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My pride is a little hurt. I'm an enby, I use they/them pronouns, and I wear a binder to hide my breasts. My partner still calls me his wife despite my asking him to keep to neutral terms.

He got upset and asked what I expect our future kids to call me if I don't want to be "mom" so I told him I want to be called "parent" or "guardian" and he just looked at me like he thinks I'm retarded.

At this point I feel like I have to prove a point but I don't have a clue for what would really work.
that binder is causing health effects you'll barely notice until it's too late

as for your kids calling you "parent", how about stop being such a retard?
>I'm an enby
you're just retarded
You are either a boy or girl, wake up its 2025. Enough larping
get off the internet and grow up. you're not special
also saged
Like what? How's it all that different from wearing a bra? I'm going to be real, I've hated being a girl from early childhood. I'm not going to be talked out of the enby stuff just because a binder is bad for me. I'm only an enby at all as a compromise because I know I'm not tall or big enough to pass for a man outright.
>I'm a jeet and only claim to be arab as a compromise
that's about how delusional you are

try take a really deep breath
try running for your life with that stupid shit on
I've never needed to run for my life, I work from home and my partner is a police officer - so nobody really bothers us.
Gender isn't something you are, it's something you do during sex. Everything else is you finding excuses to feel bad about yourself.
>At this point I feel like I have to prove a point
You don't. Someone disagreeing with you about what sex you are is not a problem. Quit making problems for yourself by being insecure about your self concept and trying to make that someone else's burden.
copes that you'll deeply regret when something goes terribly wrong

>didn't actually address anything I said
you certainly are a woman
You will always be a woman
Xister, you must grape your bf in the mouth to assert dominance and smash the patriarchy.
>gender doesn't matter
If it doesn't matter then why does it matter if I call myself an enby or not?
You only call yourself that due to your limited perception of gender roles. You don't allow yourself to just be, you need a box.
The image you posted is misogynist bullshit and "not like other girls" crap, further amplifying my theory.
>he thinks I'm retarded.
Your ideology IS retarded. It's about on the same level as believing the Earth is flat. You can't prove a point to him because you're wrong and all evidence and common sense disagrees with you. I'm not saying you necessarily have to change but what you do need to at least do is gain some fucking self awareness. Doing so might actually cure you.
Why are you being sexist at me when I am explicitly non-gendered?
Why can't I just *be* this way? Everyone acts like I have to change, or "grow up" or get a clue or whatever. What's the hurt or harm in just being an enby?
Lmao. Rekt.
>Just *be*
>Force everyone around you to adhere and adapt to your ideology

Choose one.
>What's the hurt or harm in just being an enby?

I'll repeat myself you're lucky I'm autistic.
The harm done is you are boxing everything into male or female. Again, >picrel shows you think like a kid if you're not baiting.
Men can have long hair, done nails, wear heels. Women can have short hair, filed down nails, wear sneakers. None of these people are less men or women, only you decide by claiming you're "enby" that everything is sexed.

People are way more colorful than a fucking blueprint of a 1950s ideal US american woman/man. Yes, grow the fuck up.
The fad is over
What am I forcing them to do? This is about my personal happiness. Am I just supoosed to unhappily call myself a woman if that makes things easier for everyone else?
Enby us all part of destroying socialized gender norms by first destroying the established gender binary as a concept.
This is my first guess

seethe and cope

OP, on the slim chance you aren't bait : your partner can't respect who you are. Dump their ass.
> Am I just supoosed to unhappily call myself a woman if that makes things easier for everyone else?
No, you should reiterate that your identity is important to your partner and see if he continues to disrespect it. If he does, you able to pick between yourself and him (you should choose yourself)
You're a nigger

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