do worse>"WOOOOOOOW THIS IS EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT!"
>>1450038I've never used it outside of ranked and I'll never use it on principle because tryharding and sweating your ass off defeats the purpose of having a relaxing casual game mode in the first place. Kys.
>>1449717I want to at least learn something and have fun.>>1449779>>1449741>>1449788I’ll give it a shot, ty. Also is it just me or does nobody talk in this game? Do players only use mics at higher ranks or something?
So we're getting a new R6 Siege game...announcement at Invitational or at S4 panel?
>>1450313>does nobody talk in this game?Totally random if you are solo queuing. Some lobbies can be talkative as hell both in all-chat and team mics, some are quiet. Even at higher Champ MMR, there are players who don't say shit. Generally though I'd say comms are more relevant in Gold+ Ranked lobbies. People below that level often don't even know proper callouts to be helpful: "UH DUDE DUDE HE'S OVER THERE UHHH WHERE I DIED BRO OVER THERE TURN AROUND" versus "Wamai in coat check"
and goes without saying quick match / unranked will have even less people "seriously" making callouts>>1450315considering it'd be a big announcement, probably SI
>>1450313People usually don't talk unless someone else talks first, but it's more common the higher rank you are
>>1449558>>1450313I have 6 simple, condensed, generalized tips for you that can make you a better player almost immediately if you practice them enough:1. Load up the practice range. Pick the R4C/SMG-11 and work on getting consistent headshots. Do this for as long as you'd like.2. Learn how to quick peek or shaaiko peek, and continually practice doing that in almost every match.3. Learn what pixel peeks are, and how to hold them.4. Always aim at around head height, and almost always stay aiming down the sights when you push someone.5. Swing someone before they swing you.6. If you think you're about to get shit on by someone with better gun skill and they're probably going to swing you first, PRONE and spray them. Don't forget proning exists in Siege like an idiot!I've solo-queued to Emerald multiple times, and I incorporate these mechanical tips myself in my gameplay. Good luck, bro.
>>1450326>>1450336Ah, makes sense.>>1450384Thanks.
>>1449952Lol standard is the new ranked and ranked is the new standard. I've seen I don't know how many fucking people on the enemy team in my ranked matches camping and ratting halfway across the map, and they WILL stay in the scummiest spot imaginable until you flashbang, nade, or airjab them out of it. Fuck this playerbase, man
>>1450397Oh no, camping, in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege? What a new and strange development!I can see the holes in your drywall from here.
>>1450397Isn’t that why you have drones, flashbangs, grenades, verticality, operator exclusive tools, etc
>>1450426> t. Camping bosg vigil under a desk halfway across the map while your teammates are getting Ash rushed to deathShut up you worthless faggot
>>1450491>WAAAAAH CAMPING IS A PROBLEM!>No it's not>OH YEAH? I BET YOU CAMP AND DIE INSTANTLY!!You truly are the biggest bitch on the planet. No wonder you only solo queue. You should check out Genshin Impact that seems more your speed.
>>1450504> Deranged projection> Parroting with a "NO YOU"I accept your concession, pro-camping faggot. Just don't complain when I airjab you out of your favorite hidey-hole you spent the past 2 minutes in. KYS
>>1444718Beaulo (On DarkZero) just beat Spoit (On M80) in pro league again for the second or third time nowSpoit's 1v1 skills are worthless against the R6 GOAT himselfSPOITKNEELSTOBEAULO
Gonna hop on not-Ranked and drone, sweat, 3-speed rush your site on attack, rat lurk aggro spawn peek on defense, and you can't stop me. Cope and seethe Copper, you're cooked.
>>1450595Can't tell if it's satire or you're an actual retarded zoom zoom.
>>1449952>Why is casual so fucking sweaty now? Is it the hidden MMR system?WHen I play, I always want to win. I want my stats to look better.It's the world's most competitive game.It's "Quick", not "Fun".
>>1450521i think it's funny that both teams have non-American English IGLs. when i hear the comms i perceive it as a liability (not understanding the most important voice on the team), but i guess the players would get used to it with exposure / familiarity
>>1450508You clearly have a fetish for getting yelled at and I will not indulge you further
>>1451061Shut up bitch
RPG-7 operator when?
>>1453286season after we get under-barrel nade launcher op
>>1449952You win until you start matching against people who succeed at winning just as much, it's not that complicatedThe other team probably says the same things about whatever faggot tactics you employ
>>1450397What's the expectation hereDefenders just all sprint out of their fortified location to give you an honest chance?
Hopefully today's rankeds don't go just as bad
Ubisoft is currently working on a new game. Codename : Rainbow Six Atom This name is possibly for now just a placeholder and is subject to change.Y10 is called Siege X
>>1453827How or what does this change about previous leaks claiming Ubi is about to do a CS2 to siege?Okay, that question is somewhat retarded, is this atom thing the siege 2 that was speculated previously?
>>1453832>How or what does this change about previous leaks claiming Ubi is about to do a CS2 to siege?We'll never know really. Could be a separately purchaseable campaign given those leaked voice-lines, so it might be more akin to OW2, but it's impossible to know and we likely won't know anything more until a new R6 update or build drops that'll include some more code leftovers
>>1453827Y10 is called Siege X>Original name was ‘modernized siege’.
>>1453832RSS < Atom
Why does this new end-game screen make my GPU want to explode? 6800 XT.I'll be just chilling in the game, play the whole match hovering between 60-65c despite the action going on, and then the end game screen comes along, with 5 operators standing still against a pretty much static background, and it just spikes to 80, sometimes more.What gives?
>>1454580Even previous end game screen (operators together) always made my system draw more power. The optimization is shitty and it's Ubi's fault.
Siege X will add a lot of new features, and some UI reworks. Nothing HUD related.
guise i made it to copper 2 im a god!! :D
>>1456304let him cook chat. gj n00b
>>1450595>3-speed rushers>droninggod I wish the ones I get would
>>1453832I would prefer them work on Siege 2 instead of just reworking Siege. The game is too bloated with operators and bad maps.I took a break for awhile and the game is in a significantly worse state than when I left.
>>1453286I hate that Ubi removed all of the counters to shields. You used to have trap operators that were actually effective and now your only real option is "run and pray your teammates aren't useless."
>>1457033>Ubi removed all of the counters to shieldsAll the same disorient / trap operators have their use. It's more that the current melee interaction and mechanics still skew in favor of the shield. Too long an invulnerability window where they simply ram you down with sprint and melee. I thought Ubi would address it heavier going into season but they didn't.
post 'em
>>1457110These stats are back? WTF>Data reflects Y9S2 and latermeh
>>1457103Shields kill any fun the game has to offer. Trap operators? Slow them but can't really kill. C4? The operator only has to look vaguely in the direction of the C4 to make it worthless. Shoot them in the back? Monty/Clash are both covered from 360 degrees of shooting. Shoot them in the shoulder/feet? It takes 3 bullets minimum to kill and because of hitboxes/lag compensation you're lucky if one hits before they're on top of you.
I know this skin is rare but god it's so ugly. I feel like people intentionally chose the worst skins for the board game just because they're for characters they play and not for the quality of the skin. The Nokk one especially looks just like her normal skin but darker.
>>1457110No my stats are embarrassing as fuckMy most played OP is Deimos because he's stupid and I get drunk and rush with him so I have like a .3 k/d and winrate with him.
>>1457032Get rid of some maps, maybe, but definitely not characters. That's just not how these kinda games work. Even if siege 2 is a thing, it's the overwatch kind of """sequel""". Anything, that can act as a source of income gets ported over 1/1.Honestly, I'm fine with the current roster, and super fucking glad the days where we got 8 operators a year are over.
https://x.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1842255869343379674The Siege Cup Beta starts on October 9th ! Team up with us on polishing the playlist Get Competitive Coins.The tournament experience is no longer exclusive to pros !Register: https://ubi.li/RegisterFAQ: https://ubi.li/Help
Are hackers still playing this game?
>>1458812yeah. it's not as bad as the worst times mid-late last season, but they're out there.
I like harassing people with Clash's shield.Don't even care if I'm not getting kills, I just want to make people mald.Half the time it's retards who try and rush you, only to get slowed, zapped, and plopped. The other half it's turbosweats who ignore you as you fry their brain and watch every single entrance without realizing you're completely alone.
>>1444718>people still play r6s after season 4enjoy your dumpster fire. good bye
>>1459634and don't come back
>>1457110huh which site? r6 tracker gives me a completely different ui and the ubisoft site doesn't work
>>1459538Do you play BOSG? I try to play with it because it's the hot meme but I simply suck lol. I can do other DMRs, TCSG, hell I probably have hit more pistol headshots lifetime than BOSG 1-shot kills. Only 2 bullets before reload is such a bonerkiller if you miss.
>>1459654yeah it's r6 tracker, operators tab
>>1457110I started playing again recently.
>>1459821I must be misclicking something because everywhere I go in that tab, it shows statistics like this
>>1459935>>1457219>0.92 KD as Jager>73% WRI may die a lot but clearly the skin is carrying the team. >>1459938Try a different browser, anon!
>>1459820yeah BOSG is only viable option for Vigil, the smg12 is so strong as a secondary that you dont need the AR primary imo
>>1459948>Try a different browser, anon!:( Chrome is so shitGonna give it a try in a bit, thanks anon
Oh don't mind me, just remaking Siege operators inside Tekken 8
I can't play...
>>1458812it's a ubisoft game, hackers own it.
>>1462710*PC gameOnline shooters on PC are royally fucked
>get free twitch prime>sub to bikinibodhi (don't ask, idunno either)>get his charm>ffw 1 month>email>"hello anon, you are actually retarded and forgot to cancel the prime sub. thanks for the 15 dollars faggot">well fuck me>let's make the most of this situation, sub to junko for the charmIt's been a week, still no charm.Pretty please tell me there isn't some kind of limit on streamer charms.
>>1462915???If you hit >1 month : Use Prime SubYou are subbed to that channel for 1 month, it automatically stops, and your 1 Prime Sub is re-allotted to use again. It does not keep going without your selection.>please tell me there isn't some kind of limit on streamer charmsNo, there definitely isn't, I have tons of them.
>Siege cup is live>not launching on console until next season
>>1462915Maybe Twitch Italy works differenly, but here Prime subs are "detatched" and different from regular subs (which I never used btw). You have to manually renew after 1 month has passed, by selecting a checkmark below the subs tabI also got my charm instantly, you can switch the monthly sub as many times as you want to collect the charms you desire
>>1463057No, my sub to Twitch Prime itself renewed automatically. It didn't resub to Bikinibodhi.I double checked and I used the one "free" sub for this month on Jynxzi.Maybe there's a limit on streamer charms when subbing with Prime? After all, I bet it's less preferable for everyone involved, except amazon.
>>1463283>Maybe there's a limit on streamer charms when subbing with Prime?no bro lol. i'm telling you, i only have Twitch subs because of Prime, and i've used it to get bunch of streamer charms. prob just typical ubishit bug or hiccup. sub next month again and maybe you'll get your junko charm :^)
>>1462710>>1462779Even on console with XIM games aren't balanced anymore. What I don't understand is if they're requiring phone numbers how are there still so many cheaters? Are they allowing players to use pre-paid phones now? Are cheaters just using everyone else's numbers? It doesn't make sense.
>Searching quickplay to test a new defender operator I just purchased.>Get 5 matches of attack in a row.STOP UBI I don't want to play attack it sucks!
>>1463427Wanna switch places? I keep getting defense and I much prefer attack.
>>1462915There is no limit to streamer charms, I have like 15 by now. Never had to cancel a prime sub either it only subs me for one month
>>1456931guys i made it to bronze 4 :D
>turd worlder wifi goes out at 3-1>abandon 1 hr ban :(
>>1462915Firstly, who cares about charms? Secondly, bikini is a massive faggot and you should unironically contemplate killing yourself.
Holy fucking hell. Trying to improve my shield play in QM was overall a disaster. Some rounds go great, but way too often I am getting gangbanged by 3+ enemies, and once I'm dead, cut to spectating 3+ of my teammates in BUMFUCK NOWHERE, either not even in the building, not contesting ANYONE or hiding in some random fucking room watching NOTHING while I get RAILED. Fucking MOVE when you hear the commotion of 3 motherfuckers shooting up my shit you dumb fucks. They're distracted, now is the time to move. Not 30 seconds after my death when everything is quiet as a mouse and it's obvious as fuck where you're coming from. Rant over.
>>1468264Friendly advice: don't bring shields to QM if you don't want to get shat on. The moment I hear/see a shield, I put my unwashed sweatlord hat on and shit all over that shield.
>>1468712I welcome it. I'm playing to improve my mastery over the various aspects of shield play, so I need opponents to challenge me. Just ranting about the team, which of course is dumb to do in QM anyways. But do these fuckers have brains? Like it's to their advantage to sneak up and kill one of these enemies completely exposing their position, concerned with me, dumping out their mags. You don't need to drone, I'm the drone motherfucker come shoot these people.When I'm a gun and someone is Monty, you can be sure as shit I'm in position waiting for the sound of bullets on the shield, because that's great intel to fry an enemy. Alas...
I'm bronze 3 now its getting very hard to climb now so I'm playing mostly defenders with utility that will help even if i die. As for attackers I just go thermite every time now unless the site is somewhere that doesn't rly need thermite then Idk what to pick. I had a few really good like textbook good defuse denial rounds with capitao, shooting fire bolts to play for time, which was cool-- but rarely do i get the chance for teamwork so idt i will play capitao too much.
nvm im deranking back into copper
>>1469642>I'm bronze 3Bro
>>1468264Why are you not with your team?If three members of your team are pushing a route then you should be with them.
>C9BC goes from winning Major to getting knocked out of LCQs by a Tier-2 mash-up squadChunnarbros...
>>1471483To be fair the game has gotten worse the more they've updated it.
>>1472463No, it hasn't.
>>1472548>Buffed shields to an absurd amount.>Turned all of the maps into shitty mazes in the name of e-sports>Nerfed all of the trap operators because attackers using their brains was too hard.>Hackers everywhere>XIM/Cronusev everywhere>Ranked 2.0 removing all SBMM>Destroyable wall bugs returned>Putting the "rainbow" in Siege>Dumbing down operators in general for e-sportsYes the game is in a significantly worse spot than it was. The followed streamers and e-sports and it has made the game worse for it.
>>1472553>Console playerLolLmaoWho cares what you think?
>>1472748There's more consoles playing the game than PC and some of the issues being console does not revoke the point of my post, anon.
>>1472748You realize this game is currently more popular than COD on console, right?
>got bronze V in my placement matches>remember getting plat a few years agoIt's over.
>>1472887>>1473022>But there's more console players!!!LolWho cares?
>>1473072it's how ranked works. you need to play more games to get back to that rank
>Teammate mentions seeing me again but I don't remember them>Proceeds to teamkill me with their party while typing sexually explicit thingsThe community for this game is circling the drain.
>>1473861they prob dont even know you and are just trolling. but yes, your point is valid nonetheless.
>>1473861Post your avatar
>>1473894No thank you
Post some of your favorite unorthodox counters to enemy tactics, that you sometimes use.I'll start with picrel, as a way of dealing with a Bandit. Especially nice since the claymore buff. Can be pulled off without yourself dying, you just need to position better than I do here.
>>1476135A tactic you don't really see anymore is going from above/below to counter the walls. I feel like it's not used anymore because Ubi have slowly lowered the amount of destroyable walls in the game. The new maps especially are like 90% unbreakable.
>>1476160That's my primary beef with a lot of new ubi maps. Labyrinthind hallway spam full of indestructable walls.
>>1473894He already did.
>>1473902>Guy with a Nazi anime girl avatar: Why is everyone so mean to me???
>>1476160No they haven't. Compare any new map to like Yacht or Plane and it's absurdly better. Also, who doesn't attack from above? That's like the best strat in the game.
>>1476500Yacht has been out of the rotation for a long time and Plane has always been a joke map.
>>1476838Cool but that doesn't change anything
>>1476135Some cheeky tech: Lay prone under window hop-in. Works best if you know a shield is coming and get into position without them knowing. Pray they don't drone, simple knife as they hop in, shield deeaaaad
>>1444718You have got to be fucking kidding me, man. Before this season, I've soloed to mid/high Plat. This season, after facing Champs, Diamonds, and possible cheaters, the matchmaker has forced me to be hardstuck at Gold 2 due to a 5 game losing streak.Here is the biggest issue I have with Ranked 2.0: After the 5 game losing streak that demoted me to Gold 3, I went on a 6 game winning streak that promoted me BACK to Gold 2. And guess what? Despite me proving my worth with a huge win streak, the matchmaker doesn't give a flying fuck and decided to give me equal RP gain and loss.BECAUSE OF ONE DEMOTION AT THE WRONG TIME THE RP SYSTEM SAYS "FUCK YOU" AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.How is this fair to solo players?? Who at Ubisoft came up with this shit?
>>1477198Pic related is my season stats in case anyone tries to call me a sub-1 k/d shitter btw. I play on PC. I gotta say, I'm oddly proud of the current K/D I guess I'll be ending the season on after fighting hoards of goddamn Champs and stacks as someone not even remotely near Champ level...
>>1477198>>1477210K/D doesn't matter. Solo queue dicks anyone. You have to be very good and/or lucky to overcome random, uneven matchmaking.t. a better solo-queuer than you ;)
>>1477217Holy shit it's legitimately painful to see you've made it to Diamond multiple times with a K/D of 0.84-0.88. That gives me a bizarre level of hope, but I only want to hit Emerald and then I'm gonna quit ranked for good lmao.What's your secret, oh Diamond-one? Am I just retarded?
>>1477266Also, something that gives me massive pause: your winrate for Twin Shells is only 00.7% higher than mine, but you hit Diamond? That's definitely because you've hit Diamond before, so what's your general strategy on Attack and Defense? Does it all just come down to luck and timing?
>>1477217> K/D doesn't matter.Shitter argument, you'd probably get your ass kicked in a lobby full of positive k/d Emerald players and fumble countless clutches
>>1476498>"Doxx yourself for us!">No>"You must be some person with a Nazi!"
>>1477266>>1477268>That's definitely because you've hit Diamond beforeYes. MMR from previous seasons carries over. You have to take a massive dive in how you play to not your previous season's rank with the appropriate amount of matches played. Stats are deceiving though and any real player knows this. If you actually go against a lot of cheaters, your rank is "saved," by refunded RP, your stats are not refunded (K/D and WR). Impactful versus impactless kills, etc.>what's your general strategy on Attack and Defense?Adapt, especially if solo queue. Say I bring drone ops Brava / Twitch, 30 seconds in 3 of my team is dead. Well I know these retards are rushing in, so fuck drones, gun up and get inside the building, lurk, and win my 1s on Jackal or a 3-speed. If team doesn't go hard breach on a site where it's near essential, fuck it I'm hard breach duty, etc. Defense usually aggro lurk, obviously keeping tabs on site to make sure it's not totally empty (then droned, then flooded by enemies). I'm also a solid sentry player, so holding down power positions where enemies commonly push (Bank server / blue, Villa brown stairs / main, etc.) and thwart anyone wanting to push. Play your part and win, identify weakness / gap and fill it.
A WORD ABOUT BALLISTIC SHIELDS IN Y9S4With the shield update released in Y9S1 we've seen an encouraging evolution of shield usage overall. They have more impact and are a more relevant option than before. However we do not want them to become an overly oppressive solution for attackers and with those season's learning we will be tuning them for Y9S4 to reinforce their support role.OPERATOR BALANCINGIANAIana should help reduce the reliance on Drones. However, unlike Drones, which are smaller and more elusive, the Gemini Replicator is too easy to detect and destroy.The primary advantage of using the Gemini Replicator is that it doesn't result in resource loss when destroyed. However, 30-seconds cooldown can be quite restrictive, potentially limiting its use to just a few times per round, which may not feel impactful enough. To address this, we are reducing the cooldown time for when it is destroyed, allowing it to be used more frequently to assist in droning yourself or your teammates.GEMINI REPLICATORCooldown (when destroyed): Reduced to 20 seconds (from 30).
JACKALRemoving the distortion effect when being shot would enable Jackal to use his Eyenox more effectively, making it easier to track enemies even in high-pressure situations. This change would allow him to provide more consistent intel to his team by keeping the visor active for longer periods.We believe the distortion doesn't serve as an effective counter but rather makes the visor less user-friendly. Therefore, we view this adjustment as a quality of life improvement rather than a substantial buff. Actively following tracks with the visor is an enjoyable aspect of its gameplay, and we aim to make this experience more comfortable for players.EYENOX MODEL IIIRemoved visor distortion when getting shot.
KALIIn addition to the changes to the CSRX 300 detailed below, we are also equipping Kali with a set of Smoke Grenades. This new option is intended to assist her in relocating with some concealment or to strategically funnel defenders into her line of sight by obstructing their vision from other angles.LOADOUTGadgets: Added Smoke Grenades.
MOZZIEMozzie's ability to capture 3 drones is already quite significant, potentially making him more effective than Valkyrie. However, this potential is rarely realized due to drones being destroyed or the difficulty in quickly securing captures, which can make him feel less impactful than Mute. To make this potential more achievable, we are increasing his resources. We also aim to encourage more active drone hunting. With only 3 Pests, there's limited flexibility between pre-placing them and keeping them for a future use. We hope that additional resources will provide more flexibility, making him interact more with his gadget during the Action Phase.Additionally, the Impact Grenades will enhance his mobility, enabling him to roam the map faster more effectively using the intel gathered from his captured drones.PEST LAUNCHERMaximum resources: Increased to 4 (from 3).LOADOUTGadgets: Added Impact Grenades.
ZEROUnlike standard drones, the Argus Cameras are stationary, so they remain relevant only while the action is in their vicinity. Beyond that point, they may become less useful, which can pressure you to place them in more risky and exposed areas.However, with the additional coverage, Zero can now place the cameras in more creative ways and less obvious locations, making them harder to spot and destroy. Even if some cameras don't see much action, he can double-down on the same area to ensure the coverage. This also means fewer blind spots, making it easier to rely on Zero's cameras for flank-watch.Now, he can establish a network that can cover multiple flanks and key areas effectively.ARGUS LAUNCHERMaximum resources: Increased to 6 (from 4).
ZOFIAWe will replace Zofia's Breach Charges with Hard Breach Charges. This adjustment aims to enhance her versatility, enabling her to handle both soft and hard breaching tasks. By equipping her with Hard Breach Charges, we hope to provide teams with greater flexibility in their strategies and operator selections, fostering more creative and diverse strategies, similar to what operators like Capitão or Zero are promoting.LOADOUTGadgets: Removed Breach Charges. Added Hard Breach Charges.WEAPON BALANCINGCSRX 300Being a Sniper in Siege presents quite a challenge. The opportunities to play from a safe and distant position are limited, making it easy for your position to be called out after the first shot. Additionally, the bullet trails of the CSRX 300 are more visible than others, complicating the efforts to remain unseen.The reductions in duration and size will help make it safer to take a second shot from the same position. Defenders will need to pay closer attention to the trails if they wish to determine Kali's position.BULLET TRAILDuration: Reduced to 1 seconds (from 2).Size: Reduced by 75%.
>>1477778HOLY BUFFS.so close with the digits
>>1477662Also a big point I didn't mention but is absolutely integrated in my playstyle, help your team. This is a foreign concept to many shitters, but for example.>You are lurk roam on defense>See teammate take damage early into round, hear multiple guns popping off>Happening on a different part of map than youDo you A) Carefully and efficiently rotate to go assist them with wallbang pre-fire, covering fire, or as a patient lurker wait to pounce on the converging enemies from adjacent angle.or B) Stay watching random doorway X in your part of the map where it's dead silent.I have no problem betting money on most sub-Plat players choosing B. And B is the dumbest decision. You are isolated, not assisting team, enemies are likely multi-droning and multi-pushing on a teammate who will die and give up that portion of map control to attack. Help. Your. Team. This opens up even the possibility of a trade, whereas if you're too separate, no matter the side atk or def, to ever trade 1 for 1. An extremely simple concept (trades) that works at any level.
Since attack is typically the harder side for most people, my tips are still branching off the idea of being adaptable. Know your team's approach. Are we full commitment roam clearing top-down Kafe or Bank? Are we doing direct site hit? Or is it slower play, phantom pressure, utility clear, and droning? Adjust to what most of your team is doing. If every person is doing a different thing, unless you all just happen to win the right gunfights at the right time (slim random chances), it's likely to crumble. Commit to a general push together. This doesn't mean bunching up and funneling in one room (also dumb in it's own way), but I think you get the idea.
>>1477943> Accusing others of being shitters with your neg kdasFucking lol. You are literal proof that rank is mostly cosmetic, you'd get dumpstered in the average sweaty high plat lobby lmao.
>trigger baby still whining about hypotheticalskeep being a toxic shitter with an ego lol
>>1478161> Not even trying to deny that you'd get shit onYikes. I'd rather have a rank I earned with a good k/d than have a cosmetic rank I didn't actually earn with a sub 1 k/d. Sucks to be you, mang
You don't seem to understand how ranks work. I don't have to try and prove anything, the proof is in my rank. I'm better than you, plats, and emeralds.
>>1478243> I don't have to try and prove anything, the proof is in my rank. I'm better than you, plats, and emeralds.Nah, you've just simply got luckier than us. I guarantee if I DIDN'T solo queue, I'd hit your rank easily with a higher k/d, faggot. I only had your k/d a few times when I was new to Siege. You've had that dogshit k/d as a Siege veteran. Absolutely comical. If I can beat your k/d in a lower rank, you're only better than me in your wildest dreams lol.Seriously: do you know how many teams would pick me up over you? Me, an Emerald with a k/d of 1.20 over you, a ""Diamond"" with a k/d of 0.84. You're a fraud, and in a real match I'd shit all over you lmao.COSMETICRANK
>luck>spanning 287 Ranked matchesk shitter. lol
>>1478314> spanning 287 matches with a k/d that doesn't even hit 1.00You'd lose to me in any given clutch scenario. Hate to see it, but I'd take that free ELO I guess. Free ELO works for me!
enjoy your ugly green rank that is inferior to mine. lol
>>1478317Green is my favorite color, I literally do not care about whatever rank above that. Enjoy losing to me in a 1v1 while your teammates screech at you over the mic. :'^)
i would beat you, as proven over time, by my current rank.
>>1478321OK, cosmetic rankLiteral golds have higher kd, but please tell us more about how elite you are
>he's now coping with the fallacy that any rank with a higher K/D is a better playercopper 1.7 pwns you n00b
>>1478329> >he's now coping with the fallacy that any rank with a higher K/D is a better playerNot a fallacy at all whatsoever, cosmetic rank.If you lose in a 1v1 consistently against a Gold (As your kd proves you most likely would), that Gold is better than you mechanically. I'm not even hating on you right now, I'm being serious: when's the last time you've seen a Siege vet with a kd under 1.00? Like, what the fuck? That's just weird lel. Even the WORST pro players don't have kd under 0.90, jesus.
damn wild how dumb you are. known that since your first post tho. there are many more pages.when you go against opposition of equal skill level, not everyone goes positive. it's the way math and stats work. and the way math and stats work, i'm a superior player (diamond) to you (emerald). you play against other emeralds and shitters. i play against other diamonds and champs.
>>1478333Canadian, one of the statistically worst kda players in R6 pro league, has a kda of 0.90. What the fuck are you even doing? If he has a kda of 0.90 in pro league, that means you'd probably have a kda of 0.60 or worse because you can't even hang in ranked, and would replace him as the worst. Hilarious.
>>1478336You're a cosmetic rank, simple as. If the average plat player has a higher kd than you in multiple seasons, you aren't anywhere as remotely good as you think you are.If you want to prove otherwise, let's see what your kda is after over 100 matches. If it's still under 1.00, you're just getting hardcarried by randoms.Simple as, bro. GG.
gg simple as lil em bro
>>1478345> Hmm, I know what this guy meant, but I'll be really semantic and point out that my lifetime ranked kda is 1.00 exactly! That'll show him!!Listen, bro: you can't go around calling lower ranked players shitters if you have the exact same negative kda as them season after season. You're delusional, and a cosmetic diamond that will never be taken seriously in a lobby full of positive kda players.Cope.
>>1478459And further proving my point, this is me, a ""lower ranked player"" with a higher lifetime kd AND winrate than you, a cosmetic Diamond. Get the fuck outta here, man.
>>1477575>Post your avatar>DoxxingLmao pussy answerHere's my avatar. I've used it for years.You won't find my account with any sense of certainty in a century of looking.
C9BC and Furia beat out of LCQs. Siege a fickle mistress.
after a grueling few weeks i have made it into...bronze 3.the quest continues.
>>1479549Go on anon, keep us updatedHow often do you play also?
Do people talk in ranked? My teams never say anything except gg at the end of the match.
>>1479598They do on console. The arabs are fucking annoying though, they have yet to figure out how to mute their controllers
I haven’t played this game in years. How is it in 2024? Is it worth playing again?
>>1480084> How is it in 2024? Is it worth playing again?Yesn't. It all depends on you. But, If I had to guess: since you haven't played Siege in years, you're going to get shit on the moment you come back, especially on PC. You probably won't find it enjoyable getting dumpstered for weeks in Standard until you get your mojo back.Oh, and of course: You're most likely gonna end up with toxic teammates raging at you and shittalking you because they treat Standard like it's Ranked and their ELO is on the line, and they won't give a flying fuck in the slightest that you haven't played in years- clutch every 1v1 you're in or that 17 year old lifetime Gold on your team will screech into your ear about how "ass" and "buns" you are.And then, once you want to tryout Ranked sometime, you'll have to deal with the usual onslaught of stealth cheaters toggling wallhacks and Ranked 2.0's uniquely bizarre brand of dogshit matchmaking and hidden MMR that's somehow not the same as your visible MMR.So in my opinion: You've basically shot yourself in the foot by taking such a long hiatus, and you may not enjoy current Siege.Your choice to return or not.
>>1480084It can be enjoyable but they watered down a lot of the fun parts to appeal to streamers/competitive.
>>1478469>Use photo as avatar.>"WHY AREN'T YOU DOXXING YOURSELF"Don't be dumb, anon.
>>1480084It's really really good. Of course, like all other competitive games, as soon as you get hard "into" it, you'll start getting angry But it's still the best FPS available on the market
Now that the dust has settled what do we think of the cripple and her tin men?
>>1480994Good op but it's to high ceiling that it makes me tired to use
>watch killcam of guy killing me>he has complete fucking recoil control as he mag dumps me, like a fucking laser beamjesus I wish I was fucking like smart enough to pull down on my mouse when I shoot at people, i'm too fucking brainlet to control recoil at all
>overtime match>gg ez>freelo>it's quickplay
>>1444718Why does Ranked 2.0 actively start trying to get you hardstuck after a total of 100 matches? A sample size of 100 matches for a hardcore Siege player is relatively small. Is Ubisoft ever going to rework this? Because without fail, every single time I've played over 100 matches exactly, the matchmaker gradually starts giving RP gain and loss that is more and more equivalent, and going on huge winstreaks doesn't alleviate this.What other competitive FPS games punish the player for competing like this after a certain duration?
>>1444718>Server statusPacket loss: redJitter : redLatency : yellow
tfw my duo isn't playing so I'm kinda alone and it's boring
>>1477780Just make her 2 speed again. The nerf was completely unnecessary, holy shit.
>>1444718If Siege X doesn't overhaul Ranked 2.0, I will give up all faith in Ubisoft. >:( They also need to rework the current state of shields, anticheat, and the faggot bosg
>>1486602They did tease ranked 3.0 but I don't think they'll scrap many of the changes
>>1486602Shields nerf is 100% confirmed, they keep saying they're improving anticheat but lmao, don't recall them saying anything about BOSG but everyone's complaining so maybe for Y10S1
Predictions are liveYou can get packs and a battle passhttps://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/esports/rainbow-six/siege/predictions/463
>>1486329Hell nah, keep her speed as it is. Just re-add soft breaches, they're niche but it would be nice addition to can openers. Also, lower the recoil on her LMG, that shit's atrocious.
>>1486602Ranked 2,0 is so retarded.You are already at your hidden rank getting matches against opponents of that level but your visual rank doesn't match that.
Least incompetent teammates in Siege:I have only three questions: how the fuck is matchmaking still so busted and unbalanced in this piece of shit game? How are you supposed to win anything with braindead teammates like this? Are these even real players or bots? I refuse to believe real players with human brains are this fucking retarded.
>>1490658That's the neat part: you don't. All you can do is accept the imminent assfucking you're going to get and move onto the next match, hoping for something more balanced. I've literally had real, breathing teammates with godawful k/ds (0 to 5, 2 to 7, 1 to 6, etc.) dragging my entire team down in ranked and unironically shittalking me with zero self-awareness.Toxic teammates will forever be dogshit at Siege and never personally improve no matter what rank they are, and there's nothing you can say to them- YOU'RE the problem, not them.> Toxic teammates when you have a slightly negative k/d: GET SOME PICKS, HELP YOUR TEAM, YOU'RE ASS> Toxic teammates when you have a huge positive k/d: WOW STOP BAITING, OH MY GOD BROOO, PLAY THE GAMEEEEEEI think Siege is just filled to the brim with immature, egotistical man-children and smoothbrained, angsty teenagers. It's the best multiplayer FPS with the scummiest, most godawful community of all time, and I sincerely like people overall LESS because of my time in Siege.Mute everyone being retarded, teamkill them, whatever. Just erase their entire existence from your memory bank and keep moving.
As much as they chase FOTM collabs, I'm surprised they never chased the Backrooms or SCP trends.
Did they decrease the SMG-12's recoil or have I just been using it so much I don't notice anymore?
Montreal Major underwayoozie playing on CL4L lol
>>1493989Whatever team has Oozie on it is going to lose. Ever since the Spoit 1v1, Oozie has proven he has no business being anywhere near pro league because he gets shit on whenever he has to compete against real, professional Siege players as opposed to YouTubers and ranked sweats.
>log on today>fps is locked at 144 for some reason>check all the settings, no frame rate restrictions>check nvidia, nothing restricting it there either>realize this is my refresh rate tooWhat the fuck is going on? Did they break something in the last like 18 hours?
>>1494436Rebooted machine, menu and ingame are still limited at 144 FPS, happens in all 3 display modes. Fucking baffling.
>>1493989How did he do?
So apparently Blackbeard turns into a mini shield operator with dashing ability like Oryx
>>1494436Any chance you're running borderless windowed? That forces v-sync you can't turn off.Also, are you checking gameplay as well or just menus? During gameplay, my FPS is capped at whatever I capped it (meaning it works normally), but in menus it's half that.
>>1494644My bad, I missed the part about trying all display modes.Locate the exe, right click, compatibility mode, and check "Disable full screen optimizations", could be some Windows fuckery.If it's not that, then I give up.
Alemao is playing :)
>>1494710Fuck them niggasI wanna see Beaulo and Shaiiko, they're the only ones that actually matterI wanted to see Spoit in the major too, but the teams he's on constantly get dumpstered at the last second
>>1494508I heard Oozie did decently overall, but it doesn't matter because I think CL4L just got knocked out of the entire major by CAG
>>1494644>>1494657Borderless, yeah, but I've also been running borderless exclusively since like... The season they added Vulcan, as well as earlier this season, and never really spent any time under 200 FPS.I'll give the disable full screen shit a shot when we group tonight, thanks for trying either way.
>>1494938GOOD. Good riddance to that who-ville lookin' motherfucker, I don't wanna see him shitting up the leagues ever again. Fuck off back to ranked
>>1494938>CL4L just got knocked out of the entire major by CAGHow disheartening lol. Grinded through some tough matches over the span of months to qualify for their chance. Get to the big stage and go 0-2, knocked out by teams that are arguably at the bottom of T1 themselves
>>1495882I honestly don't even know why any current Siege player would ever want to break into pro league to begin with. You're going to get absolutely thrashed and find out you've never been as good as you thought you were, and unless you're like Canadian with a masterful understanding of Siege that can work around your garbo mechanical skill, you're never going to make it. I've seen Spoit, Beaulo, Pengu, and Shaiiko at their absolute worst getting shit on in pro league- so what the fuck was Oozie thinking?? Why was his dumbass even subbed in?
>>1496046Case in point: Beaulo went 2 to 10 today lol. That's how intense pro league is. Like even at my lowest as a T3 player (Regular, non-competitive Siege player) I've NEVER had a match that bad, much less for countless viewers all over YouTube to watch. You have to be built different for PL, and Oozie isn't that guy
>>1496764>turns out the soloq mechanical aim demon who thrives on shit communication in pubs actually isn't owning 1v5 against teams who know callouts and stratsMany such cases.
Blackbeard rework leakedan entire shield + primary
>Blackbeard's bio changed and he's now trans
>>1498308Jesus he wasn't doing so bad a couple months ago
Thunderbird and Sens buff
Shaiiko is playin'
>>1498907Good. Thunderbird's been trash since she lost C4 and it only got even worse after that.
>>1499518Yeah true but Pros had their use for her so that's why they kept holding off for a buff. Meanwhile Sens's will be a tactical/strategical one... interesting
Sens buffYou are now able to toggle on and off recently placed wallsTB BuffKonas heal you with 20 hp instantly (not changed) AND apply health regeneration effect until you get full hp or get hurt again, about 2 hp per second
>>1500486> Sens buffNot even remotely a buff, still a dogshit operator that adds nothing to the game> TB buffStep in the right direction, but she's still going to be considered dogshit because she can't heal and spawnpeek like Doc in high ELO gamesGive her back her nitro cell and she'd be considered viable again
>>1500486a real sens buff would be one that makes the roller not so aggravating to use.
>he can use his AR with the shield upIt's over
Is ubigay really going to remove dx11?Game will become unplayable if they do.
>>1501318Shields were already massively overpowered. Are they trying to kill their game?
>>1501318>>1501943Shields are going to get moderately nerfed so they aren't oppressive free wins anymore. I'm not particularly worried about BB with shield because his head will be exposed, unlike Blitz, Monty, Osa, and shield Fuze. If anything, I'd imagine BB will be the weakest shield operator if the upcoming balancing works out well enough
Canadian got fucked :)
>>1502581*ComedianAnother L for the """world's greatest Siege player"""
Season 4 reveal panel is going live now
Y9S4 Cross play confirmed, ranks are separate Blackbeard remaster. Shield and AR TOGETHER, can go through soft walls Siege Cup live Mousetrap V2. PC lobbies for 90 days if detected Cheater games cancelled mid match Rep system reformed Auto all chat moderation Maestro elite Matchmaking improvements based on stack size and skill Shield rework, no damage on hit, no melee priority, guard break animation stacks up, suppressive fire increased Ying candella delayed fuse time by 2s Sens ROU projector can be switched on and off, Warden can't see through it Badges for stats introduced. X kills with a weapon etc
>>1502011>>1504616Well boys, my prediction about BB was wrong. He's basically going to be Monty with an assault rifle. We're cooked, gg
“Riot”event gamemode is called “Assault on Hereford” and has 2 teams being Keres vs R6
>Come back after a year>ADS nerf to shit>Movement been slowed >Most AR's are god awful nowNigga what the fuck is the people in charge never touched an FPS? I'm better off uninstalling it
>>1453827Is Rainbow Six Atom is where squad is filled with tranny operators?
>>1504616>PC lobbies for 90 days if detectedCan't fucking wait to shit on these niggers. Every now and then I come across a ximmy champ streaming on tiktok and it's comical how bad they are, especially considering how console recoil is like a third of PC.Question is, how fast and reliable the system will be at ruling these sanctions.
>>1508333>Question is, how fast and reliable the system will be at ruling these sanctions.Slow as fuck. They're going for the three stikes in general. I get that false positives are a thing but c'mon
>>1450384quick peeking results in 99% not hitting your target. quick peeking is useless.
>>1449558Change your sensitivity if you haven't, it will improve your aim when you find something that works for you.
>>1510683Quick peeking isn't for shooting a target, retard. It's for trying to figure out where a target is without blindly facechecking them.Stay in Silver pls
>>1511047>figure out where a target is
>>1512562> Implying you can't use both quick peeking and droning to find out where someone isShit argument, shit bait
>30 levels to go in 6 daysI can do this...
>>1450384>>1450384Here, anon, let me rephrase that for ya>practice two guns that are on situational/hard to play/high expected performance operators, one of which has the game's most notorious recoil>cheese (may or may not get removed from the game down the line, like they got rid of lean spam)>cheese>common sense if this isn't your first fps>'game has peekers advantage', wrapped in this tiktok saying (signifying OP is under 18, and shouldn't be taken seriously), also common sense>cheese, on top of being extremely situational, also disregards that going prone has the most distinguishable sound cues in the entire gameHope this helps!
The Six Invitational 2025 Last Chance Qualifiers are here! 4 Regions - APAC, SA, NA, EU & MENA 4 Spots - 1 per region Each qualifier features 3 Phases 2x Open Qualifiers, Online Closed Qualifiers, and the Finals
>>151305819 to go. Three new BP missions are up today, so that's pretty much 3 free levels.Hopefully I don't need to use a booster
>>1513765> Practice two guns that are situationalHoly fuck you are bad, stay in whatever shithole rank you're in kek.
>>1514047Also: what's with you calling legitimate, widely-used Siege mechanics in higher ranks and pro play "cheese"?I imagine you must get pretty upset when someone shits on you using the pixel peeks/quick peeks/etc you refuse to learn and think are beneath you lol
Okay gang, let's review why the shit you listed is useless, or very low priority for a beginner.>>1514047First>trying to pull rank while being hardstuck emerald yourselfkek. Aren't you the same guy that was crashing out a while back, over a diamond guy having lower kd than you? Then ranting how rank is cosmetic? You're contradicting yourself.Second, I never claimed the guns were bad, what I said was that the operators that use them are situational, like Ram OR expected to perform well, like Ash.As for the SMG-11 suggestion, decent gun, just not in the hands of a beginner. Also not a primary.>>1514054>legitimate, widely-used Siege mechanic>lean spamming>bullethole peeking>dropshottingAll of these were considered legitimate, then they got rid of them. For a newcomer, it falls under the category of cheese, because this knowledge ranks wayyy below the important stuff, like map knowledge, crosshair placement, playing off of sound cues while managing your own, knowing what operator to pick and how to effectively use them, utility etc. I know it's much to process for an aimbro, but getting kills is just as dependant on your general knowledge of the game as your inhuman sub 75ms reaction time with your 32g $120 mouse and godly gamesense. As an example, you wouldn't know where to enter the building when you're doing your snappiy wannabe rush, if you weren't familiar with the map and the general strategies of it. Not being able to give or understand callouts beyond "2f" or "on site" is also pretty bad.>making up imaginary scenarios as an argumentPlay pretend, I really hope you're not jerking off to this. Little girls do it, after all.Also, I never said I don't know or use these, I just pointed out how these are not the best starting point for someone new to the game.
>>1514760>useless, very low priority for a beginnerAbsolutely moronic take, and in no reality is working on mechanics "useless" for anyone.>I never claimed the guns were bad, what I said was that the operators that use them are situational, like Ram OR expected to perform well, like Ash.All operators in Siege are situational, retard.>As for the SMG-11 suggestion, decent gun, just not in the hands of a beginner.If a beginner wants to get good, they should clearly practice working on more advanced, high-recoil guns. Practice makes perfect. According to you, beginners are just supposed to rot away and never challenge themselves at all whatsoever. I'm not going to address the remainder of your idiotic takes because it's clear you think working on mechanics labels you as an "aimbro" and that magically means you'll disregard basic gamesense. Quite frankly, your entire argument is basically telling a beginner that mechanics and techniques, a unique and massive part of Siege, are not even remotely worth learning or are low priority. Thank God nobody is taking your dogshit advice that is clearly tinted with bizarre prejudice against """aimbros""" that have probably dumpstered you in countless scenarios, because ultimately, they took the time and effort to work on the IMPORTANT core aspects of Siege, clearly unlike your dumbass, hence your seething.>Aren't you the same guy that was crashing out a while back, over a diamond guy having lower kd than you?Nope, and calling someone "hardstuck" at the 3rd highest rank in game is the lamest attempt at an insult I've heard in a while lmao.TLDR: GIT GUD
>>1515161And another thing: it seriously cracks me up, the state of you. You actually have the nerve to imply that a total newcomer to Siege who wants to see almost immediate improvement in their skills is going to achieve that sooner by learning callouts and playing off of sound queues than by learning anything gunplay-related.Fucking lol, man
>>1515161>working on mechanics "useless" for anyoneExaggerating.>All operators in Siege are situationalNever said they weren't, also ignoring the rest of the sentence.>beginners are just supposed to rot awayAgain, exaggeration. Beginners should play simpler operators that don't distract them from learning the game, and allow them to have fun. Telling them "just quick peek and hold pixel peeks bro" while also suggesting those guns and those operators as starting points is a surefire way to get them burnt out and never come back. What you're suggesting is, if somebody starts out with the simple stuff, they'll never bother to learn the hard stuff, which is just plain retarded, but it plays into your narrative so you stick with it.>I'm not going to address the remainder of your idiotic takesI accept your concession.>making up scenarios AGAINHaven't I told you not to do that?>3rd highest rankHoly cope, you do realise emerald only came to be so that platinum players with too much time on their hands have somewhere to be? Because it definitely isn't the old diamond.>"hardstuck"No quote marks needed, being hardstuck has nothing to do with rank, but (as the name implies) being stuck, which you are.>lamest attempt at an insultYou got pretty defensive about it, enough to double post twice. I thought you were proud of it. If your rank represents the sum of your skill in the game (aim, gamesense, knowledge etc.), how come yours isn't higher? Could it be that drypeeking then spamming lean and sidestepping in doorways is just not enough? Or is it the stupid matchmaking again?>>1515174Once again, an exaggerated false summary. However, I did say crosshair placement, which combined with learning to pie the room, and how angles and distances work is the groundwork for knowing when and how to use the rest, and should be learned and understood first.
>>1515687> Blah blah blah you're totally exaggerating and making me sound like the moron that I am reeeeeeeI've humored you enough, fag. Enough of your rambling, argumentative blogposting where you're totally 110% right about everything. Any beginners to this thread have long since read and used the actually helpful advice myself and other players have given them. The moment has already passed, and you shitting up the thread isn't helping anyone.Cope.
>>1511047that's the most retarded shit i've ever heardyou spend more time quickpeeking than you do just going in.i've never seen a quick peeker ever gain confident info off of their autistic movement.
>>1513765>peeker's advantage isn't real!you're actually stupid if you buy what ubishit is saying.peeker's advantage is ping. any time you barely say the enemy, when they come around a corner, yet you were on their screen for a few seconds, yeah, that's peekers you stupid faggot.
I haven't touched this game for 2 years did they really nerf the movement and ADS? They never reversed it?
>>1516268.Read it again, that's what I said, the game HAS peekers advantage, it just makes me throw up in my mouth from cringe everytime someone refers to it as "swing or be swung". The apostrophes may have been unnecessary, that's my bad.>>1515996I accept your concession. You have showcased that you not only lack any and all pedagogical skills, you barely even understand the game. Best of luck to you buddy.
>>1516740> I accept your concession.Back to /dbs/Jiren lost
"Reputatin card background" did they ever bother unlocking those? Never got any this past year
>>1516351"Nerf," is an oversimplification, more like evened the playing field and fixed some flaws in game design. Movement speed standardized: 3 different speeds, move faster with standard pistol out, move slower while ADS. For time-to-ADS, 1.0x magnification is fastest, getting progressively slower with larger magnification. If you are using magnified scopes, it will feel slower than previously. The game was becoming saturated with fast operators running highly-versatile 1.5x scope. The adjustments overall were for the better and increased diversity of gun attachments used at all levels
>>1517029The reputation system was never fully deployed, it's just been a beta visual display for players. iirc once it's active in a future update, they'll get more serious about rewards and punishments
>>1516351oh and if you were unaware, lasers affect time-to-ADS now, not non-ADS accuracy. so it's fairly common to equip laser now
https://x.com/Garfieldisdoc/status/1863429601097060631Today I find out this ENTIRE COMMUNITY of R6 Siege
Massive update
>>1514760>Bullethole peeking >Legitimate Ok buddy
>>1521382It's obvious that dude's a faggot with his head so far up his own ass he's impossible to talk to desuJust ignore him and he should disappear
>>1521382>>1521687samefag seething 3 days after the fact kekweven keeping up the habit of only reading the first 5 words of a sentence, thus misunderstanding it altogetheri thought we were using your definition of >legitimate and widely used mechanics in higher ranks and pro playwhich means>if pros use the mechanic in tournaments=it's legitand bullet holes were all the rage back then. i never said i personally think these are (/ever were) legitimate, and you know that. we wouldn't be having this argument in the first place if you didn't get so butthurt over me calling quickpeeking cheese.
New update is out
Seasonal uniforms are horrible this time>white flashy boots on Striker????????
>>1522675> Obvious projection> Pathetic samefag accusations*YAWN*. You're an insufferable narcissist who cannot handle being told how moronic he is, nor can you handle being told you're wrong about anything. We know. Come up with some new material, jirenfag. You're boring.
>>1522877Also: there truly never would have been any argument to begin with if you didn't decide to reply to my months-old post giving beginners advice with the most passive-aggressive, condescending, snarky bullshit imaginable. Nobody likes people like you, bro.Simple as.
>Shotgun buffwhy
>>1523003In the previous season, I was told shotguns are absolute dogshit somehow and that you shouldn't use lasers on them, but I kept getting free multikills with shotguns that I had lasers on.I don't get it. Shotguns will be "corrected" now to be even better or something?
>XDefiant shutting downSo... surely they'll move its devs to the Siege team... right?
>>1523215>It’s understood that layoffs will impact a significant number of employees at the San Francisco studio and supporting studios, with some staff already receiving severance information. Another wave of layoffs will happen in February, with Ubisoft San Francisco closing its doors.Guess not
>>1523003>Shotgun buffholy fuck the SPAS-15 is so much more usable nowbtw is it a thing that operator leg movement animations look funny now? everyone is like they're stiff speedwalking now
>>1525598yeah it's a visual bug, it's usuing the sprint animation with the walking movement. they said it's getting fixed with the next patch, hopefully it releases next week
>>1523215>xdefiant shutting downlmaooooo, and nothing of value was lost.the game was literally dead on arrival, first game i played upon public release had a cheater flying around, using aimbot.what a fucking joke.
>>1516740lmao, "that's what i said" no it isn't.you do realize greentext usually implying you're framing what's being said as if it's false, right?and you blame others for being underaged.
Patch coming on Dec 12
>m80 got beastcoast
>>1523215>>1523221One article said >"about half the SF studio employees (~130) will move to other offices worldwide"Wild to shut down a game in months. Glad i never got into it i guess lol>>1525692>more console players than intended in PC poolsMakes sense why I've spectated horrendous controller aim recently more than ever
>>1525692Every fucking game is full of cheaters now, though. That's the consequences of immigration and lack of privately run community servers.
Is it my new router/internet or why DO I KEEP GETTING KICKED OUT?! Now I have 2 days suspension, because it "just happens" to have problems in the last bloody round. Is it me or R6?
>>1529735werked on my machine for a few hours last night, so maybe a problem on your end.or you're encountering people abusing game / hacking (time-out other players in lobby)
>>1529735Haven't had any issue honestly, might really be your ISPDDoSing hasn't been around for ages here
>>1529735You're getting lagswitchedWe warned you about China, bro
>>1523003Shotguns got fucked by the laser change a while back and ubi is just now fixing it.
image still playing R6S after 2017 lmao
>>1444718> Be me> Hear "Phantom player" is being introduced with the new season, and should accordingly stop huge rank disparities between teams> Get hyped> Got done grinding out 4 ranked matches 5 minutes ago> Despite winning 3 out of 4 matches, I saw at least 4 Champ-level players fighting against me or being my teammatesI'm a lifetime Plat 1 player. I don't give a fuck about winning against Champs, THEY SHOULDN'T EVEN BE IN MY GODDAMN LOBBIES PERIOD. This season, as usual, is chalked and "Phantom player" is a joke. Why did I ever have faith in Ubisoft?
>>1539929Also: this really highlights the main issue myself and countless others have had with ranked 2.0: If my hidden MMR is apparently high enough to fight Champs, why isn't my visible MMR Champ?> Uh because you're NOT Champ, even if you beat Champs, broThen why am I fighting them???
guys.... just git gud
Lol. Welcome to the rice field, motherfuckers.
>>1542739It's all fun and games until a console shitter is on your team in ranked. I lost a ranked match yesterday because a fucking console Ace on my team couldn't beat a PC Cav.Ace has one of the best guns in the entire game, and the console dickhead's tracking and accuracy with it was akin to Helen Keller's.Fuck console players. They are not STOMPN, nor will they ever be. And STOMPN's clownass got dumpstered by Spoit twice anyways.
>>1522786They could print money if they made the signature pack black ice attachment skin but it's some fish scale crap and last season was some Greek bullshit. Ubi truly is allergic to money.
>they made a coomer skin for Gridlock
so nobody playing seasonal mode because it sucks that bad? i want the challenge/packs but timer goes over 10min. and i give up matchmaking...
was just watching some pro league vods. does it really make sense for a tossed gadget like a smoke canister to deal 5 damage on impact? irl you're basically getting a bottle thrown at you... that's damaging? lol
>>1547503Standardized mechanics
>>1547503The limitations of using tabletop game mechanics like hit points in an action video game instead of calculating the bullet path and analyzing their impact on vital organs.
Year 10 Season 1 operator is called Curtain. Attacker
Y10S1 CURTAIN operator is from New Zealand
So, is it worth getting into this in current year? Tired of battlefield being a cod-like dogshit fest with no skill involvement and forced "retreat or die" type shit ruining any organic flow
>>1552985yeah siege is still alive and well
ded game bump. happy new year
>>1560846The game is alive. This thread?Fuck no. Quite frankly, it's because Siege needs a good overhaul and not just new operators that don't really add anything to the game
Started playing again after a year and a half out. Why do so many characters feel...slow? And have Kap and Frost traps been nerfed?
>>1563349>feel...slow?less 2&3 speed operators, slower magnified scope ADS. >Kap and Frost trapsthey've changed several times. kapkans have no laser, but deal less damage than before (3 is a sure kill, 2 kills most ops if they've taken damage). for frost mats, attackers have the ability to self-res / friendly-res from frost mats. it takes time, and still applies heavy damage when they resurrect. self-res applies several debuffs: slower movement & no sprint, constant audio cue, blood trail.
>>1564120>1.5 year hiatus>kapkans have no laseryeah they got rid of smokes acog on the smg11 tooand you can no longer punch holes on a castle barricade
>>1561616In another two months this game will be half a year old.
>>1565393I meant the thread.
/r6g/ on /vg/ died a while ago. /vm/ is a newer, slower board overall and lots of those anon just went on with their lives not knowing a siege thread is up on 4chinz anymore
>>1565916They don't allow the genera on /vg/ anymore anyway, shame because these new boards are just splitting the community for almost no reason
>be le me>stuck in high rank lobbies where I can't win gunfights because I'm not young and don't aimtrain like an autist>terrible K/Dwould generally prefer to hang out in lower rank lobbies and have a healthy KD so people would stop harassing me, but ubi won't let me out
>>1571305That's because good aim and strategy goes a long way to make up for shit aim and reflexes. Start playing dumber. I've had the enemy shit talk my aim while we won the game an I got MVP solely from flanking and magdumping. I know my chances are worse than 50/50 head on, so I do everything I can to avoid it for skew thing in my favour.
>>1571359I'm retarded, meant good planning and strategy.
>>1571305> Stuck in high rank lobbiesThat's every lobby now if you've previously hit Plat. I can't fucking tell you how many times this season I've fought Champs and Diamonds, and guess what? I've got a KD of 1.33, but I'm hardstuck Gold even though my lifetime rank is high Plat. Things aren't gonna get any better if you have a high k/d, trust me. Fuck ranked 2.0, we need ranked 3.0 already.
>get +mmr rollback>confirm which match it was via an opponent losing as much mmr through rollback as they gained with that win, and the rollbacks' dates match up too>r6stats doesn't say it outright yet, but the second guy on that team got nuked with like -2k mmr, right around the time as the rollbacks>check his encounters>the first and third guy in that match were his stack for the better part of 15 months nowWhy exactly isn't ubisoft nuking the friends too in this case? At least take their mmr. I don't think it's unfair to assume they wouldn't be so high up if not for their buddy. For all we know, he could have been toggling in every single match.>What if they never come back?Good fucking riddance. I know, after a certain rank threshold, you're gonna have some 'acquintances' that you just keep getting matched with or against, I'm talking strictly about premade stacks here.
>>1573976meh, everything about dealing with cheating is a joke. there's just infinite hack accounts being made all the time, with any name, any number of ragecheats, etc. and some will survive multiple seasons as champ. you think ubi cares to deal with the diamonds getting carried who don't "actually," use the hacks? nah senpai, it's why boosting services are sold, because it gets you what you pay for
What guns work well for hip fire? It seems the favored choices are T-5 SMG or 9x19VSN. Any others you've seen used to good effect?
>>1576479> Hip fireYou're not supposed to do that at all whatsoever unless someone is right on top of you in close quarters. The results of hip fire regardless of the guns used is totally random.
>>1573366> Plats going against Diamonds and ChampsThat's really fucking funny because ranked 1.0 had Platinum just under Diamond. I remember Siege players back then swearing up and down that high Plat was where REAL Siege starts because you're finally a competent player at that rank, and if you were low Plat you were basically Gold and dogshit. I honestly don't know why Emerald even exists, it's a gay filler rank. If anything, there should be a filler rank separating Diamond and Champ, because there's virtually no difference skillwise between high Plat and high Emerald.
>there's virtually no difference skillwise between high Plat and high EmeraldEh, they added the rank and over time through sheer statistics, there is a difference. Beaulo and Spoit were cruising through 2v5 every rank up till Emerald. Versus Emerald, Diamond, and Champ they couldn't secure more than 1 round win in the match. Obviously small sample and anecdote, but it speaks to a general reality that skill / game-sense / coordination ramps up around those ranks
>>1578014> Using literal pro players to support your anecdoteC'mon now. Beaulo and Spoit regularly dumpster anyone that isn't also a pro player. Ranked 1.0 high Plats are absolutely the same skillwise as 2.0 Emeralds
>>1578327Not to mention, did you seriously use a Jynxzi 2v5, how the game isn't actually played, to support your argument?
If Tencent ends up buying Ubisoft, what will happen to this magnificent (shit) game?Will the chinamen improve it? Can it even get any worse than this?
>>1583409I'm not into game industry stuff but I looked through some of the companies they own or have holdings in. Seems an OK catalogue. I think what you said>Can it even get any worse than this?is basically on point. I don't think business dealings like this necessarily turn anything for the worse. If it's any net positive or cash infusion, I guess some wagies will be a bit more motivated to make less shit games?
>>1457110>>1581189solo diamond btw :^)
>>1585094> Solo diamondFuck you, I wish I had your luck. How do you overcome the ranking system gradually trying to get you hardstuck after 100 matches?How do you deal with the losing streaks being handed to you for free because of bad teammates?
>>1457110>>1585772Pic related is my stats btw. (My KD for Kaid is godawful because I'm terrible with his shotgun, I'm considering not even using it anymore)I'm a PC player, been playing for a few years now. On attack, while I'm usually not a breacher, I bring Thatcher if he's not banned to help out my breachers. On defense, I'm almost always wall-denial. I can fragout with the right operators, but it seems like no matter what I do, I'm always the guy that gets shafted in solo queue and can't magically solo my way above Plat like seemingly everyone else baka. I never get the luck for that, I just don't get it man.
bros this shit is sad sometimes. not even "boohoo my team sucks, unfair matchmaking."no, i'm a diamond player, and in ranked I'm right now solo queued with a 4-stack of players all with the toxic markers. what do they do? spam the mics (i muted them rd 1), TK me, destroy my gadgets, and bait as hard as possible. like legit did nothing wrong, even got the only 2 kills of the first round.literally what the fuck is wrong with these sad sacks of shit? is there some kind of hidden "get paid to throw," community i'm not aware of?
>>1586166just unfathomable how toxic some retards are
>>1585772I also get hard-stucks after a couple hundred games. (gain less than 20-25 RP per win, lose more than 15-20 per loss)Hidden rank basically only changes on serious win-streaks or lose-streaks.I only contribute to strong lobbies by doing all the basic shit the frag hounds are too lazy to do like wall bandit tricking, hard breach, and reinforcements (ace, bandit, and therm in my top 5 ops) My average winrate is 53% and KD is 0.8 :'^) I choose to believe it would be better if I didn't have to play against diamonds and champs thoughI personally don't see Kaid as very useful for protecting critical walls since he can't trick well, but your winrate is great so don't fix what isn't broken ig
>>1586166>>1586171Playing this game solo is a tremendous waste of time
>>1587680coincidentally a 4-stack of stoners who say nigga a lot picked me up last night. better than nothing i guess lmao
>>1589244> 4 stack of stonersNo thanks. I'd rather play alone, stoners are notoriously dogshit at video games
https://www.ubisoft.com//game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/7bfYr7UJrJwiEp7zpQa0ddSLEDGE BUFF>SLEDGE BUFFSLEDGE BUFF>SLEDGE BUFFSLEDGE BUFF>SLEDGE BUFF
BUCKWhile Hard Breach Charges are useful for opening a couple of reinforcements, Buck's primary role is soft breaching with his Skeleton Key. This role is almost always needed, and the Hard Breach Charges gave him too much flexibility, making him a one-man-army in many situations. By removing them, we aim to encourage more cooperation among team members.Additionally, equipping Buck with Claymores can enhance his utility. Instead of taking on multiple roles, he can focus on his primary job more safely. Buck can secure key entry points and prevent roamers from sneaking up on him or his team. This allows him to maintain control over the map, ensuring that enemies are either killed, deterred, or forced to reveal their positions if they attempt to flank.LOADOUTGadgets: Removed Hard Breach Charge. Added Claymore.
KAPKANWe have decided to replace Kapkan's Nitro Cell with Barbed Wire to reduce his killing potential., as his EDDs are already enough explosives and are quite effective. The Barbed Wire will enhance Kapkan's ability to delay and disturb attackers' progress through the map, emphasizing area denial over lethality. It can be used to block or control key pathways, forcing attackers to take alternative routes where EDDs might be placed. This strategic placement can funnel attackers into more predictable and dangerous areas.LOADOUTGadgets: Removed Nitro Cell. Added Barbed Wire.
LESIONWe believe that Lesion currently exerts too much map control too quickly due to the number of mines he can deploy per round. The strategic placements of these mines are effectively countering the removal of their cloaking, which means some of the buffs we introduced along that change are no longer necessary. At present, Lesion can cover up to 5 entry points within the first minute of Action Phase. By adjusting the refill time, this will be reduced by 1. Fewer mines will force Lesion players to be more strategic about where and when they place their mines. They will need to prioritize high-traffic areas and key objectives, rather than spreading mines more liberally across the map. This adjustment will also make easier for attackers to navigate the map without the constant threat of stepping on a GU Mine, allowing them more freedom to move quickly and aggressively, and making it more challenging for Lesion to control the pace of the game.BASE STATSMax. resources: Reduced to 8 mines (from 9).GU MINERefill time: Increased to 30 seconds (from 25).
ORYXPreviously, the recovery times after using his dash were long enough for attackers to react and potentially eliminate him. By reducing them, Oryx can capitalize on the element of surprise more consistently and make more effective use of his mobility without being too vulnerable. This change enhances his ability to disrupt enemy plans and maintain pressure on attackers, making him more viable and competitive operator.The new timings will also synergy really well with the recently buffed SPAS-12, as it is more comfortable to use and will be very reliable to finish enemies, and be more consistent against Ballistic Shields.REMAH DASHWeapon recovery time after dashing: Reduced to 0.2 seconds (from 0.5).Weapon recovery time after dashing against a wall: Reduced to 0.3 seconds (from 0.5).Weapon recovery time after dashing against an enemy: Reduced to 0.1 seconds (from 0.5).
RAMThe BU-GI Auto Breacher is one of the most destructive gadgets available, capable of destroying a wide range of objects and surfaces while allowing Ram to remain in a safe position or be ready to act on the destruction created. Her ability to clear entire ceiling in a split second and displace defenders below is unparalleled.We believe this should be her main focus, leaving more precise destruction to other soft-breachers. Therefore, we have decided to remove the ITA12S from her loadout.LOADOUTSecondary weapons: Removed ITA12S.
SLEDGEThe soft-breach ecosystem has evolved significantly since we implemented the armor and speed reshuffle at the end of Year 7. With the introduction of Ram and the Frag Grenade changes at the end of Year 8, it is now time to reassess the entire ecosystem.Given the new situation, we believe that enhancing Sledge's speed will be more advantageous than focusing on his survivability. As Sledge is the only operator who needs to be in close proximity to the target surface, increased speed will aid him in rotating quickly when his secondary utility is required elsewhere.Buck offers the most flexibility, capable of playing from bottom to top. Ram boasts the highest destruction potential with minimal risk. And Sledge stands out for his precision and reliability. We believe that the changes made to them will create a more balanced ecosystem where each of them has its own space in the meta.BASE STATSSpeed: 2 (from 1)Health: 2 (from 3)
SLUG SHOTGUNSBack in Y9S1, when we normalized the damage drop-off of every weapon to match its weapon class, the BOSG.12.2 was one of the exceptions cleared. As a result, its damage drop-off changed from starting at 10 meters to 25 meters and ending at 18 meters to 35 meters.With some time now in the live servers, we believe the Slug Shotgun class is not performing as intended. Our initial goal was to create something between a Shotgun and a DMR, but the data shows they are closer to the latter, with the BOSG.12.2 being the most prominent example.Therefore, we have decided to adjust their damage drop-off again to align more closely with regular Shotguns. This adjustment will maintain their lethality at short-mid range while reducing their effectiveness in long range engagements. However, the Magnified Scopes will remain to facilitate landing more precise shots.BASE STATSDamage drop off start: Reduced to 15 meters (from 25).Damage drop off end: Reduced to 25 meters (from 35).Damage at maximum range: Reduced to 60% (from 70).Destruction range: Reduced.WEAPONS AFFECTEDACS12BOSG.12.2TCSG12.44 Vendetta*OPERATORS AFFECTEDAlibiAzamiDokkaebiGoyoKaidMaestroVigilDeimos**Only apply the destruction change because it uses the same caliber, but the damage configuration is unchanged.
G36CDuring Y8S4.2, the G36C became one of the Attacker weapons with a higher K/D ratio. At that time, we increased its recoil, which significantly impacted its popularity. Currently, Iana chooses it in approximately 40% of the rounds, while Ash use it in only 2% of the rounds. We are proposing a new recoil adjustment to make the weapon more appealing while maintaining its killing performance. The new recoil setting will be a middle ground between its states before Y8S4.2 and its pre-patch configuration.RECOIL - PC & CONSOLEVertical: Reduced.Horizontal: Reduced.OPERATORS AFFECTEDAshIana
TCSG12The weapon has been performing very well since the last changes. However, the new tweak to the Slug Shotgun class might cause it underperform. To compensate for this, we are increasing its base damage to ensure it remains as effective as before at long range.BASE STATSDamage: Increased to 75hp (from 63).OPERATORS AFFECTEDGoyoKaid
>>1445798I haven't played since around the time they added the obease Aussie chick. Not the reason I stopped playing, just lost interest in the game around then.
New gadget idea: Slippery FloorSlippery liquid is spread on the floor that is easy to miss. Enemy operators that sprint over it will slip and fall a certain distance from the liquid pool and be knocked down like with airjabs and take a bit of damage. Can only be knocked down from slipping damage. Proper placement and oppertune sprinting direction can result in falling off edges or out of windows. Enemy operators running regularly will slip and be knocked down like airjabs. When a sprinting or running operator slips they will make a falling cry as a sound cue. Slow walking operators will make the falling sound cue and be taken out of ADS as they nearly fall. Crouching and prone operators are unaffected. The pool can only be removed with explosives or if put on destructible floor that is destroyed.If made for a Defender will be make with a thrown item. If made for an Attacker will be secreted by a drone.
Nice good overall balances imo, although as a Lesion main I'm getting nerfed. >>1590374btw does this mean BOSG is finally nerfed? I assume how those changes play out is that it should not be any-body-part lethal at long-distances?
>>1590453not bad anon compared to any number of shitty ideas thrown out. something like tubarao but instead of icy & slowed, some kind of viscous slippery fluid.could also add a step-counted colored footstep trace after operators step in it
>>1590583i'm dumb, viscous is kinda the opposite of slippery lol
>>1590583A sort of reverse Tuberao yeah.
>>1590581>btw does this mean BOSG is finally nerfed?Yeah. A small one but one indeed
>>1590581> does this mean BOSG is finally nerfed?Yes, thank fuck. Also glad Kaid shotty is finally buffed, took long enough
>>1585094>>1581189 (me)I mostly solo queue to champ, but this season has been terrible matchmaking and play against the same 20 champs and it just so happens that the #1 PC champion and his stack plays in the same server as me.so I basically gave up this season and will wait until next when I'm no longer mentally blocked
>>1590898Do you aim train or anything similar?I'm at plateau when it comes to winning gunfights against legit champs
>>1591013> I'm at plateau when it comes to winning gunfights against legit champsNo you're not, you're just using bad guns with low firerates. Start playing operators that have high firerate weapons and you'll start deleting people before they can even peek you on their screen
>>1591013>Do you aim train or anything similar?Not really I just play A LOT of ranked matches. I probably have <150 quick matches/unranked and 2000+ ranked games. I'm also a lot older than most of the community so I don't have that zoomer aim. I usually try to play "smart", I don't try to ego peek, I don't attempt to peek from the same angle twice, I will attempt a spawn peek/runout only once per game, I don't try to hold insane tiny angle peeks and compensate enough for my reaction speed. Basically the small stuff.>>1591194New Blood was probably the hardest since I basically had to queue bronze players/silver/gold/plat/etc, so my randoms were terrible. In Twin Shells, I basically matched up with champs from last season and it made playing ranked so much easier when you had people who knew what they were doing
>>1591219...Fascinating. Do you think you'd be able to hold your own in a lobby with champ-level pro players? In a nutshell, what's your most valuable advice to become a Champ without being in a stack?
>>1591013Eh, as someone similar to anon (older with aging reflexes) just keep in mind all the other variables that lead up to / affect the gunfight. Positioning, lines of sight, timing, gadgets & info, coordination, etc. All these variables tilt to your favor or detriment.You can train aim stuff and it definitely helps not to be rusty. But you also gotta acknowledge your own limitations and innate abilities. I watch Beaulo do the moving target practice in firing range and literally never in my life have or will I flick onto targets and control recoil like him. Get to the best level you can, sure, I'm not encouraging a defeatist mentality, rather the opposite. The beauty and depth of Siege is that it's not a game that solely depends on quick-twitch reactions. Plenty of S-Tier pro players don't use flashy skills like Hashom peaking and whatnot. Obviously they're still nasty and accurate, otherwise they wouldn't be S-Tier pros. But a lot of their dominance (relative to lesser opponents) is in coordinated executes with crossfires, collapsing on isolation targets, and walking down opponents while ADS'd on the correct spots. Crosshair placement (happens before the gunfight) is a separate skill from raw flick speed. Or hell, crutch the various cheese operators & strats in the game. Shotguns around close corners and shields on attack shift gameplay away from 1v1 ranged gunfights
>>1591196I would add recoil as a major factor. If you can't reliably control the gun you're using, shit's not gonna go well.>If you can't hit headsHigh fire rate or DMRs to the chest>If you think you can hit headsLow recoil easy to control guns (tend to be slower fire rate), or high fire rate guns with minimal horizontal recoil (meaning they will usually have vertical recoil)
>complains about headshots every time he gets killedWh is this dude such a Straggot
>>1592011He's Polish
>>1592011Because he plays Siege as his literal job, and he's done so for so long that he's realized losing crucial games via unreactable headshots isn't very fun
>>1594691is siege... healing?
due process anyone?
Rainbow Six Siege SI 2025 Predictions are here! make your prediction at (https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/esports/rainbow-six/siege/predictions/468)
Need new maps
>>1595621snuck in a few 5v5s last weekend. the game is still fun but no map rotation kinda takes away its main usp. some of the current maps are hilariously one-sided.apparently they were never fully procgen, there was a guy generating and double checking them to make sure they were actually playable. once he stopped, so did the rotations.wish gec would at least recycle the old maps (there has to be like 2-3 years worth of maps in there), but according to one of the devs on discord, once a new set of maps is out, the old one is pretty much unusable, forever.im really not a dev over here, but isn't this is what seeds (like minecraft, balatro etc.) are for?anyways, the community managers started replying to months old comments on the last devblog, saying some update is "around the corner". we'll see.
People pay 9.99€ monthly for this
>>1595983Mine.Unwanted in A, Faze in B, Falcons in C, OXG / VP in D could be winner slots too
>>1602997i've hit the point where idc about cosmetics at all. i have so many for every operator and finally dipped into the marketplace only to sell. i have like 4000+ credits from selling a few black ice. pretty much plan to spend only if a special operator pack is on sale, or when the esports bundles go on sale. battle passes are shite
and we arrrreee liiiiiiiveSiege Invitational 2025 underway
This is high level shit.
What's the next event and when? Anyone got any idea?
>>1613578>>1613968> M80, the North American superteam full of gunners has already embarrassed itself and lost to washed, post-prime G2I think it's time for Spoit to retire and just start focusing on his YouTube channel. This shit never would've happened to Beaulo, y'all
>>1614771>M80Ridiculous amount of roster changes and expect more because they'll perform poorly as always. Spoit and dfuzr are fine, they need better core support and IGL. Packer went like 2-14 across two maps, clown>>1614843wtf am i looking at...
>>1614958> Packer went like 2-14 across two maps, clownIt's actually crazy to think that, potentially, any of us here in this thread with equivalent pro league experience and training could've done better than PackerSub me in, coach
>>1614958>wtf am i looking at...Operators might get an age rework in Year 10
>>1615231I pray for Gridlock weight loss arc...
>new missions on tuesday>nothing neware they having a problem with something what's the deal, that's the 2nd week already>>1614336seconded
https://www.youtube.com/live/9aYZ3m3Q7k8?si=7ROnYHpM34g3WgxE&t=4087yooooo chat Yuzus melee'd a C4 in mid-air wtf
is it true that you guys have a cripple as an operator lmaoo
Oh ffs I was convinced Assault on Hereford would release today
kys jynxzi zoomer
>ambi walks into a 1v3 crossfire, kills them all, and then gets the aceholy shit
>>1617889At least he's better than his clownworld, who-vile lookin' friend Oozie. Oozie is only good in ranked, he ain't built for PL
>>1616920>The listener of Ruzzian propaganda half-truths has logged in
Don't forget your Twitch drops. Never lose any kind of content, you never know
Assault on Hereford is upJust checked the packs collection and lmao, this has to be their edgiest set yetI kinda dig them though, at least they aren't the buttfuckingly retarded ones from the past few events
>>1619128finally new mode. the last winter one was so dead i legit never found a match
Y10S1 Operator name is RAUORA
>>1616027Why would you ruin her like that?
>Wamai and Brava elite next season
took a couple of months break from this game. glad to see the same thread is still poppinshame the changed the old blackbeard window stratgg new gamemode btw (a shit)