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could Starbound multiplayer take off on 4chan? I couldn't host but I would play on someone's server if they hosted.
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Dude, the buildfag is right though. Terreria is ugly and lacking compared to starbound builds. Just look at the average steam screenshots under the game.
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>NTA but you're wrong and also a faggot. Take the L and move on.
>Dude, the buildfag is right though. Terreria is ugly and lacking compared to starbound builds. Just look at the average steam screenshots under the game.
>>1285165 >>1285327
>>1285349 >>1285360
the problem i have with Starbound is that shit just isn't interesting
it's graphically improved, locations are more unique, there's lore and something resembling an overarching story... but none of that shit matters because it just isn't interesting or even good for that matter

Terraria is great because you can jump in, build some shit, kill some bosses, and fuck off to do your own thing
Starbound suffers from No Man's Sky syndrome where it shackles your nuts to the floor and says
>"hey faggot! you want to progress? i need you to go grind out 50 bear asses, 30 parakeet ballsacks, and 15 orangutan nipples!"
>"you... don't like that? i literally DO NOT give a SINGLE FUCK."
>"youre going to teleport from green swampy planet to red bloodrain planet to forest bloodrain planet to swampy desert planet and then back to the first - ad infinitum"

tl;dr they spent too much time trying to be a novel and it's fucking boring
If you want a starbound server to work (the third to my knowledge in /vm/) then its not only mods, but the people. Like, either events or an 'RP' focus, but if you don't do something the server always starts to lose pop and slowly dies
>story disabler mod

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So, is Guild Wars 2 worth playing? The only MMO I've ever put significant time into is SWTOR and I've always been interested in trying it out. Any other MMOs worth trying out, like say Elder Scrolls Online?
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Man I really tried getting into GW2, but I just did not like the combat. I found it very surface level and repetitive. It's a shame because I really like everything else about the game. Great music, fluid movement, fun exploration, and it just feels like an actual MMO with a ton of shit to do.

And one of the factors that eventually got me stayed alongside the game was community. Ask anything on /map, let that be your most petty problem you have encountered, there will always be people coming to aid. Also all big group events (METAs) are filled with life and interactions. The somehow still living optimism I have been seeking all along after going for WoW raids on the nine millionth private server already kek

Besides that, I think the most of endgame time is filled with mastery grind, collections grind (including Legendaries here), and finally some harder combat in raids and higher fractals.

But as a player preferring solo content... you must stick to open world pve then, and there aren't enough events to keep you hyped in the long run. Unless you are a story and atmosphere sucker like me - but then it might be better to look for other alternatives. (I am currently trying out SWTOR and its stories, for instance.) At this point I have done most shit in the game and I only log in once for stacking up Wizard's Vault rewards in every season and giving help to folks I know and currently playing the game. Sometimes I go back on alts re-experiencing the adventure in core Tyria maps but I will never be able to discover the world as I have done it for the very first time.

GW2 is literally the MMO for social butterflies hah

it's fine. being b2p means you can always come back, no stress due to gear decay either. what does suck however is the price for the seasonal content if you've never been around at their release or rerun. sadly, story is garbage mostly and decent at best, maps and mounts are really superb and the game's strongest point. combat is alright, action camera mode is very enjoyable. community is super friendly and helpful. everybody in the main hub looks like a fucking clown because of shiny cosmetics. pvp is good, i hate pvp yet played nothing but pvp for months. i haven't even done any group content because i can't stand talking to people, i hate mmos with a burning passion, the game is very solo friendly. the cash shop is of course filled with shit and "pay for convenience" but none of it is truly needed and at least you can buy its currency with ingame gold.

eso is a worse version of gw2 with a tes skin like swtor is wow with a sw skin. i played this trainwreck at launch. the famous angryjoe review holds still true to this day, don't be fooled by redditors who call themselves tes fans. sure, they "improved" the game by making it less shit, doesn't mean it's "good". eso is a fucking disgrace. it's a hideous loooking game that lacks artistic direction. the armors are all painted on your skin with floppy floating parts attached to it to simulate depth. the animations are horrendous. the horses look like stuffed animals. the combat is very bad, it's floaty and lacks impact. the effects look extremely pathetic, too. oh, and everything is monetized, from fashion to content to storage space, it feels very crippling and is quite expensive. the game's balance is all over the place, too. you constantly have to deal with absurd nerfs and insane design overhauls that nobody asked for. its story, lore, setting shits on everything you knew before. if you can ignore that it's "decent" enough on its own due to the sheer amount of voiced dialogues and regional quests.
It's literally free you lose nothing from just trying it out yourself
i think guild war 2 is fun and good
it is video game but can't have general because it didn't have any anime waifu

Just read an article on massivelyop where a MMO dev says something incoherent

>We know that there are a ton of parents out there that grew up playing World of Warcraft and EverQuest, and they want to play a game like that again

Yes these are words. However this sentence is incomprehensible.

What do you think this means?
Here are a few of my hypotheses

>1. Dev using marketing buzzwords. Game is likely like a really shitty WoW or Neither. Just trying to market to boomers who will cling to one or the other term.
>2. As is typical among indie devs, the Dev is retarded and out of touch and thinks these are the same game. Has 4000 hours in WoW and 4 hours in Everquest. Has no self awareness.
>3. Dev made a typo and meant Everquest 2, not the original Everquest.

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>A game like World of Warcraft and Everquest
This is like saying your demographic is players who want to play a game like Monopoly and Call of Duty.

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I am pretty old school, I cannot stand for microtransactions or pay to win games. I never got to play EverQuest but have heard great things. I loved Final Fantasy XI and pre-combat Star Wars Galaxies. World Of Warcraft was fun back in the day but it has changed so much.
Guild Wars 1 was neat for what it was. I have tried brushing up on some up and comings that are featured on MMORPG.com but nothing really feels epic enough.
Is the genre dead or is there a future?
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i played star wars legend (the revived dead mmo server) with spaceshipt dlc and all.
wakfu would also be interesting if it wasn't that the company changes every damn time the mechanics or sends the economy down the drain.
Why don't you try to set up a wow server in local offline on your pc and play with bots ia? you can do only with bots the content and dungeons and even make achievements.
I would love to do it but my pc is a real piece of junk that can't afford it.
the idea of a mmo for yourself sounds like a lot of content.

i saw videos of a draenei warrior and even a mage, a hunter with pets and druid doing dungeons alone. in wotlk i used to do the dungeons alone with those classes.

I wonder if there will be similar projects with ia bots for other mmo...
well the paladin could also do everything by himself kek
if you do it i recommend that you do everything from scratch and manually with github or wow servers projects.
don't use repack databases. because they can contain viruses or cryptominers... or at least that's what I read.
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I've been doing that for a while now, but steered away from the MMO/bot swarm ideas and more into the solo/co-op side. It's very fun to make new items, spells, boss fights but one anon can only do so much on his own. I wish I had a small group of friends to build the game into a more complete solo experience.

Scaled dungeons, raids down and creating new ways for classes to clear the content all on their own. New monsters and quests in some places as well. I would recommend personal WoW servers, if only to mess around with for a while.

News about any upcoming Events? Bleck.
Dead and dated memes you gotta pay like $8 for? Now we're talking.
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That wouldn't do anything except force a HHH meta.
>doesn't use their weapons
>doesn't use their abilities/specializations
>doesn't use the gadgets
Why do Mediums even play this game?
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think about it
in Terminal Attack, where there's basically no healing, Light is king because you'll just slowly lose all your health to hit-and-run or sniping
the only reasons Light is mostly underwhelming in regular modes are
>regenerating shields
>healing beam
>close tight spaces around objectives
if there's an objective out in the open, then a Light with a sniper owns that objective and could solo wipe a team if it weren't for shield and heal spam

also Healing Beam is pretty much the defacto best Medium spec
Demat and Turret are good, but they don't really compete with the S+ tier Healing Beam
nerfing HB a bit would be good for Medium"s other spec options
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I'm here to miss six shots and then run away, whatchu gonna do about it?
>light is king
he's marginally more useful in terminal attack, but mostly because of the one life thing so it encourages ratty behaviour. There are plenty other ways to halt a sniping light, he doesn't have the breakpoint necessary to break barricades or goo for example. Shields and heals can be disrupted with glitch btw

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The Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0. Party up with anyone you can find.
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.


>>NDA Closed Alpha is NOT ongoing, DO NOT ask questions about it, it WAS NOT leaked here
>>New Magetoon Goddess, Hecate with Open Alpha, May 2nd
>>Closed Beta at 30th July at 23 Godtoons
>>Five total new Godtoons before the formal release at 50 in early 2025

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zesty ass busta
pird proc penta
Only a quad? Pathetic!!!
At least im not hacking on sylvanus
This is what a Scylla poster looks like btw

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Same boat as you, tried all kinds of combinations with the special files on csrin and creamapi 5.2 as well as later trying smokeapi, all of them i've tried proxy mode and whatever the other is and i'm stumped. I've encountered errors doing this before but the "orenji no poppo is too occupied purifying the game" seems new and might be an anti-unlocker update according to a post on csrin.
is it truly poppover juice bros?
It's happening! Alicianronne soon!
I fucking wish my nigga
need a rone alt as a bonus character of course :^)
>Illustration by Hono
Feels like forever since I last seen his stuff.

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Girls und Panzer returns to World of tanks (WoT) again after a 3 year wait! it will begin on May 16th, 2024.


Choose between three commanders (Miho, Mika, Erika) in the article above when the collab starts and obtain one of the commanders for free after completing the mission chain of your selected team.

There will be paid bundles to obtain 3D/2D styles, decals, emblems and/or tanks together with their respective crew members.
>Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H (Ankou) [Tier 5]
>BT-42 (Jatkosota) [Tier 5]
>Tiger II (Kuromorimine) [Tier 7]

>Previous thread:
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I used to be scared of bourrasque drivers but somehow a lot of bad players end up playing it and doing boneheaded things
I guess most of the good players got bored with it
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>guess most of the good players got bored with it
I guess it's time to bring it out for a drive.
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Mad cuz bad
being scared of the tank with the best camo rating in its class that can remove half to 2/3rds of your hp in a single burst in the same tier while being driven by a complete halfwit is perfectly normal
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>Already got 121B from CW back in the day
>Already got 252U
guess it's time to buy some of the tryhard equipment then

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Have cheaters essentially ruined FPS games for anyone else as well? Years back I enjoyed playing PUBG, but then it got ruined by an influx of an unholy number of cheaters. I used to like playing Siege too, but cheaters at higher ranks and ubisoft's retarded decisions rendered the game basically unplayable for me. Same situation with Hunt and higher ranks too, it's all either cheaters or rats, or both. Got into Tarkov a couple years back, but it turned out the EU region in that game is one giant farm for Chinese RMT cheaters, there also isn't any matchmaking in Tarkov, meaning cheaters play in the same lobbies as shitters and aren't put in high containment ranks. Bf1 used to be great as well, but so many servers specifically in the EU region seem to be filled with either cheaters or high level sweats who have all meta guns unlocked these days.

Don't even get me started on games like CSGO/2 and Warzone.

The only shooters that I found have very few/almost no cheaters are HLL, Squad and Insurgency, but these games are really boring and heavily promote camping due to their low TTK. There are also no meaningful progression/goals in these shooters, essentially you just camp around, rack up kills and don't really get anything for it, besides some xp/points that let you unlock cosmetics.

Basically at this point I'm pretty much completely out of fun games to play.
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free bot software gets you banned, you need to pay $20-50 to get a good one that is undetected and even then it is a gamble

EAC is garbage and in some cases it could be bypassed by just shutting down it's process, as far as I know consoles have zero anti cheats in place
I generally think consoles plebs are just too lazy to even cheat, if I was forced to play on console, I would have invested into buying a m+kb tool since controllers are only good for fighting games

the issue did not originate in the west, it's chinks mass producing the software, at this point I think is probably a bigger industry than making anti cheat software

In the near future we will get AI detection and AI cheats, at that point I think normal people will be filtered out since only turbo retards will pay so that an AI plays the game for them.
>free bot software gets you banned
Oh, they do get banned, all the time. People who pay for cheats too. It's just that bans aren't instant, far from it actually. For instance, in CSGO it would take months for a cheater to get banned. I once lent someone my steam account, and got banned on CSGO 7 MONTHS after they returned the account. I was so shocked and confused too, because I didn't play CSGO on that account once after it was returned.
In a lot of games it's cheaper to re-buy an account (you can buy a Siege account for $5 lol) and use some cheapo/free cheat, than to pay for good undetectable cheats. And cheating faggots can do a fuckton of damage before they're detected and banned too. Sadly, this isn't a race that game devs can keep up with. Nor do they genuinely want to really. They profit directly from reselling accounts to cheaters.
I think the worst part is that you don't really know when someone is cheating or not, I used to play a bit on the fast guys in Titanfall 2. Pubstomping every match, but playing on esl it made me doubt if better players are cheating or legitimately that good. Same was with Natural Selection - I don't want to badmanner or rob others of their accomplishments so it sucks that I get paranoid and there is ample evidence there are cheaters.
yeah, but chink netcafes don't mind shelling out a few hundred bucks to have a bunch of PCs running top of the line cheats, they make it back with all the chinks going there to cheat

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anyone else playing the update

i haven't played in years and trading coins for recipes is a lot better than the fucking paper rng grind was
but I must be missing something because the tiering is kinda fucked
I have to beat a 53 guy at 47 to get thick leather recipe
unless i'm missing somewhere I can farm it

also why the fuck do crafting stations not take things from chests
like 90% of the time spent in base is sorting items and moving items from place to place

i also wish the skill gems were more impactful, like getting a skill jewel should make me want to use a skill I normally don't use because it makes it that much better
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t. zoomie that hates challenge
I bet you play pve
>hunting General Cassius
>find the bastard walking about some vampire ruins
>it just so happens vampires patrol the area and interfere with our 1v1
>just kidding Cassius is a giant pussy and starts summoning skeletons with halberds too
>I’m getting overwhelmed so I retreated outside the castle right into another pack of vampires
>oh fuck
>so I dodge and weave, kill, and run behind a rock to heal and think about calling it quits
>nah Cassius still wants to fight and followed me outside
>after a few minutes of killing mobs and his adds and attacking him in between I get him 50% health
>I’m so sick of all the random mobs and his adds
>then suddenly I see a red skull and the name Paladin on the side of my screen
>I book it
>the Paladins switch targets and start fucking Cassius up
>it takes them maybe 3 seconds to get Cassius from 50-0% hp
>I run over and absorb that pussy ass bitch, laughing so hard

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I was having fun but most players left the server (pvp) before I could catch up and fight on a more equal level.
Never underestimate the power of getting someone else to kill a V Blood for you
thats sadly how every "pvp" rpg works
there is a burst of activity at the start where everyone races to gear up and then bully people lower than them on the totem pole
no one is interested in pvp on an equal footing
a server that is 50/50 day 1 will be 20/50 day 2 and 2/50 day 3

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>This game is absolutely gonna be the CoD Killer you guys!!
>We had some public beta tests that nobody has heard any kind of feedback from, and we aren't promoting it at all, but it'll definitely be a good, healthy competitor to CoD!
>Don't worry, we won't let it sit without updates for a year before publicly executing it! When have we ever done that before?
no one except over hyping retards call it the "cod killer"
its just a arcade shooter in the style of older cods and perfect for people who are tired with the sweat feast that is current cod

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Development kicked into full swing a month ago. Internal playtests have begun for the CH6 map also codenamed Selene for some reason. No bus path or uncovered map so epic can’t eat my ass by finding this specific session. Don’t ask why I’m doing this. It’s not important.
We all thought the roadmap was fake at first but now look. Who’s to say this isn’t the same case. Why is there such high detail in some of this. Questionable, but interesting
Hey, I run a twitter page for Fortnite. Got more information to share and would like to be kept anonymous? Reach out to me at FNBRintelbusiness@gmail.com

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>Early Access - Friday, June 28, 2024 (2:00 AM PDT)
>Release Date - Tuesday, July 2, 2024
>Promotional Site

>Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration (Until Wednesday May 8 at 7:59 AM PDT)
>Yo-kai Watch Event rerun (Wednesday April 24 at 1:00 AM PDT until Patch 7.0)


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Is the Chaos/Omega FC active? Looking for one currently
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go back to /vg/

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Now that the dust has settled... what do we think of Seon and the Anniversary? New expansions are always great since that means more toys to play with but I don't agree with them pushing a stronger emphasis on custom epics and bringing back hell mode to facilitate (lol) the process. The Anniversary did help give out two (2) guaranteed 4/4 pieces but if you didn't have enough 3/4s already the results won't be significant enough to warrant a switch from a fixed build. Maybe it's because I'm a lucklet and call it cope but I'll stick with Archon so I can turn my brain off and unga bunga through dungeons, thanks.

The other Anniversary rewards were helpful too and just as you expected from every year. Geared an alt with the free rare clone avatar and emblems, topped off with the fabled +13 weapon ticket which boosted their fame rather quickly. Now I can larp as a chink whale with that sweet sweet sweet pink glow.
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>Do you need to play multiple characters to make the most of it or can I focus on one char?
The game encourages you to make multiple characters to do weekly dungeons and raids(and farm) so yes. Half of the resources you get from clearing these dungeons and raids are issued as account-bound which can be freely shared between your other characters. The more you do each week the quicker you can gear and strengthen one. Of course it is possible to only play a single character to dump everything into. In fact, you should build up your main character anyway so when you later decide to make a side character or two you can help indirectly gear them by funneling those account-bound resources towards them.
I quitted this game during fiend war update or teybar grind I think? Is there any improvement of the game?
Okay never mind, I just missed my bug mage and summoner.
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But bugmage is back and better than ever!
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The game is in a good state right now, but unfortunately the progression is really fucking slow for a new player since there is no Leveling Event currently active. You would be spending months playing catch-up in outdated content. You could unironically wait for the level-up event for the Hunter classes in September and it would be faster progression than trying to start the game right now.

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>What is Worms?
Worms is a classic turn-based strategy game with astounding gameplay customization. Armageddon despite being released in 1999till is getting support with cool mods, and official updates.

Game goes on sale fairly often but you can also download the game for free here (all versions work with each other): https://drive.google.com/file/d/18dAXkqtQNjb_T5E5MSqXqZk0xzQdPdjY/

>Collected Custom maps, sounds, fanfares, flags and graves from past threads

>Hostpack Starter set (contains maps, schemes, and custom terrains)

Check what lobbies are currently open with https://snoop.wormnet.net/snooper/, or if you'd like to be notified when when a /v/ lobby opens up, get https://worms2d.info/Great_Snooper

Lobbies and threads will be often be notified here and will usually be present at
Channel: #anythinggoes

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I liked Darts a lot, sad to see it on spot #26
intermediate has come way back up since this i think
it's just teams on autogen maps instead of ffa on meme maps now
Why not teams on meme maps?
most of the meme maps are actually kind of terrible to play on once you get past the initial funny factor, like terrain that's either way too hard to traverse or way too flat, darksiding holes, huge or tiny map sizes, etc.
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what an idiot haha

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