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>This game is absolutely gonna be the CoD Killer you guys!!
>We had some public beta tests that nobody has heard any kind of feedback from, and we aren't promoting it at all, but it'll definitely be a good, healthy competitor to CoD!
>Don't worry, we won't let it sit without updates for a year before publicly executing it! When have we ever done that before?
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>2 minutes to boot up game
>2 minutes to find game
>2 minutes of intermission to look at fag emotes
This game is just one literal giant waste of time.
>2 mins to find game
5-10 mins*
What's the best shotgun
If I die does my mine stay?
The amount of 0 IQ nigger brain apes playing this shit amazes me. I'll reinstall this nigger ass game when they add Free For All...until this I hope whoever play this shit dies of the most aggressive form of cancer possible.

from what should i start as a noob
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Uninstall button
I played for years and never got better, I bought a steamkey for Kovaaks and after just a couple weeks of consistent practice I quickly climbed through ranked.
Aiming is everything in games like this. The worlds worst player with zero game sense can carry his way to the top off aim alone, it compensates for any mistake you can make.

Play counter strike, the gunplay and movement is significantly better
Binge coaching videos so you can learn fundamentals and have correct decision making.
Don't care too much about aiming at first and worry more about trading your teammates or making sure that they trade you, good comms are as important as aiming.
Play 5 stacks and avoid SoloQ as much as possible.
>Don't care too much about aiming at first and worry more about trading your teammates or making sure that they trade you, good comms are as important as aiming.
This is horrible advice
explain why i need to play this horse puke in first place?

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What are some of your favourite multiplayer maps?
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there’s nothing greater in a game than watching an entire team in a public server become a unified force that actually works together and accomplishes great things like winning even with all the odds stacked against them
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I enjoy pain.
Blood Gulch
any good ssbm stage
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Personally i like the night vercion
Oh dear this place is my happy place

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Anyone still playing Arma 3 or Arma reforger?
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>Reforger lost its M113s and IAVs.
Where did they go?
they were never even on the roadmap. I think they want to get all the wheeled vehicles done first and then do tracked all in one go, hence the LAV-25 and BDRM being next up
Isn't the LAV-25 a counterpart too strong to pit against the BTR-70
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nothign can defet БTP))))))

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any dusk enjoyer?
i feel bad for there are no decent threads like there used to be here in very distant past.
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GunZ is a good one too
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Had a nice PvE.

Are there any similar games? I hate NGS. Please PC only. I was taking a look on The Ruins Of The Lost Kingdom Chronicles, but the game looks dead and it's JP only.
Such is life.
Play rolc, nerd.
Maybe some tech savvy anon can finally translate the game.

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Anyone here play World of Warships or War Thunder Naval?
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i bet you are one of the guys who said over the years that wows will lose players while we have more players now then ever before LOL
It´s crazy that all you do on here is cherry-pick shit you didn´t like (facts) and post on this dead thread while farming L´s with every single post you make. Actual WHOTEL subhuman nigger faggot nobody cares about. Pathetic creature :´)
>tier 5
>when the game starts at tier 8
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>bought one container for the ARP flag mission
>got this
I should have bought a lottery ticket instead.

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Would it be possible to create a custom Linux distro from scratch for the sole purpose of playing RuneScape? Every function making RuneScape better? Everything from kernel configuration to custom package managers to ricing to custom AI bots. For both the scumbags and the Zezima’s out there. A tool that rivals J mods in terms of power level. Why hasn’t anyone made the gentoo or arch of RuneScape? I know jagex is gay and their java bs is gay, however would it not be a great service to mankind? Imagine the ultimate RuneScape machine summoned into existence by 4chan. No xp waste. You can max an account or help make the greatest operating system that has ever existed. Better than Temple OS even.2vsg
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>tranny game
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What draws schizos to runescape, is it something to unique or is it because the sheer number of millions of lads having tried it as a youth and some schizo out?
>Would it be possible
Everything is possible
>Is anyone but me going to make this
No because Runescape is dying and slowly turning into generic slop intended for casuals, like every other product in existence. Just recently they've made Oldschool less grindy. Nothing is sacred. Give up
how less girndy

Is there a centralized place where you can find instructions to set up servers for old dead MMOs so you can play them?

I feel like a lot of these DEVs that have worked on these games have copies of the binaries out there, and some I know have chosen to just release the code for free.

I was feeling nostalgic for Tabula Rasa today.

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First of (sadly) many edition

Welcome to Deadlock General - Deadlock is an upcoming 3rd person MOBA/Shooter from Valve. It is currently in preAlpha but invites are available.

>How do I get an invite?
Reply to the anchor post with your email and you probably will not receive one, but worth a shot.

>I want to invite people!
Try to keep it to 3~4 invites a week as to not get flagged as a mass inviter. Otherwise, check the anchor post for beggars
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inviters need the friend code
Heard that the game sucks, is that true
it's painfully mid
Want to play but you can't be fucked to post your steam and an email to probably be trolled/humiliated?

Try this:
>type "steam://rungameid/1422450"
>press enter

Ignore that shit warning steam gives you and then do this:
>press u
>press u again
Can confirm this worked for me today

its impossible to make long-term friends on games anymore, traditional MMOs like WoW are dead. no guilds that promote social interaction, no raids, you just don't go online and see your friends online whom you'll chat up with a bit. Now it's all shit like fortnite, you join a random lobby with random people, then never see them again.
You're just retarded
It's because you are a 30 year old plus fat balding boomer, nobody wants to play with you, plus the games you are playing are absolute horseshit.
Who do you want to play with?
Good. Have you seen the people who met in WoW and married? We don't need more dysgenic hyper obese people reproducing.

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Now with more PRONG

Elite: Dangerous is an online space flight simulation and combat, trading + exploration game that takes place within a 1:1 scale simulation of the Milky Way galaxy.

Most Lakon Type-8 specs now confirmed.
Size: Medium (barely)
Core module sizes: Powerplant 5, Thrusters 5, Frameshift Drive 5, Life Support 3, Power Distributor 4, Sensors 3, Fuel 5 (32tons)
Optional module sizes: 1x 1, 1x 2, 1x 4, 2x 5, 3x 6, 1x 7
Maximum cargo capacity: 406 tons
Hardpoints: 5 small, 1 medium.
Supercruise Overcharge optimized for control and endurance.
Stock specimen was observed to travel at 154m/s with 2 pips to ENG. Compare with 157 for a Type-6 and the expected ballpark for engineered thrusters should be around 250 thrust and over 500 boost.
FSD range said to be long, though not dedicated explorer long.

The Type-7 is officially on suicide watch.

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i miss the pre-engineers 17 Draconis perpetual CZs
There's a Python Mk2 now in the FDL/Mamba bracket and it makes a ridiculous frag boat. Especially with legacy doubleshots
>have to wander 3k+ away from the bubble to find unexplored systems. >can't see if biological is a subspecies worth nabbing without having to go down and scan it with your ship
>99% of the time the info window cuts it off and if you move 1 pixel it cancels
>9/10 it is a 1 mil Campestris, the worthless stratum, or impossible to find
>try to find a fleet carrier within 2000 LY, maybe 1 if lucky usually gone because the data is 20+ days old, it is being decommissioned, or doesn't have genomics
>still get taxed 25% for my carto data
Dead game... or is there a reliable resource that lets me find deep space carriers to actually sustain myself with?
The one you buy yourself.

Despite memeing I'm pretty sure there's a ring of explorer carriers around the galaxy for people to sell data at and restock, can't remember their name.
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if you feel the game is bullshit then bullshit it back.
use ObservatoryCore or EDMC
after a scan both will tell you what bios are on the ground before you land.
If you want all the monies then don't be a zoomer and sell to the first carrier you come across, wait till you get at a station with UC. But you do you.

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I never played an MMORPG in my life. Is it still worth it to start with World of Warcraft now in 2024, or should I play something else?
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DESU none. The genre as a whole has become something different than it was in early 2000s. All you're going to find is p2w single player game with minor group content or sweaty group content relying on fotm builds and parsing to feel god about an e peen.
The genre will never recapture the nostalgia of geeky socially awkward gamers making friends online to clear content. Every game in the genre dropped most of the RPG aspect in favor or mass appeal.
Guild Wars 2 is free, has no sub. Easy to get into.
EVE Online
Retail WOW is not worth your time and classic realms are pretty much just full of sweatards now

If you want an MMO where you actually talk to other players, try EVE Online and join a corp

If you want a fantasy comfy grind where you can occasionally group up with others try OSRS

Just avoid WOW and its clones, they all fucking suck ass especially to new players. And don't believe the FFXIV lies, if you're going to play a final fantasy game play a real one, or at least play the superior MMO in FFXI
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WoW Classic is a really fun experience for first timers in WoW, super dated graphics and systems but also the "mmo" world is really well done, recommended to try at least 1 month of gameplay. WoW retail is super different, you will end mostly doing Raids/Dungeons or farming transmog (gear/weapon skins), mounts and pets it also has 20 years of content that the game skips and the new player experience is kinda disjointed I feel
F2P but has some content locked (besides expansions) like story chapters and maps. Its basically a generic themepark MMO so you will get a lot of the experiences of other games, the combat is a bit simpler and easier to get than other pure tab-target games like wow and its clones. Fun game to try and will get a new expansion soon, story is decent but you dont need really to play GW(1) to understand whats happening (and OG GW is better tho)
Big story heavy MMO, you can do almost everything solo or with NPCs, endgame is similar to other games but the rest of the progression is kinda different so hard to compare. If you are into the Final Fantasy series some expansions are considered of the best FF stories if you like that.
Elder Scrolls never had a good combat to start it but its serviceable in this case, it has a lot of content to do and in some areas is really high budget compared to other games (voice acting even for random NPCs), similar to FF if you are fan of TES series you will probably like visiting familiar places of Tamriel and some lore dumps, chill game too.
>Older/Different MMOs
EVE, OSRS, Albion, Black Desert (and other korean games) are super different to the current theme park approach of MMORPGs, you should research if what these games offer is something you could like

>sick of battle royale
>sick of moba
>sick of tactical shooters
>sick of hero shooters
>sick of open world survival
>sick of mmos

W-what do I play now?
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dead by daylight

it's unique and you can easily pour thousands of hours into it
So if the game is just a coin flip why do the same players always reach he finals?
Vintage Story
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Colony Management Simulations?

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A part of Bizarre MMOdventure, but also for anons who want to continue this adventure.

>What the hell is this?
Ancient KMMO grindathon in the style of Lineage II. Kusokino lies ahead for those bold enough to take the plunge.


"TFW Guild". Message leader Averin to join. Otherwise find the community button in the lower right menu, and scroll down in the party finder and join party "MMOdventure".

>Resources/Further Information
Monster location database:

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Since this is likely my last morning at The Grind™ in this title for quite a long while, and there was absolutely NOBODY on at the time (both Anon and natives alike due to a recent server maintenance), I decided to see what the dark side is and spin-up two spare accounts for a night's span.

Controlling only one window at at time is obviously clunky, but through a combination of some choice rebinds and liberal use of /follow, I was able to get my own three-man deathsquad sort-of going, although it was very, very far from optimal (or enjoyable for that matter).
Since /follow is being used so frequently, you can't afford to sprint whatsoever, as trailing characters won't be able to keep up and will soon break the pathfinding chain. Maintaining Haste uptime is an absolute must, in addition to clever application of inviting/kicking a Cleric at key moments to use as a recall point.
Additionally, it appears focusing another window in Keyboard Mode whilst waiting for Combo Actions to finish their animations simply cancels the Combo altogether, so you're mostly just leaving one character on auto-attack after an opener while another deals all of the actual damage. This is fine early on when monsters barely have any health, but I'd imagine this method wouldn't really scale very well once you're out of Green Valley.

Most damningly, it's just... Not very fun.
Yeah, you get to level multiple characters at once, which is novel; and finally getting to see just how absurd Archer's damage tends to be was a treat. Can easily understand why they're such a popular damage-dealer in this title, and it'd only get even better once both of my alts are Level 20, and the Summoner gains access to its beloved Stamina Recovery spell.
But realistically, your kill rate is quite slow due to all the busywork, and having to manually re-engage /follow on my point character after every single kill got old REAL quick.

An interesting experiment, but I'll save it for the stuck-in vets of this server.
>I don't like multiboxing
>Do it in every game
They were recently called out for it and now they're trying and throw people off by saying how they can't understand how people do it and it's not for them. It's a kindergarten level diversion and transparent as fuck.
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>[He] can't understand how people do it
Oh I'm well aware of how multiboxing typically tends to work, and the rationale/excuses behind why people often do so in these older MMOs. Been around the genre for 22+ years, it'd be more surprising if I was somehow blindly ignorant to the practice at this point.
It's from that longstanding experience that I've developed such a strong distaste of the concept. Not too unusual to understand something on a deeper level, and still not approve of (or enjoy doing) it yourself.

In the case of Ferentus, practically every vet I've spoken with has either strongly implied, or explicitly advised, playing with more than one account open at any given time. It's even suggested in the damn New Player Guide, which made my heart sink when I saw it for the first time.
Its seeming ubiquity on this server doesn't change the unshakable fact that it is - again - a terrible practice long rotting the genre from within, and completely misses the entire point of playing these games with other people, as they were intended to be played. If I wanted an infinitely more satisfying single-player experience, I'd spend my time on an uncountable number of titles tailor-made for the purpose; not draining all the fun out of what's supposed to be a social experience by turning myself into an isolated, self-sufficient little island.

My foolish hope is that whichever title we land in next doesn't have such a deep-rooted acceptance of multiboxing, as is so frustratingly common among these older titles.
As it stands, one night toying around for a couple of hours when the server's population was next to dead post-maintenance is about the least-offensive time to see how that side plays; and much as it always has been, my stance afterwards hasn't changed. Would much rather be playing with the lads and actively engaged on my main character any day, and in any title.

Did get this nice screenshot out of it, at least.

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