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I've been playing this again for a couple months and I'm enjoying myself. It sucks about the raise in sub cost though. I play it while doing other things like studying for certs or watching YouTube vids. Is it actually a good game or is it just nostalgia goggles? I think I'm sem-enjoying myself.
Free armor trimming
Only 3 gold
I have no nostalgia for the game. It should be objectively the least fun game ever, but I find myself enjoying it a lot too. I play it the same as OP and, I don’t know, it’s cool to see the world slowly opening up as you progress.
/vg/osg is filled with the mentally ill that spam reply to themselves, usually gibberish. I can understand the anon wanting a sane thread.

$14 or 12m for a 14 day bond kills it for me. Bonds have doubled in price in less than a year even though they only went up 12.5% IRL.

I would saying paying for membership would be worth it for 3 or 4 months if you're a new player. The community is great and vast.
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i was using it as a second monitor game but eventually just stopped altogether
thats literally the worst thread on this site besides /xivg/ give op a fucking break he just wants a sane osrs thread
I played since release up until around 2022.
I missed the game for a while before remembering /v/scape was a thing. It's a much more appealing game to me.
Modern OS feels way more like a pserver than vscape. Despite being at a all time high I imagine your average player wouldn't even look twice at day of release OS.
I play solo and have always hated raids, then I lost my quest cape and they want me to learn ToB just to get it back. Similar situation with my music cape.

The power creep since CoX/raids 1 is really, really bad too. All new bosses have to be tuned to endgame BiS so gp doesn't ruin the economy but the difference between BiS and 2nd BiS is usually over a bil gp and the clear time differences can be close to double. It's such an odd game that is now fully catering to the 0.000001% to stay alive.
Absolutely fucking not
I've been farming calvarion on my iron and having a great time
The PKers are such dogshit, no scout required
Night at the theatre is so fucking easy lmao
Just do entry mode, if you're not a retard you can do that super easily solo
>Just do entry mode
I'm aware but Verzik looked like a pain in the ass to learn and might need a few runs to actually get the kill. Felt like Jagex wanted to force others to learn ToB just to get players doing it since it's the least popular/most cancerous raid.
You run and shoot, entry mode has almost no big mechanics to watch out for
I did it first try, just dont forget to bring a poison weapon for the bug
It's fun, but all the retarded shit Fagex keeps adding and changing has been tiring. I've considered switching over to vscape but haven't gone through the effort to make the jump yet, I'd miss all the crowds on OSRS too
It feels good in the first half and then it just feels like a miserable grind. Not worth the price and hassle.
Wtf happened to /vg/osg? I don't remember it being that bad in 2019
Zoomers and modern 4chan. They're ruined everything. Discord is the same.
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runefest is over how are we feeling? interested to see what comes out of the custom gamemodes. imagine an actual 2007 server...
osrs is lame as fuck now
all these gay updates ruined the core of what runescape truly is
I'd much rather play a 2010 version now instead of this abomination
Is there any good 1x private server that plays like the original for free?
no /v/scape is your best option
It's fucking gay how private servers never replicate the original experience
I think vscape has 1x if you play an ironman, else it's 2.25x. Other than that it's the most accurate rsps
You can download 2006scape and change the XP rates to 1x.
Stupid grind autist.
What about 2009scape
That works too.
Hard disagree
DT2 is the best quest in the game by far, and pretty much everything in varlamore has been top tier
Any server that doesn't have insane trannies running everything?
no lol
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join 2004scape, it's open source and currently in alpha.
when beta comes out everyone's gonna start playing
90% of the quests are done
Ignoring whether something like that would actually succeed, 2004 is a bit meh. No slayer and no fight caves makes combat grinding and end goal boring. No farming and barrows is nice though.
i don't know anon, it took those features 5 years to get implemented into rs. I imagine players had fun without them for quite some time
No one plays mmos for fun they're all min maxing end game autists
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I've been trying to get fang for a while now, kind of burnt out on toa, I mostly run high 240-300 now, I took a break to get 2200 total and pad my stats out
>No slayer and no fight caves
wtf I love 2004scape
I played during those times and while fun, the lack of any endgame challenge made it unlikely you'd do much outside of quests and getting base 60s. KBD was the sole boss, d long and msb were bis. 2004scape is from May 2004 so it lacks a bunch of stuff from the second half of that year.
someone bought jamflex for 1 billion dollars so pay up PIGGY
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its been bad since before it was /osg/ and was caravan general
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true but it's worse now objectively
Judging by what Zezima is wearing and the private message, I'd guess this screenshot is from December 2006.
>work hard physical labour job all day
>come home and gym with gf
>cook dinner and make tomorrows lunch
>eat dinner with gf and watch show
> chill on osrs doing whatever i feel like while listening to music

I just love the graphics and its janky old charm. Guardians of the rift has been fun lately and I am working on getting the full outfit. I am working towards 2100 total, game is fun maybe you’re burnt out
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fuck you normalfag
Osrs is a normalfag game
Everyone who plays it has a wife and kids
What are you? Some kind of IRL loner?
Died on Jad because of a disconnect.
It's not even like fight cave is hard, it's just that I wasted the time doing it for a disconnect to ruin it all.
Actually tragic
Give me something to work towards, bored at the moment and dunno what to aim for next, was thinking of learning ToA or something.
are you maxed
Nah base 85 for combats and base 70s for skills.
Varlamore soon.
New boss is underwhelming. feel one of those things where it's too easy in a group and tedious solo.
Quest cape nigga
Already working on that but burnt out on grinding for quests.
Levelling for song of the elves?
Nah, need to get combat up for DT2.
Iron or main?
DT2 isnt super difficult, but yeah 80s - 90s in combat stats would help
The only one i struggled with was vardorvis
Goading potions are so good
It's literally filled with trannies and I'm not joking
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I agree as a whole. Way too much attention given to raids rather than world group content, quests, distractions and diversions, and minigames, but at the same time the playerbase has changed too. Way too sweaty and efficiency focused that they forget it's a game.
I actually really like DT2 as a quest and bosses are fun but I always lean towards group content since that's the draw of an mmo. However I cannot stand the forced gay pride parades, and now we're forced into a new skill that I didn't even like. I'm not coming back to osrs until project zanaris delivers a true 2007 runescape or maybe even a true 2011 runescape.
base 60s is peak rs, change my mind
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easyscape babs

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