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First Edition (kind of)

>What is Sven Co-op?
Sven Co-op is a co-op variation of the 1998 first-person shooter Half-Life. It can be played with up to 32 players. Initially made to make it possible to play Half-Life campaign with other people, it has since then expanded into being one of the most moddable games on the GoldSrc engine.
>Why do so many players have default models?
When a player is using a model or skin you do not have, you will see the default HEV suit. You can download the models here:
>Custom sprays?
Here: http://www.the303.org/tutorials/index.html

We have a server at

Join for co-op NOW!!
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you dont have a name nigga
wtf how did u know?
AGP und simulated transgenderism (we just play as little anime girls as a joke haha)
everything we are insecure about is "just a joke", including our little girl centric agp and our transgenderism, just keep us away from your daughters! jkjk

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There is no sense of community in multiplayer games anymore.
All communication is happening through external means. While in the past you could communicate with randos and have a good time, even make friends. But now you could play with people from around the world and it's like a ghost town. They're just going through the motions. They might as well be bots
Not just in MMOs, but in shooters both PVP and co-op too, and even in RTS games.
You guys have no idea how many friends I made playing L4D with randos. with some of them we're still playing games but since like 2014 I don't think I made any new gaming buddies. Why is that? Did the culture change? Did the games change?
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honey if we were having this conversation irl you'd have your hands in your pockets and be militantly avoiding eye contact
Yeah I play games where I know I went full power level I'd get banned. I can't just call someone a dumb nigger hotmic. So you basically just make friends and talk to em 3rd party. I can't think of the last time I made a friend from a game? Like even when I try to add someone on Discord or something. They never put in the same effort I do. I just miss how easy it was to make a buncha friends playing Garys Mod. I am old and just want silly arena shooters and party games.
women entered the video game space and we all got banned for verbal abuse.
id rather have the freedom to mute him quickly and still be free to speak and hear others freely. take some accountability for being the viewer. the world doesn't revolve around you commie faggot

>be me
>peruvian, on a lost streak
>playing cs
>peru's servers we're on maintance, so i was excepting to the server being hosted on chile or Argentina
> MM found a game, click join
>mfw the game was hosted on hundary
>mfw my entire team were russians
>mfw i checked the ping, I was playing in 180ms
>mfw I topfragged the match but still losing it
> derank from 16k to 15k

This game hates me
kill yourself peru nigger
stopped reading there

A thread for the MMOdventure and anons who wish to continue playing RaiderZ.

>Private server

CloverZ is our banner for our foray into this title. If you see one of us around, feel free to join-in!

>Current MMOdventure thread
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Reposting the droplist.
Rates might be different but it should be mostly similar.

At any rate it will tell you what drops what.
Useful for farming cosmetics.
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i think i ended up reaching lvl 11 or 12, the questing is very boring. do 1 quest, move to the next one, etc.

How was the end-game?
Quests are generic slop and never get better.
You get your first real boss at 14-15
You get your first dungeon at around level 17, next at 19.
There's a dead pvp zone you quest around until around level 26-27.
You get another new dungeon at 28-29.

Endgame starts at 33-40.
33 opens up the real Hellhounds which is a collection of boss fights. You get 3 tokens per day for these.
Epic variations on dungeons start at 35, there's also some good bosses, Chimera and Bolas, but their gear is outdated and nobody cares
40 has 2 version of the same dungeon Normal and Epic Temple of Renas. You need to grind both for best gear.
There's rescue Mission you can do for special pieces of gear with different effects.
2 separate pvp areas both with different modes
Multiple level 40 bosses exist too. Ronin, Shocktrap, Cyndea.

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Conan Exiles bread

Age of War Chapter 3 is out, and it's Funcom's finest mess yet, just in time for the devs' holiday leave.
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apparently no mods or singleplayer and it's going more of a forced online psuedo mmo/rust style of gameplay

DoA for sure
>people like conan despite the devs being funcom
So Funcom created great product?
Yes. Did you not read? Funcom did something good. Then, in true funcom fashion, they fucked it up.
It's a literal crime they let the anarchy online IP just sit and rot.
A modern day AO would print money with how many people are hungry for a good MMO.
>A modern day AO would print money
This is getting off topic but how? I played both back in the day and recently, any sort of modernizing would take all of the appeal away. It's waaaay too complicated to appeal in any large capacity without reducing it down to nothing. MMO's are dead, it's impossible to make a "good" mmo now. The only people that are dissatisfied with how mmo's are now are people 30+ who are outside of the market that games are attempting to appeal to now. The only reasons the older mmo's worked out so well was that their jewish monetization of keeping you subscribed as long as possible had the unintended side effect of making the worlds more immersive because just like real life we all had to rely on each other to get anything done. Now all the money is to be made by making everything piss easy, """free""" and microtransactions/battle passes/dailies to keep everyone hooked on a skinner box that isn't even trying to pretend to be otherwise because the generation that these games are marketed to were born into it without knowing better.

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Come play with us, link soon.
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Saturday /v/ackbox live on https://kick.com/vackbox RIGHT NOW
We're still going. Sorry we're not bumping over here. Apparently /v/'s thread is more important.
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she's the queen of vackbox!
also we've migrated to https://www.twitch.tv/vackboxgaming now, i almost forgot to mention
>Major event last week impeded Jackbox
>Major event this week impeded Jackbox
dammit can things just happen on a fucking Wednesday instead of ruining weekends

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To Start
>Go to duelingnexus.com and make a user
>Create a new deck
>Go to ygoprodeck.com/pack-sim/ (Pack opening simulator) and select “Pack Type: Official”
>Search for “Legend of Blue Eyes” and type “5” in the “Count” field
>At the bottom right of the page, click the blue fast forward button that says “Auto Open Packs”
>Build a deck out of whatever you pull in those 5 packs, choose a nickname and a screenshot of your pulls and post it on the thread.

To play
>On Dueling Nexus, go to Custom > Host Duel
>Rules will be set to none. (No banlist)
>Private Game (post the room link on the thread)
>Click “Create Game” and post the link to the room here, wait for another player

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While I can't host the series myself, due to already being the host of a Master Duel private server and not wanting to have to manage two of them, I can teach someone how to get it all set up.

The accounts are kind of already set up, in that one of the client's install steps is to manually input a bunch of random numbers in a file via text editor, and have that be their account token. It's primitive, but it works.

The packs are trickier. I have an inkling on the general format of manually adding new booster packs to the game, but the problem is the gruntwork involved has yet to be measured. I'm autistic AF, so I'll try adding LoBE to a test server, and report back.
After an hour of manually adding card id's to a json file, I finished adding Legend of Blue-Eyes to Master Duel, in place of its default Master Pack. It's not hard at all, just tedious. Thankfully, we only need to do it once a thread.

One amendment I'd like to make is to increase the number of packs opened to 10 instead of 5, as the packs are 8 cards each, and any fusion monsters pulled basically softlocks you if an admin doesn't intervene.

I will post a link to the client shortly, so I can let you anons test it out. It's basically a clientside mod for Master Duel that changes the server the game connects to, so make sure you have Master Duel and complete its tutorial first.
>Master Duel
>can already mod it for more anime girls and tits

Okay anon just finish it and you can hack my IP.
For those interested, I moved my master duel mod to its own thread, for posterity


This thread is dedicated for games we can play togther using Virtual LAN software.

VLANs simplifies the process of playing games online with friends, eliminating the need for technical configurations like port forwarding or dedicated servers.
Dawn of war could be nice but i think most people just use it through steam these days.
could you please post more images of the figures
your thread died because vlan != vpn.

I started playing TF2 in 2020 and after 1600ish hours of playing I kinda just want something new and there’s not many games where I could do stupid shit and play normally then leave after a few hours. The only thing I could think of is something like Gmod but that’s kinda it.
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maybe I'm just traumatized by years of wacky bossfight ghost skeleton gimmick maps and fucking wutville, but just seeing near themeless vanilla maps regularly is a breath of fresh air
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There will Never Ever be another game like Team Fortress 2
I liked this game a lot in 2009 and have played it off and on consistently since 2013
The game is genuinely just kind of hideous though. And the community is a bit off. Not even any of the people against cosmetics in some way are as conservative as I would like it. Not that any of it matters or is worth stressing over since nothing will ever be done.

I don't think there are any alternatives to tf2. Modern games just don't have the same spirit.
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this might be what you are looking for.

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Early Access is now LIVE!

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ci3RzUSKgk
Website: https://www.tribes3rivals.com
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2687970/TRIBES_3_Rivals
Official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tribes
Previous Thread: >>1176915
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i imagine the average game dev job is like that
It's so tragic that Ultra Strikers flopped. This game needs more exposure because more people deserve to see this dumpsterfire.
Did they release it already?
>releasing anything
Deadzone is delisted while still in Early Access.
Raiders shitcanned in early testing.
T3 is abandoned while still in Early Access.
Ultra Strikers is a spiritual successor to Radical Heights.

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I have been getting back into DDO recently and was wondering if there are any active guilds on the Orien server where I am playing. I am working on reincarnating the shit out of my toon right now and can't decide on end-game caster DPS or healer, but want a strong guild to do raids and such with. Is Orien still an active server and if not, can I transfer my toon without losing anything i've bought or earned over the years?
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Are you on ghallanda? https://www.ddoaudit.com/live
You could have a look at what times people play at.
Damn this link is helpful.
I played it before, when I still played mmos. It was pretty good, better than most, and also one of few games in Eberron setting.
They also gave away most of the expansion packs and modules for free couple of times (also for LOTRO), so if that ever happens you might as well try it out.
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>if there are any active guilds on the Orien server where I am playing.
Wildcats is the only one I know of off the top of my head.
Boatload of people in there and their guildchat is active.
>Is Orien still an active server
Last time I checked, it was the second most populated server which is ideal imo.
It's more than active enough without regularly bringing the server to its knees trying to service everyone.
Nevermind, looks like Orien got a massive population spike for that exact reason last year and ceased being in the sweet spot of second place, lol.
Help me, I reincarnated into Wizard EK and being an unkillable undead still isn't helping me accept the loss of evasion from my last life.
>start a wizard EK life
>SWF with orb so I can be tanky
>decide to try and free hand my build this time after advice that they're pretty straightforward
>need an alt to play with a friend
>make a TWF dark hunter ranger at level 7
>look up a build for it
>already has 8 more AC than my EK
>does as much damage as my fourth life main
>twice the PRR/MRR of my EK
Are Dark Hunters busted, or am I just that shit at trying to build on my own still?
It wouldn't even feel close if not for the insane healing from shroud and death aura.

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I played MMOs back in the golden age including pservers so this doesnt apply to modern ones.
Normies/successful people approach life in the way I look at MMOs

MMOBrain: Grinding to get stronger and be able to enjoy the fun parts
Normies: Financemaxxing and looksmaxxing to go on vacations and fuck bitches.
MMO Brain:Get time achievements and items
Normies:Going to irl events and making memories that will stay with them for the rest of their lives
MMOBrain:Socialize with other mentally ill individuals in general chat or raid with loser guildmates on discord

Sometimes I think about how everything would've turned out if I just put that energy and time into IRL instead of these mmos.

I realized the key differences between MMO and IRL: You have more agency in how others perceive you, usually based on merit or dedication vs real life where its mostly about your looks or social status.
It's more accessible and fun than irl.
You can reroll freely.
I get you. Biggest difference for me is / was RL is more freeform so it's harder to understand the rules / mmorpgs are easier to abuse and break because the rules are more narrow and rigid.

As a sidenote, goddamn /vm/ feels like screaming into the void. This thread was made 7 days ago.
>As a sidenote, goddamn /vm/ feels like screaming into the void. This thread was made 7 days ago.
It's a heavy price to pay to have a board that's almost entirely on-topic.

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Cute Nyangnyang Edition

Flyff has scores of private servers to choose from, but this is the one we've landed on for now.

NoFlyingAllowed is the primary Guild for /flyg/. If you see one of us running around (usually on Channel 6), feel free to join!

>Guides/Further Information
Clockworks Wiki
General compendium for all things related to this specific private server. Classes, leveling routes, important NPCs - you name it, this place probably has it.

Soapy's Scuffed Guide:

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how is the dress up in this game
also are there people who will pvp with me?
anyone playing the main one? universe?
This was part of the MMOAdventure, we're all in ferentus now

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Is Bodycam worth playing?
is anything worth playing?
yes this game is the best!!!!
the player count is booming right now!!!
and its made by 2 devs!!!!!
imo the graphics are amazing, but its lacking as a full game. feels more like a tech demo

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i found this chinese diablo clone called "Millennium Fourth" and "1000y" has anyone ever played it or know about it?
most of the early mmorpgs from Korea were all diablo clones. Lineage 1 and Metin1 for example.
That's a Korean

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