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Hello /vm/, I am making a small scale Minecraft anarchy server for 1.20.4 . Yeah you guys might come to the conclusion that this is just another poor copy of 2b2t and you will tell me to fuck off but I just generally want to have fun and talk in the game.

The server has 20 slots, hacks and dupes are allowed, the server is running on decent specs so you can fly without lag and is open 24/7.

The server in question is called "KikeJew Ver 0.3", might be offensive to others, but I really don't care. Only named it that way because you can just say/do anything you want without bans.

##### ID: kikejew.exaroton.me #####
The versions of the game are as follow:

KikeJew Version 0.1

-Removed Flight hacks due to immense chunk lags
-Removed a /msg exploit that allowed hackers to see your location
-Added TudorP as an Operator

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Anyone else feel like multiplayer games have gotten too hard?

I mainly play shooters like CS2 and PUBG but lately its gotten so bad I can't overlook it. When I play these games I just wanna relax and chill, but most people now are trying SUPER hard to win & playing like its a fucking tournament. It doesnt matter what game mode you choose, casual, ranked, optional silly modes, everyone plays serious as fuck and it's just not fun anymore. The whole vibe of modern shooters is like PLAY BETTER LEARN THE META WATCH STREAMERS DO AIM TRAINING and it just sucks ass.

I don't know what to play anymore man. Overwatch and Valorant are the same. I just want my fun comfy FPS back
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You're not bad

30% people are just cheating nowadays. Statistically you'll have a hacker each game. If you take these games seriously you'll just want to kys. If you aren't a literal pro just play to have fun. Playing like it's your job is pointless. These games are pointless.
that’s because you are schizophrenic. Take your meds
I miss the energy you felt to have your k:d higher than 1
Huh? What did you say to me bitchboy? 1v1 in iceworld in ten hours
don't play competitive games

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How old is too old to be playing competitive games? I'm 24 and I feel like pic rel.
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it says from 20 to 30 is only a 10ms difference tho

Because my boomer dad said so.
Hes watching TV right now i guess i should do that.
you just have to understand that you can't rely on techskill and learning things fast, so if you didn't already figure out that fighting games are literally exclusively mindgames you're gonna have some work to do
big surprise that /v/ can't read a basic chart
Im 32 and literally pic related

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what are your favorite RUST servers anons?
What's the best free Rust hack I can get for walls?
inb4 moralfags
Minigame lobbies, the maps remind me of halo 3 days on one , it has duckhunt.

Minion masters thread, or games similar too it (only other thing i can think is clash royale but its mobile shite)
What is your favorite clan/deck archetype?
If you have never played it give it a shot not TOO much pay to win and its quite fun, also this is a valid /vm/ relevant thread since no one plays solo 2v2 is the meta


Highspell is a growing retro in browser MMORPG.

Highspell Official Website:

Highspell Discord:

Highspell Fandom Wiki:
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From what I can tell, no not really. I only found it because of this thread though. The dev is still active on the discord though
This is what Runescape looked like when I played it back in like...2005??
why not just play rsc.vet
Yes it is inspired by the original RSC. ( I am not the dev, just a player)
Highspell is a fresh outlook with updates.
-Rsc.vet has no updates. It is the OG runescape classic. Nothing new happens there. Although I would recommend rsc.vet for a nostalgic play through you can still only goes so far with it.
Bumping for interest

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any reason why almost nobody plays this ScrN server?
seems interesting with new weapons and zeds and tons of QoL as well
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There was last year.
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Killing Floor 2 server/thread would be more realistic. I love the first game but it's just about dead. Hell on Earth on KF2 is fun.
I'd join a KF2 /vm/ server, but only if it had 500+ custom maps to explore with anons. I used to frequent a 500+ custom map server in KF2 in its heyday, and the sheer volume of maps made for KF2 was so much fucking fun. Someone made a 1:1 port of the Red Forest from STALKER Clear Sky which was enormous but fucking awesome to see populated with zeds. KF1's atmosphere CANNOT by beat, never has been and never will be, but KF2 is just the more fun game on a moment to moment basis.

What I'm saying, OP, is I'd join semi-regularly a KF2 custom map server.
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I agree, at this point I'm a little bored of the vanilla KF2 maps and mainly play workshop ones solo. There's a shitload of great community made maps. You can also play all the KF1 maps on KF2. It's great.

That being said, I would be down for a semi-regular server as well.
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I made an MC server for fantasy roleplaying and world building. You can make your own nations, write lore, and create stories about your history. It is really inspired by another MC server called Stoneworks, but we have a custom made worldpainter map instead of just a vanilla one.

We will also have different eras in the server, such as the columbian era will give players access to a whole new part of the map, and the industrial era, when we will add custom resources for you to extract.

We try to use plugins only relevant to the current roleplay historical period, so for example, since the current era is the medieval era, we have a custom melee weapons plugin and a towny plugin, to simulate the experience in the 12th century.

Rules can be found in our discord! : https://discord.gg/g74fZzZyrV
We are planning to release the server in 2 weeks or so, and we are posting constant dev updates.
Your brother is a spoiled, entitled brat who thinks everything is his and everyone should give him everything just because. Your parents did that to him because they always gave into his rage fits and tantrums.
How are you any better? Why should I join your server?
Your custom map is small, wasted potential. Take this from a custom map maker who did 50k x 50k heightmaps
the bigger the map gets the lower my sanity gets
also having a small map I'm hoping to produce more player interactions unlike certain earthsmps that require nation tps to even have the semblance of mp
dw in this server we expand the map after one month

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Welcome to vmcraft, A Minecraft EarthSMP server for anons.

>SERVER IP: 4chan.vmcraft.me
>LIVE MAP: map.vmcraft.me

>Rules: Be a decent fucking human being

Since there is no Jewish influences on this server we don't use a central banking system, instead we simply use gold ingots to claim land as things are supposed to be.

All anons are welcome, feel free to ask questions in the thread, post builds, and talk to other anons who play here.
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Hi guys can I be unbanned? My username is Fotrik.
Shut the hell up and we will ask you when we give a fuck.
The staff has reached a decision and you will not be unbanned at this time. Please try again in 5 months to be eligible to appeal again and we will reconsider this case. Thank you
oh thank you, i will try again in 5 months i guess.
Yeah no problem just wait 5 months between ban appeals, we take rules seriously. You also need to attach the evidence that your behavior has changed and that you have now become a positive member of the community, this evidence could be from irl or another gaming community. We're 4channers like the rest of you, believe me we've probably been here longer than you, but we believe in a basic set of rules

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Hey frens, Im hosting a modded Terraria server
Rules: 0 griefing/stealing tolerance
Difficulty: Master Death

ip is
and the port is

the mods Ive installed (they should auto install once you join) are:
Calamity Mod
Calamity Mod Music
Calamity's Vanities
GIFs in Chat

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idk but use something like https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ to check that it works
Giving the server a break for a while, busy with stuff these days and no one's logged on in a while anyway. IDK when it will be back on but I can upload the world if anyone wants to take over. wish it didn't be like this
cervesa cristal

A thread for the MMOdventure and anons who wish to continue playing RaiderZ.

>Private server

CloverZ is our banner for our foray into this title. If you see one of us around, feel free to join-in!

>Current MMOdventure thread
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how's RaiderZ? are you still having fun? I'm totally having fun in Flyff not like I miss this game or anything haha...
I'll probably go back to Raiderz once I cap Flyff. not feeling this game at all desu, feels like I'm playnig a sologame with awful map navigation.
I want that level 40 in Raiderz
i am enjoying flyff for now but raiderz is an excellent game to fall back to if that changes
Yeah I have no idea what I'm doing in Flyff.
No clue where to go, what to do.
I kill, I move to next kill zone. When I can't find more kill zones I wander until I do.
I'm fine with games that lack structure but there's almost nothing except that achievement system. Examining the world map doesn't seem to help much either. It's very small on my screen and doesn't display any of the info I would like.
I never knew that Temple of Renas had sewer sludge on the ceiling. I should really read the story of this game.

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Is this the best co op game of all time?

DbD in 2018
+Spooky dark fog filled levels.
+Fun to play as Killer.
+Is a horror game.

DbD in 2024
-Every level and cosmetic is covered in neon rainbows.
-Playing as Killer sucks.
-Is a horror game, but for the wrong reasons.

I know that these companies are getting money from (((certain people))) to push degeneracy to children and low IQ lefties, but it really takes me out of the game. What games have been ruined for you by LGBSYHWN+ propaganda?
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The Illiad is 2800 years old dude and it's gay as fuck
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Look at Identity V, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Killer Klowns from Outer Space or VHS. Maybe you'll find something you enjoy in those
You thought that asking a robot to come up with an argument was a real gamechanger huh?
That's your smoking gun, is "I asked the bullshit machine to write bullshit, and look what it says!!!"?
It's pretty nuts how, despite the HRT and cosmetic surgeries, you will NEVER be a biological woman.

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Does anybody even play this shit anymore? I still don't understand why logi or logi stuff exists in this game, why not give every player a fixed allowance based on region control to build stuff? Everyone is happy, except that one logi nigger who wants to bash rocks all day just like in Runescape.
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Shooting other people is the most fun part of the game.
>forgetting that they're probably going to make the world map even bigger by adding more fucking island regions.
I really hope that one day we go back to the 5 hex wide map. I miss it.
> where if you commit wrongthink you'll be criticized by the vocal majority
That's nothingburger. Real problem in chat is social credit. Discord clique can QRF downvote your post, and your chat access will be cut.
Agree on the rest.
What's the actual motive behind the explosive powder changes? The only actual difference is the transportation density for them is worse even if you use a resource transport vehicle. The naval resource hauler seems pointless unless they add significantly more/better resources to either coastal areas or islands. They should have added naval resources like the offshore platforms that generate tons of normal resources so that there would be obvious points of interest in every water area and a reason for smaller groups to venture into the water to suck off a big load of ocean comps/emats or something. Ocean territories are dumb right now because they have nothing that matters, at least last war they had facs/refineries. Can't believe we didn't even get any amphibious vehicles, gunboat variants, or buffs for apcs in this patch.
>[hward] furrynyanya: :3
instantly fucking muted
if they make it so you cant do fucking sea logi on your own ima kms

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The /vm/ Ruins & Riches server has returned, this time on the Adventurers of Akalabeth fork. Unlike other forks, AoA is mostly bug fixes and QOL tweaks. Of particular note is being able to craft in bulk and get skill increases from each item crafted. You can check out all the updates and download the client (link in the discussion tab if you don't have a servuo account) here: https://www.servuo.com/archive/adventurers-of-akalabeth.2014/
I did revert the strange portal change. Having a return portal is gay and misses the point.

I've also made some other changes to keep the content from getting too easy too quickly. First is magic damage against monsters is reduced from 200% to 125%. Second is removing the 20% drop chance for messages in a bottle that all sea creatures get. This made it far too easy to sail around or go to sea dungeons and hoard treasure maps for artifacts. Now just like base UO you can only get them from fishing, krakens and leviathans.

Changes from default settings:
>stat gain every 10m instead of 15
>vendors always buy rare items
>need line of sight to see mobs
>player corpse bones persist for a year
>no hunger/thirst inside banks, inns or houses
>all creature races start as evil
>vendors have a chance to sell crafting resources

To connect, change the IP in settings.json to The server is in Virginia and it was fine for eurofags last time.
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I actually found another soulstone! This shit is really rare
Post home.
Did you get the 1.5 million castle house you enter with the rope?
The only use for that is to "save" 1 skill so you can transfer it to another character.
I have nothing special, I am not much of an interior designer, I cant post screens now tho, the server is dead for a while now
Please post here if the server is down. I'll restart it in a few minutes

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