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Title is my question. During a grindr "date" he strarted recording me. He was big and kinda hurting and my hormones are wack these days so my instinct was to scratch him until I saw him delete it. I told him before to delete it but he pretended to do it but didn't do it so I was angry
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That's some faggot ass shit right there.
That bussy must have been tight lmao. ZAMN!

Also I don't think it matters at all. Your only fucked in the that you got fucked kek.
you're probably fine, if anyone asks just say he was recording you like a creep
Why do feminised faggots always spin this about them, nta btw

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>work with a lot of people in the work place
>also I am poorfagging life while saving up
>use the bus daily
>all kinds of normie scum come in and cough and sneeze
>thinking of getting the flu vaccine and a COVID vaccine
>I often get bronchitis when I get colds
>I also got COVID in July and ended up in bronchitis
What should I do? I understand they have benefits to make illnesses mild but also there are those small cases where the side effects are massive, deadly.
I am 40 so I am at the threshold of the beginning of old age diseases.
I will feel safer if I get them but I am a bit hesitant too.
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Laying about thinking maybe I'll get a flu vaccine today why not I'm bored
The flu shots are never more than 49% effective at preventing infection.
The COVID shot is 0% effective at preventing infection.
If you want protection, you need to improve your diet and exercise. And get more sleep.
>enough to poison your brain
oh it does now? got a source for that claim, dr. chud? dont worry i'll wait while you browse through your facebook screenshots to find which one of them told you this.
The saddest thing of all its that you really think that i'm losing myself over being wrong, and not over you putting your life in risk. I'm so sorry.

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For three years I worked a job under the table, running an entire business for $8 an hour. It was paid whenever the owner of the store felt like it. I often wouldn't get paid for weeks/months at a time. I would work full time and do healthcare school full time, often doing 8 hour nursing shifts and then going to work after. There were times where the owner didn't come to the store for several months and I had to do everything.
The owner would interrogate me to the point to tears if another local business owner would ask how he was doing. If I told the person that my boss was well, I'd get screamed at and stuff thrown because I was sharing his business, even though I said exactly what he instructed me to say.

He put out a post saying he was hiring after closing the store down for several months and not offering me any updates. He tried to get me to come in and help fix the mess in the store but said he could not pay me.

Hes buying everyone at the bar drinks. He's paying thousands on online ads, which is how I learned he was going to open back up this Friday.

He said he wants to hire someone to work there but not yet, and that he can't afford to pay me but he needs full time employees. I don't really know what he wants.
During his divorce I would bring him food and make sure he was okay because he was listening to recordings of his ex and believed that people were trying to kill him. I tried so hard to check on him.

Should I just get an easy Saturday job at taco bell and leave? Do most people deal with this kind of stuff at work?
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Yes. I've at a fast food place, bar, bubble shop, grocery store, janitor at a small apartment that had one person that came in only on Saturdays.
I wish you the best in growing a spine. I too have faced similar situations in which I was not confident and let people take advantage of me. You're not a slave, working for free.Fuck that shit. You need to get angry over this stuff, because you won't take action if you don't. Don't let fear hold you hostage. Don't let inadequacy hold you hostage. Even if you fail, there's more dignity in that than being held hostage to your own cowardice and fucks like your boss can sniff it out like flies to shit. You're severely underestimating yourself. Learn from this experience. Start lifting weights or working out so you can gain confidence.
I've been making some efforts to look more respectable and it's making me feel a little better.

I got a few nice dresses, a nice pair of shoes. I have a real gold necklace and earrings that make me look nice. And I've booked my first hair appointment so I can learn how to style my hair so it's not just really long and hiding me. I'm spending more time helping my dad move car parts too, so I'm getting a little stronger and I can tell.
Anything to make you feel good, as long as it's beneficial for you, is good. Keep at it. like I said, work out, even though it may be hard I guarantee it will be worth it.
I wouldve quit the moment they missed a check. Like wtf? Why even work there at that point?

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This board is fucking terrible. Everyone here is retarded. I've literally never seen a single piece of good advice.

Where should I ask for help instead of this shithole?
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You will take my advice and your life will be better for it.
Quora is unironically better than this place
Quora and 4chan have their pros and cons. Quora are a bunch of pretentious niggerfaggots who will write long blogposts that are sometimes helpful. 4chan will rapid fire flames and advice at you in equal measure, causing you to think more for yourself and sort your own shit out.
I guarantee this turbo virgin got told he has to actually talk to women to get laid and got mad
The irony of asking /adv/ where to get better advice just flew over everyone’s head??

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I dont want to be a NEET anymore, How the Fuck do I create a resume with zero experience or skills considering how horrible everyone says the job market is?
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Ok then LDAR
what's that anon?
You are not White
For your first job, just lie about your work experience. Do you have a couple friends that will pretend to be former supervisors or coworkers? Put them as your references. Make up prior roles at small obscure businesses in your area. Most entry level jobs will only do a cursory check of your prior experience if any. And if they do find you out just move on to the next application.
Hate to break it to you, but I'm white and somewhat middle class. My parents have just been really passive aggressive with how much of a failure I am recently and that's why I asked. I'm a lazy person who hates everything about myself because I've pretty much been spoon fed everything for the entirety of my life. I want to change.

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Do women become resentful when you turn them down? This literal hoe I work with took her shot with me. I said no and was honest and non offensive about why, without commenting on how unappealing she is at all, and now she's trying to hurt me by bringing up an ex we both know every chance she gets, among other things. She's trying to gaslight me and explain my rejection of her as "not being over" the other girl, and randomly tries to flirt with me and put her hands on me from time to time. Then she changes moods and decides to shit talk, and it just goes back and forth...

I'm ignoring most of it but I've given her some smartass comebacks when she keeps saying "men like me are the problem" and other bullshit tactics like that. How do I stop this from getting ugly? She's a hard hamplanet 2/10 with obvious BPD. Fucking her was never an option so don't suggest that. I can ignore it forever, but that isn't really a solution. I want it to stop.

She's also literally talking to several other guys at the same time, so she can get it from SOMEWHERE. I don't know why she's so spiteful about this.
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Yeah, thanks. I've been doing pretty well but I guess I slipped, crossing back into being friends with her has opened more drama with the girl I turned down. I'll go back to little interaction with no personal details and not lose my shit over what some non gf is getting up to.
This is why I don't get too invested into people at work. Remember at the end of the day where your true interests lie: money and work.
>You don't get it, I NEED to shit where I eat or else I won't be able to call anon ugly
In general, women are terrible at handling rejection. It's funny how they act so surprised when a guy shows some emotion or glimpses of a broken heart, yet when it befalls them -- beware!
she wants you even more now. you are inadvertently the chad because you don't care

should i apply for disabilty because of my schizophrenia. I work in a firm and could get some extra holiday but it kind of feels like a loss to my illness and i don't want some extra treatment just because i am ill and when i am medicated i have very little symptoms...
You can try, but look up the process for doing so first. In some states being function enough to have a job might be a disqualifier

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I am going through a very recent breakup. She lost respect for me and I ended things, but she's handling it well and I'm not.

She got tired of dealing with my bipolar disorder after 5 months. She wants me to come get my stuff within the next few days.

How can I reverse this?
bipolar disorder is not reversible
Are you medicated? If not, try getting medicated first to show you've changed
>Get medicated
Yeah right yeah right
This guy's a faggot

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to preface i've turned into a normie magnet since i've gotten to the lower end of my BMI and grew out my hair, but I never take men up on their approaches because I'm scared or they're not my particular type.
There is this one comedian I'm pretty attracted to who is fat or whatever, and he's certainly unconventional to a lot of women, but I think he's super hot. he's my exact type. he's like an ear-worm when i get horny. i can't stop thinking about him.
How the hell do i manage to fuck this guy? he's...popular. I don't care if he cares about me or not, I just think he's hot. I know this board is full of guys similar to him. Can you give me the rundown on how to get his attention? My main insecurity is that he has had many hot girls hit him up for popularity or money but i genuinely just want to sleep with him and nothing else. halp plz. i never approach men so i have no idea what a man would want without it sounding like im a gold digger or a creep like i genuinely just want to have sex and never talk about it again lol.
it’s very easy. this guy doesn’t get as much attention as you think he does. just laugh at his jokes. tell him he’s funny (this isn’t enough, he won’t get it). and when you feel confortable ask him to hang out just the 2 of you. like a dinner. or a movie. or an ice cream. or a walk. or watch a show. something easy. then you spend some time like an hour or so and you can easily initiate a kiss and he would accept. hopefully you can close it from here this is like 99% of it.

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books
Wingman.live: https://wingman.live/ (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"Models": http://library.lol/main/C314BA7C8EC5C9B66174B08F4DC83931
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
Dr. NerdLove: https://www.doctornerdlove.com/blog/ (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: https://pastebin.com/7U5Sdhwq (something to listen to)

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no, not at all. You will get even less real matches if you pay them money. Also, most of the "matches" are just prostitutes / onlyfans advertisements.
is only dating even worth it? is tinder worth it?
Who knows man. But those apps are a fucking scam.
trying to sweat you like that is a test women give to see if you handle it.

man, I really should have dated that girl I sat next to at the DMV. I wish I had known.
nope, either the app is working for you for free or it's not going to work at all

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>Get 3 years of CC and 3 years of Uni without pay
>Manage to save up 30k
>Don't even have an associates degree
>Want to do zoology but realize how little it offers
>Parents still happy to let me live with them as long as I am in college or have a job
I wish I could rewind time. Covid felt like a flashbang to my motivation and direction to life

I want to simultaneously apologize to my parents and gouge my own eyes out. I initially thought engineering would be a valid career path but in the end I know I fucked up big time.
You have 30k and enough college credit to near graduate with a degree!? Holy shit anon, you're in a great position. The world is your oyster once you figure out what you want to do

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I'm 22. My grandparents were married when they were my age, and my parents were dating each other when they were my age. My younger sister has a long term boyfriend, all of my cousins have girlfriends, so I'm now literally the only one in my entire family that is single.
Clearly, I'm not the only one with this problem, since most young men are single and the entire west is facing a population crisis due to no one breeding.
How am I supposed to get a girlfriend? Please tell me, this shit is fucking maddening.
>Dating apps
0 matches over the span of 4 years
0 interest from women, get ghosted all the time, women just want to sleep around then ghost you
80% people over the age of 50, the young people that are there already are there with their boyfriends, I've never seen a single woman my age at a church
>Clubs and hobbies
No women my age there
Don't work with any girls my age
>Random approach IRL
50% chance girl will freak out and call police on you

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move to nyc
luck is made not given. nothing is written.You can have Gods favor but without the agency to act you will accomplish nothing
You don't. You wait until you're 25-27 then marry a fat woman who settled for you out of desperation. Hope you helps.
>6' tall, normal looking, have hobbies, have lots of interests, can cook, I'm a musician, I go out every day of the week, I've tried asking girls out and i've tried every single one of these approaches, I dress well, and I have good hygiene. So wtf is it because I always here people say "oh youre not tall enough", "your face isnt good enough", "you aren't interesting enough", well guess what faggot I'm all of those so what the fuck is going on?
That's the bare minimum anon. But are you rich?

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I’m 27m and my partner is 23f. We’ve been together since we were 23 and 19 respectively. Have been extremely happy together for a long time, support each other at work events, go on holidays together and lived together for 2 years (only moved apart due to my work commitments in another country). We both work in the same industry but don’t work together which is good in that we can talk about our work issues to each other but it’s never an issue.

Tonight, after a drink with two girl friends, she came home and told me that she isn’t happy and doesn’t know what she wants. I asked her for specifics but she said “she does want to be with me”, “does want kids one day” and “does want to get married”… but at the same time “doesn’t know what she wants”

> mfw

I seriously don’t know what this means. I recently left my really crappy work accommodation and moved back to the big city to be back with her but now after being here for 2 nights she doesn’t know what she wants.

I also know she hasn’t cheated as I know all her work friends and our industry is small, we also have each other on Find my iPhone and she hasn’t been anywhere but work and home. I could be wrong if she’s being clever idk.

I really love this girl and have worked hard at this relationship for 4 years of my life and most of my twenties. I went sober for her and have made many sacrifices and now I’m scared I’m going to lose it all!
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unbelievably disrespectful thing for her to say. she is immature, probably will get bored after marriage anyway, and knife you down the road. A marriage is literally a coin flip whether it works, and shes already thinking about not committing. I dont know brother, I would start seriously thinking about this woman's maturity and character. She's telling you she might want to experience the company of other men in her life before she chooses you. There is literally no other interpretation. 4 years man. Its not like she has been rushed into a decision. She is feeling that maybe there are other alternatives she might prefer but might not know. If I were you, there is really only one way to handle this. You need to tell her this: "I know my value and I don't want to wait around for you to decide if I am good enough for you. I am moving on if you are not with me." And do not contact her first again. Either she will lose her mind and realize what she has lost, and be forever in love with you after getting a taste of your void, or she will move on and you'll both speedrun a bunch of years of the pain of being in a ill fated relationship.
I.e. you're both promiscuous and you are now figuring out some of the consequences.
>dating for 4 years is too long. you should've proposed after 1-2 years
In general, 2-3 years of dating is ideal. Before that, and the timing-related risk of divorce increases, but waiting any longer doesn't give any additional benefit.
However, marrying very young is a separate risk. 23 is on the young end of a reasonable marriage age, so dating until then is the prudent thing to do.
certainly don't marry her. take bake your engagement ring and rethink your own options.
I'd guess she's already cheated, or is thinking of cheating.
she found another man who gives her attentions and makes her pussy squeesh. they will fuck by the end of the month and then she will really know what she wants

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I heard bad things about root-canals but 2 dentists recommended them to me. I don't like the fact that they will be killing the tooth and leaving it in my body. Can I insist on a filling? Should I just get it pulled? I dunno.
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Root canals used to be the go-to joke for comedians talking about pain. But a modern dentist deadens the mouth or knocks you out so thoroughly you feel nothing . I've had a couple, and ordinary cavity drilling hurt far far more.
Disinfect with vodka and fill with potatoes.
My gramps is getting a root canal. should i talk him out of it? i dun want anything bad to happen to him
>wound up paying for 4 root canals and crowns when I didn't need 2 of the others. Paid 2.4K USD
2.4k USD is less than the cost of one implant
root canals are just cavities that require extra sterilization because the decay has progressed into deeper chambers of your tooth where the nerves are located. They removed the nerve from the tooth, clean the rooths of your tooth by sticking these little pipe cleaners in them, then fill them up with this really hot substance that cools really fast with a light. overall the worst part of them is that they are extremely expensive. generally most dentists would only recommend them if you needed them, because its a further step down the road where they could have fit in other treatments before them in there to really milk you. If they say you need a root canal they reall mean it. They could have said a filling, then a crown, then a root canal. It really is better to save the tooth then get it pulled. Have you seen those meth heads with the weird jaws? They look that way because without teeth their jawbones have decayed without blood supply going to the teeth that were once there.

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How to stop being attracted to moms and mombods?
i dont even blame you i mean.... they're so fertile............
why would you deny yourself what you like?
Get a fetish for making skinny girls into moms
this board has a deranged idea of attraction

you can't turn an attraction on because you watched too much porn

you can't turn an attraction off with willpower

you were born to like certain things, and that's what you're gonna like, come hell or high water
This. Why stop? It's the ultimate sexual pleasure. You will never be fucked more intensely and lovingly than by a fertile woman.

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