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Unity version is out

Download: https://www.dofus.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/aqfxZywY

>Dofus Retro
Download: https://www.dofus-retro.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/EnGbaLMz

Download: https://www.wakfu.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/Ae7X8phu

Download: https://www.waven-game.com/en/download
Newfag general tips
>ctrl click on the mini map to auto travel after level 10
>Finish every quest in Astrub and Incarnan for a lot of levels and money early on
>Open the world map and click the anomalies button near the top left to find areas with bonus drops and exp
>General progression goes Incarnan > Astrub > Wabbit island > Moon Island > Whatever you can do at your current level
>For your free sidekick, Lumino is your best pick if you need heals. Shadow if your class has good sustain already.
>At 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 achievement points you get more free sidekicks, check your key items for their signals and use it to unlock them
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if you post a screenie of your dofus character in reply to this post, sometimes before the new year I'll draw (poorly) a big sheet with everyone on it and maybe a message like merry kwismas or happy new year
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Sure Anon, that sounds nice!
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kolossoken doko.
Look at current rings/amulets you're able to make and see what sells for the most. Additionally level up jewelmagus too so you can mage up stats on the gear you make which may be more likely to sell
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Why the fuck did Ankama make all the servers "international" anyway? Why not split them into 8152385490185489 french servers and one or two for the rest of the world instead? I'm fucking tired of having to decipher frogspeak every fucking where i go and i probably can count on one hand the number of random english speakers i've found so far
Does anyone here play solo f2p? I want to start 3.0 and not make four characters to play all at once. The solo character servers are all for members, and as someone that hasn't played in years I don't know if it is worth it.
You can finish the f2p stuff in like 2-3 days easily.
I would just fuck around and see if you like the game, don't try to do a bunch of quests but make a few characters, see what classes are cool, if you enjoy the game and its mechanics.
If you do, buy a subscription, jump on the mono account servers (we are on dakal 2) and start playing.
I'm pretty sure there is a week subscription new player bundle that's pretty much perfectly suitable for wanting to try out the game because it looks interesting but not wanting to commit that much nor needing to feel like you wasted a lot of money.
used to see ads for this years ago but never actually played it
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>servers getting DDoS'd
>me in blop dungeon
>a greedoblop is next to me
I'll try again. I was doing quests on the last version of the game, before realizing it's hard to play truly solo.
It's vored...
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Kek Ankama partnership program, can Dofus even get those numbers?
In French? Yeah.
English? No.
Do the time wizard and Eliotrope get cooler outfits later on? One makes me feel like a dork and the other a Yugo rip off
hopefully ill get a cool outfit soon... at least i got a funny fake moustache
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I have a mask for my masq's mask so he can mask his masqing
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The iops yearn for the mines
Tell me your level and how much money you have saved
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Compensation dropped so I got to buy the cool hat I've wanted for a while
level 88 and I got 400k kamas saved with 3 out of the 4 items of my level 95 set brought already still haven't gotten around getting my gelano tho
>Ecaflip on my team
>Starts playing when timer is halfway over
>Buffs himself 25 times
>Attacks once
>Deals scratch damage to a mob half his level
140 and 5mil... i need 10mil for gear upgradee at 160/170...
>eca is easy, just remember the poker hands
why did noone tell me i have to memorize THIS too?
i play on Mikhal 1, where are you playing?
This is what happens when you lose the RNGus aspect! All us shitters just do fuck all, all the time instead of still occasionally being machines of pure destruction just because of RNG.

Poker hands? Buttons make pretty cards appear and disappear!
Memorize? Click button, receive stuff, lol.
Please note that this is shitposting and no one should take this as how to play even though so many eca players seem to.

Well the RNG thing was true because I loved that it let me randomly be a god just because I was lucky. Me being a shitter is also 100% true and not just shitposting.
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>Be me, Handyman.
>Remember I have a pile of keys for the ongoing event
>List everything
>Getting undercut in front of my eyes
>Undercutting war ensues
>Start playing mind games like undercutting -1 then -2 immediately to trick the fag
>Totally outplay him and end up making 300k in 10min
Dakal 2, and i bet all of them are 90% frenchies
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I did, twice.
For Dofus. Any class for start? I like fantasy of Sacrier, Iop and Feca.
they're all good
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Also which type of server do I even pick? I want to play with single character
Well, i'm on Mikhal 1 and i am not French.
pioneer single account, dakal 2 if you want to play with most of the 4chan players
The HD texture pack is a disaster
so much delay only to get some lazy AI upscaled textures with absolutely no upgrade when it comes to details
The more I play Dofus the more I get this unnerving feeling that I'm playing a game managed by retards who somehow ended up being responsible for a project that used to be great and none of the things they ever released came close to the level of care and creativity that the old developers used to have
>lazy AI upscaled
Really? I haven't tried it myself yet, I get a black screen when trying to load.
Works great in my machine
Maybe your pc is just shit?
I've read that some people had this black screen problem, I don't know what the cause is though

It runs fine, what's up with your reading comprehension? I'm just saying it looks like shit. Running it on my 4090 as well.
not sure what you expected?
it makes the game not look like a smudged piece of shit, that was always the intent
I play on a toaster at 1366x768 so that sounds like a personal problem to me.
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Someone edit Cra hair and a little bow onto this guy
Servers are kinda empty, does people already got filtered?
France is asleep, Asia is at work.
Well I completely disagree. I think the texture pack is great, it's not perfect and does need some polishing here and there but visually-speaking it's a massive upgrade. The game essentially went from being headache-inducing to smooth as butter on my screen. Also the 4k pack doesn't impede performances in any way even when multiboxing.

Yesterday's patch was very high quality overall, if they keep it up the game will be in a good spot very soon.
My main concern however is the glaring innate performance issues (seemingly caused by memory leaks and other terrible programming practices). This shit ruined my enjoyment of dofus 2 for 10 years and I can't fucking believe they STILL have this issue, like how incompetent can you be
Is there a build site that also shows which skills to take?
My main concern is having to restart the game every hour (or even more often) because of so many bugs. I can't even defend a perceptor because i have to restart game for that most of the time
What does this mean?
You earn skills as you level now, no need to choose any to take
at 95+ you choose between 2 skills each. If you are going mono, then it's easy, you always pick your element + utility, but i'm going multi, so the choice isn't that easy to make
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sounds awessome, cant wait here's my iop
this is disguisting, i get more stats from my buffs than from gear
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>play for a few minutes
>can't set level ranges in market
>reset game
>play for a few minutes
>can't see average prices for each item
>reset game
>play for a few minutes
>game freezes for almost a second whenever i do anything
>reset game
how does that happens to someone when I play all day and the biggest issue I have is my pet playing it's running animation when I'm facing away from the screen?
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I've always like the Pandawa class but I feel people think I'm a meta whore for playing it.
Some time ago maybe
Current year panda is pretty whatever, cra is the braindead meta slave pick
Who the fuck are these karmine corp schmucks and how are they winning every damn event?
This is a nice design for a human character
Did Cyberpunk and Arcane started this trend to use this kind of music to be used? Makes shit look like an AMV kek
holy shit I rewrote my sentence and forgot to delete the first part, looks like I had a stroke, you get what i mean anyways
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Water Eni can get 135% lifesteal
Wtf, new expansion coming already??? I did not expect that directly after unity release.
Oh it just said 2025, could be any time.
What is this supposed to be?
Dimension? New anime? Are they going to fix osa and make it not complete shit?
There's already a post, anon
UI rework and AvA rework
Osamodas dimension
Breeding rework and Infinite Dreams rework
>UI rework
They just released a new one, what are they reworking?
>AvA rework
How many times is it now?
>Osamodas dimension
Cool, finally a new dimension after so many years
>No Osa rework
I give up at this point
Osa isn't that bad.
>Turns take slow
You can play with 1 summon and gigabuff it
>They just released a new one, what are they reworking?
Its pretty bare bones at the moment when it comes to look for one thing, you can tell the point was to just make it functional for now and not even that is fully finished
>what are they reworking?
making it good cause it's such a pain to use right now
New series has me interested in Dofus again, is it worth getting into? Tried 5 or 6 years ago with a friend but we didn't get far.
What series?
That Bestial one that got a trailer yesterday. Has me curious about the game again.
Oh right they're doing some animation along with the expansion
You can try it for free, doing all the stuff from the f2p zone nowdays gives you a good idea of what the game is like.
Good to know, I'll give it a tour then at some point.
Serious hard visual downgrade compared to the first trailer thougg
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Here's an Eni
is there a guild on dofus retro and on which server, please? also, what class should I try, I want iop air fire but its not as good as I thought and I tried panda wind, and its not that good too
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I play as an Cha Osa right now. They are not as good as they used to be but they are still fine.
Btw they confirmed there will be an osa rework on June
I'm sure every osa player here must be pissed off since the class is so perfectly "fine" right now
They should put that effort into a weak and underused class like cras
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Sex with all the enis ITT
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i don't trust you but i was told to post my character. if you name drop me you are legally obligated to send me 100kkamas
Is anyone supposed to know you? Why so self important?
Damn that cat sure looks dumb, so dumb that if that cat had an idea, I'm pretty sure it would die of loneliness. Very dumb cat
>Servers dead again
Classicbros still feasting
Should I buy the paypig bundle, chat?
which sidekick is the best for farming mobs for xp?
Shadow for his huge aoe damage.
Rarely is that what you will struggle with or spend most of your time doing.
why is fogger allowed in the state it's in? Like seriously, top pvp, top pve, massive aoe damage, singe damage, turret to tank dmg, pushbacks, mobility, heals/shields...
Don't know and don't care, i'm still playing my Osa and later i'll be making a Xelor.
why do loading screens get longer at longer? at first its 0.5s max to change map, the longer i keep the game open, the longer the loading becomes, even up to 2 seconds...
Muh mory leaks, essentially
the real question is why do they all think they are playing some niche class that weak when it's straight up the most meta pick possible.
nta but yeah, seems to be the case and I'm not sure what triggers it in particular because I had session where everything worked fine.
Once I finish the poverty grind for $2.50 in kamas, should I stay in the mexican server or immediately jump to single account?
join one of the new servers, so you can easily buy more of sub. Currently it's 80kk for a month
1 month sub on dakal is about 100kk right now
get 1 week sub and go there
Does keeping kamas in the (((bank))) do anything, or is it just another form of nickel and diming for selling materials?
I want to play a iop air and fire in dofus retro
,is it good?
it does nothing
Nobody is playing retro lil nigga
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Millions must Kolo
Jesus Christ i just looked up the rework for Ecaflip... WHAT THE FUCK!!???
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We're all gonna make it, bros.
Give it a month
I swear it is mostly with the launcher. Not that there aren't also leaks in the game itself too.

Fuck your hilarious RNGsus shenanigans! Normalfags cried hard so now you get to be boring just like everyone else but with a crappy poker themed buff/debuff system as your thing.
it's pretty based that you can see the bottom of the mask while wearing this hood.
You should get a real pet for kolo instead of nomoon.
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why not
Kamas in the bank have the function of making accessing your bank account more expensive. :^)
too bad it's the best version od dofus. I wish there was a guild (no shitcord) in retro to play with you guys
>Wakfu and Waven made the cut for top 250 MMOs ever
>Dofus didn't qualify
lol, lmao
Nobody outside of France has heard of Dofus, they at least tried with those
i actually used a mimisymbic on nomoon
my pet is the pink piwin (+power and range)
i figured out since the slayhound can be my pp pet i didnt needed the nomoon at all
I mean, it's kinda funny, Wakfu and Waven enever even approached Dofus' player count
>Nobody outside of France has heard of Dofus, they at least tried with those
You are wrong, a lot of Europeans know about Dofus.
But they don't care about it. They remember Tibia and Metin fondly, Dofus was a drop in the bucket.
t. European
>same map navigation
>But they don't care about it.
That's because there were no private servers. The reason Tibia was popular was bewcause everyone could play it. If Dofus was free to play back in the day it would've been massively popular.
Can I hide my equipment so I look like I have the default?
get invisible shield/hat/cape and use mimisymbic on them
JSH is a fucking hack
What element for Enu?
I like str
Used to be Cha last time i played.
Cha is really good and has a bunch of utility, very single target focused and has a lot of -MP and knockback to just perma kite shit.
But it's pretty awful at low levels.
Int is pretty good, good utility, quite flexible, nothing bad about it, str is quite solid at lower levels and falls off for a while before getting way better, has really good aoe and better mobility options.
Agi is really good at pvp but in pve is like a worse Cha,

Play str or int until you get to like.. 80? then swap over to cha and have a good time. 100ish is another good time to swap.
Can play str all the way through if you like.
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Mystery nigga
Do you think someone has a very specific kind of autism that makes them really like doing treasure hunts?
Do you thing someone spends the whole day pixel hunting for a pickaxe just for the fun of it, with not interest on potential prizes?
>your build relies on lifesteal
>meet a shield/resist Chad
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larvabros ww@
>Not the superior shield/lifesteal gigachad
Get on my level faggot!
>having shields or any form of self-sustain at all
How about fighting like a real men, BITCH?
Iop pls
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>start fight too close to stacy
>Stacy pm's me "Oh you started close to me..."
>blocks me
i'm so blackpilled rn, i gave someone the ick
life sucks for us chuds.
Man these AI posts get weirder and weirder.
You probably failed a challenge
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Merry Christmas you people
Entering my pirate era mateys
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I'll miss you please come back
i cant believe my lovely wife Rurufron left...
it's so over
wtf rurufon is my hupper boywife...
Bros, honest question
How the fuck do I make money?
I'm not a newfag, I'm nearing level 170 and have 5mk at the bank, but that isn't enough to buy a decent fucking cape and I have people showing off their millions of kamas that they make in a couple hours
Seriously how the fuck?
do PvP or try to find some valuable resource from enemies lower level than you and farm them
or just wait a while for ogrines value to skyrocket and p2w
>go osa in kolo
>make enemies ragequit with my supreme kiting skills and summon spam
free money bros
yeah kolo is really free money, you just queue up and make 100k
need to wait for a dungeon? just a quick kolo queue.
working on your professions and new shit needs to spawn? kolo queue
finish up something and need some action? kolo queue

fun, profitable, and easy access, what could be better.
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>It's another 'quick seller ruins an item price for hours' moment
Buy and resell then
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you're just mad that he is getting out before you did
if you think the price will remain the same, buy him out and enjoy your free profit
>It's another 'quick seller ruins an item price for hours' moment
buy and resell them, it's simple math
I use a level 65 air osa and I get fucked in kolo, any tips?
Other than having good gear, it's mostly about knowing how other classes work. Some require you to stay as far away as possible all the times (golden tofu is amazing for pushing you around) and others require you to aggressively rush them because they have sustain and you don't. Also keep your tofus far from each other when you're fighting someone with area attacks (especially sacriers).
Sometimes you can also use yourself as bait to protect your summons to set up your 3-tofu duster (they never expect the big damage) followed up by a chicken gangbang.
>3-tofu duster
Here's what my osa looks like, I spam Plumeau (the 4pa air spell, 3rd unlock) once I have 2 summons on the field, once a summon dies I summon the crazy earth skeleton.
I'd really appreciate some gear or stats recs I'm really lost rn, got agi to 200 now I'm dumping in health
>once a summon dies I summon the crazy earth skeleton
Don't do that. You're wasting almost a whole turn on something that has no damage and takes a summon slot. Just do anything else until you can summon another tofu
>started on the new servers
>got busy
>now my level 40 ass is left in the dust
it's okay bro
that just means more people can help you
Just finish astrub quest achievement and go to wabbit island at level 50.
If you don't reach 50 with astrub quests achievement, do some alignment or dungeon quests before taking the boat.
It gets better once you reach the island, also once you reach 50 your toolkit should starts being actually fun and not just some flavor of spam the same attack twice.
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the strongest chud
I want to make a intelligence&agility Iop on dofus retro but I don't want to start all over again. I don't know what to do
does someone knows how to make a dofus 1.29 private server?
bro get your ass online so i can carry your ass through dungeons and give you free food
i started 2 weeks after server launch and im having fun and grouping with the other lowbies on the reg
we all gunna make it
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gib cawwot
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It's funny finding *shit* I never noticed before because it was pixelated as fuck
What's the best agility class?
Srams can lick my Sadida boots
That is all
I haven't played Dofus/Wakfu in 10 years
there is a lot of detail to the map screens
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Hiraku's wife
Iop is amazing agility
Cra is pretty good
Enu is very pvp focused with agi and quite good with it there
Osa is solid but osa is kind of bad and agi is the least bad of the bad
Sac is pretty solid but a similar situation to Enu, incredibly powerful in 1v1 pvp, great as an off element in pvp, but pretty lackluster everywhere else.

If you just want to be agi and blow shit up, Iop or Cra are probably your best bet and a very good in both pve and pvp

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