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so what was /v/craft about? why did the server die out? will it ever make a comeback? pic unrelated

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/DaD/ Dark And Darker
NO threats of violence OR terrorism edition

Patch Notes:
**Early Access Hotfix #71**
- Fixed an issue where the party member's gear score would sometimes not update in real time.
- Fixed an issue where the pop-up for items that cannot be transferred would not appear when interacting with a merchant or Expressman.
- Fixed an issue where the guidance message would not appear properly in the chat window of a chat-banned user.
- Fixed an issue where a chat-banned user could use party chat in a dungeon.
- Fixed an issue where Arena matching would not work.
- Fixed an issue where the results window would not appear properly after the last round in Arena.
- Fixed an issue where the remaining team users would not be processed as forfeited even if all opposing team members left the game in Arena.
- Improved the visibility of people who received the Cleric's Protection effect.
- Longbow weapon damage of all rarities reduced by 2.

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Shoutout to SrslySoapy for exposing how fucked and unbalanced solos are right now with yesterday's SSF tournament.
Anyone remember TERA? Dark and Darker is probably going to end up going through similar things as that game did

>The Tera lawsuit centered around NCsoft's allegations that developer Bluehole, formed of NCsoft veterans, stole assets for Lineage III and used them in the creation of Tera. While the Korean Supreme Court held up a ruling for NCsoft against three former NCSoft employees, Bluehole itself was found not guilty.

>Founded in June 2008, the company was based in Seattle, Washington, and is best known for publishing massively multiplayer online role-playing game TERA, which was developed by parent company Bluehole.

The whole reason why the game is fucked is because of gook on gook violence
Panicking retards are funny
dead game

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>Latest news:


>Server status:

>Stat checking:

>Ubishit links:

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Eh, as someone similar to anon (older with aging reflexes) just keep in mind all the other variables that lead up to / affect the gunfight. Positioning, lines of sight, timing, gadgets & info, coordination, etc. All these variables tilt to your favor or detriment.
You can train aim stuff and it definitely helps not to be rusty. But you also gotta acknowledge your own limitations and innate abilities. I watch Beaulo do the moving target practice in firing range and literally never in my life have or will I flick onto targets and control recoil like him. Get to the best level you can, sure, I'm not encouraging a defeatist mentality, rather the opposite. The beauty and depth of Siege is that it's not a game that solely depends on quick-twitch reactions. Plenty of S-Tier pro players don't use flashy skills like Hashom peaking and whatnot. Obviously they're still nasty and accurate, otherwise they wouldn't be S-Tier pros. But a lot of their dominance (relative to lesser opponents) is in coordinated executes with crossfires, collapsing on isolation targets, and walking down opponents while ADS'd on the correct spots. Crosshair placement (happens before the gunfight) is a separate skill from raw flick speed.
Or hell, crutch the various cheese operators & strats in the game. Shotguns around close corners and shields on attack shift gameplay away from 1v1 ranged gunfights
I would add recoil as a major factor. If you can't reliably control the gun you're using, shit's not gonna go well.
>If you can't hit heads
High fire rate or DMRs to the chest
>If you think you can hit heads
Low recoil easy to control guns (tend to be slower fire rate), or high fire rate guns with minimal horizontal recoil (meaning they will usually have vertical recoil)
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>complains about headshots every time he gets killed

Wh is this dude such a Straggot
He's Polish
Because he plays Siege as his literal job, and he's done so for so long that he's realized losing crucial games via unreactable headshots isn't very fun

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/hunt:showdown 1896 general/ intricate demise edition
old thread >>1482944

50% off sale on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/594650/Hunt_Showdown_1896/

Post Malone's Murder Circus/update 2.2 patch notes: https://steamcommunity.com/games/594650/announcements/detail/520825178851116984

update patch notes/bugfixes https://steamcommunity.com/games/594650/announcements/detail/500560073905406176

Post Malone's new album, shop, tickets, information, videogame collaborations

Post Malone lore; the show must go on

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it's almost like it's an intended money sink
if you want to make money bring vulture and packmule
but in ideal circumstances you will not win every time so if you keep dying and they lowered the time to loot bodies after bounty leaves
>it's almost like it's an intended money sink
It doesn't have to be though. We, you and me, brother, we can make the changes the world needs.
>it's almost like it's an intended money sin
and that's a good thing
i don't want it changed

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I have never played a rank match in any online game I played and I see no reason to.
A lot of effort, time and nerves, put into it, and you get nothing in return.
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You get adrenaline and excitement.
in theory
in reality you get a russian teammate doesn't want to communicate and plays for himself every round
yup. ranked is shit
If I'm in a binge of a mp game with ranked I liked to alternate between sweaty solo ranked queues and wacky unranked party queues. Helps keep things fresh and things you learn from one thing complement another: casual lets you freely fuck around with new things while ranked might let you learn some sweaty techniques to help you carry your friends.
What you expect of a fucking game

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Payday 2 is a cooperative FPS where players act as bank robbers, executing heists through stealth or combat. With customizable characters, weapons, and skills, players can choose to sneak past or shoot through security to complete objectives like robbing banks or stealing art. The game features a variety of heists, each with unique challenges and strategies, supporting up to four players in teamwork-focused gameplay.

>Payday 2 (-75% off!)

>Latest patch notes


>Cinematic trailers

>Payday 2 OST

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Is this another pedophile server like /v/an, teek, and kog?

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It's time to admit that Team Fortress 2 is the best online game.
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all that's left are sweats with anime avatars because it's the only thing they can use as a method to feel better than others after being made to feel small their whole lives
that's what make it funs, the whole game is unbalanced
even the map itself has balance flips around the moment someone reach a certain spot
giga based
Indeed, but what is the second best game? What is the third best? Halo 2 and 3 are up there, Battlefield 3, Minecraft are all up there as well
I disagree, TF2 is only fun when you're a teenager, once you become an adult it loses its fun.

Hey yall, wanted to get some more folks on board early in the process to help shape a new server getting spun up. posted here a bunch in the past (penumbralcraft) but doing a wipe for the new hardware and currently going through rounds of voting to select the version and mods we plan to use.

first round is for the minecraft version for the server, currently debating between 1.12.2, 1.20.1, and 1.7.10

join the discord to throw a vote on the poll

after the version is selected here's how we intend to vote on mods::
- Magic Mods (Top 2)
- Tech Mods (Top 2)
- Core Mechanics (Top 3)
- Dimensions (Top 1)
- Lifestyle Features (Top 4)
- Building Tools (Top 2)
- Storage Solutions (Top 1)

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I hope your parents will take responsibility and stove your head in before the years end.
finishing this man's job since he forgot to post all the stuff he had in his reddit post

Core Features and values of ρ𝖊numbr𝖆lcr𝖆ft
- Full PvP & Complete Looting

- Faction Warfare

- Deep Tech Progression

- Arcane Powers

- Extensive Base Building & Raiding

- Community-Driven with Admin Support
add psychedelicraft
so is this up or not im not joining your groomcord
fuck off yank

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Other boards are too fast to get some honest huntan done imo so let's see if this works out
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I hope this thread stays useable when the game releases cause /v/ and /vg/ sure as hell won't

Can you show an example of what you mean I don't even know what aoe you're referring to
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>AT velk limping away to go sleep
>spam the sleep and bomb emoticons
>every replies with some variation of a thumbs up or a happy emoticon
>one guy apparently doesn't know what it means despite replying and doesn't stop chasing after velk
>he gets into its LoS and aggro range so it doesn't sleep
>we all start advancing on it since this retard fucked it up for everyone
>it does a lighting quick beam attack across an open field with no cover while we're all too far away to dive
>everyone gets carted and we lose the hunt
grinding safi for a specific monster bonus on my wep is pain
What's the deal with master rank kushala's randomly exploding tornadoes? What's the tell that X tornado is gonna randmly explode into a tornado 5x its size before disappearing, because they all don't do it, and I'm tired of being blindsided by them while this silver cunt keeps hiding inside perma-stunlock zones
When there are two tornadoes active they will slowly pull towards each other and explode on contact

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Soku/PoFV/TPDP/IaMP and other 2hu games with netplay. Host, play and discuss your favorite multiplayer Touhou games.

Download Soku here:
>Community pack, all necessary tools come preinstalled. Get this if you are new
>Base game, not necessary if you use the above link
>Upgrade pack for the base game
>get Giuroll here

Can't forward ports in order to host? Try these:

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might wanna consider bringing more defensive cards in that case, they are pretty good training wheels for defense and you'll probably gain more from that than some other spell cards
good night
Can I get some cirno tips
I load up one of my decks with great crusher, she's got good range as well and her delayed attacks can make for fun situations, her kick is also cute
get good at corner rape and your life will be 10x easier as cirno
also ice charge helps her cover quite a few of her problems, try it if you don't have it in your deck already
i wanna try out a couple cards

Unity version is out

Download: https://www.dofus.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/aqfxZywY

>Dofus Retro
Download: https://www.dofus-retro.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/EnGbaLMz

Download: https://www.wakfu.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/Ae7X8phu


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I probably should level my Carvmagus then
bonta has the same quests doesn't it? with the retarded skill requirements?
are u telling me if I play bonta all I had to do was kill mobs instead of deal with retarded profession requirements and fucking dumb tile standing?
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You do need high level crafts for both and there is one quest where a Sadida plus some professions are required for Bonta but Brakmar has the most ridiculous alignment of planets for sure. Quest 68 requires a guy for each gathering profession above lvl 159 (5 total + 1 random person) and Quest 72 requires a Smith, Handyman and Carver 172+ crafting stuff together (least popular crafting professions btw lol).
Even if I have some of those professions to do my part, the expected headache to organize those quests made me go Bonta. I'm still lowkey tempted to reroll and go Brakmar because they are just cooler but I really want the path of least resistance to my Ivory. That dumb questline is annoying enough already...
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how do you make kamas in dofus retro, it's hard :'(
go kill dark vlad 7483948632489632498263 times for a lowroll emerald dofus and sell it, alternativately do the same but with the pig

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This new Chains of Promathia stuff looks pretty cool edition

Previous Thread

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washed up lolpld insists on shotcalling and refuses to get on voice, LS wipes. wow!

jorm isn't open

>5 posts asking what trust is the best
>102 posts about horizon drama
>retail thread

idk ask shozo. so is the third relic gonna be a good one or
i read that as "shotacalling"
I'm gonna assume you're trolling, but just in case you're not, subtle blow only just barely make up for the fact you're hitting the mob twice, you don't actually give less tp than a warrior or drk.
whos the washed up pld
tp is different on horizon

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I have friends, sorry.
>protect our camps that nobody gives a shit about
i love when a Murky or BW walks through occupied lanes, through watchtower vision, straight into our territory, and bribes our camp, which - god knows why - no one has captured for our team
it is a painfully common occurrence on Cursed Hollow and Dragon Shire for people to just let the enemy take our Siege camp and completely ignore it while our structures get smashed to pieces
>see siege camp just sitting there eating a fort for free at like the second minute
>top lane trying not to lose the lane and it takes me too long to rotate anyways
>nobody goes
>ping ping
>nobody goes
>ping ping ping ping
>muting pings
>fuck, whatever I'll just rotate and clear, rather lose a lane of soak than the entire fort
>why is the stupid solo lane not top where he's supposed to be
Yeah usually when I see the team say or do something so monumentally retarded and blind I just start checking out. Same when I don't rotate to the obj cuz the tank inted right before, and I have to stop a merc push being lead by a slyvanas. Like can you people not use your minimal to see that I'm up here with someone so if you die at obj it's not my fucking fault? I swear to God the minimap really must be a dlc that 95% of people don't have
i can't fucking take this game anymore
ranked queue times are between 30-40 minutes, QM queue times are fast but they are stacked by niggerfaggots
there are literally people asking for SMURF STACKING IN QUICK MATCHES
how the fuck are these people allowed to exist? all of them should be executed on sight holy shit
like what is left to do in this game besides maybe ARAM? you can't do shit

blizz pulls the plug on the game and then negroid animals just suck the fun out of the game
I've been arguing for years that the smurf problem is largely self inflicted by the stupid reporting system. Leaving out discussions of whether you should even be able to report for toxic chat in the first place. The problem is that a very significant portion of smurfs are people who's main account has been silenced/suspended/banned, so they make a new account. This has two main effects. The first is that you now have generally the more competitive/toxic players down in with the newest and least skilled players which is going to create an obvious bottleneck for anyone trying to get into the game or back into it or just practice and get better.

The other though is more subtle but maybe more important which is that having your main account taken away is going to increase toxicity. It will give players a "nothing left to lose" mindset. There's no longer any incentive for these people to actually care if they win or even keep their account once the first one they may have an attachment to is gone. They'll just be toxic, lose the new account make a new one and forever be a plague on the new people, who will forever piss them off and keep them being toxic forever. Would be better if they just had a system where you could be silenced for a week or whatever any number of times but it would still incentivize people to want to play and keep their main high level accounts with accurate mmrs and shit, than to constantly dumpster them into the new people levels every few weeks when they get banned. But good luck convincing any of those dipshit redditors of this, they much rather just have hardware bans and phone account links to fix the problem.

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Bored of playing modern minecraft with trannies, missed when you were playing in 2011?
Try out b1.7.3 which has an even more tranny filled community!

>This isn't FOSS
The server source will be released one day, you can play through truecraft for a (bad) open source client
>Modern foss client?
https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/betamine (Will never be finished lmao)
>How long has the server been up
2 years

>Server IP
>Unofficial server guide

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made a list of random plans, if anything interests you lemme know when you wanna build stuff together :^)
how do you stop the bot from greeting you?
asking for a friend

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