I miss social games like Vside, Gaia Online, etc v.v
Would anyone like to play with me on Scania? Or does anyone else still play on Interactive worlds for that matter?I am not going to the /vg/ shithole
>>1602686what server? it better be v83
>>1602686i wanted to play but i'd rather wait for the hyperburn event... i guess it doesn't really matter. you mean a new account right?
>>1607968oh would you look at that, you can hyperburn right now. i guess i'll start playing.
>>1608073not worth it anon
>>1620555we'll always have june
>EventsNow: IEM KatowiceSoon: Cluj-Napoca>Half-Life TVwww.hltv.org
>>1626966clean it up, janny
Parivision - Astralis looks like much better game than kato final
Told you that Donk is overrated.
>>1622762CS2 fucking blows. I refuse to play that piece of shit.
Im out of prison after 3 years fbecause of cybercrime. Please tl'dr me everything of noteworthy that happened in CS and pro CS in the last three years.
>What is Arena Respawn?Arena Respawn is an Arena mod where rather then winning the round, capturing the control point instead respawns all dead teammates.>Server IP169.254.33.104:57624
>>1612652connection failed
>>1620749>New Server IP169.254.182.204:48568I'll be hosting this server for a week and check if there's any complaints, if there's any problem let me know lad. Hosted in US East, maximum of 32 players and map pool are arena respawn ravine draft, well, offblast, and granary maps for the time being.
>>1612652>APIPA addresslol. lmao even
I hope this is the right board to post in but I'm really interested in playing FF14. All I have is a shitty dell laptop, and I have to download the game on a separate usb drive. Can I run and play it off the drive with these stats?
You're going to need a gpu at least
>>1603300pretty much this
>>1603235You'd probably be better off getting a used PS4.
>>1620078Probably but I move around a lot, am broke, and don't have a TV to stream it to, so the laptop I have does all the heavy lifting.Though this thread is kinda old, I managed to download and run ff14 on a big tb usb, even though it lags a lot.
Black Desert Online refugee thread for bdogs>News and Updateshttps://www.naeu.playblackdesert.com/en-US/News/Noticehttps://www.kr.playblackdesert.com/ko-KR/News/Noticehttps://www.sea.playblackdesert.com/en-US/News/Noticehttps://www.global-lab.playblackdesert.com/News/Noticebecause this dumb dead game can't hack it on a real board
>>1636208sent ;)
>>1636208april fools like the free Pen Ogre Necklace
>>1636221>It's too big and no one knows where it should be equippeduhhhh bros, what did the ogres use those rings for?
>>1636272I'm sure the Calpheon Noble Women know where it should be equipped...
ITT: Shittiest weapons in multiplayer games.
>>1620762.357 in Halflife was based>so was the REX in BF3
>>1606518Why is the Q3 grenade launcher so limp-dicked? The grenades flop out with such shitty momentum. Fire those damn things far out!
>>1613093this thing used to rape ghosts in halo 3
>>1613093>gigantic pizza cutters on the front>less than a 2% boost to melee damage
>What's Aura Kingdom?An anime MMORPG by Taiwanese developer X-Legend released in 2014.>Sites:https://www.x-legend.com/online/aurakingdom/We're currently playing on a private server of Aura Kingdom.https://www.aurakingdom.to/>Download:https://www.aurakingdom.to/#>GuildAK47Ask for an invite from any online member or you can access the guild recruitment window(default keybind G) and simply join our guild from there(lvl 10+)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
somehow I was voted top 10 in the rankingshttps://files.catbox.moe/o70v09.jpg
>>1617167broken link
>>1621923hmm, it's working for me. Though catbox is iffy on some isps.
FINALLY GOT ANYA!https://files.catbox.moe/6thnl2.jpgNow I can let this thread die in peace.Now, as for my second review after having played it for a month+. I actually kinda like it. There are some weird stuff with regards to getting carried to get resources to get better. But learning the mechanics, improving gear, playing the auction market, building my character better to overcome post awakening stuff was pretty fun. Shame it's all only after awakening and pre-awakening is just mash through msq. Much thanks to Rathos for the guide in guild affairs. Still unsure if I want to play more, until level cap, or just drop it. I'm not as displeased as I was with it when we had finished our two weeks in the game.
>>1622188Congratulations! I believed.
What's /vm/'s opinion on the new funny anime paper mario shooter game on the block?
>New games modes coming soon in the cn client >is Crystal capture , capture the flag?Team Arena, TDM, Demolition, Custom, Ranked Demolition, Core Capture, 5v5v5 TDM (PC), 3 team TDM (mobile), Escort, Hide and Seek, Crystal Capture, Snowball fight, Outbreak, Melee fight, Ranked Team Arena, Ranked Escort and Escort v2.
>>1583857>The only relevant slut
>>1577868its boringthe paper gimmick gets old after a while.
>>1607818Eika's sexo but so is Kokona.>>1603845CTF modes are peak, please give that shit to me
Why does Quake community disregard this game?
>>1616576worst one
Is it me or remade maps in CS2 are shit? They look and feel nothing like the original maps.
>>1614350VPN to Morocco while searching for a match. You will ALWAYS be put on the server located in Madrid. Too far for 3rdies to join
>>1515919Playing T side on new Train is leagues better.
>>1559972They did it to force all the players into the current graphics generation.
>>1620865But… why? Is Valve getting a kickback from Nvidia and AMD?
I like the added visibility but it's too sterilized. The subtick still doesn't quite work right. Shooting and moving still feels kinda floaty compared to CSGO.Reactive smokes is pretty cool
/comnn/ editionFormerly Wiimmfi'sWiimmfi (Nintendo WFC Revival):For DS, use:>a WEP or unprotected network (guest network or secondary router)or>an unprotected mobile hotspotand set one of these as your Primary DNS (both connect to Wiimmfi):>Kaeru:>WiiLink: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1591031I miss rc24, larsenv was a retard too but way less retarded than the wiilink staff, dude shouldn't have given up his project to those guys
Maybe someone posted this already but it's helpful. It shows all the PSP infrastructure mode games and which DNS to use to connect to them.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LRa0uC0LePZF_szr4hQQ4PiC2nbTig0Il_2t8vHQx7k/edit?gid=0#gid=0
>>1617166Also there is a wpa2 plugin for PSP now, so you don't need to downgrade security or use a guest network for most of them.
https://discord.gg/eYTuqxJGzk/vm/ server is playing Mario Kart Wii on Sunday.
To any Battlefield heads, I'd like to hear your opinion. Even BF3 and 4 have more players than Hardline, which is a fucking ghost town of no players in the few servers still up.
>>1573148This, DLC tier game
>>1564476This, the driving was ass. Had the game had good driving it might've been fun
>>1560555Because is shit
>>1612817I enjoyed it the most
>>1560555I loved hardline, that said it was basically a cop reskin of 4 which made no sense having a giant cop and gang war but whatever, and something about the gameplay made it more like cod maybe it was the maps, or that the game was slightly faster idk....honestly though I think it was just the setting
I've been looking to play this once more and currently play the hd single player mod.Now I think I'd like to play this online again but the only servers/mods I know of seem to be roleplay wich isn't my thing.Are there any server anons can recommend? Or even a 4cham server?
>>1615556Fucking typos.
I could have sworn I've read sometime over the years there was a /VM/ server or something once.
>>1615557kek turd worlder
Guys, do you know If there's a online JRPG that looks like this?
>>1607923Tree Of Savior
>>1613202sneed of saviour