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This is a /vm/ server for my own personal fork of Adventurers of Akalabeth by Xork, which is a fork of Ruins & Riches (originally known as Odyssey) by Djeryv. The server has been running since March and has been enjoyed by several anons. This is far from a typical UO server because over the course of a decade Djeryv modified the game into an old school sandbox adventure experience designed for solo or small party play. It focuses heavily on exploration with new world maps filled with towns and dungeons, requiring players to find clues to navigate between worlds. The game lacks a central storyline, instead offering random quests and contracts from town quest boards, with hints provided by reading NPC dialogue. There is no wiki and information is much harder to come by than modern gamers are used to. Skills have been rebalanced for better utility, and crafters can open shops and receive contracts if they acquire a house. Resurrecting without paying a tribute reduces skill points, and dungeons are filled with brutal traps and dangerous portals. There's a lot of funny builds you can try out, depending on your character origin you can also get higher skill caps to expand possibilities.

To play, you can download the client here: https://mega.nz/file/uBZnSAbJ#_CTS4SqJ3j1YEbXGZ4kQQZrC84971d02QugFJc-98_U
Server IP (already in settings.json):
This includes TazUO (a fork of ClassicUO) and needed art files specific to this server, as well as Xork's player guide.

>stat gain every 10min
>vendors always buy rare items
>need LOS to see mobs
>player corpse bones persist for a year
>no hunger/thirst inside banks, inns or houses
>vendors have a chance to sell crafting resources (recently rebalanced to make higher tier items much more rare and expensive)
>can't sell bolts of cloth/balls of yarn to vendors
>all monster races start as evil

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Biofem here and I never cared about the titles saying swordsmanship etc literally no one ever complained about it back in the day.
def primarily a mentally ill man in a dress issue
That Secrets of Sausage game maybe fills a need for those that don't even know how to open Notepad and can't fix or change things. But I just don't have a need for it and pushing woke things into a regular fantasy game isn't something I care about. I played R&R for a long time and when AoA came out, there was really cool and new features added to the game. Secrets of Sausage really adds nothing to the game other than bug fixes, and has a hand holding community where everyone comes together and talk about how annoying it is when they have to follow the rules of the game's design. The Discord is really a mess of people that give millennials a bad rap.
>Biofem here
Can i see 1 tit? :'c today is Valentine's day and im single and bored.
LOL! Secrets of Sausage. How about Tranny's Trammel?
Can anyone host a dedicted server of the last untrannified version of Akalabeth?

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Previous Thread: >>>/vg/511785107

Welcome to The Rivals of Aether General.

>Latest Video (Love Struck Event Trailer | February 2025 Rivals II Monthly Event)

>Latest Patch: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2217000/view/496060273230086145?l=english

>Rivals of Aether official sites and Twitter:

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Hello turd worlder '-'
Have fun in your dead thread + dead game
yea, whatever
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Beans edition
Soon: Cluj-Napoca

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heck yeah bro! as long as Elige frags, its an ez 2-0
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NIP have finally appeared in Valve's ranking.
Mullet Hallzerk would dominate but idk about this Complexity...
will Imperial FE get a boost in VRS ranking because they earn $12,500 prize money despite going 0-3 in the tournament? that's more than any tier 2 team can win at once, except CCT cup winners.

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I need a map from PUBG
Could someone help me with this difficult issue?
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>I don't want to relaps into a hardcore pcgaming faggot
I know the feel. I go through phases of not playing anything at all, then slowly dipping my toes back in, then it taking over my life.
I've been on a dayz spree for a couple months. It feels like a sparsely populated longform pubg. Not that they're similar just similar feels.

I don't see anything here fren.
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>I don't see anything here fren.
I see all of the maps. picrel.
Hey, I showed this to guy behind the site and he essentially told me to send you the link to the main site. Hope this helps.


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Except the devs don't like persistent warfare and decided to end a war because it went on too long
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The game cannot support more than 5-6k people. There is only Able that has the game's culture
>stop liking things I don't like
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Anyone know any clans on warden side that aren*t as preachy nor oppressive. I've been in 10+ colonial clans and 3 Warden ones, I'm familiar with most on surface level.
Lambda is too neurotic, I can't listen to them memeing non stop in vc and that serb fag is too full of himself. I was thinking england maybe but there are lots of turks there allegedly
I thought England was full of child molesting pakis.

Unironically start learning Russian and join NOD, lmao.
yeah idk but its not english in any case

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Other boards are too fast to get some honest huntan done imo so let's see if this works out
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What a shit fight if you're using anything slower than dual blades
>solo with barioth bow
its not that bad, cha cha and kayamba were beyond fucking useless however
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I would use bow if it were capable of tailcuts in a timely manner (there's no way in hell I'm tailcutting with dragonpiercer or the arrow stab-hop) since this jewish dog won't drop skymeralds, and I'd use bowgun if not for the fact slicing ammo is cucked to beyond uselessness if I don't also have partbreaker 3
Don't bother attacking anything but the head when you have aggro. He will spam attacks that will pin you down if you try to attack the legs, and he'll heal the wound immediately. I believe the one who does most damage gets aggro. You can wait for someone else to get aggro if you don't want to bother with it

Will you be playing it come May 30th?
What character are you maining?
Yeah. I was gonna play the sekiro parry guy.
I'm the hawk guy so I can save every shitter with my ult

introducing boxpvp: reliving old minecraft

the idea is to have a server version that is 8 years behind.

the current server version is 1.11.2, which was released in december of 2016

the server is basic survival and has been running for 5+ years

the server requires you to have a minecraft account to play with

you can connect using the ip - a.xinabox.us

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Dead cope thread for dead cope game /vg/rsg/ refugees so they can stop spamming /vg/osg/

So guys why did you quit this game?

>raksha release adding greater ricochet enabled shitters to clear PvM with no braincells needed
>gradually exacerbated by other insanely powercreepy shitter friendly changes such as animate dead, cryptbloom, zuk capes
>economy getting fucked in the ass because of GWD3's trillions of raw GP entering the game, because (and I quote from a JMOD): players like seeing big number drops!
>even ironman not safe from casual-shittification by making you able to PvM with mains
>the final nail that killed the entire economy and any and all achievement in the game was Necromancy, bad enough for me a runescape addict since 2010 to leave
>no sign of going back on their terrible changes, instead doubling down by buffing non necro styles to be as broken as Necro (doesn't matter though you can still grind BiS in 20 hours on a fresh account and 99% of content is completely dead for anything but pet grind

Any hopes?
Any dreams?
To those who still play, why?
What is your favorite memory of RS3?

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would i actually get banned if i just bot the game?
Get premier membership and you're practically immune to bot bans
jesus christ rs3 sucks. it's an abomination, even. "babyscape." what is with the training dummies and all the xp lamps and the fact that it's basically dead and nobody talks. jagex killed their own game lol it's over
Well it seems my "Protips" isn't being received very well, you queers are still obsessed with talking about the assfucking Jagex gave you. Look, I get it. Okay? We got FUCKED up the ASS by BIG DADDY JAGEX. Alright? Fuck, I mean I should know, for I am the BDJ poster. But what is the point of endlessly discussing how much our anuses hurt? Or what brand of axle grease we used as lube? That's been done to death. Lets move on. Lets talk about my poo instead.

Okay so I suffer from terrible constipation sometimes. Perhaps becasue I can sometimes go for days only eating a lot of bread based meals and not enough fruit or veg. I mean its not often, just when Ive been lazy with shopping or making a proper dinner. But when it does happen I regret it. I can always tell when its going to be bad. I can feel the shit sitting in my ass wanting to come out, but lacking that "Gotta take a shit" urgency. I make it worse by putting off crapping becasue I know its going to be a hard one. I try coping by taking a book or something to read. But Jesus that toilet set is uncomfortable when you have been straining for over an hour to get that motherfucking turd out. But the very worse is when it sort of squeezes a little bit out but then refuses to budge any further. FUCK FUCK FUCK! YOU CUNT OF A TURD!
I begin to viscerally hate my own turds then.
Sometimes I get so fed up I will just try to suck it back up. But sometimes it refuses to come home. Worse is when it breaks right at the sphincter and I am stuck with a broken turd holding my anus open. Honestly its enough to make a grown man cry.

Now share your poo stories with me. Lets hear some grisly ones so I feel a bit better.
Ahhh took a big fat RuneScape 3 in the toilet just now

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Thread for all your comfy fighting game discussion. From the ever so popular Street Fighter III to Clay Fighter, all the way through Melty and TFH; talk about your favorite game and tell people why they should be playing it as well! Maybe even get a sparring sesion or two.

Previous Thread: >>1192427
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Holy fucking shit!
The circumcision character is my favorite archetype.
I'm going to assume you mean 'scissor wielding characters are rad' by that. Honestly true
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Who wants to play a new fighting game and has a working controller?

Screen sharing controller pass through app will let you play. I'm hosting the game and handling all of that. If you're NA ping should be fine.

https://parsec.app/ The program
https://parsec.gg/g/2rbAFbBQUZk4BqICLLchMZnseeg/KR5xnPzm Link to join once you have it installed

Do you know Tekken? You'll probably do fine.

4 limb combat, one button for each arm, one button for each leg. R1/R2 are high low blocks, L1 is special attacks (L1+Punches or kicks + directions) and R2 makes punches hit body and kicks hit legs.

Simple enough, I can pull up controls when you need them.

I just want people to play this with that aren't 13 years old. I can teach you the basics, it's fun, I promise.
What is this some kind of FIGHTING game?

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be me
23 year old trans girl
Starting hormones, and have a androgynous voice
still, can’t find a partner who gets me
like, I’ve tried, but most people just don’t seem to care about the same stuff I do
all I wanna do is chill, play some Under Night or BlazBlue Central Fiction, maybe grind some TCGs.
nothing really feels as fun as it used to when you have no one to vibe with
been looking for someone who’s into these things, but every time I try, either it's a weirdo or someone that doesn't vibe with
seriously, does no one else like competitive games as much as I do ?
I’m not even asking for a lot, just someone who knows the difference between the different types of video games
I’m starting to feel like maybe I’m too niche, or worse, that I’m just not passing enough to find anyone that isn’t weirded out by me
I just want someone who gets it, y’know?
anyone else feel like they’re always alone in their geeky hobbies?
>be me
who the fuck else would you be
to this day I have 0 clue on how this originated and why the fuck people kept repeating it
Wanting a relationship with a trans woman is already niche. Those games are niche too. Combine that, and it makes sense you'd have trouble meeting people. Personally, I don't know what those games are and I'm an avid gamer.
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>and have a androgynous voice
This is probably reason #1, anyone who states they have an androgynous voice is probably sugarcoating it pretty hard (or has too much self doubt), no offense, post a vocaroo for tips if you're not too much of a coward about it.

>play some Under Night or BlazBlue Central Fiction
Reason #2, niche fighting games would normally mean you have an easier time finding friends because smaller groups or communities are generally more nice about it, but this also means that if you don't vibe with the few people in the community, you're shit out of choices.
I can sort of feel you for this one because I've had multiple potential friendships fall flat despite having a social bond, because the people I played with felt that playing against me was unfun due to my playstyle/character choices/skill level difference.
>either it's a weirdo
Stop advertising that you're trans, you're attracting chasers; not friends.
Come to /v/ blazblue threads on Saturday fren :)))

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Bored of playing modern minecraft with trannies, missed when you were playing in 2011?
Try out b1.7.3 which has an even more tranny filled community!

>This isn't FOSS
The server source will be released one day, you can play through truecraft for a (bad) open source client
>Modern foss client?
https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/betamine (Will never be finished lmao)
>How long has the server been up
2 years

>Server IP
>Unofficial server guide

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gayfag propaganda, the same security problem has the "safe" fork of the launcher
Does this one support curseforge modpacks?
Its annoying as fuck to move them onto multimc
it does, but doesnt have neoforge support
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all sticks btw

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Finally got it working. Different computer, Windows 10, updated both graphics card and graphics chipset driver. This game is addictive and looks really good, but it's kinda an unoptimized mess isn't it.

Anyone playing multiplayer together these days?
Nah anon
It's a fun game and I'd like to
not really. Its a nice game to co-exist besides Terraria, and its nice that the game actually held true to its EA promises and released in a wonderful state and got the money they deserved, but that's all. It was never greatly ambitious, and I'm sure anyone playing it still is either committed to seeing it through or has a group of friends or family dedicated to it.

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Jurate Season

>Papaya's ToS(new)

>IMC's ToS(old)
It's on Steam.

>Advanced/Bright Enchant Scroll system added on Steam:
>/tosg/ FAQ:
>Addon Manager

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i kinda have the itch to play this again but i don't wanna do the whole enhancement grind again
the only reason to have pservers is when you need to pay to play the game, why bother with pserver when it's free
is this hn or an actual human?
the point of private servers is to fix shit games, or provide an older version of a game that was better than the new one, usually

What do you guys think about Roblox??

Just wanted to hear all of your opinions!
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>games should be more le... REALISTIC
kys newfag
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>(Roblox started out as an interactive physics simulator and only later """became associated with lego-style graphics)"""
anyone who saying this doesn't look like legos is fucking lying, kill all NEWFAGS HISTORIAN NIGGERS
>(Roblox started out as an interactive physics simulator and only later became associated with lego-style graphics)
you should be whipped like a nigger for making such a smartass abstraction of roblox's art style. being an interactive physics simulator has nothing to do with art style and arguably helps roblox be a more lego-like sandbox game.
Newfagstorians get their info from retrostudio. always look for two arguments:
>Roblox wasn't good back then,you just miss being young
>The engine was trash and the servers couldn't hold many players and would often disconnect

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