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Hunt Showdown General

WAAAAZUP hunters!
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more like fucking LOWLIGHTS
>sticks silencers on everything it doesn't belong on
niggers don't know the meaning of the word
i fucking hate this shit
>recovery shot
it better not be an instarezz fullheal consumable or bar restoration consumable, but we all know it is one of these
>Subsonic Ammo type
>Lawson returns
at least something, means it's now 1/3 to get the dogshit gulch
surely recovery is a $300 rejuv+stam
most likely restores burned bars which would be kind of shit to play against but would reduce people throwing explosives all the time
I thought I'd have to force myself to not play this game anymore when they ''updated'' it. but I dont even have the urge to boot it up anymore after seeing what they did to it

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MW5 Clans is out. Pls buy t. Russ

MechWarrior Online (Now regularly updated):

Mechwarrior Living Legends:

Living Legends Server Stats (Use this to check if anyone is playing):

Clam Invasion:

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Of those? MAD-IIC if you want to he serious. Otherwise whatever you like most.
Uhhh, hello?
Are you dutch?
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I love clicking on light mechs

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>What is Bizarre MMOdventure?
This is an ongoing project from a group of anons dedicated to playing through obscure and niche MMOs, or ones 4chan hasn't played together before.
>How does it work?
The rules so far go as follows:
>Hold a tournament-style voting contest from a list of games
>Play the game that wins the final round of votes for 2 weeks
>After each game, we alternate lists of MMOs to vote on
>A guild photoshoot will take place every saturday, check thread for pic times
>New adventure starts every other saturday, after the week 2 guild pic

You are free to recommend more games be added to the lists, and encourage people to vote on a game you want to play.

>Games we've played so far:
Phantasy Star Universe
Trickster Online

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>no friends
>late 20s
hi, are you me from the near future
Atlantica kinda, but no there's nothing quite like those.
oh i meant it looked about the same
and not played... like turnbased game
Still time to add any more games?
I did a quick scan over the list and as far as I can tell, the ones currently on there should all be playable in some form without a Discord account, barring Hello Kitty Online.


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Does anybody even play this shit anymore? I still don't understand why logi or logi stuff exists in this game, why not give every player a fixed allowance based on region control to build stuff? Everyone is happy, except that one logi nigger who wants to bash rocks all day just like in Runescape.
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you make it sound like its complicated

its just making a 2nd steam account, buying the game, hopping on the enemy side, and causing havoc
It's not that easy, the devs hardware ban players, your whole PC is banned from the game.
Are you sure your posts simply aren't being upvoted? Peasants in the game like the useless joke posts and ignore the important ones.
Foxhole doesnt do hardware bans
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Just hop out lmao. What a cuck.

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The wait for host continues.
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Fuck me I guess
theres no way
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Console was freaking out so I had to force close the game.
good run aside from the bugged mithrix rape at the end
is that fuckin claptrap

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Welcome to Anoncraft, A Vanilla Minecraft 1.21 SMP for /vm/.

>Server IP: anoncraft.cc
>Map: map.anoncraft.cc

Come join one of the largest Minecraft communities in /vm/! Now with full support for cracked accounts! (Cracked accounts MUST be manually whitelisted, post your username ITT to be allowed access onto the server.)

>Server News:
- Cracked account has been enabled! Cracked players are required to post their name ITT
- Spawn has been moved closer to 0,0 to be outside of the valley. This decision was made by a community vote.
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dead gay server
why did he servre break when i to 1.21.4
kinda ghost town server huh
you just joined during dead hours
Paper hasn't updated to 1.21.4, neither has via version. So you cannot join the server with this version of mc.

>What is this?
My Hero Ultra Rumble is a new battle royale game based off the My Hero Academia anime. It features various different characters from the series (with more to be added) with different quirks and costumes, separated into 5 archetypes. The matches are made up of 8 teams with each team having 3 players. Last team alive wins!
-Season 8 is here
-Mirio is now obtainable via Hero Tickets
-Nejire is now available in the gatcha
-New Kirishima skillset coming to the gatcha soon
>Game's database
>Google doc with damage numbers
>/mhurg/ agencies
PC: Toga Lovers (ID: 1695305727)
Froggers (ID: 2203659952)
XBOX: Mina is Cute (ID: 7295700145)

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oh hey it's the artist that drew that momo i've posted a few times, that's funny
What about them? That's what post-timeskip Mina's horns look like.
>humans are incapable of making bad art on their own
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When will my pitQUEEN be playable?
One's Justice 3 (DLC Character)
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>play Unranked match
>encounter two AfOs who were both hacking and teaming with each other
How sad must one's life be? It's Unranked, you don't even GAIN anything from winning.

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Soku/PoFV/TPDP/IaMP and other 2hu games with netplay. Host, play and discuss your favorite multiplayer Touhou games.

Download Soku here:
>Community pack, all necessary tools come preinstalled. Get this if you are new
>Base game, not necessary if you use the above link
>Upgrade pack for the base game

Can't forward ports in order to host? Try these:
>Autopunch: Mainly for Soku, not necessary if you got the Community pack
>Proxypunch: Compatible with more games, a bit less user-friendly

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game crash
that was much better, ggs
still up?

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Does anyone play? I tried out Ravendawn but it just lacks something i can't put my finger on and i just defaulted back to Tibia. Would be fun to link up with some people from here
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What worlds are you guys playing on? I don't know which one to pick
I'm playing in monza but I'm transfering to Secura soon. Monza fucking sucks.
Secura fucking sucks, too. Everything is expensive as hell, you can forget about ever owning a house, and all the hunting spots are always taken.
>Played the shit out of this game until around 2007
>Give it a try again recently
>Get overwhelmed by all the new content and systems (imbues, dailies, tasks, warzones, etc)
>Lose all will to play when thinking about catching up to all that
>Also no longer have patience for 1x rates

Weird complaint, I know.
Are there any recommendations of private servers that fulfill all of the following conditions?
>Retro, preferably with new areas and quests. Fully custom map with retro mechanics is okay too
>Not x1 rate (preferably at least 5x)
>Free premium (or at least all areas + spells unlocked for free accounts)
>Not war-focused (I have never cared much for the game's PvP)

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Too slow for /vg/, reborn on /vm/ edition.

A place for discussing all tactical videogames with a focus on multiplayer games. Both co-op and PvP games are welcome. All discussion of games that already have a thread (Hunt, Tarkov, Arma, CS2 etc) goes in that thread.

Some examples are
>Multiplayer First Person Shooters:
Hell Let Loose, Insurgency, Ready or Not, Ground Branch, Ghost Recon, Project Reality, SQUAD, DayZ, NEOTOKYO, Isonzo, Marauders, Red Orchestra, Rising Storm 2, Six Days in Fallujah, Zero Hour
>Single-player honorable mentions include:
Afterconflict, Beyond Citadel, Black One Blood Brothers, Brothers in Arms, Darkest Hour, Delta Force, Easy Red 2, Forgotten Hope 2, GTFO, H3VR, Hidden & Dangerous, Hideous Destructor, Project IGI, Receiver 2, Road to Vostok, STALKER, Vietcong

>Turn Based Tactics:
XCOM, Jagged Alliance, Fallout: Tactics, Combat Mission
>Single-player honorable mentions include:
Battle Brothers, Silent Storm, Alfa Antiterror, Armoured Commander 2, Phoenix Point, Field of Glory, Flashpoint Campaigns, Invisible Inc, Quasimorph, Troubleshooter, WinSPMBT, Xenonauts

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I wish this game wasnt going to die immediately on release. I enjoyed spending an entire round just making a well developed trench network
me too and it turns out they released a campaign mode with this playtest. from what im reading just like r02 one but this time, the battle maps remain persistent. so all the trenches and fortifications will remain on the map.

that terrain deformation and trenches look neat, but yeah looks like dead on arrival
even that big news update has like 5 comments on the steam page. maybe they have a discord and people are there I don't know but it doesn't look promising
unreal engine was a fucking mistake
>but yeah looks like dead on arrival
dont get me wrong, 90% chance it is DOA like their other game. WW1 is more "popular" and accessible than the American Civil War but only just barely. and if anything, thats why i will get it day one, because I know this game will die very fast and in my view, id rather get as much time playing it while its alive than never buying it and not having played it at all.

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here there be dragons
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She is, but the next one wouldn't have been.
She's fun, but not cute. Mostly >>1523723 though.
Name one (1) better feeling than getting a Legendary hero from a loot chest. You can't.
I have all the heroes, so a legendary skin or mount or something would be nicer
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>Sgt. Hammer on team
>does something retarded
>dies as a consequence of their own retardation
every time

getting a box like this

>What is Tabletop Sim
TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own!

Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop (https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/) and discuss/host your favorite games!

Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.

Previous thread: >>1478352
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I consider them video games
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Seeing how you replied to me at 4:15am my time, it might be difficult to ever play lol. Guess we could do it in the weekends but I'm generally busier then.
At least I did scratch the itch a little against a friend, at the cost of beating him 184 vs 45.
I replied in the morning as i woke up before going to work, i wouldnt have played at the time of replying anyways
We can't compete against physical cardboard.........
Holiday season is just busy, but I can probably start finding time for some short sessions mixed in.

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Guild wars 1 is very much alive, we have a /vm/ guild that has been running near weekly events for 2 years now for anyone interested in doing endgame content, new players are always welcome and no prior experience is needed.

Previous Thread >>1491453


Next week on Sunday Dec 8th 5:30 PM EST we are starting our paragon only NF campaign prog. This prog is a paragon only prog we must all run paragon rules and more details will be posted below.

We will likely do the prog on either Sunday/Monday/Tuesday at around 5:30 PM EST we'll discuss it more on the first day we play. Other events and endgame group stuff is planned. Today we are doing FA/JQ to take advantage of double competitive week.

If you want to join the guild, post your IGN.
If you're new and ever have questions or need help with something, just ask anytime.

And fix your sound!

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yeah but derv mysticism skills aren't that great and lyssa's aura already exists
>implying inspirations skills are better than mysticism skills
ehhh what mob skills are you wishing you could use? There's not many I've seen that I went "man I wish I had that" the only upside to private server would be updated balance which would drastically change the game and keep things interest.

It was added in 2018
but you can go /me for energy as a class with better energy and a better primary attribute
if you're using vor you're buying into using derv enchantments to benefit from mysticism's effect
Also since it self renews, it's usually the very first thing that gets stripped. It's a fun spell but it's kind of a lot worse than some other healer builds.

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Will you guys be playing the successor to Runescape?
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I wanted my unique name before anyone could take it and then I have the determination to reach level 500 even though I know I won't make Top 200. But being Top 50 will suffice.
i respect the grind but if you want a high spot on the leaderboard and you're willing to grind to 500 i feel like any other combat skill would be better
I wanted to compete where the entry was at the lowest. Since everyone starts at Episode 1, the grind there would have the most competition. That's my logic anyways.
>Since everyone starts at Episode 1, the grind there would have the most competition.
see, that's exactly why i personally wouldn't grind guard
but more power to you bro, good luck on the quest
Much appreciated man, keep on grinding.

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Final stretch for Season 4
Last week for the ISEUL-T Cup
Heavy still kept in the cage (he didn't take Charge n' Slam so he's stuck in there)
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>Tazer only stops melee
Taser is a blight on precision weapons and close-ranged shotguns as well. Only automatics make it in the clear, and even then I'd say the machine guns can suffer based on their spray patterns and such.
I do that all the time too
>play with randos
>Win or 2nd place
>Play with premades and people on smurfs
>Loose last place
We lost 3 fucking times in a row with a guy who has his main on 42k RS. We couldn't even win quick cash after I got 13 kills and everyone's aggro on me.

Lost more than I'd gained in a single day of grinding, in about 2 hours, poof, gone. If this keep happening, I'm simply not reaching diamond before the season ends
desu it's always been the case: people who play in premades, consciously or not, often start fucking around because they expect their teammates to either be more understanding or more willing to adapt to whatever the fuck they're doing. Randos often suck ass, but anyone good works around the public social contract more, especially since the lack of text chat early on encouraged such things.
there's plenty of fun to be had in the other options as well, riot shield is a great time, so is smokes+thermal vision. I like the grappling hook more than the dash though, it just feels a lot smoother.

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