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My only source of personal validation is posting lewd photos of myself online...
Girls never look twice at me, I never even get a chance.
I suck at the hobbies I care about and often just fail at them.

But I post a flex, lewd or dick pic, or a 5s jerk off video on Twitter, and I get 2k likes and a bunch of people horny over me without even showing my face.
I don't want to have to do this but I'm addicted to the feeling of being wanted...
Low IQ anons be like.

Hello, I have given my ex girlfriend my fathers facebook account and she used it against me and kept gaslighting me since 9 months and I drew the line when she lied about herself having cancer once and the second time about her sister having cancer but when I said her sister should visit the doctor she said thank you. 2 hours later she said How can you ignore that.
She kept playing control games and kept gaslighting me and she kept saying I should write on a paper my handwriting and send her so she could see my handwriting so I did so. Do I get into trouble? She also wanted to frame me as if I am pedo or something when I said a 60 year old can marry a 20 year old. I knew her only from the internet and she refused to share anything about herself but got all my information. What to do?

And also she wasted 2 months of my exam time with overly need of attention during the time of my exams. Thank you for the help, I blocked her today without any further words everywhere I fear she can use information about me against me or use my fathers facebook accounts details which are open. She said she had a millionaire in her past that locked her up and used her i dont know if any of it is true though. I am kinda confused but happy I cut off contact.
I dont get it
What is your advice for me then? Thanks alot
fuck off and nobody cares

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In order to be "cool" and "popular", you have to be extremely concerned with what's trendy and what other people think about you. Which isn't cool at all.

If one is truly "cool" and doesn't care what people think about him, he will incur much hatred and ostracization onto himself.
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every single opinion up to "the sky is blue" will get you Twitter cancelled, no matter how cool or uncool, so that's really a moot metric no one should concern themselves with.
The paradox of "coolness" (which is a negro term that I hate) is that you surrender your freedom and identity to fickle and transient people, who don't give a shit about you.
>muh footballer with mullets
I can think of several things that you can do, which a footballer cannot because it would destroy his image. The footballer loses all his authenticity and every relationship he cannot tell if it is a reflection of his image or authentic.
>but they're dumb and don't care about this
yeah because they're dumb.
Being cool is about making it look easy.
That's literally what it's always meant.
Don't get heated, stay cool.
If you fuck up, own it. If you win, be humble. Let your actions talk, not your cock holster.
there's that's the entire thing.
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you know whats cooler than being cool?
Being mr cool ice cold.
the way to circumvent this is being the trendsetter yourself.

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I would love to live a life like that but I doubt I'll ever be able to afford it
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I suppose it is but then it seem like a luxury of its own.
do you know how to cook, to clean, to fix stuff, can you be self sufficient?
if not then I guess it might be unrealistic for you.
you can't have cottage core lifestyle while being a chronically online.
And do you think I can change? Like if I decide to change my ways on focus on going in that direction?
live in Arkansas bro just don't get food sickness
being self sufficient comes with moving out on your own, this doesn't only apply to the country side. It would be hard getting used to only have 3 shops in your whole town and the nearest city is hours away
of course you can, but then you have to be realistic, how much online world affect your life? can you live with less internet?

Can you CHANGE your life style?

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Here's a blackpill for you: Women have always disliked the vast majority of men. It was just that the socioeconomic conditions of previous ages have forced women to live with men because they depended on them.
If you take that factor out you can see women's effective interest in men, which is obviously low.
Act accordingly
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Men don't even matter anymore.
Women society soon.
Good post OP
personality will turn girls off if you're good looking enough. it will also turn girls on if you're just slightly below the looks threshold
looks threshold is subjective when you're in the bottom of acceptability (obvious at chad levels all girls are attracted to perfect bone structure)
Hey op since the blackpill is true and everything is meaningless why don't you kys? Jw since you say no one will ever love you
Women seem just as useless and dependant as ever if you ask me. Not like the vast majority of people are having an easier time making ends meet or that all the assistance in the world cures squanderous dispostions.

>spend the last 4 years of my life working on a project just so I could kill myself at peace knowing I created something that is beyond me
>thought of giving up multiple times due to slow af progress
>finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel
>realised what I'm working on is great, but not enough to die feeling fulfilled
I'm lost, anons.
I don't know exactly what I'm asking for with this post, but any input will be welcomed.
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Wouldn't a 6'0" girl feel unconfortable with a 5'7" guy?
170, same as me (m)
Not gonna lie, everytime I hear a woman talking about how not every woman wants a tall guy I automatically assume she has a >6 foot bf because that's almost always the case lol.
I wish happiness and well-being for both you and your bf.
Not to downplay your problems, but it seems like very minor issues. Bullying and shit parents are a thing of a past and height isn't as important to most girls as you probably think. Unless you're a total manlet. How tall are you exactly?
Well if you kill yourself, there will nobody to support the game. So you gotta nurse it to maturity and make sure it becomes great. Then you can reconsider whether you truly want to leave.

i'm a 23yo dude, when i masturbate or have sex with my gf, i don't enjoy having an orgasm, even if i think too much about it during masturbation/sex, i start to tell myself "i know i'll feel so tired and sleepy after this, what's the point?", then i cum and i feel disappointed. even when i do it inside my gf, which is supposed to be the most enjoyable way to do it, i don't like it, i don't like the feeling, or falling on top of my gf all tired, i feel weird. or doing it to the most beautiful girl i can find online, i don't feel nothing, i end, clean up, and go on with studying or doom-scrolling. am i insane bros? i think i might have depression or something
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Yeah, because you are circumcised. Kek.
i'm not anon
The truth is that women are literally vampires but instead of sucking blood they suck the cum out of our cock
Yeah you're too fat. Cut for a few months and your health should improve. You'll feel a lot better and be eager to fuck your GF. Good luck anon, we are all gonna make it.
Take vitamin B my man. You will cum hard as shit and want to cum again later. It's great for cumming.

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Why is young love and first loves so special compared to dating in your 30s and on?
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Romantism fades as we age
sex feels better when you're young and full of cum
>Why is young love and first loves so special compared to dating in your 30s and on?

They’re not more special. They’re special sure, but more special than the woman you actually marry? Hell nah. In the big picture when you look back your first love seems insignificant and immature, even cringe.

Young love is just two teens playing house. They’re not even really in love, they are just infatuated with the idea of being in love.
seriously are people here stupid? did they forget what teen love is?

it's like 3 months of holding hands and going to her stupid track meet and then one day you say something mean about Taylor Swift and she doesn't talk to you for 2 years and instantly she has a new boyfriend

it's not special at all its the least treating other people like human beings relationships you'll ever have in your life
Everyone's experience is different
I'm still not over my highschool sweetheart and it's been 4 years, really hope to find someone as smart as her and that shares my interests.
looking grim...

>be me
>start to realize I hate my life
>hate my family, the people on here, twitter, in real life, etc
>media is being ruined, lives are being ruined, another etc
>seek out chrisitanity after alot of methods to find a goal when the end happens
>Just pray everyday for all this to be a false/bad dream of a universe
>wish for a better family, skills, life, etc
>wish for so many bad people, writers, artists, etc to not exist at all
>wait as it all gets closer in this crappy world to end

I really just have to rely on god at this point to get this world out of the way for a better/true one to come through. I'm so sick of this, I don't want suicide or anything but I'm expecting death for me may come soon somehow.
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>Do you know something about Coptic Christianity?
>Not a thing.
>They don't have slave mentality.
>Let me teach you why they don't count.
there is a way out
>proceeds to have a massive stupid debate
let me believe in what I want to believe, alright? If there is nothing in the end of life, so be it, but I'll still believe.
get out
Or, you can go fucking learn a skill or five. Internet's right there, lmao.
Advice for being simply more optimistic can be useful when it comes to replacing upsetting concerns with more productive thoughts about all the more positive things there may be worth being optimistic over. What's less useful or workable is trying to do the same for overcoming chronic traumas. If one isn't really affected by such it should be seen as an better position of opportunity to make the most of things compared to that of individuals who are highly affected by such.

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i feel that i am not deserving of love or support, or good things for that matter because "i haven't earned it'. ever since i was a kid, i had a hard time accepting it, just always felt that it should've went to someone worthy or needed it more than i did. it hadn't become a real issue until i had started seeing this girl and more or less fucked it up because something in me believed that i didn't deserve her. what is wrong with me
Only Allah truly knows what we deserve
i wish i could know
sounds like childhood issues. i had similar issues. my mom was fairly abusive. she made sure to let me know how hard she worked and that i could live with my deadbeat homeless father if i didn’t like it. i wasn’t allowed to develop my personality much until i left home. i settled for less because my self-esteem was in the gutter, and i never could trust women enough to believe they wanted to be with me. once i got away from her, i felt true happiness for the first time, it was weird. but i saw the true nature of women and how they can tear your life apart. i avoided vulnerability and never believed that i was worthy of love, always a burden. they key for me was finding a career that gave me self-esteem and worldly worth. i could compare my life trajectory and realized that i was someone of value. this led to better relationships, whereas my previous ones were about pleasing the woman so she wouldn’t abandon me. obviously this doomed any sort of relationship i had.

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How do I tell my girlfriend that I fucked a femboy once?
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>Because I want sincerity from the other person, so I also need to be sincere.
Why can't you faggots keep your mouth shut? There's literally no reason for her to know that.
Women dont do sincerity, it will be one sided, they always do this "you didnt ask me that" type bullshit that is when they dont just lie which is common in itself already
> It's a pivotal coin flip. Some girls find men who did gay things insanely hot

I wouldn't count on that, personally. My bitch ex (who was bisexual, and very slutty) kept asking me if I was interested in experimenting with a man. Iwas not, and am not, but she kept going with it, kept telling me that she'd be down to give me a pass to experience that if I wanted. I did not, but eventually, I brought up getting pegged. We did it a bunch, and then she started implying that getting pegged (by a chick) somehow made me gay?
She was so fucked up in the head anyways.
Was it while you were dating her? Because that would be a whole different issue.

If it was before, maybe ask her if she is interested in hearing about past sexual experiences and ease her into listening to what you feel you need to tell her.
She would prob be more accepting than you think.

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It's either E books or physical books. I want to learn math so I found a open source math textbook online that was available for free via PDF download from the publishers website. The publishers also offered a physical version of the open source math textbook for $53 on amazon. I got the physical book and now I kinda regret making this purchase. $53 is a lot for me because my only source of income is monthly SSI tugboat checks.

I hear that reading comprehension is 6 to 8 times better when reading a physical book compared to reading a ebook. While reading a physical book may be better for my reading comprehension buying many textbooks over a long period of time is costly.

Ebooks do have a high upfront cost but it does save a lot of space and it costs pennies over the long term. I am of course mentioning pirated ebooks as I would never buy ebooks from an actual publisher or amazon, because it's a waste of money. It's also more distracting because well it's a digital device.

What do you think? should I play it safe and get physical books for reading comprehension benefits or get free ebooks at the cost of my reading comprehension?

I have autism and luckily no learning disabilities, heightened sensitivity to stimuli, hearing impairments and visual impairments.
Its up to you. I love physical books, and they are definitely easier to reference when playing with new concepts. But reality is, put the time in, make sure you learn the concepts before calling yourself done with a book, you'll be fine.

It matters more that you start working than the exact medium. Overthinking kills productivity.
I suggest doing a mix of both depending on the subject and type of book.

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Everyday I think about quitting my job and taking a plane to Poland then hopping the boarder to just go kill russians, I see no point in living a boring life until 70, I am socially inept, never kissed or held a hand, and I feel abstracted from all social norms, I don't even feel connected to my biological family, but everyday I think about how fullfilling a life of stress and battle would be, I wouldn't be so useless like I am in everyday life.

But I'm also a weak 5'9 twink with no real experience in fighting, I even got called ma'am to my face today, I think I'm fucked.
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Sorry anon, but the US military history is the worst in any country, today.

From Chinese in Korea, to Viets, to Cubans, to Afghanis, to Somalis, to Israelis, everyone had their turn beating your army.
>the fight for democracy in Ukraine accepts any and all
Nah, they've tightened standards after the R*ddit squads proved themselves to be at best, whiney liabilities and at worst, actual dangers to those around them who uploaded geotagged photos of military installations for the entire world to see.
The Ukrainian Legion is still accepting foreigners but if you don't have any military or combat experience, you can bet your ass is going to far from the frontlines. You will still be contributing to the war effort but you will not get to fight, you will be doing bitch work because that's what they trust you with. This is an actual war where people's lives are on the line and they're not going to entrust their lives with a Western brat looking for a thrill nor are they going to waste time & resources training a flight risk for combat.
>Nah, they've tightened standards after the R*ddit squads proved themselves to be at best,
>The Ukrainian Legion is still accepting foreigners but if you don't have any military or combat experience, you can bet your ass is going to far from the frontlines.
The young, the old and the sick are welcome. But even the healthy will get mowed by artillery.
>a Western brat looking for a thrill nor are they going to waste time & resources training a flight risk for combat.
It's Ukraine dude, 3 days of training should make you beyong average.
the first mortar/drone attack you experience will be so shocking to your psyche that you’ll be broken. modern warfare is cold and distant aggression. the fact you’re wearing camp pants makes me think you’re idealizing what is truly ugly.

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is it normal to be a 30 year old man who has never sexted or been sent a nude pic, what does that say about me?

I've had a string of relationships most of them lasting a year or so, I've asked a few times but was always shot down, I've sent a few of my own nudes (not just dickpic but an actual tasteful interesting and sexy photo)

How do you guys get sent nudes?
i have never been sent a nude or sext. i send my wife dirty stuff but she is uncomfortable writing back. but i took a video of her sticking her toungue into the slit of my urethra last night so i dont feel bad about it
just be desperate and degenerate. my advice, don't do it
When I see nudes I feel nothing. I want to bash their head in with a rock, that would be more stimulating
it’s a generational thing. smart people don’t do it. women who do this know you’re going to show someone, so it’s a tactic to get you excited when she doesn’t have much to offer.

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All I did was ride my bike for a little bit after dark (till 10pm). Now I can't talk or eat. How did this happen and what do I do about it?
It's interesting how you assume that riding your bike past dark has cursed you with a sore throat.
Can you breethe normally? If it's worsening, go to a doctor ASAP, couod be something like diphtheria or epiglottitis. Also depends on whether you've been vaccinated against these diseases as a child.
My mouth was open and I'm a shutin so it's the first thing that comes to mind.

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