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What country has the biggest Counter-Strike scene?
Poland, russia, turkey

Eastern europe in general is the biggest because any decent player playing Tier 2-3 can live comfortably making 1000$ a month. Then you got many tier 1 teams from the region as well.

Scandinavia used to be big with Fnatic, NIP, who made their longest win streak in 2012-2013 with over 80 games won in a row. 9ine and gamer legion are also from there. Also coincidentally the biggest cheaters in CS are also from there, such as Flusha lol. The swedish scene from 2014-2018 was notorious for being a cesspool of cheaters, many of which made it to tier 1 teams.

Germany has a big scene as well with big icons like SK Gaming from back then and Mouz recently becoming a top tier team in the scene with their academy talent.

France is fucking dead even with Vitality being considered a top team. I think the scene died the minute LDLC left CSGO altogether, most teams struggling to garner communities and fan bases and are basically money furnaces. Vitality is only alive because of an israeli investor pumping cash into it and Zywoo being a star player worth millions. Most decent french players end up playing for teams in the UK/Scandinavia. 3DMAX is making a good come back and got a lot of interest locally but many inside drama within the team makes it a hit or miss bet for them to reboot the scene in France.
Russia and Poland
If you're a Russian in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?

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Isometric beatemup mmo. It plays like dungeon fighter but the graphics are 3D. How would this game fare today if it were to come out?

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for true inclussive progressive trans positive minecraft free op experience
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Then you get fucking banned for racism and homophobia chud
yall gay
Thats homophobic
Who said this

I genuinely think venture is the worst fucking designed character of all time. I've never been super into the whole culture war political grift shit, but this is too much. They took 80 hours worth of marvel movie dialogue and condensed it down into a shitty bucktoothed moron with a giant milwaukee drill. Who could forget such creative and interesting dialogue like
>"Excavation Initiation!"
>"Losers, weepers, you big bozo!"
>"Oops! sorry!"
it's not "goofy endearing dialogue" its just the most annoying fucking thing anyone could have ever wrote. first and only nonbinary character and they shit the bed by writing the worst fucking cornball ever. eat shit blizzard.
you deserve it for playing shartwatch
She speaks in all this outdated slang because, and I can barely contain my laughter, she's an archeologist.
that's exactly what faggots that parade around with rainbow sparkle pronouns are like so i don't see the problem
Joss Whedon and his consequences have been a disaster for pop media
Just change the language pack to JP or something, i had to do that when kiriko released because kiriko is more annoying then venture. Also, i started to play a lot of venture and it can feel like old doomfist if you are using your drill dash vertically up and down. Especially down on to people. I think its great that you can escape like old doom too but u have to time your cd a lot better.

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First Edition (kind of)

>What is Sven Co-op?
Sven Co-op is a co-op variation of the 1998 first-person shooter Half-Life. It can be played with up to 32 players. Initially made to make it possible to play Half-Life campaign with other people, it has since then expanded into being one of the most moddable games on the GoldSrc engine.
>Why do so many players have default models?
When a player is using a model or skin you do not have, you will see the default HEV suit. You can download the models here:
>Custom sprays?
Here: http://www.the303.org/tutorials/index.html

We have a server at

Join for co-op NOW!!
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Yes, coming soon (tm)
when you say cp do you mean loli anime porn...? if so, you're a pussy. if it's actual cp that's a whole different thing.
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me at my pc

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Anyone here play World of Warships or War Thunder Naval?
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Contact player support
European destroyers are soulless
>people noticed that the 3rd D-day ops print credit/exp
>Weegee nerf it in less than 24 hours
>there is a lot of people using bot script to suicide
>WG ignore it.
>terrible handling (as bad as Harugumo)
>Mogador hull but not as fast as Mogador
>awful turret angles (as bad as GK) this mean that you have to be full broadside to use 100% of your firepower
>selfish radar (10 second radar but your teammate can use it for 4 seconds)
>no ap (annoying again broadside cruiser and DD with plating)
>no heal or french saturation
People still need to chase credits?

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/ro/ is the slow-mode bunker thread for all Ragnarok Online related things. When servers are up and running, or a popular server is upcoming/recently released, we move to /vg/ under the /rog/ tag.

Guide for newfags:

>Project Sunshine - New server; Mid pop; vanillacore low-rate; 2x client limit
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>UARO - High pop; vanillacore low-rate; multiclienting banned
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>ccRO - Pure PvE card farming, seasonal

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Ragna/3/ but its vanilla and the whiners have to pay tax to better players for parties
ragna/3/ but we invite randoms to the server so it's easier to have a full party without inviting dramawhores
ragna/v/3 but we add in the bot technology seen on other servers so people can spawn bots to fill out missing roles instead of inviting rsp-tier players
ragna/v/3 is this thread; game is dead, the only thing keeping it alive is old drama none of you can let go of
ragna/v/3 but ratshitpiss finally fucks off and the overall quality of the entire thread objectively increases

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could Starbound multiplayer take off on 4chan? I couldn't host but I would play on someone's server if they hosted.
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Morbid. Thank fuck for these less autistic autists and their opensorse thing I guess. Wonder if it can be put on the workshop for convenience or if they'll never do it bexause of opensorse autism.
desu idk if it'd even work on the workshop because rather than being a simple "mod goes in the mod folder" mod, it outright changes some files
I suppose. Does it help with multiplayer optimization? Should we all download it for the server? Are non-openSB games even compatible with openSB ones?
Starbound is closed due to dead dog.
Everybody go home.

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I'm sure at least some of you remember this game, and if you don't, well, why not try it out?

Tales Runner is a Korean MMO where you race against other players in various maps themed around both western and eastern fairy tales.

Unfortunately, the official English server for this game shut down a while ago, but luckily for us there are private ones, such as Tales Runner Deverse!

We're currently trying to build up our active player number, but if YOU join us, that might be just what we need to get things off the ground!


PS: Here's some game footage while you're at it
Hello! Moderator in TR deverse here, I hope that whoever is interested in this private server for the game does give it an honest try, and if you have any concern or opinion about it, please let us know! Let it be known that we are still a growing community and we try to bring players together to have a fun and captivating time together while ensuring the game is both exhilarating and fun to play! Thanks friends <3
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I think it's fun. It looks cute, and the maps look pretty, although I only played like 5 maps.

The game server looks like it's dead apart from weekly events it seems. You can just play single-player instead.

To make an account you have to send a message on discord to someone. It's always fucking discord.

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Any hope for us to ever have a co-op vs AI?
Any hope for us to ever have co-op campaigns?
Doesn't seem like it. Community never pushed for it, despite the devs promising it way back around launch.

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Our second journey of 4chan's Bizzare MMOdventure.



>How to find us in-game
To chat with us you can enter our player channel by right clicking your character or pressing H, look for the channel FRENS and use the password rage. To join our guild go to Megapolis Guild and speak to Esther, look for Millions Must Drill.

>Beginner's Guide
Loads of useful information here for all stages of the game, not just for complete newcomers.

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well now im just disconnecting on the first world map over and over
ok... turning on the proxy in the setup file SEEMS to have stopped the dc's, but its still a bit janky
anyone have feedback on this issue?
I don't remember someone coming across this in our run. you'd probably need to hit the lifeto discord for that
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got a lycan slave for a cheap 5m. the wait begins for another lycan with better stats sacrifice into it
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GM event yesterday I somehow caught the end of. spicy dragons and other bosses were summoned. I was one shot and didn't get anything...

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Any recommendations for older MMOs that still have a relatively active community? Could be through official or private servers.

Phantasy Star Online is a good example of what I'm looking for (PSOBB).

Some other games I like: FFXI, Lineage 1 and 2, Diablo 1 and 2.

I was going to try MU online because the official servers are still up, but everyone says it's pay to win and not very fun at this point. I've heard Lineage 1 and 2 private servers are mostly dead, but not sure if that's true.
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Tree of Savior has relaunched about 5 times because they replaced PVP with cash shop HUD popups
>inb4 not a mmo
Not after 20 years, the only downside is that you need to know 日本語 to enjoy it
Also Mabinogi, there are a few private servers like Mabiclassic, Auranogi and MabiPro doing the rounds
Shit was cash!
Hope they don't wait another 6 months for the next one.
Somebody recently made a romhack for PSO, you probably wanna try it out
MabiClassic is no longer around unfortunately, but MabiPro and Auranogi still are, with small, but active communities.

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There is no sense of community in multiplayer games anymore.
All communication is happening through external means. While in the past you could communicate with randos and have a good time, even make friends. But now you could play with people from around the world and it's like a ghost town. They're just going through the motions. They might as well be bots
Not just in MMOs, but in shooters both PVP and co-op too, and even in RTS games.
You guys have no idea how many friends I made playing L4D with randos. with some of them we're still playing games but since like 2014 I don't think I made any new gaming buddies. Why is that? Did the culture change? Did the games change?
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Bro slurs aren't a daily part of life like you seem to think...4chan isn't real life. Besides that I think it was nice to cut loose and shout nigger in a chat room and losing that ability was kind of lame.
See? You're so triggered by even the suggestion that you are here giving platitudes and other bullshit to justify the current state of retardation that you fail to actually understand what I was saying.
None of what you said matters, I simply told OP exactly why no one talks in chat or voice anymore.
Warthunder used to have all manner of chatter, now it doesn't.
And you know how I'm right? In a game like CS2, which doesn't ban for chat, people still talk.

But feel free to seethe knowing all the people refusing to talk are calling you a faggot in their minds.
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you have nothing to gain from attempting to "socialize" with gamers (ie: (You)). simple as. normal logical people have long since reached this conclusion.
>Blame discord
>not the fact that saying the wrong thing in matchmaking dogshit games gets you banned from the game you paid for
>not the fact that everyone in modern games are afraid to talk anymore
>not the fact that if you're in a matchmaking game and someone is micspaming deepfried garbage you can't leave or mute them because then you're trolling
>its totally discords fault

Its the fact that people would rather chat with people on the same wavelengths instead of some random 12 year old kid who thinks the n-word and blasting rap over an open mic is funny.

Formerly Wiimmfi's

Wiimmfi (Nintendo WFC Revival):
For DS, use:
>a WEP or unprotected network (guest network or secondary router)
>an unprotected mobile hotspot
and set one of these as your Primary DNS (both connect to Wiimfi):

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i can't find it anywhere on the pretendo website but i'm down for some ctgp7
Pretty sure Hunters is on Wiimmfi, not Pretendo
Yeah it's just DNS + connect to 2000s wifi.
Gonna have to test if phone hotspot's able to get an unsecured network going if if I gotta do network fuckery, this is just me raising my hand going 'if you have another time and I can get it working I will'.

Nop. Late on a workday and I am Stella Glowing it up to close things off. Have been 3dsing a lot though, Network shutdown had me jonesing for more data collection so I've been flooding save repositories like https://gbatemp.net/download/categories/game-saves.1660/ with trash. Got time for something less-trash on the side, so long as it ain't more of the same.
ok well i'll probably check out mph soon maybe i'll play some if it's fun
>Wiimmfi is changing its fucking DNS AGAIN

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LFP thread for people interested in starting a Barotrauma campaign.

Barotrauma is co-op game taking place in the oceans of Europa, one of the moons orbiting Jupiter. Players have to work together to run a submarine while completing missions for outposts and handling the pirates/aliens that inhabit the ocean.

If you don't own Barotrauma and are interested in playing, the game is on sale for $20 until June 21st. Now would be the time to buy it (unless you wanna wait for the summer sale).

Art is by a guy called Matthew Graves.
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Six junction boxes is kinda limiting but I suppose having it in the reactor room is convenient. Only two mounted guns and there's not one on the bottom. There is a depth charge though which is pretty handy. The room to the bottom right could have something in it but I suppose it's there more for cosmetic purposes. The placement of the ballast tanks are a little weird to me and I don't know if the one below the captain's quarters is necessary. I'm also kinda concerned that the one on the bottom could cause some flooding in the room above? The door placement to the right is also a little strange. I might've just cut the ballast a little shorter if I were you.

I don't think this is too bad honestly. Especially for a starter ship since they're supposed to be kinda shitty. Would like to see what an upgraded version of this could look like though, sorta like the Orca vs the Orca 2 you know? I probably wouldn't use this over the Dugong though.
Sorry, didn't see there was a seventh junction to the right.
Looks good, what flaws does it have outside of turret coverage?

Some mods that don't really change the vanilla gameplay.

Immersive Ignitables




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nice try but all real subs have independent minisubs+MOONPOOLS
>t. never finished mine

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