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Any hosts?
Modded or vanilla?
I prefer vanilla, but I'll go with either.
hopefully vanilla
so far modded servers gets crappy vanilla rework mods

Large world
I'll join later this weekend.
How's it going luddites
Slime and Cthulhu down.
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very nice. i would make sure to create a world backup every day in case someone joins and blows everything the fuck out. im currently waiting for 1.4.5 to release before i start another playthrough.
I have an auto backup running for each day.
Brain and Skeletron are DOWN
I missed it :(
Bee and Old One's Army today
joined and made a castle today
Time for Hardmode
Did I miss the wall?
No we haven't done it yet
I'm going to build the arena now
We're in hard mode.
is it hard?
what boss upto now
Plantera DOWN
how long will server last post moonlord
Serb host pls fix the anti cheat. People are being kicked for "Projectile Spamming" way too easily.
Probably not long. I'm not sure many people like playing on a world past typical progression.
Sorry, I was busy. Tell me how it is now.
no, not yet, I keep stroking

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