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Blockland is a sandbox game created by Eric "Badspot" Hartman, first released today, 20 years ago. It allows players to build and design structures using Lego-like bricks in a non-linear environment, offering extensive creative freedom without set objectives.




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I remember wanting this game so bad as a kid when it first came out but I obviously didn't have any money and my parents would never buy me anything off the Internet because they didn't trust it. Game looks like shit now and there's probably no one playing but I'm thinking of buying it just as a final triumph
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It's still active, sadly everything takes place in Discord now.
>Game looks like shit now
Reshade helps, there's a reverse engineering project of Blockland called "Blockland Rebuilt" which is a total upgrade. Maps are also back, but it's closed source, community is split due to direction, has global moderation, and dependent on Discord. It's mostly dead :D
>I'm thinking of buying it just as a final triumph
Consider buying on sale, if you feel like regretting purchase. IMO it has always been in a weird state, worth for content and social interactions.
Last time I played this was about 19 years ago
I kept getting banned off custom gamemode servers for accusing players of cheating because I was a shit kid lol
I do miss it, there were tons of cool add-ons and custom servers; some guy named Regulith made and hosted a custom 2fort server, some other guy was doing the same with a zombie infection gamemode and L4D, there was a patch that got rid of the ability to make hitscan weapons, but then a dude made a hitscan sniper rifle that used an obscure workaround... good times

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>Battlefront II News


>SWTOR Helpful Links
(If you have a general question about the game, such as credit limits, subscribing, story order, class usage, what a certain item you see in a screenshot, or really anything, check these first)

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RIP my ReBoot-looking mofo...
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I sure hope they don't fuck up my favorite donuts
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After 12 years, it's finally time for your toons to age.
speaking of this, shouldn't sith inquisitors be eternally young since Rishi?
>implying anyone on the dev team was around when the class stories were made
>implying class stories mattered outside of that one mention it got during the Revan expac

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Vanilla is my favorite version, but I have had issues with other private servers. Mostly with their client version they use and latency issues.

What are some private servers with a good client version (like official classic client) and no latency issues (from NA) that I can use?
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hi im a newfriend
are you playing ror next? i'd join
Is anyone still playing on turtle, I just started a mage
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I have a bunch of lowbies I can't commit to.
Its so weird. Iv been playing wow for years and iv always had the experience that alliance is the scum. Every time.
Never played much WoW but was thinking of levelling a character on Turtle, anyone want to play together? Will do the challenges too if someone wants.

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First Edition (kind of)

>What is Sven Co-op?
Sven Co-op is a co-op variation of the 1998 first-person shooter Half-Life. It can be played with up to 32 players. Initially made to make it possible to play Half-Life campaign with other people, it has since then expanded into being one of the most moddable games on the GoldSrc engine.
>Why do so many players have default models?
When a player is using a model or skin you do not have, you will see the default HEV suit. You can download the models here:
>Custom sprays?
Here: http://www.the303.org/tutorials/index.html

We have a server at

Join for co-op NOW!!
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It's time for the consortium to return.
gimme your most NSFW sprays
last night was really fun
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The seed has been planted.

You don't gatekeep an MMO, or even a website, by attacking without cause. If someone was honking his horn at you in traffic and cursing at you, you'd realise that he's a "bad person", and that he's not doing ACTUAL gatekeeping - instead he's warding off potential, moral/good friends.
The proper way to gatekeep is to take action against those that are visibly the enemy - like kicking women from guilds, insulting those that try to cheat(exploiting the vulnerable, being a cancer, etc.) through life using Twitch, patreon, etc.

Let's be the mature, proper, heroic, adult men that we're suppose to be.
If you get upset, then try to calm yourself, and think about what the perfect/mature you would do, and keep aiming to become that person, because we all are - we're just temporarily stuck in darkness as we try to make our way out of it through life-lessons.
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what's this picure supposed to say? the final fantasy mmo just adds new raids and raid bosses all the time instead of focusing on PVP? i dont get it im not a big MMO guy i just lurk this thread for some reason
>PvPtranny has zero reading comprehension and doesn't understand that it's the homos who are the pedophiles in this context, not the catholics
PvPtrannies are low IQ and should hang.
dont feed the schizos
You're the one who went completely off topic about jews, you low IQ faggot. Went crying to the jannies, too, since PvP trannies are low t and can't stand up for themselves without a massive advantage
>I am not a golem believe me
christcucks are such total rabbinic golems, through and through.

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This is a /vm/ server for my own personal fork of Adventurers of Akalabeth by Xork, which is a fork of Ruins & Riches (originally known as Odyssey) by Djeryv. The server has been running since March and has been enjoyed by several anons. This is far from a typical UO server because over the course of a decade Djeryv modified the game into an old school sandbox adventure experience designed for solo or small party play. It focuses heavily on exploration with new world maps filled with towns and dungeons, requiring players to find clues to navigate between worlds. The game lacks a central storyline, instead offering random quests and contracts from town quest boards, with hints provided by reading NPC dialogue. There is no wiki and information is much harder to come by than modern gamers are used to. Skills have been rebalanced for better utility, and crafters can open shops and receive contracts if they acquire a house. Resurrecting without paying a tribute reduces skill points, and dungeons are filled with brutal traps and dangerous portals. There's a lot of funny builds you can try out, depending on your character origin you can also get higher skill caps to expand possibilities.

To play, you can download the client here: https://mega.nz/file/uBZnSAbJ#_CTS4SqJ3j1YEbXGZ4kQQZrC84971d02QugFJc-98_U
Server IP (already in settings.json):
This includes TazUO (a fork of ClassicUO) and needed art files specific to this server, as well as Xork's player guide.

>stat gain every 10min
>vendors always buy rare items
>need LOS to see mobs
>player corpse bones persist for a year
>no hunger/thirst inside banks, inns or houses
>vendors have a chance to sell crafting resources (recently rebalanced to make higher tier items much more rare and expensive)
>can't sell bolts of cloth/balls of yarn to vendors
>all monster races start as evil

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He quit and now there's another fork https://www.reddit.com/r/uodyssey/comments/1g3e34s/secrets_of_sosaria_is_live_download_links/
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Character creation:


Neat guide:
Hardcore UO R&R server, when?
feeling cute, idk might log in later and attempt some roleplay :3c
We have Soulbound, which is a hardcore mode.

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Titanfall 2 multiplayer is fully functional again. If you cannot connect to multiplayer, try this:

>Northstar client is for trannies and pedophiles, not linking it here
On all systems, happy hour is 10:00PM EST. Join up for some stacks.

>Titanfall 1
We're sometimes playing Sundays, ask in thread for specifics


>The Art of Titanfall 1 and 2

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anyone else having trouble connecting to servers lately?
>ion gloating
>bring out monarch
>nooo you cant do that
Correct. Monarch is haram.
>sometimes bullets hit when they shouldn't
>sometimes they don't
>at point blank even
trying kraber feels more like a roulette
can't hit shit with it
If you think Kraber feels like a roulette go ahead and try the Mastiff

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>What is Age of Chivalry?
Age of Chivalry is a half-life 2 mod released in 2007 as a fps and truly defined the genre 'slasher'

>how do i join? thankfully it's free with the exception of linux not being able to support it we have our own server with custom maps and a rtv !

you can get the game here:

and to connect:

important in-game notes:
make sure to click space bar to skip the loading screen or disable it entirely client side as it does crash, another issue is crashing when alt tabbing and is therefore preferred to use windowed mode, and as for the server browser by default there are filters that should be checked off so if you don't see any servers on the browser list just disable them, and for the console it by default is turned off though it can be turned on in advanced settings

>after all of this trouble is it still worth playing? well we hope to build a community of users while simultaneously finding people who can save this abandoned game which inspired many, it has a raw masculine feel that all other medieval 'slasher' games failed to do and beautiful graphics ahead of it's time and a classic source fighting mechanics and amazing use of it's engine.
holy phuck I remember playing that map ages ago on this game. good times, hard game

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Anyone playing?
this is a late ass reply, but people here won't talk about this game because VOIP scares them
L or Light, who is more sus
they shouldve made this f2p

Hey lads, the 2024 Autumn Babby Cup has started and it's time for /vm/ to compete again
Here is the match schedule for the team:
Saturday Nov 2 vs /vg/
Friday Nov 8 vs /biz/
Sunday Nov 10 vs /c/
Come and cheer on the team!
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Its coming home
commiserations from /f/, you fags fought valiantly to get to a final, don't let this get you down cause you had a great run
keep going, a star is closer than you think
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I think my OC cursed the final match

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Hiya /v/, this might be my most regarded idea yet, but hear me out.

Anyone ever researched buying the rights to a dead mmo or taking over the company behind it? It would take a shitload of work but once it would be running again it would be possibly be some nice passive income.

I have the skillset to technically revive something but have no idea on how to go about finding IP or games that would possibly be for sale.
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The Legend of Mir 2
Servers for modern games with lots of interconnected systems are expensive and utilize modern hardware to its fullest. Modern hardware on a 20 year old game that maybe 10k people max will have accounts on is pathetically cheap.
i think is a good idea
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Could be fun.
If someone bought Wildstar, regardless of how buggy it'd be, then we'd have a fun place to hang out together.
If even private server owners haven't done, it seem to be very infeasible

This is not even just licensing issue but the cost of it

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Why aren't games fun anymore?
Is the world completely evil/demoralized now?
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>or are you talking about social media?
This exactly. There's so many people, especially GenZ/GenA/younger millennials who have no idea how to separate internet/social media and reality. There's a shit ton of games out there. We had some of the best games I've played in a LONG TIME released in the past few years (Baldurs gate 3, Elden ring, Ac6, etc). But so many people just sit there glued to twitter/twitch and getting all riled up by the shit they feed you to get engaged. Like bro, just walk away from the screen. Ignore it. Treat gaming like people did in the late 90s and early 2000s and you'd be a lot happier.

Don't play games with shitty monetization then. Or ignore it. Not like a flashy skin makes you better at the game.

The PvP crowd got fucked up too. They like to act like they were immune to changes. The amount of shitters who want to troll and be like some shitty content creator went up 100 fold. The reason pvp mmorpgs keep failing is cause the pvpers go and do everything they can to kill their own game. Even if the game is close to an exact copy of some good pvp mmorpg from the old days. They just torpedo their own game within months. Devs have to set up all these railings and controls to try to keep the huge amount of psychos that pvp games now attract from killing their own game. Nevermind that most pvpers who cared about pvp went to pvp focused games (MOBAs, Battle Royales, Looter Shooters, etc).
I remember how it felt to be 15 just now when i watched this
old games are great.
there's a reason why 38% of games played are over 8 years old and games released in the last 2 years only make up 9%.
>>the big discord servers are all dogshit
>>and the small discord servers you can never find
cuz discord is intended to use with your 3-4 RL gamer friends retard, not with randoms
its all the same pozzed garbage they aere feeding

Hi, today we would like to introduce you to an exciting new game we are working on. MARINES VS GOD is an asymmetric (4 vs 1) multiplayer cooperative third-person shooter with real-time strategy elements, in which four marine players team up against one god player who uses a set of 100 powerful magic spells to prevent them from accomplishing their mission.

The game is scheduled for release in 2025. You can check out the gameplay of the game and add it to your Steam wishlist by going to: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3209950/MARINES_VS_GOD/?utm_source=4chan&utm_campaign=rusetskiyaa&utm_medium=description.
Why not rather fight against non-humans?
God only wants to guide us to become better people, why fight Him?
Becoming mature/a man, means learning to not be spiteful and to abandon those things we did as children.
You see, Science good but... *hushed voice* religion.... le BAD!
Have a bump for video games. Hopefully your thread doesn't devolve into religious fanaticism like the first poster who is already throwing a fit.
This but unironically.
stop selling your shit

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Is PokeMMO any good?

Is the community good?

Is there actually any strategy involved in fights other than using attacks that are effective against the enemy's element?
It'd be kind of boring to just press the same button over and over to grind xp for hours on end.
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Story mode while not as brain-dead as the vanilla games it's still pretty easy if you use literally any setup move
If you meant post-game raids then they should require you to grind otherwise what is the point
Nta but I'm fine with catching and training, but breeding? No thanks. That's too much reset autism for nolife losers.
Too bad. Prepare to be bred
wew lad, imagine getting filtered by pokemon
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I just started a game in Hoenn, anyone interested in playing together? I like playing casually with some chatting.

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/vp/ tourist here since nobody there seems to play multiplayer for these gens. I am playing Emerald on PC and would like to link/battle with others if this is possible at all. Is there an active community here? PokeMMO doesn't count
I play multiplayer for all of these gens, but I do not emulate. You should look up "Orre Colosseum" for in-person events in gen 3.
Obviously I want to play the main games, not stadiumslop

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