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T4 didn't save the game edition
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He WON and he's CORRECT
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What other games let you cunnymax though?
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>Combat good
>Skins great
>Customisation fantastic
All they had to do was make anything else not cancerous and this game would be a serious mmo in the west, but Gooks always need to slip in a bit of their "magic".
Does it matter? It didn't save this game, it won't save any other game.
>Does it matter? It didn't save this game, it won't save any other game.
True. Pedo cucks kept making shit up like artist will save the game.
>all my fap friends disappeared
Sad state
I think Ignite server and the boosted Behemoth first time clear are a good start to making the game more "western friendly". People aren't here to grind the same raids every week until they replace it with a different one. They run a raid the first time for the experience, clear it a few more times while it's fun and finish their upgrades. Then they might hang around a bit before hopping to another game until the next major content drops.
I know Diablo and PoE aren't exactly MMOs but it should be looked as an example of how ARPGs can do well in the west. People aren't playing them 24/7, their player counts regularly dips below Lost Ark. Difference is, the players actually come back when they release an expansion and the concurrent player count shoots up.
Meanwhile with Lost Ark, everyone and their mothers already tried it during their massive launch. Then they got burnt out and will probably never touch this game again unless they hear about an overhaul of grinding/progression.
we're already -2k les gooo
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The next loli class will save the game!
ffxiv with mods
You're not talking about those ugly ass potato things are you?
samurai loli or female paladin will save the game
nothing can save this game besides smilegate handing the game over to a western or chinese dev
thats what windfury is, and its gay btw. drizzle is what an aeromancer is actually supposed to be and therfore based. next specialist should be illusion master like shandi dandy
it did help somewhat with support shortage
problem is artist released too late to save anything plus supports are garbage design in the first place
>he doesn't know
So we have less player than before update, what went wrong, I heard Ignite server was the best way to get new and return players?
>install ffxiv
>the game dies with the new expansion
>install lost ark
>the game dies with new tier
which mmo should i kill next
wow is impossible to kill
try that
But it looks like an N64 game and has no cunny

Hard pass
How far am I getting into Transcendance form lvl 2's?
what are the best effects for life skill tools now?
Looks like enough dark fires for all 7 armor if you're at all 2's atm
hard slappies
t4 couldn't save us
ignite couldn't save us
what can save us?
East Kurzan and more Delain sluts
is everything we do in t4 going to be in kurzan?
how long are they going to drag out kazeros? we are going to have to cycle through the whole legion commanders three times, from purple bitch to blueberry bitch to orange bitch and vykas little sister boss and thaemines dog before we fight kharmines shadow and then HIS dog and then we fight kazeros cock before he runs away and we chase him petrania 4 years later.
Bro remake this vid pls, I can't jerk off to her with those mokokos in it
Reddit mazies are starting to see the writing on the wall after the t4 bump has already fallen to 25k concurrent
its boggling how retarded they are. the current game design is killing the game. t4 and even s3 is more of the same, nothing really changes. the update fails to revive the game and people pretend like they arent shocked as if they werent shilling about how giving more free shit and keeping design the same was going to save it. dishonest cunts.
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I'd have to download and resinstall the game to do that though and I cannot be bothered.

Sorry :-(
Oh well. Do you have any other vids of her then?
>face literally static jpeg
damn, this game is ancient. even snes games had expressions
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most of the emotes have facial animations but not that one for some reason.
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>most have it
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Stop making a fool of me.

You've been warned
No way they come up with some other bullshit after round 2 of Legion Commanders. It's gotta be the actual Kazeros fight after that. It's time to move on, it's going to be 4+ years of fighting demons by that time.
No clue how they're going to introduce the next raid series though. SG kinda put themselves in a corner by shitting out 20 legendary cards at once to cover all the elements. Now if they introduce more characters worthy of a legendary card it only expands the pool more and idk what set effect they'll come up with.
like you said they designed themself into a dead end story wise. thats why they keep recycling this shit and drag it out.
Eh, story-wise I think they're okay. Sure the legion commanders are very iconic at this point but SG has been building up other opposing factions in Varkan, Sacria's Twilight sect, and Kharmine. They have options for the next arc if they actually want to move on.
The problem I'm talking about it more with how it ties into gameplay. Getting 20 new legendaries as mainly variations of old characters means we're likely not going to see any new major characters for a while.
thats fine desu, this game has a lot of characters we see once and never again. its not bad to bring them back and make them relevant. i hope instead of more card bloat by making 30 different cards of the same npc (happy armen, sad armen, horny armen) they will just add a new type of card enhancement instead. well not that i want that system, but i'd prefer it over making more variations of the same npc card.
can't wait to watch my kid fight brel 6.0 in t7 while im laying in my death bed
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you tryin to poop sis?
Why was the solo raid gold for akkan nerfed but kayangel wasn't? Akkan is such a fucking cock raid to solo. Its so fucking ass I would rather do ivory tower even though the ilvl is higher.
nyo, delains don't poop
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Keep in mind that a few months ago, Akkan got a slight gold buff while other raids were getting nerfed. Then when solo raid switched to bound gold, it got set to 80% of the buffed NM value. So the nerf is more of a correction to bring Akkan's gold reward more in line with the other content next to it.
Though they probably could've kept it slightly higher since there's a honing deadzone after 1580 atm.
what is this retard talking about, ark passive throws away what we worked for
Bros I beat G1 Theamine on ignite, all DPS party, Death to support sissies looking for a free carry, Inshallah
why are we not getting those guild islands with 10 lvl 3 gems anymore? wtf bros
Am I useing the trans calculater correctly?
wow such surprise s
you went like 5 turns without clearing the tiles on the calculator that you cleared with your first explosion card...
so you actually have to micromage a calculator for hours whilst spending 300-500k just for a dogshit power system. I'm about to quit again until it's free like 5x3, how do mazies tolorate this?
yes lol then do it on 5 more characters
it took me a year to get 500k gold cuz i dont do group raids. i will never do trans
When you hit a special tile, just press the button for that special tile instead of use. It's those white buttons under the use button.
E.g. when you hit blessing you hit use and manually changed the # of turns left. But just pressing blessing would do the same for you. Goes for other tiles like addition, enhancement, mystery, etc as well.
Also, there are two tornado-looking icons that look pretty similar. Looks like you might have confused the two
bros they nerfed brel gate 4 solo? she doesn't even drop meteors anymore. after the yellow one the blue meteors never drop. thats a hella nerf
transition now.
Why didn't they nerf the gold costs to hit 1580? Come on, this is ridiculous. Elixir and transcendence costs enough as it is.
smilegate does not care about new players
what good are new players for? they can't even pay the bus fee now that unas are bound gold
how do you even find this stuff
and someone put in the effort to make it
whoever suggested bound gold is deeply retarded
yeah its a blatant nerf. una gives you zero to trade with, and solo raiders not only cant use it for anything but honing, not that its even enough now with the nerfs
bound gold is based af, rice eaters BTFO
Returning player, need advice. Is there a way to find learning parties and catch up if I haven't played since NM akkan? I honed my main to 1610 but there's just no way I'm getting into thaemines without 40 elixir and no good titles. Even my 1620 ignite character can't find learning parties and I don't want to just join a reclear party. Also if my roster is all weak as fuck 1540s is it ever worth making multiple accounts for free 1620s and funneling resources into main account cause idk how I'm gonna get any income otherwise. Clearing clown for 2500g or something on these disgusting characters can't possibly be the best option.
Join lagcord if you want to run stuff, only solo players post here
How? If ags and Gook gate weren't utter cunts and didn't cuck solo raid bound gold it would be useful.
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Mazies, how do you do this exploit?
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As if they'd want to get jailed by a solo experience only player like me.
just go into any ignite character's stronghold and leave
repeat for infinite boxes
based, time to get banned and be free of this game forever.
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the absolute state of this nigger playerbase
All these faggots watching my boy quality tap. Let a brother live.
I've been banned for rmt before I can take another break.
what a fuckin joke of a game
Why? Finally the community got a way to catch up and bypass the hamster wheel garbage system that is quality.
There was barely any time to abuse meanwhile 90% of the end game community has rmtd in some way or form and nothing. People have been running around with +25 weapons for months before it was a reasonable to get it.
At best people got some quality taps in.
>There was barely any time to abuse meanwhile 90%
This bug has been in the game since Ignite servers launched. And allegedly it was reported literally two days after launch.
Only known to a handful of people. The poeple who abused it today barely made out with anything. Gee now I have some mats where I need to burn my own gold and shards, transcendance/elixirs take forever, some quality taps which were already a scam. you went from 90 to mid/high 90s or a lucky 100.
this exploit will finally kill this game
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AGS will go soft on us exploiters and reddit mazies will cry. Frankly it shows how much of a scam these systems are, 500+ quality taps and you would be lucky to get 100 quality.
which is why nothing will happen, except an announcement sayubg that the baddies got banned to put the seething normies at ease (nobody will be banned)
this is our last day here lads, we are going to be finally free from this maze
Dear Players,

It is with great sadness that we announce the closure of Lost Ark services. This difficult decision is due to an exploit that allowed many players to gain unfair advantages, compromising the integrity of the game.

After extensive investigations, we have concluded that there is no viable solution to restore fairness among players. We sincerely thank all of you who have been a part of this journey, and we regret that our story must end in this way. We hope to offer new experiences in the future that meet your expectations.

Thank you for your understanding and support.
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I regret not exploiting bros...
reddit says all exploiters will be banned and have transcendence and elixirs reset and get negative gold and +0 gear and 0 quality. TRUST THE PLAN.
and people still play this game fucking kek XDDDDD
>they dont even fix game breaking bugs
why am i not surprised

I definitely do bwo
is this the best day in lost ark history?
Don't go easy on the exploiters this time
This is a huge slap in the face for any legit player if they don't permaban the exploiters
To AGS, I'm sure i speak for many players like myself, if appropriate measures are not taken to address the recent exploiting I will quit the game
yeah it's very amusing, but cuckmazies redditors will forget about it in few days because lost shart it's the only thing they have in their lives
>slap in the face (balls)
thats every day for these cuckies
How can you make your character walk instead of run?
Hypothetically I bug abused what can I put my gold in? Orehas?
Thats the Elgacia story quest in the cube where you see what Lauriel did. You are basically forced to walk, as a lot of story sequences do that. In regular gameplay, you can't toggle or force walk.
sir another exploit has hit arkesia
With all the exploits ags may leave me alone. I only duped the ignite stuff 3 times and quality tapped.
Hi are there any lewd specialist outfits yet? The answer will determine if I come back to the game or not.
If you think AGS will deduct your gold, then the answer is to not touch it at all. You're not going to be sneaky crafting fusions or some shit. They can see exactly where you spend the gold.
You want to actually play the game after this? Then take the (maybe) temp ban and miss out on the gold you shouldn't have received in the first place.
Want one last hit of power gain before crashing out the game? Then spend that gold on anything possible. End up with negative millions of gold and do Aegir HM. Then quit because you can't even craft the ancient equipment with negative gold.
Do i have to do bullshit sidequests to reach cap or i can coast entirely on story quests with no worries?
it is likely fine not to do them but why are you doing story instead of playing ignite server
Because my retarded regional reservation doesn't have ignite servers and i can't be arsed to jump through hoops to play on amazon ones.
Why is reddit pretending that anyone who used the bug has a full roster of 1700s? Even if you hard abused it you would be bored well before an hour of entering strongholds. I think most who did only tried and handful of times.
The suspense is killing me, will ags ban or will we make out like bandits whilst reddit crys?
>stronghold's disabled
>all characters are in stronghold
>can't even log in to the game
AGS must kneel to Reddit.
As a hardcore vet that speedruns all the latest raids 6x weekly, I would rather do my raids with full mokoko partys than to know that a single exploiter has been left unpunished for the foreseeable future
1000 punchies for exploiting!!!
tfw no translucent jacket microbikini pale H cup inverted nipple tits short haired fox ears gf to side eye me lustfully... why live
all these hot sluts, and it will be eos soon because of the glitch. gg hotslut man, i will save all your pics so your efforts will always be remembered.
My main is in the stronghold and my ticket has been unanswered for about half a day. I am beyond bricked.
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I just wanted to fap to my aero but she's in a stronghold
bros i dont get how this new ark passive thing works. so for accessories the only thing that matters is quality? so anything under blue just auto dismantle?
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>t4 will save us
everyone got banned...
This week marks the release of Aegir, but unfortunately, I've decided to step away from the game. I feel like I've already achieved most of my goals, so I've made the choice to quit, at least for now. Whether it's permanent or if I'll return someday, who knows?
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>remember I have to do both south and north Kurzan on my ignite character
>Kunute fortress rng again
Yep ags you can hit me with a ban I deserve it.
ignite characters get a box with full t4 gear
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this was me, finally got into a thaemine at 1612 with a full group of 1640s, no wonder people gatekeep. This 1640 db doing 8.7m, people probably think I'm gonna be doing less than wei.
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this is me. i always do zdps. i wish i wasnt so bad at the game
I'm banned bwos...
post ban screen sissy
>Dupe a little
>Get banned because reddit is seething
>rmt millions
>Nothing because reddit gave up
AGS needs to get off reddit.
>watching stoopz do shit
>breaker is critting 800 million
>meanwhile my skills do 20-40 million and im 1640
da fuq? i know hes juiced out but why am i weak as fuck? da hell?
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Are you comparing across a different class? Of course a burst class with 35% of its total dps in one skill's hit will easily beat most other classes if you're comparing highest individual hit.
1640 alone also doesn't mean much. There's 40 set elixirs, full transcendence, lv8 T4 dmg gem, LOS30, etc. Those are within reach of an F2P and if you're missing any of those then there will be a bigger gap between you and a juiced char like Stoopz's.
elixirs are like 2-3% damage. same for trans. i have both btw, but its not that massive, at least to explain how he hits 1092090192 times more than i do
Anyone who duped will get a visit from a specialist who will then sit on their face for 48 hours to make them repent for their misdeeds.
Hi. I'm a Specialist and the biggest punishment is me not liking face sitting so they have to be stuck in a room for 48 hours while I talk about things they don't care about.
This mage poster here, I'd love to breed her so hard.

Mazie, you getting banned was the best thing to happen to you in over two years. T4 is slop I promise you and we're already back to 20k concurrent after the t4 bump(LOL), maybe 19k after 1k of us were banned.
you already know these addicts are going right back to the game in a month even if they're negative 3 million gold
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I got a 2 week. I'll be back for the next express event in a few months. I was already behind lol. My only regret is I got no value of of the bug, I did it 3 times and quality tapped maybe -300k but I get +200k from the ignite and I had 100k already.
some people said they're literally just waiting for poe2 to release now, can't wait for another -5k next month LMAO
>So mazed that you need ags to ban you instead of just dropping this slop
>Still can't log in

Can't fathom why this game is losing so many players
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When do raid niggers take responsibility and admit they killed the game? Lol at as long as there are 8 players I can raid.
Never, even after EOS they will be blaming casuals for killing their raidnigger game.
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>why did the game EOS??
>we alienated all the right people, I don't understand how this happened
they are right but thats exactly what Smilegate is banking on. Mazies don't quit en mass and the very few that do are replaced by the very few new players who slog past the gatekeeping.
bed-breaking house-demolishing earth-shattering universe-tearing sex with specialist
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>Cover artists head
That's a fully grown women but a bit of a flatty. Pedo bros?
the female body reaches perfection at this point
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mazoids, I...
so why was she censored by amaz*n??? fucking nigger company
i have emotional trauma from seeing people cheat and exploit my favourite game, lost ark. my sense of justice is now skewed and i have severe ptsd from this event. please compensate us ags so i can happily play the game again
Thanks a lot I got all excited and got banned because of you lot now I miss out on the sexo skins
>transfers from ignite delayed till next week
just buy them from the market after you get unbanned with your negative gold LMFAOOO
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The peak from just 1 month ago was 30k, we're already back to 20k kek.Cunny didn't save the game, big tit coomer slayer didn't save the game, raid slop didn't save the game. It's beyond too late.

Is he right?
He's right, niggas have been chaos botting, rmting, dps meter and nothing. 1 little bug now they want to clamp down.
they shouldve catered to the tasteful casual that wants a sovlful world and not a stronghold sitting raid sim
they committed to a raiding game years ago and now it's too late to change
are strongholds fixed yet?
no lol
We lost around 7k ccp, which is not just 7k players overnight, is this because of the ban wave, that is a lot more than 2k cheated players AGS stated, or people just don't want to login suddenly
Hi. Did Specialists get any of the nightmare skins they're releasing at all? I don't have the game installed but if they do I'll pop back in to buy them then uninstall again.
it doesn't look like it, but it's worth reinstalling anyway to grab the Street Glitter Chestpiece

Now to see if they get the leotard with the torn fishnets or the skirt one that covers everything.
>1 month ago
sis, it was 2 weeks ago...
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euc aegir is out before the maintenance started and people have already cleared g1 lmfao
ags is shitting the bed right now
It's actually impressive at this point knowing how imcompetent they could be
Is there a maintenance going on still?
and people still defend amaz*n on reddot XDDDD
I hope they get fucked over because I was for exploiting boxes.
That perfectsurpression guy is the biggest Smilegate dicksucker on that subreddit it's unironically hilarious
There are people out there that actually seethe when people criticize their korean time sink skinner box
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RMAO. The only thing that keeps me going is seeing cunny cucks getting btfo every single patch then crying about it like it was unexpected.
hooooly what a downgrade
I hope amaz*n burns
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love reddit
did they ever change the female martial artist preset faces/face selection or is still the same as before?

I'm grabbing a few presets from the Lost Ark discord and they dont look the same when I import it
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>Stinky Mazies rush new raid before maintance
>Locked out completely now they only have partial complition week 1
Good, now 1 week ban.
Foxxy is that you?
anyone have that old image of female martial artist from way back, couldn't tell if wardancer or scrapper, but the weapon this black thick robotic looking thing.

The outfit was the metallic yellow bra top, green yoga pants, and white sneakers
just adding, the weapon looked small enough for a wardancer but at the same time big enough for a scrapper?

it looked like it came from Deux Ex, all black and all.
Foxxy died(quit) shortly after he gatekept the new cutie bard and was meme'd on.
>DPS meter dead forever
It's over...
Foxxy was the only slut I always wanted to fuck, what a huge whore
the ones who post like that are the ones who actually want it the most and are seething inside.
I'm surprised they're suddenly going this far to censor specialist skins. Last year's swimsuit top went through completely untouched and there are several panty skins already. Now it looks like anything below the shoulders must be covered for the top and the bottoms must completely cover the hips.
Now that I think about it, maybe Soomin was the one that held AGS back from some of the censorship. One of the videos he was in he said he plays aero, can't remember if he had an artist too.
there is literally no completely uncensored specialist skin with panties, what are you talking about? theyre lengthened considerably.
awww, where's the qt bard? anyone had it saved?

Foxxy never shared the preset for their Assassin
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Chaos Dungeon Weekly Unas are bugged. You can complete both of them easily in a single Chaos/Kurzan Front.

I saved it, but it was gook face slop.
Come the fuck on Amazon, I opened 3 boxes which is way less than this faggot abused the glitch, he just waited it out and get the rewards after the patch whilst I'm on a 2 week holiday with -300k gold.
eat shit cheating mazecuck
>sg killed meter right before the west got ark passive to truly see how dogshit balancing ark passives were
they knew
There's the Luterra formal bottoms and the Naruna Bubble bath pants. Maybe there's others but those are the two I know.
>all these people saying they'll quit because meter died
mazecucks will never quit
thanks, I'll check it out later.

would you know by chance if the NA version is still different with it's face sets?
that's it, I'm going to maplestory.
i thought if you didnt use it you wont go negative gold. how could you lose 300k if you didnt spend it? and 3 times doesnt give you that much gold too.
If the whales see their investment get destroyed by dogshit ark passive, they'd quit. You're right, they absolutely knew.
I've been playing Artale, it's a lot of fun and there are a lot of people, too.
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Here you go. I decided to reinstall after all.
Thank you so much friend!
total raidnigger death
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No problem. The big lolibutts are the only thing this game is good for now.
Built for refugees
Yessh... that is why I only play artist and aeromancer
lmao at everyone saying "i cant see myself improve!!!!" as an excuse as if it wasn't a tool for gatekeeping. what lying dihonest niggers. just like how pirates say they swar they wouldnt pirate if nobody used denuvo. its because some do that they do pirate everything they can. lol. lmao
how do you gatekeep when you can't see damage until you actually go inside the fight?
why the fuck haven't they nerfed honing to 1580 yet?
because smilegate hates new players
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china won (again)
Reddit will now say the game died because dps meter was banned and not thier dogshit attitude.
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>we want meter for self improvement
>top reddit post showing meter data of 5 bad players
>how else are we gonna gatekeep these guys
KR devs are right meter is toxic for the game
this game has the playerbase it deserves
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I'm sad the game isn't dying fast enough. 29k peak is good for this game and t4 slop or mass bans hardly made a dent.
people just want to do aegir and quit
the game is already dead, it has 20k bots and 10k real players. its less than 1% and has been for a while, actually.
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meterchads stay winning
raidniggers stay winning
and the game keeps losing
>Cunny in game censored
>Pedo reddit mods, silence
>Tos only matters when raid niggers don't benefit
>Clear new raid before intended, openly break tos and get Roxx to message smilegate supporting you
The western release may as well be run by reddit.
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these niggers still really pretending its about self improvement. lol
it's helped me improve so yes
Nyo.... the 99% grows....
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>weekly abyss and guardians still give t3 mats
you don't want to be doing that trash content anyways
>Scrap islands
>Scrap abyssal raids
>Scrap abyssal dungeons
>Scrap pvp
>Scrap guild activities
>Scrap weekly challenge
>Scrap skilling for 5min slop
>Scrap rehersal
>Scrap solo raids
The onyl things these fucking gooks want us to do is 8 man legion raids. Not even any raid it's got to be the same dog shit legion commander story.
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You can still do those? I can't even get a party for it anymore, the game is so dead.
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Smilegate lost.
new world aeternum had 44k players today. their expansion is getting more love than lost arks expansion...
t4 is not an expansion lol
Then gooks and meter fags start yapping because they can't keep their mouth shut, smilegate changes the encryption and perma bans anyone caught using it.
This is the only time I will support smilegate and that's to punish meter fags.
we're sealing the code this time so retarded koreans can't use it
season 3 is. or its supposed to be, anyway
The fuck is the purpose of stronghold farm if you still need to get resources manually for research and most of the other shit?
can craft oreha for your own use
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fuck them
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holy shit NAW really is dead
why doesn't AGS want to merge them with NAE?
Thread's dead because all the doomer retards here thought AGS wouldn't ban for the exploit. Seeya bozos.
thread's dead because this game is dogshit retard lmfao
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when are you giving me ur discord so i can use you to please myself? I know you are addicted to dick
Maybe they should yap so hard that Smilegate gets off of their ass and implements a meter themselves. But they won't because Koreans are Koreans.
Fuck the meter you mazed faggot, you don't need it.
I hope they yap so fucking hard smilegate forces amazon to send cnd to meter faggots.
>join medeia late, not many players
>get fucking farmed by paladin all day, cant even touch a single player with a single skill all fucking match because i get instantly killed and hit from zambia
>"you have received no rewards because you did not contribute"
yeah ok. what fucking piece of shit this pvp has. fucking mobile game pvp is a billion times better than this fucking mess.
If you were to main a class between Slayer, Artist or mememancer which one would you? I know the game's dead but...
And they can just ignore it. It's only America where it might be questionable.
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The one you want to fuck the most
I'd fuck the three of them at the same time
Big boobies wide hips big sword and big damage, of course
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Meter cucks I thought you had a fix?
The judgment priest pants from one of the early ark passes you could dye skin colored to give that skin toned look a bit and it sorta worked. Looks alright from the back
I could never raid with it though
>I could never raid with it though
why not?
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>Less than a week back to 22k peak
How is Poe? I'm jumping ship.
forced to pay for storage slot
>Make the basics cancer unless you pay for the monthly subscription
talking shit when aura exists.
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>blocks your path
>no autolooting pets
>OBNOXIOUSLY small inventory
>no auction house
>20+ hours of mind-numbing chores that make guardian raids look like fun to do the basic setup before you can even play the game, repeat every season
>damage reflection on random mobs
>everything one-shots you unless you one-shot it first before it even appears on your screen
>random bans if your farming strategy is too efficient
>random mutes by pajeet mods that barely speak English
>no bikini skins
>effectively no group play, why play this over something like grim yawn?
Lost Ark might be impossible for a newbie to start playing, but if you've been here since day 1, you can actually have fun. Poo of Excrement is just shit and BFR's making it shittier and shittier with every new expansion.

Of course, pooe2 is almost out, maybe it'll magically fix everything wrong with pooe1 who knows???
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new world is doubling our player count... we used to laugh at them...now they laugh at us
You sound like the fucking kraut from /v/, with half of your points being disingenuous or straight out lies
it's literally all true
No idea who that "kraut from /v/" is that lives rent-free in your head, but do tell me which of the points you'd like me to elaborate on.

And if you're going to spout out some retarded nonsense like "China has the pets (that only loot wisdom scrolls and such)" or "console version has an auction house" or "ackshually if the inventory is too small for you just use a stricter filter (ignoring the fact that inventory size hasn't changed since 1.0 even though they added gorilions of new currencies, fragments, etc.)" just kill yourself (in minecraft) instead.
Just use a stricter filter.
Back in Ambush/Invasion (the expansion that added vaal fragments, the first 4 fragment type items in the game) I remember entering vaal side areas (do they even still have those? I haven't played pooe in 3 years), looting literally everything that dropped and my inventory was juuust barely enough to hold it all.

THE SIZE OF YOUR INVENTORY WAS EXACTLY THE SAME THEN AS IT IS RIGHT NOW...this isn't normal, they're not even creating a problem to sell you a solution, there is no fucking solution!! it's just so that BFR can feel le weight of le items, it's so fucking retarded it's hard to believe that it's happening, think about lost ark and how much additional inventory space we've gotten since release to accommodate all the new shit and we got it for free lol, playing pooe2 is going to be a pain in the ass, I can already feel it but I'll power through the campaign at least once to make sure it's as bad as it looks.
Source on this image please
It's a naughty Korean comic. Secret class 124
Thanks anon.
isn't this game repugnantly monetized?
yes... but that's the least of its problems
Didn't Amazon say they would go after the gold and item dupers? They were so eager to get us box exploiters to appease reddit.
Bros transfer is tomorrow and I still haven't done thaemine g1 (I still never did it and never learned) and I'm still not 1620 (I'm 1612 or something, haven't checked in a week). I literally can't stand this game anymore which makes me depressed because I used to be the biggest addict of this game possible (5k+ hours).
I was you 1 week ago. I was stressing since I never raid, I ended up joining a full dps party and we eventually cleared after maybe 2 hours.
Get to 1620 and hopefully you can find a group there will be others in your position.
How much grinding does a new player have to do to get into the game? I played it on the western launch and liked the combat. I just don't really care about doing the current raids I just want to get through the old content and dress my character like a street walker.
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Newlurker here. I surpassed 1K hours yesterday. I just felt like sharing that
if you don't care about current content, there's no grinding at all
can you not preview single pieces anymore in bundles
that's cringe
You still can. Idk how you were doing it before but you can preview chest and click magnifying glass on individual items.
i refuse to give this raidnigger game company 800 crystals to transfer the ignite char, so i guess fuck the rewards then
I'm late to Ignite, so I'm guessing after this reset everybody will leave and I won't be able to do Thaemine G1 for the free transcendence right? Can I at least do that free 2k gold trick over and over still, or did they patch that?
Nobody tell them what the merge policy says
Who knows, there might be enough latecomers like you who still need to clear it. Or perhaps there will be an influx of "mokokos" that want a usable character for raids.
As far as I know, they haven't patched the 2k gold trick and probably don't care to do so.
what does it say? tell me
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I will transfer my Ignite character without clearing Thaemine and getting the free level 3 transcendence. If you don't release a solo version, I refuse to do your trash raid. Simple as that.
I uninstalled and won't be coming back. The one outfit I've been waiting over a year that I was going to put on my Specialist was so censored it ruined the game for me. I wish I could refund my founder's pack from day one.
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it is terrible looking
I was waiting so long for the Nightmare outfit to come out because ripped stockings and a tiny leotard is a great combo but then it turned into a weird leather romper?
i bought every wallpaper pack up to this point but this constant costume nerfing has pissed me off. no more. i will not be a paypiggy from now on
Could that's what you get for benig a cunny cuck. You people are so obnoxious
we're constantly oppressed by west DEI ESG shit, not obnoxious
what's the game breaking bug this patch?
keep driving away the people that actually fund your free game retard, see where that gets you
I did it. I transferred my ignite character without doing Thaemine. I will NOT do your trash raids with other people.
>keep driving away the people that actually fund your free game retard, see where that gets you
Cunny cucks greatly overestimate their contribution
another patch another ags disaster hahaha
Bros where do I find mokokos to groom? I need them tokens...
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pay up cuckie
>"saved" the game
>game is shut down
akshually it's still alive on console
who cares its dead everywhere else
it would have shuf down 2 years after launch instead of the 12+ it did, idiot
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30k. AGS is winning.
why did tera fail, why was it shut down? it's a fact that the game leaned hard into the elin playerbase before it died because they were the most supportive. did elins kill the game or did elins keep the game on life support?

regardless of what the game advertised itself with--castanics, elves--people chose the race they liked to play and that was that. it was better that the game's icon and main promo material featured a castanic because it was more unique and set the game's image apart from the rest of the mmorpg crowd. even if castanic was a minority it didn't matter, it was a good icon and people were free to choose whatever race they wanted. if the game was only elin it would have been boring.

ags doesn't understand this so they keep censoring costumes as if to separate their company from the korean version, as if they are somehow better or holding themselves to a higher moral standard in this totally fucked up, pay to win, manipulative fomo game. they're only losing players because the raiding grind isn't worth the candle.
a yoz wearing overalls and a beer helmet, this is the only game in the world where you can see something like this. it's novel in its uniqueness. if every character was like this then it would become dull, just like if every character in lost ark were a soul eater in a bikini the game would become dull. just port the game from korea to global without editing it.
i'm a reaper in a bikini, i'm unique.
i don't believe you let me see
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Finally got all this shit done, is there any reason to finish theamine raid on ignite server? Is the transcendence past level 3 on this server worth it or should I do it on my home server?
Is the rest of the raid hard?
you save gold by doing it on ignite but it's gonna be harder cause i assume most veterans have transferred over already
I see thanks
>cause i assume most veterans have transferred over already
Yeah I was on since midday and you could see gradually less and less players. The chat is definitely slower and there isn't even a scroll bar for the party finder anymore
Also is it expensive to do transcendence? How much transcending can I do with the 200k gold I'll be getting for transferring over a 1620 character?
I tried to do a gate 1 learning party today and I couldn't fill it up at all. I'm going to have to skip getting the free transcendence.
each armor piece is around 50k but might be less with the restoration tickets
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try all dps, it's massively worth getting it done on ignite. I'm unbanned next tuesday and will do it with you if my account is completely fucked. I'm EUC.
Wanna entertain me with your whores while you get unbanned?
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Just coming back after a six month break, noticing these retarded gooks didn't make any sort of cost reduction to 1620 and nerfed all the old gold gains. Only my main and the ignite boostie are somewhat playable but I sure as shit ain't getting to hm aegir for another like four months.

Who is this game for really? How absolutely bumfuck retarded
For the first time since launch, I really don't feel like playing anymore. For the first time, I am no longer buying a wallpaper pack. I collected every single one since launch until now. It really is over. I am completely serious by the way. Every single wallpaper.
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What's the general consensus on interpreting steam charts for bot population? I would initially think it's the amount above the "dip" that stays on 24/7, so like 10k? I haven't given it much thought.
i dunno, but something interesting to see is that the game has some semblance of a natural population curve where for the longest time it never had one. i think that shows that bots know the game is dead and no longer worth even bothering. botting activity might actually be less nowadays
the only physical contact i have had with a non relative in 20 years was getting my fingerprints taken
Is Slayer good for you?
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> Is Slayer good for you?
For my dick
>people chose the race they liked to play and that was that
yeah about that
you now remember how elins had fastest block strides and +1m on every single lock on skill
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oh hey you're back
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wtf im cooooooooming
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I've beaten the game, I think it's finally time to rest.
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You got tricked bwi, you now have a 1000 day habbit and sunk cost.
my habit of playing vidya goes back to before you were born + there's no sunk cost when you have an option of cashing out

that said, I will likely continue playing lost ark at least on my main until the inevitable EoS next year
is that you?
Where are all the learning parties that accept people without leafs?
you're playing the wrong game
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bwos will we make it to christmas?
yea why wouldn't we?
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yes sis
So uh, where all of the mokoko leaf players for the raids?
lol l
Sis? I want to own you, slut. I'm your daddy, give me your discord.
that's what peanut the squirrel said...
nyoo... why did you remind me
18 mins util unban, how badly did Amazon fuck me over?
They donated all of your gold to me
Get fucked mazies I kept my gold and quality, they only took the silver
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forgot my pic
lmfao they didn't take anything away from the exploiters
Is that bound gold or regular gold?
My real gold, I cleared most of it and bought gems, that's just my change. Apparently people who hid boxes in the merchant sell storage got to keep their loot. I didn't bug abuse too much a few boxes worth of quality taps and left everything else untouched.
Seriously? Nice
>people who hid boxes in the merchant sell storage got to keep their loot
Pretty clever
Reddit niggers are seething, I did my time let me live.
Man, the one week I take a break from the game is when I could have been a gold millionaire. Figures
i regret not exploiting
fuck ags
fuck sg
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It was a tough 2 weeks bwo, but we're back.
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I regret not exploiting harder, I regret being too pussy to rmt.
I'm not even dooming anymore, I just stopped playing the game. Until they step back from this raid only endgame, I won't return.
I'm starting to think Smilegate has gacha luck systems in their game, i.e. peopel who don't play for a while got boost in luck which encourages them to stay. This happened last tiime I got banned I was getting quite a few good drops right of the bat when I started playing again.
Permaban every single exploiter or I will quit.
Ags is banning us again because fucking reddit niggers. I was in the 3 box camp si 2 weeks not 4 weeks.
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uh oh
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Time to move on to the superior ags game.
I am perma'd goodbye frens
why'd you do it bwo...
bwo, godspeed. ill see you on bdo or t&l, and maybe later archeage or chron odyssey
> KR gets stylebook near the start of the year
> Some people use it to post degen images
> Those pictures are now on the official website
Meanwhile we're still waiting on AGS to let us have the stronghold picture frame.
What's degen about me sitting on my boyfriends lap?
Does anyone have a script/macro that does Just Guard? I can't do it. It's too fast for me.
i am laughing at you lol
I don't really get the timing either. It was a system with potential but of course they had to fuck up the implementation completely. Entirely unintuitive.
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What a lot of people don't understand about Just Guard is you need to have your cursor properly positioned at the right spot when you press the button. It doesn't matter where your character is looking because your character will face your cursor the moment you Just Guard.

For some of Aegir's JG attacks, most notably after the stagger check at x165, your cursor need to be positioned slightly in front of Aegir at the point of impact where his spear hits the floor. The timing is the moment Aegir starts to swing downward.

There's good slow motion video examples on the mobalytics guide with arrows pointing to where your cursor needs to be. https://mobalytics.gg/lost-ark/boss-guides/other-raids/aegir-gate-2
I've had to explain to several of my static members that the cursor has to also in a certain direction. Even after I said it, some of them fail a just guard later and wonder why. I then had to repeat it before they finally understood.
I think the issue here is that people simply know just guard as a "press g at the right time" mech and dove right into Argeos/Aegir. Players stopped paying attention to mech explanations outside of raid guides since there hasn't been a new one in so long. Probably almost nobody tried out the just guard section in the training room.
I'd imagine that if counters came out today, a lot of players would understand they have to land the counter skill when the boss flashes blue but forget that they have to also be in front of the boss.
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Bwos being banned so long is killing my desire to play. Not even slayers fat milkys and tight/toned body can tempt me.
This doesn't make it better when I'm not fast enough for it.
Everyone has to succeed this quick reaction mechanic. I'm too slow for it and I don't know what to do. Every new raid seems to have it. Do they expect me to only buy buses from now on or what?
>Do they expect me to only buy buses from now on or what?
yes. your entire existence as mokek/filthy casul is to serve as a bus passenger to hardcore players. enjoy
they expect you to learn the raid like every other raid
anyone else think these new anniversary skins are mid as hell or just me?
> I'm not fast enough for it
> quick reaction mechanic
The boss literally does a big yellow flash solely to warn players that a just guard is coming up. This is really a timing mech, not a quick reaction mech. Reacting quickly to boss movement can help with timing for some of them but it's not necessary at all.
All of the just guards so far gives at least half a second to react when the boss starts an animation (after the yellow flash/telegraph). And the timing doesn't even have to be precise, you can press the button slightly earlier because the guard itself is also active for about half a second.
If your reaction is really that shit then just learn the timings instead of trying to react to something. If you can't react nor time it, then it's just a skill issue. There are counters/normal patterns requiring faster reactions/more precise timing than just guards so it wouldn't be an issue with only this mech.
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The assassin alternate is an improvement at least
How did you get your slayer to be topless?
>last thing I looked forward to was breaker
>found out you had to do some animation canceling or something constantly forever during combat (I can't even remember now)
And that was how I joined the 99.99999997%. Thanks for coming to my TED talk about korean P2W trash games.
its a raidnigger game, it was never going to last for me. even t&l has raidniggers clamoring it to have more super hard raids and make it give top tier loot and all that other shit. they are like a fucking plague ruining everything
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please eos
not even because the game is dogshit and shit
I just want to see reddit seethe with their "we're doing fine, we don't need more players, we're top charts on steam"
god please
Looks like mages are the winners of this year's anniversary skin with their breastfeeding dress. I'm seeing pictures of it all over the place.
I feel the same, last year's slayer and assassin skin easily beats everything from this year. I kinda saw this coming already looking at the contest winners, I had some cope that the alt designs could bring some of them up.
Unfortunately, it seemed like SG went a bit lazy with the alt designs. Slayer and assassin is the same but dress trimmed shorter. Martial artist's becomes some generic top + jean shorts. Gunslinger's alt replaces the top with a plain bikini for some reason?
Is this modded?
What about this one? >>1493753
Also no, that is a craftable skin.
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Take your pick.
>that is a craftable skin
Is she not naked?
Nice lineup. Me want them all but I'll settle for 3rd one, delicious milk chocolate
Its 13k now, with bots. Fucking raidniggers kill yet another MMORPG. They are the lowest lifeform.
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mage on top, mage on bottom, mage on the bed, worktop, stairs, dinner table, floor, couch, window, mage over the fence, railing, banister, gate, mage thighjob, paizuri, dogeza, throat, footjob, head, mage handholding, mage breeding, mage facial, mage kissing, mage sex, upside down, doggy, missionary, full nelson, standing, carry, mage spanking, spitswapping, stroking, teasing, mage bondage, blindfolding, slapping, clamping, lovense, mage fondling, biting, bruising, squeezing, mage from behind, from the front, slow, quick, passionate, rough, deep, mage denial, mage love!
>Zombie skin
>No jaw gook face
Gooks actually have garbage taste
i still cant believe myeh put things up her butt and then posted pictures of it. i wonder how her transition is going
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when will we get those KR aniv outfits?

new survey
THE 99%
> Is she not naked?
Pretty sure that other anon is just fucking with you. It's not modded since there's no skin mods for this game, but the pic is edited likely with AI. You can see some messiness with the arms and patches of black at the bottom part of the hair.
There aren't many skins that leave the back completely bare. The ones that do still have some coverage on the sides. (that is visible from the back)
Almost certainly it's going to be on our anniversary in February.
please tell me that specialist has this dress...
it's mage only
>You can see some messiness with the arms and patches of black at the bottom part of the hair
I just chalked that up to lowered graphics settings, but thanks for clearing that up
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Slayer riding her bull
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Slayer letting you watch
Slayer? More like Slutter

luh mao
fucking gooks and raidnigers
I will never forgive you for killing this cute game
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Imagine if this game had proper social features and a bit of erp like runescape. But noooo, fucking gooks lack creativity.
dont worry, lost ark 2 with unreal engine 6 will save us
>runescape erp
I won't let it die. Not yet... LOAON is coming, and it will fix everything wrong with the game...
*locks your LMAON behind a 6-month timegate*
oh how very exciting
>early access available for 1000 dosh
the perfect business model......
I have a second roster from last year's jump start that I occasionally do solo raids on. Is it possible to turn bound gold into unbound gold somehow?
I have only seen three moko leaf players doing raids, even during the time when I see most players on midday
eli5 me on ignite
im making artist
This game needs a seasonal reset like poe (3 - 6 months) to thin out bloat and contain powercreep.

Legion raids should be monthly not weekly. Too much hassle otherwise.

Remove supports or turn them into dps and give every class a charged based healing system which regains charges overtime like dodge but much much slower. Make it upgradable.

Complete overhaul of progression sneeded. I don't know whats needed to be done for this but remove the dogshit chance based honing system.

If they can implement these changes, maybe I will come back

>t. left at clown raid. Was part of top 3 EU guild
Its too late cutie, ignite is a graveyard now.
I'm unironically considering re-installing just to do chaos dungeons because it was legitimately the only thing I enjoyed about this game, but I don't want give the game any support or even one more player, so I'm conflicted. What should I do sissies?
nvm im permabanned:---Ddd
eat shit retard
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Anon those are excellent ideas and this is why they would never be implemented. The new direct will add more vertical shit and apologise with slayers fat tits in an even tighter bikini which will tide KR for a few more months until they start hyping up summer news.
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All is right in the world the trend is back down after the small bumps due to x,y,z.
Amazon is panicking trying to solicit ideas from people who play this slop - https://sh.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1gnqxz6/inactive_player_survey/
It's great that this slop is dying, P2W + raid/parse trannyism in a game is cancer of the highest order and needs to be stamped out by a complete boycott.
holy fuck it's over, time to sell my gold
am I stupid or is 20k still really good for a niche p2w korean mmo?
it's about the trend, the playerbase shrinks by 60% every year
ive been inactive for so long, only collecting daily slop and stronghold and maybe doing rested shit on a couple characters once a week for months. but ofc they will never ask me.
It's not really good, but just ok -- at least by itself. But this is on Steam, so 30% of every single sale goes straight to them. Then Amazon the publisher gets their cut, too. Then what remains gets taxed by the US and KR government. So basically they end up with nothing.
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20k spread across NA and EU is pretty bad
it feels more like 1k-3k depending on where and when you are online
This game is consistently top 100 in Steam best seller and regularly shoots up towards the top whenever an update drops. You could argue that the concurrent player count is not looking great, too niche/hardcore for new players, slowly bleeding current players etc.
However, the game still makes a lot of money for now. The swipers that are still here are spending a lot on the material packs, skins, etc. Every skin chest you see sold on the market is $20 to AGS/SG. They changed the 3x $25 support package from monthly to weekly which presumably means there are people paying $75 each week for it.
you think anyone is buying that ish (support package)? nigga they sell busses and inferno runs. they have more mats than they know what to do with
Oh how could I have forgotten. Of course everyone with a juiced character is someone with the hands and time to sell busses/inferno runs.
who needs hands when you can just stomp the boss before the mechs happen
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>This game is consistently top 100 in Steam best seller and regularly shoots up towards the top whenever an update drops
It's piss easy to get in steam's 100 trending list though, especially when a new update drops. it's expected, even
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Is it piss easy to get into the list for 148 weeks in a row? Every single week since the game launched? A few weeks before even, probably from the founder's packs.
Yeah since it's by player count and bots flooded the game thus inflating said playercount. Hence the game Banana in the image I posted, since that game has not left the top 10 since its launch
i miss jacking off to my mage but bound gold is gayer than san francisco
that's a lie nothing is gayer than sf
yes soulfist is the gayest class in the game. soulsissy eternaly
Bro you're talking about the most played games, not the top sellers on Steam. The one where people have to actually spend money on your game to increase the ranking. I was confused why you even posted the Banana pic because it's not on the top sellers despite being one of the most "played".
I was looking at the wrong chart before then. Looking at the top sellers chart now, comparing the bottom half and the upper half I still say yeah it's easy. Look at Ready or not that's been up there for 151 weeks but has far less players and MTX to buy. And again Lost Ark is probably inflated due to the still relevant botting problem
How good is this game as a casual non-sweat? Looking for something to fill the winter months
Do it. Start on the ignite server. Hone as high as you can and do some solo raids. Eventually complete ivory tower and at least G1 Thaemine. Then home to 1620 and transfer to your old roster.
Now you can hit 1640 after questing and get to do the new chaos dungeon.
>This game needs a seasonal reset like poe (3 - 6 months) to thin out bloat and contain powercreep
try it out
if you are an actual new player with the mokoko leaf you can get into parties very easily and people might even teach you
this general has never been the same since myeh left us
she is perma'd btw
the time when a new player could pick up lost ark and have fun has long passed

plus it's a sinking ship, EoS next year

I'd wait for pooe2 early access (it's going to be shit compared to lost ark but at least you'll be able to play it)
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Any new echidna porn? The places people posted lost ark stuff got nuked idk where to look anymore. Last one I've seen is where Vykas watches as Kharmine is fucking Echidna only to reveal she's hallucinating while being tentacle fucked. Also did pic related guy do anything new?
wtf proof
stinky euros always cheat
How would you, personally, get into the game if you were new?
Ignite seems way too fast and overwhelming and legacy leveling is ridiculously slow and irrelevant
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Take my time on ignite server finding the class I want to main. Prog thaemine, echidna and anything else that lets me get more playtime with my class. Wait on boost events to push alts. Can't be too concerned with catching up to current endgame when you're new, that will come in time if you stick with the game.
idk where you were finding Lost Ark stuff before, much less somewhere that got nuked. Generally, you either find them from Koreans on Arca or from western creators Twitters that get reuploaded to rule34. zxcvxex is the only one that I'm aware of that consistently makes Lost Ark content.
As for the person you're talking about, he did make some new posts since your pic but nothing super recent. He's been silent for almost 2 months now but he only posts when he has something finished to show anyways.
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Oh I hadn't checked in a while but seems like zxcvxex also made some with Brel too now. He decided to use the new model/hairstyle but kept the horns. Probably the only thing with the new Brel atm.
Shame his animations are kinda meh imo. A lot of short clips instead of a few high quality ones. Maybe some other will disagree and enjoy them though.
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why does this game have such amazing sluts but i cant stand playing it
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this looks so stupid
not really any interest in poe2 desu, downloaded and tried today and its alright so far. Story sucks though.
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First decendent gets sexo we get dei slop as advertising. I hate ags and I hate gook gate
>100 usd to buy
>or 2% to get 1/4 fragment from a boss chest that has 20% to drop
>no trading at all
Don't throw rocks in a glass house. When Lost Shart rapes your wallet just as bad on top of rng systems stacked upon each other.
All built for Hal men
lost ark gives you lots of gold just by playing. we have it good. i tried throne and liberty and that game gives you jack shit. if you dont swipe you are literally useless. less than an amoeba. trying to play f2p is like selling equipment for 10 gold a piece, and 3 of that is taxed away. and the gold costs are the same as lost ark. now THAT is a shit ass game
I'm not posting any more because of this.
I have a 1500 and quit right before brelshaza. I want to keep her since I have a ton of costumes, how long does it take to be equivalent to 1620 from ignite server? I saw it only takes a couple days with ignite
about 1 month worth of weekly farm with a single 1640 from ignite server
if you dump the whole 200k gold from ignite into that 1580 then you might be able to instantly pull it to 1620, assuming you are clearing the current end game accel quests (ends at 11/27) on normal server
the books from those quests give massive rate up along with some gold refund and rebate. not as good as ignite though
Are the skins character-bound? Because otherwise you can just create another martial artist or whatever it is you have on ignite and then transfer the skins using the skin inventory (which was added to everyone's stash) once you transfer it over.

Leveling up your 1500 is going to take forever, mostly because you'll need Akkan gear to push past 1580. Just forget it.

Better yet, uninstall the game, it's gone to shit + end of service is coming soon, the signs are everywhere.
at some point you will coom to delain ass. you may have already once, or maybe many times. maybe you haven't yet, but you will. savor it.
Islands, sea, chaos and guardians were best content. It is i-r-r-e-f-u-t-a-b-l-e.
Oh nice, they are not character bound so I'll just move them via skin chest. I'm coming back because TL isn't coomer enough for me and this time I'll just be playing super casually
Slutty Delain... Needs correction
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Complete noob here, is this a game where I can play as a sexy girl and dress her up instead of trooning out in real life? Maybe some other recommendations?
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I wasn't an mmo player before lost shart but I've played most genres of games and mmo mazies are the biggest sub humans out there. If I ever saw one of those 10k hour mazies I would do horrible things to them.
Yes if you look through the thread you can see one of the classes with phat tits and if that's you then post thighs
mmo players are mentally ill yes
bros... I'm losing the will to continue playing... that 1000day thing kept me going but now that I have it, I can barely force myself to do stuff on my main... I think I'm actually unironically going to be checking out soon... it was fun while it lasted...but it feels like the time has come to move on
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I'm sorry guys, its over for me. I wanted to keep liking this game, I really did... but I can't stand this raid slop any longer. Season 3 is the biggest joke I have ever seen, nothing was really changed. It's still the exact same game, in the worst way possible. I should be happy that I have broken free, and I am, but I feel sad too.
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nyoooo brel will save the game!!
It'll do the opposite. If your main has shitty ark passives (you have no control over that) you literally won't be able to clear the dps checks, now combine that with a massive support shortage and guess what's going to happen. That upcoming LOAON had better be the best one yet or the game's done, we're running on fumes already.
Are you asking for my cum babe? <3
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How does it feel knowing you spent 8k hours on gook slop, that's 8 hours a day everyday for the past 3 years. Don't cope saying some of it was afk.
Winter Loaon will save the game. Believe.
Only total raidnigger death will save the game
based based based based based based based based based based based
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this but unironically, these faggots have genuinely scarred me. The next game I will be completely dogmatic against the slightist hint of raid niggery. Casual shit only, just because these cunts have nothing going on in life doesn't mean games need to be ball busters so they get the first bit of accomplishment in your pathetic lives. Legit subhumans.
Hate gooks, hate reddit niggers, hate kmmos.
You're so fucking pathetic.
bro go play the sims or something
The only thing that's pathetic is you retards with 10k hours in niche gook slop
the game itself encourages raidniggery of unprecedented, unseen before level
trust me or not, I've raided in a lot of mmos, this garbage is something else
>mechs intentionally made so that one person making slightest mistake can wipe everyone
>lots of convoluted, pay2win character power increasing systems almost as if designed specifically to encourage gatekeeping
>limited amount of pulls unless swipe
>effect vomit up to 11
>can lock yourself out if you disband
>repeat this with n alts
i wish this breed able succy would come back...
Echidna better
this game would be perfect if you only had 1 gold earner
shes cuter but she will peg u with anaconda. vykas is pure sex
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Can they suck the cum out of my dick? <3
what is wrong with you
Wanting girls to suck my dick is wrong?
>Gook face
Buy a reskin ticket
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How do you rmt without auction house? Cbf anymore
direct trade
oh nyonyonyo
that's like a week and a half of raids
don't rmt bro
I'm 1660 without transcendence, still need to learn Theamine. I doubt I'll get into groups. It wouldn't be bad if they didn't gut Akkan toVoldis gold.
Vykas a lazy hoe, the only thing worse than a regular hoe because they just lay in bed. Plus she was one of Echidna's basic bitches and had to backstab to be relevant
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sell some outfit boxes
on the street
Glorious paizuri
>willingly giving ags/sg money
rmt instead
spread your legs <3 need to deposit a load
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pls be bard
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This is the only reason I play this shit. If God wills it someone steal these models+combat and overlay them on any other mmo, like XIV or Wow(never played them but assume it's better than gook slop).
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These reddit niggas are vile, nothing is enough for them and AGS is listening to them.
I just received BBC Bikini Panty with QoS Symbol - Queen of Spades - XL - Pink-white from Anonymous via Throne. Thankies~
I just woke up with a huge erection after having sexual dreams all night, I need someone to make me cum, it's so painful, here or discord <3
What's the new exploit this time?
bro you can't be this thirsty
these are just gookdolls
eat shit exploiting fag
umm bro it's NNN
meh, i lost interest in the game long ago. i agree, the hotties are the only good thing about this game. if another game had these barbie sluts, i would have dumped this game right then
always funny seeing two bards compare their uptime like they're arguing about who can fellate their party better. this is why i only invite the ones who dress like sluts while doing it.
Which game is this?
filename literally says TL
I'm guessing Throne and Liberty? Haven't been paying attention to it
nyo i want to see what pic it was. was it slutty?
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It was pretty aight. Nice subtle tiger print
hmm not bad, but lost ark bimbos are still better
Got the preset bwo?
Any tips for ivory tower? I'm trying to do it for the ignite quest on a bard but I always run out of time. I'm using the brand buff
When are the other classes getting this body type?
Kinda want to cum on this
Can I clean it up after?
Only if you help me cum
post it on erome i check so often but nobody tributes this game anymore
Erome has like 1 person doing them rarely
I can trib any sluts you want on discord <3
post it on erome pussyboy
Why would I, want a good feeding from some slut, pussyslut
I DM'd one of the erome accounts and told them to make more tribs

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