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Hello /vm/, years ago I made a WH40k themed Minecraft server and now I have restarted work on it from scratch. I set up a PvE Imperial Guard world already. Attachment is models of the first 4 weapons I'll be adding as soon as I get the animations to work for them. If you're interested in that kind of stuff, please consider joining us.

Server IP: mc.talonswar.zone

Java Edition 1.21.4. (latest), NO MOD INSTALL NEEDED. Just download the resourcepack when it prompts you.

Live map: http://mc.talonswar.zone:30011/
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/xCmEmWayBw

Years ago during the first server, we had a full suite of weapons (flamethrowers, shotguns, lasguns / shootas, etc, grenade launchers), RPG abilities for each of the factions, we had custom items like tridents turned into melta cavalry lances, we had artillery call-ins, jump packs for the Orks, a Waaagh ability, etc. We also had a PvP server which had a full blown war between traitor guard, imperial guard, and ork players which culminated in 6 hour long battles where dozens of players just went at it full ham in a brutal trench battle.

I'm nostalgic for that experience, and I'm hoping to redo most of those things, but as I am rebuilding from scratch it's going to take a while.

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>What is this game?
BallisticNG is a PC anti-gravity racing game available on Steam, based mostly on Wip3out, with optional mechanics from the newer Wipeout games.
If you like going fast, good tunes, and good fun, this game is for you.

>How do I join?
Get the game.
(Optional: Grab the Outer Reaches and Maceno Island DLCs too)
Download and install our track pack (instructions in the pastebin).
Launch the game, go to Multiplayer, and join us.

Links to download the latest track pack, install instructions, and some extras can be found here:
The mini-pack is just for updating from the previous version, get the full one if you're joining us for the first time or haven't played for a while.

>How do I play?

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Actually the P-Delta has same speed and acceleration stats as G-Tek.
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Fair enough, maybe I'll just join lobbies as the hardline G-TEK player
I may not win ever, but I'll be there for the vibes
As long as you're having a good time.

I'll stand corrected since I don't have it unlocked yet.
doing some spontaneous midweek racism with a fellow racist, feel free to join up
Starskink's lobby
closed, GGs

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Anyone play La Tale? Currently trying it out but I feel so lost
this game feels like a inferior version of DFO and maplestory. the dailies aren't as bad as either game, just grindy. i can't get into it because i can't find a class that's fun for me


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Below I'll leave you with a little bit of information about myself because I have a contact who works for Bandai Namco and he gave me some information about Smash Bros 6, which is already in development since the last Ultimate DLC was released, Sora, a similar case to what happened in Smash 4 where they finished the development of Bayonetta and immediately started with Ultimate but let's get to the point. the entire roster of ultimate is coming back it was planned to make cuts but seeing the success of smash ultimate they decided to make all the characters return the game is new it is not a port and it is already very advanced in effect they had to cut stages and some unnecessary music to make room for modes like all stars mode, break the targets, and a boss battle among other modes, there are also some stages that make their return that were not in ultimate like pac-maze
some characters had a redesign and new movement
mario, luigi, peach, daisy, yoshi, bowser, and bowser jr have wonder design
mario luigi and wario also have a new voice actor
link has his totk appearance just like ganondorf
zelda has her botw appearance all those 3 have a new moveset
samus has a new moveset only in his special attacks and in his running attack the rest remains the same
donkey kong does not change much his moveset what does change is his appearance similar to that of smb movie this to get away A bit of Rare's design and Nintendo having their own design I don't know if Diddy Kong and King Rool will undergo any changes
Regarding the third party
Sonic will have a redesign based on Sonic Generation and will have a new moveset
Pacman will have some Pac-World attacks
Megaman will change his design to Megaman 11 and some attacks too ryu and ken will have the appearance of sf6
and kazuya from tekken 8
cloud strife from FF7 remake and bayonetta from bayonetta 3
>the entire roster of ultimate is coming back
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>they decided to make all the characters return the game is new it is not a port
also, nice AI "art" with mario's finger poking through the glove, whatever the fuck is going on with luigi/waluigi, offbrand crash/spyro, and pikachu mid nut
Why not?
Next game is a reboot.
Your leak is gake & fay.
It's Smash Ultimate Deluxe.
At release it's Crash, Agumon, and Arthas.

Discuss any AFPS (like Quake Live, Quake Champions, Unreal Tournament, etc...) here.
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>I heard Champions is getting a server browser update.
Where? This would be a good move.

The different movements were really cool.
I didnt like the different health bars or the active abilities.
It shouldve been a situation where you pick a hero skin (dlc) and a move type and then just play the game as it used to be.
I like it idea of experimenting and mixing up movement.
Will there always be a most effective/meta moveset? yes, so just make a ranked with just classic movement + rocket jump.
>Where? This would be a good move.
apparently discord https://www.reddit.com/r/QuakeChampions/comments/1fwa9o8/qc_play_will_be_forever_but_accounts_matchmaking/
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Sahara Edition.
>Previous thread >>1606744

After recent events in tandem with a large influx of new players, walls have been constructed around the perimeter of Sahara to prevent against griefing. If you wish to have building rights within the city, ask to be let into the secondary group where you'll be granted partial rights to live in the city's outskirts (slums) until we know you're not a pollack. The city has grown exponentially in size with both public infrastructure and building projects, and its leader plans to instate a better structured governance to manage its citizens. Hyperborea (a group of anons from the old world who set out on an adventure to the Antarctic) continues to thrive, even in the most northern reaches of the server. OG has been the most active in recorded history (without in-group disc*rd faggotry), having 21 players online on Sunday night.

>Server List:

The original /vm/ server, longest running VS server. You can either go to the untainted land of "Vietnam" or join Barm in the quest for/creation of Hyborea/BSE in some extreme cold.

Mazor's Server
Server run by a vetted janny. Is more modded/open to modding than OG, however it is less populated.

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>update xcrack
>every level is wiped
I checked, it updated mine and the logs of everyone’s levels are stable. Are you a pirate account? I can janny them back if they were actually lost like I did for sergais when he got a legit account.
I'm fine, I was just joking. Thank you anyway.
Xskills used to do it A LOT
>used to
updating to 0.8.8 on a 1.19 world reset my skills and that was only seven months ago.

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Oi cunts if u r a tru dreamtime soul join our little rust server, okay? (ALL-STAR RUST)

The server is prim locked, blueprints (BP) wipe every 6 months, and the game map is reset monthly. Geographically located in fucking Australia on the fucking east coast, alright?

we've got our little faggot discord server you are welcome to join: https://discord.gg/e2tGcY44

New update patch notes: https://rust.facepunch.com/news/primitive

Never played rust before? It's not that hard mon you run around until you can gather 30 cloth, craft a sleeping bag and keep going from there. Still unsure? Here's a YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNIr8kXjSQ4
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Woah #woah #wow
Yes I like the drug
Server is no longer prim locked.

Rust is a peaceful game, very relaxing
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Bros did u buy the $20 wallpaper pack? or the $10 CNY wallpaper theme pack? what am i going to buy the dip with?

come on come on do u even oxidize bro? there is some hours of content beyond guns to muck around with.

retard tip: do not spend all your cloth making bandages. keep those carpets or bear rugs which bump comfort levels automatically recovering health. if your foot and water is above 0.
We got 10 of the hardest niggas waiting for you in the Discord.

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Do you build in ROBLOX, /vm/?
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better version
new bread
Almost thought you were an oldfag.
Only 2010 accounts numbering in the 1st million and below can be considered as such. Share and break bread with the other baconhairs in niggerhell.
I remember a tryhard blockhead 2011 noob skin ronigger accusing me of PG in that game >>1630262
Yes fucktards,2.0 package was commonplace in 2010,when i joined But somehow you niggerfaggots thought everyone just kept their noob skins on and never waited 30 days to amass enough login tix and use the cool package.
how would it go up 13 million in a single year in 2010

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After 27 years of play, tibia is bringing a new vocation to players. The monk will use the useless fist fighting skill that has been in the game since the start and will be a melee fighter with healer abilities for group play

To know more, read https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=latestnews&id=8215

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>What is Evolunia
Evolunia is a Tibia private server with a twist. The client has several built in bots with some preconfigured stuff as well as lua scripting support.

>How is it different from vanilla Tibia?
Evolunia is a portal server. There is no real open world the way traditional Tibia is. Instead all mob spawns and quests are accessed through portals.
A lot of grind will be done AFK with bots unless you wanna powerlevel on harder mobs while questing, dungeons, events, pvp and making other players life a living hell events are the active gameplay part.
They also have an attribute point system that give you boosts in different stats when you complete quests, unlock mounts and finish tasks etc.
Basically it's Tibia for people who value their time

>This sounds like trash, how do i get started
Make an account on https://evolunia.net/, create a character and download the client.
I grew up playing tibia and this sounds like trash.
it is, come join

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contact johnnymoe on discord for invitation

play a 4chan server instead
better than anoncraft

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MW5 Clans is out. Pls buy t. Russ

MechWarrior Online (Now regularly updated):

Mechwarrior Living Legends:

Living Legends Server Stats (Use this to check if anyone is playing):

Clam Invasion:

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Not all of us.............
Why is this thread not on /vg/?
because one post a week is not enough to keep it alive
I don't agree with you, I'll tell you why next week.

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Valorant is the most balanced multiplayer game out there
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>also i dont like dragons attached to my gun and reloading it for me
dont buy that skin then?
SPLIT1 MURASH Game.2 Watch Party!

Balanced is boring.
Jett and Raze for example were more fun with more ability charges.
Instead of nerfing them they should've buffed everyone else.
buy and ad
MURASH Watch Party!!



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Welcome to Anoncraft, A Cracked Vanilla Minecraft 1.21 SMP for /vm/.

>Server IP: anoncraft.cc
>Map: map.anoncraft.cc

Come join one of the largest Minecraft communities in /vm/! Now with full support for cracked accounts!

>Server News:
- Explosions and more explosions.
- Merry Christmas
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ok spergysimon
What plugins does this server use?
It has a per player loot plugin, a webmap, coreprotect for rollbacks, a plugin for sitting down, graves and that's mostly it.
holy cringe
our players can't help but beat the shit out of each other, please understand

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