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Installing Potato Alert has been the most demoralizing experience.
Stop playing wows subhuman
Nobody expects the radar Edin.
>enemy has cv, 2x nebraska and hildebrumbrum
Yep, I'm thinking faggotry.
My winrate unironically improved as soon as I unistalled Potato Alert.
The build viewer mod is enough to check if a teammate is trash or not
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wtf is montana 2
With hildebrumbrum and cv nebraska's planes are meaningless
2 BBs sitting in the back shooting their barely usable guns? Fucking useless.
Who cares if they send some planes sometimes. They won't do shit with them anyway. Nebraska is useful only and ONLY in ranked games with no CVs. A rushing bismarck will probably spot more and do more damage anyway.

Flamuu is retarded and hybrids are overhyped. Other than kearsarge and hildebrand there are no good hybrids in the game. Halford might also be good but I don't really know what it does.
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this is your average flamu viewer that heard that planes are op so you know

he's abusing the class or something
mental illness
Halford kind of sucks because the main benefit to hybrids is the spotting power, which dds don't really need
It's not complete garbage, but if I wanted a dd with better spotting potential I'd run the Black
I used to think I was barely average, then I started using the shiptools matchmaking monitor, and I realized half of the people per team are 45%ers that can’t breathe and walk at the same time

It is incredibly useful for predicting behavior, especially with DDs. I’ll never play without it.
right that kinda makes sense
planes spot all classes of ships (fuck submarines) but they're the most useful when spotting dds
But the thing about Halford is you need support while being a support ship yourself. Black not only spots for itself but it also deals damage. I imagine halford is insanely broken but only in retarded 90% WR radar cruiser divisions but any dd is op in them anyway.
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About time
>"super hard" missions for unlocking enty are actually very easy
>"Deal 50k damage to enemy ships in three different ways" means 50k dmg TOTAL, not 150k
>you can't even apply a discount coupon
gay af
Post the Shinano overmatch
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that will be 30k steel + tax
Lmao they even buffed the squads too? Fucking balancing around retards.
I just hope the bombs overpen everything thinner than kremil

Of course next year we would get SAP skip bombers and SAP rockets
They have variable pen depending on the number of skips.
>depending on the number of skips.
so... depending on the velocity? just like normal AP?
I have 22.5k steel and a coupon.
Should I choose Ragnar, Gato or Incomparable?

I'm equally shitty at any given class.
gato doesn't work in 2024- ignore

both ragnar and incomp are fine, personally I'd go for incomp
is that true about gato or you are just against subs?
all subs suck after the rework but shotgunning subs got hit the hardest so both Gato and I-56 are completely useless now
Incomp guns make big boom
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lmao 0,2% for free
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real ship btw
also nice to see a fellow 1920x1200 enjoyer
>1970's ship
it shares mm with st.vincent and jager hahahah
Yeah I fucking wish I could find a 1440p 16:10 that isn't an office brand or overpriced Eizo
>free 5% HP
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we are getting an actual T8 coal ship lol
too bad it's a pos
Is this the 15 gun poorfag mecklen?
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>I can get dommy mommy Janeway in my botes
nevermind only fucking worf and Riker and free
Why is there 100 BBs in the queue?
pan am BBs came out of early access and now people are grinding the fuck out of los andes
lmao nigga is fucking pan asia
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the boomer is onto something
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Ngl, quite enjoying the walmart Scharn they gave us. Wish it had hydro tho.
have you thanked WG yet?

When they gave the sharn43 for free a year ago boomers were saying stuff like "thank you wargaming" in yt comments lmao

I prefer faster main gun reload so I like the normal sharnhorst more
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4am randoms mm
pretty fun, recommended
Is this NA?
Can you introduce me as the Joker?
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Thoughts on getting the Exeter?
don't waste resources
I didnt even know exeter was in this game
You get anything on the Black Friday sale? Picked me up the Cossack and Atago.
the only ship I was semi-interested in was asashio but I'd like to get my hands on the normal version (somehow), not the B one

>cossack and atago
great choices
Caved in and bought the Alaska too, tee hee. But that's it for this year.
is the tirpitz worth getting on sale?
Zieten and Ipiranga are better.
>bad at game but enjoy it
>specifically like destroyers
>get aircraft carrier and it isn't fun and can't deal significant damage
>still want to get american submarine

are subs even fun? are they just cancer?
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>haven't played carriers in a few months, pick Nakhimov for random battle
>enter game
>start moving to get behind cover
>get scouted by enemy carrier, bungo on the other side of the map OHKO's me from 28km away
I would've been mad if it wasn't so fucking funny
The Star Trek event seems pretty cool imo and you earn quite a lot of materials playing it
Except beam weapons are ass.
yeah I don't fucking get it why did they make the beams so weak

at least make them pass through terrain so there is at least one reason to take them

>are subs even fun?
subs are boring
t. every class (except subs) enjoyer
This game really died down huh? This general used to be lively as fuck. What was the point when it started to go noticably downhill? CV rework?
game? yeah it kinda died down but it's not that bad

this general is really dead though, although the past few days were somewhat lively
I hop back for a couple of game here and there but I rarely post on 4chan lmao

If they added premium ammo would you still play?
yes but only "fun" gamemodes such as airship escort or convoy
>play T'Pau
>upgrades you get are worse than the default
Gearing, Balao, Kremiln, A. Nevsky, Petro, Delny, Grozovoi, Elbing, Thrasher, Republique, Marseillie, Henri, Colombo, Venezia, Regolo, Gdansk, Cerberus, San Martin

these are the tech lines I haven't unlocked yet, which ones should I go for?
1 3 4 5 11 13 14
I will do anything for coal.
what do you need coal for
High tier premiums like the Napoli
Anyone has the Brennus?
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I've got 26 krakens and I've never killed more than 5 ships in one game. I've had 5 kills 26 fucking times and I've never managed to get a 6th one.
Teammates in Brawl are such fucking tards
as opposed to teammates in other gamemodes being good at the game?
It just seems more apparent in Brawl. Teammates trying to flank in BBs and leaving me to take all the damage then arriving one at a time at each side to then get focused and killed, happened 3 times in a row yesterday.
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this is the most competetive gamemode, at least according to wg
Thinking of getting back into wows, but my experience of wot has soured my opinion of wargaming. I do remember having fun in low tiers, setting everyone on fire in the St Louis or torpedoing in the jap destroyers. Is the game fun at lower tiers?
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If you want tanks you should just play War Thunder, WoT is shit, but WoWS is a lot better than the naval mode in WT (but with a bit less of an emphasis on realism) and is a lot more generous with rewards. I play both games actively. Lower tiers is mainly bots with the odd human, it's still possible to have fun but the actual game starts at rank 5 maybe at the minimum, ranks 1-4 are training ones. To play ranked for example you need a tier 8 ship.
ranked begins at tier 5 though
wargambling doesn't sell many premium at mid tiers so sadly t5 ranked is rare, I think it happens only like once per year and only in bronze

fuck even t6 & t7 ranked is not common
Neither do they at T6 or 7 because the relevant premiums are not for sale.

Are we excited?
Santa crates are the only worthwhile boxes in the game so yeah kinda. Maybe I'll get some neat T8+
of course
I've got over 40 tier X ships meaning 8 big crates for free
I don't even care for the free premium ships, resources and premium time are great too

the only shit drops are:
>100,000 Elite commander XP - 10%
>2,250,000 Credits - 10%
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Need a win senpai? Don't worry I got you.
were you just sitting by an island, bow in like 99% of JBs do?
I think I was just playing at a bad time, middle of the day against the unemployed. Been playing again after schools out for the day and doing a lot better.
>dutch lego commander
Just what we needed
yeah my golden lion needs more than just the legmod
I'm going to send to much airstrikes
How much can you get away with in chat without getting banned? I find lower tiers pretty chill and friendly but like tiers 9/10 everyones raging, mostly at each other, sometimes me for things like not rushing that cap in a DD whilst on enemy radar.
I'd say it depends if someone is mad enough to report you directly.
yesterday I told player to commit suicide and I'm not banned yet
I don't play this game but got a code for 900 gold 9000000 credits a ship and 9 day premium
Enjoy niggas
ehh it's an invite code so nothingburger, thanks anyway
Forgot to mention that, I was going to throw it away but maybe someone will find use for it

also I hope hiroshimoot burns in hell for this piece of shit captcha, "verify your email", wait 900s suck my balls soon we'll need an account to post here if this bullshit continues
put the pass goyim
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which one are you niggas getting
I'm thinking balao because that's the only one I don't have
BB players are such pussies
I like when they cry about island camping cruisers
>islandtranny thinking his opinion matters
>limited time steel ships
We full gacha now
are you talking about archerfish and shinano?
they will be aviable for steel permanently in a few months just like lauria

I don't really know why they monetize steel like that though
You can't outright buy steel for real money so it feels like a pointless event made for ultra-oldfags with shitton of resources
Prinze Orange and Hoffmann are limited
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>christmas battlepass will cost 1k dubs more and there will be two of them during the update
Holy fucking kikery
I really want to understand why they're doing this

Most players don't even play ranked and their only source of steel are battlepasses
remember the first christmas battlepass that gave you 25 snowflakes as the final reward? LMAO
fomo for boomer bittervets. I guess auctions worked too well so they are vacuuming steel now.
I can tell you are a clueless 50% subhuman. You somehow forget the billion ways of getting steel in this day and age: BP, CW, ranked, dockyards, events like brawls and bday/xmas snowflakes.

We got someone in the clan who got a perma chat ban. Only person beside quitters who is actually "free" in terms of interacting with pseudo unicums plus the usual boomers. This took years of bait, insults, well done spams and one of the biggest drama posts in recent years on wows reddit (beside that mouse whatever cuck that just wanted attention). Anon you honestly don´t have to fear anything till boomers make a manual ticket that results in 1-2 days for starters.

First time in months that I seen a thread that yet again is only filled with complete glue eaters.
is a speedy battleship with a similar layout to the GK4541 German battlecruiser designs of World War I. She's the product of an alternate history scenario where we imagined that the ship was laid down in Germany in 1918, purchased by Sweden in the 1920s, and gradually completed by the end of the 1930s. We also hypothesized the subsequent modernization of her anti-aircraft defense systems following the Second World War.
>a fucking T5 DD as an intermediate dockyard reward
truly the season of gifts
Sex with Li Wei
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Got the De Grasse in a loot crate, is it any good?
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Only good for the camo.
Fuck, they want me to be food but disguised it as a generous gift. Still going to take it out for some games later, got a level 10 commander with it.
The only actually "good" low tier premiums aren't widely available. Everything tier 7 and below is mostly for random moments when you decide to bring it out or training captains because you don't need to retrain on premium ships
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CBT player here, should I come back and play again? I think the last time I logged in was like 2022-2023.
yeah sure the game is still fun if you aren't a little crybaby losing their shit over cvs and subs
you should be fine as long as you can keep up to your current stats down the line, not like I seen others from here return and blame their teams while they have red pr in like the last 200 games kek
solo is still hell, divs as you can guess gives you a higher chance these days but it won´t help shit when your team has more boomer slots filled
you might wanna check which ships in the meantime got released/buffed or nerfed since you played last time
You should get like a return bonus (T9 ship these days if I am correct). In case you are on EU and don´t want to play alone get in touch with 2DQT otherwise HOTEL if you stick to solo. Good luck anon.
the last star trek operation is the most fun I've ever had in any operation ever but sadly sub 50% wr shitters ruin it by being shit
I lost 2 games in a row
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Bought the Repulse with a coupon and been playing that, very relaxing ship to play with something else on in the background which suits a boomer like me. Have you completed your expedition yet?

T'Pau definitely seems like the best ship to do this, the redshirt ability can tank so much damage.
>T'Pau definitely seems like the best ship to do this, the redshirt ability can tank so much damage.

yes I had the most success with that ship + hull
Ramming the queen with the combat instructions and the red shirt is funny and it works
I prefered the cruiser for the first two ops but the queen oneshot made me switch. I hate the fucking BB beams. Shit gets stuck on the smallest rocks or even wrecks that haven't sunk yet.
How can EU CCs even compare.
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nice event, WG
Dang, Svhlieffen really is a retardboat. 300+ secondary hits in first match and I barely done shit.
I hate this playerbase so much it's unreal
I find tier 6/7 people are a lot more chill. High tiers people will die early then spend the rest of the game criticising your play.
Cause your shit.
*You're bad at the game, boomers even try to backseat game you kek.
Are you here?
That's every game, BB players are especially the most pathetic and cowardly.
How's been your santa crate luck thus far? for me its been
>og belfast
>rio de janero
>redeemed plymouth with steel
i should've bought a lottery ticket today
W. Virginia 44. But only opened the crap we got from BP and 3 Mega's. Hopefully I'll get some T8+ by the end of this.
we hate you too fag.
I've opened 8 mega crates so far and got
>molotov (shit)
>the chinese sub (lmao)
>boise (meh)
>bearn (the only decent one)
15 mega gifts
>Yukon t7
>Jupiter 42 t7
>Dalian t9
>California t7
Also 3k steel and red boosters from some golden gifts.
>calendar reset
>still can't claim my advent gift
Just got Aquila from a mega Christmas container, how is she? Only other CVs I've played at her tier are Yorktown and Pobeda, don't really play CVs much so I'm kinda already eh about it honestly.
You know that the ship will not make a difference, if you suck at the game. Anyway, it´s not Kaga strong BUT it can be strong if the matchmaking gives you a good cruiser matchmaking. Check out the guide from the SEAmonkey from the clan REPOI or whatever it was called.

Question towards the lurkers from my clan that play the game, dislike posting on our tranny server but stick around here: What is the point of me staying in [HOTEL] when I am surrounded by two/four others playing the game? Asking to play together will result anyway in the good old
>"playing in divisions is so broken!"
At the same time, the other clan that has "he who must not be named" on it, has seven others playing the game in division together. Why did it not work out for us like this? Most of the time I have to get my game info and codes from their server, cause shocker, nobody is willing to share anything on ours or even here. If Rex would had just deleted the clan after the first split, I at least would had an excuse back then to leave everything behind, but I just can´t be asked making decisions by myself.
I'm not playing brawl anymore because you're all FUCKING RETARDED BOTS FUCK YOU
Did my first battle in her, she wasn't all that bad, it was all T8s with a double CV match, managed about 100k damage. Ran out of planes by the end however.
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I wish I had more ships
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Should I get the Duke of York (for coal)?
Don't waste coal on sub-T9 sihps. Buy coal upgrades instead.
they ever reinstate RTS CVs?
Did he sell his account to some grandpa or is he just this bad now?
>opened two coal crates
>no coal
>opened 5 santas gift crates
>got a bunch of 50k silver and some flags

I don't know how anyone can get addicted to loot crates in this game when they give you such complete shite.
Stay poor, poor fag :´)
the trick is to open more of them
Is it some gpu driver issue that causes this dogass shit font?
might be, it looks like some really shitty AI upscaling
Should I get the Bourgogne as my first steel tier X battleship? I kind of want the Incomparable but I probably shouldn't.
Do not get opinions from here Anon. You don´t want the red PR recent games Bourgogne player from one of the reddit clans telling you that it´s any good in current meta )))
get incomp it's more fun
it is ass right now, get lauria or mecklen
average fucking /vm/ poster opinions are just sad
Ok will do captain, not quite got enough steel yet though.
Go and waste steel on a shit ship, enjoy!
1.8 sigma lel
just play preussen
What about the Shiki then?
Lauria is one of the strongest BBs in WOWS and you fucking pull the sigma card. Kys you subhuman.
too similar to yamato
when buying for rare currency you want to go for unique gameplay
Source: Trust me bro.
Anon you know that red stats does not mean you are good right?
3x2 is cursed layout desu
3x2 ships always have great accuracy though
And it's just too low for me. Gonna take Yamy over shiki every day
Ye you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

Nice bait with Preussen. Perfect example why anyone asking here anything about ships should kys.
Sounds like you are either from KEKTEL or 2DPEDO. You guys are so fucking shit, please just stop posting your trash opinions on here.
I fucking hate this goddamn game
Everyone is so fucking retard and I can feel myself getting more retarded the more I play this shit
I always use tracking tools to see whether my teammates are good or not so I know who to help/trust
Yesterday I played a game in which the best player on my team, besides me, was a 53% WR kitakaze

53% is better than 90% of the playerbase yet this stupid nigger started open water shooting a DM, 9km away from her



I wouldn't expect a play this bad from a 45%er
It feels like this whenever I try to do brawl challenges, you get two retards whilst the other team is an organised group of no-lifers. Playing normal games though the playerbase isn't anymore retarded than any other live service f2p game.
And let me guess you are below 56% and use mentioned mods?
56%? weirdly specific
I am a ~60% WR player (in the recent few hundred matches), It will take me a long time to get my general WR to that %
Also I don't use any mods, I use the website shiptool.st
You mentioned yourself using a stats mod to track the players stats to begin with. So you got recent stats 60 but lower overall, are you a returning player or an actual new one?
no I said tools, not mods

I've been playing since the release but very rarely, got to around 1500 games, 49% WR and then, 2.5 years ago I went like "I understand now" (like in the memes) and I've been improving ever since
Keep it up then. Pro tip: Don´t ask on here anything if you plan to improve. Either message players you think played very well after your matches or honestly read into guides on reddit. 99% of posters here are just like the average flamuu watcher. They are either fucking trash at the game or do not even play the game since 3-4 years.
>it is ass right now
Just post already the Maltese video faggot and leave a sub also at the same time )))
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>it's le bad becuz youtube said it's le good
I hope every malta player gets their nuts smashed by a sledgehammer
Shill more.
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must be hard playing the game while being such a massive contrarian
what does it mean to be a contrarian in this game anyways?
with the quality of this playerbase, a good player can do well with just about any ship, so it comes down to what playstyle you enjoy the most
>a good player can do well with just about any ship
a trvth nvke to end all trvth nvkes
who asked?
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Never mind that gay shit, how's your Star Trek collection going?
>he plays for "fun"
You blame the teams all the time right?
it would be complete if not to the fact that the last operation is too hard for most of the playerbase
lamo why
Haven't played the game or visited this thread for almost a year, just logged in to get my Christmas shit in case I'll ever want to start again (I won't). Anyway, I'm just here to tell you containers are 100% rigged and you shouldn't give a cent to Wargambling.
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>jinan buff
kek people just can't into CLs
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so bad
need to buff now!
I wonder why they aren't buffing some truly terrible ships like Salem

I guess they're buffing Jinan's main guns because retards keep building her for torps
also they can't aim
Nice try anon. Sadly anyone who plays the game knows that you can´t get 20 mega gifts without owning all TT ships, most if not all premium T10 ships AND a bunch of steel ships. Since as you claimed have not played in nearly a year I can straight up say that you payed up for 20 boxes. Laugh at this nigga with his fake ass story LMAO.
next time make it look legit at least by having like less then 20 boxes
>he payed
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Jinan or Nevsky?
I like nevsky more
jinan is strong and fun but afk smoke farming isn't my playstyle
Do you want to farm or play objective?
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Love this guy. His voice lines are funny.
gallant is good for ranked
mikoyan is fun, the gun are great
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Got something in a lootcrate, is it shit?
>small box
You are really lucky.
I opened enough of them, so was due some good luck. Opened a mega container and got like 2m credits which isn't great. I tried the ship and you have a lot of dakka which is fun but it seems like your armour isn't good enough and every broadside you absorb you just get absolutely clapped no matter how much you angle.
yes it is shit
might be one of the worst battleships in the game
Recommend me a light cruiser line to grind, I don't have one yet.
Anyone else really dislike playing BBs? I hate how sluggish they are.
I find them the most relaxing type to play, but destroyers are more exciting. Depends on my mood.
I prefer Cruisers myself. More active than BBs but not too "exciting" like DDs.
Nevsky, Mino, The panamerican one.
Jinan is great but not easy to play.
Worcester is very good

I did think that at the beginning but I got used to it.
I hated them when I was starting because I was too used to cruiser hydro. You need to find a line that suits you.
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Asia server looks miserable to play on.
Ah, time for some asymmetric battles! I'm going to park my heavy Japanese BB right at the back of the map and snipe whilst you all cap points and scout for me. What? People are dying already? They suck! What, we've lost on ticket bleed? But I hardly took any damage at all! Why do I get the worst teammates all the time?!
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Got I-56 from a Santa container. How do I play a submarine?
Sit back and spam long range torps
Kidd or Cossack?
It doesn't get better than Cossack
Need a money maker, what tier 9 coal ship should I get?
Should I? Looks fun.
Save for Mecklenburg instead, which is what this tries to be.
This might actually make Zao playable. I always found it puzzling how Ibuki had better angles than Zao. Zao is just objectively a downgrade. Then again, Furutaka was always the strongest ship in the line because it gets the same turrets as Ibuki, good torp angles, and all of that at T5.
kearsarge if you also want to win games
Wow that second BP is just as ass as the previous.
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Just curious, what server are you guys on?
Guess the server
Immediately the next game.
Also NA
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Better than nothing, I guess.
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Two in a row. Nice.
How's Bungo?
ASIA. The meta is sniping from max range and retreat at the first opportunity.
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The entire BP has TWO megacrates lmao if the advent calendar doesn't have at least 3 of those on 24th, I'm gonna bomb Serbia or where the fuck this company lives.
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really good but not really fun because no citadels
I bet 50 internet there won't be any mega santa container in advent calendar.
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Am I the only one who like Gneisenau more than Scharnhorst?
>roll a super container
>the contents are not super
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Christmas machine broke
If CVs vanished from the game tomorrow, what part of this game would suffer?
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Welcome to the rice fields, motherfucker.
imagine being a heal-less cruiser in 2025 lmoa
Imagine playing anything below t10 and face shit like this. Feels good to never see more then 1x CV max per team :)
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>500 coal
Really, WG?
Atago or Azuma, which ship is better?
well obviously azuma is better especially if you're good at the game but tier for tier atago is better
Also Atago is the better girl.
Should I just buy Atago and keep coal for tier 10 instead?
atago is very worth it IF you like playing other cruiers

which tier 10? Yoshino? Not worth a cent.
I miss torp friendly fire
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Here's the final advent calendar gift.
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Got another lootcrate ship, going to test it out..
Very agile! Not really my kind of ship though
what a fucking joke
All I want for Christmas is for subs and cvs to be removed.
If you think that in 2024 subs have any kind of carry weight, you are beyond help. I kinda feel bad for you.
The benefit you provide as a submarine is forcing a submarine onto the enemy team
Incredible jewry.
They're mostly annoying .
And very good at countering certain ships and play styles like Jinan island camping.
Who said anything about carrying weight? the playerbase of this game are such insecure retards. subs are easy to deal with but fucking annoying and unfun to do so.
When will they finally buff submarines? I wanna do 400k dmg in a sub. If all the other classes can do that then why can't subs?
bros i got both hoffman and oranje from 2 golden containers, my wows account is blessed.
What a dog ass event this was...
How is the Oranje? Worth playing?
What do you mean? Got like over 100+ containers via codes, made 18k steel, we got like 10-15 super containers, got like 10+ levels for the battle-passes. Not my fault you are some solo shitter, sitting in an dead-ass clan, that was not spoon fed codes galore :)
if you are bad at the game no ship can fix that anon
Almost ground out my Conquerer, playing the Lion is true suffering. Will be my first tier 10. What BB line should I grind out next?
Vincent :)
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have they fixed carriers yet
How's Chikuma II?
i think its decent, guns are great and if you know how to lead and time your airstrikes, they can chunk BBs. it is in a bad state because of the turret bug, though. your guns get knocked out by a stiff breeze
>have not gotten Musashi, Missouri, or Kaga
I at least want Kaga...
Is it just me or Italian DDs are pretty bad?
All ita ships are built around Luigi Spaghetti
How important is he for the DDs? Should I wait until I got him? I'm already at tier 7.
>changed password but forgot the new password
>for some reason I can't receive password reset email from WG
Am I free now?
Sansonetti's range perk makes them a lot more flexible, without it you'll likely keep looking for DD engagements for the entire game.
Guess I'll put my grind on hold until I get him then.
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EU or NA? I'm done with SEA
Isn't NA Wargaming dying? Also decide by your ping.
>Isn't NA Wargaming dying?
For WoT. Don't know about WoWS
EU since primetime would have less then 5-6 cvs in MM, clan would be 2DQT in case you jump ships
Fuck off, we're full.
You're just gonna bring your shitty gameplay to our server and ruin it as well. Fuck off. Seriously, fuck off.
Based. You don´t want another pseudo-u-turn unicum that does nothing the entire game while kting his own spawn first two minutes into the match?
How much gayer has the game become after 14.0?
>tromp is the first random bundle i get
>already own the ship
This game is so fucking stupid
whats so special about 16:10?
>when did it go downhill
when the prices went up. f2p cannot even get a look in. i keep having to research and cant afford it
>would have less then
>less then
>more then 1x
I hope your jew years resolution was to learn the difference between then and than. retarded cunt
I hope your jew years resolution was to stop posting on here. Playing the game is bad already but lurking around here while not even playing the game is honestly the most fucked up thing to do. Don´t call others a retarded cunt, instead look into the mirror :´)
who cares xD
Do any of you participate on the public test server? Are the rewards even worth the time spent?
You need to install an entire separate instance of wows to even access it.
Tulsa is fun now. I hope I'll be lucky enough to get Incheon.
Is this another copypasta american hull?
I got it on my first pull
I don't really play the game nowadays; what does this thing even do?
Des Moines + Tulsa but Pan Asian.
Id say yeah

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