Here's my faggot blog about servers and the people who run them.My dad was really into Half-Life 2 Deathmatch, and servers on the game are dropping like flies. after his death, all of his friends were left behind to hang out on their own servers, but like i said, they're dying out. so, I opened a new one. they all used to play on a set of servers called 'Loki's School of Combat', which seem to be gone. So, I named mine after dad, and this server, to act as a revival. I called it 'Ernie's School of Combat' which shortens to ESC. that's important later.The project was a success. Dad's friends have a stable place to play, i'm constantly monitoring it to ensure any bugs are handled because i'm a neet with two monitors. things went so well, that i decided to open up a second server on my, favorite game. Team Fortress 2.aaand faggots ruined it. give a mouse a cookie situation. I have no idea what to do, asshats liberal players are demanding more and more censorship and shitty plugins. Should i refuse and remove everything, or just start ignoring them?Most of them, are troons giving me free advice from another group of servers called Vault F4. they have it set in their heads my server is named after theirs because it's shortened to ESC. I really do not do well talking to people and i'm kinda sick of dealing with them. i started this server on the philosophy that anyone can play here, but they're actively driving the other players away with their nonstop whining about what they say in chat.
What are they even trying to advise? Its a casual server. The only relevant discussion should be the map rotation.
>>1580417they want me to ban people for:>making fun of each other>arguing>talking about politics>talking about valve>talking about the bot crisis>nominating the same maps too many timesand more.i can't do it anymore. i don't even want to.
>>1580162I am very familiar with vault f4. ignore any advice those faggots give you. in fact, ignore anyone who tries to dictate to you how to run your own shit. but those fags especially.sounds like your already doing the right thing, you are based and your dad would be proud.
>>1580430thanks anoni think i just listened to them to begin with because they were the first people on the TF2 server.
>>1580433of course they were there first, they try to jump into any new server that has some popularity to take over just to have their little power fantasy. If I were you I would ban all that trash, assuming you got good judgement, it should be fairly easy to tell apart people that just want to play from these scum that just want power and censorship
>>1581109i can tell, they're all troons. i'm not joking. literally all of them are troons. two or three have pronouns in their usernames.
>>1580428just ban the offending retards and leave the normal players alone? i dont understand the problem here.
Are you unironically asking whether or not you should suppress retarded troon drama?OP, stop being a retard and just mute or ban them. Looney Troons will always ruin a fun time
>>1581260>>1581309because, that breaks my entire philosophy. everyone isn't free if these people stay. but if these people stay, no one else but them does.and that's exactly what they want. I want you to be free. they, don't.
>>1581310So ban them. They're the ones shitting up the server and driving everyone else off.
>>1581309>>1581260if i censor them, then i'd be a hypocrite to every ideal i have.
>>1581311if i advertise that everyone is free to play here, and then ban them for just doing what the left does, then i'm a hypocrite.
>>1581312then you're just a retard who is allowing his own problems to existeither stop being a bitch and do something about it or stop your bitching
>>1581317i did say it was a faggot blog. it's a blog about faggots. ya got what ya clicked's mostly to illustrate that these people ruin everything they touch. when it seems like your favorite thing gets ruined by liberals, this is probably what happened.
>>1580162Mute them in whatever they are using to contact you.
>>1580162I was once like you, op. I held my opinions but gave everyone a chance. I didn't want to be a hypocrite.You can't give trannies that chance. They are indoctrinated morons. Tell them to gtfo your server.
>>1580162I'd try naming it a different server if it's just a tf2 offshoot of the main server but i'm no server owner nor am I a tf2 player so I wouldn't know an exact course for action.
>>1581346It's not really hypocritical to ban people who actively work to change your server to be against your beliefs. just get rid of them, especially if you don't like them. you run it for fun, and you said yourself, they already have their own server to go back to- it's not like you're evicting someone who has nowhere else to go (like your friends did, when your dad's server died).fuck em. you deserve better OP
>>1581310>>1581312enjoy getting your server fucked then. i dont pity you at all seeing your gay limp wristed behaviour here.
>>1581310>>1581312Freedom for all only works if the social group has the tools to self-regulate. In a physical place, the other players could ostracize the troublemakers. It's a server, so they can't, they can only either tolerate them or leave. And the troublemakers won't leave. So it's okay to step in.Ultimately, it's a question of whether you're fine with the results of your policy of non-interventionism, or if you care more about your goal of "everyone can play". Because those dudes are plainly making the latter impossible. You did let them in, they had their chance. But at some point it's like defending village arsonists.I guess what I'm saying is, your ideals are noble and you shouldn't abandon them. Really. But you've confronted your simple approach with reality and saw that the results are not what you wanted. It's time to tweak and refine it. It's not betrayal, it's maturity.
>>1581312Not really, no. If they're obnoxious faggots because of their actions that's on them. They WERE welcome, sure, but they wore that out on their own. As long as you've voiced your opinions on their bullshit there's nothing wrong with banning them.
most people responding to OP has never dealt with trannies a single day in their entire lifes aside from being banned for saying 'nigger' on a chatroom once. trannies never take kindly to being banned becuase they are obsessed with sanitizing anything that is within their grasp to fit their views, they will make sure in every way possible that can never be properly dislodged out of something without massive collateral damage. they will fuck you up, they're more expierenced at swaying peoples minds and manipulating others around them becuase they've done it their entire life as a survival mechanism to not blow their brains out.they will scare away most of your server if you try banning them by exaggerating that you're some mean chud whos crushing a brave trans persons voice or frame you as just a tyrant in general. if most of the people in your server aren't ardent chuds they will get scared and leave.Do nothing, the best thing you can do is ignore their pleas (and also shill your server more around free speech to gatekeep them) but it doesn't mean they will try to do scary shit to you or the server. it will come off as very disrespectful in your part to them to deny them of something that they unironically think revolves around their whole survival but never budge. and most importantly DO NOT BUDGE.
>>1583155I mean OP could just shadowban them, have them have throttled to an abysmal ping, or other debatable natural-looking methods to make their time so miserable they just willingly fuck off, while leaving everyone else unaffected.
>>1583155>they will scare away most of your server if you try banning them by exaggerating that you're some mean chud whos crushing a brave trans persons voice or frame you as just a tyrant in general. if most of the people in your server aren't ardent chuds they will get scared and leave.preferable to just leaving them alone enabling their mentally ill retardation
>>1583196>shadowbanoh sure, let me shadow ban them with a 1990's server framework.what is this, twitter?
>>1583196oh, but jokes aside i didn't mention most of them are from the EU.they're perfectly willing to play on abysmal ping.
>>1583196shadowbanning is a cunt move more suited to these authoritative pricksone should ban openly and with a visible reason, not engage in this kafkaesque bullshit
>>1583914yeah let's not be even more hypocritical.i get what these are all saying, though.>>1583155>>1581779>>1581441
>>1583262>end result is free speech server were you can freely say what you want is killed meanwhile tranny servers were you get banned for saying 'nigger' stand with impunitynot really.
>>1584749nobody got banned from VF4 servers for saying nigger. nobody who would ever got that'll get banned for making sex jokes over there. you'll get banned for talking about anime. you'll get banned if you nominate a specific map too often. you'll get banned if you make fun of the moderators, even after they make fun of you. you'll get banned for using a VPN. you'll get banned for aliasing if you have a platform.
>>1584787im talking about OP's server not Vault F4 troons.