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Does anybody even play this shit anymore? I still don't understand why logi or logi stuff exists in this game, why not give every player a fixed allowance based on region control to build stuff? Everyone is happy, except that one logi nigger who wants to bash rocks all day just like in Runescape.
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I would play if some nigger were to put up a torrent
I stopped playing when they nerfed snipers. Sniping was so fun.
everyone that didn't quit over the dev supported pedophile rings in game has now 41%ed from being a troon
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You missed the fun days, now it's all fur fags and troons, but Even the good ones either
I kinda do, but you can be banned at any moment lmfao
W112 was fun asf, massive tank lines and so much shit in stockpiles and bunkers that you didn't even need to do logi
But nah, devs can't fix shit, so they "reversed" the rmat rates from broken comps
Snipers were stupid OP and you know it.
Only in the hands of someone who actually knew what they were doing. It was really great stopping a push as a sniper, or sniping tank commanders and watching the clannies fall back, or sniping halftrack gunners. It was the best.
I still play but I basically never do logi outside of taking a truck from somewhere and filling it up with bombastones because the front I want to fight at ran out

I just play frontline, building is gay, facilities are gay, I just blow people up and call them slurs on voip
the devs are retards but yeah i still play every couple wars
I uninstalled it a little while ago
Devs keep making the game worse, it's a perfect example of "adding features and then never fixing them and instead adding more features"
I had the chance to play pre-assymmetry when it blew up on /v/ in 21 and it was much better back then (barring actually good fixes like the camera corner normalization thing)
Sucks cause it did scratch an itch few games do but they keep making everything more annoying to do
With every update this game becomes more and more niche and clan ruled.

In light of that, i might play Anvil Empires since being in a late antiquity/early medieval clan system is probably the way to go in that game.
this general should've stayed fucking dead
Very generous calling a thread with less activity than your average /po/ thread a "general"
Interesting. They learnt how clans dominate Foxhole so they designed the next game around them. The game will be essentially a RTS where one player is in fact a clan cooperating against other clans for total domination.
I look forward to it since I prefer the medieval setting.
I dropped it some months ago and happier than ever. Clans become simply unbearable and devs lick they assholes deeper than ever. Now claiming resource field for clans is new normal, which before would cause them to being KOSed. It was last straw for me.
Anvil Empire sadly being even more clan-focused from very start. Unless you get your own group running, it's not worth it.
Next Anvil test when, and will it have more content besides farming wheat for bread? I've only managed to join a "real" battle once so far, and even then we ran out of equipment so fast it was kinda one and done...

I still like being mister medic on Foxhole from time to time, always feels nice saving people fron certain doom.
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no fucking shit its the shittiest game ever, the developers need to rope asap

they left their api open and fully accesible
>this game becomes more and more niche and clan ruled
>going to play Anvil

you hurt your brain bad hormone intaker
I played it since 2017. Over the past 3 to 5 months ive basically reduced my playtime and stopped. I think im finally free.

I dont want to say it is necessarily dead because other players may still enjoy this game but I'm generally not happy with how much grind has been added. But most of me quitting is motivated by getting addicted to it too much, to the point I stopped doing important chores. But all of the stuff about balance, facilities, logi being tedious as the maps get bigger, more lanes and maps to worry about, compounding with lots of other vets quitting means shit just starts to feel like charlie at times.

I liked a simpler game that foxhole was back in the early days, when wars were shorter. But Ive seen everything now. And tons of these wars are now won by pop, not necessarily by outplaying anyone.
>I liked early days
>tons of these wars are now won by pop, not necessarily by outplaying anyone.

assumed you're a braindead loyalists sitting in commander seat but still bitching about Svh being "too weak" needing an extra crew for 68

jesus dumb kid warden been outpopping for yrs but still bitching about nightcapping explains everything
Yeah, one or two dudes shutting off all infantry play on a front was truly really great.
>complains about faction loyalists
>goes on on a faction loyalist rant xerself
An underrated annoyance of this game is that, for whatever reason, it's a total fag magnet.
At any given time the team side chat will have furries, gays, femboys and more damn near doing ERP in the broad daylight.
Not to mention clan (literal and figurative) trannies with their usual power tripping nonsense.
I feel like the only straight nigga left in the game when i do play, and both factions have this issue it's not just one or the other
Yes. I did that for hours. It was very fun.
i remember when the techmaid shit started
all downhill from there
the average are still normal ppl
just fags/trannies being more talkative on world chat since they got no other platforms to cure their depression

anyway 40% of them would kill themselves sooner or later, talking about you xyara
I came back after not playing for a year and this game is still a buggy, laggy shit heap full of chinks, what the fuck have these guys been doing?
founder is a 2nd gen chink
at least there's less pedo trannies nowadays which seems like a change
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Big push on tempest
Nuke OP was a disaster you guys ass raped that destroyer so bad they gave up lmao
Just dont play as a warden.
I used to love this game... but then:
>Devs made logi an insufferable grind
>Devs permbanned me for saying that furries should be exterminated

How do I alt? I still want to play it a bit.
I'll never understand how relatively complex games like Foxhole become magnets for freaks
And now they just don't fucking work, I'd take them going back to their own ammo type if it meant they were usable.
I've heard a theory that any game with a social and/or non combat aspect (especially ones that give them power over others, ex: Foxhole and its resource bottleneck) draws in homosexual shitters as they'd get shut down in any game that requires skill.
I dont think that is a good explaination as combat in foxhole also requires quite some skill.

These freaks flood games because:
>They can have power over others, because they're treated like shit irl

But mostly because
>The game's rules protect them and enable their degenerate behaviour

But this is still confusing because in other games where they aren't protected, like TF2, they still display their disgusting behaviour.
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there is no AI to play against, it's all pvp, the game world is build by players
They do work but are now more niche instead of just turboraping everything.
>there is no AI
You spend 90% of the time destroying AI controlled boxes that automatically shoot at you.
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That's not what he meant you fucking autist. Duh there's AI but it's all player driven. Please tell me you're actually autistic. The amount of absolutely insufferable retards like you I run into in this game is mind boggling. Can you legitimately not mentally grasp context?
>majority insufferable retards in this game

dude you're walking into gay bar and complaining too many dicks
the hell you have a stick in your brain
That's the thing is a majority of people in this game aren't. But these facility larpers are something else. It's the devs fault. Back in alpha there wasn't as many.
I tried playing this game, but I didn't want to join some tranny's discord so I just couldn't do anything.
>I'll never understand how relatively complex games like Foxhole become magnets for freaks
it's pretty simple actually. look up empathizing-systemizing theory.

system-of-systems type games like foxhole (and factorio, paradox mapgames, starsector, etc.) appeal to the system-oriented mindsets of autism-spectrum people. autistic games appeal to autistic people, and troon/furry/etc. frequently coincide with autism. the more autistic you are the more you excel in these autistic environments and these people are some of the most autistic in the world.
Why are you mad if some autistic furry tranny wants to grind the absolute worst part of the game to provide free gear for you?
yeah go enjoy your 24/7 gay pedo furry erp while norms just want to enjoy some chill war sim game play
>but logi r freee
>facility grindset cost you 2hr for a variant now

find yrself a tall oak tree troon, do the world a favor
No refineries in the islands again huh. Was hoping to get a war with them but without the meme reverse ocean setup. I still don't get the point of the island hexes when they don't have victory points, valuable resources, or even decent logi structures. They need something unique so people actually care about them instead of them just being a containment sandbox for boat slap fights. Throw in some more amphibious vehicles and make the apcs less shit while you're at it.
>chill war sim game play
This is literally what everybody else is doing while you are obsessed with trannies (and likely either are yourself going to be one or just sexually attracted to them).
anon I'm a pedo and even I don't play this shit anymore. Modern logi isn't for anyone sane
but what is it about foxhole in general that attracts both trannies and anti-tranny chuds in such massive quantities? literally no other general has such an issue with this
i hate this shithole game so bad
why does every warden gun suck
why is warden chat filled with gay fucking homo retards
I just want to fucking larp
historically: because a game named "Foxhole" attracts furry faggots, they congregate on Reddit, they found out /vm/ talked shit on them and their video game obsessions and started raiding here, where they were eventually harangued into suicide
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>system-of-systems type games like foxhole (and factorio, paradox mapgames, starsector, etc.) appeal to the system-oriented mindsets of autism-spectrum people
Seriously, anyone who can get a group of ten players to redeploy to the other side of a hex to flank can easily win the whole area for the team. Even cutting logi get is useful. But noooo they just run straight into the enemy guns 100x in a row
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Foxhole status
>In the next update devs will nerf the resource economy even further, reducing the playerbase of logi players even more, to those who are into advanced CBT. Explosive materials will get renamed into explosive powder and general tank ammunition will take 2x more effort to manufacture because fuck you.
>We can expect more navalshit nobody plays except for well organised groups
>The world chat is still a reddit limbo for both factions where if you commit wrongthink you'll be criticized by the vocal majority, any discussion there is considered an argument, leading to a perpetual circlejerk like those you see on discords
>Clannies still rule the game which is not wrong in itself but they conflict with solo players by laying rail tracks fucking everywhere and building their concrete shitstates with a million gates on widely used roads. Every time the comp node refreshes it'll get swarmed by clannies like flies flocking to shit who will try to mine it out for their clanny tank columns.
>Rank still means nothing because it does not reflect the amount of time played, and the level which does, can only be accessed via the F1 menu. Clans will continue commending each other and inflating the ranks because having a FM in your clan is a topic to brag about for them.
>Look at mee I am a medic, I save people in Foxhole, I am the main character!!! Join my medic discord it's just like le red cross but in foxhole and medics!! Being a medic is my entire identity because I am a fat loser fag who plays foxhole 24/7 and browses Wikipedia for learning about testicular cancer!!!
This game was doomed before but it gets worse every single day, I don't know how much longer I can take it, it's like the only thing this game is missing at this point is secret occults that deal cp and it'd become a full circus that goes round and round and round. This is just depressing.
collective action problem
Shooting other people is the most fun part of the game.
>forgetting that they're probably going to make the world map even bigger by adding more fucking island regions.
I really hope that one day we go back to the 5 hex wide map. I miss it.
> where if you commit wrongthink you'll be criticized by the vocal majority
That's nothingburger. Real problem in chat is social credit. Discord clique can QRF downvote your post, and your chat access will be cut.
Agree on the rest.
What's the actual motive behind the explosive powder changes? The only actual difference is the transportation density for them is worse even if you use a resource transport vehicle. The naval resource hauler seems pointless unless they add significantly more/better resources to either coastal areas or islands. They should have added naval resources like the offshore platforms that generate tons of normal resources so that there would be obvious points of interest in every water area and a reason for smaller groups to venture into the water to suck off a big load of ocean comps/emats or something. Ocean territories are dumb right now because they have nothing that matters, at least last war they had facs/refineries. Can't believe we didn't even get any amphibious vehicles, gunboat variants, or buffs for apcs in this patch.
>[hward] furrynyanya: :3
instantly fucking muted
if they make it so you cant do fucking sea logi on your own ima kms
>Fun days = Nazi & Bigot shit
Fuck off
You Won't Be Missed
ebin post. seriously though /v/ermin days could never be replicated now because back then organized guerillas could destroy entire bases easily
t. doesn't know how to have fun
>trying to actually discuss foxhole in the foxhole general
I'll commend your bravery but scorn your foolishness, I'm 90% sure the regulars went offsite back in december and it's just the retards since
anyone else in the anvil playtest
Played once but couldnt figure out how to make a base and just gave up. Hope they make it more fun for solo.
To whoever makes those shitty glitched double gates, fuck you.
I have playtested the anvil tech test but not the prealpha
thoughts on the new update? i think the weather mechanics are a nice addition, but the new large ship looks like a complete meme. shit doesn't even have a crane lmao. the wind sock also looks fucking retarded albeit useful
The main problem with naval is that their is no real reason to fight at sea. Irl the value of having naval supremacy is to strangle the other sides ability to import materials, but in foxhole even if you get naval superiority it wont affect war production as their is so much on the mainland. I actually spoke to logi guys on a water hex and they hold me that hauling scrap from one island to another just wasnt worth the trouble and they only mined it for facility stuff.
Never get access
i would argue the value of large ships in foxhole is their insane accuracy compared to land-based artillery, as well as being more mobile and harder to counter. the subs are only worth using to kill ships that are bombarding you. in terms of pure naval combat you are right though, there's no real point and the island hexes are completely worthless
Island VPs this war, hopefully makes naval combat more common. Islands have rare resources now too, but I still think the islands should be packed with resources if they want people to use things like the bowhead. Changes to emats partially reverted it looks like, seems pretty pointless now except for the change to HEmats for 120.
It seems like almost every high rank these days can just sprint around everywhere shitting out bullets with pinpoint accuracy, really makes you think.
This game really is fucked isn't it?
early war is so fucking boring now why is shit so built up now fucking clannies i want my sovl ramshackle facilities and mammon rushes through the fields of terra back
The incentive to fight at sea is to deny/achieve naval bombardment of coastal defenses. Left unchecked even dessies and frigs can rape whole hexes.

Island hexes provide a QRF base to GBs if nothing else.
Nah, it's as fun as it's ever been.
what faction is everyone playing this war? collie loyalist here
Am kind of new, played a couple months. The game is fun but I do not enjoy doing front line infantry zerg. I have 2nd account to help drive vehicle because there are too many impatient players that can waste time by getting the vehicle destroyed. There are also a ton of autistic people that are too afraid/retarded to respond or properly communicate. The only annoying thing are the trannies who keep talking about homosexual sex acts endlessly but they are a vocal minority I hope. Most players seem to be proper gamers who can handle banter. The best part about the game is that the devs refuse to allow community moderators/GM in the game to lord over players/chat.
I only play collies because their medics have better looking helmets. I also hate the boxy backbags Warden have.
the majority of warden equipment looks terrible to me, except for their tanks which are pretty cool looking, BTs especially
Absolutely not, you just thought that because you were always on the receiving end.

>For starters, they functionally don't work at night; So thats half of the time during the game they can't use their range.

>It took quite a long time to aim before(even without nerfs) and you can't lead shots well or reticle bloom. So someone would have to stand still for a considerable amount to time in order to get shot.

>The rapport and position is almost always revealed. This game is extremely positional and fill with defenses and natural choke point; The maps are small. So you can't really maneuver much to re gain surprise, like in any other game or real life.

So in essence, the vast majority of people dying were either brain dead idiots standing around(still) in the open while there is a sniper. Or people using heavy weapons getting punished as they should(game balance). Ever since Sniper nerf, HMG and other heavy weapon meta just got stronger.
>why does every warden gun suck

Wardens have the best small arms. Hangman is the fucking best gun in the game. You probably suck.
wardens whinging about being gimped no matter the actual state of the game is an essential part of warden culture at this point, please understand
glad it never changes
anyway it's all gonna die with this dog shit game
peace out Blemish space boys

I have never played colonial faction in 2000 hours of my playtime
I hate american roads
I hate grass
I hate Thea Maro feet pics
I hate furries
I hate retarded russian pushes
I hate tanks without MG
I hate that you suck late game in most huge battles

Live Love Larp
Hail Callahan
>be warden
>see buncha empty islands in allod's bight
>prepare a barge and setup a sneaky BB on harpy's perch
>suddenly, a huge warden clan starts a naval invasion of scurvyshire
>they ignore my chat messages and my BB and go straight in
>they totally blunder and die almost immediately
>some even spawn in my BB cuz they didn't set a spawn, and immediately fuck off
>the collies are alerted and start swarming around the area, finding my BB
>there's now an LT on the island
>call out in chat, and to my surprise, 2 barges with tanks from TFG clan arrive just next to my BB
>the LT hits them and- they drive off.
>LT proceeds to hit my BB while my faction's tanks fuck off to god knows where on the island
>entire warden naval force pulls out while collies kill off my BB
sneaky bunkers never again
why are these players so fucking braindead
tranny game
there was really no reason to add material node farming into this game. just let buildings automatically shut out items and hexes have a set amount of buildings. still have crafting, still have logi, still have targets of opportunity, everything foxhole requires but without the part that simply isn't fun. why is it I'm such a better game designer than anyone currently making vidja despite having zero interest in making vidja?
WN at its best

btw those blunder or titan is not a new trick
WN mostly starts there with dumb larping base every update war
literally me when I'm partisaning
>This game was doomed before but it gets worse every single day, I don't know how much longer I can take it, it's like the only thing this game is missing at this point is secret occults that deal cp and it'd become a full circus that goes round and round and round.
Already happened lmao. Literal groomer pedo clans that got really powerful on both sides. With ties to the devs of course. They knew
Any idea what names I can search for or where I can read about this cursed lore?
Interesting that I havent seen anything about this but constantly see crying on plebbit about ~toxic~ squads that say evil gamer words. Honk.
I don't remember what they called themselves before they shut it down. Couple of the in game mods were shown to be part of some weird groomcord it's half of the reason why the devs silently did away with community managers for vote kicks.
I've noticed now this newer "waifu" clan on the colonial side is doing a lot of the same shit. Literal trannies imbedding themselves into all the major regiments they can and will post doxes on their discord if you dare wrong think in global. They have a whole channel dedicated to finding social media and other accounts from peoples usernames.
Wouldn't be shocked if this waifu group is the same exact trannies. Same modus operandi.
They were warden a war or two ago and swapped to col for some time. Yes I see a few of them constantly yapping and making weird sexualizations of the game and being unable to stop talking about being trans. They're very annoying but I do feel bad for them because they will never be a woman.
It is interesting how these types of people seek positions of power, specifically they seem to go for roles that allow them to police a community.
I'm thankful that the devs ignore their constant posts on reddit demanding to allow community moderators. I thought the devs were doing this because the last mod(s) were caught being corrupt/cheating. It is sad and disgusting if grooming was a part of the issue as well but at least something as grotesque as that may make the devs never be willing to allow any players to become mods no matter what.
Why cant people just right click>ignore? lol lmao
>Want to play the game.
>Can't do literally anything besides be infantry cannon fodder unless you join some troon's discord and give the pledge of allegiance to the trans flag.
Developers listened too much to reddit and discord faggots and not enough to normal people just looking to play a fucking video game.
you can also hit rocks forever to be less productive than clanfags if you want
learn to partisan, you need almost nothing in terms of materials
or don't, since that involves playing the game and that's a mistake
you can solo build a medium tanks,
you can solo build arty guns,
just stop being autistic and use your comms for crews since most ppl are chill unless you're having a chink accent
avoid clanmen at all cost
>you can solo build a medium tanks
That´s impossible. I tried building a tankette with my brother from scratch. We went to a scavenge site, scavenged some resources, hauled them to a refinery and refined them. We then took a truck and hauled our basic material to a construction site, only to be immediately gunned down by some random fucking clan the moment we got out of our truck. Apparently they claimed the construction site as theirs, and they didn´t speak to us at all, they just opened fire on us. Hour and a half completely wasted and I´m still pissed off thinking about it. You quite literally have to join a clan if you want to do something other than infantry pushing or logi, since clans apparently claim construction sites as theirs now.
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I see people post this shit constantly, but I refuse to believe it's true. I've never had any fucking problem with le clan man in this way. Maybe wardens really are this autistically bad and I've never experienced it.
In all my experience it's new player who can't read a sign, can't read a room, and couldn't read the agony on a dying person's face. And couldn't steal for shit and got caught.
Clans bullshit ruined Foxhole
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Honestly I love players like you, you being too stuck up to join a discord means I can continue to buy my extremely cheap tanks, ships and facility vics with no competition. Thanks!

Ignoring the fact that it took you 90 minutes to gather the materials for a single tankette and that this probably never happened, why did you decide to make an entire facility rather than using the dozens of public upgrade pads that are littered everywhere? I sympathise with anyone getting tk'd for clanfag shittery but you're making this so much harder than it really is.
I categorically muted all waifu tags and world chat instantly became much more tolerable. They are so over the top I genuinely thought for a long time they are some hardcore /pol/acks larping as trannies.
You can enjoy it for as long as the game is alive, I suppose. :3
well barely on its last legs
literally dead game during off hrs cause chinks and street shitters can't speak/respond at all

but yeah there's still some fun fights during update wars
Hey guys its been a good 4 months at least since I played. Is the game dead? I went outside today it was pretty nice out. I used to not do that very often when I played this game

you literally cant sneak in this game collies always have alts for intel and theres no option to hide the bb icon from same faction. even without that theyd find you.

When factory released, i (almost)solo run facility, and had my own train, and delivered around 150 tanks to fronline, as well as run public update pads.
Worth noting that i was jobless at time, and played around 20 hours per day, for month, which ended with me having mental breakdown over broken rails when i tried to deliver another batch of tanks.
But now, with clans claiming resource fields become new normal, i agree, you can do almost nothing. Foxhole become cancer.
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Will the eternal warden navy ruination ever end?
clan nigs would rather suicide waves after waves frigs/bs to PoR and claim it a Win(got tapped and lost lol) than releasing their stockpiles

there's like 300 tanks total in Tine lootbox at the end of war, guess who's been hoarding them

great job clan nigs, it's always a pleasure hearing GLA nigs raging and pointing fingers at each other when Viper Pit/stlican being penetrated
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Holy shit. I was putting up signs with our stockpile codes at the seaport three days ago when I knew collies would win within the week. I don't get this mentality.
What does LARP mean specifically in the context of this game?
Like, when does building a bunker or a facility etc go from just building something to being the nefarious LARP?
Never been able to figure this out
anything not meta not effective would be labeld larping
1 by 3 bunker not halbred? larping
Really anything not doing basic logi grind or meatgrinder front line is "larping". Hell you do partisan stuff or go on a gunboat you'd be called a larper.
Before my permban, I was once banned for 2 weeks for telling an obnoxious troon he should be in an asylum, about a day after it happened.
These people will mass report you if you don't treat them right.
>Don't repair you waste bmats
Fuck off, I build where I want.
Early war is such hell for bmats. Outside of day one that's fucking retarded though because there's more bmats made then ever used.
it's fucked up that it's still more efficient material and timewise to just let watchtowers decay and rebuild them
Kill yourself tranny faggot
I still play wardens occasionally. I always quit if i die tho. Got too many games to play
Never got into this game for the same reason I can't get into HLL. Soloplay isn't fun and I'm too autistic/no one wants to communicate
no one wants to communicate?
Most people I met always talked to you, it's one of the few games where players actually communicate, you were unlucky.
Suppose so. I'm not good at talking to randos either so it's a me problem. Wish I had friends I could play with
You can't really do much with just some friends, all you'll do is get massacred together, all you can do is join a clan.
Where would I even find one that isn't reddit? I've been wanting to play this game for a long time
Literally just play the game and ask.
go kys clan nigss
I started solo and enjoyed my time for 1k hrs
even ppl with room temperature IQ can do well just by checking some youtube clips or asking randoms at field

so go kys with you clannie BS
I'm not a clan nig, I was just saying that you don't have more impact on the war just by playing with a couple of friends.

Fuck the clans, furfags and just faggots who plague this game.
>Soloplay isn't fun
It was back in pre-alpha, and like couple years ago still. But devs ruin soloplay with every update, sucking clanny cocks non-stop.
True, you can't sabotage your faction as efficiency with few friends as clanny do it, hoarding resources and then wasting them for memes or giving enemy lootboxes.
Thats not true simply having a second man when partisaning is the difference between your shitty rifles stopping the enemy logi truck or not. It allows you to use much less valuable equipment. Or, you can use tripod mounted weapons, you can run hit and run mortar ops more effectively, you can actually partisan in a tank and have the gunner shooting people youre chasing down. Having just one person to help is a huge deal, Id know because I used to have a GF who played with me and I struggle to enjoy the game without her.
I would have broken up with you too if you forced me to play this shitty game
>Does anybody even play this shit anymore?
Not solo. There's no point in playing if you're not part of a clan.
his girlfriend was definitely a man and probably still plays
stop sucking clannigs dick mate

you dont have to be that good as blicky or rustard but still having fun playing solo

fuck 27th fuck 420st, they're plaguing newbies already
Collies are infected with the terminal disease of trannies known as WAIFU. It's a literal fag regiment.
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>"You don't like me and my faggotry?"
>"You must want to fuck me :3"

>one schizo chud devolves the thread into tranny obsession
why does this always happen
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Shut up troon. We both know you're death cult clans dox and cry if anyone questions you. This isn't some conspiracy theory shit. There's outright tranny run clans
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come home white man
had fun back in the day but isn't it entirely chinks who play now?
it takes two to tango senpai. one baits, everyone else replies.
Based, excited for #2
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I play it
but only to micspam my shitty music and TK sois
game was so good with the /v/ermin
everything except logi and PVE is a larp

stop larping and do something useful for the front instead
I'm actually just trying to get into this game.
Hail Callahan,Hail Wardens, Fuck Collie niggers troons and fags
I quit long time ago, glad didn't waste too much time.
I miss the reporter guy.
>most of their terminally online officers gone
wtf happened?
I haven't played in a while, but I'll never forget a group that was there with me on some island far to the West.
>About six or seven of them.
>Squad leader was putting on a stiff upper lip British accent.
>Everyone was digging trenches, fortifying positions, had me on sentry duty high up the hill.
Kept that up for a solid week before we were overwhelmed.
sounds like a positive memory, better never play again to keep it that way.
I have a great many. Having a RPG Ambush go wrong in War 93, accidentally mortaring on the Boombox Guy in war 98, singing with a goblin so we both got hit with arty.
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That slug fest in Stema was brutal. Warden navy has eclipsed the CCF in every way. It's a matter of time before burn-out kicks in and they take fingers and stema. Reavers and origin are a fucking joke of facility larp.
Collie navy has been utter trash this war. Its like they have a competition who loses most DDs in the most retarded fashion possible.

In other news, I'm getting more and more hyped about Anvil with every devblog. If they manage to make it mechanically fun and create good PVPVE content I think I can finally sever any remaining emotional ties to EVE Online (Foxhole already made me not wanna play EO anymore).
>I'm getting more and more hyped about Anvil with every devblog.
kys troon
Seriously, seek professional help. Trannies seem to be living inside your head, rent free.
What a retarded thing to say. There are plenty of fronts always far away from refineries.
Not to mention, if a base has 1k bmats left, you keep those bmats in case arty starts shelling. Situational awareness is lost on you.
You lack situational awareness for not grasping repairing is more important than building. And for not grasping my other, admittedly vague point, that there's tons of shit in the back lines it's just a lack of forward logi at times.
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Another day, another war, another person bitching about logistics. War. War never changes.
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>I'll never understand how relatively complex games like Foxhole become magnets for freaks
It's a combination of these games being massive time sinks, autism, being terminally online (because you're gaming/discord 24/7). It fucks people up, and the younger you are, the worse off you'll be because of it.
With Foxhole, I think it's pretty cut an dry. The whole thing is larp.
>the actual game
larp as some military/logi expert
larp with your 'internet' personality
>being a tranny
the larpest of larps lol
Foxhole is like a way more complicated and energy demanding version of the old HTML games. Stuff like turn based RPGs with combat and clans seemed pretty innocuous, but if you spent enough time on the forums, you probably ended up in IRC. And if you ended up in IRC, someone probably showed you the 1000 hour spreadsheet they made, filled to the brim with more autism than you ever needed to know about the game. Then you find out there's clans with script kiddies running macro recorders while AFK, min-maxing production and trade, based off their own 1000 hour spreadsheet autism. So the disparity becomes massive, and you realize 'nothing ever happens'. Everyone has tons of resources, but there's no wars or anything long term, of any substance, besides 'the larp'. Even if there was a war or battle between clans, it would last maybe an hour. Then everyone would go back to the larp.
That was over ten years ago, and the only thing that's changed is that these people have the additional baggage of being some weird mixture of coomers/trannies/political retard. The nu-forums is reddit/discord. But the same gatekeeping mentality where they want to pigeonhole people into the larp hasn't changed. Even the spreadsheet autism is still there, but with blueprints this time!
>i wanna be an arms dealer so come on discord and larp with me
>rmats for tanks
>i'm not like the other clans
>this is where i keep my mental illness
>*shows you spreadsheets and blueprints*
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>some russian new player steals a harvester and some c mats
>I get accused of alting to steal from some coalition a hex over
>some russian new player leaves a tank or gunboat out for a partisan to steal
>I get accused of alting every missing tank and harvester by the enemy clan the next hex over
Fuckin a this game makes autists into schizo levels of paranoid.
>So the disparity becomes massive, and you realize 'nothing ever happens'. Everyone has tons of resources, but there's no wars or anything long term, of any substance, besides 'the larp'. Even if there was a war or battle between clans, it would last maybe an hour. Then everyone would go back to the larp.
Excellent analysis, don't play video games ever again after reading this.
what gets me is some of these nerds hold grudges over the most petty shit for weeks, months, years after I get into a stupid argument about something in the game. To the point where I have no clue what I said to them. I tell them they're gay and their idea sucks and forget about it
its not going to be like EVE online there are things called eras and its basically foxhole's wars
the game would have been great as just a persistent game forging history and shit but they decided to shoehorn in a mechanic from foxhole for no reason
multiplace script? fuckin building
>That´s impossible.
I didn't played since first war that introduced facilities. But in that war i run facility, had my own train, and produced around 100 falchions from which around 20 was updated on facility. And that's all 85% solo, giving i really go all out on this on, and burned out.
Before facilities, i could produce around 100-150 falchions with no stress on my side.
Now, i can believe that clans fully privatized components, but before that, it was rather easy to make single medium tank.
I think they are, for a good reason, afraid that EO style full persistence would lead to stagnation and players optimizing fun out of the game by coalescing into gigablocs.

Server wipes also make people play a lot riskier because you might as well die in your tank rather than let it rot in a stockpile. This is kinda refreshing compared to EO especially with its culture of even the PvP community generally ridiculing losses and risk taking and >fun getting replaced with jerking off on killboard stats (I'm guilty of all this).

Total NOD death
Total 420st death
>Total 420st death
It's kinda hilarious how bad they are and it's 1000% because they have zero leadership. The members range from salty vets who just want an extra gun with them to "fresh off the boat" recruits who have more hours on YouTube guides than the front. Genuinely love watching people lose their shit because these idiots are just being new.
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I played it when it first released in beta. I actually made some tutorials early on for the mechanics since it was confusing for new players. It was extremely fun but they've made it so complex and slow that it's not worth playing.

I wish they would release something like a 20v20 or 50v50 mode on a small map so you can get to the fun parts of the game without all of the slop.
They've needed a simple 20v20 deathmatch mode for years to help with the queue tism and with new players being unable to learn shit.
Wipes also encourage players to return. For example if Tarkov didn't wipe the game would be completely dead.

I remember having so much fun in the first public war back when basically all you could build were barricades. We made it all the way to the enemy base and won. Then the devs ignored it and said their favored side won the "first ever war" the next day.
They should have drop-in queues for periodic skirmish/raid fights in instanced smaller maps with preconfigured bases/resources. They could have naval battles, tank fights in open plains, urban combat, underground/indoors infantry fights in close quarters, battles focusing on non-tank vehicles, etc. Basically either unique setups that aren't really possible in the natural flow of the game or quick access to fun fights with setups that are rare or hard to get involved in. These battles can spawn more frequently as queues become more clogged up. They give players something to do when the fronts are full up and also let players experience more of the game and learn to drive, use artillery, use boats, etc without having to make a mess in the main war. The winners of the skirmish fights can get a resource/hardware delivery or some other kind of minor advantage for the main war. Have separate skirmishes for solo/small group and for regiment play so organized groups don't just free farm the instances against unorganized randos.
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Any old /v/ermin here? I miss my rats.
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>Wardens were the absolute chad faction
>Collies were the dedicated predditor furfag faction
>Racism and friendship winning wars despite obvious dev bias against le racist 4chan wardens
>/v/ermin squad was both a legend and feared
>regularly fuck with clannies
>get a streamer banned by nigger sniping her
>Dedication and brotherhood uniting even the normies
>Mods are helpless as they can't just ban half their userbase that was united in the warden faction
>Developers themselves cheat in collie favour by spawning landing ships and suplies for them
>Be the bane of collie backlines fucking driving into their logi zones with heavy tanks
>The single reason for every warden vehicle getting nerfed at that time
>Steal 3 prototype ballistas and be the first faction to ever field it in the war utterly smashing massive concrete bases
>we're african warlords
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Almost forgot
>The devs are creating fucking mechs for a shitty event instead of fixing their game
>Rats win the fucking war so fast that nobody can research them
>Devs just restart the war to show off their new "content" the win doesn't count
>Rats do it again and win even faster this time
>Devs have an absolute meltie
pic unrelated
What is this retard cope revisionism? The wardens and /v/ermin were always the secret darlings of the devs. They constantly sucked you guys off and let you get away with anything.
>Quite literally cheat for the collies
>Spawn more ressource nodes for collies
>Collies once got an invincible tank from a dev and it took almost a day before the devs reacted
>Caught spawning ressources for the collies
>Once spawned a landing ship for the collies because it'd make a quote "fun event"
>Buffed ammunition factory hp because rats managed to sneak a mortar into their backline and destroy it
>Reset important frontline sectors after wardens conquerd it back into collie control
Hello newfriend. I don't blame you, you only came around last summer or so after all.
>bunch of unproven schizoid shit
>balance stuff that still goes on to this day like a wet conc buff for the wardens mid war
You're a retard lol. I swear both sides play this faggoty ass game of NOO THE DEVS HELP THEM BUT HATE US
It's faggoty ass victimhood. You're probably one of those nobody faggots who clout chases on being in one /v/ermin raid and still jerks off to the memory.
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You're a fucking newfag I quite literally don't give a shit about your opinion.
Foxhole ARPG would be cool
>What did you say about me you little bitch, I'll have you know I was the top of my class in le seckirt 4chin epic gamer warclan
Most pathetic thread on the site holy shit
And that retard is so full of himself he'd never believe it's three different people calling him a faggot.
Jokes on you, I like this game

The only one without microtransactions and with a huge ammount of adults playing it in 2024
Not trying to sound like a trannycord larp clannywhore but I want to do the larger-scale Foxhole stuff without having to interact with the game's huge autistic faggots who don't inhabit this god forsaken board. If you feel the same as me, join me in tha 'cord. We'll be doing tank stuff soon :) https://discord.gg/cDzY4KAa frens only!
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>larp as some military/logi expert
>larp with your 'internet' personality

I played Foxhole for 1000 hours before my ban and I genuinely NEVER played it this way.
I always alternated between fighting for a while on the frontline and contributing a bit to logi(I like how delivering some shirts, grenades and ammo allows my team to hold for a few more hours).

No larp, no autism, I just enjoyed contributing to the game's war effort, helping noobs at times and talking about dumb crap with other players.

>1000 hour spreadsheet autism
It's sad how people anywhere would spend so much time grinding stuff in just so they can hold some kind of power within a videogame
I feel like there's a difference between actually knowing something/enjoying a certain style of play and being an insufferable larper. It's just retards can't differentiate it. Like I really enjoy the Talos but people treat me like a fucking retard faggot for playing with it a lot. Fuck off niggers Im good at it and can supply my own.
Common belief of a weapon's quality is common in every game, not really a relevant issue in Foxhole compared to the rest.
>Like I really enjoy the Talos but people treat me like a fucking retard faggot for playing with it a lot
They are true, though. Larping in tanks and especially giga niche tanks like Talos is one of the leading cause of frontline failure.
A few people using niche veichles is not a cause of frontline collapse, instead it's:
>Hoarding clans that don't share equipment
>Different amount of people who play when it's night in Europe
>Clans not playing during a particular war(big problem since devs make logi more clan based with every update)
>Lack of communication and cooperation between players

A few "wasted" rmats and sulfur are nothing.
bumping because I still play this shit game

Death to all warden nigger subhumans who turtle for 25 days every fucking war and then do le epic counterattack and have their terminally logged into reddit tranny propagandists spam on every platform FOR CALLAHAN!!!!XDDD HOLD THIS L BROS I CANT BELIEVE 5 SGT RANKS HELD OFF THE WHOLE LEGION SO BAD LOL!!! COLLIES GIVING UP!!!
trash faggots dont even try to attack for half the war they just waste your time and then claim they are on break and not playing even though you could go to any front at any time and watch 50 collies under the rank of Sgt getting seal clubbed by Maj. Gen. ( V ) giantfaggot69
i hate wardoid niggers so much its insane they are such incels
Forcing enemy chinese players at gunpoint to help us dig our trench in the enemy road was funny.
I can't believe some people still act like one is better than the other.
>Warden are genuine faggots who keep talking about crossdressing
>Collies are furfags and pussies who look for any chance to report you.
>Both rely on pathetic clans full of autists

Both suck and the only reason the game doesn't die is because it scratches that itch that Planetside 2's death left.
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You'd be gang lovin'd by chinese clans now if you tried that. Absolute funniest shit I've seen was the Russo-gook civil wars on the collie side. Fucking ten ivans standing there having to seethe and watch as their facilities were demo'd and insane amount of supplies stolen.
I've seen big boy american clans say nothing out of fear of it happening to them.
A group of russians once tried to get the hex to mass report me for alting because I took a wrong turn with the logi truck and almost ended up in enemy territory.

These autistic Ivans deserve the bullying.
It was typically like 2 majors and the rest sub-WO1s in a hex, for real, though, lmao. Currently blue team is back to being pretty vet stacked and it shows.

I've ragereported people for less desu.
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All the warden swappers on the collie side this war keep telling me the blueman lack any of their infamous vets and clans. I really don't know what to think lmao
Collies were also filled with noobs, unranked and cpls literally everywhere this war, vets did exist but as is tradition on green man they stopped logging in after burning themselves out and having meltdowns over partisans
this could have been true earlier on but it is definitely is not true now, the allods push earlier was a ridiculous vetstack, collies had no chance we got steamrolled
shut up bitch you have the same terminally online retards doing every bit of annoying thing from trying to claim all wardens are evil racists and should be exiled from the community to fireblade reddit gaslighting, crying about submarine turn speed to cope for your entire faction's lack of ability to win a single naval battle that isn't 'half the crew just crossed into this hex', you have secretbismark making every fucking relic and core in stonecradle and moors immune to artillery fire with high foundations and rails and you cry about muh stalemate. You exploiting bitches almost had us when you put invulnerable 150mm guns underneath vehicle mod stations up on raised conc foundations which needed like 300 direct hits to kill before we could damage the guns - luckily we went around and cut off your shells.

You little brazilians drive around on your argonauts with top offroad speed (LUV cant even catch you) shooting lunairs at every pillbox and t2 bunker while I try to stop OCDT braindead warden noobs from leaving their tanks in non AI from getting wrenched and stolen by you little goblin bitches.

Next update theyre going to patch you exploitnigs into the dirt and your lack of skill is going to show itself once again. Also, your so pathetic and weak you currently all gave up which means you are such sore losers you cant even have fun fights on the defensive.

Your hatred of fighting V and highranks comes from them killing you in an infantry fight. My hatred for most of your team (MSA, 1CMD) comes from them acting like complete faggots both in and out of game.

at least this guy gets it. theres insufferable people on both factions. luckily I found some people who dont suck on wardens and I can say whatever I want out of game and no ones gonna try and ban me.

there are many new players on both side this war. for a little time I played infantry and dominated so hard I basically held a bridge alone vs a horde of lowranks
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lmao another retard crying that the other side has the better toys. It's fucking tiresome. I was hoping if I went wardens for a while they'd not be such cunts but here we are.
Wardens subs are better but the collie navy is also shit. Collie default jeep is better but it has an open top so it takes one guy to burst fire the driver. Do you retards not grasp asymmetrical autism?
>crying about other side toys better
I didnt do that at all, you imagined that in your head because you CANT READ YOU GALAXY GAS HUFFING RETARD COLONIAL CRACKHEAD

Get it through your thick head the collie navy is bad only because the players like you are DOGSHIT. Like a bunch of children trying to play FUTBAL and they all try to charge the ball and kick it - no passing, no communication, no teamplay. Wardens almost always talk to other naval groups, or invite others into discord or have officers aboard other ships to relay comms and info, or just spam intel chat to relay location and urgency of colonial large ships doing stuff or heading places.

Ive witnessed your crews not wear gasmasks, not know how to hold W and lay mines. But oh no having a destroyer totally rape the wardens uncontested with arty isnt OP enough.

>jeep is vulnerable to getting shot from the sides
Literally doesnt matter when you are using hit and run tactics offroad and nothing can catch you AND you can have 4 fucking people inside. Maybe a 4v2 with equal LUV speeds would be balanced because of our closed top.
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Dude I've been dedicated anti-partisan since 2016 and I can say neither side has any advantage. You're a fucking retard who despite your saying hasn't seen both sides.
And I might be a crackhead but at least I'm awake enough to see past your humble bragging retard gaslighting shit.
And yes the collie navy is shit what a shocker there this war proved it. But they gave up because of the Nakki. I know because I've heard nothing but bitching on CCF about it. But they're both cowards for not trying to utilize what they have and you're a retard for avoiding the issue of asymmetrical warfare leading to massive skill issues when one side requires it and the other can do whatever.
Fine I'll play colonial for a year and I'll probably come to the same conclusions it'll be like clubbing seals when I get lunaires and argos and a kit that dominates for everything except for white ash.
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People moan about the lunaire but the cutler does the same work. If anything wardens have it easier with their malones and cutlers for whipping front line stuff since it has a higher damage output. Only bonus for the lunaire is that sweet arch for firing over tank traps. Same time, it's not hard to fire and hide with a cutler. Do you have any clue how many of my wts have been hit and run by wardens using the same tactics but not being cunts like you?
who the fuck uses cutlers on watchtowers
Someone with a big enough brain to know you can take out 6 with zero struggle. Sounds like you're just too fucking dumb to use the tools you have to their best advantage due to some mouthbreather concept of wasting resources when the greatest resource is wasting other's time and energy.
Anything interesting come out of 420st recently? Last I heard were the Sigil map leaks and depolyment drama from war .. 115, 116?
How recently do you mean? Basically everyone despises them for choking out fronts from any actual useful players and being absolute retards all around.
They should add offroad motorcycles and make light vehicles in general have better offroad performance and be easier to repair. Tanks should be less mobile and harder to repair than half-tracks and ACs
...iScouty, that you?
It's a really cool game until the moment you have to actually try shooting at someone. Isometric shooters where there's not a 100% accuracy are terrible.
theres some camera wonkiness with aiming in some areas (near cliffs or the blemish or beaches) but usually its a skill issue. Now usually in most situations like a man ontop of a rifle garrison or a man standing in a trench you CAN aim at him by pinpoint aiming the cursor on his player (instead of aim anywhere behind him). There is still the full cover thing you have to overcome in the case of a trench.

But cliffs and other terrain's hitbox colliding with your camera makes it aim at that instead of your real target. And now with naval since they have this negative Z axis shit and try to prevent you from aiming too far down into the abyss it can make your shot horizontal and someone can sit at the edge of the beach untouchable as you fire over their heads, and unable to hit motorboats too if you arent closer to the same Z axis point as them and it fucking sucks.

I do
Lambda best clam
It's over.
But what about all the land and sea stuff that's fucked up?
Infantry update looks like it mostly just adds extra burdens to infantry play, making melee unwieldy instead of just oneshotting people with the bayonet, facility locked new weapons, anti-infantry mines, no logi improvements. The only real fix is being able to climb out of t3 husks and simple QoL shit that should have been in for years like map search and loadout equip.
It's joeover
But have you heard about the cool new planes?
what about it
Such a shitter update. Half the shit they brought up was fixes to placeholders like the shotgun or outright bugs that should have been fixed years ago. The new stamina system sounds poorly done to say the least.
Those new AT guns look like ass. Except the colonial sniper one.
I do not relish the idea of stepping on antipersonnel mines in every bush and doorway forever now
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for context
Holy shit they're actually gonna do it.
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i wish we've gotten some infantry life visuals and audio update like tinnitus and muted audio that comes back when an artillery shell lands next to u or some non interrupting animations that would have your soldier slouch or turn his head away when suppressed and shit. also exploding trees and better explosion effects. game is getting a bit old. maybe in foxhole 2.
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I thought this was a dead game walking, we are so fucking back.
Game terminally pozzed by clans. If they not get purged by devs, this update is worthless.
The devs really support clan gameplay for everything that isn't basic infantry jobs. Logi is a nightmare unless you play in clans - some ressource fields get entirely claimed by them and they're endorsed and allowed to teamkill if you dare take their components or build your own oilpump. Facilities are an ukeep nightmare for solo players and will shackle you hours to the screen every day just to deal with the decay. I really hate it.

I don't mind the fact that more people can achieve things faster together but they're locking solo players entirely out from content. Just give dedicated players to option to do their own things albeit slower instead of making it utterly infeasible to experience certain aspects of the game.
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>haven't played in ages
>usually played collie
>switched to wardens this war
>1v3'ing against partisans with zero help
>asking for help in region chat
>accidentally identify partisans as 'wardens'
>didn't even larp and say 'collie scum' or some shit
>fucking full blown schizo meltdown in the chat
>get labelled as an alt
>witch hunt starts trying to find my position
>they find me
>i'm bleeding out on the ground
>collies are running around destroying WTs and bayoneting the witch hunt
>'oh shit there really were partisans, huh'
>watch the hilarity ensue while i wait to spawn
>region chat goes quiet for awhile

this game is like forgetton storage unit for mentally ill people
>Summer 2025
Man, was hoping for something sooner. Oh well. Infantry update looks ok-ish, will have to try it out when it comes out.
I haven’t played this game since a month after Inferno came out, in which all I did was mine scrap and coal. Give me a reason to come back. please.
lmao same thing happened to me when I asked if the wardens were salty about the white flask nerf. Immediately got called an alt.
There no reason. When inferno come out, i was running solo facility making free stuff for around a month, till decayed train tracks (i make my own train, and was making tank delivery (also made by me) in chunks) is not blown my ass away.
Sinse them it's become complete cancer with clans claiming resource filed becoming new normal. There no reason to return.
Why is it always some low IQ thirdie complaining when whites coordinate to make things more efficient? I've also yet to have met facility runners who haven't let me done whatever the fuck I want in their facility just by asking.
I swear. Even as a clanman we always let people have at our facility if they just fucking ask. It's the ones pawing around taking inventory to loot the place later we harass. There's no communication in this game for something so heavily reliant on it. JUST ASK YOU RETARDS.
I get it the clanman is hording resources to someone outside looking in but for myself I do it so I don't have to grind out everyday for what I want. I make a huge stockpile and use it for weeks. But some noob slav comes in and see a buffet held off to him and feels entitled to my autistic time. Hell I'd let anyone have free reign without a word if they just filled the coal liquefiers before hand
Can I get an answer from someone who can spell?
No, because magic is not real.
>with magic
Would it be kino?
Samefagging clantroon.
Yes, until clans privatize all fields with mana crystals,
I'm a bit disappointed Anvil doesn't have magic.
You're just a butthurt incel who can't into frens so you seethe at all the clanman who do. Seethe alone you faggot.
Every member of my faction is my friend, exept parasites like you, troon.
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lmao parasites. Whatever you insufferable faggot. I do more for public logi than you ever do across every war you've played.
You're the only one talking about trannies here. I firmly believe your obsession is because you either are or will soon be one.
Not that anon but ywnbaw and kill yourself trannie. That also makes him just one of many people calling you out - not the only one.
>I'm a huge faggot just like him tilting at windmills so there!
You're lucky the devman smiled on you peasants giving you the scorpion ease of access. But now you'll have to suck my cock for a 250.
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You may now proceed to "-Ack!" youself.
me when i click on a random logifags activity log to win an online argument
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>project that hard
Guess i am prophet that farseen troon being to cocky and make screenshot of random logy man... more than year ago.
>inb4 troon seething due me being slav
Your kind will never be welcome there, seethe more.
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>admits he's a slav
OOHHH that explains it all. You're asshurt about that comment. Well if it's any balm on your ass I genuinely despise the ukranians and russians equally in this game. You're both massive thieves and parasites.
The Czech are the only other slavs I've dealt with and for a country of whores they're all on the level.
This dude is an arty-whore and thinks he's good lmao
Thats entirely tanks and tremolas. Im a partisan terror.
Inb4 why so much friendly fire. Im an autistic perfectionist with my builds and help anyone who asks to demo. And my clan likes to engage in pistol duels for fun.
The iron age history autists screeched out when they added giant birds that defend the high tier wood gathering spots, anything more fantastic than that is probably not gonna fly. I feel like it's a wasted opportunity since it would expand the design space a million percent but I guess it's not in their vision.
>me being slav
Kek, called it. The tread is being shat by an autistic, tranny-obsessed, low IQ mongoloid пидop.
>tranny obsessed
>when there's a literal tranny newfag shitting up this thread
not that anon but get better material
I quit playing this game because of logi.

I used to love logi, you ever ask yourself "Who the hell is floating freighters down the river at 3AM in the morning to deliver hundreds of rifles to little pissant bunkers in the middle of no where?". That was me. I was doing that.
Logi was fun for me because being a real POG is nightmare hellfuel but being a POG in a game where I can stand up and go take a shit or have a snack whenever I wanted is actually kind of fun and relaxing.

They then made the fucking retarded industry and crafting system and fucked the game up permanently because everyone who was delivering supplies previously were now hoarding supplies so their discord friends could make tanks for themselves.

Literally, and I do mean that, they were building bunkers, walls, and bases around publicly available resource points so nobody but themselves could go get the scrap metal, the rare components, or the oil needed to craft the rifles, grenades, and light tanks, and instead just hoard all of it for themselves when most of them were only on during their timezones. If you were on outside of China or Brazil's prime time, you were fucked for collecting anything or getting any tanks.

Multiple times on Warden and Collie alike I've been a part of factions that started to lose because the front line was pushed far enough back to where it met the bases of all the Chinese and Brazilian guilds who hoarded everything on the map and thus made it impossible to ever get scrap or components again. You would go to a spot marked on the map for Oil and instead see a massive, indestructible wall preventing you from getting near it. Meanwhile partisans who didn't give a shit would hop right over the fence and blow everything up and thus make the guild quit the game, leaving their impenetrable walls and bases choking major resource nodes. Last war I played was 96 IIRC where this exact thing happened and the wardens collapsed overnight.
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What they SHOULD have done is have only a sample selection of light and some medium tanks be things that your team could build at their private factories. Everything else collected through a Requisition system where you would trade in scrap/kills/major objective bonuses for requisition tickets, which you could then buy at a major HQ and get shipped to the ports on either side of the map from a factory off-the-map, theoretically deep in Warden or Collie territory.

That way, you didn't have people hoarding major components of the war machine just so they could keep all the toys to themselves. Even if you didn't hoard all of the components or scrap, you could trade these resources for requisition, and those resources would go directly to completing manufacturing and industry objectives and providing supplies/guns/etc to bunkers. It's win/win and it prevents the fucking crying and moaning when, like clockwork every fucking war, a guild sucks 50% of the map's resources up for half of the entire war, doing nothing but building up to the biggest and best mega-tanks, just for it to get stolen and driven into a lake once the frontline moves close enough for partisans to have a crack at them. This happened in every war I was in, and unilaterally resulted in the guild quitting the war and the side losing most of their manufacturing capacity because these guilds camped the resource points and prevented anyone else from getting close.

Really, and everyone fucking told the devs this multiple times: setting up a system that requires creating inter-factional conflict in order to play the fucking game and see all of the fucking content they show in trailers, was always a retarded fucking idea and they're dipshits for doing it. The game when I stopped playing was just "Which side sabotaged itself the least" with nothing relating to how well either side was playing or how good their leadership was.
These are both true. You know how much of a stiffy trannies and furries get at being the King of Useless Shit No One Cares About.

This game was the pinnacle of useless shit no one cares about, and most of them got to stay home all day on neetbux and hoard their factions supplies between acting like commissar.
>Foxhole is like a way more complicated and energy demanding version of the old HTML games. Stuff like turn based RPGs with combat and clans seemed pretty innocuous, but if you spent enough time on the forums, you probably ended up in IRC. And if you ended up in IRC, someone probably showed you the 1000 hour spreadsheet they made, filled to the brim with more autism than you ever needed to know about the game. Then you find out there's clans with script kiddies running macro recorders while AFK, min-maxing production and trade, based off their own 1000 hour spreadsheet autism. So the disparity becomes massive, and you realize 'nothing ever happens'. Everyone has tons of resources, but there's no wars or anything long term, of any substance, besides 'the larp'.
Ah StarKingdoms. Thanks for that nostalgia trip into some of the first power-tripping faggots I ever met online who did nothing but be a drain on their entire faction with their autism.
i have never ever seen someone blockade off a scrap field, that doesn't sound real
comps and oil though? yup
Your idea sucks ass and is boring. Managing and building your own factories is actually fun they just fucked up the part where they made them exclusively accessible by large groups on top of making them dependant on limited map ressources.

They just need a logi system that is is accessible by groups of every size starting with solo players. Afterwards they need to either go hard on clannies claiming shit in the backline and ban their ass for a war or change how the system works and make sure every single person, every single individual can access ressouces on a fair rate without impacting other players and their ressources.

This can work in the frame of the current facility system that is alreayd quite good and rewarding simply by making stuff like oilwells or scrap mines connect to communal/public structures that spit out ressources on a per player (private) basis. This way large group can stockpile more things faster and therefore still have an advantage in production yet there's no reason to exclude the general public anymore.
>i have never ever seen someone blockade off a scrap field, that doesn't sound real
Depends on the scrap field. The double ones near Captain's Landing in Collie territory? I see that one blocked off every war.

>Your idea sucks ass and is boring.
No, it's literally the only way to do this in order to keep people from breaking the faction in order to steal resources. Making factories is fun, stealing resources for private factories no one else can use is complete cancer.

>They just need a logi system that is is accessible by groups of every size starting with solo players. Afterwards they need to either go hard on clannies claiming shit in the backline and ban their ass for a war or change how the system works and make sure every single person, every single individual can access ressouces on a fair rate without impacting other players and their ressources.
That won't stop them. You seem to think they weren't trying to 'crack down' on these clannies by adding the reporting system and temp-ban from building. They were. Clannies didn't give a shit.

It got so bad that people were buying the game on multiple steam accounts purely so they could sabotage the enemy supply line. So getting banned for hoarding a resource point is nothing to these clannies. The fact is: It doesn't make sense for a faction with decentralized leadership to allow any one group of players to have that much power. It was poorly thought through from the start.

This is coming from someone who played during the events of the grand cannon and remembering how cool it was you could make your own railway artillery to punch through the slog that Callahan's always turned into. That one moment of the war wasn't worth the other 99% where anyone who wasn't a discord fag in the big 3 clans didn't get to do shit.
And this isn't' to say I WANT the game to be boring, there's just no other way to do it and still keep the game fair because it's clear to anyone who plays the game that the clans will gladly break the rules and laugh about it, not giving a shit about any bans because they're clearly cheating to begin with.

This extends to having alts playing on the enemy faction that exclusively sabotage their internal political opponent's bases with the help of their moles. The idea of player factories is great when you don't have people who take the game that seriously.
>where anyone who wasn't a discord fag in the big 3 clans didn't get to do shit.
Sadly the devs seem to endorse this nigger behaviour and gameplay where a good 80% of the game its content and mechanics are inaccessible by solo players and small friend groups.
That's why I quit and won't be playing their new game, which seems to lean even HARDER into little fag groups sucking up all of the fun and refusing to share it with the other players.
I played an earlier Anvil Empires test and it was quite comfy for smaller groups of frens to do shit. And it seems they wanna double down on homesteads and trading with each other in the future basically having everyone make their own little settlement somewhere.
Also this will be the gayest, faggiest shit in the game. I can already see it. Faggots making alts to sabotage Coastal Guns were bad enough, but now little queers will start stealing ammo from Anti-Air Artillery guns moments before bomber wings swoop in and flatten manufacturing towns.
I'll have a look and see how it evolves. My only hope is that space isn't limited or it's not required to make mega fuck-huge towns and settlements to get anything done. Which would lead to the problems Foxhole has.
>be devman
>add feature so that you can't pull out more than 50% of a guns ammo unless you are the builder
They didn't do that with supplies and guns in bunkers already and this has been a problem since at least war 60.
Shirts already have it, you can't pull them out below a certain threshold. Idk how you could do it with guns tho since they're actual useable items.
It would be fine if it marked people who withdrew a certain amount from any gun/tank/factory the same way it marks TKers so people know they're now slow-walking loot pinatas who are ripe for righteous TKing.

If the devs were smart they would have marked for the entire team anyone who just happened to withdraw 500 rifles, 200 crates of bullets, and 100 grenades already with a big arrow so everyone knows who is doing it. But the devs aren't very smart.
Everything should just be buildable at statics and facilities and facilities should just use completely separate resources. They kind of tried this by allowing crafting pcmats, sulfur, and excavating broken comps, but since they're still the same resources then the clans still have the same demand. Large and small scale production should just have completely different resources and processes, add more small scale resources like the wreckages ie have salvageable wrecks in the water, collectable hidden stashes of crated supplies, small high yield temporary resource nodes in contested areas, just anything to move away from the current resource distribution. Having more options for logi and resources means less tedious and more interactivity
>salvageable wrecks in the water,
I still don't get why they haven't done this yet. They already have boat wreckage models just make it a random resource
How is that any better when it still puts 50% of the game out of reach of the majority of players? The issue isn't that there's not enough ressources for the facilities; the issue is that facilities are inherent content you can't do unless you're a discord fart sniffing clannie or a jobless husk of a human being. Even small friend groups have to deal with insufferable grind if they wanna keep one going.

All vehicle variants need to be entirely available in normal engineering bays and the mass production facility.
I'm saying that factories/garages and facilities should both be able to make anything, but they should use separate resources. The idea is to have large groups not hoarding the same resources that small groups and solos want. The facility resources would be more efficient but need to be processed/refined at facilities, so the entire resource flow is separate.
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We are so back bros, I can't believe it
There were definitely more than a few retarded super wars in those browser games.
I haven’t played since they added facilities, and I see they’re more prevalent now instead of less. Have the devs added any way to tell which ones are public, or something to avoid having to build one myself? Or do I still have to rely on public facility posts on the map that disappear after an hour?

Interacting with them was brutal when they first launched, and the map fucking sucked at signaling anything related to facilities.
I think there are signs now. Alternatively just take a peak at the clan autism discords to figure out where shit is.
There's this default keybind 'T' you can press to solve your problem.
The update war is gonna be wild if they leave all the non-ATG structure AT as it is in the test server.
The planes will come late war and be absolute garbage
Screenshot this
is there a /v/ regiment?

I want people to play with, I have no idea what I'm doing.
i haven't played with /v/ yet but i'm interested, i believe /v/ played warden but i'll always be collie
people have been asking this for fucking ages and nobody ever answers.
I wish there was.
There was once. IIRC trannies get too butthurt of it, and reported everyone they seen on spot to devs for any misstep or votekick without reason, til it's gone.
I can't decide which faction to pick for 118, help me out anons
Whichever you choose - you lose, at current point.
take a break desu
play a different game
I just got back from a 2 year break
wardens supreme
Anyone wanna start a LARP regi where we do nothing but use unconventional weapons, gear, vehicles and strategies?
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>log in
>"Your Report Got Some Fag Banned. Lmao."

By all means keep dropping racial slurs around me. I love seeing this little pop up every time I play this dog shit game. I feel like an angel saving some retard.
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>boasting about being a literal for free janny to siegecamp of all cucks
>i seethe at the word nigger
thanks for telling us, nigger.
I'm trans btw if that matters
People like this guy and clanfaggotey make me wonder if it's even worth to alt just to play this game again.
I was thinking about trying it just to play it again but people complain that things got even worse.
Is this game worth getting on sale? I'm wondering about the player count and which side to play as.
It's not bad, but with every update it becomes more and more clan centric, especially the logistics, and clans are full or jackoffs that take things too seriously.
Also the game is plagued by freaks and degenerates who won't stfu about their fetishes.

If you can put up with these creeps and are fine with part of the game being locked to you if you're not in a clan, then buy it on sale.

A suggestion: DON'T USE GLOBAL CHAT, or you'll get banned if you lose your cool like I did.
Which Anvil faction will my /vm/bros play?
>Also the game is plagued by freaks and degenerates who won't stfu about their fetishes.
why is this

This message should explain it.
>freaks and degenerates who won't stfu about their fetishes
Xhe's talking about himself.
Infantry combat feels even shittier than before, melee weapons suck ass compared to the old bayonet, shouldering and stamina changes make everything feel more sluggish, grenade nerfs are painful. It feels like they sucked the speed and momentum out of infantry, taking ground will be miserable on foot once defenses start to get built up
grenades feel about the same. melee feels terrible now. they should have allowed you to run with the club and swing at same time and give a bullet slow reduction when charging a heavy attack.
Back to the front. If you see a yodeling warden, that's me.
Does anyone know how to alt? I really just want to play again.
I remember playing a few months ago (althought at this point it is probably 1 or 2 years) and I was building a trench with my friends because we were getting attacked. We built a trenchline that we were using, then some random teammates came to use the trench. Was having lots of fun holding off waves of enemy infantry and light armor.

The clan niggers showed up, said our trench was in a bad spot, then teamkilleed us and bulldozed the trenches. They proceeded to mass report me when I started to rebuild it. That is the last time I played foxhole.
>The clan niggers showed up
>all go to shit
Many such cases.
this happened to me yesterday when i tried to dig a trench lol
Gonna pick this game up on sale

redpill me on the faction to pick
wardens are ancient white empire that is defending their ancestral homeland
colonials are faggots fleeing from a shithole they ruined and just saying "hey this ancestral homeland of yours belongs to us"
Although the actual differences between factions meaningless. They have different equipment, but the game boils down to
>dont join a clan, just be frontline infantry
>want to do anything besides carry a rifle, join a clan. And both factions clans are autistic fucks that turn the game into a second job
Both is completely pozzed by clans at this point, You lost whatever side you pick.
Been having this game in m sights for a while, how much fun is it as a solo player? How active do you have to be to enjoy it?
I already have an active friends group to play other games with so I'm don't think I can play this full time or integrate into a larger community.
But all the cool shit you see in videos is big operations by large clans, so I wonder if that's the only way to play the game
You can play most frontline roles solo and you cando basic logistics.

But since the facilities update a ton of veichles can only be built in facilities, which usually are locked to those who aren't part of the clan that runs it, making it hard for you to make your own stuff without asking the clanman for it.

Many times it's also hard to make any progress on the front without the support of a clan with organized attacks.

Only clans with their discord can possibly organize the cool operations you see on youtube.
You can participate in Foxhole as an individual but the whole game really benefits from being able to mobilize manpower towards a task. Even simple shit like digging trenches and exploding structures goes better in a gang of two or three. The best tool to reliably get into small group content is, you guessed it, clanman's discord. The amount of time and effort you sink into that is up to you and, because manpower is the most important thing, people are usually just happy to have you show up and participate. I've been burned out on this game since War 87; it's fun and worthwhile, but difficult to do sustainably.
>I wish they would release something like a 20v20 or 50v50 mode on a small map so you can get to the fun parts of the game without all of the slop.
this literally used to be a thing, they were referred to as skirmishes or something
You can do more than you think if you're willing to just speak up.
>Grab a truck
>Drive to TH
>Get everyone to join your squad and explain task on the way there
Same with digging trenches or whatever. Works especially well on the lower ranks, who have yet to be poisoned by the culture of the game and are still eneamoured by the idea of being a soldierman contributing to something bigger than themselves.
how successful you are at this is also a good test of your natural charisma
The Wardens are French/Germans.
The Colonials are American/Italian.
The Wardens are Blueberries.
The Colonials are Goblins.
Warden Women have big breasts.
Colonial Women have big asses.
>take a wholesome rvr game
>shit it up by catering to guildfags
yes but which has the less shit playerbase
And being bouy by EA to be the next Command & Conquer game, don´t forget about that.
Welcome to the internet and how truly it is, if you didn´t notice before...
Also broken as shit.
>There's no communication in this game for something so heavily reliant on it. JUST ASK YOU
There´s a think called languages, of wich a lot of people say diferent stuff that you.
>If they not get purged by devs
Evil AAA company: Hello there, free game state!
They both have the same: you either take part in clan autism or play with the plebs. There is no difference except in looks and equipment (90% of which you wont use unless you join a clan)
Whats the more Roman like one? I absolutely refuse to play anything g*rmanic looking or inspired.
There's this thing called google translate with the fancy ability to paste in images and have it translate it in seconds. I've been able to communicate fine with all kinds of people.
Playing Colonist on Charlie and I dont think theres anyone making anything bigger than light tanks on this shard
Learn spanish first and maybe I would care, anglo de mierda.
Light tanks is the highest tech level right now, new stuff unlocks every few days
Then why do I see wardens coming at us with bigger tanks?
Running partisan efforts is way more fun than fighting
I'm warden on charlie and we just got non-prototype light tanks today. You can get limited numbers of "prototype" vehicles from the next tech tier before it has been reached by spending rare-ish materials obtained while harvesting. If you see matte-grey vehicles with no paint then those are prototypes. So right now the biggest mass produced tank for wardens is the Devitt light tank with it's single 40mm cannon, and the prototype for the next tier is the new Brigand medium tank with a 30mm autocannon and machinegun turret on the roof.
ah I see

I think the issue is I was playing during off hours, we were assaulting Singing Serpents with nothing but small arms and it was pure hell. Then I got on today and we pushed out the entire hex with actual armor and artillery support. We're probably gonna lose the war but at least it didnt feel like a stomp today
>they're endorsed and allowed to teamkill
The devs adding a commissar uniform is perfect evidence of this even if it only applies to clans directly, add on that a clan can gang up and TK you and as soon as you fight back just mass report you into a ban.
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Remember that when the imminent "Pay2Win/F2P" thing happens to Foxhole, laugh at people like this.
>(90% of which you wont use unless you join a clan)
Great choice of marketing to show that stuff in the trailers, right anti-corpo anons?
>people secretly keep asking why this happens while they´re chilling repeating that the "community is great"
Pick it at 15 euros, and I feeling that is not even worth with that price.
>yes but which has the less shit playerbase
Both until is goes F2P.
No wonder that is getting infamy then.
I feel like every other player is some autistic 13 year old yapping in his mic
>collies on charlie have wardens mains from able going collie and destroying their tanks and supplies

as if we had it bad enough on this shard
Been thinking about picking up this game and been curious about how realistic it is in terms of front action.
What I mean is that as far as I'm aware in real wars the front isn't a big fight 24/7 but it comes in phases of big assaults with long pauses of just little skirmishes and scouting parties. Is it the same in the game or are the fronts 24/7 slugfests because it's a video game and there is no need for troop rotation and shit like that
Most of the time yes, although often theres a hex thats just an eternal slugfest

Assaults ebb and flow with the timezones of players and how often major supplies gets to the front
Think the Eastern Front from WW2. Constant action with the occasional Kursk, Stalingrad, Bagration and Leningrad-esque battle.
Very much, yeah.
>POV: You are a Foxhole developer and you
don´t know what a videogame really is.
whys that
That's never happening. Mostly because siege camp are too incompetent to rework the game that much. Took them fucking 2 or 3 years to fix the climbing bug. Maybe foxhole 2 will be pay to win slop but it's not happening to that or anvil
Plus they make more than enough money on government grants.
>That's never happening.
Should it wouldn´t anon, sure it wouldn´t...
Hopefully the team director commits suicide.
God was real, and he hate it us.
Glad that the European government grants aren´t such a stupid system as the Canadian.
Canadienses, a abrir la boca y a chuparla como las putas que sois, que el "ariete" español os va a dar por culo.
"Arasaka, what have you done?"
- Last word of a old canadian fag
>or anvil
To bad for them that Albion Online exist.
Charlie mogs Alpha in fun (unless youre in a front where a logi hasnt stopped by all day)
What are some good Colonial regiments?
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Good as in organized and dedicated to the game? Plenty. Good as in won't throw a tism fit if you make an offhanded politically incorrect joke or dare to misgender the husky sounding gentlemen? Good fucking luck. I'm in a fairly right wing cuckservative group and most keep their fucking mouths shut to avoid being doxed by so called friends and ally groups. Hell they'd probably silently throw me under the bus if I said something real bad.
I just want a group to play with on charlie
Are things really that bad now?

Sure, I was permbanned for being offensive without even saying slurs but I didn't know there's a literal Reign of Terror going on at the moment.
>Your studio is (intentionally) small and you just cant seem to grow? Wow, what a shame! Here, have some taxpayer money.
>Your studio is in Toronto? Wow, that must be so expensive! Here, have some taxpayer money.
>Your studio includes a smug gook, a chinless metis drool stain and a lisping hyper-faggot? Wow, you're do diverse! Here, have some taxpayer money.
And the government wants nothing in return?
Nothing at all?
>Having a fantastic defense of Gallows all night
>tons of fun back and forth in the trenches
>suddenly some sweaty clan enters the field, combined arms of infantry with good gear, tanks, and artillery
>still, we're barely holding on, and we have a clutch positioned 20mm mowing down wardens
>some random nigger comes up and gets in the driver position, no big deal I guess it'll help me reposition if needed
>IMMEDIATELY starts wheeling us right up to their trenches
>"dude stop pushing us forward, we're gonna get shredded by grenades"
>he TURNS US AROUND so now we're totally exposed to gunfire, we lose the 20mm, base falls shortly after

Holy fuck, this game can be such a rush for so long then take such a drastic nosedive when some bottom of the barrel 50iq mongoloid just shits the bed for the entire front
>picked up game during sale cause I've heard good things about how immersive it can be, on occasion
>do tutorials, think I've got the hang of most things
>drop into a frontline, figure I can be a grunt and maybe get some stuff done
>happen upon a busted up bridge with people just UNLOADING
>join the line, start to fire with a gun I picked up off a corpse
>get one or two hits, go down
surprisingly fun. I think the hardest part is not knowing what is what on the maps.
It takes a while to know what's what and to develop the sense to know what might work and what is a hopeless suicide. Bridge fights are almost always literal meat grinders and you're usually better off fortifying your side of the bridge than trying to bang your head against the other side. I like to get some motorboats and probe the other side, see if I can sneak in and shoot some builders/logi guys. The guys who are willing to sit and repair bunkers are the actual biggest obstacle to your advancement.
Lost a lot of good friends in this game to perma bans. Somehow I've squeaked by and learned to shut my mouth. I once questioned a troon in chat and had him trying to dox me going to my clan's discord and bitching to the CO. He of course didn't give a fuck besides the bad PR and dealing with insane larpers. There is discords dedicated to listing and doxing people who wrong think in global chat to this day. It's outright insanity. And it feels like every clan has that guy who wants to patrol everyone's bad thoughts. It's partly just modern vidya culture but also organized insanity.
Electronic Arts after watching the state of Foxhole:
>Here lies the goldbrick, I now go find more! If I find enough goldbrick, Electronic Arts´s gonna make the greatest Command & Conquer ever! Goldbrick, another goldbrick, another golbrick...
Another reason of why a lot of people doesn´t like to "socalize" in internet this days...
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NO WAY there are doxxing discords just for THIS game, it's reddit reincarnate!

So these insane permbans for naughty talk are more commonthan I thought. I honestly believed I was just very unlucky when I was banned.
Sad to see this because Foxhole scratches that itch I have for perpetual war and ww2-esque aesthetics...
Relax, Is just their marketing for their medieval war game, I promise...
Neither you, shitlord.
This kind of games deserves any type of AI economy simulation, F2P bussines, and any other shit imaginable.
You all fucking deserved at this point.
They have real lifes.
>>Look at mee I am a medic, I save people in Foxhole, I am the main character!!! Join my medic discord it's just like le red cross but in foxhole and medics!! Being a medic is my entire identity because I am a fat loser fag who plays foxhole 24/7 and browses Wikipedia for learning about testicular cancer!!!
The alting on Charlie is getting out of hand

why are people taking the side war so seriously
ESL schizo are you okay?
Are you, anglo?
>Front in Loch is getting pushed by tanks and infantry
>Our guys have no real AT
>Bring an AT gun all the way there, get it loaded with shells, finally get it to the frontline and stopping any tank advances
>A rando hops in the drivers seat
>Immediately pushes us well past our trenches into the open, and we get vaporized by grenades and tanks

Ruined my night, how do these retards manage to breathe
what did xir mean by this
They really should put personal warehouses, so any regime should save their stuff during a war...
Real alting hours
Daily reminder clanniggers killed foxhole
And the worst part is that devs made logi so complicated that clans are what keeps the game working.
If they stop, most of the more advanced logi dies.
That is called developers being lazy.
Not really, if they were lazy they woulsn't have implemented this facility mess in the first place.

Facilities should've been nothing more than a way to build supplies and veichles closer to the frontline, instead they've become industries for clan-exclusive veichles because of all the shit the devs added.
Just out of curiosity, is there PVE games with similar mechanics to foxhole, specifically rotatable camera and WASD movement?
this game is hard as fuck wtf
Less that it's hard, it's just very complicated and has a high skill floor, there's a bunch of shit you pretty much HAVE to know before you're useful at all.
The whole charlie/able split doesn't really help either cause it teaches really bad habits on charlie that people will yell at you/try to get you banned for in able.
me as a charlie trench digger that will build trenches used against me 20 minutes later
Just slap a sandbag on that bitch, every time I see some retard demolishing a trench for being "badly positioned" they could have just put a few sandbags on it and made it a useless deathtrap for the other team instead.
sorry its charlie so no one has any sandbags
what're you talking about, the only thing charlie has is people sandbagging
Good luck upkeeping it after putting the sandbags.
It will collapse in a couple of hours and that place will turn into an unusable mess
not hard it just became a discordfag game and became insular in a short period of time. Also has a big problem with people ghosting/alting that the devs won't or can't fix.
The alting is overblown by paranoid clanfags.
In my time playing the game I've only ever witnessed one, and when people talk about them it's mostly unfounded accusations.
If it was so common there'd be tutorials for it.
If you want more obvious examples make map posts on enemy positions and advances. I've had my posts straight downvoted while I'm marking partisans, big boats, and artillery. The dev won't do anything because this is the only way they can keep a paycheck.
you make it sound like its complicated

its just making a 2nd steam account, buying the game, hopping on the enemy side, and causing havoc
It's not that easy, the devs hardware ban players, your whole PC is banned from the game.
Are you sure your posts simply aren't being upvoted? Peasants in the game like the useless joke posts and ignore the important ones.
Foxhole doesnt do hardware bans
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Just hop out lmao. What a cuck.
They do, I tried alting myself and got automatically banned as soon as I tried to join the game.
I bet anti-personnel mines kill more friendlies than enemies. I don't think I've ever experienced more retardation in this game than the typical AP mine placement.
When there are too many map posts on the server in total you need friends to instantly upvote for it to stay I dont think its actually downvote bots, just shitty dev solution to too many map posts and the UI getting laggy.
They disappear instantly and I've literally seen them hit the -1 downvote. They are actively downvoting intel markers and with your lame excuses it's probably people like you.
is this game still worth getting?
If you´re interesting of how Shitard Camp are gonna to fix it/doing nothing/ burn it into the ground, maybe.
Otherwise, stay away of the game like a plague.
ok but devs explained it. keep the tinfoil on.
If I recall correctly, the file for this is kept in your app data folder. It's barely a hardware ban
A file?
I couldn't find anything foxhole related in appdata roamig or local, do you know a few more details?
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>7300 players right now
why the huge uptick in players right now?
>The dev company doesn´t had the same name as one of the triple AAA companies, so who cares, right gamers?
As long as alts exist there is no reason not to keep them on.
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>collie niggers collapse over the weekend
>collie coping they their naval larpers are fucking garbage
Total Warden Victory
can I have fun and build stuff without joining a clan? I played a bit in like 2017 and used to just solo logi with my truck or build a halftrack, get a random on the machine gun and just drive around. Last time I heard about this game was during the logi strike, but now it has suddently appeared in my yt feed, I'm curious about the new stuff but don't want to dedicate my life to it.
Clans own logi and building, you wont be able to do shit. Logistics has gotten more and more complicated, specifically so that only clans can do it and solo players are fucked.
If you build somethjing a clan doesnt like, or in an area they want to build on, they will take it down
this sounds awful, I get that it's an mmo, but it completely ruins the sandbox part of the game. The new medieval game the Devs are making seems interesting, in that game there are no fixed factions iirc, maybe I'll be able to play solo or roleplay as a small village of vikings with a small group of people
Clans shouldn't exist in a game like this. Realistically an entire faction should be directed by a handful of generals and a semi rigid chain of command, (maybe have generals be a voted position kinda like the commander in hell let loose, make players have a short election at the start of the war). Clans doing whatever they want separately from the war effort, sometimes even against eachother, and random grunts running around without orders completely ruins the point of this being an all around war simulator. The only time I've seen clans work in a perpetual war mmo was on Planetside 2, and in that game it at least made sense lore wise why the war became a disorganised mess with people creating clans inside their faction, and also there's no logistics in that game, which to work properly need clear orders and a chain of command. The idea of clans in this game is just dumb.
If they had literally any organizational tools inside the game this would be much less of an issue, it took the game's entire life cycle to get a searchable map. Having map whiteboards, better intelligence relaying, map grid indicators, literally any way of sharing information or organizing anything. The in game tools don't actually facilitate any organization at all, if anything they make it easier for clans to segregate themselves from the general populace.
>The new medieval game the Devs are making seems interesting, in that game there are no fixed factions iirc,
God some bad news for you, there are 3 fixed factions. And Anvil Empires is looking like it appeals MORE to clans with the homestead shit
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>schizoid 4chan hates the game you have to set aside your ego to work with people you don't like for a common goal
lol who'd thought
>newfag retard doesnt know the /v/ermin dominated foxhole before devs made autism changes that force logistics to be a full time job and same faction conflicts over resources
I thought the biggest change that fucked /v/ermin was making watchtowers immune to small arms damage, along with better AI defenses generally. Made getting a horde of retards together for on the spot partisan ops much less effective
Well, that and the game getting trannified so that /v/ermin kept getting banned
Well, that completely destroyed my hype for it. What's even the point of having artificial factions in a game like that, if in the end clans end up becoming their own mini factions anyway, just let players have their freedom, with bigger clans becoming organic, player made nations inside the game, and smaller ones being simple isolated villages and what not, why ruin it.
>wants to play an MMO
>does NOT want to interact with the community
Many such cases. So common that many MMOs have started to push "solo no trade" modes that literally make the game a Single Player game... that's online with other people. Just go back to CoD my guy.
A game being MMO does not mean it automatically has to be dominated by clans, especially one that markets itself as a sandbox. I want to be able to play freely and have fun how I want to, while participating in the community, instead if I jump on a truck to do a quick logi run I immediately get yelled at by a literal nobody because I'm "stealing resources", public, world map resources that should be available to everyone, If I build in a place where a clans didn't want me to build I get demolished, and If I take a (public) gun that I shouldn't have taken, or play in a different way from how a clan member wants me to play, I get shot at, and that's ignoring how massive parts of the game are locked and can only be used by clans.
I hoped that Anvil Empires would scratch that itch of real, free MMO where anybody can play however they want, where I could be a shoemaker in a village, or a soldier under a king, or captain of a pirate crew, or a member of a illustrious merchant guild of the biggest, (player made) city. MMO in the meaning that every character you see is a real person that's living it's life in game. Instead we're going to get 3 artificial factions whose actions will be dictated by a handful of overbearing clans, and if whatever you're doing goes against what they think is the best way to win war n°1237 then you can outright die and uninstall.
I'd love that too, in a sandbox MMO the devs should only give the players the means to create the game they want to play. Foxhole could have done that but is foundamentally flawed and now the devs only listen to the clan leaders and change the game for their needs despite how retarded that is, Star Citizen is supposed to be that, but right now is just a scam. A man can dream.
You wanted UO back when it was fresh. Sorry, bud, but Second Life and VR Chat is about as close as you're gonna get to your MMORPG fantasy.
We banned all of you nazi chuds and it was easy to bait you because you retards cant just shut the fuck up and whats worse is people warned you it would happen. Another colonial dub
>scratch an itch
>play how i want
>complaining about [other players] but wanting to be part of their "community" and "participating" with them
100% certain supposed clannies were trying to help you learn the game and you told them to fuck off while building something that'd end up just draining their maintenance supplies due to proximity to their facility.
You don't want an MMO. You want a single player game. Stop deluding yourself and do something with your life.
That anon's problem is he has a fixed giga autistic idea about how he wants to play any game regardless of its mechanics / vibes and when he bumps into the limits set by the game or the players he goes into a hyper autistic sperg mode and tries to make the universe bend to his will which leads to ridicule and exclusion. The only place he can pretend to be normal and in control in is anonymous image boards he can samefag and jerk himself in.

I love this game



Fuckin Lo fuckin trash pve warden
in lo pop (lo pop)
and fuckin pve new playerbase?

ye ye ye All u can do, lambda and V
guys y fuckin twash guys

u ar killin the game
if we lose this war the game is dead, u killin it

y-yea an-
hahaha (chorus)

u 250, gg ur base?
u 250 gd your facility

ye nice job guys, nice
what a nice behaviour you fakin vets
what a nice behaviour
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>mfw yet another war I have to forcefully demo some terrible base in a horrible spot that will hurt all the dedicated player's bases
People give us wardens shit but muh god the retards
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I think a game like that would be interesting, and Foxhole has certain 'corners' where you can do this. Literally never do logi and only build stuff on the front line. Maybe you can find some corner to build/logi, but clans are master level at building sprawl, locking their facilities down, then abandoning the entire hex. Maybe a scrapyard in mid-ish part of the map.
Do trench pushes, throw grenades, do a bayonet rush, etc. I can probably play like this for a week or two and scratch that itch. Then I'll go a few months without playing, because the remainder of the game is like another full time job. And clans are overrated, I've been in a few and it just feels lame;
>serious business guys check the discord and get the builds right!
>operation time guys let's spend an hour setting everything up to go go go
>oh no everything blew up but that's still cool and funny right guys haha
>shoots and mass reports a rando to feel better about themselves
...that's pretty much the experience right now. How's that saying go...'privatize the winnings and publicize the losses'? Especially when they abandon hexes but keep their facilities locked. Shit happened earlier this year when me and a bunch of randos tried to turn Terminus around before the Wardens stomped all over it. Clans wouldn't give up the oil fields or the scrapyards, but they wouldn't even keep up with msupps. Terminus didn't get the fuel/ammo it needs, hex dies. We could've pulled it off too, but there's too many spiteful cunts in this community.

>someone shares their interests therefore they're wrong and imma just gonna throw daggers

holy shit the projection
Also why are craters still invincible and an absolute cancer to remove? Devs were too lazy to add more than 2 variations either.
The damage gradient in this game is so stupid. Fucking tanks get these massive damage boosts and obliterate everything, but I can shoot a watchtower a dozen times and do zero damage. Grenades don't even damage trenches, not even like 1%, but then I jump into a tank, fire off two shots and wipe out an entire trench line lol like what the actual fuck.
Then everything related to infantry gets nerfed, 2024 was like the infantry nerf year in general...everything from crate size for ammo (no more gas grenades 4u), damage, accuracy. I was doing pve not too long ago and holy shit all the weapons feel so weak now and require an extra shot to destroy pillboxes.
I also died 4 times trying to disarm the same anti-personnel mine with a wrench lol. I don't know if there's a bug with those things but holy shit, every now and then I hit a whole colony that literally won't disarm. I could stand one pixel away from detonation, the thing won't disarm, then I say 'fuck this', and get blown up trying to walk away. You know, if I really wanted to fuck myself, I'd just throw a grenade and let the range nerf do the rest.
>operation time guys let's spend an hour setting everything up to go go go
>oh no everything blew up but that's still cool and funny right guys haha
>shoots and mass reports a rando to feel better about themselves
>privatize the winnings and publicize the losses
Foxhole if nothing else is a really good simulator of collective action/organizational problems, and typical group psychology coping mechanisms. There are so many pitfalls and ways for clans to be awful at what they do, but once you've seen one shitty clan op and its aftermath you've basically seen them all.
Do you not understand how the damage types work? Light kinetic working against structures would be fucking stupid and completely break the game.
You're talking about Wurm Online my man.
they should remove the ability to lock vehicles and buildings. Full stop. A clan is building and playing for the entire faction, not just for themselves. I don't fucking care about possible grifters, having the occasional random player steal """your""" truck is better than having clan monopolies when you're all supposed to be in the same, one big team. Since everyone in this game is supposed to be equal and there's no chain of command, they either learn how to cooperate with the entire faction, including non clan members and other clans, or play another game. The devs need to put a stop on the "privatization" in this game.
Every system that you have a problem with is there because you used to be able to get the game on a 2nd account and grief the fuck out of the other faction. Not saying they're any good but it's the natural progression of anytime you give the discord niggers a fraction of power over a video game.
Griefing artillery ops with gas was peak foxhole
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What kind of dork would find any of that funny? I've never played a game where I had such a visceral distain for the entire community. I genuinely hate everything about both sides
It's just a boomer larping, retard.
Loyalism is a weird disease reinforced by terminal discord use. They have no identity outside of this little army man game which is almost exclusively coordinated through privy courts.
Oh yea. I still think the game is fun to play every once in awhile, but the real diehards are insufferable.

I agree. Because what >>1560787 doesn't mention is that there's anti-griefing mechanisms in the game now, but the paranoia and locking systems remain the same. Imo it's even worse.
Sure, you're an idiot and drove into a palle or had to blow up a squad locked truck to get your own logi out....but the griefing issue should be solved.
>but muh facilities
Facility logs, right? This should be an open system now, were talking basic bitch spreadsheet input/analysis. That way you can separate mistakes from malice (noobs vs griefers).
Everyone used griefers as justification for locking people out and hoarding, but I don't think the clans and hoarders have that excuse anymore. Lootbox threads/screencaps are probably the most blackpilling. Literally the sole reason I'll never do serious logi again. Even running an arty crew can be a total nightmare anymore, especially when clans would rather watch their ammo and facilities rot and die before letting randos get shit done.
>by muh clan produced everything and imma larp as a libertarian about it
Yea just like it was years ago, clans camped resourced fields, boxed everyone out, and even killed people to get them out. Then they let everything go to waste in a seaport/depot.
Now it's even worse, they facility sprawl across the entire map to the point you can't even physically fucking walk into the resource patch. Then they faction lock everything, and they can just leave and never return. I've seen facilities linger on for weeks and slowly die off in the logi backlines, and nothing out of that area was accessible/usable.
It's especially maddening when I'm trying to find petrol.
>oh it's locked
>and abandoned
>and clan isn't responding to messages
>guess I'll have to drive across the entire fucking map to get petrol now
>come back a week later
>facility still slowly dying
>still abandoned
fuck dude.
Not really, infantry can knock out 1, maybe 2, watchtowers with one box of 12.7 machine gun ammo. So scale it from there. Sure, it takes 50 magazines to knock out a watchtower with a pistol, but let a man dream. Most defenses out range infantry, so that balances things out.
If 20 people shot at my house with 7.62 for twenty minutes, I'm pretty sure they could knock it down. And my local hunting club bans buckshot at certain ranges because it obliterates the wooden frames (and trees lol) used to hang targets.
So yea, it makes to me at least. Besides, what kind of fucking wood are they using in Foxhole anyways? Even an uzi could knock down a shed with enough ammo lol.
Gas spam was peak foxhole in general, probably one of my favorite reasons for playing colonial. Reducing the crate size from 10 to 5 still goes down as one of the worst updates I've ever seen in a game.
shoud've increased the crate size to 20, fucking pussies
For me, it's getting shouted at in Russian and then teamkilled .5 seconds after for getting in the way.
this game reminds me of company of heroes, are there other games like this with logistics side of war to take care of?
....so hows the war going fellas????
That's how it worked before and it was glorious to raid deep into enemy territory with the bros.
Charlie Shard rant time.

The worst kinds of players are mid-ranks. People with missing experience who think they know it all and order people around based on their flawed presuppositions.

Today, I was driving a bardiche that I stole from some low-rank collies. My tank crew consisted of an ocdt and ssgt.

They ignored my wishes for them to carry bmats so that we can REPAIR.
They flat out refused to load the gun with me.
They kept shooting infantry and structures with 68mm.
The ocdt (he sounded like he was in his 30s) didn't even know what a fucking bardiche was, or that 68mm doesn't deal much damage to structures (he kept wasting the shells anyway).
The commander (ssgt) just didn't give a fuck about surveying or giving directions and did whatever he wanted.

We still managed to kill 2 tanks that I spotted out of position, so they were riding on that high.
We were defending West Gate, which just lost an SHT to their SHT. The first thing I did was retreat to the south, and the ocdt just fucking bitched and moaned about my decision, because we should "at least try" aka waste your tank while feeling like you've done something.
I literally pulled out AFTER every other piece of armor died, and this fucker really wanted me to solo.
He (ocdt) literally wanted me to push into arc AT emplacements to tickle them with his 68mm.
And he kept bitching about every micro decision I made to make sure the tank stayed alive. He also bitched about infantry for "not doing their job", despite him not even knowing what a fucking 68mm cannon is used for.

And these motherfuckers talked all the fucking time. It's not that they don't want to communicate, they're just ignorant, self-obsessed and lazy.
I remained civil and kind throughout all of it, but it pissed me off so much.
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> an ocdt and ssgt
lmao I don't even treat them as people until they hit captain.
And these are the same kind of people itt bitching about le ebil clanman because they're too fucktarded to know whats going on let alone be taught to figure it out.
me i find it funny
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True btw


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