Welcome to Anoncraft, A Cracked Vanilla Minecraft 1.21 SMP for /vm/.>Server IP: anoncraft.cc>Map: map.anoncraft.ccCome join one of the largest Minecraft communities in /vm/! Now with full support for cracked accounts!>Server News:- Explosions and more explosions.- Merry Christmas
>>1622823ok spergysimon
What plugins does this server use?
>>1629374It has a per player loot plugin, a webmap, coreprotect for rollbacks, a plugin for sitting down, graves and that's mostly it.
>>1629831>gravesholy cringe
>>1629969our players can't help but beat the shit out of each other, please understand
Monster Hunter is MMO-RPGProve me wrong.
>>1623103lobby based games aren't MMOs
why is everything a fucking MMO to zoomers, diablo 4 is an MMO, PSO is a MMO, fucking aol messenger is a fucking mmo to these stupid fucking babies
>>1627381Well look at modern WoW or FFXIV>AFK in Orgimar HUB>Open LFG>Go to Raid>Talk to no one>If some one is running a non-meta class or build they get insta kicked>Repeat and rinseThen compare it to old MMORPGs>Be Orgimar>Have to gather people to run SFK>Spent a hour finding people to run SFK with you>Have to propose shared rules and tactics>Have to use team work to win, if you pull too many wolves you dieComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Is World of Tanks a pay to win game?
>>1594081>500 hour grind to top tier is an insane waste of timeagreed, that's why I never play above 6.7tbf I have little to no interest in modern ground anyway, jets are pretty fun, but even then the missiles really fucking know where they are and aren't above 11.0 so true top tier jets looks pretty unplayable to me as well.
Is the Somua SM good or not?The dispersion after firing has me worried, it only seems like it would be good if it doesn't lose its accuracy trying to dump 5 shots but it seems like that might be the case.
really tired of these autistic faggots driving campy TDs on ice age modeI'm trying to ram people and you're being a faggotlike go to regular battles and leave us who are trying to have some fun alonegod dammit
>>1590825100℅ and it keeps getting worse each updatet. 2013fag
>>1590825One of the most glaring examples of pay to win I've ever seen, and there are MANY.I didn't think my opinion of this game and devs could get any lower but after returning to this game for about a week after a 3 year hiatus achieved that
A thread to discuss Warhammer: Age Of Reckoning and also our two week foray in it. >What's Warhammer: Age Of Reckoning?PVP-centric MMORPG developed by Mythic Entertainment and published by EA in 2008.>Serverhttps://www.returnofreckoning.com/>Guild/FactionOur guild is <Banhammer> on Destruction. Ask in here for an invite, or message any guild member.>Class Pollhttps://strawpoll.com/ajnE16860nW>Class InfoComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1629594too bad it's a solo class in a game where soloing is near impossible
>>1629679>soloing is near impossibleYou need to be patient and pick the right target. You can also look for WH/WE groups in LFG for easy ganking.
>watching two niggers decked in SOV kiting and killing 7 ''bolstered'' playersboy howdy that bolster buff sure is strong lmao
>>1631841were those bolstered fags wearing best-at-level gear? even if they did, it is stated that the system still doesn't want to invalidate your efforts in getting top gear by beefing up bolstered so hard, you gonna have advantage in that armor
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHScenarios tonight????????????????????????I am stuck in T1 or 40 OR we can warband it up in the open world and stare at doors
Hey guys! Been having lots of fun with this game Vintage Story, and i was hoping to find some people to play it with! The game is inspired by minecraft, but with more hardcore survival elements! You progress through material ages starting with stone and working your way up through copper and so on until you're making machines and high carbon steel and shit. It costs 20 Euros and can be purchased here: https://www.vintagestory.at/(not on steam) hit me up on discord @ .dogdays if u wanna play!
the thread is right here, how did you miss it? it was on the front page.>>1622125
What went wrong?
>>1617759I am the grim trans witch your parents warned you about
>>1617759still going strong
>>1617759Auto-aim bots. Oh wait I forgot consoles call it aim assist.
>February 1st 12PM EST - Beta launches, all f2p content is available. Character progression won't reset from now on.>mods are troons>fun game is fun>What is 2004scape?2004scape is the live 2004 server of the Lost City project, a project aimed at recreating lost Runescape versions, down to the Runescript.Every cache revision that is available will slowly be recreated by the Lost City project, after every feature has been tested.The Lost City engine is the best engine to ever reach the private server scene.This server will have NO Quality Of Life features, and will exclusively be a recreation, not catering to playability.https://lostcity.rs/t/faq-what-is-lost-city/16>What's the beta?The beta is here! It's the first release of 2004scape. Character stats won't be reset from now on.All Free-to-Play content of Runescape as it was on May 18th 2004 will be available to play, at a normal 1x XP rate. After a few more months of testing, Members content will be unlocked with the full release of 2004scape.https://2004.lostcity.rs/news/183Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
when will members come out? I'm tired of the crowded training spots
>>16358452/3 months (tranny drama will cause the server to be nuked well before that though)
>EventsSoon: Cluj-Napoca>Half-Life TVwww.hltv.org
>>1632857No, they're okayish-good.
>>1632948Kek stolen valor, there's a good argument to be made for Mongolia but China? Absolutely not.
>>1632948>>1633272>Australia doesn't have a competitive cs scene outside of FlyQuestAgreed>Mongolia or China deserves that extra slot way morelolChina is shit. Over a billion "people" and none of them know how to play csMongolia might deserve an extra sport. No other asian team does. But I'd rather see SAARS getting a freebie than China getting enything
based 9 am pro games
First Edition (kind of)>What is Sven Co-op?Sven Co-op is a co-op variation of the 1998 first-person shooter Half-Life. It can be played with up to 32 players. Initially made to make it possible to play Half-Life campaign with other people, it has since then expanded into being one of the most moddable games on the GoldSrc engine.>Why do so many players have default models?When a player is using a model or skin you do not have, you will see the default HEV suit. You can download the models here:https://twlz.lifeisabug.comhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=631466533https://wootguy.github.io/scmodels/download.html>Custom sprays?Here: http://www.the303.org/tutorials/index.html We have a server at for co-op NOW!!
>>1622204tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tortONE MORE GAMENO MORE NO LESStort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort tort
>>1622204Stop being a fag
how is this thread still alive bro
>>1627925Oh hi, sung
how do you respond without sounding mad?
>>1600904you have to be white to understand the appeal
>>1600911this.game is only play by nostalgiafags and autism hyperfixation.
I mean if you think RuneScape is boring you are literally correct. It's literally made to be a second monitor/idle game while you do something that is more entertaining. The literal only things that are entertaining are high-end pvm and pvp. That's it. I've played RS since 2009 and even I think this shit is boring as fuck But I'm addicted and can't quit. Why do you think so many people bot? There are bots that have literally gone from 1-99 in all skills and not been banned. Lol.
>>1600904It's a good game for dads.
Did any of you ever play those older AP-based, text-based MMOs from the mid 2000s like Urban Dead, Shartak, Shintolin etc?In these games you basically had a max of 50 "action points" (AP) that you used for doing stuff, and they regenerated +1 every 30min or so, and you charater stayed in the game even when you logged out so you had to manage your AP find a play to hide before logging offThis meant you could play once or twice a day and had to wait for the AP regenThis is not the same as those predatory mobile games because there was NO WAY to buy more AP and things like that, everyone had to waitI loved those games (they're all basicaly dead now) because everyone was on an equal footing, people who checked the game all day didn't have any advantage over people who checked once or twice a dayThe AP managemend also gave a strategic feel to the gameDo you think runescape could give me a similar feel to these games?
>be me >get friends into TW Warhammer 3 >start a co-op campaign >constant bitching ensues >"omg Anon why does it take you 2mins to load in/out fights" >done with the complaining >exit game>host so everyone gets booted out >call them all brain rotted and leave the VCGod it can't fucking stand how normies can't wait for more than 15 seconds at a time anyone.
ive played tf2 for 12 years. i just wanna quit but overwatch and other team based fps suck
tf2 is shit, and stopped to being fun years ago
>>1612813go play fortnite you,troon
>>1579071>Marvel Rivals>free>made by Chinese devhmmm...
>>1614041fortnite is fun tho
I haven't played in years. Have the bots been fixed?
>Economy system is currently being overhauled.>We have a YouTube now! @RealGlobeMC>TikTok is in progress.IP: play.globemc.netMap: map.globemc.netVersion: 1.21.4+>What is GlobeMC?We are a 1:200 scale Minecraft SMP replicating the terrain of the entire Earth! Founded in January 2019, we have gone through five different map iterations and have appeared on /v/ and /vm/ since 2018!>What are some gameplay elements?Returning from our previous iterations is our heavily modified Towny plugin that allows for players to establish territorial claims across the world. The player trading economy also makes a return as well.Rather than using the "/tpa" command, each town can establish two different waypoint plots that allow for geopolitical travel at the cost of a small price.We now use SiegeWar, Towny's official war plugin! Place a colored banner outside of an enemy town and enforce a siege in order to annex it into your own nation. These declarations are resource-heavy and expensive to start, so always make sure you have the necessary requirements to engage battle.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
1fighter2defenders (1f2d) is a minecraft survival server with a world that never resets in a free for all environment.The server was started at 26. April 2021 making it 3 years & 9 months old. Thousands of players have visited at least once.>IP to connect: 1f2d.net>Game version: 1.21 (Supports 1.17 - 1.21.4)Website: https://1f2d.netE-mail: contact.1f2d@gmail.com
Should I buy an ad?
>>1625678>>1625680yes fuck off
Installing Potato Alert has been the most demoralizing experience.
>>1583976Id say yeah
>Update 14.1: FREE Battleship in the Adventure and Lunar New Year!I'm not even gonna bother reading. Some tech tree filler?
>>1622892free battleship in the premium event pass :))
Do we have a clan bros?
>>1625046You get a T9 chink BB premium for free (nothing to do with the BP, just play missions). If you don´t take the BB you can get the special dutch commander instead.>>1625531If EU then the last active one should be [2DQT] at this point.