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20F. I tried to change, get on with others and start living a normal life but it's not something I'm cut out for and I've lost hope of it happening in the future. However, while I've become comfortable with this loneliness I still feel deep envy and regret when seeing others, particularly women, living their lives. I think because of my sex and the sentiments that both women have it easier and that women are more free to express themselves than men that I feel like I'm throwing away my chance at being someone better but clearly, I'm not meant to be anyone other than the person I turned out to be and I'm content now.

I don't mind being a failure or a retard anymore, it's just who I am and I like myself. I failed to change even when I tried, so how can I make these feelings stop?
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>another "I'm 20. Is it over?" post
you will be okay dumbo
>I'm assuming you feel like you can't change, because your parents didn't change?
Yeah. Partly because I believe that some traits are genetic and because I've failed in all of my prior attempts to do so. Your situation was similar to mine except I'd be the one getting yelled at but because I wouldn't let her see me cry, she'd progressively get angrier until she stormed off. I think that change like becoming more positive can be achieved but through very gradual steps, whereas in my case its a matter of changing my whole personality. Thank you though and I hope that things start looking up for you.
Thank you.
>What is a loser to you?
Someone who failed at the basic parts of life like socialisation, fitting in or finding a serious passion. Being a failed normie is something I've come to accept but knowing I have the potential to be more, even if it's something as little as LARPing as someone's 'ideal girlfriend', always nags at me. I honestly don't think I'd have this problem if I were male because as >>32729848 put it, men aren't put on the same pedestal. Thank you though, you given some solid advice.
>Yeah. Partly because I believe that some traits are genetic and because I've failed in all of my prior attempts to do so. Your situation was similar to mine except I'd be the one getting yelled at but because I wouldn't let her see me cry, she'd progressively get angrier until she stormed off. I think that change like becoming more positive can be achieved but through very gradual steps, whereas in my case its a matter of changing my whole personality. Thank you though and I hope that things start looking up for you.

Wow, I totally understand that first part you talked about. It feels like I got my rage from my dad and my sensitivity from my mom. Feels like I'm stuck circling back to these childish emotions that I try to kill. I'm glad you were able to stand up against unwarranted anger from your mom, that shit is never easy. I thought maybe if I take small steps to change, it could work. idk if I'm moving too fast or if maybe I'm just stuck with your problem of not actually being able to change myself.

I do have to point out one thing though. Your attitude towards things seems extremely logical. You're really level headed. Too the point I wonder why you are asking any questions here. You're rather attuned to your emotions and what to expect from life. Honestly, it sounds like you just wanted to double check your own thoughts with real people. But you have put up with a lot more than most people, the way you respond proves that. Anyways, you will probably end up being miss understood by others, because they can't understand your life. Most people default to "Just fix it" and that's how you can tell they don't know anything about your life.
Eh he is kinda cooking
I just see no way around it
Love is gambling
OK I'll bite.
What's stopping you right now from losing weight, watching a few YouTube tutorials on using makeup, and then finding a guy to have an easy relaxing life with?

I'm 35 years old and I'd date and marry either one of you as long your'e not fat and use just a touch of makeup, also had long hair.

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I have zero motivation to deal with women because whenever I am horny I can just jack off. I don't find interacting with women enjoyable outside of being extremely horny.
I don't feel sad about this and am perfectly fine living like this. Is this a problem? I can't have kids because I'm infertile but that's a separate issue.
Some people look at women as a challenge, an opportunity, a puzzle to solve, and a gift from our creator.

Why did you ask this question if you are perfectly fine? Anyway, people have been jacking off for thousands of years. Just not to HD screens with degen tranny sissy algorithms. Stay away from that shit.
>Why did you ask this question if you are perfectly fine?
because people always bug me that I need to get a GF etc
Not a problem, soiteens were never meant to reproduce.

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Always remember to appreciate your girlfriend. She chose you out of thousands of other men she could have. You’re not entitled to a relationship with her but she chose to give you her time, company, and loyalty. Thank her for giving you a chance. Cherish every second you spend with her. Make the connection you two have meaningful. Her love is a gift you don’t want to lose. If you don’t have a girlfriend, then take this as encouragement to branch out and find one. Try to improve your life day by day. Get a job, learn a skill, put yourself out there. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others, you never know what connections you might make. One day, you’ll find a loving woman to share your life with. Everyone deserves happiness.
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Do Feds think we cant see through their larping? Chuds have clairvoyance btw.
OP is a troll but this is a weird and self defeating way to think. You will hate this but, you gain more understanding about yourself and the people you date with the more relationships you have. There is a limit to this, but it's ultimately true.
Ok I'll only punch her 5 times today.
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>Her love is a
Shit advice. Many women get into relationships for resources. They didn't choose you because they found you genuinely attractive, they chose you cause you have resources they want. What is there to be grateful for? That she gave you the time of day despite hating your guts deep down inside? Fuck that, I'd rather be single.

T. Dude who is involved with two women who can't shake the feeling that they're with him for a green card (but I am not dumb enough to give them one.)

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I want adventure and conquest and war and killing. How may I achieve this?
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A lot of men think like this until they are laying in a ditch getting shot at on 2 hours of sleep, bad coffee, and rotten food.
Because modern warfare is unnatural.
In a natural war scenario, you get a few hours of intense melee close combat, followed by days of even weeks of time to rest and train before the next batle
Are you Jewish?
ignoring the extremely common famines and blights upon populations, obviously

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>Be me.
>Start talking with someone on language exchange app.
>Profile says they're 18.
>They're cool and I enjoy talking to them.
>Find out they're actually 17 and still in high school.
What do I do? It doesn't help that they're a girl.
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My guy, it's language exchange, not omegle. Put up a mental block that she's your younger sister or something and it becomes super easy to ignore intrusive thoughts.
What's the actual difference in talking to a 17 year old versus an 18 year old
See, I would say nothing, but I've been conditioned to feel weird about this. Oh well, she told me that she's 17 to which I (for some reason) replied with "Hmmm" and then two minutes later asked her what he birthday is and she only read the first reply and she's been online since, so I doubt she's going to reply to me anyway.
I had a rule of thumb when I used language-learning apps that if I found out someone I was talking to online was underage, I'd block them. Imo adults have no business talking to minors online.
Just don't send or be baited into sending anythin lewd with them until 18, it's not worth getting fucked over by some hansen wannabie

>be me
>few months into a fully remote service job
>7/10 cutie in my cohort gets 'promoted' together with me, both of us in charge of doing some weekly reports
>we start talking about work
>finds out we're the same MBTI
>she starts flirting with me
>work messages became private messages
>she starts oversharing with a hint of traumadumping

/b/ i wanna hit that so badly but i haven't been on a proper date for like 10 years. should i proceed knowing she's married?
i don't really want to deal with the emotions (it's nice to have someone to vent to about work-related stuffs but that's where the boundary is drawn), really i just want to hit it

anons what should i do?
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Obviously nay. Fornication is bad enough. Adultery is even worse.
>i haven't been on a proper date for like 10 years
Lets say the stars align and she actually wants to fuck and you do. You will fall for her and start making demands of her time or contact her and risk her husband finding out. But lets say she's done with him and leaves for you. Are you ready for that? Her going through a divorce, having no money and looking to you for a soft landing? That shit happens.

Or lets say she doesn't want to blow up her marriage but you do it anyway because of butthurt. You ready for that?
Or lets say you don't fall but she does and goes apeshit, tells her husband she wants a divorce and you have to leave town and your job to flee from both her and the cucked husband. Ready?

Here is the only way it works fucking married women. They want side dick already but too afraid to fuck up their home, work and social life because they know men lose their shit over pussy. That woman will tell you she wants dick and she will make it happen if she is convinced you can give her a good fucking and a good time and you don't want anything more EVER. Can you do that? I doubt it because it takes a special male mindset you don't have.
Speaking from personal experience, don't.

Feelings can develop. Soon you want to be with them all the time. Difficult decisions need to be made. Would she end things with her partner? Would it work with you both.

It can start fun, exciting, thrilling. But can end with heartbreak.
Don’t do this shit, you idiot.
You should be ashamed of yourself for seriously considering doing something so pathetic and selfish.

You should especially not do this if they have kids. You’re setting any children they may have up for a very unhappy and complicated childhood.
It is literally not your problem that she is married.

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Should I consider going vegan or does that help nothing other than inspire a false sense of positivity/smugness?

I do think that the consumption of animal products is becoming increasingly unsustainable so I have the inclination something is wrong with the way humans interact with nature.
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That's one of the main linchpins of making me think that we need to reevaluate how we use nature. The egg crisis is what started to push me over the edge.
Do you know how many humans are on the planet? Follow question: do you know how many were on the planet 250 years ago?
I mean steak, fried chicken, and salmon just taste good, I'm not going to make any nutritional arguments for or against their consumption.
Not a good health choice, at least add fish and eggs into your diet.
Just become a vegetarian. Being vegan is way too annoying. It's hard to get enough protein. vitamin B12 and iron.
Not to mention the food tastes like crap.

Almost all vegans I know look like skeletons with unnatural skin colors.

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I've met this person around a year ago, he was cool at the begging. We shared a lot of common interests and worked together making art for a while. After a few months some problems started to arise.
He started acting like a dick head, not taking anything seriously, making distasteful jokes, ignoring people when they needed to seriously talk about his problems, and avoiding any ounce of responsibility. he's annoyingly proud and unable to admit to his flaws unless forced to.
I recently complained to him about not telling me something extremely important (he was talking to another friend of ours about finishing a project in a group we're involved in and neither of them reached out to me). Worst of all I was told I would be ignored because they don't like talking to me when I'm mad. And was given a poor excuse of the situation, only for it to repeat itself immediately the next day.
He's doing all of this unintentionally which makes me feel more hopeless, what can I even do?
It sounds like he is doing back channels to avoid having to deal with you and you're being mad.
You need some self reflection.
You don't think you did anything wrong but you should apologize to him about blowing up about the group project thing and trying to turn things over and have a fresh start.
Both of you aren't going to change. Just remember what you like or find useful about each other and build your relationship with. that as the foundation

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Title. With my 3.7 GPA I've already been accepted into two Master's degrees: one in French Literature (domain in which I've done my Bachelor's) and Project Management. I'm unsure which one to choose.

On one hand, French Lit (in research) would allow me to continue pursuing my passion for literature and philosophy, but the job market is scarce in opportunities. On the other, Project Management has more opportunity and higher pay, but I'm not sure I'll like it.

What's your opinion /adv/?
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Coding bootcamp
I wish I lived in the same fantasy land you get your weird worldview from.
Well the good news is that I do have people skills.

>it's still better than french lit but not by much
As long as I get a job I'm not picky honestly. Just let me pay rent.
Especially as a Canadian, I actually feel that French lit isn't all that useless. I assume they taught you to speak the language. There should be some jobs, at least in translation or various other fields.
PM is decent if you live in big city. There's always a job offer for one, you'll rotate between them a lot but that's how the field is.

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Alright so I'll be 40 this year and I have had sex less than 4 times in my entire life. The last time I had sex I was 28 I was virgin and the girl I was with was also a 20+ virgin. Needless to say I was pretty terrible at sex then (had issues finding the spot on my own at the times) and obviously I have gotten no better having dealt with no one else. Now Recently I've lost weight, I've straightened my teeth and I've been to my surprise getting more attention lately than I've ever had in my life. It's an ironic twist because I'd practically given up. I only started losing weight and getting fit because the people in my family were catching strokes and diabetes, I got braces because my dentists sold me that my teeth would fall out. I wasn't really looking for attention but now I have some. The thing is every one I could date around my age has likely about twenty years minimum of sexual experience on me, and I don't know how to deal wit that fact. I actively avoid making any progress with women because of the fear of eventually disappointing them and making a fool of myself. What are my options here?
You'll be fine
>I actively avoid making any progress with women because of the fear of eventually disappointing them and making a fool of myself.
>What are my options here?
Either carry on avoiding women and self-sabotaging, or take control and use your new found confidence to try turn things around for yourself.
Basically this, OP.
I'd also encourage you to stop thinking of sex in the way that, you're going into it as being fkn amazing and great. It's never going to happen, especially with a woman you love. I think it's really important to understand sex as a learning experience, you have to learn what your partner likes and they have to do the same for you.

If you're still around, do you think the 3(?) women you've had sex with were mind blowing? And if that's the case, why do you think that? You don't have to be perfect, but you do at least need to have some drive to achieve sex or a relationship, and also just a bit more self confidence
>women you've had sex with were mind blowing?
No but there some context to that, I wasn't very attracted to those I've had sex with. At best I had sex for the sake of losing my virginity.
> You don't have to be perfect.
I can understand this to a degree, but for all intents and purposes I'm not much better than a virgin. I can't imagine many women would be patient enough with someone my age flopping around like a 14 year old.
>I can't imagine many women would be patient enough...
It's honestly okay. Maybe some women won't like that, but if you you seriously try, and meet someone who really likes you, it won't matter to them. I like to call it a bullshit filter. Like, if you meet a woman who is so fkn petty, she gets mad that you can't immediately meet her sexual standard, then drop her. You have to realize you're the one making the choice here, not women.

To add on to this, I think you're just being way too hard on yourself. But you'll never get anywhere if you don't try, you will face rejection and that's okay, because everyone does. But if you really want something, you'll get it. Just be nice to yourself, there's nothing wrong with you.

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I work with a guy with non-verbal guy with downs and a few other things, despite his debuffs in life he is pretty smart in his own way. However he intentionally shits himself most days and I unironically have to clean it up. The job pays well and I do literally nothing other than make sure he gets to the toilet and clean up if he doesn't, sometimes we go do activities but I've been slowing that for the time being due to the shitting himself risk and another bad habit. Wiping his ass post-shit is one thing, but when he shits himself he doesn't move or adjust himself so it spills out down himself, out of shorts, on the couch, then he stims which it ends up rubbed on himself again, and I'm just exhausted by it.

So we do nothing other than hang out and home until he shits himself, because I don't trust him to go anywhere at risk of him shitting himself, and he also hits old women and children for fun in public. Does anyone here have any experience getting a grown, but disabled, man to stop shitting himself with intent?
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If you’ve ever said yes to ANYTHING in this situation I swear to god you deserve this misery anon because Jesus Christ, GTFO
Tell your supervisor or client or manager that you won't clean up his shit anymore, unironically.
I don’t do it for free

said yes to what? Even so I’m getting paid to sit around and do whatever I want until he shits himself.

I’m talking to my boss about it soon.
Why not diapers?
Or a wheelchair with built in commode?
doesn’t need a chair or anything
diapers would be a decision his mum makes, and she is wanting him to be as “normal” as possible so it won’t happen without a big push. I’ll get the suggestion rolling though.

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I'm on day 9 no poop and day 9 no pee and it feels like I'm about to explode
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Stay strong brother. #nevershit
Why not take a laxative. You can get them at any drug mart and they work.

Pills not powder.
can u upload .jpg from when ur body cant handle it and explodes
>Assuming he isn't doing it on purpose in order to test his endurance
Cause I'm TNT, I'm dynamite

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So, for my whole life, I have never had a relationship that has lasted for more than 5 years. I'm not complaining, but im 20 now, and I've been friends with this girl from highschool for about 6 years now, breaking the record.
I like her just as a friend, and I think she crushed on me for awhile back in highschool but less so now.
We used to text practically every day almost non stop, especially throughout covid, and she was my closest friend for awhile.

Now, I barely hear from her. Maybe once a week I get a "hey hows it going," but that's it.
Whenever I try to start a deeper conversation, talking about life, the future, etc. it seems that she tends to ghost me or take days to respond. On the surface of it, it seems coincidental, but im beginning to wonder otherwise.

Is it really the case that friendships just get 'tired out' after this long? How might one prevent that from happening?
I also wonder if she has lost interest now that she realizes that I am not romantically interested, which pisses me off maybe a little.

Thanks guys.
You're 20. You'll be fine. You'll also find that as you get older more people will drift out of your life as people move away and focus on other things in their lives. You need to keep meeting new people and make sure your own life is always moving forward.

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I'm being cyberstalked by current and likely former co-workers.

A few years ago, I began working at a small company in an office role. At this company, a couple of the employees began spying on me. They phished me for personal info, I believe with the intent of digging up dirt on me. They convinced me to log in to my personal email account on one of the company computers (yes bad opsec, I know now) and sent phishing texts to my personal phone which I believe were used to infect my phone with recording software and record me without my knowledge for many months. Another conspiring employee, under the guise of wanting to play video games with me over the internet, tricked me into installing a crypto-miner and likely more spyware onto my personal computer. I came upon this scheme after they basically revealed it to me by repeating verbatim numerous embarrassing statements I had made in private (with no one else present) and implying if I didn't perform their work duties for them that they would release the blackmail.

I refused to comply with my stalkers, I've since switched jobs and ditched my old electronics, reset passwords, etc. but at my new job this same pattern appears to have continued. This time I'm not being blackmailed I'm just being mocked, retaliated against, and ostracized for statements I make or have made in private. People participating in the mockery include my co-workers, supervisors, and hr reps. I ignored the early warning signs out of wishful thinking but their conduct has gotten more brazen and is becoming a drain on my happiness and is limiting my career ambitions. I believe one of my family members with whom I have a bad relationship is also a participant in this, limiting my ability to escape this loop by keeping open a permanent window to my personal information, address, employer name, etc. I can't convince my other family members that this person is helping and should not have access to these details about me.
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For example
>recording software and record me without my knowledge for many months
Google does this to give you targeted ads. Your coworkers cannot do this without your phone getting hot, laggy, and using up craptons of mobile data.
>I'm just being mocked, retaliated against, and ostracized
That is personal interpretation. Your emotional reactions are not reality. The words they say are real. Copy and paste their words into ChatGPT and ask it about the likely tone and intent of the speaker, without adding any additional priming or prompting.
>installing a crypto-miner
Generates heat, lag, and CPU/GPU cycles. Find whichever process is burning CPU and disable it's internet access.
>keeping open a permanent window to my personal information, address, employer name, etc.
What, they trust random ass coworkers with that dirt? Get real. Your family member would not know if those coworkers were on your side or not, and so wouldn't be so forthcoming. Moreover, how and why would your coworkers come into contact with this person? There is no registry of family feuds, and I assume you don't tell untrustworthy family members where you work.
The leak, if it is real, is elsewhere. Check if your Google or Facebook get accessed by computers you do not know - google has device history in security somewhere.
>without your phone getting hot, laggy, and using up craptons of mobile data.
All of those things happened though. I even complained to my coworker that when my phone data was renewed for the month it had been drained in the span of 10 minutes (~2 gigs or so). During this same time I had to repeatedly take my phone out of my pocket because it was getting hot to the touch despite not even being in use. I will also point out that someone was logging into my email and repeatedly marking emails I had from a pharmacy, from years ago, telling me to pick up psychiatric meds. This caused me to repeatedly receive notifications on my phone. I also discovered that my personal emails were being forwarded to a server in Germany.
>That is personal interpretation. Your emotional reactions are not reality. The words they say are real. Copy and paste their words into ChatGPT and ask it about the likely tone and intent of the speaker, without adding any additional priming or prompting.
This is a fair point and I've admitted that I don't have hard proof about the conversational stuff. All I can point to is the extremely unlikely coincidences and I have to emphasize that laughter in response to telling an unfunny story is rarely an appropriate emotive response.
>What, they trust random ass coworkers with that dirt? Get real. Your family member would not know if those coworkers were on your side or not, and so wouldn't be so forthcoming.
This specific family member despises me and is a convicted felon with a long rap sheet including stalking and harassing a former girlfriend, calling up her place of work and family members until the police had to force him to stop.
>I assume you don't tell untrustworthy family members where you work.
I will repeat from the OP:
>I can't convince my other family members that this person is helping and should not have access to these details about me.
This forces me to hide my address, place of work, and employment status from my entire family.
>marking emails
I meant to say "marking old emails as unread" causing notifications to pop.
Based schizo
What meds have your doctors forced you on?
I should say thanks for the tips on phone and computer viruses. After uncovering the scheme at my first place of work I discovered some of these signs that something is wrong but ultimately I still believe I'm being monitored through my phone because many of the same coincidences keep piling up.

I was prescribed Quetiapine as an antipsychotic and melatonin for sleep. This was for 30 days. I later went to another doctor for a refill prescription and they basically told me "we will give you another 60 days but it seems like you don't need this, you seem fine"

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I have been spiraling into depression for a while now, and im not sure how to get out of it. I have had to deal with lots of physical and mental abuse as a child, and I never got to talk about it, as I always had this lingering fear that if I told somebody it would completely ruin my life. I was in and out of foster care because of this, mostly because it got so bad people started noticing. so I have no real foundation of support or friendship from moving around so much as a kid. I've just kinda been keeping it bottled up for the past 20 years and im not sure where I can find genuine help putting my life together.

>I tried therapy
It didn't seem to help, my mood overall improved a little but it only seemed to be temporary

>I tried lifting
I got results but I still feel empty

>I am currently trying to pursue an education
but my fear is that I have waited too long and I am probably just wasting my time chasing dreams.

I am aware that my mentality needs to change, but its extremely hard for me to just let go of everything I have been through. I feel like I was cheated out of my childhood and all of the developmental milestones that go with it.

I now live by myself with no family or support structure. the few friends I had have grown up and are too busy to talk to eachother anymore. my life feels completely empty and I struggle to find joy in anything. I have considered deleting myself, I realize that sounds like a dumb move but I dont see my life improving, even if I continue to put in effort.

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you are right, I think the reason im stuck in this internal debate is because I lack a reason to strive for somthing more, it feels like I am grasping at straws trying to find reason for my existence. do you happen to have any books on this? perhaps somthing about meditation?
>any books on this?
One thing I note when people want to start doing something they instantly jump to what they need. You don't need any tool to start practicing mindfulness or meditation. You can do so simply by sitting in a calm environment, breathing in a manner, in through the nose, out through the mouth, not actively chasing thoughts but allowing thoughts to come and go, no judgement towards them, entering into a relaxed state. Combine this with basic exercise, again, you don't need tools, go for a walk-in-nature, breath, allow the environment to wash over you and immerse yourself in it, practice focusing on things. I will give you something for further reading: The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk.

>I lack a reason to strive
Don't get too hyper focused on needing an exact reason to strive for more, when I talked about layers preventing you from changing, this is sometimes one of them! Your brain is telling you "I need a reason to change myself!" and then it will continue to make excuses because no reason will ever quite fit, will it, you'll convince yourself out of them, or try and fail and be right back in the same place. Be a bit flexible. Organising what you want you want should begin as a practical framework to rebuild foundationational stuff to allow you the space to find out longer term. People often think they need motivation to then change, but often it is by doing things first that the motivation happens, as backwards and inverse as that sounds. You exist in the now, that is reason enough for your existence. Don't let yourself become dissociated from mind and body, you're one organism. Seperating yourself into different spaces is part of the insulation that abuse often causes.
nigger I'm 39 and I've been dealing with depression and manic/depressive episodes since I was 15
it doesn't get better, it gets harder, it gets worse, it gets more lonely

you NEED to find something that drives you and keeps you motivated, so that means getting out there and actually trying out new shit until you find it

for me, it was actually pretty easy, I realized that the only thing which gave my life meaning was bareback sex with teenage asian women, and so I devoted myself to generating wealth and setting up a lifestyle that allowed me to move to asia and ruthlessly inseminate asian girls as often as I desire

I also need to stay fit and healthy and fashionable to make it work without it getting prohibitively expensive, and so my primary motivation also keeps me improving and maintaining my image.

idk what the answer for you is, but PEAK living as as a man on planet earth is when you've got a tight, hot, wet teen pussy to shove your fat cock into and fill with your sperm, at least for me

its worth living for

if I cant have it anymore I'll go play minecraft
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I think I understand what you're saying. to just let go and exist. I have tried this before but I often find myself distracted, I suppose thats exactly what you mean though by persistently looking for tools or guidance. I'll try to take some time this weekend and maybe go into the mountains here, thanks fren I apreciate the input.
>to just let go and exist
Not to completely let go, more to allow all your pieces of yourself, good and bad, defenses/insulation, past and present to move as one, together.
>I have tried this before but I often find myself distracted
A lot of people nowadays have symptoms of ADD because of technology, it is very easy to be distracted now but you do needs some purity of action and routine to get places, it is tough.
>thanks fren I apreciate the input.
I genuinely mean this: take care anon and I hope some things can improve for you.

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