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THis fucking piece of shit
Also, Pax Dei general
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30 hrs got me to wrought iron gear solo. idk shit about wurm but pax doesnt seem that bad. the combat is shit but the game has sovl. i like it
>jealous of rotten teeth and dead mother
money can't buy natural god given teeth nor a new mother, so no.
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Wait, nu-Ragnaros has legs?

Conan Exiles bread

Age of War Chapter 3 is out, and it's Funcom's finest mess yet, just in time for the devs' holiday leave.
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Same here, but that doesn't change what I said.
I have zero interest in both the dune ip and the upcoming game but from what I've heard others say it's looking like the game is going to adopt fallout 76's way of doing things which means no private servers and no mods.
literally dead on arrival with no mods
even FO76 has client side mods for UI/visuals/map etc
I've never been into dune and funcom is garbage so I wasn't going to buy it anyway but maybe the name is so big they will make bank who knows, I personally hope they go bankrupt(again) though.
I don't care much for dune but science fiction is nice and like it or not funcom are the only people who make pvp survival games that come even remotely close to being polished.
If they actually let modders touch outfits from dlc they would likely make more money.
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Why the fuck would I ever buy dlc when the devs don't put basic shit like this in the game?

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With WeezyTF2's (a popular TF2 YouTuber) new video talking about SaveTF2 that came out a few days ago. It has reignited the sense of SaveTF2 and that it might happen again.

>What is/was #SaveTF2?
It was an online movement made by the TF2 community back in 2022 to raise awareness of the neglect from Valve, the developer, regarding the issue of cheaters and bots plaguing the game among other issues that the game has. The original #SaveTF2 movement was quite successful yet it did not achieve its full potential.

>What did #SaveTF22 do?

#SaveTF2 did many things such as getting the hashtag to be number one on Twitter promoting it everywhere, and signing a petition on change.org.

>What is the point of #FixTF2?

While #SaveTF2 was impactful in terms of Valve updating the game, there was clearly not enough done to fix the issue as bots and cheaters are still rampant to this day. #FixTF2 is a resurgence of #SaveTF2 and I, alongside much of the TF2 community, hope that it will leave more impact than the original.

>Bro TF2 is like 20 years old its dead

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I don't care about the cosmetics or whatever fucking eceleb you think I like.

As long as Valve is allowing these accounts to still exist on Steam, and use their platform for malicious activity, they have an obligation to fix the issue.
The issue with botting isn't unique to TF2, and the fixes done to TF2 can apply to any source game or Steam as a whole.

This Banana game is another game that is being botted to hell on Steam. The issue with bot accounts isn't unique to TF2. Since Steam also a platform for trading and has social media elements, it massively impacts the entire platform is a significant portion of the userbase are bots trying to farm items, and then those in game economies become devalued, hurting the players that are not using bots, and can drive users away long term. Any game that has items that can be traded on Steam is impacted by Valve mediocre moderation.
oh god please no.
nobody cares we just feel sorry for you atp
I guess the banwave was a first step

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Is elder scrolls a good game for multiplayer? Asking myself that question lately.
Would players be interested in a server if it was tuned so as to avoid easy godmoding via, for example, spam selling potions to get rich, while at the same time amping the difficulty up? With minimal moderation of course

Giving that idea a try, set up a server in the TES3MP server list
Server's called "Mahkan" or there's discord.me/mahkan
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nerevarine prophecies? yeah that server is trash
>join server
>someone says nigger in local chat
>another player sees me
>kills me for being a "non-dunmer"
Pretty sure this is just a place for /pol/cels to enact their racist fantasies. Not joining again and would advise others to do the same.
Morrowind is the greatest single player rpg of all time
I think it could only be worse being multiplayer.
might be funny to try but the game is so unbroken idk how anyone could make it balanced.
>servers are all the same, first one you come across is how the rest are run
centralized servers and their consequences have been a disaster for multiplayer gaming

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A place for discussion on strategies, updates and much more.

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Why is Counter Strike 1.6 still being played? What makes it so great?
Why CS 1.6 shouldn't be played?
eyes off zoomer
stick to valorant
good morning ESL saar

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How do you find that bro to do a GIM with? I've wanted to do one forever, but a GIM is a huge commitment and not everyone can manage.

I mess up my build and they tell me I gotta make a new character if I wanna fix it. No respec, no respec at all!

I'll show myself out
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I lol'd
i don't get it :(
Rodney Dangerfield, a great comedian.
this is a good thing (but doesnt happen in any game made in the last 100 years). its worse when you can just respec into whatever you want.

best system i saw was being able to respec once per level and only the points you spent for that level

now obviously a huge issue is that games have too much fucking fomo and are bloated with pointless time wasting nonsense so you really dont want to have to make a new character just to experience the other builds but i cant help you there just dont play shitty games i guess (difficulty: impossible)

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Best BR wins?
90% of people in that game are bots pretending to be real players.
Lmao no. Just waitr until you get into top 30 players in a match they're all real players

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What are some multiplayer games you can play on a shit PC? I'm stuck on a laptop with the lowend trifecta. I can literally feel I'm getting shit on because of my poor hardware.

>60hz monitor
>GTX card
>Wifi (lol)

It's a real struggle to play mainstream FPS. Slightly okay to play games like OW2 or Gaypex because it's more arcadey and high TTK. I'm wondering if there are other games I could go to. Doesn't even have to be FPS.

Also games that are
>not dead

I don't want to wait 20 minutes to get a match. Or have to play with the few dozen sweatlord boomers who will just stomp me.
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cs2 and league they run on any shit pcs. Honestly when I had a shitty pc emulation was more fun. Also fuck these captchas.

you need low tier rtx card if you want to run this in 1080
Im running cs2 with a 1070 card at like 140 frames.
I have a 1070 and I only get 70fps

I had to lower it down to 1280x720
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Dino D-day. A bunch of freinds and I (About 15 or so) get together every saturday night to play it for a few hours.

Good as a semi-departure from regular FPS games.

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i saw it was on sale in steam so i ask.
i assume only tryhards olay it now so it would be pretty hard to fit in.
but i always liked fighting games and wanted to play one of them so idk.
It's fun, gonna be hard to get into initially because of the player base right now. Also chip damage isn't that big of a problem in this game.
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Buy Tekken8 instead.
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Tekken has chip damage now?
How much coomer content does tekken have? If a fighting game doesn’t offer any content for coomers, then it’s not a fighting game I want anything to do with.
it's fun but less players online than t8. plus it's all tryhards so you'll get shit on

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Alright, gamers, gather 'round. Let's settle this once and for all: Call of Duty: Black Ops III is the best entry in the Call of Duty franchise. Hear me out before you grab your pitchforks, because I've got some rock-solid reasons.

First things first, the multiplayer in Black Ops III is top-notch. Treyarch introduced a fast-paced, fluid movement system that perfectly balances advanced mobility with traditional boots-on-the-ground combat. The addition of wall-running and thrust jumps adds a new layer of strategy without feeling overwhelming or gimmicky. Plus, the Specialist system allows for unique playstyles and abilities, giving each match a fresh and dynamic feel.

Black Ops III's Zombies mode is, hands down, the best in the series. With intricate maps like Shadows of Evil and The Giant, the game offers a deep, story-driven experience that keeps you coming back for more. The Easter eggs are some of the most challenging and rewarding in the series, and the addition of GobbleGums introduces new strategies and replayability.

For the first time in the franchise, Black Ops III introduced a fully co-op campaign. This isn't just a tacked-on feature; the campaign is designed from the ground up to be enjoyed with friends. The branching storylines and customizable loadouts ensure that no two playthroughs are the same. Plus, the narrative dives into some deep and thought-provoking themes about AI and human consciousness. (1)
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Infinite warfare both in terms of campaign and multiplayer is better in every way. Better microtransactions that gave out every dlc gun for free, far better story. It's just that manchildren who overgrinded bo3 got tired.
BO3 really was the best TDM experience, i'd play the shit out of a BO3 clone
I didn't like the 3-lane map design or the aim assist being better than any human, or even the third-party cheats used in other games.
Is the multiplayer still filled with cheaters on PC?
You're better off playing all the older CoD games on console

please specify your pronouns and
sexuality upon joining
my pronouns are nigger/niggerself and I want to be the king when I join your gay server

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Did anyone else play Reign of Kings? I've been hankering for a medieval survival mp game ever since playing this one.
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goddamn that game was trash
having said that, yes, I played the shit out of it until the red invasion
>introduce friend to rok
>spend four hours in a remote location on the island building a small base
>wake up the next morning and its gone with no trace
I think it was all stolen as soon as we logged off lol
I remember me and my friend bought this because you could hang people.
You could cage them too, we would construct cages near the spawn beach and just fill them up with near defenseless soloers kek
This game was great, friend group picked a server we grinded the fuck out of it, I was so fucking good at aiming the stone javelins
Better days...

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Bored of current minecraft, missed when you were playing in 2011? Try out b1.7.3!

>Aren't older Minecraft versions vulnerable to some exploits?
You're likely thinking of log4j which only affected versions above release 1.7 (https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4416199399693-Security-Vulnerability-in-Minecraft-Java-Edition)
>This version isn't as refined as i remember!
Try out some of the suggested mods in the link below

>Server IP
>Client Setup Guide
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Everyone here has a bunch of strange weird ass names, obviously bunch of liberal feminists & gay homosexual lesbian agitators.

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