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previous thread:

Website: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/bombergirl/bg/p/index.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bombergirl573 (news on the PC version will have 【コナステ】)
Current/upcoming banners and maps (PC): https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/index.html

>Installation Guides:
Image guide: https://imgur.com/a/G2fK1Z0
Registration: https://p.eagate.573.jp/gate/k/newcomer.html
Download: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/download/installer.html
The old client trick no longer works

>Technical errors:
If you can't get past the bench test screen, change your computer's region to Japanese in the control panel
If your NAT type is below C, try forwarding port 5291 on your router
If matchmaking breaks more than once, restart the game

>Wtf is the point of my role?:
Bombers destroy buildings and dig for items.
Attackers make space by separating enemies either by distracting or killing them.
Shooters make it to mid as soon as possible for the first team fights before going back to base to defend.
Blockers delay any inevitable attacks for as long as possible by denying area and stalling with heals, buffs, and blocks.

>In-depth resources:
JPN wiki
Map Guides

>Shitpost images resources:

>Top JP players:
テラルナ (Bomber)
だいげんしさん (Attacker)
ぼっすん (Any role)
ぽろぴ (Any role)
wew lad
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Momoko can't have breast because she needs all the strength to carry
great save!
high octane tab
it's the last day of the week
still full of suffering
man im on a roll i raised from 1400 to 1650
i'm at 1693. i think could get to S today but i don't feel like playing anymore. i don't want to play without feeling like it
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>it's ok we're all gonna make it
Hey there naka!
fug sorry naka
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Nice naka!
I only needed like 3 more secs
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Yeah rip, bad timing when kani got killed
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The kind where the Momoko keeps rushing to center to play keepaway with the bomber, while the enemy attacker is ravaging a blockless base and playing ring-around-the-rosie with the shooter, who is most likely a Papuru who doesn't have Orthus
Basically, a dishonest defense is one that does something overly aggressive. loses because of it, and blames everyone else on their team before alt-f4ing
Next event when? I need more tickets and free cosmetics
my guess is they're gonna have private lobbies for 2 weeks after ranked is over and then the event one week later or so. so mid/late november. someone posted it in a previous thread, the next event seems to be the christmas one since it has a character roll
next event is the bomberman suit one
i think that's the last event this year. i meant "christmas event" because the ones around christmas are more generous
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if it's an old item, we might get it eventually. they gave away quite a few swimsuits already so hers will probably be in an event at some point. i hope next year's events are better, this year's were kinda bad imo. i think there were less events this year too
i've dropped to D with an alt. my main is over 1700. just play. i know i can get my alt back to A at least
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holy shit can these niggers stop playing hiiro her heal is complete dogshit. its practically nonexistent when enemy offense is in the base
she's pretty bad once the enemy gets inside the base
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had fun games today!
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funny how servants always go for the stunned
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yeah lol
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>A to C
>one win away from B
>hard stuck in C because of stupid shit
i want to choke someone so bad
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Is this a MOBA or what exactly?
it's a MOBA yes
4 vs 4 moba
it's a surprisingly hard game despite its look
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I got another double hit with olive's missile a couple days back
is this a lag thing?
getting hit is client side
goes for skills and bombs too
and terrain I guess
it depends on the lag of the people getting hit to their ms to the host.
the missile exists on both players screen as an individual thing like a servant
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Ranked match hurts so much. Any bad play by me or a teammate hurts so much.
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Tekka is underrated
She needs more love
>play Tekka like I would Chiamo, an attack-avoidant iframe spammer
>do alright but lose a lot
>play Tekka like a DPS-spamming bully, punching people as much as possible to disrupt and stun them, using the Shoten Huo to safely get into base without defenders camping the chokes
>win more
Between her very good DPS and the stuns on hit, Tekka's better than her reputation
Just punch more and work to compensate for her lack of mobile iframe moves
how does it feel
>nukinuki finally made it
I'm proud
You finally did it, nice
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He made it
just before I dropped the game...
Android port doko
i can't imagine playing this game on phones
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Saar open Pinebobs and Momovegana in exchange for paseli pls.
In all seriousness, the gameplay is too actively involved to really work on a small screen with touch controls overlayed alongside all of the UI elements. Playing Bombergirl on a UMPC without a physical keyboard like the GPD Win line already sounds like a less than ideal way to play.
Vertical phone with the screen above the controls. The screen gets even tinier but you hand doesn't obscure it.
The Windows client is already a port. It's an arcade game initially. The controls would translate just fine.
How are your games going?
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I lost 5 matches in a row because of kuso rush
Simply play worse so that you get the rush.
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I'm totally fine, thanks for asking doc.
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I'm kinda stuck on mid A but I don't mind it much
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Great job!
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Haven't followed bombergirl in a while but I have a friend in japan right now who can grind out an account for me. Anything I need to tell him? Is it still 20 games to unlock Papuru?
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Probably Rukia
Shiro was mugged by Pine and nobody did anything about it. Justice for Shiro-chan
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we did it reddit. those games in FED are so bad. i can see why it makes people doubt themselves
nice job anon!
WTF? The god of bomga is playing konasute and no one here warned me.
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Guys, I lost all my will to play today
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had fun games today!
i've been here since the game went f2p
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had this happen on the last match lol
just embarrassed himself live on poropi's stream
Another year without terraluna playing konasute then.
prune vtuber
barely streams
only showed up recently
>12k subs
>members already
how the fuck?
she? has asmr videos. one has over 200k views and another has over 60k. it's probably from that
but still
not like asmr videos are rare or hard to find
how can you pull that number with a new video?
I just don't get it
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there's your answer, everybody loves pururun
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imagine the paizuri
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OHH shit. Pinefutas, our response?
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the pine council for good taste and good characters is only concerned with pine characters and their derivatives
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prune you fat disgusting slob why are you so perfect?
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had fun games today!
cute outfit fudge also congrats on raising to d
thanks anon!
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sup bomba lovers, hope all is gud! I think i posted here sometime in may asking for help with my download not working from error code 5-1654-5011. It actually sarted working again after i got a new isp, so i'm pretty sure the issue was from unstable internet. also i will be s rank by the end of the week
go get em tiger
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File deleted.
>i will be s rank by the end of the week
I'll beleive it by the end of next week
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mods are gay
also why are jannies here?
I thought it was going in the other direction
How much does an arcade cabinet cost?
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hi mint
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hi and gg qt pie!
we did good
cute bombas
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wait a minute
hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
where is my fucking cheonsam in bonga konami???????!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?
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or ao dai
why does neru have tits
Paizuri god gave to her
Soon it will give to momoko too
How did they manage to make Grim hotter than she already is?
i want her feet to step on me
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PC port fucking when
Anon, the only reason Bombergirl is on PC is so that when someone pays to play it at the arcade they can match for a game faster. The day Konami stops supporting the arcade machines they will kill the PC client as well.
>someone pays to play it at the arcade they can match for a game faster
PC client -> larger playerbase -> faster matchmaking
you could say advertise
or promotion
Hey meat!
fug gg meat
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ah so far away the ideal world also gg
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>tfw our attackers weren't able to touch your base at all
you don't get matched with arcade players while playing on pc. there's no crossplay
dont worry i find some subpar attackers too and sometimes i have to try win 2 vs 1
it's because that blueberry is a grandmaster. b96 is also above 1700 at the end of the season if i'm not mistaken
I've been lied to.
b96 bombeeeeer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOLHbjJuBS8
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Nice matchmaking
also GG, was close, even if it didn't matter in the end I got a laugh when my shooter definitively murdered me
GGs everyone
GGS anon!
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had fun games today!
No more flat girls in the game
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I like that the rudeness is the first complaint and the ragui is only second
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not even the heavens above know how the hell we won this match in 1600+

matching finished with me as brass and 3 other teammates attackers, urushi person switched to a bomber, chigusa nor other papuru (who was chiamo at the time) absolutely refused to switch, chigusa spamming sorry chat first about it, other papuru eventually went to character select but took like an eternity there, finally switched to momoko last 10 seconds, and then for some god damn reason in last 5 seconds he switched to papuru, urushi guy somehow also switched last second to urushi, leading to this mess

well we won anyway so I can't really complain but still lol. it was a landslide lead even triggering rush while our base gate still wasn't even broken, and thankfully the two attackers finished the enemy base off as the two went in because as expected having no blocker as they get into your base is a death sentence lol
must have been fun
that was the original plan when they announced the pc port before the arcade game even came out, but they scrapped it along the way

i'm a dumbass lol
What's the best way to queue with friends?
>Private matches(when it's enabled)
>old module(if there is one that still works)
>you all hit queue at the same time and hope for the best
be a friend of everyone in bonga :D
you should always be optimistic even if you get queued with someone who just played really badly or known convicts, shit picks etc. having a bad attitude sets you up for failure. getting triggered and throwing games only works against you
ranked got to everybody
Damn everyone is angry this ranked season
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>this ranked season
Paizuri season
* paizuri battles
* they're not futas how is that supposed to work
having fun is prohibited
Based naka, Making the Japanese struggle for points.
fuck you I lost too
not my fault
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at least I won
FINALLY beat that fucker poropi once this ranked season
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FED is a harsh realm
meat if we lose i'm blaming you
i literally couldnt do more than that
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i ight not suck that much at bomba
i lost 100 points today
I'm happy for you
I'm sorry that happened
i won a game and got 0 points what the fuck?
skill issue
i guess your rating is too high anon
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>tfw I'm still stuck in A
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i went from 1880 to 1750. i think this will be the last ranked season i play. this game is fucking garbage
This season is very strange. Poropi and the other GMs were really struggling to reach 3000 points in previous seasons. This season he's already on 2600 and there are still 5 days to go.
finally something good
congrats meat!

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