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>What is Tabletop Sim
TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own!

Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop (https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/) and discuss/host your favorite games!

Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.

Previous thread: >>1424970
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>How do I play?
Controls are mostly straightforward and intuitive, but there's always little tips and tricks to learn, more info can be found at https://kb.tabletopsimulator.com/

>How do I join?
That's easy, you click on "Join" in the main menu, search for the lobby name and password that's been posted, and done!

>How do I host?
Click on "Create", and that's basically it. You can find free games in the workshop here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/
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Games hosted/played so far
Is any anon cool with teaching me War of the ring? We don't need to finish the game.

Also would be down to play Voidfall or Pax ren
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Late Night Games
Pass; titties
Game: I dunno, probably Fromage or something, also still got some learn-and-plays
Ping: 999s

Will keep it up for as much of this episode of Mythbusters I've got left
You reminded me I also want to learn WotR.
I can teach you Pax Ren but only at around 9pm ET if during weekdays.
if there's anything I know about WotR, its that the rulebook is awful and you should watch how to plays/learn on dized
Were you thinking of playing it 2v2 or date night?
I can teach WotR, just say what time
Are you free today? I can play in like an hour if you want.

I don't expect to complete a game though just because its going to take literal hours if that's cool
Works for me
I'll link my steam.

Cool comment section
What can I say? I have a great history with Tekken and Dota
Ever tried Guards of Atlantis II?
I have crowdfunded it but it's been like 2 years and they haven't shipped it yet.
If you want to play, you may want to just host instead of waiting for a friend request.
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HDR glow just for you anon
Yeah sorry, thing dragged on. I'm not adding you on steam, but I can open up the lobby for WotR
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Won by the absolute skin of my teeth, literally 1 action dice away from winning. The Free Peoples of Middle Earth endured...

>won with 11 corruption on crack of doom
from losing*
I can't type
How was it?
I liked it and I usually don't like ameritrash that much
>t. host
That being said Fellowship managed to stack 8 movement before I finally managed to roll a successful hunt, moving almost straight into Mordor from his starting position and that's just one example of bad luck. You're at the mercy of RNG far more than in something like Twilight Struggle or at least it feels that way after first game
I was the Free Peoples player, and it was extremely fun.

Learning from anything else other than the rulebook makes the game much easier.

But as >>1479118 said, there is still dice rolling. You can mitigate it with cards and other shit, but the difference between some dice rolls can make or break an entire fight, snowballing into the end of the game.

If he didn't roll 4's in one siege that nuked an entire army he had, he would've won the game.
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>spend 1 card to play
>spend 1 card to activate ability
>draw 2 cards
>terrible stat lineup
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Wasn't expecting another root expansion to drop out of nowhere
>The skunks are 3 vagabonds.
Lmao. That's perfectly cursed.
I've never looked at it before, but the lobby browser is some pretty interesting insight into what people are playing. Large amounts of 40k, EDH, and Smegmar, but also a lot of TCG games I didn't think had traction, like Sorcery gets a surprising number of players often.
My insert might as well be worthless now.
I wouldn't say out of nowhere since they announced it and shared the pnp boards as they updated the factions months ago but yes it is pretty cool.

My tuckbox method will probably be enough to keep all the content spread alongside the base + 1 expansion box if I put the hirelings away. But I'll probably make or order a custom big box to keep it all in one place.
What's the issue? You can just carve another one out of wood.
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From reviews online and what I've heard talking with people at meetups, it's one of those games you don't really focus on winning, but rather to create alternate outcomes for a grandiose and tense retelling of the books.
Aside from a couple guys hellbent on calling it a masterpiece of tactical wargaming, most told me that it's a game where you simply enjoy the ride (but that shouldn't be played with 4 people, i don't know why exactly).
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I'd be remiss to host right now, as I feel tired enough that I can't guarantee playing too much, but I'd be down.
I got an idea as to what we can play,
room open

/vm/ board games
I can play in like an hour, but i have a meeting soon.
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Playing Harmonies with 3/4
Thanks for the game, was fun
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Game done, Blue won with 116 vs 93 vs 84
we laid down tiles and animals on them

I'll leave the lobby open and idle for now, in case anyone's interested in some more board games >>1479768
is it closed now?
Reopen it
Yes master

/vm/ board games
2 in, playing harmonies in a bit
Room closed, we did a quick game of harmonies
>he is going to keep spamming harmonies
I have created a monster
just kidding, keep going
harmonies is the new clover, get ready
but nah, everyone's stricken with a cloud of malaise, and harmonies is light and short, with just a little bit of spice in it.
When was the last time Clover was played anyway? I remember it been played at least once a day for a time.
Understandable, me too
And it's a better option than clover anyways
It still gets plays from time to time though with less players, the hype died down a little
It's still seen on the occasion. It's kinda "solved", people generally have a notion of how to connect 2 words to one clue, so a lot of the funny nonsense that clover incited is gone.
But it was great while the honeymoon period lasted.
Anyone here play too many bones on TTS?
Haven't, but I would be up for it
Do you know the game?
I could learn it for tomorrow, in case you plan to host it.
Sure we could try to set up some time tomorrow for it. I don't know how well the TTS mod is for it though
There's a fuckton of them, some of them with scripts so there's ought to be a good one.
If only they weren't all discord-gatelocked
What does this even mean
most friend groups use a chat platform like discord, and put a password on their TTS games to lock it so that only the friends in the friend group can join, and they share the password on discord where the friend group is
or so it seems, i don't use the platform named after an absolute breakdown of communications
How can you complain about people using passwords to play within their own group when that's the entire purpose of this general
For some reason he used a friend group example instead of a "public" discord.
i'm not the anon complaining i'm just the anon explaining
i'm perfectly fine with private lobbies, what i want to complain about is the lack of public lobbies due to lack of TTS Global Chat
true there are public LFG groups like TTSClub that mandate the same server name and password but other than that say "go ham" but even in their case you can understand the password restriction to ward off the people from outside the discord, because discord has voice chat integrated into it and it works better than default TTS VC so people using TTSClub and similar discord servers prefer to only play with other discordites, and that is their equivalent of "within their own [friend] group"
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Do you know if the new factions are imported already?
Not that I know of
Some of those badgers caught jaundice
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tfw no Undergound and onwards swimsuit meeples
How can I get these haha, just for a laugh of course haha
>I'm not going to fuck with that
Your loss
Got anything in mind?
sure i can host, give me like 10 minutes
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It's up

/vm/ games
nobody joined, seems the rest of you are still at work
closed, maybe there'll be hosts later
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Let's try again

Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage

You, don't be shy.
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We schboopin
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Played some Horseless Carriage at the /v/eekend thread
And also Mottainai, Galacy Trucker, Lost Cities, and Great Western Trail. Pretty good sesh.
Any games?
I could host. Probably Pax Ren or Merchants & Marauders
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anybody up to play some cardgames about nazi anime girls defeating evil wizzards in russia?
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
I think there's a tsundere anon that is too shy to reply that would play with you if you host
Why are you talking in third person
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Marchonni wins Imperial vs Fuger! Playing some Hans the Teuton.

Cuz im not that anon, they joined my lobby and then left when he realized it wasn't it.
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M&M any1?
Up for games only if they're not sandbox
so no
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Are you sure?
maybe l8r, in a couple of hours
this could had been realy clever if they didnt FUCKED UP THE SKY WEATHER
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They are really far apart and the spyglass is very good ok?
Expansion box art is after the pirate ship decided to get in close enough range to battle
Any games tonight?
sure, i'm just hoping it's soon
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Hosting Lord of the Rings tcg for any anons scared of playing sandbox games
It's the weird movie tie-in tcg, not the popular ccg

One of the rare tcgs that can play with more than 2 players, table accomodates for 4. We can use starters or grab random draft packs and make horrible decks with them.

/vm/ ringu
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage

Oh hey a friend has that Aragorn Starter deck stored somewhere on his house, we never actually checked it out.
Cool game, probably better with only 2 players. I don't think I should have been allowed to move thrice without any opposition
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Salty Sea Adventures were 4-handed and itch has been scratched. I'm not really a solo player but there's something really comfy about playing against yourself, probably my favorite part of learning a new game is going against myself trying different strategies.
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Japan pieces are really cute. Look at that powerhouse.
I heard the LoTR LCG game is really good too. That one is co-op.
Many anons here are allergic to coops, they'd foam at the mouth at the mere thought. Unless it's arkham i suppose
I'm not allergic, I just hate you all so much I can't bear thinking about benefiting you in any shape or form.
But I'm also sexually attracted to otherworldly creatures beyond my comprehension, so there's that.
>really good too
But this one wasn't good at all
What a mess of cards, dice and tokens. I love it.
I wish my friends wanted to play it more often but the first game we had took almost 5 hours to play and they weren't very smitten with it. Makes me wonder if showing them this picture will make them want to give it another try or will scare them off for good lol.
games tonight?
Sure, I've got a better shift this week so I just got off work. Pick one or suggest something
It's a Wonderful World
Tigris & Euphrates
A feast for odin
Terraforming Mars
Those seem fine, besides t&e and yoko
will need a teach for keyflower though
>besides t&e and yoko
What's wrong with them?
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/v/oard, rage
t&e didn't really grab me, and yoko gives me a headache when I look at the board
Is yoko too difficult? I actually like how it looks
Quick onitama game while we wait for at least one more guy to join us
Yokohama is super easy, the map might look busy but it has very little but crucial information.
it's not a hard game at all, don't get scared by the map tiles, they're just locations that give specific things, depicted on the tile itself, the layout of the tiles is done that way for a gameplay reason
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That took a bit more effort than I was willing to put on it and the background art and icons are a bit low quality, but hey at least now I have some ok-ish PnPable files and we have access to the new factions to try.
Cool, are we playing barrage tonight? I can pull an all nighter since I have day off tomorrow, dia de los muertos and all
Idk what tonight is but I can play right now
I mean in 10 hours
That's gonna be difficult, I'll probably be playing irl but we'll see.
I could probably play now but it'd look like my AP increased by x10 since I'm at work now and for the next 3 hours and after that i have plans
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>AP increased by x10
So it'll take 10 hours to play! It's alright lad no biggies. In any case I'll upload the assets so even if I'm away you can try it.
Hey guys! I'm with some friends in a boardgame bar. Could you recommend us some simple and easygoing ganes.
Very important to tell us how many players there are first, if you want proper suggestions
Monopoly, Catan, Cards Against Humanity
3 peeps
Port Royal
6Nimtt (Pro rules)
Burger Up
Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion
Century Spice Road
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>no hosts
Be the change you want to see
I'm free to host pretty much at any time today, reply if you're interested, any game below and open to suggestions:
Terraforming Mars
Puerto Rico
Tigris & Euphrates
Architects of the West Kingdom
El Grande
I am not interested
Could play a thing in a couple'o hours
I lost my job so I guess I'm free to join whatever happens.
Do you have anything American
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
What does that even mean anymore? If it's about the plauer interaction, I see games with plenty interaction in the post you replied to, if it's just about chucking dice then get better taste
Anyone want to play some Unfathomable for late night sheninagans?
Sure i guess, but when is "late night"? if it's right now then no, i'll have to go on an errand in an hour so i suppose i'll be available in 2 hours
Anyone up for games in an hour or two?
I was thinking of trying out Glen More
Sure if you can teach
Cool, I'll open in like 20 minutes
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Room open, playing Glen More 2!

/vm/ board games
2 in
The Glen mods are most likely dead. I haven't realized it since I had it cached on my computer. Room closed.
If this turns out to be true, I'll see to mending them at some point.
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>I had it cached on my computer
Interesting. I'll try that next time then.
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Pax Porfiriana
The Great Zimbabwer
Merchants & Marauders
Through the Ages
Wonderland's War
Maybe he's just looking for an American-themed game.
Like cowboys, big trucks and, idk, narcissism.
i think it's supposed to be the design antithesis to "eurogame" type games all about action efficiency and planning ahead and resource management with minimal outside randomness like dicerolls, and maximum inside unpredictability like what action space your opponents are going to take and block
what anon means when he says "i want amerigames" is he wants Memoir '44
Dude probably just wants catan or monopoly and uses "euro" as a substitute for "game i dont even want to try", doubt he even knows actual american games
is Stationfall a eurogame? i won't host it now but wanna know how many players i might get for it next week
It's neither but it's made by an Eklund and people here are allergic to them
Probably me and at least 2 other anons so 4, unless you're one of the other 2
There's some pax addicts here however
Anyone up for games in 20 mins?
What kind of games?
Games no longer than 2 hours and a half and not catan or monopoly
The time limit already excludes Monopoly, why mention it twice?
>Didn't just reply with "board games"
0/10 not joining.
There are anons here who basically take any vague answer to "ok but what games?" as an excuse to demand utter shit games like monopoly, catan, munchkin and the like, and others (most likely the same ones as above) that reply to any kind of detailed list with "euros? not playing" when not even half of them are actual euros, so the best answer is a time constraint and a direct denial of the worst offenders
Yeah but you missed a funny quip
Would Dune: Uprising (and Imperium) be considered a euro-game?
Everything is an Euro game.
You don't roll dice and it's not braindead easy so it's an eurogame
There's no dice and it's braindead easy so it's an euro
It's bad and shit so it's an eurogame
>Root is actually racist
wtf I love Root now??!?!!
But it's a eurogame thoughbeitever
no it isnt but who cares
>Le card battler
>Le euro
What's gonna be the next unfunny meme? My guess is hosting
do it
No, the unfunny meme serves to discourage the game (or type of game) from being played, so as to subtly push people to play the stuff that isn't mocked; aka "games I like".
You can't discourage hosting, 'cause that will mean no one gets to play anything.
>'cause that will mean no one gets to play anything
And that's what's happening right now. Hope you're happy.
pretty much every game is euro in the eyes of the "picky" anons so nobody is playing anything already
>Hope you're happy.
Hey, I'm not any of those anons!

Nah, games have been sparse, but they are played.
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Too much shitpostin' not enough hostin'. I can open a room for a short-ish game (1 hour) after I'm done with some stuff and before I leave to play irl, I don't know what it could be, open to suggestions.
I'm not hosting, I'm 2-handed playing grand austria hotel, but if at least 2 more anons join we can play something. Not necessarily GAH, but im not saying what game because joiners will help me decide (if there even are any)
/v/oard, rage
any morning rooters??
Root is gay and casually racist. I only play games that are gay and professionally racist
War of the Ring
John Company
Yeah, that /is/ pretty gay and racist.
Any game that involves dice rolling is inherently homosexual. You cannot refute this.
So all american boardgames, good to see someone sees the light in here
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name: g/vm/es
pass: rage

join NOW
but I don't feel like it
but I'm hungry
but i'm just about to go to sleep

excuses, its obligatory clover meeting.
okay, fuck, you got me


finish up puzzles for now

doing some dune shit now, just wrapped up the teach and finally starting
Game done
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lobby finished, game finished, with blue (me) actually winning on their first game and the green (teacher) scoring actually 1 point the whole game

thank you for the game all o/
>yet another euro game
Yeah it doesn't have braindead dice rolling so it's an euro game
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What now? It's an Euro, it has dice.
Is Frosthaven an Euro?
I don't think you know what a euro is
When will you host games you like?
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How do anons here feel about Rising Sun?
didn't like it last time i tried it, and it's functionally broken at any playercount not divisible by 3
The guy who made it is what happens if a black person did the fusion dance with the Nostalgia Critic
>host non-euro game
>empty lobby
why try?
I host games I like
I want people to stop liking yours
>won't even name the game
You never even tried to host
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You probably have never hosted and if you have you get 0 people because you seem like pricks and not worth the effort interacting with. I say this as an ameritrash enjoyer.
>I say this as an ameritrash enjoyer.
That's a lie and even if its not, you dont host them either because you know people won't play it.
Hey buddy, simmer down, eh?
Yeah, calm down Anon, can't you see they can't handle the truth
I can't hear you over my enjoyment of Arkham Horror and other amerikinos, try not being a dickbag and maybe people will want to play with you.
nobody here who keeps throwing "american" and "euro" around fucking knows, they just use the buzzwords as replacement for "thing i dont like" without even knowing what makes a game euro or american
And they still dont give actual examples of games they like, almost like they only want excuses to keep bitching, this is looking just like a /v/ thread
>this is looking just like a /v/ thread
You can always go back to your private discord
>make /v/eekend threads constantly
>invite /v/anons here in every single one
>why is this turning into a /v/ thread?
Euro post
This but Eldritch Horror
I would agree with this if it wasn't for the fact that /v/ threads are only populated by /vm/ posters. If anything it's preferred since it keeps the vm thread longevous, with the exception of this mad shitposter that can't accept they are unlikable.
Agreed sister, we should downvote it to show him that this is a euro thread
Me too, I don't know why people prefer this doomsday event where several people work towards or against it from happening to occur in a small town in America when it really should be a glove-trotting adventure with people from many backgrounds banding together to stop the end of the world.

I also really like the ticket tokens.
Aren't most lovecraft stories highly centralized and happen in a single town/area too? Personally "globe-trotting" is the last thing I associate with eldritch stories, but I only have a surface level knowledge of them
Didn't have a chance to try either board game
Most of them do, but that's because of a narration standpoint. Lovecraft stories are very short and they feature one or 2 named characters because the lenght just doesn't have the time to flesh anybody out (even with little characters he doesn't really expand upon them since their experience is what's important).

The narrative in the games feel like a grander scale than the experiences the single characters live through, even in "stop your uncle from summoning Time devourer" type of stories.
is it normal that whenever i learn a new game i feel like i wanna play it again and again till i bore of it?

switching a game and learning again feels tedious, i wanna make use of the 2 hours i spent learning and play some more
No, that's how you should feel. Quality over quantity and all that.

Personally I love learning new games but I love playing one over and over and explore its different strategies and possibilities way more.
Nah, it's just skill issue on your part. Eventually you'll just get to where whatever game you're playing and whether you're leaning it is truly meaningless, and just enjoy the act of interacting with the table at all. Until then, you've insulted me with your position and I request your individualized Steam ID code so that I never have to play with you again. Preferably in all forms, that being you 17 digit SteamID, your STEAM_:X:X:X Steam2 ID, and your U:X:X Steam3 ID
I host regularly and get players too.
Post some games you enjoy, wait for anons to respond with "oo that sounds cool i wanna play this" and host. It's that easy.
Where da hoests at?
I could play something, can't host today though.
That's nonsensical
Connection issues, I don't wanna risk dropping the connection while hosting.
While playing, it shouldn't be too big a deal to drop out for a few minutes, I hope.
They're too insecure, it's the /v/ mentality of "im going to shit on X because you like it, im not saying what I like cause you will shit on it"
where do you think you are? if /v/ bothers you so much, what are you doing here?
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will host in like 30-60 minutes

i wanna do clover really bad
i will join you
word games are the anti-eurogame that this thread needs as a palet cleanser

lobby: g/vm/es
pass: rage

doing warmup jiggy saw
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done with jiggy, apparently very difficult honeycomb shaped one, around 200 puzzles

going with the promised clover now
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done with clovy, not too shabby, 17/24 with 4 players

now doing the dune shit again, 3/4
will wait a couple mins if somebody wanna join
Nooooo stop with the eurogames!!
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finished the dune game, had lots of fun and placed 1st again, i think i might like euro guys...

also, with this, the lobby is closed, thanks for coming everyone!
Root-Ultimate Collection or Root+Expansions (ENG/ITL)?
Any of them is fine. A lot of people use Ultimate Collection but tourneyfags recently changed to (ENG/ITA) for some reason.
Neither, I think Root isn't that good, Cole's other games are better
Euros are great. I love my games not actually having any mechanics and instead just being the same flimsy systems to gain victory points but with slightly different coats of paint. It make it so much easier to play more games as they're all the same flavor of cardboard, but ooooo this time the cardboard is in the shape of a wheel or some bullshit
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ooooog this time the plastic mini is shaped like my favorite movie character!!!!!
>eurosisters are wojak posters
Still seething instead of actually playing games, good god you guys never change
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We had gone a long time without somebody posting one of those, shame on you anon, be more classy on your shitposts.

Anyway look at this, what a table hog! Makes you appreciate Tabletop Sim's organization sometimes. 1 little table shake and entire factories crumble lmao. Lovely lovely game. Learned that I acquired the 1st edition with the misprinted Reliabilty C components.... gonna have to fix that myself somehow
I'm jelly I have to admit. Maybe that Lego recreation from the other anon might not be too crazy.
>/bgg/ posting
Even worse
>board game posting
board games today?
I probably could tonight, but that's like, 6-8 hours from now.
Oh my god, he even has color coded trays.
Let's see Feast of Odin's table hog.
I could get that and Norwegians for 90 bucks but idk I'm not sold on it, idk why I don't find it particularly interesting despite having a lot of mechanics I enjoy in it .
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where is lobby!!!


name: g/vm/es
pass: rage
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finished up jiggy, doing clover with 5!
Coming home in 20' if there are actual games still
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done with clovy, going for murder in hongkong (social deductive game!!!) now
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finished the hongcock, host going to sleepy so the lobby closing
host something bitch
you do it, faggot
if you don't host right now you're gay
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Where are the usual hosts?
We're tired of hosting and are waiting for you to open the lobby this time
I would like to play the game but I don't wanna throw up shit games and then have no one like me
Despite what the shitposters may make you think, people will play just about anything
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random games

server: host something fags

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I wanted to do a long session but came down with a sickness, hopefully I'll get better tomorrow.
(You) are the usual host, anon. You just haven't realized that it's inside you all along
I'm inside you all along
Might host something in about 45 mins if theres anyone awake
I'm awake
/v/oard, rage
I've got an itch for TfM or maybe Lords of Waterdeep, hit me up if interested
i'd be down, it's a fun one
Okie, opening a room

Room: /vm/ board games
Pass: rage
2/5 in
bah, closed
we'll have a proper game of tfm one day, i swear it
Why not play with 2?
Well, you got this big map in front of you to fill out and many projects and potential stuff to happen; the game is simply inviting more than just 2 guys.
That's one reason, the other I'm too shy to admit.
>the other I'm too shy to admit.
do you just hate terraforming mars and see it as an excuse to get many people together, so playing it at 2 defeats the purpose?
No, don't be silly, there are other games i'd pick if I was doing it for that
aaaaaaaa stop adding that extra f, it's TM, nobody calls it TfM
couldve hit me up btw, i dont check the thread that often
How do I join the discord
by killing yourself, you euro hating, discord and card battler schizo
if you joined games instead of shitposting you would get some steam friend requests too. or if >>1497008 is right then theres a good reason you arent receiving any
The worm host, but you gotta sign up with his analytics app and log at least 10 games in order to get the invite. You can also ask for the in-game tool: it can be used to log games while he's not hosting, but it requires at least 2 other verified players in order for the subsequent API call to be processed (it's actually pretty neat, since they need to supply their keys, and in-game it's just these actual keys that have the codes stored in their lua that you plop into the app tool). Just know that it also only processes those API calls every 3 hours, so you can't just spam it.
>Instead of a open discord channel its actually a closed group of steam that just hosts for themselves
Thats even fucking worse, it explains the screenshots of games that no one hosted.
There is no group, anon. People simply don't like you.
Don't forget about the small 250 dollar deposit and sample feet pics, those are obligatory.

But seriously, there is no group, discord or whatever you might believe, you can be autistic about screenshots but at the end of the day it's just anons playing together. Now stop being bickering and play some baord games while you have the chance whydontcha.
holy schizo.
you need to put the same effort you put in those shitpost delusions of yours in more beneficial pursuits, like trying not to be grumpy and speaking in chud buzzwords at all times
Step 1) host at least once
Step 2) there is no discord, you just solved your problems with no need for conspiratorial theories that everyone is in on "it" except you
>stop adding that extra f, it's TM, nobody calls it TfM
i will to not confuse TM (Terra Mystica) with TfM (TerraForming Mars)
>Find a game you like
>Host it
It's as shrimple as that
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>Find a game you like
>chud buzzwords
Basic english is too hard for you? Are you feeling called out because you let slip your private group on the thread?
"Is basic English too hard for you?"*
Nice try though, you're definitely improving.
Post it on the discord channel
Come on you know exactly what i'm referring to, using "tranny" or "troon" as substitute for every other word isn't "basic english"
>none of the posts contain "tranny" or "troon"
I know who you are, don't play dumb, you're literally the only one in the entire thread who insists on this discord thing, and also the only one who cant stop thinking about trannies while in game
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>he's letting some random live rent free in his head again
any1 up for a quick game of BattleCON or Sakura Arms? been a while since the last set of duels
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Let's play something
Light games: Harmonies, Century spice roads, Century eastern wonders, Akropolis
Medium: Keyflower, Ra, Red Cathedral
Medium+: Brass, Yokohama, Barrage, Terraforming Mars
Where's the hard
Forgot lobby
/v/oard, rage
Not feeling like actual hard games tonight
nevermind i guess, my connection is being shit again
lobby up


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lobby down,

did a lonely jiggy cuz nobody came :*(
Yeah, that's a little bit too late for me bud
Anyone playing games tonight
Maybe, what are you thinking of?
one of these
plus root or ... dominion, it's a wonderful world, burgundy
Sure, but let's see if there's a third
>No third
How shameful
man up
But how am I supposed to enjoy board games then?
You can only enjoy games when you are with 2+ other men?
playing 2p sucks
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I pity the fools who miss the joys of good 2p games
I play them just fine but i'm not about to boot up tts to play games 2p, I can play tta and ts through the digital version just fine
Well then niggas stop needing to show up. I keep thinking "yeah it seems slow enough, let's play some 2P games," but then you FAGGOTS have the AUDACITY to SHOW UP and WANT to PLAY the board games. Seriously, who the fuck does that.
good, adapt to OUR needs, hostoid. dance monkey, dance!!
Not every good 2p game has a digital edition, and not every digital edition is good or up to date
Most 2p games are card battlers and
>hosting card battler
>Most 2p games are card battlers
Nuh uh
Why do homosexuals hate card battling so much?
Card battlers are inherently gay and homosexual, its pointless to try to deflect it
anyone who says or implies "[thing] bad" without explaining why is full of shit
if they weren't full of shit they'd have the capacity for rational thought and the ability to explain themselves and their rationale for why [thing] bad
Bad post
your post bad
"[thing] bad" is bad only when [thing] is thing i like, but when [thing] is thing i dont like then it's fine, hence
>card battlers bad

>euros bad
Also, no i dont think card battlers are bad, just kinda boring and samey and think there are better options, even in 2p games, and i do sometimes them
meanwhile none of the euro detractors have explained their reasoning yet
Eurotrash bad
Thread is so active, anons must be playing a lot of board games.
I think euro games are boring and samey and think there are better options, even at 3p+, and I do sometimes play them
Tomorrow, what do we play....
But you call everything an euro game so maybe you just dont like boardgames at all
Oh but I am, just irl
Because anons are too busy being snobby and picky but never even tell what they actually want to play within reason because they're insecure
Cant host today or tomorrow but on saturday / sunday ill make another few attempts
Work has me cucked out of hosting most of the time sadly, I don't get much free time on weekdays. When I get home I'm either tired, busy, or going out to play board games irl.

But I trust the good lads of /vm/ will keep activity high in my stead, right?
Schedule on the discord channel
>what they actually want to play within reason
I'll tell
>2 player only
BattleCON, Sakura Arms, Commands & Colors/Memoir '44/Panzer Vor!, Avianos*
>3~5 player
Arcs, Root, Chinatown, Galaxy Trucker (with expansions), John Company, Bus, The Great Zimbabwe, Roads and Boats, La Famiglia, March of the Ants, Eclipse**
>5+ player
Stationfall, Sidereal Confluence, maybe more

*but sadly it's a videogame, i like it's systems though. Active drafting of gods that determine what actions you get, and denying actions to the opponent, AND specializing into a god gives upgrades to their actions, is a fun mechanic. All it needs is a non-videogame battle resolution mechanism.
**only to see how bad it is, because from what i read of the rulebook it's pretty much TI4 but more combat and less interesting, and thus worse.
oh and this isnt an exhaustive list, just what i thought of in the moment
the actual list is longer and it'll be faster to name games i dont wanna play
>lists 2 card battlers and a whole lot of euros
Ok, and?
Tell me what games YOU want to play instead of being a nogames coward
>Ok, and?
kinda boring and samey and think there are better options
>think there are better options
That you seem unable to list.
agricola, alchemists, archipelago, atiwa, barrage, brass, bus, cacao, carcassonne, caylus 1303, century trilogy (not all combined), chaos in the old world, chinatown, citadels, more clank, colt express, concordia venus, cuzco, cyclades, darwins journey, dogs of war, dominant species, dune imp (uprising no expas), earth, endeavor, evergreen, feudum, fort, the gallerist, genoa, glory to rome, grand austria hotel, el grande, la granja, great western trail, zimbabwe, hadrians wall, hansa teutonica, harmonies, horse fever, inis, inkognito, innovation, isle of skye, istanbul, keyflower, the king is dead, lewis and clark, lorenzo il magnifico, kanban ev, kemet blood and sand, marco polo 2, marrakesh, ora et labora, oh my goods, pax pamir, parks, power grid, puerto rico, raiders of scythia, rebirth, river of gold, quacks of quedlinburg, quartermaster general 1914, ra, race for the galaxy, red cathedral, roll player, root, russian railroads, san marco, spirit island, stationfall, stupor mundi, targi, taverns of tiefenthal, taj mahal, terra mystica, terraforming mars, tiwanaku, trial of the gods, tzolkin, through the ages (only 2p), tigris euphrates, tokyo metro, troyes, yokohama, zoo vadis
That's a eurogame, your entire post is invalid.
No idea what you're even talking about, Agricola is a card battler
I mean activity via board game playing. I should have specified!
Lobby Name: /vm/ - AAAAAAAAAA
Pass: titties
Games: dunno
Ping: 999ms

Will keep it up and waiting for as long as it takes me to watch this episode of Venture Bros
Currently at 2(3), playing a short game
Closed for now
It was a bad tabletop game anyways. Let us never mention it.
Digimon was fun, I'm making a deck
Fuck BORED games, time for more card games
w-what discord
none, you're being joked at
A new golden era for Chard Battlers
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It's a worker placement game
>"tycoon" in the game name
>it's about economics
damn who woulda thought
tabletop Transport Tycoon where i can spend a worker and one thousand $ to fund road reconstruction and have all other players yell at me because i just ruined their bus network when?
Wait for more of the regular hosts later. You'll get your invite in-game if you participate, simple as. Games still get posted to the thread though, it's just the schedule that's kept in-'cord to keep things organized without the player scum masses whining about it.
What time roughly do you guys play? I just got tts and wondered if I could play with my 4chan friends.
Is it actually fun or is it another worker placement where the only player interaction is the bare minimum of locking spaces because the author is incompetent and/or retarded
It's a game about anime. The author is definitely incompetent and retarded.

I don't think any of the hosts have a set time to hosting, they just post here with the lobby info. Maybe giving a heads up a couple hours before.
approximately now +- 4~6 hours
there's a lot of people in the thread and they live in different timezones
Yeah I read through the rulebook and it
seems worker placement and hiring cards from the pool are the only player interactions
Theme is also weak, looks like it was changed from movie making to anime at the last second
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lobby idk

name: g/vm/es
pass: rage
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played this and now im so tired i go to sleep

so lobby closed
dead thread
you can host if you want games
Come on hosts, do your thing
Just got home, can host for late night games if we have at least 2 more anons
and you killed it
Anyone up for games?
ok i'm gonna host something i guess
>/vm/ something
we back after a crash, 2/4 still ready to play
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2/whatever currently clovering
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3 players in clovering, then switching to a different game after
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Closed, after a shaky start we got a perfect round as the perfect ending to the gaming session
>switching to a different game after
i tried but nobody wanted and the players didnt have the time
Anyone up in 20 minutes?
I'm down to play right now
I can host and teach either Sakura Arms or War of the Ring, both 2 player games. Too lazy for anything else right now
Mm, never mind then
Dw, I (or another anon) might host for more than one player soon
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
More like barrage deez nuts into your mouth
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Barrooge happening with 4
You have no idea how much I'm hating this game.
And it looks ugly.
Classic euro experience
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Game ends with Germany winning 157 vs Italy 93, USA 74 and France 44!
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Rootin' with 4
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>followed up by Root
anon!!! r u okay!!!!!!
there r easier ways 2 kill urself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
name 3
pax (any)
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The illegitimate state of Israel wins after stealing from the cats their one chance of Dominance. GGs.
What's wrong with Arcs?
more like what's wrong with pax
funny how no one ask what's wrong with TI
Anyone want to play Arcs or Voidfall soon?
How soon?
There's an expansion coming soon™ that will fix TI4. i promise just one more expansion and we will fix the game it will be perfect i swear just add one more expansion theres so much to innovate new strat cards new factions new system tiles new units new objectives more economy for all factions we're gonna fix the game just one more expansion i swear
when is "soon"? Tonight? Next weekend?
I wanna play those games but i need to know when
2 more weeks trust the plan
like the anon above, depends on when, i can give arcs another chance just fine if you want to play it that badly
What time works best for you guys?
Do you know the games? factoring in teaching.
uh, more or less an hour and a half ago. around that time since the game is 60-120 which with the /vm/ debuff will become 3 hours
Yes i know the game somewhat, it just didn't strike me as a game I'd play more than a couple times
approx. four hours ago would've been a good time to start
I know and remember the rules to Arcs and know and don't remember the rules to Voidfall
Monday-Thursdays 8:30PM ET+2
Friday 5 ET+2
Weekends starting 10AM ET+2

I learned the game but I'll need a refresher, and since my availability sucks don't worry about me much if the others can play at different times.
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What's wrong with them is that they are too darn fun.

There is tension at all times during the game and you have to continuously keep your opponents in check while finding ways to get an edge yourself, that goes for all Pax games, at least the ones I've played (Porfiriana, Ren, Viking and Pamir).

Also good God is it hard Toppling in Porf when everybody knows what they are doing. Managed to get 6 Outrage prestige to win early-ish and I got absolutely destroyed by smart Speculation "trading" and forcing a Depression at the right time, then people built their coffers back up and due to a misplay in count Black ended up winning via Gold Victory after Red went for a Command Topple too early.
Such lovely games.
Voidfall Wednesday?

Maybe like 10:00 AM CST?
I can teach, but if I have to teach at all its going to be a tutorial scenario.
Ah, I was talking about Arcs. Not really interested in Voidfall, sorry. But don't mind me I'm the one with the shitty timeframes.
Sounds reasonable to me but I'll still suggest hosting on fridays and weekend days because more people can show up then. Not everyone is a NEET or willing to ruin a sleep schedule for games.
I'll host whenever, I'm unemployed so until I get another job (which is shit in this market) I'm free to game.
Let's game then
gamers where
Did you try looking under your bed?
no, but check under your mom's bed
your mom buys vip in ladybug
lobby is up

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did a lonely jiggy, keeping the lobby open for a quarter or two and if nobody comes, closing :(
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did this shit, going for coffee rush now
Got what card b*ttlers deserve
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with coffee, the lobby be closed
GGs thanks for hosting.
so, where host? or am i getting spooked by timezones again?
Is this still happening?
I woke up late, I can host now if you want/still can play
sure, i could go in a few minutes
did everyone just suddenly die?
dead thread
>Dead thread dead thread wah wah
>Me, host? no I could never
>hosting on a dead thread
if it were so dead you wouldn't be posting in it. Stop complaining and host or fuck off for good.
might host in around 1-2 hours, stay vigilant players
Are you hosting Voidfall?
I'd host but I'm too busy playing video games instead of boardeo games
what is voidfall
How about some Pax Porfiriana or Renaissance? I'm happy to teach.
I was planning to play boardya with friends on tts but they flaked and now it's a bit too late for me to host so i'm also just playing vidya
Unless anons are up for games that are 1 hour long tops
Pass: titties
Games: dunno
Ping: 999ms
Alright, gaming later then
lobby open

name: g/vm/es
pass: rage
sadly, lobby closed, better luck next time
Sorry anon, I was sleeping, I'll join now if you're still here
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My turn my turn

Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
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yay I did it too!
>hosts have to do everything
>now they even have to be the players
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hosting idk yet

Name: /v/apist
Pass: assfuckme
>join 2 hosts
>neither of them wants to play, they just wanted to host
You cant exactly expect them to wait for hours for anons to join
When I host I wait for 30 mins max unless im two or three handing a game in the meantime
Maybe if you guys actually replied to those who post in advance before hosting, testing the waters for interest, it would be easier
there really just needs to be a fucking discord or steam group or some shit.
>reply in advance
>host forgets to wake up on time >>1507600
You can see based on the voidfall post anons do reply to hosts that ask for interest, so I have no idea who you're complaining about. In fact hosts should do it more often to avoid situations like today where 4 different people decided to try hosting in the middle of the night on a weekday without notice and no one got enough players

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