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/comnn/ edition

Formerly Wiimmfi's

Wiimmfi (Nintendo WFC Revival):
For DS, use:
>a WEP or unprotected network (guest network or secondary router)
>an unprotected mobile hotspot
and set one of these as your Primary DNS (both connect to Wiimmfi):

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does titanfall 2 ps4 edition belong on this general
Has it been killed and revived?
no it just has like 300 players
well I guess it could count, people were using this thread for 3DS and Wii U games before Nintendo Network was shut down
Do NOT die

Post your favourite multiplayer maps
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Today is a full moon!
full balls more like

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Anyone here on EU times want to start the Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder with me come Saturday? Always more fun to run with a friend. I've one other guy but he's busy this coming weekend so I'd be all alone otherwise.
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feast your eyes on this
I hear Fury Druid is good at clearing UBER bosses, is this true? Thinking of leveling one to have something to farm then with. And no I'm not going to play paladin.
anyone try d2r remodded multiplayer yet?
When I'm horking, do I hork the minions too or just the unique?
If I don't drop a 5os berserker axe tomorrow I'm making my beast in an ettin. I have been farming terror zones all day for a week at this point and have only gotten to see 3 drop 1os/3os/6os. This and archon staff are completely fucking unreasonably rare.

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>What is this?
NFSSA is a Need for Speed themed server for Multi Theft Auto. Here you can buy your own car and customized with several options, including body parts, neons, vinyls, performance and etc... to participate in different forms of activity from races to time trials, police pursuits, diamond hunts, tollbooths, URL tournaments and much more.

>How can I join it?
You can join it through the MTA with server IP: mtasa://
"P.S - newbies get +200% Cash and +100% RP from races"

Website: https://www.nfssa.net
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/QA7sXce
Staff: https://www.nfssa.net/showthread.php?tid=949
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Tutorial for beginners: https://www.nfssa.net/showthread.php?tid=521
PC performance tips: https://www.nfssa.net/showthread.php?tid=11741
Dyno Guides: https://www.nfssa.net/search.php?action=results&sid=af64d5bd4feacec4c181d6a8b0a936ff&sortby=lastpost&order=desc
Custom music install guide (for premium users): https://www.nfssa.net/showthread.php?tid=461
Car sound install guide: https://www.nfssa.net/showthread.php?tid=11313
Map creation guides: https://www.nfssa.net/showthread.php?tid=221

>In-depth resources
Car sound pack: https://www.nfssa.net/search.php?action=results&sid=f0ed5b47632b9d9762fb10c859c76ce0&sortby=lastpost&order=desc
Gta SA sound pack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1jzpnokox4u53zf/audio_NFSMW_sfx_mod_v02.zip/file
NFSSA booster: https://www.nfssa.net/booster.php
You'd be better off doing this in GTA 5. requires far less modding to get working, is more readily available, and has a lot of these features built into the game in vanilla.
Based. Too bad the only thing /vm/ plays is Mineycrap.

That's a private server dude this is the official one.
RaiderZ when?
if a game releases but nobody cares did it truly release?

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previous thread:

Website: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/bombergirl/bg/p/index.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bombergirl573 (news on the PC version will have 【コナステ】)
Current/upcoming banners and maps (PC): https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/index.html

>Installation Guides:
Image guide: https://imgur.com/a/G2fK1Z0
Registration: https://p.eagate.573.jp/gate/k/newcomer.html
Download: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/download/installer.html

>Technical errors:
If you can't get past the bench test screen, change your computer's region to Japanese in the control panel

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4chanx nigga here
looks like mp4s are working, unless they're also meant to play sound then i can't hear shit
I think he means you can't upload with 4chanx atm, it will automatically spit out the "unsupported format" error. also from what I understand, the rules on audio haven't changed, still only allowed on /gif/ and /wsg/
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ggs pb
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sorry for my abject failures in defense

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Does anyone want to star/join survival minecraft world or realm on bedrock
Someone could host a Minetest server with the mineclonia mod (copies minecraft).
bedrock is aids
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Your hammer is bent, compadre.

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World of Tanks have hit its 14th anniversary today!

Tech tree discounts will start later in the event for 3 days, from August 12th to August 15th.

Consumable discounts will also start later and also last for 3 days, from August 15th to August 18th.

The anniversary event will have both permanent missions that award one token that unlocks on a day by day basis and a limited, harder mission that refreshes daily for 5 tokens. 30 tokens will get you a piece of improved bond equipment.

The 14th anni event will last from August 8th to August 18th.

Article: https://worldoftanks.com/en/wot-14-anniversary-august-2024/
Event discounts and (shitty) premium tanks on sale: https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/specials/wot-anniversary-bundles-august-2024/

>Previous thread:
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Borat is not bad, it's really stong and flexible. I just don't have fun in it compared to other tanks I have. I could probably push to two mark it, but it's simply too sweaty to play it, from the playstyle to the full gold setup.
Even that revalorise turd is more fun than borat because of how comfortable the gun is on snap shotting and fully aimed accuracy. And beating people over with a underpowered tank is fun.
Yeah, and it's the one type of vehicular combat that Wargayming does better than War Thunder.
>upgraded battle pass 60% off
hmmm, is it worth it? how much gold do you get? Like 900 or something like that? I don't really want the premium time, I was going to take a break after finishing the battle pass
Save for xmas boxes. BP is only for richfag
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It's even more fun than I thought it'd be. Absolutely wrecks pubs.

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Like, elites spent TRILLIONS of dollars trying to make a "Metaverse" and it flopped horribly due to not apealing to anyone. Is obvious to think that, since that objective failed due to people having zero interest on it, they relocated their investments into the biggest interest in gaming rn (Fortnite) and instead of trying to catch people's attention, going where the people already are, thus trying to turn something what already exists into this Metaverse they are trying to create.

Gnostics have a set of "strategies" for achieving their goals, and one of those is the process of "Unification" (Like, unifing markets, cultures, communication, economies). This come's from Herbert Spencer's Evolution theory from where the universe need to go from "A set of determined, separated things" to "One thing that covers all"

In this sense, the Fortnite "collaborations" with different IPs and celebrities aren't a way to "Call people's attention". The metaverse's intention is not to create a funny simulator, is to create an alternative to reality, an "Escape" from the tyranny of the Demiurge, they really try to reach that state of the universe where EVERYTHING is part of ONE.

Fortnite is NOT going to stop NEVER unitl EVERYTHING is part of Fortnite, every celebrity, Every game, movie, comic and book, every character, every weapon, every map, every mechanic that has ever been concieved, every music (They are now selling those), even CLOTHING BRANDS, THEY ARE *NOT* GOING TO STOP UNTIL EVERYTHING IS PART OF THEM. Once everyting is part of it, it will appeal to everyone, that's the only way they can achieve a functioning Metaverse.
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>evil = gnosticism
/x/ has enough newfaggotry as is.
Delusional fuck!! Fortnite lost most of its players and every big update they still loosing players. Game gets boring at some point i play everyday and i only play BR squads or red vs blu creative. stop talking shit every game dies eventualy or will be played by a smal amount of players than will die
there's still like a year or two before fortnite's Disney World appears. they already have branded SHOES in fortnite and the fucking tesla cybertruck is in there too, so like. yes. fortnite will be everything sooner than later.
except fnaf. thanks scott
Why do people get this mindbroken by gnosticism?
religion is a trauma cult, or something

Got one but it's so hard to get used to it, is it even worth it? My vim muscle memory is completely corrupted . How long it takes to actually get used to this new way of typing
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I never understood the point of this kind of useless gamerbait product
Peak consumerism
by simply taking a look at that thing there's no fucking i'd waste my time with that. when it comes to bad ideas they don't get better they stay worse
This seems to be targeted more at office boomers who like to pretend they're taking care of their health by using a funny shaped keyboard.
What keyboard is this and how much does it cost

pic unrelated
I'm either too old or got tired of cheaters. I love games like THE FINALS or CS2 but sometimes I'm just exhausted and can't go on. Post multiplayer action games that are competitive but don't require too much mechanical skill or insane button sequences/APM
Not the focus on ACTION GAMES; I don't want shit like Worms or Hearthstone. There needs to be a realtime aspect involved or harsh time limits for moves/decisions. for example Chess would apply but only in the rapid or bullet variants.
put simply, comp multiplayer games even my grandma could play and top leaderboards at?

so far what i've come up with
>Sea of Thieves
i love this game and with recent (questionable) balance changes it's arguably even more accessible
but instead of mechanical skill cheats you have straight up game systems cheats (flying, teleporting loot, disabling parts of your ship, server crashing, and so on) and it's unfucking playable with dogshit server performance and the growing list of bugs. also the devs are insufferable faggots.
>Splatoon 3
i don't need to say much here, nintendo just made the best shooter, period. I remember playing Splatoon 1 on Wii U a ton and tournament play was all about strategy and coordination. but it has a bit of luck involved.
>Rocket Leauge
now this requires a ton of mechanical skill and experience but you don't need to spam shit on your controller to be good (and you CAN be on top with a controller) and I could see my grandma becoming like a Champion at least in a year or so.

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I feel you, fps online games are dead because zoomers just have insane aim and take out any tactical aspect of online shooters by just all aiming no braining everything. Plus there is also cheaters infesting every game that doesn't have some insanely invasive anti-cheat. I just stick with rts games where I can win with pure tactics and game knowledge even though my apm is dogshit.
Overwatch 2, Team Fortress 2 and The Finals. These games provide you plenty of powerful characters, weapons or gadgets that don't require mechanical skill to use. Many of Overwatch 2 characters were deliberately designed to not require insane aim to excel with.
You can also be a faggot and pick up a controller, let the aim assist do most of the work for you.
any game where mechanical actions are downplayed results in a situation where even at only the top 15% or so players are already perfectly optimal because the only real input required of them is making a (probably ore determined) decision every couple of seconds. fuckin lame, dunno why you would want to bother spending competitive effort on something like that. though I guess you don't really intend to spend effort at all, and neither do many others, which is why this sort of shit is so popular. the feeling of being competitive without actually doing anything involved with competition normally. ridiculous.
>useless shitters infesting this site
100% agree, but not for the reasons you're giving.
Left clicking heads isn't peak skill expression. It just isn't. No matter what the modern FPS landscape has taught you.
Modern "mainstream" FPS games are just cookie clicker at this point, everything has been cut away and only left clicking heads is left.
You have any kind of weapon or gameplay which doesn't specify left clicking heads as peak gameplay and you get shitters saying the game sucks.
You are COD brain-rotted, and your kind ruined the FPS genre.
I'm fine with accepting COD as it is.
But you fucks couldn't just let it be, and you all had to push and cry and whine about how every FPS needs to be cookie clicker, for some fucking reason, despite the fact that you faggots won't actually quit COD and will always go back to it after shitting on and ruining every other FPS on the market with your trash, shitter opinions.
Everything has to be hitscan with you retards.
DBD is weird because if you only watch the game or hear about it you would think that the skill floor is insanely low and that surely you can learn everything there is to know about the game in just a couple hundred hours.

Killer starts out being insanely easy, then at around 500-1000 hours you hit "max" MMR and will be frequently matched against survivors with 10 times as much playtime as you, at which point you have to take your lumps for a couple thousand hours before you're able to win consistently again.

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Come home, white man
I'd rather not support a franchise that has women as main characters and racemixing, etc.
Don't support evil. Even if you don't change the world, at least you didn't cuck in.
not really racemixing if youre conquering other races as whiteman
mankind quite literally cannot reproduce

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So, when exactly are EA going to close bf3 on PC too? It is inevitable now. And even if they dont, retarded admins are killing whats left of this game.
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So much better at what?
aesthetics wise it's the best, love it
gameplay is alright, could be a bit better
Mostly don't care for the maps or how they seperate them into different categories, but also don't care for the weapon attachment/specialization system (didn't like like BF1's either at first but it grew on me). Kind of hard to remember the rest that put me off about it at this point, but I installed/uninstalled it 2 or 3 times
Also think that I just wanted a modern era BF at that point. I really shouldn't have liked BF1 as much as I did, come to think of it, but eventually learned to have fun trolling w/ all of the goofy equipment, novelty vehicles, and double barrel shotgun. Also really liked the maps and aesthetic thereof.
Being rage-inducing

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Would you like to play, /vm/?
Seems violent
let's see if people are still into it
Roblox version is free

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