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Which is better overall? Wired or wireless?
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I use a wired mouse and keyboard.
They're cheaper and they don't run out of battery and they do not have packet loss.
I also use a wireless headset, I've tried both the 2.4ghz USB dongle and the Bluetooth option it supports, and I will get packet loss several times a night.
For audio/voice its fine to get a little packet loss, but I'd want to break shit if it were input issues.
Fuck that bullshit. Just use a wire it never gets in the way and it never loses signal and it never loses battery; and itS all cheaper.
Headsets you can more easily deal with the dropped audio etc, it's not critical like input is.
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>cable drag
he fell for this gimmick as well
actually i did. bought cooling sleeves for my VR seshs unironically. haven't tested yet. waiting for a hot day.
Mice are a scam outside certain games, keyboards can be another matter, and there is a vast difference in quality across headsets and mics of all price ranges.
Wireless tech has been figured out for a while now. Latency is the same as wired. They have decent battery life unless you are using unnecessarily high polling rate. Good ones are rather expensive but no reason not to if you have the money and want the wireless convenience.

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>For Stars Reach, Koster has returned to his sandbox roots with the power of today's technology. The developers at Playable Worlds have crafted a first-of-its-kind server architecture running partly on the cloud, which allows players to fully modify the universe. In turn, the worlds (yes, plural) will react. Water flows, creating natural currents. Forests can catch fire. Flora changes as heat and humidity change. Creatures migrate as food sources are depleted. This is a single, global, persistent universe that won't reset during downtime. The actions players take affect the landscape, are visible to all, and are permanent.



This shit gonna be epic for the win guise! From the guy who singlehandedly made Ultimate Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and Crowfall this is finally a MMORPG game that will be a real alternate universe where you can do anything.
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Pretty much a snake oil salesman like that faggot paul barnett from warhammer online
Over hypes garbage and blatantly lies to make sells, avoid at all costs until you can play for free and judge the game for yourself.
This game 100% looks like they are trying to dig out whatever was left in the EverQuest Next coffin to repeat exactly the same vaporware scam
Oh no.

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This is your sign to hop on OSRS
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Which minmaxed minigame is WGS?
I play as a free user still. I just wish the membership was 5 bucks. That's about what it's worth. Skilling is fun to do while studying for certifications
is questing fun in this game? do they have cool lore or story or anything
but i am anon
Yeah, the quests have some pretty damn good writing.

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The Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0. Party up with anyone you can find.
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.


>>NDA Closed Alpha is NOT ongoing, DO NOT ask questions about it, it WAS NOT leaked here
>>New Magetoon Goddess, Hecate with Open Alpha, May 2nd
>>Closed Beta at 30th July at 23 Godtoons
>>Five total new Godtoons before the formal release at 50 in early 2025

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on u
is anyone on
i want to smite!
youre not even on fucko

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Hello /vm/ - this is my first time posting here.
I don't know if anybody here would be interested, but I wanted to play modded minecraft with someone but I have no friends.
I've set up a "modpack" and a "server" (I'm just using ngrok to forward the port, and my wifi is kinda bad but I think it will work). So yeah, please join if you wish.

>Link to the modpack?
>How do I install this?
I recommend grabbing `Prismlauncher Cracked` from github, then `add instance` and `import from zip`. Then just set up an offline account and make sure your java version is correct in the instance settings (should be java 17 i think).
If you have bought minecraft before then normal Prismlauncher should be fine for you.
>How long will the server be up?
I don't know, if nobody joins then I will probably stop hosting after a few hours. Also, if there's anybody with better hosting capabilities who wants to host I can always send the server files.
>What mods?
Notably create, AE2, quark, immersive engineering and that pollution mod, aside from this there are some client optimizations and other miscellaneous mods.
Oh yeah, here's the server address:

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Every time I see someone mention Naraka, people get weirdly passive-aggressive and hateful and I'm just trying to wrap my head around it. I just saw a random sponsored video from a content creator I don't know and people were VERY much not liking it.

1. "chinese spyware": likely plays a part in it, but is not the full reason considering many gacha games get a pass. Though it could also be a difference with acceptance in demographics of mobile games vs competitive games.
2. "chinese VPN cheaters": an especially stuck up misconception. Since this game is a culture hit in China, all Chinese people living around the world know and many play it, while english-speaking community remains small. Most of the players even with Chinese names are actually playing on low ping. Playing on high ping fucks up the experience a bit for everyone, but more for the high ping player. Basically nobody willingly plays at high ping, and all the top players are low ping players.
3. The actual problem is the mediocre netcode that is hard to understand, creates some inconsistencies, but does its job even for competitive play and basically gets better the more you play. Additionally, the game's bots whose netcode is more forgiving, adds a layer of confusion. Basically, the hate of Chinese, unintuitive netcode and false expectations created by practice bots creates a perfect storm for bad initial experience.
5. "dead game, move on": - the assumption that in 3 years the game should be dead by now. Surprisingly it isn't (which is because it's very good). With the success from Asia and big budgets, the game is not going away any time soon. You are right to be skeptical of copium, and you can't use Steam charts to gauge western playerbase, but from experience, western playerbase has kept growing from tiny to small, and especially the amount of competent players to has grown, however it's still far from enough to support all the game modes and multiple ranked skill levels. Sadly many good games fail like this because for many people it's more important to play the popular thing instead of supporting the best games based on your own evaluation.
4. Chinese culture/marketing/communication difference. Western people nowadays prefer engaging with games through social media, but the community is not big enough to consistently have that. When the devs then pay content creators for that, it creates an air of awkward fakeness and contributes to the "dead game" feeling that casual gamers hate.
6. I have also noticed that western players hate having to adapt to enemy gameplay and get straight-up offended by gameplay that's not just clicking heads at their own pace. It looks like western players are prone to blaming lag and cheaters when it's just a skill issue 95% of the time.

My conclusion is that it's a combination of China hate, "dead game" chicken-egg problem, the barrier of mediocre netcode and the game being too advanced for average western gamers. It's sad because Naraka is such an innovative, fun and well-designed game to last for at least a decade and we aren't getting a game this good anytime soon.
It has the most invasive anti-cheat ever.
It requires turning off core isolation which is Windows 11 feature that heavily nerfs gaming performance. On the other hand, it doesn't launch on startup like Vanguard and closes after closing the game.
In my book, the moment you accept the UAC prompt, your system is pretty much compromised. And it doesn't explain why this less issue for other Chinese games.
pvp games in general get people saltier than normal. that combined with naraka's learning curve and skill ceiling means its too difficult for the average low iq low effort aim assist mongoloid. so they blame it on hackers, cn vpns, lag, or whatever else helps them cope. naraka devs doing a piss poor job of supporting the game in the west doesn't help either.

>What is Bizarre MMOdventure?
This is an ongoing project from a group of anons dedicated to playing through obscure and niche MMOs, or ones 4chan hasn't played together before.
>How does it work?
The rules so far go as follows:
>Hold a tournament-style voting contest from a list of games
>Play the game that wins the final round of votes for 2 weeks
>If by the 1 week mark everyone drops the game, we fall back to titles we've played before until the current vote ends
>After each game we alternate lists to vote on
You are free to recommend more games be added to the lists, and encourage people to vote on a game you want to play.
>Games we've played so far:
Phantasy Star Universe
Trickster Online (/vm/ general here: >>1308950)
Rising Force Online
RaiderZ (/vm/ general here: >>1346125)
>Current game being played

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You'll play whatever the rigger wants you to play and you'll like it, just like the previous votes.
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Well, now that I can actually post here again (for however long this lasts)...
Looks like Gunbound is indeed the winner! We're in for a REAL blast from the past with this one, lads.
Head over to https://gunbound.be/ to whip-up an account and download the client.
Thankfully, an aspiring Anon has already made a lobby for us. Gunbound's player count per-room maxes out at 8, so if the current one is full, feel free to make another!
Ace online seems fine but we really should put a contingency on Latale if we rarely get in range for parties. because why play singleplayer games when there's 15 bros we're supposed to play with
It sounds like your subclass is a separate level to your main, so we can cover 60 levels of share range at least. I'm happy to stop every now and then to let people catch up, fuck playing alone.
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>Waiting in lobby
>Suddenly D/C
>Lads graciously wait for me to come back
>Load into the first round
>Connection goes down again
>Comes back up after I've been auto-kicked from the room
>Go to type an apologetic post in the thread
>Connection goes down a third time in the span of ~6 minutes
I hate COX I hate COX I hate COX I hate COX I hate COX
Really sorry, lads, but my 'Net is just WAY too goddamn spotty at the moment to attend my own bloody Minigame Night. Which majorly sucks, as I've been looking forward to playing Gunbound in particular. Was the first KMMO I ever played as a youngin'.
If my connection stops being total trash later on tonight, and matches are still being played, I'll gladly join-in. As it stands, relish in the sheer SOVL of that title's aesthetic and design while it lasts.
If this shit happens tomorrow preventing me from directing others to the new mainline MMO, I'm gonna be so pissed.

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Can we have the weekly weekend game stickies again? Was the best thing this board ever had.

Also post what games you would like to see?
For me it's pre parabellum scp sl
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Gagler gay faggot
this desu
it was still fun but insofar as consistent anon organized vidya the tabletop sim and mmo adventure threads are doing a much better job and doing so organically
>tfw I was working weekend nights back then
Vintage story threads also used to have weekly events back then that hit 50 players
The TTS thread is such an abnormality. Undoubtedly, there are things that help, like how trying a variety of games only requires you to have TTS installed and to join a lobby, but that's only part of the equation. The players are willing to play even the garbage they hate, and it's not hard to get players whenever you host. It's a shame other anons can't bring that same interest in simply playing whatever to the table.

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Titanfall 2 multiplayer is fully functional again. If you cannot connect to multiplayer, try this:

>Northstar client is for trannies and pedophiles, not linking it here
On all systems, happy hour is 10:00PM EST. Join up for some stacks.

>Titanfall 1
We're sometimes playing Sundays, ask in thread for specifics


>The Art of Titanfall 1 and 2

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>didn't melee that last guy 'cause it would've slowed him down. Fastchad, I kneel.

I know Respawn is mostly full of faggots now. but why don't they ever portray pilots moving around like this in their cinematics? The least they could've done for the anniversary last year would've been to put out a cinematic or something solely Titanfall related, no ties to Apex.
Titanjanny, please keep the servers together for a little while longer, I just got it for PC; I need to relearn the ropes.
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I think that's a new high score for me.
Servers are back now but who knows when titanjanny falls asleep again.
that cloaker was such a spazz just standing still to shoot at you
I think my kill record might be like, 53? somewhere in that ballpark. Funnily enough it was with the Spitfire, a weapon I basically never use.

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>What's new?
3.23 is LIVE,
3.24 to enter testing soon with the rest of 3.23's features
4.0 is back on the roadmap for Q3
Citizencon is scheduled for Oct.19-20 in Manchester

>New to Star Citizen?

>General info and useful links

Previous thread: >>1326754
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It really depends on your ship. For combat it's nice, but shields feel really shitty and useless right now. If you're a miner or scrapper, it's worse because you constantly have to switch between SCM and NAV mode. Cargo cucks basically just stay in NAV mode so nothing really changed for them.
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Warned ya mate, lol.
It's just boring is the problem.
the SCM handbrake is nice to have, but I'd far prefer it if they would let you decouple and maintain speed when switching to SCM. it would create more of an atmospheric dogfight style, forcing people on a general trajectory to maneuver within
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can we have this in places like weeping cove, frostbite etc? there's a bunch of cool unique locations that really have nothing going on beyond "go rob/murder all these hapless fuckwits"

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Albion Online is the first truly cross-platform MMO experience, available for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android.

Is there any anon guild, if no, can we make one?
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>throwing skillshots at players that are temporarily flagged by an open world chest in the redzone
>the player who isn't even faction flagged for the Bandit event
>the HCE player who refuses to /suicide
>the redzone ganker who forgot to unflag
>the black market transporter who accepted the trade request
It's not very good. Why would I want to play bad League of Legends where the creep grind is months long and somehow more boring?
I can get a loadout to 75 spec in an evening if I wanted to. Maybe it's time to leave the tutorial.
How do you actually find builds?
Everything on youtube is outdated
I just want a build that isn't gay (sword) so I can actually start the game
Because if you are what you wear then I'm nothing right now and apparently you need to find some obscure discord and suck a janny's dick to pick a class?
As a new player you should use non-artifact equipment because they are on average 10x cheaper and give more spec per level.
You can ignore everything that has an artifact in its crafting recipe (that stuff is usually not meant for solo players anyway). Each equipment category has exactly 3 non-artifact pieces.
As for weapons: Just look what's available at T3. That's the most balanced option in that weapon category that you want to start with. The strongest starter weapons (great in both PvE and PvP) are: Spear, Firestaff, Axe, and Light Crossbow.

Assassin Jacket is the best starter armor. It will keep safe in lethal zones.
Soldier Boots are probably the best starter boots.
Assassin Helmet is the most versatile helmet option but you could pick anything you like here.

You should make your own builds that fit your needs.

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Hello, me and my 2 buddies decided to start playing coop/multiplayer games with the requisite that it's at least 3 Player CooP Game.
I am making a Excell Sheet in which I plan to categorize and organize these games.
I am also interested in games that we can emulate console that had coop features.
Mods to games that modify them so they could be played in coop are also on the table.
I plan to make a comprehensive list and share it someday for folks with the same dillema as mine.
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>Thief 2 coop
what the actual FUCK.
>Dragon's Crown
excellent co-op game
It's a shame RPCS3 can't really match you with randoms, but the fact it can be used for long distance coop is certainly great.
Secret of Mana via RetroArch's netplay.
Tom Clancy's Division 1 is -85% on steam

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I have that question, cause I usually play FIFA 12 or FIFA 14 and idk if there are people like me and why
I sometimes play 2005 but it's because it's the only one I ever had

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First Edition (kind of)

>What is Sven Co-op?
Sven Co-op is a co-op variation of the 1998 first-person shooter Half-Life. It can be played with up to 32 players. Initially made to make it possible to play Half-Life campaign with other people, it has since then expanded into being one of the most moddable games on the GoldSrc engine.
>Why do so many players have default models?
When a player is using a model or skin you do not have, you will see the default HEV suit. You can download the models here:
>Custom sprays?
Here: http://www.the303.org/tutorials/index.html

We have a server at

Join for co-op NOW!!
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you dont have a name nigga
wtf how did u know?
AGP und simulated transgenderism (we just play as little anime girls as a joke haha)
everything we are insecure about is "just a joke", including our little girl centric agp and our transgenderism, just keep us away from your daughters! jkjk

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There is no sense of community in multiplayer games anymore.
All communication is happening through external means. While in the past you could communicate with randos and have a good time, even make friends. But now you could play with people from around the world and it's like a ghost town. They're just going through the motions. They might as well be bots
Not just in MMOs, but in shooters both PVP and co-op too, and even in RTS games.
You guys have no idea how many friends I made playing L4D with randos. with some of them we're still playing games but since like 2014 I don't think I made any new gaming buddies. Why is that? Did the culture change? Did the games change?
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honey if we were having this conversation irl you'd have your hands in your pockets and be militantly avoiding eye contact
Yeah I play games where I know I went full power level I'd get banned. I can't just call someone a dumb nigger hotmic. So you basically just make friends and talk to em 3rd party. I can't think of the last time I made a friend from a game? Like even when I try to add someone on Discord or something. They never put in the same effort I do. I just miss how easy it was to make a buncha friends playing Garys Mod. I am old and just want silly arena shooters and party games.
women entered the video game space and we all got banned for verbal abuse.
id rather have the freedom to mute him quickly and still be free to speak and hear others freely. take some accountability for being the viewer. the world doesn't revolve around you commie faggot

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