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Dead cope thread for dead cope game /vg/rsg/ refugees so they can stop spamming /vg/osg/

So guys why did you quit this game?

>raksha release adding greater ricochet enabled shitters to clear PvM with no braincells needed
>gradually exacerbated by other insanely powercreepy shitter friendly changes such as animate dead, cryptbloom, zuk capes
>economy getting fucked in the ass because of GWD3's trillions of raw GP entering the game, because (and I quote from a JMOD): players like seeing big number drops!
>even ironman not safe from casual-shittification by making you able to PvM with mains
>the final nail that killed the entire economy and any and all achievement in the game was Necromancy, bad enough for me a runescape addict since 2010 to leave
>no sign of going back on their terrible changes, instead doubling down by buffing non necro styles to be as broken as Necro (doesn't matter though you can still grind BiS in 20 hours on a fresh account and 99% of content is completely dead for anything but pet grind

Any hopes?
Any dreams?
To those who still play, why?
What is your favorite memory of RS3?
What do you think the peak of RS3 was?
>Any hopes?
None it's very clear the entire game is just a containment project for retarded diversity hires nowadays. Quests and overall writing are so fucking ungodly shit now
>Any dreams?
A Runescape 3 private server from right before Elite Dungeons were released, with fully working EoC. I played Ataraxia for a while and it was fun, but it's mostly legacy combat with only a handful of utility abilities such as Freedom and Anticipate. Then they did a big bulk update involving Necromancy (lol why) and I stopped playing that too
>To those who still play, why?
Soft-quit 3 years ago in the middle of GWD3 release. Started botting my ass off to max xp for fun and to see how far I could go without getting permed. Ended up at about 4.8b xp before I got banned because my VIP ran out and apparently botting detection is a lot more lenient when you're VIP. That happened start of 2024
>What is your favorite memory of RS3?
Tuska world event. World events in general were amazing but memories of Tuska gives me such intense feelings of longing back to those times.
>What do you think the peak of RS3 was?
Sliske's Endgame in end of 2016. We had just gotten Telos half a year back, the Arc, wilderness tasks, so many cool updates.
Then in late 2017 it started going downhill. First occurrence of heavily inflated HP slayer mobs in the Grove, revolution++ starting the endless rape of the economy and casualization of the game, since then it's only been downhill

Also fuck every retard in /rsg/ you guys are mentally ill
foul mod fowl destroyed the game
i forgot about that troon
Where even RS3 currently? I saw something about 120 fletching now with a new magic tree and masterwork bow?

>Any hopes?
>None it's very clear the entire game is just a containment project for retarded diversity hires nowadays. Quests and overall writing are so fucking ungodly shit now

It is really sad how true this is. How stupid do you have to be to make the Raptor into Queen Ellamaria?? Also fuck you too don't talk to me like that
>How stupid do you have to be to make the Raptor into Queen Ellamaria?
That's one thing but another is making him a slayer master. His whole personality was that he didn't want to be a slayer master even when the existing masters keep bullying him into bullshit tasks like "kill 2000 dagannoth". Instead he loves it
So it would accurate to say you were FUCKED UP THE ASS by BIG DADDY JAGEX then?
How much JAGCUM dribbled out of your ass?
Olympic sized swimming pools?
See you back on /vg/osrs/ since this thread will have the life expectancy of a day without you constantly bumping it.
This board is so dead the thread is only on page 4 after 11 hours of no posts. The oldest unbumped thread on the 'log is 2 weeks ago
So what exactly happened to all the rsg posters? Did they all quit? I stopped playing back after the tranny Easter update, but from looking at archives the threads were still reaching the bump limit. Then they just abruptly stopped.
Here's one theory ( well a guess anyway )
There were never all that many posters. Perhaps half a dozen regular ones, about half of who did nothing but post anime girls and talk about butt sex. Most of the rest just talked shit about the game and how bad it had become ( like this thread ). Maybe one or two guys plus the occasional tourist actually tried to serious discussions ( good luck with that ).
Now I am pretty sure it was just one or two guys who kept remaking the thread. Always the same format. Regular as anything. Who in their right mind would bother doing that year after year when literally no one gave a fuck? So either they were narcissistic fanbois who eventually tired of the game ( how ironic ) or else the threads were created by Jagex themselves ( which more than one anon theorized was the case ). If so then Jagex decided to give it up after getting nothing much other than negativity, and honestly all that talk about assfucking and gay Jmods made by a few posters probably wasn't the sort of look they wanted.
If either theory is correct then it is just surprising they didnt just bot the threads into a mangled nonsensical mess like what happens on /osrs/ where there is a constant downpour of no reply three word throwaways being vomited out faster than a drunk Irishman can fart.
I must admit the one thing /rsg/ had going for it was a degree of continuity, even if much of that continuity was focused around things like Mod Foul, Dang, dumb reaction jpegs, and anal sex.
Its also possible that the /osrs/ threads are mostly created by Jagex and spammed by their bots. The reason why I think that is I made a couple of *controversial* throwaway posts there which were quickly deeply buried under the usual noise of mindblowing levels of sheer retardation. But lo and behold someone scrolled through the long list of inane gibberings to find my posts and reply with a vitriolic attack. On a board where 99% of posts are no reply. I thought it was amusing.
I came back on December 31st (2023), got membership for a year, and got 99 in everything but combat skills.
As December hit I felt less and less motivated, and when I found out the 12 month reoccurring subscription was NOT grandfathered in for the older price, the price hike made me quit, if it was the old price I would have probably gone another year, gotten a max cape and completionist cape, finish the quests, see everything there is, but, shelling out 100 bucks just for a game I've effectively "Finished" was just another twist of the knife, Jagex jacking up the prices and having the jewiest tactic of screwing people over for getting the longest subscriptions.

I feel like I wasn't alone and as the year finished up and prices went up, more and more people just opted to not renew, and eventually it fell through. The thread creators just aren't around now.

If the game is still around by the summer I might get a subscription to just finish up, complete the quests, maybe take down some bosses, but as it is, I just don't want to support Jagex anymore. They put more effort into pride parades than giving players something to do, after fucking the progression super hard over the years, especially if you use MTX or the holiday stuff.
Shitposters leave whenever there's nobody to shitpost to. RS3 is just sadly dying. The game was doing fine just a few years ago. I really have no idea what they were thinking with Necromancy. It's not even debatable anymore, Necro actually did kill the game.
I quit RS3 in 2016 to focus on my career. I now earn £30 an hour. Am I now in such a place where working my actual job is better XP/h than playing? I remember that, in 2014, it was mathematically proven that McDonalds was your best Runecrafting method. This was before Runespan but I can't find the video any more.
>I can't find the video any more.
Got it.
What's wrong with Necromancy? I really don't know. I've not played in years.
>Any hopes?
That RS3 players go to OSRS and realize it's the better game. EOC and all of the decisions surrounding it "saved" RS3 in the short term and killed it in the long term.
>Any dreams?
See above.
>To those who still play, why?
Literally just dungeoneering.
>What is your favorite memory of RS3?
Logging in from my pre-eoc account and realizing that in 2 years of it being shelved it had been looted (don't know how don't really care, it didn't have much).
>What do you think the peak of RS3 was?
Dungeoneering getting more content. Maybe right when prif released. Hyperinflated GP and invention being an indescribable clusterfuck make the game completely inacessible to new players before even getting into anything else. Also the RS3 wiki is poorly maintained especially in comparison to the OSRS wiki.
The short version is that it functionally invalidated every other combat style because jagex wanted a tool new players (like there are any?) could use instead of figuring out 15+ years of bloated, degrading gear progression.
I kind of understand that. RS was overwhelming as a kid in the early 2000's. If you had a break from, say, EOC's release to now, you'd be totally lost.
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I started getting into RS3 somewhen in 2020 and got comp cape and HM zuk cape in a span of 3 years and thoroughly enjoyed it. But with each passing DXP it felt like there is no point in skilling outside of it and seeing the people who just mindlessly afk virtual 120's was just extremely depressing. Bossing was fun but witnessing bonds going from 25M to 150M killed it for me. Clues were fun too but you can only do it for so long before you get tired of sliding puzzles.

My premier ran out just as they announced the membership price hike and kept doubling down on more and more different TH promos while asking players about MTX changes. Hero Pass was a funny thing that made a lot of people quit but I found it had several good features like replacing the current daily challenge bullshit. After that jagex got scared shitless and simply returned to milking TH whales. Wish they would just nuke the entire Solomons store and TH and keep the runecoin cosmetics if they have to. But gaymods are too busy working on pronoun titles and horrid quests as of late. Oh and group ironman lol. I had high expectations for it after its popularity in OSRS but people still havent recovered from the 1-2 punch of EoC and Squeel of Fortune - with good reason.

Sadly i dont see myself returning unless they finally do a 360 on their MTX policy which will never happen. I did basically complete the game afterall and got my moneys worth. (im not getting a trimmed comp thats fucking autistic)
Group iron on rs3 was always gonna be dead on arrival because of how pathetic they made ironman mode over the last few years. Like you can virtually do all the things that make group iron interesting, on a regular iron already. What's the point
Is 150M a meaningful amount of gold in RS3?
An insane amount unless you engage with any of the content releases in the past 3 years which is mostly terrible
>mangled nonsensical mess like what happens on /osrs/
Is /osg/ a zombie bot thread? It's all one sentence no punctuation replies with nearly nobody replying to each other.
>created by Jagex and spammed by their bots.
Or a few people who want to keep a osrs thread alive on /vg/. Recall /osg/ threads being mostly the same a year ago, single sentence/a few words, rarely anyone replying.
Or maybe a larger group of retards treating an image board like a live chat.
1M OSRS = roughly 10M RS3
so take that as you will
>Or maybe a larger group of retards treating an image board like a live chat.

It's this. Unironically osg is some sort of weird discord tranny ritual.
It's a highly specific 4chan subculture that originated from (literal) tranny threads on /lgbt/. I've seen it in 2 other places besides /osg/

Lmao. Lol. How is anyone still playing this game? EoC and the associated bullshit like MTX was probably the worst updates/revamps ever pushed on any major MMO. It buck broke the meta and replaced it with a half-assed nigger-rigged Frankenstein hotbar abomination. Then they followed that up that genius move by deleting the beloved and iconic art in order to ape WoW's aesthetic and attract the easily distracted. They stuffed reskins in and made em shuffle around in the clunky grid and tick skinsuit of a browser game from 2001. It wasn't just nostalgia, RS3 was a pig trying to be pretty, RS2 was a pig comfortable with being a pig. Instead of trying to revamp the game from the ground up to realize whatever vision they had, they just tacked on garbage to a pile of trash. It blows, it always has sucked ass. The fact that Jagex actually thought OSRS was going to be a failure and the fact that people like you are still logging in to this decade old, rotting, bot-infested corpse are both testaments to the endless stupidity of humankind.

Where else? I'd like to observe.
>So guys why did you quit this game?
I got tired of farting out jagex cum all the time.
>So guys why did you quit this game?
I maxed pre-archaeology and just screwed around slaying and doing clues for a while, but once archaeology came out it felt like I'd been rugpulled with an extremely slow, RNG-heavy skill to get my pretty cape back. It wasn't an immediate decision to quit, I just took longer breaks until eventually I just never returned. Nothing that's come out since then (around about the release of Extinction, iirc) has made me want to come back, either. It's always
"NEW HARDEST BOSS IN RUNESCAPE" when I couldn't kill the last six, or "SKILL NOW GOES TO 110", as if I want to grind another 40m experience in dumb skills at marginally higher exp rates.
>Any hopes?
The game dies
>Any dreams?
RS3 goes fully free to play with microtransactions. Jagex are never going to remove pay to win lootboxes from RS3, but at least if they went properly free to play I wouldn't have to weigh the cost of a bond vs the minimal amount of fun I'd get out of it.
>What is your favorite memory of RS3?
I have a few, but these days when I think of RS3 I think of the 2-3 weeks I spent with one of my in-game friends grinding Dungeoneering. I needed Hefin recipes and she needed non-combat dungeoneering exp for some autistic exp distribution (she wanted to get 99s in a checkerboard pattern and HP was not in the pattern), so we spent weeks locked in the dark rooms in Daemonheim just speedrunning larges and making me do all the guardian doors and bosses. It was autistic in a fun way.
>What do you think the peak of RS3 was?
Post-RS3, I think it was around the release of Deep Sea Fishing. Updates were good, EOC was in a not-totally-broken state and I was feeling generally pretty optimistic about my time in the game.
F2P RS3 is something i never considered but it might just be one solution to solve some problems
however it would open to the south american floodgates to next level bot hellscape and i wouldnt dare to speculate what would happen to game economy
in reality it would bring in a lot of numbers but the existing 100 people who play it right now would quit on the spot, including the TH whales
Pretty much. The current state of the game can probably be pinned on all the phonezoomers the mobile release brought in. If you also add f2p to that then hooooly fuck that's be funny
Is there a use case for consecrated keris or is it still just a glorified bug swatter?
>i can't imagine what a shitload of bots would do to the runescape economy
do u really have to imagine it ur kinda living it
150m is enough for 1 bond, which equals 14 days of membership.
What's the honest outlook if someone is looking to play it as an idle "numbers go up" game with mmo elements? I've barely touched rs3 since I started playing osrs off and on. I like osrs well enough, but I like Daemonheim, and all the other stuff that's been added since seems interesting enough to poke around.
If you like Numbers go up and Idling then you will love archaeology which is an entire skill based around idle prospecting. Mining rework is also AFK, sadly only the highest levels of woodcutting is AFK so baby steps there.

Combat is about the same as it ever was, some switchscape got removed, some switchscape got added, slayer is easier than ever to go grind since they removed wilderness pvp which means aggression pots are much cheaper than they used to be.
Anything interesting storylines after god wars 3? I felt like that quest series was the capstone on rs3 as a whole with you losing your world guardian status.
I quit when Dang died
No lol it's literally all high school drama tier shit writing by trannies and shitskins. In fact that's what it's been since after sliskes endgame, if you liked gw3 at all you're braindamaged
lmao this thread on /vm/ now. you know the game is on the way out.
I still remember deluded retards on the forums, pre-eoc, saying no one was going to quit runescape over a simple change and that people were overreacting. The forum doesn't even exist anymore for a reason lol.
Can't even maintain a thread on vg anymore for longer than a day
I wonder how many forum mods killed themselves when the forums shut down? It has to be more than one.
kinda interesting that a greasy swarthoid is announcing new paid features
What does being a TH whale actually get you? I make £30 an hour IRL.
Sliske's endgame was nothing more than a mid season finale. His character was there just to introduce shadow magic and how it can be used to fuck with elder gods. Guthix got him obsessed with our main character to the point where he wanted to be like the world guardian, all so we can take in the shadow magic as he tried to fuse with us using the staff. It didn't work but we got some shadow power immunity (with a side of psychosis as we hallucinate the light and dark masks) all to prepare for the elder god rebirths which the gwd3 is all about.
>So guys why did you quit this game?
i got carried away with osrs ironman alt. i stopped playing around the time they were making changes to vorago to make him solo friendly.
i liked rs3. did all the pvm. really liked yakamaru, hard mode rago and telos. main account is over 15 years old now. just drifted away from it though, especially when the friend group i was playing with fell apart.
lasted about 2 years on osrs. did inferno, was getting to the point of sub 30min cox solos, 400-ish invo toa, full crystal+bowfa from cg, etc. game got so fucking boring though. the combat is a snooze fest compared to rs3 and the rng element of drops got real old after a while. there's only so many times you can gaslight yourself into thinking tick optimization is fun after the thousandth time rolling a glorified dice and falling asleep waiting for your weapon to hit (or not hit; having your skill capped by rng is so much fun). at least the pvp is fun. late game rs3 iron is infinitely more fun.
anyways, that's my blog post. enjoy the bump.
>late game rs3 iron is infinitely more fun.
Tell me more.
it masks the monotony much better imo. especially since the combat allows for an extra dimension of skill expression.
I loved rs3 iron but then they made it possible to pvm with bondies so instead of being a heavily gatekept sub community, it's now nothing but the same faggots you run into on mainscape pvm. What the fuck were they thinking honestly?
OSRS has massive HP and drop rate inflation in its lategame where they genuinely expect you to grind 200 hours at a boss to see a unique drop. RS3 bosses have largely kept to 1/512 or better with multiple uniques from each boss and you can kill them a lot faster, so the odds of going turbo dry are lower and it hurts less when it happens.
The battlepass was the last straw
Getting my ass fucked Jagex once again was the last straw for me. By the time I quit you could park a truck and trailer up my butt. Actually I might log back in, you know, just for one more assfucking.
That's just raids and nightmare nigga
Also rs3 has elite dungeons and gwd3 for the same dogshit droprates. Yeah a lot of it is 512 but they're segmented drops and on release you were pulling 6 minutes HM kerapac at best so enjoy 150 hours for ur staff that's arguably way more broken than a raids megarare

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