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1fighter2defenders (1f2d) is a minecraft server with no rules in open world environment. We promise players a full no rules
experience with out any world resetting/trimming, everything will be saved for history. The server has ran since 26. April 2021
making it 3 years old. Thousands of players have visited at least once. Griefing, building, cheating, everything goes.

Official community socials:
>Discord: https://discord.gg/vSTsRXrHzQ
>Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/1f2dofficial/

IP to connect: 1f2d.net
Versions supported: [1.17 - 1.20.6]

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Get it here

Over 650 unlockable playable characters from series' entire lifespan, along with some Konami guests
Over 70 stages, totaling around 500 variants to play on
6 different Battle Mode rules - Survival Battle, Reversi Battle, Dodge Battle, Hyper Bomber, King Battle, Battle Royale
Plethora of different items, many of which you already know and love, some never seen before (if you're not into it though, worry not - you can turn them off)
Frantic gameplay up to 12 players

To enter the server go: Battle Mode > Online > Enter the one server that appears > Select room.

If you're bad/new, feel free to ask for a handicap.

Pass is: read the filename
Lobby up

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TF2 is getting demolished by bots, do you think there is any hope for valve to actually acknowledge the games simple existence and fix the issue or are we just gonna have to move to community servers if it gets worse?
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Bots are becoming less frequent, deadlock WILL fail and be overshadowed by overwatch, paint your walls burgundy pathetic hosters
You're the type of guy who keeps calling a girl who stopped answering a very long time ago and you can't seem to take the hint, instead telling yourself "there is no one like her"
Just let it the fuck go and realize that you're pushing against an movable wall.
No, I'm gonna keep playing my game and you will never be a woman
Ok then stop crying about bots you matchmaking zoomey.
uninformed faggot, bots and hosters are getting banned on a large scale, we are so back

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previous thread:

Website: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/bombergirl/bg/p/index.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bombergirl573 (news on the PC version will have 【コナステ】)
Current/upcoming banners and maps (PC): https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/index.html

>Installation Guides:
Image guide: https://imgur.com/a/G2fK1Z0
Registration: https://p.eagate.573.jp/gate/k/newcomer.html
Download: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/download/installer.html
Old client: https://files.catbox.moe/604gda.7z (Download and swap out your modules folder to earn tickets while playing with bots. Remember to back up your previous module)

>Technical errors:

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Japanese thing probably. Like the way mangas read from right to left.
Japanese drive on the left 2.
what about our dedicated DjAlexey?
Mibu means Wolf, so Asagi is a Bau Bau Girl. Also, both Asagi and Chigusa designs are based on the Shinsengumi, the "police" of Feudal JP. The Shinsengumi were commonly referred as "Mibu" because they behaved like wolves, so you see, Asagi is a Wolf amongst Wolves, that is, the beasto, yo.
As far as I know Asagi was the Captain and Chigusa the Vice Captain.

>Image Limit Reached
new thread:

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Anyone playing this? Looking for some people to queue with, just placed gold 2. My Discord is itsover1995 if you're down to play

the idea is nice but it looks like a chinese mobile game quality wise
I don't mind the aesthetic but I def agree with you, gameplay is fun and that's all that matters to me
i played it for the first time today, i played it for like 5hrs straight with my friend. its surprisingly a lot of fun!! i think it helps that i cant tell if theres an established meta and no one knows what theyre doing it yet
Snowbreak killer.

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it's that time again
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We are so fucking back
You're right, there's essentially none left. If you want to stretch it, maybe VR Chat?
I actually think this is a huge missed opportunity: someone creating *the* new chatroom MMO. People are terminally online on discord, even moreso than before. Why not capitalize on that and make it fun?
"the metaverse" was supposed to be that, and it was always a ghost town
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muh bobba
Habbo raid was only funny the first time

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>What is Lost Ark
A pay-to-win MMOARPG set in a grindy, gatekeeping world with bad designed fights where the mistake of one player wipes the whole raid and wastes the 20 minutes of progress you had, that times 18 raids you must do every week to stay relevant.

How alive is the game?
Dead. Check steamdb, half of those are bots and half of that are on your region.

Who is left playing the game?
Gambling addicts who are weak willed and heavily sunk cost to leave at this point aka mazies. They are in too deep they are beyond saving.

How much p2w is this game?
Not a single player can progress in this game unless someone whether it's you or someone else pays real money for their accessories/build through a currency called pheons.

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>can't even afford a bag of shit?? what are you, poor??
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>plays f2p lost ark
>calls someone else a poor retarded spic
quit until t4 like everybody else
wtf i forgot to loot the souls im fjcking bricked
its over

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this server is like /b Join now

Post more details about the server
its like one of those old 2011 era survival servers but he did barely any work on it.
I suspect the creator is Italian or speaks Italian due to it and English being the only languages on the signs.

Looking for a new game to play like Squad or Tarkov. Actually just fun online games in general. Kinda bored with Tarkov, and Squad is still fun but it kinda leaves something more to be desired for me. Any recommendations?
I wanna go on a virtual adventure.
>Squad or Tarkov
Why don't you see what your favorite Twitch streamers are playing, zoomer.
Easy, Roblox.

Thank me later.

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Join my minecraft server: rapa_history.aternos.me:25820.
it is not open very often tho.

Image not related
Give me alcohol money and I'll join
Why hasn't this thread been deleted yet

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what's the /vm/ go to for open world multiplayer survival crafting kino?
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Ark was great, but its dated and they never fixed the decades old bugs.
>and they screwed the playerbase by dumping classic support and doing a bs remake before Ark 2 is out.
Conan had real potential, but it's funcom so they shit the bed from day 12, and then got bought out by tencent so its borderline korean f2p now but it costs money.
Rust is good, but if you work and cant no life, play offline or just never play cuz more than any other, you will be offlined constantly (also being an FPS, aimbots are an issue).

I like Soulmask currently. Lots of potential.
Basically hoping for Soulmask to grow into its own or for Ark 2 to not be a total dumpster fire.
7 days to die with 2 good friends.
v rising because i like the combat and the implied sexual violence
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Is Soulmask another survival slop? How is the PVP?
Be careful, i got perm banned from v rising for calling a team of 3 (In a duo server) faggots for ganking me as a solo.

They dont care about cheaters, they do REEEE over hate screech

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A question for experienced competetive gamers with advanced game sense
is it normal to play say, dota 2. and know for a fact if the match will be a win or a loss depending on how someone leaves the fountain in the first 2 seconds of the match?

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Is Quake Champions dead? Did it ever live?
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>Quake players are the hardest to please
StarCraft or lineage 1 might be harder, Koreans are wackadoos, but it is hard to improve on perfection. Quake arena still plays like budder
Shame that Epic outright killed the UT series and then swept it under the rug
Whatever soul they had left died in the fortnite mines, to this day the least authentic and original game I've ever seen, there's not an original idea in that entire game, its identity is derivative. The only thing it has to call its own is the level of marketing budget spent on it to court toddler interest.
>overwatch clone
overwatch didn’t create the concept of characters you retarded zoomer
What game did Fortnite copy?

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Kinocube is a survival server with an unique concept: you are Anonymous and the chat system looks like the one you find on imageboards such as 4chan. Cracked launchers are allowed and no registration is needed, therefore I advise you to USE A COMPLEX USERNAME, as people can log in as any name they want.

It runs on 1.8.8 because it's a simpler version of the game, however a lot of versions are compatible: from 1.7.2 to 1.20.4.

> Rules
No chat spam, no intentional server instability, nothing unlawful.
Other than that, ANYTHING GOES

> Address:

Do not expect things to happen the way you want them to be.
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>ah yes Minecraft, the imageboard
im really fond of the idea
So what's the point
you can play minecraft anonymously

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CloverMC is a cracked whitelisted Minecraft server compatible with versions 1.8-1.8.9, brought to you through courtesy of ICA.

Reply with your username to be considered for a whitelist

It Features:
- Cracked account support
- A straightforward web-based login system (WebAuth™) designed to be less annoying than the usual ones you see on other cracked servers
- A map size of 128k x 128k blocks
- No jannies. Other than the owner ximself who generally takes a hands-off approach to allow muh sneedom of speech to shine (kind of like hausemaster from my favorite faucin tranarchy server 2builders2tools)

As for plugins, there's an anticheat, one for cracked skin support, and one for chat greentext

>The WebAuth login system, how does it work?

-Logging in and registering is done through clovermc.top. From there you are required to log back in every 3 days.
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you mean like this?
whitelist "earthless"
I'd like to build some big shit
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welcome home saars
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Babble on and on and on and on.....

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