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/DaD/ Dark And Darker
NO threats of violence OR terrorism edition

Patch Notes:
**Early Access Hotfix #71**
- Fixed an issue where the party member's gear score would sometimes not update in real time.
- Fixed an issue where the pop-up for items that cannot be transferred would not appear when interacting with a merchant or Expressman.
- Fixed an issue where the guidance message would not appear properly in the chat window of a chat-banned user.
- Fixed an issue where a chat-banned user could use party chat in a dungeon.
- Fixed an issue where Arena matching would not work.
- Fixed an issue where the results window would not appear properly after the last round in Arena.
- Fixed an issue where the remaining team users would not be processed as forfeited even if all opposing team members left the game in Arena.
- Improved the visibility of people who received the Cleric's Protection effect.
- Longbow weapon damage of all rarities reduced by 2.
- Crossbow weapon damage of all rarities reduced by 1.
- All Recurve Bows' equip time changed from 2s 1s.
- All Longbows' equip time changed from 2s 1s.
- All Crossbows' equip time changed from 3s 1s.
- All Windlass Crossbows' equip time changed from 6s 1s.
- Hoards were added back to Icicle Cave in Ice Cavern, and the number of interactions between Hoards of similar levels has been adjusted.
- You can now check more detailed information in the Arena results window.
- You can now check Arena Ranking in the Leaderboard.
**Developer Comments:**
This hotfix brings the anticipated Arena Ranking system. The Arena Ranking system is based on rating matchmaking, with a current total of 7 ranks for our competitive adventurers to climb.
In order to ensure a smooth launch of Arena Season 1, we will start the arena rankings off with a test season starting from your character's current rating.
We will use this test season to evaluate and make any needed changes to improve the QoL and flow of Arena Ranking. Thank you and see you in the dungeons!
dead game

if you decide to post ITT consider yourself a cuckold for caring about this game that is actively being fucked to death by clueless devs
I like 10 spell wizard for its utility but if I aint the biggest retard in PvP using it. Its like my brain short circuits with so many options and I just get W+M1
You will improve don’t give up wizbro, soon you will know the truth and learn to hate arrows and bolts instead.
come back next wipe, ok bub?
I would say 10 spell is similar to invoker from dota, it takes dozens of hours just to get used to the play style
I will nuke both Nexon and Ironmace.
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i love the vibes. too bad i suck and play rarely :(
>wanna play certain class/perks/skills/spells because think the fantasy is cool
>but they arent part of the burst one shot or ranged meta
>get gaped in every pvp encounter

The meta cant shift fast enough. We need that 15hp back and a longer ttk, what kinda crack is SDF smokin if he thinks that getting 1 or 2 shot has any room for "skill expression" when only like 3 builds dominate in pvp AND pve
>Reduce health to shorten time to kill
>Really this means most melee now die before reaching melee combat vs range

I feel like a lot would be fixed just giving back the 15 health but I expect stuborness to win out and they will rebalance the entire rest of the game instead.
>before HP nerf TTK was literally seconds or less in ranged or melee
>now all but 2 classes die in 2 hits max unless speccing into HP but lose out on dmg benefitting those 2 classes more

Whats fucked is that they ignore that the HP nerf has made the movespeed kiting and poking door camping that makes every fight prolonged and worse then before the HP nerf. And in my opinion patch 69 wasnt bad at all and the loudest moaners were players mad that they couldnt gear diff other players as easily anymore.
How do I play Druid? Do I still bear on people and panther after they adjusted ratios?
2,000 hours and i still die to basic pve once in awhile, have i died more here or in the souls games?
NTA, I haven't played a single second of this sewage since August but I still monitor the threads for a sliver of hope. But all I get is the same shit. This game has been untouched since July
patch 69 was a glimpse at something beautiful.
it was going to be the beginning of a true form of build expression in this game the not only simplified gear sets and forced skill it also gave the devs a way better way to balance the game across gear diff. but instead they cucked out to streamers and their mobs. those fucking faggots couldnt see the forest through the trees.
so instead we are stuck with gear mmo autism simulator.
i also havent touched the game since the revert and wont till i see something worth playing.
because i find 0 enjoyment in farming gold for ever just to spend another forever searching the soulless market place for the right gear just to get clapped in a round by the same cheaters i just bought gear from.
Its also obvious with any thought put into it that patch 69 took a massive dump on RMTs and wouldve lowered the overall value of gold/hr and the resulting mass spam and negatives reviews were a result of that.

Also its not like a specific region or country who are objectively the worst teammates, the most prolific cheaters, and have a history of review bombing over anything could possibly be behind such a thing.
Man do I hate when someone in trios matchmaking instantly abandons me and the obvious one perk newbie to beeline for a mob/boss/loot without saying a word. The only consolation being when sometimes moments later you see the killfeed light up with their name as they ran into another trio alone.
That’s the best way to get the best loot lil’ nigga get with the program.
Hmmmm today I am gonna play slayer fighter
>Man do I hate when someone in trios matchmaking instantly abandons me
that was probably me, sorry
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gook game, an asset flip too. kek
dead game
what if we kissed on a jumpover wall in ruins?
I wonder how deep chinas dick is in iromace ass
>hotfix no. xyz (it's categorically not a hotfix, but we're not here to discuss that, are we?)
>don't expect to play in the next 4 hours even though the patch is like 120mb
>the cum guzzler perk's cooldown nerf's revert's revert has been reverted
>something something streamer died, do that again and you'll get perma'd
>the buttplug dildo sword's attack animation has slightly been changed
>the current favorite class of the main dev which is problematic by all measures is untouched
>something that has a numerical value to it has been changed, but we won't tell you the exact numbers, just "increased/decreased slightly"
dead game
How does it feel to upgrade from a 60hz monitor to a 144hz? Would it even matter for this game?
no it wouldnt matter because 100 percent of fights are subject to terrible desync
>how does it feel
It's pretty good, just make sure your machine can actually handle a stable 144 fps in the games you play. It varies from person to person, but since I got used to 144hz, 60 feels like 30. Can't explain.

>Would it matter?
I think so, on paper it's a "slow dungeon crawler", but you still need quick and precise inputs for attacking, blocking, parrying etc. Higher refresh rates help with that, going from 60 to 144 shaves off almost 10 ms of frametime, essentially lowering your input lag.
I'm not saying this is what separates you right now from being top of the leaderboard, but there is a reason no pro in a real-time competitive pvp game has used anything below 144 in the past 10 years.
At the very least, it does make the game look more visually pleasing.
dead game
nothing slow about this game.
from the moment you load in you gotta scoot and loot and shoot
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I’m on a gtx 1070 with a i7 processor I have 16 Gb ram at least. I’m running everything on low I hope it will be ok. I just want to feel the refresh rate and dab on players after being on 60hz this whole time.
Same here. I left the game behind too after the revert.
With 69 you could at least get a decent basic build with any rarity.
I was farming my tryhard BIS for arena, but could at least just focus on that grind and brind halfway decent gear with solid stats.
Its like seeing outside the cave and you can never go back to what you once knew.
I saw a glimmer of greatness for this game and I cannot go back.

I also check occasionally, but so far nothing, haven't played
Sdf, give it a rest, nobody actually believes someone would think that way about a patch that is antithesis to what this game has been about from the start.
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>implying the game isn't hemmoraging players after the revert
lmao imagine believing in a game vision so hard that you steal the i.p from the company that owns it, fight and win a lawsuit to keep it and continue to build it only to cuck out at the finish line because the players(who are only there because of what you made and what you dreamt of making) are upset at a patch that was meant to pursue the end state of what you sold them. literal L take. the fucking moment that another gear autism game comes out that gets any recognition ull be gone.
**Early Access Hotfix #72**
@everyone,We will be deploying hotfix #72 starting at <t:1732873500>.
When the patch starts, you will not be able to log in to the game and players in-game will not be able to enter the matchmaking pool during this time.
Players in a match or in-game will have 40 minutes to complete their match and exit safely.
The server will return to full service 3 hours after the patch starts.

During maintenance, all services, including the website, may be temporarily suspended to update various servers.
- Fixed an issue where traps could be placed in the air instead of on the floor of the elevator.
- Fixed an issue where sound played incorrectly when escaping using an escape rope.
- Fixed an issue where clicking the ‘Exit to Lobby’ button would not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where screen effects could persist after being hit by a bat's ultrasonic attack even after the debuff icon disappeared.
- Fixed an issue where Cleric's Judgment would not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where the magic damage from Void Blade and Demon's Glee might not be displayed in the details.
- Fixed an issue where the effect could remain on the lantern located on the waist after unequipping it from the weapon slot.
- Fixed an issue where icons for ranks on the Arena Leaderboard were not properly displayed.
- Fighter's Defense Mastery perknow increases thephysical damage reduction (PDR) maximum limit from the standard 65% to 75%.
- Fighter's Spell Reflection effect persists until magic is successfully reflected. The effect thenlasts for 3 seconds after the initial magic reflection.
- Fighter's Spell Reflection cooldown changed from 24s -> 18s
- Barbarian's Iron Will perk nowincreases the magical damage reduction (MDR) maximum limit from the standard 65% to 75%.
- Rogue's Hide skillnow has 2 stacks.
- Rogue's Hide Mastery duration bonus reduced from 2.5x 1.5x.
- Rogue's Pickpocket perk is no longer allowed in the Arena.
- Rogue's Poisoned Weapon healing reduction increased from 10% 15% per stack.
- Ranger’s Backstep cooldown time changed from 10s 12s.
- Druid’s Panther form health penalty changed from -25% -15%.
- Druid’s Bear form action speed penalty changed from -30% -25%.
- Druid's Tree of Life heals for a total of 15 health over 10 seconds.
- Increased the baseprimary attributes of Poor and Common grade items.
- The random modifier values have been slightly adjusted.
- Adjusted damage for several weapons.
- Updated the armor rating curve table to be more consistent and have a lower top end.
- Bardiche's primary attack multiplier changed from 1.0/1.1/1.2 1.0/0.9/1.2.
- Battle Axe's secondary attack multiplier changed from 1.0 1.1.
- Club's primary attack multiplier changed from 1.0/1.05 1.0/1.1.
- Double Axe's secondary attack multiplier changed from 1.1 1.15.
- Halberd's primary attack multiplier changed from 1.0/1.1/1.2 1.0/0.9/1.2.
- Kris Dagger's primary attack multiplier changed from 1.0/1.1/1.1/1.1 1.0/1.05/1.15/1.15.
- Lantern Shield's riposte attack multiplier changed from 1.0/1.0 1.2/1.2.
- Quarterstaff's primary attack multiplier changed from 1.0/1.1/1.1/1.1 1.0/1.05/1.1/1.15.
- Spear’s primary attack multiplier changed from 1.0/1.1/1.2 1.0/1.0/1.1.
- Stiletto’s primary attack multiplier changed from 1.0/1.0/1.15 1.0/1.0/1.2.
- Bardiche's defensive stance impact resist increased from 3 4.
- Flute's defensive stance impact resist increased from 3 4.
- Quarterstaff's defensive stance impact resist increased from 3 4.
- Spear's defensive stance impact resist increased from 3 4.
- Buckler's movement speed penalty reduced from -12 -7.
- Thorn Shield's movement speed penalty reduced from -12 -7.
- Lantern Shield's movement speed penalty reduced from -19 -10.
- Frostlight Lantern Shield's movement speed penalty reduced from -15 -7.
- Round Shield's movement speed penalty reduced from -18 -12.
- Heater Shield's movement speed penalty reduced from -20 -15.
- Pavise's movement speed penalty reduced from -35 -25.
- Random modifiers are now displayed on crafted and purchasableitems from merchants, excluding the Goblin Merchant.
- EA4 Season Adventurer Rank Rewards have been revealed. Adventure Rank rewards will be awarded based on the account and can only be redeemed once per account rather than for each individual character. The rewards unlocked for the account will be determined by the highest ranked character linked to the account.
- Jack O Lantern will be leaving soon as we prepare for a new guest. Jolly Nicholas is scheduled to return to the tavern with the next update on December 5th. Please be sure to use all your Candy Corn this week!
- Users with accounts linked across multiple platforms must now select a preferred exclusive platform to enjoy the game. Please check the notice on the homepage for more details.
**Developer Comments:**
We are pleased to announce December 18 as the date for the next wipe and start of the new season. We plan to utilize the remaining time during this season to test and finalize the Arena system, fine tune the new item and class balances, and start testing other various preparations to ensure a great start to the next season.

This update brings a more measured overhaul to the item design for us to begin tuning as a basis for next season’s update. We have updated the damage and armor value of items to fit a more predictable pattern. We have also improved the base primary stats of poor and common equipment, allowing for greater build diversity and generally improving the overall pace of combat at the lower end. We have also made slight modifications to the random modifier values and have made the armor rating curve more natural while improving durability on the lower range. By making the power progression more predictable through these changes we can finally start to get a handle on improving the class perks, skills, and spells, which we have initiated with this hotfix.

Users who have linked their account across multiple storefronts will now be required to select their preferred exclusive platform. This update to our back-end allows us to offer better customer products and experience as we look to the future. As a direct result of this update, Legendary Status, which was previously upgradeable only through Redstone Shards, will be available for purchase as a DLC upgrade on all platforms starting December 5th. The upcoming “Legendary Status” DLC will launch with an introductory 30% discount from December 5 until December 19 on all platforms.

We thank you for your continued support through this season. We have some big changes coming next season that directly addresses many of the most pressing current issues. We plan to share more details very soon. Thank you and see you in the dungeons!
Due to issues discovered during the patch process, maintenance will be extended by approximately one hour.


Sorry, Due to issues with platform links, the maintenance will be extended by approximately one hour.
Cool update but

>buffs fighter and barbarian
The Nexon cuck reveals xer true form.
you always revert to these double digit IQ responses when someone shuts you down.
Just go back to plebbit mmofag where you can circle jerk about keeping the game exactly as it is and get a bunch of dumbvotes while the game population collapses.
dungeonborne or this?
I prefer oldschool fantasy design of DaD and general mood while DB looks too "modern" in a bad way but the review score is higher for DB
dead game
Wasnt dungeonborne an actual pump and dump scam?
ad hominem

its always the same shit with you losers. 0 argument just attacks on my perceived character.
still getting updates
DB is in a weird spot. The devs really went pants on head retarded with several meta changes and wouldn't communicate or revert (Life on Hit was the worst), all while simultaneously nerfing some of the least used classes for really bad reasons.
Ultimately the population started dropping, and in their infinite wisdom they merged multiple regional servers into the NA and EU servers which killed the playability due to the massive latency disparities it caused and that when the population just plummeted into nearly nothing and then as the final insult the devs went 100% silent right after a community message promised more communication.

This all said, there have since been a few comments by the devs in the discord about how they're just working on a lot of fundamental reworks and changes to basically everything, but I haven't followed it since then and while I want to see a competent competitor to DaD, I have my doubts that DB will be it.
In all fairness, I checked their store page on steam after my post and there was a fairly large developer news post at the end of September. So they're apparently working on the game and some of the changes in their roadmap look interesting enough.
Link: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2448970/view/4694529606303449530
Anyone get consistent frames in this game? Keep dropping idk why… even at 60fps I can get drops when other games run fine…
Mid and Midder
>be in cancer ranged meta
>instead of nerfing ranged just make rogue and fighter even more cancerous
>nerf barb for no reason
wow thanks ironmace!
Anyone here play warlock? Trying to farm AP but keep getting ran down by rogues bards and Druids keeping up with my MS. Should I be running dark reflection or something? I just lost thousands of gold getting fucked on by a panther even though I thought the counter was just meleeing them….
>players unironically malding that the dedicated healer class is good at healing

If cleric isnt good at healing it wont be good at anything, just because the meager counter to the current tru/phys/mag damage stacking meta is having team healer doesnt mean cleric is OP. Perhaps the complete unfun shitfest that is TTK and MS should be adjusted before the worst class gets nerfed because clerics are making it hard to make epic pvp montages.
dead game
>before the worst class gets nerfed
What makes you think that cleric is worse than rogue? As far as team play is concerned rogue seems more grief.
I honestly think druids are better healers especially for arena, but no one has really tried healer builds for them even though their scaling have gotten buffed. Once you have natures touch up on someone you can just spam dreamfires on the enemy to keep them topped up and can escape from bad engages unlike cleric
Crazy how insanely Jewish Nexon has been lately. They've always been bad but somehow they've gotten measurably worse.
Not him but the biggest thing I heard recently is stuff like the 9 million dollar fine because for over a decade they had loot boxes that states the percentage of getting certain things, but would actively update it and at times it was actually impossible to get certain things. This isn't even the first fine they got related to loot boxes but they made over 400$ million dollars due to the loot box shenanigans so the fine doesn't even act as a deterrent.

Google Nexon 9 million dollar fine if you want to read more about it.
Nexon is just known to be a terrible company for well over a decade now.
They'd always been super sketchy about deprioritizing server load once a game is out of its launch window.
They heavily pressure devs to make core changes to their business model to prioritize short term cash.
And they are known to be really scummy in general, the example of the fines beogm a good one..

The Finals was a solid fps, but in the second season, nexon clearly deprioritized the game servers and massive latency was introduced.
By the next season, they had pressured the devs to drop the game's core mode and replace it with a crappy CS style bomb plant mode.
And when they let up due to massive pop loss and it all went back to normal, the game still sits with ever more scummy elements being added, like the battle pass levels suddenly being more exp in later levels, and some store items being cash only and others being premium currency.
I think last in saw they dropped the ability to buy the season packs with currency and the battle pass was made harder to rebuy each season if you completed the previous one.
And the game latency was still awful last i tried it.
The game has no loot boxes, but if the studio was owned by nexon (and not just published by them) I'm sure theyd force their addition.
Other games nexon destroyed are stuff like Dirty Bomb.
Its not difficult to see how awful and scmy.nexon is, and I tend to try and boycott them wherever.

>let me note however, this doesn't change my opinion that SDF is a cuck to cry babies
This is why the Nexon cucks are so transparent. There is zero reasons to support them unless you are either too young to know anything or someone paid you.
dead game
Anyone else remember when they said that balancing the game would be one of the last things they would do and instead focus on releasing content? Now every update is

>out of nowhere heavy handed buff/nerf to class that doesnt need it
>value adjusted 10%, next week value readjusted back from 10%
>nerfing OP class/ability/weapon by an amount to not change its effectiveness
Not only that they suck at it, they go off player data and for multiple patches kept buffing ranged options because players can't aim worth shit and when arena roles around and people can practice it, turns out it was op all along. They should just push out classes first and fore most, Necromancer and Paladin alone would massively increase the playerbase.

But no they do shit like making a water map when there are already to many maps and programming a swimming system
>30% discount for """legendary status"""
dead game
not to mention the whole water map is suposed to be like a sewer with giant rats and shit designated to be trainig zone for new players

like fucking excuse me?how the fuck realising it now that all the waves of new players flooding in are long gone and 90% of current player base keeping the game alive are veterans with hundred of hours

There just incompetent.Thats literally it.
They have no idea or any grand vision where they want to lead game into so they just blindy stumble in the dark.
Its easier to randomly shift numbers every week to make an illusion that the game is actually getting developed rather than go silent for a month to actually work some shit out
*hundred of hours make any sense
what are you talking about? For an entire half a year now at least they simply adjust numbers so retards think they're still working on it
It's shovelware to keep chink goldfarmers invested.
dead game
Don’t worry new season (soon) we are gonna get SO much new content!!!!! I can’t wait to shove gems into my items to do what? CHANGE NUMBERS!!!! It’s not like all they have been doing is changing numbers. It’s gonna be great.
>use gems
>change numbers
>new update
>"the numbers are wrong"
>change numbers
>get sued for stealing Nexons IP
sorcerer delayed, calling it now
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dead game
I wish I saw shit like this before buying it in july. What a fucking disgrace. The devs really need to be arrested, if not in Korea, then in America for false advertising and scamming their audience
All the new classes and their consequences have been a disaster for the dark and darker game. Necro, paladin, cocksleeve, all new classes will further drive this game into irrelevance because IM can't balance their old classes with the powercreep of the new nonsense.

"Content" is additions that give us new and interesting ways to interact with the engine and each other. All the maps are the same.

>Guild halls will never happen
>player houses will never happen
>party challenge dungeons will never happen
We are stuck in the seasonal wipe cycle forever like so many other games.

We never should have trusted people who like tarkov to not make misguided trash.
haven't played this game or cared in months but it looks like the game is slowly becoming what it should've been last in may-ish.

>randomized crypts
>items slowly returning to bis via socketing system
>new map development

idc and will not return but cool its finally bringing bis back
does anyone have a recording of the "devcast" ?
just watch ryan6daysaweek recap videos
the streams are often streamer circle jerks and rarely pick good questions.
ryan is succinct and summarizes without filler
>idc and will not return
I feel similarly. I'm still pissed at the 69.2 revert and I despise this idiotic and childish community.
Its not the game, as it is, its just that I know now that SDF is a total coward and cuck, and that the community is insanely reactionary toward any changes.
Zero chance this game survives, so long as they continue to cater to this shitwad community.
Are randomized crypts in yet? Or coming soon? I think I realized that my biggest problem was the mystery, the intrigue of exploration fading away as soon as a layout and its best loot spots were memorised by the players. After that it was just minmaxing with the gear and the abilities/talents.
I don't even understand how it wasn't in a lot sooner, even during the playtests they referred to the parts of the maps as "modules", signifying, y'know, modularity.
But then again, they still call patch notes "hotfixes" so who knows, probably a language barrier.
Is it JUST crypts with randomized modules? If so, does that mean I still have to go through Ruins, which isn't randomized?
Can you actually get banned for chat in this game or are they just lying? I haven’t seen anyone get banned. I just typed the n-word a bunch btw
this shit is so dead they can't afford to ban anyone
Is there any game out there like Dark and Darker but PvE? I'd rather not deal with other people, ever
Just play Druid. Honestly let me know if you find a good game though.
Honest question: how much can you imagine making a game like this would cost?
Say you crowdfunded it with a proper seed amount?
What would that seed amount need to be and what would a good crowd fund goal be?

What would you keep and what would you change?
I mean, wasn't there a guy (I think from here) named Troonblaster, top of the wizard (or smth) leaderboards for months? Never got banned afaik
I think it's really up to the recipient if he's gonna whine enough about it on discord/through support, but there shouldn't be anything automated in place.
That shit was the fucking funniest shit I’ve ever seen. Especially when they btfo Katie.
>cater to PVE fags
>PVE fags still cry
big mistake thinking they could please everyone
>Sorcerer gets more spells than wizard per dev notes
>In video they get knockback/up,
>Cooldown based spells so no need to rest
>More MS due to no need for a weapon

They have not even talked about wizard so my guess is they will get jack shit and end up with less utlity and damage than sorc
>didn't want to play before
>see new update
>want to play even less
wake me when Nexon makes a better game
>haven't played in 2 months
>when I was playing I basically speedran all the quests on my main the instant they came out, as well as stockpiling quest items, so I'm still nearly done with most chains
>was able to log in today and finish all the cosmetics quests in just a few hours
Feels nice. I didn't play HR at all on any character during the ranking period, but the zombie and cauldron skins aren't very exciting anyway. I might miss having a coin bag stockpile next season, but eh.
>randomized dungeon layouts
On one hand I think this is a good change because it makes questing less like a shopping trip and means there won't be particular rooms on the map that people always rush for loot, but on the other hand the quests aren't very interesting to begin with so it will probably just make questing into a more frustrating shopping trip.

>sorcerers don't have to worry about ammo and have all new spells that look much cooler than wizard's current spells
They'd better start the next season with a bunch more wizard spells or the existence of sorcerer is probably going to make wizard players go extinct.
My guess is due to lack of word on wizard they will get maybe one extra spell. I doubt they would give the haste/invis utility to Sorc so wizard will probably just be relegated to haste/invising people for 10% MS buff. They did tease about giving wizard fly some podcast ago but I highly doubt they would do it this soon.

Guess we will find out tomorrow, or the day after when the inevitable failed patch/season launch happens.
>350 movement speed cap for fighter and barb
ah, yes, the fastest and most nimble classes
Barony is the closest that comes to mind.
**Early Access Season #5**
@everyone,We will be deploying Season #5 starting at <t:1734519600>.
When the patch starts, you will not be able to log in to the game and players in-game will not be able to enter the matchmaking pool during this time.
Players in a match or in-game will have 40 minutes to complete their match and exit safely.
The server will return to full service **8 hours** after the patch starts.

During maintenance, all services, including the website, may be temporarily suspended to update various servers.

- Coming soon.

**Developer Comments:**
- Coming soon.
- Fixed an issue where the Marketplace would not properly unlock after gaining Legendary status.
- Fixed an issue where a merchant requested an item of 'any rarity' would not properly be submitted.
- Fixed an issue where the Leathersmith requested the incorrect materials for some crafted items.
- Fixed an issue where Frostlight items could have incorrect attributes.
- Fixed an issue where the Barbarian class could wear the Frostlight Warden Outfit.
- Fixed an issue where the Bolt of Darkness effect could appear incorrectly after transforming with the Warlock's Blood Pact skill.
- Fixed an issue where the ending sound would not be played after using the Fighter's Sprint skill.
- Fixed an issue where the particle effect would remain on users who were hit by Francesca Axe.
- Fixed an issue where the hit sound would not play when blocking an attack with the Frost Lantern Shield.
- Fixed an issue where the quick slot would intermittently not display the crossbow bolt information.
- Fixed an issue where items equipped in slots 3 and 4 would not display in the hand when swapped.
- Fixed an issue where some monster projectile attack effects could appear differently than intended.
- Fixed an issue where the movement could appear choppy when a Mummy was hit by Savage Roar while appearing from the ground.
- Fixed an issue where the Living Statue attack sound would play when it was in the wrong state.
- Fixed an issue where the corpse of a Living Statue would disappear after dying.
- Fixed an issue where Harpy would occasionally get stuck in certain areas.
- Fixed an issue where the corpse of a Wraith would not appear correctly after dying.
- Fixed an issue where Lich's Magic Missile attack would pass over the player's head.
- Fixed an issue where Frost Giant Berserker could not attack players.
- Fixed an issue where the Skeleton Mage's invincibility shield effect would not disappear.
- Fixed an issue where the player's movement would be restricted even after destroying the prison created by the Warlord.
- Fixed an issue where the Ice Abyss Imp could get stuck in certain boxes within the Ritual Rooms module.
- Fixed an issue where you could get stuck in the Roaster in the Ice Abyss Charnel House module.
- Fixed an issue where arrows could pass through the Frost Giant's Shield.
- Fixed an issue in the Ruins Outer Cemetery module where it was possible to see through floor and walls.
- Fixed an issue where players could travel to unintended locations through holes in the floor in the Ruins Tower Bridge module.
- Fixed an issue where zombies could get stuck in rocks in the Ruins Watering Hole module.
- Fixed an issue where monsters could immediately attack players in some spawn locations in the Crypt.
- Fixed an issue where objects placed in the Crypt could appear buried in the walls.
- Fixed an issue where gold and silver coins that fell on the floor could not be picked up in the Crypt Vault module.
- Fixed an issue where duplicate monsters would spawn in the Crypt Altar Room module.
- Fixed an issue where monsters could get stuck in certain locations in the Goblin Cave Goblin Prison B module.
- Fixed an issue in Goblin Cave Valley A module where the player could get stuck behind the Resurrection Altar.
- Fixed an issue where monsters could immediately attack players in some spawn locations in Goblin Cave.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to enter gaps in the wall and floor at certain locations in the Goblin Cave Cave Maze module.
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck between lanterns in certain locations in the Goblin Cave Cave Maze module.
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in certain locations in the Goblin Cave Cavern Lake module.
- Fixed an issue where stackable items could not be combined properly.
- Fixed an issue where an error code would appear when requesting to join a party from an offline user.
- Fixed an issue where items could be lost after disconnecting from the Arena.
- Fixed an issue in the Arena Ice Cavern module where the subboss monsters could block the waiting room entrance.
- Fixed an issue where some torches next to doors in the Arena Crypt map could not be seen.
- Fixed an issue where a torch could get stuck when thrown on the ceiling of the Arena Crypt waiting room.
- Changed the game so that if you force quit the game and try to reconnect, you will return to your previous session instead of the lobby.
- Updated the button placements in the Lobby UI.
- Updated the Lobby Skin system so that it can be displayed to the whole party. If the party leader has a Lobby Skin equipped, it will be displayed to all other party members who have the default lobby skin equipped.
- Updated the purchase confirmation pop-up to a simple toast message in the marketplace to streamline the customer experience.
- Updated the random properties of merchant items so they are now hidden until the item is purchased or crafted.
- Updated the drop rate of Hunting Loots.
- Updated the stack count of Hunting Loots and Ore to improve convenience.
- Gems are also stackable now to improve convenience with the socket system.
- Updated the dungeon selection process. Players will now actively select the gear score range of the dungeon.
- Improved the animations for the 'Harpy' and 'Ice Harpy'.
- Improved the layout of the Arena Guard Post module.
- Updated the Max HP curve table to give more HP, especially at the lower end.
- Updated the Armor Rating curve table to give slightly more PDR at the upper end.
- Updated the Magic Resistance curve table to give slightly more MDR at the lower end and slightly less MDR at the upper end.
- Experimental) The maximum movement speed of fighters and barbarians has been changed from 330 350.
- Barbarian's Iron Will additional magic resistance changed from 60 100 due to the adjustments to the new Magic Resistance curve.
- The new Sorcerer class has been added. Please note that this class is currently a work in progress, and we look forward to your feedback.
- New Sorcerer focused armor items have been added.
- Added a new Nameplate system that allows you to change the appearance of your in-game nameplate. We plan to add many more nameplate designs to unlock in the future.
- Added a Socket System that allows you to customize the secondary attributes of your items by inserting gems.
- Added the first version of our Achievement system. We plan to allow players to unlock cool rewards by completing these achievements in the future.
- Upgraded the Quest system so it now tracks your progress across your account.
- Added random rewards to the Quest system. Some quests will now reward you with a reward that is selected from a specific pool of rewards.
- Added 'Stream Sniping' to the Report Player system.
- Added the ability to change your Audio Device in the Options menu.
- Added the new Continuous Matchmaking system. You can now enter a dungeon that is currently in session. You can also extract or go down to the next floor much earlier. We will be tuning the parameters for this system in real time, including the player density, the entrance cutoff time, and other values to improve the dynamic feel of the dungeons.
- Added a Random Dungeon generation system. Please note that this system is only working on the ‘Crypt’ dungeon at this time. Modules in the ‘Crypt’ are now randomly placed, adding an element of mystery and unpredictability. Once we establish a good baseline with the ‘Crypt’ dungeon, we will adapt and introduce the remaining dungeons to work with this system throughout this season.
- Added Fog of War feature to ‘Crypt’ dungeon to synergize with the random dungeon system. A Fog of War appears over the map and minimap of the Crypt and is only uncovered for areas you have explored.
- Added an Endless Portal in the Inferno dungeon. The Endless Portal unlocks when the boss in the Inferno level is defeated and can be used to extract by everyone.
- Added a leaving penalty when using the ‘Exit to Lobby’ without extracting or dying in the dungeon.
- Added a new Gold Coin Pouch.
- Nightmare difficulty added for several Ruin subbosses.
- Additional Hunting Loots from the Frost Wyvern.
- Added new Arena modules.
- Updated the Arena result screen.
- The Holiday Event begins. During the event, Candy Canes and Gingerbread will drop from dungeons. Visit Nicholas to show you’ve been a good adventurer.
- New lobby skin 'Holiday Haven' released.
- New item skins 'Candyflame Torch' and the 'Winterflame Roast Campfire' released.
- New motions 'Roasting Marshmallows' and 'Dalgona' released.
- New Races 'Dark Elf' and 'Felidian Panther Woman' released.
- EA4 Adventure Rank Season Reward will be issued soon.
**Developer Comments:**
All characters have been reset for the start of this new early access season. We have also reset the Triumph levels for all accounts.

This season introduces several new systems as we return to our roots of building an engaging multiplayer dungeon crawler. EA Season 4 & 5 introduced changes that made the dungeons too predictable and led to a stagnation of gameplay. Our goal this season is to return some of the unpredictability and mysteriousness to the dungeons.

We have now implemented our first iteration of a random dungeon system. We will start off by using the ‘Crypts’ dungeon as the testing ground for this system while we fine tune the settings to generate compelling dungeons to explore. We plan to progressively adapt more and more dungeon biomes to work with the random generation system throughout this season. The other advantage of this system is that it significantly reduces the overhead to add new dungeon modules, which we plan to take full advantage of this season.

We have also implemented a continuous matchmaking system. The continuous matchmaking system means that players can join a dungeon that is already in progress and are no longer limited to entering only at the start of a session. This system gives greater agency to players so they can simply select the dungeon and difficulty without needing to wait for a map rotation. This system also allows us to more efficiently populate dungeons, leading to better quality sessions even for low population regions.
This season introduces the new Sorcerer class. The sorcerer is a master of the elements and can weave together multiple spells to devastating results. Please note that the current implementation is a work in progress as we build on offering a unique spell casting experience.

We have also added several improvements to give players additional goals. A new item socket feature allows users to customize their items by infusing the power of gems. A new achievement system allows adventurers to track special accomplishments with the future goal of unlocking cool in-game rewards. We’ve also updated the quest system, so progress is now synchronized across all characters on an account.

We have a lot of exciting updates planned for this season. Prepare for the inaugural season of the Arena with a full ranking system and rewards. We also plan to augment the Religion system to offer more incentives to donate to a god of your choice. Now that we have a better handle on the item balance, we look forward to finally improving the versatility of the character builds with some big changes. We thank you for your support and see you in the dungeons!
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>allowing barb, the class whose whole thing is one-tapping, to straight-up outrun every other class without even relying on frannies
>allowing fighter, the do-everything class, to now also be one of the fastest classes in the game
>when they already had sprint
I don't even have words. What the fuck are they thinking?
>a mouse that deals no damage and dies if you fart on it isn't allowed to be any faster than a human, but having a fighter in full fucking plate armor run down a rogue and beat him to death is just fine
i think its a halfhearted attempt to nerf the ranged meta, but i wish they had given rogue the buff too
basically its supposed to work by allowing fighter and barb to make full use of their sprint/rage, for example if barb reaches 314 movespeed he hits the cap
people like the melee combat of this game far more than the ranged combat, especially newer players. combat at a high level has also gotten extremely boring with every class hiding behind doors and kiting with whatever ranged options they have.
i dont think that these changes are going to fix that, but they will probably encourage more of the front to back trios gameplay that happened earlier in the games lifespan.
definitely starting barb though lol lmao even
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Whew, apparently the change is cancelled already. Did it even make it into the actual patch, or did they just forget to remove it from the patch notes?
>basically its supposed to work by allowing fighter and barb to make full use of their sprint/rage
Sure, but why not just change sprint/rage to be capable of bypassing the normal cap?
If they raise the cap itself, doesn't that mean it would be theoretically possible to build to 350 MS with gear and then just outrun everyone all the time?
not with plate, no. the movespeed detriments on heavy armor means that they would have to forfeit defenses in favor of like slayer fighter/rubysilver doublet to go fast enough, to the point that a ranger could kill them quite easily
>Sure, but why not just change sprint/rage to be capable of bypassing the normal cap?
they probably dont know how to code that xd
a LOT of the heavyhanded changes they make(made apparently) like this tend to be that they literally couldnt program the proper fix, not that theyre so retarded they couldnt figure out an obvious answer like you did in five seconds
>- Added 'Stream Sniping' to the Report Player system.
These matchmaking changes are gonna be pretty exciting. Hoping we can get random generation on all maps soon.
dead game
Nig and Nigger
Gooks can't design games
How the fuck does it take 8 (and +4 as of sdf's announcement about 20 minutes ago) hours to wipe and patch the game? I just wanted to see the randomized crypts, man. :(
Constant STEALING of time Nig and Nigger
UGH why won't they make the game WORSE! These fucking carebear devs and their PLEBBIT pandering!! The game NEEDS to be mordhau or it's FUCKING DONE! I will not be playing this SEASONS! See you in the dungeons
How to kill the move speed meta:
1: separate move speed from agility.
IE: make move speed a unique modifier independent of any core stats.
2: give all classes the same base move speed when naked.
Balance different armor types with
3: have a move speed cap (as now), but allow (only) buffs to break that cap, so melees have a small window to gap close.
4: for such a concept to really work tho, they have to get rid of bunny hopping.
people who hate barb are the biggest faggots imaginable
first of all you suck ass if you can't beat barb
second you are some wizard cocksucker
Did they add Rogue back into the game yet
dead game
just play the test server
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Following fourteen (14) hours of downtime for a three (3) gb patch, sdf just announced the delay is continuing, without a definite eta.
See y'all in the morning, this eurofag is going to bed.
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>servers up for all of 10 seconds
Drow looks cool
>Soon to be 24hrs since servers went down for wipe
>left with indefinite ETA after 2 delays
>for a developer that has deployed dozens of hotfixes and 4 seasons
>every new patch/hotfix has worse delays than the last

How can they be this fucking bad at pushing a 3gb update? They were bragging about having 100+ employees yet literally every patch has delays? Is it actual nexon sabotage or did they simply accidently make a decent game and now its a bunch of wage collectors watching the one developer fumble the ball?
sorc is RIDICULOUSLY overloaded with bullshit

why not just add some of that stuff to wizard? Why even fucking make sorc?
Not anymore than bard and druid, but its way overtuned just like how all the new classes were on release. Warlock and wizard both need more spells/perks/abilitys but all the martial classes only seem barebones because theres only so much you can do with guy in armour and sword, shirtless guy with big weapon, sneaky dagger guy, and bow guy.

This gives me hope for monk to be great but I wouldnt mind the other classes especially wiz and lock getting some love.
honestly still looks the same
>+all is back again
how many times has it been removed and brought back now?
Outside of lightning storm shenanigans sorcerer is kinda meh, spells have long cast times and a separate cast time when you combine them. The only way to bypass this is the instant cast perk but its 5x the cooldown for spells. After a few cast you either run with lightning teleport or commit to melee, to be fair they do have insane damage but a lot of the spells are easily dodged.
ye the extra casting feels like shit if you fire both spells it should just be the merged spell otherwise just fire them separately. but what do we expect with gook devs.
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Has any one ran in to a single good sorcerer yet?
I really hate the fact that they straight up thought it'd be amazing to have spells take priority over fucking melee on sorcerer. Every fight feels like I have overlapping keybinds because you need to select the melee spell to melee. I can play druid well, but sorcerer feels like ass. Merging spells feels clunky cause it makes you press a button to do it instead of it happening automatically.
no i just run into people hiding in a corner charging that lightning shit
Which class to play if I want to be a pve and boss killing god, fighter? I don't mean cheesing I mean just going toe to toe with the enemies and pretending I'm playing shitty dark souls or something
All classes with decent martial stats are good at PvE, so Fighter, Barb, and Bard are all contenders.
At the very top of the hierarchy is longsword Fighter. Riposte both blocks attacks and lets Fighter immediately deal a completely silly amount of damage to the enemy, so if you can get good with a longsword, you'll be able to solo even nightmare Inferno bosses.
Next up is Bard because Shriek of Weakness lets him absolutely melt mobs with his melee attacks. You're going to be playing music pretty frequently in between whacking mobs, though.
If you want to JUST whack mobs, I'd say pick Barb if you can be good with your spacing and dodge their attacks (because your damage output will be higher than Fighter,) or pick Fighter if you want to be able to just block the mob attacks with a shield/have the option of using a bow, even if only for just strategically pulling mobs or fending off players.

Warlock is also one of the best PvE classes and while it's not exactly cheesing, spamming curses and kiting mobs all around the room with flamewalk isn't exactly going toe-to-toe with them either.

All other projectile and magic users are suboptimal for non-cheese PvE both because of ammo and because mobs have inherent projectile resist and magic resist.
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L patch
>implying there are W patches
Just shitty tacked on "content" to check a box.
I sincerely think reworking and improving all the existing classes would've been received far better than adding another busted class to ruin the first month of a new wipe, yet again.
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The one thing IM does right is making fun classes, they should just focus on making new ones and class balance

SDF could be going to jail
>Kill everyone with one spell
This is why the game is dead.
Its legit impressive how terrible the dev team is at balancing, even a fucking moron could have pointed out how broken the new class is.
The worst thing about the game is the range meta, consumable spam is the most unfun shit ever and they still haven't done anything about it.
bong chong dong to you
I hope he does so Terence can just make changes to the game. He really makes terrible decisions. Fun fact, on the dev podcast he said he only had around 100 hours of game time and hadn’t managed to escape the dungeon even once. This person is just a cancer overall for the game and should be removed to promote health and enjoyment for all.
can a wizard solo every boss
>NO threats of violence OR terrorism edition
Jesus Christ what has been happening in these threads...
Yes but its probably the worst class to do so, with account wide quest you may as well hop on a fighter or warlock to do it now
>with account wide quest you may as well hop on a fighter or warlock to do it now
You could even do that last season with the shared quest affinity change.
>tfw didn't get to play release day broken sorcerer
I thought it'd take them longer to do the inevitable knee-jerk balancing...
The community for this game is ridiculous. The /vm/ threads are actually quite tame.
>+all is back on jewelry
can somone explain to me just what the fuck those iron niggers are thinking?
No clue. As the other anon said, I hope SDF is put in jail for a bit and the game can heal a little.
I'm just done with the game as it is rn tho.
ESP barb in every lobby.
>Play wizard in squire lobby
>Run in to 153 health/43% MR barb
>Play my ass off trying to kite/kill him
>W keys, hits me twice and I die
>Only did 25% of health

Man squire wizard is pure suffering especially with out knowledge whites
It is. Solo squire wizard is double extra suffering, too.
Why the hell are you doing that to yourself?
Trying to loot tagged items for Arena, I have enough money for true damage kits now in higher GS lobbies, although I should have just ratted on another class instead of how long it took to get wizard money
Why does this game have such a weirdly forgiving fan base? I've never seen people willing to be this submissive to so many bad decisions.
Copium/Stockholm syndrome. The moment a actual competent dev makes a not shit version of this is the moment it dies. Sadly so far its just been lazy copy and paste shovelware. I stopped playing ages ago after it became clear they would never learn their lessons
every online community for this game is rage and seethe 24/7, are you fucking blind
its not that the fanbase is 'forgiving'(tho there are a lot of fanboy cocksucerks) but rather there is no other alternative in the genre outside chink paytowin mobile-like ripp offs
Unironic addiction. They're willing to cuck themselves an infinite number of times to get their daily fix of cuckslop. The game isn't even good, in fact it fucking sucks. But that won't stop players from willingly taking fat dev dick every hotfix.
>Sorcerer supposedly has "long casting times and long cooldowns" but the cooldowns are spell-specific and plenty are only 3-6 seconds, so melee never feels necessary at least for PvE since you can just be rotating through spells constantly
>in spite of being able to cast spells with his bare hands, he can also cast spells with spellcasting items, I guess to receive stat bonuses from them?
>but when holding an item he can't do his dual-cast stuff, and needing to switch to the melee spell to whack things with the crystal sword is really clunky design
>could simply use a regular sword, ignore the melee spell, and put it away when I want to cast, except I assume the reason they had Sorcerer rely on the crystal sword is because his strength is shit and crystal sword lets him get some much-needed extra damage out of his Will stat in melee
Honestly I would've rather they just left magic items to the existing casters and made Sorcerer only able to cast spells when bare-handed. You could balance the class to compensate for the inability to benefit from the additional magical damage and other stats granted by casting implements.
I'm having fun slinging spells so far, though. This feels like what Wizard should've been.

Why the hell would anyone play Wizard now? Looking at the spell damage, Wizard doesn't seem to have any more burst damage than Sorcerer, and he has infinitely less ammo.
>ooh, you can make someone run slightly faster or turn them invisible in a way that still telegraphs their fucking position to the enemy regardless, four times before needing to take a nap!
Meanwhile Sorcerer can shit out magic damage all day long.
Wizard can spam spells easier than sorc, they really should have made the cooldowns affected by resourcefulness or give them a perk that makes will reduce it. I feel like once its slightly more tweaked Sorc will be the better solo dungeon class while wizard will be one of the top classes for Arena/trios.

People are discovering some busted combos for Sorc though, levitate on an enemy and during the slow fall you can guarantee high damage like elemental bolt of flamefrost spear. Problem is you need the insta cast perk for this combo.
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> Why the hell would anyone play Wizard now?
I think I may just be stubborn, but wizard just feels more convenient and easier to play for me for a number of reasons:
1.Merging 2 spells while bhopping at the same time feels inconvenient for me when compared to casting one spell and bhopping. Skill issue but preference still stands. Holding left and right click with my index and ring finger while jumping with my middle using scroll wheel just feels uncomfortable for me in order to bhop while merge casting so it’s put me off.
2. Some of sorcerers spells even with instant cast perk still feel like they have a delay even after casting them instantly, the ice spear spell speeding up and accelerating after a delay feels much more annoying to use for me when compared to the simplicity of wizard’s ice bolt actually shooting out instantly without having to wait for it to go.
3. Having to be put into a situation where you need to use your weapon and needing to switch to the option to cancel your sorcery on your spell wheel in order to attack also feels inconvenient to me.
>Looking at the spell damage, Wizard doesn't seem to have any more burst damage than Sorcerer, and he has infinitely less ammo.
This is true, I don’t really even like wizard for haste/invis too funnily enough. It just seems much more simple to poke someone with splash damage fireball/explosion if they are hiding behind a corner or just hit them directly if you can and then just magic missile headshot them if they try to challenge you. I have been playing wizard for much longer but it just feels more seamless and consistent. Perhaps it’s just autism and I just haven’t figured out how to play sorc but it just feels inconvenient to me at the end of the day even though the spell merging looks kinda cool.
>Holding left and right click with my index and ring finger while jumping with my middle using scroll wheel
Have you considered binding your jump button to Space like normal people do?
Mouse wheel is easier for me
> like normal people do?
Autism so I’m not normal
I will say this about sorcerer: melee sorcerer feels like fucking cancer. You have absolutely no range, but you can use glaciate, lightning sphere, stone skin, golem, and lightning bolt to just melt niggas if they commit at all. Not even barbs have killed me while I do this. Only problem being that stone skin makes you slow they can just run away.
>Only problem being that stone skin makes you slow they can just run away
Even with the -20% movespeed bonus from Lightning Sphere?
Nah, if you hit them with a bolt or sphere, it's gg.
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>play big alpha male strong guy fantasy class
>lose trying to open a door
uhhh... yikes
Wizard is objectively better and stronger than sorc
>can't find any of these fucking crypt quest locations
It will take a while. Like a few hours maximum. Look for modules that are around the edge of the map, that's where I had the most luck.
pick barb, take smash, just run room to room
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I played all evening and found exactly one player with bis better than mine. Is the game really this dead?
What region are you? I’m NA East and I was out with friends all day today or working
>Is the game really this dead?
According to SteamDB, player numbers have already returned to what they were during most of December. The spike from the new season was very short-lived.

Here come the cheaters
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>it's real
Paypigs, status?
How's Warlock?
Sorcerer and Wizard have all the kino spells. Where's my Miasma warlock spell?
Since legendary status is an account thing, does that mean someone with the Steam version could download DaD and the legendary DLC on Epic, log in with it once, and then delete Epic and continue using the Steam version but now with a legendary account?
lock in with those free accounts..
How is everyone else mass creating accounts with emails?

I got up to about 7 before getting stopped by my email provider
>giving away the game for free
literally could not be more cooked than it is now
the death throes of Slop and Slopper
Maybe if they listened to not make the combat basically minecraft I would still be playing this dumb game.
what's a good class/build for both killing bosses and then killing the people who come in the room after
PSA: The English in-game description of Spell Sculpting is messed up and doesn't mention the fact that it increases your spell cooldowns by 1.25x.
Sorcerer really only has 2/6 perks that have no downsides at all. Meanwhile every other class is drowning in perks that are purely beneficial.
Druid doesn't even have ANY perks with explicit downsides.
Longsword fighter with a bow has always been near the top of the meta, and if you get good at parrying you can melt bosses as well.
>Kill Barbarian in HR
>Full true magic damage kit
>Check soul heart, Chinese name

I don't get it. Is true magic barbarian good for gold farming or something?
Or do you just mean they don't know how to play?
I think through some translation tool they thought it was true phys damage, not magic. Which is odd because I assumed there was a Chinese localization unless the Free epic games thing was not for chinese players
What's a fun solo cleric build?
smite + divine protection drunk paladin
Rank the classes from most respectable to least
There is no respectable class in the game because the objective of every class is to cheese PvP and make it one-sided for all other classes.
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>Max Additional Magic Damage: 5
this game has fallen hard... gone are the days of at least +16
I'd say Wizard, Bard, and (maybe) Cleric are the only classes I respect. Even though they're not really weak, I've never felt like I've been bullshitted by either class. Fighters are rondel/longsword abusers, Rangers always run away, Warlocks use Phantmize and run away, and Druids are Druids. The only barbs that are worthy of respect are red lizard barbs. I've never met a red lizard barbarian I couldn't trust.
Can barbarians block/parry at all? Or is it just unga bunga smash?
This game has surprisingly little likable content creators. Not many games have them, but something about this games personalities irks me.The only person I can stand to watch and learn from is CNGblade. Everyone else either left the game or is part of a full streamer squad that bitches about everything and PvPs like their life depends on it. I get it's not really important, but still.
cng is great, blinn is enjoyable. katie is boring to watch

sparkykawa is INSUFFERABLE like jesus fucking christ. the instant you load his stream you just hear him raging. just nonstop bitching the entire stream from start to finish always

personal favorite is royced
I decided to look at Kawa to see if you weren't lying, and you were right. That thing needs a break from this game.
I mean, they have some weapons capable of blocking no? Like the 2h staff or something. But it's suboptimal, especially if you're running 1h movement speed barb.
>haven't played barb or the game in a year
good barbarians carry a viking sword and round shield as their secondary weapon
Why no spells? What about judgement
brewamster = +10 strength drinking ale
blue ale = +7 strength, total between these buffs is +17 strength
smite for massive damage buff
divine protection for massive defense buff
you just walk up, beat the fuck out of the opponent, win all trades, and dunk on the entire lobby. they said fun solo cleric build that's a fun solo cleric build
I'll take every opportunity to say toddfather is a piece of shit rage machine. Really spreads the negative aspects of the game up to 11. For some reason I give Apollo a pass because he rages at his own teammates instead of everyone within earshot. Sadge that they started playing together.

I tried to make content, watch my old video from when the game was better. Don't forget to like and subscribe. And follow me into oblivion...
That sounds fun as fuck desu
CNG is the only one I actually watch recordings of the live stream, he rarely gets salty and his response to most situations is telling himself to "git gud". I think it helps Wizard avoids a lot of the finicky melee in this game so a lot of situations if he misses a spell or gets ambushed he adapts.

Seems like he is getting bored of the game though, shame because all the other wizard streamers are meh.
He's alright, I joined his server back in ~march or so he really likes to come off from a "teaching" perspective that irks me a little bit.

Ryan6days I feel like is the most universally liked - there's way to many 'im entertaining' people recording themselves playing this game. That or they are very ratty/talk too much
I like Damood. I never watch his streams, but he does videos on unorthodox builds that I find funny.
One that comes to mind from last season is a trap mastery ranger with everything stacked into Resourcefulness. He could set traps in half a second, fast enough to put them right under people's feet as they were in the middle of chasing him.
I'm not sure I like the change where quests are now account-wide.
Shared affinity was great for crafting, and you could always just ignore quests on your non-main characters if you wanted to. But you could also stockpile quest items and then transfer them to your other characters to powerlevel them through the very early levels, which was nice.

Also most notably, while most of the quest rewards were nothing special, it means you can't rerun the goblin merchant quest chain a bunch of times for a bunch of relatively easy gold coin bags anymore. In fact I wonder if stuff like that was their biggest reason for making quests account-wide.
They probably made accounts quest wide for that reason, last season as well you could guarantee farm wolf pelts with just a few runs of ice caves quest. I like it though, it feels nice not being forced to one class for questing. Really the only reason to main one class now is for the mint kits for arena.
>fighting gk
>druid enters the boss arena
>ghost king starts chasing me
>druid summons a treeant in from of me
>literally nothing I can do
This game is such a piece of shit that a character has what amounts to a wall that they can summon in front of a player instantly
they even have a spell that is literally a wall that was designed so you can jump over it but no can't do that for the fucking summon
literal dogshit game design made by stupid fucking gooks
I guess my strategy now has to be leave the boss arena if you see a druid so you don't get unavoidably killed
evidently i am salty lol
is only game, silly ranger
Did you try walking around the tree?
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Free winternlight lantern item code:

DH41 ST79 JK45 4183
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There was some community puzzle for a free cosmetic that was just solved.
The code is DH41-ST79-JK45-4183. You can enter it in the bottom-right corner of the Shop tab and get pic related.
Hopefully I can redeem later tonight thank you anon
Wait until this guy finds out sorcerers can insta-summon fire elementals that do aoe dmg
the strategy for seeing another player when you fight a boss is immediately to stop fighting the boss and kill them. this has always been what you are supposed to do. never leave yourself at the mercy of others in a fucking pvp game
Tried it and it feels like earth one is better
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>sorcerers can cast without holding anything
>they can even cast mid-emote

>put on Time Distortion
>take off all my gear
>equip mummy skin
>use mummy emote
>walk around until a player sees me and tries to kill me
>ambush them with a bunch of spells to the face
I'm a little gimped without the stats from my gear, but it's still pretty funny to see them panic.
That jittering after he judgemented you is so fucking lame I hate when the game does that
I saw this back when it released, is it worth playing now or am I too late?
I would recommend to steer clear for now they still don’t have a tutorial for new players yet
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Looks good to me.
You're never too late, I've run into so many noobs in both normals and HR this wipe.
everyone who plays this game bitches nonstop about how shit it is. but the actual truth is that the game is fucking amazing
The gear is a little better and they spiced things up a bit since release, if you want I can actually give you a free full-access account.
Depends on the class you want to play, something like wizard is going to take you 100's of hours to learn effectively and they are still the worst class with out gear.

Barbarian will probably take less than a dozen hours and they are the best class in squire kits every wipe
Not him but on my Fighter or Barbarian I get a lot of chill people when I boss. Probably because they don't want to risk the PvP. As wizard I have to actively kill everyone in the lobby because they will kos me half the time and the other half pretend to be friendly until they get close.
I'm fine with that. I'm more likely to get filtered by the fact that fucking character names have to be unique.
I'm giving it a go at least.
Appreciate the offer, but no idea whether I'll stick with it or not.
desu the free account is not a good measure of whether or not you'll like it enough. Unfortunately you missed the two day thing Epic games held where the game was 100% off.
>arena is supposed to be minted this season
>"lol nope just buy it"

All those wasted hours farming it and geming yesterday before prices went up
What about if you lose? Is even non-minted gear safe now?
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me playing this shitty ass game
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>try soloqueue arena
>random teammate is a barb
>he deals ZERO damage across three rounds
Early Access Hotfix #75
@everyone, We will be deploying hotfix #75 starting at December 27, 2024 at 11:00 AM.
When the patch starts, you will not be able to log in to the game and players in-game will not be able to enter the matchmaking pool during this time.
Players in a match or in-game will have 40 minutes to complete their match and exit safely.
The server will return to full service 3 hours after the patch starts.

During maintenance, all services, including the website, may be temporarily suspended to update various servers.

Fixed an issue where the next attack would fail to hit the target if the weapon arm hit an obstruction on the initial swing.
Fixed an issue where the Cleric’s Judgement could be cast slightly farther than intended.
Fixed missing explanation for the 25% cooldown reduction penalty in the Sorcerer’s Spell Sculpting. This cooldown penalty applies only to spells with an AoE component, for example: Lightning Sphere.
Fixed an issue where the Sorcerer's Flamefrost Spear could appear to pierce through thin terrain when fired.
Fixed an issue where the Sorcerer's Lightning Storm's lightning could be output lower than the cloud location.
Fixed an issue where Sorcerer's Levitation and Lightning Dash could be used to go to unintended places.
Fixed an issue where the cooldown time for sorcerer spells was not displayed in the spell radial UI.
Fixed an issue where the cooldown indicator could remain even after unequipping a sorcerer spell.
Fixed an issue where the spell memory may not appear to have been exceeded in the UI when exceeded.
Fixed an issue where the game could become unresponsive after returning to the lobby upon dying in a dungeon.
Fixed an issue where remaining party members were taken to the lobby when attempting to go down after one party member left the game.

Fixed an issue where the spectator timer in High Roller mode wasn’t displaying correctly.
Fixed an issue where some dungeon modules could spawn without entrances, resulting in all walls being blocked.
Fixed several issues where players could immediately enter combat state upon spawning.
Fixed an issue where the door would not be hit when struck with some weapons while in close contact with the door.
Fixed an issue where arrows could remain in the air in the center of the Goblin map for a long time.
Fixed multiple issues with the Crypt map and minimap
Fixed an issue where certain objects in the Crypt Treasure Room module were placed overlapping each other.
Fixed an issue where a lever in a certain location within the Crypt Maze module could appear to overlap a wall.
Fixed an issue where the dungeon entry sound could not be heard after the loading screen.
Fixed an issue where destroying objects in specific spots would trigger muffled sound effects.
Fixed an issue where the sound could be heard low in certain spots.
Fixed an issue where hitting a player would make it appear as if the player was not hit.
Fixed an issue where the Frost Sentinel could be knocked back.
Fixed an issue where the Giant Worm would momentarily disappear.
Fixed an issue where monsters following the player would not return to their original location when the player escaped or moved to a lower floor.
Fixed an issue where Goblin Recovery might not work when moving floors.
Fixed an issue where items could not be sold without any error message.
Fixed an issue where attempting to report abusive chat in the Trading Post could fail due to overly long text not being scrollable.
Fixed an issue where enchanted items could not be listed in the Trading Post.
Fixed an issue where Friend Item Recovery items could be displayed as Ally.
Fixed an issue that could cause intermittent stuttering during play.
Fixed an issue where unique equipment could be brought into the arena due to a matching error.
I'm not sure why they didn't buff the non merged sorcerer spells. Melee Sorcerer is good, but as far as I know, a sorcerer is supposed to be more spell based. Having the longsword be your best offense is awkward. Feels like sorcerer is Warlock and Wizards bastard child.
Class Balance
Barbarian's Robust max health bonus changed from 15% 10%.
Barbarian's Iron Will magic resist increase amount changed from 100 75.

Bard's Song of Shadow duration changed from 15s/25s/35s 10s/15s/20s.

Cleric’s Lesser Heal spell quantity changed from 4 3.
Cleric’s Sanctuary spell quantity changed from 2 1.
Cleric's Locust Swarm attribute bonus rate changed from 50% 75%, and spell quantity changed from 2 1.

Druid's Panther form now has a 40% physical damage reduction penalty.

Sorcerer's Elemental Bolt, Ice Spear, and Flamefrost Spear now have slightly increased projectile sizes.

Warlock's Curse of Weakness duration changed from 10s/13s 12s/15s and now additionally reduces physical damage reduction and magical damage reduction by 15%.

Wizard’s Arcane Feedback arcane magic damage bonus and spell casting speed bonus changed from 2% 3%.
Wizard's Melt physical damage reduction penalty changed from -10% -20%.
Game updates
The usage limit of all blue escape stairs has been changed to one per stair.
The time required to turn the lever to fully open the drawbridge in Ruins has been reduced.
Some Pedestal Portals have been removed from Inferno.
High Roller parties can no longer be formed with duplicate classes. (Does not apply to random matchmaking.)
Unique-grade items will no longer drop in normal dungeons.
Unique-grade weapons will no longer drop from the first-floor boss.
Increased the spawn rate of Crypt boss modules at the map edges.
Players or parties who did not defeat the boss monster will now take longer to loot it.
Hoard interaction count has been slightly lowered.
Endless Portal has been changed to a 3-person escape portal.
The health of all Banshee grades has been reduced by approximately 30%.
The preseason arena is now open. In the arena, players will lose all items except for Found/Crafted items and utility items(excluding instruments, including arrows) upon defeat.
Changed Crystal Sword spell casting animation.
The winter holiday cosmetic items will end sale on January 8th.
>Having the longsword be your best offense
How is this true when Sorcerer has such shit base Strength? Crystal Sword's magic damage at least scales with Will.
Is it purely because of riposte? Or does longsword have such high base damage that Sorcerers hit harder with it and their shitty STR than they can with a crystal sword and decent Will?
>Druid panther form gets -40% PDR
>on top of -15% HP
Can't wait to see barbs beating panthers to death with their fucking fists.
Tbh, crystal swords are probably better, but the number of fights I've lost because I didn't think to swap to suppress mid fight is unreal.
They should give sorcerers a perk that prevents them from casting through a crystal sword, but allows them to unbind Suppress Sorcery and get two extra spells.
Fucking NO ONE casts through the crystal sword anyway, its casting speed is so garbage.
how is that even possible
you should at least do a little damage on accident right?
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I didn't watch him closely, but it's not like he was AFK in spawn. He ran out there with us at the very least.
He might've been intentionally throwing by just diving into the enemy, but I don't know why he'd do that.
How are things here if you absolutely refuse to touch fucking discord parties ever?
>What about if you lose? Is even non-minted gear safe now?
umm based?
The game has in-game voice chat and random matchmaking, so you can start by playing with randoms and then add people you like to your in-game friends list and invite them to parties that way.
You can also add people from the thread.
There's no need to use Discord at all.
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strongest druid player
dead game
I should main bard just to kill these fuckers when they rat up close
is piercing shrill actually good?
redpill me bard sensei
t. dropping barbarian and playing bard now
it's only good for killing rats
>is piercing shrill actually good?
>cng hardly plays anymore

what wizard am I supposed to watch??
bad bard player ignore, only plays shitty high gs lobbies

shrills good on holding doors and keeping a team at bay. Should be using din though since it can instant kill druids
I think most went to Sorc, with gear they just teleport in to the middle of the enemy team and melt them all with lightning sphere
>Solos is unbalanced trash
>Duos is fun but no friends to play with so randoms ruin it
>Trios is the best but no friends to play with so randoms ruin it
And anyone who does have friends should not subject them to playing Dark and Darker
I've been trying to play solos and just alt f4 after 2-3 matches then wait for friends to get on. Any game that's multiplayer is just ass solo imo. I can't enjoy a game anymore by myself. Years of therapy and meds haven't done shit.
Ive just been farming ice caves solo and wait for arena thats it....
If only there were some thread somewhere full of other people who play the game that you could invite to party up...
It truly blows that this game has such shit player retention. I've had at least 2 people I've enjoyed playing with every wipe, and after 2 to 3 weeks, they end up leaving and never coming back every time. I miss them every time I queue into trios and get a retarded wizard trying to frontline into a barb.
What class are you playing this wipe? I need a duo/trio partner badly since HR solo is boring as hell
well I already got my legendary longbow and frost amulet
time to take a break from the game until I can craft the rest of my arena kit
What's your discord/steam friend code? I need people to play with too
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Is there anything more cucked than playing Rogue?
Rogue is fun
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>Respawns behind you
*Nothing personal kid*
what class + kit is the absolute lowest gold cost while still effective to boss+pvp in high roller
who are the best known players for each class?

>wizard cngblade
>rogue repoze
>barb skinnypete

those are the only ones I know
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you think he's having fun?
This is hard to answer cause every person Id think tongive is retired. Hell, CNG seems like he's on hiatus as well. I guess poshypop for cleric, Y4mi for bard, popcornnate for druid, and maxykal for sorcerer if you can stand watching VODs.
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come to daddy
>muh e-celebs
fuck off nigger
>kill troll like 10-15 times
>3 troll bloods
>zero pelts
15% chance my ass.
how do you kill cave troll without 5 people swarming you before, during and after
The truth is you don’t! You have to kill them.
Kill it fast. Warlocks can kill it in like 1 minute.
>inventory full of treasure
>shot in the back by a fighter as I'm running to the exit during the last minute
>end up getting caught between a wall and a goblin as I'm running and the goblin finishes me off
>fighter stands there looting me until there's like 10 seconds left on the timer
>dies to cave collapse
On one hand I'm glad he got nothing, on the other hand it hurts dying to such a fucking retard.
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>kill troll
>doors open right as I finish looting him
>sit down inside the troll's corpse and look down
>both guys who enter can't find me, think the other one is the one who killed the troll, and start fighting each other
It'd work even better if I had the lying down emote, but it still seems to be a pretty great strategy.
Barbarian should be just straight up removed.
Just bait the Achilles strike bro.
God I wish warlock was fun. Want to make dark magic lock work but the damage fucking sucks mega balls. It's also boring to run around constantly chipping at the army or mobs with curse of pain and power of sacrifice.

Also the spells are boring. I want my dark miasma spell. I want more dark spells.
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>It's also boring to run around constantly chipping at the army or mobs with curse of pain and power of sacrifice.
Have you tried platelock? I find it way, way more fun than casterlock.
Give up on movespeed, kiting, and Torture Mastery, be a tank instead.
Pic related was my loadout last season, although later on I ended up favoring dark plate armor and a gjermundbu instead of sallet and templar armor. I had something like 60% movement speed with my weapons out, but I felt like a wall and could deal with people dancing outside my range using CoP and Ray of Darkness.
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once they finally add playable goblin I will live in this game as a goblin wizard
I hope to be a dwarf and be a mining chad that spawns with a pick
I'm scared of doing high roller
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>it's a team wants to rush cyclops knowing good and damn well they'll get third partied and ends up getting third partied episode
>it's a bard/rogue/warlock insists they can solo troll and dies episode
>it's a druid/barb rushes through modules and rat techs/crushes through doors leaving you to clear everything he pulled only for him to die 3 tiles away and ask what happened to his team episode
>it's a find an actual decent squad but the recent players list broke again and they aren't responding to whispers episode
>smashing through the crypts trying to find the Four Rooms module
>it doesn't exist now that I have the quest for it
Every time.
Fuck it. I'll make a Dark Knight build. Kiting is boring and takes ages.
>Kiting is boring and takes ages.
And is exactly how you're going to die as a plate lock.
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>plate warlock

Joke build. Play fighter instead
The fact that certain modules can’t exist now AND crypt has fog is torture
>still get hit by rolling spikes thing on the stairs
What the actual fuck
>devs are thinking about adding a second skill slot because most games have 4 skills slots
Hope they go through with it.
What will you run bros?
>What will you run bros?
the uninstaller
Not cool bro....
>knowing good and damn well they'll get third partied
The other day I killed the cyclops in literally under 30 seconds as a warlock partied with a bard. He didn't do a single rockfall phase, we obliterated him that fast.
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What is this fellow hinting at about mods?
If it's discord probably grooming under age people
Cleric in solos is ROUGH
>solo cleric's only wincon is all-inning a fight with both dp and smite active
>barbs beat them even without blood exchange
yeah really fun game ironmace
Tbh you should only play barb if you wanna melee in this game. It just wins against everything
Barb has no counter or weakness and I'm fucking sick of seeing them.
I’m considering just playing one myself at this point.
What about a ranged class like a ranger or warlock, picking at them from a distance and being very careful not to let the barb get close?
I don't play ranger, warlock, or barb, I'm just spitballing here.
Or can the barb simply build a ton of movespeed, then activate Rage and run them down like a freight train?
None of this shit matters if the barb Achilles strikes you.
If you are using the environment to your advantage, it's a nonissue. If the enemy is extremely far, just don't engage. There's no reason you ever would need to. If they try to get closer, you win. And if you do want to just run after them anyway, you can. You can tank through an obscene amount of damage. You can just trail enemies with you and zweihand cleave them with blood exchange to heal your 300 hp instantly whenever you want. Take shield as second weapon to block arrows, take iron will for insane magic resist and take potion chugger to be constantly rapidly healing. Barb has insanely power creeped to the juggernaut position of the game
I never really understood why I see people go zwei as the dmg doesn’t seem that good compared to other weapons but with blood exchange and cleaving sounds smart af. I see some being it without blood exchange and don’t get it tho even skinny Pete uses it sometimes
Zwei greatly rewards understanding of spacing and movement and is the best melee weapon in the game in the hands of a skilled player. The length and power allows you to use your attacks offensively and defensively, you have an advantage against any other melee weapon if you use it properly. It appears weak because it seems like you can't use it in tight spaces and it leaves you exposed for a long time after swinging, but those aren't actually true. You can manipulate the swings to swing it perfectly in doorways and tight spaces and barb's numerous advantages allowing you to win trades means it's to your advantage to expose yourself and draw your opponent in

>skinny Pete uses it sometimes
He uses it 90% of the time.
Radio silence from the devs, did SDF get arrested?
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I do feel like at a certain point barbarian is the most skill based melee class especially with Zwei. Ya its easy in naked lobbies to just rush people with hatchet but in geared lobbies you can out range other melee and even bait parries with the Zwei.
So is the benefit of zwei just that it has long range that can be used in that fashion? I was just looking at the dmg numbers and they don’t seem that good so it’s just good for the space game I’ll have to check it out. Are you just supposed to work on kiting with it instead of just aping with it like you do with other barb weps in a typical barb fashion
How do I squire gear rogue as a new player without dying to everyone in pvp?
play rapier used to be the advice, but i haven't played in like 6 months
daggers were ass back then
Rondel with rapier and handcrossbow in other hand, lightfoots, loose trousers, riveted gloves, shadow mask. Poison weapon, ambush, joker and stealth.
Play duo or trio with a friend who has more experience in the game
>reinstall to try out sorcerer
>remember how cancer the game is after facing nothing but fighters in squire full plate
>even the encounters i was winning, i 'lost' because they have an extra health bar and can strip and sprint away
>everyone in the kill feed is just rushing bosses and ignoring 90% of the dungeon
>i'm drowning in greens and blues but barely finding any actual treasure
>there are players leaving the dungeon with multiple legendary items in fucking normal goblin caves
>sorcerer design is the most overcomplicated, clunky, convoluted bullshit that would put the average league of legends champion to shame
>still manages to be worse than simply hitting shit with a falchion
aaaaaaand uninstalled
>he thinks is any good whatsoever
stay uninstalled
>sorc losing to fighter
literally fucking how?
Damn, I remember when this game was praised as an "innovation" when it launched it second free beta test in steam. Had the most fun especially with infinite ranger arrow and nuke fireball.

What the fuck happened to it now? I got the legendary edition free from epic but it feels like Dungeonborne.
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Why does this always happen?
I haven't logged in in a couple weeks. Is Nicholas still in the Merchants tab?
People got better, but the base game does get old when it's no longer week long playtest. I do miss 3x3 goblin module though
They kept tacking on retarded bullshit, straying further and further from the original vision. It's basically a Diablo FPS at this point.
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No new Bard spells since launch
No new cleric spells still launch, just 3 basic healing abilities
No new druid spells since release
Barb/Fighter/Ranger meta still dominanting
Range still the only way to fight in HR
SDF still not in jail for being a retard
>waited an extra day so that the most brainlet classes could get more buffs
they're trolling right?
Most of the buffs were to meh abilities. No idea why blood exchange was buffed though, that shit is what let's me 1v1 everything in gob caves when contesting troll.

Morale boost is probably op now too
Blood exchange buff is crazy. Other buffed barb perks were def bad but that skill was already viable just not the go to barb metafag pick.
>join solo goblin >24
>all barbs fighting by elevator yelling in local VC
peak soul
>barb buffs and cleric judgement gets kneecapped.
Its over
The developers have no idea what they're doing.
this thread is so fucking dead. I hate that generals like this can't exist anymore on /vg/ because of gacha spam. Thanks gookmoot
I’m pretty pissed off right now guys. Why play any class that is not barb if you want to use melee attacks right now? This company has a fetish for buffing barbarian.
Rogue with gear, you can kill a Barbarian in the middle of their prot pot sipping animation
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Easiest troll pelt in my life
Based, fuck warlocks
That warlock was for sure seething
I’m convinced that ranger is actually weak af at 25> gear score I end up killing more players playing wizard even though it’s supposedly the most “gear reliant” class. Ranger actually feels like shit
I'd rather not play at all. They have no consistent formula for balancing the classes and haven't improved on the combat whatsoever. It's the same W+M1 dogshit.
Would being on /vg/ really impart any additional speed anyway? How many people idly browse /vg/ looking for new games, rather than going there for a specific game from the outset?
Or is the concern that people who already play DaD are much less likely to look for a thread on /vm/ than they are on /vg/ and thus may miss us entirely?
the thread is dead because the game is fucking dead
they had their moment in the sunlight and pissed all over it through sheer incompetence, lies, and by being the actual bad guy instead of their Nexon boogeyman
this shit is never going beyond the peak of 15k Stockholm Syndrome addicts who live to farm gold and bing bing wahoo quest items

Sentencing on Feb 13th. After Feb 13th we will see if the game gets better "balance"
Honestly these niggers deserve to get arrested.
Melee in this game is kinda garbage. During playtest it was fun because people didn't know all the exploits for it. Now its shit like hatchet/felling axe through shields by looking straight at the ground or daggers going through shields just by getting super close. Also shit like tick rates/latency just plain letting you hit through blocks/parries at random. Wizard/Ranger in my opinion is the most fun, warlock to if you like kiting.

Funny enough I think ranger counters barbarian in base gear, you can backstep bait swings and out trade them with a spear doing this, even easier if you pelt them with a few arrows.
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War Sacrifice is kinda nice in base kit, using it right essentially just gives you +5all during fights.
>leaked data to personal server
>poached employees
>held meetings that lead nowhere (lmao)
SDF is cooked. Honestly wouldn't even care if they were more transparent about shit and didn't blatantly cover up how much of a disaster development really was behind closed doors. This has always the case with every company. They play it cool in the public eye, the cracks begin to show, and everyone loses faith upon realizing the studio was pulling the wool over all along.

Who fucking knows. I bet a few of them get off on minor charges or fines while the rest take the fall.
I hope you’re right and sdf gets the fuck out of this game
>Be me the worlds shittest timmy
>Still win fights with barbarian and come out with only half health every time
every game is just barbs killing other barbs the other classes don't even exist
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So here's a class
>With the highest HP
>With the highest phys attack
>With extra movement abilities
>Can also regain health with a broken life-steal mechanic that works on PVE/PVP and mogs Fighter's second wind
>Not even restricted to melee, can spam franzy axes if you tryhard enough
I'm convinced the devs have brain-damage. Never before have I seen a team be so shit with balancing
lol you guys are so fucking delusional about barb
this retarded hatchet build is literally only good at DPS checking in melee
try it and you will get kited to death by every ranged class especially if you use that blood exchange shit
I switched off barb after the nerf to fighter and my win rate went way up
This, fucking base kit Bard is a monster with all their flat buffs but people don't complain about it as much because most people suck at it, same with druid
>I'm convinced the devs have brain-damage. Never before have I seen a team be so shit with balancing
This is why I quit. Such an absolute disappointment.
game is fun as fuck but every online community for it just bitches so much it's insane
>game is fun as fuck
new here eh?
Wait a couple patches once you find your legs. The dev team is absolutely incompetent.
They'll revert changes which normalize stats because of community bitching and then the next patch nerf the least played classes and buff the highest kdr classes and never revert no matter how much the community complains.
It's absolutely maddening.
I am normally the kind of player to defend a developer for a game i like, but this dev team is so completely incompetent and you cant deny it once youve been around the merry-go-round a few times.
And it fucking sucks too, because this game could be great.
>chicken form now periodically makes noise like rat form
Can't wait for next patch where druids are constantly yodeling just to be sure that absolutely everyone knows where they are at all times. Rogue is the only class allowed to be sneaky, I guess.
My experience exactly. Playing barb feels like cheating.
I have 500 hours in the game and have played since playtest 2. The only time the game was ever unfun was the mutilclass patch, so I just took a break then.
That patch was the only one I didn't bother getting demigod in with how much I hated multi class. At least the frost potions were a meh demigod reward.
>translate: i love playing slop
why are you even in this thread if you hate the game
People who shit on a game are past the point of asking and are now trying to actively destroy the game. The motivation is to pressure the devs into fixing it, because they have hope the game will improve, but they are not actually playing the game anymore. It used to be fun for him but now hes bitter that they took his fun away. All they have to do is make it fun again, and he will shut up, and play the game.

Buff Cleric.
>Have game with 10 classes
>Nerf 6/10 classes into dogshit
>Nerf 2/10 classes into mediocrity
>Buff 2 classes to be only viable options if you arent retarded
Hey where did 70% of our players go?
Every class is viable in solo, duo and trio right now
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>if you arent retarded
**Early Access Hotfix #77**
@everyone,We will be deploying hotfix #77 starting at <t:1737111600>.
When the patch starts, you will not be able to log in to the game and players in-game will not be able to enter the matchmaking pool during this time.
Players in a match or in-game will have 40 minutes to complete their match and exit safely.
The server will return to full service 2 hours after the patch starts.

During maintenance, all services, including the website, may be temporarily suspended to update various servers.

- Fixed an issue where the buff effect of the Bard's music could accidentally disappear.
- Fixed an issue where Bard's music buff effects could remain after the buff ended.
- Fixed an issue where game stuttering could occurwhen Sorcerer Apex of Sorcery is equipped.
- Fixed an issue where the Sorcerer's Electric Dash could be used to exitthe map.
- Fixed an issue where the displayedcooldown time in the spells UI did not properly take into account the effects from the ‘Time Distortion’perk.
- Fixed an issue where after using Druid Shapeshift, the selection UI would not appear.
- Fixed an issue where a Druid could take excessive damage and die instantly when Shapeshifting into a large animal near a Spike Trap.
- Fixed an issuewhen using the Cleric's Locusts Swarm, the effect could appear in a different location than where it was actually used.
- Fixed an issue where the target hit by the Ranger Forceful Shot would not be pushed back.
- Fixed an issue where Falchion’s attack range could misalign withthe actual collision trajectory.
- Fixed an issue where the visual effects of the Giant Worm would persist even after it died.
- Fixed an issue where the Crossbow's visual effect would persist evenafter the Frost Skeleton Crossbowman died.
- Fixed an issue where playing Bard's Shriek of Weakness against the Skeleton Warlord could apply a debuff to enemies or crystals outside its range.
- Fixed an issue where the Frost Imp could disappear or spawn in a strange location when it teleported.
- Fixed an issue where the Demon Berserker would bounce and remain floating in the air after dying.
- Fixed an issue with sound playing improperlyin certain areas of the Ruins.
- Fixed an issue where both skill and spell cooldowns would recoverwhen moving to another floor.
- Fixed an issue where the Marvelous Chest could spawn in a location other than the Crypt boss room.
- Fixed an issue where some random dungeon modules in the Crypt could generate rooms without exits.
- Fixed an issue in the Inferno Death Platforms module where monsters could get stuck in the player spawn room entrance and prevent entry.
- Fixed an issue where characters could become stuck in certain locations in theInferno Castle Corner module.
- Fixed an issue in the Inferno Death Altar module where monsters would be trapped upon spawning.
- Fixed an issue where Inferno monsters could not climb the Death Platform ramp.
- Fixed an issue where skull ornaments would appear in a non-intended locations in the Inferno.
- Fixed an issue where you could escape through the rope escape route in theIce Abyss without using the rope by using Electric Dash.
- Fixed an issue where the cooldown times of skills and spells would not match the displayed timeswhen moving to the next floor.
- Fixed an issue where other actions could be performed while using the rope escape.
- Fixed an issue where the Goblin Recovery would not work when a player died while a teammate escaped normally.
- Fixed an issue where if you died more than once in the same session, theDungeon Recovery would only trigger once.
- Fixed an issue where Dungeon Recovery items would be awarded to the character that was logged on rather than the character that actually lost the item.
- Fixed an issue where party members' lobby skins would not display properly when the party leader changed the lobby skin.
- Fixed an issue where the lobby skin would not display properly when trying to change back to the default skin.
- Fixed an issue where a party invite could be sent to a user whoset their current status to ‘offline’.
- Fixed an issue where audio device settings could become out of sync with theWindows sound settings.
- Fixed an issue where the character name would not be visible on the leaderboard for users who had not played the previous season.
- Fixed an issue where the rank icon would not appear on the leaderboard fromprevious seasons.
- Fixed an issue wherehelmet items would be equippedas default items to certain races that cannot equip helmets.
- Fixed an issue where some users would be restricted from using the Marketplace even though 72 hours had passed since purchasing Legendary Status.
**Balance Changes:**
- Fighter's Breakthrough duration increased from 10 to 12 seconds and also grants 7 additional movespeed.
- Fighter's Adrenaline Rush grants a movespeed bonus of 5%.
- Fighter's Taunt duration has been increased from 8 to 10 seconds, and the PDR/MDR bonus has been increased from 10% to 12%.
- Fighter's Shield Slam damage increased from 25 to 45, and the slow duration penalty applied to the target increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
- Fighter's Spell Reflection duration changed from 3 to 5 seconds and the playergains a 5% MDR bonuswhile active.

- Barbarian's Blood Exchange now works based on damage dealt rather than maximum health.

- Rogue's Smoke Pot count changed from 3 to 2 and now refills while resting at a campfire.
- Rogue's Caltrop count changed from 4 to 3 and now refills while resting at a campfire.

- Cleric's Judgement casting speed changed from 1.25 to 1.0.
- Cleric's Locust Swarm Attribute Bonus ratio changed from 0.75 to 1.0.

- Rest and Campfire Rest now restores a skill’s cooldown by 1s/2s per tick respectively.
- Weapon damage for the Horseman's Axe and Hatchet have been adjusted.
**Game Updates:**
- Normal dungeons now have a single gear-score range of 0-124.
- High-roller dungeons now have a single gear-score range of 125+
- Experimental ‘Rookie’ matchmaking system for all modes and dungeons.
- The ‘Random Dungeon’ system has now been applied to the Inferno.
- The stairs in theInferno River module have been changedto ramps.
- ‘Additional Memory Capacity’ and ‘Memory Capacity Bonus’ can now be added with the socket system.
- Arena Season Start Date (2025/01/24 00:00 UTC) announced.
- Arena ‘Warlord’ rank icon has been updated.
- Added new ‘Studded Wyvern Leather’ crafted item.
- Added new Ranger skill ‘Purge Shot’.
- Added new Druid perk ‘Lifebloom Aura’.
- Improved theArena MMR calculation method.
- Improved the flow when exiting a dungeon.
- Updated theHatchet’s attack.
- Platform link provided to legacy Blacksmithusers to allow them to migrate their account to a mainstream platform.
**Developer Comments:**
Our plan this season is to continually expand the Random Dungeons system to work with more and more locations. With that in mind, we have now applied the system to the Inferno map. Adventurers must now explore and traverse the modified modules of Inferno to find the Ghost King’s lair.

We have also decided to adjust the matchmaking pools based on the result of recent player behavior. The continuous matchmaking (CMM) system has greatly improved player agency when it comes to risk/reward decisions in the dungeons. However, as a side-effect of the new risk/reward relationship, the current gear-score divisions have started having the opposite effect of what we intended. Instead of serving as stepping stones for newer players, the lower gear score divisions have become killing grounds with bloodthirsty players having little to lose.
We want to rebalance the risk/reward factor and return a sense of danger and decision making when assessing combat situations in the dungeons. We don’t want the default decision for players to simply run headlong into battle. Therefore, we have decided to test the removal of the lower gear-score lobbies in their respective Normal and HR matchmaking pools. We feel that this change is reasonable since players now have more agency than ever to get out of sticky situations without gear-score being the deciding factor.

We still want to foster new players as they learn the ropes in the more dangerous dungeons. The previous gear-score divisions served as a poor way of on-ramping new players. Instead, we will now start testing a separate matchmaking pool for newer players. We’ll continue to adjust these new matchmaking pools to give ALL players a good balance of risk, reward, and progression.

On the balance front, we have made improvements to lesser used class skills. Please note that the current Winter Holiday Event will end after maintenance on January 23rd. Jolly Nicholas will be leaving so be sure to use your Candycanes and Gingerbread Cookies soon! Finally, we have implemented the platform migration feature for legacy Blacksmith users who wish to migrate to a mainstream platform. We thank you for your patience and see you in the dungeons!
>- Experimental ‘Rookie’ matchmaking system for all modes and dungeons.
They done this shit year ago
They will remove it again next month
>Instead of serving as stepping stones for newer players, the lower gear score divisions have become killing grounds with bloodthirsty players having little to lose.

Ya but that was up to level 20 and people just deleted characters and remade them, my guess is this time around it would be like your combined character levels or a stat that tracks your account.

If rookie lobbies just disable pvp I cant wait to find out how people will grief eachother
It's f2p game, so people would just remake accounts to play in that queue
Then it would affect main queue numbers, and IM will again remove it
It's funny that people are celebrating the barb nerfs knowing good and damn well people were using Zweihander and viking sword with Rage and Achilles and doing the same exact thing. Still no sorcerer tweaks despite being complete ass unless geared. Cleric got nerfed I think but they're so used to buffing them they mistakenly put the wrong scaling on locust swarm in the patch notes.

Maybe I'm just too pissed at this game at this point to be positive.
the game will never be balanced. it's impossible for it to be balanced and for new content to come out regularly at the same time, the devs are experimenting wildly (which is a good thing) which means the chances of it being balanced are even lower. Just try to have fun for fucks sakes, every pvp game in existence is just a whinefest now. play pickpocket rogue or something
>try to have fun for fucks sakes
Hot take: make the game fun
since when is it the players responsibility to cover their eyes and pretend the game isn't in an absolute shit state?

Hotter take: if you can't balance your game properly, you shouldn't be a game developer
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>absolute shit state?
>buy or play free version of unfinished game
>complain about it's state and waves of evolution
it's in a great state for me
Yea, the no sub 24 gear score bracket has got to change this shit is unplayable now. What was the logic of trying to avoid tdm lobbies by making loot in normals less valuable? Every game is a barb team crushing through several doors to kill timmies.
These retards think it has to do with gear when they still throw in new people with 1k playtime murderhobos. Fix the mmr based on performance kills playtime.
>Normal dungeons now have a single gear-score range of 0-124
This sounds like an absolute shitshow.
>waves of evolution
You mean 'waves of game-breaking """hotfixes""" and arbitrary number tweaks'? The game has had as much evolution as the inbred retards who still play it.
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I cast Magic Missile
Shoutout to SrslySoapy for exposing how fucked and unbalanced solos are right now with yesterday's SSF tournament.
Anyone remember TERA? Dark and Darker is probably going to end up going through similar things as that game did

>The Tera lawsuit centered around NCsoft's allegations that developer Bluehole, formed of NCsoft veterans, stole assets for Lineage III and used them in the creation of Tera. While the Korean Supreme Court held up a ruling for NCsoft against three former NCSoft employees, Bluehole itself was found not guilty.

>Founded in June 2008, the company was based in Seattle, Washington, and is best known for publishing massively multiplayer online role-playing game TERA, which was developed by parent company Bluehole.

The whole reason why the game is fucked is because of gook on gook violence
Panicking retards are funny
dead game
They aren’t giving enough new content nigga! This shit is ASS!!
What does sorcerer removed combat mean? They can remove suppression sorcery now?
Alright niggas time to grind HR
Do I still want to be using magic staff for life drain warlock? I realize the damage is the same as the book, but does the pen win out in the end?
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>no new songs
>no new shapeshifts
>no new spells
>no Rogue glow up
>no new rooms
>no new skills
>no new weapons
>no new throwables
>no new unique weapons
>no quivers
>no backpacks
what's their excuse?
>warlocks now running around with +5 all passive

Spell predation was already OP it did not need to be buffed
Kill these nigger Koreans now
these numbers aren't right...
goblin caves was the beginning of the end
what should be removed or changed in order to fix the game?
long term true damage, short term it would be a nightmare because some classes like wizard would be unplayable with out changing the scaling of all the spells
exit gates should require you to crank a winch for 5 seconds to open a gate blocking them and then 5 seconds later the gate shuts back. you shouldn't be able to just run to an exit gate to escape pvp. last minute of the match all the gates should open though
>what should be removed?
gear score
solo/duo lobbies
all +damage that isn't on the weapon itself
>there's a report stream sniper button
what other game has such a feature? its so spoonfed and just fuels narcy streamers who think ever player that manages to kill them is deliberately out for them.
All the more reason I'm glad I quit playing this slop
Sorc feels weird even with the extra spell slots now that you can take suppress off. In HR I feel like I am playing warlock, kiting until spells are off CD and using the TP as a get out of jail free card. Problem is a lot of the spells are hard to land and do a lot better in teams.

Meanwhile wizard can blow people up with fireball, a hit scan zap to finish people off or MM someone if they get to close.
Dark and Darker classes ranked by smell. The further you go down the list, the cleaner each class gets

Otherworldly foul stench, each Warlock is a walking India. Has 0 downtime so they can grind AP 24/7

Very salty HEMA wannabes cooped up in plate armor, just take a look at the Fighter section on the official discord

Shoots people on sight and almost never seen bossing, too selfish to care about others

THE rat class

Surprisingly not bad if they aren't covered in their enemies' viscera

Extremely cloying perfume/cologne

Used to be rank but got hosed down after Lightning Bolt nerfs

The players have an average of 105+ IQ, but can skip showers due to playing too much

Was comically OP so didn't have to no life the game. Got what they wanted 3x faster than everyone else

Actually has to interact with and support other players, takes showers twice a day
>Actually has to interact with and support other players
Nigga… this shit is just factually incorrect. Look at how this autist grinds cleric and re-evaluate your list right now. Has to support other players lmfao. Has to interact, yeah with 2 buttons nigga. Redo your list! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f1NRmaiAFI&pp=ygUUU29iYWRzdGVhbmdlIGNsZXJpYyA%3D
Sometimes I wonder if the devs are purposely trolling their playerbase as some kind of MK ultra scheme, because by allah they are good at making me seething. Yes SDF, please give a warlock a EZ +5 all.
You lose it when you cast dark spells so it’s fair :)
I already hate them enough on my wizard due to their free 20% MR perk
They were already busted before the patch due to phantomize being OP(you shouldn't be able to spam it in fights to cheese everything, sorry fags), so its just a extra nail to the coffin.
Is there some secret sorcerer build that's keeping IM from buffing Sorcerer's cause Jesus christ, this class is absolutely cheeks if you don't shotgun people with your fireorb/fire arrow/water bolt. Lightning spells and water bolt are the only really decent spells you have. Everything else is either too situational or too telegraphed to work on a functional human being. Fire orb is slow, spear takes 1 second just to accelerate, levitate has a weird delay before it works, flamestrike/wall is only good if you hit the initial burst, fire arrow needs pinpoint accuracy to even get the homing effect which still isn't good at all. Elemental bolt is really your only semi reliable ranged spell, but it moves like a frost bolt, so good luck hitting that shit.

And the perks are so shit. You get 1 that feels like it should be basekit, and one that you rarely notice. Then you have the rest that have a massive downside for minimal gains besides Time Distortion which is a necessity cause of how shit your cast time is.
Why isn't the playerbase crying as hard as they did when Hatchet Barbarians were running around? Do they love warlock dick?
I've reached 100+ hours in this game and I still like i'm bad. I still haven't been able to kill the Troll boss. The attack where he stumbles and i'm supposed to duck, it kills me every time. Is it easier to rotate clockwise instead?
I don't even try it anymore, instead I just farm bats and spiders. I can get pvp kills every now and then. Am I always going to be bad at this game?
Majority of the player base or at least the ones that complain stay in squire lobbies, and it was probably the warlocks complaining when they phantomize away the barbarian was keeping up with them. Also pretty sure the devs main warlock now, seems like every wipe they get some sort of perk/spell revamp for the positive.

My guess is they are trying to avoid another druid situation where the top 3% of players were dominating. Oddly enough they have more utility than wiz now, especially with most comps running dispells, in arenas I have seen some amazing ones. Mud shield is severely underrated and is a free win depending on your comp and the map.
Just quit. There are too many cheaters and the devs cannot balance for shit.
Best thing I did.
Tldr; keep watching YouTube guides and just autistically trying to fight it. Preferably with mortal kombat theme playing
>The attack where he stumbles and i'm supposed to duck, it kills me every time.
If you have a rondel you can crouch under it and hug him close and stab its penis for big dps. I’m not really gonna be able to help you unless you post a clip of u trying to fight it you can upload it on streamable.com cause it’s too long for webm probably.
Don't bother learning the bosses, the moment you'll beat them you will get ratted by two or three players (including me). And that's the *best* scenario, worst case you'll get teamed on in the solo cue by tryhards.
Have you ever thought of just killing them?
t. Wizchad
i'm bored, give me some sub-24 builds that work with squire gear and are fun
any class really
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Naked skele sorc, bring a few pieces of knowledge gear to bring the spells you want
So based. Wish I could play sorc but idk the flowchart yet. Wizard much more straight forward against fighting barb menace, just icebolt with mastery kite ez
teach me ur wayz

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