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Installing Potato Alert has been the most demoralizing experience.
Stop playing wows subhuman
Nobody expects the radar Edin.
>enemy has cv, 2x nebraska and hildebrumbrum
Yep, I'm thinking faggotry.
My winrate unironically improved as soon as I unistalled Potato Alert.
The build viewer mod is enough to check if a teammate is trash or not
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wtf is montana 2
With hildebrumbrum and cv nebraska's planes are meaningless
2 BBs sitting in the back shooting their barely usable guns? Fucking useless.
Who cares if they send some planes sometimes. They won't do shit with them anyway. Nebraska is useful only and ONLY in ranked games with no CVs. A rushing bismarck will probably spot more and do more damage anyway.

Flamuu is retarded and hybrids are overhyped. Other than kearsarge and hildebrand there are no good hybrids in the game. Halford might also be good but I don't really know what it does.
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this is your average flamu viewer that heard that planes are op so you know

he's abusing the class or something
mental illness
Halford kind of sucks because the main benefit to hybrids is the spotting power, which dds don't really need
It's not complete garbage, but if I wanted a dd with better spotting potential I'd run the Black
I used to think I was barely average, then I started using the shiptools matchmaking monitor, and I realized half of the people per team are 45%ers that can’t breathe and walk at the same time

It is incredibly useful for predicting behavior, especially with DDs. I’ll never play without it.
right that kinda makes sense
planes spot all classes of ships (fuck submarines) but they're the most useful when spotting dds
But the thing about Halford is you need support while being a support ship yourself. Black not only spots for itself but it also deals damage. I imagine halford is insanely broken but only in retarded 90% WR radar cruiser divisions but any dd is op in them anyway.
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About time
>"super hard" missions for unlocking enty are actually very easy
>"Deal 50k damage to enemy ships in three different ways" means 50k dmg TOTAL, not 150k
>you can't even apply a discount coupon
gay af
Post the Shinano overmatch
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that will be 30k steel + tax
Lmao they even buffed the squads too? Fucking balancing around retards.
I just hope the bombs overpen everything thinner than kremil

Of course next year we would get SAP skip bombers and SAP rockets
They have variable pen depending on the number of skips.
>depending on the number of skips.
so... depending on the velocity? just like normal AP?
I have 22.5k steel and a coupon.
Should I choose Ragnar, Gato or Incomparable?

I'm equally shitty at any given class.
gato doesn't work in 2024- ignore

both ragnar and incomp are fine, personally I'd go for incomp
is that true about gato or you are just against subs?
all subs suck after the rework but shotgunning subs got hit the hardest so both Gato and I-56 are completely useless now
Incomp guns make big boom
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lmao 0,2% for free
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real ship btw
also nice to see a fellow 1920x1200 enjoyer
>1970's ship
it shares mm with st.vincent and jager hahahah
Yeah I fucking wish I could find a 1440p 16:10 that isn't an office brand or overpriced Eizo
>free 5% HP
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we are getting an actual T8 coal ship lol
too bad it's a pos
Is this the 15 gun poorfag mecklen?
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>I can get dommy mommy Janeway in my botes
nevermind only fucking worf and Riker and free
Why is there 100 BBs in the queue?
pan am BBs came out of early access and now people are grinding the fuck out of los andes
lmao nigga is fucking pan asia
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the boomer is onto something
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Ngl, quite enjoying the walmart Scharn they gave us. Wish it had hydro tho.
have you thanked WG yet?

When they gave the sharn43 for free a year ago boomers were saying stuff like "thank you wargaming" in yt comments lmao

I prefer faster main gun reload so I like the normal sharnhorst more
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4am randoms mm
pretty fun, recommended
Is this NA?
Can you introduce me as the Joker?
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Thoughts on getting the Exeter?
don't waste resources
I didnt even know exeter was in this game
You get anything on the Black Friday sale? Picked me up the Cossack and Atago.
the only ship I was semi-interested in was asashio but I'd like to get my hands on the normal version (somehow), not the B one

>cossack and atago
great choices
Caved in and bought the Alaska too, tee hee. But that's it for this year.
is the tirpitz worth getting on sale?
Zieten and Ipiranga are better.
>bad at game but enjoy it
>specifically like destroyers
>get aircraft carrier and it isn't fun and can't deal significant damage
>still want to get american submarine

are subs even fun? are they just cancer?
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>haven't played carriers in a few months, pick Nakhimov for random battle
>enter game
>start moving to get behind cover
>get scouted by enemy carrier, bungo on the other side of the map OHKO's me from 28km away
I would've been mad if it wasn't so fucking funny
The Star Trek event seems pretty cool imo and you earn quite a lot of materials playing it
Except beam weapons are ass.
yeah I don't fucking get it why did they make the beams so weak

at least make them pass through terrain so there is at least one reason to take them

>are subs even fun?
subs are boring
t. every class (except subs) enjoyer
This game really died down huh? This general used to be lively as fuck. What was the point when it started to go noticably downhill? CV rework?
game? yeah it kinda died down but it's not that bad

this general is really dead though, although the past few days were somewhat lively
I hop back for a couple of game here and there but I rarely post on 4chan lmao

If they added premium ammo would you still play?
yes but only "fun" gamemodes such as airship escort or convoy
>play T'Pau
>upgrades you get are worse than the default
Gearing, Balao, Kremiln, A. Nevsky, Petro, Delny, Grozovoi, Elbing, Thrasher, Republique, Marseillie, Henri, Colombo, Venezia, Regolo, Gdansk, Cerberus, San Martin

these are the tech lines I haven't unlocked yet, which ones should I go for?
1 3 4 5 11 13 14
I will do anything for coal.
what do you need coal for
High tier premiums like the Napoli
Anyone has the Brennus?
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I've got 26 krakens and I've never killed more than 5 ships in one game. I've had 5 kills 26 fucking times and I've never managed to get a 6th one.
Teammates in Brawl are such fucking tards
as opposed to teammates in other gamemodes being good at the game?
It just seems more apparent in Brawl. Teammates trying to flank in BBs and leaving me to take all the damage then arriving one at a time at each side to then get focused and killed, happened 3 times in a row yesterday.
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this is the most competetive gamemode, at least according to wg
Thinking of getting back into wows, but my experience of wot has soured my opinion of wargaming. I do remember having fun in low tiers, setting everyone on fire in the St Louis or torpedoing in the jap destroyers. Is the game fun at lower tiers?
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If you want tanks you should just play War Thunder, WoT is shit, but WoWS is a lot better than the naval mode in WT (but with a bit less of an emphasis on realism) and is a lot more generous with rewards. I play both games actively. Lower tiers is mainly bots with the odd human, it's still possible to have fun but the actual game starts at rank 5 maybe at the minimum, ranks 1-4 are training ones. To play ranked for example you need a tier 8 ship.
ranked begins at tier 5 though
wargambling doesn't sell many premium at mid tiers so sadly t5 ranked is rare, I think it happens only like once per year and only in bronze

fuck even t6 & t7 ranked is not common
Neither do they at T6 or 7 because the relevant premiums are not for sale.

Are we excited?
Santa crates are the only worthwhile boxes in the game so yeah kinda. Maybe I'll get some neat T8+

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