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Bachelor of Arts in fucking Classical Studies
How do I cope?
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Just become the broke artsy graduate version of patrick bateman.

So we can have the netflix doc.
Most entry level positions are being filled by those that are not "entry level". On top of this most entry level positions require having a few years of experience in the field. Which is bullshit because its an entry level position.
tutorial please
I accidentally pressed skip
Just be White?

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On the cusp of making the plunge again. Divorce is finalized, and my social circle is basically non-existent, so no chance of being introduced to anyone.

All I hear is that "it's a warzone out there", and the classic top 1% of men take the lion's share, and it's honestly confronting.

I have no idea where to start, or how to go about it. I've signed up for POF & Tinder in the past two weeks, kind of a test-out-the water situation, and the only matches I have had have both mocked my display picture, which I've attached.

As much as I am looking for genuine advice, it would be reassuring to know that I'm not totally repugnant and alone.
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Every picture you post has technical issues ranging from contrast being too high or too low, weird light reflections, bad posture, strange photo focus / depth of field issues.
Just find some recent professionally taken engagement photos and try to do the photo without the fiance, more or less.
Get rid of anything shiny in the frame, have a reasonable contrast between you and the background, having nothing in the background looks as weird as having too much "stuff" in the background (with the exception of nature photos).
Yes, I know it feels weird to stand up straight in a park in front of a tree while looking at a neutral height not too high or low but the pictures will look better so just do it.
Its not that ALL you need is technically proficient photos but in a competition (which dating is) its kind of required as the minimum... Your aim should not be to barely do better than the worst dudes on the site because they're not getting any.
I have no comment on the dating aspect of this but you might want to consider asking some woman to take your pictures, even if you have to pay for it. Dudes might not pay for sex (or maybe they do, doesn't matter) but dudes probably should pay a photographer; that is worth it. And chicks will take pics that appeal to chicks, so find a female photographer.
Yes, I did
We go back to the same bar every month.
If you ever went to a bar you would know women talk there
No, you didn't
If you ever went to a bar you'd see that there's just meat walls there every time and no one would even be aware of some random incel sitting there once a month
Women are biologically incapable of speaking outside of schools or their social circle
repeating something that works 1/10000 times does work, but not always. yes dating is easier if you are a 10/10 6foot tall billionaire with 10,000 friends that is in university and meets new people daily. Did you need that confirmed? Confirmed.
I got married at 21 and divorced at 27.

I moved to a new city and had zero friends or acquaintances.

I wound up just getting a job I could handle that paid well enough, I was way over qualified for it but just needed to chill for a while.

I then started going to things I really enjoyed doing, by myself.

Eventually I met people at these events and started hanging out with other people more, mostly women and I treated them as friends, never romantic interests.

Eventually I got in to a few friend groups and started having a life again.

Eventually I did meet a woman and got serious. Those connections with new feiends fizzled out but I wound up having kids and a whole life with another person.

So I guess what I'm trying to day is just go do all the shit you want to do and do it alone. Eventually you will meet new people to be friends with as long as you're open to it

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my whole life i believed in atheism, facts and reason, and i lived in the city. i moved to the country and it is so dark and quiet at night i feel cursed. every part of my brainpower begs me to not give into thoughts of leylines and bone nosed voodoo witch doctors, but when i am alone by myself... i can't keep my higher cognition functioning. bad stuff keeps happening exactly like if i got cursed, things getting unplugged at random and sometimes the cat gets mad at something i can't even see in the room with us. i looked in the mirror and suddenly my face looked so old, like it wasn't me.

i suddenly identify with all the shit in love craft and Stephen King about fear that i thought was just flowery bullshit. how do i take control of my own mind again

p.s. the whole area i live in is devoided of birds. you can walk 2 miles in any direction and see hundreds or thousands of songbirds, hawks, and other species, but never a single bird around my dwelling
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Also, as far as birds go: Make the area feedable for them. They spend all day looking for food.
>There is indeed a metaphysical aspect to reality. The proper approach is to face it with curiosity and openness rather than dogma.
I have been thinking about this. Not to get whole hog into it but I do think the esoteric tradition lasted so long in western culture we are ignoring a lot of how the rational things we do today are still shaped by things people thought were spiritual... like how in college they just want to talk about Descartes cogito and not the fact he was inspired to think of it in a dream by a great and powerful entity

>To answer the question, it really depends how you define magic, are rainbows magic? I mean in a way but they're also compeltly understandable.
i dunno, i mostly mean my brain is much more prone to come up with explanations that aren't scientific. they might not be considered magic, i guess. like when i went to think of reasons as to why the birds left itd be like:
>pollution or environmental damage in this area (scientific)
>magnets or crystals in the earth making it unpleasant? (half magical half scientific)
>buried demonic amulet or talisman from centuries ago on my property? (magical)
>disputing ancient burial ground (magical)
>bad ley lines intersecting (magical)
>evil entity bound to this place (magical)
>elemental imbalance from old magical catastrophe? (magical)
like i know overwhelmingly a scientific explanation is more likely, and when i lived in the city, my mind would go there and stop, but now whenever i hear a bump or see something from the corner of my eye i find like one scientific explanation and immediately 5 magical explanations right after. that's never happened since i was little and afraid of the dark
magic may not be real but there are interactions between the imperceptible and the perceived--your interpretation of reality is just as disreal as magic

epistemology is as narrow as our scope of measurement tools and it makes sense that cities -- where you are surrounded things built under conditions we understand and plan -- have a different metaphysical texture than the country -- where plants and animals build the landscape on completely different axes of perception and construction
>>There is indeed a metaphysical aspect to reality. The proper approach is to face it with curiosity and openness rather than dogma.
>I have been thinking about this. Not to get whole hog into it but I do think the esoteric tradition lasted so long in western culture we are ignoring a lot of how the rational things we do today are still shaped by things people thought were spiritual... like how in college they just want to talk about Descartes cogito and not the fact he was inspired to think of it in a dream by a great and powerful entity
The thing is that the "magic isn't real" people will move the goal posts to suit their position. They also always beg the question, assuming the truth of what they say without any scrutiny.

A percentage of modern life would appear magical to people of some arbitrary time in the past, a la Clarke's Law, and so it will be in the future. For example, it appears likely that "enlightenment" is real after all, but the so-called skeptics* would be the last people to ever acknowledge it.

* They're also dishonest: a sceptic is by definition someone who doubts something and asks for evidence. Okay, that's consistent with having a curious and open mindset. But the label is invariably adopted by materialist zealots who use ridicule and whose mindset is ignorant dogmatism.

Getting back to the birds: A garden and a lawn will always attract them.
Former atheist/strict materialist here, and I’ve come to the conclusion that magic is very much real, though it may not entirely be supernatural; some of what is called magic is just science falling behind usefulness, as it entirely possible to reliably use something without understanding why it works, whereas modern science is much more “If it doesn’t work in our model or can’t be measured with our current tools than it can’t exist” ironically enough. The Spirit World as explored by the CIA is one such example, but so is placebo and malcebo. When it comes to straight up supernatural, you’d have to look at the Buddhists meditating on peace and it’s correlation to murders, or the Great Meme War and Kek the patron god of 4chan and his role in the Great Meme War of 2015/2016, which I personally view as a magical act.

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How do I stop this. I break shit, scream and manipulate just like in this video.
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So then it's time to think about what not to do. Look, if someone is missing a leg, smart thing is to avoid stairs. If someone has autism, smart thing is to avoid crowd and loud spaces. If someone had adhd, smart thing to do is to avoid deadlines and appointments. If someone is blind, smart thing to do is avoid crossing the street.

Sometimes you can't avoid it 100%. So all it means is minimize it. All the things that give you unreasonable stress? Eliminate them or minimize them. That's service to yourself right there. That gives you less stress, more energy, and that will be the fuel you'll need for the rest of the self-improving.
So take boogie for example. What smart play should he have made to save his own life? What should he have NOT done to improve things?

>acknowledge he is a narcissist, clinical narc, aka he has underdeveloped emotional maturation
>means he is extremely prone to requiring fame/validation/adulation to even function. (most normal people only require little - moderate amounts from time to time.)
>Not him tho, he needs it 24/7, the same amount as a baby needs from mom. Round the clock.

So what should he have avoided? The fucking internet. Streaming, YouTube personality shit. All of it. It ruined him and he chose it. He's about to find out the harshest truth: None of his fans gave a shit. And he will 100% feel victimised. Yet he'll never admit he also 100% never gave a shit about his fans.

Which is ok. They're strangers on the internet. But he sees them as a life supply, and it's cutting short, and he's melting down. Baby go night night.
Thank you anon. I see now. I know what to avoid now. Getting off the Internet is gonna be really hard. I'm probably gonna kill myself if I don't find something better soon, but I'll keep looking. What jobs are there where I can get any time off for doctors if anyone knows? (Not online lol)
Internet is only a tool, really. It’s how it’s used that counts. A man like boogie simply needs to step back from it for a good long time. And if he wants to use it again, cool. This time use it in a way where he doesn’t identify with it or make his personality hinge on it. He and anyone like him could just easily substitute it with something else. Stand-up comedy, being a magician, showmanship, hell even a lawyer is a bit of a narcissist in that they work the crowd. A wrestler or anything. Ideally though, one needs to get rid of the narcissistic petrification of his identity first. the clinical narc shit. Bit like a stone really, it needs to break before his true identity is revealed and I think that’s more or less what happened in this video. He had what they call the ‘narc meltdown’ and he plunges into pain and hellish shit.

Personally i saw that coming a mile away after he did ayahuasca or shrooms or whatever. it begun the uncracking of his narcissism. Lots of ex-narcs went thru it. If he can trust the pain that follows and treat the pain as the thing that will cure itself so long as he allows it, he might just stand a chance at winning his own true identity as a man.

Socieities of old knew this was needed, its why fathers had initiation rites and rites of passage where they’d scare the ever loving shit out of their kids thru a controlled ceremony of pain. It ensured the kid could witness himself overcome and endure hard shit, and thus become a man.

too bad modernity replaced that with internet bullshit.

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I'm now at 28 so I stopped dating just for fucking.
I'm dating a Latina, I always dated latinas, I only had 1 white gf in my life.
She is lovely, caring and gorgeous. She has a few red flags but nothing serious for now. (We have been dating for a few months now, so I might still be at the "she is so perfect" phase)
The thing is that I cannot see myself having a child with her (or any Latina).

I am white, blond and blue/green eyed. I want my kids to look like me, and all those traits are recessive, so the chances of a white blue eyed kid is very low.

I swear to God that I'm not racist. I just want kids that look like me.

I know that what I am saying and thinking is fucked up, but I can't stop thinking about this.

Please talk me out of this mindset. I can't talk to anyone about something like this, not even my therapist.
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>racist but dates nonwhites
>Catholic but has sex outside of marriage
>"in love" but broke up
I'm seeing a pattern here...
Your weak genes deserve to go extinct. Have fun raising some slavic orcs.
This thread really is proof that humans are basically apes with superficial attractions.
Nice try juan, but white men will still fuck your women.
What the hell are you talking about

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What's the best excuse to invite a girl back to your house? I don't want to bother taking women out for dinner in this modern dating marketplace.
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Wanna come to my place and play rape escape?
>until I’m 40
My plan is somewhat like yours but you really can’t wait that long bro. Have to put a ring on a chick and start pumping out kids by your 30s at the latest. Assuming you want kids of course. I can’t be in my 50s with teenage kids, it just won’t work.
>I can’t be in my 50s with teenage kids, it just won’t work.
Why not? Look at any rich dudes and they all have teenagers in their 50s-70s. Trump is 78 and his son Barron is only 18. My dad had me in his 40s and he still played video games with me as a kid (bought me Halo 1 and an Xbox when I was 5, played co-op) and played football, basketball, tennis, gym workouts etc with me all up until he hit his 70s. Now we just watch movies and go on walks together, sports on a blue moon. And he's always been poor as a car salesman. I'm far richer than he ever was just in my late 20s from my STEM degree + investments.
>why not?
Simply because I don’t want to
>I want someone I can have an actual conversation with.
This psyop...
>noooo anon you need to be able to connect to them
(because they know the reddit "power imbalance" marxist faggotry wont work here)

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I'm about to start a new drug, Effexor, for anxiety and depression, and seeing as this is the closest thing to a mental health forum on my favorite website, I figured I would choose here to get a glimpse into what it's like and how others have experienced it.

Is it good, bad? Thoughts
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>So you'll more likely will have issues with sleeping, being agitated and irritable. But if you can use that energy for something positive, it's good.

"sure heroin makes you feel bugs under your skin, but scratching yourself is euphoria!"

>Also sweating, night sweats with soaked bed sheets.
Plus, because sleeping temperature is a factor, you get MUCH more frequent sleep paralysis with visits from "the night hag" then you do when not on effexor if you're prone to it
OP if this is your first time taking an antidepressant DO NOT start out on venlafaxine (effexor). it is by far the most intense and has withdrawals similar to benzo withdrawal.

start with low-dose lexapro; if that doesn't work go to prozac; then if that doesn't work try the effexor.
>"sure heroin makes you feel bugs under your skin, but scratching yourself is euphoria!"
that doesn't make any sense, anon.
Caused psychosis and nearly killed myself on effexor lel, and then nearly killed myself getting off of it because withdrawals were so fucking bad
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1. SSRIs perform worse than placebo (short and long term)
1.1 The length of those studies is too short to observe the severe damage done by chronic usage.
1.2 Drug pushers only publish their best studies. At best, they can fabricate a study where it's slightly better than placebo.
1.21 They can the studies an infinite number of times, they do not need to publish negative results.
1.3 SSRIs: decrease testosterone, dopamine servery (actual happiness chemical), create apathy, will make your penis stop working (most likely permanently: PSSD)
1.31 These drugs are used for chemical castration, hence why your genitals will cease function given enough time
1.32 Your apathy will destroy your humanity. Food will be bland, relationships meaningless, any autonomous drive gone.
1.4 The damage is permanent. Your body is extremely complex, especially your brain.
1.5 Your depression and anxiety does not have an individual cause, but a societal one. Group health is individual health.
1.51 You can realistically only do three things: live healthy physically, improve your (daily) environment, and try to gain meaningful relationships.
Do not take the pills.

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Is there a way that rimming someone's asshole can be hygienic? I have a guy friend who loves rimming his girlfriend. He claims that the arse is chock full of pheromones and that doing it will further sexual excitement and enticement. Is that true?

How do you best prepare for a rimming session? Have any of you ever done it? My friend doesn't really have a filter and he tells me about every time he has sex. I was about to try my first time at rimming when he told me he was rimming out his woman and a kernel of undigested corn was dug out of her butt hole with his tongue. I didn't bother to ask him if he swallowed it or not but it didn't seem to bother him, for me I found that absolutely revolting. If I were him I probably would've vomited up all over her ass crack.

Does that happen often when fecal matter or not fully digested food comes out of the hole unexpectedly? What are your experiences when rimming or being rimmed? What would you have done if you were rimming out your woman or your man and a small kernel of undigested shit corn popped out of their pooper and into your mouth?

Long story short is rimming safe or even worth it?
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reminds me of one time when i gambled too much and got burned
>back in college, meet hot girl on okcupid
>bring her over to dorm for weekend to fuck and go out to parties and get drunk
>hanging out in bed watching a movie, both laying on stomach
>fingering her ass since she loved it
>take out finger, see the most blackest tar-like substance on my finger, brain didn't register what it was at first...then i realized "oh...that's shit"
>remained stonefaced, slowly got up and went to the bathroom to wash my hands
>lost all interest in her right there
I don't think it makes you gay but not wanting to lick your girls pussy does make you less straight for sure
>You sound like a protestant prude if you can't enjoy the beauty of the filth of nature. We all shit, why not enjoy it?
"OY VEEEYYYYY ANON. Don't want to be a stick-in-the-mud PROTESTANT do you? All the cool goys are eating SHIT, POOP, FECES even
Make sure you're up to date on your SHIGELLA shots. All part of a HEALTHY relationship. What are you a BIBLE THUMPING CACA hater?"
No I love eating shit, anon. Just like the Talmud tells me I should

You're so fucking american it's unreal bro

>Would you be willing to sell your dirty worn underwear or socks?
For you? Sure
this is cope
>Fellow oldfag
Damn, I would say I haven’t thought of him in years but I watched an “Old internet memes” video like a week ago and one of the background clips was that dude walking up to a dumpster from one of his diaper dumpster diving vlogs from back in the day. It was a hidden nugget to all us old degenerates desu.

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I'm sorry about bothering you guys again but physics isn't my main field of study and I rarely have the time to visit the lectures. I was hoping someone who understands the Biot-Savart law in magnetostatics would be kind enough to explain what happened here step by step with explanations for the individual components and the integrals. I've got an exam in a week and can't fully dedicate my time to it due to another exam before that, so I'm more than thankful for any help I can get :D
You are lost
also r/homeworkhelp
>no time to go to lectures
>on 4chan on a weekday afternoon
Close to midnight in my timezone :0
There aren't any explanations on Hindi Youtube?
I wouldn't know a word of Hindi :(

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I'm a neet with no skills and tallent. Thinking about enrolling into Tate's school and start grinding

What are your opinions on this? Anyone educated himself there?
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Becoming independent I guess. I don't care that much about this I just want to able to do something so I could travel wherever I want to
I have my own apartment but its more like jail, I want to be a free man
That sound like something Gary vee or dude who wrote rich poor dad would say
I need to do something first and I don't know how
>Becoming independent I guess. I don't care that much about this I just want to able to do something so I could travel wherever I want to
So would a remote job count?
Yes, absolutely
But what skill is the best and most realistic to obtain? I only know about coding, trading, freelancing. What else could it be?
Just so you know trading in the way Tate and his adjacent personalities sell it is a total meme. The only money there is if you get a social media following and sell people courses or get a referral kickback to getting your viewers to sign up to scummy platforms.

To be honest I don't know, you'd probably get better answers if you made a new thread specifically asking about remote jobs. I'm a remote SWE at le big tech and it's a rough time to try and get a junior job, the time to get one after doing some online courses and grinding a little leetcode was back during the 'rona.
Maybe there are some good freelancing options, I don't know much outside tech and finance.
>most realistic to obtain
I'd also adjust this mindset whatever you end up doing. You need what you're doing to be hard otherwise you'll never get any real money for it, especially freelancing.

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neet here, parents are *kindly suggesting* i go get a fucking job but all i've gotten from the places i've applied to is radio silence.
dad suggested i go work for amazon but i've heard alot of people screeching that its shit, although i dont know if i really have any other option.
theres also alot of small fast-food places near-ish-by but i dont have alot of faith in them since a lil caesars in that area also completely ghosted me.
i've thought about being a food delivery guy since a friend of mine is one and it seems decently easy but i dont have a drivers license so i would have to get a bike.
any recs?
sports referee
huge demand, minimal training, work on your own schedule, and you don't even have to get things right

How do meet cro-magnon women as a neaderthal man?
The best you can do is selectively breeding for less domestic traits.
Are you kidding me? Neanderthal men are jacked, bestial, and have huge cocks... You literally just show up at their base camp and kill their men and they literally throw themselves over your shoulder to have you bring them back home...
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Unironically go to Polynesia/Indonesia, as they had the last extant populations of. Cro Magnons, unless you buy the theory that Australian Aborigines are part Cro Magnon, in which case you should go there and take up trucking.

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Just graduated high-school recently, I was dead set on nursing but working as a nursing assistant hit me like a brick. I don't wanna wipe ass and get abused like that. I'm now unsure of what I wanna do and am anxious for my future. I've been looking at being an x-ray technologist and that doesn't seem too bad. Also been looking at IT, I know the tech field is saturated but it doesn't seem too crazy and going to university is something I'd like to experience. (VA would pay for it) Any advice? Just at a crossroads and looking at all my options available. I wanna feel a hunger to learn and socialize.
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Why'd you choose nursing in the first place?
An AS isn't really deep into science. It's just the associate for STEM vs associate of arts which is more general. You can do an AA instead, it's just an AS looks better. And if you end up doing anything related to nursing or the medical field you'll probably need those classes anyway.
Do either
Don't sell yourself short
DO NOT discouraged yourself
DO NOT get demoralized by "realists"

If you have a hunger, go for it

Hell if you wanna do nursing give it a go at least for a bit, don't eat the horror stories scare you if that's what you want
>t. 26 yo computer Information Systems graduate who got scared out of doing psychology and film, his DREAM majors
How has Information Systems gone for you? I'm an outsider looking in since I haven't taken any relevant classes to IT or tech.
My brother does it and I look up to him. He's very stoic and is doing well. I did lots of healthcare classes in high-school and became an officer in the little healthcare occupation organization we had. Seemed like a tough but rewarding career, but upon review I don't know if I'd get fulfillment being an RN.

Just graduated high-school recently, I was dead set on nursing but working as a nursing assistant hit me like a brick. I don't wanna wipe ass and get abused like that. I'm now unsure of what I wanna do and am anxious for my future. I've been looking at being an x-ray technologist and that doesn't seem too bad. Also been looking at IT, I know the tech field is saturated but it doesn't seem too crazy and going to university is something I'd like to experience. (VA would pay for it) Any advice? Just at a crossroads and looking at all my options available.
If you didn't have to pay bills, what would you do and why?
You should go for something that will eventually land you a job. As a rule of the thumb: Anything in MINT (I may add: legal).
There's plenty of medical jobs that don't involve wiping ass. I suggest you get a generic degree as electrical engineering or mechatronics and use that degree to work in medical.
Advantages include: If medical field is saturated in the future you won't have troubles working in any other field. If it's fine, then you can still work in medical.

Generally speaking: Try to get the hardest, most prestigious career you can hope to reach and see where it takes you. If you hit a road block, you can often switch to a bit easier variant.
Are you anything already? You can keep being what you are until you are able to profit from it.

i have no interests or hobbies currently. nothing is fun, nothing is interesting, nothing is fulfilling. i just want to sleep forever :(
please help, ill provide more info if needed
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i can kinda play guilele now and that's fun and makes listening to music interesting again, and i drink a lot of water, and eat tasty things and go to bed early, and sometimes work on my game, and watch a lot of youtube and sometimes the youtube gets me to learn other stuff. Iunno it's fun. I can read and write hiragana too. Lots of other things. And I do 30 pushups a day currently and might increase to 40 soon. I know most of the countries which makes geopolitics more interesting. I'm good at literary analysis which makes art more interesting. Learn stuff.
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you don't have an adorable girlfriend
Sounds like depression, go to a doctor and check yourself.

Before you do anything else, fix your diet and walk/run/hike at least an hour, at least twice a week. Treat those as medicine, not as hobbies. You desperately need them.
you're in a depression. and you're in a depression because you're too much of a mental pussy to deal with whatever has been troubling you for a long time.

there are 2 options. either learn the hard way ASAP or learn the even harder 5 or 10 years from now

figure out the root. figure out the solution. easier said than done, but it's only the most important thing you can do for yourself
You should try learning about the Jews.

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