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Had a girl hit me up. Said she wanted a date. Said I was cool. Sent me heart emojis. Thought we were on the same page. Then the next day.... she unfriended me and blocked me.

What is this? Why?
She made up with her bf.
It happens. Move on
Because women are foreign mentally. Dont bother putting yourself in a womans shoes. move on
It happens, find her insta, add her with a fake acc,
become rich, post photo of your fake with you on your fake's insta, she gets jealous and you get your revenge
What is this?
normal female behaviour. they're just attention whores. ignore and forget
Women are fickle.
Yeah, okay, but how the fuck do I find a girlfriend then if they just keep doing this shit? It's fucking annoying.
You either have to be Chad in her eyes


You have to find a Christian girl that actually fears hell enough not to cheat on you and love you as a person.

here you go bro
kys bro
>You either have to be Chad in her eyes
This is the fucking Chad that these women are looking for
this is chad tho. just the more artsy classy version of chad. tall, white, great long hair, handsome ( implied) that already counts out 99.9% of men
She's grossed out by guys that have facial hair. AKA real men. So as soon as you get that five o'clock shadow, you're gross. What this girl wants is Ken, the male barbie doll.
most young women don't like facial hair. hasn't that always been the case? they get into it more once they enter their late 20s/early 30s

being a slayer is often less about masculine behaviour or secondary features but masculine bone structure ( jaw, cheekbones, height, eye sockets, etc ) combined with femnine soft features ( great hair, eyelashes, skin) you could be metrosexual skinny faggot with a sharp face and outslay a grizzled masculine built dude wih a full beard by orders of magnitude
People will say that this normal female behaviour but it isn't. She was a crazy bitch and you dodged a cannon ball
Any stories to tell?
Yeah. One. That's why I know it's not normal behaviour. Sure young women tend to be more fickle but this is over the top and pathological behaviour. I had a girl like this as well. Blocking me. Then unblokcing the next day and flooding my phone, calling my friends. Then we hook up again ( I was a retard) and after a few days I get blocked again and the whole cycle repeats. Going from sending hearts to blocking your ass without any explanation is a huge blaring alarm siren
Well okay... but the one's I'm talking about just block and then never speak to you again.... ever.
Which is good. She did you favour. Going from 100 to 0 in a day is the sign of something who's mentally ill
Okay so how the fuck do I find a normal woman that isn't looking for some alien ass looking faggot faced "chad" motherfucker?
poop emoji?
I need the song in this stupid video so badly, all I get is
Peach Daiquiri 〰 173 (Open Beta)
Fire by Bin There Dump That, Detroit's Finest, Loot Pack
But nowhere to fucking listen to it besides Apple Music apparently.
she's not yours until you make her pregnant
casual TRVKE
She just saved you months of head/heartache. Sorry she got your hopes up like that. Stupid bitch behavior
I love you, how the fuck did you find it?
You didn't respond quickly enough, dude. She figured you weren't interested and moved on.
The fuck you mean I didn't respond quickly?! Dude, I fucking made it very fucking clear I wanted to be her boyfriend and that we should date. Very fucking clear. Like I don't know how many other fucking ways a guy can say "I want you as my girlfriend" but I fucking said it.
She has no incentive to stay with you if she's just a girlfriend. She can literally walk out anyday. If she's pregnant she can't just walk. Kid needs its father.
That is some based misogyny there, anon. Impressive.
You know how you have saveslots in visual novels, this is the closest real life equivalent.
File: ETBsoyjak.png (39 KB, 1500x1500)
39 KB
It's easier said than done, but you know what's worse than not being chad?

Being insecure about not being chad.
probably found out you post pepes
>It's easier said than done,
How? You nigger face. How?

Fuck you pepe rules
Women are most susceptible to media, propaganda and indoctrination
And young girls have always been conditioned into liking faggy pretty boys popstarts
The "masculine" men are attractive to older girls/women
He's baiting you
This. They only reach out because they don't want to be alone. It doesn't have anything to do with YOU.
>She's grossed out by guys that have facial hair. AKA real men
It's because their hormones are all fucked up. They're supposed to be receptive to high testosterone in men. If they're not, they are FUCKED UP and nothing good will come from interacting with them.
>Being insecure about not being chad.
You SHOULD be insecure about not being Chad. It means you understand reality & your place in it. Confident ugly manlets are fucking retarded and women despise them for trying to punch above their weight & act like something they're not.

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