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Whenever you come up with a new concept, how do you memorize it? Using paper? A notebook? A text file? Do you instantly communicate that idea with others? Do you keep it a secret until it is a fully grown concept, understandable for others?
write it down, then return to it after the initial momentum dies down. if it’s good, it will be self-evident. if not, ditch it.
Google search/chatgpt so i know if it's already been done. usually takes about 3 minutes and its always been done before

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Went on a second date with a girl the other day, we had fun and but I ended up spending over 300 dollars on her as I paid for everything that day.
I suggested we split next time and suddenly she turned super dry until she sends me this.
Am I cooked anons
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This. Literally all of fucking this. Christ op youre fucking young and dumb.
Blocking her is a sperg move that only a wierdo would do. You should have just nexted her
Now she'll tell all her friends you are a creep.

You played this very very poorly. Are you 15? Is this the first girl you've ever taken out?
Ok but tbf she unfollowed me and I don’t want to have her influencer shit appear on my feed
Also nah she’s not, I’ve never been in a relationship but I’ve had a few flings here and there and I’m not a virgin
whatever, it's done now. just move on from her and take this experience to heart.

we've all had to learn it in some form another throughout our dating lives.

when women like this present themselves, filter them out.

How the fuck can i stop smoking and drinking?
Help me pls fuckin help me i suck im shit and i cannot stop
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I'm literally 28 years clean off this stuff I don't get what the struggle is. Don't buy it, don't ingest it. Simple as
The first step is to recognise that smoking and drinking are likely (exacerbating) symptoms of the problem and not the problem itself. The second, much harder step, is to identify and address the real problem.
read 'Kick the Drink... Easily!' by Jason Vale
literally all you need
do one at a time if you’re in deep. i’d give up drinking first. easiest way to do it is to taper down and not have it around. become aware of how you feel and think now, and how you feel after a day or so of sobriety. keep track of how long you’ve been sober. you’ll start to build a case for not drinking. then, you can keep rules for drinking responsibly (i.e. only two when out) when you reintroduce it into your life if you want. kill those stupid alkie beliefs like “hair of the dog”, “my people have high tolerance”, etc.

smoking is harder and is usually because you’re drinking. smoking sucks, you stink and eventually get a consistent cough you start to ignore. find the stress in your life that makes you smoke and find better habits for controlling your reaction to it.
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for smoking, take note of how many cigarettes you smoke a day over the course of a week. then, you should smoke one less cigarette than you did the previous day [if you smoked 10 on monday then smoke 9 on tuesday and so on]. you need to pick a day to start this though,so keep in mind how many you smoked the day prior when you start quitting.

you do this to slowly acclimate your body into taking in less and less nicotine and by the end of it, ideally, you wont be craving it at all. keep your mind and hands occupied and show some self control and you'll make it through. but you have to want to quit otherwise you're not going to. not sure about quitting alcohol because i drink once in a blue moon.

keep your head high OP. shit's tough but you'll feel 100x better when its all said and done. good luck

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>Meet a girl on tinder
>We actually hit it off asap
>lots to talk about
>sexual attraction through the roof
>lots of chemistry in general
>she has 3 kids and 4 cats
>rotates the kids to her baby daddy every other weekend who has his own wife
>apparently had 2 other guys she tried settling down with but 1 was a pyscho she had to take to court and the other was about to move in but got cold feet and broke up with her just before finalizing the move

Is this a giant bombshell i'm walking into? I have no kids of my own but take care of my nephew at home because I live with my sister. She also said on her profile she doesnt want anymore kids but literally every women says this.
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They get attached to people easily. People with BPD are awful to be around.

Just avoid her. Ghost her, block her. Man you don’t need to get involved with someone like her.
My advice would be to take it slow. She could be batshit or she could be a great person with some bad relationships. You won’t really know at the beginning. It will become clear as you build your relationship. If she wants you to meet her kids quickly or move in quickly - I would take that as a red flag. If she’s keeping up with any of these guys (except the father of her children) I would also take that as a red flag. Other than that have fun and enjoy the process of a new relationship. The answers will come in time.
>They get attached to people easily.
Shes already talking about potential marriage and shit like that and stupid fuck lil old me entertaining it as a rizz play but I didnt realize this

>>she has 3 kids and 4 cats
Absolutely fucking not, holy fuck if you get within 10 city blocks of her its fucking over for you.
>Shes already talking about potential marriage
That's a huge red flag. It's is quite early to judge her, so if you want to give it a try, be extremely careful.

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Last Episode: >>31580283
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If I’m Indian then you’re a man.
I'd note that tall guys aren't usually as confident as people on the internet believe. Recently I was strolling through a park and a 6'8"ish guy walked past with a very elegant looking young woman at his side. She had the "balayage" hair and everything. 5'7" tall. She looked tiny next to him. And my man was literally tryharding his way through the date, telling her how it's been difficult to find fitting clothes due to his height and how he had to order some from another country. He was legitimately nervous and she was letting him put in the work.
>taller men tend to have more partners and children
Yeah no shit. Short men are being bred out of existence. Without incel religion we would have achieved that long ago.
I never claimed being tall makes you chad automatically. But if he was 5‘8 he would not have been on that date to begin with.
That is not how this works.
>Yeah no shit. Short men are being bred out of existence.
It's kinda funny how most people call this hyperbole but look at Europe lol

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Been without any friends for 5 years. I live with my father and sister so it’s not like I haven’t spoken to anyone in 5 years but it’s not the same. I don’t even know how to start, I figured I could try discord since I hear a lot about it. Has anyone here made friend/s on discord which they’ve met up with? Thanks
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What sane person would want to re-enter society?
What happens when your neighbors already dislike you because they've heard you yelling at Elden Ring?
Whatever you do, do not use discord. Maybe if you are like gen alpha or something but discord is like a well-greased pipeline for social alienation. You'll end up shooting up a grocery store or cutting your dick off or something.

I had good luck with getting a service industry job after being NEET. Obviously there are things that suck about it, but it plugs you into a social group and also makes you feel like a part of society because you're interacting with the public and practicing getting better and better at social skills. I made a ton of friends and fucked a bunch of women doing this.
Potentially, you could try some volunteer thing that's also like this, but keep in mind that a lot of places have scrapped their volunteer programs after COVID; it's not to say they won't take you, but they won't necessarily have job listings open. Try looking at organizations that interest you and actually emailing the volunteer coordinator. I kept running into places that had no openings and figured out that this was the way to do it.
Forgot to add, from someone who went from ex-NEET with no friends to normie. Another helpful thing was signing up for classes. I took a couple drawing classes and got in with a social group that way. Make sure to get ones that are in the evening or on the weekend, so that it's not all old people. It's a good setting because you have repeated interactions where you can just show up and do the thing and eventually people get to know you (vs. the 'will you be my friend' pressure of a meetup).

Remember to treat it all like an experiment. Even if one thing you try doesn't work out, it could tangentially open up a door to something that does. Even having people see you and know your name as an acquaintance or regular somewhere is a huge leap from zero.

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How do I cope with work being a never-ending stream of projects being added while existing projects are being worked on?
I work weekends and just burn out all the time.
It's hard to find any satisfaction when you can see past the illusion of all the work ever being completed prior to new work being added, or downtime to develop something else that makes the workflow operate more efficiently.
Kill yourself ig because that shit is never changing
Nice advice, dickhead
software dev here, i’ve lived this. here’s what you do:

slow your output down. spend that weekend where you were fixing yet another thankless issue and work on your resume. stack some cash aside for if you were to lose your job. put in your 30-40 hours a week (if that, ahah) and focus on your CAREER. Basically get ready to job hop.

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Is digitalis poisoning relatively painless? Thought about getting drunk and blowing my brains out, but I'd rather just drift off in nature.
Not an expert, but I think that it really isn't a pleasant experience. According to wiki, you will puke, shit yourself, find it hard to breethe and finally go into paralysis, suffocating while fully conscious.

Killing yourself isna stupid idea and there are many stupid ways to do it, but digitalis is the stupidest I've ever heard.
Eh, ok. I know it kills you through cardiac arrest, so I hoped maybe it would just shut me down, and there's tons of
foxglove growing wild where I'll be going, so I figured it'd be easy. Eh, guess I'll figure something else out.

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why the fuck is every girl cluster b? "just find a church girl" is an absolute meme.
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yeah, decent girls are all taken and are not on dating apps and clubs
More likely you've betrayed every man you've ever been with.

We know your game, females will always (and unprompted) tell random people "and then for no reason at all, ____ happened to me"

What that means

"I've done _____ to other people, but I want to deflect from my shitty behavioral patterns, so you're blindsided when I do it to you"

T. Just a dude who's fucked a lot of women, and realized that they all read from the same playbook
Everyday someone asks this question, the answer is simple you either date early like 16. if you missed the train you have to move on
>every girl is cluster b

You're telling on yourself here. Most likely you either have low self-esteem or some narcissistic qualities. Guys who feel like "BPD magnets" are almost always falling for the idealization phase; to most people this actually feels corny or unhinged, like they're coming on too strong, but if you need someone to really put you on a pedestal to feel good about yourself then you're gonna tune out people who aren't insane because a part of you is chasing that idealization. Look inward, and examine your sense of self. Do women who don't need you to rescue them scare you? Do you need to feel useful to a partner to feel good about yourself? Can you tolerate being with someone who doesn't immediately think you're hot shit right off the bat?

Really chew on these questions. You might discover subtle ways you're shooting yourself in the foot with girls that might be more right for you.

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Should I make decisions as if fate will decide or make decisions as if I am completely in control of my future? Can I still achieve my aspirations by somehow ignoring these existential concepts?
as long as you’re moving your life in a positive direction, conscious effort will pay off. believing in fate is like believing in prayer, which only helps soothe the existential anxiety and lack of control.
You have absolute, full control over everything. You are literally a god over yourself. Every failure and success is entirely of your own doing.
Everything you believe is true is fake and gay and literally undecidable due to godel incompleteness so you might as well adopt beliefs that help you and actually make you happy, in short apply a pragmatic mindset and believe you can succeed and then just keep trying

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How can I deal with anxiety about ex partners?

I mean this in both senses: both my current partner’s ex as well as my ex’s current partner. I’m in a position where I’m on good terms with my ex. Her and I hang out from time to time, and neither of us have any feelings for eachother beyond what you’d feel for a good friend. She’s seeing someone else and has been for six months. The idea doesn’t bother me at all on its own, but I’m worried that her new partner will make things awkward. I have no specific reason to think this. I’m just worried I’ll say the wrong thing or he will, and it’ll ruin a good friendship that I want to preserve.

On the other side of things, I’ve been dating a girl for about two months. I don’t think I’ve ever felt such a strong attraction to someone (in any sense of the word) as I do with my current partner. Like me, she’s on good terms with one of her ex’s. This situation makes me nervous because I’m anxious (again, sight yet unseen) that he’ll say something that makes me not want to be around him, which would compromise a friendship important to my partner. It doesn’t help that she’s told me he was a shit partner who never cared much about anything aside from work. She says he would yell at her when she asked him to do simple stuff like laundry.

I get that a good friend doesn’t necessarily make a good partner, but it’s hard to shake the knowledge that this guy squandered the good will of someone I care about. He seems nice enough in person, so I think this is mostly unfounded jealousy.

How should I work through this?
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> I don't fuck my exes because I don't keep in touch with them because I'm not a retarded mongoloid child
>Today you learned that you’re not me.
Well I guess I'm glad the special needs can at least find love like the rest of us, whatever it looks like
i don't understand how some men are fine with their girls having "friendships" with their EX's or really anyone for who they have had romantic/sexual desires in the past,how cucked do you have to be?
they are either keeping their ex boyfriends around as backup incase their new relationship fails or to make you jealous,and this applies to both your current GF and your EX
Your gf doesn’t need to be on a first-name basis to cheat on you. I’d venture to guess you guys find other ways to poll for signs of cheating. There’s a decent chance you participate in build for BBC threads too.
And now we KNOW this is a troll thread
Imagine trying to shame people over the normal fucking response of staying out of your ex love partner's life for both your benefit
It was awkward at first but we're both overtly polite people so we defused the tension with humor. I mean keeping things light is always safe and makes you appear secure at any rate.

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I have been applying to jobs seriously for a year now, July 2023. i am currently employed full time but I want a higher salary and better work environment. I am in finance as a senior, almost a decade of experience. I'm getting no luck.

>been at current company for a year, got lied to in interview about nature of the job so started looking last summer
>I got this job after only 3 months of applications
>interviewed with 34 companies since Jan 2024
>many I had multiple rounds for and got ghosted
>applying to staff, senior, and manager positions (been applying to manager positions in the last month only).
>in a large metro area applying for roles located here as well as remote
>I have a very unique name I google myself consistently and the only hits are for a current college athlete with my name who obviously is not me
Any advice?
You're doing something right to get that many interviews but honestly you're probably going to have to wait it out. Hiring has slowed way down if not stopped entirely for most industries. If companies are hiring at all they are being extremely picky and cautious. This is true across most industries at the moment

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i hate my job and the people i work with but i can't find another job in a different field or even just another job. it's driving me insane, like a noose slowly tightening ever day. i think i might end up quitting after i take all my vacation, then i've got maybe a year's worth of money to burn before i kms. anyone know that feel?
Real shit, do you have any hobbies that are based around socializing with people or do you just rot in your room 100% of the time outside of work?
i play video games. the most social interaction i get outside of work is seeing my hairdresser every 2 months
Working is masculine. Your work and your hobbies are two entirely different things. Ignore the faggots who claim that you should "do what you love and youll never work a day inyo life tee hee". Its a fucking lie and itll never improve if you have that mindset. Recognize that you will likely hate whatever stupid job you have. The importance of hobbies and external activities is to negate any ill content from your work. Its no wonder youre miserable if your daily life of interacting with people consists of stupid fuckwits at work. Point is that work will always be stupid, but necessary and should be treated as unshakable ground. Everything else in your life needs spice, not your work.

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Any medfags out there know what the cure is to lithium induced grimacing/mouth dyskinesia? Please help, i am so freaked out

i stopped the drug, cant see the doctor anymore because i moved. trying to get new doctor asap. when i asked him what to do he said stop taking it but i already stopped and the mouth movement persists
>i stopped the drug,
why were you on lithium for in the first place?
Depression /suspected bipolar

Its been fine off it honestly, been 2 weeks but I CANT STOP MOVING MY FUCKING MOUTH
I’m a former psych nurse. It’s been a few years so I’m a little rusty. What you are experiencing is called tardive dyskinesia. It has the potential to be permanent. When I worked inpatient, we were taught to treat it quickly - not sure why your doc didn’t want to intervene sooner.

I would call around to different psych offices tomorrow and tell them what you are experiencing. If you can’t find anybody who will see you that day or the next (really just trying to save you money) I would go to the ER. Do some research and find out which local hospital has the best psych program. It’s possible they will treat you in the ER but either way they will probably have you meet with their psychiatrist. You want the best if you can help it. The hospital social worker might be able to help get you into a psych office too for follow up care and can transfer your ER records over. I know dyskinesia is supposed to be extremely uncomfortable and I don’t love that you went off your meds without a plan. This is worth pursuing. Wishing you the best.

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My life peaked between 2008 and early 2015. After 2016 it became shit.
I was a voracious gamer during that period, played lots and lots of games, mods, etc. and made so many memories. I didn't have any responsibilities, and I actually enjoyed gaming.
After 2016 traumatizing events + getting blackpilled made me depressed and anhedonic.
I've tried to relive that era by buying and reinstalling every game that I've played, but it's not the same anymore. I don't enjoy gaming itself anymore.
The only alternative is to move on to a more adult lifestyle and find new, although boring, adult things to do instead and "mature".
But I feel stuck.
What to do?
>+ getting blackpilled

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