>Battlefront II Newshttps://www.ea.com/games/starwars/battlefront/battlefront-2/roadmap>SWTOR Newshttps://www.swtor.com/info/newshttp://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.phphttps://twitter.com/swtorhttps://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Star%20Wars%3A%20The%20Old%20Republichttps://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1286830/view/4478359995220492904?l=english>SWTOR Helpful Links(If you have a general question about the game, such as credit limits, subscribing, story order, class usage, what a certain item you see in a screenshot, or really anything, check these first)https://swtorista.com/articles/everything-in-swtor/https://vulkk.com/category/swtor/http://swtorcalendar.com/>Star Wars Galaxies(General Info)https://www.reddit.com/r/swg/(Pre-CU)https://www.swgemu.com/forums/index.phphttps://swgawakening.com/portal.phphttp://www.bloodfin.net/forum/forum.phphttp://www.hydian-way.com/#eluidadc7751dhttp://www.swgflurry.com/forum/https://swgreckoning.comhttp://www.swgrogueone.com(CU)https://cuemu.comhttp://www.restoration-gaming.com/index.html(NGE)https://swglegends.comhttp://www.swghope.com/index.phphttps://www.projectswg.com/wcf/>Other Star Wars Gameshttp://store.steampowered.com/tag/en/Star%20Wars/#p=0&tab=TopSellershttps://www.gog.com/mix/star_wars_games_on_goglast episodes: >>>/vg/436105241 >>1206202
First for romantic camping trip with Lana
I want to kiss a Chiss
Hear me out: Cathar girls
Tis the season.
I swear I’m going to be an evil bastard this play through. Mako won’t stop me this time…
I still wish for a good GTA/RDR esque Star Wars game about a smuggler. No, Outlaws sucks fucking dick.
>New augmentsGood thing I am almost done leveling my cybertech so I can craft all the CM-1337 I want and save billions in->Need to do the new lair boss for both schematics and new matsNevermind, can't even access them...
>Steals koob's girl
>>1501894We know, Koth.
>Story delayedIt's over.
>>1502852Time to make a new generation. Lana belongs to big Pureblooded men.
This is really good news, but Januaray of 2024 is way more recent than I would have expected. This system could also be done with like....January 2015 as a first test run, so only people who haven't played the game in 9 years could get their names taken. That seems reasonable. Then if there's no problems with that test run, they could do 2019 as a second wave of names, so people who haven't logged in in 5 years could get their names taken. Only 11 months ago, the same year, seems like a very broad paintbrush that millions of names are going to be available, which seems like an odd choice.Also I'm super excited for duo mounts. It's something we've been asking about for a long time and of course ESO has had it for years so I've been hoping for it. I look forward to being Lana Banana's chauffeur.I'll be honest the graphical updates seem pretty minor but it's still cool I guess.I've been taking a bit of a break to play other stuff for a while now but this has gotten me excited for swtor again. I genuinely love this game and I'm always happen when I have a reason to return.
Post your face koob.
>>1503409Women are tired
if they turn my chars into grannies I'm ragequitting this game
>>1504217>he doesn't want aged hagsith coochieDamn
RIP my ReBoot-looking mofo...
I sure hope they don't fuck up my favorite donuts
After 12 years, it's finally time for your toons to age.
>>1504916speaking of this, shouldn't sith inquisitors be eternally young since Rishi?
>>1505431>implying anyone on the dev team was around when the class stories were made>implying class stories mattered outside of that one mention it got during the Revan expac
>new statues on Dromund Kaas and KorribanFuck you, Broadsword, stop taking the sovl away. https://todayintor.com/2024/10/11/swtor-7-6-galactic-threads-update/
I'm a returning player and was curious about a few things. I have all my characters on Starforge now and was curious if I should try to get a level 50 character or just play whatever due to Legacy stuff? Also, if I wanna make money, I figure it's best to be subbed to make the most returns possible? Can I buy stuff with Cartel Coins and resell for a big credit profit or no?
>>1510923Play whateverYes, you can
>>1496417vette my beloved
Inb4 they add troon armor to the cartel market.
>>1513692Tranny clones are fine, bound to happen -- especially later in the war and after when trying to find identities for themselves.But why use the irl flag colors? That's just fucking retarded.>Is in Anakin and Obi-wan's battalion at the beginning of the war>never mentioned at all in all of TCW or the moviesGuess they got killed early using that retarded paint job standing out.Also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>stormtrooper
>>1514677Anakin and Obi-wan have different legions.
Here I go suppressing again.
>>1514677>Guess they got killed early using that retarded paint job standing out.Killed themselves they did.
>>1516329Better than facing a warrior of allah.
>>1516337Neat. May he slay many Toydarians.
What else did Lana do to agent Kovach? Reminder Koob told on him to Lana like the good little simp he is.
swtor is such a good game. it always being second fiddle to WoW and now also second fiddle to ff14 and eso has always been a crime. it's unique story focus and voice acting and companion story focus was so cool for an mmo because it was a studio that normally did story rpg's trying out making an mmo. I've been playing this game for almost 14 years and I've really loved it the entire time. I don't play it every day or even every week but I happily log in every time there's an update. I'd say it's my favorite mmo, and among my favorite games ever (kotor and kotor2 are both on that list too). I wish it was more popular. zoomers don't like the oldschool style mmo, they like the action-mmo grindfests, and the average star wars fan isn't going to dive into an oldschool style mmo either. The oldschool tab-target style mmo is kind of a niche market these days, and WoW will always be king of that market.In other words,luv swtorSimple as.
With Malgus broken out by Shae, will we finally be free of the mando wank? I know Jadus was datamined for the next story, though, so that's a good sign
I just want a classic Sith themed set on the Cartel Market again. No crossover bullshit, just a straight to the point Sith armour set, maybe even the armour Vitiate was wearing during Echoes of Oblivion.
I need to finish the class stories but I just end up wanting to replay Agent
>>1521275I finished all the Imperial class stories and the Jedi Knight, but I can't be assed to finish the Trooper and Smuggler, though and I'm saving the Jedi Consular for last.
>>1521277Many have said Consular is less boring if you play it dork sided
>>1521280Yeah, I've heard about it. Maybe I'll do both if I have time.
Anyone else getting sick of Heta?
>>1521306Mandos will fix their shit one day. The day after we invade coruscant together.
I love Lana.
God I love cucking my past romances with Lana.
Welp the fucking sith in my group killed the captain and the general. My agent is going to have existential nightmares now. Definitively not going to help jadus or the other sith get the codex.
The good thing about trooper story being so incredibly lame and uninteresting is that I can just pick up where I left off on a year old character without feeling any urge to start fresh
I haven't played in a year but I might make another Sith Inquistor and play through the story again. Are there any nice sets other than the synthweaving ones and can I share the armour pieces across characters?
>>1526861I don't know about inquisitor specifically but those specialty vendors on the different planets actually sell armor sets now. They also added "fitted" armor to the world loot pool. They have no stats but the pieces are all legacy bound so you can use it as fashion on any of your characters. It's basically impossible to get a specific piece that you want, though. The specialty vendor and fitted stuff is all just reused vanilla models though, nothing new if that's what you wanted.
Why are we so dead?
>>1527622Because youtubers keep screeching the game is dead over the most minor things and scaring people away from an already aged game. The only thing that I've seen that has validity is the stealth increase to character customization pricing right before the modernization update hits and changes how characters look overall.The other reason is that there's a lull in games at the moment and nothing really new besides maybe that Overwatch-like game that just came to Steam, since Outlaw is single player and not that good while the other stuff is even older and already had their time to shine.
>>1527770>stealth increase to character customization pricing right before the modernization updatethat price increase was done in april. you're doing exactly what you're complaining about right before saying thatit is a fair thing to complain about though, just like how account unlocking GS stuff gets more expensive every GS. they've slowly been making everything more expensive. new armor sets cost more, etc etc
>>1527622Because gatcha got us exiled here.
>>1527622the only person on earth that promotes SWTOR Is swtorista + no one knows these threads exists on this dead shit board + Nu Wars is dead thanks to Yidsney , EA, and Ubishit
update todaycan't wait to see how they massacred my characters
>>1530796I’m okay with the changes my male characters got, but some of the female ones got hit pretty badly.
>39 GBbruh
>Namepurge>Got my name back I had on launch>Blocked every variation of it too out of spiteGet FUCKED you NIGGERS (they probably quit anyway lol, not like I'm playing much anymore)
Not much changed. Don't really know what people are talking about with faces.Also the new mount is cool because I like seeing Lana chilling but the fact that it honks every time you use it is annoying enough that I won't use it. Now I hope they go back and put the companion in all of the extra seats in all the mounts that have two seats already.
>I can't tell so it didn't happenkys tranny
>>1531239Pretty lacking though isn't itDoesn't put your character anywhere near the level the newer story characters have
Wait they just turned you olderThey literally said that was a bug on the PTS and now it goes live like this? kek. Waifufags are all mad.
my chiss went from looking 20yo to 50yofuck those devs
>>1531239Men got off pretty good, female characters all turned into wine aunts.
>>1531239the mouth isn't even remotely the same shape anymore, looks like he hasn't slept in 3 weeks and why do all my characters have lighter hair now?>>1531265>They literally said that was a bug on the PTS and now it goes liveliterally every patch
almost looks like one of those AI upscales that gets rid of all the details and just smooths everything out
uh oh. hair and horns are floating now
Holy fuck is that new hairstyle from Skeleton Crew horrible ingame.
Now that Broadsword retards are killing SWTOR what are the odds we'll have SWTOR offline when it shuts down?
>>1531307>We were able to tone down the definition of wrinkles and hardness within the textures, but since this is programmatic, it means that other texture definition, like your sweet abs also lost some definition. ..I wasn't even that wrong lmaohttps://forums.swtor.com/topic/937991-post-76-character-modernization/#comment-9834866
some good before-and-afters in this post toohttps://forums.swtor.com/topic/937921-character-modernization-follow-up/page/4/#comment-9834518>>1531186>hurrrr nothing changed
How is SWTOR for a co-op run? Specifically running with just me and another person? We'd be both doing a good run primarily so I figure we can run quest together at least?
>>1531584You can do basically everything together but in class quests the other won't participate in cutscenes since it's your character's personal story so do those alone and the rest together.
Did they mess something with reverse engineering? I can't break down neither the gear from fps nor the random lvl80 blues
No one asked for this "modernization"Fuck this shit I'm moving to LOTRO
>>1531670be sure to keep up with the newsno fucking clue how they broke this though lol
like 3 of my characters look decent to okthe rest look terrible, especially the females and for some reason the cleavage looks like it its gonethis shit needs a rollback
>>1531831>No change to reverse engineering in the patch, only thing relevant to crew skills are the new schematics>Still broke it somehowDamn, this is some japanese-tier spaghetti code
>>1531981holy fuck, looks like a junkieand also censored tits
>>1531981woah..... Modern™ as fuark....
>>1531981finally the space aids option for the characters that sleep around
>>1531981They have like 4-5 people still working on this shit. There is no way such a rookie texture error could make it through otherwise
I never understand what forces them to push out these unfinished patches.. it's the same song and dance every single timejust finish it first, nobody's expecting you to release any content at all at this point, so what's the rush? in what world is this better pr than delaying stuff?
>Did a bunch of encounters in Tatooine and two invasions yesterday>Get nothing but comms and frags>Do the one where you have to kill three elite tusken today>Two of these at the same timeWell, at least I know they actually drop. Right now there's only three listed on gtn
so they also broke lightsaber colors in cutscenesevery player and npc has a yellow bladehow do they even manage that?
>>1532453oh it might just be npcs. but that's not much better
first bug fix patch coming tomorrow
>>1532607>They also broke a quest in the Agent story and the Torvix dailyHow? HOW?
>make everyone ugly>refuse to fix it>basically forcing players to always wear a helmet to avoid looking at their ruined facesClearly a dev is a Mandofag and enforcing The Way on players.
>No game for young men
>here's that Padawan I was telling you about
>>1532845I'll be honest, the only change I've seen on my characters is that now they have pores instead of being plastic. And since I play mostly cyborgs, on top of the still plastic-looking hair, the lowres cybernetics clash sharply with the redesign. One of my female characters did get hit with the ugly stick
>>1533443human companions look terribke with only the alien ones being spared
>>1531761Literally though. You hear nonstop horn noises from the new mount on fleet, it sounds like India
>>1534135Is that shit from summoning the speeder or a flourish?
>>1534214both actually
>>1533762I’m happy with the actual textured skin since it was always jarring to be in a convo with one of the newer npcs and it cuts to my 2014 looking face, but I also play Miraluka so the mask covers like a good chunk of the face and don’t have to deal with the eyebags everyone else got.Human females all got nailed horribly by the changes though.
>>1534286I might be weird, but I kinda feel like>just make sure you don't show any skin at all and you won't even notice itisn't a good defense of the changesI know you're not saying this, but a lot of people are like hurr I wear a helmet anyway and it's just so tiresome.. stop defending this company people
Anyone else unable to login?
Man, this pvp season's armor is perfect... if there were druids in Star WarsIt did confirm my schizo theory though
>>1534380What if they made Rishi a playable race? I want to be big bird and bust a cap in a jedi.
Bloody hell. How did they broke this too?
>>1535054How is it broken?
Are gold augs still worth making?>>1535388Look at the codex. Seems all space missions have their text messed up. This is probably the only change to space missions in years kek
>>1535412>Are gold augs still worth making?they never wereyou mean to make money? idk
>Kaliyoholy cringe
I feel this shouldn't be here...
>>1531584>>1531630I thought Sith Warrior and Inquisitor had some overlap and potential interjections.
>>1537055lol neat>>1537655lol no
any /swgg/ guilds still alive? (e.g. Travel to Hoth)
Whats the deal with so many characters looking like they have a cold in this game? And the women with retarded make-up? You got chicks who look like they were drunk when doing their lipstick.
>>1539596do you want to join the lana beniko fan club?
7.6 is a disaster
>>1539921He's drunk
>swtor lets you marry a hot sith lordI don't think gaming will ever surpass this. We've peaked
>>1540995>lesbian marriage
Damn, Mongolord aged worse than Obama. Did they change the spelling of Mandalore at one point? I don't remember seeing the one with the apostrophe being used in-game
>Took a year long break due to burnout and boredom>Come back>Forgot how to do ANYTHING with all characters/builds >Have screenshots of my old ability bars and skill rotation ordersBased past-self foreseeing my complete mindwipe
They will fix the characters, r-right...
Did you know Luke's original surname was starkiller? I'm going to join a guild with twileks and hookers.
>>1541217a 63 year old should look like that. getting keked by a retarded turtle would age someone too.
And another 3-bug fixes patch drops...
6.3 suddenly made all the lack of sleep catch up with her>modernization
>The elite Sith in Corellia that you need to kill for the weekly objective is now armed with a lightsaber in one hand and a saberstaff in the otherH-how?
>>1543789The beauty of red women must not disappear from this galaxy.
>>1544156my purebloods had their faces smoothed out....
>>1542464they won'tit's unironically over
>>1540021isn't it an Impside guild, Koobs?
>>1539596pubside is Galactic Jizz Wailers and impside is Lana Beniko Fanclub. Neither of them are particularly active anymore, and even I have been playing less these days. For a long time I completed the conquest by myself but these last couple months more of my time is taken by other games. So unless you really want to be in a /swgg/ guild for the sake of it, I'd recommend joining any other guild that has more active people.A few randoms have joined Lana Beniko Fanclub just because they liked the name and asked to join, but Galactic Jizz Wailers hasn't had a new member in like a year. I think normies assume it's going to get deleted because they don't know that Jizz is a genre of music in star wars.Both guilds are high level with guild bonuses and even some flagship parts, but everyone is taking a break....a long break....
Man, even the most diehard people still playing since beta seem completely turned off by the texture changes.Sounds like the company running things now is running things into the ground. Is it on purpose to kill it off for some sort of tax thing?
>logged in today to see the damage and farm life day shit>didn't see any difference on most of my female charactersWeird, but i wasn't that regular lately so i might have just glossed over. By the way new life day cosmetics is really fucking good, don't remember when they put that much effort into something you can grind instead of buy for cartel coins since ever.
>What’s coming up? >We are really excited as we look towards 2025! Let's talk about the beginning of the year. First up will be Game Update 7.6.1 in the first quarter of the year which will kick off our next Galactic Season. This one will be a fun one as we throw you into some content you may not have played in a bit... be sure to come back early in the year for our livestream to hear about that season and everything else planned for the update.>And then of course, right on the horizon of 7.6.1 is 7.7! Really looking forward to talking about our plans here as we have a new [redacted] coming with some new [redacted], the continuation of our story, along with a host of other things to tell you about! Last but not least, we can't forget that 2025 is the next Star Wars Celebration 2025 is just around the corner and so I'm just excited as a Star Wars fan to see what next year holds for all of us.>Enjoy Game Update 7.6, have a happy holiday, and we will see you in the new year!>-Keith >we throw you into some content you may not have played in a bitGalactic Starfighterbros... we are back... Now if only there were people left queuing for that shit...>we have a new [redacted] coming with some new [redacted]Wanna bet what the hell is that?
I didn't even know swgg had been moved here...
>>1546459Whales playing space Barbie are keeping the game alive and they turned their dolls into crones and are not fixing it, it's never been this over.
how to play kotor nowadays, can't even run it on my pctried with pcgamingwiki patches but still runs like shit
>>1546765I love Galactic starfighter but what indicates they're adding more to it? Hutt Palace stronghold when? I think Ill just live in this apartment and never complete the story.
>>1546840Damn hummies get hit the wall at lightspeed. The future is Red.
>>1547617>what indicates they're adding more to it?It's a joke based on the fact that is one of the most forgotten features in the game. The less exciting scenario is "new operation/lair boss coming with some new mechanics"
I love Lana
>>1547678Lana Beniko movie when?
>>1546840A Sith Lord should be wearing heavy battle armor at all times in the first place.
>>1548195>Sith warriors have a hundred different armor styles>Jedi knights' gear is mostly brown robes with trooper_armor.tga underneath (optional)And then people wonder why there are more imps everywhere
I just gotta wonder, why does the PTS even exist? Even when there are huge bugs that basically the entire PTS test-playerbase reports, they are going to go live with it anyway and take half a year to fix it, if they ever do. So why bother?
Entertainer class when?
>>1548727welcome to years agonobody knows. it's just a legal requirement or something.. this way they can check the box and be done with it
>>1496417Happy holidays, anons and koobina.
>>1544156I will never forgive the jedincels.
>>1531239>>1531186What was the point of these changes anyway.
Comfy life day snuggling with Lana
>>1549253what's the fucking point of most things these devs domost updates just feel like a bunch of interns had to quickly reach their quota of hours worked for the year, idk manthey call it "modernization".. guess they feel like everything modern is bad, so they just follow suit
>>1549552All the based aliens didn’t get affected anyways.
Kotor legends anime is when?
>>1549673They would butcher it, just read the comics.
>>1549253I feel bad because I WAS one of the people asking and wanting face texture updates.I didn't realize it would be this fucking bad though, I just wanted my face to not look 2014 smooth compared to the newer NPCs actually textured looks.
pony realism v2.2 can do kino star wars aislopno lana banana sadly
RIP Master Yuon.
>be f2p>want to be a sith pureblood mommy>cantI hate this...
Think I’ll make my new bounty hunter a mando.
well anon are you?
>>1556078What server?
>>1557167I havent made a character yet, but was thinking Star Forge.
>>1556881That's kinda hot, but I don't think I've ever had a character on my legacy lose to anything on Tython, Korriban, Hutta, or Ord Mantell. Actually, maybe once or twice on Hutta and Ord Mantell. I was really bad with the tech classes after only playing Jedi/Sith.
>haven't played in months>just zoomed in on my character's face>it's old and wrinkly Why. Why would they think this is a good idea?
Slavie, slavie! Get in cagie!Sith needs help now don't be lazy.Zero breaks will make you crazy.I'll tell the guards to get their tazie.
I reinstalled SWTOR because I don't have a sightseeing screencap folder, so now I just log in basically as a tourist, travelling from planet to planet and screencapping everything that's not locked behind a phase, or blocked off by Republic stealth detection droids.Is there still a way to upgrade your gear without touching operations or flashpoints? I saw there's a vendor that demands conquest tokens, but I hope that doesn't mean the only way is spamming these not-world-quests on hoth and tatooine.
>>1496417>https://www.swtor.com/based helpful autist
>>1561838You can do what I did and buy the artifact equipment authorization for your account. My level cap is 70 because I never bothered to buy a sub past 2020 I think, but I have access to Ossus and the 258 equipment vendor there meaning I can still travel to most planets and do most flashpoints for funsies.
anyone have a guide on how i can quit my low iq wageslave job and just play swtor and not go outside
Give me a quick rundown on how much the game's changed since 7.0, stopped around that time and all I remember was being able to sabotage allies and dropping a crane on Malgus.
>>1563316I don't know how much has changed since then. >there's now world quests like in post-legion wow, but they have a different name>everything from ops to flashpoints and even overworld/conq is a valid route to gear progression, at varying rates. Only exception is a special new augment that is slightly weaker but a lot cheaper than its alternative>story dropped the whole sith secret mystery thing in favor of being all about Mandalorians and protecting a ginger karen from being usurped by a bulldykeOther than that I can't think of anything. Oh wait, the big one that people apparently weren't happy about.>they're performing a visual update on the base game planetsAfter visiting the updated base game planets, I don't see much of a difference except that some textures are now better, there's some extra post-processing effects. Hutta is more polluted now, it looks like Shang Hai. Also they seem to run better than before rather than the reverse.
>>1563706hmm, dunno if mandalorians are enough of a draw, might just replay the class stories and stop before the expansions.is the economy still fucked?
>>1564100No idea, I don't engage with the economy. Fucked in what way?
>>1564160Last I've played credit inflation was swelling to the billions, to the point that you can't even buy the good stuff directly on the marketplace, you have to private message sellers and whatnot.Also, how are the new developers? I've only been recently aware that there are new people in charge.
>>1564299Oh right. No, credits are inflated as always. I know because my one interaction with the market was>join a guild for obvious reasons>some guy really wants a darth vader costume, but can't afford whatever accurate fancy ones there are>remember my sorc being dressed in a kinda vader-like suit that he crafted himself with synthweaving>making the pieces takes a specific ingredient (I haven't played in years, so those must have been low level materials) which I didn't know I could make myself>buy it on the market>each costs a whooping 46k credits>my sorc is so broke by the end of it, the guy has to give me 100k credits just so I can pay the transaction feeOh right, transaction fees, that's a thing now. Trading goods with people directly, outside of the market, now costs credits. Probably a measure they implemented specifically to combat inflation. And yes, trading credits ALSO gets taxed the same way. >Also, how are the new developers? I've only been recently aware that there are new people in charge.The new developers shifted focus towards the visual update. Every big patch adds a small amount of kotet style story content and with each, they finalize updating 2 planets. Rumour has it, they're planning to expand to consoles. They're a studio that has never handled a game this big, so taking this game and making it more successful is their gambit to really take off as a studio. If they fail, EA will probably rip them apart and turn what's left into another sports game maker.
>>1564551Gonna go Light Side Inquisitor because I can't be assed to do Republic again, is Assassin fun to play for solo PVE? Or is that role still reserved for Sorcerer?
>>1564719Having stealth is huge boon in pve and you can solo pretty much anything outside of world bosses as tank, which assassin can be.
>>1564719My main is an agent, I heavily abuse stealth for my little screencap folder tourism project and the game really lets you abuse it. I have trouble discerning which mobs see through stealth, but they're rare enough that you can waltz through entire areas without any trouble whatsoever. I remember that in a lot of story missions, you can basically skip almost all the combat simply by sneaking right through. The only mobs you have to watch out around are>'crazed' or otherwise paranoid humanoids>about half of all droids>anything that summons those stealth removal dronesEven Jedi masters somehow can't see through a simple cloaking device.
>>1564746>about half of all droidsHey, 'member when an advanced class was able to slice droids? Good times...
AHAHAHAHAHAH>Kaliyo takes the BW(wook)C, has me murder all her exes, then fucks a guy on my shipOh man, seeing her seethe every time I flirt or bang someone is one of the best parts of the storyline. This line was just the icing.I can fix her
Anyone else having problems logging in? The error message is worded strangely too, like they outsourced to India or something.
>>1565161I was able to log in just fine an hour ago. Their twitter also says nothing.
>>1565167Yeah, its weird. I was able to log in just fine too before I left for lunch and then when I returned I'm getting this dumb error message.. Ugh!
>>1565182I just tried logging in again and it works perfectly fine.
>>1561348Don't you mean "Boba Fett's Starship"boy Jax
>>1565547>the mobile game, of all places, managed to keep the Slave I name
>>1565631Didnt the mobile game also keep my niggas Gizor Dellso and Sun Fac
>>1565639Only Sun Fac
>>1565225Lucky, its still not letting me in. x_x
>>1565707Update: I'm in now. Ended up having to change my password twice.
>>1565742Did you have a security key?
Is the Je'daii Warrior armor set not unlockable in collections? Wanted to use it for my other characters but it doesn't appear in collections
>>1565855Nah, I did like 10 years ago though lol
holy shit this general still exists? I lost track of it like two years ago
>upgraded my PC>Broadsword visually downgraded the game in the meantime
Went Shadow/Sorcerer for my Light Side Inquisitor; for pure PVE, what are the disciples to go for?
>>1546459I haven't logged in in a couple years now, but this texture shit makes me not want to come back. I can't stand the thought that my cute Jedi girl is a hideous crow now.
anyone here playing on darth malgus?
>>1567391Lightning is unmatched for PVE mob clearing due to chain lightning spam imo.But personally I think Madness is more fun.>>1567599Just started again but all my characters are Star Forge.
>>1567623>Just started againsame>but all my characters are Star Forge.my latency on star forge is iffy
>>1553237I killed her entirely to spite Qyzen. I kinda regret it in hindsight
>>1567635I always assumed that latency/lag is a given on the game's netcode. I'm in EU and on Darth Malgus, an EU server and I still have perpetual lag.
>decide to try doing a few FPs for the weekly before it resets>29 different flashpoints? Oh boy I can't wait to tap into the wealth of 4man content they ma->every single run is red reaperSomeone is filtering absolutely everything aren't they?
>>1567623How fun is Madness? I already played Lightning before, but that was just a standard Sidious playthrough on Inquisitor.I want to try something new but also want it to be fun the entire time.
I haven't played in 2.5 years, what's the state of the game since Broadsword took over?
>>1568405You can choose which flashpoints to queue for.
>>1564934She’s not seething. She’s just laying out the truth.
Will this be enough to get the gold recipe?
>>1569350I know, but then they don't count towards the weekly. I kinda wish flashpoints weren't spammable, at least not individual ones.
>still no word on fixing the wrinkles
>>1568888>spam dots>top the charts>Be an absolute nigger in pvp>actually use Force Lightning in your rotationDoes that count as fun?
>>1570277total sorc death
On swtor, is there a guild/clan/alliance (whatever they're called in this, I haven't played in years,) that is on NA? I don't really care about the server beyond it having more players than a ghost town. I want to play with people from here. I'll play whatever role, I don't care.
Also haven't played in so long but it's nice to see my sexy fish outfit is still there.
What the fuck? Someone clearly played shadows of the empire and loved the train level way too much. They even used the same music as in the train level.
>>1567094it has like 3-4 posters. no one on the rest of the video game boards or /tg/ knows this board or thread exists. i miss the /vg/ days
>>1571189Whose idea was to move it to /vm/ anyway? You can't really accrue posters when you're hiding on a board no-one browses.
>>1571189Yeah I only found it by accident really, why did you guys move the general?
>>1571226you can't keep slow generals alive on /vg/ against gachafags that burn through 5 threads a day without dedicated autistsall the gacha shit, including generals, should have been forcefully moved to /vmg/ and kept there forever
>>1570192they won't fix iteveryone complained about new class icons and they did nothing
>>1569054pretty bad generallyand recently they pissed people off by making female characters look old and ugly
>>1571474I'm actually going to be evil this playthrough. I can do this...
>>1571474I wonder how they will fuck up the purebloods in the future.
does anyone have that image breaking down all the class storylines?
Best armor set for the Katana Visions lightsaber hilts?
>f2p>have a couple of loth cat pets from hoth dynamic encounters>want to sell them to afford artifact authorization and crew skill unlocks>cant trade>1m credit capwhat do?
>>1573961Buy a month of subscription and sort it out. Also transfer all the money into legacy storage, you can still hold 1m on a single character but you won't be cockblocked by gay escrow shit otherwise.
>>1573573If you want samurai-esque armor: The pvp season 2 sets, Charged Hypercloth Aegis (synthweaving, republic)/Revered Seer (cartel market, any faction), Freelance Hunter, the old pvp battlemaster armor republic-side (the helmet at least), Tulak Hord's helmetIf you want robes, there's no shortage in the jedi side
>>1573997im not giving a cent to ea, but thanks for the reply
>>1574024You're giving them worse - excessive time. Your time and frustration is worth more than 10 bucks.
havent played since 7.4. is combat basically still the same? i think im done with the game until they move to something more action, less rotation, skill bloat
>>1564719>light side sith>assassinwow feeling original are we?
Where did all the slutposters go?
just started getting into swtorare there any stigmas attached to any of the species or classes that i should avoid if i don't want to be labelled a shitter
I'm not too crazy about the feathered pvp rewards.
>>1577892I'm playing a cat grrl and I've already had someone say my character was cute! (Cathar look much better than they used to by far, though. They used to be hideous.)
>>1577679Once I level up and get some decent outfits, I gotchu, anon.
How do I make Chel from El Dorado ingame?Provide the sliders and clothing needed
>>1577679Their sluts are now grannies so I guess to FFXIV.
>>1578352My Cathar looks better than before. Furry girls winning.
>STILL can't play a Commando with a rifle unless you go heals apparently Why are they locking such a cool class behind these ugly as fuck cannons? Can't they just let you put a rifle in the outfitter slot?
>>1578323Relaxed uniform chest, Jori daragon bottoms, covert energy everything else.Alternatively imperial dancer from the security key vendor. BT4 republic zabrak/or Cathar. They have an option to get a hair cut close to chels.
>>1578467NTA, but I didn't know about those bottoms. Dang, those look good on a bt4.
>>1577679I ragequitted after they made my Chiss look 50yo
>>1578513Why did they do that?
>>1578526They wanted to make you specifically sad.
>>1578410That was one of the major disappointments with the combat style announcement. You still can't make an actual Boba Fett-style character either (despite BH whole design being inspired by Boba). On a minor note, the fact that the old advanced classes' "flavor" doesn't change with the factions, so you have republic classes using poisons and torture devices, for example.
>>1578526Attractive people are problematic.
Damn how are people supposed to find this general now that it has been moved? I only rediscovered it by pure accident.
>>1579852the force will guide them to us. Or something gay like that.
Red bros. Our time has come!
>>1581083Hi red man
Thinkin about Lana
>still can't replay the base story on your main
So many lightsabers would be worth buying off the cartel market if they just scaled the model size down a bit. I'm looking at you, Stronghold Defender, Kingpin, and Valor.
>>1581989You don't like your big and thick lightsabers?
>>1581596she ded?
I haven't played in 5 years, and I've never done any expansion content, just the class stories.How much additional story content is there now? Not counting side quests
>>1496417Do Jedi/lightside roleplaying guilds exist? that arent shit?
What's the closest chest piece I can get to a plate carrier?
Anons, I need opinions on a 2nd combat style for my smuggler, already got the obligatory stealth class (Scoundrel), now I need something that looks AND feels fun to play, I'm aiming for a strong AOE class for those dynamic encounters/open world stuff.
>>1587950Not to go full autist on you, but in 100 words or less, describe your character's background and their motivations? Republic Scoundrel, or Imperial Scoundrel? Do they have a military "background"? Which story are you playing through?
>>1586122there's a set from the Makeb reputation that looks like one.
>>1587950Just go gunslinger and use the DOT style, it feels fantastic and has great AOE.Plus it fits you logically.
>>1588012Neutral loyalty and opportunistic, but background is "horrible human being", just generally making things worse for everyone, Republic or Imperial otherwise. I can make up lore reasons for why I'd have training in some combat styles, but I want it to feel like I'm a war criminal/terrorist when I'm fighting.>>1588071I'm checking Gunslinger/Sniper, and is it really fun if I'm just staying in one place?
>>1588079>opportunistic >horrible human being>just generally making things worse for everyone So an anarchist, presumably with Republic citizenship. Well, if I were you I'd probably go Saboteur Gunslinger (long range DoT spec that makes things go boom). Tactics Vanguard isn't very fun to me because it's a close range rifle class, but it definitely fits the aesthetic of war criminal/terrorist. I would say the Agent specs would be good, but they focus more on poison. Overall, the most fun blaster classes for me have been Dirty Fighting/Sharpshooter Gunslinger and Ruffian Scoundrel. I would potentially prefer the Agent versions of these, but I'm not a fan of poisons in Star Wars.
>>1588079>>1588129Also if you're also going for the "look", and you don't have a lot of credits, you can buy these two armor pieces from the imperial legacy armor supply vendor on the fleet.
>>1588129>>1588134Thanks for the help anons, will most likely go Dirty Fighting (Exploited Weakness)/Ruffian (Synox Shots) for the terrorist/anarchist vibe, Sharpshooter has good animations but it fits my bounty hunter more.I've saved up quite a bit of credits and cartel coins, got any premium outfit suggestions? I've maxed out the turban/hood look back when I played Imperial Agent so I'm looking for a more outlandish look.
>>1588178What gender/body type is your character? If they're body type 3/4 you can go with these.
>>1588824Female BT4, Zabrak
does the imperial population still dwarf the republic population?
All 30 of my toons on both factions are part of the same crew that goes around the galaxy like the Avengers. The Jedi and Sith still claim their organization's identity, so they get into arguments about the correct way to handle a situation, but the non-force users don't care as long as the mission is good and the plan isn't suicide (except for the Commando, he doesn't care).I'm trying to decide if I should outfit the non-force users the same way (Makeb Protector jumpsuit and Imperial E-1 Enforcer rifles/pistols), or should I give them individual outfits? Yes, I know this is autistic.
>>1590213what no pussy does to a mfer
>>1590442I think I’m going to make my new agent a Chiss operative>>1590213Harvey the Hutt will offer you a film deal if and only if your women avengers wear skimpy clothes and do in person interviews with him.>>1584379I wouldn’t know. This kraut wouldn’t let me into his NA Jedi guild because my name wasn’t Jedi approved. My Name was Paulus knockenbrecher and I named him after the separatist child soldier on ord mantell. I even told him Luke skywalkers og name was star killer but he wasn’t having it. I wasn’t planning on being secretly dark side either just a slight problem with overcoming the stim abuse and being mentally fucked after the emperor takes over at the end of chapter 2. >>1586122Contraband runner looks kind of like a flak jacket.
>>1591213Forgot image.
>>1591230Good image.
What if a vtuber played swtor
>>1591474would probably be less cringe than swtorista
Which dualsaber has the fattest blade? I'm trying to make a giganigga consular shadow, absolute low IQ just swinging tree trunks at people.
>https://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/01242025/game-update-7.6d>Fixed an issue that made beards on Cyborg characters turn metallic redNow, if only cyborgs had more beards instead of the three or so options tied to cybernetics...
any credit buyers? have you ever gotten banned? whats a good site to use?
thoughts on a fem jk?
Anyone else have problems using visa card for sub/coins? I came back and found out Im the guild master of a dead guild with fully upgraded flagship, neat
post your exotic player character
>>1573230>playing in germanbitte nicht
>>1595988HALT! Deine Papiere, Jedi!
>>1596058*plays in female jedi knight aka voice of mara jade*
>>1596082We are so back Broadswordbros
I'm gonna do it BrosI'm gonna start completely fresh on a new serverNo billion creditsNo nothingFuck
Any ideas how to create pic related character and what armor to use?
>>1596566So i tried itBut man what did they do to the skin?
Have female characters always ran like they've shit their pants
teeth are fucked up
>>1596082Just a bunch of bugfixes...
>>159721114 gigs worth of bug fixes? wew
>>1596566I could recreate something similar to that for you in like 5 minutes, but the lightsaber choice doesn't feel right. The Sith don't usually have ornate lightsaber hilts like Satele's. I would go for the Ziost Guardian's or something similar.
>>1595697Nope, never been banned or warned or anything either. They either can't detect it or they can and just don't care. Also, I recommend G2G.com.
>>1597585Is it even worth it, looking at how bad the inflation was in that game.
>>1597587I dunno, I guess it is to me because I'm impatient.
>>1596566>>1596590I'm too lazy to spend more time trying to do this. I could do better, but I told myself not to spend more than 10 minutes on this. >[any Heavy rated headgear piece on the gtn that looks like this]>Dark Advisor's Breastplate >Stalker's Gloves>Sniper's Belt [you may need to find an alternative depending on your class]>Shadow Disciple Lower Robes >[any boots; there's none in your pic]>Deep Gray/Black dye [Black/Black dye doesn't play nice with the top and bottom pieces]You could always just use the Dark Advisor's Greaves instead of the Shadow Disciple Lower Robes, but neither will look *exactly* the same as the pic you posted, the bottoms will just match the top a bit better. Good luck anon. If you're unhappy with it, do it yourself.
Should I reinstall?
>>1597828>>1597581Thank you anon! i tried it myself yesterday see >>1596590Your armor choice will come in handy
gonna get back into swtor i think couple questions:should i go back to my old account? probably have like 100ish million creditsplayed the burst damage double blade style which was fun to play but had like no aoenot a big fan of dot specs, probably will never even do dungeons etc outside of story content, just want to comfy explore and stuffwhats gonna be a good class besides that one?
>>1597834Y E S
>>1597962No reason not to use old account for sure. Republic or Empire?I personally find Juggernaut awesome in PvE and for exploration, but honestly if you want the best experience you should come up with what fits your character the most and roll with it.On an unrelated note, is there anything more fun than cucking Corso with random hookups?
Anyone able to decipher which head sliders this one is?
too trans ?
>>1598828The fuck did they do with the characters?
>>1598828She cute, and the bags make her look like a tired warrior. I like it.
>>1598843sadly ingame she looked like a hagalso BT4 really does not suit her
>>1598841the lighting is all kinds of fucked upnow with BT2man... this looks nothing like in char creator
>>1598730was thinking of empire, i thinki played through jk main story twice in the past uh 5?ish yearsi remember the sw story being somewhat confusing and the inquisitor just boring force ghost stuffjuggernaut sounds cool
>>1598882she looks like she fucks Gamorreans
swtor worth playing in 2025
left is a different complexionmight look better?
why the FUCK did thye make all the characters ugly
>>1598951graphical uhhhh "update"
gotta save the settings and remake her a bit different then
When was the last full expansion this game got?Think it will get any more? If so, when.
Tomorrow I will reinstall Movie Battles 2 again and check to see if there is a single populated North American server I can play on
I just rewatched all 6 movies over the course of this last week. I would love a crpg in the style of rogue trader or bg3 for star wars. Where you design a character and choose feats and classes and go through a story with lots of decisions, with lots of endings. Star wars really has been neglected on the videogame front. They left a lot of money on the table.I've beaten kotor, kotor2, and swtor so many times. Even though I love them and replay them on a regular basis, I can't keep playing the same games forever. There are good studios out there that could make another good rpg. But knowing disney, they'd probably mess it up somehow.>>1599678There is. I just reinstalled that with some friends last weekend. Had a bunch of new stuff since the last time I played it too.
Gonna go play as a Merc, i know it's the lowest dps class there is.But it's fun.
this is my jedi consular, playing as a guardian, say something nice about her
I just wish we could get a bit more hair and rid of the weird horn amulett oh well
>>1599786What about him?
>>1599888This is unfair char creator had her in a much better light...
What SWTOR server is /vg/ on?
>>1599890>he doesn't know
>>1599918I know it is Mark Biggs, but why post him, didn't he quit like 2 years ago?
>>1599921how do i say this it wasnt only swtor that he quit anon
>>1599922Care to elaborate?
>>1599926well uhm this basically anon hes dead
>>1599945No he isn't.
>>1599969I don't mind as long as they don't fuck it up massively
why are all classes so god damn restrictive from level 1-50
>>1599969This is useless unless they bring back the sale on cosmetics that they had when the changes initially dropped.
>>1600526>1-50I was prepared to completely give up on Advanced Powertech, until I read that the class completely changes at level FUCKING 68. Once you unlock the railshot cooldown perk it makes the class go from a weird, clunky, auto-spamming, overheating piece of shit to a super fun, smooth class.Idk wtf they were thinking
>>1601140does it actually?i was gong to play AP as a BH but holy god mother of hell is it clunky as the heat management a pita
>>1599850She looks like a redeemed Lachris.I was still shocked when I played the consular campaign and you kill her...
>>1599917We're almost all on Star Forge, at least the ones I play with.
i wanna play with my queen swtorista
>>1601916she's cute in a hideous way
>>1601918Does she survive only on SWTOR content or does she have a secret onlyfans?
>>1601920she streams on twitch but she might have a secret of
>tried to do easy ops and flashpoints for like 3 months>could sometimes manage to do OK dps with the easiest most retarded spec le juggernaut>but kept forgetting every single mechanic, like even if I repeated the flashpoints multiple times a day>couldn't play my favorite specs because they have stealth and they demand you do even more retarded mechanics, rage all the time about itit's over, nothing else for me in this game I played the stories so much I can't do it again. Hate their recycled emperor shit. I made all the money anyone would ever need, did all the dailies and heroics and shit. I also fucking HATE how I have to keep switching gear and rotation for every encounterPVP is shit, even when I win or stomp I don't feel any joyI checked what changed in the past year and it's like, fucking hell, this game is in maintenance mode
>Can see the enemy red dots in the minimap again>Several quest objects in the world are no longer highlightedIt's the little things...
how hard are the dark v light world bosses? can i just join a group and faceroll it? how many people is enough? can i join without being 80?
>>1602285shame, i'd take some starting money though if you're just gonna park your account anyways
>>1602285>>could sometimes manage to do OK dps with the easiest most retarded spec le juggernautHow? Jugg is top 3 deeps
queen is live
>>1602981What's with the porn glasses
Post cute Cathars please. :3
Skadge seems like the type of guy that would take straight up rape you if he had the chance. I don't like him.
>stealth classes can skip 80% of mobsmaaaaaaaan
When are they gonna fix faces?
>>1604023Humans hit the wall at lightspeed
Gonna get a subscription and replay the story. What should I play between SI, SW and JC? I tried JW and quit at the beginning of act 2 cause it was shit.
>>1604464Jedi Knight. It's been a fucking while jesus.
>>1604474go sith warrior then
>>1604475Is lightning sorc still shit?
>>1604486define shitif you're never gonna do the hardest content in the gamenothing is shit at all
>>1604489>define shitGood DPS verse bosses. I remember Arcann felt super fucking tanky when I killed him with my assassin and operation bosses took ages to solo.
>>1604530sorc has heals ranged its good
SWG Emu.
>>1496417What happens now?
>>1605697You motherfucker, made me check...
>>1602981the nose that keeps SWTOR alive
>>1605799she's pretty aggressively overtly positive of the game though
POST GOOD LOOKING human PCs>no baldies
>>1605979when they fix them in the next update
>>1605776That's one of the consular lines.
I love swtorhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lsjdUUha4s
just wanna give a shout out to SWG Emu.Suncrusher is going to come , and we're all going to have a fun time on a freshly reset permanent SWG Emu server with JTL.Twi'lek women sweat on me.
best solo class without having to slam spam with decent self heals and ability to solo shit?
Started this game yesterday, having lots of fun :)
Who was that Lanafag again? His name started with K, but with the archive down I can't find it out.
>>1607745>but with the archive downIs back in a new domain https://arch.b4k.dev/
>>1607748Holy shit, thanks anon. How did you find out?
Thanks anons.
please play SWG Emu
>>1607903Last time I checked in was 2017 or so, have they implemented JtL yet?
>>1607905they're working on it. Not yet.
the only people playing any form of SWG have the very bad kind of autism
>>1609074I did it for muh nostalgia, was kinda neat going back after all this time, but I can't see myself playing it on a regular.
>>1609074This looks kind of coolhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwVFS42MC3c
Somebody isn't getting his torchy back.
got a 4k oled monitortrying to star swtor just results in infinite loading and the process using 99% of my cpuingame settings should still be 1440p which shouldnt be a problemhalp
>>1610513I need a new computer.
>>1610586Those texture
>>1610586You playing on PS2 or what?
I haven't played past Makeb. Does it get good? I already finished Agent and Warrior multiple times.
Why are western char designers obsessed with giving females nasolabial folds
There’s a bioware general back in /vg/
If you don't have 16 toons that are made to look like the forum avatars, are you really playing the game?
>>1601918shes not hideous she just looks like what "nerd/gamer" girls used to look like before whores found out its easy money
>>1616803what up koob
>>1612945oh, thanks for the heads u->it's a dragon age generalnevermind
Do Assassin/Shadow completely suck ass?I got a Shadow to 80 playing mostly Infiltration(Deception) and it was a horrible shitty experience where it took way too long to kill anything and I'm squishy as fuck.Then I tried Serenity(Hatred) for a bit and it felt very slightly better but still trash
>>1616803I killed Kixi the other day.
>>1607782Plz dont post gore
Anyone here playing on SWG Legends?Had an itch to play SWG again but I wanna know if the server is in a good state or not
/vg/ home...:)
>>1601823shell have to start a cosplay onlyfans when the game dies
>>1628204with that schnoz she can do a sexy watto
>>1628287Would you be her little orphan annie?
>>1628306Dumb question time.I see people queuing for OPs and World Bosses in chat sometimes but I'm just playing through the story. How to I find people to do flashpoints, OPs, etc. with?I'm just level 50 right now.
Oh so this is where you guys moved to. Haven't played SWTOR in 3 years and the itch is back.What do?
>>1629504>Haven't played SWTOR in 3 yearsdamn, you lost like 1.5h of content>What do?play something that isn't in maintenance mode
The female Inquisitor voice is so cute...
>>1629215For FPs I use the Activity Finder and for ops I will likely just join if theyre looking for more members in fleet chat. You can also do /cjoin allies to find people looking for more ops members.
Does anyone have those funny screenshots of some poor ERPer getting trolled back from /vg/ days?
>linux>bottlesthis doesnt work, any tips?https://gist.github.com/nmlynch94/02ea1b6c0f1c4f66a2ce70ed08993bdf
Is this game playable with a controller now that Steam has support for it?
when's the next GS?
what is SWTOR end game
>>1629504Play some quick pvp matches to scratch that itch, then a Flashpoint, itch scratched.
wow this thread is depressingly dead and shit
Jaesa was built for big Pureblood cock
>>1632250shitty dead worthless board that no one knows about and there arent enough dedicated autists to move this back to /vg/ and keep it bumped . the faggot 4shit head mod should have made a gachashit containment board instead of /vm/. also dying game
are we ever getting a new loadscreen? the current one is so fucking shit no one wants to look at a bald bitch
Give your waifu a hug and a kiss for Valentine's Day anon
Does it make a difference if I make my jedi knight a ranged sage combat class? I prefer playing ranged but not sure if the game was designed around a melee tank character for this class, potentially making the gameplay harder.
>>1607782>curtainsfuck I have those stupid things. I don't recommend them at all.
where are my swg niggas at
>>1638261"dancing" on fleet for gold
>>1638261move on autist. its over
Does this general have a guild?
>>1642056this general barely even has a life support machine keeping it going
>>1638261Running a begging macro at the Coronet starport.
>>1638261Here. Would like to replay some class stories, but don't have time/not in a good spot right now, maybe some time later....
>>1643943Also, anyone have that story flowchart?
>No pvp queue the whole morning. Second week of zero points in the pvp season.>Go to fleet>1 person in the gtn areaYup, Satele is dead.
>>1645288>1 instance on Satele Shan pub fleet>3 instances on Star Forge pub fleetI wish I transferred servers to Ebon Hawk with everyone else back when I had the chance and they were free/discounted.
>Finally get into arenas/wz>The same niggers' names every match, just shuffled between teamsYep, dead server. There better be cross-server queues in their hypothetical roadmap. I doubt the spaghetti code allows it, but I can dream.
Keep getting nostalgic urges to play through Hutt Cartel. Not sure why my nostalgia fixated on it specifically. But it's almost always the source of my nostalgic pangs. When it's not Makeb, it's Coruscant.Also, been thinking about Rakata Prime flashpoint in the Revan story. Standing on that beach looking out. Feels surreal, melancholic. They really captured something with that, I don't know how to fully describe it. Feels like the end of the world or like dying or something.
>Masterwork Ancient Field Tech armor set bonus (for levels 50-74)>Tier 6 only affects Laze Target and Smugglers Luck (Marksman and Sharpshooter Sniper/Slinger)>doesn't affect Dirty Fighting or Saboteur buffsI guess Sharpshooter Gunslinger is the canon choice. Not happy about that though, Wounding Shots has the best blaster animation.>>1648380Both NA servers are on the East Coast now, which is dumb as fuck. I used to have 33ms ping on Harbinger, and on Satele I have 130ms. There is genuinely no good reason to not merge Satele and Star Forge into a USA mega server.
>>1649023>There is genuinely no good reason to not merge Satele and Star Forge into a USA mega server.Same reason wowo wawa didn't do it back then: optics. Merging servers is an admission of low population/ghost town servers, hence worlo made those cross-realm zones in Mists of Pandaria.
>>1649023They just didn't bother to update them when they split Laze Target/Smuggler's Luck into spec-based variants kek. For some reason, they did bother to disable them in low-level pvp as if there were enough low-level players queueing pvp/a way to prevent exp gain and make twinks.
>Sanctuary wins again
>february 24th>still no february livestream they've announced and said will adress the atrocious character "modernization" init's ____
>>1650723How badly did they fuck up?
>>1650751It's hagmaxxed all the way down
>>1650757I dread do ask how Darth Lachris or Acina look like now....
Should a Gunslinger use 2 different blaster models? Should a Mercenary? I'm trying to figure out how I want them to look. On one hand, my character could just be using two space "Glocks" and call it a day, but what about the alternative? Does one of the blasters fire a different caliber blaster bolt? Would that be like using a 45cal Glock and a 9mm Beretta?
>>1650859I like to use one slightly bigger one in the main hand that has aiming stuff on it and in the off hand a smaller one without aiming stuff because you can hardly aim through both if you need to aim
dev livestream on February 26th at 1pm CT / 7pm UTChttps://www.twitch.tv/swtor
I want a modded AI for nu-BF2it sucks
>>1651350kek they lurk here confirmed
Is there a way to change the companion at all after starting The Hunt? I forgot to change from Vette to Jaessa. I hoped to see her dialogue and have her see me off.
>>1652417Pretty sure it would always be Vette, every class has their standard companion there
>>1652432Oh... it's been a while since i did this on my other character so I had no idea. I was frustrated with myself for forgetting to change to Jaessa but if it's always Vette I guess I didn't brick anything. Thank you!
What are the pros and cons with that new Shae Vizla set on sale? I have the old one that I bought on sitting in my Unclaimed Items, and I've been waiting for the right time to commit to the whole Mando thing. I really don't feel like buying more coins, so I'll probably just refund something but I don't know which to refund. Not pictured is both of the Visions katana hilts sitting in Unclaimed. Not sure which one to keep of the two. I would just return the original Shae set, but I don't know which was the better between them.
>first time playing femSmug>romanced Corso for the free blaster>wasn't initially going to cuck Corso with Skavak, but I decided to because it was funny>decide to give Corso back Torchy to be nice, assuming I'll be able to equip it too>can't equip it, Corso only >blaster model changed from whatever the fuck it originally was in every single cutscene to the now impossible to obtain slim revolver modelI'm GLAD I fucked Skavak, fuck you Corso. I don't know if it would've been different if I had I decided to pick the "keep Torchy option, but what the fuck man.
>only 2k people watching the streamwell look like it's overtime to check lotro
>>1654095which older items
I regret spending money on this game.
New speeder piloting rank. Subs only.
>>1654095oh great it will be the outlaw set all over again... as if the market prices for certain items arent bullshit credit capped enough already
>>1654055Now 3k!
It begins
no more date nightsthey can't afford voice actors lol
holy fuck that was short
>>1654055>time to check lotroThat's like the one mmo in current existence that's even more dead
>Master mode for the Replicator lair boss announced>R-4 Anomaly completely forgotten. The gear not even relevant anymore, just a brief alternate path for upgrading to max Rakata ilvlWhat was even the point of that Operation? A brief 'member Darth Nihilus moment before continuing with the Mongolorian tie-in plot?
>>1654114slightly better
>>1654133>Wanted to take a jab at Star Trek Online>Then remembered the bank/auction area of DS9 is always full>And I can get pve queues around the clock>And it gets voiced story updatesDamn it all...
>Even sweet autista is dabbing on the Concord spacema'am suitIs swtover...
>>1654185Wow that's pathetic when you consider that Star Wars should be thousand times biggerWhy is literally everything related to SW getting mishandled
>>1654206Nothing sweet about her lol literally every other swtor youtuber hates her because they got to know the real her
>>1654095As if the economy isn't fucked enough already. At least they're trying to fix the characters.
>>1654224and that is?
>>1654242A backstabbing cunt
>>1496417i just want a big sith robe, why is it so difficult to find?
>>1654097>We will be retiring older, lower performing items from the Cartel Market beginning February 26th. Items intended to be removed from the Cartel Market will be added to the “Sale” tab and rotated out on a bi-weekly basis by category. The first Category Sale will be weapons.Which are "older, lower performing items", no idea. I guess those single pieces in the last pages of the market that are indistinguishable from quest gear/random drops/crafted are first in line
>>1653724I was so angry I made another Gunslinger and spent 4 hours playing just to check how it would've worked out if told Corso I was keeping it keeping it, since I couldn't find a definitive answer online. WHY oh why didn't I just say I was going to keep Torchy? Or better yet, why don't they just give you a version that can be equipped by anyone? What's the point of making the other one Corso only?
>>1654694If you write a ticket they will probably give you a torchy, heard a lot about people doing that
>>1654717If only preferred players could contact CS.
>swtor will have a section in the next Star Wars CelebrationThis will either go very well or very badly, there is no middle ground...
>Play SWTOR for the first time since like 2017 on the new(? I dunno when it released) Oceanic server so I can finally play without reactive abilities being useless due to lag. >Having a great time>Get the Jawa balloon datacron with the balloon only despawning once>No one can share in my joy because there are zero players in my zone - or in any zone really...at least I can share my joy here
It's so over.
>>1654795I guess it means it's not dying anytime soon but Disney's attention is still worrying.
What can pull off this look?
>>1648863I just finished my core class story. I'm excited to play it first time.
>>1653488Tbh it's worse than the other sets. The one with the tusks is the coolest and has the best jetpack.
>>1656410Half the mongo helmets. If you want the horns too, closest thing is the Mythosaur Hunter
Do grand moffs outrank darths? Regular moffs have no problem bossing my inquisitor around while he's still just an apprentice to Zash, so I assume grand moffs outrank (non council) darths. I mean Tarkin had no trouble bossing Vader around, but I don't know if that's just because Palps really liked Tarkin. Some of the dialogue in SWTOR makes it sound like ANY sith outranks any non-force sensitive but then moffs telling me to go and kill some bugs without any sort of reverence makes me believe otherwise. I can't figure this shit out.
>>1656858You aren't a Darth until the end of the story, are there really any quests set after the main story where people are being disrespectful to you? Don't remember. There is also the thing with Warrior never actually becoming Darth. You get the title because peopole complained in beta back then but you are the Emperor's Wrath, that is a title above Darth. The one person with more authority in the Empire is the Emperor himself, which without doubt places you above everyone you meet. So if some guy disrespects you after the main story it's probably because BW stopped differenciating between classes in the later expacs
playing sabaac is a ton of fun and this should immediately be added to swtor
>>1657152don't know what sabaac is like but I've been wishing for pazaak for over a decade
>>1657152only if the strip equivalent is added
>>1654795it really doeseither disney might intervene and could mean funding or wanting to unify it with thier canon or really anything
>>1657882>SWTOR section comes>90% of the audience's reaction will most likely be "what's swtor? Star Wars has a mmo? What is a Cartel Market and why they keep promoting it?"I just hope that they have a bare minimum of shame or self-awareness and don't use THE Star Wars event just to announce cosmetics and microtransactions and for Musco and the other fag to not go "pewpew!" at each other before an audience in the millions
>>1657924i dont think they are THAT dumb probably just advertise it a little using a mix of old cinematicswhat i wonder is why disney never capitalize it or did anything with it
>>1657956>what i wonder is why disney never capitalize it or did anything with itMaybe for the same petty reason they dumped the EU: They didn't made it and didn't had 100% control of it
>>1654185Trekkies are cultists.
>>1654095>>1654598That's just FOMO bullshit. You don't need to retire shit in digital goods, even if they sell less.