Last thread rolled off a few days ago so might as well make a new one. How is everyone doing on their grinds? Dev interview dropped today but I haven't watched yet.
>>1622040>>1622236yeah I have, vanilla and bc player from original release though I haven't really played MMOs since, I tried ultima FFXI and EverQuest a few times but they were too confusing for me and I believe full of multi boxers which I cbf with because I don't care enough...though this seems fun with some modern changes and im a lot older now so I have more patience
>>1602328Needs some work but it's EA and I'm having a good time so I'm just enjoying myself. I really do like this one.
>>1621417Who cares what Redditors have to say. Fuck them.
>>1602328Fuck yeah. I put in about 160 hours and had to force myself to take a break because I don't want to burn out on it too early. Hate it when that happens. Giving it a couple weeks before I log back in but, shit, I'm having withdrawals. Can't wait to get back on. Hoping Druid gets added soon because I'm definitely playing one of those. Great mmo though.
/DaD/ Dark And DarkerNO threats of violence OR terrorism edition Patch Notes: **Early Access Hotfix #71** **Changes:**- Fixed an issue where the party member's gear score would sometimes not update in real time.- Fixed an issue where the pop-up for items that cannot be transferred would not appear when interacting with a merchant or Expressman.- Fixed an issue where the guidance message would not appear properly in the chat window of a chat-banned user.- Fixed an issue where a chat-banned user could use party chat in a dungeon.- Fixed an issue where Arena matching would not work.- Fixed an issue where the results window would not appear properly after the last round in Arena.- Fixed an issue where the remaining team users would not be processed as forfeited even if all opposing team members left the game in Arena.- Improved the visibility of people who received the Cleric's Protection effect.- Longbow weapon damage of all rarities reduced by 2.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Ironmace lost the lawsuit not guilty of copyright infringement it was guilty of trade secret infringement, which is probably because employees left Nexon to work at IM and a lot of those contracts have 5 year non-compete clauses.
>>1632714>which is probably because employees left Nexon to work at IMThey stole source code of P3(or whatever name it was)Then they tried to wipe the server, got caught(Nexon logged everything), which made this specific court ruling handed over to NexonStill, i would say IM got away and could be fucked over much more what all they did
>>1632714is IM going to try and paywall classes again?or are we just going to see a flood of new cosmetics and fart emotes?
>Lose lawsuit>Say you want to experiment with "fewer patches"lmao
>>1633015My guess is unless they have been saving shit tons of money since release and skimming RMT profits they will take out some sort of loan in Korea, pay Nexon and pay out that loan over 10 years. The money they owe Nexon has a crazy interest rate after June so it makes sense to go through a bank to pay it off immediately. Probably shit tons of more cosmetics double the redstone price at least.Also this isn't even the end of Nexons case, they are going to higher courts. They are gonna drown them in litigation by the looks of it.
>NewsTitanfall 2 multiplayer is fully functional again. If you cannot connect to multiplayer, try this:>Northstar client is for trannies and pedophiles, not linking it hereOn all systems, happy hour is 10:00PM EST. Join up for some stacks.>Titanfall 1We're sometimes playing Sundays, ask in thread for specifics>Booru>The Art of Titanfall 1 and 2!OwRzlSwC!nu2XxDPzLdxgKVOP9ZHJY0lqmc0LYjmoE2yrESLJMDQComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1632058>don’t think this playstyle comes even close to pub stomping. You're only lying to yourself. Getting insta killed over and over by some fag I couldn't see get real tiring.>just like to move fast, it’s kinda relaxing in this gameI agree. All I'm saying is you should use a different weapon that takes more skill like the EPG
>>1632084>splash damage>skillpick one
>>1632699I meant getting directs with the epg. There's nothing more adrenaline inducing than landing a direct on pilot 10 feet above you
luckiest flickshot of my lifejust bought this game and im really enjoying the epg as a soldier main. i want to like ronin but i cant accomplish anything with him.
>>1632084>You're only lying to yourself.Simple math doesn’t lie, low rate of fire severely limits its multi-kill potential, placing it well outside of pub stomping loadouts. This playstyle makes multikills even harder. >EPGI don’t like weapons with large projectiles and massive splash damage. Higher fire rate and relative ease of use, no ADS requirement for example, makes them too forgiving and thus less enjoyable. That’s just my opinion, the weapon itself is fine. >>1633070Nice shot
should i get back into valorant?
Wow, spyware worked for once
>>1632676>I have only seen the red screen twice. The only logical deduction from this is that I have only faced cheaters twice!
>>1632901That is not what I said
>>1633001NTA but I've definitely seen that logic on the Valorant subreddit before.>yeah but that's RedditI know and it's where Riot goes to keep temperature on the community and show shareholders that they are very invested in community management, so I explicitly go there and upvote all comments that accuse people of hacking and downvote all dismissive comments.
>>1581548>doing nothing more than talking about their favorite mumbleraperbased. post music to warm up/DM to
Anyone wanna play it takes two?I never played it
Happy year of the snake! Who up rocking they stone?Previous excavation >>1500290
>>1632408iirc the frozen dmg bonus helps a little, and any form of exbedded detonators is also alright, otherwise your best best is spamming 'pet' on him and calling a resupply on his head
>>1632408Yeah. Kill Steeves owner and leave them. Steeve will stay with their body.
i played too much DRG lately and dreamt about it last nightapparently season seven will be darkness themed and will introduce the big jellyfish that's on the blackreach blonde label as a miniboss-styled enemy, it's gonna float around like a breeder and randomly do a big darkness explosion the size of a bulk one that deals no damage (i think, you know how it is in dreams) but destroys all terrain with a TCF-styled implosion effect but more sparklyalso having one on the map fucks with lighting, hiding terrain but highlighting mobs/structures/minerals/etcalso there was something about a bell you could ring to temporarily mitigate the darkness effect or stun it or make it vulnerable? idk i just remember molly having a big "REMEMBER THE BELL" painted on all her sides
>>1632445Does the resupply kill him instantly?
>What is Worms?Worms is a classic turn-based strategy game with astounding gameplay customization. Armageddon despite being released in 1999 still is getting support with cool mods, and official updates. This is a thread for all anons to gather round to talk and play some Worms, mostly Armageddon really.>Collected Custom maps, sounds, fanfares, flags and graves from past threads>Hostpack Starter set (contains maps, schemes, and custom terrains) what lobbies are currently open with, or if you'd like to be notified when when a /v/ lobby opens up, get and threads will be often be notified here and will usually be present atChannel: #anythinggoesRoom: /v/Pass: rageComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1623032What map is that?
>>1630010Panty Shopper I think it's called. Should be on the archive in the OP
>>1630959Do not be afraid of the rope. The rope is your friend
>>1630685>>1630010Or Pantsu
Anyone else checking it out again? Rolled up a new character on a fresh server and I'm having fun so far
i knew the seasonal server meme was going to flop.
>>1599751give xhem a chance
The new opr map is so unoptimized
this game needs a map system like path of exile
This just launched two days ago, figured I would make a thread since people have been waiting for this for years.>content will go up til book 11, possibly til book 13 (last book before Mines of Moria)>content in phases>currently phase one, up to book 1>level cap of 24>one dungeon (Great Barrow)
>>1631903You are technically correct, but the "new" company is just the old LOTRO department of Turbine that split off.
>>1631811>Never, ever, play LOTRO official.why?I mean >They charge money currency for basic quick travel.yeah sounds bad, but how's the gameplay itselfnever played lotro, just read some random comments that there are a bunch of QoL changes on retail compared to this server which are supposedly pretty good
>>1632230it's a tab-target WoW like
Is it already dead? 200-250 people isn't enough to populate an MMO and until 50 like 90% of those players will be gone.
>>1632591This is european server. You posted on friday at like 7AM to 9AM european time, what do you expect, europeans are at work. Give it a try in like 2 hours.
Will you be dumb enough to support corp ogerlords to make any upcoming videogames $100 minimum?
>>1594977Video games used to cost what would be $200 in today's money. A $100 game today would be cheaper than a $60 game in 2000.
>>1608735>>1620591Kill yourself you fucking retarded niggers, games don't even come with shit in the cart anymore IF they even come out in a physical version alone, PLUS you gotta buy the seasonal dlc PLUS the expansion PLUS the battlepass AND it has mtx, fucking cattle.
short answer: hell no i dont give a fuck what justification you people wanna give, i wont support that then in 5 years the game will be $200+ dollars and you will still try to justify
No. I will keep playing my 7-8 year old vgs
How come people don't generally acknowledge in competitive games that the main determinant of whether you are good at the game or not is your reaction time which is mostly genetic and unchangeable? It seems that this is the one thing no one acknowledges when it comes to video games.
>>1618713You can't topscore pubs? With fucking Soldier? He's my second least played class, I'm dogshit at the game, I still topscore with him because he's just that braindead.
>>1618728not saying I'm now completely devoid of experience or skill, but the decline is absolutely noticeable
>>1620621What does this have to do with transvestites?
>>1609651Only until some of these former 20 y/o gamers turn 60 apparently....
>What is this game?BGO is a crazy multiplayer browser game! Join thousands of other players in a game where you collect over 300 unique items, become a powerful class, such as a Paladin, Assassin or Quantum Physicist and do anything you can to reach the finish line before the rest of those suckers! Please note that this game is full of terrible things like STDs and hundreds of ways to kill and be killed in gruesome ways!>"Sauce"?-->>What kind of game is this?BG Online is a board game. Online. Without a board, really. But on a website. Seriously though, it is! Just like all your classic board games you play this game with a bunch of other people and the first to cross the finish line wins! With the addition of hookers and brutal murders, of course.>How do I get started?Either you join an existing game or you create a new game. You can both join and create a game without having an account. However, with an account you can earn Achievements, save account options and create and join games more easily. An account also allows you to level up and unlock hundreds of powers and rewards!>How much does an account cost me?Absolutely nothing!Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Anyone wants to play?
>>1630731bgo rules
Literally all they do is spam 2020 meme sound board, get angry if you play competitively and try to socialize with minors and women.I genuinely feel like every 3rd player is a class clown turned furry cuck faggot who are socially retarded due to an abusive household or missing father.
>>1618559SCP: Standard Containment Procedure: Squad Lead Delta, Action Force SCP: Prodecural Containment Squad: Monster Kill number 1. Is the working title
>>1625555checked. i can't wait
>>1573111>I genuinely feel like every 3rd player is a class clown turned furry cuck faggot who are socially retarded due to an abusive household or missing father.This js every game and it's every 2nd player
North American servers are going to be merged soon, EU servers already have been. I would hope this would bring life back to the game, as many people on the NA west server have simply quit due to low population numbers
>>1612598Hackers have been a blight on this game since releaseGames like these require human control to judge the statistical outliers and ban them efficiently. They, as every other company, wanted to save costs and relied on automatic systems which are easily bypassed by custom subscription hacks. This killed the game for me. Even though I have like 2k hours in it.Doesn't help that every time someone "popular" is obviously hacking everyone starts defending them with "lel git gud". Maybe this could've been curbed somewhat if game didn't try to pander to eSports artists.
>>1532386That doesn't even make sense
>>1603619Infil radar alone is obnoxious enough to warrant change. Everyone's forced into running Sensor Shield or just accepting that they'll be lit up on the map at all times.
>>1531863>>1571519but what do they have to gain from it??
>>1632526force a merge, they won
Well xisters, we can't maintain a thread on /vg/ anymore. Time to set up shop here.
>>1618839It's the truth. >>1620071>>1620218Why not. That's the new norm for alphas and betas.
>>1620794>>1620803What's cope is writing off the fact of the game being in beta to doom post.
>>1622692Actually competitive players invading every space in gaming that they can is killing gaming.
>>1627665A lot of people think they're cool, people just left for the game not being casual enough.
>>1627668More like competitive asshats can't handle anything casual.