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Anyone can give me guidance on selling and app I made. There's even a finders fee if anyone can find a legit buyer. The app is a construction material calculator. For DECKS. FENCE...GARAGE...CEMENT...SIDING..etc. super easy to use.
Ah ok thank you
Why are you selling it?

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How do you change when you genuinly believe that you cannot change?
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Saying affirmations
Find out who or what hurt you to the point of believing you cannot change. You need to metabolize that hurt first.
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Through Jesus Christ and God.
I see

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I have been with my girlfriend for almost a decade now. We are married in everything but official documents, although currently we do not live together due to her work circumstances. She has requested a transfer to be closer to me which should be finished within next year.
Ever since we were young, horny teenagers, we have mentioned now and then how it would be hot to have a threesome. I always made it clear that for me it would have to be with women only, and she agrees as she says she wouldn't like to be with another man anyways. We were one another's first everything and have a very strong bond.

For a while, as we entered adulthood and had a lot of things to sort out and worry about, the threesome talk never came up again, being just a distant "fantasy" of ours. Recently, however, she brought it up, as we have been travelling through our country every so often, have accumulated wealth (individually) and she finds it a good opportunity to find a girl with no strings attached in the places we go to.
However, I have no idea how to initiate this kind of thing and/or if I should even give it a go. I fear I might have performance anxiety, which to me is fine since I still want my girl to enjoy it if it is something she wants to try out, and I know I do a good job even without using my penis.
We are in our mid 20s and not particularly attractive (I'm a 7 or 8 on a good day, so is she) but we are tall, well-spoken and wealthy (individually and collectively). My girlfriend is fit while I am skinny fat.
What would be our options if we decide to go through with it? Tinder? Swingers' places? Go to a party and flirt up girls? I believe my girlfriend would have to be the "wingman" and do the initial approaches since girls have a white flag by default with other girls.
Any ideas or opinions from someone who has done this?
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I think this stuff is dangerous, honestly. Fantasy and reality are very different from one another. And when your GF sees some sexy 21 year old -- I think many hot girls in the age range are VERY willing to do this -- throwing it back on you, something will happen to her brain and it most likely will not be good.
Don't do it.
Do not ruin your bond on pointless hedonism.
> sexy 21 year old
Why do Americans use 21 as the new youngest age you can find attractive instead of 18? 18 year olds are even more willing to try threesomes
Are you sure she’s 100% straight? You don’t want to end up in a Ross from Friends type of situation where she’s been cheating on you with this chick for a while
No idea. Kinda looks like Adriana Lima back in the day.
Perhaps it is.
Yeah, I am somewhat concerned about the possible implications. Cons are the possible emotional impact, since my girlfriend is not very confident herself, pros are that she is pretty submissive and always says that she doesn't mind any sexual activity as long as I enjoy it (and I tend to have the same view towards her, hence my hesitancy.)
I do feel like it is something we should at least try once in a lifetime. I'm no stud at all, so I don't see it becoming a lifestyle or a recurrent thing from my side of things.
lol. Age of consent here is 14, but I wouldn't go below at least near 18 to avoid unwarranted clinginess and also the possible jailbait mentality, since although 14+ is okay they can still complain to family and get someone arrested if their family claims it was rape.
She does bring it up sometimes and has for many years, but I notice she only does it when she is horny. It's not a casual conversation thing.
I don't think she leans too much into women. She finds them attractive, including their bodies, but she says she doesn't really feel anything sexual toward them outright.
She was in a military academy and used to see girls shower and walk naked around her every day, some even had lesbian sex in the dorms near her, but she never really minded any of it either way.
I'll have to talk to her about it, but I wanted to gather some information first so if she really is interested I have some ammo to give her and us both some confidence in the topic. I feel like having a concrete understanding of how to go about it and how to handle the logistics would go a long way towards making her feel comfortable to give me a straight yes or no, since she has very little initiative.

Long story short, my ex gf is a lying cheating piece of shit. I know this. I know I am better without her. Yet I still feel like I can't let go of this anger. Its been months and it's still here.
I honestly do not want her back, she is not the woman I thought I loved at all, yet I cannot seem to get over the trauma, humiliation and anger because of what she did to me. It's like logically I can accept I'm much better without her yet emotionally I can't
Can anyone help me out? I want to let go and move on, but I don't know how to mentally do that. I just want to be able to feel at peace again
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Welcome to the club. In my case, I was with mine for 9 years. We were due to go on a good holiday together for my birthday and she decided it was so thoughtful to end it a month before my birthday. Found out that she moved in with another man she works with a month after we split.

2 years later, I was finally able to buy her out of my house. Rather than being relived and feeling free from ever having anything to do with her again, I feel nothing but sadness and emptiness.

Shit is just going to take a long time for me to ever be fully free from this feeling. Also having to deal with the fact I'm in my 30s, suffering hair loss and feeling lonely in my house on my own and friends all getting locked off and settling down, I'm just hurt.

I think you'll be fine within a few months, OP. It's not a super long relationship so you'll eventually feel ok after a bit.
You need to realize you're not feeling -just- anger.

You're feeling sadness, shame, humiliation, betrayal. You can't lump all of these together with "anger", they're different things.

You can't lock these emotions up, just because they're not considered "acceptable", you need to deal with those too, or the anger will keep returning
Face your emotions head on
I believe normalfags are right when they say time helps even it doesn't heal the mental wounds they left on you.
That sucks, man

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How do I ask out a female friend without seeming like a beta orbiter creep?
I(24 M) have been wanting to ask a friend of mine out for a while. I’ve known her for about two years but I’m trying to figure out the best way to do it. She’s asked me to hang out with her before which we’ve done once or twice before but I don't know how much romantic interest there is on her part. Should I shoot my shot anyway?
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just ask her out, u think too much, chill bro
There's a risk/reward to it. Maybe ask her to do something and see how she reacts to you but pay attention. Also maybe try flirting to see how it goes, or at least complimenting her on something
I deeply regret my earlier comment and will strive to find better ways to speak about women
Something tells me it's not the first time you said that.
if she hasn't given you signs yet it's because you don't have any appeal at all and it's already over
what I can see happening is you having a glow up, getting OTHER women interested in you and maaaaybe she starts feeling jealous / afraid of losing you (and your attention).

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how to motivate myself to stop being neet
what made me get out of the neet life is one heroic dose of shrooms and a bad trip
it could fuck you up, but since you're a stinky neet you probably already have hit rock bottom
>how to motivate myself to stop being neet
An aversion to being a NEET is not enough for anyone to advise you on. Next time have an idea of what you want to go TOWARDS.
what made me stop being neet was just an opportunity to get a job hehe

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I recently visited my long-distance boyfriend, and at first, everything was great intimacy wise. But on the sixth day, when he initiated, he started to get soft, and we didn't end up having sex. He said his dick was hurting and I was upset, so we stopped. For the next four days, we didn't have sex at all, and today I left. We were drinking a lot and doing physically exhausting activities, so maybe that was it. What worries me the most is the fact that he said he has never had this problem before with other girls. Is it over?
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So you had sex six days in a row and then he went soft once? I think freaking out about an ED is extreme. At least wait for a pattern. Some guys get sexed out and their body needs a break. Or any number of things. He was tired, he had to pee, he got in his head about his performance and spiraled as soon as it wasn't immediate, he was anxious about your ldr.

After that I'd say it's either >>31692886 and/or he wanted a break from having sex every day and just wanted to do something else for a while. If you're as repetitive and lengthy as you say here >>31692912
>the same two we have been doing. >foreplay, which usually lasts longer than the actual sex
Yeah he might be bored and want to spend the sparse time with you bonding in different ways. Don't beat yourself too much about this, getting comfortable with sex and figuring each other out takes time. You shouldn't expect yourself to be a sex goddess a week after you lost your virginity. Not to mention sex is a two way street. Sure you did two positions but like you said, he didn't do anything different either.

Meeting IRL for the first time in an LDR is a nerve wracking experience. Give both him and yourself some grace when it isn't perfect.
Depends, i'll need to perform a penis inspection to be sure ;)
It's not but virgin women are most likely looking for true love and since you're specifically looking for virgins, you wouldn't love her truly as all it would take for you to not love her would be her not being a virgin.
I have been saying this since I was 13 I want to marry a virgin. Women lose loyalty the more sex partners they have.
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>asking for medical advice
>in 4chan

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My partner identifies as cishet, but I'm bigender and feel like I'm a little bit of a guy too sometimes. My partner is aware of this and it feels almost like he's pressuring me to wear feminine clothes out of spite for the masculine elements of my gender identity.

I've been feeling emasculated by all this, but when I try to tell him that he's like, "you can't be emasculated because you're not a guy". I know that's kind of a bigoted response on his end, but I really like this guy and I'm hoping to get through to him. I'd appreciate any advice.
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>I live with him and I'm not financially independent enough to break up with him right now
>I really like this guy and I'm hoping to get through to him
Disparate statements.
In your own words, why are you in a relationship with this person?
>le mentally ill special snowflake
even LLMs are laughing at you at this point, can't imagine the howling people will get by reading your dystopian senile drivel in the future.
>nothing changed about how he treated me like I still don't get invited to guy stuff
>I just want to be included in stuff and to learn what kind of porn my bf looks at
Why would he change how he treats you? Isn't it a good thing that he sees you as you and doesn't base his treatment of you on your gender? Your interests in traditionally masculine interests don't have anything to do with gender. Women can like "guy things" so your exclusion from those activities is just about him not including you, period. It could be that he just wants to hang out with his own friends on his own, and he just uses "this is boys night" as a way to express that. Hanging out without partners is a normal social activity. Even gay guys do it. It's nice to occasionally be in "friend mode" and not have to be in "boyfriend mode". If you're there, he has to pay attention to you and attend to your needs.
Did you really stop reading mid sentence just to write this post retard? I'm not saying anything about which position is right or wrong here but you can literally tell in OPs post that he's trying to manipulate her out of it. I'm not saying he's doing it maliciously nor am I saying it's a bad thing, I'm just stating what's happening in a neutral way.
You are just confused. I feel compassion for you but also you need to really get it stuck into your brain that you are being retarded here. You're a girl.

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Left a prestigious corpo job last year to build a startup. I haven't managed to make a single sale and have built a bunch of stuff, but can't tell if it's useful at all because I can't even get calls with potential customers.
A bunch of people who left the same corpo job around the same time as me have built incredible businesses in the same time and I feel incapable of being an entrepreneur.
I was very fortunate to get that job in the first place (I come from a poor family and didn't go to a target school) and threw it away because I thought I could do better. Problem is, I have really high ambitions so get really annoyed by the prospect of being a wagie. I feel stuck and not sure whether to throw in the towel or if this is typical. I so badly want to move my family into a higher class but I know that needs a lot of money and it seems like startups are the only real way to do that.

Any other anons who tried to start businesses been in this situation?
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Thanks for your points.
The product is being made; I'm doing most of the coding myself.
I'm sending emails and DMing on Reddit/LinkedIn (either based on relevant posts or job titles). Other founders I've spoken to told me they did it this way, how else should I be getting conversations?
I might be being stupid here, but how does someone "research the market to see if there is a need"? I know that the market exists (there are existing products that have done very well). I know it's growing fast (any market research report will show cyber as a priority for SMB IT teams and a CAGR >15%)
Am I missing something? How else am I meant to get information about the market without asking potential customers (who I can't seem to get a hold of)?

I'm super happy for him, don't get me wrong, but if he's closing millions in ARR and I'm struggling to get $1, what does that show about my ability to found a company? Re: margin, I'm not sure but he's also doing B2B SaaS (AI stuff) so it's presumably pretty high (~80%).
>The product is being made; I'm doing most of the coding myself.
So you started up with nothing to sell?
Probably a damn good thing you haven't sold it yet.
>I'm sending emails and DMing on Reddit/LinkedIn
So you're paying for Apollo to go to LinkedIn?
>how else should I be getting conversations?
Marketing; networking; cold-calling; cons; L&Ls; CoC; local tech groups; local business associations; The CC.
>I know that the market exists (there are existing products that have done very well). I know it's growing fast (any market research report will show cyber as a priority for SMB IT teams and a CAGR >15%)
I'll give you a separate example.
Let me give you an example from a business I made in 2020 and sold for a net of $450k in 2022 as a one-man show.
A company i consulted for sold bar code labels and bar code readers as a "side" then switched to it because $$ (they had the existing expertise and tools to repair electronics, deploy solutions, etc.). I checked and the label market is growing at $2 billion/year and was about $35 bn/year then.
"Just sell labels"! is wrong and bad. There are existing massive label companies with online portals, existing clients, economies of scale, etc that can ALWAYS undersell a small provider. So I called several employees at label *manufacturers* as well as a business prof in California that studied the label market and tried to find where there was an unmet need.
It was the Cold Chain. The Cold Chain is the part of the logistics system that deal with frozen items, mainly food, and is called that because everything has to remain cold in the entire logistics train. Turns out that when pallets go into warehouses the cooling process involves huge fans and the winds tear off about 60% of the labels and another 20% fall off in the below-freezing storage areas so a major delay and expense is re-attaching labels.
I made contact with a label manufacturer and talked to their engineers and signed a contract with them for wind-resistant labels that can withstand temps below 20 F. We tested 4 versions and found one that worked great.
Then researched and found the 7 newest cold chain warehouses within 100 miles of me and cold-called them all, looking for the operations manager. Made contact with 5, got meetings with 3, got a deal to test them with 2, 30 days later sold to both at about $2k/month to both at a 50% margin because it is unique.
Offered them a 10% discount and they wrote testimonials and gave me figures and I started a targeted ad campaign to the cold chain within 100 miles telling them how these new proprietary labels saved the average warehouse over $6k/month in labor, material, and cleaning costs and within 6 weeks prospects were calling me so much I hired a screening/appointment service.
In the face of larger companies aggressively coming after my clients I cut margins to 20% and increased sales calls using an appointment setting agency and still increased profits for 2 more quarters when one of the big dog label sellers came to me and offered to "but my client list and label source".
My net net for 22 months of work was $600k.
If I had just "sold labels" I would have starved
Thanks again for your insights anon.
> Nothing to sell
I didn't want to invest a bunch of time creating a product that nobody wanted, so my plan was to speak with potential customers and build a solution with their input (so that it was actually useful).

> Called employees at label "manufacturers" & business prof
I think this is where I'm stuck. I have been trying to find an unmet need by getting meetings with my target customers (IT managers) but I'm really struggling to even get 1 call in a week. On these calls, I try to ask about unmet needs but I always get asked to be more specific. When I asked about finances & security, I got to the problem of building a resource inventory (which is what I'm trying to solve).
Your story is incredible. It seems so natural for you to find problems and devise solutions to them! I thought I was doing the same thing (cyber risk is always a big deal and saving money is always good).

Just had my ip switched yesterday and anon was banned for saying he gonna shoot up same shit wtf. How would they be able to tell it was the other guy and not me?
If you're asking whether they'll be able to catch you, the answer is yes. You have what's called a DHCP lease, and while the address might be different, your ISP has records on which customer node had which IP/DHCP lease at which given time. It's all automated and easily queryable these days due to frequency of requests by law enforcement. You're FUCKED.

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How do I get rid of a ban evading schizophrenic autist with lots of spare money and endless free time? He has been permabanned like 8 times. Has anyone got any idea what the fuck he's doing? It's a long story but our community is trying to tell mods about it, so knowing what rube goldberg shit he's pulling off would help a lot. The guy basically just makes our threads specifically border on unusable, he is a horrible insane attention whore and we all hate him. Any guesses or tips?
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Using up my 2nd bump.
You only can ignore him and starve him of attention, hoping he leaves, or filter him. Unfortunately, it's a public forum and people like that will keep coming so long as they have a reason to. Ban evading will always be possible so long as they allow dynamic IPs. If you want more control over your social clubs, consider alternative platforms like Discord.
That's something I'm working on. It shouldn't have to be this way. Starving him of attention hasn't worked, he's just there to use our thread as his personal schizo journal. We've taken several courses of action since he is so mentally ill he doxxed himself and may be a genuine threat to society because he talks about needing to murder people but evidently nobody in a 20 mile radius of him gives a single fuck. Probably why he's still like that.
Are you talking about a subreddit or an independent forum that you host?
Nope, it's on /trash/. Don't want to say exactly which thread so the bastard doesn't know/anticipate anything potentially useful from this thread. It's not fetish shit, just supposed to be shitposting and fun that wouldn't fit anywhere else.

Good morning, anons.

I've got a gang together to bounce from the beast coast to the mellowest coast. The motive for the trip is to have one of our friends see the state to prepare for the possibility of moving there.
He works in a demanding field and it was small coup getting him to take a week off from work so, now we need to make the most of the time. The problem? None of us know much about the state so I thought I ask the guys here for suggestions on:
1) Interesting places to go
2) Worthwhile events to attend
3) People to meet

We are going to start in the northern part of the state near Mt. Shasta, make our way to the coast then head south. This will happen in the middle of next month, August, but that's all we know. Alot remains unwritten...

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LA is a shit city where everyone is an asshole. It's nicer further north.

>interesting places to go
See the redwoods.. Redwood national park, Cathedral trees, etc. There are a lot of state and federal parks that share the same forest system and they are all fantastic, and the beaches that far north near Crescent City and Trinidad are truly beautiful, almost never crowded either.

SF is a tourist trap but if you've never seen it there are some nice touristy things, but parking really blows ass and absolutely everything will be really expensive. The south bay has some cool things too but if you aren't into the Computer History Museum or Tech Museum, then give it a pass.

Aptos and Santa Cruz have both nice forests and nice beaches. The Monterrey Bay Aquarium is one of the best Aquariums in the world.

Yosemite is another great destination if you are looking for nature. Pic related.

Down south there is Disneyland, Universal, Legoland, and all that shit if that's your scene.

Don't expect a city like Boston or New York. California's cities have a lot of sprawl and dogshit public transit.
>What part of Cali will you be in? I am guessing LA from the picture though

We're going all over the state so LA will be the very end. One of our guys wants a National Geographic tier experience looking at the seedier parts of that city. I thought that was a funny idea.

We're actually going to be spending most our time outdoors (hiking, sports), passing through small towns talking to locals. I, personally, would like the full iChing treatment of the state: Let randos direct us to each next location but we do need some direction.

We're starting in the North of the state, then driving out to the great sequioas and redwoods on the coast then traveling down from there toward LA with many possible stops along the way.
>See the redwoods.. Redwood national park, Cathedral trees, etc. There are a lot of state and federal parks that share the same forest system and they are all fantastic, and the beaches that far north near Crescent City and Trinidad are truly beautiful, almost never crowded either

We have the redwoods on our list for sure. I put down some time for beach activities but hadn't found any particular place to challenge the pacific ocean to a fight. I'll take a good look at Crescent City and Trinidad.
[shakes hand]

>The Monterrey Bay Aquarium is one of the best Aquariums in the world
We'll try this if we get through that area. I like aquariums, just don't if the men I'm with will appreciate as much as I do.

>California's cities have a lot of sprawl and dogshit public transit.
The primary thing I like about cities is that there is usually a couple weird subcultural spots worth seeing. A city within a city. Outside of those places many cities feel the same (dogshit transit included) which is way its good to know locals who can tell you realist of the real places to check out.

I wish we had time for that this trip. Feel like a whole other trip should be devoted to it.
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>Trinidad State Beach
pic related from a few years ago, though last I saw it this archway had filled with sand.

If you are looking for surfing I am not sure the beaches that far north are the best, but they are very nice beaches for walking, looking at tide pools, and that sort of thing. That area of California has a lot of really tiny beaches at the end of a trail that are very nice, but they for sure aren't surfing spots.

The beaches much further south near Pacifica or Santa Cruz are more typical surfing spots and a bit warmer for one, but this time of year will be very crowded.
when you go from the redwoods to shasta don't take the 299 because you are guaranteed gonna drive too slow and I'm tired of being stuck behind tourists until i can pass you along the trinidad river. take the 101 down until you can junction over the 5 and backtrack north. also, people in the smaller areas in far norcal don't like east coasters, don't go advertising it.

How do I turn in assignments I haven't done for the entire semester and still get a passing grade? These passing months have been so blurry I didn't even realise I wasn't turning in my assignments, not even kidding.
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>I am honestly afraid of how the people in my life will react to this if I fail the course
An issue I've run into is this driving me deeper into denial and avoidance. That pressure makes it so looking at my assignments or grades strikes fear and shame into me, so I put it off since I don't want to feel that pain. That's why facing them alongside my therapist has been helpful since I can get a pep talk during it. I do online therapy so I share my screen.
I am glad therapy has worked for you, anon. I know a professor that knows someone who could probably help me in regards to therapy themselves, I might ask this soon if I see her in campus. Therapy unfortunately didn't work for me when I was on my teenage years, she just "listened" and told me I wasn't a bad person even though I felt like one. Then I tried to go to a psychiatrist but she just wanted to put me on pills, got scared, and never went back. After that, things got "ok" but the depression and lack of direction never left. I just wanna be the person that is happy and satisfied with what they are living.
>>31694488 >Therapy unfortunately didn't work for me when I was on my teenage years, she just "listened" and told me I wasn't a bad person even though I felt like one. I've unfortunately found that I've had to advocate for myself, have learned exactly what I need, tell them that directly, and check in occasionally to discuss the meta of our therapeutic strategy >I tried to go to a psychiatrist but she just wanted to put me on pills I think you're confused about what a psychiatrist does. That's literally their main job. Any counseling they do is just a bonus. Psychologists, therapists, and counselors are the one who do actual talk therapy. I've also found that I love the dialectical behavior therapy more than cognitive behavior therapy. It's much more directed to go through the course, since it prevents the just surface level complaining thing. I'm doing the Linehan workbook. However I had to search for one that actually does the course instead of just listing DBT in the long list of their trainings, but barely actually implementing the concepts.

You can learn more about the main four concepts of it here. While this site doesn't have all the acronyms and strategies, it's a good starting point.


The uni counselor is probably more of a traditional talk therapist. But they're more familiar with specifically student strategies. Going in saying that you want to review your assignments together (if in person, bring a laptop) and to plan out how you'll achieve that. And then when you meet again, if you didn't achieve, you can figure out what happened together. Doing this will make your sessions much more goal oriented instead of just complaining or weekly reviews.
Thank you for the help anon, I wish you a very blessed life.
You're welcome and thank you! All the best to you as well. Good luck on getting everything done!

history or cs?
I'm not that good at maths and would probably fail and history is more my strength but it has no job prospects.
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CS Major. History Minor. Double major if you can handle. This was me but I stumbled around until eventually I was a History degree with a Poli Sci minor. History is very interesting and honestly a "good" major in terms of making you a more intelligent human. The issue is it doesn't give you a guaranteed job like other majors will. Anything in STEM is going to pay well and with an internship is a done deal. History on the other hand you HAVE to market yourself and really plan out how you are going to get to your career. I didn't, as I was planning a different major (International Studies), fumbled around until all of a sudden it was senior year and I saw the writing on the wall and had to ride it out.

It also pays like shit on average, and if your going into teaching you have to really want it. As your going into even more debt for pay not worth the cost on average. OP please heed my words and either treat history as a hobby or know what your getting into. If anything take it as a minor or double major, DO NOT MAJOR IN IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO TEACH. Or maybe law school but PLAN IT OUT. Do not go in blind without a backup plan.

TLDR: Don't major in it. Minor or treat it as a hobby. Double major if you really are committed, but focus on high pay careers that you would somewhat enjoy. Have a plan going in with an end goal in mind.

Nigga what are you yapping about? Zero guaranteed jobs besides teacher and maybe lawyer. Even museum shit you have to have a degree in Library Science or Public History or intern in them.
>After you snap from teaching high school history for years and try to shoot a politician
shooting politicians doesn't even make history anymore though it's forgotten in two weeks and they move back to house race bullshit
2. Military officer. Includes coast guard.
3. Parks service
4. Academia
5. Author. There's a seemingly bottomless well of demand for well done American civil war books. With AI I'd be worried about this career path, but its a valid minor or hobby lifestyle. Most will never make much money but they'll make more money off their hobby than the average golfer or gooner.
6. Many federal service jobs don't care about the degree, just that you have one. Think of social worker type employment.
7. Cops and fire fighters and related security type work. Weirdly enough they aren't all "Police Science" grads. They just want to see a degree, any degree, some indication you're literate enough to write a report of an incident.
It helps to be pretty old by 4chan standards because I know individuals in all 7 situations listed.
LOL I though for certain what they had in common was wealthy parents so it doesn't matter what degree they get.

I bought chinese makeup (Amazon didn't really specify that) and I'm worried about the effects it may have on my skin. Can chinese makeup be safe and not harm your skin? Or is it more than likely "tainted"?
5 replies omitted. Click here to view.
”All”, proof?
my girlfriend's skin (which has never worn makeup) compared to the 99.99999999999999% of other women who use or have ever used whore paint.
She's right. Just use a little bit on your skin to test it.
Your gf has had plastic surgery and uses pricey moisturizer
>Your gf has had plastic surgery
lol, nope. i've been with her for over 15 years, she used to work retail and has been living off neetbux for the past decade.
>uses pricey moisturizer
wrong again. we live together, i would see the bottle if that were the case.

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