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Looks like the devs have finally wised up and started giving this game out for free.
Sadly it's through Twitch prime, you'll get the game on EGS, and frankly it's a bit too late to do it, but it's a start.
The game is about blending in by pretending to be an NPC, unlocking a high-security vault, and stealing the briefcase, while other players are trying to achieve the same. Can be played solo, or in a duo or trio.
Have you played it anon?
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I'd have loved to play this but when I found out about it, it's a dead game already kek
I played it during the free weekend on Steam, but like every fun game it died instantly because gamers fucking suck and would rather play the games they religiously hate because their brains are fried.
Did you buy the game?
Devs announced new shit.
>Bots (as in stand-ins for humans) will be overall smarter, and will be allowed to progress through the entirety of a match, not just open vaults, but retrieving the intel and making their way to the extract
>New thingy called a 'suspicion meter' that fills up when you sprint or jump unnecessarily (and probably other stuff), if it fills up completely, your cover breaks. It's meant to slow the game down, and prevent third partying by sprinting across the whole map.
Honestly, kudos to the devs for not abandonding this project, but playing the long game. Hope it works out for them.
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played it when it came out, played a lot of season 1, just yesterday started playing it again.

i run into a lot of the same players, but honestly, this game is a hidden gem.

it needs more love and care towards the actual stealth aspects, admittedly, but this game is one of my favorite multiplayer games ever and the fact that hardly anyone knows it or plays it hurts.

hope this game comes out of the depths at some point as a big bad boss man and all the faggots who play the samurai guy come out of the closet.
pic unrelated but cool af

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Bored of current minecraft, missed when you were playing in 2011? Try out b1.7.3!

>Aren't older Minecraft versions vulnerable to some exploits?
You're likely thinking of log4j which only affected versions above release 1.7 (https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4416199399693-Security-Vulnerability-in-Minecraft-Java-Edition)
>This version isn't as refined as i remember!
Try out some of the suggested mods in the link below

>Server IP
>Client Setup Guide
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i can't push my minecart
fix this

i mean, it used to work this way before the server closed for some months and changed owners. i don't really know if this is how it's supposed to work originally
feature didn't exist until 1.3.1

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Why are sandbox PvP MMOs always such a failure and will Ashes of Creation follow suit /vm/?
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more sleeveless waifu with round shoulders and titty armpit fat
Because it's supposed to be an RPG? Where you get to roleplay?
How it's SUPPOSED to work
>Game shows classes
Oh gee, these classes look really cool! I could be a basic knight and have armor, a paladin with holy skills or a wizard that shoots fireballs! Or I can pick something much different like a mage that specializes with time or mental states!

Oh what's that? My class can be played as a tank or support if I build it right? But still has decent DPS capabilities? Oh, this class has unique invisibility or some other mechanic that can change the game!
>What happens today
I feel like you're arguing more about game design than class design.
I always found the reason you never seen the non-trinity play styles (in PVE for the most part) is due to constraints the game has in place.
"Lemme play this ebin time mage that can hard CC my foes while my party gangs up and whallops them!"
>boss is stun/cc immune
"I'll play this arcane trickster! They can grant the whole party invisibility allowing us to strike while they are unaware!"
>boss resets to full hp if no valid target is in vicinity
"Lets reject a fair fight entirely. We shall form a raid of 40 rangers and kite this stupid ogre boss to death while pelting it from afar
>boss arena is a tight circular room that locks up once the fight starts
I'd wager people would gladly play these less popular roles if they could actually function as well as they do in PVP settings where all abilities actually function properly.
Those thick black eyebrows, she must be so hairy down there. But probably shaves or waxes everything given her forearm and armpit situation.

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Nobody's gonna host a server just like last time.
Isn't this game just bad!Terraria?

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Throne and Liberty is a new MMO that just had an open beta and is set to release in September.

I wanna hear your guys thoughts on it as well as voicing some of my own

So far I’ve put 35 hours into the beta in 3 days. For the MAIN STORY quests I really loved it, it felt engaging and was fully voice acted which i appreciate. for the COMBAT I really like it, it feels simple yet deep and the thing that has probably surprised me the most is the difficulty of the dungeons. All of the dungeons on the game have actuall boss mechanics that are more like mini raids. For example the first dungeon boss at lvl 20 has a damage share mechanic where everyone has to stand in a circle. I also really love how throne and liberty isn’t trying to be something it’s not. It feels like it supposed to be a mmo and it really feels streamlined. The game also has open world events that happen every couple hours where hundreds of people can cooperate and kill a world boss
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Seems like another albion and foxhole where you have to suck up to people.
World boss PvP and fucking dungeon PvP? It's just not going to work in this day and age. And add unlimited money >>1371210 to that and it's just going to be a battle of wallets and who has the most simps.

Anyone playing this is an actual gaylord in every sense of the word.
I’ve played both Albion and foxhole which are both hardcore full loot mmos

From playing throne and liberty you only have to pvp if you want, all of the world bosses and open world dungeons are on a pve/pvp cycle so you don’t have to touch pvp if you don’t want.

I do agree though the p2w is scary and hope it doesn’t suck the fun out of the game.
>on launch
MMOs are forever games and this one looks like it won't survive its first year. It's probably going to lose most of its playerbase within a few weeks after launch.
Then they crank up the p2w and watch it die. First time playing a NCSoft game?
you mean like every MMO and then 99% of the playerbase vanishes once they realise what they're in for?
don't be a retard
it's the same P2W gookslop we've seen a million times where the endgame is either begging a once-per-day bossfight for a 0.1% drop you need 5 of for a 0.1% enhancement chance at your gear, or paying thousands upon thousands to skip all of that shit
anyone going to play kr catch-up servers?

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How good it this game compared to Squad?
it's pre-ICO so actually fun, i've been enjoying it again
It's way better than squad but it doesn't really matter because no one plays it.

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>Hey, you know what would be funny? What if we made you fucking UNSCOPE when you get SHOT so you have NO FUCKING WAY TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST LONG RANGE TARGETS?

Is Bungie retarded? Genuine question.
punishes faggot snipers and rewards aggressive play instead of passive camping
git gud. Either swap to your BR, regroup, or hit the noscope. Have genuinely never heard this complaint in 20 years of playing.

>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 4 started May 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqDLrvrl_p0 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3tDK2EcO80 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

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I've had times where I've taken one of the first trees or meteors because everyone was at the other one.
>bot lobbies
>1st place
>actual lobbies
>5th place
I'm still fighting the good old diamond stacks, i don't think they've done much to matchmaking.
Back to ranked i guess.
Damn im stuck with new players and returning players since last year. Guess im going to start climbing rank.
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I'm gonna marry Garnet and no one can stop me

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We Are Back Edition

Dev stream #10
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kIecKDGIiI [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Latest News
https://blueprotocol.swiki.jp (with active codes)

>Interactive Map (with named-enemy spawn location/requirements)

>Adventure Board

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>retarded downy potato faces
>gachashit in an MMO (ask Tower of Fantasy how that went)
dead on arrival
>a gatekept jMMO lite flop still lives rent free in /bpg/ heads despite all quitting it as soon as it came out
No one cares about global release, you guys are irrelevant, and recent playstation store earnings says the game is starting to be doing well enough.
Im glad all the spics, brazilian monkeys and seaniggers got filtered.
Go back to pso2 or whatever shithole you came from.
globalkeks really be broken.
is that an updated rerun of the sukumizu?
nvm. not sure if them being so similar to each other is a good thing or not, since if you like one you're likely to like the others too... but isnt the stepup "pity" a selector box anyways?
weird way to say getting banned

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/ro/ is the slow-mode bunker thread for all Ragnarok Online related things. When servers are up and running, or a popular server is upcoming/recently released, we move to /vg/ under the /rog/ tag.

>Project Sunshine - Mid pop; vanillacore low-rate; 2x client limit;
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>UARO - High pop; vanillacore low-rate; multiclienting banned;
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>ccRO - Pure PvE card farming, seasonal;
Rates: Customized depending on spawn rarity

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The concept of Soul Links as they exist in the game currently will be removed. Locking builds behind a buff from another class was always a stupid design choice.
What I have in mind for reworking Soul Linker requires them to be in the party and close to the target at all times. These buffs will also work two ways, meaning the Linker benefits from the person they're supporting.
Or so is my plan anyway. I didn't get to that stage yet so I might run into issues or limitations.
there isn't any. he's full of shit.
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>niggerdev did nothing wrong and you just can't understand his vision of "true ragnarok experience"
things have only gotten worse with him and you know it
SinX losing 50% SB damage for 30 minutes EDP is pretty questionable. There's only one build effected and it kind of encourages DD/crit sin but at the same time it still feels like a bizarre change. I wouldn't play SinX with this, and it's a straight nerf to them if you ever add WoE. Also check if you have renewal_edp enabled or not, since this will decide if Grimtooth is affected.

Learning potion is nice for smiths but at the same time it's only 50% recovery, their VIT won't be high and they're losing OC/DC in exchange for it. The extra points don't really matter, you end up with 8 axe mastery which doesn't help much. Axe training is an odd choice because WS doesn't really have more skill points to begin with - all this does is force them to trade levels of weapon upgrading for axe training, then reset twice every time their friends want weapon upgrades. On the other hand, no WS will reach endgame on your game this time, so it doesn't matter, I guess.

Knights are generally overpowered if allowed to persist on a server that lives a long time, but given ragna/v/'s survival length, that doesn't apply here. 1hq doesn't really change anything for them and they are now paying full price for fish and pots, so I'd say they got pretty fucked. Appreciate you trying to get the peco sprite out of the equation though.

Gypsy got absolutely assslammed by losing Bragi access, but that's mostly a WoE thing, so if you're gonna nowoe again it doesn't matter.

I don't know enough about creator (and especially third classes) to have an opinion on it but Rogue looks nice.

Monk still needs help for a minimal MVP competition, no/minimal WoE server. I would strongly consider adding knockback immunity to steel body or allowing them to equip strong shield. Monk is cancer to play in PVE, but you want to foster people doing it because more parties is good for your community.

If you're going nowoe (and no BG) you should also really consider reshuffling Professor's tree around.

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What are your thoughts on the terrain feature?
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designing a good combat system for roblox is hard...
still have 6 paid access games in this
even ones that cost way more robux than I have on hand
no I am not buying robux especially on a site with extremely bad moderation, fuck off
this shitty description was not made by a human
or at least someone who's used roblox for more than 0.32 microseconds
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i'm pretty sure this is not a minimap
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lmao the score counter for this shitty minigame doesn't even work

also the UGC item associated with it is sold out because of course it fucking is
false advertising

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A thread to discuss (the absolute state of) Space Station 13 (SS13)
Space Station 13 is a round-based, multiplayer role-playing game set on a chaotic metal deathtrap masquerading as a space station. Do your job and try to survive, or get picked to be an antagonist and sabotage the crew!

Played on the BYOND Engine, install it to play - http://www.byond.com/
SS13 Hub servers: https://www.byond.com/games/Exadv1/SpaceStation13
/tg/station website: https://tgstation13.org/
/vg/station website: https://ss13.fun/
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Tum tums NOW
get help, please
Fake Cashe. Real Cashe would have posted tum tums
it really sucks that you're this way. i hope the best for you, mental pain is so damaging
t. skeleton steve
You will never be a real cashe. Both mine and Cashe's mental health is completely fine

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Fuck games that are just aiming competitions
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Just play fps that don't have hitscan
osu isn't even just aiming; bursts are far more important to practice than snapping or jumps ever could be. those are just the spice of having the map down or not. timing and rhythm are always the most important aspects of a map.

Of course, it's also the only game where hitting a nonuplet is required to even consider mid-level play.
in a real fps movement matters more than aim
>bounce off wall
>perfectly execute crouch jump into bunnyhop to get over the ledge
>wallhug to build speed and then doublejump over the hole to get the pickup and then the perfect perch
>take this extremely easy shot
>die like a bitch
Point being, no.
yeah bro, the faster you move the faster your bullet will be

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Wife Edition

Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNCFfpIzZU8

Previous >>1349545
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Shut the fuck up retard
Been there
>overly emotional response resorting to ad hominem
Yep, you're a woman. Remember to keep the caves lit, honey. And remember; scouting is a sisterhood <3
I know, yes. But it won’t collapse the whole structure if you build it off the wall behind instead of directly over the access panel. Which is what I did, and the gunner pickaxed a hole through it and then died

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/vm/ plays Hunt: Showdown British Edition

Engine update AUGUST 15

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leave it to the europoors to ignore the challenge of the game and instead ruin it for everyone by abusing the immersive soundsystem, usually these guys come to american servers just to grief us too while we're just killing grunts to level up
>be more like cod "run and gun" gameplay
Most people just run towards whatever gunshots are near because sleuthing around and finding clues is fucking boring.
The best part of this game is the pvp.
i have no idea why they rebranded to something as pointless as "hunt showdown:1896" it should have been hunt:slopdown instead, the goysloppification plan is really starting to take effect, imagine all the great americanizations they've done when this game was a bugged fucking piece of shit for a whole month recently
i cant wait to see a massive pride flag with star of david in the middle next to a picture of david fifield (FAT GOYSLOP MUTT) in the middle of the Mutty Mountains map as a heckin wholesome easter egg giving thanks to reddit (long ammo is finally unusable for no reason!)
this game used to be for white men, bullet drop is for niggers
you missed the point of the game's pvp being nothing like run and gun, its about rotating positions and tactically pushing and retreating, which is highly dependent on map and gameplay mechanic design
also past 3 stars basically every team is highly competent in being as fast as possible without triggering any soundtraps, hearing shots or explosions usually means a boss is being killed in that direction.

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