How to cope with the fact that all of life just boils down to mogging and surviving, physically and genetically? >touch grass incelyeah I've done that and the more I do the more blackpilled I get from the sheer brutality of hypergamy I get to witness in everyday life. Lookism has literally become mainstream and accepted. There was a poster or more who kept spamming about the need to have an incel revolt asap as the system was fundamentally unsustainable in it's current form. The absolute mogg I'm about to witness tomorrow is going to be insane with all the tall, handsome dudes dating or making out with women. Plz help and just be real without all the bullshit that I see that gets thrown quite often here. Should I just accept human nature as it is and just lay down & rot or should I actively go against it, i.e. revolt?>you must choose to ImPROoOOoVEImprove what? My 5'6 height or my norwood 3 hairline with hormone altering drugs or my PerSONaLIty which often gets overlooked for my physical shortcomings?
>>32729771You're supposed to fill the void you feel, not define yourself by it. Don't be like everyone who posts here complaining, disguising their pessimism as pragmatism, you only hurt yourself.
>all this talk about genetics It's a moot point cause the majority of women reproduce and that includes a lot of shit genetics being passed on (in addition to the occasional oofy doofy reproducing too.) There's not enough Chads and Stacys around to create a society of uberxensch. You'd need to cull the female gene pool if you really wanted the best society.
>>32733022>How can you consider yourselves better than incels if your world view can't absorb theirs?My worldview comes directly from theirs as I was one at one point.The solution was to change how I felt about myself and how I felt about interactions with women, to have a personality more like those that are successful.It worked. Maybe not quickly, but it worked.So I know at least one solution to his issues, practice different feelings and a different personality until it becomes a habit.But, enough time spent on /adv/ tells me that people just don't want to. Rather than just trying the new personality, they'll make excuses about how they can't, which I know are bullshit because I changed myself without all those placebos they call "needs" and "milestones".At most they'll FAKE having the new personality, which doesn't work and doesn't fix anything, because they don't actually want to change their feelings.They want to keep being bitter, lonely, and lacking in self esteem, because some dumbass part of their brain feels vindicated by being an invalid. They just want to get social clout and bitches, while still having a polluted mind.It does not work that way (unless you're like a 9.5/10 and get hard carried by looks). You do actually have to wash your personality and clean your feelings. I know, because that's how I went from being an insecure loser with 0 bitches, to ... a mid sperg with 4 bitches. But hey, it counts.And yet, people would rather believe I'm not real and what I did isn't possible, because they honest to god would rather be miserable at themselves than try to not be.
>>32736833Personally I just got comfy with the void, but I tend to take the lazy option.
How do I cope being alone tomorrow?
>>32733538Remember anon: the most important relationship you can have is the one you have with yourself. Treat yourself kindly and have fun
>>32735499beautiful gif! I hope OP does this today. Go for a long walk and watch some crows or something.
>>32733538I'm gonna get hammered and take a long walk into the woods. It's gonna be so romantic. Treat yourselves, boys, and gals
>>32733538I won't read yet another how to cope thread. I won't read yet another stompable pepe. Here, cope this (picrel).
marry your rifle, and all your problems disappear
>30s out of shape, but not completely obese>try to work out to better myself and lose belly fat>belly fat is the only fat i have, skinny everywhere else, its weird i dont even eat much>been doing exercises for an hour before this>do some crunches>do 25 and stop, also some leg lifts, ready to move on to the next exercise>suddenly feels like picrel is hardening like a rock and collapsing in on itself>oh god it hurts am i dying>just stand there completely still and rub it for a few minutes and it eventually goes away but until it does it feels like im holding myself together like if i let go of my hands my organs will fall out>ok no more crunches everthis also happens every now and then if i bend the wrong way while sitting. im not sure exactly which way to trigger it but like if im in the car and it happens I gotta get out of the car fast to be able to stand and rub it out or the pain is going to hit bad like a charlyhorse does to your leg. it's also happening lately if i push too hard to take a shit, but holding that area with my hands makes the pain stopi might be overreacting but could this be more than a cramp, but a hernia? i cant see a doctor about it, im poor and anyway dont trust them, so i ask you doctor adv. even if i keep at exercising will i ever be able to build my core strength/abs without a surgery first? the last doctor i saw for something else long ago did say i have a small hiatal hernia but there's no need to do anything about it as many men have them their whole lives and dont even know
Do most guys banter with friends? Like insults and stuff? How do I join in as a girl without making it awkward?
befriend one of the guys, hang around him if you see him bantering, and stand around and wait your turn. Don't make it seem like you're forcing your way in, show up for your male friend to say hi, and start off from here
light teasing is flirting and not banter when it's male to female. prepare to get fucked a lot
>>32735753Just be awkward Ez
be fat or unattractive
>>32735753The best advice is to just not try to get involved because as a woman your jokes or opinions of your guy friends are going to be taken as sincere. A guy being told by his other guy friends that he’s a virgin with a small dick is banter. Being told the same thing by a female friend, even if the intent is the same, is going to feel like an actual attack on their character.And as already mentioned, you run the risk of having your teasing be construed as flirting. If you’re in a larger mixed group of girls and guys and you try to get in on the male banter the other girls may think you’re trying to be a pick me.
Okay, I was experiencing some stomach cramps because I had food poisoning from something I ate last night.The cramps continued all morning.But, just an hour ago, I ate some yogurt and... almost immediately the cramps stopped.They're gone...What the fuck just happened? Can yogurt do this?This was food poisoning btw.
Appreciate the infoWhen I had what I assume was cholera the only thing that helped was black salt mojitos
>>32736961Even though I hate alcohol, I love these fancy names they give these concoctions.
>>32736981Oh, it was non-alcoholic. It was like a non-alcoholic, sour mojito, with sulfurous salt-marsh scenting salt
>>32737210Non alcoholic ey? Interesting, perhaps I should try dat shit sometime.
When getting a new job how do I communicate to my coworkers that I am highly autistic and not interested in socializing, only in completing my tasks, without coming off as rude or weird?
don't. just try to be nice and make some small talk once in a while. you will get further in your career then. of if you're fine with shit salaries and no references after you get let go and eventually have no one who wants to hire you, then go ahead and bee urself i guess
>>32736790>I am highly autisticYou don't. Now that DEI is dead, your coworkers have no obligation to cater to you in any way.
>be me>few months into a fully remote service job>7/10 cutie in my cohort gets 'promoted' together with me, both of us in charge of doing some weekly reports>we start talking about work>finds out we're the same MBTI>she starts flirting with me>work messages became private messages>she starts oversharing with a hint of traumadumping/b/ i wanna hit that so badly but i haven't been on a proper date for like 10 years. should i proceed knowing she's married?i don't really want to deal with the emotions (it's nice to have someone to vent to about work-related stuffs but that's where the boundary is drawn), really i just want to hit itanons what should i do?
it never works out.Even if you do fuck, karmic justice will come crashing down on you eventually.
Obviously nay. Fornication is bad enough. Adultery is even worse.
>>32733971>i haven't been on a proper date for like 10 yearsLets say the stars align and she actually wants to fuck and you do. You will fall for her and start making demands of her time or contact her and risk her husband finding out. But lets say she's done with him and leaves for you. Are you ready for that? Her going through a divorce, having no money and looking to you for a soft landing? That shit happens.Or lets say she doesn't want to blow up her marriage but you do it anyway because of butthurt. You ready for that?Or lets say you don't fall but she does and goes apeshit, tells her husband she wants a divorce and you have to leave town and your job to flee from both her and the cucked husband. Ready?Here is the only way it works fucking married women. They want side dick already but too afraid to fuck up their home, work and social life because they know men lose their shit over pussy. That woman will tell you she wants dick and she will make it happen if she is convinced you can give her a good fucking and a good time and you don't want anything more EVER. Can you do that? I doubt it because it takes a special male mindset you don't have.
>>32733971Speaking from personal experience, don't.Feelings can develop. Soon you want to be with them all the time. Difficult decisions need to be made. Would she end things with her partner? Would it work with you both.It can start fun, exciting, thrilling. But can end with heartbreak.
>>32733971Don’t do this shit, you idiot.You should be ashamed of yourself for seriously considering doing something so pathetic and selfish.You should especially not do this if they have kids. You’re setting any children they may have up for a very unhappy and complicated childhood.
I have a break between semesters at uni and the problem that I have with this is that my schedule during breaks usually looks like this:>wake up at 10/11 am (no matter if I went to sleep at 23 pm or 4 am)>feel groggy all day>don't feel like doing anything so I eat some shitty breakfast>spend all day on imageboards and playing casual vidya till I get bored (after an hour)>nothing seems to bring joy>even porn feels dull>whenever I try something more "demanding" (but fun) where I have to put more effort I just can't (I quit after a minute at most)>still feel pressured because my days of NEET-like lifestyle are counted>day passes quickly and is overall unsatisfying >go to sleep at wheneverAnd it is like this for a week, two or a month and when I get back to studying I think about all the cool things I will do when I get to have some free time...Does anyone else have similar experiences? Any tips?
>>32737123Just choose to enjoy what you're doing, that's what I do when my body's not generating enough enjoyment by default.Be careful not to overdo it though - you can and will give yourself a crash if you flood your system with too much happiness too quickly.
bump(I deal with something simillar)
>>32737123Also>whenever I try something more "demanding" (but fun) where I have to put more effort I just can't (I quit after a minute at most)If you aren't falling asleep or collapsing from exhaustion, then you don't meet the definition of "can't".
Hello. Here's my life story.>Parents would beat and shout at me when I was young over even minor misbehavior. Teachers would also beat me because corporeal punishment was legal at the time.>Struggled in school but would end up pushing through to try and prevent getting abused as punishment for poor grades, didn't work well>Was introduced to religion as a child, never really believed in it and was alienated from my family as a result>Was extremely violent at school, got into serious fights with other children all the time, uncontrollable anger>Violent behavior would extend to the home where I would beat my younger sister>Often thought about carrying out a school shooting or killing myself>Have had longterm gender dysphoria as far back as maybe age 6, which only gets worse over time>Have been playing videogames all day every day ever since I've known how to speak, never really developed any other hobbies>Adapted poorly to puberty, personality became increasingly bizarre and disturbing. I struggle to communicate without using extremely vulgar and depraved shock humor >Tormented by sexuality, have been viewing disgusting fetishistic porn daily since age 12>Have engaged in a number of risky and regretful sexual behaviors over the years, including: Nearly having sex with my younger sister (I was age 12-13, she was 8-9), had a male friend put my penis in his mouth as a joke, masturbated to pictures of myself in my mom's / sisters clothes, would share nudes with adults on various chat sites, groped one of my first girlfriends, sexually touched my dog, used cp until freshman year of highschool when my parents found it and deleted it all.(1/2)
>>32734963>Was known in school for my perversions, further inhibiting my social life>Went from wild explosive attention seeking behavior in middleschool to isolated and avoidant in highschool>To this day actively avoid my family in my own home, hide in my room all day, stay up late into the night so I have the house to myself>Have been passively suicidal and guilt trodden for my whole life, didn't plan anything past highschool because I didn't expect to be alive by then>Briefly had a job but quit almost immediately because I couldn't tolerate being perceived by others in any way, and was worried the hard labor involved in the role would masculinize my body>Have been unemployed for nearly a year now and have no money whatsoever>Have had run ins with police over previous concerning internet posts, my entire family now knows about my abuse of my sister and failing mental health>Have been doing therapy for several months ever since but it seems to be so far ineffective>If I had an option to end my life without traumatizing my family anymore than I already have, I would take itJesus christ forgive the yap session but I can't simplify my issues down to a few sentences. There's too much wrong with me.(2/2)
>>32734963I think you can recover but not without some serious help. If you’re not making progress with your therapist, try another.
>>32736494I guess I could try another therapist but I'm worried it'll get to the point where I keep cycling through therapists wasting my time only to realize none of them will help.
>>32734963Need your own house, fix that first.Also a productive target of anger
>>32737160>Need your own house, fix that first.How am I supposed to achieve that when I can't even work because of my neuroticism>Also a productive target of angerWhat does this mean
What can a NEET do with his free time so he won't have to work at McDonald's if the government/parent's money were to stop flowing in?
>>32735643Study or work.
>>32735643I want to get a machine that lets me make something artsy and sell it on etsy but I don't have any good ideas. I don't really have the wherewithal to learn how to legitimately make art.
>>32735643A few suggestions...>Learn to 3d print and sell your creations on the web.>Learn to make digital art and sell your creations online.>Open an online antique store.>Work on your writing skills and become a ghost writer.>Learn an instrument and live stream your performances.>Become a "closet farmer" and sell micro greens/high quality fungi online and/or at your local farmers market/local mom and pop grocery stores.>Become a dog breeder and sell to outdoorsmen/law enforcement for a steady income.>Grow a small tea garden and sell your blends online.>Learn to sew and offer minor adjustment work for profit.>Grow aquarium plants/corals and/or breed fresh/saltwater fish to sell to your local fish/pet stores.
>>32735876thanks. These are good ones for making money while still a neet. Any suggestions on things that don't generate money as a neet, but if enough time is spent on it said neet can go to a workplace and say "hey, look at what I can do" and get the job?
>>32735704Etsy is a dying platform flooded with chink shit and "making art" is seldom lucrative even if you're good at it. I'd suggest formulating a better business plan.
I dont want a relationship but i want to have sex too. What are the pros and cons of paying for sex?
>>32730696This its practice for your IRL game unless you’re Indian.
>>32730188Morality is a spook. It's fine to fuck hookers. It's fine to judge people for fucking hookers.
>>32730188Pros:>You get your tiny dick wet for a price.Cons:>It's dangerous (STD's, unplanned pregnancy, robbed/murdered by pimp, addictive).>It's financially costly.>It's paid rape (she's only with you because you're paying her to do the no pants dance, anon).>God will judge you harshly for it. Stop thinking like an animal. Get a life and a girlfriend. There's more to life than luxury and pleasure.
>>32730188Travel outside the US for this if you can, the service, selection and price will be much better>>32730262>feeding a habitmany times that "habit" is just sex addiction or they're shopaholics
>>32730188your best bet is to just ride out the temptation until it fades
alone on valentines :)how do i even make friends as a 21 year old? ive burned bridges with all of my friends from school, i don't have a job, no car, and i dont drink/do drugs. am i just doomed to die alone?
The giga obvious advice is some group or class for a hobby like hiking/sports/art or whatever. I was planning on buying merch for shit I like, pins/shirts/etc, and having someone HOPEFULLY strike up a convo with me about it since most my shirts currently are just plain monochrome ones and I don't have any cool merch really, idk how effective that would be though.
i want the actual real talk about attracting women. no blackpill, no basedboy bullshit.
>>32735224Come on now, that is a paid thing.If you have a job or career path, aren't a degen, and want an LTR, this is free:
>>32735248Interesting website. I just finished the quiz. I don't 100% agree with this guy's points but they are pointing in the right direction and it has given me a lot to think about. Thanks for posting this
>>32733489>what are the best resources for getting women on the internet?Start with an internet connection
>>32735457No problem, king. When you are successful and in your mid 40s, you want to leave a legacy and help the next generation. lmk what you disagree with, I assure you that site is constantly being tweaked.
>>32733489I won't read yet another daily post asking how to get women by yet another basement-dwelling moronic incel subhuman who can't or won't use the archive.
What is small dick energy?
>>32730792women's only unit of value. sex.
>>32730792>What is small dick energy?Caring too much about the size of your dick, sabotaging yourself in the process, leading to never even getting to use that dick.Making its size irrelevant. Hahaha.
Femanon here. It means you're short and ugly. Those kinda guys always have little peanus weanuses.
>>32730792caring about things too much, getting overly sensitive, caring about what women think, getting angry or worked up in general. not being loud
if women liked big dicks as a matter of sexual attraction comparable to men enjoying women's looks, men would have dick cleavage and most of our clothes would be dick-centric. as it is the dick is mostly papered over and ignored
I need a job but everytime I scroll on job search sites I look at applications and I feel suicidal just thinking about applying and then I get off the site. How the hell am I supposed to function in society if just looking at a job application causes me such stress?
>>32734165talk to your frens here :)
Me too. I had 3 interviews this year that fell through and it was hell basically the whole process until after, then it feels good to have at least tried.I started to apply almost every day and the anxiety/desire to give up didn't disappear but it eased a little. I'm in $5000 debt and my living situation is making me suicidal. I just want to pay off my debts and buy a motorcycle, then die early in a motorcycle crash.
>>32725019You simply apply for jobs and enjoy your future as a cog in the machine. Really is that simple.At least now you can also just get AI shit to refine your slop CV for each role lol.
>>32727904Too bad, you’re human. You have to get used to it brute force style or use a crutch (and I love crutches. My helpers are lifting and antidepressants , which both make it easier for me to exist in the world. Don’t be a pussy )
Same, it’s awful. Either the job description is so vague that you get worried it’s secretly dogshit, or it’s just pages and pages of tasks and requirements, and you worry if you get the job you’ll fumble hard and make a fool of yourself. Plus almost everyone requires some form of customer service or phone communication.