/comnn/ editionFormerly Wiimmfi'sWiimmfi (Nintendo WFC Revival):For DS, use:>a WEP or unprotected network (guest network or secondary router)or>an unprotected mobile hotspotand set one of these as your Primary DNS (both connect to Wiimmfi):>Kaeru:>WiiLink: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1492020no it just has like 300 players
>>1492180well I guess it could count, people were using this thread for 3DS and Wii U games before Nintendo Network was shut down
Do NOT die
>>1372156does pretendo work with other games or only the ones listed in their progress?the only game I have that is on their list is MK7, but I was hoping that I could go online with the gen 6 and 7 pokemon games and the 3ds fire emblem games too
>>1512263They're supposedly working on bringing back other games in the background
Does anyone want to play the Divison 1 with me. I missed out on it when it was popular and now i want to play with someone because I want to feel like I'm in an elite squad.
>What is this?Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 5 started Sep 2024.>Steam Linkhttps://store.steampowered.com/app/1049590/Eternal_Return/>Newshttps://playeternalreturn.com/posts/news>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqDLrvrl_p0>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guidehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3tDK2EcO80Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>Not page 10>No image limit
>>1521781But the thread is at image limit.
>>1521789And no page 10
>>1521796Yeah, that's stupid.
>>1521797Bet the new "OP" its some lol reject
Today is a full moon!
>>1502795full balls more like
no it's not retard
>see half life 2 endlessly being praised as a masterpiece >Play it, it's shit>/v/ then tells me the game is reddit and hl1 is the real kino>Play half life 1 and it's even worseNever ever listing to boomers on this site>Inb4 it's better than modern slopIt's still shit>Inb4 it's good for the timeIt's still shit>Inb4 you are a contrarianFuck off, I'm not going to pretend a game is good just because it's popular, go play fortnite then you nigger.
half life 1 > half life 2
>>1507777quads of unbound stupidity
>>1505838>heh, look at me, i hate popular thing! i'm such an edgy contrarian!anon, it's okay to enjoy popular things, you dont have to be a massive faggot.
>>1510675I'm not going to pretend to like a shit game just because it's popular. How delusional do you have to be to think that people can't walk away from a game that you like and not feel the same way?
if you're in your 20s you haven't had enough time to consume all that.
DAWNTRAIL INFO:>Early Access - Friday, June 28, 2024 (2:00 AM PDT)>Release Date - Tuesday, July 2, 2024>Promotional Sitehttps://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/dawntrail/>Benchmarkhttps://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/download/IN-GAME EVENTS:>Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration (Until Wednesday May 8 at 7:59 AM PDT)https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/ffxvi/>Yo-kai Watch Event rerun (Wednesday April 24 at 1:00 AM PDT until Patch 7.0)https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/2024/youkai-watch/j9rq1fpxxdGENERAL NEWS:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>15189399 pm
I just had an unusual experience in the Aurum Vale. The sprout tank pulled in the middle of the first, and we didn't wipe. In fact, no one died. The healer, who was also a sprout, had a matching name with the tank, so i guess they knew eachother. Maybe that's why it worked.
>>1518502Take that back right the fuck now Remus would rape you in a 1v1
>>1521633Remus can fill all the C41 parties he likes.
So it the 2024 release date for B42 still a thing?
>>1516357Just get water from a sink/toilet/shower. Bring it home, use buckets or whatever.
>>1516790Same shit they did with build 41, I'm 0% surprised.
>>1516790Bro lemmy works hard as fuck cut him some slack
>>1518398Yea, works hard as fuck to erase all the goodwill the game gets for some reason.
>>1516304>They will not have a car bomb go off near their offices forcing them to evacuate which is the reason they didnt push an update (again)That's quitter talk, be the change you want to see
>DofusUnity beta in final phase, official release on December 3rd.Download: https://www.dofus.com/en/mmorpg/downloadGuides: https://pastebin.com/aqfxZywYPre-register: https://www.dofus.com/en/mmorpg/news/new-servers (This is only for the new servers. International players are between Dakal 1, 2, and 3, most anons will be on 2. New servers will have free transfers for the first few weeks, so don't worry about getting the right one.)>Dofus RetroDownload: https://www.dofus-retro.com/en/mmorpg/downloadGuides: https://pastebin.com/EnGbaLMz>WakfuDownload: https://www.wakfu.com/en/mmorpg/downloadGuides: https://pastebin.com/Ae7X8phu>WavenComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1521105cute and thematic
>Combat maps are instancedThat shit is going to lag so hard
>>1520695Extremely likely
I've been playing Deadlock and I'd argue I've gotten pretty decent at it. I just had an interesting game with a pretty toxic seeming mate tho, as this guy spent minutes 12-36 (where I muted him until the game ended at 42) constantly flaming me for dying and feeding the enemy team. What I did for the majority of the game was whenever I noticed my team to get into a fight with the other team, push another lane, get their guardian/walker tower and get a hero kill trade for dying in exchange if things went well. I also did really well in team fights and ended up with a 16/12 KD. The guy on my team had a 7/6 KD and went ON AND ON for minutes on end about how bad I am and how much I'm feeding the enemy team. This was kinda odd considering we literally had people in our team with 0/7 and 3/9 KDs but he just targeted me specifically for some reason. Can someone explain? Did I mess up or was he just being an asshole?
>>1514602What does this mean
>>1514736ratting means you push lanes solo while your team makes space. when one of your team is ratting, it can be frustrating to teamfight with a man down the whole game
>>1514492He was an asshole, moba (but really just any competitive team game's) players are like that. If they see someone make a mistake or have even a .1 lower KD than themselves, and they'll use that person as the scapegoat for EVERYTHING that goes wrong in that game (except if it's their stack that performs badly, then all is forgiven, as even your example showcases it). The mental gymnastics of it can be really insane.What you have to keep in mind, and this goes for pretty much any and all rank based competitive shit out there, is that those people are in your lobbies, because they deserve to be there, just like yourself, their strengths and weaknesses are just different. Staying with the MOBA example, some people are insane at micro managing their hero, but generally blind to anything else that goes on outside the lane. Or vice versa, a great strategist, but struggles mechanically. What I'm saying is, as long as you do your best (meaning you're not trolling), an overwhelming majority of these """criticisms""" (really just bitching, as it doesn't bring the victory any closer) are irrelevant.And this brings me to my main point, use the goddamn mute feature. It's really up to you how much crying and backseating you can tolerate, some people mute everybody in the first 10 seconds every time, I personally wait until everyone's first offense, then they go into the gutter.>But Anon, what about information?Unless you're in the top 5-10% (the percentage varies) of the playerbase rank-wise, you're really only missing out on banter and flaming. In my book, not getting tilted by these retards is worth more in the long run. Also, most games now offer more than text chat/voip for communication (e.g. pings), so there's always that, unless your teammates spam it like retarded monkeys. If so, it really is a singleplayer match, but oh well.
After years of mobas I've decided that nobody has the right to make you feel bad about playing a game as long as you are trying. People that do this are just being assholes and should be muted or flamed back.
Deadlock is created by retards for retards. You pick the most voted build and buy items in order and it's a slot machine of what kind of retards you get paired with. Anyone who thinks there's a gramme of skill in this game is a delusional beyond repair. Every match is a waste of 40 minutes with 0 fun and excitement since the outcome is obvious five minutes in when your retarded Bebop manages to die 6 times in to Warden, who then just proceeds to carry the entire team by holding W. And no, that *one* fun match you had doesn't prove the opposite - on the contrary, the fact that you can tell those matches apart from the other 200 proves just how little fun there is. It's a snowballing simulator for people who never paid attention to maths classes and don't know what's an exponential function, so now they get to feel it.
JPEG's a plenty edition>Current Live Patch = 3.24.3https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/Patch-Notes/20309-Star-Citizen-Alpha-3243>Current PTU Patch = 4.0 (wave 1 as of writing)>Star Citizen Overview for New & Returning Playershttps://rentry.org/guier/>Compiled List of Useful Resourceshttps://rentry.org/rbrcz>Recent NewsThe RSI Polaris and MISC Starlancer MAX are now available in-game for owners.Automated laser PDS turrets have been added to the game that engage both missiles and hostile fighters, currently available on the Polaris, Constellation Phoenix, 890J, and Idris.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1522612I don't agree. Most people don't CCU. They just buy a ship. CCU'ing itself is just a way to drip dry funds from people for a ship that the company has put an exorbitant price on but obviously isn't worth close to several hundred dollars for an ingame jpeg. Just because you can spend 400 dollars to get a 1000 dollar ship is still greedy as fuck on CIGs behalf in my opinion.
What's a good upgrade to the Corsair that's a soloable ship with a good amount of DPS that's not the constellation series?
>>1522777Paladin from conceptStarlancer kindaPolaris unironically
>>1522620They only moved it down one notch to Constellation series (until Paladin), and constellation getting PDC means its going to be the hands down best solo ship. As CR intended.
>>1522777Could also consider Retaliator if you like torpedoes, but I have no clue how big hassle it is to switch modules
Have you played the f2p Chinese Paper Mario Tactical Third Person Shooter?
Nvm I'm retarded >>>/vg/503487990
>>1513171I had no idea the game was popular enough to warrant a vg thread
>>1513042i would play it if it was actually paper mario tactical shooter i miss it so much ;_;7[/spolier]
>>1513042Thoughts on this?I hate shooters, I hate gacha, I like anime girls.Will I like it?
>>1514926Depends on the way you hate shooters, I only enjoy silly gimmicky shooters like Team Fortress 2, this game is not that competitive unless you play ranked, I really like the girls and their animations but it still is a shooter after all.
I never played a gears game in my life. I want to play the other games via emulator soon. I'm thinking about buying gears 5 since it's on sale right now. I won't play the story mode since I haven't played the others yet. I just want to try out the multiplayer.
Blockland is a sandbox game created by Eric "Badspot" Hartman, first released today, 20 years ago. It allows players to build and design structures using Lego-like bricks in a non-linear environment, offering extensive creative freedom without set objectives.Community:https://steamcommunity.com/app/250340/discussions/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?action=recenthttps://badspot.us/commentActivity.phpServers:http://master3.blockland.us/http://blockland.us/browse.phphttps://blockland.online/serversAddons:https://bl.kenko.dev/https://blockland.online/addonsComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I remember wanting this game so bad as a kid when it first came out but I obviously didn't have any money and my parents would never buy me anything off the Internet because they didn't trust it. Game looks like shit now and there's probably no one playing but I'm thinking of buying it just as a final triumph
>>1503356It's still active, sadly everything takes place in Discord now.>Game looks like shit nowReshade helps, there's a reverse engineering project of Blockland called "Blockland Rebuilt" which is a total upgrade. Maps are also back, but it's closed source, community is split due to direction, has global moderation, and dependent on Discord. It's mostly dead :D>I'm thinking of buying it just as a final triumphConsider buying on sale, if you feel like regretting purchase. IMO it has always been in a weird state, worth for content and social interactions.
>>1502600Last time I played this was about 19 years agoI kept getting banned off custom gamemode servers for accusing players of cheating because I was a shit kid lolI do miss it, there were tons of cool add-ons and custom servers; some guy named Regulith made and hosted a custom 2fort server, some other guy was doing the same with a zombie infection gamemode and L4D, there was a patch that got rid of the ability to make hitscan weapons, but then a dude made a hitscan sniper rifle that used an obscure workaround... good times
Post your favourite multiplayer maps
One of those maps like Deck17 that's pure kino despite being kind of shit.
Co-op multiplayer is being released November 18th as free DLC for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. Also the base game and paid DLC is on sale right now on Steam.This thread is for discussion of the future multiplayer meta. Discuss possible strategies and game breaks, or anything else related to the multiplayer.
>Added a SMALL amount of boss armor to ???, The Lamb and Mother.:^)
does it work on goldberg emulator
does anyone want to play? need two people
i tried to play the other day, i honestly think public lobbys are just terrible.
>>1514347It's random. Sometimes having good run with ok or good players, sometimes it's laggy and there's spergs or griefers or speedsters.Recommending kicking T.Cains in the lobby