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Why the hell would my dad "offer" me a job as a manual worker at a store(which I can get myself) when I have the necessary qualifications to be an electrician?
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>working with your family in a similar employment or on the same business is a good thing, ungrateful cunt OP.
My dad doesn't even own a shop, he's a welder. He suggested to me to be a shelf stacker paid in peanuts instead of an electrician which is atleast paid decently.
When asked why he said do as I say or get out. I will not negate my education due to his pissy fit yet the housing here is unreasonably expensive due to excessive speculation so renting will be financial suicide for me.
>Maybe he wants you to spend more time with him before you find someone and move away forever
I am still going to live with my parents for the foreseeable future regardless of what my job would be.
>boomers think nothing of careers
Very well but an electrician's starting wage is 70% more than what a store worker gets, all the while his rights are respected a little more as there is a shortage of tradesmen unlike store employees.
>instead of an electrician which is atleast paid decently.

Good point, you should become an electrician then
>you should become an electrician then
That is exactly what I am pursuing right now.
Kinda makes sense, if you gotta pay a worker, to pay your son so the money goes back to the family.

To make this as short as possible, I am not biologically related to the person I've called "mom" my whole life. My bio mom was an egg donor. When I was talking about my childhood with a dozen classmates, I started to sob uncontrollably. I didn't know why. I thought my childhood wasn't even that bad.

After a lot of thinking and talking to other people, I've come to realize that I have never liked my "mom." For as long as I can remember, I've disliked her, and I don't think I'll ever like her, much less love her. Anything that could've made me a better, happier person she denied to me in childhood, and then tried to dissuade me from pursuing things that made me a better, happier person when I reached adulthood. She forced a way of life onto me that I found morally reprehensible, and I do not want to associate with her anymore.

So I'm wondering if I should cut contact with her completely? If so, when and how should I do it? I'll be financially independent from her in a few months, and I'll be in college for another year.

I love my younger half-brothers (their bio mom was also an egg donor), but they still like my "mom" for some reason. My "mom" doesn't even think she made me have a bad life. She thought she was giving me medicine instead of poison. Now she lives completely alone. Even though I spend months without seeing her, I grow tired of her within minutes of talking to her. In addition, most of the "family" I've ever known are my "mom's" family, so if I cut contact with her, I'll have to cut contact with all of them as well (I don't mind it that much though. I don't dislike them, but I was never interested in them as people).

TL;DR: Poison dealer has been serving me poison for my entire childhood, and wishes to serve me more poison. She doesn't know she's been serving poison this whole time. I have never liked this poison dealer. A few people I love still like the poison dealer and talk to her regularly. Should I cut contact with the poison dealer?
What did she do that is so unforgivable?
Always cut contact with your mother unless she is a good woman who doesnt try to get in your business, and only talks when your dad allows her to.
Whatever you refer to as "poison" is in all likelihood good for you.

Explain what you mean by "poison" and how you came to the conclusion it's poison.
>inb4 some neckbeard on 4chan told you medicine and therapy is a jewish hoax
It's not what she did specifically, it's what she tried to instill into me: an extreme focus on wealth, status, and comfort. She thought people with more wealth, status, and comfort were inherently superior people. I became addicted to such things, and it rotted my character for most of my life. It got to the point where all I would do was sit inside all day, make a meager amount of money online, then rot by overindulging in hedonistic pleasures, all the meanwhile suffering to an excessive degree because of my desire to do as little work as possible. It is very obvious that life is not for me. I've already encountered the logical extreme of "wealth and comfort = good," so for my own sake, I'd rather not touch that lifestyle ever again.
My dad left us when I was a kid. If he had stuck around, I probably wouldn't have wasted so much of my childhood, but thinking about "what ifs" doesn't do anything.

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I'm lacking in motivation, however.

I have 2 hours left to get busy.
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>But what do you think of the JoJolion Comic?
The mystery angle is great, the issue is that it takes up so much time that the meat and bones of stand battles tends to get lost in it all at times.
None of the Higashikata family use their abilities in a meaningful manner more than once excluding Jobin/Tsurugi.
Also the Go Beyond was kind of a bs. The ending itself doesn't feel all that impactful either

It was a very fun read but i prefer the vibes and characters of p4 Morioh much more.
Also, Deodricus for some reason feels like it would be Joshu's spirit animal.
Maybe i should doodle something in that direction
i will check it out and see what i think of that, thx
btw, do you too have this feeling that youre "going crazy" when reading?
Like sometimes the feeling that what you read feels real?
why of course i know it isnt. but the feeling is. you know what i mean?

post it when youre done. Im feeling to weak to doodle, i would just do it too
The one thing you have to understand is when you make something after being inspired, it will never be 1 to 1 but a version you made. I totally get trying to making something amazing after seeing a piece of art thats cool. But you shouldn't get discouraged by not being able to make something just like it.
You also say its fun, but make lots of excuses as to why you can't enjoy the fun parts of drawing, conceptualizing isn't that hard. You even explained how interesting it is when it comes to characters. Why not also read some books on story telling, concept art, and character design? Or watch a short series of classes about the topic on YouTube? If you enjoy it, justbdo basic exercises and don't give up trying to form your style of expression so you can make cool things.
You will never be happy with how a piece turns out completely, there's always a skill you can lack or technique. If you have fun, just do what you're already doing and enjoy it.
Can you find some way to make it fun or low commitment? Like, say, practice drawing a subject you particularly find attractive or honing in on a particular weakness for a length of time you can manage like 15 minutes. Always try to make it fun.

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I've never made a friend since I've become an adult. I'm 28 and haven't had a friend since I graduated from high school. When I was in high school I had lots of friends. How do you meet people as an adult?
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It actually depends more on where you try this. I found this out during one of my holidays back to my home country - in the same city, people would react VERY differently to me stopping them for a chat depending on what part of town I was in. In the busy, central districts, trying to talk to people provoked cold, vicious, aggressive responses. In the more peripheral, residential districts, people were extremely friendly, open and responsive and I could stop literally anyone I'd want and they'd have a chat with me.
A lot seems to depend on how people are feeling when you stop them. If you stop someone on the way to work, or back from work, or to some kind of social event, or back from some kind of social event, they'll want to skin your face because they are stressed and angry and have no time for you. If you just stop some fella having a good time walking around in his neighbourhood, things are very different.
But IDK if it's the same in large Western cities. Normally the residential districts here are either made to isolate [middle class] people from others as much as possible (suburbs) or else are just generally run-down, criminal areas.
Don’t listen to this retard.
Acne ain’t shit, but you are 28 and you should look, dress and groom yourself according to your age.
Making friends at an older age sucks because most people are already in friend groups or are very closed off. The best chance you can give yourself is to find something to do in your free time that involves interacting with others, whether that be going to the gym, organized sports, night classes, or volunteering. I’d highly stress volunteering since you’ll meet generally good hearted people there that are willing to talk to you.
One thing I’ve realized is extremely important too is being a good friend. Watch some Jordan Peterson videos where he talked about the types of friends you don’t want in your life and try not to be that friend to others. It helps a lot for getting close friends and keeping them especially.
I live in a relatively small town (30k population) in a middle class neighborhood. I also live in the South where there's a lot of insincere social greetings which makes it difficult to distinguish when people are being genuine. No I am not autistic.
If you have any kind of interest that other people also have, you should look for events in this small time for such people. Like Dixie folk music or whatever the fuck Southerns get up to. Shooting guns, I guess. That one seems pretty good actually, even I could shoot a gun!
Lots of southern folks go to church. If you’re religious, give it a try

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I’m 37 - sort of paused my career to have kids. Not that I stopped working but I took an easy well paying job and stopped pursuing my dreams.

Well now I’m bored, tired, and sort of have backed myself into a career corned and seem to just be digging myself deeper these days… I say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, I don’t really understand how I’m going to advance in my career and more and more want to be a SAHM or just work part time but my husband doesn’t make enough money for that to be realistic

What do I do??
I don't know, maybe another position or another place would be less boring?
>more and more want to be a SAHM or just work part time but my husband doesn’t make enough money for that to be realistic
A woman wants to leech off a man? Shocking. Get a job faggot.
I don’t even feel marketable though - I had a great job that was easy and made it to the top of the ladder big office parking space great salary and benefits but the commute became unbearable - I took a new job and I’m not learning a lot of skills to succeed and I took a paycut for a job closer to home and now I feel doomed…

And I sort of put my foot in my mouth on stuff too
Do you have kids?
It’s honestly exhausting on both people to have both parents working
But what is stopping you from learning?

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I think I have narcissistic personality disorder or some disorder that causes a massively inflated ego. Nearly every conversation I have with someone is basically me subconsciously trying to get their attention or validation by provoking them (not physically but trying to basically bait reactions). I constantly replay things I said to people in order to relive this attention. I also feel very hollow and empty inside, with images constantly swarming in my mind. Something is wrong with me but what the fuck is it?
You are just insecure my friend. Low self-esteem means you feel a greater sense of emptiness which you want other people to fill, but that same low self-esteem causes you to seek the attention of others in a very dysfunctional way. It's that simple.

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Do you see yourself in this video?
(Get it of your Chest)
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I feel guilty for fapping to rape hentai. I'm sorry women
I think there's something noble about setting areally high bar for myself, getting high before I do anything and then constantly seething about how hard my life is
>hell has wifi
Pretty sure you're just being a little bitch.
Everyone can see why you suck.
>the problem is freedom.

How do I slide in her DM and write a message that she actually reads?
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literally most of time, 70% success rate.

just try on random girl for starter and see the reply
then tell me
pissi cuckitini
Better than your favorite player
how about you fuck off normalfag

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I think I have some form of OCD, I've been plagued by intrusive thoughts, I'm sort of an invert and I can't do things naturally. Lately these intrusive thoughts have become debilitating to the point of interfering with my ability to live freely and comfortably.
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say something gquys
OCD ruined my fucking life, I became an alcoholic and eventually homeless for years because the intrusive thoughts got so fucking bad. It's no joke

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How do I find a place to rent? How do I NOT get scammed? I'm 31 and been living with my parents my whole life.

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been seeing and texting someone with really bad daddy issue and mental issues.

she started crying on the first date
has an only fans at one point

i want to make her my slave >:3
degen thread

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Is it normal to be kicked out of a 24 hour laundromat cause the staff think you're homeless?
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u wot m8
>you are homeless you have time on your hands
Homeless people do not have time on their hands. They have zero time. Negative time. They ran out of time the day they became homeless. Time is a luxury only people with money can afford.
Clean yo stank ass

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We broke up two weeks ago. I reached out to see if she wants to still wants to make up and work on our relationship. She sent me this.

Does this sound like she just wants to keep around as a backup if her next guy(s) don't work out?
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I know, sucked at the time, and still sucks from time to time, but it's like >>31128383 said, one tends to fixate because rejection breeds obsession and that situation presents as a strike to the ego. I mean, I saw a lot of red flags, I.E. absent father, mother had multiple couples and she has a lot of stepbrothers and stepsisters, lack of communication within the relationship. The funny thing is that she was the one sho approached me while at a party. I also was her first boyfriend but she wwasn´t my first girflriend, so I have a little bit more experience when it comes to relationships.

Thing is I sometimes wonder how is she or if she's happy, but showing for what she posted at least seems like she is, even after a year I sometimes think about her, but I do not hate her or anything, just wondering. I know it'll stop one day and I tend not to stay on this trail of thoughts for very long.

Not completely healed but in a better spot that I was a year ago. And actually managed to went on some dates and currently met an awesome girl who I'm dating right now.

I know, the betrayal sucks, it cuts so deep in one and your brain tend to overanalyze every aspect that tend to lead to the break up, or in my case the fact that she coulkd just dump someone she allegedly loved for someone else who she met 2 months prior. I'd be lying if I didn't tell you I dreamt of the day I'd encounter her or him and just beat the shit ouf of both of them, I mean in a very concerning way, just left them as a beaten pulp on the street to die and suffer, but eventually understand that it lead to nothing, so I started focus on myself, and things actually started to change, I know it sounds cliche, but the thing is, you'll be with you for the rest of your life, so why not try to give you a life worth living?
yeah just give it a couple weeks and ask her to go with you to some shit. concert art fair. know that it will be a fun stress free event. act like nothing is wrong. typical game stuff hands on her waist etc.
go ahead and accept she probably banged someone and it didn't work out. basically women are like wild animals. if she has a good time on the date you will fuck.
>you didnt maintain her love
>You are like a speck of dust floating in the wind
thats it im stealing something from your house
Cool thread, glad I'm not alone as I'm going through an identical situation right now.

I have to prepare for very important exams they're very important if I fail I'm going to kill myself, any tips on studying? Or any tips on where to stream my suicide?
A good plan and healthy life habits help with staying concentrated. Plan yourself a 40 hour work week and deduct times for breaks. One and a half hours + half an hour of break worked for me. Nowadays I can concentrate for longer times, so figure out what works for you. Schedule 8 hours of punctual sleep every day.
Schedule breaks and definitely schedule free time. Don't do free time shit during work time and vice verca. Put your phone into another room if that helps. And then you make a plan, how many of your one and a half hour blocks you spend on which subject and when. Follow that plan religiously.

Having a clear separation between free time and work time makes it easier to concentrate on work stuff.
if life or death doesn't motivate you to try and study and pass, there's no helping you.
>my advice: hire some crack head to threaten to kill you and give him access to your home so he can point a gun at your head instead killing yourself, he'll motivate you instead

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Last year I was prescribed bupropion (wellbutrin) as an anti ADHD andidepressant. It worked well for about 3 weeks but then it stopped.
However through all that period of time and especially after those 3 weeks it gave me horrible stomach pains on some days.
So I was thinking, should I be able to just crush the tablets and sniff them in? I read that some people got seizure from this method...
And of course I got Bupropion in a legal way, prescribed by my psychiatrist.
Professional pharmacists say taking bupropion nasally has similar effects to cocaine. But the question is, would it be a good idea to take cocaine right now? It probably wouldn't (to the best of my knowledge. I'm not you). You said you got it for ADHD, right? If you have an ADHD diagnosis, any psychiatrist will at least prescribe ritalin (methylphenidate). If I was you I'd at least try it, maybe it works better and without stomach pains.

Your bupropion experience also sounds a lot like simply developing tolerance (the positive effects disappear but the dide effects remain). So whatever stimulants you take in the future, it might be a good idea to take them only like three days a week so your tolerance stays low. In the long run that's probably better than taking something every day
Bupropion is mostly an antidepressant. Adhd medicine causes other SE for me. Bupropion worked great when it did but the pains were insufferable. I thought maybe it would work the same through nose.
Also IDK if it was tolerance or more like my body rejected it after some time.
Ok, sorry to hear that. The only other thing I can suggest is taking it together with
oatmeal (I am almost sure that eating oatmeal prevents stomach pain of any kind for me personally, and I am pretty close to certain that eating oatmeal also makes it at least slightly easier for me to concentrate later in the day). The problem with this is of course that eating oatmeal is kind of bothersome to do (if oatmeal was something that I found appealing I would eat three bowls every day, but I kind of have to force myself to eat it.)
Idk, maybe as one last attempt before you sniff it, try taking it together with a bowl of oatmeal, and leaving 2 days inbetween doses (...I'm assuming that 3 "good" days per week would be better than nothing for you)

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