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hey, the idea was based on a centralized version; however the problem is that the gov would take it down and put me in jail.
so i'm thinking about a decentralized p2p version which has not few technical problems, that i'm trying to solve;
however this is not what the post is about.
think about a game 1v1 where you and someone are fighting with guns and fortnite-like builds in a 16x16 grid; both you and your opponent stake an ammount of money ($1 each or 2 doge each or X btc each etc), you make N rounds, who wins takes all.
in a decentralized version in would be easy to fight against cheating, the authoritative server would be very careful in this and the competitive version of the game (the version where you can play with money) would be accessible only via a strong verification pass (like iban verification). which would make cheater extremely rare and absolutely easy to fight against, since every match provides a "report" tool to the players.
the reported matches would be watched carefully by a human and evaluated.
now my ideas to avoid legal troubles are:
* make this as a p2p protocol game, no report tool would be available, the game would use a trustless proof based model, like the proof of work of bitcoin, but for game mechanics instead. (and by the way users would be unsafe when playing with random players because of MITM problems related to exposing your own ip)
* make my own coin (or use tether-like tokens) and keep the centralized version (which would be way easier to do and probably also somewhat legal)

also to keep hidden cheats very rare (hidden cheats are cheat that cannot be discovered by an authoritative server) for example wallhack and aimbot (in majority solved by the report tool when very noticable) would be relieved by:
* a builtin chill wallhack in the game (a dot which indicates the oppenent so you don't install wallhacks, the simplicity of the game makes wallhacks useless)
* low firing rate
* headshots make the same damage as bodyshots
someone please say what you think about this and eventual problems you can see, please don't be so stupid to think this wouldn't work for too many reasons, because world doesn't work like this;
also about a legal perspective, i think this would work for the first period, tether is a bank without a license so i don't see why i would be a problem at this point and eventually i would create my own small crypto, and when even that would be a problem i would try to make this a p2p game with some trick and some limitation
good luck making your game anon

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This is a /vm/ server for my own personal fork of Adventurers of Akalabeth by Xork, which is a fork of Ruins & Riches (originally known as Odyssey) by Djeryv. The server has been running since March and has been enjoyed by several anons. This is far from a typical UO server because over the course of a decade Djeryv modified the game into an old school sandbox adventure experience designed for solo or small party play. It focuses heavily on exploration with new world maps filled with towns and dungeons, requiring players to find clues to navigate between worlds. The game lacks a central storyline, instead offering random quests and contracts from town quest boards, with hints provided by reading NPC dialogue. There is no wiki and information is much harder to come by than modern gamers are used to. Skills have been rebalanced for better utility, and crafters can open shops and receive contracts if they acquire a house. Resurrecting without paying a tribute reduces skill points, and dungeons are filled with brutal traps and dangerous portals. There's a lot of funny builds you can try out, depending on your character origin you can also get higher skill caps to expand possibilities.

To play, you can download the client here: https://mega.nz/file/uBZnSAbJ#_CTS4SqJ3j1YEbXGZ4kQQZrC84971d02QugFJc-98_U
Server IP (already in settings.json):
This includes TazUO (a fork of ClassicUO) and needed art files specific to this server, as well as Xork's player guide.

>stat gain every 10min
>vendors always buy rare items
>need LOS to see mobs
>player corpse bones persist for a year
>no hunger/thirst inside banks, inns or houses
>vendors have a chance to sell crafting resources (recently rebalanced to make higher tier items much more rare and expensive)
>can't sell bolts of cloth/balls of yarn to vendors
>all monster races start as evil

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Character creation:


Neat guide:
Hardcore UO R&R server, when?
feeling cute, idk might log in later and attempt some roleplay :3c
We have Soulbound, which is a hardcore mode.
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I'm glad someone used the wayback machine.

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Paint the pride flag black
coordinates: (1683, 1324, 20x)

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pirate action boss rush game

>useful links

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>Looks at twitch numbers

Yeah no it's dead dead
>it most certainly ain't dead, there is still a significant and very active player base
so fucking tired of hearing shit like this
those dutch sure know how to be comfy, don't know if the servers were bugging out but the overworld resources kept respawning really quickly.

why would the twitch numbers matter?

but if it still has an active playerbase then how is it dead?
doing this bossfight alone sucks, but for some reason it becomes trivial as soon as another player joins it.
Directly indicates how soon a game dies it's had several studies

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>Wait, I can play this in English?
Yes, there are numerous guides and resources on how to get the game translated via DQX Clarity.
>How much is translated?
The entire main story up to the end of version 6.5 is hand translated, while all of the quest and regular NPC dialogue use machine translations because the dialogue for them is stored on the game servers instead of in the game data itself.
>Do I need a VPN to play?
The United States is unblocked but if you live in any other country that isn't the USA or Japan then a VPN is required.
>How long is the free trial?
You can play for free up to a point in Version 2.3, the end of the first expansion, then you have to purchase the All in One pack and a subscription after your first month with the full game.
A payment and subscription guide is on DQXAbbey.
>DQXAbbey Website with many resources and links to guides
>Set Up Guide
>Translation Tools

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Are there any anons enjoying the game around...?
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I'm busy doing nothing while thinking of playing DDO. Isn't there a DQ thread on /vg/? There's probably people playing it there.
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Been pondering coming back to it, the sub is cheap, and I was just starting ver2 on my armamentalist.

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any other changes that I have to mod out of the legendary edition to play these games?
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The first game had its gameplay alterned to be more like the others, which fucking sucks in my opinion. They didn't bother with reviving multiplayer in 3. I didn't even feel like pirating it. The shitty overused eye cancer lens flare is god awful too. OP just get the originals and mod them with the HD texture packs, they're all easy to install for each game
What's the change? There's still the ass. This isn't the remake?

Why do people even play remakes? They're inferior recreations, facsimiles that only kind of look like the original and use the same names for characters. And they kill the original in the process.
I remember when we were calling fucking with release version "lucasing" and it was a goddamn mortal sin. Now you can't go five steps without seeing some modern cashgrab wearing the skin of an old classic.
Half the time they have different mechanics, not to mention actually using the same engine. What's the point?
>The first game had its gameplay alterned to be more like the others
I can't even articulate how disgusted I was when I loaded it up and saw even the UI had been slopified
Learning about it was enough to kill any fleeting interest I might have had, the gameplay is the most fun in 1

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Everything else is for beta pussy cucks. You can try to convince me otherwise you'll fail.
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There's only 7 deadly sins
You can carry yourself to top 10% on mechanical skill alone with little to no game knowledge.
I don't think FGs are that hard outside of high level, especially not Tekken. Like 90% of Tekken players are entirely gimmicks and instantly die if you can figure out how to punish them or if your offense requires them to sidestep.
Just knowing your characters shit and not being a mashing retard is enough to make you a top 10% player in a fighting game. I'd argue it's also much easier in general to be outright carried in fighting games. If someone's a high elo in, say, CS then you can probably safely assume they're good at shooters and will be a solid player in other FPS they try. Meanwhile there are like 1500-1600MR Blankas and Hondas that struggle in diamond or even plat with the most basic characters of their own game. Run into a blue rank (likely higher than that now since ranks have inflated) Paul and he's probably going to one and done when he finds out his shit is actually punishable and you're not going to walk into it.
Ok. Let's see your at least purple rank account.
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I hope you don't mean Ruler ranks. I got to Kishin near launch (looking it up that's around the same percentile as Tekken Lord Supreme now lmao). I haven't played ranked since and just boot up the game once in a blue moon with friends because I don't like it that much and ranked in particular isn't very fun with shitty matchmaking to boot.

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Why aren't games fun anymore?
Is the world completely evil/demoralized now?
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They have no friends and want to groom children.
everyone is trying to be competitive now.
either because they're trying to be twitch streamers, or because they want to be like their favorite streamers
Micro transactions and the stupidity of the masses
Metagaming ruined gaming. Back in the day reading guides was considered cheating, now it's expected. It's like reading movie spoilers before watching a movie
You've become jaded

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Which game is better (read: less bad)
Which game should I waste my life on?
World of tanks is better. It's fast paced, meanwhile playing wows is like watching paint dry. There are a lot of tactical maneuvers on WOT and tactics that can spice the game up especially in platoon. It's peak chess fps game, really, nothing can replace wot.

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That's a private server dude this is the official one.
RaiderZ when?
if a game releases but nobody cares did it truly release?
>having to learn K style
Nah, I was a brainlet back then and now I'm just an older brainlet now.
>It's real
What the fuck
Can't wait

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/w3g/ - Warcraft 3 General


You can play without buying the reforged version by linking a Reign of Chaos cd-key to your battle.net account.(blizzard makes this as obscure and inconvenient as possible, if you need help use the search function in w3c discord)

>Where to play

>General info, guides

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It's crazy how much worse the reforged menus.
Soulful 3d vs souless 2d
*menus look.
russian guy streaming with old eminem music in the background
There's a widescreen update though. I only like bars in cutscenes of my games.
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Anybody ?

Recently tried it out, even in an early development looks like a modern CoH

Might be what I'll play in the future
Fucking hope it's nothing near modern CoH.
It's more like modern WARNO mixed with WiC.
game will be dead in 6 months from terrible esports matchmaking
It's nothing like CoH nigga what

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Anyone playing?
this is a late ass reply, but people here won't talk about this game because VOIP scares them
L or Light, who is more sus
they shouldve made this f2p
>weird socially awkward sperg
>confident charming alpha male
Who do you think?

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Vintage Story Thread!
The gathering for posh's passing is scheduled for Saturday, Nov 16, 1:00 pm CST on OG. This time and date is open to change if anons have suggestions. We'll likely meet in Middul. If anyone wants to prepare art or stuff to say, feel free to do so.

Some people are making OC again (based). People are having major issues with mods. OG has a good number of regulars again.

>Server List

The original vm server, longest running vs server. Best server if you want your builds to last years and to explore the past ruins and builds. Actually has a decent playerbase of regulars now.

>Grassless 2.0
Fresh server run by a vetted janny. Mostly used for testing the 1.20 features. This server will be wiped once 1.20 stable is out for a more permeant server. Right now for messing around.

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quicklime takes ages even with this mod jesus christ
New breab since this one is at bump limit and almost page 10
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Post the rant I'm interested
Are you still playing can I join again?
no sorry video games are over we returned back to the real world

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I miss WildStar. It lacked certain polish, but with tiny bit of effort and new shaders I think if they released it as a cheap-ish B2P like they did with Gigantic, I think it could still function.
On the rddit for it, there appears to be a few private servers in the works - although I don't know if any of them will see it through.
I hope it comes back though. I'm not into fantasy/medieval settings - I prefer near-future settings.

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