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>Early Access - Friday, June 28, 2024 (2:00 AM PDT)
>Release Date - Tuesday, July 2, 2024
>Promotional Site

>Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration (Until Wednesday May 8 at 7:59 AM PDT)
>Yo-kai Watch Event rerun (Wednesday April 24 at 1:00 AM PDT until Patch 7.0)


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Is the Chaos/Omega FC active? Looking for one currently
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n i c e
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go back to /vg/

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>What is Worms?
Worms is a classic turn-based strategy game with astounding gameplay customization. Armageddon despite being released in 1999till is getting support with cool mods, and official updates.

Game goes on sale fairly often but you can also download the game for free here (all versions work with each other): https://drive.google.com/file/d/18dAXkqtQNjb_T5E5MSqXqZk0xzQdPdjY/

>Collected Custom maps, sounds, fanfares, flags and graves from past threads

>Hostpack Starter set (contains maps, schemes, and custom terrains)

Check what lobbies are currently open with https://snoop.wormnet.net/snooper/, or if you'd like to be notified when when a /v/ lobby opens up, get https://worms2d.info/Great_Snooper

Lobbies and threads will be often be notified here and will usually be present at
Channel: #anythinggoes

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I liked Darts a lot, sad to see it on spot #26
intermediate has come way back up since this i think
it's just teams on autogen maps instead of ffa on meme maps now
Why not teams on meme maps?
most of the meme maps are actually kind of terrible to play on once you get past the initial funny factor, like terrain that's either way too hard to traverse or way too flat, darksiding holes, huge or tiny map sizes, etc.
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what an idiot haha

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>mfw am too afraid to join, let alone speak in VC when i see a bunch of people online and playing together on the pisscord server im on
>brain tells me that even if had the balls to join, then it would be pointless anyway since i'd probably just get talked over and ignored
I can't believe i have devolved so much as a human being that just joining a voice chat session is a near impossible task for me to undertake. I see everyone having fun in the party /v/an group chat and i refuse to partake because i know i'll probably either be a laughing stock or ignored. It literally never fucking began for me holy shit.
youre overthinking yourself into a fucking ditch right now

you can be in vc and be quiet. Join, say hi and then answer questions.. you dont have to say anything else if you're uncomfy and get a feel for the people you're around. Doesnt have to be that deep
You are overthinking too much. I got invited to a server and didn't talk that much, but still had a great time because the people I was in it with were entertaining enough to not really warrant much talking. You can just join a vc and chill for a bit until someone says something to you or just try to build up the courage. Easier said than done, but it'll come easy once you're actually in it.
Join and mute yourself. Easy. Unless you're in a group of assholes they won't mind you communicating through text to start with.

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SRB2 Kart is a mod of a mod based on the Doom Legacy engine, turning the game engine into a kart racer akin to Super Mario Kart. It's a very lightweight game and runs on most all PCs. Use this thread to start netgames, join other anons, give help/tips, spritework, modding, feedback, etc.

>How to Play
1. Download the game below in 'Full Install (...)'
>Compiling on Linux
2. Unzip contents into a separate folder
3. Load up 'srb2kart-neptune.exe'
4. That's it

>Do we have a /v/ server?
Yes! We're running a modified executable that allows for 256 characters and up to 32 racers, along with a large supply of QoL improvements. First, download it here:

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It's payback for super early SRB2Kart when heavy speedsters could mini-turbo to take the Green Hills shortcut without a mushroom
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It has to do with the boost stacking mechanics; lightweights get better boost stacks so that combined with drift + Jackpot ring box is enough to get you through there on Storm Rig. It's not 1 1 exclusive either, I tried just now and got it with 1 8. It won't work on every stage, only certain ones where boosts are spaced in a certain way. Azure City's replay does it too.

If you want to try it out yourself, a really easy way to do it is:
>Play as Chao
>Go to Pico Park
>Get Jackpots on all boxes
>Enjoy your free Platinum medal bro
I don't mind it because top-left is dogshit in both vanilla and modded SRB2K so I think them finally having some kind of niche is fine but the meta isn't very developed so who knows if it'll turn out to be total AIDS. I know Azure City's Platinum is a fucking bitch but I haven't even bothered going for it
1-1 is still underpowered in like half the maps anyway but i hate how if you want to get plat in test track its outright mandatory to use one yourself
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that's not where it is!!!! you gotta find the other secret teehee =3333

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Third thread for the newest mom.
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I want my wife to look pretty and be stronk
based AISHA main
stop killing the thread fuckers
come play Rift rn
Fuck off piratecuck.
>takes KOG cock up the ass
>calls others cucks

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We thought of this idea on /v/ to play through random niche and obscure MMOs we vote on. Preferably games that 4chan hasn't already played together so the experience for everyone is the same. The rules are:
>vote on a game
>whichever gets the most votes gets played
>make a dedicated general for the game on /vg/ and play it for a month
>end of the month vote a new game
Feel free to suggest more games be added to the list and suggest rule changes.
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Nothing to see here goyim
I'm here but I see nobody?
Trickster was a mistake.
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Am I too late?
Its taking me around 20 minutes to find a match late at night in NA.
Am I learning a dying game? Any advice for a new player?
I figured I'd try each hero at least once before deciding on a main
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Heres the Actual 2 ways to use manta
>1, Bait out initiators
Use manta in trees and control one illusion to attack the creep wave, works better if your tower is already getting pressured
>2, purge silences
This is mostly why manta is bought, dispell roots, silence, fight-changing debuffs like meld, etc. so you can get your abilities off and sustain fights
I am trying different heroes and learning stuff with ai matches, not sure if want to go into some player games and see how they can be even more brainless
>pick razor
>lose game
every time
Why would you pick such a shitty and boring character?
As long as you know how to efficiently farm and freeze lane you'll be miles better than 50% of players

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>What is Sonic Robo Blast 2?
Sonic Robo Blast 2, abbreviated as SRB2, is a computer fangame based on the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a 3D platformer developed by a group called Sonic Team Junior, using a modified version of the Doom Legacy source port of Doom. It is closely inspired by the original 2D Sonic games for the Sega Genesis and attempts to recreate this style in 3D. Entirely original to SRB2 is its multiplayer mode, a variation on classic first-person shooter games with Sonic elements.

>2.2 Launch Trailer:

>Download The Latest Version:

>Download Older Versions (also includes it's prequel Sonic Robo Blast 1): https://www.srb2.org/download/historic-downloads/

>Places to get mods for the game:
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all I hope is that SRB2 is good with its new update, I'll stay positive since DRRR is fun. It's frustrating but I keep coming back to it. I'd still prefer they finish the missing zones though!
i definitely want all the stages down before 2.3 but i doubt that
The Sugoi 2.2 port is out! And it's buggy and you can't even beat it!
.....I think SandwichFace hates SRB2 2.0 and prefer the original 1.0.

To be honest, I prefer them to take the Ring Racer route and create SRB3 as a sequel instead.
If it's 765 Stadium, then that's just one of the custom tracks they merged in from community mods, and it's a pretty popular one.

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Why are sandbox PvP MMOs always such a failure and will Ashes of Creation follow suit /vm/?
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Ok and? You mean superhuman?
learn2read monkey
horny waifu reveals freshly waxed forearms, huge disappointment

The guy behind it is some rich trust fund baby who spent six figures on his archeage guild doing market manipulation and flying out guild mates to events. The guy was known to be an arrogant control freak and absolute weirdo.

How do you expect this type of guy to lead an MMO's development to success ? The game won't come out and if it does he'll tank it quickly.

He just wants this to be his ''life project'' so people can stop calling him a loser living off his parent's savings. As long as he keeps dragging it on he'll have a purpose, so i don't think he sees any interest in meeting deadlines and actually delivering what people want.
Pretty much my theory too but I think he's already bored of it by now, you can see he's just drugged out and completely uninterested in livestreams and people around him are too afraid to do anything just like in the guild.

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Why didn't this genre take off?
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Pretty much.
Because people are morons. Also, in many cases, you should have enough situational awareness to fall back if you only have a handful of mates and the enemy team shows up outnumbering you 3 to 1.
cuz im too good
Most fun weapon in Chivalry 2. It feels so fluid and satisfying. Though you probably won't be topping the board in TO as the slash damage is subpar, the survivability this thing gives you in 1vX is insane, and it's bonkers in 1v1. About the only thing that flat out sucks is the special attack. How does the Mordhau longsword compare to it?
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Citadel looks a lot less impressive in Chiv 2 than 1. I know it's meant to be more realistic (and playable), but I miss the high fantasy, almost surreal feel of Malric's main base from the original game. Every Chiv release since the Source mod has gotten less and less grandiose.

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Penumbralcraft is a modded full PvP server for those who loved the raw competitiveness of Rust but crave the creative freedom of Minecraft.

The modpack can be found on curseforge (same name as server).
it started off as a kitchensink pack but has slowly turned into a gregtech styled approach to magic+tech

Some themes you'll see:
>Eldritch Exploration: Twisted landscapes, explore outer space, and break into nightmare dimensions.
>Engineering: a tech tree spaning stone age to type III civilization but based off materials and recipes so its possible jump-skip tech gaps .
>Magic: balanced against tech, heavily dependent on rituals and sacrifices.
Cryptids: Exotic mobs and animals ranging from Lovecraft/stephen king to your run-of the-mill furry convention (kos) you can train or recruit.

- no duping
- no xray
- no spam

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the theme is minecraft faggot
go fuck yourself
servers kickin, world limit just got expanded to 12k blocks.

we're getting a new mod for player claims so it can be pvp-friendly. being made specifically for the server.
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low pop looking to grow. here are the regulars
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got some events coming soon now that server has been optimized and there's a bunch of you guys active. Anyone got something in particular they think would be cool to do?

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The EU server opens on the 29th.
Which weapon are you going to fame up first?
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I don't know man, it's a psychological thing I guess. I went in wearing a set worth fuckall, and I treat found but not yet banked loot as something that could be mine, I'm not attached to it emotionally. I used to play enough DayZ and Tarkov to know no gear is every really "mine", it's just my turn with it. The combat fame was nice though (which was the main point of us going to the mists in the first place).

As for the projecting with the cuckoldry shit, once again, I wouldn't know.
The other day I put on one of your recent videos as background noise, and you were talking about how you might have to find a job because the Albion videos don't pay nearly enough. I hope it all goes well for you, Benji.

>inb4 if you don't care about it why did you make two posts and get so defensive about it
I just wanted to bump the thread I guess.
I'm not Benji you nigger.
>can easily avoid all unwanted PvP
why do people still use this cope
bro you're not escaping from my group
I feel like you just want to bring noobs to farm them or something, good luck avoiding a good gank squad (80% of them)
Got T5 skinning. Have an ava T4 knife, but can't afford the ava T5, just the regular.
What's better in this situation? The bonus gathering yield of the ava T4 or the gathering speed from the normal T5 knife?
I don't play in the blackzone without my guild. Fact: There are no solo players in the blackzone.
If you have nobody to play with, you go Mists. The fame/loot is much better there anyway. Redzone can be quite fun too and you've got to be blind to get ganked there.
I don't understand why some players still insist on playing in the blackzone without a group. There's no reason to.

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tell me i hear everything.
5v5 was a good change and don't let anyone blinded with nostalgia tell you otherwise. Nobody played tank and everyone knew it
It could be better to have a 4 vs 4
just sayin
Locking the heroes behind a timesink and a Battle Pass.
you need 2 dps to accomplish anything with the stupid defensive str meta

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for true inclussive progressive trans positive minecraft free op experience
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You're heterophobic.
>hey look im a troon and i have to revolve everything around my sexuality
Honey pot
this artist is so real

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>What is this game?
BallisticNG is a PC anti-gravity racing game available on Steam, based mostly on Wip3out, with optional mechanics from the newer Wipeout games.
If you like going fast, good tunes, and good fun, this game is for you.

>How do I join?
Get the game.
(Optional: Grab the Outer Reaches and Maceno Island DLCs too)
Download and install our track pack (instructions in the pastebin).
Launch the game, go to Multiplayer, and join us.

Links to download the latest track pack, install instructions, and some extras can be found here:
The mini-pack is just for updating from the previous version, get the full one if you're joining us for the first time or haven't played for a while.

>How do I play?

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It is for taking absolutely crazy racing lines usually at the exit of a corner or through a chicane to keep the craft straight while getting sideways momentum. As BNG is very wipeout 3 based for its physics i'm not convinced it is of much use any more. When the game leant more to wipeout 2097 physics in the early days where the ships are less rigid and turned more akin to a power boat than a plane opposite braking is fantastic for reigning in the drifting inherent to that physics model.

Protonic got a huge amount of use out of it before it was tweaked and probably does still now.
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i dont really think about it mechanically too much but i tend to use it for dickhead pit entrances/exits like that one anon said - atlantica's exit for example
lobby's up bros
looks like theres another one up surprisingly, newfriends the one you want is Starskink's
closed, awesome races bros
Anyone know where you can get this as a custom livery?

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