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The doctors have given up on trying to cure my mom's stage 4 cancer and ascites. I would appreciate any advice you have to give me. People are talking about asking her if she wants hospice care.
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Get the hospice care. What do you mean they gave up?

If your American can't you pay for treatments and they then have to do it? Even if the goal is to extend life it might be worth it.

At the end of the day its up to her. So ask her what she wants. Doctors can't give up unless she's too weak to survive the treatment.

The ball is in her court, and that's important because its one of the few things she has control over left.
colorectal. beat it once, t-8 years before death, stayed confined to GI tract. beat it twice t-2 years, some got to the liver but she got over the little parts they had to cut out. third time, it was in her lungs and brain by the time she realized it came back again, they didn't even suggest another course of chemo the third time
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Do you have money?
Then send her, for example, to Switzerland, where assisted suicide is legal.
Why? Chances are that she and everyone around her are in for an absolute shitshow, her suffering horribly with no quality of life.
That's what I probably would do in this situation.
My dad had a seizure and went catatonic before passing, this was during covid so we couldn't even see him much. It'd be best to be as open as you can while you still have time left.
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I wish you well. When your mother dies it’s the point where the end of your own life begins. You won’t recover, you can’t recover, and you don’t recover. People who tell you time is a great healer are probably alcoholic. You can only adjust by becoming reconciled to an ongoing sadness. You must face life on your own, and that’s very difficult.
The human heart cannot be repaired, and once you accept that, you can go on, and you can stop looking for a brave front. When someone you love above all others dies you are certain that no more meaning can be left, and this is true. Death is a disgusting arrangement, and grief is a disgusting arrangement, and whoever thought it brought order and meaning to life is worse than useless. Life has too many burdens.

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is it over if i'm a 27 year old autistic unemployed asian female living with relatives? i'm in school but idk how to get out of my depression despite going to a traditional church. there aren't any eligible suitors in my parish, and i've dated a couple of men from 4ch 2-3 years ago, so i can't be ogre-tier, right? though if i'm honest, i had had a friend last year who (unironically) raped me and i'm still trying to get over it. not suicidal but it definitely feels over. i'm constantly tired and exhausted and procrastinating with my schoolwork, i don't have a job and all i do is go to church and read my textbooks and try to spend time with the ~2 people i am close to, i don't have an excuse to feel like i do. most of all i feel so selfish for wanting someone (a man) to love and care for me, someone i can do the same for in return. it just feels so over
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>you would like to be friends and chat more add me
no contactfagging retard.
>>32695385/>>32695389 here. Glad that you're feeling better. And I'm also surprised with how positive most of the replies are. I've seen it in other threads as well. Like I said, I think there are some good, intelligent people here. Despite this being 4chan. Not really sure how to end this, so I'll just say to take care of yourself. o7.
Hey op, I'm in a somewhat similar position to you albeit kind of the opposite too, but I've got similar sentiments. I'm 26 and only graduated at the end of 2023, I was very lucky to be offered a job for the start of 2024, but it meant having to move across the country for it, I'm also Asian and this seemed like a rather "prestigious" type of job (STEM) so I figured I had to take it. Within a few months I absolutely dreaded it and all I wanted was to just move back home with my family. I hated the work I was doing, I hated the coworkers, I hated the stress of it all, the shitty little apartment I was renting sucked ass. Fast forward a couple of months and I decided to pick up a hobby (playing Pokemon tcg at local shops) that really helped me out so much. It wasn't as scary as "meeting new people" since I would go into it thinking "I'm just here to play some games" but over time when you meet up with these people who you know share similar hobbies, slowly you do start to make connections. This really gave me the willpower to keep going, it's crazy how much just having some human connection can give a person. Granted fast forward to literally this week and it's all came crashing down again since I moved to a new place and had my apartment broken into literally while I was sleeping in an adjacent room, and now I'm back to just wishing I could be at home with my family since I don't feel safe even in my own "home" now. It's incredibly normal to want to feel loved, and to know that you have people who will care for you, there's nothing wrong with that. And I'm sure your relatives are at least happy to know that as long as you are living with them you are safe and sound and that's probably one of the most important things. Apologies for the long post
if you are still here, i am a 30 yo asian woman who is disconnected from much of the traditional asian support systems and i am fucking desperate to make friends who arent going to tell me to go out to a bar/club with them or go to church on a fucking sunday to find "peace and enlightenment."

this fucking place has been with me since i was 14, and it has truly ruined my views and the dream of ever having a bluepilled life. the loneliness is crippling when you have the mentality of your average old fag; and i can't even connect with both men and women in my age group. i have also dated 2 men i ve meet thru here, and those were the ones i felt most like myself with.

shit's crippling and i hate that the only sense of comfort and validation i will ever get - with my goddamn sense of humour and fucking skewed views - is from another person who is from here. what advice i can give you, i would rather give 1-on-1. though i don't think it's not over-over yet for us, it's going to be a fucking pain before the end is insight. godspeed.

if there are other women on here (inb4 tits of gtfo), i would love to fucking connect bc it's debilitating to be singled out and feel like a token.

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This general is where you put translations of what women mean by doublespeak words and phrases. The purpose of this general is to assist all anons in understanding what women are trying to communicate.

Put your translations here
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>You retarded, disabled cunts have communication disorders, bitch. What the fuck are you saying??
1. I am so severely insecure that I am pathologically incapable of acknowledging when I am the retard or the asshole. My brain reflexively shuts down any thoughts that might lead to guilt or accountability to protect me from these feelings that I cannot handle. Since my brain literally refuses to process your ideas, I perceive your words to be unintelligible, and perceive you as having a communication disorder. I am legitimately unaware that I have an information processing disorder on account of my personality disorder.

>to understand what she means as a man you have to always put the words
>before it and
>after it

>Ok. What do I do if there's clearly attraction at the beginning
Reciprocate and be horny and make it as easy / frictionless for her to show horniness back. Do not make her fight an uphill battle against your reluctance or your need to roleplay as asexual.
Care properly.
If you're risk averse, then REDUCE risks instead of doubling down on them to validate your anxiety.
For instance. Afraid of judgement? Then make it as easy as possible for her to feel comfortable by being chill yourself, and encouraging or allowing her to follow your lead into being happy and chill. This greatly reduces the chance she'll stay anxious and think of you as a fag.

Alternatively you could use your obsessive fear of judgement to pester her to comfort you with validation, thereby keeping her on edge as she needs to do emotional labor in order to not stress you out, which will give her stress that she doesn't want to deal with, and for which she will grow to resent you.

Since you don't want that last scenario, do the first scenario. Be fearful, not retarded.
And I'll say this too
Respond to REALITY
Not your hallucinations of what you need to be true in order to soothe your feelings.
Respond to what IS true. If it hurts, it hurts. Or, if reality isn't as bad as your hallucinations/imagination, roll with it.

>> would you like to buy me a drink

1. I don't want to pay for my own drink, will you buy it for me?
2. You've got 5 minutes to make me interested
3. I'm a hooker, would you like to rent me?
4. If you buy me a drink, I'll suck your cock

4 really only happens in dive bars
alright this ones funny

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I had sex with a prostitute today and I regret it. I am worrying that I get an STD (though we had mostly safe sex, except her putting the condom on with her mouth) and we actually didn't have much sex at all as I couldn't really get hard; I didn't really snuck it in there correctly. I am also afraid that someone from work might have seen me walk into the street (it's legal however, but still).
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What should I do or feel? I actually did some thinking and I am sure that this visit was a result of me suffering from an inferiority complex, even though I am not ugly, do well in school and have a really cool intern position. I just find it difficult to connect with peers; only hooked up with two and the other sexual partners were all 30-45 (am in my early twenties).
just get a full panel and think twice next time. The rest about being inferior or whatever doesn't matter.

Society praises sex workers but shames the customer? Nah fuck that.
How would anyone but you know how you’re supposed to feel? As for what to do move on and go to a doctor to get yourself checked I guess?
I genuinely don’t know what you expected from a thread like this. It’s like asking
>Today I went for a walk in the park but felt a bit sad. What should I do?
so no advice?

How far along in life should a successful 27 yo man be at?
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>comes into money early in life
>blows it on stupid shit immediately
A fool and his money are soon departed.
yep nonsense arguments all to stir shit and demoralise
typical asiatic type shill
im pakistani so HA
I won't read yet another "is it over" missed milestone thread by a subhuman moron who can't and won't use the archive.

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How do I become attractive to women as a 5'2 man?
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But I already have two. Where would I put it?
Have long hair
That's all
Move to Southeast Asia
Work on yourself, mostly your personality but also know where you are going in life, have a plan.
T. 5'3" guy who has been moderately successful in pulling myself out of the void of neetdom and incel shit.
I won't read yet another repetition of a question by some subhuman moron that is asked several times a week here.

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I'm 25, and i've been homeless for the past 6 years. I'm originally from Boise. I've been city hopping across the states trying to find a job, a consistent homeless shelter, anything. Most recently I train hopped to NYC after getting convinced that there are more opportunities there, and it was a mistake.

Right off the bat, the homeless shelters here are packed and the wait times can be weeks long compared to days. I thought I was going to die during the burst of cold that brought NYC into the near negatives about a week ago. The city is anticipating ICE Raids at shelters soon, so they added a new rule that you need a NYCID in order to get in. So I try a couple of churches and they aren't letting anyone in who hasn't signed up before due to migrants, despite the fact that I'm CLEARLY WHITE. When I was camping during the freezing temperatures, a police officer found my spot. I got a ticket for $285, which is almost the remaining amount of money I have left. I threw the ticket away since I can't even pay for it. Then came yesterday when it got cold again due to the wind. Someone caught me setting up camp, called the cops and I got another ticket and yelled at by the cop.

Now i'm freaking out, because I threw that one away too, and I was speaking to some other homeless folk today and they said, I'm going to jail if I don't pay back the fine. I thought about just leaving the state, probably trying the south, but some of them knew people who tried to fled the state with tickets, had an encounter with a cop who did an I.D check, and ended up getting sent back to NYC to be put in jail. What am I even supposed to do? I'm thinking about just risking it all, buying a plane ticket with my remaining money and betting it all on Europe treating their homeless better. Or just living off the land in southern Europe or something. I can't get help from the homeless shelters, I can't get help from the churches, the police have zero empathy. What even is the point anymore.
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Shalom Mr Recrooter
Are you so distraught from being banned in /k/ that you have to outsource your shilling here? Get a life
why dont you share how op can help his sutation. you do care about op right? you arent just virtue signaling while providing zero solutions to people's problems rIght?
Why in the flying fuck would anyone homeless come to NYC in the wintertime is beyond me. This is where people come to freeze to death.
The flat truth is that OP's solution is likely going to come from a 50/50 combination of persistence and luck. I work for social services and our country is a fucking joke. For every one bed in a psychiatric or drug rehab facility there are 100 people trying to get it. For every county psychiatrist who sees medicare patients there are 200 patients trying to get in. For every job coach who helps disabled and incarcerated people get a job there are 50 people on a wait-list for up to 2 years just to get a meeting. I've had clients submit themselves to the ER because they ran out of medication or are having mental troubles and nurses spit them back out onto the street an hour later because they don't have beds. I go to the vocational rehabilitation office every week and they're so underfunded and understaffed they don't have filing cabinets - they keep records in folders stacked on the floor in giant piles. Every case manager I know who handles crisis intervention makes less than 40k a year and has so many clients on their case load they sometimes only get to check on each one maybe twice a month with a full 60 hour work week. The United States of America is a hellscape of greed, excess and small-mindedness. Our media has somehow successfully convinced our knuckle dragging populace that the homeless and drug addicted are just lazy and enjoy sleeping outside yet every day I go to work these people are BEGGING me for help and I can't give it to them because our state funds us at a bare subsistence level. Even if you get on SSI and DDS half of my clients get less than $40 a week for anything "non-essential" which includes hygiene, clothing or bus fare. Don't buy the propaganda. Our country hates the poor. We put in a lot of work to make sure their lives stay fucked.

How do you get over the fact that your girlfriend/wife has had other men's penises inside of her? It's something that never stops bothering me.
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women made me this way, I was once a believer too.
It's a cruel world out there.
Just use non virgin women for practice and wait till you find that needle in the haystack. String along non virgins, act like you'll marry them and then dump them if they really push for marriage.
By acknowledging most adults have sexual pasts and if you didn’t before your relationship it’s more abnormal than not having one.

If you feels so strongly about you should move to a Christian commune or Islamic country.
I won't read yet another thread by some moron who asks almost the exact same question that is asked every other day.
All women are whores and it’s retarded to think that all women should also be saving themselves for you. Get over it.

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Applied to fly for my countries military after college because I took the masculine pill after my first serious girlfriend cheated on me. She ended up continuing to fuck guy after guy after, including some we hung out with which drove me into a heavy gym phase for about half a year but that honestly just helped me get ready for officer school. Spent a handful of months at officer school and then a lot of time waiting around base to class up for flight school, which I just continued my gym phase but included drinking with my fellow lads.

Cut to now and I’m about a quarter into my training pipeline. Most of the time I’m locked in and focused on my goals, working out, studying, researching where and what I want to do, but when I have downtime over the weekends I feel like I don’t know how to act. More specifically women. I’m a pretty laid back and personable guy, it’s easy for me to talk to friends and strangers, but when it comes to anything romance- I just get really avoidant. I think it’s a multitude of things because I’m just now getting out of this over 2 year long autism arc and don’t really know how to act, alongside with still feeling the effects of being cheated on and just not wanting to be weird about trying to hit on women.

Is what I’m doing right? I never really wanted to get into casual hookups/situationships after my last girlfriend from that and just becoming more mature. But it’s been years since I’ve been in a relationship or had sex and it’s starting to make me question if it’s had any bad side effects.
Well yeah I mean from what you have shared you basically did all of this in order to avoid the situation and also by the looks of it didn't give yourself any time to process the betrayal or grieve it.
If you are fine with the rest of your life, that's probably all good, but it sure sounds like you are not doing the right thing when it comes to love. Literally just do anything. ONS, being a horndog, being a pure hearted romantic, whatever, doesn't matter. If you want love, go get it tiger. Or are you gonna let one dumb broad scar you and ruin you forever?
Maybe this is insensitive of me to say, but frankly, you dodged a bullet, didn't you? The kind of woman that cheats on her man is not the kind of woman you want to be with, or deserve to be with. So, once you are done mourning any residual attachment and what could have been, consider what she did a kind of favour, and just move on with your life. Look for a different girl, and try again. So long as you draw breath, there is no limit to trying. And who knows, you might just find what you are looking for?
I’m actually envious OP, you did the exact opposite of what I did in your situation. I can’t really help you but you helped me in a weird way. I’d say keep doing what your doing

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How do I avoid ending up in a sexless marriage?
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Don't care. Living a much more fulfilling life than you will ever get close to. Child.
Counterpoint: Is a sexless marriage actually that bad? I'm sexlessly single now and it's fine, I fap and go about my day.
>inb4 have sex
I've had sex, I unironically don't see what the big deal is. I would like a relationship with a woman who actually would make a good wife/mother but the sex itself isn't really a big deal for me.
>the Boomer is confused by the concept of online gaming
You can literally ask any AI and they will provide the info, lazy.
Sex is important to most guys for good reason so not being able to have it makes the relationship pretty redundant. There's not the same excuse for going sexless in a relationship as there is single. Why don't these people in support of sexless marriage or dismissing sex's importance in general not just have a friend or family member around instead of a romantic partner? You specifically have enough of a sex drive to still fap but you're still wondering why people want the real thing as if it isn't obvious.
You're on 4chins failing to convince anyone you know what being a man is

I really like cheerful, energetic girls.
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>ideal gf
Doesn’t care about height (I’m not a dwarf but shorter than average.) she can be any height I have no preference.

Likes the same books music and movies as me. Introspective and mature, especially in terms of understanding pain and loneliness. I’d like to be able to cry around her or at least not make her disgusted if struggle not to.

I’m good looking according to people I know but I’d want someone who would be with me even if I was ugly.

I’d like someone who also isn’t super pure either, someone who drinks, isn’t completely terrified of drugs and has a good sex drive.

Appearance wise I don’t have any major requirements, not obese and not deformed (even then as long as it’s not her face I could probably look past it).

I do have some preferences but they’re also pretty vague, I like girls who are alternative (not just e girls/goth girls but just someone who has their own style and are willing to express it). I like gingers and girls with black hair (especially if they’re really pale). I also have a massive things for girls with resting bitch faces, mostly because I love it when they actually smile because it feels more real.

I’d also prefer if they were in my approximate demographics but don’t mind if they aren’t either (20~, white or Asian and not from a rich background.)

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>ideal bf

>has an actual opinion about things and can back it up with source
>understands that work is just that - you have a life outside of it and it shouldn't affect you once you leave your work place
>has a good sense of humour and wit
>not a consumer
>has good facial harmony at the v least, not fat
>has savingsca
>gentle, nd caring, patient with me
>ambitious, clear-minded, and with resolve to others
>must be absolutely codependent with me
Ideal bf

>10-15 years older than me
>Likes animals
>Empathetic and gentle, but can be firm and straightforward when needed
>Likes picking me up and carrying me, is physically affectionate
>Open to hearing different arguments/viewpoints even about controversial topics
>Into some kind of art and/or science field
>Green eyes

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Just found out that I am completely infertile. Wtf should I do?
I wanted to have kids and keep my family's legacy going. Should I just be a cuck and adopt kids instead? Lots of people think that adoption is cringe but is it really? Sometimes I am afraid that if I adopt kids I won't fully love them as if they were my own.
What would you guys do in this situation?
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Kek. This. Having kids for the sake of "muh legaceeee" is nigger-tier thinking.
they basically do, hence why single moms are radioactive in the dating pool
>Why do you think animals kill the cubs before fucking the mom?
Not all animals, crows for example adopt orphaned baby crows and I'm pretty sure crows behave a lot more similarly to humans than lions. They're literally social animals, like humans.
fair point, but a cuck is a bird too
>Just found out that I am completely infertile.

Things that didn't happen, #8765785.

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>Try a hobby
>Have difficulties
>Give up and stop caring
>"You just like the idea of doing this hobby, and not actually doing it."
>Try another hobby
>Have difficulties
>Give up and stop caring
>"You just like the idea of doing this hobby, and not actually doing it."
>Try another hobby
>Have difficulties
>Give up and stop caring
>"You just like the idea of doing this hobby, and not actually doing it."
>Try another hobby
>Have difficulties
>Give up and stop caring

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How about giving actual advice?
I've also noticed that nobody has even bothered to reply to this post where I explain the fact that I've been medicated for my whole life and my ADHD is still this bad.
32694834 #
I've also noticed that nobody has even bothered to reply to this post where I explain the fact that I've been medicated for my whole life and my ADHD is still this bad.
The transphobia is unreal
So no advice?

Hello so first of all, my measured IQ is 127.

I went on an interview today and there was this problem: You have 7 letters, AAABBCD, how many unique codes can you create?

I had combinatorics in HS and I even passed statistics in uni. I also passed calculus I and II in uni. Why do these problems still give me a tough time? This should be easy for me.

Anyone also struggling with something more elementary they should have known a long time ago?
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What's wrong with those white kids. They all look like they are constipated and wincing in pain like they are about to cry.
At least the diverse kids look normal.
But why are you jealous. The reptilians are done sucking the vril energy out of white people now they are giving you a rest and moving onto brown people.
>Anyone also struggling with something more elementary they should have known a long time ago?
This is mostly caused by a lack of fucks when you are younger, and skirting by. Then when you get higher up in a subject you are missing basic capabilities that nuke you until fix the old issue.

I consider myself retarded btw
Generational IQ went down the same time parents let technology rule over their children's attention.
IPad babies, social media, endless game lobbies and unlocked message chats. I believe it's logically that vector and NOT a matter of race.
I've never taken an IQ exam but as a seasoned mechanic and builder I wouldn't say I'm stupid. Been told by others I'm high IQ-like but I also know most people are dumb ill just say 115IQ on the low end.
Well said anon.
Nta but I believe it has less to do with race and more of a product of culture. Cultures that value creativity and solving puzzles with therefore produce higher IQ people less since that is what IQ is all about and vice versa. This whole "shitskin" shtick is more about how unproductive their culture is as it has this endless death and rebirth of just lower-tier activity. There's tons of high IQ nonwhites so I think your statement is quite easily disapproved anon.
Your problem is over-reliance on rote learning a formula for everything, and an under-reliance on an intuitive grasp of what is going on.

You should know that the number of permutations of n different things is n! In this case it would be 7! if all the letters were different. Then you have to reduce (by division, since we're talking about multiplication) that calculation by the respective permutations of each group of identical letters: In this case 3! and 2!

7! /(3! * 2!) = 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 / 2 (since the 3! cancels out, and 2! equals 2)

= 420

Counting is easier if you avoid trying to rote learn everything like an idiot machine.

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Will I regret waiting until marriage, specifically for religious and cultural reasons?
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>some retards try to eat hammers, therefore hammers are bad tools for driving in nails
Marriage is not obsolete. It's still demonstrably better at maintaining stable and happy relationships than the alternative, even if it's been misused and abused by some segments of society.
>never should have become intertwined with the law
That's the entire reason it works. The fact that it is a binding commitment rather than a way for people to jerk themselves off over how they don't need rules.
No. Women are a luxury good.
This site has existed for 20+ years, not to mention that it's not some secret club. If you really can't believe a women would post or browse here then you have a limited view on life and how dysfunction affects both genders. Have you really not met a female shut-in, like one that you're related to?
Stfu already
Well, if you can find someone within your religion, it might work. But the state of culture at large is that male virginity is not valued, it is shamed and assumed that something is wrong with you.

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