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I just got a hip sex doll.
I fucked her immediately after opening the box.
It was very nice.
I "clothed" her with a sock so the thread wouldn’t get deleted.
Her hole is very nice. It’s a little small but when I was thrusting deeper I could see my dick literally stretching out her stomach so I guess it added to the fun.
This is so much better than my hand. The ass bounce, the sound inside the plastic, how it was gripping on my dick.
I’m never watching porn ever again.
Anyway now that I coomed, I’m wondering how should I hide this thing?
I was thinking of an Ottoman chair with hidden storage but they are kind of expensive. Plus how could I dry and hide it at the same time in an enclosed space?
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>I just got a hip sex doll.
repent and join the Catholic Church sinner.
>an Ottoman chair with hidden storage but they are kind of expensive
The only thing more pathetic than what you already did is thinking that a hollow ottoman is expensive.
>so many normalfags on /adv/
Why? Because they don't fuck a synthetic pussy? Wake up.
>I'm just hairier than most African descendants.
Pajeet larping as a nig, tale as old as their arrival on the Internet.
Women want equality and what not.
If it's acceptable to fuck a 12 inch dragon dildo with a vibrating anal attachment, a fake cum dispenser and a Bluetooth control scheme, then a plastic as ought to be fine too.
This is the feminist materialism they voted for.

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Why is it so hard to find a girl online?

I've been looking for 10 years, not a single one of them stuck around.

I've been on chatrooms, dating sites, forums, social media. You name it, I've been on it.

Absolutely nothing. What the fucking fuck?
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so what? you can go to university at any age
thats horrible advice.
Such is life
First of all, the other replies are right, if you're looking for a relationship, don't bother with online women. I've been in two e-relationships and both of them ended with the girls getting bored a few months in and ghosting me. Like the other anons are saying, there's only like a third of a connection that you're getting with this person as opposed to real life, neither of you will be truly happy. With that being said though, if you just wanna have some fun and see e-pussy, this is my method. Play Overwatch. I know it sounds like I'm joking, but that game is crawling with e-girls in the discord and in the custom lobbies. If you match make on discord or talk in customs for long enough, and you aren't completely socially retarded, you'll find a girl that likes talking to you on there soon enough. Trust me even if you are a basement dweller they will probably still like you, they are attention whore dregs of society, fun to play around with, but do yourself a favor and do not get attached to them under any circumstance
This is why i never give the moids of overwatch anytime of day. Fucking worthless scrote. You are. Kek.

I've been unemployed for about a year now. My career is in software engineering. I think have a few options here to explain the gap:

1. I had a health issue for the last year that left me bed-ridden.

2. I was taking of an ill family member while also daytrading and working on personal projects in the meantime.

3. My friend who owns a business would vouch for me working there. But there is now website or any visual software product for the business. It's some sort of talent acquisition business for music(He's a manager as well as a musician).

These are the best three that I can come up with. What do you guys think? Any anons have better ideas?
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oh shit are you spreadsheet anon?
who the fuck cares unless this is unemployment directly after college
i just told people i tried to code a game for a year but blamed graphics for it failing. i didnt get replies from most fags, some invited me and rejected me even though i was technically overqualified, the entire process is just extremely dehumanizing and humiliating. took around 5 months or so to find a place who took me. just keep trying and keep improving
You can say that you were doing freelance work. If you are skilled in software engineering then it should be easy to make up some BS.
man hentai/3d animation is so much better than real porn

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Imagine lying there with her warm body so close, I can feel the gentle pressure of her weight as she hovers above me. Her smile is soft, playful, filled with tenderness as she holds the makeup brush near my face. I can scent her feminine fragrance and clean skin and clothing. Every stroke is light, delicate, but it’s her presence that melts the world around us. I close my eyes and feel the warmth radiating from her skin, the way her breath brushes my face in rhythm with her movements. It’s not just the makeup she’s painting on me—it’s the quiet intimacy, the love in every detail. When I open my eyes, she’s still there, her smile brighter than anything she could ever put on my skin.
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I think aids is a disability
why has this shit spiked so much on this site recently. it's not funny, it's not accurate, it's just weird
It's over and you know it.
Lmfao at you virgins. I love being married
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All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to

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(For context, I'm a senior in high school and female)
Is it better to date someone that's not entirely my type because I can, it might be fun, and for experience, or to wait to have my "first love" or whatever with someone that I really like?
Any advice would be appreciated lol
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Idk what your situation is but let me guess
He’s ugly but you like his personality or somthing
You aren’t attracted to him but since he’s attracted to you you’re thinking of dating him
The Answer is, unless he’s just very fat or has bad haircut or is very skinny IE his flaw is somthing that he can change you prob won’t be attracted to him later, that dosnt mean you can’t just befriend him, just make sure he knows it’s platonic
That's pretty close to it! Whoa lol
Yeaaa that's a good point
I will do that
Thank you for the advice!!!!
>not entirely my type
You're attracted to something about him.
That's a more realistic foundation for a relationship than a perfect prince.
>because I can, it might be fun, and for experience
You're young and you still have time to figure it out. Take the time that most of us don't have and try to get to know the guy before rushing into things.
That's a really good point!! That makes sense
Thank you!!!
You're clearly not an empathetic person. Go ahead and break a guy's heart for some fun. That way you can get some D w/o being perceived as a slut.

I'm still in school but I haven't gone to any class for about a year, I'm extremely depressed and paranoid.. How can I start getting back into society again? The school has made attempts at getting me back but it doesn't work because I have no energy to do anything..
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based Ritsu poster

also guys I'm 35 and NEETing, how do I reenter society
You should kill yourself for posting porn
thank you saar for white blonde woman posting we will jerk off bloody cock very much to this image posted
what worked for me was having a complete breakdown and having a psychotic episode, going to the psych ward for 2 months and then trying from there. might i suggest seeing a doctor about antidepressants and unenrolling from school so you dont get too much of a bill?
Develop your philosophical, expressive and creative side. This way you can bypass then conformist trap altogether. Write and create, stay on the positive side.

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I LITERALLY CANNOT DO IT. The conversation turns super dry after like 5 mins max and it's me just sitting there saying absolutely nothing, same with them. That's with my "close" friends.
Like what the fuck am I meant to speak about? I can talk for 2 mins about what happened in class, then another 2 minutes about some other bullshit, then a minute of something else and then it's over.
There's nothing to say. Absolutely fucking nothing.
I have nothing in common with ANYONE!

Is this what happens when you grow up bullied and with very few friends? You literally just do not develop an ability to socialize?
I admit there is nothing to me. In my free time I mainly just refresh image boards after scrolling to the bottom of the page, but it's not like normies talk about super interesting topics either. It's mostly about games or sports or foids or maybe drugs. I can't even do that.

Some normies think i'm some mysterious smegma male at first, but quickly learn that i'm just a socially stunted, autistic, spaghetti-spilling retard.

Now what I mentioned above is what happens with males. Imagine what i'm like with vaginoids. Our lives diverged completely almost right out of the womb.
I'm never going to have a girlfriend. I'm going to die alone. It's so fucking over, fuck. FUCK!
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>This is more logical than whatever idea you have.
i think the issue is you're just a fag to talk to so no one bothers. try not to be passive aggressive for a start. you talk like someone with a learning disability. i could say anything i want but youre "smarter" anyway. i dont talk to people like this irl either, no one does.
I will rape you.
I cannot talk to people who are not on the same frequency as me. It's kind of crazy. I'll meet someone, and it's like we've known each other forever.
>Some normies think i'm some mysterious smegma male at first, but quickly learn that i'm just a socially stunted, autistic, spaghetti-spilling retard.
So others experience this, weird.
I get that a lot people think I'm super mysterious because how secretive I am. Old roommates thought i was a foreigner
But I'm actually just a total loser with no life
Drinking alcohol helps with the talking slightly
I've been isolated for years. I don't feel any strong sense of relation to anyone
When someone tells me they missed me, I instinctively don't believe them or suspect they're secretly making fun of me
>Is this what happens when you grow up bullied
It's what happens when you're a retard.

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I am the same 36-year-old man who posted the thread on /x/ about the demon dog. However I have a much more earthly problem with my other neighbor.

My other neighbor, his name is Steve. He has a very heavy accent I cannot understand, and he is not a very nice person. One of his windows is across from my downstairs window.

One day I was dressed like a Pokemon girl, specifically May, during a contest roleplay with some friends in the downstairs room. But then, I saw a flash coming from across the street. We stopped the roleplay and one of my friends said he thought it was a camera flash.

I took off my costume and dressed in my work clothes and walked across to Steve's house. I rang the doorbell and strangely, Steve didn't answer. He had to be home since his car was in the street.

Fast forward several weeks later. I was dressed in a bathing suit and using a spray bottle to relax in that same room, when all of a sudden a blinding camera flash and sound broke the relaxation. It came right from my window and I saw Steve running back to his house. I took the bathing suit off and got into just my underwear, and I ran to Steve's house knocking on his door and demanding he delete the pictures.

Steve has also talked about trying to get me reported as a pedophile. I want to make it clear I do not roleplay with kids, only consenting adults, although we do pretend to be children sometimes. Nevertheless I don't know how to handle this short of sneaking into Steve's house and deleting the pictures off his camera.
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Miss please, post bobbe ande vageen now??? I beg of you, I am adult have adult needs!!
I nevar stop take picktures of yew. I report yew creep

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I wanna go outside. What should I do?
Sit on a bench and stare at people for 10 hours? Spend $20 on a mediocre lunch? Go to a concert and sit awkwardly in a corner, alone?
I'm open to suggestions
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I went to a concert and stood in the corner alone last weekend. It was pretty fun. If you're fully blackpilled and have let go of the hope of getting others validation, or getting social connection, and have let go of fear of judgement, it's actually pretty nice. You can enjoy things again.
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get a job
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only correct answer in the thread
I looked up where my ancestors are buried and I'm going to visit their graves. Maybe you could do that? If you have roots in the area.

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Okay, so like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Walmart Pay, Kroger Pay... All these X Pay things that let you pay for stuff at the register with your phone type things.

Are they actually faster than just taking out your good old fucking credit debit card and sticking it into that fucking slot?

I am not seeing the advantage here.
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No they're not faster than credit cards and you're getting tracked up the ass on ways you'll never understand by using your faggot phone
noo they're gonna see i bought chicken...and socks...and dish soap...noooo......
Exactly. There not catching me buying chicken and socks.

You go be a retard by yourself and I'll smash your iPhone if I get a chance. Just like I've been doing to people for 2 years now.
gonna take you a while to find it
>2 years
is that considered a long time these days?

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>gooning daily
>vidya daily
>hardly can muster the courage to go to the gym most of the time
>tired all the time
>feet always heavy
How does one realistically de-condition himself from this?
stop eating until you're very skinny
Lack of self control and discipline are among the most commonly posted topics here. Search the 4plebs /adv/ archive to see thousands of previous discussions that can help you.
First steps is
>start eating properly
>start sleeping properly
These won't magically fix your issuesx but they're prerequisite to any further fixing.
start one daily positive habit and build around it, be okay with giving up things you don't care about after you realize that, work smart not hard, and don't use porn. Also literally right now go drink a large glass of water and see if you feel almost instantly more energized.

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hi i just turned 19 my name is julcia im a polish girl and my life is literally over, im not even joking anymore. im 100% sure that my adult life ended before it even started and theres so much things shouting this sentence to my face every second of my life. every thing that i touch is starting to collapse. i cand stand how i look and I lie to myself that im worth something. even when someone is complimenting me i truly believe that theyre making fun of me. please just tell me something that will make my life better, it could be literally anything. my pic below im open to any comments ig
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above was my previous reply. in this reply I'm going to critique your English bit by bit. your English is already really good, so take this advice as kindness and not malice. also if you don't understand some of my words use a dictionary or google translate.

>thank you for your respond!
if you're writing a formal essay you'd want to capitalize the t in thank you, since it's 4chan you don't have to since it's informal but it's probably a good habit to get into anyway so I'd say do it for every instance. also respond is a verb and shouldn't be used in this instance. your sentence should look like this instead:
Thank you for your response!

>sorry english isnt my first language so i might made a mistake:(
isn't should have an apostrophe the ' symbol in between isn and t to look like "isn't". the word isn't is a contraction or shortening of two or more words into one. isn't is the contraction of "is not". the i before might should be capitalized. i should always be capitalized when referring to yourself. "i might made a mistake" is improper grammar you should've have said "I might have made a mistake". alternatively you could have say "I may have made a mistake", may is more formal than might but the meaning of the sentence stays the same.

>i meant that everything in universe is trying to tell me that im worthless or something like that.
"I meant that everything in universe is trying to tell me that I'm worthless, or something like that."

>thank you one more time for spending your time at me!

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>born in the European Union
This is either rage-bait or you were raped as a child
In the same boat, just about a little over a year older. I react similarly to people's compliments on my appearance as well, but that is mainly because I was a very late bloomer and barely took care of myself when I was younger (and was generally not very socialized with no support network), so I had a lot of negative experiences since I was fat and short for a while before getting one last big growth spurt. I let the most miniscule flaws get to me, which led me to developing eating disorders from undereating and all that (was sub 8% bodyfat not too long ago).
Also, sorry for being crude, but your post makes me think what you're doing now is fishing for compliments to help with your low self esteem. I wouldn't normally admit this, but since this is an anonymous forum, I do the same shit. I get the short sense of relief from the compliments, then after a few days go back to being insanely harsh on myself and trying to fix any flaw that I can spot since ultimately it is me that's attacking myself. It's gross to do, and just attention whore-ish, so I've been trying to not do that sort of thing.
I try not to say in my head that "I" am undesirable or any form of that. Key part is not saying "I". As for compliments, I just try to take them at face value if they aren't obviously backhanded and no malicious motives are obvious, at worst they're just trying to get something from you.
I also forgot to mention, you should be doing stuff that helps you take back control in your own life if you think everything is collapsing. I have no idea what your condition is, but when I was at my worst not too long ago, I started by just cleaning up my room and minor stuff and just trying to reorient myself a little. I took up some hobbies, that helps too.
have some children you crazy bitch your hormones wont be right until then
stop watching media, it's made by Jews who want you gone

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Ever since I started anti-psychotics
>low sexual interest
>pimples all over face
>constantly missing periods (first time I thought I was pregnant and resulted in self harm)
>gained weight and feel ugly all the time

Why shouldn't I kill myself instead?

Flawed human forced to rely on flawed medicine.

Doctors are not humans. Counselors judges you.

Your family wishes you weren't born.
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At least you're popping your pussy around
I started my first antipsychotic 25 years ago. In that time span I have been on them for about 4 years total. I developed a movement disorder from them called Tardive Dyskinesia. They tell you it's rare, but it affects ~30% of longer term antipsychotic users over their lifetime. It is a progressive disease where you twitch constantly, rubbing your tongue raw on your teeth, clenching your jaw, and moving in weird ways you'd expect some crazy people to move.
This movement disorder can start in as little as 4 months using antipsychotics, and ALL antipsychotics cause this. Don't take the poison.
Benzos are really not for long term use, they do not fix anything and act very similar to alcohol. Getting off of them will also be the most difficult thing you ever do in your life.
Maybe try an 8 week mindfulness course on youtube and learn literary analysis skills.
Worth 100% in fatality speech.
You can easily do the other hundred under the name of hope.
The advantage of having polarized opinions is the possibility to reach both side logic.
You are just stating points that would be facts iff it weren't this emotional.

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You know those people that, when you start talking to them, they ask you like a billion and one questions about you and your personal life?

How the fuck do get them to stop doing that without coming across as rude?
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like holy shit back the fuck off ya don't need to know that much about me
Great fucking image
Yes I fucking do, stfu and share of your life as vividly and vastly as the expanding galaxies in the sky.
I do this all the time, I'm completely aware of how intrusive and annoying it is, but I do it anyways because I know your bitch ass is still going to tell me what you had for breakfast and how your uncle molested you when you were 8 years old. Keep crying autist.
kek sure is

I've had a intense hatred towards BPD people that I legit am triggering their worthlessness to make them kill themselves.

It's all because of my abusive BPD ex and my retarded mind being unable to let go of the anger.

How do I escape this circle?
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Dude, wait. That makes so much sense. My BPD ex is about to turn 29 next month, so almost 30. Guy that she’s currently with (one of the guys she cheated on me with) I don’t know his age but I SWEAR he’s like 21-24. He looks really fucking young. So do his friends. They look like high schoolers almost. I say he has to be at least 21 though because he does have pics of him in bars. She told me she hates people being younger than her, I was only 2 years younger and she kept making it such a big issue and saying that she wants to be with a way older man. This dude definitely isn’t. I think she purposely got with this young dude for the exact purpose you claimed.
Well, dude's going to have a wake up call. BPD people are pretty much acting like teenager, if not worse when they have episodes and no one above 30 is going to deal with them. If you ask me what they do is equivalent of teenage abuse, but I guess women are allowed to do that.
ITT: mentally ill retards hating on other mentally ill retards

It's amazing how none of your see the irony here
ok so how do i fuck with a BPD and ruin her life (all through text)
Ghosting/abandoning them

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