I'm studying computer science and I don't have time to work take a part time job, but I want to make some money. Is there a way to make money sporadically from my house?
>>32621663>and I don't have time to work take a part time jobAre you sure about that?You need money to make money. If you don't have anything to invest into a venture of some sort, you won't make any """"passive""""" income. You either invest time, or money. You claim to have no time and no money, so you won't have anything.You can and should sacrifice some of your time to get a little bit of money, and the easiest way is to wage slave part time. Then you can invest that money into some more serious ventures.So reconsider if you truly have no time to wage slave. Remember there are jobs where you can just sit on a desk and do your homework.
>>32621663Youtube channel. Hopefully you're a native speaker with appealing accent.
>>32621663you can try fiverr maybe
>>32621663>and I don't have time to work take a part time jobYes you do. Stop being a lazy motherfucker and get a job. Literally every retail job is full of college students
>>32621663Ask /biz/
>>32622627have fun competing with 1000 jeets who will do the same thing as you do but shittier (the client wont know) and for 1 rupee/hour (the client absolutely will know)