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A thread to discuss (the absolute state of) Space Station 13 (SS13)
Space Station 13 is a round-based, multiplayer role-playing game set on a chaotic metal deathtrap masquerading as a space station. Do your job and try to survive, or get picked to be an antagonist and sabotage the crew!

Played on the BYOND Engine, install it to play - http://www.byond.com/
SS13 Hub servers: https://www.byond.com/games/Exadv1/SpaceStation13
/tg/station website: https://tgstation13.org/
/vg/station website: https://ss13.moe/
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What happened to the /vm/ server?
>3 players on server
>1 of them dies on asteroid trying to have fun
>asks for a revive
>"NO FUCK YOU!!! le cookie button!"
>wtf why is no one playing VG?
this isn't 2020 high pop you fucking retards, you can't get away with being a admin like it is.
If hina opens another server I’d be more then happy to actually play regularly, she should ban all Russians from playing on the server tho… those guys give me the creeps.
Russians? I thought russians were the only ones that didn't fall to furfaggotry and troonism, or at least they did it way less than english speakers. Maybe you got the creeps because it's harder to rp with the broken english they have, but please enlighten me on this russian issue of yours.
Hina is a literal tranny and a furry. His server had furry porn as the lobby screen and the server allowed ERPing. He is mad at russians because a single guy named luzha would shit on trannies and everyone who says anything negative about furries and trannies gets called russian

Haxball is a top-down 2D football game that's played entirely in your web browser.

password: shaw

Room is usually active on Friday & Saturday around these hours:
22:30 Euro time

cytuDOTbe/r/haxb for tunes

You can re-live magic hax moments watching the recordings of previous matches here:

You can use this site to get stats from recordings:

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I've seen Hell rise!
Out of your eyes
Creep up at night
To your demise
You've gotta fight
I've gotta fight
Been thinkin that I need isolation
All this devastation
Head needs renovation, alright
If you had to choose would you ever let me go?
I can't stop the monster I'm losing my control
Oh oh!
Could someone please save my life?

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aaaaaaaaaa vs oooooooooo
Reminder that almost all "home" matches by mexico are played in the USA nowadays. There is no group of people who are more cucked than mexican football fans

pw shaw
not playing today if he is joining

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>What's new?
3.23 is LIVE,
3.24 to enter testing soon with the rest of 3.23's features
4.0 is back on the roadmap for Q3
Citizencon is scheduled for Oct.19-20 in Manchester

>New to Star Citizen?

>General info and useful links

Previous thread: >>1326754
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we still make fun of that shit.
the idea of subbing for a loaner ship is silly.
farm enough to rent it which is not a lot at all.
Use the rental to earn enough to buy one with credits. now you just have it till next wipe, no money spent, game = played and you even get a super cheap trial period in the rental to determine if you actually enjoy using the thing or if you should seek other methods of making money.

Its always kids with mommies credit card who think that making money starts with microtransactions.
I'm tired man, it's been over 10 years and out of all this game issues they add furnitures and do a collab for gamerz chairs.
We will never get a good space sim MMO will we ?
Meant to post not reply got damnit
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Its not like the collab with gamer chair company costs man hours. And CIG is probably getting a hefty royalty on each sale.

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Anyone still playing Arma 3 or Arma reforger?
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Armaverse future is better than modern day garbage
Small drones were a mistake
In arma they aren't as prominent, so it's ok
Haven't heard a thing. They're dead, Jim.
Have you bought all of arma yet?
>no queue system, every server is either full or empty
>server crashes or server fps drops to 4 fps, making it basically impossible to stay on a server for more than 2 hours
>braindead consolenigs don't even bother to do logi-runs and talk in platoon chat 24/7 as if they were on discord
>vehicles flip over as easily as a leaf in the wind, somehow become rock solid as soon as they're flipped over
>throwing a grenade, seeing it land far away, then explode as the grenade position apparently didn't update from your hand
>no mortars, armored vehicles, attack helicopters, planes
>barely any guns at all
Cool game BI...
Yes I did.

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Do any multiplayer games exist where damage dealer (or equivalent) is the LEAST popular class?

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>What is Vintage Story?
Block autism where every update is a dejank update.

>Question of the thread!
What is your favorite kind of base/town to make in a survival game?
I like river villages and walled cities beneath great mountains.

>What’s New?
Some people got back to og, bounces between alive and dead. An anon made a temporary/new island survival server where all the land is on one giant island. Great time for newfags to dip their toes in some VS gameplay. The /vint/ or /mlp/ lad Xeth made a mlp sex mod. Funny but cringe.

>Do I have to play the listed servers to post here?
No. Singleplayer lads are welcome too, just try and keep it civil and avoid dick-cord talk.
>Servers: NOTE - No servers with discord will be posted in these threads. If you can prove a server listed has a discord I will remove it. If you make a server with no discord I can add it, otherwise, discord posts are off-topic to the thread.

>Server List

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It's still a WIP.
It was gonna be the communal kitchen and food store for the MP server I'm on, but everyone quit after a couple days.
>but everyone quit after a couple days.
A tale as old as time. Sad
Don't be a retard and you'll be fine. Do better.
Am I wrong or the walls are two blocks wide?
1.5 blocks wide.

CTR online is a WIP multiplayer mod for Crash Team Racing.
Supports up to 8 players in widescreen at 60fps. Items are client side only.

Download here and follow the instructions
If the link doesn't work check the thread

If you get host wait for the room to fill before selecting a map.
If you try to connect and get sent back to the main menu a race is already in progress.
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Items were genuinely fun and I hope they come back.
Although I read the dev post that it was rather difficult to get them synched so it probably won't be any time soon.
on the bright side all the testing happening now will make the pc port work great (hopefully)
Next Item test soon fellow Stalkers.

Trust the Plan.
>it's a fucking race after all, you don't see people karting irl throwing banana peels at each other
what type of stupid fucking argument is this? hurr durr my realism in a game where a fucking bandicoot drives a car
I don't want some modders' gay fan-fiction, but I can say the game isn't really balanced around 8 players because you can see like 2-3 orbs at any time hitting the first place kart.

Ranked is Dead
Long Live World Tour

Also, Tokusatsu event when
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>that guy
you wanna tell us something champ
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>"Akshually thinking i just said what i just said is a schizo delusion."
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Played two days of Season 3 before I stopped again since it didn't address any of the existing issues I had. I recently checked the Steam Charts and saw that all the players gained from the Season 3 launch have already left. I have some questions for you people still playing:
>What the fuck happened?
>Why does Embark seem to absolutely refuse to do anything other than the bare minimum to fix issues with the game? As in, they never actually replace problematic systems, they just seem hellbent on number tweaking hoping it eventually works.
>Has it been proven Nexon forced Embark to push the bootleg CS mode that is Terminal Attack?
>What are obvious changes you think should be implemented?
>Does The Finals ever have a chance of getting its old player count back?

Personally I stopped playing once it was obvious they weren't going to change how Cashout works. Most matches would just end up with all teams doing literally nothing until the Cashout was about to end since it was a guaranteed win for whoever got it at that point. Not to mention the third party issue making whoever attacked last almost guaranteed to win as well.
>>What the fuck happened?
Embark has no idea what the fuck to do and Nexon is getting antsy that the game isn't pulling the same numbers from release
>>Why does Embark seem to absolutely refuse to do anything other than the bare minimum to fix issues with the game? As in, they never actually replace problematic systems, they just seem hellbent on number tweaking hoping it eventually works.
Because they listen to discord yesmen
>>Has it been proven Nexon forced Embark to push the bootleg CS mode that is Terminal Attack?
Do you even need proof? Every Nexon published game had this bullshit.
>>Has it been proven Nexon forced Embark to push the bootleg CS mode that is Terminal Attack?
Fix the fucking spawns
Revert some of the nerfs, especially on heavy
Optimize the game, some maps run like shit
>>Does The Finals ever have a chance of getting its old player count back?
no, between Embark's nonexistant marketing and the Rival event being a colossal clusterfuck, I doubt it.


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>What is Tabletop Sim
TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own!

Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop (https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/) and discuss/host your favorite games!

Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.

Previous thread: >>1302901
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any1 up to play some Arcs with Leaders and Lore (aka factions but built out of parts)?
Frosthaven Enhanced was announced. It should be released in about a month, apparently they've only need scan some stuff, as the mod itself is basically in a fully playable state.
shame so much scripting is wasted on a meh game
Whoa, boldest abstract game art.
I don't give a shit about a random autistic doing stats. I just don't want to join a fucking discord server where inevitably some retard will be spamming stupid shit or some drama or what the fuck ever will happen. I just want to join random tables and play games without it becoming a fucking club. Hotseat experience, that's what I fucking crave, you social media addicted retard.

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>New map just released, it has death pits

>Valorant is launching on PS5 and Xbox in a couple of days, starting with a beta period you can sign up for
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how to play well without caffiene
Sugar rush
That's not the worst part, when you pay for the skin you are actually just buying a paywalled skin, as you still need to get the radianite, that's also expensive af, to unlock all the other variants and the fx and finishers of the skin. You do get the chance to get like 60 radianite every 2 months for free in the BP but that's hardly enough to unlock everything in the skin you bought
I have like 80 Radianite so far that I intend to just use on one skin. Ideally, it’ll be a decent skin when the Night Market comes about. I’m not paying full price for these skins and I’m only going to buy like 3 maximum I reckon (Vandal, Ghost/Sherriff, and Knife). Simply do not see the value in spending more than $30 on skins in this game
I only play agents that have tp/dash/heal/flash/slide

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>what is eve
mmo space sandbox
>what is eve really?
ded game
>ingame channel
>should I start playing EVE?
probably not
>previous thread
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Yes, but very slowly.
The Prophecy is built on an ancient Amarrian warship design dating back to the earliest days of starship combat. Originally intended as a full-fledged battleship, it was determined after mixed fleet engagements with early prototypes that the Prophecy would be more effective as a slightly smaller, more mobile form of artillery support.
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>Combat Scanner
>Plex runner
>400 cargo
>Two turrets scaling massively with a 100% damage bonus.
>Complete most dailies by itself.
Pirate sites - do them in a covops.
Sleeper sites - you can do them in a Stratios if you want, but I would suggest a battlecruiser or Praxis, it will do better for less money. The Stratios gets the covops cloak, but it pays for it in naturally low base stats.
>Scan neighbourhood for the corp
>Very last signature I scan is a ghost site
Easy 180m.

Busy playing The Last Descendant

>What is Lost Ark
A pay-to-win MMOARPG set in a grindy, gatekeeping world with bad designed fights where the mistake of one player wipes the whole raid and wastes the 20 minutes of progress you had, that times 18 raids you must do every week to stay relevant.

How alive is the game?
Dead. Check steamdb, half of those are bots and half of that are on your region.

Who is left playing the game?
Gambling addicts who are weak willed and heavily sunk cost to leave at this point aka mazies. They are in too deep they are beyond saving.

How much p2w is this game?
Not a single player can progress in this game unless someone whether it's you or someone else pays real money for their accessories/build through a currency called pheons.

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even the most fringe jp anime shit gets trillion artwork, and even good quality ones. even the few lost ark gets its all shit
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Question for when I return next super express. 3rd slayer likely have 2 slayers in T4 or scrapper(1520)? I dunno if there's a point in multiple of the same class when solo raids come since I won't care about gatekeeping and gems/engravings will be free.
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that awakening dfo spectacle creep is so fucking gay. they should have never done it. solo raids is the only thing I could keep myself awake for. it better give reasonable gold.

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What are your thoughts on the terrain feature?
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also you can bet on which game gets top pick for points for UGC
this means not even the organizers give a shit about votes since everyone will just dogpiles on top vote for points. Horror is the only category I saw people get animated over
Atleast the lobby is cool and not just the Giants Causeway stuff again
yeah the lobby was extremely well built
too bad that effort was wasted on something that's only going to be up for some garbage dead on arrival event
>this means not even the organizers give a shit about votes since everyone will just dogpiles on top vote for points.
besides the prediction stuff there's not much reason to give a shit about which wins what
the options all suck anyways
>blatant cashgrab games
>paid access games which 99% of roblox can't play because the 'blox economy sucks
>stuff that's so derivative it's not even funny (INNOVATION AWARDS MY ASS)
>stuff that's just using blatantly copyrighted shit because the hook nosed roblox front page devs can get away with it
>cashgrab crap made/turned into soulless cashgrabs by sovlless cashgrabbing corporations (FUCK (((VOLDEX))))
>games that are locked to age verified accounts (such as On Tap which is 17+) which the majority of ROBLOX players can't play either due to being too young or not wanting to give their full personal info to strangers in megacorps
>games that get to be in multiple categories for award whoring (The Strongest Battlegrounds & Guts & Blackpowder)
>"games" that are literally just childhood gambling (like Sol's RNG which doesn't even have anything needed to be considered a game, even fucking idle games have more mechanics)

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also some shit is just in the wrong categories
>a dusty trip in "Best Strategy" category despite being a driving game
>The Strongest Battlegrounds in "Best Strategy" category despite being a fighting game
>Guts & Blackpowder in "Best Fighting" despite being a shooter game (which it's already in the category for)
>FUCKING (((VOLDEX))) in "Best Studio" category even though they don't fucking make games, they just buy them from retarded developers at lowball prices before flooding them with microtransactions and making the games way harder to drive people towards buying microtransactions (an example is Dungeon Quest, which has the third dungeon being near impossible without an extremely overleveled carry because the previous dungeon's best gear has become total dogshit since it was reworked after (((Voldex))) bought out the game)
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So I've kept my account alive all this time but I haven't played anything except for the old stuff in my favorites. What are some good new games? Even stuff worth spending bux in cause I've still got a shitload. I've already seen the enormous amount of gatcha and phone game clicker trash on the front page and don't feel like sifting through it to find something worthwhile.
if you like pain and grind autism, try rogue lineage and if you like it get at least a bank alt
otherwise, search around for any hidden gems on >>1349993 since it has some surprisingly good shit hidden in there

>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 4 started May 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqDLrvrl_p0 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3tDK2EcO80 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

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>get matched with literal lv 7 Vanya player who does 5k avg dmg over the course of 4 games
I thought NN fixed the norms matchmaking
>Everyone's saint
>Everyone's cumdump
They did fix it all right, I can't even get into a normal game now. My queue timer reset twice, back to back. Man, I already wasn't planning on playing ranked this season because of this rng weather system and now they take normals from me. I spent all my A-Coins on the personal shop and I'm only 7 tokens shy from Summer Beach Debi & Marlene but since I can't get a game, I can't clear dailies, participate in the dice event or get currency in any form. Literally how can play, I can't even hit bot lobbies. Just revert this shit.
watch for drops
>Played 2 normal games
>First game a duo of above 30 level dudes. Both were kind of meh but at least they tried their best and I wouldn't expect anything more from normal games.
>Second game one above and one below level 30. The above level 30 dude spend all game soloing random stuff and ended up with 3 legendary items but was like 8 weapon levels below rest of lobby and died alone doing grand total of 600 damage all game.
Not enough data but at least didn't have afk player or a level 5 player in team.

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Designated /vm/ fightan thread.
Come talk, compete, vent and shitpost about your favorite fighting games here. Post your coolest webms, maybe convince some anons to play with you on fightcade, pull of some sick wall combos on Tekken, get slime rushed on Street Fighter, get infinited with incomplete characters in Them's Fightin' Herds, or do obscure things in obscure games only a total of 5 people have ever even heard about!

Previous thread: >>1010381
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How hard is Darkstalkers?
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On a scale of 1 to 10
The game was designed for pick up and play, providing simple tools to get access to mixups and oki, and even at the highest levels, the average combo is still generally 4-6hits into sweep or some other knockdown. There's some quirks to look out for, like how the chain system isn't just cancels like in other, similar games, but otherwise it's not too hard to try to get into.

If anything, the biggest thing is just that it feels quick to the point of being a bit spastic, to where even playing other fast fighters doesn't assure you'll like it, but it's not actually bad in that regard. It's just its own thing.
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The 10 Console Exclusive Characters of Street Fighter Alpha 3

Thanks for the quick rundown.

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