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Build mode is the objectively better gamemode in Fortnite. There's no context.
Disagree = filtered.
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Pretty Girl ERA
Wrong vid oops
The real Pretty girl ERA
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fortnite is a game about cute girls working in construction running with shotguns
Why do /v/ blow-ins keep shitting up /vm/ with low quality bait threads? This isn't /v/ for multiplayer games, faggot, this is /vg/ for multiplayer games. Fuck off back to your containment board.
>/vg/ for multiplayer games
this should be /vg/ in general. the fact that deranged waifufags keep circlejerking each other while having no real discussion( cuz there's none to be had) about single-player games that came out a lifetime ago is one of the most cancerous aspects of that board.

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This was fun as hell back in the day
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I have insider info about this. I went to a job interview there years back - they were working on other stuff and that was what I was being interviewed on. However one of the interviewers were from Dirty Bomb team so I had to ask about it since I loved the game. They always had a really skeleton crew in the game - at that time there were three (3) people working on the game, and from what they said the game had something close to 6 people working on it at most.
Similarly there used to be a mobile game done from DB assets, it didn't do too well so they just erased it from all their materials. The employee said that they even had to remake a series of roll up ads just because mobile game was among them.
i played the shit out of this game but it was so fucking bad
you only ever saw a handful of characters played because they were so fucking broken compared to the rest
Do you recall what year/quarter this was in? I know their staff was changing a lot in size since the start. The game was going reasonably in terms of updates well up until Aimee came out in 2016 then progress just fucking died.
Q4 2015

At the end maybe, but at the beginning and for most of the games lifetime it was pretty decent balance wise. I remember the nigger medic was really good, the cute medic was decent, the soldier man had a op ulti, picrel cute tech girl was fun with mines, the female demoman had the annoying exploding corpse, fatso required skill to use, cute blue hair girl had best gun and good ult..

I remember towards the end they started to introduce more and more broken characters but I had pretty much stopped playing at that point.

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Someone please let me die.
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>kill servers
>community servers become mainstream again
If anything, that would heal the game, not kill it.

Risk of Rain
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That's not the problem, the problem is distributing it for hosts and then players, same reason why dlc unlocker was shared in a form of an image instead of in a form of a mod.
Also GPL requires contributing back to the original repo, although I am not sure how it will work in this instance.
bug bug give me a hug
>Who's dick do I have to suck to have a sneaky independent port of that character
Literally my experience. NemMerc surprised with how fun he is but the baggage is just not worth it. I've taken to coping with Ravager, still fun just not the same.
Jump in, or don't

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Hello frens, welcome to /MineAnon/
We are a small but growing and relatively new /vm/ minecraft server. Non-cracked 1.20.4 through 1.21 clients can join.
The main focus of the server is to have a place to enjoy playing the game with others and build cool stuff together.
The server is lightly modded but you do not need to download or install any mods to join and play. it is ALL server side.
This server uses Terralith world generation and the respective world gen for the nether and end.
it is NOT anarchy! Coreprotect is enabled and griefing is not allowed :3
chat reports are disabled and the chat is not sent to dynmap or any discord server. chat is only readable on the server itself.

please be respectful toward other players and enjoy the server
currently most players are working on their base and some farms. Spawn also still has plenty of land to be developed
there is a community event being planned, info will be released soon

IP: godspeedmineman.mc.gg
Dynmap: http://godspeedmineman.mc.gg:8123/

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BTFO by /v/craft

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i miss eco !
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Concord is finally dead. Are you happy now?
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all those other games combined probably had same budget as concord lol
The actuality is that refunding every single player was a literal drop in the bucket compared to all the other costs on this game. They gave up a rounding error's worth of money to extract any goodwill they could out of this situation.
Holy fuck, full refunds for everyone that paid for the game?? That's going to cost them hundreds!
The day before remained up for a month.
>Concord is finally dead. Are you happy now?

Dream Of Mirror Online discussion

>what's DoMO?
chink mythology grinder MMO, multijob system, fishing


or through steam

DOMO Arigato

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rip go on without me
next game for the MMOdventure is starting in a bit, we're playing Dragon Nest on the DN Origins server.

vote for the title coming after Dragon Nest has started

thank you all for the good time in DOMO
what happened here?
guessing that childstripper got banned for his name after drawing attention to it through an announcement or something

Does anyone here ever play Predecessor? If so what are your thoughts?

Not a dev.
Paragon good, Predecessor and Overprime bad
Tried it, Smite was better. Z-axis aiming is nice in concept, but in practice it's just the gameplay equivalent of clutter.
Fun to romp around on for a week or so otherwise.
Buy an ad, Predecessor dev.

Don’t call a sensible rule-abiding everyday natural Smite thread a general.


Don't call it a general, janny. Because it's not.

>...Wh-what you want me to call it then?

Anything that's not a general. Because it's not, it doesn't imply it's one, and it clearly isn't.
Otherwise it'll get mixed in with all the other long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about specific games (some even with "general" in the title) (some that are just ads for shitcord servers) (most who don't even talk about their multiplayer) (even more who don't play together) (because /vg/ is unusable, because you don't ever 'n ain't ever cleaning that up of non-videogames, you hypocritical rulesfagging subhuman) that you leave up.
And it'll become just a nice, slow thread.

Which it is.
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Are the usual bunch doing pubs tonight? I'll make a new thread a bit early if so.


are we?
bake it anyways beofre then, don't goregt to remind people to vote for out guy in the 4chanel cup
It's time to go home.

⋆˚˖°League makes me feel like a cutie pie ˚˖°

Such cool characters like diana , I love playing league, no other game is cool like league and scratches that ich ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝

Thats the reason why i dont play LoL anymore, the artstyle went from being a soulful wc3 clone to faggy asian crap, which unfortunately its literally every game nowadays

kindly F off

>The office but it's a roleplaying game
Any of you anons been playing this?
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im interested, i enjoyed playing among us with /vm/ in voicechat when it came out.
Thank you for recommending this anon but next time BUY A FUCING AD
anyone still interested? it's kinda fun
I didn't enjoy playing this game as intended and the meeting timer made it unfun to play not as intended. I think you have to roleplay hard to enjoy this.

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IEM Rio - October 7
Elisa Masters Espoo - October 16
Chinese Major - Eventually
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Fair enough
I guess their whole "making a fake stage to practice on" stunt made me just think they lost them all
I meant mezii
desu Siuhy also made the Major final with GamerLegion and beat prime Heroic on the way, so he of all players on Mouz has the right to say that
Get some
can you explain why you don't blame the guy who was worst or second worst on all three maps, including ct side where he plays some of the best positions?

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Would anyone be interested in joining an ongoing CK2 mp game with the after the end mod? We have only played for 20 in game years so far, so there is still enough room for new players to join. We are currently 4 but more players are always welcome.
https://discord.gg/sVGq7nVj if you are interested.
The current plan is to play for 4 hours on this wednesday starting at 6pm CET.
>after the end mod
feels like it would be fun for 30 minutes then boring as hell
I dunno, forming big America is always fun

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sup anons.
My PvPvE game SHRIMP GAME is in open playtest on steam this weekend (9/20-9/22).
You can make and join servers with your mates.
Just gotta press "request access to playtest". Give it a try!
It's gonna be kind of like Kirby's Air Ride meets a dog fighting game, though the current test is more so combat-focused.

Do any other dev anons wanna shill their multiplayer projects here? Post below! Let's see how slow this board really is lol
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>krill confirmed
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Multiplayer? Nice
Hitreg meta? I need a QRD
Don't be such a s(hr)imp
What a brine. Such prawny behavior.

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Eventide Edition - AKA. Materia Edition

Previous Thread

Eventide (Fresh, coming 10-4 Friday)



Horizon Lost, will be dead in a few months as people migrate fresh.
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>being this insecure about a 100 person server
someone literally posted a filecheck of it earlier you fearmongering schizo

Eventide Flopped Edition
never happened

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