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So, when exactly are EA going to close bf3 on PC too? It is inevitable now. And even if they dont, retarded admins are killing whats left of this game.
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Battlefield 2142 is the best battlefield. Fite me
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I forgot that you can't use insults on JAH servers and the fucking soulless mutt admin won't ever unban me for saying nigger
Reinstalled BF1 & 2042. Was happy to find BF1 has plenty of my fellow shitters on it; had a good time screwing around on conquest but hoping I can find some "In The Name of the Tsar" operations matches during prime time because it looked like mostly vanilla map shit by the time I got on.

Gonna try out 2042 again to see about the dlc weapons because I havent played it since launch, but I'm really not looking forward to playing the launch maps.

Could never get into BFV for some reason, I dont understand how they fucked that up so badly.
Just bought 2042 since it was on sale and have been having some fun with it.
Its a struggle to find full lobbies though, any tips for late night players?
BFV has leaning and pretty good attention to detail. What dont you like about it gameplay wise?
Just spent an hour searching for a playable lobby and there was none.
Just constantly puts me in empty lobbies waiting to start then fills it with bots. Every game mode is like this Im fucking done.
bf4 is so much better, and there's a lot of people still playing it
Really? It does look pretty sweet but will I really be able to find a full server without bots at all times of the day from NA?
So much better at what?
aesthetics wise it's the best, love it
gameplay is alright, could be a bit better
Mostly don't care for the maps or how they seperate them into different categories, but also don't care for the weapon attachment/specialization system (didn't like like BF1's either at first but it grew on me). Kind of hard to remember the rest that put me off about it at this point, but I installed/uninstalled it 2 or 3 times
Also think that I just wanted a modern era BF at that point. I really shouldn't have liked BF1 as much as I did, come to think of it, but eventually learned to have fun trolling w/ all of the goofy equipment, novelty vehicles, and double barrel shotgun. Also really liked the maps and aesthetic thereof.
Being rage-inducing
Oh and community servers fucking suck simply by being stuck mostly on played-out vanilla maps.
Yeah, bf premium (for literally every bf that has it) was given away for free countless times
There is no excuse for them
the non-DLC maps tend to be more popular is that not a good enough reason?
Still not a good enough reason for 90% servers to have same vanilla maps
I was confused why I couldn't find any dlc only servers, as I'm sure servers like that would fill up quickly. I pretty much always wind up preferring dlc maps in the end due to burning out on launch maps.
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Post your favorite map, weapon and vehicle from your favorite BF
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I just reinstalled it the other day. I've only played a couple times but there's almost always been multiple full servers. I could find a filled server even around like 1AM. You do have to use battlelog to see the actual playercounts because the ingame browser lies.
I should clarify, I was still using the ingame browser when I played late at night and had to hunt around for an actual full server. Possible there were still multiple filled up even then.
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Banzore servers are usually full, alot of the other servers spoof the numbers. It says 64 but you get in and its empty or there are like 4 people on each team
>Dragon Valley
>any mag fed shotgun with frag rounds
Can someone tell me the difference between the Elite Edition and Standard Edition of 2042?
I'm getting it because it's cheap ($5) right now for standard or $12 for the Elite edition.
But if the difference between the two is minimal anyway I want to get the cheapest one obviously.

What I know is that people are saying to not get the Elite edition because you can unlock everything in the standard edition anyway. All I want to know now is how hard is it to unlock? Is the unlocking as hard as it was in BF1 where I haven't even unlocked all the specializations there because of how specific it is? Or easy unlock, like for example, kill 100 enemies with weapon or something?
>dragon valley
Exquisite taste
JAH servers have ACTUAL bots playing on them
It's not a big loss
>zavod graveyard
>jihad jeep
i wish they also added FuShe pass to bf4. that was fun. like that they added the og loading screen music too. kinda sad that ssds have largely eliminated little things like that.
>8x m870 slugs in bf3
shotty sniping was fun as fuck and it's a shame it got nerfed even harder in bf4 than it did going from bc2 > bf3
im a gigantic aa whore, lav-ad
>playing BFV since my friend gifted it to me on sale at $3
>game is fun
>then we run into the plane sweats
a fucking zero should not be eating 10+20mm shells...
Battlefield games have always been plagued by the lowest of the low hogging planes.
Before current spawn system there used to be airfields (and even a pilot class I think) way outside the playable area and like 10 of these drones would be lurking there waiting for a single plane to spawn.
I've hated them back then and I hate them today. Cancer of the series.
Are operation servers dead in NA?
Classic BF has way better gameplay but somehow the netcode is 10x worse than nuBF. Which is a really low bar to clear.
I believe in the AN-94 Supremacy
I can't wait for retards to start praising 2042 for being an underappreciated masterpiece when bf 6 come out
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It is not a simple fake player count anymore
It is fake players to make you join their server
I've seen up to eight of them "play" on the same server
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If you care about quality of the few remaining bf3 servers you shouldn't play on their shitty bot servers with tyrannical faggots admins
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Tdm server also has two bots right now
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And it's not just bf3 jah
Bf4c all maps
All "players" you see without score are bots
Also call me a schizo but I believe there are actual bots on "full" servers too
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i have been playing a lot of bf1 recently, haven't really kept up with the series since battlefield 2 & 3

i dont find bf1's gameplay to be very "battlefield"... there are a lot of maps that are essentially just small, narrow corridors divided into chokepoints, and you're lucky to see any vehicles

is bf4 worth getting into in current day and year? is battlefield v more open or does it suffer from similarly poor map design as bf1?
Idk why would you need bf4 If you have bf3
No clue about bf v

Unrelated but i got to play bc2 only in 2024 and this was the most fun battlefield ever
The series is on sale. Which is the best to buy based on gameplay and population?
I'm thinking BF5 for ww2 but idk, I own hell let loose already.
Can you share/coop vehicles?
Do the bf games have eomm and/or other fucky matchmaking?
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when it goes down we can all just play Battlebit Remastered, right? i-it's like bf3 but better...
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What exactly do people mean when they say bf3 is old? It is 13 years old, but does it make it worse than the new games? What does it lack? Skins? Sliding? The ability to dodge bullets by jumping around? Running around like you are on meth or something? Shooting? Weapon variety? Copypaste customisation? Superhero abilities? I don't get people who say it is old and unplayable

Also it is surreal that people who started playing with bf3 are now considered veterans of the series
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For me it's battlefield 1.
is bf3 the most kino? just looking back, the sound, the realism, the overall atmosphere/immersion, etc.; it was just so peak.
It is. It got most things right
2042 has bots in matchmaking right?
>nobody using the chat, in a series, where 90% of the community is constantly bitching off in chat about what tactics they think are gay
>you can walk up to a prone nigga and block their LoS and they will continue firing like you aren't there
I am going to test further
BF3 was considered mediocre for the time but it brought it a lot of new players to the series through the console market.
BF4 is just BF3 but they listened to the common complaints like the 30 tickrate servers and removing the BLUE. BF4 has shitty OP air vehicles and too many "noob farming" servers, if you do play BF4, avoid any server claiming to be noob friendly.
BF1 and BFV both have the same star wars battlefront map design.
I hear that about every bf since 2142
>BF3 was considered mediocre
I hear that about every bf since 2142, people are never satisfied
They fucking better not. BF3 is the best one.
I enjoy 4 but 3 will always be better. Feels better in every way except that 4 has more guns / customization.
Which Battlefield to buy guys? 3 or 4 ?
( 2142 only fag who joined at the tail end of 2142 lifecycle )
they are both equally dead and infested with autists living there for 10+ years, but I say 3 because of better maps, gunplay and overall feel
>they are both equally dead
This is why I hate EA and DICE. They could have polished BF3 to perfection, but instead they shat out (still broken) BF4 to make more money and divided the playerbase as a result
i hate multiplayer sequels so much mainly the third entry to stuff. It distinguishes the men from the npcs. Often times sequels will have major flaws npcs won’t bother to see through. Arma 3, Dayz standalone, Halo 3, Quake 3, W:ET, Counter Strike 2, Warcraft 3 reforged, Starcraft 2. AoE 3, Crysis 2, Killzone 3, Gears of War Judgement, Civ 5, GMod 10. Sequels have always been ruining playerbases in favor of a worser game.
>when exactly are EA going to close bf3 on PC too

That's the only one I played
It's still active?
Only around night
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any vehicle covered in AT mines or C4
EA is NOTORIOUS for killing off games right around when they become playable/enjoyable

BF1: Discontinued updates right after the gave got a good set of updates and balancing patches.

Battlefront 2: Discontinued support the minute they realized they couldn't cash in off gachapon shit and left a nearly perfect game to rot.

Battlefield V: They released the pacific update, added new armies, weapons, balanced the TTK issues and then fucked off instead of building on the success despite having an all time high player base.

So they'll probably start closing down servers for BF3 and BF4 in the coming years like they did for the OG BF2, possibly after the next Battlefield comes out.
>sit dog
Why are "professional" bf players (playing on public) like this? You are not invincible.
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Honestly good riddance. Last good Battlefield was 2142 before EA bought DICE. BF3 was such a disappointment. Meanwhile you can still find private servers for BF2 filled with people.
Pearl Market
870 MCS
F-35 (I'm dogshit in it)
State of Battlefield makes me so sad. Now I'm a poorfag playing on a Series S but

>BF3&BF4: Dead
>BFH: Deadder than the ones above
>BF1: Alive but I'm not a fan of this one, feels too Star Wars Battlefront-y for me
>BFV: Alive-ish, but its vanilla maps and those Germany v USA maps suck imo. I only like its Pacific maps, and those only make up like 20% of its server list. Easy to find yourself staring at the server browser for minutes as you wait for a place to open up in a Pacific map list server.
>2042: Hate it

I should play Delta Force or smth at this point
LAV, when you are graced by the presence of a gunner with enough IQ to use the gunner soflam
Delta Force is better than 2042 by virtue of not being 2042. Fuck Dice for making Battlefield 'wheelchair robot arm commando woman' 5 and Battlefield Tiktok42

I don't even overly like Delta Force but I hope it kills Battlefield because EA and Dice deserve to die.
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Zatar Wetlands (BF2)... or Dalian Plant, Daquing Oilfields, Wake Island, Sharqi Peninsula, or City District (AIX). BF2 has too many good maps.
AEK-971 (BF3)
Horse (BF1)
1942/Vietnam/2/2142 are all the classic BF's before EA bought DICE and made the franchise soulless and console oriented.
>BF3 was considered mediocre for the time but it brought it a lot of new players to the series through the console market.
Oh boy we brought our retarded little brothers to our party, surely this is what we need! We also made things much more simpler so they don't cry to death!
BF3 was superior to BC formula, except in destruction, but limitless destruction did cause some problems with no cover left standing to hide behind.

And like come on, going prone so that you can hit someone even at close range is not fun and it was outdated 20 years ago when BF2 came out. Yes it might have had two seater planes and such but BF3 did almost everything right. BF4 bloated it, and then BF1 turned the series into something it is not.
BF5 is on sale for $2.50
Is it worth getting into? Its not about the price, just don't like wasting my time.
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Which of the nuFields is the least hacker filled?
Jets felt like an afterthought in BF3. The very fact that you had to grind for updates with mid-air combat in order to start using bombs was fucking retarded. In fact the entire unlock system of BC and beyond was stupid as fuck. BF2 at the very least just had one unlockable and it was quite easy to get for each class.
Redownloaded BFV and only playing Pacific maps once again. I missed it, it almost feels like I'm playing a true BF game. It's so high testosterone.

But being limited to only like 3 maps gets boring pretty quickly. Iwo Jima kinda suffers from BF1 retardiness seeping into its design but still not as open as BF1 maps. AA is a big danger to planes yet they are not invincible, I like it because it stops a 500 level no-lifer from dominating the game but it is still fun to fly a plane and strafe people on the ground. Map design for conquest mode is better than previous games, it's very hard to spawn camp and stop people from leaving the spawn, they always find a way to get into a vehicle and capture a flag near other side's spawn. Breakthrough is a total meat grinder at times and it's very easy to lose badly (whether as the attacking or defending side) due to some idiotic teammates' choices, I'd prefer the old rush mode instead desu. Feels sad that there isn't much to destroy on these maps, maybe some shacks or bunkers and that's it, I know war in the pacific wasn't fought in urban environments but come on. Tanks are done right, they can blow away stray infantry or wreak hell from afar but gets easily swarmed when it gets too close to groups of enemies, despite having 2 or more machine gun seats.

BFV Pacific is a much, much superior addition to vanilla BFV, I can't even play vanilla maps.
what do we think?
Not playing it.
Stupid idea to buy Battlefield 4 now?

I guess my PC can handle that
Should I try to get into?
>Stupid idea to buy Battlefield 4 now?
No, there should be more people now actually, following the new trailer.
It's time for the 1080ti to rest, anon.
The servers in bf4 are all community made, there aren't any official dice servers anymore, which is both good and bad. Be prepared to face people with thousands of hours that will tear you a new one. Plus you'll need to grind to unlock all the shit there is.
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i miss BF2 demo servers
Can you battlefield boomers just stop it? The games barely sold 2142 is an actual flop that they needed to make Bad Company after to save their studio.

Kneel to BF3

Kneel to BF4

Kneel to BF1
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Its also aborted portal assets made into a new game. It is basically the 2042 version of Frostbite set in "modern day" even if the game is not an abortion I have a SNEAKING suspicion server browser is fully gone, and they will introduce more SBMM.

The other rumors is they are salivating for a reboot to save the franchise much like "Call of Duty modern warfare 2019" they are making this a soft reboot of the franchise. They want the COD reboot success and they want warzone money. Also apparently if the game is a success they will plan to roll out a new battlefield every year to keep the brand alive. Thats if all their COD plans work becasue they want

>A successful gritty reboot
>Warzone BR mode
>Insane bundle sales for skins
I've applied for the labs program just because i want to see head first right into the reactor's naked core, just to laugh at it. I am 100% sure the next battlefield will be shit, and the whole labs trailer was just abysmally shit and full of air, plus the 10 seconds of showcase at the end with super fast cuts, where they've basically showed nothing of substance about the "new" direction makes them look extremely insecure of what they're doing. This whole stunt, from my humble point of view, shows they have no fucking clue on what they're doing and they have not even a strong direction, but absolute ZERO direction for this new battlefield game. Dice is dead, and so is battlefield. This will be the last parade of its corpse before the shack crumbles
poor bait
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I swear this game did to FPS games now what COD 4 did to FPS games then its an endless cycle
and COD ended up going back to bad habits after it they just want warzone money and trying another BR mode is so dumb
COD needs a total break and needs more direction. I am completely lost story wise - no idea whats going on anymore within that game.

I also think that the multiplayer matchmaking system needs a complete rewrite because the SBMM is a joke.I genuinely also think that the skins just ruin the game, atmosphere and immersion.

Its funny because during the first week the game is genuinely quite decent but as soon as the shop opens up its a fucking joke.
completely agree, I thought that maybe BO6 will semi-revive cod for me but its gone down the route of MW. The COD launcher is an absolute nightmare too.
MW2019 was an actual good video game that codfags on twitter and youtube cry over still its such a shame it also basically let them go back down the shithole
the same thing will happen with the new bf
Agree about skins ruining game, because when looking at someone in older bf, you instantly know what class he is and what to probably expect. Impossible with this circus
Since yall are fucking retards I'll post this here

nigger, we've been discussing this for the past 15 posts
Ivan go play in a 1000+ ticket rush server in ukraine
>1000+ ticket rush server
about that...
How's Breakthrough on the Donbass map going, Igor?
stfu and talk about bf faggots
Watch out Ivan a UCAV is coming in agasint your trench as we speak
ultimately it comes down to what you're looking for. 2042 is a horrible battlefield game. But if you're someone who likes that Apex/CoD style gameplay; you will really like it. Biggest reason I think it falls in the "A bad BF" category is because of all the gadget, specialist, and other designs were very poorly managed. There was extreme inbalances. Not just between the specialists themselves, but also the vehicles (land, air) and between infantry. It seemed like whenever they fucked something up balance wise, their solution wasn't to balance things to fix it. It was to release something new. Some kind of new cheese that counters the old cheese.
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Post random acts of bullshit
>The servers in bf4 are all community made, there aren't any official dice servers anymore, which is both good and bad.
How hard is it to find them
To I have to search for them manually, or will the game to it for me?

>Be prepared to face people with thousands of hours that will tear you a new one. Plus you'll need to grind to unlock all the shit there is.
I was prepared for that
2 more weeks
I just bought BF1 on the steam sale, why is there a bald woman holding a gun on every load screen?
stop asking, chud.

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