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A spinoff sequel to Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart. Ring Racers offers single player grand prix, battle, time trials, strategized, non-roulletted item management, unlockables and achievements, and free online multiplayer. If you're holding out on Mario Kart 9, this might tide you over.
Use this thread to chat, shittalk the game, post webms, and find lobbies to play with. Favorite characters? Followers? Tracks?

>Game Manual
>Gameplay Tutorials
>Master Server

>Windows / Mac Download
>Linux / Flatpak Download
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Doesn't C have better tethering? They can even maintain a lead after overtaking.
D is for people who want to get adjacent to G's nonsense without going into full miniturbo cracksmoker territory. It's why you see Gutbuster players driving like absolute shitheads.
I just wasted multiple hours trying to figure Maria and Motobug out.
My conclusion is that Class D is for Class E players who want to excuse their losses by saying they missed jackpot on the last item roulette.
What was so hard to figure out anon? I spent most of my playtime in class d being a zippy little bastard who can't be kept down and chugging rings like it's my 3rd energy drink of the day. It's hard to hold a lead but you can recover from most anything, great for chaotic online matches. If you want to get 1st consistently though you'll need to pull out all the mechanics and map knowledge to stay ahead. Maps I know well I'm untouchable.
I kept testing it out on Withering Chateau. My mistake. They have a chance on anything with hard stops or obstacles near the finish line.
Ecco is a PITA to unlock

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Welcome to /vm/abinogi. Mabinogi is a fun, once popular little old school Korean MMO from 2004 based around Celtic mythology with many different features. Your character can age, rebirth, eat food and gain weight, play and custom make music, and so much more. You can be anything and do anything all at once with no downsides. From non-combat related skills like cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, trading goods in a commerce, carpentry, etc. to different styles of combat like melee, magic, ninja, archery, puppetry, etc. all on 1 character.

Although graphics and gameplay is still a bit dated, even after 14 years the game is still rich in content such as fashion contests, cooking contest, jousting, playing in or viewing large concerts, training pets, and so on and continues to be Nexon's most generous game.

News and Events


List of all patches chronologically

[Helpful links - These links contain useful guides and other stuff.]

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As opposed to "DPS/DPS/Healer"?
We need a return to the times when you just fought a handful of really strong enemies individually and groups just meant you could fight individuals faster.
no we don't
Make Mabinogi an h-game NOW
The ERP mod scene will thrive once UE5 is released

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Drought Edition

Previously on /pal/: >>>/vg/500126360

>Steam Page

>Palworld Twitter

>Pocketpair Youtube

>Latest Patch Notes (10/29/24)

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Did they ever increase the box size? My breeding projects would always clog my box
The Sakurajima update literally doubled the Palbox's size from launch.
You now has twice as many spots for pals and I feel like this next update will go even further
Awesome I bought it for my wife during the steam autumn sales. Cant wait to return to it.

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Anyone else checking it out again? Rolled up a new character on a fresh server and I'm having fun so far
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what should I be doing when I hit 65
Getting bis gear to get into the raid
best MMO
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guess I'll play this another week until they figure out poe2 meta
I will never get the diablo-like genre meme. You just run around AOEing hundreds of braindead mobs and hope anything good drops. I've tried getting into Diablo and POE before but they're so boring, I feel like I'm missing out for not having a low enough IQ to enjoy them.

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Does anyone play? I tried out Ravendawn but it just lacks something i can't put my finger on and i just defaulted back to Tibia. Would be fun to link up with some people from here
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What worlds are you guys playing on? I don't know which one to pick
I'm playing in monza but I'm transfering to Secura soon. Monza fucking sucks.
Secura fucking sucks, too. Everything is expensive as hell, you can forget about ever owning a house, and all the hunting spots are always taken.
>Played the shit out of this game until around 2007
>Give it a try again recently
>Get overwhelmed by all the new content and systems (imbues, dailies, tasks, warzones, etc)
>Lose all will to play when thinking about catching up to all that
>Also no longer have patience for 1x rates

Weird complaint, I know.
Are there any recommendations of private servers that fulfill all of the following conditions?
>Retro, preferably with new areas and quests. Fully custom map with retro mechanics is okay too
>Not x1 rate (preferably at least 5x)
>Free premium (or at least all areas + spells unlocked for free accounts)
>Not war-focused (I have never cared much for the game's PvP)

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What game is the best for making friends for a late 20s person who's absolutely horrible at video games? Like some MMO or something that has a small and chill community. I've never played a single MMO in my life because I'm so bad that playing with others intimidates me. I just want to try having fun with others.
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Thanks anon, I'll be lurking for a while to see how it works.
New servers just opened in Dofus and we've got a small community you can join. It's mostly chill but a little autistic sometimes.
Bonus is that it's turn based so you don't need any mechanical skill as long as you can use your brain a little.
I'll look into what that is, thanks anon
I met people through SRB2Kart, Mega man X online and PSO but that was a few years ago.. Been thinking about playing Dragon's dogma online but i'm not sure if that's 100% ready for play yet. Try checking for netplay games outside of steam. I was going to tell you to just try to have fun, since i believe most people try so hard to have friends they end up having none, but it seems you already just want to shoot the shit with people so you should be good. Go anon, the world is yours!
Indeed, I'm not going to force anything, I just want to join some communities and potentially find like-minded people I can play with sometimes or at least make a few fun memories. I thought trying MMOs, especially older/lesser-known ones would be interesting, because I presume they have smaller, but dedicated communities, I just need to figure out where to start as a complete retard who's never really played anything with others.

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Other boards are too fast to get some honest huntan done imo so let's see if this works out
>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


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>having 48 minutes left for urgent bounties
>steam is undergoing maintenance so I'm stuck in offline mode and can't make progress towards the bounties

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Please play our game edition

>Graphics Settings Analysis
>Jan 2024 Dev Letter
>Old bin
>Old thread

I can't think of anything else to add.
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You shoulda been here for the 10x exp week a little while ago because that shit was funny >>1454814
uh oh vanu stinky
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When did this get here, its not on the map
There's a bunch of water everywhere now. I hate it.
There is also new water physics applied to Hossin; prepare for fishing update

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Download: https://www.dofus.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/aqfxZywY

>Dofus Retro
Download: https://www.dofus-retro.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/EnGbaLMz

Download: https://www.wakfu.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/Ae7X8phu

Download: https://www.waven-game.com/en/download
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tried poe2
honestly id rather just play more dofus
No luck unfortunately. Reseting it just sets it back having chunks of the ui off screen and it still being too big entirely in the intitial server and character creation screens.

Using Ankamas native linux Dofus, through the appimage launcher.

From reading the french forum thread about it they seem to be all different combinations of DE, WM, X, and Wayland with the same issue but they are pretty much all steam decks and craptops so it is just a low resolution thing but also stil random as some decks and low rez things work fine.

I have at least figured out that the in game UI is chunky and too big but I can move it to get it on screen. It is really the character creation screens being half off screen so I can't get to some options that is annoying me. Can't even use the arrow keys to move your class selection, mouse only. They really don't want me playing anything on the far right with any faces from the far left it seems.
recent quests are still shitty, they just have better rewards but doing them is just pure fetch-y tediousness
is there NPCs you can sell shit to?

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UWO is an MMORPG set in the Age of Exploration (ships, pirates, swordfights an so on).

It has hundreds of different ships and an open world based on real Earth geography, where players engage in many activities such as combat, exploration and trade, on both sea and land.

Play the game here, for free:
(or on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/890400/Uncharted_Waters_Online/)

Here are the classes you can play as:
(click on the "Adventure", "Trade" and "Battle" tabs at the top to switch class types)
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I think this concludes my work here. Time to crawl back into my comacave.
thanks for the photo op matey, good shots
Is there anybody sticking with this game? Meant to try it but bad timing.
Esmeralda said he'll be playing. Just check in-game and apply to the company/talk to him there.
Yeah I'm still playing. The game is honestly single player for the most part so you'll be fine.

Earth Defense Force is a third-person shooter game where you defend earth from every single shit the alien invaders throw at you


>how to play together
for 5 and 6 game has a lobby system where you can lock the room with a password or set it to room name only. This is great as we had games with multiple rooms named /v/df and any anons could join by searching for that room name while keeping out the pubbies.
so if you want to play with other anons simply make your room, state your room name, starting with which mission and what difficulty. For example:
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the game is on sale right now, get your friends
I miss /v/df bros
host when?
If you play this mission with dumb people, you're gonna get fucked up real quick

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So I would like to start a mmorpg. I heard that classic restarted and I would like to try that one out at least. But I would like to ask you anons which one would make more sense.

>I will play on mac
>I want to check out a storyline
>I want to casually explore places
>I want to participate in raids (mostly for doing the raid and story, not for le epic challenge)
>I really do NOT want to just grind max level and then do raids only.

So I always wanted to check xiv out, but I don't know how classic is and if it is actually cool. I sadly can not test wow classic compared to xiv.
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FFXIV is great as a single player visual novel that will keep you occupied for some months. Yes, months. Its got good music and characters. Everything else is fucking bad. In typical Squire fashion they made a game and forgot to add the gameplay.
>I will play on mac
both work doesn't matter
>I want to check out a storyline
FF is much more story heavy with characters and story lines that develop over multiple expansions. You get constant cutscenes and mediocre at best gameplay for story content though.
Classic has cool worldbuilding and environements but there isnt a massive overarcing story like in FF
>I want to casually explore places
works on both
>I want to participate in raids (mostly for doing the raid and story, not for le epic challenge)
Raids will be endgame content exclusive for WoW while you get your first raids in FF fairly quickly. Again, FF is story heavy on these.
>I really do NOT want to just grind max level and then do raids only.
They are MMOs, you can do whatever you want

Just play both and see what you like. As others said play WoW classic first because we will not get a fresh experience on these in a while
No problem. Have fun!

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Any interest in an SMT thread? Remembered my login for New Moon and was wondering if any of the anons from earlier this year still played.
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Alright newfag, I'm going to spoonfeed you

Mega (parts):
Part 1: https://mega.nz/file/omkVhTQL#wHBMGSi7-uUfwJ77acu0dIF88owgwbmEw98-M-yFK5A

Part 2: https://mega.nz/file/JvdEVSxR#55MOjO-0mQ_Cw8LD7zgqpGjBtvhpiNlR27lxFFzStgc

Part 3: https://mega.nz/file/0qE1TZhK#j8MM_Hm6sm6ZRZ8cbrhWh1bTDM_5YWsxvWldF1J0EBw

Part 4: https://mega.nz/file/k6EwQIKA#fuT7MRrl1-pyNPG5TWnNOvuVBMWQhwjR_aF5pYyAkb4

Mediafire link:

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I am >>1515003
I know the download links from their website, nigger, i'm not downloading that shit again. Last time the updater wouldn't work and even downloading some random shit to toss on top of the files on the folder didn't work, i'm not wasting my fucking time again until someone not only spoonfeeds it to me, but chews it and regurgitates it in my mouth, you fucking cunt.
You fuckwit it was announced that one of the updates fundamentally fucked up the files and like I said >>1515661 you have to re-download the folder and update once more if you didn't had an outdated back-up folder if you wanted to play, downloading some random shit on top wouldn't fix diddly squad because somehow that one patch fucked up the folder, like it got totaled, so they had to patch the patch.
Oh I see I think I only slapped the patch on top of the fucked folder
Still, go fuck yourself, hee-whore
i havent played it b4 but id be down to play with someone

if have the servers down. Are any private server¿

My friends are abuzz with speculation about Valve’s “early access lottery,” suspecting a hidden karma system impacting community posts, beta selections, and matchmaking. Beyond simple moderation, this system could potentially archive and weigh years of user behavior to shape opportunities on Steam.

Steam’s reach is immense. In 2021, the platform boasted 120 million monthly active users, 62.6 million daily users, and an average of 1.5 hours of use per person. With 50 petabytes of data processed regularly, Valve has the infrastructure to analyze vast amounts of information. Backed by $10 billion in annual revenue and a 75% market share in PC gaming, their ability to track behavior at this scale is both feasible and unprecedented.

One example highlights the concern: a friend’s 20-year-old account, tarnished by early toxic behavior in CS:GO chats and GMod streams, seems less "lucky" in lotteries and invites. Could Steam's servers be harboring archived chat logs, gameplay patterns, or even store interactions? If such data is used to create a behavioral score, it might influence matchmaking, beta invites, or other perks. Originally, such tracking may have been for market research, but the data's potential to moderate and penalize users is unsettling.

The implications are chilling. With over 30,000 games and millions of hours logged daily, Valve has unparalleled insights into its user base. Does this mean a single slip-up years ago could haunt users indefinitely? For those with rocky histories, should they abandon old accounts to escape their digital past? While Valve’s intentions remain opaque, the idea that we might be judged by unseen algorithms is a sobering reminder of the permanence of online behavior.
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ChatGPT post.

You're in the US? Valve can't store chats beyond they show in the profile log, which is 2 weeks unless illegal activity is recorded. But that is only in EU (GDPR)
>Vanaman was born and raised in Cork, Ireland.
no surprise
A lot less complicated than that. There's commie within Valve now, and they target non-woke (normal / non-loser) people.
it's a little know fact that accounts with prior infractions would never receive veteran coins in cs:go nor cs2
valve was thus in breach of their own subscriber agreement, and had been so for years until an autist on /v/ noticed and made a huge stink about it
i don't think it's unlikely they have some sort of social credit ranking in place

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