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Bored of current minecraft, missed when you were playing in 2011? Try out b1.7.3!

>Aren't older Minecraft versions vulnerable to some exploits?
You're likely thinking of log4j which only affected versions above release 1.7 (https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4416199399693-Security-Vulnerability-in-Minecraft-Java-Edition)
>This version isn't as refined as i remember!
Try out some of the suggested mods in the link below

>Server IP
>Client Setup Guide
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nigger this is not the minetest thread
That's a texture pack for minecraft you mong
it would actually be good if it was, just another lame old version of Minecraft going on in here
Hey OP I ran a server back in 2011 and I recognize the broken anti-xray plugin that screws with visible blocks. You should swap it out. Also recommend getting rid of the slow logging/rollback plugin and letting people protect their own builds instead. Precious Stones was popular back in the day and is probably the least invasive way to do it. Unfortunately there was never really a fast rollback plugin. All the big servers that ran them were choking constantly
server crashes again when theres multiple people on, rollback is back

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last thread
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Everyone is in need of a meds or a bullet. All there is to it.
The game is used for feeding their addiction to drama.
Are there any active horizon linkshells from here?
Only FloorTanks.
almost bis! after i finish gearing, next i want a girlfriend. 55m to go!

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So it the 2024 release date for B42 still a thing?
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>no servers
>no players
>no updates
>no hope
>somewhere in kentucky
damn this update still isnt released?

He probably meant 2042. The devs will really get tired of blogposting by then, get off their asses ans finish the update and cause the great holocaust of all the mods created to date.

You can host your own server and your friend(s) can connect directly to your PC even if you all have pirated versions. Same as Valheim.
>Joining a /vm/ server in a game with permadeth
I can already imagine the admin-backed troon-clique making it hell for the rest of the poor saps who thought they could make friends.

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>What is Throne and Liberty
Amazon's next MMO. It's a F2P Tab Target korean MMO with a focus on guild oriented, zerg vs zerg PvP. You fight to secure loot from world bosses and there are many other world PvP activities including sieges. Instead of classes, there are 7 different weapons and you pick 2 of them to use and pick skills and passives from, kind of like Guild Wars 1.

>It's p2w f2p gookshit then, right?
It's pay2progress faster by swiping for currency to use in theAuction House, but the gear ceiling is pretty low for a korean game. You can obtain and max out a BiS set in 4 months of F2P daily playing.

>How do I sign myself up?
Amazon F2P access starts on October 1st. You can pay Bezos $40 to access 5 days earlier. Only half of the servers will open during early access, the other half of the servers will arrive on October 1st so even if you're F2P you won't be behind.
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>What's the endgame like?
There's a timegated progression element, and then there's the world event based gameplay
>Timegated progression
Each day you recharge Stamina for dungeons and you get 10 Daily Quest allowances. Takes like 30 minutes if you're slow, to do the daily quests and dungeons, which will award you with various materials, as well as Stamina that you need in order to obtain loot from grinding in Open World Dungeons. You generally get your gear from instanced dungeons and you get upgrade materials from open world dungeons.
>World event stuff
The day is filled with various world events. The rewards from most of them aren't amazing, but it's an excuse to PvP or to climb up in the rankings. The main meat are World Bosses which drop useful equipment, GvG battles over boon/riftstones which are map based resources that give you buffs, resources, and even let you create a personal world boss instance for your guild, and Castle Sieges.
>Grind based progression content
This is fairly fresh, but KR added Mythic+ dungeons basically and that's the post max-level grind based content, You farm them in order to level up the unique Rune rewards (things you put on equipment that give stats). It's not time or stamina gated, so you can just spam it for hundreds of hours until max level as long as you have a group to do it with. Generally speaking it's a significant increase for someone who has farmed 600 hours and hit max Rune level vs someone who has farmed only 10 hours, but there is a ceiling/maximum level to it. Someone who has farmed 10 hours will get around maybe +4% relevant character stats from runes, while someone who is 600+ hours maxed out will have around +25% relevant character stats from runes.
>Other optional content
3v3 arena with its own ranking
Solo Boss Time attack with its own ranking based on the weapons the players use, rotates every few days
Cooking/Fishing to make better food, but you can also just buy this shit from the auction house
>What are the weapons like?

>Sword and Shield (SnS)
Tanky, has CCs like a deathgrip-esque pull, has reflect, top tier weapon right now in KR
>Greatsword (GS)
High health melee bruiser, has lots of single target CC for melee comboing, has alright AoE, hated by everyone, really strong and top tier right now in KR.
Has stealth and poison/lightning element buffs for weapon, makes you tanky via Evasion, decent melee damage, has single target CC such as root+silence and knockdown

Wizard, nukes shit. Burn DoTs, Ice Slows/Roots, Lightning Zap AoEs, can rain hellfire, lots of point and click evaporating if you're geared, not much else to say.
>Longbow (Bow)
You shoot shit, but also you have a bit of support via single target HoT, AoE regens, AoE CCs, AoE heals, single target root. Not a pet/trap kind of bow class.

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>What are some weapon combinations that are recommended?

Knight/Warrior kinda deal, you shit out CC and damage and you're stupidly tanky. Metaslave build right now in KR.
>SNS + Wand
Paladin/Cockroach with lots of healers and CC. You are immortal and you can actually do a shit ton of damage if you get a lot of retards to hit into your reflect or sit in your melee AoE spam. You kinda tickle people at best in small/medium scale PvP though, especially if they ignore you.
>SNS + Dagger
Evasion tank, you either live forever with 50% melee+ranged+magic evasion or you die instantly if you're unlucky. You can run in and assassinate key targets like healers pretty well and you have stealth as well to engage or disengage with.

>GS + Dagger
Melee assassin kinda flavor You press 1234567 out of stealth and the person you are targeting is dead. Widely hated, it's the best class to make someone seethe with.

>Bow + Staff
The premiere ranged DPS. You have really, really fucking long range and you have decent AoE and CC. Very strong and versatile in general, the backbone of any zerg.

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There's some other non-mainstream shit that can be effective still, like

>GS + Xbow
>Staff + Wand
>SNS + Bow
>SNS + Xbow
>Wand + Dagger

But then there's also options that don't really have much synergy such as

>Wand + Xbow
>Wand + GS
>GS + Staff
>SNS + Staff

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>Bow users are also healsluts
Finally the ranged sissies will be put into their place and learn that they are playing the girl class no matter how much they deny it.

Earth Defense Force is a third-person shooter game where you defend earth from every single shit the alien invaders throw at you


>how to play together
for 5 and 6 game has a lobby system where you can lock the room with a password or set it to room name only. This is great as we had games with multiple rooms named /v/df and any anons could join by searching for that room name while keeping out the pubbies.
so if you want to play with other anons simply make your room, state your room name, starting with which mission and what difficulty. For example:
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WB is such a weird spin off
sometimes I really like their voice acting and writing, but sometimes I also fucking hate it
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>don't dash away in the first place
ok how do you prevent them from dashing away?
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it's supposed to be tongue-in-cheek humour but then they went ahead and gobbled the entire cock in their mouth
You don't, you either catch them off guard with the laser pointer, use them when they start firing or simply time it right after they dash and don't use the Maximum version because it takes 5 years to start firing and it's area of attack is tiny compared to others. If it lands nicely, theyll get horribly mangled for the minigun or something else to finish them off, if they don't die right away in the first place.
The epic removal is currently on work by devs

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>What is /mmog/?
Also known as /mmorpg/, or /wowfug/, this is a thread dedicated to MMORPGs - Old, Very Old, new, upcoming releases and those that will most likely never will.

>What is on-topic?
Discussion of MMORPGs, including games that have their own dedicated generals and those without.
Learning or recommending other games together, and sharing experiences.
Arranging meetups in these games with fellow anons.
Comfy screenshots and game art.
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Is this ever going to result in a full game?
Wasn't the main reason that ghostcrawler quit at Riot his disappointment with their slow development time and decision making process?
nope still garbage but if you're a thirdie you can bot it and make some money for the first week before everyone leaves
what's an mmo that actually feels alive and thriving instead of being composed of a series of player-devoid wastelands
Private servers shutting down doesn't really matter at all imo, infrequent fresh starts and shifting of playerbases keeps things from stagnating too much.

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The official tf2 server of /vm/. Discuss.

>How do I connect?
1. Open tf2
2. Open the console with ` and enter:
3. connect banttf2.ddns.net


>MODS (important)

>What do we offer?
We've got many custom maps (both original and based on existing maps) as well as weapon rebalances and an active tightknit community.
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Daniel lost bro.
I have no idea who the fuck "Daniel" is.
I hate shit skins and don’t really like anime that much. Am I welcome on this server.
Basedjak party tf2 server exists especially for you

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Any video games I can make friends in?
I'm so fucking lonely
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Normal people like making new friends though. And once you befriend one dude he introduces you to all of his friends. I'm pretty asocial and I still have a ton of friends, a lot of whom I met in my twenties, ultimately because I know one guy.
I play Darktide and Deep Rock, which region ?
what an unhinged comment, why are /pol/ bots trying to ruin this board
If you are not banned from the egirl paradise do egirl as the discord join code and look for guys live streaming games in the public voice channels.

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anyone still playing?
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>Acid Farms
picrel is prob the best perk for it, got it at 35. sulfur is nothing and energy doesn't take long to become useless.
with the new plants I've decided to dive into farming for acid gain passively. no more sprinting the moment a phase unlocks to get the best contaminated zones. just set up wherever you want
I get everything I need by just looting at endgame
Tanking in the tradicional sense is nonexistent (far as I know) so the meta is stay mobile and bring enough damage to quickly delete the numerous adds sent your way and burn the boss. there's nothing more to it.
I'm actually using the nerfed doombringer + wildfire and it already shreds everything that dares approach even on a hard server. with 5 bullets (+regen on kill) and optimized mods it will soon do even more justice to its name.
However I might change to an elemental build later down the line once I'm filled with t4/5 sets.
>Crop Growing
for mass and easy production I'm doing coneflowers for sanity ice drink and beets for sugar for shellfish meat. I'm too lazy to dive into serious deviated farming with the pve already being this easy.
forget the one base to rule them all designs and become a modularchad, at least for the beginnings of a new season

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t. ranny
kid really just called himself a tranny
calm down baldy
You sound gay as fuck

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Call to Yiff: Fox Cock Edition

>Free Download

>Latest News

>Account Statistics


>Original Content Links, Movies & Guides

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ai anon lemme get some willo (default and sugar plum) k thx
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Pleas understando 1.5 is unusable once you try pony, so this is all we can use for now.
Really like the tsundere Maeve near the bottom left and the indifferent Ying on the bottom right. the Ash, Kasumi, Pepper and Voras are good too
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I recall a flash porn game with this same premise from over 20 years ago...

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I've been playing this again for a couple months and I'm enjoying myself. It sucks about the raise in sub cost though. I play it while doing other things like studying for certs or watching YouTube vids. Is it actually a good game or is it just nostalgia goggles? I think I'm sem-enjoying myself.
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its been bad since before it was /osg/ and was caravan general
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true but it's worse now objectively
Judging by what Zezima is wearing and the private message, I'd guess this screenshot is from December 2006.
>work hard physical labour job all day
>come home and gym with gf
>cook dinner and make tomorrows lunch
>eat dinner with gf and watch show
> chill on osrs doing whatever i feel like while listening to music

I just love the graphics and its janky old charm. Guardians of the rift has been fun lately and I am working on getting the full outfit. I am working towards 2100 total, game is fun maybe you’re burnt out
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fuck you normalfag

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Ongoing Events:
ESL Pro League Season 20 Playoffs

Upcoming Events:
BLAST Premier Fall Final 2024
IEM Rio 2024
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holy FUCK lol
btfo, over, done, stick a fork in em
>we're fitting out
of your clothes!
no, but honestly. This is absolute shit cs and not at all entertaining unless you're deeply invested in liquid
>unless you're deeply invested in liquid
or really hate coL
>cadian leaves liquid for good
>yekindar suddenly performs again
makes you think

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rock paper scissors lizard gun HEMA with bonus cosplay

>Frame data

>Gear Appearances:

>Perks guide:

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Why did they forget to speed up the hyper armor on his heavy attacks? Why did they still not give him an opener? Why did they glitch him out even harder like leaving OS stance if you swap sides after a light or a dodge and try to kick? Why did they say they are still working on stuff for highlander and bug fixes and literally none of that was true?
JC ate all of it sowwy >.<
he got vewy hungwy and needed a midnight snack :3
the narlwal bacons at midnight after all!!!
post your for honor drip
Is it just my garbage ELO where feinting heavies is not viable? All people do is spam dodge attacks. Just any second they have available to them it's constant dodge attacks

It means I can't feint shoulder bash into GB or feint heavies because I will get punished
>Just parry the attack
I am not that fucking fast. It's already a pleasant surprise when the stupid feint comes out, half the time he just swings despite me mashing circle
>can see warden make actual physical contact with the enemy during his charge
>It doesn't matter because the enemy has iframes, even though they've dodged into a wall or have too short a movement to actually avoid the charge
I don't care that warden is S tier if you are some Adderall snorting sweatlord with 15k hours who can triple feint bashes. His kit is so fucking limited that it requires so much mechanical skill that if you just played a more broken (read:modern) hero you would be better served. The coolest hero in the fucking game is forced to be a 1 trick pony who will give you arthritis

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Hey lads, autumn is right around the corner and /vm/ is having a friendly match today (Friday the 6th) against /x/
Since this is a new cup cycle, we’re going to be doing a full roster poll. As such, we are taking suggestions for what players will be vote kicked and what players could replace them. Please reply to this thread if you have a team player suggestion
Another suggestion has been to change the start time of /vm/‘s anthem to start when the singing starts instead of the instrumental intro, so we’d like some feedback on that as well. The full poll will go up at the end of the month
Happy fragging lads
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It is what it is. It's still a Sonic game at heart so of course it's going to attract fundamentalist autism where they'll have lots of personal investment in whatever's going on and probably want to commit actual felonies because people want to rep the MUGEN kart aspect of the game as well rather than just the Sonic aspect/the rep won't be their personal favourite Sonic character that they geek out over and think is cool and badass and sexy.
Look, one thing is for you to not like our responses to your "evidence" and another thing is to autistically stalk a thread for an entire day just because you were dead set on exposing the poll for being rigged from the start by discord boogeymen. I'm going to explain this to you nicely one last time:
>1. The poll was made for a reason, and that was to actually know which rep was more popular, not to lay false results that justify something becoming our rep instead of another thing.
>2. SPB led the poll from minute one, following normal voting patterns according not only to the guy who made the poll, but by multiple posters who voted in the poll and kept trying to refute and mock your acussations.
>3. Your only arguments that support SPB cheating are your words. Every other image or info you've posted is intentionally misleading and cherrypicked. You quite literally posted images that try to make the votes obtained by SPB in 2 hours look ilegitimate by comparing them to 8 klonoa votes that were dumped in less than an hour by an IP changing cheater.
>4. The /srb2k/ discord isn't a cabal dedicated to rigging polls and trying to make you go insane. It's just a place were the people who have played in our server for months or even years shitpost, play games and have banter about the state of the game. It's been up for a long while and the existence of it isn't news to anyone who is part of the community. If the discord cabal was truly so afraid of losing, why post the poll in the thread to begin with? Why not just vote privately in the safety of their den and keep the voting process as obscure as possible?
>5.Your insistance on invalidating this poll despite most people agreeing that a legitimate result exists just makes you look more and more suspicious. Why keep trying to avoid everyone else reaching a consensus?

As far as I'm concerned, the decision is final. Stop bothering /srb2k/ and keep your attention starved ass away from /vm/.
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>haven't even heard of sonic robot kart before this morning
>apparently I've been stalking the thread for an entire day for dunking on a discord using tripfag larping as an admin (that sounds like Chrischan)
>get a 2k response (that I'm not reading) about how the elections are legit
offsiter discord cirlejerk, no thanks
get rid of KWABentale and id want the team to play, otherwise dont

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I'm having virtually no success on /v/, so I'm trying my luck here. I want to play GoI, and I'll take anyone I can get.

>what is this game?
Team-based airship combat game where teams of 1-3 ships piloted by (ideally) 4 crew members (1 captain, 1-2 gunners, 1-2 engineers) face off against one another in various foggy wastelands and hunt each other down. It's on Steam for like $5 and G2A for a fraction of that. The game is also on PS4 if somehow that's preferable to you.
>what's the difference between Online and Alliance
I dunno. Online came first, but booting it up launches Alliance, so just get whichever is cheaper or boot whichever one you have.
>is the game dead?
>are you desperate?
>is it fun?
You'll enjoy it if you like:
>steampunk garbage

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Never really got into this but I always liked the idea, I might be down to play
Have you looked into Marauders?
Kinda the same thing in space, no ramming damage but there are nukes, plus a looter shooter.
Never heard of it, but it looks interesting enough. My toaster probably couldn't handle it, so I'll have to keep an eye on it for now. The actual on-foot combat is neat, but I'm mostly after the ship-vs-ship combat - hence my desperation to play GoI. Still a good recommendation, though, so thanks.
Feel free to add me if you think you'd be interested in joining a session. I'll see about figuring out an ideal time for people once I get enough responses.
It's not nearly as demanding as say Tarkov.
I got boarded the other night, dude loads in at the ass end of my ship screaming "I'm taking you to flavor town baby!".
Killed him and took his captains card, Name was Flavortown.
I read alliance is pve + pvp (4.99) and online is just pvp (3.99).
This server appears to try and organise lobbies sometime.

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