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Welcome to Anoncraft, A Cracked Vanilla Minecraft 1.21 SMP for /vm/.

>Server IP: anoncraft.cc
>Map: map.anoncraft.cc

Come join one of the largest Minecraft communities in /vm/! Now with full support for cracked accounts!

>Server News:
- Explosions and more explosions.
- Merry Christmas
more like anonshart
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does anyone have a copy of the season 2 world or know where I can find it
also god damn where is everyone its 0 players on rn
spending time with their families. It's Christmas time soon.
spoke too soon, 11 people on rn.
We gamin let's go
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im so glad modders are only adding the things that matter to us gamers.
stupid mojang wont give us the things we want... like tranny hearts!
>no MAPS flag

Wow, bigoyted and not progressive enough.
Merry Christmas lads
Merry Christmas frens!
Merry Christmas everyone!
>A romantic asexual

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