Do most guys banter with friends? Like insults and stuff? How do I join in as a girl without making it awkward?
be fat or unattractive
>>32735753The best advice is to just not try to get involved because as a woman your jokes or opinions of your guy friends are going to be taken as sincere. A guy being told by his other guy friends that he’s a virgin with a small dick is banter. Being told the same thing by a female friend, even if the intent is the same, is going to feel like an actual attack on their character.And as already mentioned, you run the risk of having your teasing be construed as flirting. If you’re in a larger mixed group of girls and guys and you try to get in on the male banter the other girls may think you’re trying to be a pick me.
>>32735753>How do I join in as a girl without making it awkward?No?Why the fuck do you want to join in? You wouldn’t get a lot of the insults and you’ll eventually take it personally if you didn’t from round one. Just don’t, stay a girl.You’re not going to like it even if it seems interesting and intriguing at first.
>>32735753You dont
>>32735753>How do I join in as a girl without making it awkward?Practice on me in the vc first :^)
Need some basic advice Everytime I open my mouth it gets me in trouble. Not super complicated.>I'm not funny>I'm not interesting>Grew up with 2 parents who are both know-it-alls and it rubbed off on me>My interests don't overlap with anyone >Try to be polite and I come off stuffy>Try to joke around and I say something offensive and they take it the wrong way>I do too many autistic rants about shit no one cares about>I see people talking dirty and when I join in it comes off creepy>Crippling social anxiety has developed and I'm struggling to change but I've become a recluse over the last 4 years>No friendsComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>32739130Oh god that's exactly it. I just got married. I feel like she's the only person I can talk to. Even talking to coffee shop baristas is horrible. But even she can get sick of my shit. I'll just randomly say something so horrible that she stops talking for the rest of the night. I think I'm just fucking cursed.
Try doing the scary thing feeling comfortable with yourself completely before you feel comfortable with others. It'll take away the dependence on snobs who you think are cool and smart, but turn out are average. In many ways too don't get into pussy fights. People who do that are severely insecure about themselves. They see themselves as big and tough but in reality getting into a pussy fight makes you weak and puny.
>>32736739If you’re really handsome, shut the fuck up and only say the most basic things. This is how a lot of handsome people are popular. Say a weird thing only every once in a while. Laugh a lot (but do have some form of coherent system in this, don’t laugh at any joke)
>>32736739You need to talk more and be interested in something, or whatever they are talking about.I consider myself ugly and have friends, only male friends, since I only care about weird hobbies. like vintage road bikes, working on mechanical things, my motorcycles, videogames, anime, etc.If I wanted to interact with a new crowd I would go somewhere with dogs(since I have one), go online to find hobby groups I am interested in, go back to concerts/raves since I love music.If you have a toxic mindset/are depressed people don't want to be around that and you will need to figure it out on your own. OR go do something that is physically hard and uplifts your spirits+has groups of people. That helps people bond pretty damn fast. Something like cross fit, running, etc.Or just be toxic chad, but that doesn't sound fun.
>>32740343Idk why but your advice pissed me off because of how useless it is.
I met a girl on Facebook a few months ago. We were both going to the same vacation spot and decided to meet up. We hooked up and she texted me she thinks God brought us together. Idk even know what to say to her.
>>32736813Ask what "clued" her in.A lot of women believe in supernatural things.
>>32736813>God brought us together.It's a figure of speech
>>32740087Think OP would know that better. Sounds like another stupid religious person. Many of them around the world.
>>32736813It's unlikely that a guy who met some random woman and hooked up with her at a vaca spot wouldn't know how to blow one off. I think you made this thread as an excuse to tell us about this situation because it's something that doesn't happen to you often if ever. All you have to do is block her number btw
>>32739686Why would she know about some cuck liberal if she's religious
I have a 4chan stalker. He follows me between threads and always replies to me and brings up my past posts. How is he doing this and how do I stop him?
>>32739663If you're a schizo reporter then there will be many people that will recognize you and call you out on your bullshit. It won't be just one person. Maybe you should stop making the same posts over and over. Stop it.
>>32739663Take your meds.
Hello, Albert. Done posting gay porno /g/ yet?
>>32739663There is some really retarded addon to 4chan you can get, where you can basically easily look up every time an image has been reposted in the archive, and see what was posted with it quickly. effectively making the site not anonymous if you want to use the same pics. Really ruins the site imo, should be banned. the archives should have been deleted a while ago for this reason
Hahaha nice one Albert, funny guy
I feel no joy. I see what others call joy and it disgusts me.Am I lost forever?
NoYou are just depressed. Go do things you aren't doing right now, since doing the same thing is making you depressed.
It’s starting to line up that my friends seem annoyed by me all at once. It seems like all people are sick of me at the same time really. And I’m starting to get sick of people. It’s just so hard trying to be myself with the people I thought I can be myself with and they get annoyed, or they just stop giving a fuck entirely and I’m back to being alone again. Oddly enough it seems like this time I’m tired for real of having to keep up relationships either friends and constantly asking them to hang out. I’ve always put the most effort into arranging the meetups, driving all the way to pick people up and drop them off at their places, begging them just for a drop of hang out just to get the “I can’t :(“ or getting them to agree only for them to change their mind last minute. Apparently I’m the only person who sticks to their word and commits to agreements. Enough of that.It’s time to continue by myself for a while, I’ll focus on myself and my hobbies. It’s oddly freeing in a way but I’m just sick of people in general. Fuck everybody.
>>32740352Oh wrong thread wops
>>32740330What should I do>>32740352>>32740355Good on you man. It's unlucky to not have the right people around you but that's no excuse to have wrong people as an alternative.
>>32740362>what should I doIf you can remember why you didn't feel like this before, do those things that you can do.If you can't, do new things. Novelty can help you learn more and feel better about accomplishing something, which can improve your mood.Don't forget the generic basics like good food, exercise, sunlight, etc.
I am illegal Romanian in America. I’m scared to get deported now, but no one ever questioned whether I am legal because I look white. Should I just stay in a sanctuary city to be safe? Only issue is that these cities are honestly junky, full of crime and drugs.
Why do you hate your home, your people?
>>32738750>Crime: USA:D $$$>Crime: Romania/Eastern Europe:( - - - Every romanian abroad is a criminal. OP is absolutely doing something criminal and likely scam/thievery related.
I can keep you as a sex slave in my basement for free.
>>32739070buddy buddy buddy buddyi have great deal for you my friend
>>32735351Join the Coast Guard and use that to get citizenship. It’s easy as fuck.
Relationships and friendships stress me out too much and make me feel scared and guilty.I think of myself as subhuman but crave affection anyways and want the same type of patronizing love someone would give to a pet or small child since I struggle to think of myself as a normal adult human. I haven't been hugged by anyone I actually want to be hugged by, and I also want to sit/lay on someone's lap, be cuddled, just get physical affection in general. And get spoken to accordingly instead of being treated like a regular human being. I'm not into the weird sexual aspects of ageplay/petplay thoughHow do I get this?
>>32737545I can relate. Whenever anyone expresses any type of affection or care towards me I get extremely anxious and even start to resent them because they don't know how subhuman and corpse-like I am inside. Do you feel similar? This type of sensation is commonly referred to as an avoidant attachment.
>>32739619I can relate minus the "feeling resentment towards them" part
>>32739621Oh okay. In my case a person wanted to be in a relationship with me and I turned them down and they started begging, basically. It was a really disorientating experience and I started to get internally angry/resentful towards them. They had created an idea of me in their head and I could never live up to that. It was childish
>>32737586How does one stop viewing themselves as subhuman?
>>32737545pay for GFE escort>>32739654never had this (someone wanted to have relationship to me). Some girls i dated were weirdly nice and smiling to me while we met but they not replied to my text after and never reached out to me so i assumed not interested.If i dont reach out to my "old friends" no one will reach out to me first. So i live with the fact that no one really cares or likes me except the closest family
Am I the asshole if sometimes I fantasize about smashing my father's face?I explain: I have an authoritarian father who demands that the only viable way of doing things is exclusively his own, and all other views and ways of doing things make him go berserk, to me this attitude bothers me and I suffer from rabies attacks (anger that I tend to hide and suppress in public) when I am alone I vent my anger by fantasizing about punching and slapping him. It's not something I would do in reality, but fantasizing those things makes me feel pretty damn good (for a minute at least!) and afterwards I feel like shit.
okay but whats with the yaoi
That's right, the conflict between us has triggered sexual desires on my part towards him, desires where I get the better of him.
Why would you be an asshole? It's only natural to want punch narcissistic parents. I just hope things will get better for you soon,anon.
thank you, anon
I used to be polite to everyone in a uniform way and it bit me in the ass. I would say please, thank you, etc. to even bums and other people.However, I realized people are divided into different levels, and some people are rude, some people are nice, some people are strong, and some people are weak.So, I learned to be indifferent and cold when dealing with trashy or lower class people, like, these people tend to view overt politeness as a sign of weakness and they'd try to find a way to scam you or they'd look at you like you're not socially adept or something along these lines that I can't really phrase, so it's best to treat them with an indifferent attitude, and to keep them an arm distance away. I also would wear matching clothes.However, when I go to a fancy place, where people are nicely dressed and stuff of that sort, I would have to be more polite, dress so I can blend in, and act more professional and be wary of what I do.Now finally, when I interact with really sophisticated people, or for instance my professors at the university, I would revert to my maximum politeness mode, and act very nice, say please, thank you, and act very eloquent around these people.I don't like giving money to beggars or tipping waters (not a custom where I am from), but if I go to a date with someone who cares about these things, I might tip or give money to people and be more considerate as to not appear "evil", because some people play armchair psychoanalyst and will assume you're not a good person if you don't kiss the waiter's ass.Obviously, everything within reason.So yes, I have always been aware of this dynamic but was raised to treat everyone the same, but it isn't working out, and life requires some flexibility.Am I a hypocrite or is this just how life works?
>>32740170That's called fitting in. Each person has to decide whether they want to or not, but it generally gives more opportunities and less social issues when you do it.Most people do it, and I hear in certain countries/communities it's extremely common. I suspect that's why they do "mask off" moments if you catch my drift.I don't do this, but I am used to being the weird person and I do my best to stand my ground on things. Like I won't go full american psycho and kill a beggar, even if it's something that could be easily excusable in certain societies if you are of the right "caste/class".I suspect this is also why people say certain things but do another. They want to fit in and APPEAR a certain way but really don't like the idea. That would be hypocritical, but if you don't care and it gets the results you want....
>autistic retard, 20yo, no friends >mum always makes fun of me, gets mad at me over little mistakes, has said horrible things both when mad and drunk>get really upset by this and cry a lot>when i was younger and told her it made me sad she'd call me too sensitive>feel like im overreacting so have come to this board to ask if i'm being a baby>she brings up the time she brought me a fake valentines card a few years ago and laughs>was very upset because she knew i hated having no friends and told her i made a thread asking if i was taking it too seriously>she goes mental, tells me she'd never do that to her own mother, says stuff like 'oh so thats what you think of me'>sister joins her and says im just looking for validationI'm doing it again by asking this very question but I feel like I'm nuts. Was that a wrong thing to do? Am I overreacting? I have nobody else to turn to and I didn't include anything about her other than that she was my mum. I just wanted to know if I was being too much of a pussy in these situations and if I should man up to prevent further issues like this.
>>32733936Thanks. Will do.>>32734240I don't think I'm ready to date and never have. I need to do a lot of maturing otherwise I'll be a burden.
Yeah man, your family sucks. You need to get out of there and do something with your life as soon as possible. I assume you don't have a father judging from how feminized you've become. Your mom doesn't respect you and is probably manipulating you to stay with her. Leave there get a job or whatever and occaionally call your mom and check up on her and maybe visit for 1 week then go. You will notice after you leave how nice she would become to you but once you comevack again the cycle of abuse will reoeat itself. You are better off from distancing yourself from people who hurt you.
>>32740316better off distancing yourself from people who hurt you*
When getting a new job how do I communicate to my coworkers that I am highly autistic and not interested in socializing, only in completing my tasks, without coming off as rude or weird?
don't. just try to be nice and make some small talk once in a while. you will get further in your career then. of if you're fine with shit salaries and no references after you get let go and eventually have no one who wants to hire you, then go ahead and bee urself i guess
>>32736790>I am highly autisticYou don't. Now that DEI is dead, your coworkers have no obligation to cater to you in any way.
>>32736974>>32737223Autistic as in meme autistic not diagnosed autistic. I just want to be professional and only talk about work not about family, what I had for breakfast, etc.
>>32736790You don't need to tell them. They'll see it for themselves very quickly.
>30s out of shape, but not completely obese>try to work out to better myself and lose belly fat>belly fat is the only fat i have, skinny everywhere else, its weird i dont even eat much>been doing exercises for an hour before this>do some crunches>do 25 and stop, also some leg lifts, ready to move on to the next exercise>suddenly feels like picrel is hardening like a rock and collapsing in on itself>oh god it hurts am i dying>just stand there completely still and rub it for a few minutes and it eventually goes away but until it does it feels like im holding myself together like if i let go of my hands my organs will fall out>ok no more crunches everthis also happens every now and then if i bend the wrong way while sitting. im not sure exactly which way to trigger it but like if im in the car and it happens I gotta get out of the car fast to be able to stand and rub it out or the pain is going to hit bad like a charlyhorse does to your leg. it's also happening lately if i push too hard to take a shit, but holding that area with my hands makes the pain stopi might be overreacting but could this be more than a cramp, but a hernia? i cant see a doctor about it, im poor and anyway dont trust them, so i ask you doctor adv. even if i keep at exercising will i ever be able to build my core strength/abs without a surgery first? the last doctor i saw for something else long ago did say i have a small hiatal hernia but there's no need to do anything about it as many men have them their whole lives and dont even know
>>32736198I'd say it's just a cramp but with your history I don't know. Consult a real doctor.
>>32736198If it goes away and comes back in specific scenarios you might have fractured a rib or something. See a doctor and get an MRI or something.
>>32739787>Get an MRI or something.>Yeah we didn't really see nothin lol>That'll be $19,000Or>Whoh yous gonna die lol>That'll be $30,000
How do you find someone who'll completely understand you??? I feel like no one really cares. When I tell my friends about my problems, they either just ignore it or brush the topic off completely! But when they go on tell their own problems, I literally response to it 'cause I care about them and all.......this is so unfair for me sigh
>>32740095You need to learn about boundaries and the ability to set and maintain them. Try reading this:
Am I weird if I like chubby girls?Now don't get me wrong, I can also like skinny girls too.But like I think chubby girls are hot too.That's not weird, right?
>>32720006>> Am I weird if I like chubby girls?Stop using euphemisms. Fat chicks. You like fat chicks. They're gross and hold no value. The only way you can find them attractive is if you have poverty brain (or you're ridiculously desperate and will fuck literally anything). Poverty brain is a real mental illness. So take your pick, you're either mentally unwell or you're a desperate freak. There are no other valid answers to this question.
>>32737187Were they blind?
>>32738019Stay mad white boyI get it you're frustrated that Asian women don't only like White guys anymore :)
>>32737187>100You whore
>>32720006This is fine
I'm too retarded to get the message/moral etc to most movies and feel bad because i'm dumb. How do i cope with this feeling?
>>32738968You aren't obnoxious and have critical thinking skills that you just haven't been able to nurture.
>>32739164But I miss the point in a lot of movies
>>32738589Movies are meant to entertain. Actively trying to understand messages/morals from them is like wanting to buy in to the presented psyop. Especially the more modern stuff that try to ram messaging down your throat. If it's fun to watch, it's fun to watch, and if someone makes a point about it, you can analyze it and see if it makes sense or not.>>32738897> bad.
>>32738589The messages and "morals" (lol) of movies is product placement, degeneracy, propaganda for Israel / CIA / Govt, and setting up pointless sequels and remakes.
>>32738589Believe this and all will be well: MOST MOVIES HAVE NO MORAL OR MESSAGE. They are just stories told to entertain and fill a couple of hours. Or, if there IS an impled message, it is on the simplest and most obvious level. If the good guys win, the movie's moral is "Good guys win." If the boy and girl get together, the moral is "Love is nice."That really, really is it.