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Installing Potato Alert has been the most demoralizing experience.
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>would have less then
>less then
>more then 1x
I hope your jew years resolution was to learn the difference between then and than. retarded cunt
I hope your jew years resolution was to stop posting on here. Playing the game is bad already but lurking around here while not even playing the game is honestly the most fucked up thing to do. Don´t call others a retarded cunt, instead look into the mirror :´)
who cares xD
Do any of you participate on the public test server? Are the rewards even worth the time spent?

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MW5 Clans is out. Pls buy t. Russ

MechWarrior Online (Now regularly updated):

Mechwarrior Living Legends:

Living Legends Server Stats (Use this to check if anyone is playing):

Clam Invasion:

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Trannyverse was the finest of all the pig war memes.
What’s the better game, MW5 Mercs or Battletech? What is going to satisfy my mech itch better?
MW5, vanilla bt is incredibly badly balanced, and you can get tactical mods for mw5 turning it into mech commander.
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tiers don't matter and I believe there is no difference between tier 1 and tier 5 you can meet brainless retards everywhere

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let's have a dofus retro only thread. on the ankama games thread there's not so much people talking about retro. let's have a thread just for us, retro players!
this is kind of a thread test. if it works great, we'll try to do another one. if it didn't do great, we'll stuck in /ankama games/
which server are you in? I play in fallanster.
we should make a guild

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Is VRChat considered a multiplayer game?
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It has a lot of games but it also has a lot of gays
Because of this enjoying the games is difficult when some faggots decide they want to treat the instance as their faggotbox when people are just trying to enjoy a generic game of freeze tag or murder
I tried to play it and for a time, it was nice. But one day, it froze up and crashed my PC. After I got my PC back up, someone was fucking with my settings. Somehow, someone had gotten into my PC, through the game. I managed, with help, to get my PC back under my control. I wanted to warn people about what had happened so they would be careful in the servers, but they all said I was crazy and just imagined it. One guy even claimed to have a PhD in computer engineering and said it was impossible for a game to mess up your computer.
I have never touched VRChat since. I cannot take the chance of that event, no matter how incredibly unlikely it was, from happening again. And every other player's dismissive behavior and not being at all concerned about a potential vulnerability in the game sealed it for about never going back in. It's funny because all my friends play it now, but I never will.
whatever fag
it was just probably eac or dogshit pc
it's still trash with vr, the playerbase is almost exclusively children and faggots
That's all videogames

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>gameplay is still phenomenal
>scratches that class based team shooter itch
>matches last longer than 5 minutes unlike all the nugarbage
>still enough full servers to get to play every day
>unfortunately the few alive servers are ruined by autistic losers who have been playing the game 24/7 since 2003
i hate it so much. i hate it especially because when the autists leave and only normal people are left on the server the game plays entirely differently.

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So, when exactly are EA going to close bf3 on PC too? It is inevitable now. And even if they dont, retarded admins are killing whats left of this game.
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any vehicle covered in AT mines or C4
EA is NOTORIOUS for killing off games right around when they become playable/enjoyable

BF1: Discontinued updates right after the gave got a good set of updates and balancing patches.

Battlefront 2: Discontinued support the minute they realized they couldn't cash in off gachapon shit and left a nearly perfect game to rot.

Battlefield V: They released the pacific update, added new armies, weapons, balanced the TTK issues and then fucked off instead of building on the success despite having an all time high player base.

So they'll probably start closing down servers for BF3 and BF4 in the coming years like they did for the OG BF2, possibly after the next Battlefield comes out.
>sit dog
Why are "professional" bf players (playing on public) like this? You are not invincible.
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Honestly good riddance. Last good Battlefield was 2142 before EA bought DICE. BF3 was such a disappointment. Meanwhile you can still find private servers for BF2 filled with people.
Pearl Market
870 MCS
F-35 (I'm dogshit in it)

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1fighter2defenders (1f2d) is a minecraft survival server with a world that never resets in a free for all environment.
The server was started at 26. April 2021 making it 3 years & 8 months old. Thousands of players have visited at least once.

>IP to connect: 1f2d.net
>Game version: 1.21 (Supports 1.17 - 1.21.4)

Website: https://1f2d.net
E-mail: contact.1f2d@gmail.com

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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 6 started Dec 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide

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plug that into whatever AI service you use and go nuts
past that, can't help you
>Play magnus
>Use 2 skills
>out of mana
new bread
Please understand, he has prostate problems so he needs to drink a lot of water

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>everyone hyped for basements
>they finally get added
>barely used or talked about
Not much reason to live in a basement. In fact, nothing but downsides
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Not him, but I'm pretty sure it'd be impossible to starve thanks to being able to do things like destroy doors, knap stone axes, then forage and fish. It'd be excessively boring since you'd be doing the same three chores over and over again. But you can't softlock out of food (at least, assuming calories weren't broken) and then starve to death even with zero loot.
>It'd be excessively boring since you'd be doing the same three chores over and over again.
so a regular zomboid playthrough
Wtf is that mask even
>devs is not
>when they not
Opinion discarded.
>I can fit a knife
Where do you keep the mcdonalds?

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deer, dir even

Previously on /pal/: >>1565793

>Steam Page

>Palworld Twitter

>Pocketpair Youtube

>Latest Patch Notes (12/25/24)

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What is /pal/ without its odd double bakes
Only as a shitpost
I find the frost ones hilarious since wild pals that step on them freeze then immediately turn away and leave like a cartoon character
Why do jorm pics always get a smirk out of me? I feel like they left him like this on purpose
A stressed, chainsmoking office worker Lamball.

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First Real Tournament of the Year Edition

>previous thread

>important link
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Best shotgun in the game. Don't tell anyone, shhh.
Mickey Mouz
no niko no win
this dumbass nigga don't know about the rule change kek
Snax and Taz might be the biggest paycheck thieves in the scene now that REZ left NIP

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the game im trying to find went by the finnish translation "oudot linnut" (english "weird birds").
it was a flash game on 2014-2017ish?.
an (online multiplayer??) browser game where all the angry birds characters had guns and you'd gun down other players.

i can just barely remember what it looked like. i've tried my best to re create what it might've looked like (pic related)

the game could be played on funnygames DOT fi. i have tried my best to find the game in question but have been unable to do so.
maybe some of you guys have played this game? or at the very least heard of it.
I've never heard or played this game, but have you checked out the flashpoint archive? It's not comprehensive but they have pretty much every major flash game from the time.

angry birds

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A EQ1;2 clone for """modern"""" audiences

Caught my eye the other day and decided to give it a buy, regional pricing was very kind to me, so, why not?

The game launched today and is in early access, despite being developed for, what, 12 years?

Let's hope it amounts up to something in the end. Been playing for an hour and a half and I can say the game is fun (personal opinion) but, I'm more of a WoW guy.

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How are dire lords as group tanks? I know they're pretty ok at solo
Players found to be exploiting a known coin dupe (or ANY bug), can be suspended or banned. We have a fix incoming for this bug.
are people really exploiting in an alpha where everyone's characters are gonna be wiped anyway?
MMOs tend to attract the absolute worst kinds of autists, so yes.
Always will be

Thread for the Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0 (esp. Saturday). Party up with anyone you can find.
Post funny clips if you're feeling cute. Original content is encouraged!
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.


>>Currently in Open Paypig Beta
>>Free access if you're not a retard (but why would you want to?)
>>Two unnecessarily remade Godtoons planned every 3 weeks

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{Comedy Laugh track}
dont care

im still playing smite2
how do I get better at the game?
buy gems

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Hello, /vm/. I've hosted various game servers (PSOBB, WoW, Minecraft and more...) for the community in the past 20 years I've been here and now I want to start a /vm/ Valheim server.

Some of you might remember the Minecraft server where we had different boards fighting against each other. I want to do something like that but in Valheim. We could have different islands for each board and force PVP on so you can go raid each other.

We could also just do co-op if that sounds better.

I can make custom mods too if we want to do the board-vs-board thing or change something else.

Interested? I just need to set it up, will post info shortly.
if you're gonna host, make sure to do it through steam and disable playfab hosting, it kills performance in the long run and only serves to allow crossplay from people playing on consoles (i.e. literally nobody)

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