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/hunt:showdown 1896 general/ intricate demise edition
old thread >>1482944

50% off sale on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/594650/Hunt_Showdown_1896/

Post Malone's Murder Circus/update 2.2 patch notes: https://steamcommunity.com/games/594650/announcements/detail/520825178851116984

update patch notes/bugfixes https://steamcommunity.com/games/594650/announcements/detail/500560073905406176

Post Malone's new album, shop, tickets, information, videogame collaborations

Post Malone lore; the show must go on

Ghost Face Rampage DLC https://store.steampowered.com/app/3204800/Hunt_Showdown_1896__Ghost_Face_Rampage/
First for Cuckfield is going to drive the game into the ground
most teams have atleast a sticky bomb which instantly does 75% of every boss except assassin, then its just blast a few shots and its done, lot of people run a spear or melee attachment now due to melee tools being nerfed against bosses, maybe its slower than before but bosses still tend to die within 4-5 minutes of every match unless its assassin in the middle of the map.
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why do you want me to post malone so much
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>most teams have atleast a sticky bomb
stopped reading there, you’re delusional or playing at an MMR so low I have no idea what’s going on down there
throwing knives, melee attachments, spears
stop being a faggot
blademancer with throwing knives cheeses every ai except immolators right now
you're not wrong but also pathetic
having 1 of three teammates bring something to deal with bosses isn't unreasonable at all
trivialize every boss (especially with blademancer)
a single sticky bomb
simply grab a world weapon on your journey, you can drop it if there's a fight
primary weapon melees are obscenely strong for some reason, bayonets/traumas/ripostes
All things people don’t typically bring. We’re back to normal knife, med pack, flare pistol, choke bomb. Melee guns aren’t the norm. I’m not disagreeing that methods exist to take down bosses but pretending everyone prepares to fight them rather than players is incorrect
melee guns are a straight upgrade now though
normal knife is useless
literally everyone runs throwing knives with blademancer now
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>got one of the cyclone skins
>fucking suck at using the gun
did post malone pay you for this general info
>All these fancy smancy nerds with enough money to bring full loadouts
Oh laddy da I'm playing with fucking royalty here. All you need is a winchester, a pistol, a health kit, and a melee weapon.
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post malone game. you will be a slut 4 pm and you will like it.
should i buy the onlyfans clown? i have 2k spare blood shekels.
Do you like cocks, riding cocks, talking about cocks, being a cock lover?
what if i'm a slut at any other time than 4pm
We're so fucking back this is just the start bros. We've done it. Sanity has prevailed and woke has fallen.
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once again I am disappointed
what do you mean? its great
if validation from your wife's bull is all you seek
Show an example of a good general you would make or shut the fuck up you little whiny vagina.
it should have had post malone as the edition and thread picture and link to his spotify page
>unique image
>not post gay faggot 'general information' content
it's really not hard
the post malone link was actually funny
Mute random teammates? Apparently they can now whine after dying and talk
So why didn't you make it? Whiny vagina boy. Cuntboy.
because your gay faggot attention whoring ass considers it a race and source of validation to post it first
and i don't give a shit, i'm just telling you good job you made another disappoionting OP
Pen nerf is great because it means people won't kill me behind fences. I don't like no skill gameplay like that where they can just shoot through wood and kill me instantly. Such a noob maneuver.
Uh oh someone's stinky let's change your diapy
I simply said OP is disappointing AGAIN, i'm not the one being defensive queer boi
it is what it is, we're here, i accept it, but it's still lame
See now don't you feel better? We're in this together mate
>aim at someone based on game informance despite visual interferennce
>no skill
you're all such giant gay faggots
no and fuck off or join the /vm/ discord and post pics to prove you can kick my ass (you won't, i'm king)
I'm not interested in joining a gay sex discord to share images of my big, masculine, sexy, godly body.
ok twink
randoms are cool now that you have discord chat in game
3 years later lmao
kek the game is too embarrassing now with randoms because they can talk when you whiff the final round so they'll watch you try to stab a guy 6 times and missing
if you're not an absolute loser this is fun and funny for all parties involved
It's so fun to run a katana with Martialist and a hand full of other perks that help with stamina, movement and melee. I also have a concertina crossbow for blocking off areas. Smashing through a window right next to someone, or dropping down and running around a corner, no one reacts quick enough and you always kill in one hit. I'm running stam and regen shot, any other good ideas for stuff to bring?
Are you aware what website you are on?
Huge is kind of a huge fat guy eh?
i enjoy the slav accents calling me crazy when i clutch 1v3 in close range with my retarded loadouts and dualies, but half of EU randoms still don't talk.
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>guy is tall
>makes it his entire personality even when hes being a videogame streamer where it affects literally nothing
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if you
>use the bow
>dont have every item slot filled
>use chainpistol
>use marksman variants
>use all silenced weapons
>hide your stats
>use the vetterli (except cyclone)
i wont play with you
Being tall is a status symbol. Manlets will never understand what it's like being 6'8" and a big guy. They just seethe. It's everything anon. Everything.
him and all the other hunt streamers have an extremely dull personality
I've never understood streamers. The one thing that bothers me is people without a strong father figure being attached to these dudes and thinking they're cool or something.
its basically virtual daycare, im 27 so i saw the rise of twitch, i hated it from the start, but i also quickly realized its basically a community of 14 year olds on average, many younger.
its why so many streamers also do this "reacts to XYZ thing", its like when young kids beg for attention and have an adult find something cool.
pokimane is literally a virtual nanny, its a gen alpha thing. the really popular ones are basically employed by the same company sometimes and probably have some sort of contract telling them what to do and how.
the viewers that aren't literal kids are obviously intellectually stunted in some way.
may I ask why oh pretentious jakker?
I'd love to hear your reasoning for each one.
all objectively trash things that can be swapped for something useful instead, not filling up all slots means you either have 0 money and are therefore on a terrible losing streak, even filling up your consumables with 4 dynamite is better than nothing.
don't engage reddit posters anon
>bow is trash
thing is hilariously an OP ranged weapon with blademancer right now
>hardcountered by being more than 10 meters away
its a total meme even with blademancer, every single player uses bow now and ive been buckbreaking like 6 of you guys every match as a shotgunGOD, steel bolt crossbow deadeye was supposed to be the OP thing but everyone is too shit to aim with that anyway.
i literally said long range
you can snag someone at 50m with a half draw and kill them tapping dark sight
if you can't find the fun in that I feel sorry for you
nobody mentioned crossbow deadeye steel bolts god you're a faggot
literally nobody is consistently hitting the bow at 50m or outperforming any rifle with that
i was until i got bored with it so eat a dick redditor
If someone leaves your random queue who gives a shit? It's self selection. Their absence literally does not matter at all. Let them sperg over whatever they want.
you will never be a real hunter, bow loser.
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know your place, bow loser scum.
i'm out of the loop, what's wrong with bows?
event trait lets you pull out arrows and bolts with darksight, meaning you can 1 shot to the arms, so every other player is running bow and crossbow, but its still a noob gimmick. as you can see i brutally murdered the weakling with my romero hatchet effortlessly.
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kek, that sounds hilariously broken
you have to hit a shot in the first place, which most arent capable of
you seem increadibly butthurt about people using bows for someone that doesn't think they're a threat
surely you have some repressed trauma
a bow man killed my father and raped my mother
kek based
>bowman in the open and not dead in the bushes
staged photo
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thinking about big round futa booties
Yo Devs if you read this you are dumb cunts for letting 6 stars fight 3 stars. Fix your MMR system. Thanks buddy.
just hit prestige 80 and i'm really sick of this shit, why does prestige even take so long in this game and why did they make it even slower..
prestige is just an illusion to make you feel like you're progressing a better measure is your KD ratio
i just wanted to have that maxed out number with everything unlocked + lots of money, but its atleast 30% slower now even with event xp tokens.
>watching pov of cheater making perfect shots in heavy fog where he CAN'T see or hear shit literally not possible
da fuck
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perfidious bow bastard
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>the bow is so broken right now, lets use it as a duo!
>nevermind the fact i can't hit anything beyond 5 meters and don't know what a shotgun is
current challenge set will break you
im gonna have a lot of fun steamrolling everyone
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>got one kill he could have gotten with any other gun
>meanwhile his friend laid there probably got burned out and lost the match 2 minutes later
just started playing tonight bow only, i'll make you a vid. on first game, got 3 ranged kills and wiped server
and actually that spot is stupid, you can't shoot through it from inside and can only get a one hit kill with blademancer or maybe nitro
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did you unlock /ourguy/ yet?
What are you talking about I've shot people from inside peeking those holes you can even throw dynamite out
Those skins are a little goofy for me. Why Post Malone and not some sexy girl?
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have you checked them since the update? after that kill i throughly inspected the situation and there's a metal bar block sight of the hole from inside, you can only see through by looking from below the bar on the stairs
yeah, i did
theres an egirl clown for the same price as the battlepass
Ah so they might've patched it? Seems like an unnecessary fix
they rotate peak spots in compound walls, the cracks and holes
most updates
this is the first time i've noticed them fuckin with stone though, but its with the engine update rework
i don't think this was a fix at all, probably just an oversight because they're retarded and don't playtest
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why do you have such a hateboner for bows anon?
when you are in the thread it's like the only thing you post about.
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like you're bragging about killing people with a less expensive and less versatile gun that are trying to enjoy themselves
but here's my video demonstrating using it at range with varying success, winning 3 games in a row
included 4th game that my team took forever to engage with me
randoms, same loadout every time
the only real good fights were in the second game
and yes I know i fail in many moments, so imagine someone even better than me making such efforts
I got punished for the memeing the fifth game when my two randoms were sniper players that went 100m away and fought individual teams after I banished boss
oh and obs recorded at monitor resolution instead of radeon super resolution so there's weird zoom effects and quality lessened but OH FUCKIN WELL
The cheaper the weapon you use the better player you are. Kragsissy on the other hand...
lmao 3 trades at 75 ms server reg crytek
>all those misses that would have been super easy hits with any gun
>99% of kills are way within shotgun range anyway
>romero hatchet would outperform and is cheaper anyway
bowfellas... its not looking good for us
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he killed them all with his sidearm or even his bare hands, the krag and winfield are full ammo in these pictures. the pictures humiliated me and i quit using the bow, now i only use the romero hatchet and big dick rifles like the guys who used to bully me in school and my KD finally broke 1.0.
the krag silencer skin is so elaborate, the snake heads are very visible on ads (obscure some view), and even the sights have engraving, i dont know whether i hate it or like it.
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>> 99% of kills are way within shotgun range anyway
well that's just dishonest
anyway i'm not a streamer with 60 hours of footage each week to isolate into a creme de le creme
I literally saw your post, played 5 games, ate dinner, edited and posted a video within 4 hours
music is pretty good but the song feels too short
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>finish battlepass
>all desire to play gone
i didnt even care about the skins
That's not surprising they were pretty shit.
that krag snake skin is pretty hot tho
it seems a little bit overdone, like one of those chinese dragon shirts.
Have the servers been extra garbage for anyone else?
eu servers have been trash for the past 1.5 week, lots of severe rubberbanding and crashes.
Same usually I lol when people complain but it has been extremely noticeable for me in North America
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Once a cheater always a cheater. They should make it so these scum sucking dick warts can't even register an account.
i cheated 20 years ago when I was like 12 in cs 1.6 just to check them out
got bored after a couple days
never got banned, never cheated again
using the same account
i believe in forgiveness
hunt needs to just start actually discouraging and banning cheating instead of considering them a primary source of income buying new accounts
they will ban you for calling campers gay but will not ban you for blatant cheating, it's a company decision
All these companies can't be in bed with cheaters
They allow cheating. If they really wanted to ban all the people cheating they could have them all hardware and ip banned easily. They are more concerned with people using non PC language against the cheaters than the cheaters themselves. Crtyek is a joke.
I have seen blatant cheaters on the same account for years.
I see 9KD players with 500 hours.
They do permanently ban people, but not for cheating.
They've also openly admitted 10% of their active playerbase cheats.
Also it's standard in China to cheat, they all do it and the game is to be the better cheater. China makes up a very large percent of Hunt players.
They should call it Hunt Shotgun
Is there a pattern to where bonus upgrade points or perks spawn in raid?
Cheating chinamen with wallhacks and aimbots nice holy fucking SOMETHING needs to be done about these HUFEI China men infesting servers and cheating
Coming back I forgot how terrible randos are
there are consistent spawn points for all item types, you're referring to contracts and trait spurs if you want to look it up
>needs to be done
best we can do is more china skins
Can you invite cross platform yet
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shut the fuck up
I got friends
then get a console
console balance was the begining of the worst fucking changes to the game
Wha wha wha shut up pussy
you're fucking retarded.
play pc hunt with a controller and report back
So dumb bug.
>I die cooking a dynamite and throwing it
>dynamite kills enemy
>but when I am rezzed by team I still have 2 dynamites
some bugs lol
Thoughts on compact ammo vs medium?
Seems like giving the enemy two possible headshots for your one is a losing prospect. The little bullet spammer has a higher chance of getting his kill shot if you don't get yours.
yes spam is what compact gets as an alternative to velocity, penetration, and drop
it's called balance
the choice is yours
i personally like the cent fmj as a all rounder but regularly use the winnie for fun, especially in bounty clash with fmj
when it comes to pistols, the compacts are the best since range is out the window anyway so you want to maxmimize firerate; unless you're ammo stacking for primary noncompact pr dualies
nobody uses pistols anymore though
sorry i don't play this game anymore (maybe when they revert it to pre-engine i might again)
Very based. I've never played a second of the gaynigger post malone event, and I never will.
No one asked.
> Posting "No one asked" in response to posts that didn't even remotely have anything to do with you
Go lick some more boot, Crytek-cuck.
No one asked
Management wants those boots sparkling clean, cuck.
No. One. Asked.
People don't even bring bomb lances for fun anymore. Did they really kill it?
i like the mini bomblance with harpoons and blademancer
Lick. Those. Boots.
you need to unlock it now, it comes after the bomb launcher, thats why.
havent played in a while.
bow loser status? are they still scum sucking bastard motherfuckers?
tfw never given partner after 2 or 3 hundred videos
do you guys use those crosshair overlays like the spergs who used to be fully kitted out with reshade before the ban?
nah but I don't really care if people do
I had a dot overlay back when we could use reshade, but alas. don't care enough to run something JUST for crosshair
does it make much of a difference?
i have a dozen thousand hours in fps games so it's fairly minor
it can certainly help though
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Bomb bow but better
*claps hands* STOP *claps hands* MATCHING *claps hands* 3 STARS *clap* AGAINST *clap* SIX STAR
I started playing this on console, solo
a /v/ anon recommended poverty rat
how to properly do that? I actually enjoy that gameplay but is there anything i should know? weapons?
Sorry bro, playerbase too small
Please understand, small indie company
what playstation game is this?
the witcher 1?
*claps hands* THERE *claps hands* IS *claps hands* NO *clap* DIFFERENCE *clap* BETWEEN *clap* 1-5 *clap* STARS

> No difference between 1 star and 5 star players
Right on bro, club those fucking baby seal new bitches!!
Spreading fake news like this is a punishable offence
>team members get killed
>run away from trio until they get bored and go to the clash compound
>run back and rez my friends
>we kill everyone
Sun Tzu says, run from enemy until they turn around then attack from behind!
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Team of 3 stars going up against this. The 6 stars just LMAO and headshot everyone with a pistol halfway across the map. Absolutely nonsensical.
i dont presume anyone here is into lolcows but apparently cyraxx streamed hunt recently, it went as expected.
>a duo finds and kills the butcher within one minute
>extract point right right next to where they spawned and where the butcher spawned
>i spawned across the map
>by the time i reach there they're extracting

You should feel shame for knowing and participating in this.
there's many games where banish happens across map with extraction and if I have an extraction near by I just leave
or if there's no extract I might too, to avoid running across the map twice
depends on mood
reminder: auto run can be enabled and is activated by triple tapping W
What do I do in these games, tho? Kill mobs for XP or just join another game?
I'm new
Head towards extract while grabbing money and stuff if you can while knifing mobs you have very limited time if it's the only bounty gone so be quick
>First game of the day
>Cheater with a profile that's impossible to open with the name WWWWWW I've seen posted before
lol fucking hell Crytek GET IT TOGETHER if this is the player experience who the fuck wants to play?
why are six stars able to make weird jump shots out of tiny peek holes?
autism and hacks
>die to a guy with really good movement
>he's level 3
>knows how to quickly kill bosses as if he's done it thousands of times

people smurf in this shit?
its possible, or he was prestiged or prestige 3 if you're a new player and don't know the difference
Yes they buy new accounts specifically to kill the game and discourage new players from playing
They spend $5 to feel like a god. It's cheaper than a beer.
>1 star MMR
>check the lobby stats
>everyone was also 1 star MMR except for a duo who was 3 and 4

I really wanted to like this game and I don't mind dying, but damn...

Prestige is the red medal, white skull patch is the level, right?
Then it was prestige 0, level 3.
They fill the 3 star lobbies with 6 stars that terrorize and headshot every single player they come into contact with. It's strange man. I don't get how this keeps player retention. The only people that will stay will have to be people okay with dying to bullshit 1000 times over.
I mean you literally have to be mentally retarded not to be a 5star.
I literally sat in 5 stars when I played this game and I just ran at people with melee.
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Just walk up and hit them?
You even have throwable spears now
>Makes absurd claims without proof
Don't be a buffoon Sir
> I mean
> I literally
> Condescending question marks
You type like a teen girl and a r*dditor.
Begone, pantywaist.
>Shooting at a Rhodok for target practice
Holy fucking based
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Melee isnt even the worst choice in game. That belongs to the Bornheim and most handcannon choices. Melee is like B- to S tier depending on the situation.

Im telling you stars never meant anything. The mmr range between the tiers was basically 1-2 games. I'd see 5 stars have two handcannons and also watch them die to npcs.
brother people below 5 star are literally console tier, it's seal clubbing
have you not noticed the massive complaints about lobby mixing? if you're not in 5 star it's because you have less than a couple hundred hours in tactical shooters
>That belongs to the Bornheim
Why would anyone want to play with a bunch of cheaters in six stars. Very bizarre.
Got my account banned because randoms would run into my traps all the time and die. The support assumed I was griefing but players really are that dumb and I played with traps all the time so my stats were skewed. Starting fresh is a little exciting but losing 6 years of cosmetics sucks, I even had Bad Hand.
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>man my teammates keep dying to my trap placeements in this team game
>maybe i should pick different placements, improve my communication, or bring more valuable tools and using gay traps
>no, I think i'll keep griefing
you deserve worse
don't they temporary ban first? i saw someone else report he got auto-banned because he killed their friend stuck in something.
That's a lot of assumptions you're making. I'm constantly reminding team mates of trap placement, spam pinging my traps, shouting at my team mates as they're running towards them, trying to spring the traps before they run into them. I'm trapping on the fringes of compounds, my team mates forget about them and run out into them as soon as an enemy is downed. Traps are the most valuable tool, like Necromancer they allow you to clutch fights that would otherwise be impossible. Smart trap placement is better than 90% of the team mates in the game.

They give a 3 strike system, the problem is it is an auto ban system that goes by number of players complaining, dumb petty players often make false reports and then the mouth breathers they have working in support make assumptions based on the loose data available. I got 3 bans over a period of years. I play every day and run traps almost always. Eventually you get enough spiteful retards reporting you because they weren't listening or forgot and ran into your traps. Very few people are intelligent or humble enough to think "Oh, my bad! I wasn't paying attention, that's on me!"
i mostly play randoms and i've sometimes blatantly teamkilled and burned their bodies instantly just because they were completely useless or idling at spawn (sometimes not even AFK because they'd shoot back when i shot at them), and i never got banned for it so far.
i'm more cautious now i heard about the auto-ban thing recently but still hasn't happened.
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do you have any tips for using traps? i find burning to be so strong now i don't want to give it up and half the time enemies don't run into any or i don't even get to put them down.
Pretty sure the player has to report you to count. The second time I got banned I was trying to point out to the idiotic Italian support guy the logical fallacy of how if he can't be certain I wasn't intentionally team killing then he can't prove that I was doing it intentionally. I can understand they're just doing their job but every support person I spoke with was extremely passive aggressive and snarky, can't imagine how miserable their lives are. Another factor and the nail in the coffin was there was a Discord of hundreds of Hunt clan boys I reported for sharing CP and the pedos reported me in every queue I matched with them. If I didn't queue dodge them fast enough they'd report me for verbal abuse. This used to be easily disproven through typing logs but I think now that there is team VOIP they have no real way to track things said unless reports with video clips are submitted. The final time I was reported it wasn't for specifically teamkilling but "toxic behaviour". Coincidentally the perma ban landed the day after the Steam sale ended so I had to rebuy the game full price. Their ban waves synch up with Steam sales ending often.
You hide the spools behind objects. Place them where you know players are extremely likely to push or rotate. Poacher is 1 trait point, allows you to silently trap on the fly in the middle of combat. If your opponent is looking for you they aren't watching their toes. People only scan chokepoints like doorways, if you can predict player movement you've already won. Victory is decided before the battle has begun.
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>Poacher is 1 trait point
yeah, i just realized i don't use traps because i'm a prestigefag, half the time i dont have that unlocked.
if you arent aware of your trap placements of your teammates and have eyes that function and arent seeing them as you place your own, then youre a fucking retard
I havent run into someones traps in like 200 hours much less my teammates. Youre the retard not your teammates.
>play game
>get demoralized when matched with 4.0 kd Chinese players with brand new accounts
Not so great
The game purposely fucks you from getting max level hunters
>3 star player with full perks
>team of 3 star teammates
>we get matched against a 6 star duo that annihilates us
Every time
ask them in voice chat bro
you basically need to rat or abandon your teammates quickly on level 40s if you play randoms, its so rigged.
...why can't i just find lobbies with other people that started playing the game or are equally as bad as a newbie?
...why is the MMR putting me against people with triple my K/D and 3/4 stars when I barely know the maps layout yet?
you're in the protected noob class until rank 10, enough to not get assraped by AI. just use your own intelligence and improvisation to use the map, you don't have to know every corner.
also most 3 stars haven't played that long.
>you don't have to know every corner
>Gets headshotted 1000 times by guy peeking through a crack in the fence that seems to be able to hit headshots every shot
that doesnt happen in 3-4, if you have good movement and awareness you shouldnt have to have "map knowledge"
Where do you retards come up with these godawful takes nowadays? You do realize that in 4 stars, you can actually be "high" 4 stars and end up fighting 5/6 stars instead of just other 4 stars and 3 stars, right?

In those high level lobbies you're thrown inti against your will, you'll absolutely get dumpstered if you don't have basic map knowledge
*thrown into
hes a new player, not a "high 4 star", if he was there after playing a few games in the protected bracket he'd very quickly derank and i've never seen 5 stars in 3* in like 1500 hours, in 3 star people are completely retarded and mostly have less than 200h playtime, just having good fps basics and not being deaf puts you ahead.
Are you fucking high? I'm 3 star and my 3 star group reguarely gets matched with duo 6 stars or a 6 star with 5-4 star support. You can see the screenshots in this very thread. Christ.
works on my machine. 4 star god here and i rarely see 6 stars even at odd hours.
try not being a hunting bow using fool for once and maybe you'll get good instead of raging over nothing
I think my issue that I'm playing on console.
It is a fun, good looking game, but shouldn't even be available on console, horrible experience.
The funny thing is PC users would say the opposite. Console is clunky but the fights are hilarious and better because of the clunkiness. There's less sussy bs headshots and more natural fights.
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Is this the new normal?
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Oh yeah, it is funny as hell cause this is the average gunfight, I had one of these today in close quarters and it was funny even tho I lost it, I actually love the gunfights themselves because of that but the graphics are awful.
Everything is muddy and even pixelated at times.
I know that the game is gorgeous, but it is pretty bad on consoles.
Anyone fuck with the ripper? I just got it imma run it in the faster game mode
It's pretty poopy. I've only seen it once during 200 clash matches. Too many people get floored with it and they never use it again. Like most game devs they nerfed it into irrelevance because of the massive crybaby community in this game. Making balance changes based on streamer cheaters that could kill anyone with a fucking spoon.
it was really really hard to counter before the nerf if someone used it properly (pushing with explosive rounds), but it cost 9 marks, maybe they should have simply made it rarer or something, or made it unable to resupply.
redditors shit their pants whenever they see some 30k hours streamer "abuse" something new but in the short time i used it it was the best weapon ingame by far.
I swear these fucking Germans have never shot a shotgun they act like pellets don’t hurt 20 yards away
Teammates in this game are fucking speds
Hunt may be the most cheater friendly game that exists right now. People with multiple bans on their profile play Hunt for thousands of hours with no ban. It's absurd.
Always has been
Even when rainbow six siege was universally shit on for having the cheapest cheats, cheating in hunt was still magnitudes cheaper.
>last played
what did I miss?
meh, nothing really
cool post malone event currently with clowns and shieeee
Hot wet sopping clussies in your neighborhood
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>specific skins for chinese holidays, announced on bilibili
hallmark of a formerly good game
im always down for melee reskins
historically only the asians get the cool ones
Just had some weird ass guy freak out about not being fully kitted out for bounty clash randoms lol
Taking that shit too seriously bro if you care that much get some friends because we're dying regardless of equipment loadout kek
it's less expensive not because it's less versatile, but because crytek is retarded
chocobo is also less expensive than most guns but everyone runs this shit now
>spam pinging my traps
oh so you're retarded then, good riddance
Nigga they've been releasing China pandering skins since the first China DLC pack. You really think they added a fucking Chinese repeating crossbow to the game because they thought it would fit the game well? They know they tanked their game with the engine update and are doubling down on the Chinese market now.
how do you feel about pennyshot shotties bros?
No point in using them at all whatsoever unless you like to kill bosses with guns over melee. The only good pennyshot weapon for PVP is the Derringer, as far as I'm concerned
They also blast open locked doors with one hit
they need to rework bounty clash you can't make any fricking money in it!
solos make lots of money
crytek doesn't care about trios
it's almost like it's an intended money sink
if you want to make money bring vulture and packmule
but in ideal circumstances you will not win every time so if you keep dying and they lowered the time to loot bodies after bounty leaves
>it's almost like it's an intended money sink
It doesn't have to be though. We, you and me, brother, we can make the changes the world needs.
>it's almost like it's an intended money sin
and that's a good thing
i don't want it changed

It’s never my fault
i havent played since december, what state is the game in right now? should i go kill some bow fools?
you haven't played for 3 whole weeks? wow!
gamechanging bugs and metachanging patches show up every week or so, i wasn't implying it to be a long time, whats the status? i heard the challenges are bugged and they are just giving the event points for free now.
did they unfuck the game yet
How the fuck do you guys see anything now? I feel like the visual clarity was much better 2 years ago. Now I can't see shit and everyone is using skins that blend into the environments.
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bow bastard feels threatened
i guess the game will be harder now that they nerfed blademancer and people will be using real weapons again instead of bowslop
romero hatchet
the highest testosterone weapon in the game
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it's truely over. i guess i'll go back to mosin
why dead randos can talk to me but I can't talk to them when I'm dead
what the fuck is wrong with this garbage
there's a setting
no there fucking isn't
anyway, it seems they can actually hear me, UI is just dogshit and doesn't indicate it in any way
>still no desalle
>still no rain
>still no chadbloom
>still no thunder
>cheating piece of shit with a bad attitude
>main game : Rust
>watching some Mexican with a snap lock aim that gets him headshots over and over
hudsight or crosshair x?
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Hunt steam forums is such a hilarious cesspool of shitters crying "cheats!" and "ping abuse!", what is wrong with them?
so just like this thread
Guys fucking crouch ducking my melee attacks!!!
The game is full of cheating ping abusing weirdos. Are you one of them? Look at this thread it's full of whiny little bitches
i unironically melee people this way, heavy knuckle knife stab to the chest while crouched then sprint to the side and spam l1 for aimpunch
i'm doing a challenge where I go in with nothing but throwing knifes and see what kind of cool perks and weapons I can walk out with
You get free rifles at the tent every game, good shotguns.
the game pretty much throws gear at you now, they might aswell get rid of hunt dollars.
people these days are talking a lot about potential new currencies like boss tokens or something.
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Everyone I met on this site that uses that gif is a total fucking loser. Congrats anon you played yourself.
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What gun does General sam use it looks like a a rifle with a revolver cylinder he usually pairs it with incendiary ammo.
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>when i hear an arrow whiff past me from behind but i'm carrying a romero hatchet
This shit was what finally just made me drop the game, the devs are a circus
seriously though, who's this post malone dork and how much did he pay to be featured in a game
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he mogs you
>doesn’t know posty
Yeah right nigga he’s like one of the biggest pop stars in the world you would have to be a turbo neet to not know him and they paid him most likely

What gun is he using
lemat carbine
also he uses lemat carbine marksman sometimes, sometimes incendiary ammo and sometimes dragon breath on the shotgun underbarrel, since you seem to be new to the game. the marksman variant is a meme gun nobody uses and has no niche, the regular lemat carbine is ok if you're learning the game but i wouldn't advise incen or dragonbreath, these guys seem like casual weekend players who make content out of the 1 match they played.

honestly you should use quartermaster on all your hunters and play a fast shooting rifle with romero hatchet as secondary
I don’t like shotguns the pellet spread is ridiculously unrealistic
caring about that is always stupid, and shotguns are actually good in hunt
1865 carbine is very good in bounty clash, cheap and people are never full health, lots of chest kills.
Anyone ever try to allah akbar the extraction points in the small game mode how far does the dark sight dynamite bundle reach
no but pro tip it can be triggered remotely by beetles. Wait for them to come while you hide very far in the woods, then use your beetle to do it.
You fly the beetle then use the beetle to remotely activate the dark sight dynamite
>two players being sus as fuck
>hitting headshots every angle possible if you even peek them a second
>check their profiles after
Fucking Ukranian cheaters
Fucking cunts
MMR fucking blows ass. A 6 star wiping the entire 3 star lobby shouldn't happen. Oooooh he has a 3 star teammate that makes it fair to face 3 3 stars.
the best way to trigger long distance is actually springfield marksman explosive ammo, its been done since the release of the bomb, its probably not as easy as you think though, also costs money to buy the bombs everytime.
that's probably russians falseflagging
they do it all the time
Ukrainians are too greedy to pay for cheats
did you spectate them after?
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Post Malone Hunt Showdown cookies!!! Fuck yeah yum yummy
Nvidia introduced DLSS override in the latest drivers, you can run Hunt with DLSS 4 now. Did a little testing and it has significantly less ghosting
kek, this never gets old
just use FSR like a normal person, it has no ghosting
you are not obliged to run DLSS on nvidia GPU
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the miner outfit and pickaxe are definitely going to be in the game, coming with the next event on Feb 14. Post Malone's Bloody Valentine Mine.
this is what gamers want.
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>it's actually true
How, why, how
>1/3~ of playerbase online plays bounty clash
>will stay and get updates, more maps, maybe rewards
>reducing player amount and team amount
>top 10 weapons used are all free hunter garbage
>possible changes to MMR being shared with clash and hunt
MMR shared would absolutely btfo the smurfs clearing lobbies
One less team makes sense too
Not sure how I'd feel. I did play crappy to get to 3 star so I am a smurf too I suppose.
idk, it probably doesn't rely on temporal algorithms
long before dlss crap amd was investing in mxaa and similar algorithms, though they didn't achieve success
I guess their upscaler relies on edge detection rather than old frames
>>top 10 weapons used are all free hunter garbage
in what fucking mmr
my games are full of krag silencer bullshit
and maynard for some reason
one less team makes sense but 9 max players is shit
In the normal player MMR aka 2-3 star narcissistic autists need not apply
Facing a mid player using walls is total ass. They always know where you are and get super aggressive pushing. Faced one with a crown and king shotgun with a ton of vac bans on the profile. The one pro I guess was he clearly wasn't using aim assist.
if you're severely disabled maybe
Found the ego inflated babby
Would Bounty clash be better with sound cues? Notice how there's no massive pile of crows or cows and dogs. It matters a lot less in the sound game.
the players in 2 star die to barehanded grunts, all the way to 4* i still see "gamer dad" gameplay where they have no reflexes but manage to get kills with some smart and patient plays atleast, under 3 star is simply "special" and a tiny minority of mostly first matches and 3 star solos.
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also I currently have 30k hunt dollars at level 86.
I'm using nitro, dual dolch's, and mosins almost every round and still not losing money. i'm rollin in it. I don't think I'm even going to be able to spend these hunt dollars before I prestige. Even If I used auvomat every single bounty clash round.
what winning 5 double bounty games in a row with a level 50 hunter does to a fella
>cheater on my team
>always a feminine german Euro voice
Cheaters man never
is it opposite day?
it wouldnt make a difference in a single compound, you can hear sprinting footsteps like 70m away. they removed immolators and hellhounds and stuff from clash because it gave the spawns near them significant disadvantage.
what is the general consensus on Drilling + bleed ammo? Been having a lot of fun with lately but sometimes it feels kinda cheap
If you complain about dumdum, but never bring Bloodless, you're part of the problem.
>just bring an expensive perk bro
>just do it
I hate drilling because of its retarded sights and personally I believe only cheaters with norecoil run it
there is no way anyone benefits from theoretical high firerate when it kicks like a horse and is not manageable unless you cheat
Interesting, I myself really like its sights, now Nitro on the other hand...
You can't be serious
That huge fucking ball on top of front post makes it impossible to aim at long distance
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The krag fucks
drilling is one of my favourite guns and i only use it with dumdum, but it still feels like a gimmick weapon because i either dominate with it or miss every shot, its also deceptively overpriced because when you take dumdum you mightaswell take slugs too. and then you're paying like 700 dollars for a medium ammo gun. you can take a slate and trueshot dumdum instead.
back in the day when new hunters came out in battlepass and dlc, i'd see a lot of them for a short time, i haven't seen that at all anymore and they're releasing more shit than ever, nobody seems to be buying shit anymore. the only exception was ghostface for some reason.
they release literal shit nobody wants
from this bp I only use clown (the one that's not negroid) and only in bounty clash (an appropriate skin for the mode)
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The DLCs have been so so lately but I see myself buying this new Trickshot lady.
but she looks boring as fuck, just another grey/brown blob with brown gloves. shes probably got a bunch of visual bugs when vaulting, reloading guns etc aswell since they still haven't released her yet.
Could you describe what would make her less boring to you? What's your dream design for characters?
i like winky aswell, but i don't like his hands, its like some rule that the hunters that look gay and shit have cool hands and the ones that have ugly hands looks cool
i like cool trinkets and designs on the hands since thats what i get to see.
I'm not a fan of doodle scribble tattoos on my Hunter hands give me some gloves
delete all the "legendary hunter" instances and turn them into cosmetic parts freely customizable on t1/2/3 rookies/veterans.
she looks great, fits the setting and is not an edgelord faggot
Hey I want more masked guys with dark messy hair like the UNDERTAKER or KAINE
actually we want more e-girls like Giggles
Belle Delphione skin when?
get ready to pay 20 dollars since its going to be a dual skin
a) fucking giving crytek anymore money when they keep doing shit
b) naturally they keep making shit nobody wants
I want more Native American skins
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Other than a Chief in a headdress (which some people would complain about) what other skins could we use? The problem would be how much they sell too. Are people buying Native skins?
I bought the Native American skins because I’m injun but I had a random say he liked my skin. I assume if you play this game you like westerns
You could do a medicine man or more warriors
>use levering
>miss 4 times instead of just getting an easy single shot kill
many such times
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you "realism" autists will never not be amusing
shotguns in hunt are about as balanced as you can make them in videogames, you're such a sperg
No it does fuck all if you aren’t shoving it down their piss hole
severe skill issue. shotguns outperform everything else close range.
Cross bows are better at distance and cqc at distance shot guns turn into confetti poppers
other than explosive crossbow bows are a meme and xbow still gets outperformed by a good shotgun anyway
no shotgun will outperform a crossbow with steel bolts and scope. I can snipe people from across the map.
Nothing entertains me more than a cat and mouse chase between me and a team of three. I had 3 guys chasing me for 30 mins kek.
They should add a hunt dollar gambling event since gambling is apart of cowboy culture and this is a cowboy game.
>load into bountyless map with hunt dollars
>mousy your way down to the saloon
>choose between roulette blackjack poker or high-low
>gun store next to saloon with perks and guns

Now how this all ties into an event is beyond me
you can snipe people across the map with a rifle too
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>Now how this all ties into an event is beyond me
Another Post Malone event, he is now the owner of a gambling house
new event is probably going to be with a new boss thats been supposedly getting teased in easter eggs since the map updates
>another post Malone event
I like this idea post Malone is /ourguy/
ok but we're talking about shotguns vs crossbows buddy boy
>use crossbow mid range
>get outperformed by every rifle

>use crossbow close range
>get outperformed by every shotgun
romero hatchet.
when are they adding a spinning pistol inspect animation?
the annie oakley skin is very tranny-coded, no wonder all the discord and redditfags have been begging for it.
So is the fucking Shredder still in the game? I know you can't get it anymore, but did they remove from everyone's inventories?
they said they would remove it after the event even before it was in the game. i havent seen a single one since they nerfed it anyway.
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>translation; shareholders wanted AAA FPS gamepass slopgame so we updated the engine to impress them and hired post malone
>sales were profitable but not enough to compete with CoD or whatever
Guess we’re never getting DeSalle back huh
might actually be a good thing, focusing on bugfixes and the loyal playerbase rather than futile attempts at expanding, like they're already doing now (prioritizing fixing the game over the next event).
>bringing back a removed map
the state of consumers
What went so wrong?
revert back to pre-engine update when?
> Implying Crytek is going to openly admit the engine update was basically a failure in the coming months post-mass layoffs
Hahaha. You don't realize how fucked Crytek is, do you? They were the devs known for Crysis. CRYSIS! Look at how far they've fallen now. Even fucking piss malone couldn't get Hunt's playerbase numbers back to what they were before the engine update.

I think we're watching the gradual, clumsy decline of Hunt into oblivion. Crytek will survive, but I think Hunt's days are numbered as we speak.
thats not what i said retard, i meant expanding as in casualizing the game, and bringing post malone and a shitty upgrade in. if anything bringing back desalle would be a bigger priority after this.
>Guess we’re never getting DeSalle back huh
>"might actually be a good thing,"
>"thats not what i said retard"
you can mean whatever you want esl
Reasons hunt will continue failing
>Play games with bro
>Brand new cheater
All brand new accounts not even attempting to hide following players through walls with no sound.
With this many cheaters and a population of 6-7k post event players? The game is cooked. Donzo. Finito. They need to seriously triple down on clearing out the cheaters.
The state
Stop eating dog shit and regurgitating it anon you'll feel better. Maybe Tarkov is more your speed.
>we will be reverting the ui changes bit by bit to how they originally were
or you fucking retards could have not changed it in the first place, i guess its a small win anyway
all they needed to do was just taking away and replacing/swapping a few things in the old UI, but they wanted to have their cake and eat it too, they outsourced all that shit and thought they could make it "console friendly" and "better" by having chinks do it for the same price it'd cost to just do the former way themselves.
>leave hunt for 2 years
>come back to it
>they deleted a map
>its now had its name changed 3 fucking times
>all youtube/google seo now ruined again because the algorithm thinks hunt showdown is different from hunt showdown 1896
>1896 number slapped on for fucking no reason
>ghost face because ..... ????
>HELLO FELLOW KIDS IM GHOST FACE from 20 years ago you may remember me from such terrible straight to vhs movies such as Ghost Face 1, Ghostface 2, Ghostface 3, and Ghostface 4: A new rekilling 1996
>hunt showdown infestation stories standalone the war z

jesus fuck
wait until you find out about a certain rapper
>terrible straight to vhs movies
Come on now, first one and one of the sequels (the fourth one, I think) were quite good if you are into the genre.
yes, they dedicated resources to actively kill off the game and they are doing massive layoffs
watching them burn is more entertaining than playing the game at this point
>revive basically bolts going away
>beartraps back to 1/3 health damage instead of 1/2
>melee tools back to doing more damage to bosses
>melee weapons spawn in compounds again
>vetterli iron eye buff
>martini gets fast fingers
martini with fast fingers is redundant and a waste of points, reload is already very fast and the ironside exists, bear traps are good as they are now imo.
rest of the changes are ok.
Removing revive bolts? They are killing the game with these dumb decisions nobody asked for
Surefoot didn't need a price increase, imo, otherwise I'm happy with the changes
too little too late
>being able to bring set it and forget it instant kill setup without sacrificing an additional tool slot like concertina+poison
>get *two* (total of 4 traps) with frontiersman iirc
pass away immediately
A cool perk or special thing would be a perk or ability that allows you to teleport all of your team to your location. I call it the circle jerker.
wtf is up with water leeches my entire team was merc'd after I killed 2 of them then they ate my teammates and killed us all in under 5 seconds at extract
>They are killing the game with these dumb decisions nobody asked for
Kind of like the addition of revive bolts?
ive basically never stepped into more than 1 bear trap at a time, wasnt a problem at all, traps are underpowered otherwise.
is the game dead yet
no but it's very boring and stale.
they respawn, just stay out of the water if they're at extract, go on the boat.
everyone died in the water and I lost my shit reviving them twice
you should have shot them dead so they had to respawn, then revive. sounds like this is your first day playing. they're very weak to shotguns, they also aggro towards objects thrown in the water such as decoys i think. best way to avoid them is usually just find the shortest path to run through a body of water that they're in, sometimes they're far enough to not hit you, also sprint + jump twice, they slow when you're in the air.

also for hellhounds which i assume you have trouble with aswell, they leap towards you, but you can avoid that attack by running into it like a half-circle strafe if you understand what i mean, then you're behind them, they die to 1 heavy attack + 1 light attack, that technique will also help you with the helmet ones. you'll hear howls when they are visible in your area so you can kind of plan ahead or avoid them/be wary if you notice.
AI wont be a problem ever if you play for a while.
>also sprint + jump twice
if you do this with your first landing in the water
the two jump bhop will cover the distance faster
a third jump will be slower than either
Naw I have 1000 hours. I just never seen an entire team get eaten by water devils. It's a first for me usually they don't cause any problems whatsoever. It was the far left river near grizzly lodge.
Getting real tired of my friends dying out in the open because they think they are hot shit and will win every duel.
>muh 6 star
6 fucking stars and still no knowledge about cover.
is smurfing on my wife's 0.05 kd 1 star account morally questionable
who cares? 90% of the playerbase is retarded and shit, 5% cheats and maybe 5% is actually good and legit. there are no stakes.
game is unplayable garbage without bounty clash they're making a huge mistake
its unplayable garbage without an event, we need crytek to send in nicki ASAP.
>install game
>lets play a game
All stars are being fed to the 6 star lobbies to satisfy the streamers so your smurfing doesn't matter. It was either that or slightly longer queues.
lol noob
Lady Gaga and Schnafer Hunter
Crytek quietly implementing the 100 ping cap is magical. Filthy high pingers are mad as hell being forced to play with other ping abusers and having to wait an extra 5 minutes to find lobbies in off hours. I'm finally free of cheating Asians on west coast, dunking on Californian stoner casuals. Haven't traded with pinggers in days. Never thought I'd see it come to pass, hallelujah! It also seems to have made duos lobbies more popular than trios somehow outside of totally dead hours. Full duos lobbies, half empty trios until midnight then it flips round, weird. People living in Alaska, Australia, South Africa, Timbuktu, etc. and demanding quality dedicated servers are equivalent to people living in tornado or flood prone areas and complaining when they pay for the consequences of their choices. Move somewhere more hospitable to gamers or fuck off. If you don't have good Internet connection then you don't get to play multi-player games. It's like parents that bring children to gourmet restaurants. Your fate is family friendly diners for the next decade, deal with it. Nobody realizes how many little sacrifices you have to make when you choose to raise a family. I've had friends who are expecting make social plans for the future. You poor naive bastard, you're dead to the world for a long time, you're about to be hit by a truck. We'll see you return in a few years like a PoW camp survivor.
who cares? the steamcharts have fallen, the bayou longs for nicki and megan.
holy fuck i remember now why i quit this game
everyone is so fucking bad at it
im 6 star and these mother fuckers dont even fire their gun in a like 3 minute fire fight while i spot like 6 different people
then they just die
god damn dude i dont know whats wrong with men theyre so fucking afraid to even try
its one thing if you miss, but these fucking guys DONT EVEN TRY
4 star is the only playable rank, its known
Many of the vets care, I had a bunch of friends come back. The gameplay feels so smooth without ping abusing foreigners. It has never been so good. I used to trade several times a night.
I still get cheating ruskies on EU servers, please send help.
Many ruskies manage to stay under 100 ping so the ping lock won't save you, my condolences. The only server that was completely purged of foreigners was NA West because of geography
i'm being trolled, surely
that's cool but I won't be able to see this until bounty clash comes back. I refuse to play the inferior mode of bounty hunt. Clash only. Enough of this weekend only bullshit. They probably see their numbers tanking when clash is gone. BRING BACK CLASH FULL TIME NOW.
playing with 2 stars I genuinely believe some of them are deaf or do not use headphones whatsoever. They can be shot at and not look at the enemy. Deaf and blind in one eye or failing vision. It's kind of amazing that they still try anyway.
How is hunt these days? I haven't played in a while (last time was right before the croc update or right after)
Is it worth shilling to my friends?
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its in a very weird position, there have perpetually been events until the last one ended a few weeks ago, there was an engine upgrade which came with a new map (which temporarily removed the other 3 maps until slowly returning, we still need desalle to return now), removed weather conditions also, and changed the UI which was/is an extreme fuckup. player retention is very bad but seems to peak up again when events come.
over time they changed the balance a lot and fights have become much faster paced, with contradictory nerfs and buffs regarding revives and health-restores, overpowered pact traits.

they added a new gamemode called bounty clash that is basically just spawning all teams in 1 compound to fight over 1 bounty token inside, its pretty good.

they tried to fix trades and now ping limit but i haven't played the past few weeks so i can't speak on the latter.

prestiging now keeps base weapons unlocked, but not traits, tools, consumables.

the 1896 update was a huge blunder and led to negative review status on steam, now months later they say they're going to prioritize bugs and UI fixes after surveys.
It's basically an entirely different game. Drastic changes to wall penetration, directional sound, revive dynamics and the general economy have made it so the game in a strange way. It's 'faster' when fights break out because they end sooner on account of body burning and the general player skill floor has continually risen. However, the newest map has no sense of design philosophy, and as a result, every compound is a massive fun house with an infinite number of spaces to hide. The game does not excel with verticality.
>tl;dr the hunt you played is gone for something different and objectively worse and isn't coming back

>they added a new gamemode called bounty clash that is basically just spawning all teams in 1 compound to fight over 1 bounty token inside, its pretty good.
You forgot to mention how they're treating it. It's a 'weekends only' type thing because apparently their servers can't handle both game types. They kept it permanently during the Post Malone event but it's gone again.
i dont know about the server thing but they kept it weekends only in the beginning to experiment, they're balancing and changing it which is a good sign.
Wall penetration sounds based. The risen skill is kind of what puts me off of a lot of thee kinda games. Or any comp game.
Events are nice but also what people do when shit is falling I feel like. Too make gamemode seperate player bases.

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