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Whats a good redm server? I really wanna get into streaming roleplay but I've been banned from almost every single server usually because of power tripping cops so I literally can't even make good content. Glenwood county I got banned before ever even logging into the server because I asked about the cops and admins asking if they power trip. I guess I got my answer. Dakota river bend I got banned from because a cop accused me of a crime I didn't even commit and sent me to jail for 15 irl hours. made a ticket about it and was banned for...... asking about it? Syn county is alright but the mechanics and stuff are just so clunky, can't make any videos because most of my time is spent trying to figure out controls.

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>Early Access - Friday, June 28, 2024 (2:00 AM PDT)
>Release Date - Tuesday, July 2, 2024
>Promotional Site

>Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration (Until Wednesday May 8 at 7:59 AM PDT)
>Yo-kai Watch Event rerun (Wednesday April 24 at 1:00 AM PDT until Patch 7.0)


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Made it to the end of the instance :D
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Reminder that YGMI
Dawntrail is really cool so far. I just finished the first dungeon. How does everyone like it?
dawntrail killed the game
it's over
"w3 haz tac0s" ass expansion

Talk about modern or retro Arena FPS games in the competitive/action vein, such as:
Quakeworld, Q2, Q3-CPMA, QLive, Quake Champions and UT'99-2k4, UT3, UT4 (rip)
Also welcome to talk about highly anticipated indie developer game Diabotical and nu-retro titles like Wrath: Aeon of Ruin, Amid Evil and DUSK.

Non-main stream retro AFPS titles such as:
https://toxikk.com | https://www.warsow.net | https://www.xonotic.org
Ratz Instagib, Nexuiz, Reflex Arena, Shootmania and mods for any well-known title are all welcome.

>brakfst oats links
quakeworld.nu | playmorepromode.com | quakelive.com
>brakfst of Champions
>children's game

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I'm usually able to find a ctf server on xonotic. They often do weird maps and have modifers and custom weapons on.
i wanna know who put that superfast robot into qc
the default movement speed is literally the same, 310-320 units per second
it's probably the strafing throwing you off
Best quality weapon skins they put into QC from the first 3 games?
the q1 rocketlauncher is really good
I personally always rock the super nailgun from q1, it looks alittle different but I adore that thing

rocketlauncher i always pick the quake 2 one
railgun is the most recent version but in white so it looks like the white with red glow quake 2 one
the starting q1 nailgun is great
starting quake 2 machinegun is great
quake 2 shotgun is great

the q1 shotguns and grenadelaunchers look out of place and went a questionable direction

imo all the quake 3 weapons look very wrong proportionately


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In need of 2 other tards to play with me and my friend. We appreciate your time and consideration


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Previous thread: >>1113841
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Hosting Escape Simulator on Tuesday at 8PM EST
The game is on sale on Steam right now. Make sure to download the free DLC.
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Grow a spine, baldy.
He is not called Shillseeker for no reason. Stop pissing your pants.
lobby is up
Lobby up. Code is D7S6N
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>6gb download
Fuck off, retard. What are you even doing.
I remember downloading a whole whole game with that size during x360 era.

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Wish we could turn back time edition

>Latest news:
>Official news:

>Marketplace (now available for everyone)

>Server status:

>/r6g/ links:
Pastebin is removed because it got removed

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To be fair, the guy in the webm had the motor skills of a drunk Parkinson patient. Maverick's fine.
What's the next event and when? That pink attachment skin is 850 on the market and I wonder if I should sell it.
This clip is old
Its easy to say "everyone on console is an inbred retard nigger" but when that clip was taken was prolly when the game first launched and it was laggy as fuck and body shots did no damage
>muh spess gadjidds
>muh skinz
>muh tagdigool admuhzvere
maybe go play a mil-sim then? faggot???
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New peak bros let's frickin goooo!

Why was there never a succesful /v/ samp server? I think people here would love it.
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This. Americans are too retarded to set it up.
Back in 2008-09 the OG Partyvan played Samp
This. Arabian and Turkish as well.

I’m still in the process of redoing interiors and the exterior map by hand with MTA, but who knows how long it will take until I get it launched into a server.

>Working on a project alone. Nobody to help. Not even coop edit or anyone who knows how to code and use plugins.
>All the other MTA folk can’t speak fucking English or the forums are full of people who ignore your pleas for help.

But MTAs editor runs a hell of a lot smoother than SAMP.
>but who knows how long it will take until I get it launched into a server.

Never ever because you're a negative perfectionist with extreme scope creep.
>wanting to make the game look immersive

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>What is this?
A 15 year old byond game that can easily be found via googling the terms "dragon universe byond"
There are guide discords that the game links but I am not here for you to join those

>What do I do?
You pick from a list of almost any race, with some being locked behind mechanics. Open pvp is everywhere so it's up to you to make your adventure of getting stronger, making friends, and building a base, and drilling every planet in the galaxy for your own profit

You can also consider this a strategy game with the builds and many types of characters you can create. You can often consider a few characters you make throwaway such as if you invest in a few permanent buffs and then want to try different ones

Just have fun with it

>What's the catch?
There are almost no rules and you can be killed, robbed, and even raped. Ruthless majin gangs roam the streets
We at /vm/ can band together to place our foothold in the sandbox

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Made a Ki based frostlord since it seems to be a popular race. Gonna post the best combos once I get a good grip on them
You guys still here? I read the thread and I got the impression the game is hilarious
How are you supposed to fight anything in this?
I'm still around and I have a weakish character that I still need to hit some key goals on. There's 3 types of players, learn them and pick your fights wisely
>Chad wannabes
>Clueless noobs
Anyone with a low powerlevel or who looks foolish when fighting is a good beginning training partner. I'm available at odd hours from 10pm est to 4am est if you need extra help. Name, race, and what are you tryna do?
>saiyan walks up to a dude with supersaiyan
>asks him "Can I spar" and the SSJ says yes
>SSJ turns on his auto attack and pulps the saiyan in 1 hit splattering him into a shower of blood because he forgot to turn lethals off

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Now that the dust has settled... what do we think of Seon and the Anniversary? New expansions are always great since that means more toys to play with but I don't agree with them pushing a stronger emphasis on custom epics and bringing back hell mode to facilitate (lol) the process. The Anniversary did help give out two (2) guaranteed 4/4 pieces but if you didn't have enough 3/4s already the results won't be significant enough to warrant a switch from a fixed build. Maybe it's because I'm a lucklet and call it cope but I'll stick with Archon so I can turn my brain off and unga bunga through dungeons, thanks.

The other Anniversary rewards were helpful too and just as you expected from every year. Geared an alt with the free rare clone avatar and emblems, topped off with the fabled +13 weapon ticket which boosted their fame rather quickly. Now I can larp as a chink whale with that sweet sweet sweet pink glow.
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whether he likes it or not mspit still spends close to 50% of his time pressing x because his other skills are just that bad
before the rhombus nerf mspit spent most of 110 cap using stuff like rhumbus, grey cat stone and those shoes that boost 1-20 skills that buffers use to buff up overcharge
him not mashing x most of the time is very recent
Iframes and mobility play a big role on unshackled because of his big ass instakill attacks. All top tier characters have reliable/spammable iframes and good enough mobility on top of good damage.
Bully chaos tits
this but her pits instead
Nut on her tits THEN clean up with her pits

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Please play our game edition

>Graphics Settings Analysis
>Jan 2024 Dev Letter
>Old bin
>Old thread

I can't think of anything else to add.
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>NSO update
NSO nigs should have never gotten the impression that NSO was supposed to be a fully fledged faction of it's own. Complete waste of dev time.
>Please play our game edition
No, it's still p2w and the dwindling playerbase still defends the new player experience.
planetside2, one of the best games ever? breh, this game has always been a soulless battlefield clone created by someone who never touched the first game. never at any point has the game been good. the problem with planetside 2 was that it fundamentally didn't understand what made the first game good. planetside 1 already solved all the problems planetside 2 had except the engine sucked and it was plagued with performance issues its entire life including a memory leak that never got fixed/ literally all you needed to do was copy planetside 1 and put it into the new engine, but higby couldn't even do that right because he never played the first game. literally no one knows what it takes to make planetside great again except for the people that played and understood planetside 1
>p2w retard again
>it's still p2w
Well I don't necessarily agree with that.
>dwindling playerbase
That's certainly true though lol

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Looks like the devs have finally wised up and started giving this game out for free.
Sadly it's through Twitch prime, you'll get the game on EGS, and frankly it's a bit too late to do it, but it's a start.
The game is about blending in by pretending to be an NPC, unlocking a high-security vault, and stealing the briefcase, while other players are trying to achieve the same. Can be played solo, or in a duo or trio.
Have you played it anon?
Didn't want to include my opinion in the OP.
It's a fun game, I played it solo during the free weekend after launch, and I got it through prime yesterday.
My biggest issue is that despite being a spy/heist game, you'll get little to no punishment for wreaking havoc. Worst case scenario, you shoot 3 guards, disguise as one, and wake them all up by crouching over them (this will trigger the slapping-waking up animation other NPCs do, you just don't see it in first person), and go about your business as if nothing ever happened. The even bigger problem is, the devs have acknowledged this, and said 'well, it's first and foremost an FPS, not a stealth game', and refuse to introduce a hardcore mode with harsher penalties for goofing up.
The game heavily favors reactivity over proactivity, to the point where going AFK next to the vault door and letting the others open it, retrieve the briefcase and stealing it from them is unironically a good strategy, not to mention third partying fights between other players.
Also, the game has between 100 and 300 players on Steam during peak hours, meaning you'll get a shitton of bots when you start out, then a shitton of sweats once you level up enough.
Not a lot has been done to distinguish the artstyle from your run-of-the-mill cartoonish UE game, but it kind of grew on me, and I like the music as well.
TTK is too high imo, and the gunplay is a bit weird to get used to, the devs chose the 'not hitscan but the bullets are so fast it almost feels like it' approach. Gadgets are fun.
I played it during one of the free weekends, and it was alright, but it felt pretty rough at the time. There didn't feel like there was enough reward for playing it slow and properly sneaking around, and solos seemed like the only way to actually get the stealth experience. What risks there were before seemed easily mitigated with a friend. I dunno how much has been improved since then.

Maybe I give it more leeway because it's a concept I'd love to see done well, along with scratching some itches that have gone unscratched (disguise gameplay similar to AssCreed Multiplayer/The Ship, extraction shooter that sends everyone in naked), but I dunno if it would ever manage to scratch them. I did end up getting it off of a keysite for a dollar ages ago, just in case it ever turned around, but even the people who play it don't seem to recommend it too much
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>choose the prophunt gadget
>camp purple room that has a terminal in it
>preferably with a weapon that kills faster
>go literally from nothing to full gear
This is what I'm saying. You can go phyisically AFK and you still get a smack like that and take 100% of their progress because the purple room concentrates the players that much. I don't remember a time when I encountered an actual NPC elite guard there, it's always been players in disguise.
Funnily enough this match still ended in a defeat, I was doing the exact same thing except at the door to the briefcase, and the other guy(s?) never came to pick it up. After a certain while, a 3-minute countdown begins at the end of which the game ends with a defeat for everyone. I thought this would hurry things up a bit, but apparently it did not.
He was either completely AFK, or doing and thinking the exact same thing as I did but at the extraction point.
Also, I have not played a full 10 person match in the past 3 days, it's always 3-6 people running around in the lobby then magically 10 on the intro screen, their names being literally just the agent they chose. So that game could have very well been a 1v1 between me and a badly programmed bot.
On that note, the game hides network information from you by default. That wouldn't be a problem, if the default matchmaking setting (which isn't exactly shoved in your face either) wasn't GLOBAL. Just for the sake of a short queue, the game forces you into a random east asian match where you have 300ms ping and 0 clue as to why you're lagging so hard. The other two settings are "local only" (this is the best, obviously), and "best region" which falls under the same category of retardation as global does, except there is a slim chance you'll get matched on a server on the same continent as you.
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I have a hundred hours into it and with how low the playerbase is, and how quickly you find games, idk if the majority of my time has been spent playing against bots. Serious

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>joins game naked
>name is in all caps, some baby/drug/diaper shit every single time
>spams vaccuum capusle!, medipack! or some stupid voiceline whole game
> spends exactly 5.83 seconds total in coherency
>picks up more plasteel than the entire team combined
>murders everything around him, never netted/dogged
>scoots around buck naked on the mourningstar after
>refuses to elaborate


who the fuck are these guys I know there's more than one I was in a game with two of them at one point.
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You're the exact kind of person they do this for.
You care what they do.
I mean, griefing is annoying and yes this is griefing so an extent, but until they actually purposefully team kill or purposefully throw the match, just mute and move on.
Helldivers2 has a perfect solution to this: the ability to kick them.
Idk if darktide allows this tho because there is no team killing etc.
>and yes this is griefing so an extent
How? He's doing his role effectively.
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Anyone know the mod to be naked?
There was a kid in Runescape back in around 2005-2006 who was named Dannywizard who used to write a lot in text chat, and every single time he would send a message he would end it with hmmy
>"I sure love this game hmmy"

Like a signature on a forum hmmy

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What are some MMOs that focus on STORY?

I am so over doing the rush to endgame or grinding to be top dog anymore. I just want to leisurely go through a nice story in an atmospheric lore-rich world with some social elements.

Some examples

Pretty cool. You can even choose dialogue
>Secret World
Basically /x/ the game
Kinda dated but has a lot of content
Feels kinda dead because of instances but the story is there

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I've been calling this out for years, but there is a sizable and growing population of mmorpg players that are exactly like OP. Some call it parallel play. Some call it playing alone together. Essentially it comes down to people are looking for a world to get lost in, get invested in, get immersed in. World being not just atmosphere, but world building, story, etc. And you combine this with the social elements. The social elements provide a level of "new" to every playthrough. You wont just see the same NPCs scripting around. You can talk to people while playing. And choose to group up with them if you're in the mood to. To experience the world/story with others.

To me, it shares a lot of similarities as to why people watch other people play video games on twitch. Especially multiplayer games like MMORPG. If a MMORPG ever comes around that manages to create a "good" mmorpg that appeals to this audience, it will blow up.
Korean MMOs actually have a decent story in their games if you take the time to take in the LORE. It's not about the story itself but more on exploration and lore, reading random shit you find about or sidequests. I went in to Dragon Nest with 0 expectations and when I actually took the time to read stuff it had a decent story behind it. Hell, even MapleStory has a decent story behind it. If you take in the time to read in your MMOs you'd be surprised at how much lore you're missing out.

No. It's not even the best story in the whole franchise. I would put say it's mid at best. Still a good story though compared to other MMOs.
>ESO has some semi-decent stories if you are into homosexuality
yes, that's arguably the only way to play since it's a dead game and many people played it like that even when it was reasonably populated
GW2's lead developer was a woman who never played 1. If that tells you anything.

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this hurts desu
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Hit em back with the go make toast in the shower.
Then quit
>is reliant on op characters, items and rng in order to win the game
tell me that you did not played leauge last 8 seasons without telling me
i did not touched it for 2 seasons but i am cetain that this is not about op items but about counterpick meta and dominating early game
Life begins once you stop playing lol anon. Trust me and stop playing this cesspool of a game and never look back.
can someone leak the new season?
i already know they are working in a new client because this dog shit interface can handle TFT, league and other game modes.

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Early Access is now LIVE!

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ci3RzUSKgk
Website: https://www.tribes3rivals.com
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2687970/TRIBES_3_Rivals
Official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tribes
Previous Thread: >>1176915
472 replies and 60 images omitted. Click here to view.
it was slightly more alive for a month. no reason now though.
kek erez is the last person remaining still playing his latest shitty game (his 5th failure in a row)
>pretending you are not sweating with that chain gun
Is FlopBall going to be f2p or p2p? Erez was talking about how f2p games aren't feasible anymore these days but there's absolutely no fucking way anyone's gonna be retarded enough to buy this abortion.
I think the only way it can earn ANY money whatsoever is to make it f2p with overpriced Blood Eagle/Diamond Sword skins from TA to exploit retards who are still on board with Erez's scam.
They said it was f2p (with multiple classes to grind for/unlock) but lets not pretend the have any integrity. Theyre just trying to launch a game with literally any kind of players or fanbsase. Im sure everything is subject to change. The last patch took away unique skins and made every class look really lame, so, the usual stuff.

>Erez was talking about how f2p games aren't feasible anymore

I think he was talking about how tribes isnt feasable. I think he's hoping that ultra strikers will have a more broad appeal. Though I honestly havent seen it in the press at all, and I saw more people watching on twitch than actually playing. When I go on the discord its mostly 1-bit influencers who seem to be playing... basically, paid to stream it prolly. Kind of a shame because it is a fun game, reminds be of team fortress 2 but with less spam/chaos.

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