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Is VRChat considered a multiplayer game?
its a social vr platform but it does multiplayer aspects to it
if you are a gay furry

it's like roblox in a way with many worlds having multiplayer style games

but no it's kinda trash if you dont have VR setup
It has a lot of games but it also has a lot of gays
Because of this enjoying the games is difficult when some faggots decide they want to treat the instance as their faggotbox when people are just trying to enjoy a generic game of freeze tag or murder
I tried to play it and for a time, it was nice. But one day, it froze up and crashed my PC. After I got my PC back up, someone was fucking with my settings. Somehow, someone had gotten into my PC, through the game. I managed, with help, to get my PC back under my control. I wanted to warn people about what had happened so they would be careful in the servers, but they all said I was crazy and just imagined it. One guy even claimed to have a PhD in computer engineering and said it was impossible for a game to mess up your computer.
I have never touched VRChat since. I cannot take the chance of that event, no matter how incredibly unlikely it was, from happening again. And every other player's dismissive behavior and not being at all concerned about a potential vulnerability in the game sealed it for about never going back in. It's funny because all my friends play it now, but I never will.
whatever fag
it was just probably eac or dogshit pc
it's still trash with vr, the playerbase is almost exclusively children and faggots
That's all videogames
it didn't come from vrchat schizo
That's not exclusive to VRChat
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>join vrchat
full of blacks
>join roblox
full of blacks

whats the point anymore, I miss the internet without black people
not a vidya
I miss the time when the internet wasn't a glorified daycare for retards, children, and retarded children
>this anon doesn't know the truth

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