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Pushup Episode
Last Episode: >>31691566
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Obviously it won't work on women who are your height but it's still a date with your foot in the door versus no date because you didn't meet the magic number
Ok I refurbished and recoded the video just to post it here.
The femanon who posted this is a wonderful being and I only wish her well.
Most men aren't picky but the men women are interested in and willing to have sex with can afford to be picky since most other women are interested in them too.

When women are asking questions like "Do men like ...?", "Will men get the ick from ...?" they're not asking about the average guy, let alone /atoga/ moids. They're asking about Chad.
The funny part is if your a fat women with a less fat picture or an ugly woman with filters and when the guy gets an ick from her being fat or ugly, all of a sudden its a crime against humanity.
Don’t do it nigga

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I have no ambition
19 neet
All I feel like doing is making game mods on my pc and never leaving my home
how do I have ambition in life.
Read my comment here: https://archive.4plebs.org/adv/thread/31681566/#q31682547
Me again. Rest assured that if you have a spark of ambition then you can achieve more than 99% of people think is possible*. So don't worry in the beginning about the "how" of your ambition, just find the "what."

*This is another story that I'll write up before long. Sorry to seem vague right now.
I don't think there's a secret. You just have to keep trying new things and maybe one of those things will light a spark in you. The trick though is to give any activity enough time. When you first start out and you suck at the activity, it will always seem boring and "not for you".
To get ambition, focus on things you want and what's required to obtain them.

For example, you sound like you live at home with your parents, don't you want a house of your own? It would be your own space, where you can do what you want and have privacy.

To get a house, you need enough money for a down payment (generally 20%) and a consistent income so you can pay off the mortgage.

This means you need to save money and get a job that can afford to pay your mortgage.

This means you need to need to get a job with decent pay (being a wagie won't cut it).

This means that you need to go to college/trade school in order to meet the requirements for a well paying job, or find a line of work that doesn't require any education and pays well.

Now, by focusing on the goal of one day owning a house, you have an ambition that can motivate you to work towards a better life.

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Realistically speaking, how much do white women actually prefer black men in real life?
I used to think all the BBC/blacked/BNWO shit you see on 4chan was 100% bullshit, but since I went to college I've overheard white women making fun of white men and in one case even saying she couldn't even imagine her baby being white.
I really want to believe they are just virtue-signaling because it breaks my heart more than any "height and face" blackpill ever could, but honestly I've lost all hope in humanity long ago.
Also, this is not a BBC spam thread, so fuck off if you want to post blacked shit.
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all this bnwo shit is just a fantasy for actual cucks with an actual cuck fetish, your post too
>your post too
I don't have a cuck fetish.
Yeah most race cucking stuff is usually posted by cucks of that race e.g. bnwo being white cucks, wmaf being Asian cucks and so on
It might be different where I live (England) but virtually every white woman I knew and went school with is dating a white man, the same goes for people of other races dating within their race. My sister's ex was white and so is her current BF, in my family, dating a black guy isn't something you'll be hated for but it's treated as a meme and not something that would happen, like my mum said to my sister before she saw what her current BF looks like, 'he's not black, is he?', as a joke. I suspect it's the same for many others.
I see the same generally everyone dates within their race except for in big cities

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I'm at Dream con right now with my girlfriends and friend

I trained my ass off for months In smash bros ultimate, tool Ls and some Ws aplenty at a local venue we went to.

It was all for the dream con smash tournament (with a 10k prize to boot, but i really wanted to do it to PROVE myself)

And now I get told pretty flatly br the TOs that the spots are filled up and I can't even replace someone who doesn't show up (Boss's rules apparently)

Despite the fun and people I met from training in smash, my mind feels frustrated almost as though I wasted a couple months of my life (just turned 26) grinding this game only to not play it at dreamcon.


What the fuck do I do now???
>also want to note girlfriend is in mario kart tournament and we both trained in the house for our respective games and encouraged each other, it was fun and honestly romantic. However my gf wanted me not to mope about this
With girlfriend*

I'm not a dog

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Is there a single good, non selfish reason for me to even have children as a man? Just one reason that doesn't rely on prayers or self fulfilment.
No, I don't give a fuck about my huwhite race, I'm technically not even white since I'm eastern European
No, I don't give a fuck about my nation or birthrate either, my people have isolated me when I was very young and when I needed socialisation the most
28 years old, I've been alone for my entire life and have no means of meeting a wife or gf, not even hooking up, I missed the opportunities to learn how to talk to women and it's a void I won't fill
My parents don't deserve grandkids, I explicitly told them I never asked them to bring me here, if I had a say in it, I wouldn't want to exist
None of them ever said they're sorry about my situation, I've never remembered them really loving each other like they're supposed to.
As for having children
> Gamble with someone else's genetics, luck, life, money and happiness
> They'd have to remember their family die
> They'd have to witness a potential war in the future
> They could get sick or have my luck which means I would've forced someone to live like me
Even if none of this happens, I still couldn't guarantee that they'll be really happy to exist.
The only reason given to have kids is that I'll feel better about myself and that's retarded for 2 reasons:
1) I wouldn't
2) It's insanely fucking selfish to even bring someone here just for my personal satisfaction
I don't read "how to suicide" threads. They're just some perverse form of venting and should be ignored.
Your parents may not love each other...but surely they loved you right?

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This is a serious question. I've been waging for a few months and I have received paychecks digitally but I don't know how to transfer them to my bank account. I suck at administrative shit and my parents never bothered preparing me for adulthood so I have no clue what I'm doing here. How do I access my pay?
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except those are photos of physical checks. His checks are digitally sent to him
Clearly he isn't, whatever his calendar age.
>none of the douchebags in my life want to help me
Once you hit 18 nobody else has any responsibility towards you, you are on your own. So stop being a fucking child and start adulting, dumbass.
>zoomie doesn't know how to set up direct deposit
fucking GRIM lmao
Hey all, OP here. Just wanted to say I made a few phone calls and got everything sorted out.

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Mom tried making me 4 of those did she try to kill me

lone_wanderer37 disc
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She was really worried and scared cause my temp wasn't going down
Take care of yourself then.
Keep In touch on disc was it that dangerous
Aren't you on youtube?

I feel dirty, I'm worse than a whore than a thousand bodycount. I have been masturbating my cat because I thought he was feeling pleasure, but I got to the worst point where I licked his penis, it was like 5 seconds. I'm a virgin girl but I'm worse than a whore. I'm going to hell. I don't feel any attraction to animals, I just did it without thinking about it. I also haven't watched porn for two years. Do I have salvation or am I going to hell?
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kek. castrate that lil beast, if not he could get aggressive. Also, u better brush ur teeth
I honestly hope this is fake.
Youre not evil, youre just mentally ill like all women.
This is a troll post

and gay
fuck off either way

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What can I do with my life that will give me the easiest life possible?
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If you're tall and handsome. They find you.
If they don't find you. You're not tall and handsome.
short answer: Nothing
>but romantically, they'll almost guaranteed be alone

cope. if its a neet chad he wont

>they will never own anything of value, always being at the mercy of others

same goes for basically everyone and especially business owners. they dont really own anything, it's someone else who controls the territory (the government and army) and has the final say. only an insanely good prepper with a secret bunker or something can not be at the mercy of others.
>A trust fund rich boy has all money needs taken care of, but usually find their lives spiritually bankrupt and emotionally dissatisfying surrounded by hanger-ons and vipers ready to jump in and take everything from them at the first sign of weakness. Many drink or drug themselves to death to escape the very real misery of that life.

that is a cope too in my opinion, in fact, from what i've seen, rich kids tend to believe that they deserve what they have and have no advantage over most people, because they overcame some challenge their parents gave them (which is why I think it's a horrible idea for the parents to do that), for example his dad may say "i will not give you the money for your business, i will lend it to you and you have to pay it back like anyone else". obviously it's not the same, but then the kid may think anyone haves it as easy as him

i only know one guy from rich parents who is a NEET and miserable and it's for different reasons
>if its a neet chad he wont
Doesn't happen. If you're a chad, you don't need to be a NEET for free money, people funnel you towards do-nothing high-paying jobs at big firms like "marketing secondary team lead of sales" where your job is just being charismatic and presenting your underling's work once every two weeks on a dashboard, before everyone goes out for drinks and strippers.

This kind of easy work is highly available for someone who's a chad, and it strictly outcompetes government bennies in terms of pay, prestige, and ease of getting laid.

>only an insanely good prepper with a secret bunker or something can not be at the mercy of others.
Yeah but there's a stepwise difference between
>you can do essentially whatever you want with your money, and if you've got a passport and the cash for a ticket, you could be basically anywhere in the world you want within the next 24 hours
>you fucking pray the person evaluating your disability claims is the same guy, still thinks you're too retarded to work, and that you've got enough money saved up this month to buy some slightly better ramen instead of cheapo maruchan
in terms of "how much control you actually have over your own life".

>i only know one guy from rich parents who is a NEET and miserable and it's for different reasons
Different wealth tiers probably, this is mostly at the 10-100m level of wealth.

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Is there a mentor on here that could mentor me in making lots of money?

I am based and redpilled I promise.
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I make a lot of money.
I got a STEM degree, graduated at almost the top of my class, and got a job at one of the highest paying companies in my industry.
Just do that.

I'm not good with math. I'm alright at science.

Idk. I don't think I could make it in STEM. I need something better than a goy job anyway. That's why I'm looking for a mentor.
Start learning a good paying trade, you need money to make a lot of money.
Like how much is a lot of money? If you just want to live a comfortable lifestyle and support a family you can do that by going to college/trade school and going into a career field that pays well.

If you want to be rich (like a millionaire) you need to find a way to turn money into more money, which is usually done through using debt in a way that makes enough money to pay off the interest. For example, using your house as collateral you get a million dollar loan from the bank, which you use to purchase a tour boat. You use this tour boat to sell tours to tourists, the profits of which allow you to pay off the loan and purchase an additional tour boat, allowing you to sell even more tours. You turned the value of your house (lets say ~200k) into 1 mil (the bank loan), which turned into several million (proceeds from business - business expenses - loan - loan interest).

The easiest method for you to make a lot of money would be to work for a small/medium sized business (like a tour company), learn about the industry while working, then open your own competing business in that industry/take over the business after the owner retires.

There really isn't a consistent way to make a lot of money, otherwise a lot more people would be rich. You'll need capital/collateral to get going and get loans from the bank, so start saving now and you can maybe be a millionaire in ~20 years.


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My parents yell and physically abuse me everyday for being unemployed. Everytime I step outside of my bedroom, they immediately tell me how much of a "retarded worthless shit stain" I am and slap me whenever I say something back. They force me to mow the lawn, cut the hedges and do yard work for them while pointing out my mistakes whenever I'm done. I tried to tell them that nobody wants to hire me for having zero experience but they don't care. Whenever I tell them, one of them will deck me in the face and say I'm not trying hard enough. What should I do? I can't stop crying alone in my bedroom every night.
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Sounds like parents nicely asked you to do some chores and mentioned that you need to get a job and you've exaggerated it to make it sound like they're beating you and abusing you...

i feel you bro that sucks. i hope you're not trolling bc i took it seriously and feel super bad about you. like no one deserves that. parents should be supportive

idk what to do in your specific situation, you're the one who knows all the circumstances, but my parents are abusive too, and I think the main thing you need to do here is to become self sufficient, leave, and, very important: once you leave, don't be visiting them, talking to them... and just pretending that they're ok parents like a cuck. none of that. cut them out of your life entirely

for as long as you're stuck with them, the go to strategy in this situation that psychologists seem to recommend is to just not react at all and not show emotion when they do this. apparently they do it to get a rise out of you and they'll stop. though tb h i think if i had to live my teen years again and be at my parents house again, i'd probably just try to make their lives hell too. like for example when my dad starts calling me a faggot and just humiliating me, i would call him a coward, a pussy or whatever hurts his ego the most, and when he gets violent pull out a knife. and with my mom i would pretend to go into autistic rage and be super annoying so that she just would not want to mess with me anymore because it just wouldnt be worth it.
yes definitely, everyone's parents are just like yours, if they're not they must be lying

i guess you vote democrat and when someone gets his shit stolen by a nigger you'll say he made it up because that doesn't happen in your middle class neighborhood
>What should I do?
Sounds like you should take their hints and get a job lol.
Yeah being unemployed is bad long term, you need to get a job if you want to escape your parents. Ask them if they know of any open jobs/ have any friends looking to hire someone. Use nepotism to increase your chances of getting a job. Try to find a way to get in your parents good graces so they stop being abusive to you.

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Has anyone had success in the past with reframing things to get over them?
Missed second sentence: Can you give me advice on how to do it?
More to the point: Give an example of something you want to get over and I'll give you a reframe to try.
didn’t work for me
This just sounds like cope or gaslighting with extra steps.
Give a concrete example (e.g. an issue from your life) so I can illustrate the steps you can take.

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I hate when other men look at woman I’m with

When they catcall them

When they try to date them etc

Does dating a tomboy fix these issues?
This issue won't be solved by dating different women. You have to be respectable enough for other guys to immediately knock it off when they see you next to a girl.
Our society shouldn’t be like that in the first place, people are to disrespectful
bro like 20% of men are about to flip the table of society if they cant get a gf, it's especially bad in low income or mixed income neighborhoods
You're right it shouldn't but there isn't really anything you can do about it, it's just the world we live in.

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Mutual friends said a girl I like told them she likes me.
How do I not fuck this up? I am massively autistic and have no clue how to proceed. I usually see her at the climbing gym every other week or so but not much besides that.
"Hi! Let's go for coffee/lunch.."

This is really weird/nigh on mystical, and I really hate it when people go all "It's in the signs"/mystical on me, so I apologize.

But I've just got this bad feeling.

Like, I don't know what. I've had it since I came home from work that something really bad is going to happen. Just this nagging, "You better prepare, shit's about to go down." But I have no direction about when or where it's supposed to come from or what the hell it's about.

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You may have the gift. Or curse. It's more like a curse, most times. But it's not magickal. It's not psychic. It's a computational process in the brain some of us have in much greater degree than most. You're sensing diverging paths. Nodal probabilities. You're sensing the future. Or at least *A* future. Now, finally there is a name that's been given to it. It's still a very VERY new area of science research. Literally less than a decad since Tetlock started studying us 'in the wild' in earnest realizing there was something more going on. No, you're not a wizard, Harry! You poor bastard you're a superforcaster. It will bring you no comfort, but if properly fed & developed it can make you one heck of a good living. Machines can't do anything even close to it with as little data as we can make an accurate intuitive jump from. But again, it's not psychic. Or magical. It's a stochastic aggregator that allows you to sense human mass social moods, movements, pressures & counterpressures. It's not prophecy. It can err. It only works on humans or human driven systems. Cant predetermine natural disasters, animals or physics driven random events. Can't give you lottery numbers, for instance. Rusty Cole called it the psychosphere in 'true detectives'. It's as good a name as any. Better than most. The gift was first empirically described in the early 60s when the US Air Force & Navy was trying to figure out what set 'top gun' pilots apart from all the other stick jockeys. They found almost universally among top guns a capacity to 'see' upwards of a minute or two into the future.
The fact that you, an uninitiate are sensing what's coming this far out speaks highly about your potential. It's up to you if you want to develop it. But know it brings no peace. Quite the opposite. More often than not it's a curse of Kassandra. Sensing big events you can't do a fuck'n thing about. Sometimes preciously rarely...You can. Do you want to know what you sensed? Be very sure of your answer
Fight the future.
Did you get it specifically when you came home? Does the feeling disappear when you leave home? I might suggest taking your most precious valuables and perhaps going somewhere else for a few days, maybe a week.
It would help if you know what is causing this instinct to activate. Was it coming home? Using city transport? Or something else? The answer to this will help guide you on how to address it.
That's called "anxiety".
Your monkey ass brain is considering the possibility a tiger could be hiding nearby, so you're on alert to fight off imminent tiger attacks.
There's nothing paranormal, mystical, or psychic about it. You're just having an extremely common human emotion.
This anon is seriously advising someone pack their shit and skip town over impending doom; an extremely common just about everyone has felt at some point for absolutely no discernable reason.
You people are retarded kek.

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