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ITT we ask the opposite gender (almost) anything!

But note that the following are strictly forbidden:
- Politics posts (take those to /pol/).
- Trolling of any kind (this is only allowed on /b/).
- Racism (also only allowed on /b/).
- Misogynist (or misandrist) rants (take those to /r9k/).
- Incel rants. (Again, try /r9k/).
- Discussion of LGBTQ issues (take those to /lgbt/).
- Personal information or pictures of yourself - these are not allowed on /adv/. (If you feel the need to post toonme images, there's a corresponding thread on /soc/ where those are allowed).
- Blog posts. (There is NO good place for these!)
- Any image that is not work-safe.

Please help to keep this thread nice by REPORTING any off-topic, poor-quality, or rule-breaking post that you see!

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if a woman says something positive about boobs, she must be a lesbian, because boobs are sexo and any talk about them is automatically sexual
i don't believe this but i get what anon's thought process was
God isn't male.
They aren't yours.
It's your fault.
so what's my next step then? Because I understand how conversation works. It just completely goes to shit when I'm actually in public.
Here's an example of how my daily social life is
>coworker/manager walks up
>spits out idle question
>I reply with "fine" or "okay"
>I know most of the time it's an invitation to ask them something in return, but I prevent myself from doing that.
I want to stop doing that, but my horrible brain won't let me not sabotage myself. Also can't help but think everyone looks down on me. I mean at this point, they must. My reputation is fucked. I was the "weird kid who never talks" in high school, now I'm the "creep who doesn't talk to us" at work.
Leave poopjeet
>Especially considering their vastly different sexual experience levels.
The hookup was more experienced?

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Have you ever wondered while browsing this thread : where are all the cancer patients ? Where are all the rape victims ? Why is it nothing but dumbass kids complaining about girlfriends or their not having one ?

Why is there always a thread asking for a painless way to die ?

There is obviously something wrong with these communities that attract nothing but the same demographics of first worlders whose life is paradise to somebody else, addicted to comfort and weakness.

Rise above the average.
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>where are all the cancer patients ? Where are all the rape victims ?
why would cancer patients or rape victims post on a fucking faggot board on a faggot website? what would they need advice about you fucking retard
>where are all the cancer patients ?
> Where are all the rape victims ?
>Why is it nothing but dumbass kids complaining about girlfriends or their not having one ?
1. People want to be normal for some reason I don't understand
2. Getting a job and having a stable relationship are the hardest parts of being normal
3. They ask for job advice too.
>>what would they need advice about?
idk man, maybe about how to deal with the cancel slowly killing them and to death with the actual impossibility to project themselves in the future while you're sitting there crying "WAAAH WHY DON'T I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!!"
You actually made my point posting this answer.
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>Why is it nothing but dumbass kids complaining about girlfriends or their not having one ?
The men from /r9k/ come here to rant about being chronically single
Rise above the average? I might have at a time but guess what, that changes over time. Some might say that's the goal - to be "average" at the end of it all, or below average.

Hey /his/

I come to you here with a dilemma

I was told by someone I trust that I could possibly be schizophrenic, and after looking up symptoms of it, I display every symptom

But that, in and of itself, isn't enough for me to believe I have schizophrenia

For example:

Disorganized behavior, repetitive movements, disorganized thinking: can be attributed to my existing ADHD and/or ADD diagnosis

I have OCD, so compulsive behaviour should be explanatory

Lack of restraint, social isolation, and excitability can be related to my Autism syndrome disorder.

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Just for clarification. I originally posted this on /his/ but was recommended to post it here instead.

So that's why it says things like "hey /his/" when it should say "hey /adv" instead
There's no such thing as schizophrenia. You suffer from being a man in modern society. You were probably raised completely separate from nature in moving around in boxes made of drywall, deprived of sunlight, emotionally neglected by shitty narcissistic boomer parents then got bullied in school, laughed at by girls, and then pipelined into some torturous flavor of wagecuckery.
Unless you are getting carried away with elaborate paranoid delusions and hallucinations, schizophrenia is not a useful diagnosis.
Huh....that is....alarmingly accurate as to my life story

I do kinda have paranoid delusions, but not like "I'M BEING GANGSTALKED BY THE CIA" level, moreso "oh God, everyone hates me, they've always hated me, and only keep me around to make fun of me" which only spirals from there

And as for hallucinations, I've occasionally had moments where I think I smell one thing, but upon asking people, it's actually something else, or hearing my name being called when no one actually said anything.

Aside from those, I guess I don't have it
> "oh God, everyone hates me, they've always hated me, and only keep me around to make fun of me"
But that's how normies literally behave. It's literally what they do. They hang around people they hate and then play passive-aggressive power-trip mind games with each other. Don't be gaslit by big pharma DSM nonsense. It's not a delusion. The biggest comfort I can think to offer you is it's not personal, don't take it personally, they treat everyone and themselves that way.
Since you are an autist, I suggest you should disabilitymaxx, see if you can get NEETbux of some sort. Don't worry that much about being normal. Normies are zombies are usually aren't that happy. When autists try to normie-maxx they just burn themselves out (see "autistic burnout").
Forget the bullshit everyone talks about. Just make sure you have food and shelter and reduce your exposure to stress. Try to enjoy life. Forget bullshit labels and trying to find your identity in mental condishuns.
Food and shelter are covered

But...I do yearn for more

I yearn for....

As cheesy as that sounds

Freedom to buy what I want, live on my own, and be the ultimate master of my destiny

I don't think I will get a job anytime soon, but hopefully, maybe sometime before the end of the decade

I'll have made it bros

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Dear friend,

First of all, I must say that I've been meaning to write to you for a long time. For years, actually. This letter has been in the making since I was a teenager. I'm about to enter the second quarter of my century, and I thought if I didn't do it now, I'd never do it.

I've been feeling very nostalgic lately. Every day I reflect on my life, especially on my art. You know I like to write. And I think about why I write. What is it that moves people to do anything?

I think it's love and pain. I believe that humans were made to escape pain and protect love. I say "protect" and not "seek" because love is inherent in human beings, contrary to what cynics might say. To be alive is to flow with love, and as proof of this I can show you the history of humanity: eras of pure misery, suffering that transcends generations, the worst of the worst. Would we consciously choose to continue an existence plagued with endless evils, if there wasn't a reason to do so? Don't you think we would have decided a long time ago to put an end to all evil forever, that is, to voluntarily extinguish ourselves, if we thought that was the most rational thing to do? What makes our small and insignificant species not choose to self-destruct is what makes it not so insignificant. It's love for life that moves the world, my friend. It may be subconscious, it disguises itself, it changes shape, but it's there.

But when it comes to art, it doesn't matter what moves the world; an artist is an individual, and the human mind must be analyzed in terms of its uniqueness. What can move an artist who has never loved, or who has never felt pain? Where can his magic... his inspiration come from? Where is an artist's love born?
Art is sensory. We can see it in paintings, movies and novels; we smell and taste it in culinary works; we can touch it on the fabric of a dress; we hear it in orchestras and indie rock bands. But its inspiration is not sensory. It isn't intellectual either: it doesn't come from the body or the mind.

There's a book called The War of Art (by Steven Pressfield) that states that all callings of the soul, that is, vocations, come from a single source, a single metaphysical force, separated, but united to us, that indicates the path we must follow to reach happiness. There is a force that wants us to accomplish our mission. They are the angels, the muses, the "inspiration", whatever you want to call it. When we do what we came to do in the world, we are accompanied by this force.

But there is an obstacle, as immaterial as its counterpart. There's another force that haunts all people, all the time. It's almost undetectable, very hard to see. Pressfield calls it "Resistance". It's the force that tries to prevent us from fulfilling our mission. I'm sure this will be familiar to you, it certainly is to me.

Resistance fights against the divine. It's an ally of abulia, depression and apathy. It's a leech that feeds on suffering; it's never satisfied and will never be. It has a colossal objective: to destroy love for life.

To me, Resistance feels like an endless list of priorities. Anything seems much more urgent than sitting down to write my ideas. There's always something else to do, the time never seems right, my ideas have to wait to be written, they have to get in line. But what's strange is that when I get free time, I'm the one that goes out in search of something else. Leisure has to be avoided at all costs. Not even the idea of starting appears in my mind. And if it does, something inside me panics. Now's the right time, inaudible voices whisper, if you don't do it now, you never will.
Then Resistance answers for me, without my noticing. It does so with my voice:

I have to watch that new anime that everyone is talking about.
I need cigarettes.
I have to go get a coffee with Miranda.
I have to get into a relationship.
I need to graduate.
You gain nothing from it, do something productive.
Something that makes money.

After reading Pressfield's book, I became more aware of its tricks. Bit by bit I began to hear its voice. A perverse imitation of my natural voice, that revealed more of its dirty nature the more attention I paid to its distorted resonance. Resistance went back to its hiding place. It has only one weakness, being found out.

I cleared my schedule (that was never that busy), closed my bedroom door, put on my headphones and rested my fingers on the laptop keys. Muses are capricious; sometimes they play pranks, sometimes they test you. They are spontaneous, they like their orders to be followed immediately. Sometimes they abandon me when I'm alone with a blank document, patiently waiting for some indication, however precarious it may be.

They don't listen to threats. They don't care about your need to acquire capital to feed yourself, or ask about the status of your rent or bills. They only know that they won't let you be happy until you do what they say. They're a little despotic in that respect. How inconsiderate... don't you think? Why couldn't they call me for a more lucrative and stable activity, like programming. There are people who have programming, medicine or law as vocation, good for them. My luck is that of a hostile and difficult to secure world. The muses don't promise anything material. They don't promise success, fame or fortune.
Resistance can also take the form of overly strict self-criticism. This is especially pernicious, because we may think those are our own perfectionistic standards. That our sensitivity to mistakes is so high that nothing we do seems to satisfy us. Of course, these criticisms are limited to our work only. We can appreciate other people's works and ignore the imperfections, sometimes we don't even notice them. It's hard to perceive that the criticism is rarely directed to our art, and is almost always directed to ourselves. If that haughty voice only leaves a bitter aftertaste, without anything constructive, it's the voice of Resistance.

Also you can't argue with Resistance. No matter how much you argue with it, invariably you'll lose. The only thing that can be done to weaken it is to listen to it attentively, knowing what it really is.

Resistance can also imitate (or reproduce) the voices of others. For example, an older brother:


A father:
"Is that what you spend your time on?"

A friend:

Or a negative comment on the internet:

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Forgive me for being so hyperbolic.

It's hard to overcome the relentless urge to self-destruct when we see no reason to do so. It bleeds empty, boring hours, in which we are almost paralyzed on the bed, lazily sliding our fingertips across the phone screen. You have time, right? Art can wait. Checking twitter is more important. Our pride doesn't allow us to abandon the idea that one day we will put in 100% of our effort, one day we'll get tired of lying to ourselves and we will study, draw, write, exercise or sleep well. But that day never comes. That's why every birthday feels so miserable. If you get to work, the years that go by won't make you despair, I assure you.

Who can leap into the void, relying only on faith in oneself? A lunatic.
Who can leap into the void, relying on faith in oneself, and survive? Those that trust, I suppose.

And I don't mean that they trust that in the end, they'll accomplish all their goals, that they'll live out the fantasies of the future that were born in childhood. Fulfilling your mission doesn't mean that. The muses don't dictate fate or circumstances. Trusting them promises nothing but their company.
What I mean by all this is that art fulfills a function, one of the most selfish ones there is. It helps the artist to be happy. For some that means expressing their pain through art. Others express the love that fills their hearts, love for art or for life. My muse is honesty. When writing fiction or a letter like this, I'm being honest, and that is pure happiness.

A lonely writer

P. S. This letter is addressed to you, reader, and it was inspired by a poet (who doesn't know me, but I do) that is facing an illness and keeps creating his art like a true warrior.

>Be me, 30yo M. Been dating my gf for a year or so, 26yo.
>Hang out with my old college group of friends, most of them in their early 30s aswell.
>One girl I never really got along with starts to brag about her open relationship. Picture her as a 6/10 nerdy girl, very studious, always in a relationship. She goes in detail about how her bf is aware and supportive of everything.
>Picture the bf. 31 yo basedboy/nerdy guy. The classical funko pop collector, cats not kids, internet white knight type.
>Wonder who will be the first of us to get married, and start to discuss. Suddenly this girl makes the big announcement. She will be getting married in 1 year.
>Starts to say that her parents will spend a lot of money in the wedding, that the honeymoon will be 3 months in Japan, and worst of all, that she will invite all the guys she is hooking up with to the wedding.
>While she speaks the bf dosent stop smiling, but his eyes are souless, like a statue.
>Everyone starts congratulating her, not only for the wedding, but for how brave and strong she is for handling an open relationship. Everyone except for me and my gf.
>I point out what she would do if they have a son that looks nothing like the future husband.
>Suddenly the table goes silent, like if I insulted them.
>They point out how old school I am, and that most likely I'm a misogynist, and look at my gf as If would beat her u once we got home.
>The rest of the supper is silent and akward.
>I talk with my gf while driving home. We are not supermodels, but we are rather attractive and fit. When single both of us had plenty of fun, but are happy to have left that behind.
>We are not rich, so when planning our wedding we both are happy to know that the only thing we need is eachother.
>She says she would rather get married in a casino than to a men she despises so much she won't be able to fuck only him for the rest of her life.

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>Not to you. But they don't give a fuck about justifying themselves to you, nor should they.

Except that’s what they did without anyone asking. Making a big announcement too. Read the thread.

>They were upset with you, because you were being an insufferable prick. What you said wasn't true, it was merely astonishingly offensive.
Multiple men fucking 1 woman = good chance baby won’t be the cuckold’s. Not rocket science, so yes it is true. Who cares if it's offensive. If the woman can take multiple dicks, she can take a serious question.

>And imagine you said "But if you're both gay you'll fuck all your children and give them AIDS."
I like how you said that and not OP or that anon lol.

>What you said was genuinely THAT BAD.
It’s not that bad, its a fucking question and a common one that comes up. How does parenting work with 1 womanl 1 cuck, and multiple men coming in and out of the home?

Usually what happens is child sex abuse but at least OP didn’t bring that up.
>Except that’s what they did without anyone asking. Making a big announcement too. Read the thread.
An announcement is not a justification, anon. When two people announce they're getting married, they're not *justifying* anything, they're simply announcing good news and expecting their friends to be happy for them.

>It’s not that bad
Yes, it was absolutely that bad. The fact that you are not capable of understanding why doesn't change that. Again: understand that there is something you don't understand.

>How does parenting work
None of your fucking business.
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>An announcement is not a justification, anon.
Read the context
>Wonder who will be the first of us to get married, and start to discuss
>Suddenly this girl makes the big announcement

The whole setup was to see who is getting married first and the spooky poly lady decided to get on a soap box for attention. They made it everyone’s business, that’s the point.

>Yes, it was absolutely that bad.
No it wasn’t. Hurt feelings don’t matter, they’re feelings, they come and go like piss in the wind. Stop with the appeals to emotion, we’re not kids anymore anon.

>None of your fucking business
Again, the poly cuckold ringmaster and her golem simp made it everyone's business. What you are saying is no one is allowed to ask questions. Because narcissistic feelings will be hurt or something.

Bet you’ll say nothing on the fact they proceeded to call OP a misogynyist and villainise him all because he asked a question lol.
What he said was an extremely normal question. The open relationship shit is what needs to be looked down on and mocked relentlessly

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>no job
>no car
>no driver's license
>no friends
>no family
>no college
>running out of money for rent
How do I even begin to fix this? I'm increasingly feeling like suicide is my only option.
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us army
put a gun in your mouth troon
> fail to understand the point you're making
his point is he has no exeperience in life that would show he has value to employers,women, or potentIal friends.
>90% or more of all jobs in existence do NOT require a degree
and most of those jobs pay minimum wage or close to it
>save and buy one
are you 40+ ? the used CAR MARket is fucked, better of financing new or close to it
are you even here or is this just a bot/engagement thread where you dont provide any feedback?
>I'm increasingly feeling like suicide is my only option
Good. The world is now your oyster.
Rob a bank, fuck hookers, one way tickets to god knows where, do whatever you want.
Consequences? None of them are as bad as death. And when you have had enough, you can either sort your life out or, short your life out

>be me
> 28, gov office job, nothing special, 9 to 5,
>at least get to travel around Europe once every 2-3 months
> relationships have been unsatisfying lately
> beginning of this summer get super bored (and a bit horny)
>out of sheer boredom post a message on a website for roommates
>offer free rent for a woman in tough place
>emphasize you don't want sex
>proceed to forget completely about the ad (don't believe women actually agree to that)
>2 - 3 weeks later get a message
>"hey about this ad. what's your idea?"
>play it cool, say you just want a woman roommate that can take care for the apartment a little bit while I'm at work
>she (34) has a girl (4), tough breakup with the dad, been alone since she gave birth

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So she already is pregnant and still drinking and smoking? Then why would mother instincts suddenly kick in before she gives birth? (I don't know shit about it)
You specifically sought out a woman that would do this type of thing
congratulations OP, you dun goofed
Just so you know the damage of drinking while pregnant isn't a percentage chance, it's guaranteed and it only takes a single drink during the critical developmental period of the brain to permanently retard it's growth.

I'll say it again just for emphasis, if your woman drinks during pregnancy, it is guaranteed to cause damage. One drink during the critical developmental period of the baby's brain is guaranteed to retard it's growth.

Take her alcohol away and get that bitch in line
I've seen this webm before but I never realised, what is this supposed to be? It looks like some fucking Postal 2 knock-off.

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I just wanna be liked for being myself. where do I find it?
"It" ? A dog? At the dog store

Is it better to (a) smoke weed consistently while studying or (b) study sober and smoke weed after?
I've noticed even when I go with (b) I still have delayed cognition in social settings so I end up talking like a retard about technical things that I could easily work out on paper

Bonus: Also why did I jerk off four times before class?
(C) stop smoking. bonus - the weed is fuelling your porn addiction
But smoking weed is awesomesauce
I think smoke after but it doesn't prolly matter if you smoke every day anyway

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I am friendless and have bad taste.

I just daydream though my life clicking on what ever video pops ups.

I am sick of that life.
The thing is I don't know what is good, I am a bland blank person with a horrible taste for slop.
I am am at loss for what to read, listen to or watch improve too improve my taste.

My plan so far is to
look into get a subscription to Masterclass
Get into class french cooking and try meal prepping
Learn about photography and how to us it to find what is beautiful the
stuff likes picrel
ust build good taste
Do MMA and move with that clean flow

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>anon wants to be a better man
>tell him to read a book with a pedophile main character
Silly goose
Don't do masterclass stuff, that shit is dumb.

I recommend reading notes from the underground very good book, funny, relatable.
I'd recommend starting with the stoics, and the gospels.
Don't start woth Meditations. As great as stoicism sounds, Meditations is really a collection of musings that will become boring. Some of it's deep but a good chunk of it's "People die when they are killed" tier dumb. Start with Plato's "The Republic as this explores the pros and cons of oligarchy, republics, pure democracy, and hereditary monarchy. This lays the groundwork for a lot of later philosophical thought regarding society, including Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics", Hobbes' "Leviathan" and Machiavelli. It's a bit more nuanced to religion and criticisms of polite society, but consider also Moliere's "The Misanthrope", Huxley's "Brave New World" and "Ape and Essence", and William Golding's "The Spire". For Ayn Rand, I recommend "We The Living" before diving into her heavyweights "The Foutainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged". Also for Orwell, don't just read "1984" or "Animal Farm". He had a pretty interesting life and it's criminal that schools only make you read those two. Consider "Homage to Catalonia" and "Burmese Days". Upton Sinclair is another good one with "The Jungle" and "The Moneychangers". Again, these should be read later after you've laid the foundations of basic civilization.
For film, all of these are can be found on kissanime.ru or on The Internet Archive. I recommend the latter as they have a good collection of other educational and entertaining material. I've downloaded multiple classics from "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" to the original b&w "Night of the Living Dead" to "The Northwest Passage" to an external hard drive library. They alao cover interesting history and technology like progression from lighbulb logic gates to semiconductors and how rear differentials work on cars.
Yeah it looks horribles
Shame since it is meant for learning from the best.
I will definitely look into those!
That is all great!
Do you have any recommendations for find good learning materials for subject like cooking, photography, and design?
Just a good place to find them would be great!

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You know what to do. It's ranting time.
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>ruins your sand
My head hurts again
drink like several glasses of water daily, it takes hours after drinking water to hydrate and lose thr dehydration headache. The faster you quaff the faster that relief will come.
If u loosen your neck, upper back, shoulder, throat, scalp and face muscles your headaches might disappear.
Explained how itt. Forgot to mention that after these routines u will need to not only work underneath the muscle strands but actually yank them up off the bone too. If u relax a muscle it’s easier to get underneath, once u get under u flex the muscle and pull it away from u. Only after loosening everything first.
I don't think some people are capable of having a discussion with

I picked up the habit of making myself sneeze 6-7 months ago and since then I've been forcing a toothpick up my nose to trigger a sneeze. It's gotten to a point that I subconsciously do this every 5 - 10 minutes now and my flatmates taken notice to this. I brushed her off by claiming its the alergies but the reality is I walk around with a picrel in my pocket so I can make myself sneeze. I just wanna know I'm not giving myself giga brain damage my constantly sneezing. It's a nasal fixation that I'm not planning on stopping.
literally just stop shoving shit up your nose what the fuck
>How to stop sneezing
>It's a nasal fixation that I'm not planning on stopping.
Not sure what advice you're seeking.
I love this, you are absolutely retarded, self-psychosis... I swear you need help anon, this is not a joke

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Did cocaine for the first time a week ago. I'm a diagnosed retard that always had extreme problems socializing, like many here. My one friend invited me to a small gathering at his place (he is a chad that took me in out of pity), so I went (I love getting drunk, it makes me forget). I went to the bathroom, where a random guy offered me coke, and I went for it. Did about 8 lines the whole night. Ever since then, I cannot, for the life of me, stop thinking about it. It got to the point where I'm having dreams about it, constantly. It made me feel normal for the first time I'm my life, and I want to relive that again. Is it possible to use cocaine recreationally or am I going to fuck myself even further?
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You build up a tolerance really easily. The first time I tried my friends were doing lines every 10 minutes while I was still wired off the first bump. You obviously have a very addictive personality, if you go down this road you're gonna end up feeling barely anything anymore as well as a big hole in your sinus.
>Is it possible to use cocaine recreationally or am I going to fuck myself even further?
it is possible, but you will fuck yourself over given that's how you are feeling after consuming it once.
talk with your shrink and ask for wellbutrin, there might be other dopaminergic drugs but I'm not too well versed in subject.
>Thank you! Is the depression a certainty following the use or will it change depending on the person?
MDMA causes your nervous system to release enormous amounts of serotonin. This almost inevitably leads to serotonin depletion for a few days afterwards, which causes depression. Taking 5htp helps your body manufacture more serotonin which takes the edge off. But don't take it at the same time as MDMA or you'll probably drop dead of something called "serotonin syndrome". Wait till evening the day after.

MDMA does cause other, long-term issues as well, which the 5htp won't protect you from. But if you limit yourself to 4 doses a year, you may get away with it.
Probably this, you felt great and misattributed things

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There's just no recovering from this, is there? I can't believe this has happened. People from my high school are probably going to be settling down soon and I still haven't even had sex just once, something that was supposed to happen when I was a teenager.

I can feel my anger at women and society rising exponentially each day. I just hate this all so much.

How can I turn my life around?
I'm in decent shape, I go to college as I made obvious, I socialize with my friends, we go to bars together etc.
Some girls hit on me/ ask me out every now and again.
I have kissed 7 girls and held hands with two.
So why the fuck am I an incel still???
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> I'm not overtly sexual but I do feel I show sufficient interest.
If they think you are gay or asexual this cannot be true lol. Crank it up a little bit. More direct and still respectful, your dick will be wet before the snow melts
You keep posting this thread so I’ll keep posting my reply to you. Please Instagrammaxx (you’re clearly not a truecel if women are hitting on and kissing you so this can work for you)

I’ve never had the most success with women until I started using instagram. I go to large local instagram accounts (colleges, unis, bars, clubs, local ecelebs, etc. Use your imagination). I then look through the followers and likes, and then I follow girls who I think I can get but who are also still attractive (ie girls with lower amounts of followers are easier than girls with larger amounts). If they follow me back, I dm them. If we get a conversation going, I ask them out. All you need for this to work is a decent pfp of yourself.
What sacrifices?

I literally don't have anything to post of myself though, not even a pfp. I just don't have good pics and can't really get them either.
I don't meet the looks requirements for any online shit. I need to meet foids irl .
>There's just no recovering from this, is there?
For you: no.
You have the shitty "judge my self worth by what I lack" mindset, which will make you miserable and anxious for the rest of your life, and it's your fault for refusing to switch mindsets. For you, it's over.
For someone else in your position it'd probably be fine.
>Why are women so repulsed by men with autism or anxiety but are sacrifical lambs for cluster B men
Women don't want to be happy; they want their stress to be someone else's fault.

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how to induce eating disorder? I can't stick to my diet and I overeat after some days and feel like a fat failure after. what are some unconventional tips to stick to diet??
9 replies omitted. Click here to view.
>you mean for example to cut off only sweets and soda and stuff for two weeks, then cut off breakfast, etc ?
Reduce first, not cut off. Going straight to zero is tough because if you eat even one thing you tried to cut then it's considered a failure. That's being way too tough on yourself when you're just starting.
>what are some unconventional tips to stick to diet??
Try the keto diet. It does a really good job of preventing you from getting hungry.
>what are some unconventional tips to stick to diet??
Not sure about "unconventional", but OMAD has been working for me since last summer and I do it ~5 days per week.
kinda hard because I still live at my parents
doy oh just eat until you're not hungry or do you aim to achieve a certain caloric intake?
>doy oh just eat until you're not hungry or do you aim to achieve a certain caloric intake?
I only have a ca. 2h long time window where I am allowed to eat. So when I have had my dinner and some dessert, I am already really full. That usually is somewhere between 1k and 1500kcal.

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