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Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart is a standalone mod of a mod based on the Doom Legacy engine, turning the game into a kart racer similar to Super Mario Kart. Both games are lightweight and can run on most modern PCs.
Use this thread to start netgames, join other anons, give help/tips, spritework, modding, feedback, etc.

>How to Play (SRB2K)
Follow the guide here: https://kartinvidya.me/guide/#before-installing/
Compiling help for Linuxfags: https://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/Source_code_compiling/Makefiles#Compiling_on_Linux

>Do we have a /v/ server?
For SRB2K, yes! We're running a modified executable that allows for 256 characters and up to 32 racers, along with a large quantity of QoL improvements. The guide should link to the custom client, but in case you missed it, download the latest release here:

>What happened to the mods MEGA folder?
No need for it! Since we have upgraded to a new server with faster in-game downloader!

>Joining a server

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cool beans
while i'm at it what would i have to do to broadcast a server to the master? i know putting -room 33 in the CL does it for vanilla
for a dedi server just have the advertise convar on and it should auto register
9/31 US
mmmmm bnooy
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>Download a new latest hero shooter everyone is praising Marvel Rivals
>Download just before season 1 starts
>Hey this game is actually pretty fun
>Season 1 starts
>Decide to play ranked
>Grind up to Gold III just so I can unlock a skin and stop there because I was having more fun in quick play
>Notice match making was kind of quirky
>Nah, it's just in my head
>"Don't blame your team, get good" that's my mantra
>Jump back in and play a few games in ranked when season 1.5 starts
>Nah, not feeling it. Something about the match making doesn't sit right with me. Oh well back to quick play.
>See YouTube videos where players notice the same quirks as me
>Stumble on the papers and presentation by employees of the developers about engagement optimized match making
>The quirks of match making start making a whole lot more sense now
>I start to believe in EOMM

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Your kinda late to the party

And yes multiplayer games nowadays are not fun or fair

They unironically manipulate your wins and losses to keep you playing for as long as possible

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best mmos for newfags to the genre?
probably retail wow if youre new dont let anyone shame you into not trying it its popular for a reason
Even though I like FFXIV better than WoW, I still think its structure is probably better for people brand new to MMOs. With XIV, you're on a quest treadmill to get to content, with WoW you're free to do quests, dungeons, or battlegrounds in whatever amount you want to hit max level and do things.
guildwars 2

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Why did it die?
Will it ever be revived?
Will an anon host a server?
I think with a dead dev cycle, modding has been stable.
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I mean, vanilla is tough. Just do the story. Ease into modding with maybe a frackin universe only run. The modding and comfy builds are where its at. Also add a ton of race mods. Some anon made a 4chan modpack a while back. I can look for it if you want a mega tism pack.
I cannot recommend FU, it just turns everything into an autistic grind. if you want that, you might as well buy a good game and get factorio
>Ease into modding with maybe a frackin universe only run
Don't do this
A number of reasons: Finished game was unpolished and lacked content, the beta was unironically better, the railroaded storyline is meh, the devs let a puppy chew on electrical cables by putting its bed right next to an outlet without supervision leading to its death, they didn't reimburse a bunch of their artists for their work plus they were minors iirc, the movement in-game feels bad, mechs suck, space is largely a useless grind just for the mechs that suck, the list goes on

No, not very likely


Correct, but the most popular mods haven't been enough to save it. Kinda shocked that pure furfag autism hasn't kept it afloat, or at least popular
What mods do you guys like that aren't FU?

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Space Station 13 is a paranoia-laden round-based roleplaying game set against the backdrop of a nonsensical, metal death trap masquerading as a space station, with charming spritework designed to represent the sci-fi setting and its dangerous undertones. Have fun, and survive!

ITT we discuss spess, roleplay as clowns, robust others with soap and die in plasma hellfires.

>Download link for BYOND, game platform of SS13
>Guide to BYOND registration & joining servers
>List of public SS13 servers

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This + give it one of those outback leather hats with crocodile teeth
also the vest
Cashe lives matter
i'll never forget what they did to vaspy

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Gotta say, everytime I look at gameplay I can't find myself playing it with how weak as fuck the gun sounds are.

So much so, I don't even want to bother playing it.
I mean. Don’t play it then?
People still play WW2?

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should i get back into valorant?
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how much did you spend on this
The new battlepass is actually good? A knife, a sick vandal, a fun flex?
the lil stress squeeze fucker is so good
1000 vp were just send to your account. Enjoy!
I want the tamagotchi gun buddy

A re-release of Blade and Soul, a "classic+" version of the game, will release on February 25th, with character creation starting February 18th.

Blade and Soul is a Korean MMO mostly known for it's action combat system.

Use this thread to share information and resources before the game launches, and later we'll try to go to /vg/.
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Pearl Abyss is a matter of pride for the Koreans. It's their only existing all-Korean made game engine that isn't pure trash. I mean its far from great, but it's the best they have. It's like the Luminous Engine equivalent, except worse.
What is this
Idk really. You tell me
they could've made it where you can use a controller but they didn't, why?
it's from a time when people looked at controller users and started laughing hysterically

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Anyone still play this? Can't find any threads for it, even /coopg/ on /vg/ dropped it from their pasta.

Anyway, what a nice world gen amirite? First four bosses are all pretty close to each other... now I just need to find a good place to build, and then gitgud at building.
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Not to be a wet blanket, but...

1.5 resources only affects things you can harvest and drops from npcs, not loot found in chests, so the iron you looted from the crypts would've been the same as the regular drop rate. The only thing affected would've been the scrap piles you mined inside the crypts themselves, which would've only gotten you a couple extra iron.
You could've saved yourself some headache by:
>did 3 trips with the boat to take the iron scraps back
I would've taken aside 10 iron bars and made the longship, that way you only would've needed to make one trip back instead of two more
>20 went for my base, making some iron poles and big chests
Perfectly fine allocation
>80 went to my bow and its upgrades
Ehhh... I would've skipped the huntsman bow and kept a maxed finewood bow until you could get the draugr fang. The stealth bonus is nice for the plains, but it's not really beneficial outside of that zone, while the finewood honestly cleans up the mountain mobs pretty nicely even at skill lvl 20
>another 80 to my mace
Fair enough, though one could easily wait until the frostner. That said, iron mace is great, especially against golems
>shield only needed 20
Good allocation

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>1.5 resources only affects things you can harvest and drops from npcs
I knew about that, the iron scraps I've gotten from chests were less than 3 stacks, all the rest came from mining the blocked doors, so I am still thankful for the 1.5x resources.
>wait till draugr fang and frostner
The problem is for these I would need silver, at least a single vein of silver in the mountains. Mining it would draw the attention of wolves and drakes and after fighting them briefly with my armor, I wouldn't want to fight them while mining with bronze weapons. A maxed out finewood bow is the same as a base huntsman, and the faster wolves and drakes die, the safer I will be and more peaceful at the end of the day.
>root harnesk
That shit's ugly, wearing troll set till fenrir armor set.
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Roof update. Gave myself cancer till I found out how to make roof peaks and I'm not even sure if I like the result.
Thanks, it's a great location with a few mountains nearby as well for my future biome exploration, so this location will be my main base for a long time. As for the buildings, so far I'm experimenting with what can I build and what I cannot. so random projects as this round roof hut is also a placeholder for a better future idea, probably.
I'm never playing this game again lower than x2 resources even if I play it solo. I can't go back.

There used to be a mod that allowed you to set the drop rates differently for certain things. We had wood/stone/ores set to x3, enemy drops to x2 and then pickable items set to just x1. So if you picked up a surtling core, you would only get that 1. But the plant everything mod allowed you to set it's own multiplier for cropswhich we had at x2.

That first mod is deprecated now so we just do a blanket x2 world modifier.
>Mining it would draw the attention of wolves and drakes
True, but that only really becomes a problem at night. During the day I can 2-shot the drakes with the finewood, and the iron mace I had cleaned up the wolves nicely. They only came at me 1-2 at a time like 7-10 minutes apart; I think I actually had more golems come at me than anything else. When it started getting dark, I just portal'd home and slept
>fighting them briefly with my armor, I wouldn't want to fight them while mining with bronze weapons
I mean you can see the armor I was using, I only had around like 30 def and I was largely fine. Sausages, black soup, and carrot soup/boar jerky were enough to not die instantly, and I was using flint spear, finewood bow, and iron mace
>A maxed out finewood bow is the same as a base huntsman
Which is why I usually keep it; it's cheap to make and upgrade and it's as good as the next tier without upgrades
>the faster wolves and drakes die, the safer I will be and more peaceful at the end of the day
Fair enough; a tip for the wolves is that they're really good at chasing you down, but terrible at turning, so circling around them makes it really hard for them to bite you. Don't roll, just sprint for like a second at a time to get out of bite distance
>That shit's ugly, wearing troll set till fenrir armor set
Also fair

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A First for Grinding down that 1 Million Year sentence
This is basically for people who want to Share Rap Sheets, Co-op, PvP(Lol) and share advice for that God Roll Weapon you want to craft, And cope and pray for the sequel to come if it ever does

>Sinners Handbook (Steam Guide)
A Pretty recent Guide on the game as a whole from Abductor Drop tables/Resources(If there's anything better please post it in the thread):

>How To Change The Accessory Text-To-Speech To Japanese (While Keeping English Text UI):
Be warned this does affect Co-op unfortunately if you do this.

And I guess mention which Platform you're playing on when you want to do multiplayer with lobbies as well since no Cross play unfortunately.
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Yeah. Its not as fun as God Eater for me.
The upgrading progression goes to a crawl once you hit CODE 8 since its where you need Retribution stuffs on top of dealing with multiple layers of RNG like Retribution mission, field resources within the mission, S Rank Citizens, and making XXL module which you can save scum before you attempt to make one.
Just made me appreciate how fast and simple God Eater's upgrading progression.
I just rush 5k/10k missions online with OP Japanese players
Not an online player, and I don't want to mess again with the files so EAC won't shit itself. A filthy pirate after all.
I finished my sentence anyway so I consider it done. Now I get it why people consider the plot half finished because it is. Its like the game needs something similar to God Eater Burst update to its plotline.
>【Steam®】Matchmaking adjustments
>Adjusted the matchmaking conditions of the online multiplayer.
regions BEGONE
>consider the plot half finished
What do you mean "consider"? It's the most obvious cliffhanger ever and snoy didn't even try to hide they were planning a sequel but scrapped it because fuck you it didn't sell millions
It's totally going to do shit to 50 players active!

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Do you guys think Discord killed in game voice chat?
I know everyone only has anecdotal evidence from the select games you play, but how do you think Discord impacted in game voice chat?
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Yes it killed gaming. I hope one day to see that cesspool end but I know the internet will never be great again.
>I think teamspeak or another voice chat program had a bit where if you played a game that supported the voice program it would have directional sound, depending on where you and the other person is, but i might be mistaking it for something else
The only instance of this I'm aware of is the milsim ArmA mods ACRE and TFAR to simulate radios.
the existance of speach solutions probably did impact the amount of games that had in-game vc, but I doubt it mattered much. The owners of these platforms/games seem to always HATE letting people say whatever they want, and in-game vc does exactly that.
>be me
>start PBEM game on /vst/
tbf at least I got to screen for queers
>join discord server from /v/ or random /vg/ general
>can spam nigger and tranny/troon and jew and more nigger as much as my hate allows
it's that easy, just don't be a sperg about anons in particular for no reason

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>What is this?
WEBFISHING is a multiplayer chatroom-focused fishing game. Relax and fish with friends.

>How do I join?
Look for lobby codes posted in the thread and copypaste them to where it says "Join Game from Code".

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3146520/WEBFISHING/
Wiki: https://webfishing.wiki.gg/wiki/WEBFISHING_Wiki
Mods: https://thunderstore.io/c/webfishing/
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are we reading the same thread?
fishing tomorrow?
tomorrow when
like about now?
i have weed, and food soon :)
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i guess for a bit

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Now (soon) with more colonization

Elite: Dangerous is an online space flight simulation and combat, trading, exploration, mining, ship-based, vehicle-based and on-foot PvP and PvE game that takes place within a slightly outdated yet surprisingly accurate 1:1 scale simulation of the Milky Way galaxy. There was already star located in-game at about the same place before it was discovered in real life. We're sadly missing UY Scuti but there's VY Canis Majoris. Still super-massive and real-sized in-game, especially in VR.

>Trading and market tools

>Space Chinaman's ship and module discount emporium:
Look for high tech stations with power Li Yong-Rui for the best selection at 15% off. Example: Ray Gateway in the Diaguandri system.
Or just rank up to trade Elite (easiest) and go to Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra for convenience and because you aren't poor.

>Theorycraft your spacecraft:
https://edsy.org/ (should be your general go-to shipbuilder)

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You don't need them.
if the sco drives werent super inefficient with older ships, for whatever reason, id still be in the anaconda for exploration. the mandalay is gross to fly it doesnt even feel like a ship
Good luck landing an Anaconda in the mountains.
ive never had a problem. you just have to yaw it around a bit
So, how's the insulating membrane search going colonization bros?

Never played Overwatch. I'm an Apex Legends enjoyer.

I was afraid to play this game because people shit on it, especially those who played the first one.
I'd really like to see what it's like, and if it's any good.

Also, is there a chance OW3 will be more like the first game?
Worse than apex. At least do marvel rivals. OW is dogshit.
No, the game is abandoned and theyre trying to do everything to make you come back. Qeueu times are HORRIBLE
Doesn't have AA for PC. This game can fuck off!
The play feel is really well and you can tell it has the Blizzard polish.

The gameplay is very subjective though. It basically feels like an FPS tug of war. That may or may not be your thing. Also Tracer and Dva are waifu

Apex sucks though

20 tick, EOMM, endless hackers, bugs, no footsteps, getting killed around corners,etc

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Titanfall 2 multiplayer is fully functional again. If you cannot connect to multiplayer, try this:

>Northstar client is for trannies and pedophiles, not linking it here
On all systems, happy hour is 10:00PM EST. Join up for some stacks.

>Titanfall 1
We're sometimes playing Sundays, ask in thread for specifics


>The Art of Titanfall 1 and 2

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it is immensely gay that you cannot leave the advocate network
Why did they give up on titan fall? A new one would be such a cash cow.
Is there a recommended viewmodel fov mod for all weapons or is it better to just edit it manually?
This thread is almost a year old.....
Holy shit. A month and 4 days away
They tasted live service money and thus Titanfall was history (until they need to dig up its corpse for Apex events)

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