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A First for Grinding down that 1 Million Year sentence
This is basically for people who want to Share Rap Sheets, Co-op, PvP(Lol) and share advice for that God Roll Weapon you want to craft, And cope and pray for the sequel to come if it ever does

>Sinners Handbook (Steam Guide)
A Pretty recent Guide on the game as a whole from Abductor Drop tables/Resources(If there's anything better please post it in the thread):

>How To Change The Accessory Text-To-Speech To Japanese (While Keeping English Text UI):
Be warned this does affect Co-op unfortunately if you do this.

And I guess mention which Platform you're playing on when you want to do multiplayer with lobbies as well since no Cross play unfortunately.
Natalia step on me
Any autists working on a spreadsheet for missions where powered up versions of all weapons drop?
If I keep the accessory TTS and general JP audio fix until I finish the main story then revert the changes to play coop, will that work?
yes? you literally just swap the files around
How about if I also did the EAC bypass? If I reverse that it's also fine?
I know it's just file swaps but didn't know if any other checks or shit was going on behind the scenes where you somehow accidentally brick the game
if the game passes the integrity check in steam then eac shouldn't trigger on it
Okay cool
Where the fuck do you find High quality ruined cables?
103 IIRC

Good luck
so I should take retributions every time they come up?
Yes. You can collect them and just do them later if you're not strong enough. So by end game you've got a nice stockpile that people online are fiending to run
Freedom Wars thread and no one is posting their sinners?
I'm shy
I don't feel like it.
>You can collect them and just do them later if you're not strong enough
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grrrr... this fuckin brat...
Remind me how do i maximise part breaking without killing the shit out of abductor before you even get any decent yield?
it's slow and i don't remember what did i do for it to not take forever
Slow will at least not kill the abductor and get you the parts you want
It's a tradeoff
>Slow will at least not kill the abductor and get you the parts you want
only if you solo
man. The sequel really needs drop in co-op
At the very least, a better lobby system would be nice. Joining mid-mission might be a bit awkward with the limited respawns.
Yeah, I really like the way capcom did it with the flare signal or what ever it was, super seamless to join any mission.
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absolutely FUCK this mission
What's the problem with it? I can't remember anything particularly troublesome about that one.
You can always try doing it online.
Anyone mind explaining how the salt exploit works?
You have to kill 4 or 5 abductors while the quick small flying robots constantly spawn in and attack you. All but one of the abductors have the shields protecting from ranged attacks.

I completed it but with 3 minutes left. I spent so much time just killing the infinitely spawning robots that seemed to only target me.
I also do not know how to do online matches.
You'll love the one when they reverse the roles and you have to beat the now extremely tanky flying bots while various bipedal MKIV respawn constantly.
One of those times where Barbara's Easy Blaster really shines, you can quickly kill small mobile units and use it to break shield generators really quickly. Flash Grenades are very useful in situations where you have to deal with a lot of enemies, it'll stop nearly everything for a bit and give you some breathing room and time to get rid of a few enemies or land a big attack.
>I also do not know how to do online matches.
Talk to your Accessory, Request Cooperation and from there you can make a lobby or join one. Just keep in mind that if you did any file swapping you'll get disconnected after joining one when you get bonked by EAC.
>Talk to your Accessory, Request Cooperation
When I do this it says "connecting" then finishes and nothing happens. I haven't altered any files
No further options at all? It should give you an option to make or join a lobby afterwards, if that's not showing up then I dunno.
yeah nothing just puts me back into the regular accessory menu
I have no idea then. Are you sure you aren't using the EAC bypass?
I've down nothing nothing to the game.
Can you post a webm of what happens when you select co-op?
Do you get any odd issues when you try donating items through the menu?
Donating items is fine
Also gotta love how the world works, boot up game to make webm and it works, I now have both options Create and Search
Who the fuck knows what happens every other time I've tried, best guess is because I have to regularly leave my desk and my computer goes to sleep mode sometimes which may mess with the game
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Well, it if it works it works. Now you can experience the joy of having someone who has spent an amazing amount of time grinding to fill their weapon with XXL/XL Modules kill things three times faster than you can.
Oh shit, I thought it was just a jrpg, not a multiplayer game. Do you actually need to decrease the prison level with other players, a community effort? That'd be cool.
Are we just here now? No more threads on /v/?
Go make one
catchy sexy bait image in the OP
Your sentence is individual, multiplayer is for making that easier or to do your best to raise the rank of your Panopticon by contributing more. Except Tokyo is going to sit at #1 forever.
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I kind of wait for the weekend to even look for them
Are second class citizen stickers bugged? Game told me I had them but I cannot find them in my sticker sets.
Are there any special/unique melee weapons? I’m using an upgraded chainsaw sword that does impact damage (not even sure what that does) but I’m not too enthusiastic about the moveset.
There's three different movesets per melee weapon type.
They're interspaced in other sticker categories.
I can't remember which ones. Good luck

All melee weapons have 3 pairs of 2 weapons that each have their own movesets.
I'm not a fan of the chainsaw (or the cleaver) either which is why I use the kris.

I know the Hawkshadow is the on paper best knife but the Damasacus has substantially faster charge loops allowing you to insta charge into literally every single opening resulting in substantially high elemental application.
When/where can I grind for a stat+ Caliburn I just want to hit for big number
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>all regions open
>all panopticons open
>no CODE restrictions
We're hitting the moment of waning. The weekends should have lobies still. But it's close to the end

I went hard in the paint online to get the random experience while it was sitll possible.
Game needs G-rank expansion
>no crossplay
>if you're on PC you're blocked off by download region
just hop around a bit. maybe any region where it's not the middle of the fucking day.
Best mission to grind rarity 8 weapons?
I have never seen a rarity 8 weapon drop. You're probably better off just grinding for the citizens to unlock all the module slots.
Impact weapons are capped at 50 elemental
Does this mean attack type = Impact instead of like piercing or does this mean any weapon with impact damage %?
Also does impact damage % only matter if the weapon is an impact weapon?
Impact is a mechanic that influences staggering.
To put it very simply, as long as you target an abductor's core, head or legs you accumulate a certain impact value, the higher this value is the easier it is to get stagger procs, this is a mechanic that works in tandem with your raw physical attack, the impact modifier on your weapon amplifies the effect so that the invisible stagger gauge fills out faster.
This is also why it's mostly weapons with a lot of raw such as the Dragonfang that get native impact modifiers, outside of some exceptions such as the Happy Chopper which try to work around their impact values in other ways.

Impact modifiers the RAW, non elemental portion of your damage on ANY weapon, an elemental SR42 for instance still applies its 150 Impact modifier when it comes to its raw attack.
Basically, with Impact infusions you're trading raw damage numbers for more stagger, think of it of another application of each element's associated status effect, if burn has a DOT and Thunder has a paralysis effect, raw has stagger.
I think any module synthesis under 80% is actually a 0%
It's over.
under 100%*
Tips for final missions?
The Abel fight kicked my ass I barely scraped by and then they tossed me into another fight that I lost
Should I bother with crit modifying (chance and damage up) modules on a Gration or better to use anything else?
Break the 3 things attached to the front first
You can drag the chains down to stop them and kill them easily, they will revive when the boss does that scream attack
to permakill them you need to break the boxes they're associated with
it's really not that bad, just time consuming
Don't bring Uwe/Elfriede, if i'm not mistaken they bug out/do nothing to it
Aside from what the other anon said, Flash Grenades also work well. You can toss one to stun a couple of chains and quickly kill them.
My accessory got stolen I’m getting filtered lmao
My Accessory got stolen once because she got taken by a Dionaea that just recovered from pod break and I couldn't break the pod again in time. The recovery mission was incredibly easy in comparison.
Generally when that happens you have to go online and have people help you do the mission to free her. But...
You can just wait it out. I don't think the missions are particularly hard either, you can easily solo them.
All of your melee weapons should have both Crit % and Crit Damage Up modules
>still can't find room
I'm suffering
That's not good. I bought it late and haven't had much time to play. I barely just now got to code 6 and by the time I finish the game to play some coop, well, that just doesn't bode well.
change your download region if on PC
To be fair it's early still morning for west coasters. It should get better as the day progresses.
So which did you all save, Hal or Ann, and why? And does it even make a big impact?
Abel is the best mission to farm weapons with bonus right?
Only the Aftershadow, can't remember what Red Rage drops.
I hope I getsomething else from Red Rage, I need Gration, Wolf and AR7, I imagine nobody really knows where to get those.
Women should always be saved before men.
They can bear children and help repopulate the world, men cannot.
One man can provide seed for dozens of women.
Need an item from Red Rage head
I've killed like 12+ red rage and broken head nearly every time
no drop yet ahhh
RNG's a bitch. At least there's a Showdown mission with Red Rage.
You're lucky they don't sterilize you
You will get the cranial fiber drop and you will like it, sinner.
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The official account just posted a survey asking for feedback and what would you like to see in a sequel for FW. They even asked if you would like remake of other games like Soul Sacrifice.

JP only though. Get the Google translator ready.

>Hal or Ann, and why?
Ann because she's a healing thorn and AI sucks shit at using anything else
>And does it even make a big impact?
no because you revive the second one in postgame
Awesome let's go
Ann is quite literally the worst healer in the game
beats being the worst binding thorn
Why Nagasaki of all things is at position 2?
bipedals have a strict spawn limit and won't make you literally unable to do shit or get revived because there's a billion mobility robots constantly hiting shit
A bunch of people collectively deciding to transfer there and dump shit. Or just all cheating, EAC is incredibly easy to bypass and you can dump billions worth of items easily.
Nah not really, Hal does his job fairly well when it comes to that, his only issue is that he deals even lower than average damage compared to the other NPCs, but as a binding thorn user he's no different from the rest.
Technically he's even one of the best in theory since he has a super lightweight setup that allows him to be very fast, same exact reason why Beatrice is the best healer in the game with Kai as the second best, Hal and Nina are virtually the best binding thorn users.

Ann on the other hand is probably the second worst NPC in the game outside of Uwe/Elfriede despite being fully functional, simply because heavy weapons and healing thorn is a terrible fucking matchup, especially for an NPC, granted once you get good at the game it doesn't matter but at that point no NPC ever matters including your (virtually) beefed up accessories.
but why this exact city was picked out of all the places
A joke? Like how a bunch of people wanted to go Hokkaido since it's the closest they could get to Anchorage like the old days.
What's the NPC tier list? I went through the story with Beatrice, Elfriede and Marie. Doesn't matter now but I'm curious.
Beatrice stands as the top tier while Uwe is the bottom tier with Elfriede being a tiny bit above him due to her being aa binding thorn user.
Everybody else is largely interchangeable, Kai, Nina, Natalia, Hal and I guess maybe Sergio/Billy are slightly better than Shizuka, Mattias and Marie, but there's not a lot of difference outside of minor technicalities.
Ann is rock bottom because she's supposed to be a medic but is stuck with a polearm and a fucking chaingun which means she's ungodly slow compared Beatrice or Kai, or even Mattias really, a slow medic is dead weight because even slow players will be way faster due to not being a dumb NPC who can't chain thorns properly and evade shit, the only reason she's not quite Elfriede/Uwe tier is because at least her polearm actually works and she doesn't just punch oxygen like those two idiots.

Beatrice, Natalia and Marie also carry citizens automatically which put them into a slightly different tier compared to everyone else because you can bring these three to rescue missions and complete them way faster than you would with other NPCs, some of the characters have slightly different routines which makes rigid tiers pretty much impossible to make.
Nina and Hal for instance are more or less the same character, there's some differences in loadout as Hal is sorta weaker than her but it doesn't really matter that much, Kai is a medic but outside of that his routine seems to be the exact same as Nina and Hal, Sergio on the other hand is a bit different due to having a bazooka, he's basically Uwe but he's actually functional when he switches to melee.

At some point you'll become good enough at the game that these chumps are basically just decoys though.
Interesting, and it tracks with my experience. Beatrice being top tier seems right - I regularly saw her heal, carry citizens and sever parts. Marie was better about reviving me than my own accessory was. But I don't recall Elfriede doing anything special.
>souls is listed as a genre
I got my sentence down to 0 before hitting CODE 8, nothing happened. Not even a congratulations.
Maybe you have to "finish" the game first. The mascot should congratulate you. If you go to Zakka for a talk people should praise. They might tall about Abel first, so just talk to them again.
Hope that i hit code 8 before they patch out the salt farming without patching out actual issues like accessories being able to stuck on terrain, shit pathfinding or masively increasing spawn timers so adds aren't constantly spawning
When playing solo I spend 75% of my time killing adds.
Pull down an abductor or stun with thorns and can almost never capitalize on it cause of the adds.
even better when it's that spider mission where you rescue citizens and half the roads are blocked so your acccessory just hangs in the starting area, gets killed by infinite sinners and you have to constanltly move over half the fucking map to get her out
Good info. Based Beatrice
>never fucking available
I hated this when going through the story. She's the best NPC but fucks off every other mission for story reasons.
Please explain how salt farming works
why would they patch out salt farming
guide from the op, skip to "quickly reducing your sentence"
because it clearly is not intended and they want you to do a gorillion endgame missions instead
Sell salt
Buy 999 adrenaline +
Is there a list of good weapons for your accessory? Tried a lot of stuff but im giving them pulsar for now as it deals with the annoying ass adds. Also its seems impossible to make them 100% focus on adds with orders, ive tried focus gunner enemies, healthiest enemy, weakest enemy, brawler enemy and this piece of shit would still target the abductor most of the time.
Oh that's easy
None of this since they don't even know how to charge
Most of the guns are okay on accessories since they can aim fairly well, the only issue with them is that full auto tends to be rather problematic as NPCs cannot hold their fire, so ideally you'd get either single or semiauto weaponry.
The most functional guns are:
>EX Katze
For the same reason it's good on actual players, hitscan is just that good, you want your accessory to get rid of annoying small abductors? They will, only problem is the effective range is pretty short and again, Accessories and auto fire don't mix all that well.
See above, a better choice for damage but the Arisaka is not actual hitscan despite having crazy bullet velocity
Similar to the Arisaka but lower bullet velocity, more suited for status infliction and a bit more damage than average when it comes to big aductors, but the inability of accessories to magdump in one go highilights the issues they have with automatics
Most popular choice for range and damage, also good for status infliction if built for that and since it's a semi-auto technically you don't need to worry about botched volleys, probably the best gun to give to an accessory if you want damage, outside of the AAW
Most popular choice for raw damage since acccessories have infinite ammo and every 'zook rocket hits relatively hard provided you max out its damage, keep in mind slow bullet velocity is a thing and the AAW's range is not that of an SR42 so they will miss quite a few of shots, unlike the SR42.
Also all heavy weapons slow down your accessories considerably
Effectively the only "auto" weapon that might actually deal some consistent, almost universal damage in the hand of an accessory due to being Slash damage rather than Pierce like the miniguns, but that's arguable and it still leads to lower overall damage than an SR42 or an AAW and all the problems of an auto AND a heavy weapon.
What I've found is that if the abductor is downed it doesn't matter what the accuracy of the accessory is, the AAW-M2 will just start shredding with its raw power and guaranteed hits
I wonder though since I've seen others mention it before. Are the grenade launchers or even missile launchers good on accs?
I would not recommend grenade launchers because of how grenades work in this game, it's something that is much more suited to players as they can actually work around those mechanics, unless of course you're giving them the Blaster, in that case it won't matter too much since the grenades are sticky, even still it's something that only helps on big abductors and at that point you'll be better off with the Igel, or really just the AAW-M2 since it's a lot more damage.
Both missile launchers suffer from similar issues, they're best suited for players who know how to properl work around lock-on.

Also both of these weapon categories are honestly more PvP oriented as the grenade launchers are really just there for their classic purpose you'd see in various FPS/TPS and Missile Launchers honestly kinda suck and at their best they're more of an area denial tool for PvP purposes.
Hows the online on switch so far?
How do i make THE ultimate severing knife? Damascus or heavy chopper? What upgrade line? Do those damage to part modules even affect severing in any way?
>Damascus or heavy chopper?
>What upgrade line?
Doesn't really matter, severing uses your raw and doesn't care about anything else, so any of the four lines is fine.
Cold or Will-O are ideal in any case.
>Do those damage to part modules even affect severing in any way?
Damage XL/XXL do, anything else does not matter.
Although I got disconnected sometimes.
Another weekend now. Is it completely dead?
>asks a dead thread on a dead board about a relatively dead game if it's dead
I think most people are taking it to private rooms on the unofficial discord.
>discord fags
Is it true that when you finally work off your sentence you get charged again with the most inane thing and are back to being an inmate?
No, you get a swimsuit as compensation because there's no space for you in civilian life.
No you just get a second-rate citizen title and left to job further
didn't know FW was based on my life story
you wish you were actually useful like FW sinners
I am cute tho
That's accessory's jobs
their job is to shut up and go carry citizens, shoot sinners or grab resources
New update. Did it fix anything?
it's over
What needs fixing?
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Salt mining is over.
Caliburn/Mimas hitboxes were also fixed. Apart from that, it's just minor adjustments.
>Salt mining is over.
I'll never forgive the Japanese.
told you faggots it's getting nerfed, i pity the poor fags who were late and now will have to grind sentence eternally
shitty AI and obscene respawning times so you literally can't hit the large abductor as you are constantly swarmed by trash
So basically Caliburn is a greatsword where you only charge and never use basic attacks and Aftershadow is a longsword where you spam RT and never ever charge?
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>tfw only online achievements are left
Time for you to make a room and call for anons.
>only oltatum that drops oltatum parts in the 2 at once bullshit
>enjoy getting perma stunlocked by 10 chains lololol
i thought you fags said that they nerfed oltatums?
Kill the chains and break the boxes faster, focus on one at a time so that you don't set off the thing where they detach every chain at once for both.
For, and I cannot stress this enough, the Greater Good.
Any updates for this game coming?
it's ogre
Just played the game. Is the Chainsaw Sword (EZ Falke I think) good for severing parts? I prefer its strong charge attack than the Murasame since I don't jump around.
As for guns, I use the Easy Barbara, which is pretty good in Abductors but bad in Sinners and fast moving chumps. I consider getting an alternative sub machine gun for Sinner battles since Barbara can be slow to use if you miss.

I remember someone on /v/ write up a short summary of good weapons on a post, if someone can get that too, that will help alot.
Anything works for severing as it just keep sdealing damage to the selected part based on your weapon raw damage. If anything severing is a meme because shooting the specific part does exactly the same thing but much faster and yes that includes shooting joints
>an alternative sub machine gun
get ez wolf batrach instead
>If anything severing is a meme because shooting the specific part does exactly the same thing but much faster and yes that includes shooting joints
Tried that with Easy Barbara, its indeed pretty fast, its just that it can get hard on aiming with the enemy moving around. is manually attacking with a close range weapon is faster than severing?
>ez wolf batrach
I actually got EZ Wolf II instead since I can just add elements later. Is 50 the max limit for a weapon? Or I can just hit 100 across all boards later?
I started getting a raw versions of Arisaka and EZ Katze for sinners.
For close range weapons, do you have recommendations? I still use an Ice element EZ Falke advanced version.
Yes, there's a total cap of 50 for elemental damage, unless you upgrade to an elemental version which locks you into a single element.
So its better to focus on one element than go 25/25 then. Then do anything beyond 50 makes a difference? Putting All Element modules might not worth much if 55 is just equal to 50.
I think higher elemental damage means that the buildup is faster, so the effects activate more often, probably the most noticeable with Will'o weapons. Depending on what you're doing, you can get a lot of effects off of 12/13/12/13.
Is it just me or Adelring's aiming is messed up? Tried using it just to see if its viable in some mission but its hard to aim it upwards.
I heard some people making a spear that can fast kill Abductors, what is that? Also, what heavy melee is good? I have 2 versions of Caliburn, Impact and Ice.
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New patch.

If you didn't reach Code 6 before this update, you didn't beat the game.
>If you didn't reach Code 6 before this update, you didn't beat the game.
Why do people always say this? So from now on anybody who was waiting for a sale for this game playing in the summer or autumn/winter can't beat the game? Should they unpatch their game magically to play? utter nonsense. This is just dumb bait and it always has been no matter the game
stop taking memes seriously
>Should they unpatch their game
yes they should try finding the unpatched version first to salt farm away the sentence
>Only steam achievements left are literally 'let your Accessory get abducted and rescue them'
I feel like the only time there's an extremely high chance of your Accessory getting abducted is if you're fighting dragons with shields with no one having the proper gear to break their parts properly, and the dragon abducting your Accessory decides to fly forever until the abduction timer ticks out
or just play retributions solo early when you can't walk a step without being hit by something
or that one mission with 2 spiders and 2 citizens where all the roads are blocked and your retard ass accessory just camps at spawn and gets costantly downed by infinitely spawning adds while you try to kill the fucking spider the whole map away
They should play on PS5/Switch (physical)
>they should play an objectively inferior version with paid online
After using my special thorn ability how long does it take for it to charge again?
Check the menu where you equip it, the recharge time is listed there.
too damn long...
>free online
>can't find anyone
Most players are japanese and play on PS4/PS5 (more people registered on the panopticons)
friendless loser issue
enjoy paying to access basic game features
also japanese all moved to switch already
>no cross-play
>regional matchmaking at least on PC
some high level retardation
they probably got the IP rights as some sort of side deal and didn't bother doing the proper remaster at all
Sometimes I see a red timer on a monster. What does it mean?
it means they caught a previously liberated citizen. It's also displayed when they capture a downed accessory (yours or a teammate's) but the game shows specific alerts for those cases.
>the game shows specific alerts for those cases.
the game doesn't shut up about citizens either yeah i fucking know it got captured no need to remind me every 10 seconds
Are retribution missions possible Solo? I tried one with a rescue citizen on a desert and it destroyed me in no time.
Also, that Caliburn seems broken with its golf swing. I want to power it up but hunting for Power Up XL seems hard.
>Are retribution missions possible Solo?
if you hit gear level where you start needing alpha parts yes
>hunting for Power Up XL
you get 8 free ones from Simeon
>if you hit gear level where you start needing alpha parts yes
Worse, I'm using Impact line of weapons. Apparently, Lv.7-10 upgrades requires Field Resources from retribution missions.

>you get 8 free ones from Simeon
Welp, 2 of them might become XXL later, and I still don't have S Rank Citizens. Probably have to save scum like Tactics Ogre Reborn for this like backing up the save folder before attempting to synthesize them.
>I'm using Impact line of weapons
and all of them need retributions this is intended progression since vita
Welp, too late. I just golf swing alot of Mk.4s today to grind up like 10+ equipments to level them up from 5 - 6.
Its not that bad though as some well places hits can stop them from their annoying attacks. Definitely not for big dick damaging though.
I still don't really get how elements work in Freedom Wars like does enemies being resistant to an element negates it effects or it can still take on effects but just longer due to resistance. Thats why I go to Impact lines of weapon since a full 100 might be less effective than 50.
From what i have seen with elemental abductors element variants are either plain immune to status buildup or so resistant they might be immune. In the end this barely matters as these variations are easy kills and elemental damage is not a big part of overall damage assuming it even exists and it's not just status procs and defense cuts that feel like extra damage
Guess it really doesn't matter that much since if you're not dealing enough damage, you have a more pressing problem than having the wrong element in your weapon.
I just wish the game has an in game archive for this kind of questions. God Eater is pretty straight at you when telling what type of weakness an enemy has.
Also, I just realized that Field Resource grinding here is very hard. They put all tiers in one area instead of splitting it up per CODE grade so finding a High Purity one can take you a long time since you're going to deal with Medium and Low purity one as well with the other resources too. God Eater spoiled me with tradings and tickets exchange for items that I need.
This game was made in the boom of "everything needs online" era the intended lategame grind method is going online and playing retributions
>you get 8 free ones from Simeon
and 0 after you try to combine them :,^)
Eh, I'd say it's less about wanting to place an always online component, and more to do with pushing you to gather your friends and play together, at least for endgame content. Just like how the japanese have played Monster Hunter for years before World came out.

>I just wish the game has an in game archive for this kind of questions. God Eater is pretty straight at you when telling what type of weakness an enemy has.
IIRC there was an scrapped "Utopedia" feature that was supposed to be a compendium of enemies, characters and even some additional bits of lore. Some NPCs even reference it as an in-universe thing. This remaster was a missed opportunity to finally add it to the game.
Soul Sacrifice by the same Japan Studio doesn't have this already, you play online there either for fun or because endgame shit is aids even in multi. They clearly wanted it to be the next big online thing and just threw it into the trash once it didn't
To be fair, Sony did keep the servers running for quite a long time before pulling the plug. I'm still mad at them for doing it on fucking Christmas of all days though.
Also, I don't know about SS but FW on the Vita version had adhoc multiplayer too.
I concede that they REALLY wanted to have their own monhun since Capcom was in bed with Nintendo at the time. But I still doubt that being a big hit in regards to online games was in their priority list.

It's in the past now anyway. Now I wonder if the remaster's sales warrant an upgrade/expansion or something else with this IP in the future, I think there's potential here.
well looking at steamdb it sold like absolute shit and is currently dead so unless console versions sold at least 200-300k we likely won't see shit and even then pozzed fags at bamco management need to stop being pozzed fags at once and not write it off for not selling millions
kek so true
>Target a hostile Mobile Type Mk.4
What could possibly go wrong?
Are the CODE 7 Special Operations harder than retribution missions? This one kicked my butt and captured my accessory even.
>This remaster was a missed opportunity to finally add it to the game.
Seems to be alot of them too. The handgun and gauntlet weapon types not being useable is one. The story is incomplete too, it feels like its just a half of a story done.
For what they fixed in the remaster regarding upgrading stuffs, I feel like its not enough. They should just made synthesizing modules straightforward and let go of the failure rates. Just grinding for a S rank citizen can be already frustrating, making the synthesis have a failure chance as well is another. Not separating Field Resources to its right CODE grade is another one too. It just feels like they made material grinding to be frustrating as posible to pad as many time to you as possible.
80k~100k people are registered on Panopticons (PC+Switch+PS4/PS5).
It sold well for a lazy Remaster if you ask me.
How do I unlock Code 8 missions?
How long did it take you to get the thorn marathon achievement?
I don't know about the achievement but to unlock CODE 8 missions, go take a wish to Simeon, reduce your sentence around 10,000 years or until Aries speaks to you again. Keep repeating the procedure until you get all the wishes.
Finish some Special Operations if you want to unlock them quick.
I'm starting to get frustrated on getting stuffs when you hit CODE 8. Its like theres a sudden difficulty spike. The multiple layers of RNG I have to deal with to get an item is really time consuming.
>Starting Lv.7, the next upgrade to your weapons requires Retribution exclusive materials. Impact having worst since they require elusive Field Resources.
>S Rank citizen for module slot expansion and module synthesis. I don't know whats the best mission for this.
>Retribution mission. They can probably come up after finishing 5 missions. They're random too so you might have to save scum to find what you want.
I wish they just let go of some of RNG dependent stuff. I don't think I'm going to gett all the weapons here like I did in God Eater series.
the postgame 10000 year missions are all endgame cancer
most of them don't even drop anything worth shit
endgame is all retributions
since online is dead you can just not bother
Yeah I think I'm done. Finished 8-5 and I think its the last main mission. The absolute cancer of getting everything under multiple layers of RNG is just too exhausting. The lack of variety in mission makes getting materials too monotonous too.
Did you burn out?
Yeah. Its not as fun as God Eater for me.
The upgrading progression goes to a crawl once you hit CODE 8 since its where you need Retribution stuffs on top of dealing with multiple layers of RNG like Retribution mission, field resources within the mission, S Rank Citizens, and making XXL module which you can save scum before you attempt to make one.
Just made me appreciate how fast and simple God Eater's upgrading progression.
I just rush 5k/10k missions online with OP Japanese players
Not an online player, and I don't want to mess again with the files so EAC won't shit itself. A filthy pirate after all.
I finished my sentence anyway so I consider it done. Now I get it why people consider the plot half finished because it is. Its like the game needs something similar to God Eater Burst update to its plotline.
>【Steam®】Matchmaking adjustments
>Adjusted the matchmaking conditions of the online multiplayer.
regions BEGONE
>consider the plot half finished
What do you mean "consider"? It's the most obvious cliffhanger ever and snoy didn't even try to hide they were planning a sequel but scrapped it because fuck you it didn't sell millions
It's totally going to do shit to 50 players active!

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