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Discuss any AFPS (like Quake Live, Quake Champions, Unreal Tournament, etc...) here.
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i hope they make a quake 64 remaster for nintendo switch, i'd be so pro at that
You can play that in the newest releases I think, atleast in Quake 2.
heard that Q4 crouchsliding was more for maintaining speed when turning. QC crouchsliding lets you build speed insanely quickly instead.
Both Quake and Quake 2 remasters have their 64 ports included.
Are arena fps still a thing?

>be me
>be console player
>friends start moving to PC
>buy one of friend's old PC to keep gaming with group
>spent $1500
>everything is fine and game with friends
>fast forward to current year
>friends complaining that my PC can't keep up with theirs
>keep pestering me to upgrade parts
>"It's fine anon we'll even talk you though how to do it"
>"it won't even be that hard anon a hour job at most"
>spend $970 and parts come in the mail
>what was supposedly an easy hour job was actually a multi-day shitshow full of roadblocks
>finally get parts installed
>boot up PC

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>friends complaining that my PC can't keep up with theirs
Was there some multiplayer game that you couldn't play?
What popular multiplayer game released in the past 10 years can't run on a toaster?
lol what a retard, building a pc is lego tier difficulty
>$1500 on a old PC
>$2470 paperweight
double retard for spending that much
PcPartPicker generally helps identify what parts might be conflicting
Sorry to hear you're having issues anon
To add to this anon, check out the PC building general on >>>/g/ too. Your "friends" sound like HUGE faggots.
Anon, just practice. I know you can learn!

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Why did arena shooters die?
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>Except all the people who just kept playing QuakeWorld/2/3/Live
Read the post
>Nah, most Quake players
The post says the game died because of EGS which is just revisionist cope for people who were never going to play the game anyway.
Anon, if you were just gonna stay within your preconceived fantasy instead of actually reading and engaging with other people's posts, then why are you posting on a message board?
I think i did crack the reason why the other day for real

I used to play Halo 2 a lot back then. I used to go to LAN parties a lot on the OG Xbox. The thing is that Halo made console shooters really popular and everyone tried to duplicate Halo in a way or two and failed. But the thing is that Halo played fine on a console because it was designed to be played with a controller from the ground up.

Halo is an arena shooter, but Bungoe knew that aiming with a gamepad sucked cock, even with the great and precise Duke. Halo has a fuckton of AA, hitscan and leading, solving more or less the game of "aiming". To compensate though, it made player tankier and all about the combos and positioning and grenades and shields and etc. Because the game was solved at aiming so it needed more. Unlike Quake and UT, where the whole idea is to shoot projectiles and dodge with a mouse, consoles just dont hold a candle like that. Then CoD came, which was still a bit of a DM arena shooter, but just skipped aiming as well with ADS AA. Then they cheapened with gamepads, making them worse and shittier. But it didnt mattered because the software could just do the aiming for you and focus the game design in another kind of dopamine. Aiming in a shooter, ironically, became the least important part, unlike Arena Shooters of the past which is the entire idea.

Arena Shooter by definition is to enter an arena, pick up weapons and gadgets and duke it out in skill. But since AA is so predominant in games today, skill needs to be leveled and the gameplay needs to be granular, and even more now with microtransactions, unlockables and skins and battlepass. Its not about the pure raw gameplay but a more controlled skinner box. The logical evolution now is to go full PvE next.

So its not about them being bad or outdated, its that nobody with power to develop one would do so, and nobody realistically would care outside pc. And it would be hard to top UT2004 for instance.
The desire for realism is my simple opinion.

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I'm bored of my vidya and can't find anything else to play. Recommend me some games that run on linux or wine. My pc is kinda weak, 8gb mem, dual core, gt1030.
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jfk reloaded
hey i got the same graphics card and run linux too
anything i cant run usually isnt that good either so dont worry
heroes of the storm
ShDo Tactics: Blades of Shogun is the game I've played the most on my Linux machine.
Songs of syx

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/hunt:showdown 1896 general/ intricate demise edition
old thread >>1482944

50% off sale on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/594650/Hunt_Showdown_1896/

Post Malone's Murder Circus/update 2.2 patch notes: https://steamcommunity.com/games/594650/announcements/detail/520825178851116984

update patch notes/bugfixes https://steamcommunity.com/games/594650/announcements/detail/500560073905406176

Post Malone's new album, shop, tickets, information, videogame collaborations

Post Malone lore; the show must go on

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How is hunt these days? I haven't played in a while (last time was right before the croc update or right after)
Is it worth shilling to my friends?
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its in a very weird position, there have perpetually been events until the last one ended a few weeks ago, there was an engine upgrade which came with a new map (which temporarily removed the other 3 maps until slowly returning, we still need desalle to return now), removed weather conditions also, and changed the UI which was/is an extreme fuckup. player retention is very bad but seems to peak up again when events come.
over time they changed the balance a lot and fights have become much faster paced, with contradictory nerfs and buffs regarding revives and health-restores, overpowered pact traits.

they added a new gamemode called bounty clash that is basically just spawning all teams in 1 compound to fight over 1 bounty token inside, its pretty good.

they tried to fix trades and now ping limit but i haven't played the past few weeks so i can't speak on the latter.

prestiging now keeps base weapons unlocked, but not traits, tools, consumables.

the 1896 update was a huge blunder and led to negative review status on steam, now months later they say they're going to prioritize bugs and UI fixes after surveys.
It's basically an entirely different game. Drastic changes to wall penetration, directional sound, revive dynamics and the general economy have made it so the game in a strange way. It's 'faster' when fights break out because they end sooner on account of body burning and the general player skill floor has continually risen. However, the newest map has no sense of design philosophy, and as a result, every compound is a massive fun house with an infinite number of spaces to hide. The game does not excel with verticality.
>tl;dr the hunt you played is gone for something different and objectively worse and isn't coming back

>they added a new gamemode called bounty clash that is basically just spawning all teams in 1 compound to fight over 1 bounty token inside, its pretty good.
You forgot to mention how they're treating it. It's a 'weekends only' type thing because apparently their servers can't handle both game types. They kept it permanently during the Post Malone event but it's gone again.
i dont know about the server thing but they kept it weekends only in the beginning to experiment, they're balancing and changing it which is a good sign.
Wall penetration sounds based. The risen skill is kind of what puts me off of a lot of thee kinda games. Or any comp game.
Events are nice but also what people do when shit is falling I feel like. Too make gamemode seperate player bases.

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After Festival edition.
Previous thread: >>1647703

>Server news
Sahara has continued to prosper, earning its title as the most populated city in OG history. In celebrated a festival in Sahara with a variation of proposed games. recently the festivals have ended.

v1.20.5-rc.1 news https://www.vintagestory.at/forums/topic/14652-v1205-rc1-dos-protections/

>Server List:
The original /vm/ server, and longest running VS server. You can either go to the untainted land of "Vietnam" wherein the great city of Sahara lies, or join Barm in Hyperborea within the most northern reaches of the server.

>CRAZ Server

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Not a real thread and it breaks the rules.
Literal discord thread in it.
Real thread at page 8
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Listen duca...
That's not how things work here
This is just plain sad at this point
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For anyone wondering why btw. He copied and pasted, didn't add songs, didn't give update news, didn't change OG to its old name, vm, and pic related
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>posted it again reward
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I've survived the past few centuries of the calamity in my personal arctic fallout shelter living off of nothing but peanuts, cheese and bread.
so what did I miss has the society recovered?

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This thread is for online board, card, and social deduction, drawing and etc. games that fill up with lobbies/custom rooms.

Poker Chase: https://game.poker-chase.com/play/index.html
100% Orange Juice: https://fruitbatfactory.com/100orange/
Etohana: https://etohana-koikoi.com/
Catan: https://colonist.io/
BGO: https://www.boardgame-online.com/
Bunny: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2132850/Rabbit_and_Steel/
DJMAX RESPECT V: https://store.steampowered.com/app/960170/DJMAX_RESPECT_V/
Anime Music Quiz: https://animemusicquiz.com/
AoE2: https://store.steampowered.com/app/813780/Age_of_Empires_II_Definitive_Edition/
Webfishing: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3146520/WEBFISHING/
Noita coop: https://github.com/IntQuant/noita_entangled_worlds
Melty Blood: https://play.meltyblood.club/
Currently modded minecraft server: server.doko.life:26975

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AMQ koko
lobby: mahjong
password: rage

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thanks for joining
Monogatari ED Kana?
yugioh koko tomorrow?
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didn't beat the game

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Black Desert Online refugee thread for bdogs

>News and Updates

Bean-turi edition

previous thread: >>1582160
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>finally release dances for classes besides shai
>costs pearls, which is not great but expected (outside of events)
Why though
Sweet! Now I can pay off my investments in 6 months!
warrior is and has always been the best class for PvP and PvE at any spot worth grinding. People are just having more trouble denying it now.
saw some mail when i logged in about an anniversary title but didnt get anything, did anyone see it?
the box is probably character bound, then it unlocks it for the account.

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I just found out my old fortnite account dating back to season 1 is worth something serious now

I have no experience with these digital markets, its also not allowed by the creator, advice i hear is to join discord servers, but my goal is to cash in and not get scammed
thread for ants
>buying fortnite skins
sorry, no refunds

Welcome to /vm/abinogi. Mabinogi is a fun, once popular little old school Korean MMO from 2004 based around Celtic mythology with many different features. Your character can age, rebirth, eat food and gain weight, play and custom make music, and so much more. You can be anything and do anything all at once with no downsides. From non-combat related skills like cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, trading goods in a commerce, carpentry, etc. to different styles of combat like melee, magic, ninja, archery, puppetry, etc. all on 1 character.

Although graphics and gameplay is still a bit dated, even after 14 years the game is still rich in content such as fashion contests, cooking contest, jousting, playing in or viewing large concerts, training pets, and so on and continues to be Nexon's most generous game.

We currently have a guild called Mabigen. Our guild stone is located by the Taillteann graveyard. Apply and note the current leader or officer that you're from /vm/.

News and Events


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Depends on prices but generally yes
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Rundal is mysiteriousiness??
Anyone knows what happened to Auranogi? I got told one of their ways of communicating with the players got wiped under Nexon's orders

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Haxball is a top-down 2D football game that's played entirely in your web browser.

>there will be a link with the current room in the thread
password: shaw

Room is usually active on Friday & Saturday around these hours:
22:30 Euro time

cytuDOTbe/r/haxb for tunes

You can re-live magic hax moments watching the recordings of previous matches here:

You can use this site to get stats from recordings:

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Best thing I've seen in a while
The old has passed away; behold, the new has come:

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Festive edition.
Previous thread: >>1636586

>Server news
Sahara has continued to prosper, earning its title as the most populated city in OG history. In celebration, there will be a festival in Sahara with a variation of proposed games (dodgerock, elk-racing, parkour towers, speed-chiselling or arena fights) on the 2nd of March in conjunction with an art competition. The rules for the art competition are as follows: for either a sculpture or painting, a minimum block size of 1x1/ a maximum size of 6x6 which should generally be themed after your settlement (or alternatively, just having a meaning beyond looking aesthetically pleasing). The deadline is the 2nd of March. If you need janny/ creative blocks, either ping a janny in-game or post a reply here and they will be generously spawned at whatever coordinate you request. Both the games and art competition winners shall receive Xskills levels alongside an anon cash prize of ~$60.

>Server List:
The original /vm/ server, and longest running VS server. You can either go to the untainted land of "Vietnam" wherein the great city of Sahara lies, or join Barm in Hyperborea within the most northern reaches of the server.

>Mazor's Server
Server run by a vetted janny. Is more modded/open to modding than OG, however it is less populated (not talked about in the last four threads so it may be fully dead).

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common I MUST BAKE lolcowsperg
I'M the real thread!
>thread that follows years old thread rules
I mean?
You will never be a real thread, you are a twisted post, corrupted by group of freaks who warped your mind.
>complain about lag
>still have instrument mod

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Pro League Soon

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timberchuds could NEVER
incredibly based
i wanna post pic

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modded with 70% landmass

also 8 player slots atm might go up the more people join
>dead server with no players run by chris chan tier autist who spams the official discord asking to be a janny and freaks out over the nword with a history of posting scaly porn all over reddit wanting to make a cheap 2b2t clone
>the rot
Huh, I thought it was some archaic version of machine uprising with eldritch horror added to the mix.

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