should i get back into valorant?
>>1542388If you can tolerate the dogshit community, sure.
if you can tolerate all the hackers sure
r8, h8, masturb8
>>1542388>rampant closet cheating, boosting, smurfing and win trading>little to no punishment for throwers and afkers but saying le bad words gets you hardcore bans>shittier battle pass>pointless nerfs (Viper, Cypher, Raze, Skye, Omen, Fade, Neon) yet bs agents like Gekko and Clove running rampant>still no replay system>awful and no intent from Riot to ever improve them, even decided to get off a quality of life system before fixing their shitty designs>no fun casual modes You tell me
How tf this game still doesn't have weapon stats and replay system?
>>1543064While I agree Gekko and Clove need nerfs, Neon was definitely not "pointless." If she already has the best defensive capability in the game and the ability to get out of many situations which is annoying enough she certainly doesn't need a shit-ton of offensive ability, too.
>>1543305> While I agree Gekko and Clove need nerfsYou missed the point, just like the clueless Riot devs. Both of them are fine as they are, but because not enough people and “pros” cry and bitch about them they don’t do anything, though golden boy Tenz already started crying about Clove so they might touch her. The point is, trash Riot devs don’t know how to actually BALANCE their fucking agents for shit, which has led to all controllers except Clove to be unfun to play or even useless, same with the initiators. They base their balance way too much on player and pros reaction which shows how little clue they have of their own game. They tried making the post spam thing way less prevalent in Sunset by changing the site; the truth is they probably didn’t even think it was gonna be a problem because most likely all of them play post plant just like that lmao so when their map changes didn’t work they just decided to remove sunset from the map pool and get away with the pings lolSome new lead dev with an actual clue and experience has to come, tell the pros to fuck off and just rework most of the agents and maps
>valorant has one (1) fun character>valorant players cry about her because no fun allowed>she gets nerfed>valorant now has zero (0) fun characters
>>1543461There's great games like Apex if that's your style.
>>1543493lol i came to valo from apex. gravitated to neon because shes the only one who doesnt feel completely and utterly static. i think realistically valorant just isnt my kinda game but apex is in a horrendous state and the alternatives are limited
>>1542388Play Strinova instead
how bad is the cheating in valorant?
>>1543886Slightly better than other games in the sense that for some reason straight up kernel-level spyware is apparently necessary to even take care of the most generic script-kiddy hacks but Vanguard is like TSA, it's there to make you feel better and annoy you.
>>1543461>>valorant has one (1) fun characterBut Raze wasn't nerfed
>duellists sit and bait at the choke for half the round instead of pushing off my util usage and taking spaceWhy pick an entry-fragging role if you aren't gonna entry-frag?
>>1543394If the game wasn't trying to cater to emotionally raped teenage girls who don't use comms we wouldn't need the ping system in the first place.>>1543496That's great to hear. You can also try Fortnite and nuCoD if you want to play a game that has sliding and fast movement in it. In fact most modern games cater to your playstyle.
>>1544689Because if they're not 1v5ing at all times how will they practice for VCS?Also I'm just generally tired of getting punished for one queue dodge so now I get to play with 4 duelists on fracture or Mr. Crosshair is Big and I never aim my shots I full auto everything aren't I SO FUCKING FUNNY
what is with people in this game feeling entitled to your gun skin just because they asked
Do I get Vyse, Breach or Gekko?
>>1545267Gekko ofc. Breach is meh and Vysse is literally useless
>>1545310What's wrong with Vyse?
>>1545320Nothing, it's just that every other sentinel does her job better
>>1545320Bad for regular players, good for a comp team. She has no selfish abilities and using her abilities well requires coordination.
People in Unrated are so fucking retarded, but what is with the weird rules I see these people give themselves?-Not using abilities-Refusing to walk at any point and getting mad when someone else does-refusing to pick up spike and getting mad when someone else does
>turn off voice-over>turn on hide user interface in game>turn off voice commsYou can thank me later
>>1546253Doesn't make them stop playing in retarded ways.
Literally I'm not seeing bans for anything anymore. Not obvious wallhacks, not toxic behavior, not even the only thing that used to be guarunteed, which was baiting someone into saying nigger and then reporting them.
>>1546253Honestly pinging is all you need, because they're faster than saying words
>>1545978You're just like them. Go play ranked.
Neon/Jett main try helping her team even when they're very close and there's literally no risk for it challenge.
>>1543052everything is very stylish and beautiful, especially the rabbit buddy, I’m also thinking about collecting Brutal weapons or just MAGIC equipment, otherwise I don’t have much money for that))
>>1543052too "perfect"
This season literally has been just full of hackers for some reason. They must have discovered some exploit in the Ring 0.
Is Viper kinda shit at the moment?Should I be playing another controller?>>1553549Was scrolling tiktok and saw someone livestreaming themselves blatantly spinbotting to 10k people.
>>1554300I mean I haven't seen anything so blatant, but I have seen a lot of wallers. Nothing better than being blamed for "not smoking" (I did) by an all-aim-no-brain Jett who is barely going even because in their mind the very obvious wall-hacker shooting them accurately through the smoke is my fault.
>let's use pre-set recoil patterns like CS>but let's make them basically impossible for a human player to follow>this definitely won't cause a huge difference between people playing legit and people using a macro
It actually seems to have gotten worse in the leadup to the season, like on both ends, not only are there more of them, but they're more blatant, and somehow people still refuse to believe that they're hacking.
I enjoy playing Deathmatch and TDM more than the "main" game mode
>>1554941isn’t recoil in valorant random like cs 1.6?
Soooo what happened to that Valorant movie?
>>1556224The whole game has just been turned into a headshot simulator at this point
>>1557540Never was a thing, fake rumour
valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism
I swear every fem main Neon player I’ve met is slutty af lol
I think it's massively understated how insanely hot Neon is
Filipinos are the opposite of hot
which Vandal skin do the hoes love the most?
>teammates lock Chamber, Reyna and Sage
>>1560344hard agree
>>1556224I enjoy it because I don't have to worry about some retard sabotaging my entire game because he thinks flanking is an "illegitimate" playstyle.
i hate living in the south man I want to live where I can play with white people.
>>1560375I'm tired of seeing Reyna in LITERALLY every game desu.I wish they nerfed her for like a month so that we just could see her less for some time.
>>1561222Just select a different server? how bad is the ping for those? I play fine with a 80 or less ping
End a session with a win or loss?
>>1561722It's nice having 15 ping though.
Nothing more satisfying than Alt-F4ing on a garbage team that refuses to surrender while you were the only one who was meaningfully contributing and keeping a positive K/D. Have fun without me, fuckers.
The game launched with no AZERTY keyboard support and it literally took a neckbeard riot and rage quit fest for the devs to actually bother working on implementing it.This tells you a lot about Riot in general and how little they give a fuck about the community as long as they have their niche furries/trannies/child groomer ''hardcore'' base secured.Like another user suggested above, the most frustrating thing about the game is how people who throw, afk and simply troll to ruin the game for everyone else get little to no punishment but if you use a slur word and get a few reports you immediately get banned for long periods of time.The esports scene is basically just CS refugees trying to revive their ''careers'' and Riot throwing money at everyone to pretend the scene isn't dead. Most teams are cash furnaces with zero profitability and nepotism is rampant in the higher tiers as most of the players in the scene know each other. Teams are basically structured as a mafia designed to milk what ever funding Riot has to give them before closing down and moving to other games.
>>1562825What do you gain by surrendering? even when I get my ass beat I stay trying to understand what I am doing wrong, figuring out how to counter their strategy, finding what the enemy is doing right, that way next time I face a similar situation I would have a way to fight back. Imagine surrendering only to fight against the same trio on the next match, alternatively you have them in your team and this time they play like shit.
>>1563204not him but not wasting my team with a retarded team that isnt going to win and is instead gonna drag the comp game out.Sometimes people are too garbage to win with. You can't always drop 3 kills every round to pick up peoples slack and sometimes its their util use thats shit and you can only get so far by marking and trying to get people to use it properly.
>>1563069I am amazed this game has no personal weapon/map/agent stats, replay system and many other QOL features older games haveBut hey, at least they have overpriced skins.
>>1563204Well I'm playing unranked to have fun, so I gain nothing by not surrendering even if I win, and I despise being held hostage in a game, especially one like this where if I die it means I'm out for the round, so being on a losing team is not "fun" because you are literally not playing the game for large periods of time. But mostly I also just am constantly astounded how players can get just absolutely dominated, or have players leave, or hell, even REMAKE votes aren't voted yes on! Then again I live in the South so the average playerbase here is non-white and so has a much lower IQ, but don't give me the never surrender excuse: high level chess play is full of forfeits because good players are able to understand when they've been beaten or put themselves in an unwinnable position. It's considered good sportsmanship to be able to recognize that and not drag the game out for the other player.
Surrendering when you have afk people is understandable, otherwise you are just being a faggot crying because he's out of his comfort zone, if you refuse to adapt or get better mental you are a pathetic looser who only wants easy matches.>>1563242>a retarded team that isnt going to winYou just "know" your team isn't going to win, right? what about (You) actually winning the match? can't you do that?>>1563582You are right about the remakes, but>being on a losing team is not "fun"Just win?>so I gain nothing by not surrendering even if I winI'm not talking about precious virtual points, I'm talking about experience, practice, knowledge.>good players are able to understand when they've been beaten or put themselves in an unwinnable positionThis isn't chess you dumb nigger, unwinnable positions? just click heads, your team doesn't forfeit? walk down mid with a marshal or sheriff plus armor, get your 2 kills and pick up your phone or a book when you die, alt+tab to youtube or something.I am not trying to justify anything, just reminding you nothing we post here is going to change anything at all, half of your matches are going to be shit anyways, you should learn to have fun even when you are losing considering you are going to lose half of your matches for the rest of your life, that's a lot of time wasted specially considering you are not having fun in those.
>>1563650Post back of hand with timestamp. I want to see what shade of brown you are.
Another match, another ragehacker. Sure was worth exposing my computer to Ring 0 attacks and kernel level access for this!
>Valo is le well optimized Most retarded meme I hear all time. It runs like absolute dog shit and it's gonna get worse once they switch to UE5
>>1565423I still get that infinite loading glitch from time to time. It's 5 years old at this point.
why do people play jett over yoru?i find more success on him than jett thanks to his flashes and TP allowing you to get into some really one and done spots that not even jett can doI don't really get traded out due to the teleport being .5 seconds slower to get out than the dash but then again i'm just diamond
>>1563069the scene's washed CS refugees are getting phased out or put on IGL duty thoughthis year the most promising rookies were literally just random radiants scouted from ranked like primmie and karon
>>1542388No.Hope this helps.
At least it's better than CS2
how do you guys find people to play with? i'm shy so i'm afraid of asking people in my games
>>1566171I just play on the console most of the time. People are chill as fuck and are not as sweaty as PC players. Also, never play ranked and play other modes
>>1566257i don't have a console, i just wanna git gud but climbing solo is really intimidating so i've only played unrated, really needing a duo or trio rn
>>1566115CS2 can at least be fixed. Valorant is a Riot game so it will never be fixed.
>>1566171>>1566362I don't, Imagine a socially inept autistic mouth breather who barely can speak his native language let alone english, I like the idea of finding people to play with and practicing but socializing online is too difficult when people get disgusted by the way I talk.What region are you on? I play on NA East and Latam, you could add me if you around there, I'm not that good at the game but I could help you with that anxiety of Ranked, I know that feel.
>>1566296Glad they have their priorities gay>>1566391>VS2>Fixed>ValveOh sweet summer child
>>1566481i'm SEA :(
>>1566391Bro, CS wasn't good since Source. More than 20 years now and counting
>>15677911.6 fags are almost as annoying as Quake III fags.
>>1567851Because they tell the truth?
>>1567855Even if it is the truth it doesn't make up for their behavior>WAAAAAAH NOT ENOUGH GAMES ARE LIKE 1.6/QIII>"Okay here's a game like those.">NOOOOO I DON'T WANT A SIMILAR GAME, I WANT IT TO BE EXACTLY LIKE 1.6/QIII>"Okay here's a game exactly like those in every way.">NOOOOO YOU FUCKING JEW HOW DARE YOU CHARGE ME $15 FOR SOMETHING I BOUGHT BACK IN 1999>"Why don't you just go back and play 1.6/QIII then?">NOOOOO NOBODY'S PLAYING THOSE GAMES, AND NEITHER AM I, I WANT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IT ONLINE
>>1567851Anon... Valve NEVER listen to the playerbase. N E V E R. At least Riot takes SOME feedback. Valve takes none, they don't give a shit especially now that they're busy with Deadlock. TF2 fans know all about apathetic dev that is Valve and now CS players get a taste of it.
>>1568884>Riot>taking feedbackWhat are you smoking?No, listening to the trannies on Reddit and implementing a no-no word filter does count as listening, and neither does constantly releasing champs that they know are OP and then nerfing them later after they've had their fun/gotten their money.
New agent is pretty fun, definitely getting nerfed because of that
>>1556224I have fun with spikerush had some fun talks and people were more chill, then again competitive brings the worst on everyone
Just came back to valorant after installing a new graphics drive, who tf is the colombian?
I see the season reset has done literally nothing about the wallhackers.
>>1542388anyone know how tracker score is calculated?how is 16/13 rated higher than 28/14 with more fk
>>1571864mexican tejo (pronounced teho)>>1572493coping
>>1544741you're trying too hard lil broYOU are playing zoomer rooty tooty point and shooty
>>1576073No I'm trying exactly the right amount which is almost not at all considering your brown skin. If you think that's me trying hard all that does is reveal your horribly low IQ.
>>1576045I've seen one red screen all year.
>>1572493>>1576305Why are you still playing ranked?In fact why would anyone play ranked? You don't get anything for achieving ranks, no in-game currency or such. No exclusive skins, not a pat on the back. Just some arbitrary icon and number that resets each season. You will never be recruited on the esports team or anything. Why torture yourself? Valorant is unironically enjoyable when played casually.
>>1576317This is unranked.
>>1576317In unranked people are on discord and only talk to each other. Valorant is my only social interaction
>>1576994>Valorant is my only social interactionGrim. At least play some Co-op games
>>1576998>Grimi mean...
I used to think that the Spectre was just bad for the price but now I wonder if it's been nerfed recently because now it's just plain bad.
>>1577505Its just bad and always has been. You should be buying the stinger over it every single time
Unranked isn't the "real game" so people will just blatantly troll and act in a non-white manner in unranked, but they'll NEVER surrender, so if you want people who are actually taking the game seriously, you have to get screamed at in ranked, where people WILL surrender all the time.I don't get it.
>>1580405Unranked is not the real game, so all the low IQ monkeys and stoners can turn off their brain and freely jump around doing nothing more than talking about their favorite mumbleraper.In ranked they are supposed to win so they give up as soon as they realize they won't win for free, nothing more scary for them than actually having to use their brain in order to win.
Is controller the worst soloq role?
>>1582016yesif you have game sense use agents that give map control and info like initiator or senti
>>1581548Just wish there was a middle ground between "getting screamed at for not knowing the latest pro lineup" and "retard who gets mad at you for telling him to get off A they're at B, they've been at B for the past minute."
>>1582016Yes, both controller and sentinel, playing duelist and initiator is less frustrating since they allow you to take duels comfortably, with them you have granted impact on duels (the most important part in soloq). Omen and Clove slightly get around the soloq controller shittyness since their kits help you to take duels.>>1582262Depends on the elo, playing sentinel with braindead teammates sucks, Ts can just rotate away from the site you are defending, no matter how much info you gather, how fast you rotate or how fast you flank, your teammates will be dead by the time you get there.Have you noticed how many Cypher mains are really good at clutching? they play 1v3s so calmly, there is a reason why they have that solo clutch skill, lots and lots of experience.
>>1583171Isn't the point to play a controller that can play mid while your cameras/sentries/tripwires notify you if the other site is in play?
Wall of text warning>>1583231Ideally yes, you can place a perfect smoke but that doesn't mean your team knows how to play around it, Ts can just walk right past if there isn't nothing to stop them right away like a molly or a Phantom player spraying the smoke, if they don't push the smoke they could be silently rotating, your team already overotaded and now Ts have a free plant on the other side of the map, I'm talking about low elo experiences.>a controller that can play midHighly depends on the map and the character you are playing, Astra, Omen and Viper are not restricted by range, allowing you to position somewhere else in the map, but you already know their tradeoffs.It sucks to play controller on soloq because it makes it harder for you to carry games, I'm not saying you can't, but is it harder for you, to carry as a controller on low elo you need one or more of these:>lots of map knowledge>lots of lineups>precise utility usage>excellent aim and execusionEven then your team is going to get angry and report you as soon as you place a flood smoke, a lurk smoke or a one way.As a initiator or duelist you only need the most basic utility usage to kill the guy hiding in the corner, adding the fact you can easily survive multiple duels.>tl;dr if you want to carry may as well play a different roleThe reason why I became a controller main was mostly me getting killed by a CT sniper on heaven every single time I walked in a site, back then players would insta-pick the few flash characters but no one flashed on the entry, you wouldn't see a smoke on heaven either. They wanted a controller in the team but no one wants to play smokes, everyone wants to play duelist (the real reason recent characters have more aggressive tools, everyone wants to play duelist), denying vision to the players that always kill me? I gladly filled the roll.
Why are people playing chamber every game? Especially when they have trash aim
>>1583670Because he's fun
>>1583670He's good for economy that's why people pick him.
>>1563650Islamic terrorist groups also believe in never surrendering, they believe in "FIGHT BROTHER. YOUR NAME WILL BE REMEMBERED FOREVER AS A FIGHTER." Then they pop out of cover, fire blindly and hit nothing, and get domed in the head, and are quickly forgotten about. Which is why Hamas has never won any conflict without America coming in to make sure Israel doesn't rape them too hard.
>complain about hackers in unranked>Reddit claims that "no one would ever hack in unranked"I hate this fucking community man.
>>1584223What the fuck is this post?>Islamic terrorist groups also believe in never surrenderingAnd Hitler was a painter, every person who picks up a paint brush is automatically a nazi>>1584241>RedditThat's your firs mistake
>>1585286No, the point I was making is that "never surrender" is brown people logic. White people have a saying "discretion is the better part of valor."
>>1586685french surrendered
>>1586774Which was a good idea.
Doesn't this bitch run on UE4? How does every Riot game look like trash but also is incapable of holding at least 120FPS?
>>1586815Just like with any other "why doesn't Riot do X?" The answer is: because it wouldn't make them money
>be last one alive>enemy phoenix twitch 180 headshots me>"twitch" as in literally no frames of animation between him facing front and facing me>no one believes he's togglingWhat's even the point of Vanguard, man?
Can I play this game without installing a rootkit?
>>1590166On a console, I guess.
>>1589362its good but overrated
>>1590356BattleEye is also kernel level these days, but no one in their right mind would say that Rainbow Six: Siege isn't full of hackers.
God damn Tejo's concussion is so good.
Playing on Dead Nigger of Peace Worship Day was a mistake since all my teammates are literal children who bait me into going one lane and then abandoning me because of brain damage.
>Turn off the voice chat>Turn off the text chat>Turn off pingsYep, it's solo queue time
>>1591252Comp or others
>>1591252>Turn off pingsNo need to, Riot already did that
>>1592438get better zoomer
A friend wants me to play Valorant, how onerous is Vanguard? I don't trust Riot nor Tencent.
>>1592557As bad as every other rootkit anticheat these days, if you have other anticheats on your system China already has the info they want from you, it's just targeted adds and cookies, it's a "big deal" that's actually not a big deal since we already are running windows.You can just right click and end the process at any moment, you would have to restart you pc to play the game but that is better than having Chinese software running on your computer 24/7, personally I have the process suspended on the windows services, I turn it on and restart the pc when I feel like playing Valorant, you can just leave it there too, you probably have 4 different launchers including the Epic one running in the background 24/7.
>>1592557It's neither unique in its intrusiveness nor is it actually that good at stopping hackers. If anything it has made hackers better at disguising it.
>tfw HS percentage at only 15%
>HS % 57>KDA 11/16/3
>>1594044That seems basically impossible unless the only gun you use is the Spectre or Bucky.
>>1592619>If anything it has made hackers better at disguising it.How so?
>>1594288>says its impossible>goes on to say how it is possible
>>1594726I just don't know why you would do that for an entire game.
Is there any real reason to be playing anything other than Jett? It seems like the best way to be good at this game is to play Jett, and have good aim, which is bolstered by having a 120hz monitor and perfect desk posture.
>>1595062You aren't wrong, Jett is still the most played character in every rank, even after they tried nerfing her to the ground (because you can't fun anymore) and buffed every other duelist
>>1595086I hate that apparently every desk I can find is very high off the ground and every good chair very low because supposedly having your elbow bent at exactly 90 degrees is a requirement for swinging well, according to my CS2 friend.
>>1595086Why is the only way to have fun in this game to turn it into Apex?
I only play unranked, but I'm in the South. If I try ranked, should I just set my servers to PNW so I can play with mostly white people
>he predicted Tejo will be broken, especially his ult
>>1595576Nibba just walk away
Which agent takes zero skill?Which agent has the highest skill cap?
>>1595585>Which agent takes zero skill?sentinals>Which agent has the highest skill cap?jett astra yoru neon
>>1595588>jett astra yoru neonAlso raze, you can do some cool and silly shit with her. Probably my favorite agent
Which is more impactful? 4/1 fk fd or 6/6 fk fd (all mid site)
>>1595671i meant mid map
>>1595593All you have to do is place your utility down and don’t do anything stupid and that’s it. Example: in certain maps you can simply put the Cypher trips in a site and win a lot of map control or easy kills with basically no skill, and no, not even “muh strategical skill.” With duelists and controllers you need timing and actually have to know to properly take duels
Man, fuck Iso.
Just like usual I can drop 30-5 in an unrated game, immediately go to competitive and I can't win a single match no matter how hard I try.
>>1596255>go to competitiveFound your problem.Simply don't
If you can't kill them with a Guardian headshot, then you didn't deserve that kill.
What are telltale signs I should dodge?
>win 3 out of 5 placement games>bronze 3Well I'm never touching this mode ever again.
>>1598042>muh undeserved killA kill is a kill
>>1598068chamber/ sage picksage outside split is prolly just a pocket sage
I literally cannot swing without dragging my aim down.
Playing my placement matches after a long break and fuck I forgot how retarded most people are, my team plays like shit, we have trolls and AFKs, at least I'm wining these shitty matches.>>1600767You probably already know this but you don't have to move your mouse to swing unless your are clearing angles, you pre-position your crosshair and peek with A and D, you pre-aim a common angle and swing with A or D, then you stop moving and shoot.
1 account for entry duelists and other for support agents.Any1 else?
>>1595588What about Sova, KAYO and Viper?
>>1601631mid skillgood sova req game sense
This reyna went mid every round while I entered with astra and cypher. He only came through mid after we planted. He had no comms, no clutches, just blind and rush mid.And yet he got the team mvp
>>16018516 First Bloods tho and FB contribute a lot to how combat score is calculated
not playing a duelist is the most cuck thing you can do
>>1602837especially initiator. imagine revealing/ blinding/ stunning enemy only for others to take the kill.its like paying thailand trip for wife only for her to fuck a waiter there
>>1602837The only thing that matters below Ascendant is your headshot percentage and reaction time anyways so yeah, basically.
>>1603056This doesn't explain why I have much higher ACS when playing duelistsI bet the immortal players say the same for ascendants. And radiants for immortals.
>>1601629I used to do it but mostly to see the HS% ADR and KDR go up, at some point I stopped giving a fuck about the numbers and virtual points, I started focusing on my performance and improvement, rank means jackshit when there are so many smurfs and so many players are playing trios or stacks to get boosted.>>1603983>doesn't explain why I have much higher ACS when playing duelistsLet's see>tools to take duelsMore duels means:>more kills>more first bloods>more multikills>more high impact kills>more clutchesIsn't it obvious? it is extremely obvious to me.
>>1604041Rank means little, but because of the way Riot is happy with their community and they want you to rank up as hard as possible, you have to play 1-3 ranks above where you should actually be ranked to get to that rank without spending the next 1-3 years breathing this game. If you're like me and struggle in Silver, then you're not going anywhere. You have to be dropping 40-3 scores in lower ranks to get to anything semi-respectable.
Yoru is soo good even without the flash+ tp combo.
>>1605719>Yoru is good without half of his kit>the half he uses the mostWalk me through this.
How are you wallhacking in Silver and still middle of the scoreboard? Jesus fucking Christ I hate this game and I hate myself most of all for not being able to pull myself out of this rank.
>>1606314I said combo or combination. Not not using tp or flash
>unironically playing ranked Buddy you never make it into esports, chill and have fun
Is it possible to get around Vanguard by emulating a console?
I would like to be at least average instead of having old man reactions at 29.
>>1607428Gotta work on that gamesense and mindgames.
>>1607565If you sneak up behind someone and miss, you might as well have not have done anything at all.
>>1607428>29I got news for you buddy, that's when your body starts to decay, it starts at 27 but you don't notice until 2 years later>old man reactionsThis old man got into Diamond with pic related, don't let it hold you back>>1607589>sneak up behind someone and missThat's panicking, chocking or poor aim, it has nothing to do with reactions
How am I supposed to compete with this?
>>1608172The game should let you select a maximum possible ping, even the orange box games had such feature at launch almost 20 years ago.Same as the replay system, Riot doesn't add such feature because of their social psychological bullshit tactics, everyone would select the lowest possible ping, they would get longer queue times and as a result everyone would call Valorant a "dead game" since any game with queues longer than 45 seconds is dead according to 80iq normalfags, that's why mainstream games are full of bots nowadays.A simple "maximum ping: 90" checkbox would solve this but riot doesn't care.
>>1608215I miss server browsers and community servers
>>1608152Accuracy is tied to reactions.
I'm just gonna start dodging Fracture there's no fucking point to playing this map in Competitive.
>>1609576Just play yoru
I was told that pros need to have a bare minimum HS% of 25% but that's also apparently the bare minimum requirement to be in silver.
I love how I can be second on the scoreboard and I will still ALWAYS ALWAYS be the team scapegoat when we're losing despite the 3 people going negative below me, and I don't even talk and I try to use my utility and know how to at least avoid flashing my own team most of the time.
I think Valorant probably has one of the most non-white playerbases I've ever seen. Maybe only League is browner.
>pocket sage in my teamthrow>chamber, reyna or phoenix without cracked aimthrow>teammate yells at me throwi just look for reasons to throw because i hate myself
>>1616275>Jett, either on my team or their team
Yeah my inability to play even in Bronze is proof that I am intellectually disabled.
>struggle to not sell so hard and be useful to the team>win 3 times and get 30RR total>lose to a very obvious wallhacker that my team still won't believe is one even though they're asking "why they always know where we are even though we've changed our approach several times">lose 25 RRWell I guess K/D really is all that matters.
>>1616703What you mean wallhackers?? Riot already said they banned all the new cheaters recently, so there's no way they bypassed their ban at all or something like that lol
>>1617006I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not.
>queue up>Fracture>dodge>Fracture>dodge>Fracture>dodgeStop.
>>1617045They be forcing certain maps hard lately, it didn't use to be like these like a year ago, you would rarely repeat the same map twice in a row
>No more lore>No more cinematics>No more new maps>No more cool agents>No new game modes>only SKINSKINSKINSKINS ESPORTS RSPORTS HAVE YOU HEARD OF FLEX?It's all so tiresome
it's shit
>>1617139Devs seem to do this thing these days where they see a meta form then throw a map in designed to completely upend the meta and force you to play it so they can prove that their game isn't stale. The maps are slightly too defense oriented? Here's a map you can't defend at all, only counter-pinch the attacking team on. Nevermind that means the map is basically unplayable in anything below Gold because no one holds angles, they just hide in ambush corners and no one else on your team is gonna have the coordination to do anything about it.
Playing defense in Bronze is actually way harder than playing attack.
>>1617045I hate defending Arcade so fucking much, I can't find a way to hold that shit, it's the only part of the map I can't defend alone, even if I manage to push the Ts back someone from the other side slithering through B-Tunel could flank so I have to give away that space instantly when I don't have an awper holding Tree, that fucking map bro.>>1617907>>1617045Fun fact, Fracture is the most dodged map in the history of valorant (Breeze comes in second, I think Icebox was the third), Right after it came out Fracture was dodged so much there were players with more than 120 matches without touching Fracture a single time over 2 seasons, absolutely everyone was dodging Fracture.That "problem" lasted 2 entire Acts and it got so bad Riot had to step in, they overhauled the entire matchmaking + queue system and introduced a new "deterministic map system", a fancy way to say it calculates the least recently played map for everyone in the lobby>You can't dodge Fracture if the matchmaker only gives you Fracture!>Let's see if you can dodge every single match for rest of your life, smart boySince then you can no longer dodge maps multiple times, eventually you will have to play that shitty map whether you like it or not.It's funny to me how everyone agrees Fracture is the shitties map ever made, even redditors hate it, everyone would be dodging it until today if Riot didn't forced you to play it.
>>1617270Yeah, all the people that work on that got laid off, even one of the artists that designed the new agent for laid off before he got released
>>1618029Devs these days have huge egos, they don't like the way most maps trend so fuck it, you MUST play the attacker-focused map. Otherwise our game LOOKS BAD.Sort of like Valve treating competitive like a sideshow because it's obvious Valve doesn't want competitive to be representative of what TF2 is. Except that's far less obnoxious.
>>1618029>take Fracture out of the competitive map pool because everyone hates it so bad>change nothing>put it back in>everyone still hates it except there are more hired shills on the subreddit nowIf Riot paid a fraction of the percentage on CGs that don't go anywhere for League/Valorant and paid shilling on Youtube/Reddit to hiring WHITE guys at reasonable wages to review reports and actually ban hackers/smurfs/other assorted miscreants maybe the game wouldn't be dying.
I see why people dislike flanking, it doesn't work outside of unranked since you can't count on your team to not stick their faces in the enemies' Ops before you get there.
What do my stats have to be to get outside of Bronze because apparently cracked aim is necessary. You'd think Bronze would be the barely sentient and Silver would be people who have only a little bit of game sense but nah, pop around a corner and die instantly, that's the name of the game.
>>1598206>>1616582>>1617978Post region, we could practice.
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.Stupid fucking bots and baiters, now I can't reply to multiple post just because these fags do the same? fuck this>>1618694>>1606317>>1604246You too, if you are in my region I could help you practice if you want to.>inb4 SEAToo bad
>>1618694The biggest percentage of the players that play ranked are in silver, so you're gonna get quality of players from every level
>>1618694Stats don't matter that much around there because it's full of smurfs, kids and AFK bots to sell accounts. You mostly need these 3 fundamentals: aim, crosshair placement and positioning. There is also movement, map knowledge, awareness, team composition, utility usage, decision making and teamwork, all of these are important too but you barely see them in lower ranks.>apparently cracked aim is necessaryYeah, not necessary cracked but it needs to be average or better, aim is your entire execution, aim is the most important part of your fundamentals, sure you can learn lineups but you won't climb fast if you can't land some easy shots and clean corners.>pop around a corner and die instantlyPeople have been playing this game for 5 years now, even the shitters started to learn how to land shots after playing the game for so long, also lots of hardstuck diamonds smurfing on their 4th account, you need some basic aim to climb these ranks, Specter run&gun can only take you so far.>>1618092>banning smurfsNever happening, smurfs are a huge source of income, all these harstuck retards and clip farmers end up buying skins to flex their "skill", Riot doesn't have any reason to ban them.
>>1592556My point stands
>>1620451Well I guess I'm fucked because I have no idea how I'll ever get my aim to "average."
>have one good game that feels like I'm actually playing against bronzies, then two in a row where I play against a wallhacker/smurf and then another with an obvious wallhacker AND a Neon smurf, a character that shouldn't even be in the gameWhy am I playing this instead of CS again?
>>1622061Like it's any different
>>1622785That's my point. It's just as hacker infested but doesn't have built-in cancer like Neon and the community at least accepts that it's full of hackers.
Whats the best agent to grief with? I want to get reported or banned
>>1625311The only way to do that is racial slurs, nothing you can do, except for maybe using extremely cheap, already-detected obvious hacks, can get you banned.
Rank resets cause more problems then they solve. I'm not even sure what problem they solve.
My team:-No one can hit their shots-Obvious non-white "just finished hitting the bong" voices-carry ragequit 3 rounds ago-won't surrender-horrible calls-believes Vanguard is foolproofTheir team:-obvious smurf/hacker-perfectly coordinated ults-always knows exactly where you are with no flank guard and no infoI don't even know why I'm playing this game, the only way up is through aim, which is a function of several genetic factors, so I'm basically just cursed to constantly get stomped on in Bronze by people who have way better aim and teamplay than me.
Would someone please explain for a CS player how aim and movement in Valorant differ? What should I do? I keep getting asked to play Val, but I can't comprehend the movement and aim at all. The recoil resets feel slow as fuck. The bloom feels terribly unpredictable. Movement feels floaty and slow, idk. try to keep good movement mechanics like counter-strafing into angles at head level, but unlike CS, it feels like most of my shots don't land where I intend even if I practice what I think are good mechanics.
>>1627194They're just an excuse to get people to grind ranked more, therefore playing the game more and spending more
>>1627767It seems like it's bad for retention, since it lowers the skill floor for even ranks like Bronze due to all the Golds and Plats having to fight for their life against other Golds and Plats just to make it out of the lower ranks.
>>1627255Post region, that way I can either laugh at you or help you practice, let me know if you don't want any help, I know you are just venting.>the only way up is through aim, which is a function of several genetic factorsPractice can give you consistency, going from hitting 10/20 easy shots to hitting 18/20 is a huge improvement.>>1628863>bad for retentionIt's the opposite but you can see it since you are looking at it from your perspective, the target audience is zoomers, young people and normalfags in general, these people are not good with long term goals, the kind of people who could get lucky with the matchmaking and stop playing once they hit Immortal/Radiant cuz they "hit the peak".They need constant stimulation and short term goals, that's why seasons are so successful, it resets their goals, it gives them a reason to check the game again, a new battlepass+season to grind and that's enough reason for them to try again (aka keep them playing), think about them as the fatties that say "this year I'm gonna lose weight" on January every single year.>this season I'm gonna rank up, FR this time!>what's this? oh new cool skins!
Stop buying skins
>>1627737This. I’m trying to transition from CS to Valo and I feel like a fish out of water. I can’t aim for shit for some reason, and it feels like none of my skills are carrying over. Why the fuck does it feel so difficult compared to CS?
>>1629172I'm just venting, I don't know if anything can realisitcally be done to improve my aim that isn't being born with a better diceroll, undergoing some Bryan Johnson program to regain my youth, or just spending a bunch of money on a better setup so I can have better posture, 120hz or whatever.I have no idea what "good" stats are but my HS% this season is 21% so feel free to laugh if that is bad.
tracker score is a joke
How to not spray with vandal?
Wow, spyware worked for once
>>1632676>I have only seen the red screen twice. The only logical deduction from this is that I have only faced cheaters twice!
>>1632901That is not what I said
>>1633001NTA but I've definitely seen that logic on the Valorant subreddit before.>yeah but that's RedditI know and it's where Riot goes to keep temperature on the community and show shareholders that they are very invested in community management, so I explicitly go there and upvote all comments that accuse people of hacking and downvote all dismissive comments.
>>1581548>doing nothing more than talking about their favorite mumbleraperbased. post music to warm up/DM to
I genuinely do not know what to do to stop just feeling like people barely see me and headshot me instantly in Bronze I don't know how I can fix any of this.
>report a bunch of hackers>nothing happens>do badly in a game once where I just suck and get a K/D of 0.5>get a one day suspensionI fucking hate this game so much man.
Instead of worrying too much about positioning and tactics, just going mid and aim diffing them is so satisfying.
>>1639643Tactics are completely useless at all levels of play besides pro. Being a human aimbot is the bare minimum in this game.
>>1639650I never used to go mid on defense and rarely on offense.Training aimlabs and going mid each round made me realize that people who play like play a completely different game.
>>1639663i usually try to flank because I can't aim for shit, but that's a fucking tossup because flanking is a great way to find hackers, and if you don't do well, you get reported for throwing, and banned. And now I wonder if the small chance of finding an egirl is really worth me playing this fucking game as opposed to CS.
I just realized it's also really dumb to let people have 8,000 accounts when we have to install kernel-level malware that doesn't work to stop actual hacking, like can't the one thing this bitch does is stop smurfing and hackers from creating a new account and just doing it all again?
>>1639733Sorry anon but there are no rules against smurfing, and even if there were, smurf accounts are a considerable source of income, a smurf account usually equals to $30 in revenue, smurfs like to buy skins to show off.Riot doesn't care about smurfs anon, they don't have a reason to stop someone from stomping on gold, even less when every smurf is granted money.
It would at least be nice to know what game caused my one day ban for inting because otherwise I have to assume that the 10/17 game I played against the Reyna who magically went up 6% in headshots this season while never having hit that before, and in which, even with my lack of kills, I still managed to scum out a couple of round wins with util use, was what caused Riot to think I deserved to be punished.
Why would you play this game over CSGO?
>>1641627E-dating I guess? Girls won't touch CS.
Winning is brilliant but i like marshall headshot against Op full shield jett/ chamber
>>1641627my gf doesn't like cs
>>1642366Why are women okay with killing things when it's characters with a personality, including very young ones and women, doing the killing and dying and not faceless army men.
>Want to like Valorant.>Just feels like a copy of CSGO where you can lose entirely based on team composition.>>1545026That's all of these style games.
>>1642932Mostly I dislike how somehow it's more all about headshots than even CS2 is.Also nothing in this game looks good enough or is there enough voice acting for the game to be 50GB on my hard drive.
>>1642932>Just feels like a copy of CSGO where you can lose entirely based on team composition.That's exactly what it is, CS with "heros" made by Riot, that's the entire gimmick and identity of the game, what did you expect?
>>1641627runs better on my shitty laptop
I still don't get what was the point of removing the music from the maps, it took all ambience from them, they feel even more sterile now. Also, why remove the retake site practice from the range? They were very good practice instead of just shooting strafing bots ad infinitum
wish there was more good active fps like tf2
>>1627737>>1629836haven't played valorant in like 3 years but essentially you only want to tap or burst and go for headshots only since spray patterns are semi random lolthere is 0 skill to movement just let go of movement key and you get perfect accuracy so no need for counter strafing might be wrong on thisgame feels awful to play cause riot wants you to use agent abilities whether that is unintentional or notTLDR pick duelist and shoot heads
>>1644924>game feels awful to play cause riot wants you to use agent abilities whether that is unintentional or notThat used to be the case, but now they nerfed almost every damned agent to the ground and the whole game just became a ratting and headshot simulator galore
>>1644924>there is 0 skill to movement just let go of movement key and you get perfect accuracy so no need for counter strafing might be wrong on thisFor real? I've been counter-strafing this whole time. Fuck, why do they bother having a tutorial without explaining such a key concept. The ""spray patterns"" make me want to kill myself too.
>>1642932>where you can lose entirely based on team composition.You can also win based entirely on your aim.
>>1641627I refuse play CS until they get gun proportions right.Even fucking Valorant got them right despite guns being fake chinese knock-offs
>>1644924That's not true, there is some wind down between moving and stopping with your aim. Despite this I'd say that Valorant guns, especially single-shot ones, have a longer recoil reset period after firing than most guns in CS.It's true though the game has basically become "pick a duelist and either be a genetic freak to climb, hack, or get on a near-lethal dose of Adderall. Hope your setup is near perfect for aiming too." The only reason to play this is for chicks. I don't know why they're okay with shooting games just not when it's soldiers.
My crosshair gets lost on clove's smoke every time.
Who should I main in ranked
>>1647653Sage but never heal your team mates, only yourself
>>1647653Phoenix but only heal your team mates, never yourself
>>1647653Low elo: a duelist to get in and kill, more elo pointsMid elo: a initiator, a duelist or any self sufficient agent like omen and clove.High elo? anyone, the one that fits your play style the most>sen fans
>>1648913I'm wondering if I should spend time playing a duelist , I've played mostly omen. I know he can be played aggressive but I typically am the one playing entry and being aggressive. I also am fairly good with the op.Not sure if its worth
I got fucking raped today
>>1650717because these are their fans>>1649326
Place your bets, who's abilities they're copy-pasting on the new duelist?
It's another stupid idiot teammate telling me what to do in a 1v1 clutch situation episode
>>1651992>Playing with the voice chat on
>>1652139They're long past the point of copying abilities from Overwatch, they're now copying it from their own other agents
its fells like a different game when I am aiming good
>have 400 eDPI>find out basically nobody uses anything past like 350 and most in the 200swelp time to relearn
tfw want to be duelist but dont trust teammates
>>1652569wdym? duelists are the most impactful/ carry-able roleif your team isnt entering site behind you then at least you can have fun on duelist unlike kj or brimstone
>>1653647I think I also just struggle with the pace of the duelists , maybe its just a practice thing but like raze satchels and jett jumping around feels way too quick
>there's shills still trying to force Vyse as a good agentThis game is in its shittiest state
>sidecutIt's other. Anon was right, Deadlock is the last attractive female they made
Jett 2.0?
>>1655991They hate Jett and have been doing everything in their power so people stop playing her lmao nerf her to the ground, buffing the hell out of Reyna, Iso and Neon; even creating Vyse too, judging by her agent cinematic. All pathetic attempts that have failed
>>1658617what abilities?
>>1658622Chanber's teleportJett's dashNeon's concussionNot even joking
>>1658622rewind backupdraft+dashslow not stun
>>1651992I hate retards like that, all it does is make the guy fuckup because he is distracted.
>>1655991Oh boy more agents for people to turn this into MORE of an Aimlabs simulator.IDK why I'm even playing anymore, I'm never getting past Bronze anyways.
thoughts on the grand finals?is NA cooked forever?
>>1658617Why is every hero purple in this game?
I started to try doing ghost only DMs to improve my movement + aim per suggestions of different coach people online, I get a lot of headshots but don't get many kills. I don't know if this is even quality practice it feels like it isn't
>>1659626Bisexual lighting
>>1542388No. Why would you play a comp shooter and kill your sex life?
>>1660412I fuck my gf and then queue up after
>most of my recent TDM matches are against bots This hasn't happened since I was low level, I hate it.
>they're nerfing the fuck out of CloveThey just won't ever learn, will they?
>>1661842They're pretty much nerfing everyone they touch. What a boring game.
I sell Summoner's Rift level 2400 and level 2700 accounts.Full all skins, Full all chromas, Full all TFTs, Full all icons(Pax Jax, Pax Sivir Pax TF All Victory Glory Skins Riot Skin King Rammus Skin etc)Region: VN NA (Currently playing on the VN server, but after confirming your purchase, it will be moved to NA or the server of your choice. Due to the circumstances of the VN server, the server migration time will take 2 weeks. Thank you for your understanding.)VN region for cheaper top ups RPYou can tell us the creation information (email account, birthday, account creation date, etc.)7th place in Summoner's Rift level ranking account1760skin(Arcane Jinx is notthing),5238chromas,Full all TFT place in Summoner's Rift level ranking account1764skin(FULL ALL SKINS),5331chromas,all TFT(A few pets are nothing) $6000 for both (price negotiable)If you want to buy an account, add 「Trần Mai Ly」 as a friend on Facebook and talk to her. You can also use an intermediary.I am selling two accounts with all skins, all chromas, and all TFT content.
>>1543052how much did you spend on this
The new battlepass is actually good? A knife, a sick vandal, a fun flex?
>>1662503the lil stress squeeze fucker is so good
>>1662503>>16625341000 vp were just send to your account. Enjoy!
>>1662503I want the tamagotchi gun buddy