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Hotfixing Hotfixes Edition

>Live Patch = 4.0_PREVIEW & 3.24.3

>Evocati/PTU Patch = 4.0.1

>Star Citizen Overview for New & Returning Players

>Compiled List of Useful Resources

>/SCG/ Referral Code Randomizer - Contribute your code by first grabbing it here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/referral-program then replying to this OP

>Recent News
New letter from the chairman: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/20371-Letter-From-The-Chairman

>Current Event(s)
Chapter 1 of the Save Stanton global event is currently running (only on the 3.24.3 build), and will end most likely upon patch 4.0.1's live release: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/save-stanton

>JPEG News
Introducing the new straight-to-flyable heavy fighter for 4.0, the Mirai Guardian, along with a QD variant: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/20325-Mirai-Guardian

>Previous Thread
first for the buggiest game in human history
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We will never haver pic related
i literally want to make a better game just to take a fat shit on chris roberts
even reddit is fed up with the state of the game
>pay 12000 creds to find a loot stash in mission finder
>load up polaris with dragonfly, some supplies
>takes me to an asteroid base
>arrive, come across a cutlass with two dudes trying to figure out how to open the hangar
>zero-g over to their ship, we get chatting
>organize a three person party to loot the hangar
>get nailed in the firefight at the very end by a mob of npcs
>the boys escape with a freelancer full of drugs
Big Rigs has been surpassed
how do you know that?
I infiltrated them for the 9gag army
do it pussy
i would but there's already a better game it's called elite dangerous
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>visiting Pyro III for a cargo mission (Headhunters)
>dicking around, glitches everywhere, still need to get potassium or w/e
>go into the market, want to check out some weapons and maybe some armor
>find 18 "bounty hunter" pods sitting in the open air, stacked on top of each other like logs of wood
We are so back slavery bros.
Where is SS part 2?
active on PTU, pyro side.
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>have 50+ half empty magazines I've collected from raiding asteroid stations
>right-click, combine all
>server BUCKLES
I'm surprised this doesn't go into an animation of removing the floor plates from each magazine and spilling the bullets all over the floor, forcing you to pick them up one by one and jab them mack into the mags by hand
Headhunters base has cages anon
>novikov and pembroke removed from sale in game with zero explanation
>CIG fixed the naked mannequins they used to be on display on
>by slapping a different armor set entirely on there
who okayed this. was it because the backpack is now "overpowered" because it has a whopping 30k uSCU more than the morz backpack. was it because being able to prepare for hot/cold mining in their fucking retarded mining vehicles that expose the laser to the elements was too good. was it because it was heavy armor that came in a single piece even if it looked kind of retarded. who fucking knows, there's been nothing said on the matter and the "fix" for the places it used to be wasn't putting them back in inventory.
see you in 20 years
it didn't take that long to make ed
so you just want to make ed?
>gonna play some star citizen
>decide to do some hauling this time I'll get an ATLS and try it out
>put away my mercenary gear into the storage so I don't lose it while hauling
>equip a multi-tool though because I'll most likely need it
>pull out the multi-tool but for some reason the screen on the back of the gun is black and I can't put it away, but I can still ride elevators just fine
>can't access inventory, can't access storage, can't use tractor beam
>it's probably just a bug I'll relog
>come back, multi-tool is gone, equipment I put in the storage is gone
>it's only been 5 minutes
every. single. thing. in. this. game. is. broken. please tell me that these are all new bugs to 4.0 and that 3.24 was at least somewhat playable and that 4.0.1 will fix this
3.22 was something to experience.
>playing 4.0
it's facked m8, that's why they put 4.0.1 out. if you're worried about progression just don't fuckin play at all right now, only 4.0 will carry over and it's a shit in the bed.
Pyro proves the environment artists don't give a shit about this being a space game. It should have had a sort of Expanse Belters aesthetic and vibe, where it's makeshift and 'lawless' but organized and with a sense of discipline and culture that reflects them being spacers.

Instead its just the homeless camp beneath and Oakland underpass crossed with a fallout raider camp. Total lack of respect for the setting being a SPACE GAME.
Again, imagine the trash fires and barrel fires in the space stations. Imagine the implications.
Yeah it's beyond nonsensical. Either the air on the station becomes completely unbreathable very quickly, or the extra load on the system ends up requiring a dramatic increase in maintenance and supplies. It would make WAY more thematic sense for there to have been small electric space heaters everywhere. Implying slimate control is turned down to minimum levels to save on cost of suuplirs and maintenance so it's uncomfortably cold and individuals heat their local area with whatever portable power sources they can find.

Where's all this combustible material coming from? I know it's a video game it just doesn't even make sense thematically. It's NOT spacepunk. Not sure how everyone is failing so hard to deliver a nasapunk aesthetic. Pyro should be makeshift, ramshackle, expedient, all of these things - but in a thrifty, resourceful, amoral way. Not in a clownish wasteful psycho way.
>every. single. thing. in. this. game. is. broken.
It's comical at this point really.
It's not just small bugs too it's gamebreaking bugs like you said where you can't do basic things like access your inventory or your loot/equipment just straight up vanishes.
Or my favorite, when you eat or drink something, or even heal yourself with a medpen, it can instantly fucking kill you for no reason.

These are bugs that would be ironed out in days by any other developer/development team.
Yeah, it would work in a setting where the massive station is some sort of alien or authoritarian thing where the underclass just doesn't care and the caretakers handle the extra load. But nope, they are apparently R&R stations that are broken for some reason, upkept somehow, really shitty for some reason..
It's the video game logic where humans don't want to keep their living spaces clean.

They wanted the mad max/fallout raider aesthetic. But I'm not sure why and I'm not sure why they didn't spend more time in the most important areas of the stations, from what I've seen there is more personality in the contested zones than the armstice zone.

At the very least the gateway station is not a piece of shit, props for that.
Exactly. The whole place should feel like a mix of modern and older tech, meshed together out of necessity. In my head, I think something like the Microtech/Hurston distribution centres, but a bit more cluttered with habs and defensive weapons would fit well.You can still have shanty towns and the like, but have them be independent settlements, not under the protection of any of the major gangs.
>mad max/fallout raider aesthetic
Can somewhat work on planets, although it would still be more organized to an extent. Shanty towns, Mos espa/Mos eisley style and less fallout raider. The poorest will be planet bound, with a handful of folks possibly marooned on stations and such eeking out a bare living. The stadium in Dogtown in the CP2077 DLC pulls of the black market bazaar thing more successfully.

The contested zones thing doesn't even really make sense. It would have worked better if they were fully "abandoned" or off-network stations with no official services but scavenger/criminal squatters if they had to do them. Again, makes more sense if they were planetside. Orbital Pyro should have been smuggling and black markets with a begrudging strongman status quo, not a total free for all.
It's sad how far they've fallen. I remember them talking about the fucking architectural progression of Terra and how you'd be able to see different eras represented, many of them with accompanying political affiliations, ie Messer era buildings. They really have a shit once. Maybe Pyro was just a throwaway for the juniors
The worst part is thrive done it before. Levski is everything you describe
>Can somewhat work on planets, although it would still be more organized to an extent. Shanty towns, Mos espa/Mos eisley style and less fallout raider
the ground locations are actually quite good, they do have this aesthetic, they're very much functional frontier towns. rugged, but organized, and lots of evidence that they do a lot of work to maintain a tidy existence out here. it's almost overdone; most of these places are just fluff or set dressing for shoot outs. I wish there was mission givers here and vendors in these buildings to give them more actual gameplay purpose than trashing the place with grenades or repairing it with a cambrio tool

idk why they flubbed the stations so hard. I wish they'd received this level of thought
Yuppie millennial game devs have a delusional romanticized vision of homelessness, being simultaneously a horrible thing that just happens to people against their will but also some kind of humble nobility of going your own way against the capitalist grift. They can only think of major metropolitan homeless emcampness as a visual representation of a fringe society because it's all they have ever seen - being the sheltered naive children they are.

Here's your quirky space pirate base citizen.
>you, an upperclass spacer, member of the .1% pay a daily fee for a filthy tiny hab while space peasants live like this
Ground dwellers will always have more habitation room than space dwellers. This actually makes sense.

I live in a piece of shit 1970s 1400sqft house, but if I sold it and spent all the money on a sailboat I'd end up with something with a fraction of the space.
I think the stations would be a lot more cohesive if they did away with all the polite british NPCs. you've got an environment indicative of hardened/psychotic outlaw gangs who kill each other for scraps daily, and they're walking around going 'allo luv, how u doin today, how's the hubby?' when what you should be overhearing is conversations like "I'm going to fuck your ass with this rusty knife!"
>the answer is to make it even more retarded, unhinged, and nonfunctional
you have to be 18 to post here.
It's not about progression it's about basic mmo functionality that should have been ironed out at 0.4, not left to still be a problem in 4.0
>just don't fuckin play
everyone I've spoken to who defends this game ultimately offers this solution. If this were an official release that's completely fair, but you don't back a game to not play it.
for me it was running out of the tram in lorville, getting bumped into by a player, and instantly knocked to 0 hp.
>almost done with putting all my haul on the freight elevator
>ATLS refuses to drag cargo out of my ship for some reason when it's attached to the cargo grid so have to manually get every box out by hand then go in the ATLS and drag them into the elevator
>get into my ATLS to begin dragging the loose boxes in
>it spazzes the fuck out and immediately sends me out of bounds and to my death in seconds
>all that time wasted, for no reward

i think im done with this ""game"" for awhile, nothing fucking works, everything is fucking broken beyond belief.
Damn and I was hoping to try out the ATLS today.
nta but it became a buggy piece of shit at some point during 3.x and only seems to have gotten worse since then. currently it's a crapshoot as to whether or not you can even make the thing move while you're in it.
>>the answer is to make it even more retarded, unhinged, and nonfunctional
unironically, yes. these places are teetering on the edge, they could implode killing everyone at any second. functional people should not be here, speaking casually. this should only be the realm of lunatics. the COULD overhaul the stations entirely and make them more sensible, but that's not gonna happen. the options to make the stations at least consistent are
>change everything
>change the NPCs
there's already raider type NPCs on hurston with banter they could just drop in for a much better fit.
I'm not defending shit, CIG are retarded cokgobblers and should be dragged into an inquiry to be humiliated until they fire the LA shitstains evidently coasting on minimal effort and get some actual devs in the office.
Contested zones could have worked as a singular contested zone, one oddity in the universe. But having multiple is really pushing it.

I think pyro would have worked better with one station, eg. Ruin similar as to what It is now. Criminal station which the freedom loving settlers begrudgingly accept as the alternative is a bunch of cutthroat mining corporation stations who are making a comeback as pyros asteroids have become profitable due to universal changes to reaource profitability.

Hell intelligent writing like that could be combined with some bigger overarching story teaser.

For example, there are indications that mineral market is changing as UEE navy is buying so much materials. Are they building new ships? New fleets? Are the ayyys back? What's going on?
I haven't had problems with it at all actually
And multiplication of your freedom
I hate the raider meme so much and more of it will never make any game better. It doesn't make ANY sense. It's pure underage edgelord retardation.
Well yeah UEE is building up in response to the Vanduul conflict.
3.23 already was a markedly worse build. 3.22 was the peak of Star Citizen
I think that was the initial idea; Ruin was always the big name station in Pyro, all the others are fairly recent inventions in the lore. Ruin was always supposed to be one big contested zone that changed hands regularly and violently. seems like they couldn't make the logistics of it work and settled on the CZs to still have the 'constant combat on a space station' motif.
True - that's the appeal of living in a spaceship. The universe becomes your back yard, in exchange for living in a rickety metal can full of air that could explode at any moment. Spacers accept great risk in exchange for the opportunity and freedom. It still requires discipline and ingenuity to make it a full time lifestyle, especially off the beaten path like in Pyro.
>level up headhunter rep
>get access to comfy outposts
>find a crate full of 5+ sniper rifles
I love bloom so much. I'm going to try to make it my home base once we get basebuilding.
>comfy outposts
like where? windfall is neat, that's the only headhunter one I've found that's decent
i wish i could care enough to keep playing after a contract bugs out but i honestly cant anymore its all fucking garbage, even basic bounty hunting missions are broken
Golden Riviera on Bloom
Last Landings on Terminus
I like Terminus more because it's very pretty during twilight hours.
Also: don't go to the trade kiosk on Golden Riviera. You'll fall through the planet.
terminus is really neat. the fact that even in the middle of the day it looks like twilight, either because the atmosphere is so thin or because the star is so far away, is a nice touch

man I can't wait until we get the stellar pulses in

the only thing that's been reliable is the protect outpost missions or the headhunter wipe out an outpost jobs, effectively the same thing, go kill a bunch of dude on site. great for socking up loot and generally work fine. you can typically take the same one over and over too so you don't even have to change sites
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even ai can make a better game in minutes
you're pretty lucky, then
even on leddit they're complaining about how much of a buggy death trap ATLS is
>click "[mycharacter]'s hangar" in the elevator
are they ever going to add XL hangers or some mechanism to offload cargo at stations from the polaris. It's a pain in the ass to land on planets
i wonder if the company has a bunch of disjointed teams that don't even playtest a full build of their current version, or if all of these problems just stem from absolute trash garbage netcode
hit the topmost button (typically pad 1) when that happens and it'll send you to your hangar. i can only imagine what a rat's nest this game's code is.
you get docking at stations, and have to call the docking cargo thing to offload
I thought that was broken
probably, last time i tried it was fucked
Like everything else in the game. It works, sometimes.
Ironically the network team is one of the only ones worth their salt.
The answer is most certainly the former. I don't think a single CIG employee plays the game in a live build beyond a quick 10 minute run. Even Chris himself probably hasn't touched the game in years. He clearly doesn't really give a single shit about it beyond how much money it allows him to funnel into S42.
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>using the ATLS
>ready for some comfy cargo loading
>it puts the cargo under the ship
is this the waterboarding of video games?
>only nomad has an useful pilot controlled tractor beam
>everything else is either turret or co-pilot controlled
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what the fuck
nomad is a starter and pretty much everything else with a tractor turret is multicrew
I know you can sometimes dock them because I almost died when I was exploring Ruin and found a docking collar, and wandered right onboard someone's polaris. I politely turned around and left but encountered the owners in the umbilical who were not happy to see me. they are un-armisticed just like a hangar as it turns out
mp4 support was added a few months ago to 4ch but i think it's still 4mb upload limit so kinda useless
if you summon an XL at a station it goes right onto a docking collar, so there's no guarantee they actually docked there
I've made 5 friends in my few weeks playing. Each one has been mega whale Star Citizen whisperer. Almost all the bugs come from impatience and faggotry. Once you know the secret it is almost impossible to be bugged out of the game. You think being stuck in jail was a bug? You think those hanger doors are glitched? Did your dumbass walk into an empty elevator shaft?
Watching you seethe is the game. Have you tried exploring? No contracts, just fly down to a planet and skim the surface looking for bases and things to explore? That is the game. Everyone on the grind is set for a humiliation ritual. If you love cargo runs, the game works flawlessly because you don't show impatience with the elevator. Merc missions arnt about loot, but about the kill.
There is a hidden scoreboard for how fast and effective you are despite delays and setbacks, that is how the game judges you, as does God.
And you all wonder why you die when you drink nothing but Cruz Lux, the light is lost on yous.

>comfy cargo mission
>carrying 350k worth of contract missions
>prepare to land
>request landing, hangar available, hangar in sight
>typical landing, not too fast, not slow at all, just right
>hangar door closes on ship
>Repositioning Player...
>Your vehicle has been impounded
>It's been 5 minutes still waiting to be repositioned

>and faggotry
perhaps I'm approaching these missions too gayly, how do I complete these missions in a completely heterosexual way?
here's another one that happened just before:
>prepare to land at space station
>request landing, there is a queue, wait patiently
>nothing happens after queue so re-request
>there is a queue, but this time assigned a hangar; it's my hanger
>fly to it, landing gear down, approaching hangar, ready to land
>not even 60 seconds
>door closes in front of me before i can enter
>request again, there is a queue
>new hangar but this one is on the other side of the station
>that's fine, fly to it and take even less time than the last approach
>door closes in front of me
>request again
>hangar on other side
>there is a ship in my hangar
>this is my hangar
>pull back, door closes and reopens, ship is gone
>finally land
>this is MY hangar
also I'm still waiting to be repositioned. maybe I should just exit out, but I'm in area18 and I don't want to run all the way back to claim my ship, retrieve it from storage, store it again so i can retrieve my ATLS, then enter my ATLS so i can retrieve my ship again. so I'd much rather just stare at the repositioning player message, which I don't think is going away.
I fire this game up and open a book, sometimes I'll sit on the loading screen for 20 minutes and then it will fucking log in. impatience is not my problem, this shitty game is
pretty sure he's just baiting, notice how hard he tries to avoid "reddit spacing" which means he's probably only started browsing this website after 2016.
This communitys propensity to glaze CIG for the most minor achievements while the game is totally fucked actually pisses me off a lot.

No, I don't give a fuck that your Carrack can now play an animation of some panels sliding back and forth now. They don't even fucking do anything because despite talking about their armour system for LITERALLY YEARS it's not in the game in any form at all
>the least buggy thing about this game is the digital goods storefront
maybe the issue is cryengine. this game is going to be great once it's ported over to UE5
>this game is going to be great once it's ported over to UE5
Now you know why anons used to call it a cult.
Every conversation about SC would be something like
>This cash shop seems predatory.
followed by an autistic fuckwit trying to rationalize everything they did.
I would also like to mention that every retard who said Star Citizen wouldn't be P2W was completely fucking wrong, as illustrated by the Polaris.
alpha test
Good b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8
Its their tactic all along. Keep Carrack as a completely unplayably bad mess for years to make people desperate, then give them a drop of water by making some of it kinda work.
It was illustrated by Hornet and specifically military hornet before that.
In a way it was also illustrated with Atls.
beta alpha test
Thanks partner
>perhaps I'm approaching these missions too gayly, how do I complete these missions in a completely heterosexual way?
Don't shove your ship where it doesn't belong. The hanger queue 'glitch' happens inside and out. You ask to leave, the queue runs out with no immediate result so you bash the request again. If you waited, it would open. If you request again, you have to wait an entire door open close cycle to try again or risk getting squished.
You ma'am are a total cock goblin if you think people
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*takes up part of your screen forever*
Make a friend, friend. Don't be the forever alone maymay
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I love overlapping UI elements
my mission buddy is at work right now, i'm just doing some chill hauling. also the rep change means we'd have to grind his hauling rep for me to share them
i fucking love getting told the medical bed has restored my health message while i'm shooting retards in a bunker.
pre alpha early access patch preview test version
Based experiencer. A true citizen.
Investor Vertical Slice pre alpha
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Idk if its ragebait but i do feel like this is true to an extent

I've played for 10 years now and find myself basically just not noticing the common bugs or issues, then ill have a friend try it and they literally cant do anything because of bugs and lag.
I find that hard to believe. Or you just dont do any content.
I dont want to jump on the hatetrain but 4.0 has been literally unplayable on most occassions for me.
As in
Cant get a ship - how do you play then?
Cant got contracts - how do you do missions? You dont
Get randomly destroyed or ship dissappears etc losing all progress to whatever I was doing
Elevators might not let you even go to hangar
I put a weapon on weaponrack and it took my whole backpack, made the ship float in hangar and dissappear, hangar wont call more ships
for the longest time docking didnt work, couldn't use certain ships
I Got run over by a ship in space as I was EVA, i died in a way that I could not recover from at all, nothing worked - not even account repair, got fixed only by visiting different region servers.

Sure these only happen in 50% of games, but its quite bad when it does happen.
Shit like "I can ignore the bugs" was the case in 3.22, then 3.23 somewhat and then 3.24 it was cope and in 4.0 its delusional. Doesnt matter if you played the shit out of 3.18. Bad is bad.
4.0 does have a fresh batch of fairly unavoidable bugs that is true, though the times its "unplayable" at least for me is just a matter of servers being swamped

3.24 was fine tho
I will admit defending any bugs is cope, just find it funny that it feels by design to filter impatient people since being patient pretty much resolves most the issues.
IMO they need to put working mini game arcades in stations (with scoreboards) to help burn the 5min between reclaims. If all the complainers leave to cry on the forums / here and the only ones in game are vets and newbs that are willing to learn, I vote to keep a few bugs.
You are genuinely fucking retarded.
Your entire post is cope and/or bait.
He's probably underaged, don't bully him.
I will enjoy my time there without you for the next decade or so it takes to release.
was Salvage rep ever implemented? I haven't played since the Vulture and Corsair released but how would salvage rep work? Higher rep = bigger claim?
Also, the Gladiator is such a cool looking ship
It was implemented, i tried it in 3.22 and back then one mission of small size opened one bigger, i think there was like 3 or maybe 4 sizes, biggest ones give bigger ships.

They hopefully made it so you have to grind a bit to open bigger salvage contracts. But people mostly abandoned doing the lawful contracts as you have to pay way too much for them compared to the returns. Not to mention panels give material much faster.
>I will enjoy waiting for the game to let me play it while telling myself it is filtering out everyone I don't want playing the game with me
Salvage rep has existed since 3.18 in a very basic form, although it's not represented anywhere in the Mobi-gals's reputation app. Progression in salvaging is very straight forward from starting off with a small ship claim (e.g arrow), and then only having to do a handful more to get contracts for the largest claims (C2/Hammerhead). Good thing about the legal salvage claim missions is that you only need to complete 50% of it to count as successful, then you can either finish the claim or abandon it to progress further, but the downsides as pointed out by the other anon is the sizable fee.

Just a couple of pointers for salvaging - RMC (hull scraping) is the only salvaging resource worth gathering right now, and the biggest ship a Vulture can structurally salvage is the MSR (for now it doesn't matter cause you're only hull scraping to make the most money).
To be fair, very well said anon. I play daily, and maybe crash (outside of my control) once a week or so. I do see bugs on a daily basis, know the cause and effect, and can avoid or work with them.
When I try to join online discussions of this money laundering scheme it is filled with complaints. I have more legitimate complaints about games/sims that don't crash than I do about a rapidly changing alpha game I paid $40 to QC.
You probably hide behind a box during merc missions and wait for npcs to line up and come to you instead of rushing like Keanu Charles Reeves. You have no soul, you know nothing of Lux, you are a boring sludge.
The conspiracy theory I have is that these bugs are made for you. I deduct that because I do have fun and don't seem to have these issues.
So it was cope all along
>game in development for so long the devs are going to have to raise their kids to work on it like some kind of retarded generational ship
Massive cope, half hearted attempt to help the complainers self realize and the other half jelly I don't have anything to complain about myself. How do you buy an alpha game just to complain about it. And judging by the writing style these are full grown fucking men.
Any punishment you are feeling is solely your own. Just have fun Anon. Anyone else is gonna have a bad time
we're watching this boomer fuck's brain melt in real time, he's losing the ability to use punctuation
>We're watching this ADHD zoomer drug riddled brain melt and insult ppl for not using proper capitalization.
Lol good one anon, way to hit me hard with that red pen.
Is my reddit spacing bothering you even more now? Enjoy getting smashed by a hanger door and rage quitting. Still doing hauling missions all day and exploring w friends. I can only get 50fps at 2k, really my only complaint.
Welcome to Costco, I love you.
>Don't shove your ship where it doesn't belong.
I think you're mixing up the two different stories, this was a normal landing, the door closed as I was entering the hangar that was open. It was a completely normal landing, patient, etc. and the first time I've encountered this bug, as with most bugs I've encountered in this game. A lot of them are random and unique, so unavoidable. I wouldn't be talking about them if they were something that I could easily avoid through experience.

>How do you buy an alpha game just to complain about it
I don't think people are buying it just to complain about it. I think it's more that people are just talking about their every day experiences with this game. If you're the exception and find comfort in some of the game modes this alpha provides then that's great. I still haven't been able to find that for myself yet.

Oh it wasn't bait. rip
It works pretty well in Pyro just throwing torps at people. It's a shame that loadout goes back to default Argos from the module.
CiG should have kept the old ball turrets.
>RMC (hull scraping) is the only salvaging resource worth gathering right now
True in 3.24 but not true in 4.0 if you have a reclaimer. Mulching specific unverified contract ships with a reclaimer is vastly better than scraping since they increased CM prices by 50% or 100% and decreased RMC prices by ~33% off the top of my head. With a reclaimer you take a starfarer/hammerhead contract, fly out and immediately mulch it which will take 3-5 minutes and completely fills the buffer (plus gets you 30k for contract completion) which you then spend 10-15 minutes printing and placing and repeat 2 more times while mulching a ship before leaving to fill the buffer. Each ship you mulch is worth more than 500k in materials and each complete haul will take about an hour from the time you accept the first contract to the time you finish unloading and storing all ~750-1000 SCU of CM. The unloading process is a nightmare if you do not have a MaxLift tractor beam and an ATLS but isn't much of a problem if you do.
CM 2415 aeuc / scu
RMC 11300 aeuc / scu

Maybe, scraping ships is super slow.

One thing to remember, guns sell for a lot - a good salvage operation would grab them too.
>guns sell for a lot
guns sell for 5% of their retail value to combat insurance fraud farming. So a few specific weapons might be worth the time but most are nowhere near worth the time and cargo space.
I thought they just made stock guns unsellable?
Stock guns on player ships are unsellable but stock weapons on NPC ships are sellable and modified weapons from player ships are sellable, but either way they're only worth 5% of their retail value. So a 100k weapon gets you 5k. Great investment if you plan on actually using the weapons but not really worth it if you're just planning on selling them.
Omnisky S5 is still 8500 aeuc even with just 5%
I am at loss to words how to express my frustration at CIG, thats retarded.
Which is fine if you're not planning on using the cargo space it'll take up or if you plan on using it yourself but it'll take up somewhere between 16scu and 32scu of space if I'm not misremembering, and 16scu of MC is like 35k and 16SCU of RMC is like 170k or 180k so you're taking a heavy loss if you opt to grab that instead of filling that space with another crate. Buuut like I mentioned above, if you plan on using it yourself you're saving like 220k by taking it along with you which is certainly worth the cargo space.
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they take around 3 scu of space.

But they are very fiddly and prone to bug out.
I guess another case of Star Pawns
Oh that's not bad at all if you don't need to fuck around with unlocking ports on whatever you're scavenging and it has S5 weapons. No idea why I thought they took up so much more space.
Arent ship components worth more? Also how are illegal salvage missions now? Do they have good loot besides the scrapping/munching itself to compensate for the fee?
Is it actually worth moving from live to 4 preview? or is preview even playable?
Just wait anon. 4.0 is incredibly finicky and still missing a bunch of content. End of Q1 it'll hopefully be in a better state
an argument has been made about progression, but i dont think progression matters if everything is broken anyway. Ive been greatly enjoying 3.24 not falling through the ship or clipping through the soil. Thanks for the input Annon
Yeah the idea of progression persisting is what got me on 4.0, and I had a good time on day 1-2, but as more people started to move over and the servers/databases started to get cluttered my experience went to shit. I got started on ranking my rep up with a few bounty providers and got my 325a upgraded to how I want it and now I'm just waiting for it to get settled.

I'm also building a new PC for my first upgrade in 8+ years so I'm looking forward to the performance improvement too.
I've had a much better time on 4.0 than 3.24. Less falling through the world, elevators are far more consistent, far better framerates.
preview is shit but PTU is a fair bit better
Only reason to play 4.0 is that they said they wont wipe unless they need to wipe. Take that as you will
>trick AI into shooting you
>this tricks AI into shooting you
>which causes AI to shoot you
you can kill half the station like this before you die in the crossfire
guess that explains all the corpses that keep turning up in armistace zones
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this is some rogue squadron shit that is actually fun, bravo CIG making a (one) simple enjoyable game loop that works.

have they said what the reward will be for SS part 2?
Can you just do the exploit, knock hostile ai out, drag it to station or planet, give a gun, revive - will shoot everything in sight and nobody fires back.
they will definitely shoot back in pyro. that exploit works mostly in places where NPCs don't have guns. hurston or any of the pyro stations and they're gonna get put down pretty quickly
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fucking piece of shit game I couldn't even add my friend to play with me and it's just a goddamn hassle at every fucking corner stupid ass dogshit wannabe game
love the 20 fps

what a joke
yes my system is midrange and fairly out of date
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really like these recessed landing pad areas, but they don't have a lot going on. they look like they should be supporting shops and kiosks and all sorts of bullshit, but there's nothing actually here. kind of a waste. also these little elevators have breathable oxygen on pyro I for some reason lol
Ingame, mobiglass (F1), comms
Or just hit F11 if I'm not misremembering.
F11 is chat so you could do it via there, there used to be a specific hotkey for adding friends but it's probably changed seven times since I used it last
dude I love the reliant. I swapped out the tana for a mako, it still lets you put just as many guns on it and gives you 6 SCU for bounty loot. I put omniskys on it instead of the ardores this time, I never fucked around with high velocity cannons before and my god do they make a difference
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>I paid $40 to QC
How much did you pay?
The intrepid and the santok-yai are shitty ships and their design is fucking retarded.
>the alien one can only load 1 scu boxes (2 scu is used in bunkers)
>the intrepid neither has a decently sized enclosed cargo hold nor can it even carry a 4 scu box
>both expensive
>the cutter series, reliant kore, 300 series, avenger titan and even the 100 series are much better ships for their specific purposes
The alien one should allow for 2 scu to attach and have a larger base area with a big door just to dump some more cargo and/or perhaps a pulse. The intrepid should be interceptor tuned (top speed wise), even if the pitch/yaw stay sluggish. If that happens they become competitive with the intrepid being kinda of a 315p light and the alien one retaining also good quantum autonomy and decent pewpew for low level PvE bounty hunting.
Luv me 325
Want to try the Reliant
'Sair works errywere

'Nuff said.
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This game is so fucking unplayable, christ.
you forgot the syulen
I'd actually say the intrepid is the less retarded and gay of the two
I hate to agree with that one fucking guy but patience does seem to be a part of your issue. sometimes you gotta give it a second when servers are swamped. also what happened in the elevator is you fatfingered the buttons and were going to someone else's hangar, so it yoinked you. not your fault, the innter thoughts system is objectively bad in implementation and all the buttons are about 5 times too big making you click wrong constantly. anyway getting repositioned shouldn't be a huge deal, it likely took you where you wanted to go anyway.
nta, there's no "fatfingering the buttons," it just decides the elevator isn't your property anymore. i've gotten repositioned instantly on crossing the threshold several times.
I didn't even touch anything once I got in the elevator
It was stuck on repositioning for several minutes until I decided to quit out the game.
Before that happened it was multiple other different bugs.
It is impossible to play this fucking game.
Fuck this "patience" cope that some of you are huffing. The game already makes you stand around with your dick in your hand doing fuck all waiting for timers to countdown. If I was any more patient with the game 99% of my playtime would just be standing around waiting.
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Silly me, should have been more patient
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>he used the orange pen
I don't even know what that one does desu, but it's not a med pen
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All of the medbay rooms were Room 0, yet another wonderful bug, and I was trying to figure out how to repair my injuries since my health was capped at 74%.

Here's another one where I just should have been more patient I suppose.
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My parents just did not instill that virtue in me and it's clearly the source of these problems.
your health was capped because you had two tier 3 injuries, which does require a bed to fix permanently but you can fix it for a while using the white med gun and manual treatment. a medpen would not have made your health go up even in ideal circumstances. a med gun is usually a better health tool to run with because you can quickly zap yourself up and limp tiered injuries along.

I'm not gonna tell you this game isn't a shitty buggy mess, it is and I make the same complaints frequently.
for what it's worth they did fix this bug some time ago, which was extremely aggravating. there was a webm on reddit where an entire track full of racers all exploded at once due to this bug. it was the server and client getting misaligned on the player's location, so the server thought you had impacted the planet.
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And blowing my ship up again in the same location by hitting my floating dead body from the previous random ship explosion.
It would be funny if it wasn't a cacophony of this kind of buggy shit non-stop
Clearly it's not fixed then since that webm is from the current patch.
that one's kind of on you. there was a marker and everything, and instead of slowing down you rammed right into it, even after having died at the same spot previously. probably should have eased up to the spot
I wasn't exactly expecting my fucking corpse to just be floating around in the sky
I didn't know you can overdose from a single shot of Sterogen, how useful.

Sterogen for one of the injuries

Hard to say was it server lag or was the ship exit point somehow under the vehicle. Hoverbikes are very dangerous in general

You hit something, ghost ship, anything really.

You might have hit the ghost ship or a ghost of your previous ship, or just the corpse. Any collision kills you after the MM changes.

Overall, nice. Been hoping someone would do a grand 4.0 bugs collage in YT, but so far none. Would be similar to the Fallout 76 bug video.
Looked to me when you died that you were not yet in gravity pool
he's only at 19% dose after the shot, I think it was legit just bugged.
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I mean unless the gravity is something wild on that planet I was pretty close to the ground relatively. And my Quantum had been saying disabled in atmosphere for awhile

I haven't been recording every bug I've come across (because that would be too much) but a lot of them. A lot seem to be because server issues but some are just baffling and beyond frustrating.
I got the game around the beginning of this year and while I was prepared for it to be a buggy alpha but I was not aware that it would be THIS buggy. I have played alphas before that were buggy but none quite like this game where the bugs are so game-breaking and so many.
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Armor textures that don't load, and ships randomly exploding for no reason.
I like how you can see both corpses fall to the ground in this one.
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Good point, meaning the body it hit should have been in the gravity pool.
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>This is absolutely going to eat my crates and not give me the reward for either mission isn't it
why do you hate the quick loot UI? also ships often get nuked by station turrets for various reasons, bugs and otherwise. if you'd looked around you might have found the culprit. one thing I've never had happen in this game is a ship exploding while sitting still and unmanned for no reason.
you say 'current version', but currently they have 3.24 LIVE, 4.0 PREVIEW, and 4.0.1 PTU going, any of which could be considered current. 4.0 is a shitty mess, the other two are more stable
sometimes it doesn't register it all, if you send it up and down a couple times it will often work.
not him but i've seen ships explode for no reason unmanned. my best guest is that since i forgot to turn off the engines it moved very slightly and collision detection went nuts
>Armor textures that don't load
that's not what's going on there. it's cold out, and frost has developed on your armor. however it's an awkward, poorly implemented feature because frost isn't also accumulating on everything else, nor NPCs or even the gear hanging off your armor so it looks very out of place.
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>why do you hate the quick loot UI?
The inventory system is just a complete mess in general. I've gotten more used to it since that webm but it's still terrible.
>also ships often get nuked by station turrets for various reasons, bugs and otherwise.
I didn't hear any turrets in my original recording of that webm, everything is quiet until the ship randomly explodes in the background
Oh I see, that's very silly.
>I mean unless the gravity

Gravity can bug out too. I've had it happen on planets.
>he's playing 4.0
there's your problem. it's in a terrible place. yes, you lose any progression jumping to 4.0.1 but you save your sanity.
not playing also saves your sanity and as a bonus doesn't waste your time either
>The inventory system is just a complete mess in general

I think its pretty indicative of the new loot system how the old system was still kept, i just switch to it immediately each time.
>doesn't waste your time either
cant really guarantee that tho
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I'm thinking that's what I'm going to do until 4.0.1
it does serve it's purpose of quickly stealing ammo/medpens etc or if you're a nake nigger for stealing a full kit in one go, ie, looting, which is what it's for. to get more granular, yes the other system is better.
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Seems to happen out in space too
>they destroyed the pads in pyro but didn't bother changing the gravity on them
lmao even
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(Wake me up) Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up) Wake me up inside
everything in this webm is working as intended
I can raise that
i logged in in the middle of a server error last night, guess i was too impatient in hitting the join server button
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I'm really using my head.

this game really needs the ability to use your suit's 0g navigation jets for little 2 foot hops in gravity for shit like this. it's so common to get doorcucked out of your ship by uneven terrain, or as in this case, even on level ground.
Its a pad and pads are meant to have gravity for some reason.
All the ships are designed like shit, some worse than others.

Polaris has 3 entry points all of which are really easy to get fucked. Its saving grace is the medbay you can kys to get back in.

Its weird to say this but Reclaimer, even with its currently completely broken shitty front elevator is one of the most reliable.
ever tried landing on the side of a station where there is none? you bounce off and float away. you'd need to either be thrusting against it continually or have some kind of mag lock, which I wish they would bring back, we had it once very early on and it went away, but anyway the pads do need gravity or some other way of keeping ships moored there.
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Really don't understand why they don't give everyone a small jetpack automatically like in No Man's Sky or something.
Realism be damned
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the kicker is the technology is already in the game. if you try to go 0g naked you cannot move around, the jets on your suit are already a mechanic. just juice em up a little and let us boots the tiniest amount with them to make little hops or even mitigate fall damage.
>manual hailing
you can just do alt+n but maybe that wasn't working for you. alternatively there are actually freight elevators right on the surface you can use if the hangars are fucky, there was one directly below you
Yeah alt+n wasn't working.
I have since learned those hangars are almost always bugged and there are freight elevators.
nta but i got them to open exactly one time so far, but i avoid planetary shipments at this point
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>find large outpost that's totally abandoned
>sun goes down
>it's no longer abandoned
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what are the odds this would have actually killed me if I hit a rock
The current legacy system they have in place for QT isn't actually fully physicallized travelling, but they say the new QT system they are (hopefully soontm) going to release is. Here's Yogi briefly explaining it a couple of citcons ago: https://youtu.be/xGM60FRVolY?t=1247
Oof, ghost town. Unlucky, did you get out alive or is this a sad story.
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survived the ghoulies and made my escape, having learned there are in fact some xenothreat npcs in pyro.

it was actually a hell of a time, I'd gone to shadowfall first and it was totally deserted, so I decided to try the other two XT outposts, this one was also deserted until I was in deep, then the fuckers started springing up all around the place
Why is everyone doing panel salvage instead of risky missions to take the cargo/components off ships along with some RMC? Its like theres only RMC and nothing else.
Guns are terrible value for volume. I mean cargo and actual components (shields, qt drives, etc).
A fucking S5 attrition goes all the way from a cutlass wall to almost the backdoor corridor and it sells for like 1-2scu of rmc tops (maybe not even that but Im not far off).
*Cargo would be drugs, eggs and quantanium.
>buy xeno threat salvage missions like a chump
>try to get the boys together to fill carrack
>either ganked or get a lot of slam which is hard to sell
>now impoverished
>try instead just not buying the mission and going to a location with nomad
>kill people when they come out of their ship
>instant 700k
>buy xeno threat salvage missions
What enemies do they spawn?
none really just a bunch of salvage ships full of drugs n eggs
hey buddy put a flag on that
It's actually incredible how fucking broken every single mission is.

I just went down to Bloom to kill a headhunter and found him stuck in the biggest piece of geometry in the settlement. Everywhere else is knee-high rocks and golden grass.

I played palworld yesterday and didn't realize how satisfying it was to jump without having to worry about falling through the fucking world.
>walking in obituary
>buy outfit, get ready to camp an outpost with a sniper rifle
>bump into another player
>IMMEDIATELY incapacitated
>corpse is now 51.7GM away

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