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Why doesn't Unreal Tournament get enough praise? Is anyone still playing?
its dead
Tim Sweeney killed unreal tournament
correct, pre-alpha is still very fun tho, especially elimination modes. too bad there are not many people know about it
still available at ut4ever.org
>fortnite robbed you of UT 4
Yeah sucks the IP has no draw in 2024. Fond memories of UT2K4, seems it was all downhill from there.

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I'll be hopping on the moment I download. I've been genuinely excited for this game ever since my roommate urged me to download EDF 4.1 a year ago. Hopefully we get the return of the Rule of God in this one!

I honestly can't wait to blow up some more giant insects by calling down air raids and lasers from heaven.
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we 3/4, so hurry
4/4, that was quick
Damn, missed by a minute, well, the overall happiness in the world has increased.
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new lobby
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bump for valiant of infantry

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Ord Mantel edition.

>Battlefront II News


>SWTOR Helpful Links
(If you have a general question about the game, such as credit limits, subscribing, story order, class usage, what a certain item you see in a screenshot, or really anything, check these first)

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Recently came back to swtor and both my DS and LS guilds are still there but dead. I have flagships and SHs set up on both and don't want to give them up, but I also want to play with people. Do you guys think I can get people to join, or do players just join the few big guilds left these days?

I'm on DM btw

Imagine romancing an ugly ass bald alien that fucks other dudes in your ship while you're out there risking your life to begin with

This romance option is literally a cuck simulator
nobody knows this thread exists. sad!
Please do not insult my wife thanks
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thought /swgg/ died because i could never find it on /vg/ for months. now i come here every few months to find there's like 1 post every 3 weeks. i know it's because unless you're some gacha/weebshit thread on /vg/ you need a bump every 30 minutes or you'll get 404'd but still. there's a high probably a lot of anons from /vg/'s /swgg/ that don't know these threads even exists.

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>Be me
>Play MOBA games
>Pop off a lot and carry 5 games
>Loses every single one anyway
>Plays like ass in the next 5
>Wins every single one somehow
>Becomes hardstuck for 2 weeks

Why are MOBA games' matchmaking so ass?
Because you are playing a 5v5 game by yourself. Are you expecting the matchmaking to treat you any differently? Play 1v1 games instead.
>inb4 I need teammates to blame
You should become a battle royale player and become slightly less jaded to fix it.
Matchmaking has successfully balanced you.
This is the only way games are allowed to be now.
It's your own fault for playing team games.
If you must play something competitive, either play Starcraft (1 or 2 are both fine) of stick with coop. Or I guess you can get into arena shooters but I'd go with RTS over FPS any day of the week.

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Is helldivers 2 still worth buying if you haven't played it yet or has the fun been patched out of it?
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They should add vehicles, but yeah, I feel for the big map missions is either open field or forest, and even then, on the forest maps, some have such low canopy that it doesnt feel like a forest and just a bushy section

Since the same lore is all about reconquering habitables planets where the enemy killed all current settlers, cities would be nice to have, I guess they could add stuff like saving actual fighting militia and no just a bunch of corpses
uh oh difficulty 10 and new creatures are coming.
With all the nerfs on weapons, how the fuck do they expect us to deal with that shit.
Are you 12? Adapt and fix your skill.
Game is boring if you use the effective weapons and frustrating if you use the ones you want. The 80GB it requires is better used on other more interesting games until they fix their shit. It wasn't like this before nerfs.

Toxic devs, toxic community managers, toxic dev bootlickers(probably paid shills)

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Vanilla is my favorite version, but I have had issues with other private servers. Mostly with their client version they use and latency issues.

What are some private servers with a good client version (like official classic client) and no latency issues (from NA) that I can use?
Everlook launched another fresh start server on the 29th of june, called Starfall. This is probably your best bet right now, as the classic PS scene has much declined since official classic servers became a thing. You would be using the old 1.12.2 client to connect to it. If want to use the 1.13/1.14 era client, then you're going to want to look in to the HermesProxy client. There are no private servers running 1.13/1.14 that I am aware of.

It's hosted in EU, so if you're not living in California you're probably fine in regards to ping. Worst case use exitlag.

Population is mixed na, eu, china. Factions are relatively balanced.

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A vanilla 1.20 Paper server, open to JAVA from 1.18.2 And above or Bedrock clients, even pocket edition.

Pirate and cracked friendly, with chat reporting disabled for those who want to avoid Mircrsift's ever worsening tactics.

A server with obsene amounts of lore, a few adminstrators come and gone, and a recent bout of cancer now in remission, we present you /v/craft! Now in it's fifth year!

Current map opened June 2021 (1.17), and expanded with fresh 1.20 terrain. End and nether are trimmed periodically.

JAVA - mc.chimpout.club:25600
Bedrock (all others) - mc.chimpout.club:19132
Map - http://mc.chimpout.club:9788/

>How to can I join?
Official and pirated clients can join in without issue... unless you can't figure out how to make a password for your player on the server.

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How do i get into the server? I sent a friend request to "cyb3rmark" in discord?
>its full of tranny ERP and other gay shit
how do you make it so over that it's still going?
Is Batrick still around?
more like /re/craft

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I'm going to host an Enigmatica 2 Expert (E2E) server on 1.12.2 soon. Is anyone interested? this is an autistics-only modpack~
I'm still getting the server up and running, if anyone wants to play.
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I ended up just making the reactor parts, and then breaking down my machine area to make it more efficient, since my first placements of the machines were based on block to block connections, and then only later did I learn you have to use copper cables... any progress in the pack on your end, shuten-anon?
ooo? I'm not too huge of a fan of audiobooks, I can't fully focus on either task that way, also that sort of subject matter would be hard to focus on in the first place! I prefer short to longform breakdowns, I've listened to this guy's video on crime and punishment, it was really good!

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honestly, i'm still figuring out if i have enough RAM to host the old server world from my computer...the nuclear reactors make a TON of energy! and there are ways to automate uranium production.
summaries and lectures can be good way to get a synopsis of a book without half-listening to it, also podcasts might be a good compromise! though, most podcasts seem kinda like a waste of time...
you had mentioned something about RAM at some point, whats the deal with that? Also, I got around to setting the reactor up! I encased it in the reinforced stone as the wiki noted you should do if its near you base (its in my basement), and now I need to look into fuel sources and vent stuff. What do you mean by automating uranium production? I've never had the mind for automating stuff like that, I usually just look up guides for it, I try not to think too hard about it or I feel left out.
I don't listen to many podcasts that aren't comedy or stupid fun, I haven't encountered any that catch my eye as good for discussion of complex media, its like when you read a line in a book and then reread the same line a few times without thinking because you're not focused, but with audio, if that makes sense. I appreciate your recommendations regardless, I hope you're able to set the server up for solo, what happens if you aren't able to shuten anon?
>avatarfagging as a little anime girl

lmao the AGP is off the charts, can't wait to read all the drama when this Mineycrap server implodes like all the others.
heres some spicy drama
a month ago i crashed on login because of thaumic tinkerer dynamism tablets until the host edited my inventory

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What country has the biggest Counter-Strike scene?
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indiaaaaaa supa power counter strike word.exe
Couple of questions?
>never bothered to play
>bought prime and thought I should play more
I don't understand the matchmaking of this game:
Why do I get some professional players in my casual lobbies who can get 15+ kills without ever even dying? Some of these people have been very suspicious but it's quite hard to tell because there is no kill cams.
In order to get fair matchmaking based on my skill should I play ranked instead? I thought casual playlists would be just for fucking around instead of playing against professional sweats.
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The scoreboard looks like this, almost all the time.
What the fuck is wrong with this matchmaking?
hey i'm doing my first faceit game. i've only ever played d dust 2. am i going to get reported?
Just play premiere

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Does anybody even play this shit anymore? I still don't understand why logi or logi stuff exists in this game, why not give every player a fixed allowance based on region control to build stuff? Everyone is happy, except that one logi nigger who wants to bash rocks all day just like in Runescape.
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Am kind of new, played a couple months. The game is fun but I do not enjoy doing front line infantry zerg. I have 2nd account to help drive vehicle because there are too many impatient players that can waste time by getting the vehicle destroyed. There are also a ton of autistic people that are too afraid/retarded to respond or properly communicate. The only annoying thing are the trannies who keep talking about homosexual sex acts endlessly but they are a vocal minority I hope. Most players seem to be proper gamers who can handle banter. The best part about the game is that the devs refuse to allow community moderators/GM in the game to lord over players/chat.
I only play collies because their medics have better looking helmets. I also hate the boxy backbags Warden have.
the majority of warden equipment looks terrible to me, except for their tanks which are pretty cool looking, BTs especially
Absolutely not, you just thought that because you were always on the receiving end.

>For starters, they functionally don't work at night; So thats half of the time during the game they can't use their range.

>It took quite a long time to aim before(even without nerfs) and you can't lead shots well or reticle bloom. So someone would have to stand still for a considerable amount to time in order to get shot.

>The rapport and position is almost always revealed. This game is extremely positional and fill with defenses and natural choke point; The maps are small. So you can't really maneuver much to re gain surprise, like in any other game or real life.

So in essence, the vast majority of people dying were either brain dead idiots standing around(still) in the open while there is a sniper. Or people using heavy weapons getting punished as they should(game balance). Ever since Sniper nerf, HMG and other heavy weapon meta just got stronger.
>why does every warden gun suck

Wardens have the best small arms. Hangman is the fucking best gun in the game. You probably suck.

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>bottom fragger is talking shit to enemy team as we are losing
>i say something to the effect of "why are you talking shit youre the worst one here"
>he says "aight bet" (niggerspeak of course) and starts hard griefing
>held hostage for 10-15 minutes or so
>games about to end and my 3 other teammates who are queued together and havent said anything to this point say i "deserve this loss" because i "made him grief"
>im flabbergasted and ask them what the fuck theyre talking about but they just give me the whole reddit fake nice response arsenal
>"i hope you become a better person", "im praying for you bruh" etc.

its just insanity to me that people get this nasty when theres nothing at stake idk discuss
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>be playing dota 2
>some guy starts hassling me for no reason
>calling me retarded because I didn't do whatever he ordered me to do
>start giving him a hard time, telling him to shut up, etc.
>his two friends report me and get me muted
every 20 games or so I get these weird toxic assholes who try to verbally abuse me and their buttbuddies report me when I talk back to them, mildly infuriating.
>"im praying for you bruh"
who the fuck talks like that? Not even those queers in the war thunder chat have done that to me, I've even called people niggerfaggots and haven't been reported.
>>bottom fragger is talking shit to enemy team as we are losing
dude, just let him cook. no joke, worst fragger shit talking the enemy team is valid strategy.
I used to do it all the time when I ws having a bad night.
Just shit talk the enemy team and play mindgames with the opponent team's best player(s).
I have managed to mind-fuck so many top players with my shit talking that they've ended up throwing just trying to focus kill me.
shit talking your own team tho, thats peak trash tier behavior.
Just mute em if you think youre going to lose it and if they start running their mouth at you, just mute em if you cant hold your tone.
And then report them at the end of the match.
But dont be gay and report your team mates for talking shit to the opponent... thats stupid af.
Imagine still unironically playing “competitive” games
>>"i hope you become a better person", "im praying for you bruh" etc.
that might be the most annoying shit someone can utter.
especially the praying for you

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>Early Access - Friday, June 28, 2024 (2:00 AM PDT)
>Release Date - Tuesday, July 2, 2024
>Promotional Site

>Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration (Until Wednesday May 8 at 7:59 AM PDT)
>Yo-kai Watch Event rerun (Wednesday April 24 at 1:00 AM PDT until Patch 7.0)


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Origenics has that turtle though...
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I think I'll set Solution 9 as my Home Point
I unironically thought this was a LBP screenshot of a sackboy with all kinds of costume parts.
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how do you come up with a display name? I have a game I really want to play, however I'm unable to play it as I can't even come up with a display name that I like
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I like cat
Give us some prompts to go off of
holocaust, martin luther king jr, debt trap, flat earth
>tfw I just start spouting off letters I like the sound of until I've put together something that sounds vaguely like a name
The unfortunate part is that I generally prefer short one and two syllable names, which makes it very likely I'll still have to try a few before I find one that isn't taken.
Two syllables, enjoy.

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it sure is a cool game

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This is a /vm/ server for my own personal fork of Adventurers of Akalabeth by Xork, which is a fork of Ruins & Riches (originally known as Odyssey) by Djeryv. The server has been running since March and has been enjoyed by several anons. This is far from a typical UO server because over the course of a decade Djeryv modified the game into an old school sandbox adventure experience designed for solo or small party play. It focuses heavily on exploration with new world maps filled with towns and dungeons, requiring players to find clues to navigate between worlds. The game lacks a central storyline, instead offering random quests and contracts from town quest boards, with hints provided by reading NPC dialogue. There is no wiki and information is much harder to come by than modern gamers are used to. Skills have been rebalanced for better utility, and crafters can open shops and receive contracts if they acquire a house. Resurrecting without paying a tribute reduces skill points, and dungeons are filled with brutal traps and dangerous portals. There's a lot of funny builds you can try out, depending on your character origin you can also get higher skill caps to expand possibilities.

To play, you can download the client here: https://mega.nz/file/uBZnSAbJ#_CTS4SqJ3j1YEbXGZ4kQQZrC84971d02QugFJc-98_U
Server IP (already in settings.json):
This includes TazUO (a fork of ClassicUO) and needed art files specific to this server, as well as Xork's player guide.

>stat gain every 10min
>vendors always buy rare items
>need LOS to see mobs
>player corpse bones persist for a year
>no hunger/thirst inside banks, inns or houses
>vendors have a chance to sell crafting resources (recently rebalanced to make higher tier items much more rare and expensive)
>can't sell bolts of cloth/balls of yarn to vendors
>all monster races start as evil

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>Made a fugitive to roleplay as a nigger.
>No one plays so i can't just nigg anyone.
I can play, finally, now i can just raid cities, right, admin?
Yep, you can try.
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Aw yeah nigga we movin on up. I was about to do the typical hobo in a tent start, but a giant hawk that I killed to test out a new weapon dropped a grand treasure chest tmap. Got me a 130 point artifact maul and enough gold for a proper house.
Is there a way to change the font on the bottom of the paper doll? Installed the UI pack and the font is black and really hard to see.
On the TazUO discord search for fonts.mul and download it from the post that comes up.

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