Other boards are too fast to get some honest huntan done imo so let's see if this works out
>>1523160>I have a question about Monster Hunter!https://pastebin.com/D3zuHuqK >MH WorldIceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf >Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontierhttps://pastebin.com/fYyeU0kY >Databaseshttps://kiranico.com/https://sites.google.com/site/pingsdex >Where does /vm/ play?Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)
>having 48 minutes left for urgent bounties>steam is undergoing maintenance so I'm stuck in offline mode and can't make progress towards the bountiesAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>1523160which monster hunter game is ya fave?
>>1530689mh3ui recently found my wii u in storage and fired it up just to find out the servers had been shut down this year
>>1530689I've only played world so I have to say worldI have a shit cpu so I can't even emulate the old games above like 15 fps so it kills it for me
>>1530689FU purely out of emotional attachment to the village theme
I don't like how gay and shitposty mh threads on vg are
>>1530854weird, I assumed that if it can run world then it can emulate things just as wellI have an i5-8350U laptop and it can do 30fps in mh4
>>1548050the one that starts you out on a sand barge banging a gong to make a big sand shark surface was like 10-15 fps the whole time, idk what to tell yougranted my cpu is from like a decade ago and it was underperforming even on launch but stillmaybe the emulator was just poorly optimized or something, it's been a while and I don't even remember which it was
Why did they make savage jho such an unfun bitch to fight? Normal jho was already walking the line between fun and tedious, but this thing sucks>always enraged>can't get weakens on his parts so you can actually break them in a reasonable amount of time for 70% of the fight, because he's always attacking, and every attack turns half his body into a pin hitbox>clutching to his legs sends you up to his chest>have to clutch to his toenails to actually clutch onto the leg>tremors from 10 feet away>too tall to hit anything consistently>constantly moving>doesn't stay knocked over for a reasonable amount of time>flails all over the place while knocked over>shitty hitboxes>shitty tiny hitzones for chest breaksI can beat him just fine, but it always takes forever and none of it is enjoyable. Thinking about picking up bowguns just so I can skip the majority annoyance of this shitmon
>dungpods don't work on silver shitalosBut I don't want to fight him in the zone with the constantly falling crystals that has 0 slinger ammo for claggers
so it turns out it is still possible to emulate MHGU on PC with 60fps, and online multiplayer is working just fine. is anyone down to start fresh?
>>1554296I've been playing the village quests and I'd be up to start the hub ones, but there's no one playing online anymore, I think most people aren't aware that ryujinx ldn still works. Just give me a time and I'll try to be there.
>>1554296>>1554608is GU the one with the unscaled quests or is that 4U
>>15306894U. I've only played World, 4U, and stopped at mid High-Rank for 3U (but I will get back to it once I've fought all monsters in 4U).
>>1554669Oh I forgot I also finished Rise, just completely left my memory.
>>1554608i still see some public rooms when i search for public hubs. that said i never join any of them>>1554646you mean scale to number of players?
>>1554646I'm pretty sure the monsters don't scale to the number of players if that's what you're asking. I remember being complete dead weight while 2 other people tore through missions in about 4 or 5 minutes.
>>1554734>>1554834>you mean scale to number of players?yeah, like the village quests or the hub quests are always scaled to 4 people, so it's always a slog solo, I just forget which game
>>1555832afaik world is the first game to have real player scaling, i.e, if someone joins your game mid-hunt the monster's hp will scale to 2x if there are 2 players, 2.5x if there are 3 and 4. in older games, monsters from hub quest always have more hp but that's not due to player scaling. they are just inherently like that because the devs expect you to hunt with other players online
>>1530689>which monster hunter game is ya fave?World is actually the best but original for nostalgia
I keep trying to hint to my friends that they need ice weapons for alatreon but they keep insisting water or dragon or lightning weapons are better since it's never outright immune to those elements. They keep failing at the judgement blast and it's like pulling teeth trying to explain to them that they aren't gonna reach the elemental threshold if they keep using the wrong element
>>1556057Just show them the wiki page for Alatreon.
>>1556057ill never understand how people can't figure this out, its so fucking simple. i see tragedies in the making like this on the SOS list all the time
>>1556339>blast weapons
>>1556279Can't, they won't look stuff up until after they've beaten a monster, which y'know, fair enough & based.It's just insanity though because they've done it like 10 times now and haven't learned anything. I've shown them the hunter notes many times, which literally states that you need to do enough elemental dmg to weaken the nova, and that alatreon is weakest to ice in his fire form, but all they got out of that was that they could cycle the resistances and "oh wowie-zowie it's never immune to water or thunder or dragon let's use those!!">>1556339Same, I was thinking about posting a "does he know" meme here the other day since I saw a group using nothing but status weapons but I figured it was par for the course
>trying to help rando out with big burly bash>longsword tard constantly staggering everyone>get paralyzed by a wasp while fighting>longsword tard can stagger everyone no biggie but no matter how many times he spams his horizontal combo on me while I'm paralyzed it doesn't wake me up>so busy doing that he doesn't see the brachydios charging up the most telegraphed nuclear explosion attack aimed directly at him>eats our last cartI keep having the lesson forced upon me that I'm not allowed to play the weapons I want to if I want to help randos and that I should just be spamming stick ammo and clusterbombs with a HBG instead.
since im starting a new save anyway i might as well try playing ranged the first time. ive tried using the bow in gu with different control settings and never seem to find the right one. any tips?
>>1558388what game?
>>1558879gee you
>didn't finish off MR event quests before taking a hiatus from rise>knocked out the easy ones, just have a few marathon arena huntsNot looking forward to soloing those, and nobody joins when I make a lobby...
>>15306894U is the GOAT and most universally accessible without losing it's identity. FU/2G are close second, World gets props for making a ~4 mil sales franchise mostly for japs into a mainstream game in the west. Though it's starting to look like really generic anime slop now, it's missing something from the portable days where there was still some jank and goofy stuff
>try to help randos>set up chat binds to explain which part of the monster to hit>nobody can read>nobody listens>repeatedly run out of lifepowder and godpowder trying to save these drooling retards from repeatedly carting>all I get for my trouble is being repeatedly staggerlocked by dual blade/insect glaive/greatsword retards swinging at literally nothing so they look like they're doing somethingfuck this, I'm switching back to bowguns
>join hunt.tough monsters>bunch of gays with gay shoutouts whenever the monster gets toppled, mounted, tenderized, etc.>say that the monster is trappable>blenderfags keep blending>ask if anyone has traps>immediately get a response that he has a bunch of phone numbers belonging to traps>hunt failed: monster killed>it was a trapping quest>retard thinks he's funny and says "oH YOU MEANT THOOSE TRAPS">tell him he needs a personality besides being gay>all of sudden the other two gain literacy and they all start seething at me before the hunt timer sends us backI didn't always hate gays, but they go out of their way to make it so easy
the grinding lands are gonna make me cart myself
>it's a "dual blades tard keeps clutching onto the monster after you and spinning it in the wrong direction after it was just aimed perfectly at a wall" episode
why is everyone so stupid except me
MH4U online is alive on Pretendo, anyone want to play? Currently high rank, not rushing.If you still have your 3DS you can play on it with CFW, or rip the files to emulate.
>>1530689I like Rise but I've only significantly played it and WorldI remember trying a demo on 3DS and getting filtered by the controls...
>>1530689Probably 4U. I started with Tri.
>>1530689FU has the greatest nostalgia facter with all the shit hitboxes and jank. Proper old school hunti
>>1530689Monster Hunter Stories 2.I haven't even played any other ones.I don't like killing monsters at all. I love monsters.
I hate item jews who steal all the life powder or dust of life out of the chest and then refuse to use it for the entirety of the hunt when people are clearly in need of it
>>1523160I think this board is too slow for that
>still need a frostcraft 3 talisman with literally anything else good>so I need a ton of risen thickblood>only time I can find join requests for risen shagaru/valstrax is 3am when chinese/japanese are playing>soloing them is a painfrick...
>>1579410learn bowgun
>>1530689FU and world. I liked 4U but never finished it. Kokoto remains the best village, it cannot be beaten.
>AT velk starts spawning icicles in the air>ok>spins 360 shooting an ice laser>ok>dodge through it>it actually freezes the floor in a massive AoE around it, like a 30 meter radius>not ok>stuck hobbling unable to get out of the way of the pre-spawned iciclewhat the fuck? what are you meant to do, just get lucky that there's no ice spawned above you?
I hope this thread stays useable when the game releases cause /v/ and /vg/ sure as hell won't >>1583666Can you show an example of what you mean I don't even know what aoe you're referring to
>AT velk limping away to go sleep>spam the sleep and bomb emoticons>every replies with some variation of a thumbs up or a happy emoticon>one guy apparently doesn't know what it means despite replying and doesn't stop chasing after velk>he gets into its LoS and aggro range so it doesn't sleep>we all start advancing on it since this retard fucked it up for everyone>it does a lighting quick beam attack across an open field with no cover while we're all too far away to dive>everyone gets carted and we lose the hunt
grinding safi for a specific monster bonus on my wep is pain
What's the deal with master rank kushala's randomly exploding tornadoes? What's the tell that X tornado is gonna randmly explode into a tornado 5x its size before disappearing, because they all don't do it, and I'm tired of being blindsided by them while this silver cunt keeps hiding inside perma-stunlock zones
>>1591523When there are two tornadoes active they will slowly pull towards each other and explode on contact
I can feel dual blades turning my brain into mush>>1591754Cheers
Any FU playas in here?
>>1595267I was just about to start fresh, actually. I don't think I've ever actually made it to HR in FU.
every time I get to MR in world I'm reminded of the fact greatsword sucks and wasn't balanced around fighting monsters that run around like adhd zoomers
I came to /vm/ to see if anybody plays Frontier here? Seems like the /mhg/ server is dead, so I assume that everyone plays on public servers if anything? What do you think of the game?
>>1595688I solod all of pre G-rank, no halk pots or followers. It was the coolest MH experience by far. Being walled by a single Supremacy monster for a whole month really brought me back to when I first started Monster Hunter.Then I got to G-rank and got bored fast. Extreme style turns it into a game I don't like, kinda like RiseBreak, and it seemed the grind got a lot steeper there with a lot less wow factor than the Gou and Supremacy grind. Just the usual oldschoolmonsters but they all have 1 new attack that's just a big aoe>>1595267I've been doing an F2 replay, trying to fit it in before Wilds release. F2 over FU since it was my first MH. Currently almost done with all village quests minus double Rajang, but I'm gonna try to clear it with LR gear anyway
>>1595362>>1595837I'm working my way through high rank right now, enjoying it a great deal. You guys ever tried multiplayer on these older games? Doing it with randoms sadly has the issue of people joining low and high rank hunts with G rank equipment and just deleting the monster before anyone can have any fun, but it's great when people aren't minmaxing the shit out of it. I missed the boat on World so I'm excited to play one of these games with an active multiplayer when Wilds comes out.
>>1599637I played with /v/ a bit when 3U was new. I haven't played the older ones with randoms since because of that exact scenario you mentioned. That's what keeps me from playing a lot of older games, despite really wanting to. I wish I could get a friend or two interested in playing some games blind with me so I don't hold people back or get lead around through the motions by someone who's done it a million times already.Anyway, I didn't realize just how much hammer lets you shit all over LR in this. I walked into this by accident but it's fun so I'm going to keep on it.
>>1599637>I missed the boat on World so I'm excited to play one of these games with an active multiplayerbut world still has active mp, at least on pee cee
>>1599637>You guys ever tried multiplayer on these older games?I played a little bit of FU with a friend once but he was a speedhack abuser and kept causing disconnects so it didn't last long.I'm a solo hunter anyway. I didn't have the option of multiplayer when I started out with MH so I ended up teaching myself to enjoy the game solo, and multiplayer rarely cuts it for me now. I tried some online in Tri, 4U, and World but they were overall terrible experiences. It was either elitist HAME fags not letting you join if you didn't do the same gay boring bowgun strat, or complete mouthbreathers of whom I don't understand how they're able to breathe with how low their brain function is. I did do a playthrough of World with a friend fresh to MH and it was kinda fun, but the entire time I'm just a wojak in the corner who wants to go home to single player.
Monster Hunter seems so clunky. I've played World and Rise and I have no idea what I'm gathering, the tools I have etc. where do I even start? I'd like to pickup Wilds next month.
>>1600654>Monster Hunter seems so clunkyThat's part of the charm, and you get used to it pretty quickly>I've played World and Rise and I have no idea what I'm gathering, the tools I have etc.But the game explicitly tells you what you're gathering? If you don't know what you should be gathering, pick up things as you run past them so that they'll stop being ??? in your crafting menu. Generally speaking, you should collect herbs and honey when you're first starting out to make greater health potions>where do I even start?...With the first quests available to you? If you're looking for help and tips and whatever, I recommend three things:>Use a controllerSelf explanatory, the game works a lot better imo>Pat & Woolie play Monster Hunter WorldThe first 20 minutes or so is one of them explaining in detail how to navigate the inventory menus and set things up, and it's not spoilerly since they're in like the 2nd area fighting a shit monster>Arekkz Gaming weapon tutorialsQuick and concise explanations of which weapons do what and how. There are addendum videos with explanations of what moves got added to the weapons in the Iceborne expansionAlso feel free to ask any questions and we'll try and answer them
>arena quest>gunlance guy keeps camping the boulder lever so the monster keeps sticking to it, never passing under the boulder>throw him to center with the SA since he's immobile, has a shield, and can't sheath quickly>monster immediately follows him>he immediately comes back to the lever before I can pull it>do it again>same thing>other two guys are waiting at the middle under the boulder waiting>do it a third time because maybe he'll take the hint>he runs up onto the edge instead by the ballista and drags the monster everywhere except under the boulder>kicks me right before the end>jokes on him, he just gave me a low hp monster with no retard to drag it everywhere>drop the boulder on it without issue>monster dieshow does one manage to have fatalis gear and still be such a moron
>>1607828This is how>join fatalis public room almost 2 years ago>join fatty run>3 of us>host never killed fatty once yet>fail but keep trying>other dude at some points says Just stay at camp, me and anon will duo it :)>refuse and leaveThe bigger problem being these faggots hard carrying new players to the point they never learn anything
>>1610366This has been a problem since the dawn of easy access online MH (Tri)
>>1610402I hadn't played online until world, only then I understood the extent of the problem
tried playing DB against namielleI'm probably shit but my god I got so tired of being shocked and drenched, it feels like such a bad matchup
I don't know if I can go back to SnS, it feels so bad against anything mobile. Anyone else have similar experiences with their mains?
>>1618821SnS literally shits on hyper mobile monsters...
>>1619680all its dmg is gated behind combo strings that require you to be practically stationary>heavy neutral combo>light -> redirect -> spin slash combo>perfect rushnone of these are good for monsters that constantly reposition, and your only "poke" attack is the lunging uppercut attack you get as either a draw attack or a neutral light+heavy, and it doesn't do a whole lot of dmg
>>1620365Oh you're talking about WildsYeah it feels totally unusable there and I'm still figuring out what I'll be using. I settled with hammer in the demo cause it "feels" the best due to the lack of hitstop in the demo on every weapon. I think GS is the most appealing so far because it literally took over SnS's identity being a jack of all trades weapon lolWilds hammer is shit as well desu it's like I'm shoehorned into the same flowchart over and over like I'm playing SAED spam CBLance seems appealing because from what I've seen it's kinda just like World lance which is perfectGunlance might be a bit over the top but still has fun potential, kinda like World Longsword, but not something I can play 24/7 without getting bored And then Longsword I'm not touching with a ten foot pool because I want to play Monster Hunter, not devil may cryThat's all my most used weapons and it looks fucking grim. My entire hope lies with the full game's hitstop and sound changes being good enough for the game to FEEL good again, but Capcom is clearly struggling trying to reproduce MT Framework's perfected recipe in their heavily inferior RE Engine
>>1620834Addendum: going into World for the first time I felt the same way though, how they completely butchered SnS compared to previous games, but it ended up growing on me and being the coolest weapon ever (until they fucked it again in Iceborne with Perfect Rush hahaha)So maybe it will grow on me once more in Wilds, however I will say I'm fucking TIRED of Capcom's new cancerous trend of completely revamping every goddamn weapon every single release. Between World, Iceborne, Rise, Sunbreak, and Wilds all weapons play completely differently. If it isn't because of raping the whole moveset for the lulz, it's because they introduce retarded mechanics to shoehorn all the weapon's strength behind, like Perfect Rush in Iceborne or slinger burst TCS spam.Meanwhile virtually every game before GU has had all weapons be roughly the same with usually only minor differences. Even comparing 4U to MH1, weapons are largely the same. It's fucking annoying.
>>1620834>Oh you're talking about Wildsno I'm talking about world
The /vg/ general is fucking insufferable right now.
>>1620907Okay then you're trolling git gud
>>1620943i imagine it would be. what in particular is so bad rn?>>1620963could you actually offer a reason why you think i'm wrong, because everything I said is true. sns has no good chasedown, or "poke", to my knowledge besides the lunging uppercut, which as mentioned doesnt do a whole lot
>>1621063>i imagine it would be. what in particular is so bad rn?Nonstop zero effort Google questions from people who obviously only play MH as FOTM>could you actually offer a reason why you think i'm wrong, because everything I said is true. sns has no good chasedown, or "poke", to my knowledge besides the lunging uppercut, which as mentioned doesnt do a whole lotYou sheath instantly, use that to chase monsters down faster, and use your nonexistent attack commitment and big back step iframes to constant be on the offense. That said I think evade window skills are a must have on SnS to make it perform optimally. Can you name a monster that's too mobile for you?
Man, Wilds HH feels like an identity crisis with the new stuff.Putting down a tiny AOE bubble then trying to keep an active monster inside it for only tiny damage ticks doesn’t feel good, and the AOE downplays the mobility buff of the HH self-improvement song by trying to give you crappy benefits playing around said tiny zone.It can’t even be used to set up max limit on downed monsters (3 at once), because after setting up one zone the monster is recovered from knockdown.Maybe it gets better with stronger horns, but I ended up ignoring all the new wilds changes and played wilds HH like 4u’s HH instead.
>>1621091>You sheath instantly, use that to chase monsters down fasterchasing down the monster isn't a problem, it's having a low commitment attack with frontloaded dmg. for example, switch has the upswing -> reverse fade slash for dealing with monsters like tigrex that run around all the time. you do that enough times on its arms and then you can wail on it in sword mode while it's flopped down.>use your nonexistent attack commitmentyour noncommittal attacks with sns dont do much dmg, which is the issue im having with it>big back step iframes to constant be on the offenseyour big backstep takes you away from the monster, and then the monster's moved an inch out of the way when you jump back in since sns has no range and no good gap closer like something like DBs or CB does>Can you name a monster that's too mobile for you?stuff like alatreon, deviljho, garuga, safi, kulve>inb4 >safi, kulveyeah they're huge, but they also move the parts you actually want to hit a lot and they themselves often reposition across a quarter of the zone at a time. youre stuck trying to chain spin slashes together because if you try to do any combo that lasts longer than a 2 second window, you either miss by a few inches as the monster moves out of the way or you get slapped with a huge sweep attack because you traded positioning for a long setup
>>1621443Alatreon, garuga, safi, kulve are all fine for SnS. Alatreon is amazing even. Savage jho is a piece of shit you need to chain topple/stagger and that's just a gear checkIf you can upload some of your gameplay I can maybe see what you're doing suboptimally, or I can upload my gameplay of some of those monsters
>>1622015>Alatreon ... [is] fine for SnSYeah, especially when it's flying.
>>1622015youre not engaging with the conversation and just saying "no" to every objective fact without acknowledging the limitations of the weapon. would love to see you playing sns against safi with 3 randos while actually pulling your weight and breaking parts. no, you cant use fatty gear