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33 year old virgin. I own a house and make 6 figures and I still have the same issues. Socially isolated, no confidence, inferiority complex, fear of failure, overwhelming anxiety, suicidal depression. Even if I accomplish something it doesn't build any confidence. I still think I'm subhuman and unworthy of being around others. I just don't see a point in trying as I feel inferior to everyone and will just be a massive disappointment. Everyone else seems human, having human experiences, and I just can't seem to be a part of that
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Midwit take parroting the shit you see here.
The point of therapy is for you to be honest about what you want and what is holding you back to get that. This becomes more salient when you do it to a real person irl, not a vent on 4chan. It is a way of keeping accountability for your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Funny cause when I started going to therapy at first, I told my therapist those exact same things you wrote. That i felt subhuman, inferior, etc. Do you think that’s healthy or normal?

The combo of therapy + lifting + hobbies is the depression killer, don’t let some retard crabs in the bucket on 4chan keep you from defeating your insecurities. NEVER STOP TRYING
>therapy + lifting + hobbies
This but drop the therapy and lift more.

>Midwit take
Maybe - but it's pretty clear what incentive a therapist has to keep you in therapy indefinitely. What's their incentive to leave you mentally healthy enough to not need them? An actual answer would be cool.
Entertain the possibility that a truth may be possessed by others.

I can’t speak in broad generalizations on behalf of the entire profession because there are good and bad actors across every industry. I saw my therapist for about a year and a half and stopped going when I found myself much more honest, confident, and with more agency than before.

This is about agency. Most of these fucking NEET posters have no concept of agency or autonomy. Therapy builds this in some ways.
Money and a house doesn’t mean shit if your brain is still running the same broken software. You’re trapped in a feedback loop where you expect failure, so you avoid risk, which keeps you stuck. Confidence comes from actually doing things, not from just having assets.

You’re 33, not dead. You’re not “subhuman,” you’re just someone who’s convinced themselves they are, and that mindset keeps you paralyzed. You say there’s no point in trying, okay, then what? You just sit in your house alone for another 40 years waiting to die? If nothing matters anyway, might as well roll the dice and do shit you’re scared of. Talk to people, hit the gym, get therapy, whatever. Worst case, you fail and end up back here, but at least you’ll know you tried.
what's the issue lil guy? Need friends? a lover?
find a dudebro that likes you, ask him how to have fun and open up to him, pay his and your small expenses (like entry into a club and such, never give big money, and never make it so he immediately assumes you're gonna pay, but since you're flush, there is no reason to not pay for the dudebro) -> you become friends (maybe even good friends), dudebro brings you to fun places and cheers you up / makes your mood better in general.

You start meeting girls at fun places, you start to have dramas, ups downs, some things don't work out, others do, you get friends and girlfriend or two.

you live the human life now! Are you more confident? probably, are you happier? probably, will you still wanna kys and have low confidence? also probably, since ppl don't change easily. But i'm sure it will at least help to have bros, a gf, and some people to share your life, sucess and such with.

DESU i feel like what you really need first of all, is travel... i don't wanna sound like those hippie gurus or whatever, but i feel like getting real perspective (not the i've seen this on the internet kind) will change you as a person for the better. I recommend some somwhat poor but safe countrys (greece/turkey) and some pretty countrys (thailand / japan, new zea land), since you are flush, maybe go somewhere once a month as a treat. Don't only visit super touristy places either, take the train, go random places, don't wear expensive watches or anything you will get scammed but at least not robbed.

yea i make it sound kinda bad don't i? but trust me, it really feels like you need one of those right now, and using what you got for yourself is exactly what you earn that money for.

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Am i the only one who like, notices that this whole life and existence thing, really doesnt fucking make sense? guys really hear me out, What the FUCK is this? what am i? what the FUCK? im scared. help me please
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The reason nobody tends to bring this up is because it’s completely beyond our scope of understanding and there’s no way for us to know for certain. Maybe the dead have learned things we haven’t, but again, we can’t know because we’re still here. People would rather enjoy their years and not spend them worrying about questions they’ll never have the answers to.
neither of those posts are related to my post anon
Then don't be so vague, retard. No one knows what's in your head unless you write it out
im trying to point out that its very strange anything exists at all, this is a mystical experience in a certain way
A bubble of lipids got shocked by lightning fucking millions of years ago and continued to develop into amines, etc.

Proto bacteria grew and grew for millenia, and one day a big bacteria swallowed a chloroplast or mitochondria and became a symbiotic organism. These grew and grew over time as proto-eukaryotes, with different lineages changing and branching off into anything from seaweed, to plants, to trees, to fish, to insects, etc. The fish came out of the water and some grew legs. Some reptiles branched off into mammalians.

Some mammals continued to evolve at such a speed that we used our stone tools to make bronze to make iron to make steel ………… to make the transistor and the computer and the airplane etc etc.

And we have you, one of the more complex organisms ever produced on this planet sitting in front of his computer asking if he’s the only one who’s ever wondered. What would kopernicus and galileo say, who were persecuted for their scientific beliefs and study?

How do I stop feeling like the bad guy for being on neetbucks?
I’m 30, and my mom encourages me to stay on jt bc I’m too dumb to work but I feel awful just being a leech
Is there anyway to feel less guilt? The NDS also pays for my transport
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Based mom not sugar coating it to tard neetson
I'm not the guy you're arguing with but you are wrong. I know a Downs guy who works as a toll-taker on the turnpike. He can make change, he enjoys saying hello to people, he never gets bored and he makes a real wage. That's more than OP can say.
Welfare is for those without the cultural upbringing of responsibility and thus the inability to make themselves show up to the job every day. Most people on welfare are perfectly intelligent.
Go do something
As someone who is in a similar position(just no neetbux, "rich" parents).
It's better when you do something, it makes you more confident, and feel in control.
Then from whatever simple job you have you can look for other things to do.
if you can't immediately get a basic job that's okay, work towards it.
Most of these things are better then just staying on the computer wanting it all to be over. All that happens is you get older and realize you are in a worse mental state from not doing things.
Are you able to work but are just unwilling to? In that case you SHOULD feel bad

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You do not need to use 4chan. 4chan is not a good website. It is in reality a collection of people who feel insecure about themselves so they lash out at others to feel better about themselves. Reddit has this same issue along with Discord. Social media is not a healthy thing when it is around people who only want to put you down.

My advice is to start following your own passions alone and feeling comfortable with yourself as opposed to being with others who you believe are helpful and kind, but deep down just want to shove their vindictive inferiority on you. I've come to the conclusion that after being 30 that the memes from this site aren't funny anymore and that the interesting stories are just posturing. Yeah sure it impresses the goth chick you like, but she has issues too. It's just this site and Reddit are an all around place of people feeling the need to one up who they hate. 95% of people here feel like when they're anywhere they are around idiots, and that is not someone positive, and I'm pretty sure in real life they have no real friends but fake friends.
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It’s good for niche topics, and you won’t get downvoted for hurting someone’s feelings, which often ends any discussion because they will think they have won if you’re at -150 downvotes
I'm sticking to my point you all aren't aware of how dangerous your intellectual superiority is when you are in the real world. Added, you come off as lacking in emotional and social maturity. The only thing you got going is you all equally hate and cry at things and hate when someone outside is trying to help you. You go out into the real world showing the memes you've found, but the only reason why you do that is you are deep down sadder and lonelier than most of the people there who feel happy being in the real world. Added, given there are 7 billion people in the world this website does not represent most people.
Aww sweet lil Zach, happy late valentines sweet heart mwah
>I'm sticking to my point you all aren't aware of how dangerous your intellectual superiority is
>you all equally hate and cry at things
>”I’m sticking to my point” without adressing other points, paints “you all” as one group several times that acts equally
Kinda seems intellectually superior to me, and not socially mature, whatever that may be (probably being boring and never being ironic)
I don't know why, but I'll tell you this.

This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each over. Nobody is instersted in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learing, or growing as a person. Insted you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interacton. This place is slowly poisoning you with narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make new friends. Just leave 4chan. Do anything else.

How do I as a straight man attract women who are tatted, have fades and dress like wiggers
go to a hip hop concert, bring bling and a rented sports car
Why would you want to?
this is so cursed

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20F. I tried to change, get on with others and start living a normal life but it's not something I'm cut out for and I've lost hope of it happening in the future. However, while I've become comfortable with this loneliness I still feel deep envy and regret when seeing others, particularly women, living their lives. I think because of my sex and the sentiments that both women have it easier and that women are more free to express themselves than men that I feel like I'm throwing away my chance at being someone better but clearly, I'm not meant to be anyone other than the person I turned out to be and I'm content now.

I don't mind being a failure or a retard anymore, it's just who I am and I like myself. I failed to change even when I tried, so how can I make these feelings stop?
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>Yeah. Partly because I believe that some traits are genetic and because I've failed in all of my prior attempts to do so. Your situation was similar to mine except I'd be the one getting yelled at but because I wouldn't let her see me cry, she'd progressively get angrier until she stormed off. I think that change like becoming more positive can be achieved but through very gradual steps, whereas in my case its a matter of changing my whole personality. Thank you though and I hope that things start looking up for you.

Wow, I totally understand that first part you talked about. It feels like I got my rage from my dad and my sensitivity from my mom. Feels like I'm stuck circling back to these childish emotions that I try to kill. I'm glad you were able to stand up against unwarranted anger from your mom, that shit is never easy. I thought maybe if I take small steps to change, it could work. idk if I'm moving too fast or if maybe I'm just stuck with your problem of not actually being able to change myself.

I do have to point out one thing though. Your attitude towards things seems extremely logical. You're really level headed. Too the point I wonder why you are asking any questions here. You're rather attuned to your emotions and what to expect from life. Honestly, it sounds like you just wanted to double check your own thoughts with real people. But you have put up with a lot more than most people, the way you respond proves that. Anyways, you will probably end up being miss understood by others, because they can't understand your life. Most people default to "Just fix it" and that's how you can tell they don't know anything about your life.
Eh he is kinda cooking
I just see no way around it
Love is gambling
OK I'll bite.
What's stopping you right now from losing weight, watching a few YouTube tutorials on using makeup, and then finding a guy to have an easy relaxing life with?

I'm 35 years old and I'd date and marry either one of you as long your'e not fat and use just a touch of makeup, also had long hair.
Thank you.
>Feels like I'm stuck circling back to these childish emotions that I try to kill.
Yeah. I don't think there's an easy way to stop it other than gradually taking small steps as you said. To be honest I don't think that anyone is completely incapable of change, even if it's small, but you have to want to change which is where I fall flat. You still want to change and that's a good sign that you're on the right track.
>Too the point I wonder why you are asking any questions here.
>Honestly, it sounds like you just wanted to double check your own thoughts with real people
I've made many threads before and it's because it would always give hope and make me feel like I want to change. That drive would fade within an hour or so but I couldn't stop myself from coming back because I thought that maybe next time the feeling of hope for change it gave me would stay and this board is the closest thing to support I have.
>Anyways, you will probably end up being miss understood by others, because they can't understand your life. Most people default to "Just fix it" and that's how you can tell they don't know anything about your life.
Yeah lol. It's alright, I can't expect too much of others when they've got their own problems going on.
>What's stopping you right now from losing weight, watching a few YouTube tutorials on using makeup, and then finding a guy to have an easy relaxing life with?
I could get a boyfriend on the basis of being young and thin but I don't like talking to others and that includes a boyfriend. I don't have a libido and I don't think I'd be a good girlfriend for many reasons.
you have to take personal responsibility for your life. if you give up no one is going to live it for you

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Saw a pasta maker in a thrift store and they're asking $50 bucks for it.

I want to get it.

Talk me out of it. Please. I can't afford it.
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Good thing I'm not fat and unhealthy then

Making homemade pasta takes a lot of time
I'm going to buy it today btw. On my way home from work
Shoplift it. It didn't cost the store anything. $50 is absurd.
Pasta is less than 50 cents a pack in my local supermarket. It would take more than 100 meals before the maker would begin to be worth it.
It's in a thrift shop. That means someone else bought it new and disovered it wasn't worth having.

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I’ve got pretty big self confidence issues, I’m in progress to certain weight goals after being fat for all of my life and I don’t think I’m particularly interesting. Every time I’m on dating apps and I’m talking to girls I’m painfully aware that she’s probably talking to multiple better men simultaneously. The cuck adverse part of my brain makes me want to give up talking to them entirely. It doesn’t help that they think they’re being nice by not immediately telling you you’re not for them and instead slowly messaging dryly over time. Inb4 there’s any responses about me appearing low confidence in messages, I don’t, I understand that dries pussies worse than being disfigured.
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Yeah, that's what everyone is doing. Look around this board.

Get friends. No, start by getting acquaintances, people you know enough to say "Hi" to. Over time some will evolve into "stop and chat" and then "Hang out with" level friends. And some will be female. And you'll hit it off particularly well with one of those. And you'll ask her out (or she'll ask you)

The dreaded friendzone may be a sad place to end up at, but it is a very good place to start from
Dating apps don't and have never worked. You're wasting your time. Do literally anything else productive with your time and chill the fuck out and the one in ten girl who isn't a whore will show up if you're not a dysgenic freak.
>she’s probably talking to multiple better men simultaneously

I don't know about better, but she is surely talking to mutiple men. That's how those apps work, of course.
Love the image, hope you get well soon though OP.

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>late zoomer
>missed the 80s
>missed the 90s
>missed the rise of the internet
>missed the beginning of the new millenium
>missed the 2000s
>missed the technological boom
>missed the LAN parties
>missed the middle-era internet
>missed the early era of social media
>missed the peak of modern music
>never even got a chance to really live in the times when shit was good
>didn't even have a chance to finish high school in-person

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Go do something if you "missed" out just go.
TRT, staying healthy, and cialis bucko.
Shut the fuck up, lol. You got Elden Ring at 16.
TRT is what betas take to cope. Mankind has had no need for supplements until grifters made a big deal out of it.

Staying healthy = Check

Cialis - I have lots but only take it on special occasions when I want my girl to limp back home.

Libido is still down on the average day though.
When you are 60+and have signs of low T I think people should just send it and take trt to boost them back up if they want to burn hot and fast, rather then slow and long.

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How can I emotionally detach from a breakup? I still feel like just lying in bed all day, wondering what went wrong when I really tried my honest best to make the relationship work. What really boggles me is how nonchalant she is about all of it, how easily she gave up on us. Just heartlessness or did I pour too much of myself into the relationship when she always had one foot out the door?
This sucks. I have work to do but I feel so shitty.
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Thoughts of a teenager. Pretty cringe.
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>she's not anywhere near as great as you think she is right now
Thanks. What I think did me in is that I loved her too much. As in idolised her, worshipped her, acted like a dog towards a master or a servant before a deity (in fact, I think this is what the lesson of Chainsaw Man is about. Don't be a dog for women. Don't build an idealised version of her in your head). Looking back only now do I see all the red flags I chose to ignore at the time.
Feel good nowadays. Hanging out with friends more. Shed my awkwardness and feel looser and more carefree in social situations. Put together a suit (Reservoir Dogs-style getup) and actually dressing better. Got a haircut. Lifting with the boys. Girls at college actually talk to me now!
Just.. yeah. Sucks I couldn't make it work with her. She insists I fumbled her. Ig in a few months it'll all be like trying to remember a bad dream.
stop sulking and live your life. shes not thinking about you so don't waste your time thinking about her. its that simple. live your life
>What really boggles me is how nonchalant she is about all of it, how easily she gave up on us.
whores have 1000s of men waiting for them outside, and have already had so many. that's why they dont give a fuck

check out my bread

Go to a football game. You'll see some fans screaming, shouting, wailing, giving the impression that their entire lives are at stake in the game. And you will see fans sheering when something good happens, moaning when it doesn't but generally just quietly enjoying the game. Are the quieter fans evil because they are not so overwhelmingly involved?

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I have terrible digestion, I usually shit once a day at night when I'm finally at home (shitty 13 hrs shift), but every once in a while my intestines decide to fuck with me and get constipated for two or even three days. I drink a ton of water and avoid high saturated fats while trying rich in protein foods. I walk everyday to work and go running at nights sometimes, yet shit seems too bond to me that it doesn't want to let go, what can I do to improve my digestion?
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Shit I meant rich on protein foods, sorry.
elimination diet. Slowly remove possible foods that could be the problem.
Your schedule - an occasional skipped day - is well within the boundary of "normal".
Go see the doctor asap.

I need to do a bachelor's thesis to graduate. I have already been assigned a topic and the problem is that it's a topic that a lot of people have already published about.
There are a lot of good summary papers explaining already all that I have to say about the topic. I could literally pick one paper and make my entire thesis with it.
So what do I do? I try to look up other papers as well but they kind of say the same.
Also since I don't know the exact structure of my thesis yet I don't know exactly what to search for, which papers cite and which ones discard. How do you choose? There are literally thousands of papers, and I have no idea which criterium to use to choose between them. Should I just pick a few at random or what?
Ask your thesis supervisor.
What's your thesis topic? What do the other thesis share in common besides the obvious main subject? Do they tackle the issue the same way? Are there any key points in them that you feel are poorly explained or that haven't been talked about much? Maybe you can divert from there and try a whole new, more specific approach.
If it's a topic with such a strong consensus maybe you will have to pick another one or give it a twist
The powers that be DO NOT expect you to do anything that's never been done before. They want to see a mastery of the form that shows that you CAN do it if you ever do get an original idea.
If OP keeps repeating himself it will make for a very boring thesis

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I feel like women have ruined women to me. I've developed trust issues that are driving me crazy..

I've been with a number of girls the past three years. Sometimes it's on a whim, others we date for a bit.
ALL of them were in relationships at the time
It's fucking insane, just cheating, just like that.

I always thought there was a "type", some kind of way to tell, but there isn't. Some of these girls were the sweetest girls I ever knew.
Yet, somehow, this is fine to them. Whether they lie to me, or just lie by omission they just do it. And then they just go back to their boyfriends as if nothing happened...

How am I supposed to trust after that?? I'm the one being cheated WITH but the guys they're cheating ON could just as well be me.
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Ok but now men walk on a tight rope when trying to "lead" them, and anyone can intentionaly knock them off out of spite.

The Blackpill isn't from the understanding of women, it's from the realization that global institutions are fucking enabling them.
I don't disagree, but pissing and shitting yourself of it makes the problem worse, not better. If you don't think the orange is worth the squeeze and don't want to play, then don't play. But please please please do not spend your free time and energy shitting yourself over how 'unfair' it is and shit up 4chan with yet another thread about it.
>orange is worth the squeeze
"Juice is worth the squeeze"
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But... I agree with you. I was just fixing your mis-speak.

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How to live with mommy issues as a 20 year old? I want to get better.
What sort of mommy issues? Hatred, or Oedipal?

I'm 25 feel like all girls over 18 are just all used up and have been creampied by dozens of men, and are allways going to behave like whores, and have dozens of men writting them and offeing free cock.

They ALL fantasize about being dominated, humilliated, USED as a cum dump, and even raped.

I feel my negociation power is so low it wouldn't even make sense to ever try to have a serious realtionship with a woman. And even if she's into me, her past still would bug the fuck out of me. Finding a hot virgin girl is just not likely, and she still can cheat or become a whore.
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you're generalizing too much. not EVERY SINGLE WOMAN is a whore.
either accept they've had a life before you, or go to a church or something and find a pure nice girl.
you make sense. but it's sad that we have to live in this timeline full of whores
>it's 2025
yeah, idk how is that supposed to mean something
kek I used to think a lot about 16yo's a lot too but i already accepted it wont happen since i'm old af.
I accept poeple have lives, but I still cant cope with the fact they are brutally fucked by 10s of men, or talk and dsicard 100s of men per year
You become a playa or you go volcel

Becoming a reddit-tier whore appreciator is not a cope, it's chinese water torture
I said it's 2025 because this has been an issue for a LONG time. As this >>32740786
anon said you really have 2 good options.
>I'm 25 feel like all girls over 18 are
You feel wrong.

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