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New Year, New Cap
Better than last year™
Jong's Director's Note & H1 2025 Roadmap: https://www.dfoneople.com/news/notices/4266/Director's-Note---December-2024

>Official Websites

>YouTube Channels


>Adventurer's Field Notes (QRDs on updates after maintenance)

>New Player Guide/Getting Started
Official Guides: https://www.dfoneople.com/gameinfo/guide/Getting-Started/Overview
Video Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBsu8lK7j4g&list=PLhgKgjNk1ONidiWa1GitBFt7hBShvrz8h
In-depth Guide: https://dfoarchive.blogspot.com/p/new-player-start-here.html

Wiki: https://wiki.dfo.world/view/Main_Page
DFOArchive: https://dfoarchive.blogspot.com/p/welcome.html
DFO.GG (Rankings): https://dfo.gg/rankings
DFCAT (DNF Rankings): https://dfcat.net/rank
DUNDAM: https://dundam.xyz
DFMAX: https://dfmax.xyz
DFMIN: https://dfmin.com

Avatar Simulator: https://df.nexon.com/showroom
Lore & Artwork: https://www.dnf-universe.com
BGM: https://www.youtube.com/@NePLi/playlists
BGM alt: http://hiy9.net/dnf-ost
Wallpaper: https://www.dfoneople.com/media/wallpaper
DNF Wallpaper: https://df.nexon.com/data/wallpaper/pc
Font: https://df.nexon.com/data/font

Apply to Loli with /vm/ in the application

Previous Level Cap: >>1358823
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do you think they have buses up there?
There are "trains"
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I had always some fun with legions, but for some reason forest of awakening is a goddamn slog, I can't even bother clearing it with my weaker alts, how do you guys feel about it?

Pic unrelated.
how is this game for dress up?
I just got back to the game and just doing normal lv 2 with my weak alts. Going to try extreme on my mains once I get a but more fame.
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i want to make something like this
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Good luck anon, EXTREEM's 2nd phase is a particularly unforgiving experience.

Yeah you can make something like that by either directly buying them from the cera shop or trading with other players with gold, but the latter usually won't be cheap at all because shit economy and jews. Some avatars are only easily available for a limited time while others (mostly meme ones) are given away for free or sold for a relatively small amount of gold. As for weapons, you can either use regular weapon avatars or create a skin out of actual equipment by using molds (free ones are obtained from a specific dungeon and are VERY rare, tradable ones cost a gorillion gold because, again, shit economy and jews).
>cera shop
i looked on their website and only saw a few packs
is there a separate shop in game?
Yes, there is a website shop and an ingame shop.
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Forgot to say one more thing, skin avatars can be actually bought for cheap directly from the cera's shop section with gold, but it's limited to one unit per month. Any more and you'd have to scavange them from the auction hall, which while a bit more expensive, its not too bad at all compared to everything else really...
Also, most avatars can be dyed for gold, but the mileage may very with the result.
There are two cash shops, the website store and the ingame cera shop. Apparently nipple had trouble with credit card fraud and probably still do, so they decided you can't spend cera shit ingame without spending a few hundred bux at the webstore first.
i read up and am understanding that avatars give stats and all?
i dont care about all that i just wanna be cute
so with that in mind, i should be able to get items that are purely cosmetic for cheap right?
omg guys i forgot to ask what server should i join if i wanna play with you guys?
Regular avatars never give stats except for most auras (especially package ones). Some regular weapon avatars also have very small stats in them.
CLONE avatars have stats and even emblem slots to further enhance them. They can copy the look of other avatars by replacing them in the equip slot so you don't have to worry about stats while you try to look stylish.
Regular RARE avatars do have stats of their own and they're considerably stronger than regular clones. top and bottom even have platinum slots for really special emblems, which makes them even more expensive than most other slots.
Then there's the RARE CLONES which combine the best of both worlds, but are of course, very expensive to get, but often nipple gives an untradable pack of them away in their anniversary event.
>so with that in mind, i should be able to get items that are purely cosmetic for cheap right?
Like I said, people tend to overprice their avatars by a lot, so it might be hard to get them for relatively cheap. On the other hand neople does give away some avatars for free once in a rare while, but it's usually meme ones like bobbleheads.

play on cain there's a stigma against people on sirocco iykyk
what happened
so if i have a clone avatar i can just see someone in the hubworld and copy their hair for instance?
when dfo launched sirocco used to be labeled as the south american server. a lot of people don't like playing with them because they lag in parties and refuse to communicate in english despite knowing the language
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always feels great
where in game do i go to meet other players- in other words: where should i go in game to people watch?
Normal channel 49 (Seon) is the most populated one.
this game has some very intimidating bosses, i remember seeing some of these intros and my first thought was "i may not survive..."
the music is also very fun
thanks gonna check it out
which class is most likely to die sacrificing themselves in battle in the most badass way
lorewise it's avenger, although i can see troublemaker too. carrying around bombs all day can't be good for you long term.
>carrying around bombs all day
alla hu ackbar!
so you are telling me i can make a gobliness that throws bombs at monsters?
no, but summoner can summon a goblin and he can throw bombs (if he feels like it)
there's bomb throwables too but they cost gold and are very weak
>cost gold and are very weak
the goblin that witch summons throws knives only?
just make a witch and become a menace to society
Spitfire is all about bombs and looks hot unlike witch
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Or Troublehshooter if you wanna feel like duke nukem in a 2D game
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play male mechanic, female spitfire, or troubleshooter (i realized i mispelled the class) if you want to blow shit up in the traditional sense. modern dfo, every class can "nuke" entire rooms with a skill or two.
i wish fem gunners guns were bigger, i like when the weapon is so big the girl looks like she shouldnt be able to use it
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I can't stop putting every character in Range build and going "hehe big skill funny"
how is this game still alive in 2025 is a complete mystery.
is it still 1000% p2w?
what's there to "win"?
>how is this game still alive in 2025 is a complete mystery.
Many chinks too poor to """compete""" in chink dnf are the ones keeping dfog alive. Then theres the 3rd worlders padding the population even though nobody wants to party with their toasters and dial-up tier internet.
>is it still 1000% p2w?
p2w as in you'd need a shitton of gold to get even a single high-end character going while depending on whales to sell the good shit from packages in a whack economy. Still pales compared to chink dnf, last time I heard they have these ultra-rare avatars that were as good as epics and cost a fuck-you amount of money (gold or cera, idk) to get them, but that was a couple years ago. Idk how bad is it now.
anyone know what the daily security rewards are
i recognize the life tokens in the screenshot
Which screenshot? Hard to tell between the dozen links.
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i never knew there was a neo premium contract in the daily security box until now... the 2nd rarest thing here is the 30 fatigue point recovery potion, too bad you can't save it for later.
I don't play every day, but I use the security and I don't think I have ever gotten premium contract out of it. But it keeps the standard contracts up and provides healing pots if current events don't have any.
oh thank you
sorry about that i forgot to post the screenshot from the launcher lol
>can't save it for later.
where is everyone? come punch monsters in the face with me!!! (in a few hours)
there's only 2 people in the guild, my dude. we used to have a lot more but everyone died.
im sorry..
You also need to be max level to even start partying, since levelling event and act quests are solo only.
110 is max level right?
guild theme?
welp RIP my 2nd event character i didnt get to finish leveling her before maintenance
>event for doing raid
fuck you neople, I'm playing solo only
last one was kinda short, ran for a little over a month, meanwhile the female fighter event is two months long and we are restricted to making only one female fighter event character.
i'm still in awe that we had three leveling events back to back. won't be seeing any more for a very long time that's for sure.
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Which one do I put the event buff on? Would have gone F Striker, but she's already over the fame cap.

We're gonna have another one for the 115 cap, you can count on that.
damn you're right. i looked back and 110 cap had one and i just remembered about paramedic and chimera that will arrive in fall. not that i'm complaining though, keep those +12 weapons coming.
pick nen master she has huge aoe.
your brawler looks badass
I don't really care about giga AOEs, but I guess she's the best choice to get into Mu raid.

Thanks, got the avas from some soap wash event years ago.
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gotcha bitch
you're going in my cringe compilation
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>Get two primeval fusion pots from level up event and the stupid constellation scratch card thing.
>Open them up
>Both drops are exactly the same awakening shit I don't want.
what anime is this? the artstyle is familiar
i cant believe my shit from the event expired already ITS BEEN ONE DAY
what character do you all think has the best animations
Atleast it's not Red Rabbit
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Don't get me started on Red Rabbit, it's almost like 50% of my primeval drops are that stupid thing. Still better than an awakening meme fusion when I'm not planning to build that at all, though.

oh no wonder it was so familiar, i red the manga for that one i didnt know that was it's abbreviation
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sorry i got busy
which classes are the tankiest?
>. won't be seeing any more for a very long time that's for sure.
was this comment sarcastic? we got yet another female fighter event
ok i am NOT complaining! all fighter classes seem so fun! especially brawler and grappler!
is there a spot where i can lab combos? i wanna fuck around with grappler more
>buy hair with mileage
>expires in 15 days
you can practice in the training room in hendon myre or unequip your weapon and see how long it takes to kill monsters
Yeah, and there used to be a Mileage option to make the basic set there permanent, but they removed even that.
Demo is up if you Souls enjoyers want to see if it does anything for you
is this a soulslike for the dfo character?
ummm.. GAY
y'know i wouldn't mind if neople made promotional items a bit more enticing or dare i say p2w. they should be on par with those from packages or bis instead of being relegated as a skin. that said, i'm not buying khazan. i absolutely loathe soulslop and the garbage community it enthralls
awakening build is so damn fun on spectre bros
i love bursting rooms with wires
we should organize raid days!
there's not enough of us here to do mu raid
well then maybe just a day where we all hop on and run content together! :D
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>100 to 0 from 3 fails on this one blue node only
that looks like one of those korean systems that fails more than it wins
Any big patches on the horizon to wait for to get back?
Yes. We're currently in the patch lull at the end of level 110 cap, which Neople regards as a design failure so 115 cap is going to be a big reboot. It'll be at least a few months though.
>regards as a design failure
How so, what happened
>115 cap is going to be a big reboot
We got details on that?
Honestly everything really. The start of it was incredibly grindy both in terms of time and resources and burned a ton of players out.
The middle of it was a giant RNG fest the main goal of which was to replace cool unique items with bigger damage numbers.
The end of it was such an insane resource grind that they emergency patched the whole system away after a few months and then proceeded to release systems that were even dumber that they had to tweak several times and still suck ass.
The second raid of the cap was a flop that nobody bothered to do in Korea for weeks until they massively buffed the rewards.
The gold farming dungeon's fame requirement surpassed the raid fame requirement like a week after the raid came out.
Story wise everything that had to do with Seon was dumb bullshit that wasn't related to anything and they had to shoehorn Delezie back into the plot at the very end of it to give us a reason to care.
We got to sidestep a lot of it since global would fast track the non retarded versions of the Korean system for us as soon as possible but Korea took the brunt of it.

Also they changed the director and historically whenever a new director shows up he undoes and buries everything the previous director worked on out of spite. So 115 cap is probably going to pretend 110 cap never happened and not reuse anything from it.
Damn that sucks, I guess I'll wait till they release 115 on global. Hope it's not too far
Thanks bro
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Come back in March. 115 cap and 10th Anniversary are very likely going to be on the same day.
>Story wise everything that had to do with Seon was dumb bullshit that wasn't related to anything
This is maybe the worst for me: I have played DFO solo since literally the Korean beta (didn't need a KSSN at the time) and to being paying off story stuff that old is incredible, but I mentally checked out from Seon. To think, the mystery of where Hendon Myre went is that he had a secret second hometown of idiots.
i still love shume
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Got a good feeling about this content.
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her new forms are smoking hot. cant wait for testing to be done so the raid is released
I want her to beat me up after i call her cute!
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if you did pay attention to the story at all, the entire pre-dusky part was one of the most interesting thing the story had to offer. it's after that the story became really weak (shume and cladis calling each other's names over a hundred times).
delezie was hinted at since ozma era. you also see delezie in the very beginning of season 12 act story. this pic is from the story where you see myre and mu talk. you just need to pay more attention.
>wasn't related to anything
except the
>first world
>bakal's legacy
>anti enbine
>delezie's plague and maleficients
just off the top of my head. i understand the dissatisfaction of the gearing and farming aspect, but there is nothing wrong with the beginning setup to seon. at least know the story if you're going to complain about it.
don't forget Carloso's connection as well
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Nice quads, Shume a cute, cute!

That's a legion, not raid.
ah ok. i hope her fight is fun
Yes, I liked it up through Memory Archives and Bakal. From the actual Seon town and Mistpunk and all that, not so much. And, DnF has always had this issue (lest we forget they introduced and then memory holed a second Arad empire) but after so many years I think they really need to stop introducing whole new factions and resolve some of the existing ones. The only reason Seon has so much is because they wanted to give Archer a new location.
not only carloso but we also got a new trascendent's name and existence from the mediator of balance episode, the new plane of arad that may or may not be mirror arad, and a little more on nemel's knights' intentions. throwing out little tidbits of history from the pre-game eras
no, I mean the part where they introduced white cloud and all the way up to where they fend off solidaris. it is widely accepted in korea to be a great addition to the story. it is the resolution of that and how useless the whole mu story part was why people are tired of seon. they pushed shume so hard to be likeable but everyone just ended up hating her from the latter half of season 13 where she and cladis were just bumbling idiots the whole time. I was so glad that she wasn't going to follow me to joongcheon.

though forest of awakening story was actually a good change toward the right direction.
but i liked dusky and asharan too and that's all that matters
Who is she marrying?
the main problem with dfo lore is that they expect you to look at all sorts of china-only videos, excerpts on the website, korean webtoons, etc to fully appreciate or even understand everything
but there's plenty of arad empires and more than one of it is mentioned in season 13
i reread the story and it turns out that delezie coming to seon was strongly hinted at since the kashipa story
it's not that important when delezie was said to be in seon. the important thing is that mu needed to be introduced so that adventurer can personally see what happened in terra via link to 3rd god nabel. too many people don't understand the whole business with terra and artificial gods.
also, we didn't get the seon story rewrite that korea got that fixed a lot of the shitty writing.
she looks mentally developed challenged in her third form
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Bros, I've finally obtained all the damn potatoes and completed the stupid constellation, now I just need to finish the rumination tab and attain ultimate power!
it'll be pretty much more or less instantly replaced in 115 cap, so enjoy your <2 months with it
It still takes an epic tier 115 weapon to beat a maxed out mu weapon, so it's still gonna last a bit longer than just "2 months".
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SEX with empyrean women
I can fix her
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Letting archer go out of Seon was a mistake
No it does not. Leg 3 beats fully upgraded primeval mu weapon. It's slightly better than leg 2, slightly worse than leg 3
you can't just think about raw power. don't forget that due to set points, a unique can beat out primeval mu if it will boost you to the next grade
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paramedic needs to heal me with her energy blasts
Fuck that set point bullshit is so cancer. Neople is begging players to not leave because they didn't get lucky on their drops.
it's not. it's how dfo always was and it's pretty much the newer player who came in during the last 3 years that's complaining. if anything, the new sets are very good for the game
i hope a female grappler(male) chokes me
what if she(he) starts lagging?
bless we got our own samus
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yeah but shes boring. should of stuck with using lasers to heal sort of meme instead of sneaky spy
isnt that how she works? heal lasers?
nah more like an ambush
i don't remember where i heard this but they wanted to do something new with another buffer she can't heal but gives a lot of shields and barriers instead
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>call her a paramedic
>literally does almost nothing a paramedic does
>not even deploying healing nanomachines or something futuristic like that
What's even the point of this class besides being a Samus ripoff and shoehorning a green B on her role?
because i asked for it
probably trying to rush out more coomer bait asap to get players back after the disaster that was 110 cap and all the feminist sabotage that was exposed in the company
>coomer bait
>more than half of the playerbase is a male slayer
>slayers get another hidden avatar when some classes still have 0
Nobody asked for a 5th fgun. They just needed another buffer to increase population so people will stop fucking asking to remove buffers for party play.
i asked for it nigger
it sounds so silly i honestly thought i was making it up but it's true
of course, she isn't in the testing phase yet so things may change
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Finished playing catchup in just under a month since I returned, excited for 115 cap.
Empyrean women make my heart go doki doki
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Knight was a mistake
knights literally are traitors after all. they're created by and designed after the lady of light, who is one of carloso's allies, our enemy
what the bakal doin?
raising her daughter to grow big and strong
for me?!
Yeah! Repopulate the dragon race
>Have 40 characters
>I've played everything other than f mage
>On the explorer collection cheevos I have no levels in f mage
For someone who doesn't like cunny, what f mage should I play if I realistically only see myself ever playing one?
Give us something to go on about what other classes you like mechanically. The loli appearance is the least important aspect when you could put on a snowman suit avatar.
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some inputs since i only play fmages

just run around and press qwerasdf. class is a bit clunky due to the outdated charge system. some skills put you in place for a while with no invul.
great range, ok burst, high cd

lower your transparency and mash just 2 skills. very good if you're not good at finding damage timing windows since your summons will be doing dps constantly. will need to dodge everything since you have no invul skills.
good range, terrible burst, cd doesn't matter

break your wrist and push commands hard and fast. despite being the "melee" class, she reaches pretty far. a lot of the skills you want to be using have like 3-5s cd, and it can cause some pains if you don't like high apm.
good range, great burst, low cd

you'd want to be in the air to cast like 80% of your skills. lots of invuls and tools (used to be a synergy class) that you can use to cheese things. many of her skills cause you to stop or move in a fixed distance that can get you killed if you're just mashing. fastest movement out of all the lolis. lollipop is the greatest skill in this game.
good range, great burst, mid cd
bro your enchantress to have more saders to run raids with?
3rd in terms of buffers. some can argue that she's the worst buffer. i don't play parties so i can't tell you much other than that.
in terms of solo play, your damage comes out fast due to having two separate instances, and you hit really hard since her 80 is actually good compared to the other buffers. compared to other buffers, your token invul attack isn't your best move, so you don't have to save it for emergencies (you have 6 invul skills anyways). my ench bags for about 2x my muse (same investment), and 9x my witch, and for what it's worth, she can get past ergon phase 2 halfway into his divided darkness phase.
good range, amazing burst, mid cd
Game is up early!
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Early or not, I can't play in the morning on a workday.
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My 110s right now are berserker, m grappler, f striker, m spit, dark lancer, dark knight, and muse.
None of the supports in the game 100% appeal to me, even the muse that I made. I'm usually not adverse to playing supports but there's just so few to choose from in this game and none of them have an aesthetic I like other than muse.
I want to assume bugmage would be the one to pick based on your input. I'm not exactly good at high APM play or anything but I do have a thing for underrated or offmeta classes/builds.
for what it's worth, i'll record my asrahan runs with my girls this week and show you what they look like. or you could always just look up other people's videos.
>My 110s right now are berserker, m grappler, f striker, m spit, dark lancer, dark knight, and muse.
Battle Mage
it's fucking comical that when I make party with laptop next to me I have 350 ping and relay, but the guy on the other side of the world is 200ping and no relay.
small billion dollar indie company (subsidary) please understand
That's pretty bizarre, are you sure the two can find each other on LAN and neither are connected through a VPN or something like that? I did the same thing a couple years ago and had single digit latency without problems.
ngl i thought this was gonna be an idle game when i saw the countdown
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Are they doing away with customs soon or something? I have all these cubes and custom gear from the f fighter level up event since I've been playing a lot but I'm still too apprehensive about using any of it since I don't fully understand how to be building customs. But on the other hand, I still haven't broken 60k just yet and I'm not really sure how to get there other than upgrading all my gear and/or using customs. Everyone seems to be 60k minimum when making raid parties which makes me kind of intimidated to try grouping up.

I also need money to gear my other characters but that's another story.
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Perfect 4/4 custom lines have become easier to acquire now but with 115 cap just around the corner it'd be too much effort at this point to only make use for a week or two at best before becoming obsolete. I wouldn't worry much about customs. Upgrade your gear to a level 110 Record and Traces set (Record of Unknown Life and Trace of the Veteran is a popular set combo) it'll get you covered, then sit back and relax until 115 cap comes.
And if you haven't done so already, preregister for free gifts.
How far you guys managed to clear? I only got as far as lv34 and can't kill the dumb PP Potion.
Don't bother with customs at this point, we're literally a month away from getting the 115 cap update and it's too much hassle/money to make a fully optimal build without having everything prepped for such a short amount of time. Instead, focus on upgrading your Memory sets to Record/Trace, they're almost as good as a fully optimal custom set, or so it's said.
Highest I've gotten was the start of Round 24 which is not as impressive as yours. There's always that one straggler that manages to slip by wasting precious seconds, could've been better.
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The meme dungeon does favor big aoe/vaccum classes, and I'm pretty sure elementalist is the best one for it.
Does the game still limit you to having one or two slots for "faster leveling" characters?

I remember leveling a fast progression character and then thinking I want to try another class.
Turns out you're severely timegated when trying to level "normally".
There's barely any stamina to keep playing. Not to mention that "playing" before max level is mostly spamming dialogues and story dungeons.
>Does the game still limit you to having one or two slots for "faster leveling" characters?
Express leveling mode is only for characters you assign for level-up events, so yeah.

>Turns out you're severely timegated when trying to level "normally".
>There's barely any stamina to keep playing. Not to mention that "playing" before max level is mostly spamming dialogues and story dungeons.
That's how it used to be before express mode became a thing. You should try using level-up tickets from the explorer shop to speed it up in some parts, especially at level 85-89 because it's such a huge shitty slog.
I see.
It feels weird for them to timegate the game so much. Especially on lower levels since there's no "game" to be played.
I get the whole "seasonal" thing. But other korean grinders allow you to reach the cap(which is where the game starts) fast.
Or at the least do not limit you with stamina.
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Am I still the only mentally healthy biological male heterosexual Witch main in the entire english community?
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probably. i should level up my katana zerker but my archer needs love too
this but archer
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Meet Cecilia Roseus, proprietor of DFOland.
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10th Anniversary is going to be so kino.
looks fancy
Nice to meet you. Does her cat bite?
I agree
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>No play/coin limit of any kind
>Can just spam minigames and buy out the entire shop in a single day.
Holy fuck, Nipple being based for once.
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There's something odd about this park map...
It's a QR code of this link: https://www.dfoneople.com/pg/surprise-event
It has the event's wallpaper and a coupon.
It contains 10 days of Neopremium contract and a bunch of coins. I suggest to only open it when 115 arrvies in 2 weeks, as the contract is immediately applied when the box is open.
I thought he meant that it looked like a giant amogus as did most of the individual worlds.
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sussy baka

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