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Vanilla is my favorite version, but I have had issues with other private servers. Mostly with their client version they use and latency issues.

What are some private servers with a good client version (like official classic client) and no latency issues (from NA) that I can use?
Everlook launched another fresh start server on the 29th of june, called Starfall. This is probably your best bet right now, as the classic PS scene has much declined since official classic servers became a thing. You would be using the old 1.12.2 client to connect to it. If want to use the 1.13/1.14 era client, then you're going to want to look in to the HermesProxy client. There are no private servers running 1.13/1.14 that I am aware of.

It's hosted in EU, so if you're not living in California you're probably fine in regards to ping. Worst case use exitlag.

Population is mixed na, eu, china. Factions are relatively balanced.
I just started playing on project Ascension area 52 server
It’s classless, but they added in all kinds of spell modifiers that allow people to make classes they come up with themselves, The best ones get ranked and shared. I made a paladin mixed with a wind fury enhancement shaman
I’ll be clear you can make your own build, but there are also builds that people share. It’s interesting. It felt cool to feel lost and wandering around the world again
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turtle wow
>NA private servers
Amen brother, turtle hardcore is where the magic at
Is project epoch ever gonna happen?
I've never played WoW but once over 10 years ago on a private server for a short time
i liked the gamestyle, the graphics, the world.
Let's say i managed to run the private server, can i as a beginner just run around kill shit do quests and have a good time ??
>turtle trannies
As in can you grasp the game mechanics and how things work solo? Yes.
Can you do all content solo? Fuck no you need people for dungeons and group quests.
I'm playing there since start, it's a good server although it's not as good as Elysium or lights hope.

Anyone had here tried arcanite crusader before? I'm building one to try as 2h Fury dps, as we are in 1.2 patch and there are barely any other weapon for 2h dos.

Yes I know the meme of 2h isn't viable, look I have been playing classic since 2005, first until wotlk and then jumped ship with cata and played pservers since then. Always made a warrior as my main, I know what I'm doing

My conclusion is that this early there isn't just enough hit gear with str and CRIT to be worth. In fury only ww benefits from your weapon damage.

Champion crusader has a con: it's rather fast at 3.00 speed, that means ww is weak (not as much as dw) and slam is not as usable (flurry lowers the attack speed and the cast time is barely under the autoattack speed)

It has a big pro: the proc.

The proc has a 10% chance and a duration of 30 seconds, that means 2 PPM so in theory the uptime in a 1 min frame is around 80% or higher, without taking in consideration instant attacks. That means 240 AP, 268 with kings, so that makes it the best DPS weapon for a human warrior in 1.2 patch.

I get lower ww and slam dps, but I gain a huge boost of dps in every other attack, and even in these attacks the proc compensates as the damage increase via AP is enough to increase it to the arcanite reaper base damage.

Any other weapon that I should try before crafting the champion? I'm googling the malown 2h mace but it's drop is abysmal
Yes, you can very much have a good time with your own server
Using server commands, you could even tune your character to make it a great solo experience.
But it's way simpler to just join a server that already exists.
If you still want to do it, look for azerothcore on github to make a Wrath of the Lich King server
I don't know any repos for any other expansion though.
Project Epoch is the Corecraft of the 2020s
think you mean project aerodaltonimperial?
>a good time with your own server
i can't think of anything sadder than playing wow by yourself
sadly every single game you love is infested with mentally ill men who wear dresses
it sucks

but before you knew trannys even existed every single game you loved had closeted homosexuals also and worse, there's always evil lurking and trying to blend in within spaces you visit but you just have to do your best to still enjoy the things in life that you love while avoiding that evil even if it means shoulder bumping it every now and then.
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Fuck off
Anon just pay 15$ it is nothing and you get an actually blizzlike server. Even if you are a kid, saving up that amount is trivial.
Blizzard's classic is absolute shit compared to private servers, the increased pop is not worth the horrible economy, community and customer service.
The bot situation on official classic servers is unacceptable.
ngl but i met nicer ppl daily on places like turtle or elysium than in SOD or 2019 classic. Pserver players are alot less tryhard and more chill, even though it doesnt make alot of sense. Totally different communities
liar, pservers are full of kids and 3rd worlders who can't pay for a subscription
both correct, but the fact still stands that at least a handful of private servers are a better experience and more authentic than blizzard's shit-conjured live servers
Poor 3rd worlders are a lot nicer than rich Americans
I play Warmane sometimes. It's ok.
I tried Elysium after Nostalrius but the character recover tool didn't work for me. Elysium is pretty dead now.
>better experience
If you mean cheaper than yes

So far people seem to like retail's new expansion.
Those are the same "people" that are still subbed to Blizzard so take that with a large grain of salt. Retail's base gameplay is a horrible muddled mess of balance merry-go-rounding anyhow so only legacy servers are worthwhile and even in those Blizzard comes woefully short in terms of customer service, bot removal and actual rolling content patches (post-Naxx talent trees with Molten Core endgame to open Vanilla Classic? What a joke!)
Laughing (at, not with).
> Gonna be honest, no game can remove those bots. Not GW2 and XIV

Can't beat the corruption allegations
I'm playing a vanilla server on wotlk client with some custom content, It has solo play and 10-25 man raids
>every 2nd dungeon/raid does not work
>vehicles (although they mostly suck) do not work
>"cosmetics" shop (actually sells equipment and level boost)
>powertripping mods and admins
>max uptime of 3h
ngl i had 2 account banned by the t mods
had countless friends get muted
all depends on which mod is online at the time
ive see chat go on and on about degenerate shit for an hour
ive seen my friend get a 24 hour mute for saying he likes feet

i play hardcore
there is some DEEP flaws with twows HC mode
bur overall its better than official HC
just dont show any personality in public channels and save the shit posting for guild chat
>say one bad word
>account deleted
no money stolen
>NA Private server
none exist bro, they get lanced by blizzard as soon as they find out where they're being hosted.
copyright is a bitch in civilized countries.
why not just play on official servers?
I just play solocraft.

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