All of this AI DLSS fake frame raytracing bullshit and game devs still haven't found a way to effectively do in-scope rendering without the now over decade old method of rendering the scene twice with a mask set to the scope for the zoomed in picture. But at the cost of nearly halving your frame rate.
>>1619679>render two different scenes>framerate is cut in half wowee how can this be
Last thread rolled off a few days ago so might as well make a new one. How is everyone doing on their grinds? Dev interview dropped today but I haven't watched yet.
Given the recent posts about fanboys and faggots I don't know how genuine of a response I'll get, but how is this game going in terms of content and realistic update times? I've heard some people claim it's a scam of a game because it's been in development for 10+ years and this is what they have to show for it. I've also heard the game is worked on by like 10 people so that would make the progress rate more understandable. Mainly I'm just getting burned out by OSRS and looking for a new MMO to invest time into and this looked appealing from the community aspect along with the emphasis on exploration (although I've heard areas can be quite bare)
>>1617005I was coming from a classic wow backround and I really enjoyed the 4 hours I played. I didnt group up a lot because I was playing at wokr or with limited time and im a bit shy. I think I would get a lot more ot of the game if I grouped. Havinig said that its 40 bucks so if you wanna take a chance that this game warrents investment in over the other sht games being released fire away and see if it clicks. >>1616607also this guys is a huge faggot so ignore his post. the people I did group with were dvery normal and chill old internet vibes
>>1602884>I'll play at launchEarly Access is a meme and it has been a meme since it was introduced 11 years ago. This WAS the launch.
>>1617120i burnt out on p99 because grouping was getting increasingly frustrating but there are so many shit level brackets where soloing isn't really viable either. i was spending so much time trying TO group that i wasn't making any real progress. that's kind of what's keeping me from biting the bullet. as much as i think even vanilla WoW is too easy, the ability to solo is just really nice for casual play. particularly because i don't always have a 4-8+ hour block to dedicate to just grinding in these very high stakes dungeons where a wipe is catastrophic.
>>1617833I agree with this, i think they can make soling a BIT more viable/fun without effecting the group dynamic
>What is Tabletop Sim TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own! Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop ( and discuss/host your favorite games! Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here. Previous thread: >>1514444
>>1620097Didn't use Despot Infamy houserule for the Vagabond I take it?
>>1620097There's no shame in losing to the vagabond when new players are at the table.
>>1620104despot infamy wouldnt even apply because vagabond didnt hit once, everytime he was assaulted he just rolled 0 lolz>>1620111yeah, cats were barely holding against the birds and the raccoon just took this chance to shove his cards into maquise hand, gaining those juicy vps.
>>1620097Just get any one expa and replace fagabond with a real faction and the game is improved significantly
Any unofags?
Hey lads, last thread died so making a new oneIt's the last day of the group stage and /vm/ has a game against /a/ in a couple hours (17:00 UTC)
pic related
he group stage is silly, yesteday /biz/ died after scoring 6 goals in their game, now we lose ours but still go through because /u/ didn't win hard enoughi love sports when they're silly like this
>>1610727Based Chessatron
/vm/'s round of 16 match is this saturday at approx 21:40 UTC against /his/We may have shithoused our way in but we will be doing our best to push through to the quarterfinals/vm/ last played against /his/ in the Autumn 2022 Babby Cup where /vm/ won 2-1
Jurate Season >Papaya's ToS(new)>IMC's ToS(old)It's on Steam.------>Advanced/Bright Enchant Scroll system added on Steam:>/tosg/>Addon ManagerComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1602762HIHI SENPAIare you RICH from the red pockets and and and doing the CASH RAIN meme right now?
>8where HN
>>1609894but but but we busy with trade war now
>>1613181u got no business with that thoyour probably busy feeding you're fat cat
I've been playing on the Signature x1 server, any of you guys are playing? it's quite chill
>>1545201Man, the only MMORPG I've played for thousands of hours. PvP was peak, raiding castles was peak, Boss raids was also peak. No other game of its genre came close to how good this one was.
There was a zzzchan clan going on two years ago to some degree of success. They even managed to get a clanhall in Gludio. But the clan leader was Russian and he was sent to the war, plus they didn't like 4channers.
I couldn't help but notice that neither /vg/ nor /vm/ had a Borderlands thread. Poast SHiFT names and preferred games/difficulties here and let's see about setting up some sessions.>MT_Maretrot>Borderlands 2>Level 56 on Axton>UVHM, TVHM also acceptedI'm willing to either start from level 30 or continue my level 56 Axton's playthrough -- currently about to enter the Bloodshots' base to rescue Roland.
>>1588516make a new one and mule the equipment over?
bl2 character tierlist?
i haven't played bl3 ever, and was thinking of giving it a go. picked up the ultimate edition years ago for cheap in a bundle or something, but i'm realizing that it doesnt come with the dlc that adds a fourth skill tree. i ain't paying 20 bux for that shit, so can i unlock it with creamapi? are the 4th trees even worth the price / hassle?
>>1602366salvador is the best at everything, after that it's maya, the rest of the classes excel in some regards and suck at others
How come people don't generally acknowledge in competitive games that the main determinant of whether you are good at the game or not is your reaction time which is mostly genetic and unchangeable? It seems that this is the one thing no one acknowledges when it comes to video games.
>>1610367It actually does most of the time considering the way most ranking systems work. If you're not constantly putting in 30-4 KDAs in low ranks you're not climbing.
This is the reason I stopped playing multiplayer video games.
it sucks. from 2012 to 2015, I was pretty fucking good at soldier in tf2. being a regular in a server where slurgi also was a regular, and most of the other regulars were nearly or just as good. fast forward to now, I'm 38, I can barely keep up with randoms in pubs
>>1618713You can't topscore pubs? With fucking Soldier? He's my second least played class, I'm dogshit at the game, I still topscore with him because he's just that braindead.
>>1618728not saying I'm now completely devoid of experience or skill, but the decline is absolutely noticeable
This thread is for online board, card, and social deduction, drawing and etc. games that fill up with lobbies/custom rooms.Poker Chase: Orange Juice: RESPECT V: Music Quiz: coop: Blood: modded minecraft server: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1620372>I know understandESL queens!!
Literally the trash of board games.
missed because I had to shovel snow
>>1620393you did something productive.that shit is not, you missed nothing
>What is this?Diablo 4 is a dead MMOARPG by blizzardFormerly known as /d4g/ on /vg/, this thread is dedicated to all 3 players that still playA 4channel clan named FREN exists but is dead just like the game itself
>>1615055No reason it shouldn't. That's pretty much what I used alongside the poison aura witchcraft, Tormentors Aspect on my weapon and the Thorns exilir active just running around witchtide.A touch of death/poison cloud build also works later into Torment.Currently on junglemonk I'm running a withering fist Pestilent Swarm build using the ring and Aspect that make it so the swarms rotate around you like a hammerdin using the MoniTal runeOnce I get them, might try NeoTal or XolTal to summon more swarms, maybe up to a total of 25x-35x swarms
>>1610415mercs and citadel are gay, runes are mandatory for build making
>>1610787What are you farming for boss mats? I'd like to have more of them. However to be quite honest I've already completed 3 builds on my barbarian, I'm not sure how many uniques I need.
>>1616510All I ever do is the seasonal world events. I farm up grim favors, turn in the cache, rinse repeat + world boss events and before I knew it I clocked in 24hrs with a stash full of boss mats to blow on a weekend.
>>1604063They get what they deserve for never adding any kind of Holy class to the game because it would have made the tranny devs uncomfortable.
Elsword Now with more KPOP stuff.
>>1618486Wait,so IB get extra slots on top of your normal costume slot?
>>1618543Yes, and you can have up to 6 set effects registered and only 3 active set effects
>>1618565>>1618565>>1618565>>1618565new threads buckos
>>1618575Nigga, /vm/ is slow as fuck
>>1618583You dumb shit
Vintage Story Thread! Rise of Civilizations Edition!Will you live in a town anon? Will you make one? Will you settle the outskirts? Or will you be a nomad?>NewsA lot of news. OG is the main server now. Hitting peaks between 5-14 players. OG got an all new spawn and a one way teleporter at the OG spawn to the new world. Xskills has been added to OG, the QoL mods were updated, and pirate accounts are allowed back on.The current two main civilizations are Sahara and Hyborea. Hyborea is a group of anons from the old world who set out on an adventure to the Antarctic. After establishing an Antarctic outpost, their leader, Barm has finally found the land to turn into the great nation and build a temple for the black sun.Sahara has grown. It's now in steel age and talks of establishing a government have been going on (see last thread). There might be an election this/next weekend or Guac might be named god emperor if he rallies the people. The white sands have expanded into the gray zone to the east. Public works in Sahara have been completed and monuments/economic/military buildings are starting construction.>Server List>OG> original vm server, longest running vs server. Population went up with the new update. You can either go to the untainted land of "vietnam" or join Barm in the quest for/creation of Hyborea/BSE in some extreme cold.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1620470What do you mean wrong impression? All of this is real.
>>1606744Is this on steam?
>>1620366Beautiful shot. Spyglass?And sure idc.>>1620470I think the swastikas and black suns put them at ease
>>1620440That is okay for a first time. Really bad for a vet at the game.
found this. Very outdated
Shotgun cat editionPreviously on /pal/: >>1593289>Steam>Palworld>Pocketpair>Latest Patch Notes (1/15/25) too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1620406whats' nara
>>1620406No>>1620443Deer park in Japan
>>1620443Not much, what's Nara with you?
>>1619669No, they both exist to be my concubines
>>1620406Do jap actually do that?
New Year, New CapBetter than last yearâ„¢Jong's Director's Note & H1 2025 Roadmap:'s-Note---December-2024>Official Websiteshttps://www.dfoneople.com>YouTube Channels>Events too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1612567My 110s right now are berserker, m grappler, f striker, m spit, dark lancer, dark knight, and muse.>>1612644None of the supports in the game 100% appeal to me, even the muse that I made. I'm usually not adverse to playing supports but there's just so few to choose from in this game and none of them have an aesthetic I like other than muse.>>1612638>>1612644I want to assume bugmage would be the one to pick based on your input. I'm not exactly good at high APM play or anything but I do have a thing for underrated or offmeta classes/builds.
>>1616671for what it's worth, i'll record my asrahan runs with my girls this week and show you what they look like. or you could always just look up other people's videos.
>>1616671>My 110s right now are berserker, m grappler, f striker, m spit, dark lancer, dark knight, and muse.Battle Mage
it's fucking comical that when I make party with laptop next to me I have 350 ping and relay, but the guy on the other side of the world is 200ping and no relay.
>>1617499small billion dollar indie company (subsidary) please understand
>NewsTitanfall 2 multiplayer is fully functional again. If you cannot connect to multiplayer, try this:>Northstar client is for trannies and pedophiles, not linking it hereOn all systems, happy hour is 10:00PM EST. Join up for some stacks.>Titanfall 1We're sometimes playing Sundays, ask in thread for specifics>Booru>The Art of Titanfall 1 and 2!OwRzlSwC!nu2XxDPzLdxgKVOP9ZHJY0lqmc0LYjmoE2yrESLJMDQComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Haven't played in over a year. Give me a build (the more specific the better) so I can shake off the cobwebs and actually be useful in PvP.
>>1614932I don't know if they're bots, I talked to one and his communications were semi coherent. I guess it could be a chatbot but I assumed it was just friends playing together. I beat them soundly, their gameplay seemed average at best.
>>1615037If you want to play on baby easy mode (and be an enormous faggot) you can just pick Stim, any SMG (extended mags and quick reload) and Monarch/Tone for the classic no-fun-allowed metanig loadout. Doing so is absolutely haram in /tfg/ but I assume you just want an easy time at first.Once you shake off those cobwebs and want to actually have fun you can try Grapple + EPG or Cold War. Maybe go Holo for maximum memes and have fun rusing people.If you like gambling you can roll dice with every shot by using the Mastiff. Kraber is great if your aim is decent. L-STAR is a good full auto gun if you want to use projectile weapons but with training wheels.
how hard is this game to get into and am I completely fucked if I start now? do I just do storymode and then get online or what should I do?
>>1617921>do i just do storymode and then get online or what should i dodo exactly that, get a feel for the game, if you still dont feel comfortable playing against other people, theres always frontier defense (online PvE)