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She is an incredibly talented artist but the past three months or so all she has been doing is playing simulation games until dawn.
I want to make it clear that the goal here is moderation and making sure that she does not squander her talent.
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hey, that's me. But I have advanced to more modern sims.

You're an ugly cow.
Ok, I'll bite. Like what.
She has been reading animation books on her downtime actually. Maybe I am just being a control freak like >>32331971 is saying. I am a writer so I guess the process is a lot different.

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Does 4chan think I am porn addict? I don't indulge in such material often enough for WebConnect to be summoning porn ads to my cookies.
because 99% of channers are porn addicts
get a fuckin adblock
>blue board is for SFW posts
>somehow "i just turned 18, click here to see my boobs!" is allowed
I'm a porn addict and I get shitcoin ads
because they dont have to sell ypu on something youre already addicted to

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How evil is it for me to abandon my girlfriend/wife for a younger one just because she has gotten older?
I wouldn't call it evil just a little shallow and childish, in my opinion. If the primary quality you're looking for in a life partner is youth then you're not really interested in a meaningful, intimate and emotionally fulfilling relationship. You just want something hot to fuck. I guess that's okay if that's the way you want to live but you should be open about that with whoever you pursue. The only way your preference would be truly immoral is if you trick women into hooking up with you by making them think you want something deeper when you actually only value their looks and age.
I want to leave my wife for a younger girl I work with. This younger girl seems into me, we talk daily, flirt, held hands when we were drunk, her work friends make comments that seem like she is interested in me and she compliments me often. Even if it doesn't work out I'd be free from the ball and chain of my wife who doesn't even seem to support me anymore. I'm 30 and this girl is 26 so the age gap isn't even huge.

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Girl I've been seeing drunk called me a couple days ago and said that she wants to blow me and fuck me. She's coming over tomorrow and we had planned this meet up before her drunk call, so could that maybe mean she wanted to let me know about her interest before we see each other again? She was apparently very drunk since we did talk on the phone the day after and she said she didn't really remember anything she said when she drunk called me. The last time we saw each other we kissed a lot and I kinda felt like she wanted to do more then but wasn't sure and didn't want to seem like a perv trying to initiate something if she didn't actually want to do more. Would it be a bad idea to bring up what she said on the phone tomorrow? Or if we do end up hooking up, would it be bad to tell her about it jokingly afterwards?
She knows what she said.

Expect a BJ and plough the life out of her.
>Would it be a bad idea to bring up what she said on the phone tomorrow?
Just tell her you want to make her feel good tomorrow
Don't stick your dick in crazy, because you will probably regret it.
A woman drinking at home by herself? Idk man.

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>be me
>stay home for day
>eat some pizza left overs my sister bought yesterday
>pretty much one slice
>comes home
>asks if I ate any
>say yes
>immediately goes bonkers
>starts throwing shoes , pencils
>breaks a few cup glasses
>restrain her
>parents come back from work
>hear my sister side
>immediately take her side
>say im a thief

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It happens. Let things cool down and then explain that she was throwing glass and stuff. Similar stuff has happened in my family and its usually just about who seems more upset as the victim.
Well I don't blame you and I've gotten in fights with my family over similar shit but it was her pizza you must admit

shit happens
Buy another pizza and tell them all to fuck off.
Just another day in the hood.

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>have bipolar
>take my meds
>get in bad moods sometimes, once a blue moon
>go online and maliciously abuse people online
>punch things, stomp the ground, and yell the n word when it gets really bad
Is this normal when you take meds and have bipolar? How do I stop? I am a grown man.
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Yeah, why?
Let's just say the bar is low. Literally nobody cares
Same desu. Sticking around for a solution. Problem with this thread, everybodys gonna samefag.
>have bipolar
>never take meds
>never get in bad moods
>go online and maliciously abuse people online
>punch things, stomp the ground, and yell the n word when it gets really bad
and a fine time was had by all
We are some fucked up niggers aren’t we.

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i never really got any from my mother so i look for it subconsciously from other women. how do i get around this?
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It might take some time but just keep at it and if you want it enough you'll get there eventually. I'm tired. Sorry. I believe in you.
if your mother was incapable or unwilling to give you approval and validation what makes you think some random woman will? better yet of what value would a woman's approval have? itvsounds gay but the approval of competent men has way more value to you as a man.

i had the same problem and a big part of overcoming it was realizing that women in general are amoral children who's opinions are worth very little. sounds bad and maybe im an asshole but i also feel the same way about the opinions and approval of weak men
>how do i drop my need for approval from women?
Goes away when you spend your time doing literally anything else besides doomscrolling on a screen.
Become a sociopath. You'll thank me later.
You don't need superpowers to see that someone's on the spectrum. It's really fucking obvious.

Could I be gifted?

I have always had trouble accepting my level of intelligence, I am extremely sensitive, and I have always felt emotionally isolated from other people. I am also curious in various areas and although I have ADHD it prevents me from extracting all the underlying lessons from each small investigation I can retain a lot of information in the long term. Now, the problem that can be seen in pic related is that inequality caused by an injury a year ago in the right hemisphere and made me get that 101. How much potential do you think I have? sorry if I seem somewhat abnormal or retarded when expressing myself
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Yeah, bragging about having paranoid schizphrenia is a real cool thing to do. Which again, is why I they were testing me in the first place.
>what a fucking loser lmao
This is how a woman types. I'm pretty sure it's the part where I said my GF broke up with me because of jealousy that triggered you. You can barely put together a sentence and you question the intelligence of others and call them losers. You sound like an absolute midwit with an inferiority complex.
>now a senior in university
>a few years left from a degree.
How can you be a senior and still a few years from a degree? if you're trying to be a doctor, you would get your degree and then get your MD, which is more than a few years. Also thinking because you're going to have a degree will give you a career then you are extremely naive. At a sub 86 IQ, that would make sense.
This is one butthurt blue haired double digit IQ landwhale.
tard award
You could be gifted with a large potassium chloride injection.

I completed a Bachelor's in Healthcare Administration but couldn't find a job. I'm currently working as a Medical Assistant instead.

Should I go for a Master's in healthcare admin to get a job easier? Is it even worth it, or should I try to continue looking and hope I eventually find one?

Getting my Bachelor's was awful and I wanted to rip my hair out, so I would rather not do a Master's. But right now it seems like the easiest way to get a job.
Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to >>>/adv/ - Advice.
If you want help with your homework, go to >>>/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests.
I can’t imagine wasting your bachelor’s degree studying healthcare administration. Did you literally have zero interests outside what some outdated job report said?
Anyway yeah go get a masters because no one was ever going to let a 20-something be an administrator of anything
This is /adv/ retard.

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how do i come to terms with realizing i will 100% never experience romantic love in this life? it hurts lol.
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its not actually possible for me bro just take my word for it
please help me
I love you anon
I won't read yet another sobbing incel subhuman thread. Please report to your local euthanasia center.
You'll never have your heart broken which is 100x worse than being an incel. I've seen both sides and can honestly say I wish I could go back to being a KHHV

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Losing interest now that it’s obvious he’s into me. He’s still on my mind but not the same way. Why does it always have to be like this
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maybe change the way you internalize this. I play catch and release. Sometimes you can do it several times with the same guy.
*gets upset*
Cultivate your interest, getting someone who likes spending time with you is nice.
you weren’t into him. you were into the attention
please tell me this is true. I avoided an avoidant (kek) because my insinct told me it was fucked and I'm going to get back stabbed over the smallest thing.

I'm really envious of people who can think of seemingly endless things to say to strangers and acquaintances. My mind gravitates towards truth, honesty and justice and I tend to disappoint/alienate/bore people. I really want to meet people, entertain people, comfort them, have sex with them
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>There are people who can have your back in this case, and in a lot of places it's easily manageable for even most people to get this for free.
I'm afraid of what I'm giving up in exchange
If only people knew that I'm willing and able to take them to the next level for free if they only trusted me and reached out to me, the problem I think is that I can only offer myself for a short time. Nothing lasts forever and I can only hold one mindform for an hour or so if I put in massive effort
So I guess I'm just a fraud who puts in huge effort to be something he's not and fails. I'm not happy with what I have. I'm greedy. I want to steal spiritual energy from people who have less intellectual energy. I want to form a trade but they don't want to trade with me because they know I'm a fraud
Don't worry, you'll break eventually.
Bullshitting is a survival strategy, not a choice.
I really hope that you're right
Ignore them.

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How can I find my place in the world as an unsocialized autist?
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So, where are they? Huh?
Where are who? People you might click with? How the fuck would I know. Idk what your interests are or what your line of work is. That’s on you to figure out. If you have multiple interests that involve interacting with diverse pools of people and you’ve never met someone you even somewhat like, then you’re just a fucking asshole lol. I don’t mean that as an insult either, I feel quite bad for autists who struggle to ever connect with people. But it doesn’t change the fact that you’re not likable sadly.
:( I'm not an asshole...
Why do you have to be so mean? T_T
YOU can't. Just wait for the euthanasia van to collect you.

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If I look similar to pic related would I get mogged more in New Jersey than in the Midwest?
Where I live it’s somewhat easy for me to be the prettiest girl in the room because there’s a lot of Hispanics and black people and fat white women with poor genetics. But also in some areas there are a lot of pretty polish and Irish girls(but especially polish girls)that mog me, and I want to know if that would also happen in New Jersey before I decide to move there. The last thing I want is to spend all my money moving to New Jersey only to be a 4/10 there when I’m a 7 or 8/10 here.
My only dating options here are yuppy fags and I just want a fat Italian man to marry and to be surrounded by older Italian Americans who are Catholic probably along with a good amount of Hispanics and blacks and fat white people in the mix so I can avoid getting mogged, but I don’t know if it’s like that over there.
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Why would a man even ask this kind of question? And I thought the internet was over that “no one is a real girl” thing by now and this is the only space I know of that I can ask this type of question without sugarcoating it. I agree that “mogged” is a cringe word but it’s the only thing that really describes it. I am not a racist person; I have nothing against the communities of POC; I find some of them very charming and welcoming hence wanting to live around some of them. But I don’t consider wanting to live around people less conventionally attractive than me to be racist or shallow.
Not everyone cares about being good looking but a lot of factors in my life has caused it to be a priority for me. It’s hard being a woman in this day and age as is because of beauty standards and this is just one aspect of moving out of state.
What even happened to this place? Why is it so PC now but somehow still super sexist/porn pandering?
You should just move anyway, you're not going to find Italians in the Midwest.
You need to work on yourself emotionally so that you can live somewhere that doesn't suck.
There is also a Italian community in Johnston Rhode Island that has a little Italy in nearby Federal Hill.
well, this is who you are up against.
Get the fuck over yourself you silly cunt.
bestie if you are on this site youre just as ugly fat of retared as the rest of us get over yourself

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My close friend of 8 years is overweight and short. He has given up on himself despite his personality and career. Despite how many people deeply care about him and enjoy his company he doesnt appreciate himself.

I have tried pushing him to do what worked for me. Gym, hobbies, sports, dating apps and trying to work on what you can fix and accept what you cant. He has slowly given up on all of these. This is an issue but recently he has gotten far worse.

He recently got drunk and high and started groping a friend's friend. When confronted about it after he got upset but it doesnt seem to have hit him how severe this is. He recently hired a prostitute and now is planning a solo trip to Japan which we all think is for sex tourism. I dont think this is going to help him and I dont think I can stay on good terms with someone that SA's.

My social group are planning to confront him about this. None of us feel like this can ever be allowed to happen again. WE are going to advise he doesnt drink/smoke again and actual take steps to improve his life.
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You think we just cut ties now?
you shouldve all blasted him and made him say sorry when it happened
now its hard to give him a chance to apologize

I'd phone him and say: no one wants hang out with the dickhead he is becoming, either he swallows his pride and gets some help with the attitude (literally just go gym) or he can fuck off
I won't read how to fix third party threads. You know why.
He's actually asking for advice in a relationship, what he should do with his friend. Also, your replies are really dumb, you just keep bumping threads you don't want to contribute to, you're either mentally unwell or a newfag, in the first case, seek help.
shut up retard schizo fag

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