This is a thread for discussion about Secret Of The Solstice and the current two week visit by the MMOdventure project.>What's Secret of the Solstice?Anime-styled top down MMORPG, takes inspiration from Ragnarok Online.>Server/Class list>Download>Guild/FactionOur clan is Lucky Balls. Ask in this thread if you need an invite./vm/ thread where vote and discuss upcoming MMOs for the MMOdventure:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Is there still time to try the game? My first time participating in this thread and this game looks interesting.
>>1644818There might be one or two anon still logging in to SotS, but the current MMOdventure game is Chronicles Of Spellborn and will switch to either Dragonica or Star Wars Galaxies, according to the current poll standings, this Saturday night.Though maybe you can still find someone in this thread that wants to play a bit more of SotS. I personally didn't enjoy it very much, but some others had a pretty good time with it I think.
is this game alive?
>>1654190I think so. You can help :)
Elona meets Stardew Valley with open PvP, permadeath, base raiding, crafting and building. Inspired by UnReal World and Dwarf Fortress. Full of RuneScape and Tibia players. Classic 4chan core game.
>>1648047>>1647760Yes, please join Salem so my pre-stat growth nerf characters can steamroll you and your bases into the ground.
>>1648815On the new server? New Haven isn't a year old.
>>1643201>You can build turrets to defend your base.They actually make a difference? I thought it was just a mild nuisance for attackers to destroy them.
>>1653209They slow you down. It's already relatively pointless to raid players. Walls are too strong. The valueable items are on alts. You are better off waiting for the player to go inactive to salvage the walls instantly.
>>1648815:(Why steamroll newbs
>start playing in 2014>they add operators (i'm supposed to roleplay as a fucking kid?)>and for the love of god, what purpose does it serve to have them randomly shout something trivial every mission, was there leftover DEI budget to be used on queer voice actors or something?>abandon archwing and rebrand 5 years later as railjack>an ungodly amount of useless(ly specific) frames>add de-facto excalibur prime for normies to obtain>that whole bullshit about the FOMO packs a few years back>Duoviri and there is now a second "alternate reality" that conveniently doesn't affect the main game>1999 and there is now a third "alternate reality" that conveniently doesn't affect the main game>the whole game now officially takes place inside a computer, rendering the writing immune to inconsistencies and the future completely at mercy of the writersThey don't seem to know what game they really want so they keep adding these new games into their old game instead of making new games. Is there a future in playing this game?
>>1650734Problem with the gameplay is that nothing really matters. Damage numbers and levels mean nothing, either some mechanic like armor or damage attenuation almost fully prevents you from doing damage or you're blasting everything so fast that the only metric becomes "can my nuke or AoE weapon ignore LoS to hit things I can't see due to the wonky level geometry so I can go even faster". The latter can be fun in its own way I guess, but it also means 99% of weapons in the game become useless. I'd much prefer if damage actually meant something and there was a role for and feeling of impact of heavy single target weapons like snipers and bows.
Selling my closed-beta account for 70 bucks after they released that barren garbage open area was the best decision I've made in 2020.And yeah, retarded gay kids were gay and retarded.
>>1651089Founders accounts go for something like $800-900 nowadays.
>>1651144Mine was nothing special, I've never spent any money on the game and took frequent breaks. I'm glad I got what I could out of it (>fun included).
>>1641115No. Most f2p games are never worth getting into unless you have poor/normie friends
Literally all they do is spam 2020 meme sound board, get angry if you play competitively and try to socialize with minors and women.I genuinely feel like every 3rd player is a class clown turned furry cuck faggot who are socially retarded due to an abusive household or missing father.
>>1578990The game definitely pulled in some DarkRP degenerates
>>1652168probably lol they're fucking retarded. i swear i somewhere read some dev say "i love killing d bois"
>>1612842So 2 more months?
>>1612842Having percentages for health is a subtle sign that the dev has good taste and is a trustworthy, non turkish person
>>1573111Because they have nothing going on in their lives
How come people don't generally acknowledge in competitive games that the main determinant of whether you are good at the game or not is your reaction time which is mostly genetic and unchangeable? It seems that this is the one thing no one acknowledges when it comes to video games.
>>1620621What does this have to do with transvestites?
>>1609651Only until some of these former 20 y/o gamers turn 60 apparently....
>>1618705What is this? I want to see how slow I am
>>1604982Fpbp god damn poetry
Oi cunts if u r a tru dreamtime soul join our little rust server, okay? (ALL-STAR RUST)The server is prim locked, blueprints (BP) wipe every 6 months, and the game map is reset monthly. Geographically located in fucking Australia on the fucking east coast, alright?we've got our little faggot discord server you are welcome to join: update patch notes: played rust before? It's not that hard mon you run around until you can gather 30 cloth, craft a sleeping bag and keep going from there. Still unsure? Here's a YouTube video
Bros did u buy the $20 wallpaper pack? or the $10 CNY wallpaper theme pack? what am i going to buy the dip with?come on come on do u even oxidize bro? there is some hours of content beyond guns to muck around with.retard tip: do not spend all your cloth making bandages. keep those carpets or bear rugs which bump comfort levels automatically recovering health. if your foot and water is above 0.
We got 10 of the hardest niggas waiting for you in the Discord.
>>1620282Finally someone here hosting literally any game in australia, too bad i hate rust.
yo this thread is still living so it's getting discord server link you should definitely join this Discord even if you don't play Rust to inflate the user numbers and "post memes". JUST join and lurk. ok. ? somehow the old one expired yo i swear dog i set that thang to never but she's gone>>1643348sorry to hear that bro. i think you should consider playing rust instead. get on the virtual cotton picking simulator.
>>1620282What makes it all star?
Just dont make it ugly
faggot thread
Why is the board so slow that this shit from the past year is still up?
>Rate everyone's avatar on based/cringe>4chan thinks its spamREEE guess no one gets a rate
>>1654168Slow trickle of threads. On bump limit they die in three days.
Tripwire just killed the Killing Floor franchiseRIP, an empty husk of modern gaming slopcaptcha: PTSD TV
>>1633699It's been dead since the update that added dars and weapon upgrades. Also the devs are fags for banning anyone from getting any drops at all if they "duped" the unmarketable weekly f2p currency "vault dosh". The exploit was so easy to do that you could do it on accident, which I did, since all it required was doing something like crafting something in your inventory and then backing out
Stop fooling yourself. KF was always shit.
>>1633699Mutants look like shitWeapons look like shitCharacters look like shitMaps look like shitZipline kek Doors welding goneI stay with KF2
>>1633699>Tripwire just killed the Killing Floor franchiseAnon, KF2 came out almost a decade ago, at least when they went full retard with the updates during EA.
>>1633699I think zombie games as a whole have been on the downfall
Valorant is the most balanced multiplayer game out there
>>1568164Balanced is boring.Jett and Raze for example were more fun with more ability charges. Instead of nerfing them they should've buffed everyone else.
>>1615339buy and ad
>>1568164I think it is more balanced than other comp games but not overall
I miss social games like Vside, Gaia Online, etc v.v
>>1625324Me too, me too... Maplestory 2 was good, pity they shut it down. Still have hope for monsters and memories.
>>1625324so play them?
>>1638673i just tried it and can't find anyone even though it says there's 2.5k people online
>>1625324Roblox basically replaced them. Just do a voice chat one
After 27 years of play, tibia is bringing a new vocation to players. The monk will use the useless fist fighting skill that has been in the game since the start and will be a melee fighter with healer abilities for group playTo know more, read
Bump. I'm hyped.
>>1630836Might as well check it
cs2 bros he's not looking so good
>>1643735this was him barely a year ago, what happened
>>1643744his hair must grow very slowly
>>1643735There is a cs comp thread already
Monster Hunter is MMO-RPGProve me wrong.
why is everything a fucking MMO to zoomers, diablo 4 is an MMO, PSO is a MMO, fucking aol messenger is a fucking mmo to these stupid fucking babies
>>1627381Well look at modern WoW or FFXIV>AFK in Orgimar HUB>Open LFG>Go to Raid>Talk to no one>If some one is running a non-meta class or build they get insta kicked>Repeat and rinseThen compare it to old MMORPGs>Be Orgimar>Have to gather people to run SFK>Spent a hour finding people to run SFK with you>Have to propose shared rules and tactics>Have to use team work to win, if you pull too many wolves you dieComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1629995It was amazing for me since I missed early wow from being poor and not western enough, when the classic craze hit to get a taste of what it was like. How the toxicity evaporates when the game is the obstacle to progress, rather than a teammate being retarded. Not that we had no retards during it, but you tolerate a lot more when quitting means dumping 2 hours of work down the drain, a few more retries is 30 minutes the value proposition solves itself, the design actually discourages toxicity. Modern matchmaking could and would never. But hey, at least it's "fair". Now you'll get matchmade into the same results whether you try your hardest or just afk. MMO's were the forerunner for the quiet death of online community, the more you optimize the experience, the less reason exists for community to form. The only way in which MH honors the MMO aside from big waiting lobbies is that it has a culture of cooperation, the only toxicity I ever ran into playing monster hunter was hunting fatalis and that's understandable, it's the high stress scenario of a raid or competitive. The casual scene just isn't touched by it, there's no reason for it.
>>1629995>look at <two of the most popular titles represent all of MMOdom>10 days late but you suffer from clinical retardation.
>>1623103It is an mmo rpg
Has anyone played this yet? From what I see it seems to be a decent arena shooter. The 3 portals idea is crazy. Makes for some nuts gameplay. What improvements should they make?I've heard a lot of complaints about the UI
Nevermind something is broken with matchmaking. Cant even find a match.
>>1658425I mean, is anyone gunna play this?
Will you guys be playing the successor to Runescape?
OP here, I haven't posted since launch.
>>1592401andrew's autism is clipping the game's wingsthe three classes they chose are absolutely retarded with zero appeal, the fog of war boardgame bullshit is a turnoff, and the claustrophobic map makes it feel like you're grinding in a room like cattle just for the sake of grindingdoesn't even feel like a game made by the runescape creator, not even a discount runescape
>>1659282On the first day or two Andrew sperged out on Twitter about the players complaining they felt like they had to start over whenever they reached a new skillAndrew placed a lost of emphasis on the usage of the word 'reset' and most of his posts were him trying to define what the word meant while reassuring players that their progress in older zones was saved. Basically the kind of 'tism sperging that completely misses the point the hundreds of players make because he gets stuck arguing semanticsThis incident made it abundantly clear that he has no fucking clue what he's doing and that he's clearly too far up his own ass because he's convinced that his own vision is the only right option, presumably the result of lingering trauma from having the original RS essentially taken over by external actors from other companies
>>1382327I will be playing rs3 thank you very much!(Why should I play brighter shores tho)