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Anyone here on EU times want to start the Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder with me come Saturday? Always more fun to run with a friend. I've one other guy but he's busy this coming weekend so I'd be all alone otherwise.
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Nilathak finally decided to drop me something that isn't complete trash. He sure hasn't been dropping any keys today at least.
I have never played ladder, always offline, but thinking of trying it out this time. What's the main difference?
why would i play this over the new d4 league
have they added ultrawide back yet?
still amazed they removed it for release
My bad I didn't notice anybody had actually replied.
Mainly ladder only runewords though I believe they're available in single player, and a race against everyone else to the top without bringing over tons of GG endgame gear so everyone more or less has to start from the ground up.

Because D4 sucks.

How do I tell? I've not played since release so I don't know of any such option.
without an ultrwide, Im honestly not sure. it might be an option for display in the settings. would be 21x9 aspect ratio, 3440x1440 resolution for me specifically
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I'm unsure how to change the option, it's greyed out for me.
Made this for a friend's dad, because he REALLY doesn't get the idea of weapon switches.
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anyone want to trade this for Goldwrap?
I'm the only guy here pretty much atm.
I do have a goldwrap but I'm using it for lack of anything else to use, I'm also after Paladin gear rather than Barb.
Great site, highly recommend you learn and use it, though if you want random items other than super popular ones to sell within your lifetime then you need to undersell. Your best bet is runes and keys, then trade those for what you need.
Neat, did l didn't realize there was a thread.
New season on HC SSF going pretty well this time - just finished hell on javazon and didn't blow up to dolls for a change.
Some good finds so far:
>arachnid mesh
>eth 4os ca
Starting to farm sundering charm and 3/20
>arachnid mesh
I'm jealous, I really need one.

>and 3/20
How are you doing that exactly?
I will keep an eye on pala gear, playing necro myself now. Just finishing up act 3 on nightmare but will probably do few Council runs. Anything you are looking in particular I should keep an eye on? Oh yeah and im on ladder
I have a budget setup going, most of what I need now is runes (both mid and higher, I'm after a Ko and Pul atm for my hoto), white base shit like a 3 socket Mage plate / good eth armour and polearm for my merc, and actually good unique items I'm sorely missing like Arach mesh / Soj / Griffons / War Travs.

Biggest upgrade would definitely be an Enigma so I can stop relying on a fucking Naj's Puzzler for teleport.

Want any assistance with a rush in exchange for your hell hellforge drop? I'm level 90 and can slowly start crafting caster amulets now and will think of you if I get a Necro one.
I will keep going solo for a while more and keep an eye on stuff that can be useful to you. I will probably grind diablo and baal on nightmare for a long ass time to get gear i want so i will more then likely stumble upon some of the stuff you mentioned. albeit i dont recognize half of the stuff you mentioned but i can still try to be useful. Im not a total noob but i barely understand the terminology of d2
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Sure. You can grind Baal in public games on NM to level 75 without too much difficulty, but honestly you're not going to find shit in the way of good items in NM.
I recommend you hoard runes, get to hell, make the best version of some budget runewords starting at a minimum with Stealth and Lore, then something like Wealth or whatever you think would help but still costs peanuts and then repeatedly run either The Countess or Lower Kurast in hell for something valuable and go from there.
If you do decide to get a boost from me, I don't mind teaching you the tricks and showing you stuff as we go.
Oh and a Spirit runeword weapon and ideally shield if you can get one, forgot to mention that one.
If you find a 4 socket Crystal sword it's very easy to make.
I have spirit and stealth, tons of low level runes. Didnt want to make Lore yet since i got Undead Crown really early and its carrying pretty hard with its +3 to skele mastery. I fucked up with spirit tho, put it on giant sword because im a retard and didnt read its 2h lel, still using it

I got Kuko Shakaku on last run on Mephisto if the Amazon player is interested on it, it looks pretty good with lots of free skill +
>Kuko Shakaku
Has one potential very niche use, otherwise is basically vendor trash. Bowazons are rare anyway, anyone playing a Zon is generally going to go Javs.
Ima save it for a while, that holy fire paladin mem spec sounds fun to grind low level stuff. Just takes ages to kill Mephisto and im basically fucked if there are those casters behind him. Still pretty fun
One thing that would help: If you have Sigons I'm going to make a new char soon and it'd help to have a full set of that.
the main difference is that you can leech trist/council/baalruns to level really fast for free
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Oh shid

>How are you doing that exactly?
Spending a day of 2 talking to Charisi and Gheed in Nightmare
I thought you were talking about small charms, my mistake.
If i get them i save them. I have sold some set pieces away to make room for stash but i keep those if i get them. I think i have few amulets with +1skill to amazon, assassin and druid tho if you need them
Actually just got the full Sigons set so I no longer need it, but thanks for the offer.
I am however interested in any small charms you come across with golf find, or Lem runes.
I'll put my best caddy on the job
i keep an eye out tomorrow once i get back into it
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First facet drop...
Nice, I've yet to see one or even a Gheeds.
TZ andariel living up to her reputation for bling
Haven't seen Gheeds yet either. Only unique charm has been a crappy fire sunder (-81).
I had a 85% lit sunder, that's it.
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Ridiculous drops today
where do you guys playing US or EU
I'm US but this is all solo HCL
Man fuck you, I'd kill for that I'm in the awkward spot of needing an Enigma to really get any proper mfing or whatever done, but am too poor to get the Enigma.

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Gheeds and (74) Sunder secured
Griffin's next I hope
Still have to find the ber on my own and who knows how long that will take.
Have never made a ssf enigma yet
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First caster amulet I've rolled with +2 skills, you interested?
Damn i really need better gear for my merc, Diablo just slapped the shit out of him on nightmare. I know Insight is meta runeword for weapon but what should i get on armor?
>but what should i get on armor?
The best smoke you can get until you can get your hands on a 8XX eth 4 socket armour for Fortitude.
Bulwark helmet, any base over 100 def.
>Insight is meta runeword for weapon
Only if you don't need Infinity.
Fug, need those Lem runes then for Smoke, i think I can do Bulwark, just need good helm for it.
You'll want to upgrade them to an (ideally eth) Andariel's Visage eventually. Problem is literally 98% of players want that for their merc helm and supply never meets demand.
Well im not in hell yet so no need to worry about that helm too much. I guess I just get that Bulwark and some damn polearm that has 4 sockets, still havent seen any yet
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>until you can get your hands on a 8XX eth 4 socket armour for Fortitude.
Think I just found mine.
I just found a 405 def Scarab Husk right after my last post you can have for Smoke, if you like?
How are you planning on meeting the strength req?
Andariel's Visage gives 25 to 30 str, depending on the roll.
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started a fire/cold sorc on ladder, this is how much countess I had to run for a single fucking EL rune
its supposed to be 1:8 kektus, I thought for sure I was doomed to stay in act 1, now I need to find a good staff with fireball and/or wall and I am rolling
I've noticed that, El and to an extend Eld are stupidly rare from the Countess and in general. Around Tal and Ort are insanely common
and still not a single ELD rune btw yeah
Do you still want a Goldwrap btw? I just got a spare you can have. I can give you a 4 socket polearm and armor for Smoke while I'm at it.
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alright, now we are cooking
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Perfect fire Esxhuta's
>Make room for a very specific trade
>Retards come in with completely irrelevant offers
Many such cases, it's all so tiresome.
I could use it. I have the 4socket polearm done but could use the armor too. I dont have much to offer back tho
Make a game on EU with a password and tell me what it is.
vm trade room pw: doublenigger
Thank you to the lazy devs, helps a lot.
I forgot to say, but definitely don't obsess over magic find. As long as you have over 100% that's completely fine, it's a thousand times better to have a higher kill speed and survivability than an extra 30% MF that ups the probability of an item dropping being one tier higher in type or whatever slightly. It's not even close.
More MF without sacrificing other things is fine, but don't seek MF at the cost of everything else.
Im doing it now since i have no problems in killing trash mobs, like i said i literally kill everything while im walking around. It will change soon tho. Thanks once more for the stuff. I try to get something good for you during the night
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Feels good to get stuff like this even as a low level, too bad i cant use it
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I literally just found this amulet. I don't even know what it's worth though, but I know it's really valuable. Almost certainly more than the ring I gave you.
More then likely yeah. Im just progressing through worldstone keep. We will see if i can nuke baal soon enough. Pretty sure i can, if not i just grind the fight before him a bit and Nihlathak too
Baal went down easier then Diablo. I grind terrorzones to 75 and start hell then
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I went to hell out of curiosity if i can still run magic find, was worth it
You see? You've been wasting your time in NM, Hell is the land of milk & honey.
I still had fun grinding nm. I hope i can get something useful for you too now. I have some gems now but not nearly as many as earlier today
Eh don't worry too hard. If you ever happen to find a unique Diadem though I'll buy it off you for a high price. This offer applies basically indefinitely.
If you ID it and it turns out to be a high roll, then I won't be able to afford to buy it from you.
Checked google, you mean Griffons eye? I will start countess farm in a moment, if i get those higher level runes i let you know
Yeah, Griffon's is potentially either the second most, or most, expensive piece of my build.
I want a 20/15 so fucking bad so I can put a perfect rainbow facet in it, but nigga that's out of my price range.
This is the cheapest I've seen them go for, I have like 1/5th of that if I add up everything I've got.
I doubt it can drop from Countess, was planning to do 10 runs of it now for xp and some runes. First kill was a nothing burger
Two interesting places you can farm in early Hell that can drop anything are the Pit in act 1's Tamoe Highlands, and the Ancient Tunnels in Act 2's Lost City.
Both are what's known are iL85 zones, meaning any unique item in the game can potentially drop in there. Neither of them are too hard, it's worth giving it a try if you purely want unique and set items rather than special drops or runes.

Assuming you have 400 magic find as a baseline, the odds of finding a Griffons in either one of those are
>1 in 47k from any unique monster
>1 in 120k from champions
>1 in 2m for regular enemies
Oh and while I wasn't looking, the price of the ring I gave you fluctuated up to approximately 60 to 70 P ammys, so yeah make sure you fucking look after that thing, they expensive.
I am, dont worry. Just got Dwarf Star unique ring. Im going to add Pit to the grind list then now. Really bad luck from countess, basically nothing in 6 runs so far
tz andariel time bois
time to get your griffons
Gimmershred worth anything? Got it from the Pit, also got Tal Rashas horadic crest so i guess not too bad for first run
no clue on trade value but I doubt it would be worth
tals amu is a nice get though
Gimmershard = 1 to 2 P ammys
Adjudication = 15 to 30 P ammys, but the price is going to drop as time goes in so you wanna sell it for a high price while you can.

Try and get a Vex rune for it, make rooms for MFing called "O Tal Amu N Vex", if you can get one that's about your limit.
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>150 fg for ber rune on SC
>650 fg for ber on HC

holy shit you guys are cucked so hard, why even play at this point?
just farm your own lmao
do sc players have to swipe their cc to enjoy the game?

Why would you do that when you can buy shit so cheap you dumb ass negroid?
where should i spend gold btw? Gambling obviously but is it worth it at lvl77?
>is it worth it at lvl77?
Extremely "it depends".
Equip Edge runeword in a crappy bow for low stat requirements Bow, Have Gheeds if applicable, be as lowish level as you can be for the unique or set in particular you want so the price isn't too bad and have at least 1+ gold to get the job done, then gamble for it.
Don't bother gambling for amulets at that level if you're aiming for +2 skills.

Considering you immediately got a Homonculus as soon as you stepped into hell and an Ajudicator barely ten minutes into starting MFing I'm considering you my luck star bro.
I just spent most of my remaining assets on an unided Griffon's Eye in the hopes of a good roll. I'm not going to ID it until you give me your blessings on it across the internet.

So you know what stats vary / what's important for when I ID it and post pics:
>100-200 defense
By far the least important stat. If the rest is good or better yet perfect then this is nice to have high.
>-15% to -20% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
Incredibly important to get -20%
>+10% to +15% To Lightning Skill Damage
Incredibly important to get +15%

-15% / +10% = 0, add 1 point for each % better those numbers are. I need to score 6 to break even on my trade, 7 or higher for a win and 5 or lower and I've lost out.
1 in 25 shot for glory.
hey autist that's worth nothing
Mara but worse with mana
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Fr*nce isn't a real country.
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says fucking who man

also that flag on the eiffel tower should be algerian
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I'd say "at least we don't have a dictator in power who's now impossible to vote out" but honestly I'm not sure that's even true. I guess we're all kinda just fucked.
Well, i will be home in 3-4hours. I played all night, didnt get anything else and now im on a one day course to become forklift certified lel. I wish you luck with that!
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>I wish you luck with that!
IDed now, I actually haven't looked at all what my roll is so I'm only finding now when I look at my posted pic.
20/13, that makes it a +8 so we eating pretty good today boys. I still need a perfect some day obviously but this is great for now. Big win.
as lucky as always, fag

generally, the - ennemy res is WAY better than the +damage, even on non sorc chars
>as lucky as always, fag
I've been bottom rolling everything since the start of ladder, I needed a win.
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I found the bow randomly last week too, is the game telling me to make a bowazon?
I guess I am your Lucky star kek. Gz for that
If you wanna bless me again I'll try making my hoto again, got a 32% last time and I need perf 40% from what I've worked out, though any boost is good too.
Do eet, just got back and Andariel is now doned. Slowly but surely im working up my way on hell. Nothing good dropped but hey, it was the first kill
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>Do eet
Perfect 40% all res, holy shit you're a legend. We need to cut your foot off and put it on a pendant or something.
Haha, gz ! You want your goldwrap back? Just dropped one with 63% gold on monsters, yours was 50 but i can give you the better one
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Nah I already have a 63% or so and am working on purchasing a 79% or something for my gold find barb.

Decided to just go ahead and facet my Griffons now since it's within the acceptable range and getting a 2% better isn't happening any time soon. That's all my equipment other than amulet done, the goal now is to improve my merc, then the amulet, then torch and anni. I'm expecting that to cost in the ballpark of 17 to 20 Jah runes though so that's going to be a long term project, getting a perfect Griffons can come after all that if I want to spend another 15 Jah on that alone.

I'm done in the short term goals sense, but there's also a long road ahead too.
what is the meta new player sorc build for farming everything? I hear there are charms now or something that let blizz sorc go everywhere?
yeah new charms that remove frost immunity
>>>uhhh i'm not lucky guys i swear !!!
get torch and anni now, you are not getting a 2 / 20 any time soon

either nova with crescent moon or cold
both with sunders
Anything you want really, Sunder charms set all monsters who are immune to that element to 99% resistance instead. Without also having facets or Infinity or something else you won't be dealing much damage, but you have options.
I personally ran a sorc with Frozen orb and Hydra, and a sunder charm for cold as like a cheapo budget option for magic finding etc. Cold sunder charm let me at least freeze everything, and anything with high cold res I'd slow down with orb and spam hydras to kill their slowed asses.
>you are not getting a 2 / 20 any time soon
I see them for sale for about 4 to 5 Jah runes. I can farm keysets for that, just a matter of if I want to prioritize my merc a bit first or not.
a keyset is worth a jah in ladder already ? jesus talk about broken

but still get a t / anni first, huge upgrade
just checked it more like 4 keysets lmao that's 16 keysets to farm enjoy man
>a keyset is worth a jah in ladder already ?

>but still get a t / anni first, huge upgrade
Got a 15/20/10 anni and 16/16 pala torch. I'm talking about upgrading them to 19/20/10 and 19/20 torch. 19 res on both will be exactly high enough to be max res in hell even on the extra capped resists.
alll that cause mr retard doesn't want to use spirit
I can use spirit if I want at any point for convenience, nothing stopping me, you talk like I'm hard locked in forever and ever. My end goal is the better long term plan though.
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Uniques are dropping left and right now
yes that's called spirit, a gg 45 @r spirit
also, get battle orders, obviously. FYI why i think mara is busted is because it boosts battle orders, while the 2/20 pally does not
Faggots lair was so gay. Why the fuck do black locusts have so much hp? I mean seriously what the fuck
Do you happen to have a Vex? You would if you took my advice about trading the Tal amulet for one last night, I can give you my old hoto for one. I just realised I used my last Vex on that second hoto earlier and I was planning to use it now completely forgetting it's already gone.
I havent had any rune drops, well i got one Hel and Ral and thats it. Bad luck with those. Im not playing for few fays now, i will once i get back home. Just stopped right before going to tal rashaa tomb so act 3 soon and Travinca council farm, im bound to get good stuff then
I mean trading rather than drops. The Tal amulet you got is currently just about worth a Vex rune, but over time it's going to fall to an Ist if you wait too long.
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Well, I think I can buy that 2/20 Paladin amulet now.
Buy low, sell high guys.
Havent traded a thing yet. Just realized im pretty sure i sold magefist that i got earlier this week on nightmare. Im a fucking retard. Will be back tomorrow and get back on the grind
I hate runewords, does that mean I should play classic?
Yeah probably. Personally I love them but each to their own.
Does D2R flatout not work on win7?
dunno but werks on linux proton perfectly
I'm starting to regret selling the Griffons for such a price, getting a new one is proving difficult because fucking everyone and their mother wants one and I may end up spending most of my runes just getting one back.
Level up another char or smth
Price might come down at a later date.
Problem is he's the source of most of my wealth and gear for any new character has to come from somewhere.
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It begins
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Nothing too good from stony tomb, pit or andy. Got this while trying to find Duriel
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whelp, went to pit again, This time 2 of these and 1 pul rune
Near perfect belt. If the amazon player wants that im willing to give it away for free or if someone is planning to play amazon and thats useful to them
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Im a retard, might help if i showed pic
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I forgot to ask for your blessing.
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W-why is my stash so small....
The price of playing on classic.
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Finally got the last rune I was missing for my Doom axe on non-ladder. I'd like a -60% to enemy cold res roll on it so I'm asking you bless me for this one this time.
You will get close to it. I got another one of those belts but significantly worse one. I should start progressing act 3 finally, been doing Countess, Pit, Andariel, Stony tomb and Duriel runs now. Nothing too useful for me but xp is somewhat decent and money too
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40 to 60%, you held back on using your full power. sadge.
Damn, bad luck there. I didnt get anything worthwhile while doing my runs, now few hours of sleep and i start progressing act 3
I ended up killing meph, i was sure he would be harder but the council before him in his room is harder then him
Got Diablo down now too with relative ease. Hardest part was to get through fields of despair thanks to those fucking burning souls. Jesus christ i hate them
Hey Necro anon, if you're around about 3 hours from now wanna make a game and take some items from me? I'd also be very interested in your "Insight runeword package" runes of any you have, that is:
So I can reroll the eth Giant Thresher I'll hopefully have then until I get a good roll, assuming I don't get a good roll quickly.
i will be, im progressing through act 5 now. Just sucks that leveling is so damn slow
I'm home, give me 15 min because there's a Dclone happening shortly, but I'd like to meet up and give you some shit.
Aight, im grinding pindleskin. Nothing good so far, i have done many runs
Make a game whenever, I'm ready and out of Sol runes.
vm traderoom pw: doublenigger
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I don't think I have ever gotten an unique this early in the game D:
Server? You didn't mention.
Its Eu
Also nice
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I think classic is just built different, I don't think I have ever gotten a single unique in just the story playthrough of normal act I let alone two.
Diablo walking on Asia in 7 hour's time. Be there or be square.
Two hours to go, a second one exactly one hour after it.
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took only 10minutes to kill baal
btw, i got both, Messerschmidt's Reaver and Hellslayer

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