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neet here, parents are *kindly suggesting* i go get a fucking job but all i've gotten from the places i've applied to is radio silence.
dad suggested i go work for amazon but i've heard alot of people screeching that its shit, although i dont know if i really have any other option.
theres also alot of small fast-food places near-ish-by but i dont have alot of faith in them since a lil caesars in that area also completely ghosted me.
i've thought about being a food delivery guy since a friend of mine is one and it seems decently easy but i dont have a drivers license so i would have to get a bike.
any recs?
sports referee
huge demand, minimal training, work on your own schedule, and you don't even have to get things right

How do meet cro-magnon women as a neaderthal man?
The best you can do is selectively breeding for less domestic traits.
Are you kidding me? Neanderthal men are jacked, bestial, and have huge cocks... You literally just show up at their base camp and kill their men and they literally throw themselves over your shoulder to have you bring them back home...
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Unironically go to Polynesia/Indonesia, as they had the last extant populations of. Cro Magnons, unless you buy the theory that Australian Aborigines are part Cro Magnon, in which case you should go there and take up trucking.

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Just graduated high-school recently, I was dead set on nursing but working as a nursing assistant hit me like a brick. I don't wanna wipe ass and get abused like that. I'm now unsure of what I wanna do and am anxious for my future. I've been looking at being an x-ray technologist and that doesn't seem too bad. Also been looking at IT, I know the tech field is saturated but it doesn't seem too crazy and going to university is something I'd like to experience. (VA would pay for it) Any advice? Just at a crossroads and looking at all my options available. I wanna feel a hunger to learn and socialize.
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Why'd you choose nursing in the first place?
An AS isn't really deep into science. It's just the associate for STEM vs associate of arts which is more general. You can do an AA instead, it's just an AS looks better. And if you end up doing anything related to nursing or the medical field you'll probably need those classes anyway.
Do either
Don't sell yourself short
DO NOT discouraged yourself
DO NOT get demoralized by "realists"

If you have a hunger, go for it

Hell if you wanna do nursing give it a go at least for a bit, don't eat the horror stories scare you if that's what you want
>t. 26 yo computer Information Systems graduate who got scared out of doing psychology and film, his DREAM majors
How has Information Systems gone for you? I'm an outsider looking in since I haven't taken any relevant classes to IT or tech.
My brother does it and I look up to him. He's very stoic and is doing well. I did lots of healthcare classes in high-school and became an officer in the little healthcare occupation organization we had. Seemed like a tough but rewarding career, but upon review I don't know if I'd get fulfillment being an RN.

Just graduated high-school recently, I was dead set on nursing but working as a nursing assistant hit me like a brick. I don't wanna wipe ass and get abused like that. I'm now unsure of what I wanna do and am anxious for my future. I've been looking at being an x-ray technologist and that doesn't seem too bad. Also been looking at IT, I know the tech field is saturated but it doesn't seem too crazy and going to university is something I'd like to experience. (VA would pay for it) Any advice? Just at a crossroads and looking at all my options available.
If you didn't have to pay bills, what would you do and why?
You should go for something that will eventually land you a job. As a rule of the thumb: Anything in MINT (I may add: legal).
There's plenty of medical jobs that don't involve wiping ass. I suggest you get a generic degree as electrical engineering or mechatronics and use that degree to work in medical.
Advantages include: If medical field is saturated in the future you won't have troubles working in any other field. If it's fine, then you can still work in medical.

Generally speaking: Try to get the hardest, most prestigious career you can hope to reach and see where it takes you. If you hit a road block, you can often switch to a bit easier variant.
Are you anything already? You can keep being what you are until you are able to profit from it.

i have no interests or hobbies currently. nothing is fun, nothing is interesting, nothing is fulfilling. i just want to sleep forever :(
please help, ill provide more info if needed
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i can kinda play guilele now and that's fun and makes listening to music interesting again, and i drink a lot of water, and eat tasty things and go to bed early, and sometimes work on my game, and watch a lot of youtube and sometimes the youtube gets me to learn other stuff. Iunno it's fun. I can read and write hiragana too. Lots of other things. And I do 30 pushups a day currently and might increase to 40 soon. I know most of the countries which makes geopolitics more interesting. I'm good at literary analysis which makes art more interesting. Learn stuff.
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you don't have an adorable girlfriend
Sounds like depression, go to a doctor and check yourself.

Before you do anything else, fix your diet and walk/run/hike at least an hour, at least twice a week. Treat those as medicine, not as hobbies. You desperately need them.
you're in a depression. and you're in a depression because you're too much of a mental pussy to deal with whatever has been troubling you for a long time.

there are 2 options. either learn the hard way ASAP or learn the even harder 5 or 10 years from now

figure out the root. figure out the solution. easier said than done, but it's only the most important thing you can do for yourself
You should try learning about the Jews.

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tl;dr Haven't heard from my penpal in a month, should I reach out?

>GF of 4 years has an illness and I travel a lot for work so we don't talk much during the week
>friends are getting married and having children so don't have anyone to talk to really
>find a penpal place on Plebbit and make a post
>make a post, most of the replies are shit or trannies
>one reply from a girl who is a few years younger, also in a relationship
>exchange e-mail for about 8 months, usually one email every fortnight, e-mails are 10k words each with the last one from her being 18k
>no reply for a few weeks, send her an e-mail to see if everything's okay
>she replies, says she's really busy with work and apologises for the delay, says she'll reply soon
>no reply for a month and a half
>still active on Plebbit

I have a rule that I never reach out to someone twice so I don't want to chase her up again. I enjoyed talking to her though and it was fun to have someone to talk about everything and anything, especially as we both love to read. I made another Penpal post on Plebbit but it's just trannies and boring people so deleted my account.

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I'm a shitty son & even though my dad has set me up for everything I've still been ungrateful and uncaring. I've said some legitimately horrible stuff that I wish I could take back. How do I make it up to him? I'm worried I might have ruined his life & he's already getting older - I regret all the time I've wasted being moody and terrible
Suck it up and apologize.
Let him fuck you in the ass

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Im a man , I dont masturbate but I have a femdom fetish. I frequently consider paying a femdom prostitute to beat me up \kicks and punches, flogging, hit with can cane...however this would be extremely inmoral (it's unfair towards my fellow men -or even women, fellow humans- whom makes less money because they oppose prostitution and, thus, don't work at that. It's also unfair towards working class men (of which Im not one, honestly) who would LIKE to afford a femdom prostitute, but just can't)
That said: this femdom experience is almost a bucket list item of mine...Should I just do it, do it next week and have my shit fun, and then never repeat it nor think about that again?
>Should I just do it, do it next week and have my shit fun, and then never repeat it nor think about that again?
If that's the plan, sure. Especially if it means you never make another post this gay ever again.

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Im about to graduate with my PhD in Electrical/Computer engineering. Idk what to do with my life, I’m so tired of being poor but I love working in science. Do I give up the passionate work for pay? I hear ECE PhDs can easily get a job paying like 200k-300k in the states
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find an edge for day trading
>I hear ECE PhDs can easily get a job paying like 200k-300k in the states

I think easily is a stretch for anyone, but if you are not a US citizen then it will probably be very difficult, even with a PhD.
I probably cannn get to you now. To best of your knowledge, as you think may be, is not to the best of mine.

1. I can't see properly
2. What you need to produce for me is some kind of mirror/mirage influencing me to do the best I truly know

I'll try explain the security leak. In a collapses lucidity but a room of such captured rising lucid.
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Instead of becoming a wagie, become a maid and wear a cute maid outfit and use your education to produce advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research and release it to Public Domain on the /Sci/ence Foundation, so other maids can study and use it too.
You were more yes and it's not that hard for me

There's a way for you to create a good image in your next say

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>Tell me something interesting about yourself

How do I respond to this?
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Do you have an interest/hobby (besides vidya/jerking off) that really gets you passionate and happy? Talk about that. People like it.
not OP but what if most of my interests have been synergized to help me produce a video/board game one day?
I am the oldest son of the oldest son of the oldest son of the oldest son.
>you first
>"I have sex with women daily"
Let's try not to drift off to fantasy land okay buddy.

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I am autistic, I went to the doctor and the tests came positive. My parents don't know about it. I tried to embrace the autism, not anymore hiding and just being myself, but my parents got very confused and a bit mad since I acted very weird and I embarrassed them. I wasn't myself at all they said.
What do I do about it? How do I be myself when everyone I know thinks I am acting and I am not myself.
>Tell parents
They don't get it, they wont approve it at all. My father is very anti psychological and mother thinks autism isn't real if you aren't catatonic.
First off, congratulations man, I mean that genuinely. The self understanding that comes after this sort of thing is huge. It’ll be a balancing act between knowing how much is/was your responsibility and how much can explain your shortcomings. It’ll be tricky, hard, but very worthwhile.

So here’s lesson #1. You don’t need their validation. You can just simply accept they won’t give you their approval, even if it hurts, and it will, but you accept it hurts and accept they ain’t giving it. Then you acknowledge the lesson - just because someone doesn’t feel what you feel does not make what you feel not real. It’s a great lesson. Because when reversed, you can also assume that of others around you. Everyone is the main character of their own life, fren. They don’t know everything about the other, or themselves, but over time both can understand. We call that human connection.

You want them to understand cuz you wanna connect but they dont wanna + are genuinely being awful about it. So give up on seeking their approval. You can do this without hating them, just find the space between the black or white, the like or dislike, the love or hate. Examine the inbetweens of all things.
I came out to my mother as a self-diagnosed autistic and she accepted me.
Sorry that you're parents aren't as understanding.
I guess what I'd suggest you is to figure out what you'd gain from parents accepting you and your diagnoses and try to obtain that by other means.
Thank you.
I just find it off putting when trying to do things and interact with people and your mother is looking confused, saying "what are you kidding about, anon" and slapping my hand. I am not aiming for validation from strangers anymore, but all my relatives are going to act in the same manner, like I have been replaced by an android or I am just acting like a fool and they don't know if it's funny or sad.
Maybe I should watch my mouth and not be that full on autist, try to be a bit more presentable, but when I found out how much easier for me everything was when I just let go, going back depresses me. But I understand nor being just a rude asshole is good manners, and I don't try to be one at all. It's not about being able to just do whatever I want and pull out a card saying "sorry I am autistic" but they might think I am being an asshole on purpose when in the past I was just a nice boy.
>saying "what are you kidding about, anon" and slapping my hand.

Well that’s partly the reason why your parents might be unaccepting at first, might even be saying real harsh shit. Precisely because it means they have to admit that there was a part of their parenting they had failed at. They didn’t cause your autism at all, it’s genetic as far as we know, but the socialisation process? Forcing you to be a certain way ‘or else?’ That has consequences on their autistic kid when kid becomes adult. Especially if they were overprotective or overbearing and chastising you into adulthood.

And parents put on the spot like that are always gonna deny and get angry. Then maybe they cool down, self reflect, and admit it. That can take a short while or a long time, its up to them or not. But yeah, you aint gotta wait for it lol.

>Maybe I should watch my mouth and not be that full on autist
Be sure to have a community to unmask, that is extremely crucial to undoing decades or social anxiety and self esteem issues, The mask is partly what causes the social woes in autism. The other part is shit you had no control over back in childhood, namely sensory issues making you avoid it and thus werent able to pick up social skills at crucial milestones. Which is where parents should have helped, but alas, they dont believe in autism. Do try to forgive them.

Good luck man, and heres to a good future

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My iPhone X died last night after I forgot to plug it in and after doing so this morning the charger turns it on, and it's at 1 or 2 percent battery, and the phone works for 30 seconds before it dies again. All 'fixes' to this say to let the phone charge for a while, but I can't, it won't stop turning on then dying.
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1000 euros for that
you deserve it faggot
The fact that your charger can't simultaneously power the phone and keep the battery's voltage up would suggest that you're using a 1A charger, like the small wallwarts that came with older iPhones.
Try an iPad charger or any third-party that supports fast charging over Lightning, and you shouldn't have this problem.
You can't charge an iphone while it is switched off. It has to be on. It's time to get a new phone, man. Get a second hand one so it's a little easier on the wallet.
>You can't charge an iphone while it is switched off.
No this can't be right
Does your phone have wireless charging capabilities? There might be something wrong with your charging port, but wireless charging should still work.

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I got pretty into the healthcare classes at our school, even being an officer in our little health occupations club lol. Additionally my brother is a nurse and encouraged me to do the same. I look up to him, he's very stoic and driven while im abit more meek but I still enjoy learning and want to push myself.

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>ask my friends to hang out
AVOID, i am afraid
>Reconnect with relatives
Avoid, ashamed
>Do my hobbies
AVOID, too involved
>Social events
AVOID, stressful
>Chores to do
AVOID, overwhelming
>Debts to pay
AVOID, ashamed
>Bank error

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I-is that a problem? Oh god I'm gonna... I'm gonna fucking AVOOOOOOOOID AHH GOD I'm AVOOOOOOOIDING
HAhahaHAH yeah thats my life

My wife left me.
We've been living together for about 7 months. I came home from work last night and she was gone. Said she was going to hotel to clear her mind from me and everything. She left my credit card, insurance card, keys to the house and car, and our wedding certificate. She's been giving me the silent treatment for days or a week+ every time we argue, which has been a lot. since she refuses to communicate, nothing has been fixed. She was adamant on divorce yesterday before work.

Is this salvageable? I told her we should do couple's therapy, since the situation is very toxic. she said no.

I'm unsure if she'll come back. I've read that the best way to play this is to not beg and to stay strong. Any other tips or advice?

I feel guilty for neglecting her, but work has been absolutely horrible. In addition, we've had just straight up bad luck. lots of health issues(shes recovering from surgery rn) and this has added a ton of pressure on the struggling relationship. I'd sort of checked out and been in "survival" mode for a few months after the silent treatment started.

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