Hey, /vm/, an old friend of mine will visit me tomorrow and we plan on playing co-op vidya via LAN on my two PCs. We are going to play some of the classics (Swat 4, WC3, AoM, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, BG3, etc.). Any other games/mods you can think of that we should play?
>>1427088Tekken 5 is kinda hard to learn at an intermediate standpoint, but it's fun as a button mashing fighting game still.Maybe Budokai/Tenkaichi 3, too? There's also Fifa Street if you want a more dynamic sports game that isn't just... y'know. Modern Fifa.Here's a list, too: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls568328294/
>>1427093Brill! Thanks for the list, mate!
>>1426946you dont need to buy. svencoop is free
>>1426870>>1427146How'd it go, OP? Grinded Tekken 5?
>>1426870Play the original Splinter Cell guard vs. stealthman multiplayer.
Anyone still playing Arma 3 or Arma reforger?
>>1434546Nah i only like Iraq and Afghan wars, it's just servers are mostly Ukraine nowadays.
>>1434978Good, GWOT is gay as fuck
Czechs are being flooded...Buy Karts DLC to help them
>>1435082>God punish the czech for not releasing Arma 4 sooner>or God try to stop Arma 4Pick what angered God
>>1434891>>1434910i ended playing like 2 hours there! the people was very nice with a noob like me so thats great!
a thread for the greatest mmo of all time
are you retarded?
who are you talking to
Someone please let me die.
>>1434250if i was valve i would just turn off the servers and shut it down at this point. Just rip off the bandaid.
>>1434267They killed the item servers a while back. That didn't stop it.
Version: 1.21 JavaIP: plays minecraft!
>>1423195reminder to donate to the shrine...
Soku/PoFV/TPDP/IaMP and other 2hu games with netplay. Host, play and discuss your favorite multiplayer Touhou games.Download Soku here:>Community pack, all necessary tools come preinstalled. Get this if you are newhttps://mega.nz/file/U1InQIZR#8UGs8S9oXVeSAIr6fLhxaAaryBO67KEIuf13o2T399U>Base game, not necessary if you use the above linkhttps://mega.nz/#!ashhnZza!cWdD2mqnQSfpzow5h_LDABQzHOnAiHDL62ceAOF6z9k>Upgrade pack for the base gamehttps://mega.nz/file/RhQj0CbA#rC6Jf9gTJsByL2ox59KxFqShoweUX0J3MHpQJKvKaRICan't forward ports in order to host? Try these:>Autopunch: Mainly for Soku, not necessary if you got the Community packhttps://autopunch.delthas.fr/>Proxypunch: Compatible with more games, a bit less user-friendlyhttps://github.com/delthas/proxypunchComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1434017There's been a power outage Give me a few mins....
>>1434044>>1434017ok it might be fine now....
Echoes of Angmar when?
>>1430547>live LOTRO is a beloved gamebeloved by who? they get 500 players at peak on their new legendary server and that's considered a smashing success>samefagyeah I forgot to share that second vid, which comically sums up everything wrong with live LOTRO.
>>1420539I saw they added difficulty options for the overworld. Are they pretty straightforward and do they actually make it more challenging, or just more grindy?
>>1432846Landscape difficulty does its job, but it's just a janky stopgap implementation that doesn't really address the core problems with what the game has become. It would certainly be a lot better if it applied to instances as well. It's pretty jarring to go from a challenging overworld experience to soloing dungeons np.
>>1430547>beloved when SSG is notorious for ignoring and not communicating with their playerbase
>>1430613eu server constantly gets to 800-1000 players even now, well thats because its the only eu located one but still.
>dude you only have to kill 10 [enemy]s and run the worst dungeon for 5 billion hours it gets good after that trust me Are there any MMOs that don't do this? I really like the genre but it's ridiculous how much of a time sink they are. It's like the early game is designed to filter you out through the most mundane shit ever before you get to do anything fun
>This game is absolutely gonna be the CoD Killer you guys!! >We had some public beta tests that nobody has heard any kind of feedback from, and we aren't promoting it at all, but it'll definitely be a good, healthy competitor to CoD!>Don't worry, we won't let it sit without updates for a year before publicly executing it! When have we ever done that before?
>>1429317this guy gets it too
How many weeks does Xdefiant have left bros?
>>1429994100% this. I literally don't even look at the discord server anymore because it's nothing but shills. It used to be filled with reasonable people that could admit the game had its faults. But now it's just brain dead retards with a random troll every now and then coming in and saying the game is dead just to piss them off. But the truth is the game is actually dead. I haven't played since late July. Don't even miss it. Haven't even had the slightest urge to even play the shit. I logged in on the 9th to collect the daily rewards thing they're doing but couldn't even be bother to waste my time logging in on the 10th, 11th and probably won't do it today either. I didn't play a single match and they had 2xp all weekend along with 24/7 Arena and Rockefeller. I tried playing a match on the 9th and literally waited for like 15 mins before just closing app because I literally can't play unless I turn crossplay on, which I refuse to do.>>1430389Retards actually think it'll be around until next spring. Honestly, back in June/July I said this game would be lucky to be around after December. I stand by that. Everyone is holding their breath for the update at the end of the month but I can't wait to laugh hard as shit when they release Search and Destroy and it's a complete fucking dud. I thought CTF would be great in this game but 1. they implemented it like retards and 2. it plays like shit in this game. I predict search and destroy will play like pure dog shit too, but idiots will stomach it because they stuck and don't want to get spawn trapped in respawn modes.
>guise slop is better than slop (old)
>>1430559>dumb nigger shows up in a thread he doesn't care about to announce to everyone he's a dumb niggerOk here's your (You), you can leave now retard.
Are multiplayer PvP games even that popular anymore?Compared to the giants like Fortnite, CS, Call of Duty, etc. there's like no discussion regarding stuff like fighting games, MOBAs, more niche FPS, etc. compared to the singleplayer giants.Even stuff like Halo and Doom are only being kept alive due to microtransactions and nostalgia.
>>1412483I've finally witnessed what Fortnite is about and I'm teaching my nephews that you use the dance emote after you kill someoneif anyone knows the Stacraft gif that goes "izi pizi" that's me right now
>>1413212Non casuals
>>1419471bump, still don't know what gps means
>>1418245>Getting into fighting or mobas takes like 2000 hours of practice.not mobas, you're just a brainlet. fighting games are all about reaction time, which is why niggers with fast twitch punch you in the face reflexes are so over represented in the fighting game player base. normal people don't have a reaction time reflex to coherently play fighting games, let alone win, which is why the standard method of playing a fighting game for all noobs handed a controller is to button mash. also the control system which requires a timed sequence of button presses for a single output, with multiple outputs being arrhythmic, is extremely un-intuitive for most people. don't even get me started on frame data.
>>1433702>fighting games are all about reaction timeNot true at all. I'd even say reactions are more important in FPS. Most people aren't actually reacting to all the things in a fighting game that you assume they are. New players have slow reactions and button mash because they don't understand what's even going on or what they're looking at. Same way new players will panic in gunfights in shooters.
Did you guys ever play Minecraft Hunger games like 10 years ago? I just had a huge nostalgia wave for it I miss this shit so much
>>1409976I did, once the Java scene of HG started to die out, kids were filling the MCPE servers and playing the gamemode over and over.It died after Bedrock hit because accesing servers became a little more complex and kids were just using the vanilla approved server list.However, the cracked OK servers are still filled with players, from Java to Bedrock but it's really inconsistent and usually NOT safe to play unless you know what you are doing.
>>1421840>NOT safe to playwhat did you mean by this
>>1418607the last time i played it was in a pub bedrock from the server browser and while i did see the server sold cosmetic shit no one had p2w in hunger gamesmite check again in a bit
>>1422063If you don't want your dox to be sold on Breachforums, or even worse, to some data harvesting company then use a VM or a container when playing on them.
https://x.com/JeromeASF/status/1834306265423720480looks like i wasn't the only one feeling nostalgia about hunger games heh
Would you prefer to play an MMORPG instance without a tank, or with a tank who's an asshole? This means you have an empty slot in the party by the way, so no doubling-up on healers.https://strawpoll.com/3RnYXVLoQyeI'd rather deal with no tank than an asshole tank, and I say this as a healer main.
I'd much rather take a massive shit on my desk and eat it all up instead of playing an MMO ever again.
Have TF2 community servers gotten more left wing than usual?I joined two random community servers with my kind of offensive name and I got kicked by mods almost immediately. When I rejoined with a different name, all I saw and heard were transsexuals and furries. Is this the norm for team fortress 2 community servers? A bunch of trannys and furries that can’t handle a joke of a username?Are there any community servers that can handle the calibre of a game rated 18+?
>>1386691>Have TF2 community servers gotten more left wing than usual?I remember in 08 a few of the community servers I was in (OG Van ect) had people who were thrilled about Obama becoming President. In other words there was always a political mixture of people in tf2 and usually leaned left. So I'm not sure what you're asking since only a few servers were genuinely right wing or became such over time.
>>1407240I'd say this started occurring in 2011-2014. Almost all of the sane people in my community have left a very long time ago while the dead end autistic neets have claimed the community as their own.It's crazy to think that the last major update was now 7 years ago.
>>1386691Transexuals and furries are the one's running the community servers>Get tired of playing 2fort, there's only so much fun you can have when the server you play on is full of retards who haven't evolved past screaming racial slurs and pretending they aren't seething at each other>Miss maps like Cyberpunk so go looking for a community server that's not a randomizer, jailbreak or another skial server>Find a unique looking one and join it>Slowly realizes it's full of furries and transexuals>It's heavily modded, there are eevee and it's evolutions as skins and starfox for some reason among other furry things>The server is some weird mixture of actually playing the game and Second life where people are just chilling and wandering through the weird maps people make>So things get off when some fag decides he wants to pubstomp out of nowhere while everyone else was taunt dancing>There are gay furry sprays and sometimes the furries congregate to a wall full of them but I can't see sprays anymore so I don't careHonestly considering what some people here have been saying that particular server could be worse. Despite it being a furry server there's another half of the playerbase that aren't and only a few trannies bother making HRT jokes and I haven't seen them in a good bit
>>1406501Maybe it's alright for a game to let you tell people to kill themselves?
>>1433204Valve turned the ability to view sprays off by default in a previous update, but you can reenable them in the advanced settings tab
DAWNTRAIL INFO:>Early Access - Friday, June 28, 2024 (2:00 AM PDT)>Release Date - Tuesday, July 2, 2024>Promotional Sitehttps://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/dawntrail/>Benchmarkhttps://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/download/IN-GAME EVENTS:>Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration (Until Wednesday May 8 at 7:59 AM PDT)https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/ffxvi/>Yo-kai Watch Event rerun (Wednesday April 24 at 1:00 AM PDT until Patch 7.0)https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/2024/youkai-watch/j9rq1fpxxdGENERAL NEWS:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Eureka, Pyros
I see this place is still nice. Nice.
>>1429969Only if we are here to take care of it.
>>1423632>surprised you're still tussling aboutI only stick around, because there is still a few kind souls in the massive pile of shit. They want to have discussion, but you really fucking can't with the constant drama and coom slop that plagues it. Other /vg/ threads have a discussion, but... I rarely see the shit with /xivg/.I TRY my best to keep the threads on the discussion. Yet, I assume I'll probably fuck off soon when the content lull really kicks in and get absorbed into some games. (Assuming if I don't get permabanned from this website beforehand.)
>>1433065I know, I know. I was there. Your best bet is to get a group of people that share the same cause as you and pseudo spam discussion.
>Private Serverhttps://eco.nekogame.com/>GuildsYotsuba Chronicles>Download: https://eco.nekogame.com/download>Password:nekogametriggers your antivirus, play it in a vm or somethingVery important: make sure to log out 1-2 minutes after adding your skill points for the server to save them>https://forums.atomixro.com/index.php/topic,37.0.htmlComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
are eco medals only for the old kuji machines or can they be traded somewhere for something else?
>>1431691I've only found the machines, but I think each one has a different set of items but I can't confirm if that's in the server properly or not. You can also buy/sell to other players.
goddammit the stupid rainbow tinys arent lettign me into the hot spring areaand i am so not looking forward to soloing that emil dragon for reincarnation
>>1432871I asked a local about the dragon early on and they said virtually everyone gets help, that being said, the one you fight to reincarnate is a weaker version. On Atomix I don't know which version they were running, but asking a local seems like the move.If you want to try it normally when you get there, schedule a time and if I can make it I can heal/res you at least.
>>1433050while i appreciate the thought healing isn't going to help finish this within the time limit