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I really hate to say it but I've come to the conclusion that I will be alone for most of my life.

Basically all my life since I was little I've always dreamed of finding a guy I love who loves me. Life has shown me that most guys are trash and that life is too.

I'm genuinely wondering if maybe the only solution is to marry a guy who is 60 years old and might actually value me and stick with me because of the huge age gap.

On the other hand, I'm wondering if I should just be completely alone at that point.

Like I don't see any future for myself where I am old and not alone. Men tend to die 10 years earlier than women anyway, which means I will spend the loneliest years of my life alone anyways. And what's the point? So that the last 10 years I'm alone and the 10 before then I'm caring for someone who is dying and not getting paid for it?

I've tried meeting people on 4chan but literally nobody wants to meet me from there anymore and all they do is bully and attack me.

It used to be easier to meet people, not sure what's happening with the world but I genuinely think it's doomed. Men's brains have been completely rotted from fake fantasies online. Nobody even likes women anymore or wants to be with them.

Is there any other advice anyone can think of?

Also stick to the topic, if you just want to swear at me don't even comment.
>I've tried meeting people on 4chan but literally nobody wants to meet me from there anymore and all they do is bully and attack me.

Yeah dont meet guys from here. All you’ll get are male BPDs and unsocialised coomers.
You've spent too much time online and believe all kinds of rot. Normies that don't spend hours in shit holes like this manage to get friends and relationships so you have to see how your thoughts and (in)actions are a result of what you've been consuming and who and where you've gotten it from.
I'm kinda the same as you. I think having a man in my life would do nothing but detract from my peace and safety. There's really no benefit. Being with a shitty person who doesnt like you is actually even more lonely than simply being alone.
Idk I met one guy who actually treated me decent problem was he wanted 10 kids and was very religious. They can't ALL be bad?

Surely there are ok guys who have used it? Where do normal men go online? Don't say they don't go online because I don't think that's possible these days

I met some people off reddit in the past, they weren't any better. Tinder is dogshit as everyone knows.

Tried going to some IRL meetup groups in the past and literally the quality of people wasn't any better. Just some weird fuckboy divorced men who wanted to get with me, or some bpd guys. Honestly there might've been like 1 or 2 ok guys but they were basically either too shy or asexual/gay. Maybe they needed a few more months to warm up to me, and decide that maybe they'll "give me a try" even though I don't look EXACTLY like their dream girl archetype (but bro she must be blonde and exactly 5 ft 4 otherwise she is not my type)

There was a group leader in one of them who seemed to like me but he was MARRIED. also another married guy seemed very interested. They're literally just there to chest on their wives kek. Most other people in that group were couples.

I also tried going rockclimbing. I tried asking like 2 guys a question over my time there, which was a few days or so, and they were both extremely rude. They're either autistic or think they can do better, or taken or gay. I don't even look that bad but I genuinely think men just don't want anything.

Maybe I do need to date older men but where do you find them. Plus if they're divorced it's a red flag anyways.
> Life has shown me that most guys are trash and that life is too.
“Oh, woe is me! I meet all of the criteria to have just about any man I could ever possibly want, but I’d rather whine on an anonymous image board than actually put any effort in.”

The problem with your sex is that you’ve all become a bunch of insufferable narcissists. It’s all gone to your head that you’re these perfect infallible creatures held captive by “toxic” masculinity. News flash honey, fewer and fewer men are buying the victim mentality. I had a girlfriend for over 3 years who did nothing but manipulate, lie and cheat on me. Every time I questioned it she would make me out to be the bad guy. I loved her with my whole fucking heart and all it got me was more bullshit. I bought her a car, provided her a place to stay and showered her with love and anything she wanted. You know what I got? Almost murdered on two separate occasions with literally no remorse from her. Two wrecked vehicles and a TRO to keep her away from me and yet I still think about her every single fucking day. Don’t dare come in here whining about how hard you have it as a female when all of modern civilization caters to your every whim with zero expectations of responsibility and/or accountability
>Idk I met one guy who actually treated me decent problem was he wanted 10 kids and was very religious. They can't ALL be bad?

The only decent men on here are the ones who don’t try to use 4chan to find girls. I’d sooner cut my dick off than date a girl from here. It’s asking for trouble, doing that. If you look at /soc/ for example, it’s just filled to the brim with narcissistic shallow degenerates who just wanna meet so they can fuck or live out some weird kink.

>where do normal men go online
we don’t go looking for dates or relationships online for a start. I met my wife online, but I wasn’t looking for relationships online, i wasnt some desperate or horny loser on some love quest. I met her through happenstance online, discussing a mutual interest/topic. Became friends, kept talking, then things grew into love for one another and we now live together.
>The problem with your sex is that you’ve all become a bunch of insufferable narcissists.
Not OP, i’m the other guy. Don’t let your rationality become delusional just because you dated a two-timing whore. I got burned by a psychotic chick too before I met my wife, it hurt like a motherfucker so I get it. But nah not all women are like that.

The reason I fell for shit women was because I lacked self respect and fell for shit women. Couldn’t see the red flags, and it was cuz I lived with the delusion that women could do no wrong/were princesses so I didn’t see it coming. I developed that assumption because my father was abusive and my mom was my protection growing up. So I auto-trusted every woman every time. And I fell for psycho shit. Meme as old as time bro.

You’ll find a good one, honest you will. But don’t go believing its all women. That attitude will hold you back.
>That attitude will hold you back.
The point I was trying to make is that I am a GOOD guy. I’m not perfect by any means, but I know for a fact that I have a lot more good traits than bad and yet I have had ZERO luck with women. I’m approaching 30 and feel that my time is up. My health is deteriorating and my opportunities dwindling with every second. I wanted to have children with that woman. I wanted to marry her. How do you move on from someone who was your first everything? It’s insulting to me when women complain about not finding the “good” man when there are way more of us than they care to admit. Their words betray their thoughts/actions/intentions every single time. They don’t really want a good man. They want whatever their hormones tell them is best in the moment. And then when that doesn’t pan out it’s back to this “woe is me, all men are trash” meme. Maybe take a good hard look in the mirror OP. I’m fucking done trying. I’m going to live for myself, stay in my own lane and die alone because it’s simply not worth trying to appease women.
You dont sound like a good man. You sound unhinged. You're litetally lashing out at an anonymous stranger who wasn't even talking to you like a fucking psycho
Well you’re on the right track. Good for you, do get rid of your Mr. Nice Guy complex. Stop being neurotically agreeable. That is what held me back too, as a man. Stop trying to be ‘good’. But don’t become bad either. You can be and should be disagreeable as well as agreeable, as a man. Just don’t fall into becoming abusive, homie. You will need just enough disagreeableness to protect your boundaries and to cultivate self respect.

You’ll attract the right woman this way. The one who respects you and your boundaries, that means a woman who isn’t a two-timing slut, a decent and virtuous woman. Happened to me, will happen to you. Let go of complaining about women, stop caring. Lean into your masculinity and focus on being your own man. Shit will get better. When you marry a good woman, you can eventually lower your guard again, little by little. Once you know the woman is worth it, you give her your gentle loving side that you kept protected. Don’t go giving that part of you to any random woman who gives you validation, has to be given go the right one.
I already live that way. I no longer go out of my way to be nice. I don’t simp and I don’t even try to please people desu. I have two friends in the whole world who I would do anything for, but I don’t bother talking to women because they’re all chameleons. And, who knows, you may yet find yourself in my shoes one day.
You don’t know me at all. You don’t know nor could you relate to the utter hell I’ve gone through on more than one occasion for a woman who only pretended to love me for over 3 years. Don’t be so quick to judge without knowing the facts.
>And, who knows, you may yet find yourself in my shoes one day.
Nah nah, you’ll find yourself in mine. Married and at peace. I was in your shoes is my point, I dated a diagnosed BPD for 5+ years so I know the score lol. I know what it’s like to get cheated on several times, gaslit until my grip on reality melted, and then have my close friends turned against me all because some mentally ill chick I let into my life went on a rampage.
>Nah nah, you’ll find yourself in mine
I’m happy for you, but for me it’s not working out. My time here is almost up and I’m left with nothing but memories of being in love with someone who used me. I think the difference here must be that you weren’t head over heels with your bpd demon like I was with mine. You’re in a better position overall. You have your health and have been able to make a comeback by marrying a quality woman. It all just comes down to luck and happenstance in the end.
>marry a guy who is 60 years old and might actually value me and stick with me because of the huge age gap.
Lol old dudes who marry young girls dont do it because they're simps, they do it so they can fuck HOT young babes again, not some crusty ass old fart their age. If you're not 1. A 10/10, 2. Under 24, AND 3. Willing to fuck some old dude, then you're shit out of luck when it comes to marrying an old guy. If you're some ugly bitter femcel neet, chances are they will ignore and turn you away like the losers on this site.
You sound creepy and autistic... its no wonder no one sticks around. A "good" man wouldn't have to announce that hes a good man, and the fact that you keep bringing it up in your argument just proves how delusional you are. I dont use this word and I truly do not believe most guys are it, but you my friend are the perfect example of a bitter incel. Grow up nigga.
I’m not your friend and I’m not an incel.
Meet someone at church (singles groups). If they are someone who lives by the Golden Rule they will not betray you on moral grounds. However, there's also a more cynical group-logic reason this is true beyond the ethical argument: being socially isolated makes people very crazy. People who are in a persistent community have greater incentive to behave well. Nobody wants to go to church small group and be "that guy who cheated on his gf", it raises the cost for betrayal significantly.

Now, you could simulate this less effectively by dating someone in another community you share, like at your cooking class or whatever hobby you have. However, since these groups are not fundamentally based on the proposition of moral behavior, you run the risk that nobody cares about morality there.

Just my thoughts, best of luck to you anonette. If it is any encouragement, I used to be a real doomer KHHV until I was 26 and now I'm 34, married, kid on the way, very happy with life.
>I've tried meeting people on 4chan but literally nobody wants to meet me from there anymore
It doesn't help that the only board that you're allowed to do it on is for level 99 normalfags
Yes, you are. You are also extremely autistic which doesn't help your case.
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I-I'm your friend?
No, I’m not. Stop projecting.
I'm 40 and recently single, I've also been on 4chan for basically all of my adult life while managing to maintain being normal and after trying to find some friends on here to take my mind off the loneliness all I can say is if you're under 30 you're fucked. You cunts all spend too much time online and seem to believe everything you read and see online about the opposite gender and react with extreme hostility. You want to be with each other but you all hate each other and treat the slightest personality flaw as an earth shattering deal breaker. You're not going to get along with 100% of people 100% of the time, couples argue, friends disagree, that life. You build a bridge and get over it and compromise, that's how relationships work.
>stop projecting
But I'm not the one with autism, you are.
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>you’re autistic because I say you are, ok?
Never said they had to be looking, but you can be open to it happening which apparently no one is except on soc
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If you fall for this obvious larp, you're retarded and I have an Eiffel Tower to sell you.
As usual my thread is just some man taking it over to get advice for himself.

You can't make this shit up.
just go to crystal cafe
They do that to my threads too and I'm a man
The website is literally closed and doesn't work anymore.

Yeah it's pathetic.
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>Idk I met one guy who actually treated me decent problem was he wanted 10 kids and was very religious. They can't ALL be bad?

This is why I think every single "lo and behold, a female!" post on 4chan is a larping troll because they all seemed designed to make women look like the most delusional, unpleasant cunts possible. The alternative is you really are a dumb hoe who thinks a dude is "bad" just because he is religious and wants lots of kids.

Newsflash to OP and also everyone else here: Nobody is perfect and literally everyone you will ever get into a relationship with, assuming you actually have enough social acumen and courage to achieve it or just get plain lucky, will inevitably come with traits that you hate about them. The entire point is to learn how to get along with other human beings. I sometimes think that 99% of why most anons are alone is because they expect a girlfriend to be the equivalent of an obedient automaton rather than a human being with unique quirks.
Ok guess it's back? I checked a few days ago and it had been down for months. Check the lolcow threads about it.

Either way how is that website going to help me
This post is literally just you venting about your personal issues
Its not gonna help you. Its a femcel website for female autists only. Mentally ill place full of psycho chicks who self mutilate for fun.
so that you can hang around with other like-minded individuals. because think about it, when dudes make this thread they say they say the exact same shit and get the same responses as you did
>Like I don't see any future for myself where I am old and not alone.
>I've tried meeting people on 4chan but literally nobody wants to meet me from there anymore and all they do is bully and attack me.
>It used to be easier to meet people, not sure what's happening with the world but I genuinely think it's doomed. Men's.Women's brains have been completely rotted from fake fantasies online.
If you KNOW you're the type of person who's going to be alone, either accept it or stick with communities that share the same fate - that's why I'm still on 4chan for almost 20 years.
>Didn't even read my post but wrote paragraphs
>How is that website going to help me
Okay, I have to spell it out.
It's going to help you so that you can hang around with other like-minded individuals. I know this isn't the answer you want to hear but loners have to deal with shit hands.
Well it's not reliable cause it keeps going down so it's basically useless
If that is your dog, you should join a convent.
Otherwise you can apply for a position in my harem, I guarantee I'm a good man.
What's a convent
FWIW a girl asked me out when we were 16. W e have been together over 15 years now and happily married for over 10 years.
that's so interesting thanks for your contribution and advice
Send booba pic, maybe I'll invite to my place. I can make us some tandoori/tikasala. I will give you the best foot massage for dessert. If you behave, I will give you sexy time in the night
Hit the personality gym.
It's okay. Also you're lovable to someone. Online dating can be tough, it's really easy to be too far for the effort of building rapport, and it's really easy to offend someone and change their entire imagined conception of you. Desperation seems to be a necessity unless you are using an online platform that utilizes glamour.
>Also stick to the topic, if you just want to swear at me don't even comment.
You're clearly not fit for here, and you know you won't get any good advice in this shithole, so why are you talking to me?
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You keep picking tash guys, bitch.
>Men's brains have been completely rotted from fake fantasies online.
Ehh, my shit's pretty unrealistic so it's super easy to cut that out when looking.
>Nobody even likes women anymore or wants to be with them.
Probably because a lot of them act like attention whores, put little effort into themselves, or are high maintenance with high standards. I've been cycling through bumble, hinge, tinder, match, boo, catholic match, salt, upward, iris, hily, and a few others for over 5 years now and the main problems I've seen are
>just pics and a social media handle
>sedentary lifestyle
>"likes to travel" (I'm too busy trying to build money for a family to be blowing 1000s of dollars to visit spain for a week, and I know about passporting)
>smokers, tattoos, excessive drinking (as in >50% of pics have a drink in hand or they talk about bottomless alcohol brunches)
>wanting a super religious guy who's read the bible front, back, sideways etc and is a prayer leader who listens to worship music all the time
I know not all women are like that but I hate approaching women irl because I have no idea what they are like or their current status and I need billboard sized signals to confidently proceed.
>Men tend to die 10 years younger
That's because dangerous jobs are skewed towards men, not natural lifespan. If you have 4 guys who die naturally at 90 and one guy who does a cotton candy impression around an industrial lathe at 30, the average life expectancy drops from 90 to 78.
>I've tried meeting people on 4chan
Wrong move, pledge. Every board teaches you that there are no women on the internet. If you're /pol/, they are honey potters.

Honestly, just approach guys if you like them. If your cat and mouse games aren't working, stop playing them. There are nice guys out there who will treat you well, but they are just too nice to bother you initially. Once they know you want to be locked on by them, they will bend over backwards to lock on.

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