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Will you guys be playing the successor to Runescape?
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It’s certainly got a unique style to it and I’m going to give it a try but I can’t see if going far if they don’t try and catch up with all the content RS3 and OSRS has in it currently, it’s the Gowers though so there’s bound to be some really nice gameplay in there somewhere
really not a fan so far.
I'll probably still try it, but i hate the claustrophobic board game aesthetic more than anything.
why do people want more of this genre? were surely not the same species its just blatant waste your time slurry for domesticated animals
from what I have seen, I get a sense they are washed up and their creative era is over. besides 07 Runescape was actually total ass, people just didn't know it yet. For instance, it took some time for the first 99 smithing to hit, but later down the road it became apparent just how trash the skill really was. making lvl 40 armor at lvl 99 smithing.... yeah, enough said i think. it took forever to see change to it. in rs3 Priff had to be created first and in OSRS IDR a date, but it felt like it wasn't that long ago they did a change of some sort (i dont play it much).

I think Runescape did shine b/c of the nuanced gameplay details. like I think they just played their own game (extremely rare today!) and made solutions to their problems, which brought about content that made sense. An example of this would be battlestaves for gp, or miscellania as a gp dump that gave better value in recourses.

as good as the smaller details were, i always felt like they needed twice as many of those smaller details that glued the game together. and again, a change of some type to a lot of the skills would have been nice as well
No. RuneScape is total shit for retards and this doesn't look any better.
Yes I will be giving it a go
I've literally never given a shit about the graphics nor the tile system it has going on, people who complain about stuff like that are either women or faggots
Story, lore, and rpg chads rise up
Because it's fun.
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I'm not reassured by the lack of info. We're getting a decent ways into Q3 and there's not that many details, let alone a release date.
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looks really food op
1) Pozzed or not?
2) Online only?
3) If yes to 2, company servers only or can I make my own?
Can't have nice things for shit these days...
Thanks for the answers.

release date nov 5 according to dev.
>10 days before PoE2
It's so ogre...
Looks like am mix of OSRS and RS3. I'll give it a try.
I am really excited for this game. i have been playing runescape since like 2006 and honestly i am pretty sick of it by this point, but i really can't find anything that scratches the same itch.
>most active discussion rn
Cooking is a skill, yes.
dunno but looks ok
>nearly 20 year old game
>"It's bad, people just don't know it yet."
youre delulu bro
My only gripe with it is the tile look. Really not a fan. I also feel the style for the models and overall look of the game could be better.
classes are uninteresting and way overdone
they could have at least went with some cool ones but the whole reason Runescape succeeded is that it was NOT trying to be like every other game on the market
Yeah, I don't mind the sub area design, since I like that they're kinda like dioramas linked together, and I find that cute, but the individual squares of the grids kinda kills that
It's supposed to liken to tabletop games.

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