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Unity version is out

Download: https://www.dofus.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/aqfxZywY

>Dofus Retro
Download: https://www.dofus-retro.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/EnGbaLMz

Download: https://www.wakfu.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/Ae7X8phu

Download: https://www.waven-game.com/en/download
Newfag general tips
>ctrl click on the mini map to auto travel after level 10
>Finish every quest in Astrub and Incarnan for a lot of levels and money early on
>Open the world map and click the anomalies button near the top left to find areas with bonus drops and exp
>General progression goes Incarnan > Astrub > Wabbit island > Moon Island > Whatever you can do at your current level
>For your free sidekick, Lumino is your best pick if you need heals. Shadow if your class has good sustain already.
>At 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 achievement points you get more free sidekicks, check your key items for their signals and use it to unlock them
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if you post a screenie of your dofus character in reply to this post, sometimes before the new year I'll draw (poorly) a big sheet with everyone on it and maybe a message like merry kwismas or happy new year
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Sure Anon, that sounds nice!
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kolossoken doko.
Look at current rings/amulets you're able to make and see what sells for the most. Additionally level up jewelmagus too so you can mage up stats on the gear you make which may be more likely to sell
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Why the fuck did Ankama make all the servers "international" anyway? Why not split them into 8152385490185489 french servers and one or two for the rest of the world instead? I'm fucking tired of having to decipher frogspeak every fucking where i go and i probably can count on one hand the number of random english speakers i've found so far
Does anyone here play solo f2p? I want to start 3.0 and not make four characters to play all at once. The solo character servers are all for members, and as someone that hasn't played in years I don't know if it is worth it.
You can finish the f2p stuff in like 2-3 days easily.
I would just fuck around and see if you like the game, don't try to do a bunch of quests but make a few characters, see what classes are cool, if you enjoy the game and its mechanics.
If you do, buy a subscription, jump on the mono account servers (we are on dakal 2) and start playing.
I'm pretty sure there is a week subscription new player bundle that's pretty much perfectly suitable for wanting to try out the game because it looks interesting but not wanting to commit that much nor needing to feel like you wasted a lot of money.
used to see ads for this years ago but never actually played it
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>servers getting DDoS'd
>me in blop dungeon
>a greedoblop is next to me
I'll try again. I was doing quests on the last version of the game, before realizing it's hard to play truly solo.
It's vored...
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Kek Ankama partnership program, can Dofus even get those numbers?
In French? Yeah.
English? No.
Do the time wizard and Eliotrope get cooler outfits later on? One makes me feel like a dork and the other a Yugo rip off
hopefully ill get a cool outfit soon... at least i got a funny fake moustache
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I have a mask for my masq's mask so he can mask his masqing
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The iops yearn for the mines
Tell me your level and how much money you have saved
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Compensation dropped so I got to buy the cool hat I've wanted for a while
level 88 and I got 400k kamas saved with 3 out of the 4 items of my level 95 set brought already still haven't gotten around getting my gelano tho
>Ecaflip on my team
>Starts playing when timer is halfway over
>Buffs himself 25 times
>Attacks once
>Deals scratch damage to a mob half his level
140 and 5mil... i need 10mil for gear upgradee at 160/170...
>eca is easy, just remember the poker hands
why did noone tell me i have to memorize THIS too?
i play on Mikhal 1, where are you playing?
This is what happens when you lose the RNGus aspect! All us shitters just do fuck all, all the time instead of still occasionally being machines of pure destruction just because of RNG.

Poker hands? Buttons make pretty cards appear and disappear!
Memorize? Click button, receive stuff, lol.
Please note that this is shitposting and no one should take this as how to play even though so many eca players seem to.

Well the RNG thing was true because I loved that it let me randomly be a god just because I was lucky. Me being a shitter is also 100% true and not just shitposting.
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>Be me, Handyman.
>Remember I have a pile of keys for the ongoing event
>List everything
>Getting undercut in front of my eyes
>Undercutting war ensues
>Start playing mind games like undercutting -1 then -2 immediately to trick the fag
>Totally outplay him and end up making 300k in 10min
Dakal 2, and i bet all of them are 90% frenchies
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I did, twice.
For Dofus. Any class for start? I like fantasy of Sacrier, Iop and Feca.
they're all good
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Also which type of server do I even pick? I want to play with single character
Well, i'm on Mikhal 1 and i am not French.
pioneer single account, dakal 2 if you want to play with most of the 4chan players
The HD texture pack is a disaster
so much delay only to get some lazy AI upscaled textures with absolutely no upgrade when it comes to details
The more I play Dofus the more I get this unnerving feeling that I'm playing a game managed by retards who somehow ended up being responsible for a project that used to be great and none of the things they ever released came close to the level of care and creativity that the old developers used to have
>lazy AI upscaled
Really? I haven't tried it myself yet, I get a black screen when trying to load.
Works great in my machine
Maybe your pc is just shit?
I've read that some people had this black screen problem, I don't know what the cause is though

It runs fine, what's up with your reading comprehension? I'm just saying it looks like shit. Running it on my 4090 as well.
not sure what you expected?
it makes the game not look like a smudged piece of shit, that was always the intent
I play on a toaster at 1366x768 so that sounds like a personal problem to me.
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Someone edit Cra hair and a little bow onto this guy
Servers are kinda empty, does people already got filtered?
France is asleep, Asia is at work.
Well I completely disagree. I think the texture pack is great, it's not perfect and does need some polishing here and there but visually-speaking it's a massive upgrade. The game essentially went from being headache-inducing to smooth as butter on my screen. Also the 4k pack doesn't impede performances in any way even when multiboxing.

Yesterday's patch was very high quality overall, if they keep it up the game will be in a good spot very soon.
My main concern however is the glaring innate performance issues (seemingly caused by memory leaks and other terrible programming practices). This shit ruined my enjoyment of dofus 2 for 10 years and I can't fucking believe they STILL have this issue, like how incompetent can you be
Is there a build site that also shows which skills to take?
My main concern is having to restart the game every hour (or even more often) because of so many bugs. I can't even defend a perceptor because i have to restart game for that most of the time
What does this mean?
You earn skills as you level now, no need to choose any to take
at 95+ you choose between 2 skills each. If you are going mono, then it's easy, you always pick your element + utility, but i'm going multi, so the choice isn't that easy to make
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sounds awessome, cant wait here's my iop
this is disguisting, i get more stats from my buffs than from gear
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>play for a few minutes
>can't set level ranges in market
>reset game
>play for a few minutes
>can't see average prices for each item
>reset game
>play for a few minutes
>game freezes for almost a second whenever i do anything
>reset game
how does that happens to someone when I play all day and the biggest issue I have is my pet playing it's running animation when I'm facing away from the screen?
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I've always like the Pandawa class but I feel people think I'm a meta whore for playing it.
Some time ago maybe
Current year panda is pretty whatever, cra is the braindead meta slave pick
Who the fuck are these karmine corp schmucks and how are they winning every damn event?
This is a nice design for a human character
Did Cyberpunk and Arcane started this trend to use this kind of music to be used? Makes shit look like an AMV kek
holy shit I rewrote my sentence and forgot to delete the first part, looks like I had a stroke, you get what i mean anyways
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Water Eni can get 135% lifesteal
Wtf, new expansion coming already??? I did not expect that directly after unity release.
Oh it just said 2025, could be any time.
What is this supposed to be?
Dimension? New anime? Are they going to fix osa and make it not complete shit?
There's already a post, anon
UI rework and AvA rework
Osamodas dimension
Breeding rework and Infinite Dreams rework
>UI rework
They just released a new one, what are they reworking?
>AvA rework
How many times is it now?
>Osamodas dimension
Cool, finally a new dimension after so many years
>No Osa rework
I give up at this point
Osa isn't that bad.
>Turns take slow
You can play with 1 summon and gigabuff it
>They just released a new one, what are they reworking?
Its pretty bare bones at the moment when it comes to look for one thing, you can tell the point was to just make it functional for now and not even that is fully finished
>what are they reworking?
making it good cause it's such a pain to use right now
New series has me interested in Dofus again, is it worth getting into? Tried 5 or 6 years ago with a friend but we didn't get far.
What series?
That Bestial one that got a trailer yesterday. Has me curious about the game again.
Oh right they're doing some animation along with the expansion
You can try it for free, doing all the stuff from the f2p zone nowdays gives you a good idea of what the game is like.
Good to know, I'll give it a tour then at some point.
Serious hard visual downgrade compared to the first trailer thougg
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Here's an Eni
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I play as an Cha Osa right now. They are not as good as they used to be but they are still fine.
Btw they confirmed there will be an osa rework on June
I'm sure every osa player here must be pissed off since the class is so perfectly "fine" right now
They should put that effort into a weak and underused class like cras
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Sex with all the enis ITT
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i don't trust you but i was told to post my character. if you name drop me you are legally obligated to send me 100kkamas
Is anyone supposed to know you? Why so self important?
Damn that cat sure looks dumb, so dumb that if that cat had an idea, I'm pretty sure it would die of loneliness. Very dumb cat
>Servers dead again
Classicbros still feasting
Should I buy the paypig bundle, chat?
which sidekick is the best for farming mobs for xp?
Shadow for his huge aoe damage.
Rarely is that what you will struggle with or spend most of your time doing.
why is fogger allowed in the state it's in? Like seriously, top pvp, top pve, massive aoe damage, singe damage, turret to tank dmg, pushbacks, mobility, heals/shields...
Don't know and don't care, i'm still playing my Osa and later i'll be making a Xelor.
why do loading screens get longer at longer? at first its 0.5s max to change map, the longer i keep the game open, the longer the loading becomes, even up to 2 seconds...
Muh mory leaks, essentially
the real question is why do they all think they are playing some niche class that weak when it's straight up the most meta pick possible.
nta but yeah, seems to be the case and I'm not sure what triggers it in particular because I had session where everything worked fine.
Once I finish the poverty grind for $2.50 in kamas, should I stay in the mexican server or immediately jump to single account?
join one of the new servers, so you can easily buy more of sub. Currently it's 80kk for a month
1 month sub on dakal is about 100kk right now
get 1 week sub and go there
Does keeping kamas in the (((bank))) do anything, or is it just another form of nickel and diming for selling materials?
Nobody is playing retro lil nigga
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Millions must Kolo
Jesus Christ i just looked up the rework for Ecaflip... WHAT THE FUCK!!???
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We're all gonna make it, bros.
Give it a month
I swear it is mostly with the launcher. Not that there aren't also leaks in the game itself too.

Fuck your hilarious RNGsus shenanigans! Normalfags cried hard so now you get to be boring just like everyone else but with a crappy poker themed buff/debuff system as your thing.
it's pretty based that you can see the bottom of the mask while wearing this hood.
You should get a real pet for kolo instead of nomoon.
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why not
Kamas in the bank have the function of making accessing your bank account more expensive. :^)
>Wakfu and Waven made the cut for top 250 MMOs ever
>Dofus didn't qualify
lol, lmao
Nobody outside of France has heard of Dofus, they at least tried with those
i actually used a mimisymbic on nomoon
my pet is the pink piwin (+power and range)
i figured out since the slayhound can be my pp pet i didnt needed the nomoon at all
I mean, it's kinda funny, Wakfu and Waven enever even approached Dofus' player count
>Nobody outside of France has heard of Dofus, they at least tried with those
You are wrong, a lot of Europeans know about Dofus.
But they don't care about it. They remember Tibia and Metin fondly, Dofus was a drop in the bucket.
t. European
>same map navigation
>But they don't care about it.
That's because there were no private servers. The reason Tibia was popular was bewcause everyone could play it. If Dofus was free to play back in the day it would've been massively popular.
Can I hide my equipment so I look like I have the default?
get invisible shield/hat/cape and use mimisymbic on them
JSH is a fucking hack
What element for Enu?
I like str
Used to be Cha last time i played.
Cha is really good and has a bunch of utility, very single target focused and has a lot of -MP and knockback to just perma kite shit.
But it's pretty awful at low levels.
Int is pretty good, good utility, quite flexible, nothing bad about it, str is quite solid at lower levels and falls off for a while before getting way better, has really good aoe and better mobility options.
Agi is really good at pvp but in pve is like a worse Cha,

Play str or int until you get to like.. 80? then swap over to cha and have a good time. 100ish is another good time to swap.
Can play str all the way through if you like.
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Mystery nigga
Do you think someone has a very specific kind of autism that makes them really like doing treasure hunts?
Do you thing someone spends the whole day pixel hunting for a pickaxe just for the fun of it, with not interest on potential prizes?
>your build relies on lifesteal
>meet a shield/resist Chad
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larvabros ww@
>Not the superior shield/lifesteal gigachad
Get on my level faggot!
>having shields or any form of self-sustain at all
How about fighting like a real men, BITCH?
Iop pls
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>start fight too close to stacy
>Stacy pm's me "Oh you started close to me..."
>blocks me
i'm so blackpilled rn, i gave someone the ick
life sucks for us chuds.
Man these AI posts get weirder and weirder.
You probably failed a challenge
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Merry Christmas you people
Entering my pirate era mateys
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I'll miss you please come back
i cant believe my lovely wife Rurufron left...
it's so over
wtf rurufon is my hupper boywife...
Bros, honest question
How the fuck do I make money?
I'm not a newfag, I'm nearing level 170 and have 5mk at the bank, but that isn't enough to buy a decent fucking cape and I have people showing off their millions of kamas that they make in a couple hours
Seriously how the fuck?
do PvP or try to find some valuable resource from enemies lower level than you and farm them
or just wait a while for ogrines value to skyrocket and p2w
>go osa in kolo
>make enemies ragequit with my supreme kiting skills and summon spam
free money bros
yeah kolo is really free money, you just queue up and make 100k
need to wait for a dungeon? just a quick kolo queue.
working on your professions and new shit needs to spawn? kolo queue
finish up something and need some action? kolo queue

fun, profitable, and easy access, what could be better.
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>It's another 'quick seller ruins an item price for hours' moment
Buy and resell then
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you're just mad that he is getting out before you did
if you think the price will remain the same, buy him out and enjoy your free profit
>It's another 'quick seller ruins an item price for hours' moment
buy and resell them, it's simple math
I use a level 65 air osa and I get fucked in kolo, any tips?
Other than having good gear, it's mostly about knowing how other classes work. Some require you to stay as far away as possible all the times (golden tofu is amazing for pushing you around) and others require you to aggressively rush them because they have sustain and you don't. Also keep your tofus far from each other when you're fighting someone with area attacks (especially sacriers).
Sometimes you can also use yourself as bait to protect your summons to set up your 3-tofu duster (they never expect the big damage) followed up by a chicken gangbang.
>3-tofu duster
Here's what my osa looks like, I spam Plumeau (the 4pa air spell, 3rd unlock) once I have 2 summons on the field, once a summon dies I summon the crazy earth skeleton.
I'd really appreciate some gear or stats recs I'm really lost rn, got agi to 200 now I'm dumping in health
>once a summon dies I summon the crazy earth skeleton
Don't do that. You're wasting almost a whole turn on something that has no damage and takes a summon slot. Just do anything else until you can summon another tofu
>started on the new servers
>got busy
>now my level 40 ass is left in the dust
it's okay bro
that just means more people can help you
Just finish astrub quest achievement and go to wabbit island at level 50.
If you don't reach 50 with astrub quests achievement, do some alignment or dungeon quests before taking the boat.
It gets better once you reach the island, also once you reach 50 your toolkit should starts being actually fun and not just some flavor of spam the same attack twice.
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the strongest chud
bro get your ass online so i can carry your ass through dungeons and give you free food
i started 2 weeks after server launch and im having fun and grouping with the other lowbies on the reg
we all gunna make it
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gib cawwot
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It's funny finding *shit* I never noticed before because it was pixelated as fuck
What's the best agility class?
Srams can lick my Sadida boots
That is all
I haven't played Dofus/Wakfu in 10 years
there is a lot of detail to the map screens
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Hiraku's wife
Iop is amazing agility
Cra is pretty good
Enu is very pvp focused with agi and quite good with it there
Osa is solid but osa is kind of bad and agi is the least bad of the bad
Sac is pretty solid but a similar situation to Enu, incredibly powerful in 1v1 pvp, great as an off element in pvp, but pretty lackluster everywhere else.

If you just want to be agi and blow shit up, Iop or Cra are probably your best bet and a very good in both pve and pvp
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Yep, I feel like checking everything now.
THAT'S A CAT? I always thought it was some kind of little demon or something
>Osa is solid but osa is kind of bad and agi is the least bad of the bad
Osa is not that bad and is pretty fun to play.
Iop and especially Cra are brainlet beginner picks, so they get boring fast, also I heard ouginaks tank better.
>Transparency models give you x-rays now
I'm checking all your Iops and you can't stop me
>ouginaks tank better
tank better... than who....?
than pandas? no
than fecas? no, feca brings way more utility and can avoid mechanics
than sac? no, the positioning is way better
all ougi can do is take a hit, its by far the worst than.

All picks are brainlet picks in pve and easy to pilot, you can beat every encounter using just common spells.
Iops aren't a brainlet pick in pvp, cras are bad in pvp so literally who cares.
Sounds like a skill issue and trying to justify why you are "better" than Iop/Cra players.
t. Cra
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happy new year
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Really nice job, Anon! happy new year and thanks for the pic
the basedest anon
awesome, looks great
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good job
yoo, this is fucking amazing
Is water Panda viable in pvp and pvm? How do I git gud with the class?
Same questions but with air zobal
i played air zobal a few years ago on pvp/pve
on pvp, it became dogshit the moment ebony was nerfed, your damage is simply not there

on pve it's good to cheese a few quest fights, and as a lot of dungeons are ranged centric, you can output a decent dpt while still spamming shields
You know a good build for kolo?
thanks fren for the art, and happy new year!
for kolo as a zobal, you either want to water/pushback
or crit bi-element, crit is very important because your shields do benefit from it.
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I'm not a furry BUT...
Fucking amazing
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>Africa shape
what did Ankama meant by this?
I just started Dofus 3 after ... more than a decade away from the game. I feel a lot of nostalgia coming back and it feels really good. Lot of things have changed and for the better imo. However, I wish they could make an actual solo RPG experience with this world. This is my dream game
What's your level on the new server bros?
Don't tell me you're still a sub 100 loser
ngl dakal 2 is not as active as draconiros was pre-unity
when will they merge dakals 1-12?
Holy soul
I'm a level 30 king personally
Did Ankama really get buyout offers from Blizzard AND Disney? I keep hearing these rumors.
is it mandatory to upgrade a profession/job or can i just play the game, do the quests and dungeons without worrying to much about grinding farmer or some other boring stuff like this?
Most dungeons and stuff yeah you don't need to do any professions or jobs.
Quests can require professions, especially some of the large major dofus quests. But you can also just buy the dofuses off people instead of doing the quests yourself.
You can also just buy materials to level up the professions, even gathering professions, instead of actually doing anything, if you have the kamas.

So yes, you can just play the game and kill fucking mobs and run dungeons all day up to max level and sell every material drop you get for cold hard cash and then if you want something either buy it or buy what you need for it so its done in 10min.
The game is very economy focused and there are entire quest chains that are long and involved that can take you a year or you can speed through in like an hr if you just buy the stuff you need for them or just buy the reward from it directly. Running difficult content for money and then buying what you want is a very effective strategy.
How the fuck is it so easy to level up? I remember back in 2005->2008 you'd have to no life for a couple of years for that level.
thx for your answer
You look for the periodic +120% xp zones and grind those hard. Big mobs give bigger challenge bonuses too. You can get like +280% bonus on a pack of 8 mobs, more if it's a dungeon.
It's pretty good both in pvp and pve thanks to its long range and damage potential with its main damaging move pushing stuff back so you can easily kite things at times. Plus you can easily setup for aoes thanks to being able to pick and throw mobs where you want them.
Water panda got buffs in the unity patch and it was already good
So if I'm level 100 I should go to zones with level 100 mobs and do the big mobs? Do the group level of mobs affect anything?
Optimal xp per mob killed would be a full stack of 8 mobs where the player party is within +-20% of the total level of the mob party. Then obviously doing as many challenges as you can.
yeah the mob level has an impact on XP if you are too far above it.
You get an xp bonus for each person you are partying with as well (not including sidekicks, they provide no bonus, but still count towards group level, they are always neutral or negative to encourage playing with real people)
distance between your level and the average level
and a whole host of things impact xp from mobs, it's really complicated but also simple, just fight mobs so your group level is close to the enemy level or the enemy level is bigger.
Yes blizzard
Idk Disney. Unlikely
Replaying Dofus. There's actually a ton of content to level up so far. Kinda daunting.
Sub 100 already has a good level pipeline of Incarnam, Astrub, Cawwots, Moon. Add Caravan Valley, early Ohwymi, DG quest lines up to your level. Then 100+, start working on Alignment quests, catch up some more pre-100 content, quests. Then regeared at 108, do Brakmar/Bonta or Dramak questline, start working on Frigosr, Pandala, Dimensions, I don't even touch Dofus questlines because it's easy to get walled.
Frig, Panda, and Dimensions all are dofus quest lines and lead to dofuses.
They have done a good job of having a lot of content that leads into big special rewards at the end, even if the reward itself isn't that crazy good for everyone, it still feels good and you get a fat xp drop.
feels like there is always a million things to do and you can take it at whatever pace you want.
that's why it's better now than ever before in my opinion. I was playing this on 1.23-1.24 back when it was kinda barebone but we did have the big Otomai quest leading to the Dofus that gives you one more action point. And back then, I think, it was the only big quest leading to a worthwhile reward.
Yea, the content density is very good atm.
I feel like the 90-120 level range is kinda weird content wise, but after that for sure you have plenty of big content branches that clearly open up and you can probably get pretty far by working towards those one by one until you get level walled, it's neat and I'm excited to get to them
where is the pastebin with all the dofus/wakfu comic books, series, ovas and everything?
Doing a big AoE turn on Iop feels so fuarking good brahs
The closest thing to a solo rpg experience It's Waven but It feels pretty basic coming from Dofus.
yeah high level enough to start a lot of stuff, but not high level enough to finish a lot of things either.
If you can bear with it you can make a lot of progress that you cash in later but it's probably the more bare part of the game.
Really doesn't help that there are a lot of really old dungeons at the 100-120 bracket that vary wildly in difficulty and quality and it makes the game feel a lot messier and it adds a lot of challenge for the player for getting through this. On top of all this is how much gear changes in this bracket, a lvl 80-90 set is nothing like a lvl 100-120 set and the power gap is massive, while a lvl 130-150 set is obviously also stronger its just stronger, the jump in power at the 100-120 bracket is massive and really feeds into this as well and it can be hard for people to get their set built and try to force through with lvl 80-90 gear.

If you can make it through this bracket though, it feels really good.
>On top of all this is how much gear changes in this bracket, a lvl 80-90 set is nothing like a lvl 100-120 set and the power gap is massive, while a lvl 130-150 set is obviously also stronger its just stronger, the jump in power at the 100-120 bracket is massive and really feeds into this as well and it can be hard for people to get their set built and try to force through with lvl 80-90 gear.
Damn I feel so heard and seen
This is my exact experience, I have been trying to survive on my level 82 gear and I am 125 now
yeah get a 120ish set
a 100 set, even a cheap one, is a huge power jump over 80 gear.
This is one of the reason bwork chief is so popular, incredibly cheap lvl 100 set, basically 150k-200k for the whole thing (7 pieces), slap it on, go to town, then figure out what you are doing after that. Way easier than a lot of the other lvl 100 sets as well that often require incredibly specific difficult to get materials as if they were some end game bullshit and are a pain in the ass to get.
bwork chief set also gets recycled into another recipe so it has good resale value

0-4 go do treasure hunt until some other cuck finds the srambad pos and makes it public
5-9 be the cuck that finds the srambad portal
lol some cuck found it, nice
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potato prison
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god, old rogues are so hot...
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*Turns off spectator mode*
you can actually find that saucer eventually...
Im getting burnt out bros...
do some dungeons with bros
the grind is gay but the comradery of cooperative puzzle gaming is gr8
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which hams are free and dont have a penis
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Is he still the most fucked over character by ankama's hands?
I'm not up on my Dofus deeplore
Who is this and how was he fucked over
count harebourg, the frigost guy
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he got fucked over because he got trick by a crossdressing god into freezing his entire countdom and then later on he tries to cuck a guy but gets cucked instead and abandonned by his clique
I don't feel bad about him because he literally has the hottest bitch of frigost begging for his icicle and instead he's an autist xelor like every other xelor
You know that the depiction of Harebourg in Wakfu is a fanfiction, right? Check his lore in Dofus, that's the correct one
It's 2025, grandpa
Why the fuck can you capture wanted souls now
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I don't play Retro but I know this site exists since I like to save old art
Seems like the Quests section is still in the works
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>tfw level 133 and highest level piece of equipment is 102
Should I just keep leveling or finally upgrade gear. Fights take a while but I haven't consistently failed any dungeon runs. I'm probably going to hit 145-150 this weekend at this rate.
you probably should be saving for your 155~160 set
A good set can last until 190 (like Moowolf)
I'm still using Black Rat set with Gelano at 136
Depends on how much cash you have on you, 130+ sets are ridiculously expensive so only upgrade if you can, else save all the money you can and try to upgrade at 150+
I upgraded at 130, prior to that my gear was all 70~ shit
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that's a lotta cras!
>you know the depiction of Harebourg in [Official Ankama canon] is fanfiction right?
you might not like it, but it's canon regardless
you just gotta do less challenging content as you reach close to a new big upgrade for yourself, just start working on your 150 set now and you will be like 140 by the time you get the materials for it just from farming it let alone the XP from other things.
Anyone on Dakal 6 looking to group for 3v3 pvp?
Is that an eca there? disgusting
I got this one I saved who knows when, don't know if links work but you're welcome to try
Is Sad Pandas gone?
All the old guilds are long gone
I blew 900k trying to MP a Gelano for gambling/profit... I'm so sad bros.
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she's a canon lesbian btw
All lesbians are just women who haven't been fucked by the right man yet
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I have some seeds for her field if you know what I mean...
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its a man
kek i meant to reply to >>1564546
Sorry Anon but a cat is fine too
Is low lvl PvP still alive? Back in the day there were a ton of meme builds for around lvl 50 PvP.
yes but you'll coexist with actual noobs since everything is done in kolo nowadays
Don't you level up wayy too quick doing kolo on those levels? the 'low level fighting' pretty much just lasting 3-4 victories
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I really wish I could get into this game but I just can't stand the levelling
I always give up in the 80/90 brackets because it's just so fucking boring, I don' t have a full kit and won't have before a few weeks more and every class plays the same aka kite mobs while spamming the samey 2 ranged spells for your chosen element, and maybe the kickback spell when mobs get too close
You'll probably like wakfu more then, you get all your spells fast, can get 12/6 fast, and classes have wildly different playstyles.
Just steer clear of classes that haven't had reworks yet.
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>Just steer clear of classes that haven't had reworks yet.
How can I find which ones have been reworked?
All I'm seeing is several months old videos in french
I do not speak french
Off the top of my head the ones that haven't are Sram, Panda and Iop, everything else should be fine. Panda is top tier either way but it's a zero damage tank/positioner.
Can't you just minimize the EXP gains by putting your character on 90% exp given to your guild?
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Is there a gallery or repository with high-definition pictures of all the in-game arts somewhere?
This shit looks so good
you can turn off kolo exp gains
I'm supposed to manage range and kite? I've been bumrushing mobs the whole time
huh yeah I guess that works, I don't really touch kolo that much so I didn't know
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Am I doing something wrong?
I hit for less than my Lumino, and he has like 900+ HP
I'm using a blue kwak set
But somehow I'm doing anemic damage and I can't tank for shit
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Are people even still playing wakfu?
Is the mono account server good?
your sidekicks are pretty much get 100% of the potential at any level and then fall off late-game gradually past 150
meanwhile as a player you need to regear or fall off as your gear diminishes in level parity

make sure to buy VIT maged gear too if you can afford it cheaply, very effective
You used to be able to just directly get them from the files of the game client, idk where they are stored in unity though and if that's easily accessible
a quick look says its not, but I know there are a BUNCH of tools for unpacking unity games data to extract stuff from it so it should be easy, they were just pngs in 2.0 and it was dope to see them all, a lot of stuff is hidden by UI that u can see in the full art.
god king yugo goes hard
feeling a bit burnt out
the economy is too shit/slow/early, so later level gear is still low in supply, but high in demand, ie inflated in price
uni is starting up again

not looking good bros
Learn to play for fun faggot.
post your fun then
>dumb retard needs other people to teach him how to have fun
post your fun
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My young niece who has been learning French has been watching the Wakfu show on Netflix and we discovered it had a game. Worth investing some time into as an otherwise complete newbie to the series or stick to the cartoon?
Dofus is a pretty long-term game
if you play it with others it's good, otherwise you can get walled
Mono server is good, nobody here is playing it but there's way more English people than Dofus so you can find people to play with.
it is free to try out, but i don't think either of you would be too into it
Yeah what that other Anon said, you're free to try Dofus if you wish, finishing all of the f2p content gives you a good base of what the game is like.
Wakfu is pretty much entirely F2P so worth a try. Dofus has a free bit that is worth giving a try just in case you prefer it instead.
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if you don't want to ruin her life with an MMORPG, you can make her play Waven, which is basically a solo game, easier than dofus or wakfu and with the characters from the cartoons making an actual appearance and being semi-playable too
For me, it's Eniripsa. Mesugaki core.
eniripsa is a slut! a heal slut!
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I love her
For me it's the Osamodas Sphinx.
The rollback....
I'm glad they didn't make it in the movie, I would have hated having some of those replace the older designs, Feca, Pandawa and Sacrier were supposed to be males?
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Bros I've had a weird bug since today
The "End Turn" button has been replaced with the "Ready to Fight" button, except it remains for the entire fight and I can't end my turn after playing anymore, I have to wait through the entire duration of the turn since pressing the "Ready to Fight" button doesn't do shit after the fight has actually started
I hoped it would resolve after relaunching the game, but it didn't
Anybody heard of this shit or knows a way to fix it?
did you try restarting your game? I've also been having issue of UI fucking me over since the update today so don't get your hopes up
get yourself at LEAST a second line of spell in your hotbar I beg you
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>did you try restarting your game?
I literally wrote "I hoped it would resolve after relaunching the game, but it didn't"
How the fuck do I do that?
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Meant for >>1567708
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Damn I fucking suck at linking posts
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>ehhh ehhh ehhh
Uhhhh bros how do I honor the daily almanaxx god thing?
I thought the gathering quest was optional but I cannot use the altar
Well, game is dead again it seems
All the players are in end game now, there has been no continuous stream of new players even for a fucking month. What a disaster.
>20 years old mmorpg that relies on temporary servers once a year to get people back in doesn't have a continuous stream of new players
if surprise was a color, you could color me surprised
I'm new
I feel like I'm about to drop because it takes too long to level up alone and I haven't had the opportunity to do group content yet
>takes too long to level up alone
Are you doing quests?
I'm stuck at the tofu bird dungeon from the main quest so I've been grinding lvl40ish mob groups to level up to 50
I'm sort of guessing you skip a few Astrub quests (because completing all of them leaves you at lvl 50-55).
did you get Astrub's knight?
I only managed to get 400ish achievement points
I already backtracked to 100% Incarnam so I think I'll do the same with Astrub
I quit Astrub quests because they also asked me to do dungeons that I couldn't do alone (the roach dungeon in the attic of the fatcat dude)
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Yeah, that dungeon can be pretty hard for low-levels. After you reach 500 points, you'll get Astrub's Knight as a reward and it will help you a lot in general. The dude is quite versatile
>main quest
don't expect to be able to just plow through the dungeon quest lines without stopping, its not intended
you cant play this game alone
better get ready to tilestand and ask bros to help you out in dungeons, or do dungeons with fellow noobs.
dofus is fundamentally social, you will not get your dofuses by yourself
this isn't one of your modern mmos that are basically solo games until you're max level, through all your leveling you're expected to ask, to get asked and to play together with people so better get used to it here and now
They rely on temporary server because Ankama is fucking retarded and they don't know how to manage a game, the only people remaining are old players suffering from sunk cost
Dofus is riddled with issues when it comes to balance, quest design, presentation, soundtrack and now even art direction because of Unity. The game is updated like twice a year with a measly amount of content, Dofus is easily in the top 5 of the games with the most wasted potential ever
truth NUKE
you've convinced me
I am wasting my time
it's over guys, I'm stopping dofus
It's honestly amazing that after all these years the game somehow managed to get worse thanks to Unity with Ankama still being a dogshit company that doesn't know how to manage their games at all. I can't believe I'm wasting my time again playing this even after playing on Ily
Stop with the samefagging, dickless troon.
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It's done
I am free now
Try not to be too jealous
Put it in the op already
The French government OWE me an Iop waifu
There's a couple female iops in the guild, apparently they hate women and are very racist
damn they really are french
Are they actually women?
>women on the internet
Is this a new class?
The artstyle improved with Unity, 2.0 was ugly as sin
>Toilet paper roll test
The chinese scam class
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Love those items descriptions.
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>TFW this one trailer for an update 10 years ago had more soul than Season 3 and 4
I hate this fucking timeline man
>divine dimensions were added 10 years ago
holy shit what
I don't know why the game takes so long to close, I prefer to just nuke it from the task manager
Dark Souls will never reach this level of peak item descriptions.
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fuck was his problem
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Unfortunately most of the good ones are "hidden" as quest items so you can easily miss them when you finish one.
cold neet with a frozen pecker, his most well known fuck up was about him trying to dip it in a goddess and cursing his entire kingdom because of it
which one of those games is actually good? I played wakfu like 10 years ago, it was alright, but not good enough to play for more than a week.
Dofus always has been the best one.
None of them, "alright but not good enough" is the perfect way to describe Ankama games.
Dofus is unironically top 5 MMOs of all time
Bring back community chat ffs
I went to check dofus on youtube and it looks a lot like wakfu, why the hell are they making all their games so similar
They don't know what they're doing
There's no xp groups anymore, everyone is just leeching in brutatox/drhossil...
They reuse old formulas to attract users from their other games, which I assume is to quickly build a playerbase, but they never do anything too different to attract new people lol
I've made it to 190 without farming for exp even once and seeing those faggots leeching to 200 without any equipment for their level or even knowing how their class work pisses me off
Now all the fun of mid level content is gone and you only find groups for dgs and nothing else.
I agree and yet their "alright but not good enough" is also still entirely accurate.
Dofus is so good, it is great that we have Dofus threads again.
Shame the thread is so dead though
at least the guild is super active, I didn't want to join at first but I don't regret joining
>it has a linux version
I'll play it on my laptop
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sorry bwo, i'm playing the game
cant shitpost on the thread...
They really fucked the Osamodas. There used to be so many builds that are now gone.
Did they remove the animation for when you move from one screen to the other?
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This thread serves no purpose
it has already served it's purpose, a new one won't be made
Oh, so it wasn't just me, i thought that the game bricked and just uninstalled everything and was about to redownload. Any idea what is fucking up?
Their server was shitting itself like usual but it's supposedly already fixed
Well, i'm reinstalling right now, i hope the game works.
is it still impossible to play this game without multilogging a 4 man team?
I love mmos that are just a less lonely way to play a singleplayer game.
I want to come back but not to multiboxing please give me some cope
There are single account servers, new ones opened recently.
sorry for the interrogation but
1) is there any mono server that people from this thread play? (want to have at least a singular english speaking person in a guild)
2) do the pump and dump servers eventually get merged?
Dakal 2, they'll get merged into eachother eventually.
yes, the guild Steamed Hams is basically entirely made of english speaking people from this thread, feel free to join us on Dakal 2
and yes, all the Dakal servers will get merged into a singular Dakal server after the grace period is over
Yes, we have a guild on Dakal 2.
They made 12 servers for the 3.0 release, which certainly get merged together (they are called dakal 1 - 12 after all). after this, they may potentially get merged into the older mono account servers (ilyzaelle for example) but they will not get merged with a multi account server (eg where you can log 4 characters to play with), they actually had their own servers started for 3.0 (mihkail 1-5 servers) and mono account is the more popular way to play.
if you want to play 1 character and play with others then yeah, that's exactly what you can do.
I am playing a single character on Mikhal 1.
don't join everyone in the guild is racist and hates cats
I can confirm, I'm racist and hate dumb cats
No wonder this game is dying
You gotta be a miserable fuckwad to make a quest this retarded
well that's the problem right there
Brakmar has to do pretty much the same quest for alignment 57
Thinking bout playing wakfu again, tried 2 times but never got far
Anybody play it?
We played it last year
do you play this year....
i'm racist but i love cats
especially racist cats
wasn't it 2022 we played?
surely not 2023, definitely not 2024
I remember helping someone in the guild doing it, I haven't done it myself yet but you know you can just ask people
I meant to say around a year ago, it was near the end of 2023
I am playing Dofus right now, used to play some Wakfu but i don't have the time to play both Wakfu and Dofus.
>mfw now I need to do that exact quest and apparently you need 3 people who either did it or are doing it
This is as far as we get...
just get 3 people you fucking tard
>Need some shit crafted
>Check the list in the worshop and pm a frog
>Three minutes to reply with a price
>Five minutes to say if they can come
>Ten minutes until they show up
>Need some shit crafted
>Ask whoever in the guild has that job
>They just come and do it for free
The guild is missing several professions, would be nice though
It's so weird when I finish a dungeon and them am talking shit in guild chat afterwards and some frog starts asking in public chat if anyone wants to run
i'm the only one there, if you want to specifically ask me just ask me, don't make some looking for group message in this maps chat as if there is anyone else
some PM me, they are based, will always respond, but these area chat weirdos are so strange to me
pandawa sexo
why did they make the faces so fucking ugly for female eca/panda in dofus 3
>why did they make the faces so fucking ugly for female eca/panda in dofus 3
Huh? They look fine to me.
How could Dofus be more popular outside france?
First, they could make an English server instead of 12 """international""" (French) servers.
>First, they could make an English server instead of 12 """international""" (French) servers.
I am playing on Mikhal 1 and everyone in my guild is speaking English.
Cool, now try playing with randoms while being someone who can't speak french.
Feels like the people on the guild are the only ones who i can properly interact with, which kind of beats the point of playing an mmo
There are 12 new single account servers and none of them are designated as anything other than international, which means that they're all primarily French.
The question was how they could make the game more popular outside of France, and that's the first most obvious step, make a server that isn't primarily French.
>now try playing with randoms while being someone who can't speak french.
I type my recrutment messages in English and only people that understand Enlish reply. I've never had problems with people speking only French. Fuck it if there was only a French server i'll simply learn a few usefull words in French and i'll be fine. It's not rocket science. It's only a few usefull words.
>make a server that isn't primarily French
The game is not popular because most people are too retarded for the combat. It has nothing to do with the servers being populated with a lot of French bros.
Which game got UNITY'd? Was it the new full map movement one or the old square based map one?
No? The combat isn't complicated.
It's entirely Ankamas fault for neglecting their playerbase and refusing to market outside of France, it's immediately obvious that they don't give a single fuck about their non-French players, not making servers for other languages, removing chat channels for other languages, not translating things in the game like the back to rush event, posting patch notes and updates in English days after they post in French and so on.
People don't even know the game exists, and those that stumble upon it realize these things and don't bother staying when they can play something else where they're not treated as second class citizens.
new one was always in unity, the old one is the one who got recently ported to unity
>and refusing to market outside of France
the reality is a lot more grim because Ankama does not market the game in France either
Ankama has abysmal communication, and not just advertisement but within the company, many many community managers have complained about it
>average englishman going through what every french person has to go through when they play on an "european" server on another mmorpg
That experience isn't exclusive to French people though, mixed euro servers are always complete shit and anyone with a brain goes to play on the English server, or NA server.
sorry my esl friend but every and only are two very different words
cool but you missed the point
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Man some of the enutrof dimension traps are weird as shit
wow, so you're a fag is all i'm getting from all that blogposting
great post my man, really contributing a lot to the discussion here
>Cool, now try playing with randoms while being someone who can't speak french.
I constantly play with randoms. Got zero issues.
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Bonta questline be like
>Collect 50 pristine bear asses (1% droprate / 100k kamas a piece at the auction house)
>Annoying af tactical fight
Brakmar questline be like
>During a full moon, craft the devil's dildo (182 handyman) at the crafting table in [-69;42] while a Miner 182 is present in the room and a one legged dwarf with lvl 182 Carvmagus is juggling on a tile
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I probably should level my Carvmagus then
bonta has the same quests doesn't it? with the retarded skill requirements?
are u telling me if I play bonta all I had to do was kill mobs instead of deal with retarded profession requirements and fucking dumb tile standing?
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You do need high level crafts for both and there is one quest where a Sadida plus some professions are required for Bonta but Brakmar has the most ridiculous alignment of planets for sure. Quest 68 requires a guy for each gathering profession above lvl 159 (5 total + 1 random person) and Quest 72 requires a Smith, Handyman and Carver 172+ crafting stuff together (least popular crafting professions btw lol).
Even if I have some of those professions to do my part, the expected headache to organize those quests made me go Bonta. I'm still lowkey tempted to reroll and go Brakmar because they are just cooler but I really want the path of least resistance to my Ivory. That dumb questline is annoying enough already...
go kill dark vlad 7483948632489632498263 times for a lowroll emerald dofus and sell it, alternativately do the same but with the pig
play the game?
French people suck
Imagine if these games weren't made by French people
they'd be brought by a bigger company and shut down within the year?
Which are the least played classes currently? I made an Osamodas, a Xelor, a Masqueraider and an Ouginak.
Osa and Xelor by a country mile. I think someone had a formal class play rate sourced from the older servers but I don't know it offhand, I'm just judging by the difficulty I had finding a member of each class.
Eliotrope if you can even call it a class anymore
I don't know about Eliotrope but i tried Ecaflip and they made it really ass. I used to love Ecaflip. I tried many other classes and in the end i made a Sacrier. Currently the classes i like are Osa, Xelor, Ouginak, Masq and Sacrier. Everything else either i never liked or got changed into something that i don't like.
Eliotrope is legit undertuned right now. Wouldn't recommend until the buff but that's the least played class by far.
Ecaflip is pretty good I disagree. It finally has its RNG flavor back and can pull ridiculous turns with luck as it should be.
Overall the class design is in a pretty good spot except Sadida which is an overpowered abomination that should just finally be fucking deleted once and for all.
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I remember some Anon said the HD packs were made with upscaling AI but I don't see any of that.
Everything looks like it was drawn in Flash which is surprising, I always thought the backgrounds were drawn in Photoshop or something, you can still see some background being all pixelated probably they haven't found the files for them yet lol
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Also Benis :-DDD
There's a lot of funny small detail around the maps.
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>Ecaflip and they made it really ass. I used to love Ecaflip.
You sir are my nigger and can date my sister anytime. They fucked over Eca good and proper and made it bland as fuck.
>old eca
>if you crit your spell change element
>new eca
>each of your spell pulls card and allows for effects based on what you pull, require quick thinking and to adapt
>then it was cool and now it's bland
you guys are insane
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Ecas can summon kittens
Kittens are cute
Therefore Ecas are the best class
cats are dumb and ur dumb i hope u get shot
Shut up loser. The new Ecaflip is soulless. They made it shit. Old Eca was flipkoin kino.
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say that to my face motherfucker not online and see what happens
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>The event costs more in soul gems than directly buying pellets
Bravo Ankama
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Don't care. I play Dofus for the fun combat and the sexy bitches.
What event? the main page still shows the Dofus 3 launch as the latest news
i also heard rumors about an even in guild chat but have not seen anything official myself
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>Handyman 200 + Hunter 200 and able to fully craft soul gems myself
>mfw I read the new PvE pebble system
So many pve cucks who refuse to even touch pvp complained that they just wanted a way to get pebbles from pve no matter how difficult it was to get them, now they got their wish
oh you need to go run a bunch of dungeons and craft a bunch of shit? Well you could always go do pvp instead.

So many people seethe about pvp without even trying, its fucking insane.
this sounds great, this means i'll be getting pebbles both from PvP and dungeons?
Nobody likes PvP in MMOs, you can make it the most rewarding thing in the game (it already is) and still nobody wants to except you now get a few autists making PvP twinks to farm it at an unbalanced level where their broken class peaks to ensure as many wins as possible, absolute degenerate gameplay only focused on the reward rather than the fun of playing the game.
By the way the event isn't difficult, it just wasn't worth doing, which is why they delayed it, excited to see your next post about the amended event being too good because the price of pebbles dropped by 10%.

And since people don't seem to have a clue what this event is in the first place;
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It's not difficult but just ends up being the same price on mono servers which is funny. The mechanic was aimed at multi players anyway. Anyone who complains about pebbles on mono is a retard who doesn't know how to make kamas.
I don't mind PvP but it's awkward while progressing on a main character. You just don't really have the time or kamas to do it with how fast it is to level. Before you know it you're already 199/200 and have plenty of eggs to pursue. For me it's more of an endgame or alt thing.
Jesus what a massive faggot lmao. The most profitable activity in the game is powerleveling retard. PvP is a good side hustle at best unless you're ultra owning at high rank (long queues) and playing all day but at this point you deserve the moolah.
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I will never like PvP in Dofus
That's fine, I respect that.
There is 0 problem if you don't like pvp and don't want to engage in it.

As long as you don't whinge about pebbles and how pvp players get free money and there needs to be a way to get pvp things from pve. As if buying them from the market board isn't a viable option (and this "event" is too now), which is my only issue with people who don't want to pvp. Keep your whining about your lack of capability to yourself because no one wants to hear it
No one wants to hear about bawww this class is too op please nerf from the 2% of people who play PvP either but that can't be helped, minigame fags are chronic whiners.
>not my hecking minigame
>dont you dare
PvP is fine. Stop being a shitter.
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Reminder that Dofus is first and foremost a PvP game. It has been the case since its inception. In fact the beta in 2003 had a PvP queue system, a ranking ladder and rewards but not a single monster for most of its duration.
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Actually Dofus is dead because it doesn't have open PvP.
go play oto mustam if you want open pvp
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>oto mustam
They closed it because nobody wanted to play that shit anymore lol. It was full of exploits and shenanigans. World pvp just doesn't fit Dofus at all even if the fights themselves are peak tactical RPG gaming.
that sucks, I have good memories of crawling around the maps like a rat trying to avoid meeting pkers
Are things better on the multi account servers?
I'm so sick of sitting around half a day until someone is at the same point of a quest as me so I can finally progress it
The only options I can think of is to make a team so I can play by myself or just give up the game again
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>Are things better on the multi account servers?
In what way?
Overall on multi servers everything is more expensive especially resources related to mono activities like gathering or pvp. It can very easily play in your favor however if you're into that or crafting/maging because there is way way less competition than on mono.
>The only options I can think of is to make a team so I can play by myself or just give up the game again
It's a different way to play the game. You trade the social of mono for the convenience and autonomy of multi. It's not like multi is devoid of community but you're more on your own for sure.
You should be able to clear all the game with 4 characters but iirc some quests in Ivory require 5 people (don't quote me on that).
Yes that's why people play multi, because mono is retarded when the game is full of endless inane quests that prevent people from wanting to play the game, because they're 3 hours away from needing to do that dungeon you want to do, but by then you need to log off and then they did it without you while you were gone, and they don't want to do it again because you get nothing from doing a dungeon, or at worst you lose money from the cost of the key.
The structure of this game is terrible and completely antithetical to multiplayer, the only way I can see it being fun to play on mono is if you're a streamer or a NEET.
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The problem is not the design but how you handle the game. You don't find people to do your quest then what? You're twiddling your thumbs until you find someone? You're supposed to diversify your activities and questing is only one of them.
I am playing on a multi account server but solo.
Yeah no, if I can't find anyone to do actual content I'm logging off, you'll never make me do treasure hunts fuck you.
I don't understand you people. When i need people to do something i simply ask in my guild and see if someone is free to help. Most of the time there is someone that can help. If there is nobody in guild i use the recruit channel or simply go and ask at Astrub Zaap in general chat.
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>Soloing (carry)
If you aren't doing any of these then that's a ngmi + filtered + L + ratio angle for you dawg
you could easily tile stand AND queue for pvp but you're rather do neither and quit
Yes that's what I said.
so you're a bitch quitter?
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Remember Dragoturkeys from Dofus 2 beta?
Ouch you got me I'll never recover from this
I love their huge feet, also it's really funny to see it on an emerald ginger on a water sca because it really was the meta for them back then
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My guess is that they wanted to make them look like the ones from Wakfu
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>Trying to find new fanart to save
>The same pic of an Eni ballbusting an Iop keeps appearing
>Someone decided to make a reverse of that pic too

Hi guys! I just recently downloaded the game but was trying to figure out if I can hope to play with you guys / guild is still active or if I'm better off just multiboxing and soloing.... I played Dofus way back in 1.29 but had a nostalgic itch for it. They changed so much, but I'm sure I'll be as equally as retarded as back then.
Judging from the posts it feels like things are fragmented between Mikhail/Dakal so I just don't know where everyone is mainly centralized...
We still have a handful of people playing on Dakal and you can run some stuff, but there is will be a lot of soloing as there isn't anyone at the low levels right now.
If you want to sporadically play and just do stuff on your own, multiboxing is definitely the way and Mikhail will probably be a good time.
Personally I am playing on Dakal and had no problem finding groups for stuff, any solo related stuff REALLY sucks on multiacc servers as no one wants to do it and you need multiple lots of it for each of your characters so its super expensive, not to mention materials sell for very little as its way easier to farm them, so kamas become much harder to make with a lot more inflation, which isn't really a problem if you are happy to do most of your stuff on your own and be fairly self sufficient, but if you just want to casually play a few characters it can be a lot harder, while I am on Dakal right now I will probably make a team on Mikhail (unless they already merge by then, and continue my existing team from a few years ago or something) when they add in the "hero system" from wakfu (which they are looking to do this year) so you can play multiple characters in a single client (I doubt they will not require you to subscribe multiple accounts still, but I care less about the cost than how annoying it is to swap between so many clients, even if the current version still makes it significantly easier) and am happy to wait for that while I play on Dakal.

If you want to just play really sporadically and casually, then Mikhail might be for you as it will be annoying to find people for stuff if you are barely on and will likely just quit, but if you want to put a good amount of time in then you will probably prefer Dakal.
It is pretty easy to solo (with a sidekick for harder stuff) up until like 100, but it really depends on your class as well. After that it's a bit easier to group with people.
Anon, this is such a comprehensive answer and in such a short time: I appreciate even getting a response back, let alone such a thoughtful one - thank you.

It's ass that Dakal is subscription-locked. As you say I have no idea if I'm going to quit or not because frankly I do think I'll probably get filtered by needing to solo. I'm considering dropping some money for a week subscription or something just for the chance, but I don't want to eat up a guild spot because of my indecision/"don't know if I'll even stay" attitude. I really just wanted to play Dofus again, do my own shit at my own pace/play casually (in that phase where I miss the golden age of MMOs but am just old as fuck now so I don't know if I want to commit to getting addicted again) - but have guildies to just talk with while I pick flowers or some dumb shit. I don't want to have to multi-box and would prefer a mono-account server, but with my intention of playing a fire/int Eni... can't imagine I'd get very far without a group.

I'll still give it a try/run through the f2p stuff though. Thanks again for replying Anon and laying it out candidly for me. Hope to maybe catch you around and if I ever guild invite... barring I don't get filtered like the filthy casual I am.
>eat a guild spot
Every guild can have 250 members and we are less than 100 so feel free to apply to the guild Steamed Hams. Also if it's your first time subbing, I think there's a special deal to sub 1 month for like 3€
>That quest in Enurado where the NPC goes off about how they were chosen by Enutrof and don't need to cooperate with non-Enutrofs¨
>Join the guild
>Get carried by based autistic racists
>Have fun
It's as shrimple as that
Thanks guys. I just sent out a request to join the guild on Dakal 2 after spending like $3.50 USD. Thanks for the heads up about the starter pack
Eni is overpowered and can easily solo through the early game, it's not like old dofus.
yeah, some classes got a bit too buffed when reworked
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Post your progress right NOW!!!
so far, so good already have enough kamas to get my 199 set going.
finishing up alignment quests and soon i'll get the ivory too.

If you're on Dakal 2 dont forget to apply to Steamed Hams, millions must play.
Brakmar will rise again.
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been playing with my old character in mind
I'm 20 levels away from catching up with my teenage character and I got more primordial dofuses
I'm pretty poor and I still have plenty of alignment quests ahead of me, but I've been working on my pandala dofuses
been having a lot of fun, I'm having a great time figuring and discovering everything that was added since
People were saying Eni was bad because "you don't NEED healing in ranged spam teams". Neglecting that Eni can play MP reduction kiting build and that heals are very strong when you do need them.
Eni has always been a stample of high level teams with the reconstitution word, not sure nowadays but back then you wouldn't see me sleeping on them
Eni was considered bad by a lot of people for ages because of healing being worse than a lot of other options and enis not providing much else (apart from +2 AP, which more classes could still do at the time).
It was never awful or unviable, just many considered it not optimal (which was a lot of classes), personally, I think those people were mostly retards and it was one of the reasons I really hated idols.

Eni is pretty solid now, lots of good options
are they uber top tier crazy? nah, but they are preddy gud
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I miss when Ecaflip had lots of random effects. High rolls were very satisfying to get and made fights exciting. There are 19 or 20 classes, one of them can have random effects come on.
Yea, Eni is a bit of a generalist and so doesn't reach super high peaks. But the utility is so good and when heals are needed, they are very powerful.
PvP faggots got salty when an Ecaflip got lucky and slapped their shit.
Can I do at least 90% of game content with a duo?
I'm really not a fan of juggling too many clients at once
I fucking loved that one turn I could be a god when the next I could end up a gimp. That big dick RNG swinging was fun as hell.
You can duo 100% but you'll need to get great gear and take several attempts for the hardest dungeons
depends on what you mean by "90% of the games content"
dungeons? yeah, depending on how strong the duo you pick is it ranges from quite easy to difficult, but it also matters how good your gear it and such, especially considering each of you can have a sidekick.
The harder content will be a struggle, but you said 90% not 100% so no problem. Most quests too.
Now, if you want get an ivory so you need alignment and you need to stand on tiles that often involves 3-5 people and sometimes with specific classes or professions? nah.
Where can I find Ankama related official arts and fanarts? I was on artstation but there isn't much. Twitter is empty of dofus arts.
artist's name?
Just find friends to play with.
>they are kickstarting a new Wakfu season
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Doesn't seem very active thought
Started playing again after 10 years or so. Made a sac and its completely different from what I remember. I was told instead of dumping all in on hp, I should do elements too.
Is there anything else I should keep track of? Before there used to be punishments that you had to cast at the start of fights, is that something similar that needs to be done or is it like Wakfu now where it's just an inate passive?
I'm just a bit overwhelmed with the amount of spells there are now, so not sure which spells are the must have ones in the spell bar beside attract and transposition which looks like got butchered.
I know Kerub's Treasures is pretty shit but I still watched all the episodes just for my beloved Simone
you have both an inate passive and a spell that works a bit like a sudo-punishment with mutilation that will remove 10% of your health every turn but give you power
you probably want to focus on a single element early on, or two if you also want to have fun
earth is true melee, air is short range, water is mid range and fire "high" range
what I would advise is to keep the offensive spells you use in your spell bar (you can toggle a second or a third line if you didn't already know) and your support spells, look at what spells function as some sort of mobility, for example:
>Assault is functionnaly the old Swap except now it does damage and has better range for the same AP cost,
>Coop and Transpo have been merged in the new Transpo but with a higher cd,
>no more Evasion or Vital Punishment for cheap longevity now you gotta work for it but you've got quite a few spells that provide similar effect that get increasingly better the lower your health is like Crown of Thorns or Mutilation
>Punishment kinda blows ass now so you don't get to gravitate around 50% the whole fight nuking people
the best advice I could give is to sit down and read your spells, and think what sounds the most fun for you, but as someone who also stopped playing back when sac had 2 for 1 hp and picked it up again for the new servers, after getting a good hang of the class I can tell you it's a lot of fun and probably more rewarding than old sac used to be
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>Pretty shit
why lol it was a fairly comfy episodic show
Also sacrier is one of the few classes that has % multiplier on weapons from their passive. Meaning sacrier can chunk people hard with weapons, since most weapons are balanced around the classes not having many multipliers on them.
yeah sacriers (up to) 30% final damage from their passive is pretty insane for weapons, they make very good use of them.
Even stuff like necrotick bow is pretty insane on them.
Weapons are very good on certain classes that have low dmg spells. People simply don't bother doing the math realizing that a single hit from a wepon could be dealing as much as two casts of a spell but for less action points cost.
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>my friend is calling me for our yearly 1 month of wakfu
>we are going to play until we reach level 245 on the multibox server
>mfw I forgot sell my shit from 1 year ago and now everything is worth peanuts because of the market crash
So, how is Dofus with the new unity update? The good and the bad?
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Way harder to jerk off to female npcs now that they don't get a big portrait showing you what they look like in closer detail
not too fond of Kerubim, I prefered Simone and Joris and they just didn't get as much screen time as I would have liked
>The good
-No lag
-No bots? I haven't seen any but I heard some stuff from other people
-It's easier to control your characters now if you multibox

>The bad
-Still buggy in some places
-No old tactic mode, if you like that
-UI still as basic and boring looking as day one of Unity
-New character designs feels too samey

-When you start combat with a monster, you enter a map from a set of premade maps. It's not the exact same screen you were on before.

It just feels like the same game minus the lag and more small bugs as expected.
Bots are back now
report the bots, keep reporting them, every minute of every hour of every day of every weak of every month of every year till the end of time untill the faggot insects that make them give up, i reported like 10 bots yesterday and today i am not seeing them, every time you see a bot report

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