this is my favorite game ever
/v/ was shitting on this game the other day. it fucking sucks. the balancing is atrocious. It plays nothing like any other battlefield game and probably has the worst latency, refresh rate and net code. The maps leave you open too much of the time. Tanks are invincible. The only thing this game did right was add a little more color than bf3. I don’t think BF3 is great, but it is miles better than 4
>>1555016I liked 2 and 2142 best but I enjoyed 4I loved parachuting on the roof top on Siege of Shanghai and sniping. Had so many clips where I headshotted people going full speed on ATV's from those roofs
4 was a re-skinned 3
>>1555016Game is fun but the community for it is fucking delusional. 10+ year shitbucket fags who think it's totally fair and reasonable for tanks to be almost unkillable so long as the driver isn't a lobotomite, for attack helis to be able to beat everything in the game 1v1 including the AA, and for every rocket launcher in the game to be basically useless. Not to mention how cancerous shit like UCAVs and thermal scopes are.It's such an inconsistent experience, those rare highs where the teams are balanced, people are coordinating, the game is actually close, and there's no 10k hour chopperfags are so beautiful but so rare. And the rest of the experience is either boring or absolutely miserable because of the shit vehicle balance, faction balance, and mostly awful maps
>>1581267All the heli whore admin always be banning stinger/igla on all servers. Game is fucking dead all the dice official servers are dead.