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Does anybody even play this shit anymore? I still don't understand why logi or logi stuff exists in this game, why not give every player a fixed allowance based on region control to build stuff? Everyone is happy, except that one logi nigger who wants to bash rocks all day just like in Runescape.
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I would play if some nigger were to put up a torrent
I stopped playing when they nerfed snipers. Sniping was so fun.
everyone that didn't quit over the dev supported pedophile rings in game has now 41%ed from being a troon
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You missed the fun days, now it's all fur fags and troons, but Even the good ones either
I kinda do, but you can be banned at any moment lmfao
W112 was fun asf, massive tank lines and so much shit in stockpiles and bunkers that you didn't even need to do logi
But nah, devs can't fix shit, so they "reversed" the rmat rates from broken comps
Snipers were stupid OP and you know it.
Only in the hands of someone who actually knew what they were doing. It was really great stopping a push as a sniper, or sniping tank commanders and watching the clannies fall back, or sniping halftrack gunners. It was the best.
I still play but I basically never do logi outside of taking a truck from somewhere and filling it up with bombastones because the front I want to fight at ran out

I just play frontline, building is gay, facilities are gay, I just blow people up and call them slurs on voip
the devs are retards but yeah i still play every couple wars
I uninstalled it a little while ago
Devs keep making the game worse, it's a perfect example of "adding features and then never fixing them and instead adding more features"
I had the chance to play pre-assymmetry when it blew up on /v/ in 21 and it was much better back then (barring actually good fixes like the camera corner normalization thing)
Sucks cause it did scratch an itch few games do but they keep making everything more annoying to do
With every update this game becomes more and more niche and clan ruled.

In light of that, i might play Anvil Empires since being in a late antiquity/early medieval clan system is probably the way to go in that game.
this general should've stayed fucking dead
Very generous calling a thread with less activity than your average /po/ thread a "general"
Interesting. They learnt how clans dominate Foxhole so they designed the next game around them. The game will be essentially a RTS where one player is in fact a clan cooperating against other clans for total domination.
I look forward to it since I prefer the medieval setting.
I dropped it some months ago and happier than ever. Clans become simply unbearable and devs lick they assholes deeper than ever. Now claiming resource field for clans is new normal, which before would cause them to being KOSed. It was last straw for me.
Anvil Empire sadly being even more clan-focused from very start. Unless you get your own group running, it's not worth it.
Next Anvil test when, and will it have more content besides farming wheat for bread? I've only managed to join a "real" battle once so far, and even then we ran out of equipment so fast it was kinda one and done...

I still like being mister medic on Foxhole from time to time, always feels nice saving people fron certain doom.
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no fucking shit its the shittiest game ever, the developers need to rope asap

they left their api open and fully accesible
>this game becomes more and more niche and clan ruled
>going to play Anvil

you hurt your brain bad hormone intaker
I played it since 2017. Over the past 3 to 5 months ive basically reduced my playtime and stopped. I think im finally free.

I dont want to say it is necessarily dead because other players may still enjoy this game but I'm generally not happy with how much grind has been added. But most of me quitting is motivated by getting addicted to it too much, to the point I stopped doing important chores. But all of the stuff about balance, facilities, logi being tedious as the maps get bigger, more lanes and maps to worry about, compounding with lots of other vets quitting means shit just starts to feel like charlie at times.

I liked a simpler game that foxhole was back in the early days, when wars were shorter. But Ive seen everything now. And tons of these wars are now won by pop, not necessarily by outplaying anyone.
>I liked early days
>tons of these wars are now won by pop, not necessarily by outplaying anyone.

assumed you're a braindead loyalists sitting in commander seat but still bitching about Svh being "too weak" needing an extra crew for 68

jesus dumb kid warden been outpopping for yrs but still bitching about nightcapping explains everything
Yeah, one or two dudes shutting off all infantry play on a front was truly really great.
>complains about faction loyalists
>goes on on a faction loyalist rant xerself
An underrated annoyance of this game is that, for whatever reason, it's a total fag magnet.
At any given time the team side chat will have furries, gays, femboys and more damn near doing ERP in the broad daylight.
Not to mention clan (literal and figurative) trannies with their usual power tripping nonsense.
I feel like the only straight nigga left in the game when i do play, and both factions have this issue it's not just one or the other
Yes. I did that for hours. It was very fun.
i remember when the techmaid shit started
all downhill from there
the average are still normal ppl
just fags/trannies being more talkative on world chat since they got no other platforms to cure their depression

anyway 40% of them would kill themselves sooner or later, talking about you xyara
I came back after not playing for a year and this game is still a buggy, laggy shit heap full of chinks, what the fuck have these guys been doing?
founder is a 2nd gen chink
at least there's less pedo trannies nowadays which seems like a change
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Big push on tempest
Nuke OP was a disaster you guys ass raped that destroyer so bad they gave up lmao
Just dont play as a warden.
I used to love this game... but then:
>Devs made logi an insufferable grind
>Devs permbanned me for saying that furries should be exterminated

How do I alt? I still want to play it a bit.
I'll never understand how relatively complex games like Foxhole become magnets for freaks
And now they just don't fucking work, I'd take them going back to their own ammo type if it meant they were usable.
I've heard a theory that any game with a social and/or non combat aspect (especially ones that give them power over others, ex: Foxhole and its resource bottleneck) draws in homosexual shitters as they'd get shut down in any game that requires skill.
I dont think that is a good explaination as combat in foxhole also requires quite some skill.

These freaks flood games because:
>They can have power over others, because they're treated like shit irl

But mostly because
>The game's rules protect them and enable their degenerate behaviour

But this is still confusing because in other games where they aren't protected, like TF2, they still display their disgusting behaviour.
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there is no AI to play against, it's all pvp, the game world is build by players
They do work but are now more niche instead of just turboraping everything.
>there is no AI
You spend 90% of the time destroying AI controlled boxes that automatically shoot at you.
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That's not what he meant you fucking autist. Duh there's AI but it's all player driven. Please tell me you're actually autistic. The amount of absolutely insufferable retards like you I run into in this game is mind boggling. Can you legitimately not mentally grasp context?
>majority insufferable retards in this game

dude you're walking into gay bar and complaining too many dicks
the hell you have a stick in your brain
That's the thing is a majority of people in this game aren't. But these facility larpers are something else. It's the devs fault. Back in alpha there wasn't as many.
I tried playing this game, but I didn't want to join some tranny's discord so I just couldn't do anything.
>I'll never understand how relatively complex games like Foxhole become magnets for freaks
it's pretty simple actually. look up empathizing-systemizing theory.

system-of-systems type games like foxhole (and factorio, paradox mapgames, starsector, etc.) appeal to the system-oriented mindsets of autism-spectrum people. autistic games appeal to autistic people, and troon/furry/etc. frequently coincide with autism. the more autistic you are the more you excel in these autistic environments and these people are some of the most autistic in the world.
Why are you mad if some autistic furry tranny wants to grind the absolute worst part of the game to provide free gear for you?
yeah go enjoy your 24/7 gay pedo furry erp while norms just want to enjoy some chill war sim game play
>but logi r freee
>facility grindset cost you 2hr for a variant now

find yrself a tall oak tree troon, do the world a favor
No refineries in the islands again huh. Was hoping to get a war with them but without the meme reverse ocean setup. I still don't get the point of the island hexes when they don't have victory points, valuable resources, or even decent logi structures. They need something unique so people actually care about them instead of them just being a containment sandbox for boat slap fights. Throw in some more amphibious vehicles and make the apcs less shit while you're at it.
>chill war sim game play
This is literally what everybody else is doing while you are obsessed with trannies (and likely either are yourself going to be one or just sexually attracted to them).
anon I'm a pedo and even I don't play this shit anymore. Modern logi isn't for anyone sane
but what is it about foxhole in general that attracts both trannies and anti-tranny chuds in such massive quantities? literally no other general has such an issue with this
ppl thought fod and reddit were good enough to keep those troons monitored

YWNBAW so 41% urself before you got stoned
i hate this shithole game so bad
why does every warden gun suck
why is warden chat filled with gay fucking homo retards
I just want to fucking larp
historically: because a game named "Foxhole" attracts furry faggots, they congregate on Reddit, they found out /vm/ talked shit on them and their video game obsessions and started raiding here, where they were eventually harangued into suicide
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>system-of-systems type games like foxhole (and factorio, paradox mapgames, starsector, etc.) appeal to the system-oriented mindsets of autism-spectrum people
Seriously, anyone who can get a group of ten players to redeploy to the other side of a hex to flank can easily win the whole area for the team. Even cutting logi get is useful. But noooo they just run straight into the enemy guns 100x in a row
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Foxhole status
>In the next update devs will nerf the resource economy even further, reducing the playerbase of logi players even more, to those who are into advanced CBT. Explosive materials will get renamed into explosive powder and general tank ammunition will take 2x more effort to manufacture because fuck you.
>We can expect more navalshit nobody plays except for well organised groups
>The world chat is still a reddit limbo for both factions where if you commit wrongthink you'll be criticized by the vocal majority, any discussion there is considered an argument, leading to a perpetual circlejerk like those you see on discords
>Clannies still rule the game which is not wrong in itself but they conflict with solo players by laying rail tracks fucking everywhere and building their concrete shitstates with a million gates on widely used roads. Every time the comp node refreshes it'll get swarmed by clannies like flies flocking to shit who will try to mine it out for their clanny tank columns.
>Rank still means nothing because it does not reflect the amount of time played, and the level which does, can only be accessed via the F1 menu. Clans will continue commending each other and inflating the ranks because having a FM in your clan is a topic to brag about for them.
>Look at mee I am a medic, I save people in Foxhole, I am the main character!!! Join my medic discord it's just like le red cross but in foxhole and medics!! Being a medic is my entire identity because I am a fat loser fag who plays foxhole 24/7 and browses Wikipedia for learning about testicular cancer!!!
This game was doomed before but it gets worse every single day, I don't know how much longer I can take it, it's like the only thing this game is missing at this point is secret occults that deal cp and it'd become a full circus that goes round and round and round. This is just depressing.
collective action problem
Shooting other people is the most fun part of the game.
>forgetting that they're probably going to make the world map even bigger by adding more fucking island regions.
I really hope that one day we go back to the 5 hex wide map. I miss it.
> where if you commit wrongthink you'll be criticized by the vocal majority
That's nothingburger. Real problem in chat is social credit. Discord clique can QRF downvote your post, and your chat access will be cut.
Agree on the rest.
What's the actual motive behind the explosive powder changes? The only actual difference is the transportation density for them is worse even if you use a resource transport vehicle. The naval resource hauler seems pointless unless they add significantly more/better resources to either coastal areas or islands. They should have added naval resources like the offshore platforms that generate tons of normal resources so that there would be obvious points of interest in every water area and a reason for smaller groups to venture into the water to suck off a big load of ocean comps/emats or something. Ocean territories are dumb right now because they have nothing that matters, at least last war they had facs/refineries. Can't believe we didn't even get any amphibious vehicles, gunboat variants, or buffs for apcs in this patch.
>[hward] furrynyanya: :3
instantly fucking muted
if they make it so you cant do fucking sea logi on your own ima kms

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