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Pretend you're in the following scenario :
You had a girlfriend who you emotionally abused, left her pregnant and then dumped her and blocked her on everything on the day when she got the abortion you forced her to get and didn't pay for. She apologises for everything and sends you emails and voicemails begging for you to give her another chance. You ignore those emails and only answer after a week or so saying you will not take her back, but that if she keeps sending emails the chances of you taking her back will lower (which contradicts the fact that you said you wouldn't take her back in the first place). After 3 weeks of that, she sends you one last email asking you how you are after you haven't answered for 9 days. 2 days later you still haven't responded, so she email bombs you with 1500 emails, half of which are just funny ones, the other half asking you to talk to her. You ignore them. She then uses your business email address and subscribes to tens of newsletters. You still do not answer. She then starts posting your discord, phone number, face and body around 4chan. You still don't answer. She calls your hundreds of times without a caller ID, you don't answer and turn on the setting to reject unknown callers automatically. She sends you more emails saying she will stop if you just answer her, you still do not. What would be the reason for you not answering in this scenario when it could stop all the harassment?
It's the other way around
What do you mean?
Give up and get on with your life.
That does not answer my question.
Because I don't negotiate with terrorists.
>What would be the reason for you not answering in this scenario when it could stop all the harassment?
Setting up an email rule that forwards all the shit you send him to the trash bin. And setting up another rule that cleans the trash folder out every week or so. It's not hard to do. Overall, he's clearly trying to ditch you. A face-to-face confrontation might give you closure, but he's not obligated to do so and if you keep trying, he could slap you with a restraining order, so the best bet is to just write him off as a dipshit and move on with your life. I'm sure it sucks, but life is about suffering and learning so you can teach the future how to not suffer like you did.
Get a new email and change all your shit... its not hard.
Oh wait you're the retard thats autistically spamming some dude with emails? Bruh give it up. Hes not interested. You are clearly proving to him that you are unstable and crazy and that having a kid with you wouldve been hell on earth. He dodged a fucking bullet when he convinced your ass to get that abortion. He clearly wants nothing to do with your crazy ass, so give it up and go find someone else to torture, you fucking autismo.
>What would be the reason for you not answering in this scenario when it could stop all the harassment?
Nobody gave you a serious answer so what the hell, I'll do it. There's no credible commitment from you to stop. It's like paying someone a blackmail ransom. You hope they will stop asking for more blackmail money and just go away, but in truth you've actually encouraged them because now they KNOW you will give up money.

In this case, you are trying to get a payment, but instead of money it's a payment in attention. By reacting to the harassment, it sends the signal that you get what you want when you harass. He doesn't want to encourage you to continue. Even if you say you'll stop the harassment if he just meets you, what's to stop you from continuing harassment until you get all of your other demands, such as a renewed relationship?

It sounds like you might have an obsessive disorder if you are going to these lengths though. I do not mean this insultingly, we all have problems. Please see someone, it's not good for your blood pressure or healthy relationships.
I do not listen to pro-abortion retards. Anything you say lacks logic.
>best response itt
>"im not gonna listen to them because im a retarded and crazy liberal"
Most liberals are pro-abortion you dimwit. I am very much conservative and pro-family.

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